NMEJ Case Study
NMEJ Case Study
NMEJ Case Study
NON METALLIC EXPANSION JOINTS (NMEJ) is provided for taking up the vibration & thermal
expansion in air & flue gas duct system. The expansion joints are vital components in
thermal power plants. They are installed as flexible connections in air & flue gas duct
system to take up or compensate thermal expansion, vibrations and misalignments.
All the combustor connections have NMEJ to meet multi-directional movements during
operation. While other connections of comparable duty conditions behave as designed, we
faced problem of repeated failure of NMEJ at loop seal return leg to combustor.
Non-metallic expansion joints installed at LOOP SEAL RETURN LEG TO COMBUSTOR (2 nos
per boiler) at BORL are having the problem of damages/ burning in less than 6 months.
Such type of problem was also faced at similar type of CFBC boilers at KLTPS & PT-IBR,
where FBHEs are outside the combustor. However same problem is not faced in the CFBC
boilers, which are having integral FBHEs at SLPP, Barsingsar etc.
Back pass inlet pressure abnormally high @3.12/ 4.26/ 5.21 mbar(Normal value 0.0 mbar)
Damage to NMEJ in other boilers were also reported only during introduction of coal firing
and on the same side of coal feed start. We went ahead improving NMEJ design with a belief
that trained operators managing operation would attach importance and maintain heat
addition rates. However, adoption of this type of uncontrolled fuel input could have been the
only reason for such failures of past.
The instances of damages of NMEJ (Loop seal return leg to combustor) are given below:
• Light up - Oct’08
• COD - Dec’09
• NMEJ Damage – Feb’10
• KLTPS got fabric & bolster replaced through some local agency M/s Urja, but it did
not work and contacted with BHEL Trichy & KE-Burgmann for solution.
• NMEJ replacement with modified design as per Rev.02 (without SS plate & Air sealing
arrangements) - March’11
• NMEJ (modified) damaged – Sept’11
• Outer fabric & bolster replaced through KE-Burgmann.
PTIBR Indonesia:
• COD – Jan’10
• NMEJ Damage – Dec’10
• NMEJ replacement with modified design as per Rev.02 (without SS plate & Air sealing
arrangements) - Jan’11
• Working till date satisfactorily.
NLC 2X250MW:
Unit#1 was commissioned in June’11 and gone up to 180MW load recently. NMEJ is working
satisfactorily. Here solid fuel injection point is given after NMEJ, unlike before NMEJ in case
of BORL Bina & KLTPS.
1. Fabric, 2. Harmonica Bolster, 3. Loose wool 4. Dust Trap seal. 5. Box Bolster
6. Stud. 7. Clamping bar
REV.03 installed at BORL BOILER#1&2
Item no 1 Fabric – consists of one layer each of KEB 1400HT, Super-wool – 128kg/cm3 – 12
thk, Super-wool – 128kg/cm3 – 12 thk, Glass fabric – 3 mm thk, PTFE – 0.2, KEB 1300,
KEVLAR, PTFE - 0.2, KEB 1300, SSWM 30X30.
Item no 2 Harmonica Bolster – consists of one layer each of SSWM, HS600 and super wool
Item no 4 Dust Trap seal – consists of one layer each of SS HD wire-mesh, High silica fabric
– HS 1250, Super-wool, SS laminated glass fabric, KEB high temp. resistant treated glass
fabric – KEB1400HT.
Item no 5 Box Bolster – consists of one layer each of SS-HD wire-mesh, high silica fabric –
HS1250 and super wool insulation.
This following work instruction were prepared to improve the sealing of NMEJ at Loop seal
location against Hot bed material penetration (at BORL Bina site)
1) Refractory under Floating ring to be inspected for its intact condition. If any damage
is found, it is to be repaired properly.
2) One 10mm thk SS310 Plate (Ring-1) is to be welded with the Gussets available
under Floating ring, as per BHEL drawing (Rev.03) This Ring is in 3 segments.
3) Floating Ring “L” Angle to be placed in position as per BHEL drawing.
4) One 10mm thk SS310 Plate (Ring-2) will be kept inside the Floating Ring. This Ring
also is in 3 segments. This Ring-2 width will be nearly similar to Floating Ring Width.
Hence Ring-2 with Floating Ring welding should not be done.
5) Tightly pack the ceramic wool 128 Kg/m3 around the Floating ring (outside only).
6) Place the Box Bolster in position and do the end Joining.
7) Place the 10mm thk SS310 Plate (Ring-3) over box Bolster and tack Weld the
segments at outer edge and middle to form as a single Ring.
8) This assembly (Ring-3 and Box Bolster) to be compressed to the required level by
Hydraulic Jacks.
9) The Cover Plate to be placed in position and to be bolted.
10) Studs for Dust trap seal to be welded by locating with Template.
11) Loose wool stuffing is to be done.
12) Dust trap seal to be fixed in position by using Clamping bar.
13) The upper side (Inlet side) Neck plate need to cut approx 1mtr length for easy
accessing of Dust trap seal to end Join.
14) After end joining of Dust trap seal, the removed Neck plate portion can be welded
with extra care to avoid falling of weld spatters on Dust trap seal.
15) Loose wool (Super wool) to be stuffed around Dust trap seal as shown in drawing.
16) Harmonica bolsters to be placed in position and end joining to be done.
17) The outer fabrics to be fixed in position and to be tighten with Clamping Bar using Gr
8.8 Fasteners.
18) End Joining of Fabric to be done by KEB Supervisor.
19) After reaching the full load running, hot tightening of all Fabric fixing Fasteners is to
be done.
20) The sealing Air connection as shown in the drawing is to be done.
21) All gaps, critical dimensions and steps of erection are to be recorded and protocol is
to be made.
22) All the above works are to be witnessed by BHEL and KEB representatives and the
same are recorded.
23) All fabric fixing fasteners to be placed in position. SS shims to be provided under
Clamping bar ends.
24) No deviation between site and approved drawings unless otherwise agreed by BHEL
and KEB representatives.
15-20 days
- Light up was done on 08.08.2011 after replacement of modified NMEJs.
- RHS NMEJ has started leaking on 20.10.2011 & immediate shut down was taken on
21.10.2011 to avoid further damages.
- The outer entire fabric replaced and light up was done on 24.10.2011.
- LHS NMEJ started leaking on 31.12.2011, but boiler was continued till 03.01.2012 as
other 2 boilers were also in shut down condition.
- The entire fabric, harmonica bolster, box bolster & dust seal and nut & bolts were
replaced and boiler light up was done on 19.01.2012.
- Light up was done on 01.10.2011 after replacement of modified NMEJs.
- Till date, it is working satisfactorily except some minor outer most SS wire-mesh
damage due to falling of coal dust, which was rectified in the last week of Jan’12.
All possible modification, which can be thought off after discussions between KE(B)
designers, BHEL Trichy designers & BHEL Site/ BORL engineers for 2 days in the month
of July’11, were carried out in the loop seal return leg to combustor NMEJs, but NMEJ
failed in less than 3 months of boiler operation.
On taking up the issue of NMEJ failures, vendor M/s KE Burgmann washed off their
hands and instead offered another design (REV.04) to BHEL Trichy:
Air purging arrangements are made from top, unlike from bottom in the REV.03 and
harmonica bolster has been removed.
Air purging/ sealing arrangements made in Boiler#1&2 as per drawing Rev.03
were disconnected on the recommendation of BHEL Trichy after the failure of NMEJ
(LHS) and seeing the fine dust accumulation, which was more than usually seen without
air connection. M/s KE(B) did not recommend for the air purging arrangement from the
top on the existing design NMEJs as it is possible only in the latest proposed modification
Removal of entire wire mesh from box bolster from shell side as undulations of
Box bolster at shell side were observed and based on the feedback from KLTPS site.