(Nature’s Numbers by Ian Stewart )
Alar , Morfydd T.
(CHAPTER 5). From Violins to Videos
My first summarization about this chapter is that Stewart makes the point that mathematical theory tends to start
with the simple and immediate and grow ever-more complicated. This is because of a basic principle, which is
that you have to start somewhere. A fascinating historical recap of how initial investigations into the way a
violin string vibrates gave rise to formulae and equations which turned out to be useful in mapping electricity
and magnetism, which turned out to be aspects of the same fundamental force, the understanding of which
underpinned the invention of radio, radar, TV etc – taking in descriptions of the contributions from Michael
Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz and Guglielmo Marconi.
Stewart makes the point that mathematical theory tends to start with the simple and immediate and grow ever-
more complicated. This is because of a basic principle, which is that you have to start somewhere.
And for my summarization for the last chapter for our vignette this book ends by drawing a kind of
philosophical conclusion.
Chaos theory has all sorts of implications but the one Stewart closes on is this: the world is not chaotic; if
anything, it is boringly predictable. And at the level of basic physics and maths, the laws which seem to
underpin it are also schematic and simple. And yet, what we are only really beginning to appreciate is how
complicated things are in the middle.
It is as if nature can only get from simple laws (like Newton’s incredibly simple law of thermodynamics) to
fairly simple outcomes (the orbit of the planets) via almost incomprehensibly complex processes.
To end, Stewart gives us three examples of the way apparently ‘simple’ phenomena in nature derive from
stupefying complexity: