Understanding Adrenal Stress
Understanding Adrenal Stress
Understanding Adrenal Stress
Don’t let stress eat up your life…Here are the tools
for getting off the hamster wheel of perpetual
exhaustion. Contrary to popular belief you can live a
busy life and still have high energy!
Why Do Our Adrenal Glands Need Healing?
In this day and age most of us are dealing with high stress
lifestyles. Everything is getting faster, the demands are getting
higher and each year we are overloaded with more “things” to
use and be responsible for. Our bodies have to deal with more
sensory overload than we have ever experienced before in
history, just the noise pollution alone is overwhelming. Have
you ever tried to discern all the different sounds in a shopping
centre? It’s exhausting just being in a busy place.
Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
Some key signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue include
craving of stimulants including caffeine, sugar, wheat and
cigarettes. When our vital energy levels are low and we not
getting enough resources into our bodies, the adrenals go into
a panic state and we crave the quickest energy fix that we can
find. This is a quick way of burning our adrenal glands up like a
Crave for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and
Mild depression.
Digestive disorders.
Emotional and mental symptoms. Often, emotional and
psychological symptoms are present or even predominant.
Depression is very common. Apathy, despair and even suicidal
tendencies are also quite common. Emotional instability, mood
swings, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and irritability are also
common symptoms associated with adrenal burnout syndrome.
Compulsiveness and obsessive-compulsive tendencies
may be associated with adrenal burnout. One may become
addicted or very attracted to excessive exercise, sex, loud music
or other forms of excitement. The unconscious goal is always
the same, to stimulate the adrenals into activity.
Many areas of life affected. Adrenal burnout affects every area
of life. One may lose interest in friends, family and work.
Relationships often suffer when one person in the relationship
goes into adrenal exhaustion.
Unfortunately, many with adrenal burnout function on
anger and resentment. These act as adrenal stimulants,
providing a negative energy with which to function. Most of
the world, in fact, functions on the negative energy of anger.
One literally falls into a primal state of existence.
Bigger implications. Entire nations can go into adrenal
exhaustion as a result of wars, famines and other catastrophes.
This has happened many times in history, and is an important
hidden factor in our politics of today. For example, a
population in burnout does not feel capable of taking care of
themselves. When this occurs, the attitudes of the people
change, and with it the leaders they elect.
Chronic fatigue
Chronic illness
Chronic infection
Chronic inflammation
Chronic pain
Chronic-severe allergies
Excessive exercise
Excessive sugar in diet
Excessive caffeine intake
Fear and guilt
Gluten intolerance
Light-cycle disruption (Going to
sleep late)
Low blood sugar
Nutritional deficiencies
Overwork/ physical or mental strain
Temperature extremes
Toxic exposure
Trauma/ injury
Severe or chronic stress
Sleep deprivation
Stages of Adrenal Stress
Diseases progresses through stages normally as the body de-
compensates. Let us take a closer look:Stage 1: Alarm Reaction
(Flight or Fight response)In this stage, the body is alarmed by
the stressors and mounts an aggressive anti-stress response to
reduce stress levels. Some doctors called this the Early Fatigue
Typically, there is an increased ACTH from the pituitary gland
that stimulates the adrenal glands into full gear to mount an
retaliation response. The adrenal medulla is stimulated to
secrete more epinephrine, and the total cortisol output from
the adrenal cortex is increased from the excitatory stimulus.
There is a corresponding reduction in DHEA production. During
this period, the body needs cortisol to overcome stress, and
production of cortisol is therefore increased. After some time,
the adrenals will experience difficulties in meeting the body's
ever increasing demand for cortisol. Stage 2: Resistance
ResponseWith chronic or severe stress, the adrenals eventually
are unable to keep up with the body's demand for cortisol. As
such , the cortisol output will start to decline from a high back
to a normal level, while the ACTH remains high. With
protracted ACTH and adrenal fatigue, less cortisol is produced
due to the adrenal becoming exhausted. While the morning,
noon, or afternoon cortisol levels are often low, the night-time
cortisol level is usually normal.
A phenomenon called pregnenolone steal (also called cortisol
shunt) sets in. Cortisol production becomes the predominant
pathway of hormone production as the body favours the
production of this hormone. Other hormones such as
pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone and oestrogen are less
favoured and their production will decline. As a result, total
pregnenolone output is reduced but total cortisol output
continues to be maintained at a normal level. Careful analysis of
the daily diurnal cycle of cortisol shows a dysfunctional pattern
of abnormally low cortisol in the morning. This is a time when
cortisol is needed the most. Night-time cortisol is usually still
normal. Stage 3: ExhaustionDespite rising ACTH, the adrenals
are no longer able to keep up the increased demand for cortisol
production. This may happen over a few years. Total cortisol
output is therefore reduced, and DHEA falls far below average.
The night-time cortisol level is usually reduced as the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis "crash" and the body is
unable to maintain homeostasis. Severe sex hormonal
imbalances (oestrogen, progesterone, and androgens) are
common and a precursor to adrenal failure.Stage 4: Failure
Eventually, the adrenals are totally exhausted. Patients at this
stage have a high chance of cardiovascular collapse and death.
Fatigue versus adrenal burnout. Adrenal burnout syndrome
differs from simple fatigue in that burnout is not relieved by
getting a few good nights sleep, as is the case with fatigue.
This is the case because adrenal exhaustion is not just
a sleep deficit, although that may be an aspect of the
syndrome. Burnout is a deeper derangement of the body’s
energy-producing system, of which fatigue is one symptom.
As the syndrome of adrenal fatigue is not that common
knowledge amongst physicians, it often goes misdiagnosed or