Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Chapter 4
Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
A nominal interest rate r is an interest rate that does not account for compounding.
A nominal rate may be calculated for any time period longer than the time period stated.
For example, the interest rate of 1.5% per month is the same as each of the following
nominal rates.
Note that none of these rates mention anything about compounding of interest; they are
After the nominal rate has been calculated, the compounding period (CP) must be
included in the interest rate statement. As an illustration, again consider the nominal rate
of 1.5% per month. If we define the CP as 1 month, the nominal rate statement is 18% per
An effective interest rate i is a rate wherein the compounding of interest is taken into
For example, 10% per year, compounded monthly, or 12% per year, compounded weekly.
If the CP is not mentioned, it is the same as the time period mentioned with the interest
rate. For example, an interest rate of “1.5% per month” means that interest is
Fundamentals of Engineering Economy Prepared by Mazyar Ghadirinejad
compounded monthly. Therefore, the equivalent effective rate statement is 1.5% per
All of the following are effective interest rate statements because either they state they
are effective or the compounding period is not mentioned. In the latter case, the CP is
All interest formulas, factors and tabulated values must use an effective interest rate to
Interest period (t): The period of time over which the interest is expressed. This is the t
Compounding period (CP): The shortest time unit over which interest is charged or
Compounding frequency (m): The number of times that compounding occurs within the
interest period t.
Example 4.1
Three different bank loan rates for electric generation equipment are listed below.
Determine the effective rate on the basis of the compounding period for each rate.
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Fundamentals of Engineering Economy Prepared by Mazyar Ghadirinejad
This equation calculates the effective annual interest rate ia for any number
of compounding periods per year when i is the rate for one compounding
If the effective annual rate ia and compounding frequency m are known, the
previous equation can be solved for i to determine the effective interest rate
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Example 4.2:
Janice is an engineer with Southwest Airlines. She purchased Southwest stock for $6.90
per share and sold it exactly 1 year later for $13.14 per share. What did she earn in terms
of (a) effective annual rate and (b) effective rate for quarterly compounding, and for
monthly compounding?
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(a) The effective annual rate of return ia has a compounding period of 1 year, since the
stock purchase and sales dates are exactly 1 year apart. Based on the purchase price of
Example 4.3:
(a) Determine the effective rate for each bid on the basis of semiannual periods. (b) What
are the effective annual rates? These are to be a part of the final bid selection. (c) Which
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Solution (a)
(c) Bid 3 includes the lowest effective annual rate of 9.16%, which is equivalent to an
Example 4.4:
A dot-com company plans to place money in a new venture capital fund that currently
returns 18% per year, compounded daily. What effective rate is this yearly and
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The payment period (PP) is the length of time between cash flows (inflows or outflows). It
is common that the lengths of the payment period and the compounding period (CP) do
If the rate is 10% per year, compounded quarterly, then PP is 1 year, CP is 1 quarter or 3
There are two methods to determine i and n for P/F and F/P factors:
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Method 1: Determine the effective interest rate over the compounding period CP, and set
Example 4.5:
Assume that the interest rate is nominal 15% per year, compounded monthly. Here CP is
1 month. To find P or F over a 2-year span, calculate the effective monthly rate of 15%/12
Method 2: Determine the effective interest rate for the time period t of the nominal rate,
and set n equal to the total number of periods, using this same time period.
n = 2 years, and (P/F,16.076%,2) = 0.7422. The P/F factor is the same by both methods.
Example 4.6:
Over the past 10 years, Gentrack has placed varying sums of money into a special capital
in the United States and Vietnam. The cash flow diagram in $1000 units is the following.
Find the amount in the account now (after 10 years) at an interest rate of 12% per year,
compounded semiannually.
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Method 1: Semiannual rate of 6% per 6-month period. There are n = 2 * number of years
Method 2:
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When cash flows involve a series (i.e., A, G, g) and the payment period equals or exceeds
Example 4.6:
For the past 7 years, Excelon Energy has paid $500 every 6 months for a software
maintenance contract. What is the equivalent total amount after the last payment, if these
funds are taken from a pool that has been returning 8% per year, compounded quarterly?
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Example 4.7:
The Scott and White Health Plan (SWHP) has purchased a robotized prescription
fulfillment system for faster and more accurate delivery to patients with stable, pill-form
medication for chronic health problems, such as diabetes, thyroid, and high blood
pressure. Assume this high volume system costs $3 million to install and an estimated
$200,000 per year for all materials, operating, personnel, and maintenance costs. The
expected life is 10 years. An SWHP biomedical engineer wants to estimate the total
revenue requirement for each 6-month period that is necessary to recover the investment,
interest, and annual costs. Find this semiannual A value, if capital funds are evaluated at
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PP = CP at 6 months; find the effective rate per semiannual period. Effective semiannual
Calculate P, using the P/F factor for n = 2, 4, …, 20 periods because the costs are annual,
not semiannual. Then use the A/P factor over 20 periods to find the semiannual A.
The PP is 6 months, but the CP is now monthly; therefore, PP = CP. To find the effective
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If a person deposits money each month into a savings account where interest is
compounded quarterly, do all the monthly deposits earn interest before the next quarterly
compounding time? If a person's credit card payment is due with interest on the 15th of
the month, and if the full payment is made on the 1st, does the financial institution reduce
the interest owed, based on early payment? The usual answers are no. These are examples
of PP < CP.
For a no-interperiod-interest policy, negative cash flows (deposits or payments) are all
regarded as made at the end of the compounding period, and positive cash flows (receipts
Example 4.8:
Consider the following cash flow diagram in $1000. How much is future value at the end
of the year, if the interest rate is 12% per year, compounded quarterly?
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If PP < CP and interperiod compounding is earned, then the cash flows are not moved,
and the equivalent P, F, or A values are determined using the effective interest rate per
payment period.
For example, weekly cash flows and quarterly compounding require that m = 1/13 of a
quarter. When the nominal rate is 12% per year, compounded quarterly (the same as 3%
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becomes infinitely small and m, the number of times interest is compounded per period,
becomes infinite. Businesses with large numbers of cash flows each day consider the
Example 4.9:
(a) For an interest rate of 18% per year, compounded continuously, calculate the effective
(b) An investor requires an effective return of at least 15%. What is the minimum annual
(a) The nominal monthly rate is r = 18%/12 = 1.5%, or 0.015 per month. The effective
monthly rate is
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Example 4.10:
Engineers Marci and Suzanne both invest $5000 for 10 years at 10% per year. Compute
the future worth for both individuals if Marci receives annual compounding and Suzanne
Suzanne: first find the effective i per year for use in the F/P factor.
Example 4.11:
CE, Inc., leases large earth tunneling equipment. The net profit from the equipment for
each of the last 4 years has been decreasing, as shown below. Also shown are the annual
rates of return on invested capital. The return has been increasing. Determine the present
worth P and equivalent uniform series A of the net profit series. Take the annual variation
Fundamentals of Engineering Economy Prepared by Mazyar Ghadirinejad