Organizing in Nursing Administration
Organizing in Nursing Administration
Organizing in Nursing Administration
Importance of organizing:
1. Focus on objectives, and facilitate the attaining of objectives.
2. Arrangement of positions and jobs within the hierarchy.
3. Define clearly responsibilities and line of authority of all levels.
4. Creating relationships that will minimize friction.
Disadvantages of centralization:
1. The functions that are usually performed by middle manager are neglected
and bedside personnel become unmotivated.
2. It is difficult for a nursing supervisor to function as a manager. She becomes
instead, link officer between nursing director and first-line management.
Advantages of decentralization:
1. Raise morale and promote interpersonal relationships.
2. Relieve high-level management from the daily administration freeing them
for long-range planning, goal and policy development and system
3. Bring decision-making close to action.
4. Develop managers by allowing them to manage.
5. Promote employee’s enthusiasm and coordination.
6. Facilitate actions by lower-level managers without waiting for approval of
their decisions from superiors.
7. Improves coordination, especially for services.
Disadvantages of decentralization:
1. Top-level administration may not desire decentralization; they may feel it
would decrease their status.
2. People may not permit full and maximum utilization of highly qualified
2) Delegation of authority:
Delegation: is the process of assigning work from a top organizational level to
a lower one or from superior to subordinate, and giving that person the
authority to accomplish them. It is the process of downward flow of authority
from top level in the organization to lower level.
d. Organizational culture.
If the top-level manager does not have confidence in the abilities of lower-
level managers, this will lead to the least amount of delegation.
e. Qualities of subordinates.
Delegation requires subordinates with the skills, abilities and motivation to
accept authority and act on it.
Is the right to take final decisions, to act or to command action of others.
It moves in a downward direction.
Types of authority:
a. Ultimate authority:
It deals with the original source from which one derives the right to
take actions. Thus, in the health sector, the ministry of health has
ultimate authority.
b. Legal authority:
Means that an individual is legally permitted by the virtue of the
position to take an action; a hospital director delegates to director of
nursing service to act on behalf of the department.
c. Technical authority:
It refers to a person who is a recognized expert in some particular
field. This does not necessarily mean that it is derived from position.
d. Operational authority:
Is giving someone permission to assure certain responsibilities through
delegation of authority.
The superior has the right to give orders and demand accountability. Each
member knows from whom he/she receives orders and to whom he/she reports.
Staff relation:
It has no command, personnel in the staff relation have only the right to
advise, assist, support those in the line authority in the performance of their
duties, it is showed by a dotted line in the organizational chart.
Refers to the obligation involved when one accepts an assignment.
The subordinates must be held answerable, to a predetermined superior, for
the assigned duties in order to properly carry out their duties. It moves in an
upward direction.
1. Close supervision.
2. Close control.
3. Fast communication between subordinates and superiors.
1. Superiors tend to get too involved in subordinates’ work.
2. Many levels of management.
3. High costs due to many levels.
1. Tendency of overload superiors to take most or all decisions.
2. Danger of superior’s loss of control.
3. Requires exceptional quality of managers.
Allow an employee to master a task with a maximum skill, a minimum time
and effort.
1. Division of service creates many different, narrow jobs, which need
effective managerial coordination.
5) Departmentation:
It is the process of grouping activities into administrative units.
Types of Departmentation:
Departmentation can be implemented through one or more of the
following types:
1. Departmentation by services: activities are grouped according to
similarities of skills needed to accomplish the goal, i.e. medical, surgical and
pediatric units. It is simple and commonly used.