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LDA - Elasticity

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Theory Questions 4. Longitudinal strain is possible in :
1. Define : (a) liquid (b) gases
i. Stress (c) solid (d) all of these
ii. Strain 5. The breaking stress of a wire depends upon :
iii. Hookes law (a) material of wire
2. Derive expression for youngs modulus. (b) length of wire
3. Derive expression for Bulk modulus. (c) radius of wire
4. Derive expression for modulus of rigidity. (d) shape of cross­section
6. What happens to the elastic property of a substance
MCQ’s from Tatva
after annealing (cooling slowly after heating) ?
1. A wire of cross section A is stretched horizontally (a) Increases (b) Decreases
between two clamps located 2lm apart. A weight W kg
(c) Remains same (d) Becomes zero
is Suspended from the mid­point of the wire. If the mid­
point sags vertically through a distance x < 1 the strain 7. A spring is stretched by appling a load to its free end.
produced is: The strain produced in the spring is
(a) volumetric
2x 2 x2
(a) 2
(b) (b) shear
A A2
(c) longitudinal and shear
x2 (d) longitudinal
(c) (d) None of these
2A 2
2. If equal and opposite forces applied to a body tend to
elongate it, the stress so produced is called
(a) Tensile stress (b) Compressive stress
(c) Tangential stress (d) Working stress
3. The reason for the change in shape of a regular body is
(a) Volume stress (b) Shearing strain
(c) Longitudinal strain (d) Metallic strain

Answer Key

MCQ’s from Tatva

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c)


Numerical Question 3. The longitudinal extension of any elastic material is very
small. In order to have an appreciable change, the
1. A wire of length 2m and cross sectional area 10­4 m2 is material must be in the form of
stretched by a load 102 kg. The wire is stretched by 0.1 (a) Long thick wire (b) Short thick wire
cm. Calculate longitudinal stress, longitudinal strain,
(c) Long thin wire (d) Short thin wire
Young’s modulus of material of wire.
4. Two wires are made of the same material and have the
(Ans : 10 7 N / m2 , 5 u 10 ­4 , 20 u 1010 N / m2 ) same volume. However, wire 1 has cross­sectional area
2. What pressure should be applied to a lead block to A and wire­2 has cross sectional area 3A. If the length of
reduce its volume by 10% ? wire 1 increases by 'x on aplying force F, how much
(Bulk modulus of lead = 6 u 109 N / m2 ). force is needed to stretch wire 2 by the same amount ?
(a) F (b) 4F
(Ans : 6 u 10 8 N / m2 )
(c) 6F (d) 9F
3. A solid brass sphere of volume 0.305 m3 is dropped in 5. A wire elongates by l mm when a load w is hanged from
ocean, where water pressure is 2 u 107 N / m2 . The bulk it. If the wire goes over a pulley and two weights w each
modulus of water is 6.1 u 1010 N / m2 . What is change are hung at the two ends, the elongation of the wire will
be (in mm)
in volume of sphere? (Ans : 10 ­4 m3 ) (a) l (b) 2 l
4. A copper metal cube has each side of length 1m. The (c) zero (d) l/2
bottom edge of cube is fixed and tangential force 6. A wire is stretched by 5 mm when it is pulled by a
4.2 u 10 8 N is applied to top surface. Calculate lateral certain force. If the wire of same material but of double
displacement of top surface; if modulus of rigidity of the length and double the diameter be stretched by the
copper is 14 u 1010 N / m2 . (Ans : 3 mm) same force, the elongation in wire will be :
5. The frame of brass plate of an outer door design has (a) 2.5 mm (b) 5 mm
(c) 10 mm (d) 40 mm
area 1.60m2 and thickness 1 cm. The brass plate
7. The Young’s modulus of a wire of length (L) and radius
experiences shear force due to earthquake. How large
(r) is Y. If the length is reduced to L/2 and radius r/2,
a parallel force must be exerted on each of its edges, if
then its Young’s modulus will be :
the lateral displacement is 0.32 mm?
(a) Y/2 (b) Y
( Kbrass = 3.5 u 1010 N / m2 ) (Ans : 1.792 u 109 N ) (c) 2Y (d) 4Y
6. Two wires of equal cross section one made up of 8. For a wire of length l, maximum change in length under
aluminium and other of brass are joined end to end. stress condition is 2 mm. What is the change in length
When combination of wire is kept under tension the under same conditions when length of wire is halved.
elongation in wires are found to be equal. Find the (a) 1 mm (b) 2 mm
ratio of lengths of two wires.
(c) 4 mm (d) 8 mm
( YAL = 7 u 1010 N / m2 , YAL = 9.1 u 1010 N / m2 ) 9. A bimetallic strip consists of metals X and Y. It is
(Ans : 0.7693) mounted rigidly at the base as shown. The metal X has a
7. Length of wire increased by 9 mm when weight of 2.5 higher coefficient of expansion compared to that for
kg is hung from the free end of wire. If all conditions metal Y. When bimetallic strip is placed in a cold bath :
kept the same and the radius of wire is made thrice the
original radius, find the increase in length.
(Ans : 1 mm)
MCQ’s from Tatva
1. The ratio of radius of two wire of same material is 2 : 1.
Stretched by same force, then the ratio of stress is
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1
2. The length of a wire is increased by 1 mm on the (a) it will bend towards the right
application of a given load. In a wire of the same (b) it will bend towards the left
material, but of length and radius twice that of the first, (c) it will not bend but shrink
on application of the same load, extension is (d) it will neither bend nor shrink
(a) 0.25 mm (b) 0.5 mm
(c) 2 mm (d) 4 mm


10. A 5 m aluminium wire Y = 7 u 1010 N / m2 of diameter 17. The length of a metal wire is L1, when the tension is T1
and L2 when the tension is T2. The unstretched length
3 mm supports a 40 kg mass. In order to have the same
of the wire is
elongation in a copper wire Y = 12 u 1010 N / m2 of the L +L
(a) 1 2 (b) L1L2
same length under the same weight, the diameter 2
should be in mm : T L ­T L T L +T L
(c) 2 1 1 2 (d) 2 1 1 2
(a) 1.75 (b) 2.0 T2 ­ T1 T2 + T1
(c) 2.3 (d) 5.0
18. A man grows into a giant such that his linear
11. A thick copper rope of density 1.5 u 103 kg m3 and dimensions increase by a factor of 9. Assuming that his
Young’s modulus 5 u 106 N / m2 , 8 m in length is hung density remains same, the stress in the leg will change
from the ceiling of a room. The increase in its length by a factor of :
due to its own weight will be : 1
(a) 81 (b)
(a) 9.40 u 10 ­2 m (b) 9.7 u 10 ­3 m 81
(c) 19.2 u 10 ­7 m (d) 9.6 u 10 ­7 m (c) 9 (d)
12. An iron rod of length 2 m and area of cross–section 50
2 19. A thick rope of density U and length L is hung from a
mm stretches by 0.5 mm when a mass of 250 kg is
hung from its lower end. The Young’s modulus of iron rigid support. The increase in length of the rope due to
rod is : its own weight is (Y is Young’s modulus)
UL2g UL2g
(a) 19.6 u 10 20 N / m2 (b) 19.6 u 1018 N / m2 (a) (b)
4Y 2Y
(c) 19.6 u 1015 N / m2 (d) 19.6 u 1010 N / m2
UL2 g ULg
13. If the tension on a wire is removed at once, then (c) (d)
(a) it will break
20. A pendulum made of a uniform wire of cross­sectional
(b) its temperature will reduce
area A has time period T. When an additional mass M
(c) there will be no change in its temperature
is added to its bob, the time period changes to TM. If
(d) its temperature increases
the Young’s modulus of the material of the wire is Y
14. An iron rod of length 2 m and cross–sectional area of 50
mm2 is stretched by 0.5 mm, when a mass of 250 kg is 1
then is equal to (g = gravitational acceleration)
hung from its lower end. Young’s modulus of iron rod is Y
(a) 19.6 u 10 20 N m­2 (b) 19.6 u 1018 N m­2 ª§ T ·2 º A ª § T · 2 º Mg
(a) « ¨ M ¸ ­1 » (b) « ¨ M ¸ ­1 »
(c) 19.6 u 1010 N m­2 (d) 19.6 u 1015 N m­2 «¬ © T ¹ »¼ Mg «¬ © T ¹ »¼ A
15. A metal rod of length ‘L’ cross­sectional are ‘A’, Young’s ª § T ·2 º A ª § T ·2 º A
modulus ‘Y’ and coefficient of linear expansion ‘a’ is (c) «1­ ¨ M ¸ » (d) «1­ ¨ ¸ »
«¬ © T ¹ »¼ Mg « T » Mg
heated to ‘t’ 0C. The work that can be performed by the ¬ © M¹ ¼
rod when heated is 21. A solid sphere of radius r made of a soft material of
YADLt 2 2 2
YAD Lt bulk modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in a cylindrical
(a) (b) container. A massless piston of area a floats on the
2 2
surface of the liquid, covering entire cross section of
(c) (d) cylindrical container. When a mass m is placed on the
2 2
surface of the piston to compress the liquid, the
16. Two metal wires ‘P’ and ‘Q’ of same length and
§ dr ·
material are stretched by same load. Their masses are fractional decrement in the radius of the sphere, ¨ ¸
© r ¹
in the ratio m1 : m2. The ratio of elongations of wire ‘P’
to that of ‘Q’ is ,is
mg mg
(a) m12 : m22 (b) m22 : m21 (a) (b)
3Ka Ka
(c) m2 : m1 (d) m1 :m2 Ka
(c) (d)
mg 3mg


22. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is ‘B’. If it is

subjected to uniform pressure ‘P’, the fractional
decrease in radius is
(a) (b)
B 3P
3P P
(c) (d)
B 3B

Answer Key

MCQ’s from Tatva

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (d)


Theory Questions 3. The figure shows the stress­strain graph of a certain
1. Describe an experiment to determine young’s modulus substance. Over which region of the graph is Hooke’s
of matrial of thin wire. law obeyed
2. Explain behaviour of wire under increasing load. (a) AB (b) BC
OR (c) CD (d) ED
Explain stress angainst strain graph for a ductile 4. According to Hooke’s law of elasticity, if stress is
material under increasing load. increased and the ratio of stress to strain :
3. Define poissons ratio and state SI unit along with (a) remain constant (b) becomes zero
formula. (c) increases (d) decreases
5. For a given material the Young’s modulus is 2.4 times
MCQ’s from Tatva that of rigidity modulus, the Poisson’s ratio is :
1. The stress versus strain graphs for wires of two (a) 0.2 (b) 0.4
materials A and B are as shown in the figure. If YA and YB (c) 1.2 (d) 2.4
are the Young’s modulii of the materials, then 6. The adjacent graph shows the extension (' 'l) of a wire of
(a) YB = 2YA (b) YA = YB length 1 m suspended from the top of a roof at one end
(c) YB = 3YA (d) YA = 3YB with a load W connected to the other end. If the cross–
–6 2
2. The strain stress curves of three wires of different sectional area of the wire is 10 m , calculate the
materials are shown in the figure. P, Q and R are the Young’s modulus of the material of the wire.
elastic limits of the wires. The figure shows that

(a) 2 u 1011 N m­2 (b) 2 u 10­11 N m­2

(a) Elasticity of wire P is maximum
(b) Elasticity of wire Q is maximum (c) 3 u 10­12 N m­2 (d) 2 u 10­13 N m­2
(c) Tensile strength of R is maximum
(d) None of the above is true

Answer Key

MCQ’s from Tatva

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a)


Theory Questions 8. A steel wire of radius 0.4 u 10 ­3 m and length 1 m is
1. Derive expression for work done in stretching a wire tightly clamped between points A and B which are
and also find strain energy per unit volume? sepatated by 1 m and in the same horizontal plane. A
2. Derive relation between Y, thermal stress and mass is hung from the middle point of the wire such
coefficient of linear expansion? that the middle point sags by 2 cm frm the original
position. Compute the mass of the body.
Numericuls Questions Ysteel = 20 u 1010 N / m2 (Ans : 0.6566 kg )
1. A copper wire 4 m long has diameter of 1 mm. If load
of 10 kg weight is attached at other end, what MCQ’s from Tatva
extension is produced, if Poisson’s ratio is 0.26? How
1. What amount of work is done in increasing the length of
much lateral compression is produced in it?
a wire through unity?
YCu = 12.5 u 1010 N / m2
(a) (b)
­4 2A 2A
(Ans : 3.92mm, 2.595 u 10 mm )
2. A load 1 kg produced a certain extension in the wire of YA YL
(c) (d)
length 3 m and radius 5 u 10 ­4 m . How much will be the 2L A
lateral strain produced in the wire? 2. Two wires of same diameter of the same material
having the length A and 2AA. If the force F is applied on
( 7.48 u 1010 N / m2 and V =0.291)
each, the ratio of the work done in the two wires will be
(Ans : 4.854 u 10­5 )
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4
3. Calculate the work done in stretching steel wire of
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1
length 2m and cross sectional area 0.0225 mm2, when
a load of 100 N is applied slowly to its free end. 3. If S is stress and Y is Young’s modulus of material of a
wire, the energy stored in the wire per unit volume is
(Young’s modulus of steel = 20 u 1010 N / m2 )
2 S2
(Ans : 2.222 J ) (a) 2 S Y (b)
4. One end of steel wire is fixed to a ceiling and a load of
2.5 kg is attached to the free end of wire. Another 2Y S
(c) (d)
identical wire is attached to the bottom of load and S2 2Y
another load of 2 kg is attached to the lower end of
4. A wire fixed at the upper end stretches by length A by
this wire. Compute the longitudinal strain produced in
both the wires, if the cross sectional area of wires is applying a force F. The work done in stretching is :
­4 2 10 2 F
10 m . Ysteel = 20 u 10 N / m (a) (b) F A
(Ans : 1.225 u 10 ­6 , 2.205 u 10 ­6 ) FA
(c) 2F A (d)
5. A uniform steel rod of 5 sq. mm cross section is heated 2
from 0qC to 25qC . Find the force which must be 5. A wire is suspended by one end. At the other end a
exerted to prevent it from expanding. Also find energy weight Mg is attached. The wire extends by A. The ratio
stored per unit volume.
of mechanical energy stored in the stretched wire to the
( Dsteel = 12 u 10 ­6 qC, Ysteel = 20 u 1010 N / m2 ) work done by Mg is :
(Ans : 300N, 9000 J / m3 ) (a) 1/1 (b) 1/3
6. A uniform steel wire of length 3m and area of cross (c) 1/2 (d) 2/1
section 2mm is extended through 3mm. Calculate the 6. If in a wire of Young’s modulus Y longitudinal strain X is
energy stored in the wire, if the elastic limit is not produced, then the potential energy stored in its unit
volume will be :
exceeded. Ysteel = 20 u 1010 N / m2 (Ans : 0.6 J ) 2 2
(a) 0.5 YX (b) 0.5 Y X
2 20
(c) 2YX (d) YX
7. A bar of length 100 cm is supported at its two ends. 7. A stretched rubber has :
The breadth and depth of bar are 5 cm and 0.5 cm, (a) decreased potential energy
respectively. A mass of 100 gm is suspended at the
(b) decreased kinetic energy
centre of the bar. Compute the depression produced in
(c) increased kinetic energy
the bar. Y = 4 u 1010 N / m2 (Ans : 9.8 u 10 ­4 m ) (d) increased potential energy


8. Two wires of same material and length but diameter in 11. Two wires having same length and material are
the ratio 1 : 3 are stretched by the same force. The stretched by same force. Their diameters are in the
potential energy per unit volume for the two wires ratio 1 : 3. The ratio of strain energy per unit volume for
when stretched will be in the ratio : these two wires (smaller to larger diameter) when
(a) 16 : 1 (b) 81 : 1 stretched is
(c) 9 : 1 (d) none of these (a) 3 : 1 (b) 9 : 1
9. The elastic energy stored in a wire of Young’s modulus Y (c) 27 : 1 (d) 81 : 1
is : 12. The stess along the length of a rod (with rectangular
1 cross section) is 1% of the Young’s modulus of its
(a) Y u stress u strain u volume
2 material. What is the approximate percentage of
change of its volume ? (Poisson’s) ratio of the material
(stress)2 u Volume
(b) of the rod is 0.3)
2Y (a) 3 % (b) 1 %
(c) stress u strain u volume (c) 0.7 % (d) 0.4 %
(d) Y u
10. A wire of length L and area of cross–section A is made
of material of Young’s modulus Y. If the wire is
stretched by the amount x, the work done is
(a) YAx2/2L (b) YAx2L
(c) YAx/2L (d) YAx2/L

Answer Key

MCQ’s from Tatva

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. b() 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (d)


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