FACULTY: Roy Sabri, DDS.
Objectives: At the end of this series, the resident should be able to:
1. Manage any clinical condition by proper diagnosis and establishing appropriate treatment
2. Evaluate the advantages and the prognosis of any treatment plan, and gauge the
components of a successful treatment.
3. Judge the optimal solution for critical cases, such as:
a. Extraction of hopeless molars
b. Extraction of retained primary molars with missing succedaneous teeth.
c. Management of missing teeth, such as lateral incisors.
d. Management of impacted teeth.
course is scheduled between October and June for the first year residents. It is given every Thursday at a 2-hour session between 8:00 a.m and 10:00 a.m and
imparts basic knowledge on different practical situations frequently encountered in orthodontic practice.
POLICY ON EXAMINATIONS: Biannual examinations (Midterm and Final) are given for the whole course.
1. Angle EH. Classification of malocclusion, Dental Cosmos 41:248-64, 350-7. 1899.
2. PW. Fundamental principles of a systematic diagnosis of dental anomalies (translated by BE Lischer), Boston 1926, Stratford Co., p. 320.
3. Ackerman JL, Proffit WR. The characteristics of malocclusion: A modern approach to classification and diagnosis. Am J Orthod 1969; 56:443-53.
4. Andrews LF.The six keys to normal occlusion. Am J Orthod 1972; 62: 296.
1. Andrews LF. The six keys to normal occlusion. Am J Orthod 1972; 62: 296.
A. Dental factors
a. Supernumerary teeth
b. Missing teeth
c. Anomalies of tooth size and shape
d. Abnormal labial frenum
e. Premature loss deciduous teeth
f. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth
g. Abnormal eruptive path/ectopic eruption
h. Transposition
i. Traumatic displacement of permanent teeth
j. Ankylosis
B. Oral habits
a. Thumb sucking
b. Tongue thrust
1. Graber TM. Etiology of malocclusion: Local factors in: Orthodontics: Principles and practice.WB Saunders Co. 3rd edition. 1972: 331-96.
2. Linder-Aronson S. Respiratory function in relation to facial morphology and the dentition. British Journal of Orthodontics 1979(6):59-71.
3. Ackerman R., Klapper L. Tongue position and open-bite: The key roles of growth and the nasopharyngeal airway. Journal of Dentistry for Children
Sept-Oct 1961;48(5):339-45.
A. Ectopic eruption
B. Transposition
C. Large midline/diastema
D. Anterior rotation
E. Supernumerary teeth
F. Trauma
G. Missing teeth
H. Ankylosed
I. Infraoccluded primary molars
J. Over retained primary molars
K. Primary failure of eruption
L. Space loss / Space regaining
A. Serial extractions
B. Arch length maintenance to gain space
C. Arch development
D. Fixed appliances in excessive misalignment
A. Cl III problems
B. Cl II problems
1. Power SM, Short ME. An investigation into the response of palatally displaced canines to the removal of deciduous canines and an assessment of factors
contributing to favorable eruption. Br J Orthod 1993; 20:214-23.
2. Ericson S, Kurol J. Early treatment of palatally erupting maxillary canines by extraction of primary canines. Eur J Orthod 1988; 10:283-95.
3. Sabri R. Les accidents d’éruption des incisives centrales supérieures dus à des dents surnuméraires: Diagnostic précoce et traitement. Rev Orthop Dento
Faciale 1992; 26 (3):319-27.
4. Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM. Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth. 3rd ed. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1993.
5. Sabri R. Long term follow-up treatment of an impacted dilacerated maxillary central incisor. Lebanese Dent J 2000; 38:69-76.
6. Sabri R. Complications orthodontiques des traumatismes de l’incisive centrale supérieure temporaire et leur traitement. J Odonto-Stomatol Pediatr 1993; 3
7. Sabri R. Management of missing maxillary lateral incisors. JADA 1999; 130(1):80-4.
8. Sabri R, Nasseh I. La rétention des dents temporaires. Rev Odontostomatol 1993; 22 (4):307-14.
9. Osler MS, Kokich V. Alveolar ridge changes in patients congenitally missing mandibular 2nd premolars. J Prosthet Dent 1994; 71:144-9.
10. Sletten DW et al. Retained deciduous mandibular molars in adults: A radiographic study of long-term changes. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003;
11. Kurol J,Koch G. The effect of extraction of infraoccluded deciduous molars: a longitudinal study. Am J Orthod 1985; 87:46-55.
12. Proffit WR. Contemporary Orthodontics. Mosby, 3rd Edition 2000: 249-56.
13. Little R et al. Serial extraction of first premolars - postretention evaluation of stability and relapse. Angle Orthod 1990; 60:255-62
14. Dale JG. Serial extraction …nobody does this anymore! Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000; 117 (5): 564.
15. Sampson WJ, Richards LC. Prediction of mandibular incisor and canine crowding changes in the mixed dentition. Am J Orthod 1985; 88:47-63.
16. Brennan M, Giannelly A. The use of the lingual arch in the mixed dentition to solve crowding. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000; 117:81-5.
17. Nance H. The limitations of orthodontic treatment. I.Mixed dentition diagnosis and treatment. Am J Orthod Oral Surg 1947; 33:177-223
18. Dugoni S. et al. Early mixed dentition treatment: post retention evaluation of stability and relapse . Angle Orthod 1995; 65:311-20.
! " # $ %
20. Mouakeh M. Cephalometric evaluation of craniofacial pattern of Syrian children with Class III malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;
21. Kapust AJ, Sinclair PM, Turley PK. Cephalometric effects of face mask / expansion therapy in Class III children: a comparison of three age groups. Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1998; 113:204-12.
22. Saadia M, Torres E. Sagittal changes after maxillary protraction with expansion in Class III patients in the primary, mixed, and late mixed dentitions: a
longitudinal retrospective study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000; 117: 669-80.
23. Ngan PW et al .Treatment response and long term dentofacial adaptations to maxillary expansion and protraction. Semin Orthod 1997; 3:255-64.
24. Proffit WR, Philips C. The characteristics of patients seeking surgical orthodontic treatment. Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg 1990; 5:153-60.
25. Bailey LJ; Proffit WR, White RP. Trends in surgical treatment of Class III skeletal relationships. Int J Adult Orthod Orthograph Surg 1995; 10:108-18.
26. Von Bremen J, Pancherz H. Efficiency of early and late Class II Division 1 treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002; 121: 31-7.
27. Tulloch JFC et al. The effect of early intervention on skeletal pattern in Class II malocclusion: a randomized clinical trial.Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
1997; 111:391-400.
28. Tulloch JFC, Proffit WR, Phillips C. Outcomes in a 2 phase randomized clinical trial of early class II treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004; 125:
29. Sabri R. Non-surgical correction of a skeletal Class II, Division malocclusion with bilateral crossbite and anterior openbite. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
1998; 114 (2): 189-94.
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2. Salzmann JA. Effect on occlusion of uncontrolled extraction of first permanent molars: prevention and treatment. J Am Dent Assoc 1943; 30: 1681-90.
3. Thilander B, Skagius S. Orthodontic sequelae of extraction of permanent first molars. A longitudinal study. Trans Eur Orthod Soc 1970; 429-42.
4. Thunold K. Early loss of the first molars 25 years after. Trans Eur Ortod Soc 1970; 349-65.
5. Sabri R. Early extraction of four permanent first molars with enamel hypoplasia: A case report. JLDA 1996; 34:55.
6. Sabri R. An unusual case of maxillary premolar and molar impaction. JLDA 1998; 36: 121-7.
7. Sabri R. Le dilemme des premières molaires permanentes a pronostic douteux chez l’enfant: traiter ou l’extraire? JLDA 2002:40.
8. Sandler PJ, Atkinson R, Murray AM. For four sixes. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000; 117: 418-34.
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12. Bachman LH. Paedodontic-orthodontic considerations in the extraction of the first molars. Trans Eur Orthod Soc 1970; 383-7.
13. Stamatis J, Orton H. The molar extraction debate. Austral Orthod J 1994; 13: 117-21.
14. Hallet GEM, Burke PH. Symmetrical extractions of first permanent molars. Factors controlling results in the lower arch. Trans Eur Orthod Soc 37th cong,
15. Johnsen DC. A review of orthodontic sequelae to early first permanent molar extraction-some promise-many pitfalls. West Virginia Dent J 1976; 50: 9-12.
16. Penchas J, Peretz B, Becker A. The dilemma of treating severely decayed first permanent molars in children: to restore or to extract. ASDC J Dent Child
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17. Oliver RG. Orthodontics in general practice. Declining caries and the role of the first permanent molar. Dent Update 1986 Nov-Dec; 13 (10): 493-8.
18. Oliver SJ, Dummer PM, Oliver RG, Hicks R, Addy M, Kingdom A, Shaw WC. The relationship between loss of first permanent molar teeth and prevalence
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19. De Angelis V. Selection of teeth for extraction as an adjunct to orthodontic treatment. J Am Dent Assoc 1973; 87: 610-5.
20. Grave KC, Gallagher DP. Upper first molar extractions. J Clin Orthod 1984; 18: 738-40.
21. Schonherr E. Extraction of the first molars in orthodontic practice. Trans Eur Orthod Soc 1970; 389-402.
22. Plint DA. The effect on the occlusion of the loss of one or more first permanent molars. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc 1970; 329-36.
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24. Daugaardt-Jensen I. Extraction of first molars in discrepancy cases. Am J Orthod 1973; 64: 115-36.
25. Bassigny F. Les traitements avec extraction des premières molaires. Orthod Fr 1979; 50: 131-272.
26. Brandt S, Safirstein GR. Different extractions for different malocclusions. Am J Orthod 1979; 68: 15-41.
27. Canal P, Bassigny F. Effet des traitements avec extraction des quatre premières molaires sur la dimension verticale. Orthod Fr 1978; 50: 471-8.
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31. Hitchcock HP. Extraction of first molars in openbite. A case report. Trans Eur Orthod Soc 1970; 403-8.
32. Voss H. Extraction of first permanent molars. Quintessence Int 1971 Mar; 2 (3): 61-2.
33. Philips JG. The difficult extraction. 1. The first permanent molar. Ent Update 1987 Jan-Fev; 14 (1): 23-7.
34. Orton HS, Carter NE. Initial management of first molar extraction cases. J Clin Orthod 1988 Apr; 22 (4): 230-4.
35. Travesi J, Garcia-Espona I. L’extraction des premières molaires: une solution dans le traitement des béances squelettiques. Rev Orthop Dento Faciale 1995;
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36. Safirstein GR. Case report SB: long-term follow-up on Class II treatment with first molars extractions. Angle Orthod 1996; 66 (2): 89-94.
37. Brosnihan J, Rice C. Divide and Conquer: extracting maxillary first molars. Dent Today 1998; 17 (10): 116-9.
38. Abu Aihaija ES, McSheny PF, Richardson A. A cephalometric study of the effect of rxtraction of lower first permanent molars. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2000; 24
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39. Gill DS, Lee RT, Tredwin CJ. Treatment planning for the loss of first permanent molars. Dent Update 2001; 28 (6): 304-8.
1. Hass A. Rapid expansion of the maxillary dental arch and nasal cavity by opening the midpalatal suture. Angle Orthod 1961; 31:73-90.
2. Hass AJ. Palatal expansion: just the beginning of dentofacial orthopedics. Am J Orthod 1970; 57: 219-55.
3. Frush JO, Fisher RD. The dysesthetic interpretation of the dentogenic concept. J Prosthet Dent 1958; 8: 558.
4. Gianelly A. Arch width after extraction and nonextraction treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003; 123:25.
5. Johnson D, Smith R. Smile esthetics after orthodontic treatment with and without extraction of four first premolars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995;
108: 162-7.
6. Hnat WP et al. The relationship of arch length to alterations in dental arch width. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000; 118-84.
7. Legan HL. Orthodontic planning and biomechanics for transverse distraction osteogenesis. Semin Orthod 2001; 7: 160-168.
8. Gianelly A. Rapid palatal expansion in the absence of crossbites: Added value? Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003; 124: 362-5.
9. Adkins MD, Nanda RS, Currier GF. Arch perimeter changes in rapid palatal expansion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial 1990; 97:194-9.
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15. Northway WM. Meade JB Jr. Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion: a comparison of technique, response and stability. Angle Orthod 1997; 67:309.
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19. Taspinar F, Ucuncu H, Bishara SE. Rapid maxillary expansion and conductive hearing loss. Angle Orthod 2003; 73: 669.
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9. DeClerck H et al. The Zygoma Anchorage System. J Clin Orthod 2002; 36 (8):455.
10. Sabri R. Four single–tooth implants as supernumerary premolars in the treatment of diastemas and microdontia. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1998; 13 (5):
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1. Sabri R. Management of missing maxillary lateral incisors. JADA 1999; 130 (1): 80-84.
2. Sabri R. Two single-tooth implants for replacement of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors. Arab Dent J. 1999; 4 (1):63-7.
3. Sabri R. Orthodontics and restorative procedures for a malocclusion with a missing maxillary lateral incisor. Lebanese Dent J 1999; 37:161-6.
4. Sabri R. Orthodontic space closure using canines to replace missing maxillary lateral incisors. Jordan Dent J 1999; 14 (2): 6-12.
5. Sabri R. Cleft lip and palate management with maxillary expansion and space opening for a single-tooth implant. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000;
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6. Sabri R. Agenesie des incisives laterales maxillaires:orthodontie de substitution par les canines. ACES 2001; 22 (2): 49-55.
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3. Sabri R. Long term follow-up treatment of an impacted dilacerated maxillary central incisor. Revue Dentaire Libanaise 2000; 38:69-76
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A. Alignment
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