three things.
1. Selenium
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin B12
4. Iron/Ferritin (the iron storage protein)
5. Thiamine
6. Zinc
7. Magnesium
In analyzing the diets that have worked for my clients and readers, I’ve found
the following three diets to be especially helpful:
1. The gluten, dairy and soy free diet is, well, exactly what it sounds like. You
remove any foods that contain them, from your diet. This is done because
they’re the most reactive in Hashimoto’s. If you’re ready to try this, be sure to
read labels, as these are often hidden ingredients in many foods.
2. The Root Cause Paleo Diet removes dairy, grains, legumes (except green
beans and pea protein), sugar, high-iodine foods, caffeine, and Capsaicin-
containing peppers (chili pepper, red chilli flakes, cayenne pepper).
Foods to eat include all meats, all vegetables, all fruits, eggs, nuts, seeds,
nightshades (except cayenne and chili peppers), black pepper (piper nigrum),
bell peppers, smoothies made with hydrolyzed beef protein (such
as Rootcology Paleo Protein and Rootcology AI Paleo Protein), and smoothies
with added pea protein, like Rootcology Pea Protein Powder.
3. I find that many people experience great success with the Root Cause
Autoimmune Diet as well.
Fungi (mushrooms)
Beans and legumes
Sugars (including honey and agave)
Canned foods, processed foods
High glycemic index foods
Grains (including buckwheat and rice)
Nuts and seeds