Patho Dec
Patho Dec
Patho Dec
INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by shading the circle corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.
6. What organ is usually removed in patients in the late course of polycythemia vera?
A. Adrenal gland
B. Spleen
C. Lungs
D. Pancreas
7. To preserve the morphologic and chemical integrity of the cell in a life-like manner is one of
the objectives during
A. Fixation
B. Decalcification
C. Dehydration
D. Impregnation
8.Which is the most commonly used clearing agent?
A. Toluene
B. Cellosolve
C. Xylene
D. Chloroform
9. Which description of location is best to describe nearest to the point of origin?
A. Distal
B. Proximal
C. Caudal
D. Anterior
10. Which description of location is best to describe the back of the body?
A. Vertebral
B . Anterior
C. Posterior
D. Dorsal
14. A more appropriate cointerstain for ascaris eggs and bacterial spores
a. Malachite green c. eosin
b. Methyl green d. carmine
18. For optimum staining results, Bouin or Zenker’s fixation is recommended for:
A. Wilder reticulum technique
B. Most trichrome stain
C. Weigert elastic tissue stain
D. Any silver stain
23. License/accreditation for a drug testing confirmatory laboratory is vaid for a period
A. 6 months
B. 1 year
C. two years
D. 3 years
24. License/ accreditation for a drug testing screening laboratory is valid for a period of
A. 6 months
B. 1 year
C. two years
D. 3 years
E. 5 years
25. The commisioners of PRC is to be appointed by the President of the Philippines for a term
A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 7 years
D. 9 years
29. Blood between and along the laminar planes of the arterial media with concomitant
formation of a blood-filled channel within the aortic wall is termed as:
A. aneurysm
B. hematoma
C. dissection
D. vasculitis
30. The most important form of ischemic heart disease in which the duration and severity of loss
of tissue perfusion is sufficient to cause death and coagulative necrosis to the organ is:
A. Myocardial infarction
B. Angina pectoris
C. Myocardial ischemia
D. Myocarditis
33. Most valuable stain used as counterstain for routine tissue processing
a. Neutral red c. safranin
b. Eosin Y d. malachite green
42. According to the Blood Bank Law which of the following is not an acceptable
Anticoagulant if liquid plasma or FFP is to be prepared from whole blood?
D. Heparin
43. Inexcusable failure to surrender a suspended or revoked COR within the required
period shall be punishable with
A. a fine of Php 5000
B. Imprisonment fro 6 months to 2 years
C. Perpetual disqualification from the practice of Medical Technology
D. A or B
44. Blood units which have been proved contaminated with blood transfusion
Transmissible diseases should be disposed within
A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 48 hours
D. 72 hours
45. A person registered wuth the Board to assist a medical technologist and/or
pathologist in the practice of medical technology as defined in PD498 is
A. phlebotomist
B. medical laboratory technician
C. laboratory aide
D. any of the above
46. The lining epithelium of the renal calyces, ureters & urinary bladder is
A. transitional
B. simple columnar
C. simple squamous
D. stratified columnar
47. The lining epithelium of the sweat and salivary glands are composed of
A. simple squamous
B. simple columnar
C. simple cuboidal
D. myoepithelial cells
48. The lens system of the microscope include the following except
A. objectives
B. focal length
C. nosepiece
D. condenser
E. All are parts of the lens system
49. What is the total magnification when the low power objective is used in focusing?
(eyepiece = 10x)
A. 100x
B. 400x
C. 1000x
D. 4000x
50. A skin tag projecting outside from the skin is a/an ____________ type of growth.
A. endophytic
B. papillary
C. cystic
D. exophytic
54. This is a property of tissue to be stained with fat or oil soluble dyes, regardless of the type of
dye used;
a. Lysochromicity c. lipophilia
b. Sudanophilia d. lipo-positivity
55. Widely used hematoxylin stain for staining sec chromosomes and exfoliative cytology
a. Ehrlich’s c. mayer’s
b. Iron d. harris
56. All of the following below are information should be submitted in applying application in
establishing a clinical laboratory as a basic license requirement in A.O 201 series 1973 except:
a. name of the establishment c. Scope and nature of work
b. Tax clearance d. Name, citizenship and domicile of the employees
57. In section 6 of A. O 201 series 1973 who is permitted to manage, establish and supervise a
a. A licensed Physician c. Either
b. A Licensed Medical Technologist d. Neither
58. In A. O 274 series 1976 Internship program should include the following except:
a. Methods and procedure to be taught c. Subjective evaluation of performance
b. Time schedule d. Principles of the methods
59. In A.O. 49-B series 1988, section 10 Quality Control Test, who is authorized to conduct such
QC test as a criteria for the renewal of license?
a. BRL Director c. Either
b. DOH Secretary d. Neither
60. According to A.O. 19-A series 1998, A RMT is designated as a cytoscreeners which shall be
trained on
the following competencies except:
a. Preparation of technical acceptable smears
b. Understand the Principle of PAP’S staining
c. Correlation of normal/abnormal smears with client history
d. Preparation of concise and acceptable standards of reporting
61. Which of the following is not a duty of the board of medical technology?
1. administer oaths
2. issue, suspend, and revoke certificate of registration
3. look into conditions affecting the practice of medical technology in the
4. to prescribe the qualifications and training of medical technologist as to special
field of the profession
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 3 and 4
C. 3 only
D. none of the above
62. All of the following are functions of the council of medical technology education, except:
A. to require all medtech schools to submit an annual report
B. to inspect when necessary, the different medtech schools
C. formulate and recommend approval of refresher course
D. administer oaths
63. All of the following are functions of the Professional Regulatory Board, according to RA 8981
except for
A. to regulate the practice of the profession
B. to monitor the conditions affecting the practice of the profession or occupation under
their respective jurisdictions
C. to hear and investigate cases arising from violations of their respective laws
and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and their code ethics authorize any officer of the commission to administer oaths
64. The skin developed from the progenitor cells of the primitive
A. Ectoderm
B. Endoderm
C. Hematopoietic
D. Mesoderm
65. The thyroid developed from the progenitor stem cells of the primitive
A. Ectoderm
B. Endoderm
C. Hematopoietic
D. Mesoderm
66. Condition in inflammation when the extravascular fluid has an increase protein
concentration, cellular debris and specific gravity greater than 1.020.
A. Edema
B. Pus
C. Transudate
D. Exudate
67. An irreversible adaptive response exhibited during DNA repair and embryogenesis designed
to eliminate unwanted cells.
A. Pathologic calcification
B. Apoptosis
C. Necrosis
D. DNA methylation
69. Which among the following types of hones give the best result
a. Begium yellow c. fine carborundun
b. Arkansa d. none of the above
75. Cell component which is chemically acidophillic upon staining reaction except
a. Nucleus c. mitochondria
b. Cytoplasm d. golgi bodies
76. These are jet black pigments in lung sections and bronchial glands of chronic smokers
a. Carbon c. lead
b. Iron d. A and C
79. Required working space for facilities that offers a service on microbiology?
a. 10 sq m c. 50 sq.m
b. 20 sq. m d. 60 sq. m
80. a laboratory in a government hospital designed to provide special function and service foe
specific disease area.
81. According to AO 27, what is the another discipline that was included in anatomic
a. therapeutic drug monitoring
b. molecular pathology
c. forensic pathology
d. molecular biology
84. Mobile clinical laboratory can operate within ____ km from the main laboratory
a. 1000 km c. 100 km
b. 10 km d. 1 km
85. Infiltrating agent which does not usually need any dehydration and clearing process
A. ester wax c. polyethylene glycols
b. carbowax d. either B or c
86. Specimens which are hard and dense may be more appropriately impregnated through
a. Paraffin c. gelatin
b. Celloidin d. carbowax
98. The periodic acid Schiff procedure for fungi works on the underlying principle of the
A. argyrophilic nature of fungi
B. argentophilic nature of fungi
C. oxidation of carbohydrates fungal walls
D. affinity of ketone groups for Schiff reagent
99. The oxidizer in the Gridley silver impregnation procedure procedure for reticulin fibers is
A. potassium permanganate
B. chromic acid
C. periodic acid
D. phosphomolybdic acid