Establishing Horticultural Project
Establishing Horticultural Project
Establishing Horticultural Project
Establishing horticultural project depends on the type of horticultural crop to be grown. It could
be on vegetable production, fruit trees, and ornamental plants for landscape gardening and
plantation crops.
In putting up horticultural project the owner should always consider the demand of the crops to
be raised in the local market.
Global market in terms of export to other countries can also be considered if the owner
ventures on a large scale of production.
The success of a business enterprise of producing horticultural crops is dependent on several factors. A
farmer who wishes to engage in the production of horticultural crops must have to consider the
Types of Climate
1. Type I Climate- it has two pronounced seasons, dry season from November to April and rainy
season from May to October. These places are free from strong typhoon coming from south
because of high mountains that serves as protection from rain coming from southwest.
2. Type II Climate- it has no distinct dry season but has pronounced strong rains from November to
January. These parts are in coastal areas and have no protection against thunderstorm and rain.
3. Type III Climate- it has no pronounced season. It has dry season from November to April and
rainy season for the rest of the months. No pronounced thunder rain and short dry season only
last for 3 months. These places have slight protection from thunderstorm from south but
affected by typhoon coming from northeast.
4. Type IV Climate- it has equal rain throughout the year.
1. Soil type – there are 6 types of soil (sandy, loamy sand, loam, clay and silt loam)
The following are the recommended types of soil for the different classification of horticultural crops:
Vegetable crops- sandy loam or loam that has a slightly higher sand percentage with a pH between 6.2
and 6.8 is best for growing vegetables.
Fruit crops- loamy soil will benefit fruit crops because of good drainage thus preventing water logging.
Most of fruit crops require slightly acidic soil, with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5.
Ornamental plants- all ornamental plants have their own preferred soil pH range from a slightly acidic
soil with a range of 4.5 to 6.0. ornamental plants generally prefer well-draining loam soil.
Plantation crops- sandy loam, loam, clay loam re best suited for different types of plantation crops with
a pH requirement ranging from 6.0 to 6.8.
2. Soil fertility- soil nutrients are divided into macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients
which plants need in greater amounts include:
Nitrogen- an adequate supply of nitrogen is indicated by vigorous vegetative growth and deep green
Phosphorous- it is associated with early maturation and essential to seed or fruit formation, root growth
and disease resistance.
Calcium- it is a component of the middle lamella of cells. Middle lamella cements cells together.
Magnesium- it occupies the center of the chlorophyll molecule, hence it is very important in
Sulfur- it is a component of the amino acids which are the building units of protein.
3. Organic matter
Organic matter represents the remains of plants and animals at various stages of decomposition. Its
advantages are:
improves drainage, aeration, nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil;
binds soil particles together into different sizes forms: and
provides nutrients as source macro and micro elements.
4. Soil reaction (pH)- soil reaction refers to the degree of acidity or alkalinity and is measured in
terms of pH.
Water supply- the availability of water is important in producing horticultural crops.
Accessibility- the presence of road network and nearness to market will facilitate other farm operations
like harvesting, post harvesting and marketing.
Peace and order- generally, a peaceful place will contribute to a conducive environment for the farmers
to work in the farm.
Sexual- it is the method of propagation using of seeds and spores. It is uses the seed or spore as planting
material. Fertilization or the union of the male and female gametes is a precondition for the production
of new plants.
For evolution of new varieties through breeding, the hybrids are raised from seed.
1. In some fruits like papaya, this is the most popular method of propagation.
2. Seed propagated rootstocks are hardy and develop better root system.
3. Viruses don’t transmit through seeds, thus mostly the seedlings are free from virus diseases
4. Occurrence of poly embryo in citrus and mango leads to the development of uniform seedlings
as in asexual method.
1. Seedlings have a long juvenile period and come into bearing later as compared to asexually
raised plants.
2. Due to segregation of characters, the progeny is not true-to-type.
3. It is not economical to handle larger trees, as less number of trees can be accommodated per
unit area and the cultural operations are difficult.
Asexual- A method of propagation using the vegetative parts of the plant (roots, stem, leaves) to
increase the number of species of the same kind of plant.
The reasons why asexual or vegetative propagation is used in producing horticultural crops are:
a) to maintain the good characteristics of the mother plant since there is no change in the genetic
make-up of the plant, and the exact chromosomes of the plant is reproduced during cell
b) Allows the reproduction of plants which do not produce seeds or fruits that remain dormant in a
longer period of time.
c) Vegetative propagation is more efficient and convenient in reproducing ornamental plants, and
d) Bear fruits earlier than those propagated by seeds and smaller in height which facilitate
harvesting and control of pest and diseases.
1. Separation and division- it involves the use the specialized or modified stems, roots and
plantlets as propagating materials. The specialized materials are the bulb, bulblet, corm, tuber,
tuberous roots, rhizome, sucker, slip, offset and crown.
2. Cuttage- is the method of plant propagation which involves the rooting of severed or separated
piece (stem, roots, leaf) of a parent. It is a very simple and inexpensive way of propagating
horticultural crops.
There are several types of cuttings which are classified according to the plant part which they
Root cuttings- these are plant species with a natural tendency to send up sprouts or produce
adventitious shoots from the roots can be propagated by cuttings.
Leaf cuttings- the planting materials are the leaf blade and petiole to start a new plant.
Stem cuttings- these are segmented part of the stem or the entire stem detached or cut from
the main branch.
3. Layerage- it is a method of plant propagation which involves the rooting or aerial stems while
detached to the parent plant. Promotes a high success rate because it prevents the water stress
and carbohydrates shortage that plague cuttings.
There are different methods of layering depending on the kind of plant, growth habit and adaptability.
Simple layering- a branch or shoot of the plant is bent on the ground and covered with soil. When the
roots have already formed, the branch or shot is already separated from the mother plant.
Compound layering- a branch or shoot is alternately covered with soil media. The same procedure in
simple layering when separating a new plant from the mother plant applies.
Mound layering- plants are cut back almost to ground level and allowed to sprout new shoots. Roots
develop at the bases of these shoots. Rooted layers are cut off or separated from the mother plant as a
new plant.
Marcotting or air layering- the stem of the selected mother plant possessing good characteristics is
induced to form roots while still attached to mother plant.
4. Budding- a method of plant propagation using a single bud (scion) which is attached or inserted
to the stock. This method of propagation is capable of producing a greater number of new
plants from a single budstick.
Methods of Budding
Patch or shield budding- a single patch or chip consisting of an axillary bud (plant organ that
germinates) with or without a wood is attached or inserted to the rootstock.
T-budding or inverted T-budding- a chip consisting a wood is inserted to the rootstock through an
incision in the forms a letter T or inverted T. it is easier to perform compared to patch or shield budding.
Budding Technique
5. Grafting- a shot or budstick consisting of several buds is taken from a healthy tree of the desired
variety is inserted to the limb or trunk of a seedling (rootstock).
Methods of Grafting
Cleft grafting- the lower end of the scion consisting of several buds is sharpen or cut 2-3 cm to form
along, evenly tapering wedge. The top of the rootstock is cut and a vertical cut or split is made in the
center of the rootstock enough to hold the scion.
Splice grafting- this is done by making a sloping cut about 3-4 cm both the scion and the rootstock.
Side grafting- a sloping cut 2-3 cm long is made on the lower portion of the scion. On the rootstock
where the point of the union will occur. A part of the bark and wood is sliced equal to the cut surface of
the scion.
There are other ways of propagating horticultural crops, one of which is micropropagation.
Micropropagation- uses tissue culture for the multiplication of plant in vitro (outside of the organism)
aseptically (microorganism-free). The term implies propagation of plants using a small piece or part of
plants capable of growing and dividing such as embryo, endosperm, immature seeds, stem, shoots, root
tips and pollen grains in an artificial medium under aseptic condition.
Methods of planting
There are different methods of planting horticultural crops: square, quincunx or diagonal, hexagonal or
triangular and contour system. The reasons why there are systems of planting is to facilitate different
farm operations such as weeding, fertilization, harvesting and spraying.
Square method- this is done by planting the seedling in each corner of the square using the
recommended distance of planting. It is simple to layout and the most common method of planting used
in several orchard or plantation.
Quincunx method- this is done by making use of a square method with an additional plant in the center.
Fruit growers using this method of planting make the maximum utilization of the area.
Hexagonal or triangular method- horticultural crops are planted equidistant from one another from
every direction to form an equilateral triangle. This method of planting results in a greater number of
plants per unit area than the square method.
Distance of planting