Holiday Tradition Lesson Plan
Holiday Tradition Lesson Plan
Holiday Tradition Lesson Plan
Note: Instructional suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.
Lesson Overview
Lesson Title Holiday Traditions
Lesson Description How to explore different cultures and traditions through family holiday traditions
Unit Title Unit 6: Celebrations
Real world
applications/ How students can be accepting of other cultures and traditions.
Content Area SS.K.12A Describe and explain the importance of family customs and traditions.
Standards Alignment SS.K.12B Compare family customs and traditions.
Standards Alignment
Students will be able to develop an appreciation for holiday traditions celebrated by other cultures and
countries by sharing how other students celebrate their holidays.
Grade Level Kindergarten
Estimated Time
Needed for this One 45 minute class
Terms/Vocabulary Celebrations, Traditions, holidays.
(hardware, software,
Technology- Smart Board to collaborate ideas.
Enhanced Lesson
Supports), and
rationale for why
each is vital for
Non-Technology The Polar Express book
resources and construction paper ‘boarding pass’ for each student (this can easily be made)
rationale for why markers
each is vital for stickers
Lesson Procedures
Stage of Lesson Step-by-Step Lesson Sequence Lesson Management
Focus/ What Christmas or Holiday traditions do students Use smart board to
Anticipatory Set celebrate or have for holidays? jot down ideas.
Content Read The Polar Express aloud to students Polar Express Book
Potential Challenges/Plan B
Students may work in groups or individually in order to complete their assignments. In order to accommodate for all students, allow
extra time to review for lower students and extra worksheets to occupy the time of advanced students
By guiding questions, and closely monitoring the students, I will be able to asses the students ability, that if they understand the subject.
I will be able to evaluate the students during their independent work and while they are following the guided practice.
UH Student Teaching Handbook