TCC Report
TCC Report
TCC Report
Organization study report submitted to Mahatma Gandhi University for the partial
Fulfilment of the Award of Master of Business Administration
Submitted by,
(Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University- Kottayam & Approved by AICTE- New Delhi)
On the occasion of presenting this report, I wish to express my deep and profound
feelings of gratitude to a number of persons who have contributed to the completion of this
organization study. At the outset, I thank almighty God, who led me in the right way to
complete this organization study.
I would like to express my boundless gratitude to Mrs. RADHIKA, TCC Ltd. for
esteemed guidance and priceless suggestions given all the way towards the completion of this
organization study and project.
The organization study was conducted at Travancore Cochin chemicals limited to get an
overall idea about all departments and its functions. It aims to understand the competitiveness
and performance of the company. It also helps to understand the objectives and vision of the
Thus in order to study the organization and its each and every functional departments, the
organization study was done in Travancore Cochin chemicals limited. It helps me to clearly
understand the ideas that I have learned from books. It also helps me to understand the
infrastructure facilities, capital, work environment and all other functions of the organization.
alertness for the up gradation of technology is commendable. The company
had got various awards for excellent performance in production, productivity,
energy conservation, and for environmental protection. These awards show the
company's commitment rather than efficiency.
In the organisation study, the different roles, namely interpersonal
roles, decisional roles and informational roles of various members are
and how it affects the functioning of the organizations is analysed.
1. Company records
2. Annual records
3. Official sites of the company
4. Internet
The collected primary data and secondary data were used in the
preparation of this organizational report.
The limitations of the study are the following:
TCC is a large chemical industry; as such accurate data regarding the
internal affairs of the company are not easily available.
The available data is not sufficient to get the desired result.
As a vast coverage is needed for getting the desired results time is a
limiting offer.
Organic chemicals
Fine of specialties
Bulk drugs
Paints and drugs
for chlorine is growing fast the demand of caustic soda is not so promising.
Hence, the units in the gulf and western countries are selling caustic soda at a
cheaper rate.
In India, caustic soda is produced by electrolysis
process. The manufacture of caustic soda started during 1940 in the country.
The growth was rather slow during the 1960's and after the growth picked up
substantially. Today there are about 38 chlor alkali units in India of -111
which 4 are in organized sector and the rest belongs to the unorganized sector.
The total installed capacities of these units altogether was about 17, 50,000
tones /annum. All these industries follow membrane cell technology. It is more
efficient compared to mercury cell technology. It will be faced out by 2012 as
per CREP voluntary commitment. Now India has upgraded its status in this
field. The petro chemicals plants like reliance, ONGC, etc., are made in India,
one among the exporters of chlor-alkali products.
BILT, Karnataka
5. Chemfab Alkalis Ltd., Pondicherry
6. Sree Royal Seema Alkalisand Allied Chemicals, Andhra Pradesh
7. Southern petro Chemicals Industries Corporation Ltd., Chennai
8. DCM Shriram Ltd., Kota, Rajasthan
9. Lords chloro Alkali Ltd., Alwar, Rajasthan
10. Punjab Alkalies and chemicals Ltd., Naya-Nangal, Punjab
11. SIEL Chemical Complex, Rajpura, Punjab
Caustic soda is one of the basic inorganic chemicals
manufactured from common salt. Diaphragm Cell Technology, Mercury Cell
Technology, Membrane Cell Technology are the three technologies adopted
for the production of Caustic Soda. In Kerala the pioneer industry in this field
was The Travancore Cochin Chemicals Limited, Udyogamandal. Reflecting
the quality policy of commitment and excellence, TCC has good track records
of profitable operations and healthy industrial relations. It is accredited with
ISO 9001; 2000 certification. In Kerala, TCC is the only Chlor-Alkali plant
having the capacity to produce 175 TPD. Caustic Soda is widely used in the
industries of soaps, textiles, plastics etc.
There are many smallscale industries in the state which
consumes Caustic Soda for the production of soaps, plastics and textiles. All
these industries are situated near the manufacturing unit. High transportation
costs and the hazardous nature of chemicals also limit the development of
these industries beyond the boundaries of the manufacturing unit. TCC is the
only one chlor alkali unit in the state and it is employing environment friendly
and energy efficient technology. Chlorine is a basic material required for water
purification and without chlorine the water workers will not be able to supply
good drinking water to the public.
All units of handloom development corporation
All units of Keltron
All units of N'TPC in South India
All water theme parks in South India
Apollo Tyres, Kalamassery
Binani Zinc Ltd Edayar, Kerala.
Carborandum Universal Ltd, kakkanad
Cochin Minerals and Rutile Ltd, Idayar
Cochin refineries Ltd, Ambalamugal
FACT, Cochin Division
Fertilizers and Chemical Travancore Ltd (FACT) Udyogamandal,
Hindalco Ltd Emakulam, Kerala.
Hindustan insecticides ltd (HIL) Udyogamandal, Kerala.
Hindustan Newsprint Ltd (HNL) Kottayam, Kerala.
Hindustan Organic Chemical Ltd (HOC) Ambalamugal, Kerala.
Hindustan Universal Ltd (HUL) Kochi, Kerala.
Hindustan Zinc Ltd [all units].
Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) Ernakulum, Kerala.
Indian rare Earth Ltd, Chavara
Indian Rate Earth Ltd (IRE) Udyogamandal, Kerala.
Indian Sea Foods, Kochi
Indian Telephone Industries Ltd, Kanjikode, Palakkad
Jayasree Chemicals • Kerala Chemicals and Proteins Ltd (KCPL) Kochi,
Kerala Electricals Ltd, Mamala
Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd (KMML), Kollam.
Kerala Soaps Ltd, Calicut
Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Alappuzha
Kerala Water authority (KWA) Trivandrum, Kerala.
Malabar cements Ltd, Walayar
Mysore Paper Mills Ltd Bhadravathy, Karnataka.
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) [all units].
Nitta Gelatine Ltd, Chalakkudy
Pigments India Ltd Chalakkudy, Kerala.
Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) [all units].
Tamilnadu Paper Mills Ltd Pugalur, Tamilnadu.
TRACO Cables Company Ltd, Irumpanam
Travancore cements Ltd, Kottayam
Travancore Titanium Products Ltd Trivandrum Kerala.
United Electrical Company Ltd, Kollam
Travancore Cochin Chemicals Ltd., popularly known as TCC ltd., is a state public
sector undertaking owned by the government of Kerala. TCC is situated at Udyogamandal in
Cochin industrial belt. Incorporated in 1951, TCC is one of the oldest chlor-alkali units in the
country. TCC is a large chemical industry engaged in the manufacture and marketing of
Caustic soda, chlorine, hydrochloric acid and related chemicals. TCC is an ISO 9001-2000
certified company. The company supports a large number of industrial units of strategic
importance by supplying basic chemicals.
TCC's competitors are all private companies. TCC has decided to join hands with Indian
Space Researches Organization (ISRO). Sodium per chlorite is used as fuel in rockets.
Sodium Chlorite is the essential raw material for making Sodium per chlorite. TCC and ISRO
have signed the deal for the production and supply of Sodium chlorite.
1950 Established by M/s Sesha Sayee Brothers Ltd joint venture of FACT &
MCIC (Mettur Chemicals & India Corporation) in the name of
Travancore Mettur Chemicals (TMC) for the supply of HCL to FACT
for making Ammonium Chloride 20TPD plant (staff 250 no:)
1951 Due to financial crisis Travancore Government gave large scale
financial assistance became a stakeholder renamed as the Travancore
Cochin Chemicals Ltd Regd no: 08-11-1951.
1954 Commercial production started 20TPD & 17.5TPD chlorine technology
mercury cell (turnover – 24lakhs & staff above 1000)
1956 CCF plant 20TPD for NaOH flakes
1958 Chlorine liquefaction plant
1960 Kerala Government took over the company when the period of
agreement expired capacity 30TPD to 40TPD commissioned Sodium
Hydro Sulfate plant capacity 3MT
1967 Caustic soda capacity to 60TPD, 70TPD Sodium Hydro Sulfate plant
2004 100TPD mercury cell plant demolished
2005-06 Production capacity to 125TPD to membrane cell plant, each with
25TPD by M/s VHDE Company, Germany
2010 Secondary brine purification system commissioned
2013 5TPD sodium chlorite plant a joint venture with Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre (VSSC)
2013 May First customer in Kerala to purchase electricity through open access
2015 Zero gap technology for energy conservation
2017-18 Company paid ₹ 5 lakhs to the Government of Kerala as dividend
1 75TPD Bi-polar ion exchange membrane cell process plant to double the caustic
production capacity from 175TPD to 250TPD
2 100TPD caustic soda concentration plant to convert 32% lye production to 48%
caustic soda lye
3 60TPD HCL synthesis unit with high pressure steam co-generation
This is the only one chlor-alkali unit in Kerala. In India, there are approximately 40
Chlor-Alkali units as competitors. TCC owns 109 acres of land and around 493 employees
(Managerial staff – 93: Including Administrative staff -30 and Technical staff – 63 , Non
Managerial Staff - 400 : Including Administrative Staff – 86 and Technical Staff -134 ) are
working in 3 .shifts. All the plants are functioning by utilizing full capacity. The company has
helped in attracting new industries to Kerala in past like Indian Rare Earth Ltd, Hindustan
Insecticides Ltd, Hindustan News suppliers of basic chemicals are TCC. Print Ltd, Kerala
minerals and Metals Ltd etc. These industries are dependent because the suppliers of basic
chemicals are TCC.
At present the company is having the installed capacity of 175 TPD of Caustic Soda.
The registered office and the factory of the company are situated at Eloor, Udyogamandal -
683501, Ernakulum district, Kerala. Company has obtained 3 ISO certifications 9001-2008 in
the year 2006 for documentation, ISO 14001-2004 for environment maintenance and OSHAS
18001-2007 for occupational health.
All the products of TCC are vital industrial raw materials and find extensive use in industries
1. Rayon
2. Textiles
3. Paper
4. Pulp
5. Plastics
6. Aluminum
7. Pharmaceuticals
8. Mineral processing
9. Petro chemicals
10. Pesticides
11. fungicides
To produce and Market Caustic Soda and allied chemicals economically and in an
environmentally sound manner.
To maintain optimum level of efficiency and productivity and to secure optimum
returns on investment.
To maximize profits from projects taken up
To continuously improve the plant and operational safety and to work within the
emission limits set up by pollution control board.
To continuously upgrade the quality of human resources of the company and to
ensure organizational development.
To ensure corporate growth by expansion and diversification.
To care for the community around
1. TCC is committed to provide every one of its employees and the related public an
accident free and healthy environment in its efforts. The company will comply with
all statutory requirements in this regard.
2. The company will provide a work environment in which identified hazards are
controlled, if elimination is not feasible and will provide personal protective
equipment's whenever necessary.
3. Accident prevention is the direct responsibility of the Line Management and will be
an important criterion for performance appraisal. Line Management will ensure that
all safety measure is incorporated in the operating and maintenance procedure as well
as in any process technology changes in the plant / infrastructure.
4. Consideration of health and safety will be given proper weight age in selection and
deployment of the personnel.
5. The company will ensure that health and safety aspects are given due consideration in
decision regarding purchase of plant equipment's, machinery and materials.
6. Every employee of the company shall perform his / her job adopting safety and proper
work methods and using appropriate safety equipment's understanding that their
career advancement is linked with safe performance.
7. Contractors, sub-contract workers, transporters and visitors entering the factory shall
be required to observe health and safety practices of the company in all their activities
8. All contract jobs will be carried only through the laid down procedures with
appropriate supervision
9. The company will carry out safety audits, risk assessment studies, emergency mock
drills, and periodic assessment of health of its employee as well as status of
environment and implement remedial measures.
10. Employee, consumer and public awareness where necessary will be imparted with the
required education, training and returning on safety and health aspects related to the
process and products.
11. The company will include a resume of its health and safety performance in its annual
Since the success of the company depends on the health and safety of its employees, it
is imperative that work place hazards be identified, appropriately evaluated and effectively
controlled to achieve this goal. Whole hearted co-operation of all is solicited for this.
TCC is well aware of the responsibility that manufacturing industries bears towards
environment. Conserving the resources of environment from pollution and preserving healthy
living conditions are important concerns at TCC. Its commitment is to sustain the toxic-free
environment observing statutory stipulations and legal regulations. It believes in pollution
prevention rather than pollution control. The company's activities comprise awareness
programs among the employees, customers, contractors and all those who are associated. Its
Endeavour is to minimize hazardous emission and waste and to reduce the impact of the
manufacturing activities. TCC aims to achieve zero effluent discharge.
Common salt
Evaporation of sea water
From rock salt by mining
At present most of the plants use contact rectifiers for converting AC to desired
voltage with an overall efficiency of 95%. The consumption of electric power of course
would depend on the current density at which the cell operates. The power would also depend
on the cell liquor concentration taken out from the cell. Today the current rating mercury
cells with Titanium anodes vary from 120 to 140KA and in membrane cells with titanium
anodes vary from 53 to 62 Kamp.
Purified water is used on the decomposer as well as the cell for washing the feed box
and the end box. Water concentration 0.3 DH can produce better results in the decomposer
than soft water. Water of this concentration is prepared by mixing soft water and process
water. The treated water is stored as a head tank from where it is mixed with process water
before it reaches the decomposer.
TOTAL 100%
The main raw materials are salt, electricity and water. The company requires about
3700 units of electricity and 1.72 tons of salt/tones of caustic soda produced. Raw salt is
mainly procured from Gujarat and Tamilnadu.
Caustic soda is a base alkali. It came into being in the latter half of 19th century with
the development of electrolysis. Caustic soda lye obtained from membrane cell is a clear
colorless, odorless and soapy liquid. TCC is producing two types of caustic soda lye of
concentration 30-33% and 48%.
1. A chemical for dissolving out extraneous matter from wood for preparing pure
cellulose, for the preparation of alkali cellulose and for the production of viscous
2. As saponification agent.
3. In bleaching, dying and mercerizing.
4. For the processing of monazite and refining of bauxite.
5. A purification agent and absorbent for acidic gases.
6. Cleaning agent.
7. For refining petroleum fractions
8. Reagent for the production of various organic chemicals
1. Rayon
2. Paper
3. Soaps and detergents
4. Textiles
5. Minerals and rare earth metals
6. Fertilizers
7. Heavy chemicals
8. Petroleum refining
9. Engineering
10. Drugs and pharmaceuticals
purification agent. Chlorine and Chlorine compounds in pharmaceuticals industry has served
billions of life since its discovery and use.
1. Producing insecticides like DDT, BHC, etc. and pesticides like Aldine.
2. In purifying drinking water and sterilizing sewage effluents.
3. for the manufacturing of PVC and allied co-polymers
4. for producing chloramines and its organic derivatives
5. For upgrading titanium content in Limonite
1. Insecticides
2. Water purification
3. Plastics
4. Paper and Pulp
5. Textiles
6. Sugar
7. Rubber
8. Mineral Processing
9. Fine Chemicals
The company also produces high purity HCI, which is used for Ossian, fertilizers, etc.
HCL finds its application in a number of chemical industries such as mineral processing,
gelatin, food industry, water treatment etc. It also serves the industries like engineering,
starch and plastics. It is a yellowish green color liquid.
1. For the production of ammonium Chloride and in the manufacture of Phosphoric acid.
2. In monazite processing for the separation of rare earths as chlorides from thorium.
3. A Cleaning agent is Galvanizing.
4. For the manufacture of PVC.
5. 5 For hydrolyzing starch into sugar.
1. Fertilizer
2. Minerals
3. Ossian
4. Starch Industries
5. Plastic
6. Engineering
Sodium hypochlorite known as Soda Bleach finds its application in bleaching and
disinfectant and also in the extraction of rare earth chemicals. It is a pale yellowish green
color liquid. Soda Bleach is the only branded product that is produced by the company, the
brand name is ―Eco-clean".
1. As a bleaching agent.
2. As a germicide and cleaning agent.
3. For sterilization.
1. Textile
2. Paper and Pulp
3. Hospitals
Caustic Soda Lye is fused to produce Caustic Soda Flakes. There is a continuous
caustic fusion plant that produces caustic soda flakes. It is a white deliquescent solid in flakes
form. Caustic Soda flake have concentration 98% to 99 % NaOH.
TCC is always in the forefront to adopt and incorporate the latest technology in its
plants. Several innovative and modernization schemes were implemented to achieve higher
production and productivity energy conservation environmental protection and economy
inputs. TCC has been dynamic to be proactive to market conditions and thus to came out as a
profitable public sector undertaking TCC was bestowed with various awards for excellent
performance with regards to productivity, energy conservation and environmental protection
which is considered as an award for commitment rather than for efficiency.
Best performance Award for Safety in the State from Directorate of
1981 Factories and Boilers, Government of Kerala.
Award for best performance in Safety in India under Chemical Industries
1987 group from National Safety council.
1988-89 Best pollution Control Award under group "Heavy Inorganic Industries"
in Kerala from Kerala State Pollution Control Board
1988-90 Price for Productivity from Kerala State Productivity Council.
1993 Best. Performance Award for Energy Conservation in the State of Kerala
under group "Chemical and Fertilizers above 3000KVA" from
Government of Kerala.
1994-95 & Best Performance Award for the Productivity in the State of Kerala under
1995-96 the group "Large Industries" from Kerala State Productivity Council.
1996 Best Performance Award for Energy Conservation in the State of Kerala
under group "Major industries" from Energy Management Centre,
Government of Kerala.
1998 Performance Awarded for Energy conservation under the group "Chlor-
Alkali Sector" from Ministry of Power, Government of Kerala.
2003 Kerala State Energy Conservation Award in Appreciation of the
outstanding achievements towards energy conservation and management
2005 National Energy Conservation Award in " Chlor — alkali Sector".
2008 Pollution Control award from Kerala state pollution control board
The optimum use of human skill and effort is achieved. It helps in the easy and
smooth operation and flow of work in an organization thus avoiding bottlenecks, idle
The organization structure of TCC is shown in the figure. The present organization
structure of the company has proven to be effective in conducting operations at its Optimum
level. The staff structure encourages team work and good internal relationships. Unity of
command is maintained throughout the organization.
GMT(co-ord) M(CO)
OQC (3)
SE SE (0)(8) SAO© M M(T&D)
(GA&F) O(T&D)
Administration Production
1. Operating
1. Materials 2. Engineering
2. HR & Training 3. Technical &
3. Marketing service
4. Finance 4. Electrical &
5. Project &
Designed by ASAHI GLASS COMPANY LIMITED, Tokyo, Japan. The plant was
commissioned on 29th May 1997. The products are NaOH, HC1 and liquid chlorine. The
plant consists of 20 electrolyses.
NaOH lye 170 TPD
NaOH flake 100 TPD
Liquid chlorine 90 TPD
Commercial HCI 150 TPD
Sodium hypochlorite 100 TPD
Preparations done in brine (solution of raw salt and water) purification process are
common tir3, for AGC, UHDE 1 and UHDE 2 plant.
Flexibility in operation.
High purity product.
Reduces power consumption of membrane to 2750 KW per hour compared to 4000
KW per hour mercury cell.
Lower cost and high tolerance for power fluctuation.
Elimination of environmental pollution through the avoidance of use of mercury.
Kalamassery Bridge located near TCC colony, clear water reservoir and pump house
at the factory site and pump lines. The quality of water available from the Edamula River is
generally within acceptable limits with respect to various parameters except for PH C-4
correction and sterilization. It consists of coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and
chlorination. Salinity cannot be removed by conventional water treatment process. However,
constructing salt intrusion barrier downstream, the river during summer checks C.24
excessive increase in salinity.
Sodium chloride or raw salt is fed into the saturator using bucket elevator, where is set
mixed with the chlorine decomposed, depleted brine. This saturated brine from the -14
saturator goes to the precipitation tanks A and B and mixer tank where barium carbonate, 14
soda ash and caustic soda are added respectively to remove sulphates, calcium and
magnesium impurities as precipitates. The brine along with the precipitates then goes to -41
the clarifier where 90% of the precipitates are allowed to settle. The clarified brine is passed
through Anthracite filters where the remaining 10% precipitates are separated. HCL is added
to the filtered brine tank to convert impurities to ionic form. Brine is to be admitted to the
secondary purification system only after the desired purity level is attained.
The secondary brine purification system consists of our ion exchange filters. The
primary -14 purified brine is passed through the ion exchange filters where it undergoes ion
exchange process. Ion exchange materials are insoluble acids and bases, which when
converted to salt remain insoluble.
These ion exchange materials are used in columns in which the solutions containing
ionic impurities like calcium and magnesium are in contact with the resin bed. The saturated
resin is then regenerated to its original state by acid alkali solution. The regenerated resin is
then reused. The purity of the feed brine in the membrane cell process is very important as it
affects the performance and life of the membrane.
The secondary purified brine is passed through a heat exchange, fed to brine tank and
is admitted to the anode compartments of the electrolysis. Dematerialized water is also
admitted to the cathode department of the electrolysis. Direct Current (DC) supply is
connected to the anode and cathode. During electrolysis, Caustic Soda lye is produced at
cathode which is 32% concentration. Hydrogen gas is also formed at the cathode chamber.
Chlorine is formed in the anode where the depleted Brine solution comes out.
Caustic Soda is pumped into storage tank and Hydrogen and Chlorine gas goes to
their respective treatment section.
NaCI Na + CI
CI ½ CI + e-
H2O + e H + OH
Na + OH NaOH
Excess of chlorine can't be disposed as a waste gas. But it has to be absorbed in dilute
caustic soda lye to produce soda bleach. Thus the soda bleach plant serves also as a pollution
control system.
Hydrogen gas from the electrolysis is washed with water in washing chamber, cooled
using tower water and admitted directly to hydrogen blower, after separating the condensate.
The hydrogen gas is used for HCI synthesis and also as a fuel in the CCF plant. Hydrogen for
HCI synthesis is fed to the oven using hydrogen blowers. Here it is burned in the presence of
chlorine the resulting HCI gas is absorbed in the water flowing down the oven to produce
31% commercial HCI gas.
It is done in CCF plant. CCF plant is mainly for concentrating 32% NaOH Iye to 50%
NaOH lye and then to 98% NaOH melts which is converted as flakes.
The 32% NaOH Iye is stored in the main storage tank, as a part of which goes for
sale. The remaining part of 32% lye is passed through three evaporators Ev l, Ev2, Ev3 in the
first evaporator the caustic soda and lye is heated using vapors generated in Ev2 and Ev3, the
steam generated in Ev 1 is then drawn by a vacuum pump through a condenser and thus Ev l
is working under vacuum and at 70-80 degree Celsius. The outlet from Ev l is 40 degree. The
caustic soda lye using 9 kg per cm steam from boiler, a portion of 50% cm. Potassium nitrate,
40%, sodium nitrate and 7% sodium nitrate. In Ev3 the 50% caustic soda lye is concentrated
to 98%-99% caustic soda melt which is converted as caustic soda flakes in a flakers drum.
A part of 32% caustic soda lye, chlorine is used for preparation of soda bleach. The
excess chlorine at the time of plant shutdown or startup and also from cylinder filling station
goes s for soda bleach preparation, 32% caustic soda lye is diluted using dematerialized
The solution is passed through two absorbing towers, where it reacts with chlorine gas
so as to produce soda bleach.
2 C12 compressor 3
4 Chlorine liquefier 2
5 Rectifier 4
6 Air blower 4
7 Air compressor 6
8 Water pump 3
9 Brine pump 4
10 Salt elevator 4
In every successful organization, human resource is considered as the back bone for
the success. Human Resource is considered as the most vital asset of any organization. TCC
also have a well-defined employee power. It helps the organization to perform well in the
Manager, who organizes the training program for workers and managerial staff, heads
HRD department. The manager is responsible only for training and development.
The main functions of HRD are to identifying the training needs, implementing the
required training and maintaining training records.
HRD organizes training program using internal faculty or engaging faculties from
reputed organizations. The department in consultation with concerned department heads to
organize house-training programs.
The HR manager, head of the department directly reports to the M.D, deputy manager
(personnel) and welfare report to the personal manager, the department has five permanent
administrative staffs.
They are selected by the PSC or by the company. Advertisement for manager post is
published in the newspaper. These applications are screened, tests and interviews are
conducted and qualified persons are appointed.
Sources of recruitment;
1. Internal sources.
An important function of the P.M is that of manpower planning, in which the personal
officer assist. A list of retiring employees is prepared three-four years in advance and a call
for recruitment is made. The list of call for recruitment has to be approved by the M.D; the
company will inform the vacancies to the public service commission (PSC) around 5 years in
The company has adopted a large number of welfare measures for the benefit of its
employees both statutory and non-statutory benefits.
Accident benefits
If an employee who is covered under Employee State Insurance (ESI) scheme meets
with accident while on duty, he/she will pay accident benefit as per ESI scheme. If he/she is
not under ESI, meeting with an accident during the duty, the company will sanction special
leave and other benefits to them based on recommendation of company medical officer. They
will also get benefits from group accident policy taken by the company.
Canteen facility
TCC maintain the canteen of its own in the company compound. Vegetarian food is
served here. A catering officer under the personnel department is in charge of administration
of the canteen. It caters breakfast, lunch, supper to its employees at subsidized rate. The
present monthly charges for lunch/supper is only Rs. 20/- for officers and Rs. 6/- for workers.
First Aid
There is a dispensary with fulltime service of a medical officer for serving the
employees. An ambulance van is also there in the company.
Any employee of TCC who has put the service o minimum 5 years in the company is
eligible for gratuity. Those employees who retires from the service or takes a VRS
termination of service or when his or her death occurs are entitled to receive gratuity.
Provident Fund-12%
Annual bonus - The scheme of annual bonus being based on profits payable under the
payment of bonus act, 1965.
Drinking water
Drinking water is supplied to all workers and staff of the company as per their
requirements. A few water coolers also been installed in the factory for the employees.
The office rooms and work rooms of the company are well ventilated and lighted.
There is proper lighting everywhere in the company. Wherever there is a lack of natural light
in the plant, store etc., artificial lighting is provided for the safety and protection of the
Adequate and suitable rest rooms and lunch rooms are provided in the factory for the
convenience of workers. These are separate rooms for the men and women with the facilities
for washing toilet and drinking water.
There are large number of latrines and urinals inside the factory for the use of
employees. There are separate toilets and bathrooms for both male and female workers.
Suitable rooms are provided at convenient for the workers to change clothes and to
dry wet clothes.
Overtime allowances
Wages covered under the factory act are given, overtime wages according to the provision
CF.Z continued in the Factory act and the rules framed thereafter.
Shift allowances
There are three employee shift timings. They are 8-4, 4-12, 12-8
Educational allowance
Up to 15 years' services-Rs 80 per month.
More than 15 years' services-Rs 100 per month.
No of leave/holidays in a calendar will be
It is paid on basis of production. Production linked bonus is given to employees and this
scheme is called 'monthly bonus scheme 1998'.as per this scheme the employees co-operate
to maximize production and to minimize the consumption of raw materials and eliminate
Attendance bonus
It is paid to all permanent workmen on payroll monthly basis along with wages for each
month as per the schedules. However, in a payroll month in which the working days
stipulated below are inadequate and workmen attended all the available working days, he will
be paid full attendance bonus.
Uniform bonus
Security - 2 pant and 3 shirts and Attenders - 2 pants and 3 white shirts.
Company has a chief disciplinary authority. Disciplinary action is taken on the basis
of standing order of the company. Memo is given for explanation when the disciplinary
action is to be taken against any person. If not satisfactory, a domestic enquiry is C/P-3
conducted. There should be an enquiry officer from outside and the presiding officer will be
the personnel manager. Disciplinary action with suspension will be given to the employees
and also it may sometimes lead to dismissal on further enquiry.
There exists a cordial relationship between employees and employer. The Employee-
Employer relationship is guided by IR Act 1947.
I. Trade Union
There is no labour unrest in the company for the past few years. An atmosphere of
trust and mutual understanding is developed between management and labour union. There
are three main recognized unions and they are:
1. Employee Association
2. BMS
It is affiliated to INTUC
IV. TCC Thozhilali union
TCC encourages its workers to take part in the management of the company. The
workers are often consulted through their union while implementing welfare programs of the
company. In addition to this the workers are also included in sum of the committee for taking
management decision, which includes canteen management committees, safety committees,
shop floor committees, grievance committees provident fund trust, tri party committees,
complaint committee relating to sexual harassment to women.
Here a stipulated length of service in immediate lower grade is the main criterion of
promotion. Promotion from worker's category to office staff shall be ordered only with board
resolution and price permission of government. Time bound great promotion is considered
only in the case of lowest two managerial scales. Period of 10-year service can be considered
for promotion.
Vacancies other than to be filed by the recruitment through P.S.0 will be filled as per
the policy and procedure lay down through the terms of settlement. If a prospective employee
has a minimum qualification and stipulated service, and then a minimum score of 60 points is
to be bought from evolution of attendance, service records and quality of work.
It is the internal method of recruitment, promotion to higher post is given on the basis of
educational qualification and services. Company has a promotion policy which has per
several provisions
• Promotion will be given if only 8 years of experience is there is there in a particular post
• Promotion will be effective from 7 years, Attendances, department opinion, works ability,
disciplinary actions taken against or not, are the important considerations for promotions.
In TCC, personnel manager has a role of advisory nature. Actually the settlement of
wage/salary is done by accounts the department. The trade union and management will
decide upon how much to pay for each employee and worker based on his or her work
Personnel Manager is also having the authority on issues like public correspondence,
4.343 administrative office, telephone system etc.
Human Resource is considered as the most vital asset of the organization. TCC has
well defined employee power which helps the organization to perform well in the market.
Human Resource Department is headed by the manager (HRD), who organizes training
programs for workers and managerial staff
The manager HRD is responsible only for training and development. MHRD is
reporting Assistant General Manager (Human Resource).
MHRD arranges training programs using internal faculty or external faculties from
reputed organizations. The department in consultation with the concerned department heads
organizes in-house training programs
a. General Training
To provide this type of training, one has to determine what the trainee's growth
potential is, up to what level he can grow in the organization, etc. A performance appraisal
has to be done to evaluate his present performance. Training is given on the basis of the
It is done on the basis of determining the level of knowledge and skill one has. Next
step is to find out how many employees need such training. On the basis of these needs,
training is given to the employees
c. Customer Training
Customers are given training on handling of chlorine and other products in various
d. Induction Training
It is the training provided to the newly appointed employees to familiarize them with
the activities, rules, policies of the organization. It is also done to introduce the newly
employees to the other employees of the organization.
e. Technology Training
Company provides advanced training for workers to cope up with the technological
changes. Feedback is obtained from the employees and effectiveness of the training
programme is ascertained after a period of 2-3 months.
f. Safety training
The training is according to the need-based training given in batches. Training covers
the nature and characteristics of chemicals and precautions to be adopted. Workers from
relevant fields are selected: schedules and training calenderers are prepared before
conducting training.
g. Product training
Personality development programs are conducted on a regular time period for the,
development of both workers and managers
Every month three-day training programs is held for workers. The worker's education
Centre under the labour industry conducts it. These programs are conducted on a contract
basis which is recorded annually. 20-25 workers from various sections are selected every
month. 4 to 5 officers from WEC conduct the training programs. The topics covered include
personality, management development programs, inter-personnel relations, impact of
globalization, effective communication, etc. Other in-house programs conducted are by
agencies like Kerala State Productivity council. In such programs, company can decide upon
faculties and topics to be covered.
External training programs are provided for workers inside and outside Kerala.
Certain agencies like State Productivity Council, National Safety Council and Pollution
Control Board conduct training periodically for both officers and worker's feedback from
employees about training is obtained and consolidated. The concerned department head also
evaluates the feedback from the participants after a period of two-three months to ascertain
the effectiveness of training program. The achievement against annual training calendar is
reviewed half yearly by department heads for the number of programs held, no of employees
participated for each program, the highlights of training, effectiveness and feedback. The
human resource department maintains a register on the training program attended by
employees and also maintain the feedback received from participant after getting it evaluated
by the concerned department head regarding the effectiveness' of training, the managerial
personnel of the company are imparted training to improve their managerial capabilities at
the HRD centre of the company and outside institute depending upon the needs identified by
the head of the department. The management does not keep aside a budget for training needs.
On an average, TCC spent more than one and half lakh rupees on training needs annually.
Both on the job and off the job training methods are used. Grievance Redressal
committee is statutory. It is to be legally maintained. Trade Unions are satisfied with the
present conditions. Hence in TCC Grievance Redressal committee is not there, as here there
is a good employee-employer relationship. Grievance Redressal Committee consists of an
experienced and efficient team of personnel department. Morale Level-the employee morale
level is very good. Activity is of two types which are statutory and non-statutory.
Canteen Creche, drinking water, storing and sitting, bathroom, rest shed, welfare officer,
ambulance, gratuity, dispensary, medical officer, washing allowance and bonus under bonus
Non statutory welfare measures are recreation club, transportation subsidiary, nursery school,
library quarters, accident benefits etc.
Number of
Administrative staff 30 86
Number of technical
staff 63 314
Total 93 400
The marketing department is one of the most important departments in 'FCC. The
function of marketing department includes:
The marketing department is headed by marketing manager, and there are deputy
managers. The department generates the strategy that underlies sales technique, business
communication and business development. It is integrated process through which companies
build strong customer relationship and creative value for their customer and themselves. The
marketing department in TCC is product centered with separate personnel entrusted to each
TCC is the only Chlor-Alkali unit in Kerala and the only one under public sector has
more or less monopoly in Kerala market. However nationwide there are about 38
competitors. TCC regards customer satisfaction as the main factor, which is given prime
importance. The company maintains close contact with the customers and collects their views
about the product. TCC aims to build stable sails in market through building a sense of
credibility among buyers.
1. Preparation of sales budget, sales plan and monthly allotment, correspondence with
parties, issues of sales offer and follows up of routine and regular matter
2. Preparation of sales quotation and letter and amendments.
3. Maintenance of sales offers, register book and other necessary information.
4. Upkeep of all files up to date.
5. Preparation of sales order, dispatch and delivery notes.
2. Deputy marketing Manager has the responsibility for tender issue process.
Whenever a company places advertisements requiring chemicals like caustic soda, lye
or flakes and chlorine products with the specification for the chemicals, payment terms, 0 'ft.
quantity required, validity period and if TCC is ready to supply it will send tenders to the
required company. This is also known as tender document where mainly two facts are
specified ,
This means specification about the products, quality aspect of product, how much can
be given within a period as specified by the customer company. These terms are well
explained in the technical bid
This is the part of tender document, which specifies the basic price of the company
products. CZ The document rate is given for bulk purchases; payment term is also explained.
Along with this offer is placed the customer company which will be attracted with Earnest
money deposit (EMD). This deposit is for the purpose of assuring the customer company that
if they accept the TCC offer certainly the product will be supplied to the customer. The
deposit will be refunded by the customer company after the purchase is made. The EMD is
only attached in case of bulk purchase.
After accepting the offer placed by TCC, the customer company will place purchase
order. The purchase order explains the detail of the product, quantity, base price etc. sale
order is placed and will be verified by deputy marketing manager. He makes arrangement in
respect of supplying the product to the customer. The acceptance offer is usually made by
selecting the lowest price from the collected tender. If price is higher than any other parties,
those parties will be done so as to bring the price lower. If the price is not lowered, the offer
will be rejected.
The major markets are in Kerala, Tamilnadu and certain portions of Karnataka.
Except for caustic soda flakes all other products are sold mostly in south India. The four p's
The products of TCC include Caustic Soda lye, Caustic Soda Flakes, chlorine, hydrochloric
acid and sodium hypochlorite. The industries served are soap, insecticides, pharmaceuticals,
chemicals, mineral processing, disinfectant, textile, rubber, water purification and petroleum.
The only branded product is soda bleach and the brand name is Eco-clean.
New product of TCC
Eco clean
The company has adopted a different pricing policy. The price is fixed through
negotiation for long term contract. For small customers, price is fixed from time to time. An
open body namely Alkali Manufacture Association of India (AMAI) fixes selling price for a
particular period. Price of product is fixed by adding the product cost, excise duty, VAT and
freight charges. (Cost of product + sales tax + excise duty + freight charges + small % profit).
Tenders are issued to customers with a price quoted and if it turns to be a lowest bid and
satisfies the customers. The sales are done. Price concessions are also given to distant
customers, taking into consideration their freight element into account for transportation of
product, a materials and all other logistic purpose. Major markets are Kerala, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu. Except caustic soda, all other products are sold in India. Long term contracts are
being entered with customers. Company has given contracts to outside agencies, contract is
placed for each material and that is done in annual basis.
Channels include direct selling to customers. For caustic soda there are agencies outside
Kerala for marketing are two dealers in Tamilnadu. The entire marketing functions are
done from the company office at Udyogamandal and there is no other marketing office
outside the company. There dispatch takes place within the company premises. All
payments are made through SBT place is concerned with various methods of
transporting and storing goods and then marketing them available for the customers.
Getting the right product at right place at right time involve the distribution system.
The products of the company are industrial products. Since TCC is the only chlor-Alkali
unit in Kerala, there is no real competition in the local market. The customers are aware of
the existence of the company. The actual marketing factor of the product is the price offered
by TCC.
The customer accepts the offer only if the price offered by our company is lowest among
the bids made. TCC generally does not give important regarding the advertisement of their
products. However, the company advertises in trade journals like chemical magazine once in
a while. The promotional activities include regular press release creation of documentary,
through the company website etc.
Organization has developed a strategy for their product nature, market situation,
demand of product competition etc. TCC gained 80% of the total market share. Market share
is based on production.
TCC Ltd. Has an efficient finance department headed by the Deputy Financial
Controller, who is assisted by Deputy Finance Managers. DFC is responsible for shaping the
fortunes of the company, preparing budgets, raising funds, keeping different accounts. There
is an MIS to assist the finance department. Each cash payments and receipts are entered into
computer. The finance department itself is divided into different sections like General
Accounts, Costing, and Budgeting, Bills, Establishments and Provident fund. Each Accounts
section has its own functions.
In this section, a large number of General Accounts are kept, this include
A trial balance is prepared every 4 months that is in July, November, December and
March every year. Balance sheet is prepared annually for financial year from April 1st -
March 31st of next year.
In this section all payments for purchase are recorded. This includes bills payable to
suppliers and contractors. All the advances being given are also properly recorded. Sundry
creditor's ledger and supplier’s accounts are kept here. Every transaction is recorded at the
end of the year and the accounts are ratified and sent to the general accounts section.
Petty wok bills.
Transportation bills.
In this section, separates cost records are maintained and every year cost audit is
conducted, both internally and externally by Government nominees. The main activity of
costing section includes cost reduction and effective fund allocation.
It is the main function of the costing section where both revenue and capital
expenditure budgets are prepared. Capital expenditure budget is prepared based on the total
cost incurred for items in all departments. Revenue budget is prepared on the basis of
estimate of production, sales and expenditure. The balance sheet with total asset and
liabilities is prepared and total cash flow is found.
For time keeping a punching system with punching clock is provided at time gate.
Punching cards are issued to all employees. The punching clock gives the details o f
attendance which is recorded in the attendance register.
The total provident fund is collected to TCC employee's provident, trust, which
will be invested by the company in small savings or Government security.
To produce and sell there must be adequate finance for fixed assets, raw materials and
other supplies to meet day to day expenditure of the enterprise. The company has equity
funds, borrowed funds and raised funds. The share capital includes authorized, issued,
subscribed and paid up capital. Subsidy has been received from DSTR and Govt. of Kerala.
In this section, dispatch of materials, invoicing and accounting works for sales, over
dues collection, debt collection, debt reconciliation, etc. is carried out. It also deals with
enquiry as to why payments are not made and if found out to be bad, writing off of these.
There are usually two types of data which are Sales Report and Invoices.
For firms which purchase above 200 tones in a session are given 30-60 days of credit.
For 5-10 tones ready payment is made. The marketing manager and finance controller
decides he companies for which the credit should be given and how much credit s given and
the MD is the final decision maker. The marketing manager decides the price and the finance
controller decides the period and amount of credit.
1. SBT, Udyogamandal
2. SBT, Ernakulum
3. SBT, Tuticorin
6. Union Bank of India, Kochi
7. ICICI, Kochi
• P & L accounts
• Balance sheet
• Analysis of variance
The Travancore – Cochin Chemicals Limited
Balance sheet as at 31st March, 2018
Note As at As at
No. 31.03.2018 31.03.2017
Non-Current Liabilities
Long term borrowings 2.3 500.00 2157.97
Deferred tax liabilities net 2.4 13.77 68.69
Long term provisions 2.5 2292.23 2114.94
Current Liabilities
Short term borrowings 2.6 0.00 0.00
Trade payables 2.7 1424.57 8055.89
Other current liabilities 2.8 7886.01 2874.71
Short term provisions 2.9 972.06 267.33
Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment’s
- Tangible assets 2.10 6299.75 6697.05
- Capital work in progress 2.11 218.38 387.00
Non-current investments 2.12 2.30 2.30
Long term loans and advances 2.13 387.46 387.46
Other non-current assets 2.14 200.03 184.19
Current assets
Inventories 2.15 1964.18 1655.35
Trade Receivables 2.16 2285.87 2558.19
Cash and Cash Equivalents 2.17 2641.71 2948.95
Short term loans and advances 2.18 1988.56 871.60
• Statutory audit
• Cost audit
All revenues, cost, asset and liabilities are on accrual basis except customer's duty claims
and insurance claims.
Sales exclude excise duty and sales tax.
Leave encashment on cessation of employment is accounted on the basis of actual
Inventories valuation.
a. Stock in trade: caustic soda lye and flakes are valued at work cost or net realizable
value whichever is lower; by-products are valued at net sales realization during the
b. Raw materials, packing materials, fuel oil, stores and spares are valued at weighted
average cost.
c. Tools and equipment's are shown at revalue cost.
All fixed assets are carried at costless depreciation, interest on loan during the period of
construction is added to cost of fixed asset.
a. For plant and machinery depreciation is calculated on straight line basis
b. For building, service equipment, furniture, fixture, office equipment, electrical
installation etc. Depreciation is calculated on a written down value basis at rates
specified in the act.
In foreign exchange transactions all asset and liabilities are translated at the relevant
exchange rate at the end of financial year.
Sales of goods are recognizing on accrual basis.
Other income is accounted on accrual basis except when receipts uncertain.
Dividends from investments are recognizing in P&L account when the right to receive
payment is established.
The department is headed by Deputy General Manager Technical (DGM Tech) and has four
The section is headed by Chief Engineer (TS) and is concerned with technical aspects
of the plants.
1. Daily production rate calculation and reporting.
2. Collection of daily data from plant control room.
3. Collection of data from Electrical section regarding electrical consumption for the
4. Overtime calculation.
5. Feeding data to the computer regarding the plants.
6. Production slips generation.
7. Monthly reports preparation, both internal and external.
8. Maintaining reports of production loss due to various reasons.
9. Calculation of monthly production bonus.
10. Caustic soda pumping report.
i. Waste chlorine disposal plant (WCDP): The waste chlorine disposal is essentially an
air pollution control system. Traces of chlorine generated during the various process flow,
recycling, and purification and bottling, etc. is neutralized in this plant using suitable
solution of sodium. The waste chlorine is absorbed in slurry filled lower, thereby
preventing it from spreading in air. The main air pollutants are chlorine and hydrochloric
acid vapors.
As per the Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 1981, the maximum permissible
levels of these are 15mg and 0.2g per kg respectively. Only traces of chlorine escape
from chimneys.
ii. Handling of mercury bearing effluent: The treatment involves the use of sodium
sulphide as the reactant whereby the mercury compounds in solution are converted to
insoluble mercuric sulphide. The precipitated mercuric sulphide can be removed by
filtration and the filtrate will have low mercury content.
iii. Brine sludge filtration station: The mercury in the brine sludge could be insoluble or
soluble forms. By adding sodium hypochlorite solution, the insoluble part of mercury is
converted to sodium mercuric chloride complex which is readily soluble in brine. The
sludge is then filtered over a rotator vacuum filter and the filtrate is returned to the brine
iv. Neutralization in the lagoon: All the effluents are pumped to a lagoon. Samples are
taken regularly from the lagoon and the chemicals are added for neutralization of the
effluents before pumping it out into the river.
v. Solid Wastes
2. Precipitates in brine sludge
The solid slurry settled in the lagoon is periodically removed and used as landfills.
Vi Noise Pollution: Sound above 80 decibels is considered as noise. In TCC sound from
boilers, combustion air fans, air compressors, etc. cause noise pollution. The sound intensity
is measured using Sound Level Meter. The protective equipment's used are ear plug and ear
The objective of this section is to reduce man-hour loss due to accident as far as
possible. TCC is a MAB (Major Accident Hazardous) unit. Major hazardous chemical is
i. Functions
1. Provide training regarding fire, safety and first aid.
2. Conducting safety mock drills.
3. Maintaining the hydrant points, hoses and nozzles to make them always ready for use.
4. Regular maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus.
5. Regular maintenance of fire, water pumps and tanks.
6. Issue of work permits.
7. Conducting safety awareness programs.
8. Providing safety incentive scheme.
9. Accident reporting and investigation.
10. Preparing for emergency situation.
11. Provide TREM (Transport Emergency Management) card.
12. Issuing personal protective equipment:
a) Gloves
b) Face mask
c) Respiratory mask
d) Welding shield
e) Goggles
f) Ear plugs and Ear
g) Shoes
h) Helmet
i) Gas detectors
j) Safety belts
k) Acid-Alkalinity proof apron
l) SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus)
1. The company will provide the work environment in which identified hazards are
controlled. If elimination is not feasible TCC will provide personal protective equipment
wherever necessary.
2. Consideration of health and safety will be given proper weight age in selection and
development of personal.
3. The company will ensure that health and safety aspects are given due consideration in
decision regarding purchase of plant equipment, machinery and materials.
4. All contract jobs will be carried only through the laid down procedure with appropriate
5. The company will carry out safety audit, risk assessment studies, emergency mock drills,
and periodic assessment of health of its employees as well as status of employment and
implement remedial measures.
6. Employees, consumers and public where necessary will be imparted with the education
and training on safety and health aspect related to the process and product.
The section is headed by SOQC and reports to Chief Engineer (TS). The main
function of quality control section is to maintain the quality of the products in each stage of
operation. Quality of raw materials, work in process and finished products are checked. The
major impurities found along with common salt are calcium, magnesium and sulphate. The
products have to meet certain requirements specified by the company itself. A slight variation
in these limits is acceptable even though some penalty will be imposed.
Much more than the acceptable limits are rejected. Percentages of impurities are
estimated at each arrival. Common salt used for production should be free from calcium and
magnesium. Sampling method is adopted for quality control. Three samples in each shift
from each plant are taken for quality check.
The engineering department is headed by mechanical engineer and the department has
mainly 8 sections:
6. Cylinder filling
7. Moving and handling
8. Automobile
Utility and statutes section is the service section which provides services and
manpower of other departments. These sections have a well-defined structure and comprises
of more than hundred members, under the section of head chief engineering utility and
statute. They provide workers on the basis from various departments.
Types of Maintenance
Maintenance Planning Section
1. To assist other department and sections in planning and implementing an engineering work
Chief Engineer
with the social task of maintaining the premises and surroundings in a clean and hygienic
manner to ensure the smooth flow of industrial activities.
not. They prepare feasible report. When approval is obtained, this department sees that
proposed project is implemented. It is the duty of project department to supervise all work
relation to implementation of projects.
5. Evaluation of tenders.
6. Agreement.
7. Execution of projects.
Sales of drinking water: TCC has a water treatment plant. Serious discussions are
going on for the sale of drinking water at reasonable rate.
Systems Department
System department has come into existence in the year 2006. As it is faster in
company, it has not fully implemented in all departments, but the implementation work is
going on. This department is under the control of project department. Manager of systems
department directly reported to the manager of projects department.115 computers and 75
printers are there in TCC.
New project of synthetic rutile plant. Rutile companies are reaping big profit in the
state due to the availability of raw material within the state. There is a high price in
the international market for rutile and related products.
Economic development of the country may result in higher demand for the product
especially for chlorine in near future
Proposal for a hydel project will benefit TCC and the power so obtained can be
utilized for running the plants of TCC. Thus reducing the cost incurred on electricity.
Caustic soda industry is subjected to business cycles, which may turn feasible in
Kerala minerals and metals Ltd going for expansion. This is beneficial for TCC.
Expansion plan of Cochin Refineries and Hindustan Newsprint Ltd.
The major type of customer deal with TCC is pharmaceuticals, soap industries,
insecticides, pesticides, paper industries and rayon industries.
No strikes have reported for the last 10 years. It shows the relationship of workers and
management as a good one.
Pricing policy of TCC is an average one, according to the standards.
The company has a flexible credit policy. They give credit facility up to 30-45 days
and they are getting credit of 60 days from suppliers.
New technology of membrane cell has the advantage of pollution free environment
and also if bring about 0.3 reduction in electric power requirements.
No major environment pollution has been reported for the past 0.5 years of operation.
The strength of TCC is the quality of their products services and the delivery.
Location preference, reference and quality are the major criteria for selecting
The customer has reported no rejection of TCC product which shows the product
The company is depending heavily on electricity and around 0.6 of their product price
is for this.
The company must give some motivation to the employee in order to increase the
For the smooth functioning there must be a reasonable amount of working capital.
The company must take necessary steps to maintain the ratios at standard level.
Improve the first aid facilities by providing free medicine and treatment.
The company must activate the research and development cell in order to have new
invention in this field.
The company should conduct market research to find the movement of the products
and to identify potential customers.
One of the main raw materials is electricity which is an important factor of production
of the company. So it better to go for a mini power plant of its own.
The organization hierarchy must be checked to avoid organizational blocks.
The company has improve the supply of products , if possible.
As TCC is the sole factory of its kind of in kerala , it can go for monopoly in kerala.
Price is the main factor which customers looks for . so TCC should take certain
adjustment in the price of the products.
It can adopt improved marketing strategies like industrial awareness program and
should provide sufficient working capital.
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http: // Travancore cochin chemicals
Annual Reports of TCC Ltd.