ZXR10 M6000 (V1.00.20) Carrier-Class Router Command Reference (QoS Volume)
ZXR10 M6000 (V1.00.20) Carrier-Class Router Command Reference (QoS Volume)
ZXR10 M6000 (V1.00.20) Carrier-Class Router Command Reference (QoS Volume)
Carrier-Class Router
Command Reference (QoS Volume)
Version 1.00.20
NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
Tel: (86) 755 26771900
Fax: (86) 755 26770801
URL: http://ensupport.zte.com.cn
E-mail: support@zte.com.cn
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RATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations.
All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION
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This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are dis-
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ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.
Users may visit ZTE technical support website http://ensupport.zte.com.cn to inquire related information.
Revision History
Typeface Meaning
Typeface Meaning
Typeface Meaning
3. Typographical conventions
ZTE documents employ the following typographical conven-
Typeface Meaning
[] Optional parameters.
{} Mandatory parameters.
Manual Usage Guidelines...................................3
Description of Man-Machine Commands ............................. 3
Auxiliary Function ........................................................... 4
Command Mode ............................................................. 5
Priority Inheritance Configuration
Commands ........................................................9
mls-qos-mode................................................................ 9
show mls-qos-mode.......................................................10
show qos-dot1p.............................................................10
H-QoS Configuration Commands ..................... 13
match child...................................................................14
match dscp...................................................................14
match in-8021p.............................................................15
match in-vlan ...............................................................16
match interface .............................................................16
match ipv4-access-list....................................................17
match ipv6-access-list....................................................17
match mac-address .......................................................18
match mpls-exp ............................................................19
match mpls-lable...........................................................19
match multi-cast ...........................................................20
match out-8021p...........................................................20
match out-vlan .............................................................21
match precedence .........................................................22
match qos-id ................................................................22
match uni-cast ..............................................................23
match vrf-name ............................................................23
show class-map ............................................................24
Manual Usage
Table of Contents
Description of Man-Machine Commands ................................. 3
Auxiliary Function ............................................................... 4
Command Mode ................................................................. 5
Description of Man-Machine
Each MML command is described by the following items:
� Purpose
It describes the function implemented by this command.
� Command Mode
It describes the mode in which this command can be executed.
� Syntax
It describes the complete format of this command, including
the no format if possible.
� Parameter(s)
It describes parameters in this command in a table and pre-
scribes the range and default value. If different products have
different parameter ranges or default values, an additional ta-
ble is used for description.
� Default
The default value is available in the case that this command
is not set. The default parameter value is not described here
for value selection. Additional description should be given if
different products have different default values.
� Instructions
It firstly describes the platform version information about
this command. After these information, it describes the use
method and precautions of this command.
� Example(s)
Do not describe the command history if this entry does not exist.
Auxiliary Function
The auxiliary functions for ZXR10 devices are as follows.
1. In any command mode, enter a question mark “?” after the
DOS prompt of the system, a list of available commands in the
command mode will be displayed. With the context-sensitive
help function, the keywords and parameter lists of any com-
mands can be obtained.
i. In any command mode, enter a question mark “?” after
the DOS prompt of the system, a list of all commands in
the mode and the brief description of the commands will
be displayed.
ii. Input the question mark behind a character or character
string to view the list of commands or keywords beginning
with this character or character string. Note that there is
no space between the character (string) and the question
iii. Press Tab behind the character string. If the command or
keyword beginning with this character string is unique, it
will be completed with a space at the end. Note that there
is no space between the character string and the Tab.
iv. Input a question mark after a command, a keyword or a
parameter, the next keyword or parameter to be input will
be listed, and also a brief explanation will be given. Note
that a space must be entered before the question mark.
2. If incorrect command, keyword or parameter is input, the error
isolation is offered with ^ in the user interface after you press
Enter. The ^ is below the first character of the input incorrect
command, keyword or parameter.
3. ZXR10 router/Ethernet switch allows the command or key-
word to be abbreviated into a character or character string that
uniquely identifies this command or keyword. For example, the
show command can be abbreviated to sh or sho.
4. The user interface supports the function of recording input
commands. A maximum of ten history commands can be
Command Function
Press <Ctrl+P> or the up arrow Re-invokes the latest command in the record buffer. Repeat
key these keys to invoke old commands forwards.
Press <Ctrl+N> or the down Rolls the commands downward. When the last command
arrow key line is reached, one more operation will roll the commands
from the beginning of the buffer cyclically.
Command Mode
The command modes in this manual are shown below.
IPv6 OSPF ZXR10(config- Global con- ipv6 router ospf Configures IPv6
route con- ospfv3)# figuration OSPF parameters
figuration mode
Priority Inheritance
Table of Contents
mls-qos-mode.................................................................... 9
show mls-qos-mode...........................................................10
show qos-dot1p ................................................................10
Purpose Use this command to configure the interface priority inheritance
Command Mode Global configuration mode
Syntax mls-qos-mode <interface-name>{ uniform | pipe | short-pipe
no mls-qos-mode <interface-name>
<interface-name> Name of a specified interface
Purpose Use this command to configure the 802.1p inheritance of an inter-
Command Mode Global configuration mode
Syntax qos-dot1p <interface-name>
no qos-dot1p <interface-name>
<interface-name> Name of a specified interface
show mls-qos-mode
Purpose Use this command to show the interface priority inheritance mode.
Command Mode All modes except the user mode
Syntax show mls-qos-mode [<interface-name>]
<interface-name> Name of a specified interface
Example This example describes how to show the interface priority inheri-
tance mode:
ZXR10(config)#show mls-qos-mode
mls-qos-mode fei-0/9/0/11 pipe
show qos-dot1p
Purpose Use this command to show the 802.1p inheritance of an interface.
Command Mode All modes except the user mode
Syntax show qos-dot1p [<interface-name>]
<interface-name> Name of a specified interface
Example This example describes how to show the 802.1p inheritance of the
ZXR10(config)#show qos-dot1p
qos-dot1p fei-0/9/0/11.1
H-QoS Configuration
Table of Contents
match child.......................................................................14
match dscp.......................................................................14
match in-8021p.................................................................15
match in-vlan ...................................................................16
match interface .................................................................16
match ipv4-access-list........................................................17
match ipv6-access-list........................................................17
match mac-address ...........................................................18
match mpls-exp ................................................................19
match mpls-lable...............................................................19
match multi-cast ...............................................................20
match out-8021p...............................................................20
match out-vlan .................................................................21
match precedence .............................................................22
match qos-id ....................................................................22
match uni-cast ..................................................................23
match vrf-name ................................................................23
show class-map ................................................................24
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map name and enter into the
class-map configuration mode.
Command Mode Global configuration mode
Syntax class-map <class-map-name> match-all
no class-map <class-map-name>
<class-map-name> Name of the class-map
Example This example describes how to create a class-map named zte and
enter into the zte class-map configuration mode:
ZXR10(config)#class-map zte match-all
match child
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow when the
matching item is null.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match child
no match child
Instructions In the configuration mode of the same class-map, match inter-
face collides with any other matching rule.
Examples This example describes how to create a class-map data flow zte10
with the matching item is null
ZXR10(config)#class-map zte10 match-all
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match child
match dscp
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
IP DSCP value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match dscp <dscp-range>[<dscp-range1><dscp-range2><dsc
no match dscp
<dscp-range> Specified IP-DSCP value or segment, ranging
from 0 to 63
match in-8021p
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
inner-layer 802.1p value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match in-8021p <in8021p-range>[<in8021p-range1><in8021
no match in-8021p
<in8021p-range> Specified inner-layer 802.1p value or
segment, ranging from 0 to 7
match in-vlan
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
inner-layer VLAN value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match in-vlan <invlan-range>[<invlan-range1><invlan-range2
no match in-vlan
<invlan-range> Specified inner-layer VLAN value or segment,
ranging from 1 to 4094
match interface
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
interface name.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match interface [untag]<interface-name>
no match interface
<interface-name> Name of an interface
Examples This example describes how to create a class-map data flow zte9
on the base of the sub-interface fei-0/9/0/11.
ZXR10(config)#class-map zte9 match-all
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match interface untag fei-0/9/0/11
match ipv4-access-list
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match ipv4-access-list <acl4-name>
no match ipv4-access-list <acl4-name>
<acl4-name> Specified ipv4-access-list name
match ipv6-access-list
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match ipv6-access-list <acl-name>
no match ipv6-access-list <acl-name>
<acl-name> Specified ipv6-access-list name
match mac-address
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
mac-address value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match mac-address <mac-address>
no match mac-address
<mac-address> Specified mac-address value
match mpls-exp
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
MPLS-EXP value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match mpls-exp <exp-range>[<exp-range1><exp-range2><e
no match mpls-exp
<exp-range> Specified MPLS-EXP value or segment,
ranging from 0 to 7
match mpls-lable
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
mpls-label value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match mpls-lable <lable>
no match mpls-lable
<lable> Specified mpls-label value, ranging from 0
to 1048576
match multi-cast
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
multicast rules.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match multi-cast
no match multi-cast
Instructions In the configuration mode of the same class-map, match multi-
cast collides with match uni-cast, match interface and match
Examples This example describes how to create a class-map data flow zte8
based on the multicast rules:
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match multi-cast
match out-8021p
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
outer-layer 802.1p value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match out-8021p <out8021p-range>[<out8021p-range1><out
no match out-8021p
<out8021p-range> Specified outer-layer 802.1p value or
segment, ranging from 0 to 7
match out-vlan
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
outer-layer VLAN value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match out-vlan <outvlan-range>[<outvlan-range1><outvlan-r
no match out-vlan
<outvlan-range> Specified outer-layer VLAN value or segment,
ranging from 1 to 4094
match precedence
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
IP precedence value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match precedence <ipp-range>[<ipp-range1><ipp-range2><i
no match precedence
<ipp-range> Specified IP-precedence value or segment,
ranging from 0 to 7
match qos-id
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
qos groupID value.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match qos-id <qos-id>
no match qos-id
<qos-id> Specified QoS ID value, ranging from 1 to
match uni-cast
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
unicast rules.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match uni-cast
no match uni-cast
Instructions In the configuration mode of the same class-map, match uni-c
ast collides with match multi-cast, match interface and match
Examples This example describes how to create a class-map data flow zte8
based on the unicast rules:
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match uni-cast
match vrf-name
Purpose Use this command to create a class-map data flow based on the
VRF name.
Command Mode Class-map configuration mode
Syntax match vrf-name<vrf-name>
no match vrf-name
<vrf-name> Specified VRF name. The VRF name should
be configured first.
show class-map
Purpose Use this command to show all flow types of H-QoS, and the match-
ing items, or specific class-map-name and the matching items.
Command Mode All modes except the user mode
Syntax show class-map [<class-map-name>]
<class-map-name> Class-map name
Examples This example describes how to show all the flow types of H-Qos:
ZXR10#show class-mapmap zte match-all
match dscp 2-6,10-15map zte2 match-all
match precedence 0-2,4,6-7map zte3 match-all
match mpls-exp 1,3-5,7map zte4 match-all
match in-vlan 1-20,40-50,100,200-250map zte5 match-all
match out-vlan 1-20,40-50,100,200-250map zte6 match-all
match in-8021p 0,1-3,5map zte7 match-all
match out-8021p 1,4-5,7map zte8 match-all
match qos-id 30
match vrf-name vrf1
match multi-cast
match mac-address 1111.1230.4567
match mpls-label 30
match ipv4-access-list ztezxr10
match ipv6-access-list chlwmap zte9 match-all
match child
Policy Configuration
Table of Contents
class ................................................................................25
policy-map .......................................................................26
show policy-map ...............................................................26
Purpose Use this command to associate with the class-map and enter into
the policy-class configuration mode.
Command Mode Policy-map configuration mode
Syntax class {<class-name>| class-default }
no class {<class-name>| class-default }
<class-name> Name of the associated class-map
Purpose Use this command to create a policy-map name and enter into the
policy-map configuration mode.
Command Mode Global configuration mode
Syntax policy-map <policy-map-name>
no policy-map <policy-map-name>
<policy-map-name> Name of a policy-map, with the length of 1
to 31 characters
show policy-map
Purpose Use this command to show all H-QoS policy mappings, policy-
classes and related actions. This command also can be used to
show policy-classes and related actions of <policy-map-name>,
or actions of a specific policy-class.
Command Mode All modes except the user mode
Syntax show policy-map [<policy-map-name>[class <class- name>]]
<policy-map-name> Name of a policy-map
Example This example describes how to show all policy mappings of H-QoS:
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#show policy-map
policy-map policy1
class zte2
Flow Action
Table of Contents
bandwidth ........................................................................27
priority-llq ........................................................................28
priority-level .....................................................................28
random-detect ..................................................................30
set dscp ...........................................................................31
set precedence..................................................................32
set mpls-exp.....................................................................32
set 8021p.........................................................................33
Purpose Use this command to configure the minimum available bandwidth
of a policy class.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax bandwidth percent<percentage>
no bandwidth
<percentage> Minimum bandwidth percentage, ranging
from 1 to 100
Purpose Use this command to configure the LLQ priority of the policy class.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax priority-llq
no priority-llq
Instructions 1. In the same policy, priority-llq is incompatible with bandwi
dth and priority-level.
2. In the same policy, priority-llq is incompatible with priorit
y-level, unless priority-level is configured in class-default,
<pq-level> is configured 2/3/4, and priority-llq is configured
in non class-default.
Examples This example describes how to configure LLQ priority for the flow
class zte9 with the policy mapping of policy2 and the associated
outer-layer VLAN value of 200:
ZXR10(config)#class-map zte9 match-all
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match out-vlan 200
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy2
ZXR10(config-pmap)# class zte9
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)# priority-llq
Purpose Use this command to configure the PQ priority of a policy class.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax priority-level <level-value>
no priority-level
<level-value> PQ priority, ranging from 1 to 4
Purpose Use this command to configure traffic policing for the policy class.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax police <cir><cbs>[<pir><pbs>]
no police
<cir> Specified CIR, ranging from 8 to 20000000
Examples This example describes how to configure traffic policing for the flow
class zte4 with the policy mapping of policy3:
ZXR10(config)#class-map zte2 match-all
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match out-vlan 200
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy3
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class zte4
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#police 1024 512 2048 1024
Purpose Use this command to configure WRED enabling, average queue
length and IP precedence based WRED parameters.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax random-detect enable
no random-detect enable
random-detect weight <weight-len>
no random-detect weight
random-detect precedence <precedence><min-threshold
><max-threshold><probilitity >
no random-detect precedence <precedence>
<weight-len> Average queue length
Instructions 1. WRED will be valid after WRED is enabled, that is, after rando
m-detect enable is configured and there are WRED parame-
ters on the base of IP precedence. When no random-detect
enable is configured, IP precedence based WRED parameters
will not be invalid. Whether to add or delete the parameters
depends on if there are random-detect enable action in the
show policy-map.
2. The value of <min-threshold> must be less than that of <max
3. The default weight is 8.
4. The command random-detect can only be configured on a
policing leaf node. That is, in the same policy-map class, rand
om-detect collides with service-policy.
Examples This example describes how to configure a class-map named
zte15. The policy-map is policy9 and it matches exp-VLAN 800.
The action is enabling WRED and the average queue length is
the default. The IP precedence 1 based minimum threshold is
3000 kbs and the maximum threshold is 5000 kbs; the dropping
set dscp
Purpose Use this command to configure the policy class to use a specified
value to label the DSCP field of a packet.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax set dscp <dscp-value>
no set dscp
<dscp-value> Value of DSCP, ranging from 0 to 63
set precedence
Purpose Use this command to configure the policy class to use a specified
value to label the IP-precedence field of a packet.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax set precedence <ipp-value>
no set precedence
<ipp-value> Value of IP-precedence, ranging from 0 to 7
set mpls-exp
Purpose Use this command to configure the policy class to use a specified
value to label the MPLS-EXP field of a packet.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax set mpls-exp <exp-value>
no set mpls-exp
<exp-value> Value of MPLS-EXP, ranging from 0 to 7
Instructions The parameter set mpls-exp can be configured under the leaf
node of the policy only. That is, in the same policy mapping class,
set mpls-exp is incompatible with service-policy.
Examples This example describes how to configure the MPLS-EXP field of the
flow class zte4 with the policy mapping of policy3 as 2:
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy3
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class zte4
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#set mpls-exp 2
set 8021p
Purpose Use this command to configure the policy class to use a specified
value to label the 802.1p field of a packet.
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax set 8021p <8021p-value>
no set 8021p
<8021p-value> Value of 802.1p, ranging from 0 to 7
Instructions The parameter set 8021p can be configured under the leaf node
of the policy only. That is, in the same policy mapping class, set
8021p is incompatible with service-policy.
Example This example describes how to configure the 802.1p field of the
flow class zte4 with the policy mapping of policy3 and the associ-
ated outer-layer VLAN value of 800 as 2:
ZXR10(config)#class-map zte4 match-all
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match out-vlan 600
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy3
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class zte4
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#set 8021p 2
Purpose Use this command to configure the layering policy of the policy
Command Mode Policy-class configuration mode
Syntax service-policy <policy-map-name>
no service-policy
<policy-map-name> Name of the policy mapping to be layered
H-QoS Binding
Table of Contents
show service-policy............................................................36
Purpose Use this command to bind the H-QoS policy to an interface.
Command Mode Global configuration mode
Syntax service-policy <interface-name>{ input | output }<policy-ma
p-name>[{ overwrite | append }]
no service-policy <interface-name>{ input | output }[{ over
write | append }]
<interface-name> Name of a specified interface
Examples This example describes how to configure the H-QoS policy of the
interface fei-0/9/0/11 as policy8:
ZXR10(config)#class-map zte15 match-all
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match out-vlan 800
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy8
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class zte15
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#set 8021p 2
ZXR10(config)#service-policy fei-0/9/0/11 input policy8
show service-policy
Purpose Use this command to show the H-QoS policy of an interface.
Command Mode All modes except the user mode
Syntax show service-policy [<interface-name>]
<interface-name> Name of a specific interface
Example This example describes how to display the H-QoS policy of the
ZXR10(config)#show service-policy
service-policy fei-0/9/0/11 input policy8
Binding H-QoS
Commands in Switching
Table of Contents
switch-fabric .....................................................................37
show switch-fabric .............................................................38
Purpose Use this command to bind H-Qos policy in the switching network.
Command Mode Global configuration mode
Syntax switch-fabric service-policy <policy-map-name>
no switch-fabric service-policy <policy-map-name>
<policy-map-name> Name of the H-QoS policy
show switch-fabric
Purpose Use this command to show bound H-Qos policy in the switching
Command Mode All modes except for user mode
Syntax show switch-fabric
Example This example describes how to display bound H-Qos policy in the
switching network.
ZXR10(config)#show switch-fabric
switch-fabric service-policy policy8
Table of Contents
rate-limit (QoS Interface Configuration Mode) .......................39
rate-limit (QoS SG Interface Configuration Mode) ..................41
show running-config carset .................................................42
show carset ......................................................................42
input | output Input/Output interface
conform-action Description
exceed-action Description
violate-action Description
Example This example shows how to configure rate limit of CAR SET.
ZXR10(config-qos-if)# rate-limit input dscp 3 cir 66 cbs 20000
pir 88 pbs 30000 conform-action transmit exceed-action transmit
violate-action drop
ZXR10(config-qos-if)# no rate-limit input dscp 3
<interface-name> Input/Output interface
Example This example shows how to configure rate limit CAR SET.
ZXR10(config-qos-SGif)# rate-limit input pir 88 pbs 30000
ZXR10(config-qos-SGif)# no rate-limit input
show carset
Purpose Use this command to view the CAR SET configured on an actual
protocol interface.
Command Mode All modes except user mode
Syntax show carset
Example This example shows how to view the CAR SET configured on an
actual protocol interface.
ZXR10(config)# show carset
interface gei-0/1/1/1
rate-limit output precedence 1 cir 100000 cbs 200000 pir 150000
pbs 300000 conform-action set-prec-transmit 7 exceed-action
set-prec-transmit 7 violate-action drop
rate-limit output precedence 2 cir 100000 cbs 200000 pir 150000
pbs 300000 conform-action set-prec-transmit 7 exceed-action
set-prec-transmit 7 violate-action drop