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Mil STD 777F

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30 March 2012
7 February 1986



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1. This standard is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command and is available for use by all
Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.
2. This standard establishes the requirement for piping system components on surface ships, in order to
preclude the necessity for including a piping schedule in each Navy Ship Specification. This standard represents
and includes the latest material requirements previously covered in the Ship Specifications. It is the intent to refer to
this standard in section 505 in the Ship Specifications for all new Navy surface ships and the General Specifications
for Overhaul of Surface Ships (GSO) for existing ships.
3. Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to Commander, Naval Sea
Systems Command, ATTN: SEA 05S, 1333 Isaac Hull Avenue, SE, Stop 5160, Washington Navy Yard DC
20376-5160 or emailed to CommandStandards@navy.mil, with the subject line “Document Comment”. Since
contact information can change, you may want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSIST
Online database at https://assist.dla.mil.

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1. SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Category and group designation ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Superseded pages .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
2.2 Government documents .................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks ................................................................................................ 1
2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications ..................................................................... 5
2.3 Non-Government publications .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Order of precedence ........................................................................................................................................ 11
3. DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials ....................................................................... 11
4.2 Nuclear plant piping ........................................................................................................................................ 11
4.3 Gauge piping ................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.1 Root valves ............................................................................................................................................. 12
4.4 Thermometer wells ......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.5 Maximum material temperature ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 Fire protection ................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.7 Seawater valves............................................................................................................................................... 12
4.8 Valve approvals .............................................................................................................................................. 12
4.9 Pressure temperature ratings ........................................................................................................................... 12
4.10 Butt-weld requirements ................................................................................................................................. 13
4.11 Long-radius elbows ....................................................................................................................................... 13
4.12 Steel valve seat and disc materials ................................................................................................................ 13
4.13 Threaded joints.............................................................................................................................................. 13
4.14 Fire-hardened fittings .................................................................................................................................... 13
4.14.1 Fire-hardened fitting requirements ....................................................................................................... 13
4.15 Silver-brazed fitting requirements................................................................................................................. 14
4.16 Fasteners ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.17 Brass fastener restriction ............................................................................................................................... 16
4.18 Flange finishes .............................................................................................................................................. 16
4.19 Weld joint requirements ................................................................................................................................ 16
4.19.1 Titanium weld restrictions .................................................................................................................... 16
4.20 Flange facings ............................................................................................................................................... 16
4.21 Welded branch outlets................................................................................................................................... 16
4.22 Branch connections ....................................................................................................................................... 17
4.23 Packing requirements .................................................................................................................................... 17
4.24 Bulkhead penetrations ................................................................................................................................... 17
4.24.1 Titanium piping penetrations................................................................................................................ 17
4.24.2 Sleeve requirements ............................................................................................................................. 17
4.25 Union joints................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.26 Gaskets .......................................................................................................................................................... 18

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4.27 Missile systems ............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.28 Slip-on joints ................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.29 Steam generators ........................................................................................................................................... 19
4.30 Butterfly valves ............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.31 Fuel piping run rules ..................................................................................................................................... 19
4.32 Butt-welded fittings ...................................................................................................................................... 20
4.33 Bessemer steel restriction.............................................................................................................................. 20
4.34 Flexible hose fittings ..................................................................................................................................... 20
4.35 Valve handwheel requirements ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.36 Cast valve material ........................................................................................................................................ 20
4.36.1 Weld repair of copper-nickel castings .................................................................................................. 20
4.37 Flange and fitting construction ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.38 Hydrostatic testing of forgings ...................................................................................................................... 20
4.39 Casting inspections ....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.40 Large ball valves ........................................................................................................................................... 20
4.41 Flaring test .................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.42 Approval of commercial items ...................................................................................................................... 21
4.43 GRP applications .......................................................................................................................................... 21
4.44 Titanium applications.................................................................................................................................... 21
4.44.1 Flange face inserts ................................................................................................................................ 21
4.44.2 Insulating gasket kits ............................................................................................................................ 21
4.44.3 Insulating sleeves and washers ............................................................................................................. 21
4.44.4 Isolation testing .................................................................................................................................... 21
4.44.5 Material requirements .......................................................................................................................... 21
4.44.6 Non destructive testing of grade 2 titanium material for class P-2 piping............................................ 23
4.45 Marking ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.46 Mechanically attached fittings (MAFs) ........................................................................................................ 23
4.47 Belled-end fittings and slip-on couplings ..................................................................................................... 23
4.48 Commercial item requirements ..................................................................................................................... 23
4.48.1 Commercial plumbing material ............................................................................................................ 24
4.49 Relief valves ................................................................................................................................................. 24
4.49.1 MIL-V-20065 relief valves .................................................................................................................. 24
4.49.2 MIL-V-24332 relief valves .................................................................................................................. 24
4.50 Stainless steel piping ..................................................................................................................................... 24
4.51 Valve actuators .............................................................................................................................................. 24
5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 24
5.1 Service categories and groups ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.2 Using the tables ............................................................................................................................................... 24
5.3 Category and group listing .............................................................................................................................. 24
6. NOTES ................................................................................................................................................................. 144
6.1 Intended use .................................................................................................................................................. 144
6.2 Acquisition requirements .............................................................................................................................. 144
6.3 Subject term (key word) listing ..................................................................................................................... 144
6.4 Changes from previous issue ........................................................................................................................ 144

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I. Fire-hardened fitting requirements (for systems in high fire hazard spaces) ........................................................... 14
II. Fire-hardened fitting requirements ......................................................................................................................... 14
III. Gasket materials and ratings ................................................................................................................................. 18
IV. Gasket dimensions ................................................................................................................................................ 18
V. Category A-1, Steam and steam drains, 1500 psig/1000 °F .................................................................................. 27
VI. Category A-2, Steam and steam drains, 1500 psig/775 °F ................................................................................... 28
VII. Category A-3, Propulsion plant saturated steam and steam drains, 600 to 1500 psig/775 °F ............................. 29
VIII. Category A-4 and A-7, Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/875 °F..................................................................... 31
IX. Category A-5, Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/775 °F ..................................................................................... 33
X. Category A-6, Steam and steam drains, 150 psig/775 °F ...................................................................................... 35
XI. Category A-8, Steam and steam drains for auxiliary boiler, reboiler, and waste heat boiler installation
only, 150 psig/366 °F (sat) .......................................................................................................................................... 37
XII. Category A-9, Steam system overboard discharge, steam generator blowdown, 1500/600 psig/650 °F ............ 39
XIII. Category A-10, High pressure steam drains between low point trap, drain strainer orifice/orifice plate
assembly discharge stop-check valve and DFT or gland exhaust piping from turbines, discharge main, 100
psig/425 °F .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
XIV. Category B-1, Feed systems, 600 psig, 400 °F; 1200 psig, 475 °F.................................................................... 43
XV. Category B-2, Propulsion plant saturated feed system, 600 to 2050 psig/300 °F ............................................... 45
XVI. Category C-1 and C-2, Freshwater, including feed, chilled water, condensate, electronic freshwater
cooling, potable, freshwater firefighting, and gas turbine washdown, 200 psig/250 °F .............................................. 47
XVII. Category C-2, Freshwater, feed water and condensate, including potable, gas turbine washdown, 100
psig/250 °F .................................................................................................................................................................. 50
XVIII. Category C-3, Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), 200 psig/150 °F .................................................................... 53
XIX. Category C-4, Water mist fire fighting, 1500 psig/140 °F ................................................................................ 54
XX. Category C-5, High purity water, 150 psig/140 °F ............................................................................................. 56
XXI. Category D-1 and D-3, Seawater, including firemain, main and secondary drainage, ballast, 250
psig/150 °F .................................................................................................................................................................. 57
XXII. Category D-2, Seawater missile injection system between freshwater accumulating tank and nozzles,
main and secondary drainage, ballast and oily waste transfer, 400 psig/150 °F .......................................................... 60
XXIII. Category D-4, Seawater, firemain, sodium hypochlorite disinfection treatment ............................................ 62
XXIV. Category E-2, E-3 and U-1, Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 600 psig ................................................... 66
XXV. Category E-4 and U-1, Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 200 psig............................................................. 68
XXVI. Category F-1, Lubricating oil, 150 psig/250 °F .............................................................................................. 70
XXVII. Category G-1, G-3, G-4, and G-5, Hydraulic service, 3000 psig, 180 °F ..................................................... 73
XXVIII. Category G-2, G-6, and G-7, Low pressure hydraulic (including lines), 400 psig/180 °F ........................... 77
XXIX. Category G-8, Hydraulic service, 6000 psig/200 °F ....................................................................................... 80
XXX. Category H-1, Gasoline, 150 psig/150 °F ........................................................................................................ 81
XXXI. Category H-2, Cleaning fluid and contaminated aviation lubricating system, 100 psig/150 °F ..................... 83
XXXII. Category I-1, JP-5 fuel service, filling transfer, tank stripping, and auxiliary JP-5, 200 psig/100 °F ........... 85
XXXIII. Category J-1 and J-2, Air, nitrogen and helium, 6000 psig/150 °F .............................................................. 87
XXXIV. Category J-3, Air and nitrogen, 600 psig/150 °F ......................................................................................... 89
XXXV. Category J-4, Air and nitrogen, 200 psig/150 °F........................................................................................... 91
XXXVI. Category J-5, Air, and bleed-off, 150 psig/550 °F ....................................................................................... 94
XXXVII. Category J-6, Air, gas turbine starting and prairie masker, 150 psig/450 °F .............................................. 95
XXXVIII. Category J-7, Air, prairie-masker, gas turbine starting, 100 psig/600 °F .................................................. 96

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XXXIX. Category J-8, Air deballast, 50 psig/400 °F ................................................................................................. 98
XL. Category J-9, Air, gas turbine bleed, anti-icing, 300 psig/950 °F ..................................................................... 100
XLI. Category K-1, Gaseous oxygen, outside hull, 4500 psig/150 °F...................................................................... 101
XLII. Category K-2, Gaseous oxygen, inside hull, 4500 psig/ambient .................................................................... 102
XLIII. Category K-3, Gaseous oxygen, 100 psig/ambient ....................................................................................... 103
XLIV. Category K-4, Liquid oxygen and nitrogen, 6000 psig ................................................................................. 105
XLV. Category K-5, Liquid oxygen and nitrogen, 250 psig .................................................................................... 106
XLVI. Category K-6, Mixed gas, 4500 psig/150 °F ................................................................................................. 107
XLVII. Category K-7, Propane, 200 psig ................................................................................................................. 108
XLVIII. Category L-1, Cooling, (electronic equipment, diesel equipment, diesel engine, and so forth) –
ethylene glycol, freshwater solution, distilled water solution, 150 psig/200 °F ........................................................ 109
XLIX. Category M-1, Seawater-washdown countermeasure system, 200 psig/100 °F ............................................ 112
L. Category N-1, Sprinkling system (dry) other than AFFF and magazine, 175 psig/100 °F .................................. 114
LI. Category N-2, Magazine sprinkling system (wet and dry), 175 psig .................................................................. 115
LII. Category N-3, Miscellaneous seawater sprinkling systems (sprinkling other than AFFF, magazine, and
countermeasure washdown), 175 psig ....................................................................................................................... 116
LIII. Category O-1, Diesel, incinerator, and gas turbine exhaust, and sewage treatment, 1200 °F .......................... 117
LIV. Category O-2, Diesel exhaust, subject to salt water spray for IR suppression, 850 °F .................................... 119
LV. Category P-1, Boiler safety valve and super-heater outlet safety valve escape, 150 psig/850 °F ..................... 120
LVI. Category P-2, Nuclear steam generator escape piping to transition joint, 150 psig/350 °F ............................. 121
LVII. Category P-3, Nuclear steam generator escape piping - transition to overboard, 150 psig/350 °F ................. 122
LVIII. Category Q-1, Refrigerant piping, 30 inches vacuum to 300 psig/minus 85 °F to plus 250 °F..................... 123
LIX. Category R-1, Waste water, oily water drainage, oily waste transfer, weather deck
drainage systems, and contaminated deck drains, 50 psig/150 °F ............................................................................. 125
LX. Category R-2, Chemical drains, 30 psig/150 °F ................................................................................................ 128
LXI. Category R-3, Plumbing drains and vents, interior space deck drains and AC condensate drains, 50
psig/150 °F ................................................................................................................................................................ 129
LXII. Category R-4, Sewage collection, holding, and transfer (CHT) and vacuum collection, holding, and
transfer (VCHT), 100 psig/150 °F ............................................................................................................................. 131
LXIII. Category S-1, Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW solution, 250 psig ............. 133
LXIV. Category T-2, HFP and Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems, 1170 psig/140 °F...................................... 136
LXV. Category T-3, CO2 actuation for HFP and Halon fire extinguishing systems, 2080 psig/200 °F .................. 138
LXVI. Category Y-1 and Y-2, Overflows, sounding tubes, vents and air escapes for JP-5, fuel, lubricating oil,
oily tanks, 100 psig/150 °F ........................................................................................................................................ 139
LXVII. Category Y-3, Overflows, sounding tubes, vents, and air escapes for other than fuel tanks [freshwater
(except potable) clean ballast, voids, etc.], 50 psig/150 °F........................................................................................ 141
LXVIII. Category Y-4, Vents, reduction gear, 5 psig/ambient ................................................................................. 143

Refer to the index for system materials/components materials.

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1.1 Scope. This standard covers requirements for basic piping system components on Navy surface ships. It is
not the intention herein to include every conceivable component, valve, or fitting that might be used in the piping
system of a surface ship. The requirements invoked herein are not desirable goals but are minimum acceptable
1.2 Category and group designation. This standard is broken down into basic service categories and groups.
The notes contained in each individual category and group are prefaced with the category and group designation,
and apply only to that specific category and group. General requirements are also included to supplement the
specific category and group notes. General requirements apply to all service categories and groups where the
content of the requirement is applicable.
1.3 Superseded pages. This standard will be maintained with all superseded categories and groups and list of
categories and groups intact to ensure that when users are applying the standard to requirements that may predate
current category and group issues, the applicable issues will be available.
2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this standard. This
section does not include documents cited in other sections of this standard or recommended for additional
information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document
users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this
standard, whether or not they are listed.
2.2 Government documents.
2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a
part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are
those cited in the solicitation or contract.
HH-P-151 - Packing, Rubber-Sheet, Cloth-Insert
QQ-N-281 - Nickel-Copper Alloy Bar, Rod, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Wire, Forgings, and
Structural and Special Shaped Sections
QQ-N-286 - Nickel-Copper-Aluminum Alloy, Wrought (UNS N05500)
RR-C-901 - Cylinders, Compressed Gas: Seamless Shatterproof, High Pressure Dot
3AA Steel, and 3AL Aluminum
TT-P-28 - Paint, Aluminum, Heat Resisting
A-A-59860 - Valves, Cylinder, Gas (for Compressed or Liquefied Gases)
MIL-S-901 - Shock Tests, H.I. (High-Impact) Shipboard Machinery, Equipment, and
Systems, Requirements for
MIL-PRF-1149 - Gasket Materials, Synthetic Rubber, 50 and 65 Durometer Hardness
MIL-F-1183 - Fittings, Pipe, Cast Bronze, Silver-Brazing, General Specification for
MIL-V-1189 - Valve, Gate, Bronze
MIL-DTL-1222 - Studs, Bolts, Screws and Nuts for Applications Where a High Degree of
Reliability is Required; General Specification for

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MIL-T-1368 - Tube and Pipe, Nickel-Copper Alloy, Seamless and Welded

MIL-V-2961 - Valves, Globe, Pressure Reducing, Gas Service
MIL-V-15508 - Valves, Remote Control, Diaphragm Actuated (Fluid Systems, 150 and
250 P.S.I. W.P. 140 °F Maximum)
MIL-C-15726 - Copper-Nickel Alloy, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Bar, Rod, and Wire
MIL-T-16420 - Tube, Copper-Nickel Alloy, Seamless and Welded (Copper Alloy
Numbers 715 and 706)
MIL-R-16743 - Refrigerating Plants and Systems, Mechanical; and Refrigerating System
Components - Dichlorodifluoromethane (R-12) - Naval Shipboard
MIL-R-17131 - Rods and Powders, Welding, Surfacing
MIL-V-17360 - Valves, Cylinder, Gas, Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
MIL-V-17501 - Valves, Control Type, Magazine, and Hangar Deck Sprinkler
MIL-V-17547 - Valves, Check, Bronze
MIL-V-17848 - Valves, Pressure-Reducing, Steam Service
MIL-H-17902 - Hose, End Fittings and Hose Assemblies, Synthetic Rubber, Aircraft
MIL-V-18030 - Valves, Control, Air-Diaphragm-Operated (Complete with
MIL-V-18110 - Valves, Gate Type, Steel (Sizes 2-1/2 Inches to 16 Inches)
MIL-B-18381 - Boilers, Steam, High Pressure, Naval Ship Propulsion
MIL-V-18436 - Valves, Check: Bronze, Cast-Iron, and Steel Body
MIL-DTL-19772 - Valves, Temperature Regulating, Automatic, Naval Shipboard
MIL-PRF-20042 - Flanges, Pipe, Bronze (Silver Brazing)
MIL-V-20064 - Valve, Nonferrous, for Use with Halogenated Refrigerants
MIL-V-20065 - Valves, Angle, Pressure Relief, Naval Shipboard, for Steam Service
MIL-R-21252 - Rubber Sheet, Solid, Synthetic, Shipboard Water Evaporator Gasketing
MIL-DTL-22050 - Gasket and Packing Material, Rubber, for Use with Polar Fluids, Steam,
and Air at Moderately High Temperatures
MIL-V-22052 - Valves, Stop and Stop Check, Globe, Angle, and Y Pattern, Cast or
Forged Carbon or Alloy Steel, Outside Screw and Yoke (Sizes 2-1/2
Inches and Larger)
MIL-V-22549 - Valves, Angle, Relief, for Gas and Oxygen Service (Sizes 2-Inches IPS
and Below); Naval Shipboard
MIL-V-22682 - Valves, Astern (for Shipboard Use)
MIL-V-22687 - Valves, Ball, Naval Shipboard, for Air, Nitrogen, Helium or Hydraulic
Service (Sizes 2-1/2 Inches NPS and Below)

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MIL-S-22698 - Steel Plate, Shapes and Bars, Weldable Ordinary Strength and Higher
Strength: Structural
MIL-PRF-23236 - Coating Systems for Ship Structures
MIL-R-24085 - Refrigerant Unit, Centrifugal for Air Conditioning
MIL-T-24107 - Tube, Copper (Seamless) (Copper Alloy Numbers C10100, C10200,
C10300, C10800, C12000, C12200, and C14200)
MIL-V-24109 - Valves, Globe, Angle, Quick Change Cartridge Trim, High Pressure
(H.P.) Hydraulic and Pneumatic (Sizes 1/8 – 1-1/4 Inches)
MIL-F-24202 - Fittings, Butt Welding, Seamless or Welded, 70-30 Copper-Nickel Alloy,
700 PSI, 200 °F
MIL-F-24227 - Fittings and Flanges, Cast Bronze, Silver-Brazing Suitable for Ultrasonic
MIL-T-24270 - Thermowells for Thermometers and Electrical Temperature Sensors
General Specification for
MIL-V-24272 - Valve Manifolds, High Pressure Gas Reducing
MIL-V-24332 - Valves, Angle Relief, for Liquid Service (Naval Shipboard)
MIL-V-24336 - Valves, Pressure Reducing, for Oxygen Service
MIL-V-24384 - Valves, Pressure Regulating, for Low Pressure Air or Nitrogen Systems
MIL-P-24396 - Packing Material, Braided PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
MIL-V-24439 - Valves, Oxygen, Helium and Helium Oxygen Mixture, High Pressure for
Gas Services
MIL-V-24509 - Valves, Flanged, Ball and Plug for Sewage and Sea Water Service
MIL-V-24569 - Valve, Quick-Closing, for Fuel and Oil and Auxiliary Steam Emergency
MIL-E-24572 - Extinguisher, Fire, Bromotrifluoromethane (Halon 1301) System
Components (Fixed Pipe, Pneumatically Actuated, Naval Shipboard Use)
MIL-V-24578 - Valves, Globe, Pressure Instrument, Stem Test Connection, Union End
MIL-V-24586 - Valve, Needle, Size 1/4-Inch and 1/2-Inch, Union Bonnet Construction
MIL-P-24608 - Pipe, Fittings, and Adhesive Kits, Glass-Reinforced Thermosetting
Epoxy Resin for Shipboard Piping Systems
MIL-V-24619 - Valve, Quick Closing, for Saturated Steam Service
MIL-V-24624 - Valves, Butterfly, Wafer and Lug Style, Shipboard Service
MIL-V-24630/1 - Valves, Check, In-Line, Non-Reversible Installation for Hydraulic Fluid
and Lubricating Oil Fluid
DOD-V-24657 - Valve Actuator, Direct Coupled, Gear Driven Electrically Powered for
Naval Shipboard Propulsion and Auxiliary Systems (Metric)
DOD-V-24675 - Valves, Boiler Blow Service, Monel, Shipboard Use

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MIL-P-24691 - Pipe and Tube, Carbon, Alloy and Stainless Steel, Seamless and Welded,
General Specification for
MIL-P-24691/1 - Pipe and Tube, Carbon Steel, Seamless
MIL-P-24691/2 - Pipe and Tube, Chromium-Molybdenum Steel, Seamless
MIL-P-24691/3 - Pipe and Tube, Corrosion-Resistant, Stainless Steel, Seamless or Welded
MIL-V-24694/1 - Valve, Hydraulic Relief, 1.5 - 35 Bar, 150 LPM Cartridge Type
MIL-V-24694/2 - Valve, Hydraulic Relief, 1.5 - 35 Bar, 10 LPM Cartridge Type
MIL-V-24695 - Valve, Hose Assembly, and Adapter, Vent and Test Hydraulic Service,
General Specification for (Metric)
MIL-DTL-24696 - Gasket, Sheet, Non-Asbestos
MIL-DTL-24704 - Flanges, Four Bolt Square, Hydraulic General Specification for
MIL-G-24716 - Gaskets, Metallic-Flexible Graphite, Spiral Wound
MIL-DTL-24788 - Coupling Assembly, Semi-Dry-Break, Quick-Disconnect Fuel With or
Without Continuity Switch
MIL-PRF-32187 - Gasket, Hybrid, Flat and Raised Face Flange, Fire Resistant, Shipboard
MIL-DTL-32258 - Nut, Self-Locking (Ring Type Non-Metallic Insert), Heavy Hex,
Controlled Root Radius, Nickel-Copper Alloy
MIL-PRF-32307 - Valve, Quarter Turn, Triple-Offset, Torque Seated, Shipboard Use
MIL-DTL-81940/4 - Valve, Sampling and Bleed, Hydraulic, 3000 PSI Non-Aircraft
MIL-V-85245/1 - Valve, Relief, Hydraulic, High Response Inline
MIL-V-85245/2 - Valve, Relief, Hydraulic, High Response Cartridge Type
MIL-STD-22 - Welded Joint Design
MIL-STD-167-1 - Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment (Type I - Environmental
and Type II - Internally Excited)
MIL-STD-769 - Thermal Insulation Requirements for Machinery and Piping
MIL-STD-792 - Identification Marking Requirements for Special Purpose Components
MIL-STD-1330 - Precision Cleaning and Testing of Shipboard Oxygen, Helium,
Helium-Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen Systems
MIL-STD-2035 - Nondestructive Testing Acceptance Criteria
MIL-HDBK-267 - Guide for Selection of Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids for Use in
Shipboard Equipment
(Copies of these documents are available online at https://assist.dla.mil/quicksearch/ or https://assist.dla.mil.)

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2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications. The following other Government documents,
drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified,
the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.
MS18307 - Laterals, Forged Steel Socket Welding 3000 PSI at 1000 °F (Max.)
Steam Service
MS18308 - Alloy Steel Socket Welding Flanges and Flanged Nipples, 1/4 Inch and
3/8 Inch, 600 Pounds Per Square Inch at 850 °F (Maximum)
(Copies of these documents are available online at https://assist.dla.mil/quicksearch/ or https://assist.dla.mil.)
505-8289963 - Titanium Seawater Piping, Electrical Isolation to Prevent Galvanic
803-1385541 - Valves, Bronze, Flanged, In-Line & Angle Stop & Stop Check 2-1/2 - 12
803-1385623 - Valves, Bronze, Flanged Globe Y Pattern 250 PSI WOG
803-1385637 - Valves, Bronze, Flanged, Check 250 PSI WOG
803-1385707 - Valve, Scupper, Gag Type
803-1385711 - Valve, Hose Globe, In-Line & Angle 1-1/2 In 250 PSI
803-1385712 - Valve, Hose Globe, In-Line and Angle 2-1/2 In. - 250 PSI
803-1385714 - Valve, Bronze ¼ - 2, Union End, Gate
803-1385721 - Valve, Bronze ½ - 2, Union End, Swing Check
803-1385789 - Fitting, Deck Drain
803-1385850 - Piping, Instrument Pressure for All Services
803-1385866 - Penetration, Bulkhead and Deck
803-1385880 - Fitting, Cu-Ni Alloy, Slip On Sleeve for Brazing, Arc, or Gas Welded,
200 PSI at 150°
803-1385884 - Unions, Fittings and Adapters, Butt and Socket Welding, 6000 PSI WOG
803-1385892 - Flanges, Bronze, for Use with Butterfly Valve
803-1385917 - Temperature Indicator and Thermowell
803-1385948 - Unions, Sil Brzg, OD, 3000 PSI, WOG for UT Insp
803-1385950 - Bosses for Non-Ferrous Piping for UT Insp
803-1385965 - Valve, 3-Way By-Pass, 1/2 - 1 BW & SW 900 LB ASME
803-2177140 - Valves, 2-1/2 Inch Globe-Stop, Stop Check, Lift Check, and Throttle,
Butt Weld – 1500 ASME
803-2177141 - 3" & 4" Globe Stop, Stop Check, Lift Check, 900 ASME Valves - BW
803-2177142 - 5" & 6" BW - 900 ASME Valves

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803-2177518 - 900 LB ASME Gate Valve, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, & 16 Sizes
803-2177525 - ¼ - 2 BW & SW 900 LB ASME Valve
803-2177917 - Valves, Bronze Flanged, Gate 250 PSI WOG
803-4384536 - Valves Bronze; ¼" – 2" Union End Globe; In-Line & Angle; Stop, Stop
Check & Needle
803-5001003 - Valve, Ball, ¼ Thru 2-1/2 Inch Straight and 3-Way Line 700 PSI
803-5001004 - Valve, Ball, 3 Thru 6 Inch Straight Line 400 PSI
803-5184193 - Steel Globe Valves 1/4 to 2 NPS 1500 Class
803-5959276 - Valve, Tank Sounding Tube
803-6397247 - Valve, Globe 1/8 Thru 1-1/2 Ni-Al-Brz 6000 PSI
803-6397304 - Valve, Globe, Instrument Isolation,, CRES and NICU Alloy, .25 Inch,
6000 PSI
803-6397404 - Halon System Actuation Check Valve
803-6397408 - Sprinkler Valve 1 1/2 Thru 8" Size Assembly & Details
803-6397430 - Fitting, Socket Welded, Copper Nickel 400 PSI
803-6983468 - Diaph Oper Check Valve, 3/8 In. Thru 8 In. Size, Assembly & Details
803-6983491 - Valve, Ball, Marine Composite
803-6983512 - Flanges, STD CU-NI Socket-Weld, Slip-on, and Welding Neck
803-7063850 - Tailpiece Assemblies, Union End (BW, SW, SB), 1/4 - 2 inch, 400 PSI
803-7106793 - Butterfly Valve, Low Pressure, High Performance
804-4444650 - Sewage Discharge Connection, Surface Ship
804-5284201 - Reinforced Rubber Gasket Material for Pipeline Joints
810-1385791 - Fitting, Air Test for Soundings
810-1385848 - Deck Plates, Sounding, Filling Connections
810-1385880 - Fittings, Copper-Nickel Alloy, Slip-on Sleeve for Brazing, Arc, or Gas
Welded 200 PSI at 150°
810-1385888 - Unions, Butt, Socket-Weld, OD Tubing, 6000 PSI
810-1385889 - Unions, Sil Brzg, OD Tubing
810-1385899 - Fitting, Refrigerant Piping
810-1385915 - Fitting, Pipe Composition, Flanged
810-1385992 - Flanges, CUNI 250 PSI WOG Welding Nec
(Copies of these documents are available from the applicable repositories listed in NAVSEA S0005-AE-PRO-
010/EDM. Copies of NAVSEA S0005-AE-PRO-010/EDM are available from the Naval Logistics Library, 5450
Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 or online at https://nll1.ahf.nmci.navy.mil.)

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A404734 - Fitting Assembly Data, Sil-Braze & Socket Weld “O”-Ring Seal
(Copies of this document are available from the Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, NJ
NAVSEAINST 9210.36 - Steam Plant Cleanliness Control
(Copies of this document are available online at www.navsea.navy.mil.)
S6430-AE-TED-010 - Technical Directive for Piping Devices, Flexible Hose Assemblies;
Volume 1
S6430-AE-TED-020 - Piping Devices, Flexible; Rubber Insert Sound Isolation Couplings
S9AA0-AB-GOS-010, - General Specifications for Overhaul (GSO) of Surface Ships, Section
Section 505 505, General Requirements for Piping Systems
S9AA0-AB-GOS-010, - General Specifications for Overhaul (GSO) of Surface Ships, Section
Section 542 542, Gasoline and JP-5 Systems
S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 - Requirements for Fabrication Welding and Inspection, and Casting
Inspection and Repair for Machinery, Piping, and Pressure Vessels
S9086-CJ-STM-010 - NSTM Chapter 075, Fasteners
S9086-CM-STM-010 - NSTM Chapter 078, Volume 1 – Seals
S9086-RK-STM-010 - NSTM Chapter 505, Piping Systems
S9086-VH-STM-010 - NSTM Chapter 635, Thermal, Fire, and Acoustic
S9505-A1-DDT-010 - NAVSEA Design Practices and Criteria Manual for Titanium Piping
T9500-AA-PRO-110 - NAVSEA Design Practices and Criteria Manual for Glass Reinforced
Plastic (GRP) Piping Systems, Chapter 505
(Copies of these documents are available from the Naval Logistics Library, 5450 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
17055 or online at https://nll1.ahf.nmci.navy.mil.)
2.3 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent
specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or
ASME B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS ½ through NPS 24
ASME B16.9 - Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings
ASME B16.11 - Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
ASME B16.22 - Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
ASME B16.24 - Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 150, 300,
600, 900, 1500 and 2500

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ASME B16.34 - Valves Flanged, Threaded and Welding End

ASME B31.1 - Power Piping
ASME B46.1 - Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay)
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(Copies of these documents are available from ASME International, 22 Law Drive, P.O. Box 2900, Fairfield, NJ
07007-2900 or online at www.asme.org.)
ASTM A53/A53M - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-
Coated, Welded and Seamless
ASTM A105/A105M - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications
ASTM A106/A106M - Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-
Temperature Service
ASTM A167 - Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-
Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip
ASTM A181/A181M - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings, for General-Purpose
ASTM A182/A182M - Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel
Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-
Temperature Service
ASTM A193/A193M - Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for
High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose
ASTM A194/A194M - Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for
High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both
ASTM A213/A213M - Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel
Boiler, Superheater, and Heat-Exchanger Tubes
ASTM A216/A216M - Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion
Welding, for High-Temperature Service
ASTM A217/A217M - Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Martensitic Stainless and
Alloy, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature
ASTM A234/A234M - Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and
Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service
ASTM A269 - Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless
Steel Tubing for General Service
ASTM A276 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
ASTM A312/A312M - Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked
Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes
ASTM A335/A335M - Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for
High-Temperature Service

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ASTM A351/A351M - Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic, for Pressure-Containing

ASTM A376/A376M - Standard Specification for Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for
High-Temperature Central-Station Service
ASTM A403/A403M - Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping
ASTM A449 - Standard Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts and Studs, Steel, Heat
Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, General Use
ASTM A479/A479M - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in
Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels
ASTM A530/A530M - Standard Specification for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon
and Alloy Steel Pipe
ASTM A743/A743M - Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-
Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application
ASTM B61 - Standard Specification for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings
ASTM B88 - Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube
ASTM B210 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn
Seamless Tubes
ASTM B280 - Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning
and Refrigeration Field Service
ASTM B363 - Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Unalloyed Titanium
and Titanium Alloy Welding Fittings
ASTM B367 - Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Castings
ASTM B369 - Standard Specification for Copper-Nickel Alloy Castings
ASTM B381 - Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Forgings
ASTM B443 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium
Alloy (UNS N06625) and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Silicon Alloy
(UNS N06219)* Plate, Sheet, and Strip
ASTM B444 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium
Alloys (UNS N06625 and UNS N06852) and Nickel-Chromium-
Molybdenum-Silicon Alloy (UNS N06219) Pipe and Tube
ASTM B600 - Standard Guide for Descaling and Cleaning Titanium and Titanium
Alloy Surfaces
ASTM B705 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Alloy (UNS N06625, N06219 and
N08825) Welded Pipe
ASTM B861 - Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Seamless Pipe
ASTM B862 - Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welded Pipe
ASTM D5363 - Standard Specification for Anaerobic Single-Component Adhesives
ASTM F467 - Standard Specification for Nonferrous Nuts for General Use

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ASTM F468 - Standard Specification for Nonferrous Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs
for General Use
ASTM F1347 - Standard Specification for Manually Operated Fueling Hose Reels
ASTM F1370 - Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing Valves for Water Systems,
ASTM F1387 - Standard Specification for Performance of Piping and Tubing
Mechanically Attached Fittings
ASTM F1508 - Standard Specification for Angle Style, Pressure Relief Valves for
Steam, Gas and Liquid Services
ASTM F1793 - Standard Specification for Automatic Shut-Off Valves (Also Known as
Excess Flow Valves, EFV) for Air or Nitrogen Service
(Copies of these documents are available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., P.O. Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 or online at www.astm.org.)
MSS SP-55 - Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and
Other Piping Components - Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface
MSS SP-97 - Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings – Socket Welding,
Threaded, and Buttwelding Ends
MSS SP-119 - Factory-Made Wrought Belled End Pipe Fittings for Socket-Welding
(Copies of these documents are available from MSS, 127 Park Street, N.E., Vienna, VA 22180-4602 or online at
SP0286 - Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines
(Copies of this document are available from NACE International, 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, Texas 77084-
4906 or online at www.nace.org.)
NASM 17828 - Nut, Self-Locking, Hexagon, Regular-Height, (Non-Metallic Insert)
250 Deg F, Nickel-Copper Alloy
NASM 25027 - Nut, Self-Locking, 250 Deg F, 450 Deg F, and 800 Deg F
(Copies of these documents are available from Aerospace Industries Association, 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington,
DC 20005-3924 or online at www.aia-aerospace.org.)
SAE-AMS3216 - Fluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber, High-Temperature - Fluid Resistant, Low
Compression, Set 70-80
SAE-AMS3218 - Fluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber, High-Temperature-Fluid Resistant, Low
Compression, Set 85 to 95
SAE-AMS5561 - Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welded and Drawn or Seamless and
Drawn Tubing, 9.0Mn - 20Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.28N, High-Pressure Hydraulic

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SAE-AMS7259 - Rings, Sealing, Fluorocarbon (Fkm) Rubber High-Temperature-Fluid

Resistant Low Compression Set 85 to 95
SAE-AMS7276 - Rubber: Fluorocarbon (FKM) High-Temperature-Fluid Resistant Low
Compression Set for Seals in Fuel systems and Specific Engine Oil
SAE-AMSC6183 - Cork and Rubber Composition Sheet; for Aromatic Fuel and Oil
Resistant Gaskets
SAE-AMS-H-81200 - Heat Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys
SAE-J20 - Coolant System Hoses
SAE-J514 - Hydraulic Tube Fittings
SAE-J518 - Hydraulic Flanged Tube, Pipe, and Hose Connections, Four-Bolt Split
Flange Type
SAE-J995 - Mechanical and Material Requirements for Steel Nuts
SAE-J2270 - Ship Systems and Equipment--Threaded Fasteners--Inspection, Test, and
Installation Requirements
SAE-J24714 - Fluid Systems--Connector Tubes--General Specification and Part
(Copies of these documents are available from SAE World Headquarters, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale,
PA 15096-0001 or online at www.sae.org.)
SSPC-SP 10 - Near-White Blast Cleaning
(Copies of this document are available from SSPC Publication Sales, 40 24th Street, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA
15222-4656 or online at www.sspc.org.)
2.4 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event of a conflict between
the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this
document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
This section is not applicable to this standard.
4.1 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered, or environmentally
preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible, provided that the material meets or exceeds the
operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes economically advantageous life cycle costs.
4.2 Nuclear plant piping. For piping directly associated with a nuclear plant, the requirements of sections 210
and 9890-1 of the applicable ship specifications apply in lieu of the requirements specified herein.

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4.3 Gauge piping. Pressure gauge piping requirements are specified in 803-1385850, except the root valve may
be eliminated when the gauge is located on a gauge board that is mounted on a component and is not more than 3
feet from the root connection of the gauge. The use of siphons and flexible connections as a means for providing
flexibility is not mandatory, provided the configuration of gauge piping is such that the flexibility requirements of
803-1385850 are met and objectionable vibrations are not transmitted to the gauges on the gauge board. When the
gauge/isolation test valve is not mounted on the gauge board, the jam nut and washer shall be removed.
Gauge/isolation valves to 803-6397304 may be used as alternatives to the MIL-V-24578 valves required by
4.3.1 Root valves. Root connections for instrumentation piping shall be in accordance with the following:
a. Where possible, root connections shall be made into the side of pipe or pressure vessels to minimize
problems due to air binding or accumulation of foreign materials in the gauge lines.
b. Root connections between the outlet and root valve shall be at least ¼ inch nominal pipe size (NPS).
c. Root valves shall be of the same design, material, and rating as valves in the system to which they are
connected, except stellite-faced seats are not required for root valves in steam and drain lines. However, the
hardness for these seats shall be Brinell (BHN) 225 minimum.
d. The overall size and weight of the root valves shall be kept to a minimum.
4.4 Thermometer wells. Thermometer wells shall conform to the requirements of 803-1385917 and
MIL-T-24270 using materials selected which are compatible with the materials specified for the intended service.
Materials other than those specified are acceptable, provided that they are entirely satisfactory in all respects and are
approved by NAVSEA.
4.5 Maximum material temperature. The pressure listed for the service categories contained in this schedule, in
general (although not in all cases), are system operating pressures. Temperatures indicated, with the exception of
Category A – steam systems, are the maximum expected operating temperature. In the case of most cold systems,
ambient temperatures of 150 °F have been used. For maximum allowable stresses for piping materials at various
temperatures, see section 505 of ship specs or GSO.
4.6 Fire protection. The piping systems, including support structures in high fire hazard spaces, shall be
designed to remain operational for a specified temperature, time, and heat flux. The design specification shall
specify the time, temperature, and heat flux for which various piping systems are to remain operational for each
particular region within the ship. High fire hazard spaces are those compartments protected by high-pressure water
mist, heptafluoropropane (HFP), Halon 1301, or CO2 flooding systems.
4.7 Seawater valves. Valves intended for seawater service shall have nickel-copper alloy stems, seats, discs,
disc nuts, hinge pins, and side plugs, as applicable. For valves in sizes 2½ inches and above, discs with a
nickel-copper alloy facing of ⅛-inch minimum thickness are acceptable in lieu of solid nickel-copper alloy.
Nickel-copper-aluminum or nickel-copper-silicon alloy may be used as an alternative to nickel-copper. Bronze
valves for other than seawater service may have bronze stems, seats, discs, disc nuts, hinge pins, and side plugs, as
4.8 Valve approvals. For valves (except valves on many mechanical standard drawings), fittings, and flanges,
contractor’s designs previously approved for comparable installations may be substituted for those specified, subject
to justification to and approval by NAVSEA. Extensions of the applicability of previously granted waivers or
approvals for reasons of shipbuilding expediency are not valid.
4.9 Pressure temperature ratings. For ferrous and special alloy components, selection of the pressure series
shall be made in accordance with the pressure temperature ratings of ASME B16.5 or ASME B16.34, as applicable,
unless the series is specifically designated in the applicable category. Butt-welded or socket-welded fittings shall be
of a schedule or thickness compatible with the service conditions.

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4.10 Butt-weld requirements. Butt-welded ends for valves, fittings, and flanges shall not be used for sizes
smaller than 1¼ inches, except where previously approved by NAVSEA, or where inert gas consumable insert type
butt-welds are used in sizes down to and including ½ inch, subject to qualification of the procedure by the activity
doing the welding. Socket-welded end valves, fittings, and flanges for P-1 piping may only be used in sizes up to
and including 2 inches. For welded-end steel valves, fittings, and flanges, the carbon content shall not exceed
0.35 percent.
4.11 Long-radius elbows. The use of long-radius elbows are required to minimize flow turbulence. The use of
short-radius elbows is acceptable where space conditions do not permit long-radius elbows.
4.12 Steel valve seat and disc materials. Steel valves, not covered by military specifications or standard
drawings in steam and feed systems normally operating at gauge pressures of 150 psi and above, shall have seat and
disc seating surfaces hard faced using material in accordance with type MIL-RCoCr-A of MIL-R-17131, or the
equivalent. Steel valves in steam and feed systems below 150 psi at saturation temperatures shall have either hard-
faced operating seat and disc seating surfaces as specified above, or seats and discs hardened by heat treatment.
Special normally open valves not used for throttling, such as solenoid trips, shall have seating surfaces suitable for
the service application.
4.13 Threaded joints. Straight threaded connections with seals are permitted in all systems where unions or
union-ended components are listed, subject to any notes pertaining to unions. Open-ended piping with threaded or
union connections shall be secured to prevent accidental rotation of the threaded joints. Tapered pipe threads may be
used only in the following areas:
a. Connections to commercial equipment, such as washing machines and drinking water coolers, which are
not essential to the ship under combat conditions and where failure would not create a hazard to personnel or the
surrounding area, or affect the operation of other vital equipment.
b. Pipe plugs of a material compatible with the parent equipment material in sizes ¾ inch and below used for
applications where gauge pressures do not exceed 50 psi.
c. Instrumentation, controls, vents and filling, and drain connections for applications where gauge pressures
are 50 psi and below where fluids handled are neither toxic or dangerous nor could cause atmospheric contamination
and which would not cause, in the event of failure, a major breakdown of the equipment, create a hazard to the
surrounding area, nor affect the operation of other vital equipment.
d. For equipment where taper pipe threads are specified in RR-C-901, A-A-59860, MIL-V-17360,
ASTM F1347, MIL-H-17902, and MIL-DTL-24788.
e. In unpressurized connections.
f. Quick disconnect couplings for air hose connections and spray heads for washdown countermeasure
systems, magazine sprinkling, and wet sprinkling systems.
g. Male NPT to 37-degree flare adapter fittings in accordance with SAE-J514 (3-piece assembly including nut,
sleeve, and tube) used for pneumatic (air) connection of control components to signal lines (125 psi maximum),
where materials and fittings are specifically approved.
4.14 Fire-hardened fittings. Fire-hardened fittings are defined as fittings which are welded, or which comply
with ASTM F1387, including satisfactory accomplishments of fire testing, and are approved by NAVSEA for the
intended application. Where categories and groups have been combined from previous revisions of this standard as
reflected in 5.3, only one designation from those combined categories/groups will be identified in table I and table II.
4.14.1 Fire-hardened fitting requirements. Fire-hardened fittings are required in the systems listed in table I
below, where piping is located within compartments which are served by CO2 fixed flooding or Halon 1301 fire
extinguishing systems.

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TABLE I. Fire-hardened fitting requirements (for systems in high fire hazard spaces).
Category and group Service
H-2 Contaminated aviation lube oil
J-4, J-8 Air and nitrogen, deballast (Copper and copper-nickel piping)
J-7 Prairie masker, gas turbine start (Copper and copper-nickel)
K-7 Propane (Copper and copper-nickel piping)

Fire-hardened fittings are required throughout the ship in the systems listed in table II below.

TABLE II. Fire-hardened fitting requirements.

Category and group Service
C-4 Water mist
C-1, D-1 Firemain (see notes C-1-14, D-1-11)
E-2, E-4 Fuel
F-1 Lubricating oil
G-1, G-2, G-8 Hydraulic oil
H-1 Gasoline
I-1 JP-5
J-1, J-3, J-5, J-6, J-9 Air and nitrogen
J-4, J-7 Air [steel and corrosion-resistant steel (CRES) piping]
K-1, K-2, K-3 Gaseous oxygen
K-4, K-5, K-6 Liquid oxygen, mixed gas
N-1 Sprinkling system (dry)
N-2 Magazine sprinkling system (wet and dry)
R-1 Oily waste drains
S-1 Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) and AFFF/seawater
T-2 HFP and Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems
T-3 HFP and Halon, actuation

4.15 Silver-brazed fitting requirements. Silver-brazed fittings shall be of the pre-inserted ring type, except as
a. In sizes ½-inch NPS and below.
b. Fittings without pre-inserted brazing rings may be used in the refrigeration system (see Category Q-1).
c. Expanded copper sleeves without pre-inserted brazing rings may be used in the inner wall of a
double-walled gasoline piping system.
d. Joints for bellmouth to pipe for tailpipes within tanks.
e. Bronze fittings without pre-inserted brazing rings may be used in the air conditioning chilled water
condensate drain system.
4.16 Fasteners. This standard identifies material to be used in flange bolting. Additional guidance for generic
fastener application is provided in S9086-CJ-STM-010/075.
a. Flanged joint fastener external threads shall be UNC-2A for fasteners up to 1-inch diameter. Flanged joint
fastener external threads shall be UNC-2A or 8-UN-2A for fasteners larger than 1-inch diameter. Flanged joint
internal threads shall be UNC-2B for fasteners up to 1-inch diameter. Flanged joint fastener internal threads shall be
UNC-2B or 8-UN-2B for fasteners larger than 1-inch diameter.
b. All Level I fasteners shall meet the requirements of MIL-DTL-1222.

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c. When applicable, each category/group lists if any commercial fastener specifications are allowed to be used
for fasteners in that group/category. For all categories/groups in this standard, if the fastener requirements are
identical to a fastener in a National Aerospace Standards-Military (NASM) sheet, the NASM Part Identification
Number shall be used. Alternative material may be substituted, subject to approval by the cognizant technical
d. Nuts on flanged joints in all tanks, non-accessible bilge regions, or locations that are otherwise inaccessible
for examination or routine replacement in-service where temperatures do not exceed 450 °F shall be self-locking
with at least one thread length extending beyond the insert when the nut is drawn up tight. The self-locking nuts
shall be rated for the temperature of the service.
e. For studs that will be set in a hole with thread-locking compound, stud nut ends shall be Class 2A fit with
Class 2B nuts, or Class 3A fit with Class 3B nuts. The setting end of the studs shall be Class 3A in Class 3B holes
locked in place with a thread-locking compound in accordance with ASTM D5363. The procedure for installing
studs with a thread-locking compound shall meet the requirements of SAE-J2270. The use of National Class 5
interference fit threads in accordance with ASME B1.12 shall be limited to the setting end of studs where the design
temperature exceeds that allowed for thread-locking compounds.
f. Nickel-copper (Ni-Cu, UNS N04400) fasteners shall be used where the joints are not readily accessible for
examination or maintenance in-service due to location of the fasteners below floor plates and in tanks or in other
hidden areas where carbon steel, brass, or bronze fasteners are specified or where subject to seawater spray or
submergence. Where nickel-copper fasteners do not meet the strength requirements of the joint, nickel-copper-
aluminum (Ni-Cu-Al, UNS N05500) in accordance with MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 500 shall be used. If nickel-copper-
aluminum fasteners are used and there are tapped holes as part of the bolted joint, the installing document shall
provide torque limits for the fasteners used in the tapped holes to prevent damaging the internal threads of the tapped
g. Nickel-copper-aluminum fasteners shall be in accordance with MIL-DTL-1222.
h. Flanged joint threaded fasteners in pump rooms and at all AFFF Pumping, Reserve and Transfer, and
Distribution Stations shall use either nickel-copper or nickel-copper-aluminum material as appropriate to provide the
required fastener strength. This does not apply to CRES piping systems, or component piping.
i. Hull integrity piping connections are defined as all flanged joints from the hull up to and including the
inboard flange of the hull valve. Included in this category are the bonnet joints of the hull valves and both line
flanges and the bonnet joint of the first valve (such as a blowout valve) in branch lines connected to piping between
the hull valve and the hull connections. Such connections shall be as follows:
(1) All bolted hull integrity piping connections, as defined above, shall be fitted with nickel-copper-
aluminum alloy fasteners in accordance with MIL-DTL-1222 and with self-locking nuts in accordance with
(2) For services involving integrity of the hull against the sea, as defined in item i above, energy
absorption shall be provided by making the mounting fasteners essentially constant strength throughout their length.
Uniform strength in bolt-studs can be achieved by:
(i) Using continuously threaded bolt-studs (the preferred method with those having roll-formed
threads being stronger than those with cut threads).
(ii) Using bolt-studs with roll-formed threads whose unthreaded shank diameter is equal to the
pitch diameter.
(iii) Reducing the unthreaded shank diameter of bolt studs to the minor diameter when cut threads
are used.
(3) Bonnet joints for the hull valves are not required to be designed for energy absorption, unless the valve
bonnet joints receive essentially the same loading from hydraulic shock as the outboard flanged joint or use the same
size fasteners as the flanged joint.
j. Where individual categories specify both non-ferrous and ferrous fasteners, the ferrous fasteners may be
used on steel and stainless steel bolted joints unless non-ferrous fasteners are required for considerations discussed

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4.17 Brass fastener restriction. Brass fasteners shall not be used in stressed applications, or in applications
operating above 250 °F, for any piping system or component. Additional restrictions and warnings for “black oxide”
coated brass fasteners are as specified in S9086-CJ-STM-010/075.
4.18 Flange finishes. The machine surface finish of gasket mating surfaces on flanges in piping systems and
connected components shall be in accordance with ASME B46.1 and as follows (Unless otherwise specified in the
flange specification referenced on the propulsion plant fluid system diagram, the requirements of this section shall
be used for gasket mating surfaces on flanges in piping systems and connected components.):
a. Non-ferrous and ferrous flanges for use with sheet gaskets:
(1) For flanges of nominal size of 12 inches or less, a finish with circular lay (concentric) of 500 to 1000 or
circular lay (spiral) of 125 to 250 roughness average (Ra) produced by machining 30 to 80 serrations of uniform
depth per inch of face width.
(2) For flanges of nominal size over 12 inches, the requirements shall be the same, except that 21 to 80
serrations per inch of flange face width may be used.
(3) For flanges where the flange face cannot be turned and tool marks run across the flange face, the
surface finish shall have a maximum roughness average (Ra) of 500 µ-inches.
b. Flanges for O-ring seals shall be finished in accordance with S9086-CM-STM-010/078.
c. Ferrous flanges for use with spiral wound (metallic) gaskets:
(1) A finish with a circular lay (concentric or spiral) of 125 to 250 Ra, produced by machining of 45
through 55 serrations of uniform depth per inch of flange face width.
(2) For flanges where the flange face cannot be turned and tool marks run across the flange face, the
surface finish shall be 63 to 125 Ra.
(3) For special installations involving radioactive service or hazardous fluids (toxic or explosive) where a
finer finish is required, the requirements shall be the same as above, except that the finish shall be 125 Ra or better.
4.19 Weld joint requirements. Weld joint and backing ring design shall comply with MIL-STD-22 and the
applicable NAVSEA fabrication document (e.g., S9074-AR-GIB-010/278). Fillet welds on titanium piping,
including belled-end fittings, socket joints and couplings, require NAVSEA approval.
4.19.1 Titanium weld restrictions. Fillet welds on titanium piping, including belled-end fittings, socket joints
and couplings require NAVSEA approval following demonstration of adequacy in shock loading. Welds shall
conform to fabrication document and 4.47 as applicable.
4.20 Flange facings. Flat face non-ferrous flanges shall not be mated with raised face steel flanges. Steel
flanges shall be of the flat face or raised face type.
4.21 Welded branch outlets. Welded branch connections can be effected by the following techniques:
a. Extruded
b. Saddle
c. Boss
d. Integrally reinforced branch outlet or integrally reinforced insert butt-welding pipe fitting
e. Weld miter for non-pressure services
f. Branch connections in accordance with MIL-STD-22, or as approved
For seawater piping, the following limitation applies to (b) and (c). Welded outlets may be used where the velocity
is normally below 10 feet per second, provided the bore of the outlet is chamfered and the corner at the inside
diameter of the pipe is rounded so turbulence is minimized.
Extruded and saddle-type branch connections shall be designed to meet the requirements of ASME B31.1.

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4.22 Branch connections. Unreinforced branch connections (a connection where the branch pipe is attached
directly to the pipe run by welding and joint fabrication does not include the techniques specified in 4.21.c and d)
shall not be used in any system where the design gauge pressure is over 150 psi or the design temperature is over
450 °F. The required reinforcement shall not be obtained via weld build-up, and any branch connection fabricated
by the use of welding only will be considered as un-reinforced.
4.23 Packing requirements. Only oil-free packing and gaskets shall be used in valves and components on
nuclear-powered ships in secondary plant systems.
4.24 Bulkhead penetrations. Standard bulkhead penetration fittings are shown in 803-1385866 and
4.24.1 Titanium piping penetrations. 803-1385866 shall be modified as follows for systems using titanium
a. Titanium pipe penetrations through decks may be accomplished with contractor-selected designs that do not
require welding. These penetrations are subject to the following restrictions:
(1) Penetrations not directly welded or swaged to the pipe shall not be used in tanks, at tank boundaries, or
in applications subject to sea pressure.
(2) The penetration shall meet Grade A shock requirements.
(3) New penetration designs shall be approved by NAVSEA. Approval shall consider all aspects of design
including shock and fire test procedures and results.
(5) The penetration sleeve interior shall be coated with one coat, 1.0 mil dry film thickness, inorganic zinc
silicate or similar.
b. Titanium penetrations through tank boundaries and through bulkheads, other than non-tight, shall be
accomplished using flanged sleeves as approved by NAVSEA. Prior to use, the penetration design shall be
fire-tested in accordance with NAVSEA-approved procedures.
Where titanium pipe is insulated, flanged joints and watertight boundary penetrations shall be fitted with removable
covers in accordance with MIL-STD-769 and S9086-VH-STM-010/635, as applicable. Where metal lagging is
required, the lagging shall also be removable and reusable.
4.24.2 Sleeve requirements. Non-insulated type sleeves may be used for temperatures between 50 to 400 °F
inclusive. Alternative construction may be used, subject to Supervisor of Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP) or NAVSEA
4.25 Union joints. Ground joint union bonnets shall not be used in vacuum service unless the bonnet design
utilizes an O-ring or gasket seal which is totally captured. Ground joint unions, in accordance with MIL-F-1183,
shall not be used for shipboard piping applications unless an O-ring gasket and a retainer ring are used as a
secondary seal. In lieu of O-ring gaskets and retaining rings, flat washers may be used as an alternative secondary
seal in accordance with tables III and IV below.
4.25.1 Union nuts. Material selected for union nuts shall prevent or minimize galling of threadpiece or nut
threads. Union nuts shall not be made from silicon-aluminum-bronze (UNS C64200) due to stress-corrosion

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TABLE III. Gasket materials and ratings.

Service ASTM D2000 Commercial

Polymer Restrictions
temperature (°F) material ratings product

Garlock® Style Acrylo- Not for use in Phosphate

-30 to 200 BF 614 or BF 618
361 or equal Nitrile Ester based hydraulic fluid
3BA610 B13 C12 Z1* or
DA610 Not for use when
Garlock® Style Ethylene
-30 to 275 petroleum products may
563 or equal Propylene
be present
*Z1 – Polymer EP
3HK710 A2 – 10 B37 Recommended for
EO78 Z1 Z2* Vitron® GF services exceeding 275 °F
ThermodynTM Peroxide or exceeding 200 °F in
-30 to 425
TH-7070-FGC cured FKM cases where Ethylene
*Z1 – 70-80 Durometer or equal Propylene is inappropriate
Z2 – Peroxide cured FKM (see above)

TABLE IV. Gasket dimensions.

Union size Outside Inside

NPS diameter diameter

¼ 0.094 0.922 0.609

⅜ 0.094 1.094 0.775
½ 0.094 1.313 0.984
¾ 0.094 1.609 1.203
1 0.125 1.922 1.484
1¼ 0.125 2.359 1.828
1½ 0.125 2.656 2.109
2 0.125 3.266 2.625

NOTE: All dimensions are in inches with a tolerance of ±1⁄64 inch.

4.26 Gaskets. Gaskets noted in this standard are for line joints only. (Asbestos gaskets are prohibited for line
joints and components.)
a. Hybrid gaskets for hydrocarbon applications shall be qualified to MIL-PRF-32187. Where
MIL-PRF-32187 gaskets are used, flange surface shall meet the finish requirements of ASME B16.5. Where hybrid
gaskets are used in non-ferrous applications, carrier ring shall extend to flange outside diameter. Where tables offer
a choice of materials, hybrids shall be used when all of the following apply:
(1) System design is within the pressure-temperature rating of the gasket.
(2) System is required to be fire-hardened in accordance with 4.14.
(3) Flange or component design specifications require a gasket seating surface finish equal to
ASME B16.5 requirements.
b. Monofilament nylon reinforced gaskets shall be constructed to 804-5284201, Types 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Approved materials to this standard are:

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(1) 804-5284201, Type 1-UNAFLEX® SBR CI-Type #96

(2) 804-5284201, Type 2-UNAFLEX® Neoprene CI Sheet-Type #87
(3) 804-5284201, Type 3
(4) 804-5284201, Type 4-UNAFLEX® Buna-N CI
Where monofilament reinforced material is used in gasoline and JP-5 service, thickness shall be ⅛ inch and not
subject to compression limits specified in S9AA0-AB-GOS-010, Section 542.
c. Pikotek gaskets for galvanic isolation in titanium systems are required in accordance with 4.44.
d. Fluorocarbon seals shall not be used in systems with cleanliness controls in accordance with
NAVSEAINST 9210.36. Included would be O-rings in accordance with SAE-AMS7276 and SAE-AMS7259,
gaskets in accordance with SAE-AMS3216 and SAE-AMS3218 and union seals discussed in table III.
e. Spiral wound gaskets shall be in accordance with MIL-G-24716. Where normally exposed to seawater,
Class C shall be specified.
f. Where rubber sheet gaskets are specified, precautions shall be taken to avoid pickling the joint containing
the gasket using compounds or solutions containing hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, or sodium bisulphate.
4.27 Missile systems. Only metallic piping components shall be used in missile blast areas.
4.28 Slip-on joints. Slip-on flanges shall not be used, except as noted herein.
4.29 Steam generators. The term “steam generator”, as used in this standard, is applicable to both nuclear and
non-nuclear ship installations.
4.30 Butterfly valves. Butterfly valve applications shall be in accordance with the following:
a. Butterfly valves are permitted only when specified in the service categories within this standard.
b. Synthetic seated butterfly valves shall not be used in severe throttling applications where the gauge pressure
drop exceeds 50 psi or the valve opening is less than 20 degrees; only metal-to-metal seated butterfly valves may be
used in these applications.
c. Synthetic seated or metal-to-metal seated butterfly valves shall not be used in the following applications:
(1) As seawater system hull valves.
(2) For seawater application in locations where a non-metallic flexible fitting is installed, the isolation of
which is dependent upon closure of a single valve.
(3) Bulkhead damage control cutout valves in main and secondary drainage, gasoline, and oil systems.
(4) Firemain and AFFF segregation valves, except for triple offset high performance butterfly valves.
(That is, those required to set material conditions Yoke and Zebra).
(5) Oil and gasoline tank cutout valves, except where the valve is installed inside a tank or where the valve
is outside of the tank above the tank top.
4.31 Fuel piping run rules. JP-5 and fuel pipe material special applications (cargo JP-5 and cargo oil tanks
refers to those convertible cargo tanks intended for selective stowage of JP-5 or fuel) shall be in accordance with the
a. Piping passing through JP-5 or cargo JP-5 and cargo oil tanks shall be 70-30 copper-nickel or shall be
completely externally coated with the same coating material used on the interior of the tank.
b. Piping terminating within a JP-5 or cargo JP-5 and cargo oil tanks shall be 70-30 copper-nickel up to the
first stop valve (for sounding tubes, overflows, and air escapes up to the first connector beyond tank boundary). If
the first stop valve is within the tank in which the piping terminates, that section of the piping beyond the stop valve,
but still within the tank, shall be 70-30 copper-nickel or shall be completely externally coated with the same coating
material used on the interior of the tank.
c. Piping passing through ships’ fuel tanks which stows fuel for use in diesel or gas turbine engines shall be
70-30 copper-nickel or shall be completely externally coated with the same coating material used on the interior of
the tank.

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d. Fuel piping passing through clean seawater ballast tanks shall be 70-30 copper-nickel. There shall be no
flanged joints in the fuel piping within the ballast tanks.
e. Valves located within JP-5 or cargo JP-5 and cargo oil tanks shall be of non-ferrous material.
4.32 Butt-welded fittings. All butt-welding elbows and return bends shall have ½-inch minimum tangents. For
commercial fittings, the ½-inch minimum tangents shall be outside the ASME radius dimension. Tangents on fittings
may be omitted where consumable inserts are used or where welding without backing rings is permitted. In
copper-nickel systems where butt-welded construction is used, fittings specified to be in accordance with
810-1385880 may be designed to the dimensions of ASME B16.9 with a minimum of ½-inch tangent on elbows
outside the ASME dimension.
4.33 Bessemer steel restriction. Pipe or tube made from Bessemer steel shall not be used in any piping system.
4.34 Flexible hose fittings. Where not specified in the tables herein, hose, hose couplings, and other flexible
devices used in piping configuration for noise attenuation, or piping connections to resiliently mounted equipment,
shall be compatible in all respects with the other components in the system concerned. Flexible piping devices shall
be in accordance with the following:
a. Flexible hose assemblies: S6430-AE-TED-010, except hose assemblies in potable water systems which are
not protected by an air gap backflow preventer, anti-siphon, or other approved device shall be AEROQUIP 2807 or
Preece P1-301, or equal.
b. Rubber Inserted Sound Isolation Couplings (RISIC): S6430-AE-TED-020.
c. Hoses for connecting non-pressurized condensate gravity drains from cooling units to drain piping may be
in accordance with SAE-J20 R1 and attached using clamps.
4.35 Valve handwheel requirements. Where commercial valves are used, handwheels 10 inches and less may
be of commercial design and materials, except that cast iron shall not be used. Handwheels shall be cast or forged.
Aluminum or other non-ferrous material for handwheels shall not be used in remotely operated damage control
4.36 Cast valve material. For seawater and JP-5 systems, wherever cast valve bronze (in accordance with
ASTM B61) is specified, cast 70-30 copper-nickel (in accordance with ASTM B369) may be used. ASME
requirements identified in ASTM B369 for C96200 material should be extended to the 70-30 C96400 material and
applied to cast parts used for this application. In addition, supplemental requirements of ASTM B369, as well as
weldability testing for cast valves, should be specified in the purchase order.
4.36.1 Weld repair of copper-nickel castings. Weld repair of 70-30 copper-nickel castings is allowed, subject
to the requirements of S9074-AR-GIB-010/278.
4.37 Flange and fitting construction. Flanges shall not be fabricated from bar stock material. Additionally,
fittings other than couplings and concentric reducers shall not be fabricated from bar stock material unless a specific
document or drawing permits such construction.
4.38 Hydrostatic testing of forgings. Hydrostatic testing of forged outlets and fittings prior to installation is not
4.39 Casting inspections. For the radiographic and non-destructive inspection requirements of cast piping
system components, refer to the applicable ship specifications and requirements for cast piping components based on
fluid service and pressure defined in S9074-AR-GIB-010/278.
4.40 Large ball valves. Where an 8- or 10-inch ball valve is required, it shall meet the design, material, and test
requirements of 803-5001004, extrapolated for the larger size. Modification for power operation shall be made
when required.
4.41 Flaring test. The flaring test for piping in accordance with MIL-P-24691/1 is not required.

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4.42 Approval of commercial items. Use of special or commercial items not covered by this standard, and for
items where the material or applicable document contains the word “commercial”, or has not been designated, shall
be subject to approval by the cognizant SUPSHIP, Naval Shipyard, or NAVSEA. Included shall be valves qualified
to ASTM specifications.
4.43 GRP applications. Specific categories and groups contained in this document allow the use of glass-
reinforced plastic (GRP) pipe and fittings. The maximum system operating temperature, which includes casualty
conditions, shall not exceed 150 °F. GRP piping shall be in accordance with T9500-AA-PRO-110. The total
amount of GRP piping in a space shall not exceed 25 pounds per 1000 cubic feet of volume for empty pipe
situations, and 50 pounds per 1000 cubic feet of volume for flowing or stagnant pipe situation. When authorized,
GRP installations shall be in accordance with applicable system material requirements as well as material identified
in Category C-3.
4.44 Titanium applications. Material and installations contained herein have been developed for P-2 systems as
categorized in S9074-AR-GIB-010/278. Titanium piping shall be installed in accordance with S9505-A1-DDT-010
and tested in accordance with 505-8289963. Titanium piping and fittings shall be galvanically isolated from
titanium and non-titanium materials wherever applicable, including, but not limited to, flanged joints, pipe hangers,
control and instrumentation connection, and electrically isolated from ship’s ground. The interaction of grounded
titanium bulkhead and deck penetrations with the closest grounded non-titanium component shall be evaluated for
possible galvanic interaction. Analyses to predict the magnitude of any potential galvanic corrosion, and proposed
measures to reduce its effects, shall be approved. NACE International Standard SP0286 may be used for guidance.
If any conflicts between the application of the NACE Standard and the requirements of these specifications arise, the
requirements of these specifications shall take precedence. If isolation in accordance with the NACE Standard is not
practical for any of the above interfaces, alternative galvanic corrosion countermeasures shall be submitted for
approval. Isolation materials selected shall be compatible with the intended pressure and service and shall not
present fire, safety, or other hazards.
4.44.1 Flange face inserts. Flange inserts may corrode or otherwise deteriorate in seawater, such as those with
exposed stainless steel reinforcement, and shall not be used. Insert and O-ring materials, such as fluorocarbon
rubbers, shall be resistant to seawater with a low concentration (0.5 ppm) of chlorine solution. Flange face inserts
shall be flush with the outside diameter of the metal joints, and grooved on both sides to accept and retain O-rings.
The inserts shall have a thickness of not less than 0.125 inch.
4.44.2 Insulating gasket kits. Insulating gasket kits, Pikotek PGE-10 or equal, shall be used; series
C36510XXXX-N for ASME B16.5, Class 150 flanges, series C3751XXXX-N for Navy flanges.
4.44.3 Insulating sleeves and washers. Insulating sleeves shall be used on all flanged joint fasteners. Insulating
washers, in addition to all standard required washers, shall be used under all bolt heads and nuts. The insulating
washer shall be installed between the standard washer and the flange. A combined insulating sleeve/insulating
washer may be used.
4.44.4 Isolation testing. Isolation testing shall be performed before and after the joint is wetted (piping system
in operation) in accordance with 505-8289963. Measurements shall be incorporated into and discussed in the
appropriate chapter(s) of the Ship Information Book (SIB) and the Ship’s Preventive Maintenance System (PMS)
Documents, including the recommended periodicity of the measurements.
4.44.5 Material requirements. Grade 2 titanium for piping, valve components, flanges, and fittings shall be
procured in accordance with listed specifications and the following additional requirements unless otherwise
approved by NAVSEA:
a. Maximum iron content is not to exceed 0.20 weight percent.
b. Maximum oxygen content is not to exceed 0.20 weight percent.
c. Except for castings, maximum yield strength shall be 60,000 psi unless otherwise approved by the
purchaser. Maximum yield strength for castings and other materials shall not exceed 65,000 psi in any case.
d. Fittings fabricated by welding and fittings formed from pipe shall be supplied in the stress relieved
condition. Welded seam pipe may be supplied in the as welded condition, except that if forming is also employed
during manufacture, stress relieving is required unless exempted by ASTM B862.

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e. Forgings, seamless pipe, and fittings other than those of d above, shall be supplied in the annealed
condition. For castings, ASTM B367 supplemental requirement S5 Hot Isostatic Pressing shall apply, and times and
temperatures shall be proposed by the foundry for acceptance by the purchaser.
f. Heat treatment shall be performed in accordance with SAE-AMS-H-81200 in a vacuum or inert gas
atmosphere except as further specified herein.
(1) Stress relief holding temperature shall be 1000 to 1100 °F. Holding time for stress relief shall be 0.5
hr/in of wall thickness but no less than 20 minutes.
(2) Annealing temperature and holding time shall be in accordance with SAE-AMS-H-81200.
(3) Cooling rate equivalent to air cooling is required for all heat treatments.
(4) Cooling to 800 °F shall be in a vacuum or inert gas atmosphere except as further specified here. Air
cooling below 800 °F is acceptable.
(5) Where approved by the purchaser, cooling to 800 °F and heating may be performed in other
atmospheres allowed by SAE-AMS-H-81200 provided that:
(a) All contamination is removed as required therein, and
(b) At least 0.015" of material is removed from all surfaces unless otherwise approved by the
purchaser, and
(c) The cleaning requirements of SAE-AMS-H-81200 and ASTM B600 shall be met as a minimum
g. Final analysis for hydrogen shall be performed in accordance with SAE-AMS-H-81200 after completion of
all heat treatment and chemical processing involving hydrogen evolution.
h. Except for castings, metallographic examination for surface contamination shall be performed in
accordance with SAE-AMS-H-81200 after all heat treatments and chemical removal processing, and shall assure
absence of any oxygen rich layer such as alpha case. Castings shall be free of oxygen rich layers on all surfaces
unless it will be removed by subsequent machining and is specifically allowed by the purchaser. Metallographic
testing of castings is not required.
i. Fittings fabricated by welding shall be as follows: There shall be no more than two longitudinal welds.
Miter joints and tees fabricated by intersecting pipes are not permitted. Intersecting welds are not permitted. Welds
shall be full penetration; and permanent backing strips are not permitted. Weld reinforcement shall not exceed 1⁄16
inch on the inside or outside surfaces.
j. Welding procedures and welders for seam welded pipe and fabricated fittings shall be in accordance with
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX or S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248.
k. Prior to welding, the Government will have accepted the welding procedure qualification data, the welding
procedure, and the color acceptance criteria for welds along with the manufacturer’s requirements for (1) assuring
acceptable inert gas dew point at the welding torch, (2) tooling and cleaning used for ID and OD weld joint surfaces,
(3) color discrimination testing for welders and visual inspectors, and (4) filler material cleaning.
l. Pipe welded by United States titanium mills is exempt from the requirement of 4.44.5.k.
m. Materials are intended for, and shall be suitable for, welded applications and also bending for piping.
n. For castings the following shall apply:
(1) The following Supplemental Requirements of ASTM B367 shall apply: S-3 Examination of Weld
Preparation (except visual inspection at 5X magnification shall be used in lieu of dye penetrant), S6 Tension Test,
and S8 Hardness Test. If tensile specimens are removed from a separately cast test block, then test block dimensions
shall be large enough to accurately represent the actual casting in accordance with good industry practice.
(2) Repair welding shall be performed with welding procedures and welding personnel conforming to
4.44.5.j and k.
(3) If multiple castings and limited foundry experience exists, the sample casting requirement of
S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 Section 12 shall apply.

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o. Titanium materials shall be supplied with a copy of the dated manufacturer’s certificate verifying the lot of
material has been produced, inspected, and tested in accordance with the requirements of the cited industry
specifications and the requirements of this document, and shall include the actual results of the chemical analysis,
mechanical property tests, hardness tests, metallographic examination, and non-destructive test inspections
performed, as well as any rejectable results and re-test results. For castings, repair weld liquid penetrant inspection
results, and the location and size of any repair weld exceeding 20 percent of the casting wall thickness shall be
4.44.6 Non destructive testing of grade 2 titanium material for class P-2 piping. The following requirements
shall be met in addition to the requirements of the governing material specification.
a. Six inches of one random fabrication weld in each welded fitting shall be radiographically inspected
according to UW-52 of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 1, or to
S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 and Class 2 criteria. Any reject shall require this same radiographic inspection of the entire
length of both welds in the fitting, and any repair welds.
b. Seam welded titanium pipe shall be radiographically inspected in accordance with supplemental
requirement S1.2.2 of ASTM B862.
c. All welds (each pass and the final weld OD and ID surface), including casting repair welds, shall be of a
shiny, silvery color in the as-deposited condition. Other conditions shall cause rejection of the entire weld except
that welds inspected in accordance with and conforming to the color requirements of S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 are
also acceptable.
d. Completed welds shall also meet the visual inspection acceptance criteria of MIL-STD-2035, Class 2, or
ASME B31.1, or equivalent standard.
e. For castings, surfaces shall be free of defects exceeding MSS SP-55. In addition ASTM B367
Supplemental Requirement S2 Liquid Penetrant Examination shall apply to accessible casting surfaces and any
repair welds. Acceptance criteria shall be as follows:
(1) Repair welds shall be free of linear dye penetrant indications greater than 1⁄16 inch.
(2) Casting surfaces shall meet the acceptance criteria of MIL-STD-2035 for casting linear indications as
follows: Class 1 for wall thicknesses less than 1 inch; Class 2 for wall thicknesses 1 inch to 3 inches; Class 3 for
thicknesses over 3 inches.
4.45 Marking. Marking of piping components shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-792.
4.46 Mechanically attached fittings (MAFs). Fittings utilizing mechanical means of attachment to piping (for
example: crimping, ring locking, heat shrinking, flareless mechanical bite type) are available from commercial
suppliers, but these fittings are not approved for general shipboard use. Limited approvals for specific MAF types
and compositions have been granted, but only for use in certain ship compartments and piping systems. MAFs are
not permitted in applications where socket-welds are not allowed due to crevice corrosion. MAFs for consideration
shall be compliant with ASTM F1387 including the supplementary requirements in whole. System applications for
MAF use shall be as permitted by appropriate contractual document or approved by cognizant NAVSEA 05
Technical Warrant Holder for the particular system. MAFs previously subjected to testing are identified in
S9086-RK-STM-010/505. Only approved MAFs that have passed fire test requirements of ASTM F1387 shall be
used where fire-hardened fittings are required (see 4.14.1) or in systems that do not allow silver-brazed fittings.
Except for training purposes, there are no joint record requirements for currently approved MAFs.
4.47 Belled-end fittings and slip-on couplings. Belled-end fittings in accordance with Manufacturer’s
Standardization Society (MSS) SP-119, with the exception of couplings, are approved for systems defined by
S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 as P-2 piping. Requirements and limitations for the fabrication, installation, welding, and
system analysis are defined in S9AA0-AB-GOS-010, Section 505. Use of couplings to MSS SP-119 is approved
based on mandatory supplemental and installation requirements defined in S9AA0-AB-GOS-010, Section 505.
4.48 Commercial item requirements. Use of special or commercial items not covered by this schedule and for
items where the material or applicable document contains the word “commercial”, or has not been designated, shall
be subject to approval by the cognizant SUPSHIP or NAVSEA.

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4.48.1 Commercial plumbing material. For piping designed and routed in accordance with applicable ship
specifications, commercial plumbing fittings, excluding PVC, are permitted downstream of a piping cutout valve in
washrooms and in plumbing applications in spaces serviced by deck drains. Fittings shall be in accordance with
ASME A112.18, or as approved.
4.49 Relief valves.
4.49.1 MIL-V-20065 relief valves. MIL-V-20065 relief valves shall be modified as follows:
a. In table I for discs and seat rings in columns for compositions A, B, and D, change “ASTM A276” to read
“ASTM A276 or ASTM A479/A479M.”
4.49.2 MIL-V-24332 relief valves. MIL-V-24332 relief valves shall be modified as follows:
a. In table I for discs, seat rings, and stems in columns for Grades A and B, change “ASTM A276” to read
“ASTM A276 or ASTM A479/A479M.”
b. Gaskets to be in accordance with system categories specified herein.
4.50 Stainless steel piping. Where ASTM A312/A312M is identified as an alternative to MIL-P-24691, the
intergranular corrosion and flattening tests of MIL-P-24691/3 are invoked. Where stainless piping is specified,
minimum thickness shall be Sch 10S.
4.51 Valve actuators. Valve electric actuators shall be in accordance with DOD-V-24657.
5.1 Service categories and groups. Detailed requirements for piping systems are provided herein in tables
arranged by service category and piping system groups. In general, service categories refer to the types of fluids
handled, while system groups are designated according to piping pressure and temperature requirements. For
example, the table for Category Group G-1 provides detailed requirements for all piping in the first system group
(3000 psig, 180 °F, hydraulic service) of Category G (hydraulics).
5.2 Using the tables. For each service category and group, the reference to maximum systems for pressure and
temperature is not meant to infer that only systems with these conditions are applicable to the category and group;
only that the components and materials identified are suitable up to these maximum conditions, unless notes within a
category and group identify other limitations. The contractor or installing activity shall be responsible for matching
system requirements as closely as possible with the applicable category and group.
5.3 Category and group listing. The list below identifies the category and group combinations whose
requirements are tabulated in this standard. The “date” column shows the date of the most recent update or change
for each table. Category and groups have been combined from previous revisions of this standard as shown below.
Where requirements are specified for a single category and group, they shall apply to all of the category/groups
within that combined group.

Service Date
and group
A-1 Steam and steam drains, 1500 psig/1000 °F 30 March 2012
A-2 Steam and steam drains, 1500 psig/775 °F 30 March 2012
A-3 Propulsion plant saturated steam and steam drains, 600 to 1500 psig/775 °F 30 March 2012
A-4 and A-7 Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/875 °F 30 March 2012
A-5 Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/775 °F 30 March 2012
A-6 Steam and steam drains, 150 psig/775 °F 30 March 2012
A-8 Steam and steam drains for auxiliary boiler, reboiler, and waste heat boiler 30 March 2012
installation only, 150 psig/366 °F (sat)

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Service Date
and group
A-9 Steam system overboard discharge, steam generator blowdown, 1500/600 30 March 2012
psig/650 °F
A-10 High pressure steam drains between low point trap, drain strainer orifice/orifice 30 March 2012
plate assembly discharge stop-check valve and DFT or gland exhaust piping from
turbines, discharge main, 100 psig/425 °F
B-1 Feed systems, 600 psig, 400 °F; 1200 psig, 475 °F 30 March 2012
B-2 Propulsion plant saturated feed system, 600 to 2050 psig/300 °F 30 March 2012
C-1 and C-2 Freshwater, including feed, chilled water, condensate, electronic freshwater 30 March 2012
cooling, potable, freshwater firefighting, and gas turbine washdown, 200 psig/250
C-2 Freshwater, feed water and condensate, including potable, gas turbine washdown, 30 March 2012
100 psig/250 °F
C-3 Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), 200 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
C-4 Water mist fire fighting, 1500 psig/140 °F 30 March 2012
C-5 High purity water, 150 psig/140 °F 30 March 2012
D-1 and D-3 Seawater, including firemain, main and secondary drainage, ballast, 250 psig/150 30 March 2012
D-2 Seawater missile injection system between freshwater accumulating tank and 30 March 2012
nozzles, main and secondary drainage, ballast and oily waste transfer, 400
psig/150 °F
D-4 Seawater, firemain, sodium hypochlorite disinfection treatment 30 March 2012
E-2, E-3 and Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 600 psig 30 March 2012
E-4 and U-1 Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 200 psig 30 March 2012
F-1 Lubricating oil, 150 psig/250 °F 30 March 2012
G-1, G-3, Hydraulic service, 3000 psig, 180 °F 30 March 2012
G-4, and G-5
G-2, G-6, Low pressure hydraulic (including lines), 400 psig/180 °F 30 March 2012
and G-7
G-8 Hydraulic service, 6000 psig/200 °F 30 March 2012
H-1 Gasoline, 150 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
H-2 Cleaning fluid and contaminated aviation lubricating system, 100 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
I-1 JP-5 fuel service, filling transfer, tank stripping, and auxiliary JP-5, 200 psig/100 30 March 2012
J-1 and J-2 Air, nitrogen and helium, 6000 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
J-3 Air and nitrogen, 600 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
J-4 Air and nitrogen, 200 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
J-5 Air, and bleed-off, 150 psig/550 °F 30 March 2012
J-6 Air, gas turbine starting and prairie masker, 150 psig/450 °F 30 March 2012
J-7 Air, prairie-masker, gas turbine starting, 100 psig/600 °F 30 March 2012
J-8 Air deballast, 50 psig/400 °F 30 March 2012
J-9 Air, gas turbine bleed, anti-icing, 300 psig/950 °F 30 March 2012

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Service Date
and group
K-1 Gaseous oxygen, outside hull, 4500 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
K-2 Gaseous oxygen, inside hull, 4500 psig/ambient 30 March 2012
K-3 Gaseous oxygen, 100 psig/ambient 30 March 2012
K-4 Liquid oxygen and nitrogen, 6000 psig 30 March 2012
K-5 Liquid oxygen and nitrogen, 250 psig 30 March 2012
K-6 Mixed gas, 4500 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
K-7 Propane, 200 psig 30 March 2012
L-1 Cooling, (electronic equipment, diesel equipment, diesel engine, and so forth) – 30 March 2012
ethylene glycol, freshwater solution, distilled water solution, 150 psig/200 °F
M-1 Seawater-washdown countermeasure system, 200 psig/100 °F 30 March 2012
N-1 Sprinkling system (dry) other than AFFF and magazine, 175 psig/100 °F 30 March 2012
N-2 Magazine sprinkling system (wet and dry), 175 psig 30 March 2012
N-3 Miscellaneous seawater sprinkling systems (sprinkling other than AFFF, 30 March 2012
magazine, and countermeasure washdown), 175 psig
O-1 Diesel, incinerator, and gas turbine exhaust, and sewage treatment, 1200 °F 30 March 2012
O-2 Diesel exhaust, subject to salt water spray for IR suppression, 850 °F 30 March 2012
P-1 Boiler safety valve and super-heater outlet safety valve escape, 150 psig/850 °F 30 March 2012
P-2 Nuclear steam generator escape piping to transition joint, 150 psig/350 °F 30 March 2012
P-3 Nuclear steam generator escape piping - transition to overboard, 150 psig/350 °F 30 March 2012
Q-1 Refrigerant piping, 30 inches vacuum to 300 psig/minus 85 °F to plus 250 °F 30 March 2012
R-1 Waste water, oily water drainage, oily waste transfer, weather deck drainage 30 March 2012
systems, and contaminated deck drains, 50 psig/150 °F
R-2 Chemical drains, 30 psig/150 °F 30 March 2012
R-3 Plumbing drains and vents, interior space deck drains and AC condensate drains, 30 March 2012
50 psig/150 °F
R-4 Sewage collection, holding, and transfer (CHT) and vacuum collection, holding, 30 March 2012
and transfer (VCHT), 100 psig/150 °F
S-1 Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW solution, 250 psig 30 March 2012
T-2 HFP and Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems, 1170 psig/140 °F 30 March 2012
T-3 CO2 actuation for HFP and Halon fire extinguishing systems, 2080 psig/200 °F 30 March 2012
U-1 See Categories E-2, E-3, or E-4
Y-1 and Y-2 Overflows, sounding tubes, vents and air escapes for JP-5, fuel, lubricating oil, 30 March 2012
oily tanks, 100 psig/150 °F
Y-3 Overflows, sounding tubes, vents, and air escapes for other than fuel tanks 30 March 2012
[freshwater (except potable) clean ballast, voids, etc.], 50 psig/150 °F
Y-4 Vents, reduction gear, 5 psig/ambient 30 March 2012

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TABLE V. Category A-1, Steam and steam drains, 1500 psig/1000 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-1 Steam and steam drains 1500 1000 See 4.39
See note A-1-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Chrome molybdenum alloy steel ASTM A335/A335M, Grade P11 See 4.41
MIL-P-24691/2, Grade P11
Valves Globe/angle stop and stop-check, Chrome molybdenum alloy steel, 803-5184193 Socket-weld ends
¼ to 2 NPS ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11,
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and or ASTM A217/A217M, Grade MIL-V-22052 Butt-weld ends
stop-check, 2½ NPS and above WC-6
Swing/lift-check Commercial See note A-1-2
Astern MIL-V-22682

Gate, 2½ NPS and above MIL-V-18110 See note A-1-1
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-17848 Flanged ends only

Control MIL-V-18030
Fittings Butt-welding Chrome molybdenum alloy steel, ASME B16.9
Socket-welding ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11, ASME B16.11
or ASTM A234/A234M, Grade
Socket-welding laterals WP-11 MS18307

Take-down joints Flanges, butt- and socket-welding Chrome molybdenum alloy steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Constant strength studs Alloy steel MIL-DTL-1222, Grade B16 See 4.16
Nuts Alloy steel MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 7H, heavy
A-1-1 Flexible wedge and parallel disc gate valves, with stems located below the horizontal, in steam systems, shall have a drain connected to the lowest practical point
of the body neck cavity, except that, where a valve is to be used with flow in one direction, a ¼-inch hole may be drilled in the upstream side of the disc in lieu
of a drain.
A-1-2 Commercial valves not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.
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TABLE VI. Category A-2, Steam and steam drains, 1500 psig/775 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-2 Steam and steam drains 1500 775 See 4.39
See note A-2-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B See 4.41
MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B
Valves Globe/angle stop, stop-check, lift- Carbon steel, 803-2177525 Butt- or socket-weld ends
check and throttle, ¼ to 2 NPS ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB, ASME B16.34, Class 900
or ASTM A105/A105M Commercial ASME B16.34, Class 1500
See note A-2-3
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and MIL-V-22052 Butt-weld ends
stop-check, 2½ NPS and above
Swing/lift-check Commercial See note A-2-3

Gate, 2½ NPS and above MIL-V-18110 See note A-2-2
Relief MIL-V-20065 Flanged ends only
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-17848

Control MIL-V-18030
Fittings Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.9
Socket-welding ASTM A105/A105M, ASTM ASME B16.11
A234/A234M, Class WPB
Socket-welding laterals MS18307 See note A-2-4
Take-down joints Flanges, butt- and socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Constant strength stud Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B7 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 4 or 7
A-2-1 Drain nipples shall be schedule 80 pipe thickness.
A-2-2 Flexible wedge and parallel disc gate valves, with stems located below the horizontal in steam systems, shall have a drain connected to the lowest practical point
of the body neck cavity, except that, where a valve is to be used with the flow in one direction, a ¼-inch hole may be drilled in the upstream side of the disc in
lieu of a drain.
A-2-3 Commercial valves not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.
A-2-4 Fabricated from carbon steel material.
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TABLE VII. Category A-3, Propulsion plant saturated steam and steam drains, 600 to 1500 psig/775 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-3 Propulsion plant saturated 600 to 1500 775 See 4.39
steam and steam drains See note A-3-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B See 4.41
MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Carbon steel, MIL-V-18110 Butt-weld ends
5 to 16 NPS ASTM A105/A105M, or 803-2177518 See note A-3-2
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB
Globe/angle stop, stop-check, lift- 803-2177525 Socket- or butt-weld ends
check and throttle, ¼ to 2 NPS ASME B16.34, Class 900
2½ NPS globe 803-2177140 Butt-weld ends
3 and 4 NPS globe 803-2177141 Butt-weld ends

5 and 6 NPS globe 803-2177142 ASME B16.34, Class 900
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and MIL-V-22052 Butt-weld ends
stop-check, 2½ NPS and above

3-way bypass, ½ to 1 NPS 803-1385965 Socket- or butt-weld ends

Swing-check Commercial See note A-3-5
Control MIL-V-18030 Flanged
Relief MIL-V-20065
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-17848
Quick closing root valves MIL-V-24619 See note A-3-4
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TABLE VII. Category A-3, Propulsion plant saturated steam and steam drains, 600 to 1500 psig/775 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Flanged Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB,
or ASTM A105/A105M
Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.9
ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB
Socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.11
Socket-welding laterals ASTM A105/A105M MS18307 See note A-3-3
Take-down joints Flanges, butt- and socket-welding ASME B16.5
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Constant strength stud Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B7 See 4.16
Nut ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 4 or 7

A-3-1 This category excludes high pressure steam drain main between each low point trap or drain strainer orifice/orifice plate assembly stop-check valve and the
deaerator feed tank (DFT), which shall be in accordance with Category A-10 herein.
A-3-2 Flexible wedge and parallel disc gate valves, in steam systems, shall have a drain connected to the lowest practical point of the body neck cavity, except that,

where a valve is to be used with the flow in one direction, a ¼-inch hole may be drilled in the upstream side of the disc in lieu of a drain.
A-3-3 Fabricated from carbon steel material.
A-3-4 Valve design proposal in accordance with MIL-V-24619 shall be submitted to NAVSEA for review and approval.
A-3-5 Commercial valves not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.
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TABLE VIII. Category A-4 and A-7, Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/875 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-4 and A-7 Steam and steam drains 600 875 See 4.39

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Chrome molybdenum alloy steel MIL-P-24691/2 See 4.41
ASTM A335/A335M, Grade P-11
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Chrome molybdenum alloy steel, MIL-V-18110 See note A-4-1
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11, MIL-V-22052 Butt-weld ends
stop-check, 2½ NPS and above or ASTM A217/A217M, Grade
Globe/angle stop-check, ¼ to 2 803-5184193 Socket-weld ends
Lift/swing-check MIL-V-18436 300 psig max. at 850 °F

Astern MIL-V-22682
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-17848 Flanged ends only
Control MIL-V-18030

Relief MIL-V-20065
Fittings Socket-welding Chrome molybdenum alloy steel, ASME B16.11
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11
Butt-welding ASTM A234/A234M, Grade ASME B16.9
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11,
Flanged ASME B16.5
ASTM A217/A217M WC-6
Chrome molybdenum alloy steel,
Socket-welding laterals ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11 MS18307

Take-down joints Flanges, butt- and socket-welding Chrome molybdenum alloy steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F-11
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
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TABLE VIII. Category A-4 and A-7, Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/875 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Flange bolting Constant strength stud Alloy steel MIL-DTL-1222 Grade B16 See 4.16
ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B16 See note A-4-3
Nuts MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 7H, ASTM
A194/A194M, Grade 7H heavy hex

A-4-1 Flexible wedge and parallel disc gate valves, with stems located below the horizontal in steam systems, shall have a drain connected to the lowest practical point
of the body neck cavity, except that, where a valve is to be used with the flow in one direction, a ¼-inch hole may be drilled in the upstream side of the disc in
lieu of a drain.
A-4-2 Commercial valves not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.
A-4-3 MIL-DTL-1222 used for Level I applications.

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TABLE IX. Category A-5, Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/775 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-5 Steam and steam drains 600 775 See 4.39
See note A-5-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B See 4.41
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
Valves Globe/angle, stop-check, lift-check Carbon steel, 803-2177525 Socket-weld ends
and throttle, ¼ to 2 NPS ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB,
ASTM A105/A105M
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and Butt-weld ends
stop-check, 2½ NPS and above
Astern MIL-V-22682
Gate, 2½ NPS and above MIL-V-18110 See note A-5-2

Swing-check MIL-V-18436 300 psig max. at 850 °F
Commercial See note A-5-4

Pressure-reducing MIL-V-17848 Flanged ends only

Relief MIL-V-20065
Control MIL-V-18030
Fittings Flanged Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB,
or ASTM A105/A105M
Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.9
Socket-welding lateral ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB, ASME B16.11
ASTM A105/A105M
MS18307 See note A-5-3
Take-down Flanges, butt- and socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
joints ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
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TABLE IX. Category A-5, Steam and steam drains, 600 psig/775 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Flange Constant strength stud Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B7 See 4.16
bolting Nut ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 4 or 7

A-5-1 Drain nipples shall be schedule 80 pipe thickness.
A-5-2 Flexible wedge and parallel disc gate valves, with stems located below the horizontal in steam systems, shall have a drain connected to the lowest practical point
of the body neck cavity, except that, where a valve is to be used with the flow in one direction, ¼-inch hole may be drilled in the upstream side of the disc in lieu
of a drain.
A-5-3 Fabricated from carbon steel material ASTM A105/A105M.
A-5-4 Commercial valves not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.

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TABLE X. Category A-6, Steam and steam drains, 150 psig/775 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-6 Steam and steam drains 150 775 See notes A-6-1 and A-6-2

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B See 4.41
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Carbon steel, MIL-V-18110
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop-check, ASTM A105/A105M, or MIL-V-22052 Butt-weld ends
2½ NPS and above ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB
Globe/angle stop-check, lift-check 803-2177525
and throttle, ¼ to 2 NPS
Lift-check MIL-V-18436 See note A-6-3
Swing-check MIL-V-18436

Pressure-reducing MIL-V-17848 Flanged ends only
Control MIL-V-18030
Relief MIL-V-20065

Temperature regulating MIL-DTL-19772, Type IV

Quick closing MIL-V-24569, Type IA
Fittings Flanged Carbon steel, ASME B16.5 See note A-6-4
ASTM A105/A105M, or
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB
Socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.11
Socket-welding lateral ASTM A105/A105M MS18307 See note A-6-5
Butt-welding ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB ASME B16.9
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TABLE X. Category A-6, Steam and steam drains, 150 psig/775 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanges, butt- and socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.5 See note A-6-4
ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
Sheet Non-asbestos MIL-DTL-24696, Type I Grafoil GHR® or equal
See note A-6-4
Flange bolting Constant strength stud Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B7 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 4 or 7

A-6-1 The basic ANSI rating for 150 psig series components is 150 psig at 500 °F.
A-6-2 Drain nipples shall be schedule 80 pipe thickness.
A-6-3 Lift-check valves may be constructed similar to MIL-V-22052 modified for check design.

A-6-4 Flat face flanges and sheet gaskets may be used for temperatures up to 425 °F.
A-6-5 Fabricated from carbon steel material.
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TABLE XI. Category A-8, Steam and steam drains for auxiliary boiler, reboiler, and waste heat boiler installation only, 150 psig/366 °F (sat).
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-8 Steam and steam drains for 150 366 See notes A-8-1, A-8-3,
auxiliary boiler, reboiler, and (Sat. temp.) and A-8-5
waste heat boiler installation

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Bronze 803-2177917
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714
Globe/angle stop and stop-check, 803-1385541 See note A-8-2
2½ NPS and above

Globe Y-pattern, stop and stop-
check, 2½ NPS and above

Globe/angle stop, stop-check, and 803-4384536


needle, ¼ to 2 NPS
Control MIL-V-18030

Relief MIL-V-20065
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-17848
Check, -¼ NPS and above MIL-V-17547
Check, 2½ NPS and above 803-1385637

Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721

Fittings Socket-welded Copper-nickel (90-10) 803-6397430
Welding 803-1385880 150 °F max.
Bulkhead/deck 803-1385866
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
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TABLE XI. Category A-8, Steam and steam drains for auxiliary boiler, reboiler, and waste heat boiler installation only, 150 psig/366 °F (sat) - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanges, welded Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Union end, socket-weld tailpiece 803-7063850
Unions, socket-welded Commercial See note A-8-4
Gaskets Sheet Non-asbestos reinforced graphite MIL-DTL-24696, Type I Grafoil GHR® or equal
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Nickel-copper-aluminum MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 500 See 4.16
Nuts Nickel-copper ASTM F467, Alloy 400 See note A-8-6, A-8-7
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
A-8-1 For other boiler installations, use other applicable category.

A-8-2 100 psig maximum.
A-8-3 Use Category A-6 for superheated steam application.
A-8-4 Commercial items not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.

A-8-5 System pressure is gauge pressure.

A-8-6 Evaluate torque limits where Grade 500 used on tapped bronze flanges and on bronze material.
A-8-7 NASM 25027/NASM 17828 limited to 250 °F; MIL-DTL-32258 limited to 450 °F.
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TABLE XII. Category A-9, Steam system overboard discharge, steam generator blowdown, 1500/600 psig/650 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-9 Steam system overboard 1500/600 650 See 4.39
discharge, steam generator See note A-9-2

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Nickel-copper MIL-T-1368, Class A Schedule 80 min.
Valves Globe/angle stop, stop-check, lift- Nickel-copper 803-2177525 See note A-9-1
check and throttle, ¼ to 2 NPS Commercial
DOD-V-24675 1½ NPS
Fittings Socket-welding Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281, Class ASME B16.11, bored as required See note A-9-3
A, annealed
Butt-welding Nickel-copper, MIL-T-1368, Class ASME B16.9

Socket-welding laterals Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281 MS18307
Socket-welding outlets Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281, Class Commercial

Butt-welding outlets A, annealed

Take-down joints Flanges socket-welding, ¼ and Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281, Class Commercial ¼", raised face
⅜ NPS A, annealed MS18308 See note A-9-3 and A-9-4
Flanges, butt- and socket-welding, ASME B16.5
½ NPS and above
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716 Class C
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TABLE XII. Category A-9, Steam system overboard discharge, steam generator blowdown, 1500/600 psig/650 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, or bolt-stud Nickel-copper aluminum MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 500 See 4.16
Nuts Nickel-copper ASTM F467, Alloy 400 See note A-9-5
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
A-9-1 If higher pressure ratings are needed than specified on the valve drawing, commercial valves shall be used. Commercial valves not in accordance with
DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.
A-9-2 Does not include boiler pressure piping.
A-9-3 Fabricated from nickel-copper alloy material.
A-9-4 Where MS18308 is used to procure nickel-copper alloy flanges, the pressure ratings for these flanges must be suitably reduced to account for their lower strength
compared to steel flanges. Conservatively, these flanges should not be used above 720 psig at room temperature or above 535 psig at 650 °F.
A-9-5 NASM 25027/NASM 17828 limited to 250 °F; MIL-DTL-32258 limited to 450 °F.

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TABLE XIII. Category A-10, High pressure steam drains between low point trap, drain strainer orifice/orifice plate assembly discharge
stop-check valve and DFT or gland exhaust piping from turbines, discharge main, 100 psig/425 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
A-10 High pressure steam drains 100 425 See note A-10-1
between low point trap, drain
strainer orifice/orifice plate
assembly discharge stop-check
valve and DFT or gland exhaust
piping from turbines, discharge

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded CRES, 304L or 316L MIL-P-24691/3 See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M

Seamless Nickel-copper MIL-T-1368, Class A
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above CRES, MIL-V-18110
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade
F304L, F316L,

ASTM A351/A351M CF3 or


Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and CRES, MIL-V-22052 See note A-10-3, A-10-4

stop-check, 2½ NPS and above ASTM A182/A182M, Grade
F304L, F316L,
ASTM A351/A351M CF3 or
Globe/angle stop, stop-check, life Corrosion resisting steel, 803-2177525
check and throttle, ¼ to 2 NPS ASTM A182/A182M, F316
Relief Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281 MIL-V-20065 See note A-10-2
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TABLE XIII. Category A-10, High pressure steam drains between low point trap, drain strainer orifice/orifice plate assembly
discharge stop-check valve and DFT or gland exhaust piping from turbines, discharge main, 100 psig/425 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Socket-welding CRES in accordance with ASTM ASME B16.11
A182/A182M, Grade F304L,

ASTM A403/A403M, Class

Butt-welding ASME B16.9
WP304L-S, WP316L-S
Butt-welding Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281 ASME B16.9 See note A-10-2
Socket-welding ASME B16.11
Socket-welding laterals MS18307
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46

Take-down joints Flanges, butt- and socket-welding CRES, ASME B16.5
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F316L
or F304L
Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281

Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716

Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper aluminum MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 500 See 4.16
See note A-10-5
Nuts Nickel-copper ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
A-10-1 This category applies to drains covered in Category A-3 only. For drains in systems other than Category A-3, see the applicable category.
A-10-2 Fabricated from nickel-copper alloy material.
A-10-3 Fabricated from stainless steel alloy material.
A-10-4 Valve internal trim as approved.
A-10-5 NASM 25027/NASM 17828 limited to 250 °F.
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TABLE XIV. Category B-1, Feed systems, 600 psig, 400 °F; 1200 psig, 475 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
B-1 Feed systems 600 maximum boilers 400 See 4.39
1200 boilers 475 See notes B-1-1 thru B-1-3

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel MIL-P-24691/1, Gr B or
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
Valves Globe, angle stop, stop-check, Carbon steel, Commercial Socket-welded ends only
(see note B-1-3) throttle and lift-check, ¼ to 2 NPS ASTM A105/A105M, or See note B-1-4
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB
Socket- or butt-welded ends
ASME B16.34, Class 900
2½ NPS globe 803-2177140

3, 4 NPS globe 803-2177141
5, 6 NPS globe 803-2177142
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and

stop-check, 2½ NPS and above

Gate, -2½ NPS and above Carbon steel, MIL-V-18110
Gate, 5" through 16" ASTM A105/A105M, or 803-2177518 See note B-1-5
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB
Relief MIL-V-24332 or MIL-V-20065 Flanged ends only
Control MIL-V-18030 Flanged ends only
Check Commercial See note B-1-4, B-1-6
3-way bypass 803-1385965
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TABLE XIV. Category B-1, Feed systems, 600 psig, 400 °F; 1200 psig, 475 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.9
Socket-welding ASTM A105/A105M, or ASME B16.11
ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB
Socket-welding end branch outlets Commercial

Butt-weld end branch outlets

MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take down joints Flanges, butt- and socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.5 See note B-1-3
ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Studs, screws, and bolts Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5

B-1-1 In view of the exceptionally high relief valve setting in the boiler’s feed system, which if used for selection of pressure series, might result in a heavier series
than necessary, this category specifies the required series for both 600 and below and 1200 psig boiler.
B-1-2 The 400/475 °F temperature applies only to that section of the feed system between the economizer and the steam drum. Refer to Category B-2 for feed system

piping component requirements upstream of economizer.

B-1-3 Valves and flanges of 600 psig and below boilers shall be ASME B16.34/B16.5, Class 600. Valves and flanges for 1200 psig boilers shall be
ASME B16.34/B16.5, Class 900, except for valves 2 NPS and below which shall be ASME B16.34/B16.5, Class 1500.
B-1-4 Commercial valves not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.
B-1-5 Wedge disc gate valves in the catapult steam drain system may also be provided under the requirements of MIL-V-18110.
B-1-6 Lift-check valves installed between the outlet of the economizer on a boiler and the steam drum must be modified in accordance with MIL-B-18381 by drilling a
⅛" hole in the valve bridge.
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TABLE XV. Category B-2, Propulsion plant saturated feed system, 600 to 2050 psig/300 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
B-2 Propulsion plant saturated feed 600 to 2050 300 See 4.39
system See note B-2-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Carbon steel, MIL-V-18110 Butt-weld ends
Gate, 5 to 16 NPS ASTM A105/A105M, or 803-2177518 Butt-weld ends
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB ASME B16.34, Class 900
Globe/angle stop, stop-check, 803-2177525 Socket- or butt-weld ends
throttle and lift-check, ¼ to 2 NPS ASME B16.34, Class 900

2½ NPS globe 803-2177140 Butt-weld ends ASME
B16.34, Class 1500
3 and 4 NPS globe 803-2177141 Butt-weld ends

5 and 6 NPS globe 803-2177142 ASME B16.34, Class 900

See note B-2-2
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and MIL-V-22052 Flanged or butt-weld ends
stop-check, 2½ NPS and above
Relief MIL-V-24332 Flanged ends
Control MIL-V-18030
Swing-check Commercial See note B-2-3
Fittings Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.9
Socket-welding ASTM A105/A105M, or ASME B16.11
ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB
Socket-welding end branch outlets Commercial
Butt-welding end branch outlets
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
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TABLE XV. Category B-2, Propulsion plant saturated feed system, 600 to 2050 psig/300 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanges, socket or butt-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Constant strength stud Carbon steel MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 5 See 4.16
Nuts MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 5
B-2-1 To be used in conjunction with Category A-3 steam system only. Feed systems for use with other Category A steam systems shall be in accordance with
Category B-1.
B-2-2 Valves and flanges for 600 psig and below boilers shall be ASME B16.34/B16.5, Class 600. Valves and flanges for 1200 psig boilers shall be
ASME B16.34/B16.5, Class 900, except for valves 2 NPS and below, which may be ASME B16.34/B16.5, Class 900 or 1500, depending upon system operating
B-2-3 Commercial valves not in accordance with DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be approved by NAVSEA.

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TABLE XVI. Category C-1 and C-2, Freshwater, including feed, chilled water, condensate, electronic freshwater cooling, potable,
freshwater firefighting, and gas turbine washdown, 200 psig/250 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
C-1 and C-2 Freshwater, including feed, 200 250 See notes C-1-6 to C-1-14,
chilled water, condensate, 4.14
electronic freshwater cooling,
potable, freshwater firefighting,
and gas turbine washdown

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper MIL-T-24107 0.065 inch min. wall
thickness (see note C-1-1)
GRP MIL-P-24608 See 4.43
Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS Bronze 803-1385714 Union ends only

Gate, 2½ to 12 NPS 803-2177917 Flanged ends only
Globe/angle stop/stop-check, ¼ to 803-4384536 Union ends only
2 NPS See note C-1-2

Globe Y-pattern, 2½ to 10 NPS 803-1385623 Flanged ends only

Globe/angle check and stop-check, 803-1385541 100 psig max.
2½ NPS and larger Flanged ends only
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only
Swing-check, 2½ to 12 NPS 803-1385637 Flanged ends only
Swing-check, ¼ NPS and above Bronze, MIL-V-17547
Relief Bronze MIL-V-24332
Butterfly Nickel-aluminum-bronze MIL-V-24624 Special flanges required
Control Bronze (nickel-copper trim or 300- MIL-V-18030 100 psig max.
series CRES trim) Flanged ends only
Pressure-reducing Bronze ASTM F1370 including See 4.42
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TABLE XVI. Category C-1 and C-2, Freshwater, including feed, chilled water, condensate, electronic freshwater cooling,
potable, freshwater firefighting, and gas turbine washdown, 200 psig/250 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Valves - continued Ball, ¼ to 2½ NPS Bronze 803-5001003 Bronze body with bronze,
copper-nickel end piece
Copper-nickel Copper-nickel body with
copper-nickel end piece
Ball, 3 to 6 NPS Bronze 803-5001004 6-NPS valve is butt-welded
Fittings Silver brazing MIL-F-1183
Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 810-1385880 150 °F max.
Welded base by silver brazing end Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 803-1385950 or commercial Welded to copper-nickel
outlet boss pipe run
Socket-welding Copper-nickel 803-6397430

Belled end and couplings Copper-nickel, MIL-T-16420 MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Socket (bonded) GRP MIL-P-24608
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46

Take-down joints Silver brazing unions Bronze MIL-F-1183

Socket-welding flanges Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Silver-brazed flanges Bronze MIL-PRF-20042, Class plain, 150 See notes C-1-3, C-1-4
and 250 pounds
803-1385892 Special flanges or butterfly
valves, 180 °F max.
Socket-bonded flanges GRP MIL-P-24608 See 4.43, notes C-1-5, C-1-6
Gaskets Sheet Non-asbestos MIL-DTL-24696, Type II Preferred gasket for
butterfly valves
Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 1, 2, or 4 See 4.26 as approved
EPDM MIL-DTL-22050 See note C-1-12
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
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TABLE XVI. Category C-1 and C-2, Freshwater, including feed, chilled water, condensate, electronic freshwater cooling,
potable, freshwater firefighting, and gas turbine washdown, 200 psig/250 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
C-1-1 The thickness of copper tubing in condensate piping shall be calculated using allowable stresses for the fully annealed condition.
C-1-2 Globe valves for shower service shall meet the following: (1) valves shall be of brass, nickel-chrome plated, with ½ NPS silver brazing union ends; (2)
compression valves shall be of heavy pattern, suitable for 100 pounds working pressure, with raised metal seat and removable composition disk, suitable for hot
and cold water; (3) valve stems shall have suitable packing and cross type indexed handle; (4) valves shall be sized to suit the installation.
C-1-3 Where 150 psig line flanges bolt up to 250 psig valve flanges in sizes 2 to 4 NPS, the diameter of the bolt holes in the line flanges shall be increased to match the
250 psig flange bolting.
C-1-4 150-pound flanges may be used to 150 psig service, where temperatures do not exceed 150 °F. For temperature of 151 °F to 250 °F, they shall be limited to 100

psig and below.
C-1-5 Restricted from heated potable water system. Applicable pressure/temperature rating points are 200 psig at 150 °F and 100 psig at 200 °F.
C-1-6 Electronic freshwater cooling system shall be fabricated of copper-nickel pipe, with all components (including but not limited to pipe, valves, fittings,
thermowells, and flanges) either flanged or welded.

C-1-7 The chilled water mains and risers up to and including chilled water branch root cutout valves and branches to air conditioning cooling coils shall be classified
C-1-8 For electronic cooling water and gas turbine washdown systems, valve gland packing and all other elastomers shall be compatible with the fluid. Natural rubber
products are not permitted.
C-1-9 Expansion tank valves subject to air pressure shall be soft-seated.
C-1-10 The sample connection between the DFT and the sample water cooler shall be CRES composition 304L in accordance with MIL-P-24691/3, Grade 304L or
ASTM A312/A312M, TP304L. Connection to be as close to DFT as possible.
C-1-11 Where copper tubing is used in potable water systems that supply water to equipment containing carbonated water dispensers, the system shall have double
check valves installed.
C-1-12 Gaskets used in potable water shall be 804-5284201, Type 1 or EPDM. Materials selected for use in steam condensate systems shall be tested for leachable
chlorides not to exceed 200 ppm.
C-1-13 GRP piping shall not be used for freshwater fire fighting.
C-1-14 Firemain piping and any source piping or fittings shall be welded for sizes 2 NPS and above. Sizes 1½ NPS and below may be welded or brazed.
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TABLE XVII. Category C-2, Freshwater, feed water and condensate, including potable, gas turbine washdown, 100 psig/250 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
C-2 Freshwater, feed water and 100 250 See notes C-2-1 to C-2-4,
condensate, including potable, C-2-9
gas turbine washdown

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper MIL-T-24107 0.065 inch max. wall
Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420

Seamless GRP MIL-P-24608 150 °F max. (see note

Valves Globe, angle, and globe stop- Bronze 803-4384536 See note C-2-3
check, ¼ to 2 NPS

Swing-check 803-1385721

Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends

Globe, angle, globe stop-check, 803-1385541 Flanged ends only
and angle stop-check 100 psig max.
150 °F max.
Butterfly MIL-V-24624
Gate, 2½ to 12 NPS 803-2177917 Flanged ends
Relief MIL-V-24332
Control MIL-V-18030
Ball, ½ to 2½" 803-5001003
Ball, 3 to 6" 803-5001004
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TABLE XVII. Category C-2, Freshwater, feed water and condensate, including potable, gas turbine washdown, 100 psig/250 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Flanged 810-1385915
Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 810-1385880
Welded base by silver brazing end Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 803-1385950 Welded to copper-nickel
outlet boss pipe run
Socket-welded 803-6397430
Belled end and couplings Copper-nickel, MIL-T-16420 MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 150 °F max.
See note C-2-5
Flanges Silver brazing Bronze MIL-PRF-20042, Class plain
803-1385892 Special flanges for butterfly

Welded Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 See note C-2-5
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 1, 2, or 4, as See note C-2-6

approved See 4.26

EPDM MIL-DTL-22050 See note C-2-3
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
C-2-1 The thickness of copper tubing in condensate piping shall be calculated using allowable stresses for the fully annealed condition.
C-2-2 The sample connection between the DFT and the sample water cooler shall be CRES composition 304L in accordance with MIL-P-24691/3. Connection to be
as close to DFT as possible.
C-2-3 Gaskets used in potable water shall be 804-5284201, Type 1 or EPDM. Materials selected for use in steam condensate systems shall be tested for leachable
chlorides not to exceed 200 ppm.
C-2-4 Where copper tubing is used in potable water systems that supply water to equipment containing carbonated water dispensers, the system shall have double
check valves installed.
C-2-5 Installation and joining of GRP shall be in accordance with Category C-3.
C-2-6 Where temperature is expected to exceed 200 °F, 804-5284201, Type 4 shall be specified.
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TABLE XVII. Category C-2, Freshwater, feed water and condensate, including potable, gas turbine washdown, 100 psig/250 °F - Continued.
NOTES (continued):
C-2-7 Electronic freshwater cooling system and the chilled water mains and risers up to and including chilled water branch root cutout valves and branches to air
conditioning cooling coils shall be classified “W” and shall be fabricated of copper-nickel pipe, with all components (including but not limited to pipe, valves,
fittings, thermowells, and flanges) either flanged or welded.
C-2-8 For electronic cooling water and gas turbine washdown systems, valve gland packing and all other elastomers shall be compatible with the fluid. Natural rubber
products are not permitted.
C-2-9 See Category C-1 notes and design requirements.

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TABLE XVIII. Category C-3, Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), 200 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
C-3 Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) 200 150 GRP shall be utilized when
See 4.43 system specifications
require its use
See note C-3-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Glass-reinforced thermosetting MIL-P-24608 See 4.43
epoxy resin
Valves Ball GRP 803-6983491 As approved
See note C-3-2
Fittings Socket-bonded Glass-reinforced thermosetting MIL-P-24608 See note C-3-3
epoxy resin

Take-down joints Flanged Glass-reinforced thermosetting MIL-P-24608 See note C-3-3
epoxy resin
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 1, 2, or 4, as See 4.26

Flange bolting Bolts, studs, screws Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
C-3-1 This category applies where GRP piping, fittings, and take-down joints may be used as an alternative to non-ferrous materials for the systems specified.
C-3-2 Valves shall be flanged end in accordance with associated system categories.
C-3-3 Adhesive in accordance with MIL-P-24608 shall be used for joining GRP fittings and flanges.
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TABLE XIX. Category C-4, Water mist fire fighting, 1500 psig/140 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
C-4 Water mist fire fighting 1500 140 See 4.14, 4.39, notes C-4-4
thru C-4-6

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless As approved See note C-4-2 and 4.50

Valves Gate As approved MIL-V-18110 or as approved Flanged ends

See note C-4-1
Globe, angle, 2½ NPS and above MIL-V-22052
or as approved
Globe/angle check and stop-check, As approved 803-2177525 Flanged valves limited too
¼ to 2 NPS ASME B16.34, Class 600

Swing-check As approved As approved
Relief As approved MIL-V-24332

ASTM F1508 including

supplemental requirements and
appendix as approved
Globe As approved Combination Pump Valve Co.,
Catalog 68 (series), or equal, or
MIL-V-24109 or 803-6397247

Lift-check (soft seat design) Commercial Union end, socket-welding

Butterfly As approved MIL-V-24624 Limited to ASME B16.34,
Class 150 rating.
See note C-4-3
Ball, 2½" and below As approved MIL-V-22687
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TABLE XIX. Category C-4, Water mist fire fighting, 1500 psig/140 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Fittings Socket-welding As approved ANSI B16.11

Butt-welding As approved ANSI B16.9

Take-down joints Flanges, weldneck As approved ASME B16.5

Flanges, socket-welding
Unions As approved 803-1385884

Gaskets Sheet Composite MIL-DTL-24696, Type II

O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7259
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16

Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
C-4-1 MIL-V-22052 used for design guidance but modified for approved material.

C-4-2 Seam welded pipe shall not be used in P-1 class piping.
C-4-3 Keystone Valve USA, Inc., K-LOK High Performance Butterfly Valve, ANSI Class 150, with manual worm gear type actuator and actuator handwheel as an
C-4-4 Use of socket-welds limited to sections of systems not subject to crevice corrosion.
C-4-5 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
C-4-6 Material for piping and components to be as specifically approved. Component specifications listed must be reviewed for modifications to approved material.
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TABLE XX. Category C-5, High purity water, 150 psig/140 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
C-5 High purity water 150 140

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless CRES 304L or 316L MIL-P-24691/3, ASTM Schedule 10S, see 4.50
A312/A312M, Grade Type 304L
Valves Gate, 2½" & below CRES, Commercial, Powell Fig. 2491
ASTM A351/A351M, 316 SST or equal
Grade CF-8/CF-8M
Globe, 2½" and below CRES ASTM A351/A351M, Commercial, Powell Fig. 2475TD
Grade CF-8/CF-8M 3166 SST or equal
Swing-check CRES ASTM A351/A351M, Commercial, Powell Fig.
Grade CF-8/CF-8M 2342(F.E.) 3166 SST or equal

Fittings Socket-welding CRES, ANSI B16.11
ASTM A182/A182M, F304L

Flanges, socket-welding CRES, ASME B16.5


Take-down joints
ASTM A182/A182M, F304L

Gaskets Sheet Rubber As approved

Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
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TABLE XXI. Category D-1 and D-3, Seawater, including firemain, main and secondary drainage, ballast, 250 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
D-1 and D-3 Seawater, including firemain, 250 150 See 4.14 and D-1-11
main and secondary drainage,

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) MIL-T-16420 See notes D-1-3, D-1-4 and
Seamless GRP 200 psig max.
MIL-P-24608 See note D-1-2, D-1-9, D-1-
See 4.43
Valves Globe/angle stop/stop-check, Bronze 803-1385541 Flanged ends only 100 psig

2½ NPS and above max.
Globe Y-pattern, 2½ to 10 NPS 803-1385623 Flanged ends only
Globe/angle check and stop-check, 803-4384536 Union ends only
¼ to 2 NPS

Gate, 2½ NPS and above MIL-V-1189 Flanged ends only

Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends only
Swing-check, 2½ to 12 NPS 803-1385637 Flanged ends only
Swing-check, 2½ NPS and above Bronze, MIL-V-17547, Type A, Class 2,
Nickel-aluminum-bronze 250
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS Bronze 803-1385721 Union ends only
Relief Bronze MIL-V-24332 Flanged or union ends
Remote control MIL-V-15508 140 deg max.
Pressure-reducing ASTM F1370 including Copper-nickel trim IAW
supplements UNS N05500
See 4.42
Control check, diaphragm actuated MIL-V-17501, Type I, Class 4 Flanged ends
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TABLE XXI. Category D-1 and D-3, Seawater, including firemain, main and secondary drainage, ballast, 250 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Valves - continued Globe, hose end Bronze 803-1385711
Ball, ¼ to 2½ NPS Bronze 803-5001003 Bronze body with bronze,
copper-nickel end piece
Copper-nickel Copper-nickel body with
copper-nickel end piece
Ball, 3 to 6 NPS Bronze 803-5001004 6-NPS valve is butt-welded
Ball, 1¼ to 8 NPS MIL-V-24509 150 psi max. See note D-1-
Butterfly Nickel-aluminum-bronze MIL-V-24624 Special flanges required
200 psig max. (see 4.7,

MIL-PRF-32307 See 4.7, 4.30
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183

Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 810-1385880 200 psig max.

Socket-welding 803-6397430
Welded base by silver brazing end 803-1385950 or commercial Welded to copper-nickel
outlet boss pipe run
Belled end Copper-nickel, MIL-T-16420 MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 200 psig max. (see note D-
1-2, D-1-9)
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.42
Take-down joints Silver brazing flanges Bronze MIL-PRF-20042

803-1385892 Special flanges for butterfly

valves, 200 psig max.
Socket-bonded flanges GRP MIL-P-24608 200 psig max. (see note D-
1-2, D-1-9)
Welding flanges Copper-nickel 810-1385992
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TABLE XXI. Category D-1 and D-3, Seawater, including firemain, main and secondary drainage, ballast, 250 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints - Slip-on flanges, 12 NPS and above Copper-nickel (90-10) Commercial 50 psig max. See notes D-
continued 803-6983512 1-5 and D-1-6
Silver brazing unions Bronze MIL-F-1183
Union end tailpiece assy Bronze, 803-7063850 For union end valves
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 1 or 2, as See 4.26, note D-1-8
Synthetic rubber MIL-R-21252 See note D-1-1

Non-asbestos MIL-DTL-24696, Type II Preferred gasket for

butterfly valves
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276

Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

D-1-1 For use in piping systems subject to acid flush paths.
D-1-2 Adhesive in accordance with MIL-P-24608 shall be used for joining GRP pipe to GRP fittings and flanges.
D-1-3 For sizes not covered by MIL-T-16420, pipe fabricated from copper-nickel sheet specified in MIL-C-15726 may be used for pressures up to 50 psig.
D-1-4 70-30 copper-nickel alloy shall be used inside compensated fuel tanks, and 90-10 alloy shall be used elsewhere.
D-1-5 Slip-on flanges shall be bored to suit outside diameter of the tube with flange thickness, drilling, and facing in accordance with 50 psig class of MIL-PRF-20042.
D-1-6 Piping from discharge flange of fire pump to first flange of pump discharge check valve shall be 70-30 copper-nickel alloy.
D-1-7 MIL-V-24509 ball valves designed, tested, and NAVSEA-approved for a maximum pressure rating above 150 psig may be used in systems having a design
pressure not exceeding the valve’s approved maximum pressure rating.
D-1-8 For suction sea chest steam out connections 804-5284201, Types 3 or 4, AMS-G-6855, or MIL-DTL-22050 should be used.
D-1-9 For GRP piping installation see Category C-3.
D-1-10 GRP shall not be used in firemain piping or as any source piping or fittings to the firemain.
D-1-11 Firemain piping and any source piping or fittings shall be welded for sizes 2 NPS and above. Sizes 1½ NPS and below may be welded or brazed.
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TABLE XXII. Category D-2, Seawater missile injection system between freshwater accumulating tank and nozzles,
main and secondary drainage, ballast and oily waste transfer, 400 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
D-2 Seawater missile injection 400 150 See 4.39
system between freshwater
accumulating tank and nozzles,
main and secondary drainage,
ballast and oily waste transfer

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (70-30) MIL-T-16420, Class 700
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Bronze MIL-V-1189 Flanged ends Class 3 max.
803-2177917 250 psig max.
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends only

Globe/angle stop, stop-check and 803-4384536 Union ends only
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS
Globe, Y-pattern, 2½ to 10 NPS 803-1385623 Flanged ends only

See note D-2-1

Globe/angle stop and stop-check, 803-1385541
2½ NPS and above
Relief MIL-V-24332
Ball, ¼ to 2½ NPS 803-5001003 Bronze body with bronze,
nickel-copper, or copper-
nickel end piece
Copper-nickel Copper-nickel body with
copper-nickel end piece
Control diaphragm check Bronze MIL-V-17501
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Butt-welding Copper-nickel (70-30) MIL-F-24202
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
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TABLE XXII. Category D-2, Seawater missile injection system between freshwater accumulating tank and nozzles,
main and secondary drainage, ballast and oily waste transfer, 400 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Silver brazing flanges Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
Butt and socket-welding flanges Copper-nickel (70-30) ASME B16.5, Class 400 Flat face
See note D-2-2
Silver brazing unions Bronze MIL-F-1183
Union end tailpiece Bronze 803-7063850 For union end valves
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 2 See 4.26 as approved

Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16

Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

D-2-1 100 psig maximum for 803-1385541; 250 psig maximum for 803-1385623. 2½ NPS and above globe and angle, stop, and stop-check valves for use in systems
exceeding these limits shall be of commercial design as approved by NAVSEA.
D-2-2 ASME B16.5 modified for copper-nickel material
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TABLE XXIII. Category D-4, Seawater, firemain, sodium hypochlorite disinfection treatment.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
D-4 Seawater, firemain, sodium 250 psi 150 This category of material
hypochlorite disinfection shall be used when
treatment specifically required in
system specifications. See
4.19.1, 4.44.

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Titanium ASTM B861 or ASTM B862, Schedule 10 min.
Grade 2 See notes D-4-1 and D-4-12
Valves Gate Bronze 803-2177917 Flanged
See notes D-4-2 and D-4-12
MIL-V-1189 Flanged
See note D-4-2

Gate, 2 NPS and below Bronze or titanium 803-1385714 Union end
See notes D-4-3 and D-4-5
Globe, stop-check, 2½ NPS and Bronze 803-1385623 Flanged

above 803-1385541 See notes D-4-2, D-4-4, and

Globe and angle stop and stop- 803-4384536 Union end
check, 2 NPS and below See notes D-4-3, D-4-5, and
Relief Bronze or titanium ASTM F1508, including Flanged or union end
supplementary requirements and the See notes D-4-2, D-4-3,
appendix D-4-5, and D-4-6
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TABLE XXIII. Category D-4, Seawater, firemain, sodium hypochlorite disinfection treatment - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Valves - continued Ball Bronze MIL-V-24509 150 psi max. See notes
D-4-2 and D-4-7
Check, 2 NPS max. Bronze or titanium 803-1385721 Union end. See notes
D-4-3, D-4-5, and D-4-6
Ball Titanium 803-5001003 and 803-5001004 Socket-welding ends.
See note D-4-9
Ball, ½ NPS to 10 NPS Reinforced thermosetting resin 803-6983491 Installs between titanium
(RTR) ASME B16.5 flanges. See
notes D-4-10 and D-4-11
Swing-check, 2½ NPS and above Bronze 803-1385637 NPS 2½ to 12 NPS
See notes D-4-2 and D-4-12
MIL-V-17547, Type A, Class 2 Over 12 NPS
See note D-4-2

Butterfly Keystone Valve USA, Inc., K-LOK See note D-4-2
High Performance Butterfly Valve,
ASME B16.5 Class 150, with

manual worm gear type actuator

and actuator handwheel or equal or
Triple-offset torque seated MIL-PRF-32307
Fittings Butt-welding Titanium ASTM B363, ASME B16.9
Grade WPT2
Socket-welding Titanium ASTM B381, Grade F-2 ASME B16.11
Socket-welding, belled-end, 12 Titanium, ASTM B861 or ASTM MSS SP-119 See 4.47
NPS max. B862, Grade 2
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TABLE XXIII. Category D-4, Seawater, firemain, sodium hypochlorite disinfection treatment - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flange, butt-welding Titanium, ASME B16.5 See note D-4-2
ASTM B381, Grade F-2

Flange, socket and butt-welding 810-1385992 See note D-4-2

Modified material to mate
803-6983512 with valves
Unions, welding end, 2 NPS max. Titanium, Commercial
ASTM B381, Grade F-2
Gaskets Electrical isolation See 4.44
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
Sheet gasket Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 1 or 2 See 4.26, as approved
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16

Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

Bolts, screws, and studs Titanium ASTM F468, Alloy Ti 23

Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy Ti 23
Electrical isolation washers and See 4.44
D-4-1 Firemain piping shall be at least Schedule 10 in high fire hazard compartments (see 4.14.1). Heavier schedule piping may be used as necessary.
D-4-2 Flange and gasket bolt holes, for flanges used with titanium pipe, may be drilled to a hole diameter sufficient to accept the bolt isolators and still maintain
required clearances.
D-4-3 Union end valves and flanged valves shall be constructed of titanium, ASTM B367, Grade C2, or ASTM B381, Grade F-2. The valve design shall ensure that
any non-titanium parts do not result in a galvanic interface.
D-4-4 100 psi globe and angle valves shall be used in systems not exceeding 150 psi, provided the valves pass the seat tightness test to 150 psi and strength and
porosity test to 200 psi.
D-4-5 Valves in potable water disinfection (sodium hypochlorite) system shall be titanium
D-4-6 Bronze union end valves shall be limited to applications where titanium union end valves are not available and a flanged or welding end ball valve cannot be
used for the application. Bronze union end valves shall be installed with inlet and outlet spool pieces. Each spool piece shall be installed with inlet and outlet
spool pieces. Each spool piece shall be a copper-nickel Flagg-Flow, or equal, dimensioned and drilled, in accordance with ASME B16.24, flange. 70-30
copper-nickel pipe length shall be limited to that necessary for attaching end connections.
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TABLE XXIII. Category D-4, Seawater, firemain, sodium hypochlorite disinfection treatment - Continued.
NOTES (continued):
D-4-7 MIL-V-24509 ball valves designed, tested, and NAVSEA-approved for a maximum pressure rating above 150 psi may be used in systems having a design
pressure not exceeding the valve’s approved maximum pressure rating.
D-4-8 Flanges shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5 for mating to ASME B16.5 flanges, equipment supplied with ANSI flanges, and to copper-nickel fittings
dimensioned and drilled in accordance with ASME B16.24.
D-4-9 Ball valves shall be constructed of titanium, ASTM B367, Grade C2, or ASTM B381, Grade F-2. The valve design shall ensure that any non-titanium parts do
not result in a galvanic interface. Level 1 requirements shall not be applicable.
D-4-10 Flange gaskets shall be nylon inserted rubber in accordance with 804-5284201, as approved. Isolation sleeves and washers are still required with these gaskets.
D-4-11 Valves may be used only in non-throttling applications. Valves shall not be used as hull cutout valves.
D-4-12 In all sizes 12 inches and less, schedule 10S pipe is an acceptable substitution for schedule 10 pipe.

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TABLE XXIV. Category E-2, E-3 and U-1, Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 600 psig.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
E-2, E-3 and U-1 Fuel service, transfer, and 600 See 4.14, 4.39, and notes
stripping E-2-1 and E-2-2

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B See 4.41
MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B
Valves Gate Carbon steel, MIL-V-18110
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB,
Globe, angle MIL-V-22052 2½" and larger
ASTM A105/A105M
803-2177525 2" and smaller
Check Commercial Flanged ends, ASME B16.5
See 4.48
Control MIL-V-18030 Flanged ends only

Relief MIL-V-24332 Flanged ends only
Needle, vent, drain and sampling MIL-V-24586 200 °F max.

Ball, ¼" to 2½" Carbon steel, ASTM A181/A181M, 803-5001003

Class 70
Quick closing Carbon steel MIL-V-24569
Butterfly CRES MIL-V-24624 Type I, See note E-2-3
Fittings Flanged Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB,
or ASTM A105/A105M
Socket-welded Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M ASME B16.11
Butt-welded Carbon steel, ASTM A234/A234M, ASME B16.9
Flanges Socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
Butt-welding ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB,
or ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Hybrid MIL-PRF-32187 See 4.26, 4.42, note E-2-4
Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716 See note E-2-5
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
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TABLE XXIV. Category E-2, E-3 and U-1, Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 600 psig - Continued.
E-2-1 This category does not include fuel overflows, sounding tubes, vents, or air escapes (see Category Y for these items.).
E-2-2 This category includes cargo fuel and cargo oil systems.
E-2-3 Pressure limited to ASME B16.34 pressure/temperature rating.
E-2-4 Use of approved fire-hardened hybrid gaskets outside pressure rating of MIL-PRF-32187.
E-2-5 Spiral wound gaskets used where approved fire-hardened hybrids are not available.

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TABLE XXV. Category E-4 and U-1, Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 200 psig.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
E-4 and U-1 Fuel service, transfer, and 200 See 4.14 and note E-4-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe (within tank Seamless Copper-nickel (70-30) MIL-T-16420, Class 200
containing seawater)
Seamless CRES MIL-P-24691/3 or ASTM See 4.50, note E-4-4
A312/A312M, Ty 316L, 304L
Valves Gate CRES, ASTM A351/A351M, MIL-V-18110 Stellite disc
Grade CF-3 or CF-3M; ASTM See E-4-2
A182/A182M, 316L or 304L
Globe, angle CRES, ASTM A351/A351M, MIL-V-22052 2½" and larger

Grade CF-3 or CF-3M; ASTM See E-4-3
A182/A182M, 316L or 304L
ASTM A182/A182M, F316 803-2177525 2" and smaller

Check Commercial Flanged ends, ASME B16.5

See 4.48
Control CRES, ASTM A351/A351M, MIL-V-18030 Flanged ends only
Relief Grade CF-8M MIL-V-24332
Needle ASTM A182/A182M (F316) or MIL-V-24586 200 °F max.
ASTM A743/A743M (CF-8M)
Ball, ¼" to 2½" CRES 803-5001003
Butterfly CRES MIL-V-24624 Type I
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TABLE XXV. Category E-4 and U-1, Fuel service, transfer, and stripping, 200 psig - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Flanged CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, 304L ASME B16.5
Socket-welding or 316L ASME B16.11

Belled end and couplings ASTM A312/A312M, TP304L or MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Butt-welding CRES, ASTM A403/A403M, ASME B16.9
WP304L-S, WP316L-S
Flanges Butt-welding CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, 304L ASME B16.5 Flat faced if mating to
Socket-welding or 316L non-ferrous flanges
Welding Copper-nickel (70-30) 803-6983512 Modified
See E-4-5
Gaskets Hybrid MIL-PRF-32187 See 4.26

Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5

E-4-1 This category does not include fuel overflows, sounding tubes, vents, or air escapes (see Category Y for these items).
E-4-2 ASTM A182/A182M, F304L and 316L are preferred alloys for new valve qualification.
E-4-3 Modified for CRES construction. Valve internal trim components as approved.
E-4-4 Only Ty 316L is to be used in bilge region.
E-4-5 For mating to ferrous flanges, copper-nickel flanges shall be flat-faced and meet ASME B16.5 bolt pattern and surface finish.
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TABLE XXVI. Category F-1, Lubricating oil, 150 psig/250 °F.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
F-1 Lubricating oil 150 250 See 4.14, notes F-1-1 and

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B,
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade A or
CRES MIL-P-24691/3, CRES to be used for new
ASTM A312/A312M, 316L, or construction, see note F-1-3
304L and 4.50
Valves Globe/angle stop, stop-check, Carbon steel, 803-2177525 Socket-weld ends 2" max.;
throttle and lift-check, ¼ to 2 NPS ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB, butt-weld ends 1¼" min.
or ASTM A105/A105M Flanged ASME B16.5, 600#

CRES steel, ASTM A182/A182M,
F304L or F316L

ASTM A351/A351M,
Grade CF-3/CF-3M
Globe/angle and Y-pattern stop MIL-V-22052
and stop-check, 2½ NPS and
Gate, 2½ NPS and above MIL-V-18110
Check ASME B16.34, Class 150 Flanged end
Relief MIL-V-24332 Flanged ends only
Control MIL-V-18030
Commercial Electronically controlled;
approved by NAVSEA
Pressure-reducing Commercial See note F-1-2
Butterfly MIL-V-24624 Type I
Needle, ¼ to ½ NPS, vent, drain MIL-V-24586 Socket-weld only 200 °F
and sampling max.
Ball, ¼ to 2½ NPS Carbon steel/stainless steel 803-5001003
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TABLE XXVI. Category F-1, Lubricating oil, 150 psig/250 °F - Continued.

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Flanged, ½ NPS and above Carbon steel, ASTM A216/A216M, ASME B16.5, series 150
Grade WCB
Socket-weld Carbon steel, ASME B16.11
ASTM A105/A105M or CRES,
ASTM A182/A182M, F304L or
Butt-weld Carbon steel, ASME B16.9
ASTM A403/A403M WP304L-S
or WP316L-S
Belled end and couplings ASTM A312/A312M, TP304L or MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Socket-welding end branch outlets Carbon steel or CRES, MSS SP-97 or as approved

ASTM A105/A105M or ASTM
Butt-welding end branch outlets A234/A234M, WCB,
ASTM A182/A182M, F304L or

MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46

Take-down joints Socket-weld flanges, ¼ and ⅜ Carbon steel, As approved 1
⁄16" raised face
NPS ASTM A105/A105M, or
Butt- and socket-weld flanges, ½ ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB ASME B16.5
NPS and above CRES steel, ASTM A182/A182M,
F304L, or F316L
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TABLE XXVI. Category F-1, Lubricating oil, 150 psig/250 °F - Continued.

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Gaskets Hybrid MIL-PRF-32187 See 4.26
Sheet Non-asbestos MIL-DTL-24696, Type II For butterfly valve flange
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
F-1-1 New ship designs referring to this specification shall be CRES.
F-1-2 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
F-1-3 Where the applicable valve specifications do not include stainless steel as a material choice, the specification design requirements shall be modified to fabricate
the valve from stainless steel, subject to NAVSEA approval.

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TABLE XXVII. Category G-1, G-3, G-4, and G-5, Hydraulic service, 3000 psig, 180 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
G-1, G-3, G-4, and Hydraulic service 3000 180 See 4.14, 4.39
G-5 See notes G-1-1 through
G-1-4, G-1-9

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B or ASTM
A106/A106M, Grade B
Copper-nickel (70-30) MIL-T-16420
CRES MIL-P-24691/3 or See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M, 316L or
ASTM A213/A213M, Ty 304L or See note G-1-8

Welded and drawn Corrosion and heat resistant steel, SAE-AMS5561 Use in weight critical areas
21Cr-6Ni-9Mn only

Valves Globe/ angle stop and stop-check, Alloy steel 803-5184193 1500# ASME B16.34 rating
¼ to 2 NPS Carbon steel or CRES 803-2177525 Limited to ASME B16.34
600# rating for flanged,
900# socket or butt-welded
Globe, angle Nickel-aluminum bronze 803-6397247
Aluminum bronze MIL-V-24109
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and Carbon steel or CRES MIL-V-22052
stop-check, 2½ NPS and above (mod if CRES)
Gate, 2½ NPS and above Steel or CRES MIL-V-18110
Control-special (includes Carbon steel, Commercial See note G-1-7
directional flow control, pressure ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB,
control) ASTM A105/A105M,
Aluminum alloy 6061-T6,
Corrosion resisting steel,
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TABLE XXVII. Category G-1, G-3, G-4, and G-5, Hydraulic service, 3000 psig, 180 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Valves - continued Ball CRES, bronze or aluminum bronze MIL-V-22687

Check As qualified MIL-V-24630/1

Vent and test Nickel-copper MIL-V-24695
Sample and bleed Aluminum bronze, CRES MIL-DTL-81940/4
Commercial See note G-1-7
MIL-V-20065 MS33649 end connections
Fittings Butt-weld Carbon steel/CRES, ASME B16.9 1¼ inch min.
ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB,
ASTM A403/A403M WP304L-S,

Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726
Socket-weld Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.11 2 inch max.

CRES, ASTM A182/A182M,

F316L or F304L,
Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726
O-ring connector CRES SAE-J24714
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.45
Take-down joints Flanges, butt- or socket-weld CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.5 1¼ inch min. (butt-weld)
Flanged welding neck F304L or F316L
Copper-nickel, 2 inch max. (socket-weld)
Carbon steel,
ASTM A105/A105M
Unions, butt- or socket-weld CRES, 803-1385884
ASTM A182/A182M, F304L or 810-1385888
F316L, MIL-C-15726
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TABLE XXVII. Category G-1, G-3, G-4, and G-5, Hydraulic service, 3000 psig, 180 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints - Unions, adapter tailpiece for CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, Commercial See G-1-7
continued O-ring sealed unions F304L or F316L,
carbon steel,
ASTM A105/A105M
Union welding Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M NAWC Drawing A404734 See note G-1-12
Flanges, 4-bolt square Corrosion resisting steel MIL-DTL-24704
Flange, 4-bolt split Carbon steel SAE-J518 2 NPS max.
See G-1-11
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716 See note G-1-10, 4.26

Hybrid Fluorocarbon seal MIL-PRF-32187

O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276

Flange bolting Bolt and studs Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B7 See 4.16

Nuts ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 4 or 7

Bolt, screws, and studs Nickel-copper-aluminum/ MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 500, ASTM

nickel-copper F468, Grade 400
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
G-1-1 Hydraulic piping and fittings which are located in water or on weather decks or other locations where they are or may be exposed to the weather shall be CRES
or copper-nickel.
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TABLE XXVII. Category G-1, G-3, G-4, and G-5, Hydraulic service, 3000 psig, 180 °F - Continued.
NOTES (continued):
G-1-2 Unless otherwise permitted by applicable specifications, the design pressure for determining the wall thickness of the pipe and the selection of fittings shall be
the sum of the operating pressure and the hydraulic surge pressure. The hydraulic surge pressure shall include such factors as rapid valve opening and closing,
overhauling loads, suddenly applied loads, and relief valve response time. The hydraulic surge pressure requirement may be relaxed if it can be definitely
ascertained that the maximum fluid velocity for a particular size pipe will be lower than 30 feet per second (ft/s), in such cases the maximum velocity
determined to be present for the pipe size in question shall be used as a basis for determining the hydraulic surge pressure and maximum total pressure to be
used in calculating pipe wall thickness. Hydraulic surge pressure is to be determined by the following formula:

s = 70V

Ps = Pressure increase due to shock psig
V = Velocity of liquid flow in the pipe before valve closure (feet per second) use V = 30 ft/s
G-1-3 Socket-welded construction shall be limited to service applications expected to see less than 100,000 cycles where the magnitude of the pressure variation
exceeds 2000 psi.

G-1-4 For carbon steel piping, unions of carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M may be used, provided the material for the union nut is nickel-copper alloy in accordance
with QQ-N-286 or CRES in accordance with ASTM A276, Type 304 or 316.
G-1-5 Where ANSI flanges modified for O-rings are employed, they shall be flat face, grooved, and equipped with standard O-ring gaskets with back-up rings suitable
for the service.

G-1-6 All joints shall be welded or MAFs, except where take-down joints are required.
G-1-7 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
G-1-8 Tubing is permitted to facilitate use of NAVSEA-approved hydraulic fittings sized for tube vice pipe.
G-1-9 Valves and components limited by pressure-temperature rating of the design drawing or specification for the component.
G-1-10 Hybrid gaskets shall have specific approval for application and pressure rating.
G-1-11 This flange subject to NAVSEA approval
G-1-12 Where unions to NAWC Drawing A404734 are used, the material for the union nut shall be nickel-copper alloy in accordance with QQ-N-281
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TABLE XXVIII. Category G-2, G-6, and G-7, Low pressure hydraulic (including lines), 400 psig/180 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
G-2, G-6, and G-7 Low pressure hydraulic 400 180 See 4.14, 4.39
(including lines) See notes G-2-1 though G-

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B or
MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B
CRES, TP 304L or 316L MIL-P-24691/3 See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M
Copper-nickel MIL-T-16420
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Steel MIL-V-18110
Bronze 803-2177917

Gate, 2 NPS and below Bronze 803-1385714
Globe/angle stop, stop-check, Bronze 803-4384536
throttle and lift-check, ¼ to 2 NPS
Steel 803-2177525

Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop and Bronze 803-1385623

stop-check, 2½ NPS and above
Check Bronze MIL-V-17547
Bronze and steel MIL-V-18436
Stop-check, 2½ NPS and larger Steel MIL-V-22052
Relief CRES, Ni-Cu MIL-V-24694/1
Ball, ¼ to 2½ NPS Bronze, corrosion-resting steel, 803-5001003
carbon steel
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TABLE XXVIII. Category G-2, G-6, and G-7, Low pressure hydraulic (including lines) 400 psig/180 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Butt-weld Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.9 1¼" min.
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B, See 4.10
ASTM A234/A234M, Grade WPB,
WP304L-S or WP316L-S,
Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726
Socket-weld CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.11 See G-2-8
F304L or F316L,
Steel, ASTM A105/A105M
Copper-nickel 803-6397430 See note G-2-8
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take-down joints Butt- or socket-welding flanges Carbon steel, ASME B16.5 1¼" min. for butt-welded
ASTM A105/A105M, or flanges

CRES, See note G-2-1, G-2-8
ASTM A182/A182M, 304L or
Copper-nickel 803-6983512 See note G-2-8

Union tailpieces Copper-nickel 803-7063850 For bronze union-ended

Union, welding Carbon steel NAEL Drawing A404734 See note G-2-3
CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, 803-1385884
F304L or F316L, copper-nickel, 810-1385888
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716 If hybrid gasket not
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
Hybrid Fluorocarbon seal MIL-PRF-32187 See 4.26
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
Bolts, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Grade 400
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
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TABLE XXVIII. Category G-2, G-6, and G-7, Low pressure hydraulic (including lines) 400 psig/180 °F - Continued.
G-2-1 Where ANSI flanges modified for O-rings are employed, they shall be flat face, grooved, and equipped with standard O-ring gaskets with back-up rings suitable
for the service.
G-2-2 Hydraulic piping and fittings which are located in water or on weather decks or other locations where they are or may be exposed to the weather shall be CRES
or copper-nickel.
G-2-3 For carbon steel piping, unions of carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M may be used, provided the material for the union nut is nickel-copper alloy in accordance
with QQ-N-286 or CRES in accordance with ASTM A276, Type 304 or 316.
G-2-4 Where bronze 150 psi line flanges bolt up to 250 psi valve flanges in sizes 2 to 4 inches, the diameter of the bolt holes in the line flanges shall be increased to
match the 250 psi flange bolting.
G-2-5 Unless otherwise permitted, the design pressure shall be the sum of the operating pressure and the hydraulic surge pressure. The hydraulic surge pressure shall
include such factors as rapid valve opening and closing, overhauling loads, suddenly applied loads and relief valve response time.
G-2-6 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
G-2-7 Valves and components limited to pressure-temperature rating on valve drawing.
G-2-8 Socket-welds limited to 2 NPS maximum for pressures 300 psi or above.

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TABLE XXIX. Category G-8, Hydraulic service, 6000 psig/200 °F.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
G-8 Hydraulic service 6000 200 See 4.14, 4.39, note G-8-2

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless CRES MIL-P-24691/3 or ASTM See 4.50

A312/A312M, Grade TP321
ASTM A213/A213M, Gr 321 See G-8-1
Valves Globe w/ test connection CRES, Grade 316 Body MIL-V-24578
Globe Commercial CPV O-seal system or
equal, see G-8-3
Fittings Socket-welding CRES ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F321
ASME B16.11

Butt-welding Seamless or radiographed CRES ASME B16.9
ASTM A403/A403M WP321-S
Take-down joints Flange, 4 bolt CRES As approved

Union, O-ring face seal CRES, Grade 321 Commercial CPV O-seal system or
equal, see G-8-3
Gaskets O-ring Fluorocarbon rubber SAE-AMS7276
Flange bolting Screws, bolts, studs Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B16 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 7H
G-8-1 Tubing permitted in lieu of piping where use of NAVSEA-approved hydraulic fittings designed for tubing sizes is required.
G-8-2 Unless otherwise permitted, the design pressure shall be the sum of the operating pressure and the hydraulic surge pressure. The hydraulic surge pressure shall
include such factors as rapid valve opening and closing, overhauling loads, suddenly applied loads, and relief valve response time.
G-8-3 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
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TABLE XXX. Category H-1, Gasoline, 150 psig/150 °F.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
H-1 Gasoline 150 150 Silver-braze restriction
See 4.13, notes H-1-2, H-1-

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420, Class 200
Valves Bronze 803-2177917
Gate, 2½ NPS and above Flanged ends only
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends only
Globe/angle stop, stop-check and 803-4384536 Union ends only
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS

803-1385623 Flanged ends only
Globe/Y-pattern, 2½ to 10 NPS

Globe/angle stop, stop-check and Copper-nickel (90-10) Commercial See note H-1-1
Swing-check Bronze MIL-V-17547
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only
Swing-check, 2½ NPS and above 803-1385637 Flanged ends only
Type III, special flanges
Butterfly Aluminum bronze MIL-V-24624
Relief MIL-V-24332
Regulating Commercial See note H-1-1
Fittings Socket-welding 803-6397430
Butt-welding 810-1385880
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Belled end and couplings Copper-nickel alloy MSS SP-119 See 4.47
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TABLE XXX. Category H-1, Gasoline, 150 psig/150 °F - Continued.

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanges (butt-weld) 810-1385992
Flanges (socket-weld) 803-6983512
Unions (welded) Copper-nickel See note H-1-1
Union end tailpiece assy Copper-nickel 803-7063850 For union end valves
Gaskets SAE-AMSC6183, Class 1, Grade
Buna-N and cork
Flat C-firm
Nylon reinforced rubber 804-5284201, Types 3 or 4 See 4.26
O-ring Fluorocarbon rubber SAE-AMS7276
Hybrid MIL-PRF-32187
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs ASTM F468, Grade 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400

NASM 25027/NASM 17828
Nuts, self-locking

H-1-1 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
H-1-2 Materials shown are for existing system repair and shall contain no ferrous material or other materials which can spark or store static electricity. New ships shall
utilize portable bladders and containers which can be jettisoned overboard during emergencies.
H-1-3 See 4.39 regarding casting radiographic/non-destructive test requirements.
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TABLE XXXI. Category H-2, Cleaning fluid and contaminated aviation lubricating system, 100 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
H-2 Cleaning fluid and 100 150 See 4.14
contaminated aviation
lubricating system

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper MIL-T-24107
Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Bronze 803-2177917 Flanged ends only
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends only
Globe/angle stop and stop-check, 803-1385541 Flanged ends only
2½ NPS and above

Globe/angle stop, stop-check and 803-4384536 Union ends only
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS
Butterfly MIL-V-24624 Type III, special flanges
Aluminum bronze

Swing-check Bronze MIL-V-17547
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only
Relief MIL-V-24332
Regulating Commercial See note H-2-1
Ball, ¼ inch to 2½ NPS 803-5001003
Ball, 3 to 6 NPS 803-5001004
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TABLE XXXI. Category H-2, Cleaning fluid and contaminated aviation lubricating system 100 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Socket-welding Copper-nickel 803-6397430
Butt-welding 810-1385880
Bronze MIL-F-1183
Silver brazing MIL-F-24227
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Belled end and couplings Copper-nickel MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Take-down joints Flanged, silver brazing Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
803-1385892 Special flange for butterfly
Flange, welded Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Union Bronze MIL-F-1183

Union end tailpiece assy Bronze, 803-7063850 For union end valves

Gaskets Flat Buna-N and cork SAE-AMSC6183, Class 1, Grade See 4.26
Nylon reinforced rubber 804-5284201, Types 3 or 4
O-ring Fluorocarbon rubber SAE-AMS7276 See 4.26
Hybrid MIL-PRF-32187
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Grade 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400 See 4.16
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
H-2-1 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
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TABLE XXXII. Category I-1, JP-5 fuel service, filling transfer, tank stripping, and auxiliary JP-5, 200 psig/100 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
I-1 JP-5 fuel service, filling transfer, 200 100 See 4.14, notes I-1-1, I-1-3
tank stripping and auxiliary JP-5

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded CRES 316L MIL-P-24691/3 or ASTM See 4.50
A312/A312M, Ty 316L or 304L
Valves Gate Bronze 803-2177917
CRES 316L MIL-V-18110 See note I-1-2
Globe, angle and cross Bronze 803-1385541 100 psig max.

CRES 316L MIL-V-22052 See note I-1-2
CRES ASTM A182/A182M, F316 803-2177525

Butterfly Bronze or CRES MIL-V-24624 Type III

Relief MIL-V-24332
Swing-check 803-1385637
Ball, ¼" to 2½" 803-5001003
Ball, 3" to 6" 803-5001004
Manifold Copper-nickel Soft seating, as approved
Fittings Butt-welding CRES ASTM A403/A403M ASME B16.9 See note I-1-2
WP316L-S or WP304L-S 803-1385880 (mod)
Belled end and couplings ASTM A312/A312M, 304L or MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Socket-welding ASTM A182/A182M, F304L or ANSI/ASME B16.11
Tailpiece, socket or buttwelded ASTM A182/A182M, F304L or 803-7063850 (mod for CRES)
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TABLE XXXII. Category I-1, JP-5 fuel service, filling transfer, tank stripping and auxiliary JP-5, 200 psig/100 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanges CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.5 (mod) Flat face
Socket and butt-weld F304L or F316L 803-6983512 (mod) See note I-1-2
Gaskets Sheet Buna-N and cork SAE-AMSC6183, Class 1, Grade See 4.26
Nylon reinforced rubber 804-5284201, Types 3 or 4
Non asbestos MIL-DTL-24696, Type II For butterfly valves
See 4.26 and I-1-4
Hybrid MIL-PRF-32187 See 4.26
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Grade 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

Orifices Flow orifice CRES 316L
I-1-1 This category includes cargo JP-5 systems. The cargo JP-5 piping within convertible cargo tanks (those intended for selective stowage of JP-5 fuel) shall be in

accordance with this category.

I-1-2 Modified for use of 316L material
I-1-3 Valves shall be provided with Teflon stem packing and flat face flanges.
I-1-4 Use of sheet gasket only when conditions noted in 4.26 do not allow use of hybrid. When hybrid cannot be used, an alternative sheet to the MIL-DTL-24696 is
Garlock Bluegard 3000.
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TABLE XXXIII. Category J-1 and J-2, Air, nitrogen and helium, 6000 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-1 and J-2 Air, nitrogen and helium 6000 150 See 4.39
Silver-brazed restriction
see 4.14 and note J-1-2

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper-nickel (70-30) MIL-T-16420
CRES MIL-P-24691/3, 304L or 316L, See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M, TP304L or
Valves Globe and angle, ⅛ to 2 NPS Aluminum-bronze, 803-6397247, MIL-V-24109 Union ends only
Nickel-aluminum bronze, and HT
bronze (80,000 UTS min.)
Check, lift and in-line Bronze, Soft seating design (commercial) Union end, socket-welding

Aluminum-bronze, 803-6397247 See note J-1-3
Ball MIL-V-22687
Nickel-aluminum bronze

Relief MIL-V-22549
Control-special As approved
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-2961
Manifolds pressure- reducing MIL-V-24272
Automatic shut-off ASTM F1793 See 4.42
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TABLE XXXIII. Category J-1 and J-2, Air, nitrogen and helium, 6000 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Socket-welding Forged copper-nickel, ASME B16.11
MIL-C-15726 (70-30) or CRES,
ASTM A182/A182M, 304L or
Butt-welding CRES, ASTM A403/A403M ASME B16.9
WP304L-S or WP316L-S
Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726
Socket or butt-welding outlets CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, Commercial Welded to pipe run
F304L or F316L or forged copper- MSS SP-97 See note J-1-3
nickel (70-30), MIL-C-15726

Bosses Copper-nickel (70-30) 803-1385950 3300 psi max. welded to

pipe run

MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take-down joints Butt and socket-welded unions Forged copper-nickel, 803-1385884 See note J-1-1
MIL-C-15726 or CRES, ASTM
A182/A182M, F304L or F316L 810-1385888 For OD tubing, see note J-1-

Gaskets O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7259

J-1-1 To prevent or minimize galling, the union nut shall be of dissimilar metal than the thread piece.
J-1-2 Air piping and fittings in fire hazardous areas, such as machinery spaces, shall be fabricated of copper-nickel or CRES. Valves in these spaces shall be welded,
flanged, or union-ended with copper-nickel or CRES tailpieces. Silver-brazed joints shall not be used in these spaces.
J-1-3 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
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TABLE XXXIV. Category J-3, Air and nitrogen, 600 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-3 Air and nitrogen 600 150 See 4.39
Silver brazing restriction,
see 4.14 and note J-3-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper-nickel (70-30) MIL-T-16420
CRES MIL-P-1 24691/3, 304L or 316L See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M, TP304L,
Valves Globe, angle and check, ⅛ to 1½ Nickel-aluminum-bronze 803-6397247 Union ends only
Bronze, aluminum-bronze, MIL-V-24109, soft- seating design
copper-nickel or CRES

Ball, ¼" to 2½ NPS 803-5001003 See note J-3-2

MIL-V-22687 Union ends


Control, special As approved

Lift-check Aluminum bronze Commercial (soft seat design) Union end, socket-welding
Relief Nickel-aluminum-bronze MIL-V-22549 Union ends only
Pressure-reducing Bronze, aluminum-bronze, MIL-V-2961
Manifolds, pressure-reducing CRES MIL-V-24272 Union ends only 40-120 °F
temp. limits
Automatic shut-off ASTM F1793 Union ends only
See 4.42
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TABLE XXXIV. Category J-3, Air and nitrogen, 600 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Socket-weld CRES, ASME B16.11
ASTM A182/A182M, 304L, or
Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726 ASME B16.11
Copper-nickel 803-6397430 400 psi max.
Butt-weld, seamless Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726, ASME B16.9
WP304L-S or WP316L-S
Bosses Copper-nickel (70-30) 803-1385950 Weld to pipe run
Socket-welding and butt-welding Copper-nickel (70-30), Commercial See note J-3-1
end outlet MIL-C-15726
Take-down joints Socket-welded unions Forged copper-nickel, 803-1385884

MIL-C-15726, or CRES, 304L or

Gaskets O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276


J-3-1 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
J-3-2 600 psi at 135 °F maximum for 2½ NPS valve.
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TABLE XXXV. Category J-4, Air and nitrogen, 200 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-4 Air and nitrogen 200 150 Silver brazing restriction,
see 4.14, note J-4-5

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel MIL-T-16420

Seamless CRES MIL-P-24691/3, 304L or 316L See 4.50

ASTM A312/A312M, TP304L or
Copper MIL-T-24107

GRP MIL-P-24608 See notes J-4-2, J-4-3

Valves Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS Bronze, 803-1385714 Union ends only

Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS Aluminum-bronze, 803-1385721
Nickel-aluminum bronze
Globe/ angle, needle, stop-check 803-4384536 Soft seat design, except
and check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-6397247 needle valve

Union ends only

Pressure-regulating MIL-V-24384 150 psi max.
Union ends only
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-2961 Union ends only
Lift-check Commercial (soft seat design) See note J-4-1
Relief MIL-V-22549 Union ends only
Automatic shut-off ASTM F1793 See 4.42
Ball, ¼" to 2½ NPS 803-5001003
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TABLE XXXV. Category J-4, Air and nitrogen, 200 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Socket-welded CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.11
F304L, F316L
Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726
Copper-nickel 803-6397430
Butt-welded, seamless Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726, ASME B16.9
MIL-T-16420 803-1385880
Socket-welded and butt-welded Copper-nickel (70-30 or 90-10), Commercial Weld to pipe run
end outlet MIL-C-15726 MSS SP-97 See note J-4-1
Socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 See note J-4-3
Butt and socket-welded CRES 803-1385884 and 810-1385888
or copper-nickel (70-30)
Union end tailpiece assy Bronze, 803-7063850 For union end valves

Silver-brazed flanges Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
ASME B16.24

Silver-brazed fittings and unions MIL-F-1183

Socket-welded flanges CRES, ASME B16.5
ASTM A182/A182M, F304L,
Copper-nickel (70-30) ASME B16.5, Class 150
Socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 See note J-4-3
Adapter As approved SAE J514 See note J-4-4, 4.13.g
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Grade 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
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TABLE XXXV. Category J-4, Air and nitrogen, 200 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 2 and 4 See 4.26
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7259
J-4-1 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
J-4-2 GRP may be used for L.P. non-vital air system outside of high fire hazard spaces.
J-4-3 Category C-3 may be used for GRP components and fittings. See 4.43.
J-4-4 Male NPT to three-piece 37-degree flare adapter fittings for control components to tubing (125 psi max.) where materials and fittings are specifically approved.
J-4-5 Air piping and fittings in fire hazardous areas, such as machinery spaces, shall be fabricated of copper-nickel or CRES. Valves in these spaces shall be welded,
flanged, or union-ended with copper-nickel or CRES tailpieces. Silver-brazed joints shall not be used in these spaces.

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TABLE XXXVI. Category J-5, Air, and bleed-off, 150 psig/550 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-5 Air, and bleed-off 150 550 See 4.14

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel MIL-P-24691/1, Grade A or B
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade A or
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Carbon steel MIL-V-18110
Globe/angle stop, stop-check, lift- ASTM A105/A105M 803-2177525 Socket or butt-weld ends
check and throttle, ¼ to 2 NPS ASME B16.34, Class 900
Control MIL-V-18030 Flanged ends only,
Relief MIL-V-20065 ASME B16.5
Fittings Butt-welding ASTM A234/A234M, Class WPB ASME B16.9

Socket-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.11
ASTM A105/A105M
Take-down joints Flanges Carbon steel, ASME B16.5 Flat face

ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Sheet Commercial Commercial 1
⁄16" thick
Flange bolting Bolts, studs, screws Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
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TABLE XXXVII. Category J-6, Air, gas turbine starting and prairie masker, 150 psig/450 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-6 Air, gas turbine starting and 150 450 See 4.14
prairie masker

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded CRES MIL-P-24691/3, Grade 304L, 316L

Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above CRES, MIL-V-18110

ASTM A351/A351M, Grade CF3-8
or CF3M,
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade
F316L or F304L
Control MIL-V-18030 Flanged ends only
ASME B16.5

See note J-6-2
Relief MIL-V-20065
Fittings Butt-welding CRES, ASTM A403/A403M ASME B16.9

WP304L-S or WP316L-S
Socket-welding CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.11
F304L or F316L
Take-down joints Butt-welding and socket-welding ASME B16.5 Flat face
Gaskets Sheet Commercial Commercial See note J-6-1
⁄16" thick
Flange bolting Bolts, studs, screws Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
J-6-1 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
J-6-2 Modified to fabricate from CRES Type 304L/316L.
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TABLE XXXVIII. Category J-7, Air, prairie-masker, gas turbine starting, 100 psig/600 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-7 Air, prairie-masker, gas turbine 100 600 Silver brazing restriction
starting see 4.14
See notes J-7-1 and J-7-6

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper MIL-T-24107 See note J-7-2 and 4.50
Seamless or welded Copper-nickel MIL-T-16420
CRES MIL-P-24691/3 or ASTM
A312/A312M, TP321 or TP347
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Bronze 803-2177917 Flanged ends only
MIL-V-1189 400 °F max.
Globe/ angle stop and stop-check, 803-1385541

2½ NPS and above

Globe/angle stop, stop-check and 803-4384536 Union ends only

needle, ¼ to 2 NPS 400 °F max.

Swing-check, 2½ inches and above MIL-V-17547 Flanged ends only

425 °F max.
803-1385637 400 °F max.
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only, 425 °F
Butterfly MIL-V-24624 See note J-7-3
Automatic shut-off, ¼ to 2 NPS ASTM F1793 Union ends only
See 4.42
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TABLE XXXVIII. Category J-7, Air, prairie-masker, gas turbine starting, 100 psig/600 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Silver-brazed Bronze MIL-F-1183 See notes J-7-4 and J-7-5
Socket-welded end outlet Copper-nickel (70-30), Commercial
Socket-welded MIL-C-15726, ASME B16.11
Butt-welded ASTM A182/A182M, Grade 316L, ASME B16.9
321, or 347
Copper-nickel (70-30) 803-1385880
Flanges, take-down Silver-brazed flanges Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
joints 803-1385892
Butt- and socket-welded flanges Copper-nickel (70-30) or CRES ASME B16.5, Class 300

Silver-brazed unions Bronze MIL-F-1183

Butt- and socket-welded unions Copper-nickel (70-30) or CRES 803-1385884 and 810-1385888

Union end tailpiece assy Bronze, 803-7063850 For union end valves
Copper-nickel See note J-7-4

CRES, ASTM A182/A182M Mod for CRES

Gaskets Sheet Non-asbestos Commercial 1
⁄16" thick. See note J-7-5
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Grade 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
Bolts, screws, studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
J-7-1 Piping and fittings in fire hazardous areas, such as machinery spaces, shall be fabricated of copper-nickel or CRES. Valves in these spaces shall be welded,
flanged, or union-ended with copper-nickel or CRES tail pieces. Silver-brazed joints shall not be used in these spaces.
J-7-2 Piping within the shaft bore shall be 70-30 copper-nickel.
J-7-3 Butterfly valves may be used where the temperatures do not exceed 500 °F.
J-7-4 Joints above 425 °F shall be welded.
J-7-5 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
J-7-6 Unless otherwise noted, bronze valves, fittings, and take-down joints in this table shall not be used above 425 °F.
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TABLE XXXIX. Category J-8, Air deballast, 50 psig/400 °F.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-8 Air deballast 50 400 Silver brazing restrictions
See 4.14, note J-8-4

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420, Class 200
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above Bronze 803-2177917 Flanged ends only
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends only

Globe/ angle stop and stop-check, 803-1385541 Flanged ends only

2½ NPS and above
Globe/angle stop, stop-check, and 803-4384536 Union ends only

needle, ¼ to 2 NPS

Check, swing, 2½ NPS and above 803-1385637 Flanged ends only


Check, swing, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only

Butterfly, 2 NPS and above MIL-V-24624 See note J-8-2

Relief MIL-V-20065 Flanged ends only

Modified for bronze
Ball MIL-V-22687
Control MIL-V-18030 Flanged ends only
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10), 803-1385880 150 °F max.
Socket-welding MIL-C-15726 ASME B16.11
Belled end and couplings Copper-nickel, MIL-T-16420 MSS SP-119 See 4.47
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TABLE XXXIX. Category J-8, Air deballast, 50 psig/400 °F - Continued.

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings - continued MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take-down joints Unions, silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Union end tailpiece assy Bronze, 803-7063850 For union end valves
Silver brazing flanges Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
803-1385892 Special flanges for butterfly
valves 180 °F max.
Butt-weld flanges Copper-nickel (90-10), 810-1385992
Slip-on, socket-weld flanges MIL-C-15726 803-6983512 See note J-8-1
Gasket Sheet Non-asbestos Commercial See note J-8-3
⁄16" thick
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Grade 400 See 4.16

Nuts Nickel-copper ASTM F467, Grade 400 See 4.16
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

J-8-1 Slip-on flanges shall be bored to suit the outside diameter of the tube with flange thickness, drilling, and facing in accordance with MIL-PRF-20042.
J-8-2 Valve must be suitable for a temperature of 400 °F.
J-8-3 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
J-8-4 Air piping and fittings in fire hazardous areas, such as machinery spaces, shall be welded. Valves in these spaces shall be welded, flanged, or union-ended with
copper-nickel tailpieces. Silver-brazed joints shall not be used in these spaces.
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TABLE XL. Category J-9, Air, gas turbine bleed, anti-icing, 300 psig/950 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
J-9 Air, gas turbine bleed, anti-icing 300 950 See 4.14, 4.39

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless CRES MIL-P-24691/3 or See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M, TP321 or
Valves Gate, 2½ NPS and above CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, F321, MIL-V-18110, modified See note J-9-1
Globe/angle stop, stop-check and or F347 803-5184193, modified
lift-check, ¼ to 2 NPS
Globe/angle/Y-pattern stop, stop- MIL-V-22052, modified for CRES
check and lift-check, 2½ NPS and and lift-check

Swing-check Commercial See note J-9-2
Ball 803-5001003 or commercial See note J-9-3
See note J-9-2

Fittings Socket-welded CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, F321, ASME B16.11

or F347
Butt-welded CRES, ASTM A403/A403M ASME B16.9
WP321-S or WP347-S
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take-down joints Flanges CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, F321, ASME B16.5
or F347
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Constant strength studs Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B16 See 4.16
Nuts (heavy hex) ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 7H
J-9-1 Composition E: CRES F321 or F347 (valve backseat and guide to be HF). This requirement will be part of the classification of MIL-V-18110 and
J-9-2 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
J-9-3 250 °F maximum temperature. This temperature may be further reduced depending on actual valve size and service pressure. Consult drawing for details.
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TABLE XLI. Category K-1, Gaseous oxygen, outside hull, 4500 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
K-1 Gaseous oxygen, outside hull 4500 150 See 4.39 and notes K-1-1,
K-1-2, and K-1-4

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper-nickel MIL-T-16420
Valves Globe and angle, ¼ to 1¼ NPS Bronze, aluminum bronze, copper- Soft seat design Union end
nickel (as approved) MIL-V-24109
Check-lift Nickel-copper MIL-V-24439
Relief, ¼ to 2 NPS MIL-V-22549
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-24336
Fittings Socket-welding Nickel-copper ASME B16.11

Take-down joint Socket-welded unions Nickel-copper 803-1385884 See note K-1-3
Gaskets O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7259

K-1-1 Oxygen system components shall be cleaned in accordance with requirements of MIL-STD-1330.
K-1-2 Lubricants shall be of an approved type as listed in MIL-HDBK-267. (Private shipbuilding activities may obtain information covered in the handbook from the
cognizant SUPSHIP.)
K-1-3 Union nut shall be of nickel-copper-aluminum.
K-1-4 See 4.39 for casting requirements.
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TABLE XLII. Category K-2, Gaseous oxygen, inside hull, 4500 psig/ambient.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
K-2 Gaseous oxygen, inside hull 4500 Ambient See notes K-2-1, K-2-2,
and K-2-4
See 4.14

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Nickel-copper MIL-T-1368, Class A
Valves Globe and angle, ¼ to 1¼ NPS Nickel-copper MIL-V-24439 With nickel-copper nipples
Relief, ¼ to 2 NPS MIL-V-22549 welded to body

Pressure-reducing MIL-V-24336
Packless As approved by NAVSEA
Fittings Socket-welding Nickel-copper, QQ-N-281, Class A, ASME B16.11

MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take-down joints Unions, welded Nickel-copper 803-1385884 See note K-2-3

K-2-1 Oxygen system components shall be cleaned in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1330.
K-2-2 Lubricants shall be of an approved type as listed in MIL-HDBK-267. (Private shipbuilding activities may obtain information covered in the handbook from the
cognizant SUPSHIP.)
K-2-3 To be used only where take-down joints are absolutely necessary for shipboard piping installation and test. Union joints shall be seal-welded in accordance with
S9074-AR-GIB-010/278. The O-ring shall be removed prior to seal welding each joint. Union nut shall be of nickel-copper-aluminum.
K-2-4 See 4.39 for casting RT requirements.
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TABLE XLIII. Category K-3, Gaseous oxygen, 100 psig/ambient.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
K-3 Gaseous oxygen 100 Ambient Silver braze restriction,
see 4.14
See notes K-3-1, K-3-2, K-
3-6, and K-3-7

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper-nickel MIL-T-16420 0.065" min. wall thickness
Valves Globe/angle stop, stop-check, and Bronze 803-4384536 Soft seated globe valves
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS See note K-3-4
Union ends only
Teflon stem packing, Teflon
or nylon disc washer

Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 See note K-3-4
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only

Pressure-reducing MIL-V-24336

Diaphragm, packless Bronze, ASTM B61 Commercial See note K-3-5, union ends,
Teflon or nylon disc washer

Relief, ¼ to 2 NPS Bronze, ASTM B61 MIL-V-22549 See note K-3-3

Union ends only
Fittings MAFs Various ASTM F1387

Socket or butt-welding outlets Copper-nickel (70-30) As approved See note K-3-5

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TABLE XLIII. Category K-3, Gaseous oxygen, 100 psig/ambient - Continued.

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Unions, weld Copper-nickel, Commercial See note K-3-5
Union end tailpiece assy Copper-nickel 803-7063850 For union end valves
Gaskets O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
K-3-1 Components shall be cleaned in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1330.
K-3-2 Lubricants shall be of an approved type as listed in MIL-HDBK-267. (Private shipbuilding activities may obtain information covered in the handbook from the
cognizant SUPSHIP.)
K-3-3 Relief valves shall conform to the basic requirements of MIL-V-22549. Seat or disc material shall be suitable for oxygen service.
K-3-4 Valve packing shall be in accordance with MIL-P-24396, Type C.
K-3-5 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
K-3-6 For new construction, copper piping and brazing shall not be used.
K-3-7 See 4.39 regarding RT of castings.

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TABLE XLIV. Category K-4, Liquid oxygen and nitrogen, 6000 psig.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
K-4 Liquid oxygen and nitrogen 6000 See 4.14 and notes K-4-1,
K-4-2, and K-4-3

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless CRES MIL-P- 24691/3, 316L See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M, 316L
Valves Globe and angle, ¼ to 1¼ NPS CRES MIL-V-24109 Union ends only
Fittings Socket-welding CRES, ASME B16.11
ASTM A182/A182M, F316L
Butt-welding, seamless CRES, ASTM A403/A403M ASME B16.9
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46

K-4-1 Lubricants shall be of an approved type as listed in MIL-HDBK-267. (Private shipbuilding activities may obtain Information covered in the handbook from the
cognizant SUPSHIP.)

K-4-2 Components shall be cleaned in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1330.

K-4-3 See 4.39 regarding RT of castings.
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TABLE XLV. Category K-5, Liquid oxygen and nitrogen, 250 psig.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
K-5 Liquid oxygen and nitrogen 250 Silver braze restriction
See 4.14 and notes K-5-1,
K-5-2, and K-5-5

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper-nickel MIL-T-16420 0.065 inch min. wall
CRES, MIL-P-24691/3 thickness
Grade TP 304L or TP 316L
Valves Globe/angle stop, stop-check and Bronze 803-4384536 See note K-5-3
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS Union ends only
Gate ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721

Relief CRES Commercial See note K-5-4
Fittings Socket-welding CRES, ASME B16.11
ASTM A182/A182M, F304L or

Copper-nickel 803-6397430
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46

Unions, weld Copper-nickel, Commercial See note K-5-4

ASTM B369 or MIL-C-15726 803-6397430
CRES 803-1385884
Union end tailpiece assy Copper-nickel 803-7063850 For union end valves
K-5-1 Components shall be cleaned in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1330.
K-5-2 Lubricants shall be of an approved type as listed in MIL-HDBK-267. (Private shipbuilding activities may obtain information covered in the handbook from the
cognizant SUPSHIP.)
K-5-3 Valve packing shall be in accordance with MIL-P-24396, Type C.
K-5-4 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
K-5-5 See 4.39 regarding RT of castings.
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TABLE XLVI. Category K-6, Mixed gas, 4500 psig/150 °F.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
K-6 Mixed gas 4500 150 See 4.14, 4.39, and notes
K-6-1, K-6-2, and K-6-4

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless CRES MIL-P-24691/3 or See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M, 304L, or
Valves Globe and angle, ¼ to 1¼ NPS CRES MIL-V-24109 Union ends to
Relief, ¼ to 2 NPS MIL-V-22549 803-1385884
See note K-6-3
Pressure-reducing MIL-V-24336
Fittings Socket-welding CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.11
F304L or F316L

Butt-welding CRES, ASTM A403/A403M ASME B16.9
WP304L-S or WP316L-S
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46

Take-down joints Butt- or socket-welded unions CRES, 803-1385884

ASTM A182/A182M, F304L or
K-6-1 Oxygen system components shall be cleaned in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1330.
K-6-2 Lubricants shall be of an approved type as listed in MIL-HDBK-267. (Private shipbuilding activities may obtain information covered in the handbook from the
cognizant SUPSHIP.)
K-6-3 Valves intended for use where system operating gauge pressure exceeds 3000 psig shall be modified for the applicable pressure and approved by NAVSEA.
K-6-4 For systems with oxygen content greater than 40 percent by volume, see Categories K-1 or K-2.
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TABLE XLVII. Category K-7, Propane, 200 psig.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
K-7 Propane 200 Silver braze restriction
See 4.14

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420
Valves Globe/angle stop, stop-check and Bronze 803-4384536 Union ends only
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS Commercial See note K-7-1
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Welded Copper-nickel 803-6397430
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take-down joints Unions, silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183 See 4.14

Unions, weld Copper-nickel, MIL-C-15726 Commercial See note K-7-1
Union end tailpiece assy Bronze 803-7063850 For union end valves

K-7-1 The use of commercial items not conforming to DoD-adopted non-Government standards shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
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TABLE XLVIII. Category L-1, Cooling, (electronic equipment, diesel equipment, diesel engine, and so forth) – ethylene glycol,
freshwater solution, distilled water solution, 150 psig/200 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
L-1 Cooling, (electronic equipment, 150 200 See notes L-1-2, L-1-4
diesel equipment, diesel engine,
and so forth) – ethylene glycol ,
freshwater solution, distilled
water solution

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded CRES MIL-P-24691/3, 304L or See 4.50
ASTM A312/A312M, TP304L
Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420 See note L-1-1
Valves Globe/angle stop/stop-check, ¼ to Bronze 803-4384536 Union ends only

Globe, 2½" and larger 803-1385541 Flanged, 100 psi max.
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends only

Gate, 2 ½" and larger MIL-V-1189, Type 1, Class 1 or Flanged

Gate/globe/swing-check CRES, ASTM A743/A743M, Commercial See note L-1-3
Grade CF-8
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS Bronze, 803-1385721 Union ends only
Swing-check, 2 ½ NPS and larger MIL-V-17547 or 803-1385637 Flanged ends
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TABLE XLVIII. Category L-1, Cooling, (electronic equipment, diesel equipment, diesel engine, and so forth) –
ethylene glycol, freshwater solution, distilled water solution, 150 psig/200 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Valves - continued Reducing Bronze ASTM F1370 including Copper-nickel UNS N05500
supplements trim
See 4.42
Temperature regulating MIL-DTL-19772
Ball, ¼" to 2½ NPS Bronze 803-5001003 Bronze body with nickel-
copper, bronze, or copper-
nickel end piece
CRES CRES body with CRES end
Ball 3 to 6 NPS Bronze 803-5001004 6" butt-welded only
Butterfly CRES, nickel-aluminum-bronze MIL-V-24624, MIL-PRF-32307 Special flanges required

Relief Bronze MIL-V-24332
Fittings Socket-welding Copper-nickel 803-6397430

CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.11

F304L or F316L
Butt-welding CRES, ASTM A403/A403M ASME B16.9
WP304L-S or WP316L-S
Copper-nickel 810-1385880
Belled-end and couplings Copper-nickel/CRES 304L or 316L MSS SP-119 See 4.47
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
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TABLE XLVIII. Category L-1, Cooling, (electronic equipment, diesel equipment, diesel engine, and so forth) –
ethylene glycol, freshwater solution, distilled water solution, 150 psig/200 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Welding flanges CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, 304L ASME B16.5
or 316L
Silver brazing flanges Bronze 803-1385892 Special for butterfly valves
Socket-welded and weld neck Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 803-6983512 or 810-1385992
Gaskets Sheet Non-asbestos MIL-DTL-24696, Type II Preferred gasket for
butterfly valves
Flat Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 1 or 2 as See 4.26
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Grade 400 See 4.15
Nuts ASTM F467, Grade 400

Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

Flange fasteners Bolts, screws, studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
L-1-1 Copper-nickel shall be used for systems with a corrosion inhibitor added to the ethylene glycol/water solution.
L-1-2 Electronic cooling water systems, which require demineralized water, shall use uninhibited ethylene glycol/water solutions and materials in accordance with
Category C-1 and C-2.
L-1-3 Commercial valves subject to NAVSEA approval.
L-1-4 For electronic cooling water refer to Category C-1/C-2 for restrictions on brazing copper-nickel.
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TABLE XLIX. Category M-1, Seawater-washdown countermeasure system, 200 psig/100 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
M-1 Seawater-washdown 200 100 See notes M-1-1, M-1-2
countermeasure system

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) MIL-T-16420 See notes M-1-2, M-1-3

Valves Gate, 2½ to 12 NPS Bronze 803-2177917 Flanged ends only

Gate, 2 NPS and smaller 803-1385714 Union ends only

Globe/angle stop, stop-check and 803-4384536 Union ends only

needle, 2 NPS and smaller

Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only
Flanged ends only

Diaphragm-check 803-6983468
MIL-V-17501, Type 4
Control 803-6397408
Ball, 2½ NPS and smaller Bronze 803-5001003 Bronze Body with Bronze,
Copper-nickel nickel-copper, or copper-
nickel end pieces
Copper-nickel body with
copper-nickel end piece
Ball, 3 to 6 NPS Bronze 803-5001004 6 NPS valve butt-welded
Butterfly MIL-V-24624 See 4.30
Butterfly, 3 to 10 inches Nickel-aluminum-bronze 803-7106793 Not for use where
firehardening is required
MIL-PRF-32307 See 4.7, 4.30
Needle, ⅜" NPT Bronze body, nickel-copper Commercial
(N04400) trim
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TABLE XLIX. Category M-1, Seawater-washdown countermeasure system, 200 psig/100 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Butt-welding Copper-nickel 810-1385880
ASME B16.9
Socket-welding Copper-nickel 803-6397430
Belled end and couplings, 12 NPS Copper-nickel, MIL-T-16420 MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Socket-welded end outlet 70-30 copper-nickel MIL-C-15726 Commercial
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Take-down joints Union end tailpiece assy Bronze and copper-nickel 803-7063850 For union end valves
Socket-welding flanges Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Butt-welding flanges 810-1385992
Butt- and socket-welded, unions Copper-nickel Commercial

Flanges, silver brazing Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
803-1385892 Special for butterfly valves
Unions, silver brazing MIL-F-1183

Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 1 or 2 as See 4.26

Non-asbestos MIL-DTL-24696, Type II Preferred gasket for
butterfly valves
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
M-1-1 For attachment of Type SB CRES spray heads, a nickel-copper transition piece in accordance with MIL-T-1368, Class A, shall be welded to the head and silver-
brazed to a bronze fitting in the piping system. Weld joint design shall be Type P-14 of MIL-STD-22, except that the “T” dimension shall be the thickness of the
welding socket wall.
M-1-2 Portions of the WDCM system that are shared with AFFF sprinkling require fire hardening in accordance with 4.14.
M-1-3 70-30 copper-nickel shall be used as specified in special applications and where required for maximum system pressure.
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TABLE L. Category N-1, Sprinkling system (dry) other than AFFF and magazine, 175 psig/100 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
N-1 Sprinkling system (dry) other 175 100 See 4.14
than AFFF and magazine

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420
Valves Sprinkling control Bronze 803-6397408
Globe/angle stop/stop-check, 803-1385541 100 psi max.
2½ NPS and above
Globe Y-pattern, 2½ to 10 NPS 803-1385623
Fittings Welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 803-1385880
Socket-welding ASME B16.11 Modified for copper-nickel

Belled end and couplings MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Flanges Socket-welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 803-6983512

Butt-welding 810-1385992
Unions Welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 803-1385884
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 2, as approved See 4.26
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
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TABLE LI. Category N-2, Magazine sprinkling system (wet and dry), 175 psig.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
N-2 Magazine sprinkling system (wet 175 See 4.14
and dry)

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420 Seawater filled
Valves Gate, 2 inches max. Bronze 803-1385714 Union end
Globe/angle stop, stop-check and 803-4384536
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS max.
Check, 2 inches max. 803-1385721
Gate, 2½ inches and above 803-2177917 Flanged end
Globe, 2½ inches and above 803-1385623

Check, 2½ inches and above 803-1385637
Sprinkling control 803-6397408
Butterfly Bronze, nickel-aluminum-bronze MIL-V-24624

Fittings Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 803-1385880

Socket-welding Copper-nickel ASME B16.11
Belled end and couplings MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Flanges Socket-welding Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Butt-welding 810-1385992
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 2 as approved See 4.26
Flange bolting Bolts, studs, screws Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
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TABLE LII. Category N-3, Miscellaneous seawater sprinkling systems (sprinkling other than AFFF, magazine, and countermeasure washdown), 175 psig.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
N-3 Miscellaneous seawater 175
sprinkling systems (sprinkling
other than AFFF, magazine, and
countermeasure washdown)

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420 Seawater filled
Valves Gate, 2 inches max. Bronze 803-1385714 Union end
Globe, 2 inches max. 803-4384536
Check, 2 inches max. 803-1385721
Gate, 2½ inches and above 803-2177917 Flanged end
Globe, 2½ inches and above 803-1385623

Check, 2½ inches and above 803-1385637
Sprinkling control 803-6397408

Butterfly Bronze, nickel-aluminum-bronze MIL-V-24624

Fittings Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 803-1385880
Socket-welding Copper-nickel, ASME B16.11
Bronze 803-6397430
Belled end and couplings MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Silver-brazed MIL-F-1183
Flanges Socket-welding Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Butt-welding 810-1385992
Silver-brazed flanges Bronze 803-1385892 Special flanges for butterfly
valves 200 psig max.
Gaskets Sheet Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 2 as approved See 4.26
Flange bolting Bolts, studs, screws Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
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TABLE LIII. Category O-1, Diesel, incinerator, and gas turbine exhaust, and sewage treatment, 1200 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
O-1 Diesel, incinerator, and gas 1200 See notes O-1-1 and O-1-2
turbine exhaust, and sewage

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Carbon steel MIL-S-22698, Type I 775 °F max.
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
CRES ASTM A376/A376M See 4.50
321, 316L, or 347 MIL-P-24691/3 See note O-1-1
ASTM A312/A312M
Fittings Special fabricated CRES MIL-P-24691/3
ASTM A376/A376M

Forged ASTM A182/A182M, F321
Socket-welding Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.11 775 °F max. for carbon steel

CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, F321,

F316L, F347
Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASTM A234/A234M ASME B16.9
WPB, ASTM A106/A106M, Grade
B, or ASTM A403/A403M,
WP316L-S, WP321-S
Butt-weld, special fabricated Carbon steel plate MIL-S-22698 775 °F max.
Take-down joints Flanges CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, 321, ASME B16.5
316L or 347
Cast carbon steel, ASTM ASME B16.5 or specially 775 °F max.
A216/A216M, Grade WCB fabricated MIL-S-22698, Ty 1
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TABLE LIII. Category O-1, Diesel, incinerator, and gas turbine exhaust, and, sewage treatment, 1200 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Gaskets Sheet Graphite composite MIL-DTL-24696, Type I
Commercial, as approved
Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716, Cl B
Flange bolting Constant strength stud Alloy steel MIL-DTL-1222, B16 See 4.16
Nuts (heavy hex) MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 7H
O-1-1 Grade 316L CRES shall not be used where the temperatures may exceed 750 °F.
O-1-2 Gas turbine exhaust uptake surfaces in direct contact with hot exhaust gas shall be of nickel-chromium-molybdenum-columbium alloy (Ni-Cr-Mo-Cb) in
accordance with ASTM B443 or ASTM B444.

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TABLE LIV. Category O-2, Diesel exhaust, subject to salt water spray for IR suppression, 850 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
O-2 Diesel exhaust, subject to 850
salt water spray for IR

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Inconel 625 ASTM B444, ASTM B705
ASTM B443 See note O-2-1
Valves Globe 803-5959306 See note O-2-2, O-2-3
Fittings Butt-weld ASME B16.9 See note O-2-2
Flanges ASME B16.5 See note O-2-2

Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716, Cl B
Constant strength stud Alloy steel MIL-DTL-1222, B16 See 4.16
Nuts (heavy hex) MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 7H

O-2-1 The 6, 8, and 10 NPS pipe shall be made from ASTM B443 plate. The dimensional and hydrostatic test requirements shall be in accordance with ASTM
A530/A530M. Welding shall be in accordance with NAVSEA.
O-2-2 Modified for use of Inconel 625 as approved.
O-2-3 Butt-weld ends trim as approved.
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TABLE LV. Category P-1, Boiler safety valve and super-heater outlet safety valve escape, 150 psig/850 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
P-1 Boiler safety valve, and 150 850
super-heater outlet safety
valve escape

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel MIL-T-24691/1, Grade B See note P-1-1
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
Fittings Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASTM A234/A234M, ASME B16.9
Grade WPB
Take-down joints Flanges, butt-welding Carbon steel, ASME B16.5, series 150
ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716

Flange bolting Constant strength stud Alloy steel ASTM A193/A193M, Grade B7 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 4
or 7

P-1-1 Carbon steel pipe permitted based on 850 °F non-continuous and open-ended service.
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TABLE LVI. Category P-2, Nuclear steam generator escape piping to transition joint, 150 psig/350 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
P-2 Nuclear steam generator escape 150 350 See note P-2-1
piping to transition joint

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Piping and tubing Seamless Carbon steel MIL-P-24691/1, Grade B
Fittings Butt-weld, 1¼" and above Carbon steel, ASME B16.9
Butt-welding end branch outlets, ASTM A234/A234M, Grade WPB Commercial
1¼" and larger
Flanged, ½" and larger Carbon steel, ASME B16.5
ASTM A216/A216M, Grade WCB
ASME B16.5
Flanges Butt-weld (welding neck), 1¼" and Carbon steel, ASME B16.5

larger ASTM A105/A105M
Gaskets Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716, Class B
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Alloy steel MIL-DTL-1222, Grade B7 See 4.16

Nuts MIL-DTL-1222, Grade 4 or 7

P-2-1 If a cutout valve is installed downstream of the stream generator safety valves, main steam pressure and temperature design criteria shall be used for the escape
piping. Where no cutout valve is installed downstream of the steam generator safety valve, the design pressure shall be equal to 110 percent of the calculated
back pressure created under max. flow conditions at the discharge of the safety valves.
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TABLE LVII. Category P-3, Nuclear steam generator escape piping - transition to overboard, 150 psig/350 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
P-3 Nuclear steam generator escape 150 350 See note P-3-1
piping - transition to overboard

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Piping and tubing Seamless Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) MIL-T-16420 Limited to 100 psig max.
Fittings Butt-welding Copper-nickel (70-30) ASME B16.9
Flanges Welding neck Copper-nickel (70-30) ASME B16.5
Valves Horizontal lift-check Nickel-copper (N04400) As approved
Outside screw and yoke gate valve Flanged
Gaskets Sheet As approved
Spiral wound Metallic-flexible graphite MIL-G-24716, Class B

Bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper-aluminum, MIL-DTL-1222, Alloy 500 See 4.16
QQ-N-286, Class A
Nuts Nickel-copper MIL-DTL-1222, Alloy 400

Nuts, self-locking MIL-DTL-32258

P-3-1 If a cutout valve is installed downstream of the steam generator safety valves, main steam pressure and temperature design criteria shall be used for the escape
piping. Where no cutout valve is installed downstream of the steam generator safety valve, the design pressure shall be equal to 110 percent of the calculated
back pressure created under max. flow conditions at the discharge of the safety valves.
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TABLE LVIII. Category Q-1, Refrigerant piping, 30 inches vacuum to 300 psig/minus 85 °F to plus 250 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig System operating temperature °F Remarks
Q-1 Refrigerant piping 30 inches vacuum to 300 psig Minus 85 to plus 250 See notes Q-1-1 and Q-1-2

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Copper ASTM B88, hard drawn or ASTM
Copper-nickel MIL-T-16420
Valves Manual Bronze MIL-V-20064
Forged brass MIL-R-16743
Angle relief (line) Brass MIL-R-16743
Control MIL-R-16743 or MIL-R-24085

Fittings Silver brazing Wrought copper or forged brass ASME B16.22 See note Q-1-3

Socket and butt-weld Copper-nickel ASME B16.11 or B16.9
Mechanical take- O-ring face seal unions, brazed or Corrosion resisting steel, Commercial See note Q-1-4
down joints welded Copper-nickel 810-1385889

Flanges Silver brazing, 4-bolt tongue and Steel ASTM A105/A105M Flange
groove Brass Commercial Adapter
Flange bolting Bolts, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
Gaskets Sheet Composite Garlock (CAGEC 73680) Blue See note Q-1-6
Gard 3300 or equal
Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 1 See note Q-1-5, 4.26
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TABLE LVIII. Category Q-1, Refrigerant piping, 30 inches vacuum to 300 psig/minus 85 °F to plus 250 °F - Continued.
Q-1-1 Copper-nickel piping with welded joints shall be used where practical for locations where joints would not otherwise be accessible for leak detection and repair.
Q-1-2 The system design gauge pressure is dependent with refrigerant utilized R-11, 30 psig; R-12, 150 psig; R-22, 300 psig, R-114, 50 psig, R-134a, 165 psig, and
R-236fa, 70 psig.
Q-1-3 ASME B16.22 fittings shall be silver-brazed.
Q-1-4 For tubing 1⅝ inch outside diameter and smaller, take-down joints shall be silver-brazed or welded O-ring face seal unions. O-ring material shall be compatible
with refrigerant in system.
Q-1-5 For use with discharge rupture disk assembly.
Q-1-6 Additional qualified materials to MIL-G-24717 include Klinger (CAGEC 9U500) C-4400, Parker Hannifin (CAGEC 48482) Clipper Style 976, and Claremont
(CAGEC 52307) Rotex 10.

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TABLE LIX. Category R-1, Waste water, oily water drainage, oily waste transfer, weather deck
drainage systems, and contaminated deck drains, 50 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
R-1 Waste water, oily water 50 150 See 4.14 and notes R-1-1
drainage, oily waste transfer, through R-1-5, R-1-8
weather deck drainage systems,
and contaminated deck drains

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420
Seamless Aluminum alloy, 5086 ASTM B210
Carbon steel, galvanized ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
GRP MIL-P-24608 See note R-1-5, Category C-

Valves Gate, 2½ to 12 NPS Bronze 803-2177917 or MIL-V-1189 Flanged ends only
See note R-1-7
Gate, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385714 Union ends only

Globe/angle stop, stop-check, 2½ 803-1385541 Flanged ends only

NPS and above
Globe/angle stop, stop-check and 803-4384536 Union ends only
needle, ¼ to 2 NPS
Swing-check, 2½ to 12 NPS 803-1385637 or MIL-V-17547 Flanged ends only
Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only
Ball, ¼ to 2½ NPS Bronze 803-5001003 Bronze body w/bronze,
copper-nickel, or nickel-
copper end piece
Copper-nickel Copper-nickel body w/
copper-nickel end piece
Ball, 3 to 6 NPS Bronze 803-5001004 6 NPS valve is butt-welded
Ball or plug, full port, 1¼ to 8 MIL-V-24509
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TABLE LIX. Category R-1, Waste water, oily water drainage, oily waste transfer, weather deck
drainage systems, and contaminated deck drains, 50 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Deck drain Copper-nickel 803-1385789 See note R-1-6
Bronze, aluminum 803-1385789 Modified for alternate
Carbon steel, galvanized Commercial
Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10) 803-1385880
Aluminum alloy, 5086 or carbon ASME B16.9
steel, galvanized
Socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 See notes R-1-4 and R-1-5
See 4.43, Category C-3
Socket-welding Carbon steel, galvanized, ASME B16.11

ASTM A105/A105M
Copper-nickel 803-6397430
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46

Belled end and closure couplings Copper-nickel, MIL-T-16420 MSS-SP-119 See 4.47
Take-down joints Flanges, silver brazing Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
Flanges, socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 See notes R-1-4 and R-1-5
Flanges, socket-welding Carbon-steel, galvanized, ASME B16.5
ASTM A105/A105M
Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Gaskets Sheet Synthetic rubber MIL-PRF-1149 See 4.26
Synthetic rubber cloth inserted HH-P-151
Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 1 as approved
Hybrid Elastomer seal MIL-PRF-32187 Oily waste, see 4.26
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TABLE LIX. Category R-1, Waste water, oily water drainage, oily waste transfer, weather deck
drainage systems, and contaminated deck drains, 50 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Flange bolting (not in Bolts, screws, and studs Carbon steel, zinc-coated ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
bilge or on non- Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
ferrous components)
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, and studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400
(located in bilge or Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
on non-ferrous
components) Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
R-1-1 Aluminum pipe, fittings, and drains are to be used in area of aluminum structures only.
R-1-2 Steel pipe, fittings, and deck drains are to be used only in the weather deck drains above the main deck in the area of steel structure outside ship envelope.
R-1-3 Copper-nickel pipe, bronze fittings, and valves to be used in weather deck drains within ship envelope, oily waste, waste water and oily waste transfer.

R-1-4 GRP pipe or fittings may be used in oily waste transfer.
R-1-5 Adhesive in accordance with MIL-P-24608 shall be used for joining GRP pipe to GRP fittings and flanges.
R-1-6 Weather deck drains routed through the hull or superstructure shall be welded, 90-10 copper-nickel pipe.
R-1-7 Bonnet gaskets for MIL-V-1189 valves shall be in accordance with SAE-AMS3216.

R-1-8 Oily waste drains shall be fire-hardened. Silver-brazed joints and GRP shall not be used in that service.
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TABLE LX. Category R-2, Chemical drains, 30 psig/150 °F.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
R-2 Chemical drains 30 150 See note R-2-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless CRES MIL-P-24691/3, 316L or ASTM See 4.50
A312/A312M, 316L
Carbon steel (lead lined) ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B
Lead lining As approved
GRP MIL-P-24608 See Category C-3
See 4.43
Valves Gate Bronze, MIL-V-1189
Check Corrosion-steel, ASTM MIL-V-17547
A351/A351M, Grade CF-8M
Ball, ¼" to 2½" 803-5001003

Ball, 3" to 6" 803-5001004
Fittings Flanged CRES, ASME B16.5
ASTM A182/A182M, 316L

Carbon-steel (lead lined)

Butt-welding CRES, ASME B16.9
ASTM A182/A182M, 316L
Flanges Butt-welding CRES, ASME B16.5
ASTM A182/A182M, 316L
Carbon steel (lead lined)
Silver brazing Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
Gaskets Sheet Lead
Spiral wound Metallic MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts SAE-J995, Grade 5
R-2-1 CRES material to be used for photo lab drainage piping system.
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TABLE LXI. Category R-3, Plumbing drains and vents, interior space deck drains and AC condensate drains, 50 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
R-3 Plumbing drains and vents, 50 150
interior space deck drains and
AC condensate drains

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420 See note R-3-1
Carbon steel (galvanized) ASTM A106/A106M See note R-3-2
Seamless Copper MIL-T-24107 See note R-3-8
Aluminum alloy 5086 ASTM B210 See note R-3-4
GRP MIL-P-24608 See note R-3-6
See Category C-3
Valves Flanged, 50 psig scupper Bronze, 803-1385707

Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30), 2-6 NPS
bronze NAVSEA approved (8 NPS)
3-way, 2-position valve MIL-V-24509

Ball or plug, full port, 1¼ to 8 See note R-3-3

Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS 803-1385721 Union ends only
Swing-check, 2½ to 12 NPS 803-1385637 Flanged ends only
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183 See note R-3-5
Socket-welding Carbon steel, galvanized, ASME B16.11
ASTM A105/A105M
Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 803-6397430

Belled-end and couplings Copper-nickel MSS SP-119 See 4.47

Butt-welding Carbon steel, galvanized, ASTM ASME B16.9
A234/A234M, Class WPB
Copper-nickel 803-1385880
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TABLE LXI. Category R-3, Plumbing drains and vents, interior space deck drains and AC condensate drains, 50 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings - continued Deck drain Aluminum alloy 5086, 803-1385789 See note R-3-4
Tailpieces Copper-nickel, bronze 803-7063850
MAFs Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Socket (bonded) GRP MIL-P-24608 See note R-3-6, R-3-7
Take-down joints Flanges, welded Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Carbon steel ASTM A105/A105M
Flanges, silver-braze Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
Union, welded Copper-nickel Commercial See note R-3-9
Union, silver-braze Bronze MIL-F-1183
Flanges, socket (bonded) GRP MIL-P-24608 See note R-3-6, R-3-7
Gaskets Sheet Synthetic rubber MIL-PRF-1149, Ty II, Cl 2 See 4.26

Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Types 1 or 2 as
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16

Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400

Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
R-3-1 Required for gravity water closet and urinal drains, seawater waste drains, vent piping subject to seawater emersion up to a height of fixture overflow, and
sewage treatment plant effluent overboard discharge.
R-3-2 Steel pipe and fittings are to be used only in vent piping above the height of fixture overflows.
R-3-3 Impregnation of castings as an aid in meeting tightness test is permissible on flanged end valves which have no need for application of heat in either manufacture
or installation. Impregnation requirements of S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 are applicable.
R-3-4 Use aluminum alloy for freshwater drains in interior aluminum superstructure.
R-3-5 Fittings used in gravity drainage systems shall promote smooth flow and facilitate cleaning. Pipe bends, long radius elbows, sweep ties, laterals, and reducing
fittings shall be used to the maximum extent practicable. The use of short radius elbows, tees, and bushings shall be avoided.
R-3-6 GRP pipe and fittings may be used only for interior space deck drains and plumbing vents, except for deck drains from spaces subject to fuel spills. The mass of
GRP pipe installed shall be limited to 25 pounds per 1000 cubic feet of compartment volume, because of personnel fire-fume hazard.
R-3-7 Adhesive in accordance with MIL-P-24608 shall be used for joining GRP pipe to GRP fittings and flanges.
R-3-8 Use for freshwater drains and vents up to a height of fixture overflow.
R-3-9 Commercial items subject to NAVSEA approval.
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TABLE LXII. Category R-4, Sewage collection, holding, and transfer (CHT) and vacuum collection, holding, and transfer (VCHT), 100 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
R-4 Sewage collection, holding, and 100 150 See notes R-4-1, R-4-3
transfer (CHT) and vacuum
collection, holding, and transfer

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless GRP MIL-P-24608 See note R-4-5
See Category C-3
Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10) MIL-T-16420
Valves Swing-check, ¼ to 2 NPS Bronze 803-1385721 Union ends only
Swing-check, 2½ to 12 NPS 803-1385637 Flanged ends only
Swing-check, 14 NPS and above Bronze, MIL-V-17547

Swing-check with manual Bronze See note R-4-2
jack-open device

Gate, 2½" and larger MIL-V-1189, Type 1, Class 1 or

Ball or plug, full port Bronze MIL-V-24509 See note R-4-2
Ball or plug, 3 port, two position
Fittings Butt-welding Copper-nickel 803-1385880
Socket-welding 803-6397430
Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Socket-bonded GRP MIL-P-24608 See note R-4-4 and R-4-5
Mechanically attached (MAFs) Various ASTM F1387 See 4.46
Inside tanks GRP MIL-P-24608 See 4.43
Belled-end and couplings Copper-nickel MSS SP-119 See 4.47
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TABLE LXII. Category R-4, Sewage collection, holding, and transfer (CHT) and vacuum collection, holding, and transfer (VCHT), 100 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanges, silver brazing Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
Unions, silver brazing MIL-F-1183
Flanges, welded Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Unions, welded Commercial See note R-4-6
Gaskets Sheets Synthetic rubber MIL-PRF-1149, Ty II Cl 2 See 4.26
Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 1 or 2,as
Flange bolting Bolts, studs, screws Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16

Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400

Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

R-4-1 Deck discharge connections shall be in accordance with 804-4444650.

R-4-2 Impregnation of castings as an aid in meeting tightness test is permissible on flanged end valves which have no need for application of heat in either
manufacture or installation. Impregnation requirements of S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 are applicable.
R-4-3 This category and group shall apply to VCHT system collection piping, waste drain pump and sewage pump suction and discharge piping, overflow and vent
piping for CHT, VCHT, and waste drain tanks, and aeration and tank washdown piping located inside CHT, VCHT, and waste drain tanks.
R-4-4 May be used only for CHT, VCHT, or waste drain tank overflow and vent piping, and for piping installed inside CHT, VCHT, or waste drain tanks, such as
pump suction, aeration, or tank washdown piping. The mass of GRP pipe installed shall be limited to 25 pound per 1000 cubic feet of compartment volume,
because of personnel fire-fume hazard.
R-4-5 Adhesive in accordance with MIL-P-24608 shall be used for joining GRP pipe to GRP fittings and flanges.
R-4-6 Commercial items subject to NAVSEA approval.
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TABLE LXIII. Category S-1, Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW solution, 250 psig.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
S-1 Aqueous film-forming foam 250 See 4.14 and note S-1-2
(AFFF) concentrate and
AFFF/SW solution

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) MIL-T-16420 See note S-1-3
Valves Gate Bronze 803-1385714

MIL-V-1189 or as approved

Globe and angle 803-1385623


803-1385541 100 psi max.
Swing-check 803-1385721

(or as approved)
Hose end 803-1385711
Control 803-6397408
Diaphragm check 803-6983468 Type 4
Ball, ¼" to 2½" Bronze or copper-nickel Commercial See note S-1-1
Ball, 3" to 6" 803-5001004
Relief Bronze MIL-V-24332
Pressure reducing ASTM F1370 including Copper-nickel trim UNS
supplements N05500
See 4.42
Butterfly 2 inches and larger Ni-Al-bronze MIL-V-24624, Type I or III See 4.7, 4.30
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TABLE LXIII. Category S-1, Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW solution, 250 psig - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Fittings MAFs ASTM F1387 See 4.46

Butt-welding Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 803-1385880

ASME B16.9
Socket-welding ASME B16.11
Tailpieces 803-7063850 For union valves
Belled end and couplings, 12 NPS MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Take-down joints Copper-nickel
Flanges, butt-welding 810-1385992

Flanges, butt and socket-welding 803-6983512

ASME B16.5 and as approved

Unions, weld Copper-nickel, Commercial See note S-1-1
MIL-C-15726 803-1385884
Gaskets Sheet Ethylene propylene terpolymer MIL-DTL-22050 For concentrate

Nylon inserted rubber 804-5284201, Type 4, as approved See 4.26
For mixture
O-ring Fluorocarbon SAE-AMS7276
Hybrid Elastomer seal MIL-PRF-32187 Use with butterfly valves
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828
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TABLE LXIII. Category S-1, Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW solution, 250 psig - Continued.
S-1-1 The use of commercial items shall be subject to NAVSEA approval.
S-1-2 All piping joints shall be welded downstream of the service control valves. Silver-brazed joints shall not be used.
S-1-3 70-30 copper-nickel shall be used as specified in special applications and where required for maximum system pressure.

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TABLE LXIV. Category T-2, HFP and Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems, 1170 psig/140 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
T-2 HFP and Halon 1301 fire 1170 140 See 4.14, 4.39 and note T-
extinguishing systems 2-1

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B, See note T-2-2
schedule 80
CRES ASTM A312/A312M, Grade 304L See 4.50
or 316L, schedule 80
Valves Ball, plug and check CRES, MIL-E-24572 Valves shall meet the
ASTM A182/A182M, Grade F316 requirements of
MIL-STD-167-1 and

Check 803-6397404 (outlet mod ¼ NPS)
Fittings Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASTM A234/A234M, ASME B16.9
Grade WPB, ASTM A105/A105M,

ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B,

CRES, ASTM A403/A403M,
WP304L-S or WP316L-S
Socket-welding Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.11
CRES, ASTM A182/A182M,
Grade F316L or F304L
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TABLE LXIV. Category T-2, HFP and Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems, 1170 psig/140 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Flanges Butt-welding Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.5
Socket-welding CRES, ASTM A182/A182M,
F304L or F316L
Gasket Spiral wound Metallic MIL-G-24716
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Carbon steel ASTM A449, Type I See 4.16
Nuts Carbon steel SAE-J995, Grade 5

Nozzle Various orifice sizes with 360 CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, MIL-E-24572 Orifice code to be in
pattern or 180 pattern Grade 316 accordance with NFPA
Standard 12A
T-2-1 1170 psig design pressure is applicable to sections of discharge piping which are downstream of distribution valves and all other open-ended sections of piping
in the discharge portion of the HFP/Halon system. For modular type HRP/Halon systems the 1170 psig design pressure applies to all of the discharge piping.

T-2-2 Exposed carbon steel pipe in the bilge region shall require the following special coatings: When abrasive blasting equipment is available, abrasive blast the
external surfaces to near white metal (steel structure, SSPC SP 10). Coat immediately with an inorganic zinc coating in accordance with Class 2 of
MIL-PRF-23236 in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions. Then apply 3 coats of heat resisting aluminum paint, TT-P-28. When abrasive blasting
equipment is not available, use the pneumatic portable sealer over the metal surface and then apply 3 coats of heat resisting aluminum paint, TT-P-28.
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TABLE LXV. Category T-3, CO2 actuation for HFP and Halon fire extinguishing systems, 2080 psig/200 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
T-3 CO2 actuation for HFP and 2050 200 See 4.14, 4.39
Halon fire extinguishing systems

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless, Type I CRES, GR TP 316L, SCH 80 MIL-P-24691/3
Valves Check CRES, Grade 316 or 316L 803-6397404 (outlet mod ¼ NPS) Valves shall meet the
Ball - SWUE ASTM A182/A182M, F316L MIL-E-24572 requirements of MIL-STD-
167-1 and MIL-S-901
Fittings Socket-weld CRES, ASTM A182/A182M, ASME B16.11
Grade 316L
Take-down joints Unions, socket-weld CRES 316L 803-1385884 See note T-3-1

T-3-1 O-ring for unions to be in accordance with SAE-AMS7276.
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TABLE LXVI. Category Y-1 and Y-2, Overflows, sounding tubes, vents and air escapes for JP-5, fuel, lubricating oil, oily tanks, 100 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
Y-1 and Y-2 Overflows, sounding tubes, vents 100 150
and air escapes for JP-5, fuel,
lubricating oil, oily tanks

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded CRES 316L or copper-nickel (70- MIL-P-24691/3 or See 4.50
30 or 90-10) ASTM A312/A312M, Ty 316L,
Valves Wafer check Bronze Commercial, Proquip International
Model Procheck, or equal
Gate 803-2177917

Floating ball check valve Carbon steel 803-5959276
Ball Bronze or CRES 316L 803-5001003 (mod) Flange x socket-weld

Fittings Belled end socket-weld Copper-nickel or CRES 316L MSS SP-119 See 4.47
Deck (sounding and filling) Bronze 810-1385848
Butt-weld Copper-nickel (70-30 or 90-10) or ASME B16.9
CRES 316L 803-1385880
ASTM A403/A403M WP316L
Socket-weld ASME B16.11 (mod)
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TABLE LXVI. Category Y-1 and Y-2, Overflows, sounding tubes, vents and air escapes for JP-5, fuel, lubricating oil, oily tanks, 100 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanges, socket-welding Copper-nickel (70-30 or 90-10) or 810-1385992, ASME B16.5 (mod)
CRES 316L 803-6983512
Unions Copper-nickel As approved
Tailpieces for union valves 803-7063850
Gaskets Sheet Buna-N and cork SAE-AMSC6183, Class 1, Grade See 4.26
Nylon reinforced rubber 804-5284201, Type 3 or 4 as
Hybrid MIL-PRF-32187
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

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TABLE LXVII. Category Y-3, Overflows, sounding tubes, vents, and air escapes for other than fuel tanks
[freshwater (except potable) clean ballast, voids, etc.], 50 psig/150 °F.
Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
Y-3 Overflows, sounding tubes, vents 50 150 See note Y-3-1
and air escapes for other than Non-ferrous material for
fuel tanks [freshwater (except new construction
potable) clean ballast, voids, etc.]

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless Carbon steel, galvanized or copper- ASTM A53/A53M
nickel (90-10 or 70-30) MIL-T-16420
Valves Gate Bronze 803-2177917
Swing-check 803-1385637

Ball, ¼" - 2½" 803-5001003
Ball, 3" - 6" 803-5001004

Fittings Flanged Carbon steel, galvanized, ASME B16.5 Flat face

ASTM A105/A105M, 810-1385915
Butt Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.9
ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B,
ASTM A234/A234M WPB,
Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30)
Socket-weld Carbon steel, ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.11
Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 803-6397430
Deck Steel 810-1385848
Carbon steel 810-1385791
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TABLE LXVII. Category Y-3, Overflows, sounding tubes, vents and air escapes for other than fuel tanks
[freshwater (except potable) clean ballast, voids, etc.], 50 psig/150 °F - Continued.
Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks
Take-down joints Flanged Carbon steel, galvanized, 810-1385992 Flat face
ASTM A105/A105M, ASME B16.5 See note Y-3-2
Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) 803-6983512
Unions 803-1385884
Tailpieces for union valves Copper-nickel/bronze 803-7063850
Gaskets Sheet Nylon reinforced rubber 804-5284201, Type 1 or 2 as See 4.26
Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

Y-3-1 For potable water use Category C-2.

Y-3-2 Ferrous flanges may be constructed from ASTM A105/A105M to 803-6983512 and 810-1385992 for mating to non-ferrous.
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TABLE LXVIII. Category Y-4, Vents, reduction gear, 5 psig/ambient.

Category and group Services Maximum system pressure psig Maximum system temperature °F Remarks
Y-4 Vents, reduction gear 5 Ambient

Item Types Material Applicable documents Remarks

Pipe Seamless or welded Copper-nickel (90-10 or 70-30) MIL-T-16420
Fittings Silver brazing Bronze MIL-F-1183
Socket-welding Copper-nickel 803-6397430
Flanges Silver brazing Bronze MIL-PRF-20042
Welding Copper-nickel 803-6983512
Gaskets Sheet Buna-N and cork SAE-AMSC6183, Class 1, Grade See 4.26
Nylon reinforced rubber 804-5284201, Type 1 or 2 as

Flange bolting Bolts, screws, studs Nickel-copper ASTM F468, Alloy 400 See 4.16
Nuts ASTM F467, Alloy 400
Nuts, self-locking NASM 25027/NASM 17828

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6.1 Intended use. This standard identifies approved piping and component specifications for design of new
shipboard piping systems on Navy Vessels and repair of piping systems on Navy Vessels when invoked by the
applicable contract document.
6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following:
a. Title, number, and date of this standard.
6.3 Subject term (key word) listing.
6.4 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with
respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the changes.

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Since operating conditions may vary among different designs of ships, this index often refers to a category of
materials only for each system. Within each category, selection should be made of that group which can
accommodate the specific operating conditions of pressure and temperature for the system under consideration.
(Example: Where the category only is specified such as “A”, the proper group, that is A-1, A-2, and so forth, shall
be selected according to the operating conditions.)

Applicable category and group

Actuation, CO2 T-2
Air, aircraft, starting and prairie J-6
Air and bleed-off J-5
Air and nitrogen J-3 and J-4
Air, bleed-off J-5
Air deballast J-8
Air escapes, overflows, sounding tubes and vents for JP-5 outside tank Y-1 and Y-2
beyond first connection
Air escapes, overflows, sounding tubes and vents for tanks other than fuel Y-3
tanks (freshwater (except potable) clean ballast, voids, and so forth)
Air, nitrogen and helium J-1 and J-2
Air, prairie-masker ships gas turbine starting J-6
Anti-icing, gas turbine bleed air system J-9
Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW solution S-1
Aviation lubricating system, cleaning fluid, contaminated H-2

Ballast, seawater including main and secondary drainage D-1 and D-3
Bleed-off and air J-5
Blowdown, steam generator, overboard discharge A-9
Boiler feed B-1
Boiler safety valve, and super-heater outlet safety valve escape P-1

Chemical drains R-2
Clean ballast D-1 and D-3
Cleaning fluids and contaminated aviation lubricating system H-2
CO2 Actuation, HFP and Halon T-2
Condensate, freshwater and electronic freshwater cooling C-1 and C-2
Condensate, freshwater – feed water, including potable H-2
Contaminated aviation lubricating system and gasoline cleaning fluid H-2
Contaminated, deck waste, oily water and weather deck drains R-1
Cooling, condensate and electronic freshwater L-1
Cooling for electronic equipment diesel engine and so forth – ethylene L-1
glycol, freshwater solution
Cooling for electronic equipment – seawater D-1 and D-3
Countermeasure – washdown M-1

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Applicable category and group

Deck waste drains and oily water and weather deck drains, contaminated R-1
Deionized water C-5
Diesel, sewage treatment, incinerator and gas turbine exhaust O-1
Drainage, main and secondary D-1 and D-3 and D-2
Drains, chemical R-2
Drains, deck, waste contaminated, and oily water and weather deck R-1
Drains and vents, plumbing R-3
Drains, steam A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4
and A-7,
A-5, A-6, A-8, and A-

Electronic equipment, cooling for ethylene glycol, freshwater solution L-1
Electronic freshwater cooling and freshwater, condensate C-1 and C-2
Escape, boiler safety valve and super-heater outlet safety valve P-1
Exhaust, auxiliary A-8
Exhaust, diesel, sewage treatment, incinerator and gas turbine O-1
Exhaust, gland A-6

Feed systems B-1
Feed systems propulsion plant saturated B-2
Feed water – freshwater and condensate, including potable C-2
Filling transfer and tank stripping, JP-5 fuel service E-4 and U-1, I-1
Film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrate and AFFF/SW solution, aqueous S
Firemain D-1 and D-3, D-4
Freshwater, condensate and electronic freshwater cooling C-1 and C-2
Freshwater, chilled water, feed water and condensate, including potable C-2
Freshwater firemain C-1
Fuel and tank stripping, JP-5 E-4 and U-1, I-1
Fuel E-4 and U-1

Gas, mixed K-6
Gaseous oxygen K-3
Gaseous oxygen, outside hull K-1
Gasoline H-1
Gas turbine bleed air system, anti-icing J-9
Gas turbine and diesel, sewage treatment, incinerator, exhaust O-1
Gauge piping 803-1385850
Gland, exhaust A-6

HALON 1301 and HFP (fire extinguishing systems) T-2
Helium, air and nitrogen J-1 and J-2 and J-3

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Applicable category and group

HFP, HALON 1301 (fire extinguishing systems) T-2
HFP water spray N-1
High purity water C-5
Hull, gaseous inside; oxygen K-2
Hull, gaseous outside; oxygen K-1
Hydraulic service G-1, G-3, G-4, and G-
5, G-8
Hydraulic system (including lines) G-2, G-6, and G-7

Inside hull, gaseous oxygen K-2

JP-5 fuel service, filling transfer or tank stripping E-4 and U-1, I-1

Liquid oxygen and nitrogen K-4 and K-5
Lubricating oil F-1

Main steam and steam drains A-3
Magazine sprinkling (wet and dry) N-2
Main system, starting and prairie J-7
Miscellaneous sprinkling, wet N-3
Mixed gas K-6

Nitrogen and air J-1 and J-2, J-3, J-5,
and J-6
Nitrogen, helium and air J-1 and J-2, J-3
Nitrogen and oxygen, liquid K-4 and K-5
Nuclear steam generator piping to transition joint P-2
Nuclear steam generator escape piping, transition to overboard P-3

Oil, fuel E
Oil, lubricating F-1
Overflows, sounding tubes, vents and air escapes for JP-5 tanks Y-1 and Y-2
Overflows, sounding tubes, vents and air escapes for tanks other than oil Y-3
tanks (freshwater (except potable) clean ballast, voids, and so forth)
Oxygen, gaseous K-3
Oxygen, gaseous inside hull K-2
Oxygen, gaseous outside hull K-1
Oxygen and nitrogen, liquid K-4 and K-5

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Applicable category and group

Prairie maskers, air J-7
Propane K-7

Reduction gear, vents Y-4
Refrigerant piping Q-1

Safety valve, boiler, escape P-1
Seawater, ballast D-1 and D-3 and D-4
Seawater, firemain, potable water disinfection D-4
Seawater missile injection system between freshwater accumulating tank D-2
and nozzles
Seawater, wash down, countermeasure system M-1
Service, hydraulic G-1, G-3, G-4, and G-
Sewage collection, holding and transfer system (CHT) R-4
Sounding tubes, overflows, vents and air escapes for JP-5 tanks Y-1 and Y-2
Sounding tubes, overflows, vents and air escapes for tanks other than fuel Y-3
tanks (freshwater (except potable) clean ballast, voids, and so forth)
Sprinkling, AFFF S-1
Sprinkling, (dry) N-1
Sprinkling, HFP water spray N-1
Sprinkling, magazine, (wet and dry) N-2
Sprinkling, miscellaneous, (wet) N-3
Sprinkling, washdown countermeasure M-1
Starting and cooling, air J-7
Steam and steam drains A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4
and A-7,
A-5, A-6, A-8, A-10
Steam system for auxiliary boiler, reboiler and waste heat boiler installation A-8
Steam system overboard discharge, steam generator blow down A-9
Stripping, JP-5 E-4 and U-1, I-1
Super-heater outlet safety valve escape P-1

Tank stripping and JP-5 fuel service, filling transfer E-4 and U-1, I-1

Valve, boiler safety and super-heater outlet safety escape P-1
Vents and drains, deck drains, plumbing, AC R-3
Vents, reduction gear Y-4
Vents, overflows, sounding tubes, and air escapes for JP-5 tanks Y-1 and Y-2
Vents, overflows, sounding tubes, and air escapes for other than oil tanks Y-3
(freshwater (except potable) clean ballast, voids, and so forth)

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Applicable category and group

Washdown countermeasure M-1
Water, fresh condensate and electronic freshwater cooling (chilled) C-1 and C-2
Water, fresh, feed, condensate, including potable C-2
Water mist C-4
Water spray, HFP N-1

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ASSIST Online database at https://assist.dla.mil.


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