Characterization of Polymers
Characterization of Polymers
Characterization of Polymers
Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Copyright John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
The chemical structure of the repeat unit has a dominant effect on the ability
of the polymer chains to pack together to form an ordered structure. If there is ei-
ther a high level of symmetry or relative simplicity of the polymer backbone, then
packing is encouraged and a crystalline structure generated (see SEMICRYSTALLINE
POLYMERS). If the monomer structure is asymmetric and/or contains bulky pen-
dant groups, packing may be inhibited and the solid structure is disordered and
amorphous (see AMORPHOUS POLYMERS). Being able to differentiate between these
different types of organization can help with prediction of the physical properties
of the solid.
A useful classification of the polymers is presented in Figure 1.
Blending together two different types of compatible polymer material will
create physical properties that are different from those of the individual materials
(see POLYMER BLENDS). Polymeric materials may be formed using more than one
repeat unit, and these are classified as copolymers. In real polymeric materials,
there may be present a range of additives (qv): plasticizers (qv), antioxidants (qv),
processing aids, fillers (qv), reinforcement (qv), antistatic modifiers, pigments,
dyes, etc. These additives will influence the physical properties of the material,
and understanding their influence is critical to understanding the properties of
the material.
The questions that need to be asked in order to fully characterize a polymeric
material include the following:
(1) What is the chemical structure of the repeat units from which the poly-
mer is constructed? Does the polymer have a specific geometrical isomeric
structure, particular sequence or branched-chain structures?
Sample Preparation
All methods used by organic chemists for the determination of molecular structure
are appropriate for the characterization of polymers. However, the simple analysis
may not be able to differentiate between a homopolymer, a copolymer, or a blend
of polymers. Even with a homopolymer, such as a commercial polypropylene, the
solid may contain varying amounts of polymers with different molar masses and
stereochemical and block sequence structure. Therefore it is desirable to be able
to dissolve the polymer in selective solvents and extract species on the basis of
To obtain an unambiguous characterization of a particular material, it is
often essential to fractionate a material (1–3). Synthetic polymers are rarely
homogeneous chemical species, but have multivariate distributions in molecu-
lar weight, chemical composition, chain architecture, and functionality (4). For a
precise characterization of a synthetic polymer, all the distributions need to be
determined, which is a difficult, if not virtually impossible, task. Traditionally,
fractionation has allowed separation of polymers on the basis of molecular mass
or chemical composition (2). With proper techniques it is often possible to separate
and characterize complex homo- and copolymer species on the basis of chemical
heterogeneity and molar mass.
Separation by Solubility. Fractionation (qv) of a polymer has tradition-
ally been based on solubility using precipitation, fractional dissolution (extrac-
tion), coacervate extraction, thin-layer chromatography, counter current distribu-
tion, and turbidimetry (5).
Two methods have been developed that are in common usage and aid the
fractionation of polymer materials. These are temperature rising elution fraction-
ation (TREF) (6–8) and Field Flow Fractionation (FFF) (9).
TREF was developed to separate semicrystalline polymers according to dif-
ferences in molecular structure or composition that influence the crystallinity
and solubility. TREF can be divided into crystallization and elution stages. In the
crystallization stage, the polymer is dissolved in a good solvent, and then allowed
to crystallize under controlled conditions by slowly decreasing the temperature.
Crystallization may take place on an inert support or the support may be added
later. In the elution step, solvent is pumped through a column packed with the
polymer-support mixture, while the temperature is increased. Polymer elutes in
the reverse order that it was crystallized, with less crystalline material eluting at
lower temperatures followed by more crystalline polymer at higher temperatures
and has been used for polyalkenes (6,8). In preparative TREF (P-TREF) polymer
halogen, sulfur, and the Kjeldahl oxidation for nitrogen and, occasionally, phospho-
rus. The structure of the polymer will then usually be determined by a combination
of spectroscopic and mass spectroscopic analysis of degradation products.
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. Identification of the type of func-
tional groups present in a polymer is effectively achieved by infrared and Raman
analysis (23–28). The spectroscopic selection rules for infrared and Raman activ-
ity are respectively a dipole moment or polarizability change during interaction
of electromagnetic radiation with the atomic grouping (see VIBRATIONAL SPEC-
TROSCOPY). A vibration that gives a strong infrared signature may be weak in the
Raman spectrum and vice versa. It is relatively easy to identify the occurrence
of carbonyl, ethers, aromatic functions, hydroxyl groups, epoxy rings, carbon–
halogen, and carbon–hydrogen bonds. The techniques are applicable to the study
of solids (usually as very thin films), powders, and solutions. Raman spectroscopy
is particularly useful when studying aqueous solutions, wet samples, or where dif-
ferentiation between polymers with similar structures is necessary. Using laser
sources, depolarization data associated with the Raman spectra can be obtained
and conformational differences in molecular structure determined. At low fre-
quencies, ca 100 cm − 1 , the longitudinal acoustic mode (LAM) is observed in the
Raman and is characteristic of the all trans structure of the polymer backbone and
used to study the lamellar structure in crystalline polymers, such as polyethylene
(29–32). Shifts in the Raman spectra have been used to indicate how local stresses
are distributed within a sample (29,33).
Application of stress can induce changes in the infrared spectrum (34,35).
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in which rapid multiple scanning
of the sample is possible (22,29), has allowed real-time observation of changes
in the spectra. Studies have been reported of materials subjected to an applied
external stress or used to follow the cure reaction of a thermoset. Computer li-
braries allow assignment of the spectra and identification of various functional
groups within the polymer. Attenuated total reflection (ATR) attachments allow
the surface of films to be explored (36). The ATR technique uses a glancing an-
gle and total internal reflection of the infrared beam to collect information on
the groups that lie close to the surface of the film (5–10 µm). Data manipulation
techniques such as difference spectroscopy (spectral subtraction), factor analysis,
spectral deconvolution, and least squares fitting of calibration plots allow quanti-
tative determination of the species present.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(qv) (NMR) provides both qualitative and quantitative analysis with respect to
monomer composition and the average configuration of the polymer chain (22,37,
38). Both solid-state and conventional NMR techniques provide information on
molecular structure, dynamics of the chain, crystallinity, network formation, and
chain entanglement (39–41). Many types of nuclei may be observed; but proton
(1 H) and carbon-13 (13 C) are usually investigated. Other useful nuclei studied
include silicon (29 Si), nitrogen (15 N), fluorine (19 F), and phosphorus (31 P). The use
of FTNMR with superconducting magnets and wide bore magnets has allowed a
wide range of materials to be studied.
Proton (1 H) NMR, initially, was used for structural characterization, and
use of the Karplus equation has allowed conformational and configurational anal-
ysis to be carried out on a wide range of polymers in solution (42). The advent of
various pulse sequences has enhanced the signal sensitivity and consequently the
popularity of carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy. The natural abundance of 13 C is 1.1%
and although there are problems of sensitivity, the spectra are simplified because
carbon–carbon coupling is rarely observed in naturally-occurring materials. 1 H
decoupling leads to spectra that consist of a series of single lines indicative of
the types of chemical environment present. The inherent spectral separation of
carbon chemical shifts is generally greater than for protons, ie, 0–220 ppm for 13 C
compared with 0–10 ppm for 1 H, making assignment relatively easy. The 1 H de-
coupled line width is typically about 2–10 Hz for solution spectra. Grant and Paul
(43) established that since the shifts are dependent on the s-orbital density, the
observed shifts can be used to characterize the sequence structure of the polymer
backbone. (22,44–50). Many molecular modeling packages contain software which
will predict the 13 C spectrum. Subtle differences in both configuration and confor-
mation of the polymer chain and changes in the dynamics of the chain backbone
as a consequence of substitution can be observed (22,45).
Use of various pulse sequences has allowed solid-state NMR to be used
to explore morphological features in solids. Studies of diblock copolymers of
poly(styrene)–poly(methyl methacrylate) indicate domain sizes from 1 to 100 nm
(51). Studies of the morphology and dynamics in poly(ethylene terephthalate)
(52) and polyethylene (53) indicate the presence of a number of different phases.
Motional heterogeneities within the phases of core shell particles composed of
poly(n-butyl acrylate) (PBuA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) have also
been demonstrated (54). The scope of the technique is continuing to develop and
provide insight into the way in which chain–chain interactions influence the poly-
mer morphology (55).
Detailed analysis of 1 H and 13 C NMR coupling constants obtained from
solution spectra has allowed characterization of the chemical composition and
conformation of racemic and meso dyads in glassy polystyrenes (56), and the
stereoregularity in poly(methyl methacrylates) (57). With sufficient resolution,
detection of tacticity at a pentad and higher level is possible, allowing validation
of Bernouillian, Markov, or other statistical models for the description of polymer-
ization processes and the tendency for block formation in copolymers. Geometric
isomerism is readily detected in polybutadiene or polyisoprene, which form cis
and trans double bonds in the polymer backbone as well as undergoing 1,4 or 1,2
addition. Imaging has allowed the mapping of the diffusion of labeled species in
solids (58,59).
Pyrolysis. Spectroscopic methods can provide an identification of the
monomeric species present; however, pyrolytic degradation plays an important
role in the final assignment of the structure. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography is used
extensively for the analysis of synthetic (60–63) and natural polymers (64). Appli-
cation of heat to a sample leads to degradation (qv) and release of low molecular
mass fragments. The composition and relative abundance of the pyrolysis prod-
ucts are characteristic of a given polymer. The technique is used in conjunction
with other analytical methods, such as mass spectroscopy, infrared, and combina-
tions such as pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Pyrolysis can be
carried out either in a continuous or a pulse mode; the latter has the advantage
of minimizing the effects of secondary reactions on the fragmentation products.
Small samples, in the microgram to milligram range, are rapidly heated either
The GPC/SEC approach can be used for the determination of the molar mass or
the distribution of molar masses. Traditionally, refractive index detection has been
used and allows concentration of polymer to be measured as a function of elution
volume. Using this approach, and calibration with narrow molar mass distribution
samples, it is possible to determine the relative molar mass. Use of more complex
detector arrays allows internal calibration of the system to be achieved and ab-
solute molar mass determination (22,81). The usual triple detector combination
uses refractive index, capillary viscometry, and light scattering (82–88). The lat-
ter provides an absolute calibration of the instrument; the capillary viscometry
data gives through the intrinsic viscosity and hydrodynamic volume, information
on the polymer–solvent interactions. Using this approach, studies have been car-
ried out on multibranched star-shaped polyethers having poly(ethylene oxide)s
(PEO) arms (82) which illustrate how the method can provide information on the
architecture as well as molar mass. Due attention must be given to validating
the accuracy of the theory for the particular type of polymer being studied (82–
88). The multidetector systems are able to provide information on the size of the
polymer molecule in solution (89).
Average Molar Mass. The molar mass of a polymer is usually described
by an average molar mass. If the chains are counted by number it is the number-
average molar mass M̄ n , whereas if it is counted by weight it is the weight-average
M̄ w ; higher averages, M̄ z , etc, can also be calculated. The parameter M w /M n ,
known as the molar mass distribution, is characteristic of the method of synthesis.
Ionic and coordination polymerization will have an M w /M n approaching 1.05,
whereas a polymer produced using a radical initiated reaction has values between
1.5 and 4.5. Insertion polymerization, eg Ziegler–Natta olefin polymerization,
yields values between 5 and 20. With condensation and ring opening step growth
polymers, the value of M w /M n will be between 3 and 20. The distribution pa-
rameter can indicate whether the material is a blend of polymers or is a single
Three types of polymer distribution are typically observed in samples ob-
tained from polymerization: logarithmic normal, Poisson, and Schulz–Flory dis-
tributions. The Poisson distribution can be very narrow and occurs when a con-
stant number of polymer chains grow simultaneously and addition of the next
monomeric unit is independent of previous units and is found in anionic polymer-
ization (qv). The Schulz–Flory distribution, typical of radical polymerization (qv),
arises when a constant number of chains growing ends exist and when termina-
tion and chain initiation processes are also active. This is in contrast to the Poisson
distribution. A logarithmic-normal distribution is found for the polymerization of
polyethylene and polypropylene (90,91).
For simple quality assurance, GPC/SEC with a simple refractive index de-
tector is used, as the shape of the trace indicates directly the distribution of mo-
lar masses. Comparison of the distribution that is obtained from GPC/SEC with
MALDI-TOF has helped clarify the validity of both techniques, especially in the
case of low molar mass calibration samples. Simpler traditional methods are of-
ten more appropriate where a specific average is required to correlate variations
in a polymer material with a physical property. Solution viscosity measurements
[η] = K.M̄ αη
where K and α are constants valid over a limited molar mass range and specific to a
particular temperature–solvent combination. Generally, the value of α is between
0.5 and 1.0, and depends on the conformation of the polymer in solution. For
random coil conformations, obtained at theta conditions, α is around 0.5, and
extended conformations resulting in rod-like molecules give values approaching
1.0. Because α usually falls somewhere between 0.6 and 0.8, the viscosity average
molar mass M̄ ην is always somewhere between M̄ n and M̄ w . The value of M̄ ην is
often closer to M̄ w than M̄ n . The value of K is typically 1 × 10 − 4 dL/g, and values
of the constant are to be found in the Polymer Handbook (103). Because the values
of α and K reflect the hydrodynamic volume and are sensitive to changes in the
polymer architecture, long-chain branching will lower the values in comparison
to an equivalent linear polymer.
The concentration dependence of many physical properties indicates the
quality of the polymer–solvent interactions, through the second virial coefficients.
Study of the concentration and temperature dependence of these parameters pro-
vides information on the theta temperature, radius of gyration, and the mean
square end-to-end distance for a polymer coil. The radius of gyration is defined as
the root mean square distance from the center of mass of a polymer chain to a given
mass element. The characteristic ratio is a measure of the ratio of the square of the
average random-flight end-to-end distance to the product of a number of backbone
units times the interactions along the polymer chain. These parameters provide
useful information on the validity of a particular theoretical model and its ability
to describe the architecture and conformation of a polymer (104).
The ability to produce fractions of polymers has allowed their true physical prop-
erties to be determined. Polymer chain interactions are determined by the local
interactions and longer range effects that scale with the molar mass of the species.
The former will dictate whether it is possible to achieve sufficient favourable in-
teractions for crystallization to occur or whether local interactions are sufficiently
strong to inhibit ordering and an amorphous material is generated. Relatively
small changes in the size and distribution of these ordered regions can be re-
sponsible for dramatic differences in the physical and mechanical properties of
ostensibly the same polymer. The degree of ordering depends on the local organi-
zation; hence it is not uncommon to find that an isotactic form of a polymer may
be very different to that observed in a syndiotactic molecule. In polypropylene the
isotactic form of the polymer has a helical structure that crystallizes, whereas
the syndio or atatic forms are unable to pack and have rubbery characteristics
The ability of a material to absorb energy reflects the mobility of the chemical
entities it contains and the types of interaction that are broken as the temperature
is increased. In crystallizable polymers, the interactions between chains depend
on the chemical structure and range from the relatively weak van der Waals in-
teractions found in polyethylene to the strong dipole and hydrogen bonding inter-
actions found in nylon and polyurethanes. In between these extremes lie a range
of materials with interactions of a dipole–dipole nature and associated with ester,
amide, nitro, chloro, and ether groups which may or may not form crystalline
phases, depending on the ability of the chains to form a regular packed structure.
Hydrogen bonding is the strongest of the interactions and has a dominant effect
on the structures formed. In the case of aromatic containing polymers, significant
contributions can arise from dipole–induced dipole and higher order interactions
associated with the delocalized electronic structure of the molecules. Typically
the organized regions, even for the most crystalline of polymers, will be disrupted
by conformational (gauche) defects. The clustering of these defects will allow the
chains to loop or deviate from the lower energy (trans) extended structure that is
incorporated into the ordered regions. As a consequence of the defect structure,
the size of the crystalline domains will be typically of the order of a few tens of
nanometers. Higher order structures are created by organization of these primary
lamellae structures. Because of the possibility of chains folding back on one an-
other, the number of chains bridging from one crystallite to another will be fewer
than those reentering the structure from which they originate. These bridging
chains form a disordered structure that is amorphous. The geometry (spherulitic
or row-nucleated), size, and distribution of crystalline regions are complex and
affect physical properties in a complex way.
In other polymer systems, such as polystyrene, the steric constraints associ-
ated with the group pendant to the chain backbone inhibit packing and create a
disordered, amorphous, structure. Chain–chain interactions, however, can achieve
a level of packing density that leads to motion of the backbone being inhibited.
In this state, the polymer has properties of a glass. Increasing the temperature
leads to expansion, increased chain separation, and a decrease in the strength
of the interactions, and the solid exhibits flexible-rubbery characteristics. This
transformation is associated with the inclusion of volume for the chains to move
and is known as the glass–rubber transition T g (see GLASS TRANSITION). The rela-
tionship between supermolecular order/disorder and physical or mechanical prop-
erties depends on the thermal and mechanical history of a polymer (107).
Thermal Methods. Heating a polymer sample allows observation of the
changes in physical properties, associated with changes in the degree of packing
and chain–chain interaction. In thermal analysis, the properties are measured
as a function of temperature or time at constant temperature. Methods include
differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ther-
mogravimetric analysis (TGA), evolved gas analysis (EGA), adiabatic calorimetry
(AC), and a recent variant of DSC: modulated DSC (MDSC) (108–121). Use of so-
phisticated mathematical techniques and adaptation of the microscanning tech-
niques have allowed mapping of thermal properties at the micron level. These
techniques are not yet widely available, but will make a significant impact on our
understanding of the way in which one aspect of morphology influences another
in phase-separated materials and apparently homogeneous materials.
Amorphous Materials. The characteristic feature of amorphous polymers
(qv) is the observation of a glass–rubber transition temperature (T g ). The glass
transition (qv) temperature is associated with cooperative motion of the backbone
chain of a polymer and involves the collective motion of between six and 12 chem-
ical bonds on average. (122). The important difference between the T g and other
transitions that are observed below this temperature is that the T g process re-
quires free volume in the region into which the chains are going to move. The free
volume is produced by the expansion of the solid as a consequence of the increase
in chain–chain separation. As a consequence, the T g is sensitive to pressure; in-
creasing the pressure to which a material is subjected leads to an increase in Tg.
In contrast, the motion of groups attached to the backbone via a flexible link-
age exhibits simple Arrhenius/thermal activation behavior, the rate of the motion
varying linearly with temperature. The rate of chain motion associated with the
T g does not vary linearly with temperature, usually showing a marked tempera-
ture dependence that reflects the limitations imposed by the free volume. The T g
process reflects a dramatic change in physical properties of the material, changing
from being a rigid glass to a flexible rubber. The T g is usually reported as a single
value; however, the nature of the processes and its kinetic nature dictates that it
occurs over a broad temperature range. The process is complex, and hence differ-
ent methods of observation lead to a slightly different value being reported for the
same material (22,122). In addition, the length of the polymer chains can have an
influence on the value observed. The chain ends will require less free volume than
the motion of the center of a long chain. As a consequence, it is observed that for
many amorphous polymers, the value of T g varies with molar mass according to
the relationship
Tg (M) = Tg∞ −
where T g (M) is the value for that material, K is a constant characteristic of that
material, T g ∞ is the limiting value observed for a very high molar mass poly-
mer, and M n is the molar mass of the sample being studied. Recognition of the
above the melting point T m , the polymer chains can undergo extensive transla-
tional movement or flow. The melting of semicrystalline polymers (qv) as observed
by DSC indicates that the melting process often occurs over a range of temper-
atures. The breadth of the distribution is a reflection of the distribution of sizes
of the crystallites in the material. The value of T m is a function of a number
of properties that include molar mass, molar mass distribution, percent crys-
tallinity, and dimensions of the polymer crystallites.
An empirical rule which has been observed for many polymers is that T g ∼
2/3T m , where the temperatures are in Kelvin. This rule is applicable to most
vinyl, vinylidene, and condensation polymers. This ratio is lower for polymers
with unsubstituted backbones and higher for poly(α-olefins) with long alkyl side
groups. T αc occurs in crystalline and semicrystalline polymers and is ascribed to
an oscillation about the chain axes within the chain-folded crystals or a translation
along the axis. T αc is related to T m by
Tαc 25
= 0.85 +
Tm Tm
where all the temperatures are in Kelvin (123–125). The introduction of branches
and bulky side chains into linear polymers can inhibit crystallization and in the
case of polytetrafluorethylene aids the processing of the polymer by introducing
amorphous structure.
The usual approach to the study of the transitions is by the use of ther-
mal methods (see THERMAL ANALYSIS). The instruments for DTA and DSC are
different in construction. In DTA, the temperature difference between a sample
and a reference chamber is measured as a function of time or temperature as
heat is supplied to both chambers. In DSC, the heat flow into or from a sample
chamber compared to a reference chamber is measured as a function of time or
temperatures. Modern instrumentation is capable of measuring the heat input
or output of samples in the 0.2–30-mg range with high accuracy. The information
obtained from DSC and DTA with proper and suitable calibration is in many cases
similar, if not identical. Modulated DSC (113–116) is an adaptation of the DSC
method in which the heating, instead of being carried out in a linear manner, is
applied in an increasing sigmoidal fashion. Fourier transformation of the heat
flux against the heat flow allows separation of real and imaginary components.
The real part of the transform function is a direct measure of the heat capacity,
whereas the imaginary component is a measure of nonreversible heat flow. The
latter can be associated with crystallization, cure in the case of a not completely
cured thermoset resin, polymer degradation, and other similar types of process.
The curves can be used to directly measure the energy associated with the T m , or
the entropy associated with the T g or parameters characterizing other transitions.
The melting behavior can strongly influence the physical properties, and DSC
and DTA studies allow quantitative investigation of phase structure in a polymer
Plasticizer efficiency may be evaluated by studying the effects of plasticizers
on T g using thermal methods. The effects of the addition of nucleating agents on
the rate and extent of crystallite formation can similarly be quantified. Current
− A(T − Tg )
aT =
B + (T − Tg )
where A and B are constants specific for a given polymer. The constants obtained
are typically 17.4 for A and 51.6 for B (127). In practice, slight variations in the
values of the constants are observed which reflect the differences in the processes
that are responsible for the shift factors.
Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis. Dynamic mechanical thermal
analysis (DMTA) subjects the sample to a low amplitude cyclic stress and observes
the corresponding strain induced (see DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS). By com-
parison of the amplitude and the phase of the response, it is possible with suitable
calibration to deduce the dynamic modulus, storage modulus (energy dissipated
per cyclic of the stress), and tan δ, the ratio of storage to the dynamic modulus for
a particular form of deformation. In the typical apparatus it is possible to subject
samples to bending, shear, or torsion. Mapping these values of the physical param-
eters obtained as a function of the temperature allows identification of the major
transitions and quantification of the modulus of the glass and rubbery states.
The technique is ideally suited for the detection of phase separation in polymers,
where two values may be observed for the T g . These tests are highly sensitive to
crystallinity, orientation, morphology, dependence on molar mass in thermoplas-
tics, degree of cure in thermosets, and miscibility of multiphase systems including
composites and polymer blends (22,110).
Creep Tests. Creep tests measure deformation upon the application of con-
stant stress such as that obtained by hanging a weight on a sample and noting
the change in elongation as a function of time. Creep tests may be performed by
applying stress in tension, compression, flexural bending, shear, or torsion (twist-
ing) modes in such a way that the deformation increases with time. Dimensional
stability under static loads can be estimated in this manner and this information
is very useful to designers, fabricators, and engineers using plastics. Creep results
are often reported as the inverse of modulus or compliance (strain divided by the
applied stress), which for the reasons outlined above will be a time-dependent
quantity. If the level of stress is small it is possible to observe recovery of the
original dimensions, creep recovery.
Stress Relaxation Tests. Stress relaxation involves measurement of the
stress required to hold a given deformation as a function of time. The deformation
is initially applied as rapidly as possible to strain the sample to a certain degree.
The modulus calculated from such an experiment decreases with increasing time,
reflecting the polymer structure ability to redistribute the stress.
Both creep and stress relaxation is modeled using computer simulation soft-
ware based on simple spring (elastic deformation) and dashpot (viscous flow) mod-
els. Many polymers, when they approach the T g , will exhibit viscoelastic behavior
in which the physical characteristics are best described by considering the mate-
rial as having both solid- and liquid-like properties. Viscoelasticity is an important
property to be found in polymeric materials (see VISCOELASTICITY).
Impact Testing. Although not a fundamental materials property, the im-
pact strength is a very valuable parameter when attempting to determine the
suitability of a material for a particular application (128). Impact tests usually in-
volve striking a sample of a specified geometry with an object that is travelling at
high velocity. The most common tests are the Izod, Charpy, and falling weight. The
Izod and Charpy tests both employ a weighted pendulum. In the Izod test, a bar
of the polymer is suitably notched to act as a stress concentrator. The notched bar
is held vertical while clamped at one end. Charpy test has the specimen clamped
at both ends. The falling weight test is usually conducted with a weighted dart or
ball striking either a sheet or plate of material (see IMPACT RESISTANCE).
The underlying theme that emerges from the mechanical testing is the re-
quirement to characterize the molecular organization at various levels (129). This
organization–morphology is a function of the thermal history and various chemi-
cal and molar mass parameters implicit in the material being studied.
cooled from the melt (134). The X-ray diffraction techniques can be subdivided, de-
pending on the range over which the scattered electrons are collected. The major
structural types that are of interest are single crystals, polycrystalline aggre-
gates with crystals, randomly orientated “powder samples,” and polycrystalline
aggregates in which the crystals show a preferred orientation. The typical dis-
tances that are responsible for diffraction can be anywhere between 1 and 20
nm, which requires measurement of very small angles (5◦ –15◦ ) close to the inci-
dent beam. With synchrotron sources it is possible to measure such small angles,
whereas with conventional sources this is difficult. The technique is referred to
as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Studies of aromatic polyesters indicate
that even with these relatively complex molecules, regions of crystalline order
can exist and have a profound effect on their physical properties. The extension
of the technique, which scans a broader range of angles (∼10◦ –40◦ ), is designated
wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and provides information on spacing between
0.1 and 1 nm. This technique can provide valuable information on the crystalline
packing within the crystallites. Whereas in single crystals diffraction spots can be
observed, in many polymers halos are observed and these may have bright spots
which reflect the preferred orientation of the crystallites within the sample (see
Neutron Diffraction and Inelastic Scattering. Use of neutron scatter-
ing (qv) can, in principle, allow observation of the location of hydrogen atoms in
a lattice (135). The contrast between the scattering cross-section of hydrogen and
deuterium allows the distribution of a single labeled chain within a low scatter-
ing matrix. Although in principle deuteration leaves the structure of the polymer
essentially unchanged, there are distinct thermodynamic differences between the
protonated and deuterated polymer raising the question whether the structure
may have been changed by the insertion of the labeled polymer (136). Although
publications have been produced on neutron diffraction from polymeric single
crystals, most of the research has been carried out on inelastic scattering mea-
surements. The latter are concerned with energy transfer processes between the
neutron and the matrix and are ideal for the study of dynamic processes, but are
less easily interpreted in terms of the structure of the polymer. The one application
where neutron scattering has proved to be useful is for the determination of the
size of a labeled polymer coil in a nonlabeled matrix. It has been shown that the
dimensions of an amorphous polymer in the solid state approximate to those of the
ideal random coil dimensions that would be predicted to occur in near-ideal inter-
action conditions. Low energy or long-wavelength neutrons (0.4–2.0 nm), unlike
X-rays, produce little damage and can penetrate samples of up to 1-cm thickness,
which is thicker than those used for X-ray analysis.
Electron Scattering and Electron Microscopy Techniques. High en-
ergy electrons can be scattered by the molecule in the polymer structure and the
diffraction patterns will resemble those obtained from X-rays. Electron diffraction
is only really possible on very highly crystalline materials. If the sample is suf-
ficiently thin, then the analogue of the optical microscope can be used in which
the electron beam is passed through the sample and imaged on a sensitive pho-
tographic, or now an image, plane. The resolution of such a system can be at the
0.1-nm level and provides useful information that is below the resolution limit of
the conventional optical microscope. A problem with this method is that the high
energy electron beam (100–200 kV) can produce degradation of the sample, and
resolution that is usually associated with high acceleration voltages has to be bal-
anced against the time required to produce an satisfactory image. Transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) method has allowed visualization of the chain packing
in polyethylene-type of polymer (137). The TEM method requires that the sam-
ple be thinned to dimensions which allow the electron beam to pass through the
material which is typically below 100 nm. This requirement usually necessitates
that the section be prepared using a cold working microtome which generates
wafers that are of the order of a few tens of nanometers thick. The TEM method
can be used to provide electron diffraction data that can be used to calculate the
molecular spacing in crystalline phases in the polymer material. This type of in-
formation is very complementary to that obtained from X-ray diffraction, and with
the use of computer models of the order structure it is impossible to obtain quite
a precise definition of the chain-packing dimensions and orientation (138). The
alternative and slightly lower resolution approach to electron microscopy is scan-
ning electron microscopy (SEM) (139). In SEM, the back-scattering of electrons
used to provide information on the structure of polymers has resolution limits and
cannot normally provide molecular resolution data. The back-scattered electron
has an energy which is characteristic of the atoms that produce the scattering,
and imaging selective on a particular atomic distribution is possible (140). How-
ever, for polymers this is, not usually used as the resolution of light atoms such as
carbon and oxygen is very difficult and the method is only useful for heavy atoms.
It is, however, possible to identify the segregation of metal catalyst residues in
polyolefins. Electron microscopic techniques usually require that the sample be
coated with conducting media to avoid loss of resolution as a consequence of the
buildup of trapped charge, and hence sample preparation can be problematic.
Supermolecular Organization. Both in biological and synthetic polymer
systems, the local order at the nanometer scale very rarely extends to the micro
level (140). Interruption of the chain packing occurs by either chain folding or
conformational defects leading to major disruption in the perfection of the chain
packing. A variety of models have been formulated to assist visualization of these
structures, an example of which is the so-called fringe micelle model. Much of our
knowledge of the organization at this lengthy scale is obtained from either TEM or
SEM studies combined with X-ray diffraction measurements. The SEM technique
is ideally suited for the study of polymers allowing the magnification to be changed
from relatively low values, where the object can be imaged at optical resolution,
to length scales which are submicron to those where the resolution approaches
the subnanometer scale. The organization of the polymer chains observed at this
scale reflects the packing of smaller scale crystallites and allows visualization of
liquid crystalline order within extended domains of the polymer. The discussion
of this level of organization is often referred to under the general heading of tex-
tured polymer and may, in the case of a polymer such as cellulose, be constrained
to the microfibrils. In polyethylene, the organization of the crystalline lamellar
structures within domains leads to the creation of microcrystallites that can have
micron-size dimensions or larger (130,131) but from the point of view of their
mechanical properties are distinct entities. The dimensions of the range of the
structure at this level are defined by the extent to which the entity can be consid-
ered to have identifiable physical properties. In polyethylene, the cool deformation
of the substrate can lead to significant alignment of the crystallites and enhance-
ment of the modulus in the direction of the applied stress. The alignment of the
crystallites, however, has a negative effect: enhancement of the modulus in one
direction leads to a reduction in the strength in the direction transverse to the
draw direction (130). The development of anisotropy in a crystalline solid can be
visualized from examination of the angular dependence of the X-ray scattering
plots. The “pole” diagrams (131), which is a plot of scattering intensity as a func-
tion of the direction of the draw axis to the X-ray beam axis, allow the extent of
the anisotropy to be determined.
Optical Microscopy. Traditionally, light microscopy has played an im-
portant role in the visualization of ordered polymers, and a range of different ap-
proaches can be adopted to enhance the contrast, phase contrast, polarized light
microscopy, orientation birefringence, strain birefringence, modulated contrast,
interference microscopy, etc (132,141–144). Light microscopy rarely provides res-
olution better than several micrometers but can give a quick and easy assessment
of the extent of order in the polymer material.
Scanning Atomic Force Microscopy and Related Methods. Whereas
the characterization of the structure of the bulk solid is of relevance to the me-
chanical properties, a knowledge of the surface structure may be important in
understanding adsorption (qv), tribology, friction, adhesion, and other surface-
dominated phenomena (145,146) (see SURFACE PROPERTIES). The development of
atomic force microscopy (qv) (AFM) has allowed imaging at better than a nanome-
ter resolution of phase-separated and similar structure (147) (see also SCANNING
FORCE, MICROSCOPY). The surface analytical techniques will not be included in
this review but do provide a very important part of the characterization of atomic
composition and alignment and segregation of the polymer chains in the surfaces
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS). A positive
electron of very high energy can penetrate matter and through inelastic collisions
be slowed down until it has thermal energies. The inelastic collisions will
often produce damage resulting in the emission of electrons. The combination
of a positron (+ve electron) with an electron forms positronium. Positron-
ium is only stable if thermalized within a void of molecular dimensions. The
para-positronium can undergo spin allowed annihilate with the generation of
energy. The ortho-positronoium does not have the correct spin and will usually
annihilate through spin exchange with the electrons that form the walls of the
cavity in which it resides. The process allows determination of the size of the
molecular cavity through the lifetime of the ortho-positronium annihilation and
the intensity is directly proportional to the number density of the events. The
voids measured by this method are essentially those associated with the free
volume in an amorphous polymer. Study of PALS can indicate the mechanisms of
aging, plasticization, gas diffusion, and other processes that are morphologically
controlled in a disordered material (148).
Physical properties are a reflection of the degree and extent of the freedom of the
polymer molecule to undergo spatial rearrangement as a consequence of thermal
the cure temperature can also lead to trapped stresses, and these will usually
have to be relieved by post-thermal treatment. A number of rheological, thermal,
dielectric relaxation, and spectroscopic methods exist for the monitoring of the
cure processes. The techniques used for the study of thermoplastics are generally
appropriate for the study of thermosets, provided flow is not required to make the
In terms of application, polymers are used in a variety of different ways that lead
to the requirement to measure specific physical properties.
Electrical Characteristics. Although polymers have been traditionally
used as insulators, in recent years the ability to achieve intrinsic conductivity
has been demonstrated and is associated with systems in which the backbone has
developed an extended delocalized electronic structure, eg polyacetylene. Other
materials such as poly(vinyl chloride) or polyethylene are used in electric insula-
tion applications. In the latter it is their ability to inhibit electron migration that is
the important characteristic. A range of tests exists to help measure such features
as the electric breakdown resistance. Other specific types of property observed in
polymers include semiconductivity, photoconductivity, piezoelectricity, pyroelec-
tricity, and static electrical charging (triboelectricity). Each of these features is a
direct consequence of a combination of chemical and specific morphological fea-
ture in the polymer or composite material. These properties have been used to
specific effect in microphones, load speakers, photocopying, display technology,
Stability. Polymers are used in a wide range of environments and their
ability to resist environmental factors is often a determining factor in their ap-
plication. The factors which will lead to degradation include mechanical stresses
due to handling, radiation, light, X-rays, and gamma rays; exposure to various
gases including oxygen, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and to solvents
and corrosive chemicals; and strong acids and strong bases. A variety of different
specific tests exist for the study of these features and relate to specific problems.
The most commonly encountered problem is thermal degradation associated with
injection molding and similar methods and directly related to the relative stability
of particular bonds forming the backbone and side chains (189) (see DEGRADATION;
Permeability. Many polymers are used in packaging and, in particular,
for food. In this latter case the permeability to gases and vapors is of prime im-
portance. The permeation or transmission of a gas or vapor is a function of the
solubility of a gas or vapor in the polymer and the rate of diffusion through the
matrix. The permeability coefficient, diffusion constant, and solubility coefficients
can all be measured and are influenced by the chemical structure and morphol-
ogy. In order to achieve the required permeability characteristics it is common
to co-extrude a series of polymers to form a laminated structure. Such materials
allow selective permeation of a specific species and enhance the life of the product
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University of Strathclyde