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ASIP Architecture Implementation of Channel

Equalization Algorithms for MIMO Systems in

WCDMA Downlink
Predrag Radosavljevic, Joseph R. Cavallaro, and Alexandre de Baynast
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rice University, MS-366 - 6100 Main Street
Houston, Texas 77005
Email: {rpredrag, cavallar, debaynas}@rice.edu

Abstract— This paper presents a customized and flexible hard- While computationally efficient and low power solution, ASIC
ware implementation of linear iterative channel equalization processors are not flexible enough to support the necessary
algorithms for WCDMA downlink transmission in 3G wireless variations of implemented wireless applications. On the other
system with multiple transmit and receive antennas (MIMO
system). Optimized (in terms of area and execution time) and hand, DSP processors, although fully programmable, cannot
power efficient Application Specific Instruction set Processors achieve high performance with low power dissipation in highly
(ASIPs) based on Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) are parallel 3G applications. The drawback of DSP architecture
designed that can operate efficiently in slow and fast fading high solutions is limited level of instruction and data parallelism
scattering environments. The instruction set of TTA processors is that is necessary for future 3G/4G wireless applications. These
extended with several user-defined operations specific for channel
equalization algorithms that dramatically optimize the architec- are the reasons for the recent interest in new reconfigurable
ture solution for the physical layer of the mobile handset. The architectures with some level of programmability [3] and, at
final results of presented design-space exploration method are the same time, possibility for customization that is targeted
the ASIP processors with low cost/performance ratio. Automatic to a class of wireless applications with high levels of data
software-hardware co-design flow for conversion of C application and instruction parallelism. These architectures are called
code into gate-level hardware design of ASIP architectures is
also described. Implemented ASIP solutions achieve real time Application Specific Instruction set Processors (ASIPs) and
requirements for 3GPP wireless standard (1xEV-DV standard, in can replace multiple chip designs implemented as an ASIC
particular) with reasonable clock speed and power dissipation. architecture [4].
In this work we propose the implementation of iterative
I. I NTRODUCTION chip level channel equalization algorithms on ASIP proces-
Efficiency and flexibility are crucial features of processors sors based on Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) [5] in
in the next generation of wireless cellular systems. Processors WCDMA MIMO downlink transmission. Channel equaliza-
need to be efficient in order to achieve real-time require- tion restores the orthogonality of the spreading waveforms
ments with low power consumption for computationally very destroyed by channel multipaths and suppresses strong Multi-
demanding algorithms in new emerging wireless standards ple Access Interference (MAI) and Inter-Symbol Interference
(3GPP, 4G, 802.11x, DVB-S2, DAB, just to name a few). (ISI). We show that the application specific processor design
Flexibility, on the other hand, allows design modifications in based on TTA is programmable and configurable enough to
order to respond to: different channel environments, changes handle different variations of channel equalization. The de-
of user requirements depending of the quality of service signed ASIP architecture operates efficiently in a broad range
(QoS), different workloads, different kinds of data, etc. Often, of channel environments defined by 3GPP standard (from two-
efficiency and flexibility goals are conflicting. paths Pedestrian A to five-paths Vehicular A channels, speed
In this work we propose both flexible and application of mobile subscriber varies from 3km/h to 120 km/h) [1].
specific (customized) hardware solutions for implementation In order to achieve real-time requirements in high data rate
of channel equalization algorithms at the physical layer of the downlink applications, parallel architectures are developed for
3G mobile handset. Processors for mobile handsets in cellular low power dissipation with the clock frequency limited to
systems that support the 3GPP standard ([1] and [2]) require approximately 150 MHz.
at the same time both high speed and low power dissipation. This paper is organized as follows. The principles of channel
In addition, computationally very demanding algorithms are equalization at the receiver side as well as the equalization-
needed to remove high levels of multiuser interference es- specific operations are introduced in section II. Customized
pecially in the presence of multiple antennas on the base- ASIP architectures for channel equalization algorithm in
station and mobile handset (MIMO wireless system). Tradi- MIMO downlink are proposed in section III. Simulation esti-
tional architecture solutions are ASIC and DSP processors. mates (clock speed, power dissipation, and area) obtained with

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the TTA software tools are presented in section IV. Detailed provided by implementation of user-defined function units
description of exploration for optimal ASIP architectures can customized for a given application. TTA is programmed by
be found in section V. The automatic software-hardware directly specifying data transports which then trigger the oper-
design flow and gate-level synthesis are presented in section ations as the side effect (implicit data control). The advantages
VI. The conclusions are stated in section VII. of the TTA processors are, also, short cycle time, and fast
and application specific processor design. The MOVE software
II. E QUALIZATION A LGORITHM toolset [10] enables an exhaustive design-space exploration.
Powerful low complexity chip-level channel equalization
based on iterative Conjugate Gradient (CG) algorithm [6] B. Our ASIP Architecture Solution
for inversion of covariance matrix and computation of filter We propose a 32-bit wide ASIP architecture (buses and ports
coefficients in various scattering environments (slow and fast of FUs are 32 bits wide) with 16-bit fixed-point arithmetic
fading channels) has been proposed in [7] and [8]. The main [9] for real-time equalization that is suitable to operate in
feature of CG equalization is fast convergence speed to the low/high scattering and slow/fast fading environments. Real-
LMMSE solution (direct inversion of covariance matrix). To time requirements are related to the 3GPP chip rate of 1.2288
be robust to the channel variations several adaptations of basic Mcps [1] that provides available time of approximately 810
CG equalization have been applied [9] while keeping the same ns for processing one data sample.
architecture. In this work, channel equalization and adaptive
variations for fast fading environments are all mapped to the
same optimized and flexible ASIP architecture. data_out data_in

Equalization algorithm is composed of two main steps: i) RAM

Channel estimation/covariance matrix computation/filter up-
date part mainly consists of sign-test operations followed by LSU LSU ALU ALU ALU CXMUL

complex addition/subtraction operations, as well as complex

multiplications and real multiplication with shifting capabil-
ity. ii) Filtering+despreading/descrambling (user detection) is 8x4 int
a uniform algorithm that consists mainly of complex multipli- regs
cations and accumulations. Indeed, the equalization algorithm 1x1 bool
consists of some non-standard operations therefore several reg
specific user-defined operations can be designed for efficient
ASIP implementation. The block diagram of channel equalizer ALU ALU SALU SALU SALU MUL

in MIMO downlink based on iterative CG algorithm is shown

in Figure 1. Fig. 2. Optimized architecture: co-processor for CG filter update

Pilot Data The design of ASIP equalizer architecture is optimized by

implementing several Special Functional Units (SFUs). Com-
Channel Estimation plex multiplier (CXMUL in Figures 2, and 3) with shifting
(normalization) is one of the designed SFUs. Packing of 16-bit
Covariance Matrix data (I and Q part of received samples) into 32-bit numbers
enables that SFU for complex arithmetic have two, instead
of four, input ports (the operands are two complex 32-bit
CG Filter Update
numbers). Data are unpacked inside the SFU (unpacking of
real and imaginary parts of two complex input operands),
Buffer User complex arithmetic on four 16-bit numbers is performed and
N samples Filtering
detection two results (real and imaginary part) are packed in 32-bit
value. In this way both the instruction and data parallelism
Fig. 1. Block diagram of CG equalizer at the mobile handset are achieved within the CXMUL SFU and the amount of
data transports across the buses is reduced. Consequently,
III. I MPLEMENTATION OF ASIP A RCHITECTURE the number of buses is significantly decreased. Comparison
between traditional solution with real multipliers and real
A. TTA architecture adders and the alternative architecture solution with complex
The implemented ASIP architecture is based on the Trans- multiplier is shown on Figure 3.
port Triggered Architecture (TTA) [5] that is a superclass of An SFU for arithmetic operations with sub-word parallelism
VLIW architecture. TTA exploits both instruction and data is also implemented (sub-word add/subtract operation between
level parallelism. The architecture is flexible and new func- two 32-bit numbers represents two parallel add/subtract op-
tional units (FUs), buses, and registers can be added without erations on packed 16-bit operands, for example). The main
any restrictions. In addition, application specific support is feature of this Special Arithmetic Logic Unit (SALU in

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32 32
to utilize SFUs [9]. A cost-database of hardware components
contains estimates for dynamic power dissipation and area
based on the 0.13 µ CMOS technology. Frequency f is
* * CXMUL* * the minimum clock frequency necessary to achieve real-time
+ 16 bits + requirements. In Table I, we consider a six-path Pedestrian
B environment [11] (largest computational complexity) in the
ADD ADD presence of two transmit and two receive antennas.
Fig. 3. Real multipliers/adders and corresponding complex FU IMPLEMENTED WITH AND WITHOUT SFU S IN P ED . B ENVIRONMENT

Type Buses P [mW] A[gates] Real Mult f [MHz]

1. W/o SFUs 32 190 262,063 8 203
Figure 2) is sign-test of pilot samples and then, depending 2a. W/o SFUs 32 119 190,554 8 102
on operand sign, the appropriate sub-word operation between 2b. W/o SFUs 32 128 230,009 8 102
I and Q values of received data is performed. This two-stage 1. W SFUs 20 72 130,036 9 135
operation is a very frequent operation in the channel estimation 2a. W SFUs 14 36 76,225 5 104
algorithm. The third kind of SFU that is mainly utilized in up- 2b. W SFUs 9 29 54,519 4 101
dating of filter coefficients using iterative CG algorithm is real
multiplication with right shifting by a varying number of bits. Implementation of SFUs causes less data traffic that leads
Since the fixed-point implementation of CG algorithm requires to a significant reduction in the number of buses. The number
some arithmetic precision adjustments, the implementation of of instructions (data transports - ’move operations’) is signifi-
this SFU helps to achieve better convergence to the LMMSE cantly decreased (from 15,196 to 9,418, for full equalization of
solution. one block of 4096 received chips) by implementing SFUs for
By implementing all of these special function units we are complex arithmetic and sub-word parallelism. The smaller in-
able to significantly reduce the bus traffic and connections terconnection network with fewer buses automatically reduces
between buses and FUs, and to optimize (in terms of area, the instruction length - reduction from 736 bits (architecture
execution time and power dissipation) the overall architecture 1. without SFUs from Table I) to 384 bits (architecture 1. with
design. The cost database is updated with the power and area SFUs). As a consequence, the power dissipation and the area
estimates of the implemented SFUs. Our design still contains of the processor core are also dramatically decreased.
standard FUs such as arithmetic FU (add/subtract, shifting) In the two co-processor architecture, filtering on the second
and load/store units as an interface with data memory. The co-processor is based on the updated filter coefficients that
optimized architecture configuration for CG filter update (full are sent from the first co-processor via the external RAM
equalization algorithm presented in Figure 1 except filtering memory interface (shown in Figure 2). Two co-processors
and user detection) with SFUs is presented in Figure 2. operate simultaneously in a pipelined fashion - filtering of
We show that by exploiting the custom nature of ASIP the previous block of data samples is performed while the
architectures the internal structure is simplified especially the filter update for the current block is computed. The benefit
interconnection network between FUs that is a major concern of the single processor approach is the fact that there is
for area occupation and power dissipation. Furthermore, the no need for additional external interface for inter-processor
architecture design is more general than CG equalization - communication as in the architecture with two co-processors.
the majority of implemented user-defined operations can be The main drawback is the larger workload that needs to be
utilized in other linear equalization schemes such as Least processed leading to a higher clock frequency and eventually
Mean Square (LMS). It can be shown that the identical ASIP to higher power dissipation (see simulation estimates from
architecture design can be programmed for LMS equalization Table I).

In this section we present two hardware architectures for CG Environment Tex [cycles] P [mW] fclk [MHz]
equalization: i) single processor for full equalization referred PedA2x2 251,305 39 76
to in Table I as ’1’, and ii) a second solution with two parallel PedB2x2 446,490 72 135
co-processors: one for channel estimation/covariance matrix VehA2x2 503,964 90 152
computation/filter update referred to as ’2a’, and the other
co-processor for filtering+despreading/descrambling referred Simulation statistics (for processing one block of 4096 data
to as ’2b’. Both solutions are evaluated with and without samples) on the single TTA processor implementation with
implementation of SFUs. The presented ASIP processors are SFUs for full CG equalization algorithm in pedestrian and
obtained by using MOVE software tools [10] (compiler and vehicular environments [11] is presented in Table II. After the
processor explorer) that have been modified in order to be able design exploration phases (described in the next section for

0-7803-8521-7/04/$20.00 (C) 2004 IEEE

two-coprocessor solution), it is determined that the optimal Area: coprocessor for CG update
Area: coprocessor for filtering
architecture (in term of cost/performace ratio) consists of: 20 160
Power: coprocessor for CG update
Power: coprocessor for filtering
buses, 4 load/store units, 8 arithmetic FUs (ALUs), 3 SALUs,

Power [mW], Area [KGates]

one real multiplier with shifting ability by various number of
bits, and two CXMULs (total of nine real multipliers, see Table 120
I). Data (received data samples and known training sequence)
are stored in two dual-port RAM blocks. The proposed ASIP 100

processor is a power efficient and flexible solution that can 80

operate in different channel environments and achieve real-
time requirements for 3GPP high data rate downlink standard 60

with a reasonable clock frequency. 40


60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
More detailed insight into strategies of TTA design explo- Clock Frequency [MHz]
ration for presented architecture solution with two simulta-
neously operating co-processors is described in this section. Fig. 4. Design exploration of co-processor for CG filter update and co-
processor for filtering, both optimized for Pedestrian B channel
Also, a comparison between the two co-processor architecture
and the single processor solution will be presented. In Figure 4, The most optimal range of clock frequency required to
power and area estimates for both co-processors are shown as a achieve real-time requirements is between 100 MHz and
function of minimum clock frequency needed to achieve real- 133 MHz. For a clock frequency of only 66 MHz, larger
time requirements for the 1xEV-DV standard [2]. Proposed area (more hardware units that operate in parallel) is needed
architectures are optimized for CG equalization in a Pedestrian for achieving real-time requirements. Although the clock
B channel environment (the most computationally complex frequency is relatively low, the power dissipation is high
case) with two transmit and two receive antennas. because of the larger number of functional units, buses, and
The same following strategy for design exploration is ap- interconnections. On the other hand, if the minimum clock
plied for both co-processor architectures. The starting co- frequency is set to be higher (about 200 MHz), the area of the
processor configurations have a large number of: buses (24 corresponding optimal co-processors is only slightly reduced
for co-processor for filter update, and 16 for co-processor for since small architecture reduction in this range of clock
filtering and user detection), register file ports (32 read and frequency can cause significant deterioration of performance.
write ports divided into 8 register files), and hardware units Because of the higher clock frequency the power dissipation
(ALUs, SALUs, CXMULs, LSUs, etc) in order to achieve starts to increase in this region.
real-time requirements with a clock frequency of 66MHz. The As mentioned, the single processor architecture for im-
resource exploration is performed, and the number of registers plementation of full CG equalization (pipelined execution of
and register file ports are reduced to the point where the CG filter update algorithm and user detection on the same
execution time is still approximately the same. Now, both processor) is an alternative solution. The most efficient pro-
co-processors have the same number of buses and FUs as cessor (in terms of power, area, and execution time) is already
before, but the number of register file ports and registers is sig- presented in section III (see Table II). An identical design
nificantly reduced. These become new starting co-processors exploration strategy is applied. The area of approximately
for the next stage of resource optimization - reduction of 130,000 gates and the power dissipation (for clock frequency
mostly buses and function units. The result of this two-stage of 133 MHz) of about 72 mW are somewhat larger than the
resource optimization process is the optimized co-processors cumulative estimates for two co-processors for the same clock
with minimum number of register file ports, registers, buses speed (see Figure 4). The reasons for this are larger workload
and function units. Four discrete values (66, 100, 133, and and non-perfect parallelism between different sub-parts of the
200 MHz) for minimum clock frequency for achieving real- equalization algorithm.
time requirements are chosen for accurate power and area
estimation since the cost database contains power and area VI. G ATE -L EVEL S YNTHESIS OF ASIP A RCHITECTURES
estimates only for discrete values of clock period. This set of In this section, the principles of automatic hardware imple-
co-processors represents initial architectures for the last phase mentation of optimized ASIP processors based on TTA with
of design exploration - the connectivity optimization where the special function units will be described. Synthesis result for
unnecessary connections between buses and function units are gate-level design of ASIP processor for full channel equaliza-
removed. This optimization stage simplifies the interconnec- tion (including the user detection) from Table II is presented.
tion network between FUs and significantly lowers the power We show that by using several software tools from different
dissipation and gate count (area). The final estimates for power vendors it is possible, in a fast and efficient way, to produce
dissipation and area of fully optimized co-processors for the hardware implementation of the target ASIP processor. The
range of clock frequency between 66 MHz and 200 MHz are entire hardware-software co-design flow is presented on Figure
shown in Figure 4. 5.

0-7803-8521-7/04/$20.00 (C) 2004 IEEE

layer of the mobile handset in MIMO wireless systems that can
operate efficiently in various channel environments including
Library of MOVE Library of high scattering fast fading transmission channels. It is shown
FUs Tool SFUs
that the area and power consumption can be dramatically
reduced by implementing application-specific functional units.
Description At the same time, additional speedup in the execution time
is achieved. Two different hardware solutions are presented:
MOVEGen single processor for full equalization and two interfaced co-
processors, as well as the methodology for design-space explo-
Processor ration for the optimal ASIP architectures for CG equalization.
Library It is shown that the solution with two parallel co-processors
achieves real-time with a slower clock frequency but requires
Mentor Predesigned
the use of an external interface.
Xilinx ISE
Graphics Components We also presented an efficient design flow for hardware
implementation of ASIP architectures. This design flow starts
Processor Virtex2
Layout FPGA with fixed-point C code for the application and ends with gate-
level implementation of the target processor. Several software
tools from different vendors are efficiently combined together
Fig. 5. Design flow from HLL code to hardware implementation
in order to achieve automatic software-hardware co-design of
In general, hardware/software co-design [12] is a well ASIP processors based on TTA.
known strategy for fast and flexible ASIC hardware imple- VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
mentation of applications described by High Level Languages
This work was supported in part by Nokia Corporation,
(HLLs), such as the C/C++ programming language. This strat-
Texas Instruments, Inc., and by NSF under grants EIA-
egy allows to efficiently avoid design errors and to decrease
0224458, and EIA-0321266.
design costs and time-to-market. In our case, hardware design
starts with a C language description of the equalization algo- R EFERENCES
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