Slurry Pump
Slurry Pump
Slurry Pump
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
degree of
Master of Engineering
CAD/CAM and Robotics
Phull Gurlovleen Singh
JULY 2009
The choice of pumps or pumping systems for slurry transport will depend not only on the flow,
head required, suction conditions, type of installation and location, as for any other pump
application, but also on the slurry flow regime and properties. Centrifugal pump radial-flow type
is the most common in slurry service. A conventional centrifugal pump is designed to handle
clear liquids. However when slurries are to be transported the conventional centrifugal pump has
to be modified to handle solid liquid mixtures. The modifications incorporated in the pump
include enlargement of flow passages to accommodate bigger solid particles, robust impeller
with smaller number of vanes, special seals and proper material of construction to ensure longer
life. Conventional design method of centrifugal pump are largely based on the application of
empirical and semi-empirical rules along with the use of available information in the form of
different types of charts and graphs as proposed by successful designers. As the design of
centrifugal pump involve a large number of interdependent variables, several other alternative
design are possible for same duty. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is being increasingly
applied in the design of the centrifugal pumps. 3-D numerical computational fluid dynamics tool
can be used for simulation of the flow field characteristics inside the turbo machinery. Numerical
simulation makes it possible to visualize the flow condition inside a centrifugal pump, and
provides the valuable hydraulic design information of the centrifugal pumps. Present work is
aimed to analyze the pressure and velocity distribution inside the pump passage and evaluate the
pump performance using the Fluent, a computational fluid dynamics simulation tool. A
numerical model of an impeller and casing has been generated and the complex internal pressure
and velocity distribution are investigated by using the fluent computational code. . Pressure and
velocity distribution inside impeller of the centrifugal pump has direct influence due to change
of stream wise location.
3.2.3 Centrifugal Pump Losses 19 Hydraulic losses 19 Mechanical losses 20 Volumetric or leakage loss 20
3.2.4 Affinity Laws 20
3.2.5 Performance characteristics of centrifugal pumps 21 Main characteristics 22 Operating characteristics 22 Constant Head and Constant Discharge Curve 22
5.4 Mesh generation 41
5.4.1 Boundary layers 42
5.4.2 Edge meshing schemes 42
5.4.3 Face meshing schemes 45
5.4.4 Meshing the volumes 49
5.5 Meshing the model 56
5.6 Boundary conditions 56
References 73-75
Annexure I: Residuals of simulation
Annexure II: Pump Drawings
List of figures and tables
Figure 5.7(a) frame of the pump 39
Figure 5.7(b) Cad model of frame 39
Figure 5.8(a) Follower plate of the pump 39
Figure 5.8(b) CAD model of follower plate 39
Figure 5.9 Flange of test loop and CAD model of fluid volume in flange 40
Figure 5.10 Inlet passage of pump in test loop 40
Figure 5.11 CAD model of fluid volume of inlet passage 41
Figure 5.12 Quadrilateral face element types 4, 6 and 8 Node elements 49
Figure 5.13 Triangular face element types 3 Node and 6 Node elements 49
Figure 5.14 Hexahedron volume elements 54
Figure 5.15 Wedge volume elements 55
Figure 5.16 Tetrahedron volume elements 55
Figure 5.17 Pyramid volume elements 55
Figure 6.1 Coarse mesh (tetrahederal elements with interval count 6) 58
Figure 6.2 Mesh (tetrahederal elements with interval count 5) 59
Figure 6.3 Fine mesh (tetrahederal elements with interval count 3) 60
Figure 6.4 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 16.22lps 61
Figure 6.5 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 16.07lps 61
Figure 6.6 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 15.14lps 62
Figure 6.7 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 14.07lps 62
Figure 6.8 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 12.98lps 63
Figure 6.9 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 10.74lps 63
Figure 6.10 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 8.3lps 64
Figure 6.11 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 5.26lps 64
Figure 6.12 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 4.5lps 65
Figure 6.13 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 3.71lps 65
Figure 6.14 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 16.22lps 66
Figure 6.15 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 16.07lps 66
Figure 6.16 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 15.14lps 67
Figure 6.17 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 14.07lps 67
Figure 6.18 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 12.98lps 68
Figure 6.19 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 10.74lps 68
Figure 6.20 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 8.3lps 69
Figure 6.21 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 5.26lps 69
Figure 6.22 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 4.5lps 70
Figure 6.23 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 3.71lps 70
Figure 6.24 Head v/s Discharge 71
D Diameter, m
Q Mass flow rate, m3/sec
H Head, m
BHP Brake horse power, hp
N Speed, RPM
Density of liquid, kg/m3
Velocity vector
Stress tensor
g Acceleration due to gravity, m2/sec
h0 Enthalpy
t eddy viscosity
Force vector, N
E Total energy, J
Flow rate
Q flow rate of enthalpy, W
h Species enthalpy
k kinetic energy per unit mass, J/kg
U Free stream velocity, m/s
Turbulence dissipation rate, m2/s3
σk and σε Turbulent Prandtl numbers for k and ε, respectively
i x coordinate
j y coordinate
z z coordinate
1 inner diameter
2 outer diameter
Slurry is a mixture of solids and liquids. The most commonly used liquid is water. Its physical
characteristics are dependent on many factors such as size and distribution of solid particles, size
of the conduit, level of turbulence, temperature, and absolute (or dynamic) viscosity of the
carrier fluid. Single-phase liquids are allowed to flow at slow speeds from a laminar flow to a
turbulent flow but in slurry flows, the flow must overcome a deposition critical velocity or a
viscous transition critical velocity. If the speed of flow is not sufficiently high, the particles will
not be maintained in suspension.
Figure 1.1(a) Homogeneous slurry flow Figure 1.1(b) Heterogeneous slurry flow
Saltation is a condition which exists in a moving stream of slurry when solids settle in the bottom of the
stream in random agglomerations which build up and wash away with irregular frequency
• Apparent viscosity: It is defined as the property of the fluid resistance offered to the flow.
• Critical carrying velocity: It is defined as the mean velocity of the specific slurry in a particular
conduit, above which the solids phase remains in suspension, and below which solid-liquid
separation occurs.
• Effective particle diameter: Effective particle diameter is the single or average particle size used
to represent the behavior of a mixture of various sizes of particles in slurry. This designation is
used to calculate system requirements and pump performance.
• Concentration of solids by volume: The actual volume of the solid material in a given volume
of slurry, divided by the given volume of slurry, multiplied by 100.
• Concentration of solids by weight: The weight of dry solids in a given volume of slurry, divided
by the total weight of the slurry, multiplied by 100.
• Settling slurry: A slurry in which the solids will move to the bottom of the containing vessel or
conduit at a discernible rate, but which will remain in suspension if the slurry is agitated
• Settling velocity: It is the rate at which the solids in slurry will move to the bottom of stationary
• Square root law: This law is used to calculate the approximate increase in critical carrying
velocity for given slurry when pipe size is increased. It states:
VL=VS=� �
VL = Critical carrying velocity in larger pipe
Vs = Critical carrying velocity in samller pipe
VL = Diameter of larger pipe
Vs = Diameter of smaller pipe
• Yield value (Stress): It is the value of stress at which slurries will start to deform and under this
value there will be no relative motion between adjacent particles in the slurry.
Over the last few decades there has been a phenomenal growth in the demand of raw materials. This rise
in demand has led to drastic changes the existing techniques of mining, food processing, power
generation and other sectors where transportation of suspended solids play a major role. Due to this
change, there has been an increase in requirements in slurry transportation. A typical slurry transport
system is shown in the figure 1.2. Pump plays a vital role in transportation of slurry; different types of
pumps are available for slurry transportation, but centrifugal pumps are most widely used in slurry
transportation applications due to the following reasons:
• Higher flow rates can be obtained.
• Pulse free flow can be obtained.
• Higher initial and maintenance cost of positive displacement pumps.
• Solid particle of any size can be transported.
For small distances one centrifugal pump is enough, but for transportation through long distances or for
greater pressures two or more centrifugal pumps are connected in series.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is being increasingly applied in the design and
simulation flow in centrifugal pumps. Numerical simulation makes it possible to visualize the
flow condition inside a centrifugal pump, and provides valuable information about the
centrifugal pump's hydraulic design. By using simulation result to calculate or predict the
performance of a centrifugal pump, to replace or reduce the performance experiments in the
process of pump design, a great deal of labor and facility will be saved, as well as its shortening
design cycle. Therefore, great improvement on centrifugal pump design must be achieved by
CFD analysis of inner flow inside a centrifugal pump and following application of its results in
pump design processes.
The objective of the work is to model and numerically investigate the flow field inside the
centrifugal slurry pump of pilot plant at IIT Roorkee using commercial CFD code FLUENT .
Major problems associated with centrifugal pumps handling slurries are the estimation of
hydraulic performance of the pump components. Several investigators attempted to correlate
their experimental data of pump performance with some of affecting parameters and presented
correlations for estimating the pump performance with slurries based on its performance with
water. A review of literature available in this area has been presented in the following paragraphs
to discuss the present state of knowledge
Rayan and Shawky1 [1989] have evaluated erosion wear in the centrifugal slurry pump at
different rotational speeds with different solid-liquid concentration by weighing method. They
have reported that erosion wear rate increases with flow velocity as well as solid-liquid
Dong et al.2 [1992] used PDV technique to visualize the flow inside the volute of a centrifugal
pump. Neutrally buoyant particles of 30µm mean diameter were used as seed and it was
observed that although most of the blade effects occur near the impeller tip, they are not limited
to this region.
V.K Gahlot et al.3 (1992) studied the two different types of slurries namely zinc tailing & coal
on the performance characteristics of centrifugal slurry pump. They observed that the head and
the efficiency of the pump decrease with increase in solid concentration, particle size and
specific gravity of solids where they are independent of the pump flow rate.
T.Cader et al.4 (1992) have investigated water and solid water mixture flow at the impeller
outlet of a centrifugal slurry pump using LDV (Laser Doppler Velocitimetry) system. Solid
particle were taken as 0.8 mm diameter glass beads. They observed that solid particles have
larger radial velocity than the carrier fluid at the impeller outlet, but they lag the water in the
circumferential direction.
Cader et al.5 [1994] have studied phase velocity distribution and overall performance of a
centrifugal slurry pump by using LDA (Laser Doppler anemometer).Experiments conducted with
a dilute suspension of concentration of 1% micron size tracers and 0.8 mm glass beads at the
impeller casing flow interface. They evaluated the liquid and solid velocity distribution in the
pump and observed that fluctuations of the pump flow rate, head and loss in efficiency due to
particle slip, as the function of impeller position.
W.Huang et al.6 [1995] investigated that two phase flow structure at the impeller-volute
interface by using laser doper velocitimetry (LDV). They observed that in the impeller casing
slip velocity, solid liquid velocity fluctuations are the function of radial distance and impeller
angle. In the impeller rotation region flow is approximately forced vortex type and in casing
region free vortex type.
S.Yedidiah7 [1996] used a novel approach for calculating the head developed by a centrifugal
impeller. The approach was based on the fact that the head developed by an impeller depends on
the shape of the total blade and not just upon the magnitude of its outlet angle.
Ni et al.8 (1996) have experimentally evaluated the effect of high delivered volumetric
concentration (cvd) on characteristics of a slurry pump. They performed extensive experiments by
using three sorts of narrowly graded sands for the observation of pump and pipeline
characteristics. They conclude that high solid concentration has a strong influence on the pump
head, efficiency and power consumption and this influence behaves differently with different
sand size. The pump efficiency in coarse sand slurry service may drop almost 60% compared to
that of water service, when cvd = 42%. Within the measured range of concentrations in each
passages may experience similar stratification process occurred in pipelines. The mechanical
friction regime in the impeller passages could be similar to that in pipelines. Therefore the
delivered volumetric concentration and the size affect the head loss in the same way both in
pumps and pipelines.
Miner, S. M.9 [1997] has calculated numerically the flow field and pressure field within the
rotor of an axial flow pump. Velocity and pressure profiles were developed on both sides of the
impeller. It is observed that the value of tangential velocity increases from the centre line to the
outer radius. The axial velocity profile shifts towards the outer radius because of the presence of
nose on the hub. The use of coarse and fine mesh does not show significant difference in the
values, thus even coarser mesh can be used
Chung10 [1999] has developed optimum design code of the pump. They determined the
geometric and fluid dynamic variables under the appropriate design constraints. Optimization
problem has formulated with a non-linear objective function to minimize losses, net positive
suction head required and product price of a pump stage depending on the weighting factor
selected as the design compromise. Optimal solution obtained, efficiency NPSHR depends design
variable of centrifugal pump. Selected in the range of weighting factor 0 to 1.designer can easily
find the optimum value of design variable to meet their particular requirement of pump design.
Ogut, A. et al. [2000] have provided an insight into the effectiveness of fluid injection as a
boundary layer control method in suppressing or eliminating flow separation in the vaned
diffuser at off-design flow conditions. The reverse flow was observed along the hub and shroud
walls. The phenomenon of flow separation along the walls was also reduced by injecting the
fluid. The pressure recovery will be maximum if injection rate was 3% to the 60% of design flow
Majidi, K. et al. [2000] have observed the secondary flow in volute and circular casings of
centrifugal pumps. The static pressure was not distributed uniformly at the outlet of the impeller
which results in the radial thrust. Also the maximum value of relative velocity occurs at the
periphery of the impeller. The analysis shows that the curvature of the casing creates pressure
gradients that cause vortices at cross-sectional planes of the casings.
Gandhi et al.13 [2001] have studied erosion wear at various locations inside the volute casing of
a centrifugal slurry pump for the flow of solid-liquid mixtures. They reported that the wear
increases all along the volute periphery with increase in the amount of solid suspended in the
mixture and wear smaller when the pump operates near the (BHP).
Gandhi et al.14 (2001) have studied the performance of two centrifugal slurry pumps for three
solids materials having different particle size distribution (PSD) in terms of head, capacity and
power characteristics. The results have shown that values of head and efficiency ratios are not
only depended on solid concentration but are also affected by PSD of the solids and properties of
slurry. They conclude that the head and efficiency of the pump decrease with increase in solid
concentration, particle size and slurry viscosity, the decrease in the head being 2-10% higher
than that of the efficiency. The presence of finer particles (<18 µm) in coarse slurries
substantially attenuate the loss of the performance of the pump in terms of head and efficiency
Oh and Kim15 [2001] developed a design optimization code for mixed flow pump to determine
the geometric and fluid dynamic variables under appropriate design constraints. Optimization
problem has been formulated with a nonlinear objective function to minimize the fluid dynamics
Chung M K et al.16 [2001] developed a simple and accurate correlation for the slip factor of
centrifugal impeller. He investigated the radius of relative eddy inscribed by two adjacent vanes
and the exit circle of a flow channel in the impeller to obtain the correlation.
Engin, T. et al.17 [2001] have conducted the experimental study on the effects of solids in an
unshrouded centrifugal pump impeller by varying the tip clearance when both handling water
and solid-water mixtures. The tip clearance loss mechanisms seem to be similar to those in single
phase pumping and a steady deterioration in pump performance was observed by increasing the
tip clearances. The tip leakage losses increase as the tip clearance increases. The head reduction
factor appears to be almost independent of the variation in the tip clearance, and which allows
correlating the solids effects on the pump performance regardless of changes in the tip clearance.
A slight decreasing trend was also observed in efficiency ratio when the tip clearance was
Gandhi et al.18 [2002] have evaluated performance characteristics of a centrifugal slurry pump
at different rotational speeds with water as well as solid-liquid mixture. They found that the
affinity relations applicable to conventional pumps for head and capacity can be applied to slurry
pumps handling water and slurries at low concentrations (<20% by weight). For higher solids
concentrations, these relationships needed to be corrected by taking into account the effect of
Kato, C. et al.19 [2003] have observed boundary interface between impeller and volute casing by
using overset grids from dual frames of reference. The overall grid was composed of several grid
sets, and appropriate transactions take place at the interface regions. Large-eddy simulation was
applied to the prediction of internal flows in a high–specific-speed, mixed-flow pump stage that
possesses weak instability in its head-flow characteristics at low flow-rate ratios. The head-flow
characteristics were also developed, although the large eddy simulation predicted the stall point
at a lower flow-rate ratio than the measurements flow rate. The phase-averaged distributions of
the meridional- and tangential-velocity components were also compared with those measured by
an LDV.
Nursen, E. C. et al.20 [2003] have developed an incompressible flow solver for the pump volute.
The developed flow solver provides detailed pressure and velocity distribution information
inside the volute, and the calculated results were verified by means of the experimental results.
Kadambi et al.21 [2004] ) have used Particle Image Velocitimetry to investigate the velocities of
the slurry in the impeller of a centrifugal slurry pump for sodium-iodide solution (NaI) and
500micron glass beads slurry. The experiments conducted at 725 rpm, 1000rpm speed, and1%,
2%, 3% volumetric concentration. They observed that the in clear fluid flow conditions for both
the pump rpm, flow separation takes place on the suction side of the blade in the region below
the blade tip. For the same flow conditions, the flow moves smoothly along the suction side of
the blade depicting a recirculation zone. The intensity of this recirculation zone decreases at the
higher concentration of 3% due to particle inertia effects. On the pressure side of the blade the
particles are pushed along the blade surface and can result in the frictional wear.
Hergt, P. et al.22 [2004] have observed the unsteady velocity, pressure and flow angle at the
impeller outlet of a centrifugal pump with and without volute casing at five operating points
using the hotwire technology and a fast response single hole cylindrical probe. The test fluid was
air. While the velocities and pressures depend only on the axial coordinate and were rotationally
symmetrical. If there was no casing around the impeller, the influence of the volute on the
circumferential distribution of these quantities increases with the deviation of the operating point
from the design point.
Xu, C. et al.23 [2005] have calculated the detailed flow structures in the volute and the
compressor performance was calculated for different tongues. It was observed that the flow in
the volute sections has a single vortex structure, as opposed to two counter-rotating vortices. The
round tongue creates significant blockage near the tongue. This blockage forces secondary flow
center away from the tongue area. It was shown that the round tongue produces better
performance than the sharp tongue. The flow simulation was observed to better understand the
volute flow mechanisms and provide design guidance in volute design to meet performance
Addie et al.24 [2007] have developed ANSI/HI standard of centrifugal slurry pump. They studied
the effect of slurry on pump performance; net positive suction head required and wear by using
the ANSI/HI standard.
Pullum et al.25 [2007] have calculated the performance reduction of the centrifugal slurry pump
by using Hydraulic Institute method for handling non-Newtonian coarse particle suspensions.
Suspensions up to 38% v/v of coarse particles with mean diameters in the range of 1.1 < d50 <
3.4 mm suspended in carrier fluids with dynamic yield stresses of 0 < τγ < 17.2 Pa and shear
thinning indices in the range 0.35 < n < 0.79 were examined. They found that the reduction in the
head is the function of coarse solid concentration.
Min-Guan, Y. et al.26 [2007] have observed the phenomena of two-phase flow with salt
crystallizing in the chemical pump, the 3-D turbulent flow in the impeller of chemical pump was
simulated at the condition of rinsing. The internal flow between the impellers of chemical pump
was investigated. Based on the Reynolds-averaging N-S equations and the standard k-ε two
equations turbulent model, the simulations of turbulent flow between the impellers were
performed using the flow computing software Fluent under different operating conditions. Based
on the analysis of the calculated results of velocity and pressure profiles in the chemical pump
and experimentally observed phenomenon of flow impact, secondary flow and recirculation,
some design improvements were proposed, which give suggestions on the optimal design and
internal two-phase flow study of the chemical pump.
3.1 PUMP
A pump is a mechanical device used to increase the pressure of fluids, such as gases, liquids or
slurries. Pumps are used whenever any quantity of fluid is to be moved from one place to
another. A pump displaces a volume by physical or mechanical action. Pumps are found in such
services as steam power plants, water supply plants, sewage, drainage or irrigation, oil refineries,
chemical plant, sand steel mills. While these pumps have much in common, they are varied to
meet special requirements and particular needs of each service.
The choice of pumps or pumping systems for slurry transport will depend not only on the flow,
head required, suction conditions, type of installation and location, as for any other pump
application, but also on the slurry flow regime and properties. Rotodynamic pumps, of which the
centrifugal or radial-flow type is the most common in slurry service, are usually considered for
the higher flow, lower head duties, whereas conversely, positive-displacement reciprocating
types tend to be used for the lower flow, high pressure applications, e.g. long-distance pipelines.
However, relatively high pressures may also be achieved with centrifugal pumps, depending on
casing pressure limitations, by arranging them in series. For a given duty, centrifugal pumps are
usually cheaper, occupy less space and have lower maintenance costs than positive displacement
types, and can handle much larger solids. Figure 3.2 gives a pictorial idea of pump application
depending upon discharge and particle size required.
A conventional centrifugal pump is designed to handle clear liquids. However when slurries are
to be transported the conventional centrifugal pump has to be modified to handle solid liquid
mixtures. The modifications incorporated in the pump include enlargement of flow passages to
accommodate bigger solid particles, robust impeller with smaller number of vanes, special seals
and proper material of construction to ensure longer life. Slurry pumps are available in variety of
materials of construction to best handle the abrasion, corrosion and impact requirements of
nearly any solids handling application, replaceable liners are used in critical areas of wear to
reduce the costs of parts replacement. The materials used have different properties to prevent
wear and erosion to ensure longer working life as compared to conventional pumps used for
clear liquids. These modifications increase the hydraulic losses in the pump and deteriorate the
pump performance. The efficiency of a centrifugal slurry pump is considerably low as compared
to a conventional pump. The performance characteristics of slurry pumps are also poor as
compared to the conventional pumps. The deterioration in the performance could be attributed to
the modifications incorporated to allow free flow of solid particles along with the liquid to be
transported. The designers of slurry pumps have to take the following parameters into account
while designing the slurry pumps:
• Abrasive hardness
• Particle shape
• Particle size
• Particle velocity and direction
• Particle density
• Particle sharpness
During the design of such pumps, the requirements of longer life and reliability is to be balanced
by the constrained of high initial costs and efficiency. Nearly all slurry pumps have larger
diameter impellers than units for pumping clear liquids, to enable heads and capacities to be met
at reduced rotational speed. Low speed operation is one of the most important wear reducing
features of a slurry pump A centrifugal slurry pump is designed to handle solid-liquid mixture
and is normally a single stage, end suction type having radial or mixed flow configurations to
facilitate the motions of solid particles Some compromises are made in order to provide an
acceptable pump life. Table 3.1 shows the design features, benefits, and compromises of the
slurry pump
3.2.1 Working principle of centrifugal pump
A centrifugal pump works by the conversion of the rotational kinetic energy, typically from an
electric motor or turbine, to an increased static fluid pressure. The rotation of the pump impeller
imparts kinetic energy to the fluid as it is drawn in from the impeller eye (centre) and is forced
outward through the impeller vanes to the periphery. As the fluid exits the impeller, the fluid
kinetic energy (velocity) is then converted to (static) pressure due to the change in area the fluid
experiences in the volute section. Typically the volute shape of the pump casing (increasing in
volume), or the diffuser vanes (which serve to slow the fluid, converting to kinetic energy in to
flow work) are responsible for the energy conversion. The energy conversion results in an
increased pressure on the downstream side of the pump, causing flow. Centrifugal pumps are
used in a variety of applications, such as, water supply and irrigation, power-generating utilities,
flood control, sewage handling and treatment, food industries, chemical and petrochemical
industries, domestic appliances, mining and ore processing, transporting liquid-solid mixtures,
environmental control, spaceships, airplanes, and motor vehicles. Since they are used in a wide
spectrum of application, the centrifugal pumps are manufactured in different shapes to meet the
application requirements.
3.2.2 Components of a centrifugal slurry pump
The components of a slurry pump are same as the ones used in a conventional centrifugal pump. Impeller
The rotating part of centrifugal pump is called impeller. It consists of a series of backward
curved vanes. The impeller is mounted on a shaft, which is connected to the shaft of an electric
motor. An impeller is usually made of iron, steel, aluminium or plastic, which transfers energy
from the motor that drives the pump to the fluid being pumped by forcing the fluid outwards
from the centre of rotation. Figure 1.6a shows the axial, radial and tangential component of flow.
Components of impeller
Vanes: The vanes in the pump impeller are series of backward or forward curved cavities which
transfers the power from shaft to the fluid.
Hub and Shroud: The hub is the surface of the machine closest to the axis of rotation. It defines
the inner fluid flow surface. The shroud is the surface of the machine farthest from the axis of
rotation. It defines the outer fluid flow surface
Leading and trailing edges: The leading edge is the most upstream part of the blade. Any
change to the leading edge changes the blade surfaces, which changes the periodic surfaces as
well as the hub and shroud surfaces. The trailing edge is the most downstream part of the blade.
Semi-open impeller: A semi-open impeller has open blades, but with a support plate or shroud
on one side. These types of impeller are generally used for liquids with a small percentage of
solid particles from the bottom of a tank or river, or crystals mixed with the liquid. The
efficiency of these impellers is governed by the limited free space or tolerance between the front
leading edge of the blades and the internal pump housing wall.
Enclosed impeller: The enclosed impellers are designed with the blades between two support
shrouds or plates. These impellers are generally used clean liquids because tolerances are tight at
the eye and the housing, and there is no room for suspended solids, crystals or sediment, Figure
3.3c shows an enclosed impeller.
Figure 3.5(a) Open Impeller Figure 3.5(b) Semi-Open Impeller Figure3.5(c) Enclosed Impeller
17 Casing
Casing of a pump is an airtight passage surrounding the impeller and is designed in such a way
that the kinetic energy of the water discharged at outlet of the impeller is converted into the
pressure energy before the water leaves the casing and enters the delivery pipe.
Types of casing
Volute casing: Volute casing is of spiral type in which area of flow increase gradually. The
increase in the area of flow decreases the velocity of flow. The decrease in velocity increases the
pressure of the water flowing through the casing. In case of volute casing the efficiency of the
pump increases slightly as a large amount of energy is lost due to formation of eddies in this type
of casing.
Vortex casing: If a circular chamber is introduced between the casing and the impeller, the
casing is known as vortex casing. By introducing the circular chamber, the loss of energy due to
formation of eddies is reduced considerably. Thus, the efficiency of the pump is more than the
pump with volute casing.
Casing with guide blades: In this type of casing, the impeller is surrounded by series of guide
blades mounted on a ring, which is known as diffuser. The guide vanes are designed in such a
way that water from the impeller enters the guide vanes without shock, the area of guide vanes
increase reducing the velocity of flow through guide vanes and consequently increasing the
pressure of pressure of water. The water from the guide vanes then passes through the
surrounding casing, which is concentric with the impeller
To discharge
Water level
Suction lift
The various losses occurring during the operation of a centrifugal pump may be classified as
1. Hydraulic losses
2. Mechanical losses
3. Volumetric or Leakage losses
For the given values of the blade angles β2 and speed of rotation, there can be only one rate of
discharge that will insure tangential entry to the impeller and tangential exit from the impeller.
But in real case pump is required to operate under varying conditions which results in the
variation in the rate of discharge as such at the entrance and the exit of the impeller the shock
losses. Generally occur and at the exit from the impeller there occurs a loss of energy due to
more or less abrupt change in the direction of velocity of liquid as it enters the casing and other
hydraulic losses consist of the following:
1. Friction and other minor losses in the suction pipe.
2. Friction and other minor losses in the delivery pipe.
The Pump Affinity laws predict the affects of changing the speed of a centrifugal or rotary pump
on flow rate, head and power. These laws express the mathematical relationship between the
several variables involved in pump performance. They apply to all types of centrifugal flow
pumps. They are as follows:
With impeller diameter (D) held constant:
Q1 N1
Q2 N2
H1 N1 2
= � �
H2 N2
BHP1 N1 3
= � �
With speed N held constant:
Q1 D1
Q2 D2
H1 D1 2
= � �
H2 D2
BHP1 D1 3
= � �
Q = Capacity, m3/sec
H = Total Head, m
BHP = Brake Horsepower
N = Pump Speed, RPM
When the performance (Q1, H1, & BHP1) is known at some particular speed (N1) or diameter
(D1), the formulas can be used to estimate the performance (Q2, H2, & BHP2) at some other
speed (N2) or diameter (D2). The efficiency remains nearly constant for speed changes and for
small changes in impeller diameter.
A pump is usually designed for a particular speed, flow rate and head, but in actual practice the
operation may be at some other condition of head, and for the changed condition the behavior of
the pump is less efficient than the quantity the value of velocity of flow of liquid through
impeller will be changed. As a result, the value of relative velocity will be changed, and at the
same time the loss will be increased so the efficiency of pump will lowered, therefore, in order to
predict the behavior and performance of a pump under varying condition, tests are performed,
and the result of test are plotted, the curve thus obtained are known as characteristic curve of a
pump. Characteristic curve are usually prepared for the centrifugal pump
1) Main and operating characteristic curve
2) Constant efficiency curves
3) Constant head & Constant Discharge curve
3. 2.5.1 Main characteristics
These are obtained by fixing the speed at some arbitrary value of and plotting separately H, HP,
& η against Q. The rate of flow Q is varied by means of the quantity H, HP, η are calculated. A
number of different values of N are chosen and one such set of curves is drawn for each speed.
Figure 3.7(a) H v/s Q Figure 3.7 (b) HP v/s Q Figure 3.7(c) η v/s Q
Similarly to determine the speed required to discharge a certain quantity at diff. pressure it is
convenient to draw constant Q curves showing H against N.
In the recent years, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been increasingly used for a wide
variety of engineering applications. In the beginning, the use of these techniques was customary
only in the areas of aerospace and nuclear technology. Subsequently, the use has spread to a
variety of products, physical situations, and manufacturing processes. Some examples of
interesting applications of computational modeling are cooling of electronics systems,
rotating and reciprocating machinery, furnaces and combustion chambers. The basis of
computational fluid dynamics is the reduction of continuum deferential equation describing the
dynamics of the fluid (Navier stokes, Mass & energy conservation equation) into a system of
algebraic equation of finite number of “grid” points, and the solving of the equation at these
limited number of points only. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) provides a qualitative or
quantitative prediction of fluid flows by means of
• Mathematical modeling (partial differential equations)
• Numerical methods (discretization and solution techniques)
• Software tools (solvers, pre- and post processing utilities)
Fluid flows and related phenomena can be described by partial differential (or integro
differential) equations, which cannot be solved analytically except in few special cases. To
obtain an approximate solution numerically, we have to use a discretization method which
approximates the differential equations by a system of algebraic equations, which can then be
solved on a computer. The approximations are applied to small domains in space and/or time so
the numerical solution provides results at discrete locations in space and time. Much as the
accuracy of experimental data depends on the quality of the tools used, the accuracy of numerical
solutions is dependent on the quality of discretization used.CFD is finding its way into process,
chemical, civil, and environmental engineering. Optimization in these areas can produce large
savings in equipment and energy costs and in reduction of environmental pollution.
4.1.1 CFD procedure
In order to obtain better design in CFD, following procedure (Figure 4.1) is applied so that fluid
flow can easily be modeled in the centrifugal pump impeller.
Initial design
Geometry generation
Mesh generation
Pre Processing
Post Processing
Result No
Optimal design
4.1.2 Governing equations of CFD
The physical aspects of any fluid flow are governed by the following three fundamental
a) Conservation of mass
b) Conservation of momentum (Newton’s second law)
c) Conservation of energy (first law of thermodynamics)
These fundamental principles can be expressed in terms of mathematical equations which in their
most general form are usually partial differential equations. CFD is the art of replacing the
governing partial differential equations of fluid flow with numbers and advancing these numbers
in space and / or time domain to obtain a final description of complete flow field of interest.
With the development of high-speed digital computers, CFD has become a powerful tool to
predict flow characteristics in varied problem, in an economical way.
𝑣𝑣⃗ = 𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖 𝑖𝑖̂ + 𝑢𝑢𝑗𝑗 𝑗𝑗̂ + 𝑢𝑢𝑘𝑘 𝑘𝑘�
Typical examples are flow around cars, aeroplanes and buildings. There is no definition on
turbulent flow, but it has a number of characteristic features such as:
1. Irregularity: Turbulent flow is irregular, random and chaotic. The flow consists of a
spectrum of different scales (eddy sizes) where largest eddies are of the order of the flow
geometry (i.e. boundary layer thickness, jet width, etc). At the other end of the spectra we
have the smallest eddies which are by viscous forces (stresses) dissipated into internal
2. Diffusivity: In turbulent flow the diffusivity increases. This means that the spreading rate
of boundary layers, jets, etc. increases as the flow becomes turbulent. The turbulence
increases the exchange of momentum in e.g. boundary layers and reduces or delays
thereby separation at bluff, bodies such as cylinders, airfoils and cars. The increased
diffusivity also increases the resistance (wall friction) in internal flows such as in
channels and pipes.
3. Large Reynolds Number: Turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds number. For
example, the transition to turbulent flow in pipes occurs that Re=2300, and in boundary
layers at Re=100000
4. Three Dimensional Flows: Turbulent flow is always three-dimensional. However, when
the equations are time averaged we can treat the flow as two-dimensional.
5. Dissipation: Turbulent flow is dissipative, which means that kinetic energy in the small
(dissipative) eddies are transformed into internal energy. The small eddies receive the
kinetic energy from slightly larger eddies. The slightly larger eddies receive their energy
from even larger eddies and so on. The largest eddies extract their energy from the mean
flow. This process of transferred energy from the largest turbulent scales (eddies) to the
smallest is called cascade process.
6. Continuum: Even though we have small turbulent scales in the flow they are much
larger than the molecular scale and we can treat the flow as a continuum.
4.2.1 Importance of turbulence modeling
Whenever turbulence is present in a certain flow it appears to be dominant over all other flow
phenomenon. Turbulent flows are characterized by fluctuating velocity fields. These fluctuations
mix transported quantities such as momentum, energy, and species concentration. Since these
fluctuations can be of small scale and high frequency, they are too computationally expensive to
simulate directly in practical engineering calculations. Instead, the instantaneous (exact)
governing equations can be time-averaged, ensemble-averaged, or otherwise manipulated to
remove the small scales, resulting in a modified set of equations that are computationally less
expensive to solve. However, the modified equations contain additional unknown variables, and
turbulence models are needed to determine these variables in terms of known quantities.
Modeling turbulence increases the quality of numerical solutions considerably.
In turbulent flow we usually divide the variables in two components, one time-averaged part 𝑈𝑈
which is independent of time (when the mean flow is steady), and other the fluctuating part 𝑢𝑢.
�⃗ + 𝑢𝑢
The reason for decomposing the variables in two parts is:
• While measuring the flow quantities we are usually interested in the mean values rather
that the time histories
• To solve the Navier-Stokes equation numerically it would require a very fine grid to
resolve all turbulent scales and it would also require a fine resolution in time (turbulent
flow is always unsteady).
Algebraic Models: An algebraic equation is used to compute a turbulent viscosity, often called
eddy viscosity. The reynolds stress tensor is then computed using an assumption which relates
the reynolds stress tensor to the velocity gradients and the turbulent viscosity. This assumption is
called the Boussinesq assumption. Models which are based on a turbulent (eddy) viscosity are
called eddy viscosity models
One-Equation Models: In these models a transport equation is solved for a turbulent quantity
(usually the turbulent kinetic energy) and a second turbulent quantity (usually a turbulent length
scale) is obtained from an algebraic expression. The turbulent viscosity is calculated from
Boussinesq assumption.
Two Equation Models: These models fall into the class of eddy viscosity models. Two transport
equations are derived which describe transport of two scalars, for example the turbulent kinetic
energy 𝐾𝐾 and its dissipation𝜖𝜖. The Reynolds stress tensor is then computed using an assumption
which relates the Reynolds stress tensor to the velocity gradients and an eddy viscosity. The
latter is obtained from the two transported scalars.
Reynolds stress models: Transport equation is derived for the Reynolds tensor 𝑢𝑢
𝑖𝑖 𝑢𝑢𝑗𝑗 One
transport equation has to be added for determining the length scale of the turbulence. Usually an
equation for the dissipation 𝜀𝜀 is used.
The simplest complete models of turbulence are two-equation models in which the solution of
two separate transport equations allows the turbulent velocity and length scales to be
independently determined. The k-𝜀𝜀 model falls within this class of turbulence model and has
become the basic of practical engineering flow calculations in the time since it was proposed by
Launder and Spalding. Robustness, economy, and reasonable accuracy for a wide range of
turbulent flows explain its popularity in industrial flow and heat transfer simulations. It is a semi-
empirical model, and the derivation of the model equations relies on phenomenological
considerations and empiricism.
Transport Equations for the Standard k-ε Model
The turbulence kinetic energy k, and its rate of dissipation ε, is obtained from the following
transport equations:
𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕 𝜇𝜇𝑡𝑡 𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 4.11
(𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌) + (𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖 ) = ��𝜇𝜇 + � � + 𝐺𝐺𝑘𝑘 + 𝐺𝐺𝑏𝑏 − 𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌 − 𝑌𝑌𝑀𝑀 + 𝑆𝑆𝑘𝑘
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗 𝜎𝜎𝑘𝑘 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗
𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕 𝜇𝜇𝑡𝑡 𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜀𝜀 𝜀𝜀 2 4.12
(𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌) + (𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖 ) = ��𝜇𝜇 + � � + 𝐶𝐶𝑘𝑘 (𝐺𝐺𝑘𝑘 + 𝐶𝐶3𝜖𝜖 𝐺𝐺𝑏𝑏 ) − 𝐶𝐶2𝜀𝜀 𝜌𝜌 + 𝑆𝑆𝑘𝑘
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗 𝜎𝜎𝑧𝑧 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗 𝑘𝑘 𝑘𝑘
The turbulent (or eddy) viscosity, µt, is computed by combining k and ε as follows:
𝑘𝑘 2 4.13
𝜇𝜇𝑡𝑡 = 𝜌𝜌𝐶𝐶𝜇𝜇
Boundary conditions are the set of conditions specified for the behavior of the solution to a set of
differential equations at the boundary of its domain. Boundary conditions are important in
determining the mathematical solutions to many physical problems. These conditions specify the
flow and thermal variables on the boundaries of a physical model. They are, therefore, a critical
component of simulation and it is important that they are specified appropriately. The boundary
conditions are defined on cell faces and they do not have a finite thickness and they provide a
means of introducing a step change in flow properties.
The following boundary conditions at the walls are used with the equations of motion
• No slip conditions
At fluid wall interface, there must be no slip
�⃗𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = 𝑉𝑉
𝑉𝑉 �⃗𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤
• Temperature field
The principle different types of boundary conditions are as follows:
Error is a recognizable deficiency in a CFD model that is not caused by lack of knowledge.
Causes of errors are:
(a) Numerical errors – round off errors, iterative convergence errors, discretization errors.
(b) Coding errors: mistakes or ‘bugs’ in the software
(c) User errors-human errors through incorrect use of software. Can be reduced / eliminated
through adequate training and experience.
The pump under study is the part of a test loop used to study the slurries transportation
physics at different speeds and concentrations. The purpose of the test loop is to conduct the
slurry transportation under controlled conditions so that the effect of different parameters on
slurry transport can be studied. The test loop consists of a closed circuit pipe test loop of 50 mm
NB pipe having a length of 40m along with other necessary components. The main components
of a pilot plant are shown in figure 5.1.
1. Centrifugal slurry pump 6. Measuring tank
2. Observation chamber 7. Bypass line
3. Flow meters 8. Flow diverter
4. Density meter 9. Stirrer
5. Slurry preparation tank
8 4
5 4 3 2
Slurry Preparation Tank-The slurry preparation tank is used to prepare slurries using different
solids like limestone, zinc, nickel and other solids to be studied. This tank is in the shape of a
hopper and consists of a stirrer which is rotated using a motor and a reduction gear unit.
Measuring Tank-The measuring tank in the loop is used to measure the rate of flow by taking
reading if there is a change in the level of slurry in the tank over a certain time period.
Centrifugal Slurry Pump with VFD- The main function of VFD is to accurately change the
operating speed of the pump with variable frequency drive.
Electro-magnetic flow meter-The electro-magnetic flow meter is used to measure the flow rate
of slurry through the circuit. The flow meter has an accuracy of ±5%.
Nucleonic density meter- A nucleonic density meter is used to measure the concentration of the
slurry. It is installed in the vertical section of the pipe near discharge.
The slurry pump used in the test loop is as shown in the figure 5.4. The centrifugal pump used is
designed for abrasive solids application such as those found in aggregate, cement, lime slurries
and many other common industrial and mining applications. The pump can handle slurries with
particle size ranging from 2x1 to 14x10 μm, and flow rates ranging from less than 2.2 m3/hr to
910 m3/hr.
To prevent wear and erosion of the pump White iron, Ni-hard 4 and Max-alloy having 27%
chromium were used to manufacture pump components.
To study the numerical analysis on the pump, the dimension data of the pump was required to
generate a model in the software. For taking the dimensions of components reverse engineering
techniques were used. The test loop was shut and all the valves were closed to prevent any
leakage of water or slurry. The pump was first disconnected from the pipes of the test loop and
the water in the pump assembly was drained. The pump assembly was disassembled and all the
parts were separated. The assembly consisted of the casing, impeller and suction discs (frame
and follower plate). Since the pump was firmly placed on the foundation the suction passage
extending from the flange to the frame was not removed.
5.3.1 Dimensioning
After the pump was disassembled, the task of taking dimensions of each component was divided
into two phases.
1. The dimensions that could be taken directly like impeller outer diameter, casing outlet
diameter, etc were taken using vernier calipers and steel rule.
2. For dimensions that could not be taken directly with instruments moulds of plaster of
paris and clay were made.
The impeller of pump is the enclosed type and has 5 vanes. The impeller tail extends from the
center of the head through the discs till the suction passage where it rests on a disc connected to
the shaft and embedded in the inlet passage. The tail section is circular in shape; this section has
a constant diameter over a certain length and increases gradually over the end forming a bell
mouth at the end. This bell mouth lies in the suction passage from where the flow enters the
pump. The main purpose of the giving bell shape to the tail of the impeller is the smoothening of
the flow to ensure uniform feed to the impeller. A fillet is given at the inlet in the impeller head
where the flow enters the vanes. Due to this fillet the width of the vane increases at the inlet.
Since the impeller is closed type and the vane at inlet is wider than the outlet, it was not possible
to measure the dimensions at the impeller inlet. The profile of the vane at inlet was reconstructed
by making a mould out of m-seal. The other parts of the impeller were modeled using plaster of
paris moulds. The dimensions were then taken from these moulds by plotting them on the graph.
Points were marked on the graph sheet with respect to a reference. These points were then
plotted in the software following which a curve with a suitable radius was fitted through the
points to get the smooth surface.
Figure 5.5(a) Impeller of the pump figure 5.5 (b) Cad model of Impeller
The casing is of semi-volute type having 275 mm base circle diameter and 11 degrees tongue
angle. The casing was also modeled by making plaster of paris moulds. For the purpose, the
casing was divided into 12 sectors each spanning over 30 degrees. Once divided moulds of each
of these sectors were casted. The moulds were not casted for the entire sector but only for the
area beyond the base circle, this was done to optimize the requirement of plaster of paris and also
because only the area which is increasing was required. These 12 sectors were then put together
to reconstruct the casing and check the conformation with the casing. These sectors were then
grinded on the edges to get a clear cross-section on the graph. Each sector was then drawn over a
base circle in the software. The cross-section was drawn by connecting the points with Nerbs.
Once the cross-section of each sector was made, the casing was constructed with the bottom up
approach by creating faces and volumes.
Figure 5.6(a) Casing of the pump Figure 5.6(b) Cad model of fluid in casing
Follower plate, Frame and Flange
The dimensions of the follower plate and frame were taken directly as the geometry was simple
both to measure and construct in CAD software. The cross-section of the disc was modeled
according to the dimensions and then rotated about an axis to model the discs. The flange was a
made by joining the cross-section at pump inlet and the flange connected to the pipe. The cross-
section at pipe end was circular while it had a different cross-section at the inlet. The two
sections made and then joined.
Figure 5.7(a) frame of the pump Figure 5.7(b) Cad model of frame
Figure 5.8(a) Follower plate of the pump Figure 5.8(b) CAD model of follower plate
Figure 5.9 Flange of test loop and CAD model of fluid volume in flange
Inlet passage
The inlet passage of the centrifugal slurry pump had a complicated structure with several fillets
and sections at different angles. For this reason several moulds of different areas were made;
from these sections geometry of passage at different locations was obtained. These sections were
extended and combined together to model the fluid portion in the inlet passage.
The modeling was done in two different software’s Pro-engineer and Gambit. This was because
Pro-Engineer is a modeling software and has sophisticated modeling tools that helped in
modeling the complex geometries. Apart from the modeling tools the software has features that
helped in creating cross-sections at different locations which helped in better visualization and
Figure 5.11 CAD model of fluid volume of inlet passage
understanding of the actual pump geometry. Gambit is a pre processor and has powerful tools for
meshing and defining the problem for analysis. Since the problem was to be solved in Fluent
gambit was preferred as it is specifically programmed for defining problems in Fluent. The
meshing tools in Gambit help in controlling the mesh of the model. The modeling tools in gambit
are more powerful when using bottom up approach in modeling the geometry as it is more
flexible and any complicated geometry can be easily modeled if the required data is available.
The first step after modeling the pump components is importing the model in pre-processor and
descretize it into smaller elements. The model is descretized so that the affect of external or
internal forces acting on a body can be captured at any point on the body. This process of
discretization is called meshing. The larger the number of these elements, finer will be the mesh
which will give accurate result. But a large number of elements or a fine mesh needs greater
computational capabilities and time. To optimize the meshing, a finer mesh is used at points
where the forces have maximum impact and a coarser mesh is used at other locations. For
meshing, the model was taken to a commercially available pre-processor called GAMBIT.
Gambit provides a large variety of tools for meshing. Every tool has various schemes that give
flexibility in discretization of the model. The various meshing schemes are explained below.
5.4.1 Boundary layers
Boundary layers define the spacing of mesh nodes in regions immediately adjacent to edges and
faces. They are used primarily to control mesh density and, thereby, to control the amount of
information available from the model in specific regions of interest. For e.g. by attaching a
boundary layer to the face that represents the pipe wall, you can increase the mesh density near
the wall and decrease the density near the center of the cylinder, thereby obtaining sufficient
information to characterize the gradients in both regions while minimizing the total number of
mesh nodes in the model.
= 𝑅𝑅
li and li+1 are the lengths of intervals i and i+1, respectively, and R is a fixed value
For any given number of intervals (n), the grading schemes differ from each other only with
respect to the manner in which the pre-processor determines the value of the interval length ratio,
R. When grading or meshing an edge using a non-symmetric scheme, it must be specified
whether the grading scheme is single-sided or double-sided. Double-sided grading differs from
single-sided grading in that the edge is divided into two separate segments for grading purposes,
and each segment is graded according to its own grading parameter.
Center of grading
To specify double-sided grading, either a node or an interval is created at the center of grading
for the edge. The form of the grading center (node or interval) depends on the total number of
edge intervals (n) as follows. If n is even, a mesh node is created at the center of grading. If n is
odd, a mesh interval is created at the center of grading. The location of the center node (n even)
or the location and size of the center interval (n odd) is determined according to the following
• If n is even, the edge is graded such that the lengths of the intervals on either side of the
center node are equal.
• If n is odd, the edge is graded such that the length of the center interval conforms to the
meshing parameters specified for both segments of the edge.
Bi-exponent scheme
The Bi-Exponent scheme divides the edge into two segments of equal length and applies the
exponent grading scheme separately to each segment. The Exponent input parameter, x specified
by means of the ratio field on the mesh edges form, produces the following grading
characteristics for the Bi-exponent scheme.
x Grading Characteristic
Mesh nodes are densest near the center of grading and least dense near
< 0.5 the endpoints of the edge.
Element type
For meshing edges, two types of elements can be used depending upon the required
discretization of the edge. The edge element type determines the number of edge mesh nodes
corresponding to face and volume elements in the model
• A 2-node edge element creates mesh nodes only at the end points of the edge mesh
• A 3-node edge element creates an additional mesh node at the center of each mesh
The location of the center node (n even) or the location and size of the center interval (n odd) is
determined according to the following rules.
• If n is even, the pre-processor grade the edge such that the lengths of the intervals on
either side of the center node are equal.
• If n is odd, the pre-processor grades the edge such that the length of the center interval
conforms to the meshing parameters specified for both segments of the edge.
A change in the edge element type specification, automatically changes all corresponding face
and volume element types. Likewise, when you change the face or volume element types, pre-
processor automatically changes the edge element type. Table 5.2 summarizes the general
correspondence between edge, face, and volume element types.
The shape and topological characteristics of the face, as well as the vertex types associated with
the face, determine the types of mesh schemes that can be applied to the face.
Specifying the meshing scheme
To specify the face-meshing scheme, the following parameters must be specified:
• The Elements parameter defines the shapes of the elements that are used to mesh the
• The Type parameter defines the pattern of mesh elements on the face.
• The Smoother specification determines the type of smoothing algorithm used to smooth
a mapped mesh during the meshing operation.
Specifying scheme elements
• Quad Specifies that the mesh includes only quadrilateral mesh elements
• Tri Specifies that the mesh includes only triangular mesh elements
• Quad/Tri Specifies that the mesh is composed primarily of quadrilateral mesh elements
but includes triangular corner elements at user-specified locations
Specifying scheme type
• Map creates a regular, structured grid of mesh elements
• Submap divides an un-mappable face into mappable regions and creates structured grids
of mesh elements in each region
• Pave creates an unstructured grid of mesh elements
• Tri Primitive divides a three-sided face into three quadrilateral regions and creates a
mapped mesh in each region
• Wedge Primitive creates triangular elements at the tip of a wedge shaped face and
creates a radial mesh outward from the tip
of the face. The vertex-type and edge mesh interval restrictions for the Quad/Tri-Map meshing
scheme are as follows.
Vertex types
To employ the Quad/Tri-Map meshing scheme to a sliver-shaped face, vertices are specified as
Tips of the sliver - Tri-element
All other vertices - Side
Edge mesh intervals
If you grade or mesh the edges that comprise the sides of a sliver-shaped face before applying
the Quad/Tri-Map meshing scheme, the edge grading is specified such that the sides possess
identical numbers of intervals.
impose the creation of triangular mesh elements in corners of the face by setting the associated
vertices as Tri-element vertices.
Figure 5.12 Quadrilateral face element types 4, 6 and 8 Node elements
Figure 5.13 Triangular face element types 3 Node and 6 Node elements
When setting a face element type, the pre-processor applies the type to all face elements of the
specified shape. For example, to specify 8-node quadrilateral face elements, the pre-processor
locates mesh nodes according to the 8-node pattern for all quadrilateral face elements produced
in the subsequent face meshing operation.
The Pre-processor specifies any volume for a meshing operation however, the shape and
topological characteristics of the volume, as well as the vertex types associated with its faces;
determine the types of mesh schemes that can be applied to the volume. The pre-processor
provides option to select any of the following volume meshing elements options. Table 5.3
describes the basic shapes of each of the mesh elements.
Option Description
Hex Specifies that the mesh includes only hexahedral elements.
Specifies that the mesh is composed primarily of hexahedral
Hex/Wedge elements but includes wedge elements where appropriate.
Specifies that the mesh is composed primarily of tetrahedral
Tet/Hybrid elements but may include hexahedral, pyramidal, and wedge
elements where appropriate.
Table 5.3 Shapes of mesh elements
Map meshing scheme
To apply the Map meshing scheme to a volume, the pre-processor meshes the volume using an
array of hexahedral mesh elements. Each mesh element includes at least eight nodes—located at
the corners of the element. To specify an alternative volume element node pattern, pre-processor
creates either 20 or 27 nodes per mesh element. The Map volume meshing scheme can only be
applied to volumes that can be meshed such that the mesh represents a logical cube. To represent
a logical cube, a volume mesh must satisfy the following general requirements.
1. There must exist exactly eight mesh nodes that are attached to only three mesh element
faces. (These eight mesh nodes comprise the corners of the logical cube.)
2. Each of the eight corner mesh nodes must be connected to three other corner mesh nodes
by means of a straight chain of mesh edges—that is, a chain of mesh edges all of which
belong to a single logical row of mesh nodes.
According to the criteria described above, the most basic form of a mappable volume is a
rectangular brick. For such a volume, the mesh nodes located at the corner vertices of the brick
constitute the corners of the mesh cube. Although the strict definition of volume mappability is
best expressed in terms of the mesh itself, it is possible to state mappability requirements in
terms of the general geometrical configuration of a given volume. Specifically, volume
mappability criteria may be stated as follows:
To be mappable, a volume should contain six sides, each of which can be rendered mappable by
the correct specification of vertex types.
However, it is possible to transform the other volumes into mappable volumes by means of
vertex-type assignments and virtual geometry operations. The following sections describe the
operations required to render each volume mappable.
Face Mappability and Sub-mappability
In order for the pre-processor to apply a Sub-map meshing scheme to a volume, each face that
bounds the volume must be either mappable or sub-mappable
elements where appropriate in proximity to the previously meshed faces. The T-Grid has the
following features:
• The T-Grid meshing scheme imposes no restrictions on the types of edge or face meshes
that can be previously applied to the volume.
• There is a control tool for the refinement of the tetrahedral mesh by means of the pre-
processor program defaults. The program also allows controlling several aspects of prism
boundary layer elements. For a description of the use of the pre-processor program
• In general, it is best to avoid creating quadrilateral face mesh elements with aspect ratios
greater than 5 on the boundaries of any volume to be meshed by means of the T-Grid
meshing scheme. Face mesh elements with high aspect ratios produce highly skewed
transition pyramidal elements. As a result, the T-Grid volume meshing may fail or
produce low-quality elements
• To employ a face boundary layer when meshing a volume by means of the T-Grid
meshing scheme, it is best to attach the boundary layer to the face itself rather than to its
bounding edges. Also to apply the boundary layers to the bounding edges rather than to
the face, the T-Grid scheme will create pyramidal elements on the side faces but not on
the face itself. As a result, the volume will not contain boundary layers of transition
elements in the region adjacent to the face.
Hex Core meshing scheme
The Hex Core meshing scheme creates a mesh consisting of two regions:
• An inner region composed of regular hexahedral elements.
• An outer region consisting of pyramidal, tetrahedral, and wedge elements where
It is to be noted that wedge elements are created only when boundary layers are attached on faces
pre-meshed with triangular elements. The hex core mesh consists of a core of hexahedral
elements surrounded by a transition region consisting of pyramidal elements adjacent to the core
itself and a shell of tetrahedral elements filling the remainder of the volume. The existence of the
hexahedral-element core significantly reduces the total number of elements for the mesh relative
to a pure tetrahedral mesh.
Figure 5.15 Wedge volume elements
elements, pre-processor locates mesh nodes according to the 20-node pattern for all wedge
volume elements produced in the subsequent volume meshing operation.
After modeling, the components were imported to Gambit. To reduce the total no of mesh
elements, the impeller was not meshed but subtracted from all volumes and the surfaces adjacent
to impeller were given wall conditions which were kept in rotating frame of reference. The
impeller was subtracted from the casing to create a separate volume representing the fluid
portion in impeller. The entire geometry was divided in three volumes:
• Inlet passage-Fluid continuum
• Fluid in impeller-Fluid continuum
• Fluid in casing-Fluid continuum
To get an initial solution T-Grid scheme was used to mesh the model. An interval count of 6 was
taken to generate a coarse mesh. Table 5.6 shows the number of elements in each volume
No of elements Volume
30760 Fluid in impeller
116026 Inlet passage(4 highly skewed elements)
110149 Casing
Table 5.6 No of elements in each volume
After meshing of the model of pump assembly commercial CFD code fluent is used for
simulation of the pump performance. The boundary conditions of mass flow rate and pressure
outlet are given at pump inlet and outlet respectively. The performance results are obtained at
different mass flow rate conditions with constant operating speed. Numerical performance results
compared with the experimental results at the same operating conditions.
6.1.1 Assumptions
The following assumptions were taken for simulation:
1. The walls of the casing were assumed to be smooth hence any disturbances in flow due to
roughness of the surface were neglected.
2. The friction co-efficient for all surfaces were set to 0, hence friction between the walls
and fluid was neglected.
3. Steady state conditions and incompressible fluid flow.
4. No leakage losses.
6. First order scheme is used for pressure correction as well as for solving momentum,
turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate.
7. A simple scheme is used for pressure velocity coupling
8. To achieve convergence is less time under relaxation factor applied are 0.3 for
pressure, 0.7 for momentum equation, 0.8 for turbulence kinetic energy and 0.8 for
turbulence dissipation rate.
Volume No of elements
Casing 110149
Figure 6.2 Mesh (tetrahederal elements with interval count 5)
Volume No of elements
Fluid in impeller 91736
Casing 334676
Figure 6.3 Fine mesh (tetrahederal elements with interval count 3)
Volume No of elements
Fluid in impeller 153730
Casing 739357
6.1.3 Pressure and velocity distribution in impeller
Figure 6.4 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 16.22lps
Figure 6.5 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 16.07lps
Figure 6.6 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 15.14lps
Figure 6.7 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 14.07lps
Figure 6.8 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 12.98lps
Figure 6.9 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 10.74lps
Figure 6.10 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 8.3lps
Figure 6.11 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 5.26lps
Figure 6.12 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 4.5lps
Figure 6.13 Pressure and velocity contours for impeller at 1450rpm and 3.71lps
Fig 6.4 to 6.13 shows the pressure and velocity contours in the impeller at the 1450 rpm with different
mass flow rates. The result shows that the pressure increases from inlet to outlet. It has a minimum value
at inlet and increases at the tip of the vane.
6.1.4 Pressure distribution and velocity vectors in casing
Figure 6.14 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 16.22lps
Figure 6.15 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 16.07lps
Figure 6.16 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 15.14lps
Figure 6.17 Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 14.07lps
Figure 6.18Pressure contour and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 12.98lps
Figure 6.19 Pressure contours and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 10.74lps
Figure 6.20 Pressure contours and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 8.3lps
Figure 6.21 Pressure contours and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 5.26lps
Figure 6.22 Pressure contours and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 4.5lps
Figure 6.23 Pressure contours and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm and 3.71lps
Fig 6.14 to 6.23 shows Pressure contours and velocity vectors for casing at 1450rpm with different mass
flow rates. The pressure contours show that the pressure increases from inlet to delivery and velocity is
decreasing from inlet to outlet and maximum velocity is at the inlet of impeller.
mass flow 3.71 5.26 8.3 10.74 12.98 14.07 15.14 16.7
Figure 6.24 shows that the at a constant operating speed when the mass flow rate increases the total static
head decreases.
Future Scope
1. Pressure and velocity distribution for pump impeller and casing can be calculated for
2. Effect on performance of pump by changing inlet and outlet vane angle can be studied.
3. Similar computational simulation models can also be used for analyzing the pressure,
velocity and stress distribution of the turbines, compressor, fan and blower.
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diffusers with fluid section” International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2000,
Volume 6, No. 1, pp 57-65.
12. Majidi, K. and Siekmann H. E., “Numerical calculation of secondary flow in pump
volute and circular casings using 3D viscous flow techniques” International
Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2000, Volume 6, No. 4, pp 245-252
13. B.K Gandhi, S.N. Singh, V. Seshadri, “Variation of wear along the volute casing of a
centrifugal slurry pump”. JSME International Journal, 2001, Vol.44, 2001.
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Centrifugal Slurry Pumps,’’ 2001, ASME J. Fluids Eng., 123, pp. 271–28.
15. Oh and Kim, “Conceptual Design, Optimization of mixed-flow pump impellers using
mean streamline analysis”. Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 2001,
Vol. 215.
16. K S Paeng, M K Chung, ”A New Slip Factor For Centrifugal Impellers”, Proceedings of
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17. Engin, T., and Gur, M., ‘‘Performance Characteristics of a Centrifugal Pump Impeller
with Running Tip Clearance Pumping Liquid-Solid Mixtures,’’ ASME J. Fluids Eng.,
2001, 123, pg. 532–538.
18. B.K Gandhi, S.N. Singh, V. Seshadri, “Effect of Speed on the Performance
Characteristics of a Centrifugal Slurry Pump”, Journal of fluid Engineering, February,
19. Kato, C., Mukai, H., and Manabe, A., “Large-eddy simulation of unsteady flow in a
mixed-flow pump” International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2003, volume 9, pp
20. Nursen, E. C., and Ayder, E., “Numerical calculation of the three- dimensional
swirling flow inside the centrifugal pump volutes” International Journal of Rotating
Machinery, 2003, volume 9, 247–253.
21. J R.Kadambi, Charoenngam P, Subramanian A, Mark P.Wernet, John M.Sankovic, Addie
G, Courtwright R,”Investigation of Particle Velocities in a Slurry pump using PIV:Part
1,The Tongue and Adjacent Channel Flow” Journal Of Energy Resources Technology,
ASME. December 2004, Vol-126/271.
22. Hergt, P., Meschkat, S. and Stoffel, B., “The flow and head distribution within the volute
of a centrifugal pump in comparison with the characteristics of the impeller without
casing” Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics, 2004, Volume 5, pp 275-285.
23. Xu, C. and Muller, M., “Development and design of a centrifugal compressor
volute” International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2005, volume 3, pp 190–196.
24. A.Sellgren, ”The new ANSI/HI centrifugal slurry pump standard”, 17th International
conference on the hydraulic transport of solids, The southern African Institute of Mining
and Metallurgy and the BHR group, 2007.
25. L.Pullum,L.J.W Graham and M.Rudman, ”Centrifugal pump performance calculations
for homogeneous and complex heterogeneous suspensions”,17th International conference
on the hydraulic transport of solids,The southern African Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy and the BHR group, 2007.
26. Min-Guan Yang,Dong Liu,Xiang Dong, ”Analysis of turbulent Flow in the Impeller of a
Chemical Pump”, Journal of engineering science and technology,Vol-2,N0.- 3,2007,Pg-
1. Stepanoff, A. J., (1958), “Centrifugal and axial flow pumps theory design and application”, 2nd,
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5. Cherkassy V.M., (1985), “Pumps Fans Compressors”, 2nd edition, Mir Publishers.
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8. Fluent-Manual, (2003), published by, Fluent Inc., Release 6.3, January 2003.
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
reversed flow in 144 faces on pressure-outlet 6.
1 1.0000e+00 8.1566e-04 9.1852e-03 3.9678e-04 5.1261e-02 1.9767e+00 0:58:13 499
reversed flow in 31 faces on pressure-outlet 6.
2 1.0000e+00 3.0058e-01 1.7017e-01 7.9816e-02 1.5155e+01 3.0674e+03 0:58:06 498
reversed flow in 24 faces on pressure-outlet 6.
turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+005 in 10 cells
3 3.1742e-01 2.0716e-01 2.0392e-01 1.4102e-01 6.0423e-01 2.0589e+01 0:56:20 497
reversed flow in 19 faces on pressure-outlet 6.
4 2.3713e-01 1.0984e-01 1.1690e-01 9.3137e-02 2.1069e-01 5.9450e-01 0:54:53 496
reversed flow in 15 faces on pressure-outlet 6.
5 2.0114e-01 5.8649e-02 5.5163e-02 3.7955e-02 1.1096e-01 2.5274e-01 0:53:43 495
reversed flow in 9 faces on pressure-outlet 6.
6 1.7579e-01 3.9398e-02 3.4740e-02 2.4344e-02 9.5797e-02 1.8136e-01 0:52:46 494
7 1.2224e-01 2.9352e-02 3.0210e-02 2.2845e-02 9.1066e-02 1.6965e-01 0:52:00 493
8 9.3703e-02 2.5536e-02 2.4481e-02 1.8637e-02 8.3520e-02 1.5697e-01 0:51:21 492
9 6.6172e-02 1.6709e-02 1.5658e-02 1.0697e-02 7.9356e-02 1.5064e-01 0:50:49 491
10 5.2678e-02 1.3568e-02 1.3558e-02 9.4968e-03 7.1560e-02 1.3781e-01 0:50:22 490
11 4.4692e-02 1.0641e-02 1.0781e-02 6.9095e-03 6.2117e-02 1.2067e-01 0:48:22 489
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
12 3.8211e-02 8.9393e-03 9.0478e-03 5.2816e-03 5.2197e-02 1.0223e-01 0:46:45 488
13 3.3237e-02 8.2122e-03 8.1510e-03 4.6554e-03 4.3014e-02 8.4732e-02 0:45:26 487
14 2.9279e-02 7.7083e-03 7.5093e-03 4.2637e-03 3.5559e-02 6.9967e-02 0:44:22 486
15 2.6030e-02 7.2610e-03 7.1468e-03 3.9758e-03 2.9836e-02 5.8377e-02 0:43:31 485
16 2.3437e-02 6.7436e-03 6.6202e-03 3.5852e-03 2.5860e-02 5.0003e-02 0:42:48 484
17 2.1502e-02 6.4084e-03 6.3249e-03 3.3696e-03 2.3283e-02 4.4233e-02 0:42:13 483
18 1.9959e-02 6.1736e-03 6.0833e-03 3.2109e-03 2.1702e-02 4.0774e-02 0:41:44 482
19 1.8735e-02 5.9782e-03 5.8737e-03 3.0692e-03 2.0664e-02 3.7993e-02 0:41:20 481
20 1.7781e-02 5.7937e-03 5.6981e-03 2.9477e-03 1.9886e-02 3.5884e-02 0:41:00 480
21 1.7030e-02 5.6421e-03 5.5513e-03 2.8561e-03 1.9234e-02 3.4765e-02 0:40:43 479
22 1.6464e-02 5.5149e-03 5.4193e-03 2.7758e-03 1.8610e-02 3.3754e-02 0:40:28 478
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
23 1.6022e-02 5.3975e-03 5.3100e-03 2.6940e-03 1.8096e-02 3.3317e-02 0:40:16 477
24 1.5623e-02 5.2914e-03 5.2095e-03 2.6227e-03 1.7643e-02 3.2751e-02 0:41:40 476
25 1.5289e-02 5.2225e-03 5.1238e-03 2.6130e-03 1.7402e-02 3.2937e-02 0:41:11 475
26 1.4737e-02 5.1077e-03 4.9853e-03 2.4855e-03 1.7051e-02 3.2231e-02 0:40:46 474
27 1.4369e-02 5.0058e-03 4.8831e-03 2.4322e-03 1.6636e-02 3.1413e-02 0:42:00 473
28 1.4039e-02 4.8922e-03 4.7678e-03 2.3709e-03 1.6263e-02 3.0325e-02 0:41:24 472
29 1.3723e-02 4.7927e-03 4.6667e-03 2.3219e-03 1.5868e-02 2.9068e-02 0:40:54 471
30 1.3436e-02 4.6812e-03 4.5599e-03 2.2739e-03 1.5556e-02 2.7817e-02 0:42:03 470
31 1.3112e-02 4.5611e-03 4.4459e-03 2.2198e-03 1.5346e-02 2.7322e-02 0:41:23 469
32 1.2766e-02 4.4356e-03 4.3401e-03 2.1743e-03 1.5149e-02 2.7086e-02 0:40:50 468
33 1.2446e-02 4.3067e-03 4.2276e-03 2.1276e-03 1.4965e-02 2.7176e-02 0:41:56 467
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
34 1.2114e-02 4.1781e-03 4.1120e-03 2.0848e-03 1.4663e-02 2.6698e-02 0:41:15 466
35 1.1792e-02 4.0548e-03 3.9977e-03 2.0412e-03 1.4249e-02 2.5526e-02 0:42:14 465
36 1.1402e-02 3.9277e-03 3.8835e-03 1.9951e-03 1.3834e-02 2.4448e-02 0:41:27 464
37 1.1042e-02 3.8169e-03 3.7794e-03 1.9529e-03 1.3321e-02 2.3566e-02 0:42:21 463
38 1.0770e-02 3.7271e-03 3.6912e-03 1.9321e-03 1.2836e-02 2.2647e-02 0:41:30 462
39 1.0437e-02 3.6225e-03 3.5966e-03 1.8711e-03 1.2399e-02 2.2018e-02 0:42:21 461
40 1.0149e-02 3.5365e-03 3.5163e-03 1.8434e-03 1.1968e-02 2.1433e-02 0:43:00 460
41 9.8414e-03 3.4560e-03 3.4381e-03 1.8105e-03 1.1542e-02 2.0909e-02 0:43:31 459
42 9.5813e-03 3.3798e-03 3.3644e-03 1.7769e-03 1.1148e-02 2.0293e-02 0:42:22 458
43 9.3802e-03 3.3126e-03 3.2974e-03 1.7446e-03 1.0778e-02 1.9777e-02 0:42:57 457
44 9.1806e-03 3.2504e-03 3.2344e-03 1.7109e-03 1.0377e-02 1.8968e-02 0:43:25 456
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
45 9.0217e-03 3.1851e-03 3.1668e-03 1.6752e-03 1.0022e-02 1.8335e-02 0:42:14 455
46 8.8474e-03 3.1216e-03 3.1063e-03 1.6419e-03 9.6761e-03 1.7745e-02 0:42:48 454
47 8.6495e-03 3.0577e-03 3.0466e-03 1.6061e-03 9.3542e-03 1.7284e-02 0:43:13 453
48 8.4628e-03 2.9914e-03 2.9913e-03 1.5706e-03 9.0300e-03 1.6890e-02 0:42:02 452
49 8.2849e-03 2.9215e-03 2.9340e-03 1.5344e-03 8.7017e-03 1.6331e-02 0:42:34 451
50 8.1420e-03 2.8531e-03 2.8719e-03 1.4995e-03 8.4264e-03 1.5833e-02 0:42:59 450
51 8.0178e-03 2.7830e-03 2.8167e-03 1.4648e-03 8.0928e-03 1.5182e-02 0:43:17 449
52 7.8828e-03 2.7218e-03 2.7634e-03 1.4368e-03 7.8154e-03 1.4724e-02 0:43:31 448
53 7.7753e-03 2.6685e-03 2.6963e-03 1.4121e-03 7.5213e-03 1.4246e-02 0:42:11 447
54 7.6132e-03 2.6035e-03 2.6390e-03 1.3710e-03 7.2550e-03 1.3839e-02 0:42:35 446
55 7.4838e-03 2.5486e-03 2.5840e-03 1.3362e-03 7.0169e-03 1.3455e-02 0:42:54 445
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
56 7.3969e-03 2.5027e-03 2.5333e-03 1.3122e-03 6.8009e-03 1.3031e-02 0:41:38 444
57 7.2710e-03 2.4575e-03 2.4834e-03 1.2870e-03 6.6321e-03 1.2801e-02 0:42:06 443
58 7.0918e-03 2.4199e-03 2.4316e-03 1.2643e-03 6.5167e-03 1.2676e-02 0:42:27 442
59 6.8957e-03 2.3761e-03 2.3848e-03 1.2339e-03 6.3846e-03 1.2499e-02 0:42:42 441
60 6.7517e-03 2.3288e-03 2.3381e-03 1.2078e-03 6.2569e-03 1.2260e-02 0:41:25 440
61 6.5949e-03 2.2839e-03 2.2918e-03 1.1820e-03 6.0413e-03 1.1851e-02 0:41:50 439
62 6.4520e-03 2.2325e-03 2.2390e-03 1.1575e-03 5.7706e-03 1.1165e-02 0:42:09 438
63 6.2767e-03 2.1836e-03 2.1915e-03 1.1283e-03 5.4899e-03 1.0488e-02 0:40:56 437
64 6.1302e-03 2.1420e-03 2.1469e-03 1.1079e-03 5.2493e-03 9.9453e-03 0:41:23 436
65 5.9860e-03 2.1028e-03 2.1060e-03 1.0836e-03 5.0249e-03 9.5465e-03 0:41:44 435
66 5.8549e-03 2.0671e-03 2.0705e-03 1.0645e-03 4.8330e-03 9.1992e-03 0:41:59 434
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
67 5.7266e-03 2.0333e-03 2.0401e-03 1.0448e-03 4.6608e-03 8.8596e-03 0:42:10 433
68 5.6323e-03 2.0029e-03 2.0112e-03 1.0290e-03 4.5036e-03 8.5137e-03 0:42:18 432
69 5.5555e-03 1.9750e-03 1.9838e-03 1.0137e-03 4.3541e-03 8.1787e-03 0:42:23 431
70 5.4834e-03 1.9464e-03 1.9598e-03 1.0010e-03 4.2185e-03 7.8633e-03 0:42:26 430
71 5.4118e-03 1.9220e-03 1.9339e-03 9.8725e-04 4.0929e-03 7.5736e-03 0:42:27 429
72 5.3341e-03 1.8985e-03 1.9084e-03 9.7664e-04 3.9691e-03 7.2985e-03 0:42:26 428
73 5.2544e-03 1.8765e-03 1.8823e-03 9.6438e-04 3.8635e-03 7.0934e-03 0:42:25 427
74 5.1715e-03 1.8560e-03 1.8580e-03 9.5181e-04 3.7737e-03 6.9208e-03 0:43:47 426
75 5.1143e-03 1.8362e-03 1.8330e-03 9.4135e-04 3.6903e-03 6.7588e-03 0:42:02 425
76 5.0649e-03 1.8180e-03 1.8086e-03 9.2875e-04 3.6228e-03 6.6427e-03 0:42:02 424
77 5.0203e-03 1.8000e-03 1.7844e-03 9.2038e-04 3.5684e-03 6.5497e-03 0:42:00 423
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
78 4.9807e-03 1.7858e-03 1.7571e-03 9.1260e-04 3.5216e-03 6.4809e-03 0:41:58 422
79 4.9109e-03 1.7665e-03 1.7344e-03 8.9929e-04 3.4800e-03 6.4110e-03 0:41:55 421
80 4.8700e-03 1.7518e-03 1.7133e-03 8.9436e-04 3.4547e-03 6.3693e-03 0:41:51 420
81 4.8100e-03 1.7337e-03 1.6948e-03 8.8326e-04 3.4203e-03 6.3102e-03 0:41:47 419
82 4.7574e-03 1.7181e-03 1.6778e-03 8.7825e-04 3.3906e-03 6.2523e-03 0:41:42 418
83 4.7012e-03 1.7015e-03 1.6592e-03 8.7004e-04 3.3646e-03 6.1897e-03 0:41:37 417
84 4.6652e-03 1.6864e-03 1.6429e-03 8.6542e-04 3.3430e-03 6.1301e-03 0:41:32 416
85 4.6399e-03 1.6713e-03 1.6274e-03 8.5915e-04 3.3205e-03 6.0780e-03 0:41:27 415
86 4.5784e-03 1.6557e-03 1.6110e-03 8.4978e-04 3.2912e-03 6.0240e-03 0:41:22 414
87 4.5335e-03 1.6393e-03 1.5944e-03 8.4550e-04 3.2630e-03 5.9686e-03 0:42:39 413
88 4.4986e-03 1.6248e-03 1.5792e-03 8.3781e-04 3.2374e-03 5.9288e-03 0:42:16 412
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
89 4.4448e-03 1.6088e-03 1.5648e-03 8.2761e-04 3.2111e-03 5.8938e-03 0:41:57 411
90 4.4004e-03 1.5936e-03 1.5490e-03 8.1985e-04 3.1815e-03 5.8519e-03 0:41:41 410
91 4.3778e-03 1.5820e-03 1.5365e-03 8.1362e-04 3.1389e-03 5.7869e-03 0:41:27 409
92 4.3179e-03 1.5675e-03 1.5214e-03 8.0053e-04 3.0953e-03 5.7161e-03 0:42:36 408
93 4.2847e-03 1.5559e-03 1.5064e-03 7.9593e-04 3.0547e-03 5.6510e-03 0:42:08 407
94 4.2326e-03 1.5410e-03 1.4924e-03 7.8504e-04 3.0034e-03 5.5657e-03 0:41:45 406
95 4.1887e-03 1.5262e-03 1.4794e-03 7.7712e-04 2.9515e-03 5.4808e-03 0:41:25 405
96 4.1607e-03 1.5142e-03 1.4666e-03 7.7100e-04 2.9000e-03 5.3991e-03 0:41:08 404
97 4.1087e-03 1.4978e-03 1.4525e-03 7.5929e-04 2.8487e-03 5.3133e-03 0:42:13 403
98 4.0870e-03 1.4850e-03 1.4372e-03 7.5137e-04 2.7975e-03 5.2250e-03 0:41:44 402
99 4.0376e-03 1.4679e-03 1.4231e-03 7.3984e-04 2.7444e-03 5.1330e-03 0:41:20 401
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
100 3.9897e-03 1.4531e-03 1.4112e-03 7.3242e-04 2.6908e-03 5.0423e-03 0:40:59 400
101 3.9480e-03 1.4413e-03 1.3978e-03 7.2673e-04 2.6414e-03 4.9569e-03 0:40:41 399
102 3.8819e-03 1.4262e-03 1.3864e-03 7.1430e-04 2.5914e-03 4.8758e-03 0:39:06 398
103 3.8216e-03 1.4095e-03 1.3742e-03 7.0517e-04 2.5422e-03 4.8004e-03 0:39:08 397
104 3.7839e-03 1.3932e-03 1.3626e-03 6.9684e-04 2.4928e-03 4.7336e-03 0:39:09 396
105 3.7189e-03 1.3780e-03 1.3480e-03 6.8495e-04 2.4421e-03 4.6682e-03 0:39:09 395
106 3.6406e-03 1.3604e-03 1.3363e-03 6.7296e-04 2.3975e-03 4.6090e-03 0:39:07 394
107 3.5968e-03 1.3445e-03 1.3232e-03 6.6699e-04 2.3580e-03 4.5618e-03 0:39:04 393
108 3.5303e-03 1.3271e-03 1.3106e-03 6.5325e-04 2.3186e-03 4.5177e-03 0:39:01 392
109 3.4899e-03 1.3101e-03 1.3001e-03 6.4666e-04 2.2807e-03 4.4738e-03 0:38:57 391
110 3.4329e-03 1.2912e-03 1.2897e-03 6.3522e-04 2.2445e-03 4.4304e-03 0:37:35 390
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
111 3.3992e-03 1.2721e-03 1.2773e-03 6.2641e-04 2.2136e-03 4.3906e-03 0:37:46 389
112 3.3697e-03 1.2557e-03 1.2650e-03 6.1970e-04 2.1837e-03 4.3446e-03 0:37:54 388
113 3.3288e-03 1.2396e-03 1.2527e-03 6.1353e-04 2.1545e-03 4.2942e-03 0:37:59 387
114 3.2663e-03 1.2218e-03 1.2374e-03 6.0317e-04 2.1267e-03 4.2405e-03 0:39:19 386
115 3.2089e-03 1.2064e-03 1.2228e-03 5.9738e-04 2.0990e-03 4.1838e-03 0:40:21 385
116 3.1602e-03 1.1891e-03 1.2078e-03 5.8771e-04 2.0722e-03 4.1219e-03 0:39:53 384
117 3.1208e-03 1.1721e-03 1.1939e-03 5.8218e-04 2.0463e-03 4.0593e-03 0:39:29 383
118 3.0782e-03 1.1576e-03 1.1802e-03 5.7695e-04 2.0199e-03 3.9991e-03 0:39:08 382
119 3.0354e-03 1.1419e-03 1.1683e-03 5.6990e-04 1.9920e-03 3.9377e-03 0:38:51 381
120 3.0185e-03 1.1298e-03 1.1548e-03 5.6506e-04 1.9616e-03 3.8587e-03 0:38:36 380
121 2.9786e-03 1.1143e-03 1.1418e-03 5.5512e-04 1.9266e-03 3.7713e-03 0:38:23 379
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
122 2.9441e-03 1.1013e-03 1.1286e-03 5.5119e-04 1.8926e-03 3.6883e-03 0:36:55 378
123 2.8954e-03 1.0858e-03 1.1153e-03 5.4388e-04 1.8607e-03 3.6056e-03 0:37:00 377
124 2.8608e-03 1.0712e-03 1.1027e-03 5.3911e-04 1.8302e-03 3.5254e-03 0:37:02 376
125 2.8301e-03 1.0567e-03 1.0905e-03 5.3246e-04 1.8028e-03 3.4526e-03 0:37:03 375
126 2.8094e-03 1.0460e-03 1.0759e-03 5.2866e-04 1.7778e-03 3.3865e-03 0:37:03 374
127 2.7665e-03 1.0316e-03 1.0629e-03 5.1869e-04 1.7543e-03 3.3265e-03 0:37:01 373
128 2.7400e-03 1.0176e-03 1.0516e-03 5.1328e-04 1.7357e-03 3.2765e-03 0:36:58 372
129 2.7246e-03 1.0050e-03 1.0406e-03 5.0946e-04 1.7190e-03 3.2320e-03 0:36:55 371
130 2.6872e-03 9.9179e-04 1.0288e-03 5.0083e-04 1.7040e-03 3.1949e-03 0:36:51 370
131 2.6687e-03 9.7956e-04 1.0160e-03 4.9584e-04 1.6913e-03 3.1679e-03 0:36:47 369
132 2.6399e-03 9.6586e-04 1.0044e-03 4.8974e-04 1.6809e-03 3.1501e-03 0:36:42 368
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
133 2.6097e-03 9.5150e-04 9.9263e-04 4.8513e-04 1.6699e-03 3.1376e-03 0:36:38 367
134 2.5771e-03 9.3808e-04 9.8002e-04 4.8003e-04 1.6582e-03 3.1215e-03 0:36:32 366
135 2.5522e-03 9.2319e-04 9.6761e-04 4.7285e-04 1.6442e-03 3.1015e-03 0:36:27 365
136 2.5200e-03 9.0821e-04 9.5608e-04 4.6715e-04 1.6314e-03 3.0813e-03 0:36:22 364
137 2.4979e-03 8.9446e-04 9.4324e-04 4.6505e-04 1.6212e-03 3.0692e-03 0:35:04 363
138 2.4635e-03 8.8033e-04 9.2956e-04 4.5777e-04 1.6078e-03 3.0527e-03 0:35:13 362
139 2.4444e-03 8.6700e-04 9.1596e-04 4.5602e-04 1.5915e-03 3.0317e-03 0:35:19 361
140 2.3978e-03 8.5126e-04 9.0243e-04 4.4767e-04 1.5698e-03 2.9981e-03 0:35:22 360
141 2.3653e-03 8.3674e-04 8.8960e-04 4.4368e-04 1.5453e-03 2.9582e-03 0:35:24 359
142 2.3406e-03 8.2342e-04 8.7538e-04 4.3968e-04 1.5186e-03 2.9138e-03 0:35:24 358
143 2.3011e-03 8.0968e-04 8.6280e-04 4.3424e-04 1.4907e-03 2.8629e-03 0:34:11 357
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
144 2.2703e-03 7.9697e-04 8.5071e-04 4.3087e-04 1.4639e-03 2.8139e-03 0:34:24 356
145 2.2539e-03 7.8554e-04 8.3764e-04 4.2823e-04 1.4353e-03 2.7514e-03 0:34:32 355
146 2.2174e-03 7.7280e-04 8.2311e-04 4.2091e-04 1.4068e-03 2.6924e-03 0:34:38 354
147 2.1883e-03 7.5951e-04 8.1104e-04 4.1465e-04 1.3758e-03 2.6294e-03 0:34:41 353
148 2.1642e-03 7.4707e-04 7.9967e-04 4.1079e-04 1.3450e-03 2.5668e-03 0:33:32 352
149 2.1398e-03 7.3499e-04 7.8987e-04 4.0606e-04 1.3150e-03 2.5075e-03 0:33:46 351
150 2.1308e-03 7.2658e-04 7.7785e-04 4.0443e-04 1.2874e-03 2.4539e-03 0:33:57 350
151 2.0891e-03 7.1566e-04 7.6547e-04 3.9467e-04 1.2588e-03 2.3973e-03 0:34:03 349
152 2.0684e-03 7.0539e-04 7.5543e-04 3.8900e-04 1.2310e-03 2.3372e-03 0:34:08 348
153 2.0401e-03 6.9614e-04 7.4606e-04 3.8359e-04 1.2061e-03 2.2825e-03 0:34:10 347
154 2.0080e-03 6.8613e-04 7.3774e-04 3.7864e-04 1.1856e-03 2.2366e-03 0:34:10 346
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
155 1.9861e-03 6.8021e-04 7.2814e-04 3.7582e-04 1.1662e-03 2.2021e-03 0:34:10 345
156 1.9546e-03 6.7242e-04 7.1650e-04 3.6964e-04 1.1484e-03 2.1739e-03 0:34:08 344
157 1.9204e-03 6.6230e-04 7.0694e-04 3.6164e-04 1.1296e-03 2.1461e-03 0:34:05 343
158 1.8970e-03 6.5416e-04 6.9856e-04 3.5749e-04 1.1125e-03 2.1263e-03 0:32:53 342
159 1.8884e-03 6.4697e-04 6.8787e-04 3.5359e-04 1.0958e-03 2.1044e-03 0:34:11 341
160 1.8565e-03 6.3938e-04 6.7818e-04 3.4593e-04 1.0796e-03 2.0832e-03 0:32:56 340
161 1.8315e-03 6.3244e-04 6.7003e-04 3.4108e-04 1.0643e-03 2.0633e-03 0:33:03 339
162 1.8088e-03 6.2828e-04 6.5909e-04 3.3874e-04 1.0510e-03 2.0438e-03 0:33:07 338
163 1.7803e-03 6.2041e-04 6.4971e-04 3.3184e-04 1.0369e-03 2.0252e-03 0:33:10 337
164 1.7454e-03 6.1258e-04 6.4124e-04 3.2484e-04 1.0225e-03 2.0029e-03 0:33:10 336
165 1.7280e-03 6.0464e-04 6.3434e-04 3.2051e-04 1.0106e-03 1.9858e-03 0:33:09 335
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
166 1.7164e-03 5.9755e-04 6.2588e-04 3.1611e-04 9.9706e-04 1.9634e-03 0:33:08 334
167 1.6908e-03 5.8971e-04 6.1787e-04 3.1014e-04 9.8477e-04 1.9407e-03 0:33:05 333
168 1.6717e-03 5.8243e-04 6.0934e-04 3.0632e-04 9.7153e-04 1.9163e-03 0:34:08 332
169 1.6524e-03 5.7665e-04 5.9973e-04 3.0232e-04 9.5914e-04 1.8889e-03 0:33:51 331
170 1.6205e-03 5.7003e-04 5.9071e-04 2.9696e-04 9.4605e-04 1.8603e-03 0:33:36 330
171 1.6124e-03 5.6454e-04 5.8159e-04 2.9510e-04 9.3364e-04 1.8320e-03 0:33:22 329
172 1.5734e-03 5.5717e-04 5.7346e-04 2.8830e-04 9.1988e-04 1.8023e-03 0:32:05 328
173 1.5531e-03 5.5071e-04 5.6652e-04 2.8432e-04 9.0599e-04 1.7681e-03 0:32:08 327
174 1.5337e-03 5.4422e-04 5.5990e-04 2.8124e-04 8.9304e-04 1.7341e-03 0:32:09 326
175 1.5258e-03 5.4020e-04 5.5148e-04 2.7940e-04 8.8025e-04 1.7045e-03 0:32:08 325
176 1.4888e-03 5.3207e-04 5.4353e-04 2.7208e-04 8.6546e-04 1.6684e-03 0:32:07 324
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
177 1.4715e-03 5.2494e-04 5.3767e-04 2.6773e-04 8.5056e-04 1.6346e-03 0:32:04 323
178 1.4562e-03 5.1928e-04 5.3138e-04 2.6420e-04 8.3562e-04 1.5973e-03 0:33:05 322
179 1.4363e-03 5.1391e-04 5.2414e-04 2.6021e-04 8.2214e-04 1.5648e-03 0:32:49 321
180 1.4182e-03 5.0798e-04 5.1765e-04 2.5538e-04 8.0757e-04 1.5317e-03 0:32:34 320
181 1.3986e-03 5.0270e-04 5.1109e-04 2.5108e-04 7.9469e-04 1.5045e-03 0:31:17 319
182 1.3830e-03 4.9742e-04 5.0513e-04 2.4740e-04 7.8181e-04 1.4765e-03 0:31:19 318
183 1.3690e-03 4.9375e-04 4.9775e-04 2.4373e-04 7.7018e-04 1.4476e-03 0:31:19 317
184 1.3456e-03 4.8885e-04 4.9084e-04 2.3835e-04 7.5896e-04 1.4266e-03 0:31:17 316
185 1.3310e-03 4.8479e-04 4.8417e-04 2.3494e-04 7.4848e-04 1.4053e-03 0:31:15 315
186 1.3115e-03 4.7925e-04 4.7834e-04 2.2984e-04 7.3951e-04 1.3934e-03 0:31:12 314
187 1.2964e-03 4.7422e-04 4.7281e-04 2.2593e-04 7.3020e-04 1.3738e-03 0:31:09 313
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
188 1.2842e-03 4.6965e-04 4.6726e-04 2.2245e-04 7.2164e-04 1.3588e-03 0:31:04 312
189 1.2654e-03 4.6473e-04 4.6137e-04 2.1763e-04 7.1284e-04 1.3423e-03 0:31:00 311
190 1.2556e-03 4.6116e-04 4.5554e-04 2.1490e-04 7.0673e-04 1.3342e-03 0:30:55 310
191 1.2380e-03 4.5629e-04 4.4987e-04 2.1033e-04 7.0012e-04 1.3297e-03 0:30:50 309
192 1.2248e-03 4.5175e-04 4.4399e-04 2.0690e-04 6.9139e-04 1.3026e-03 0:30:45 308
193 1.2062e-03 4.4668e-04 4.3908e-04 2.0293e-04 6.8552e-04 1.3003e-03 0:30:40 307
194 1.2020e-03 4.4257e-04 4.3389e-04 2.0144e-04 6.7512e-04 1.2715e-03 0:30:34 306
195 1.1841e-03 4.3780e-04 4.2726e-04 1.9685e-04 6.7042e-04 1.2753e-03 0:30:28 305
196 1.1682e-03 4.3289e-04 4.2128e-04 1.9298e-04 6.5913e-04 1.2472e-03 0:30:23 304
197 1.1542e-03 4.2803e-04 4.1602e-04 1.8991e-04 6.5108e-04 1.2296e-03 0:30:17 303
198 1.1375e-03 4.2301e-04 4.1070e-04 1.8687e-04 6.4201e-04 1.2143e-03 0:30:11 302
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
199 1.1264e-03 4.1787e-04 4.0563e-04 1.8439e-04 6.3268e-04 1.1911e-03 0:30:05 301
200 1.1166e-03 4.1270e-04 4.0125e-04 1.8176e-04 6.2402e-04 1.1822e-03 0:30:00 300
201 1.1032e-03 4.0758e-04 3.9594e-04 1.7769e-04 6.1255e-04 1.1558e-03 0:29:54 299
202 1.0954e-03 4.0214e-04 3.9187e-04 1.7499e-04 6.0201e-04 1.1321e-03 0:29:48 298
203 1.0864e-03 3.9685e-04 3.8750e-04 1.7298e-04 5.9134e-04 1.1152e-03 0:29:42 297
204 1.0683e-03 3.9150e-04 3.8248e-04 1.6925e-04 5.8067e-04 1.0932e-03 0:30:35 296
205 1.0588e-03 3.8748e-04 3.7774e-04 1.6732e-04 5.7098e-04 1.0718e-03 0:30:17 295
206 1.0500e-03 3.8413e-04 3.7364e-04 1.6666e-04 5.6181e-04 1.0559e-03 0:30:02 294
207 1.0242e-03 3.7748e-04 3.6808e-04 1.6089e-04 5.4938e-04 1.0319e-03 0:29:48 293
208 1.0175e-03 3.7205e-04 3.6429e-04 1.5854e-04 5.3923e-04 1.0105e-03 0:29:36 292
209 1.0047e-03 3.6699e-04 3.6054e-04 1.5594e-04 5.2997e-04 9.9119e-04 0:30:23 291
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
! 210 solution is converged
210 9.9279e-04 3.6258e-04 3.5668e-04 1.5351e-04 5.2145e-04 9.7377e-04 0:30:02 290
280 4
12 15
230 32 150 268
27 83
125.86 126
75 150