Verse Choir Mechanics
Verse Choir Mechanics
Verse Choir Mechanics
Speech Choir (English Month Competition). Speech Choir or verse choir brings out the
beauty of harmony and unison, hence providing speakers and listeners alike with an
experience that is both exciting and intense in the interpretation of a literary piece.
Speech choirs shall be comprised of twelve (12) to twenty-five (25) class members.
“REVERSE CREATION” by Bernard Backman shall be the piece and be recited with
vocal and other effects in five (5) to seven (7) minutes.
Members of the choirs shall wear and use costumes, props, and others whenever
appropriate to improve the choral interpretation of the piece.
Dangerous stunts shall be prohibited. The board of judges reserves the right to
discontinue presentations whenever posing danger or risks to the members of the team,
the judges, and the audience.
Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered
final and irrevocable.
Only three (3) speech choirs shall be awarded as Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd
Overall Interpretation (40%). The speech choir invokes thoughts and feelings and
initiates a shared experience with the audience through superior dynamics, unique
techniques, and expressive interpretations of the lines.
Mastery and Delivery (40%). The speech choir demonstrates mastery of the piece by
maintaining vocal unison, stage poise, eye contact, and other verbal and nonverbal
Costume and Props (10%). The speech choir wears costumes and uses props
indispensable in the interpretation of the piece and shared experience between the choir
and the audience.
Audience Impact (10%). The speech choir succeeds in engaging the audience in the
shared experience, hence communicating the message of the literary piece.