Explaining The Meaning and History of Gymnastics
Explaining The Meaning and History of Gymnastics
Explaining The Meaning and History of Gymnastics
diagonally forward.
8.Heels Sit From kneeling position, sit on the heels of 3.Hands on shoulders Elbows in line with the shoulders,
the feet, toes pointed. Hands on hips rib cage lifted.
9.Cross Sitting Sitting on buttocks, cross legs, knees 4.Hands on Neck Place hand beyond neck, fingertips
pointing outward, cross arms at shoulder level meeting each other, elbows in line with the shoulders.
10.Frog Sitting Sit on buttocks, feet touching each other, 5.Hands on Hips Thumbs pointing back and fingers pointing
knees flat on the floor, hands on waist or both knees. front.
3.Half-kneeling Right or Left Kneeling on right, left in 4.Arms Oblique Positions -Forward downward
half-kneeling position in front. Hands on hips. -Sideward downward
4.Kneeling Position One Leg Extended sideward. -Sideward upward
Kneeling on one leg, the other extended sideward, forward
or backward. 5.Arms in T-Position -T-Position
1.Back or Supine Lying Lying on the back, the body is well Self-Testing Activities; Individual and Dual
extended, arms overhead, toes pointed. Stunts
2.Front Lying Body is well extended and front of the body Stunts are activities in the form of play that test one’s self
on flexibility, agility, balance, coordination, strength and
is in contact with the floor. Toes pointed, arms forward.
3.Side Lying With the body well extended, the side of the 1. Individual Stunts – these are stunts performed by only
body is in the contact with the floor, one hand on the floor. one person.
2. Dual Stunts – these are stunts performed by two
4.Hook Lying Position In a back lying position, bent knees,
with the feet close to buttocks, feet flat on the floor. Arms