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REVIEWER – EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES - FINALS  GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) – is limited to the

8-bit palette with only 256 colors. Best used for

CHAPTER 3 – IMAGING AND DESIGN FOR THE ONLINE diagrams, cartoons and logos which use few colors
ENVIRONMENT and is chosen format for animation effects.
Principles of Graphics and Design  BMP (Bitmap Image File) – the image file format
The following principles are followed to used in the Microsoft Windows OS. It is an
standardize image creation and manipulation using any uncompressed file and is made up of millions of dots
graphic software. It will help you create layouts and design called ‘pixels’, with different colors and
web pages compliant with the protocols. arrangements. Also called raster image.
1. Balance. It describes the placement of elements  TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) – created originally
of equal weight on the page. The three types of by Aldus Corporations for desktop publishing.
balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial. Supported by many imaging programs and is a good
2. Movement. It describes the flow of elements on format for graphic storage, processing and printing.
the page. Considered as a high-quality image format, where
3. Unity. It is the sense of oneness of the elements all color and data information are stored. However,
that creates balance and harmony. it produces a very large file size and takes huge disk
4. Repetition. It describes the consistent and consumption. Controlled by Adobe Systems in 2009.
balanced repetition of a design or element.  PNG (Portable Network Graphic) – supports full
5. Proximity. It describes the organization and color images and used for photographic images.
relationship of element included in the design. However, the resulting file is much larger than with
6. Contrast. It is the combination of opposing lossy JPEG compression. PNG does best with line art,
characteristics of an element like color, size, text and logos.
thickness, etc. It allows emphasis on key elements. Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation
7. Whitespaces. It is the negative space or large  Cropping. It is a process of removing unwanted
margins that allow your design to breathe within parts of the image focusing only on the subject.
the elements. When cropping, one must always follow the rule
Infographic of thirds to organize the image composition.
Also known as data visualization. Defined by  Color Balance. In any image manipulating
Oxford Dictionary as a visual image such as a chart program, this command will allow you to make
diagram that is used to explain information or data. changes in the mixture of colors in an image.
Infographic makes the data easily understood at a  Adjusting the Brightness and Contrast. This
glance and quickly communicates a message command is the most basic when adjusting the
especially to simplify the presentation of large image tone (highlights, shadows and midtones).
amounts of data. It is also used to easily compare data  Compression and Resizing. Compressing and
patterns and relationships. resizing an image is an aspect in image
Guidelines on how to make an Infographic: manipulation. Images to be uploaded on the web
 Thesis/Story. The subject and the main must be of the standard resolution of 72 dpi (dots
idea. per inch) to maintain its image file size of 30-50KB.
 Data. Supports the main idea. If the image is for printing, set the maximum
 Simplicity (color, style, and illustrations). resolution to 300 dpi and set its physical printing
You must be able to create your own size in inches.
palette; your style must be able to attract  Color Blending. Use the different special effects
readers so as not to make your buttons available in the different image editing
infographic full of text. Do no use stock software. You can combine colors and commands
photos. that will give you a more dynamic image result.
 Sources. You must cite your sources so as  Combining Multiple Images. Compositions must
to give credibility to your data. be planned and conceptualized first so that you
 Branding/Shareability. Your infographic will be able to render the best image and message
must be creative and innovative. possible.
Image File Formats Online Graphics Software
 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) – most  Picasa. It is Google’s free desktop image editing
popular image format used on the web. JPEG files program. It can be downloaded and help you
are very “lossy” files where much of the information manage your photos and upload the to an online
about the image is lost from the original state to album.
keep the image file small.
 Fotor. It is a multiplatform photo editing website. 4. Fitts’ Law – According to this law, the time needed to
It offers a wide range of effects and tools for move to a target is dependent upon the size of the target.
editing images. 5. Accessibility – When a visitor enters the website,
 Pixlr. It is also a multiplatform image editing he/she must be able to access each bit of information in
program. You can choose between the editor for the easiest manner.
editing images or creating an image original image 6. Visible Language – A web page design should
right through the browser. The tools are almost communicate with the users clearly and in an engaging
similar to Photoshop that makes it easier for you matter.
to manipulate. 7. White Space and Simple Design – White space helps the
Image Hosting Sites web page into several distinct parts or areas that make it
Images also can be shared online through the simpler for the users to process information.
different web hosting sites that are free. You just need to  Grid-based layout. The content of this layout is
create a free account and you will be able to post, divided into columns, boxes, and different
organize, and share your photos. The following is a list of sections.
different hosting sites that you can try.  F-pattern Design. Design a web page or website in
 Imgur a way that complements the natural reading
 Flickr behavior of the visitors like the “F-pattern”.
 Photobucket  Conventional designs. Work well as far as visitor
 SlickPic response or likeability is concerned.
 Zenfolio 8. Regular Testing. Test Early and Test Often (TETO) is anot
her web design principle that all designers and website
owners must consider.
Nature and Purposes of Online Platforms To come up with a good web design and an
Platform – a system that can be programmed and effective visual and technical appeal of a website, there
therefore customized by outside developers –users- and in are some elements that must be considered. Here are the
that way, adapted to countless needs and niches that the ff. elements:
platform’s original developers could not have possibly  Links
contemplated, much less had time to accommodate. – States of Link:
Mark Andreessen o Normal. Default state of link
3 Levels of Platform: o Visited. Target has been visited by the
 Level 1 – Access API user.
API means Application Programming o Active. Currently being clicked by the
Interfaces. It is the most common type of internet user.
platform. The apps on this level run elsewhere and o Hover. This state is what the link looks like
call into the platform via web services. when the user moves over it.
 Level 2 – Plug-in API  Forms
Platform has been used in end-user o Form Label – Forms typically collect
applications to let developers build new functions. personal data that users are reluctant to
 Level 3 – Runtime Environment give out. As such, properly informing users
Third party application runs inside the of the exact purpose of the form is wise.
platform. o Input fields and labels – Plan on how the
Web Design Principles input fields of the form will be laid out on
Web design is a concept of planning, creating and the page and how the labels for those
maintaining websites. Principles to follow in effectively fields will be styled and oriented relative
designing your web page or site: to the fields.
1. Visual Hierarchy – This explains the order in which  Form Validation
human eye perceives what is sees. This is a technique This is the critical point where the website
wherein, as the developer, you have to distinguish the communicates the user requirements and
importance of every part of your web page. errors in a form. There are 3 core things to
2. Proportion – you can make use of the golden ratio, a remember:
magical number approximately equal to 1.618 that makes o Required fields – All required fields should
all things proportioned so as to make a design aesthetically be indicated. This is done usually with an
pleasing. asterisk.
3. Hick’s Law – “with every additional choice, the time
required to make a decision increase”.
o Real-time Validation – Informs the user as documents, presentations, and even for brainstorming, all
quickly as possible of any problems with without needing to be in the same room at the same time.
the data they inputted. 5 Essential Features of an Online Collaborative Tool:
o Post-back Validation – happens after the  Easy and Clean Interface. A good user interface is
user has submitted the form. The style key to a great online collaboration tool.
used for real-time validation is often Applications that are simple and intuitive are
repeated here but another option is to much easier to learn to use, so you and your team
group all errors into single message. would not have to waste time in long tutorials.
 Status Messages: Errors, Warnings,  Permissions control. Users need to be able to
Confirmations easily add people to workspaces and control what
Consider your website and the actions that they are able to do in each workspace or
users might take, and plan for the messages that document.
the website will need to communicate.  File Storage with Document Versioning. This will
 Animations: Pop-ups, Tooltips, Transitions make it easy to track the progress of a document,
On a standard HTML and CSS, animations and and if any past versions need to be referenced, it
transitions are so easy to overlook. If animations is easy to do so.
are critical, it is best to provide developers with a  Whiteboard. They let the team members
sample of how they should work so that the communicate in a more informal way like
product functions as it should. brainstorming session, so the flow never stops.
CHAPTER 5 - COLLABORATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN ICT You can also refer back to the ideas that were
Team Structure and Dynamics added by your colleagues.
The team structure is described as a less  Document Locking. This feature ensures that only
hierarchical organizational structure in which individuals one person is working on a document at a time.
are divided into teams. This is very important if you work in a large team
Team Dynamics is the unconscious, psychological with several document editors.
forces that influence the direction of a team’s behavior
and performance. It is created by the nature of team’s CHAPTER 6 – MULTIMEDIA IN ICT
work, personalities within the team, working relationships Online Environment
with other people, and environment in which the team Being online means being virtually connected to
works. the World Wide Web that offers a vast environment of
Principles of Collaboration applied to most Organizations information at your fingertips. This will focus the
and other Institutions: environment where you are connected to the internet
 Participation. Encourage participation from According to Living Internet, a key attribute of the
across your organization wherein they belong as internet is being connected. All of the internet’s
one. technologies like web, newsgroup, e-mail, mailing list, are
 Collective. Each needs to help the group reach a enable geographically distributed to the groups of people
consensus and then take action collectively on the to communicate around the world.
decisions to make. Online: Immersing on the Internet
 Transparency. Feedback and trust are essential Online tools include the following that give the
elements of collaboration. Being transparent with user multitasking opportunities and sources of
information is crucial. information as well.
 Independence. Ensure that group think does not
emerge and that people are thinking for  Blogs or Microblogs. Blogging is a way of
themselves. collecting links to webpages and sharing thoughts
 Persistence. Ensure that all content is kept within and ideas with people online. Blogs (or Weblogs)
the community and easily accessible to all are basically online journals or diaries which are
member. great for sharing information and ideas.
 Emergence. You need to ensure that you focus on
the end goal rather than worrying about how it is Microblogging is a combination of blogging and
achieved. The collaborative community should set instant messaging that allows users to create a
their own goals and objectives. short message that is posted on their profile.
Online Collaborative Tools and Processes Websites such as twitter also allow these
Online collaboration lets a group of people work messages to be delivered on cell phones, which
together in real-time using the internet. People in an allows micro-blogging to provide a quick way to
online collaboration can work together on word processor communicate with a group of people.
 Collaborative tools. A collaboration tool helps accessible via a web browser. They may be free
people to collaborate. The purpose of a or require payment, such as by a monthly
collaboration tool is to support a group of two or subscription. Some have enhanced features such
more individuals to accomplish a common goal or as collaborative editing and email notification.
objective. Collaboration tools can be either of a
non-technological nature such as paper, Phase Feature
flipcharts, post-it notes or whiteboards. They can
also include software tools and applications such  WEB 1.0 - One-way Web
as collaborative software.  WEB 2.0 - Interactive Web
 Discussion Forums. A website that provides an  Web 3.0 – Immersive Web
online exchange of information between people
about a particular topic. It provides a venue for Web 1.0 (The mostly Read-Only Web)
questions and answers and may be monitored to
keep the content appropriate. Also called a 250,000 sites
"discussion board" or "discussion group," an
Internet forum is similar to an Internet 4.5 Million Global users
newsgroup, but uses the Web browser for access.
Before the Web, text-only forums were common 1996
on bulletin boards and proprietary online
services. However, Internet forums include all the Web 2.0 (The Wildly Read-Write Web)
extras people expect from the Web, including
images, videos, downloads and links, sometimes 1 Billion Global users
functioning as a mini-portal on the topic.
 Social Networking Sites. A social networking site 2006
is an online platform that allows users to create a
public profile and interact with other users on the
Web 3.0 (The Wildly Write-Read Web)
website. Social networking sites usually have a
new user input a list of people with whom they
8 Billion Global users
share a connection and then allow the people on
the list to confirm or deny the connection. After
connections are established, the new user can
search the networks of connections to make
more connections. A social networking site is
also known as a social networking website or
social website.
 Virtual Worlds. is a computer-based online
community environment that is designed and Uses of Multimedia
shared by individuals so that they can interact in
a custom-built, simulated world. Users interact 1. Edutainment. Educators for example, have
with each other in this simulated world using been combining some of the exciting
text-based, two-dimensional or three- elements of video game applications with
dimensional graphical models called avatars. select features of educational materials.
Avatars are graphically rendered using computer 2. Business Communication. Multimedia also
graphics imaging (CGI) or any other rendering offers critical services in the business world.
technology. Individuals control their avatars using The quality of business communication is
input devices like the keyboard, mouse and other enhanced by multimedia. Product promotion,
specially designed command and simulation Customer Information, can be done with
gadgets. Today's virtual worlds are purpose-built multimedia.
for entertainment, social, educational, training 3. Entertainment. Multimedia also brought
and various other purposes. advances in the field of entertainment.
 Online Databases. is a database accessible from a Multimedia developers use sound,
local network or the Internet, as opposed to one animation, and graphics of multimedia to
that is stored locally on an individual computer or create games that can be realistic in setting
its attached storage (such as a CD). Online and engaging for the audience.
databases are hosted on websites, made 4. Public Access of Information. The availability
available as software as a service product of Multimedia applications allowed public
access to information neither online or
offline. Tourist information system, hospital due to poor monitoring and orientation on
information system, navigational system are being safe online.
some examples of uses of multimedia for 5. Law enforcements prowling the networks –
information dissemination. Investigators rely sometimes on social media
access to monitor and locate criminals. Some
social networks even allow disclosure of
personal information for the purpose.
CHAPTER 7 – ICT AS PLATFORM FOR CHANGE 6. Mob rule - Majority is the only voice heard, a
ICT DEVELOPMENTS. Since the advancement of situation that allows users to use social media
technology from the 1960s, its rapid growth and use have to spread gossip and hoax information.
been uncontrollable. Changes in the way people
communicate are intertwined with the hardware
component or the gadget.
The field of education has greatly benefited from
the advancements in technology as well. Instructional
materials were improved.
Studies on ICT use have also cited uses of ICT in the
government. These include the digitalization of records,
services, and creation of web portals that enable the
public to access announcements and other services from
the government.
One Development in communications using
technology is teleconferencing. Just an advantage of using
technology in starting a small business.
One example of developments in ICT under the
business sector is e-commerce or electronic commerce,
commonly known as online shopping. Using the different
technologies and online platforms, small businesses were
able to advertise and put up an online store even at home.
Common Issues on Social Media
Issues on social media revolve around how it is
used, whether for personal or in businesses.
1. Cyberstalking and location disclosure – It
refer to the use of the internet, e-mail, or
other telecommunication technologies to
harass or stalk another person.
2. Social profiling and third-party disclosure –
Social profiling involves the capability of
websites to filter through information of users
using third party advertisements and giving
personal details about the user.
3. Invasive privacy agreement – The privacy
agreement in social networks states that the
networks owns all of the content that users
upload which means pictures, videos, and
messages are all stored in the social networks
even if the user decide to deactivate his or her
4. Abuse on preteens and teenagers over the
Internet – Even when there are age
restrictions on social media, teen and even
children still become victims of cyber crimes

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