Sample IEP
Sample IEP
Sample IEP
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name Charles and Carrie Smith Address 423 Sunset Lane Small Town , USA 27779
Street City Zip Code
Parent’s/Guardian’s Phone No. 555-6176 Student’s Present School Suite High School Grade 9th
Date of IEP Meeting 8-17-05 Date of Eligibility 10-25-96 IEP Review Date 6-1-06
Student Morgan Beatrice Smith Date of Birth 6-3-91 Student Number 228-88-2100
Aids/equipment/program modifications needed to attain annual goals and progress in general education curriculum:
Provide ongoing support throughout the day to decrease anxiety and resulting self-injurious behaviors.
Self-contained class
Special day school
Residential school
Student Morgan Beatrice Smith Date of Birth 6-3-91 Student Number 228-88-2100
Hospital school
Homebound services
Other __________
(e.g., Head Start, work site)
Rationale for placement in setting other
than general education class
Employment Outcome Morgan will work in the community and function at a job with ongoing job coaching.
Community Living Outcome Morgan will live in a supportive community living group home.
Identify Needed Transition 1. Independent Living: Morgan will be able to care for herself and her needs.
Services 2. Community Integration: Morgan will be able to participate in the community with the
assistance of her caregiver.
3. Recreation and Leisure: Morgan will identify and utilize community recreational
4. Transportation: Morgan will utilize transit and para-transit transportation opportunities.
5. Education: Morgan will participate in a day treatment program focusing on vocational and
adaptive skills.
Identify Interagency A case manager will be identified for Morgan at age 16 from the Mental Retardation
Responsibilities Developmental Disabilities Board (MRDD). Vocational rehabilitation will assist with
vocational evaluations.
Community Linkages MRDD Board, ARC, Private Group Homes, Inc., Vocational Rehabilitation Services,
Community Recreation Centers, Community Transit and Para-Transit Systems
Student Morgan Beatrice Smith Date of Birth 6-3-91 Student Number 228-88-2100
Identify type of modifications: Morgan’s assessment needs will be met with an alternative assessment in the form of a
competency portfolio.
Rationale for nonparticipation and alternate assessment plan: Morgan does not have traditional test-taking skills.
A portfolio that demonstrates Morgan’s competencies in the areas of her annual goals will be developed.
X. Progress Report
Parents will be informed of child’s progress toward annual goals using same reporting methods used for children with-
out disabilities.
Method Frequency
❖ Written Progress Report yes Every 10 weeks
❖ Other
❖ Other
Student Morgan Beatrice Smith Date of Birth 6-3-91 Student Number 228-88-2100