Work Immersion Performance Chapter1
Work Immersion Performance Chapter1
Work Immersion Performance Chapter1
The Philippines has undergone vital stages of development for the past decades
in its educational system. Compulsory basic education, which is six years of primary
shortest in the world. (Peano, 2008). Educational reform was given a shift from a 10-
year basic education cycle to a 12-year basic education cycle through the implementation
of the Republic Act No. 10533 Department of Education Order No. 43 s. 2013 otherwise
known as the Enhanced Basic Education K to 12 Law. In particular, the Senior High
School program includes Work Immersion that has been part of the curriculum to
effectively give a real workplace setting and enhance the quality of learning by students
to collaboratively work together with industries that relate to their track or strands. There
are four strands of Senior High School namely: General Academic Strand (GAS),
Livelihood (TVL). The study will focus on TVL where students will undergo at least 80
hours or 10 work days of work simulation that will cater to their field of specialization and
enhance their competence. This will prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of
employment or higher education after graduation. Malipot (2019) added, the SHS Work
The education in the Philippines for the 21st century formulate the enhancement of
Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) program in Senior High School. This track focuses
in gaining skills which are essential in having National Certificates and Certificate of
Communications Technology are the four strands under the TVL platform. Pursuing a
degree of this will equip students in skills related job. In line with this, TESDA and
partnership with the DepEd to strengthen TVET will empower Senior High School (SHS)
In order to make Immersion meaningful and useful, the study needs to get the
companies – and not the just schools aware of the educational objectives and processes
of K to 12(Cruz, 2013) . Since internships are becoming more widely used as learning
tools for students to help fill the gap between classroom learning and the practice of
business, it is important to understand what aspects of these experiences make them the
most worthwhile.(D’Abate, Youndt, & Wenzel, 2009). At the end of the whole duration of
the immersion, students are expected to appreciate the importance and application of
theories taught in school. Moreover, job performance must be parallel to the objectives
that students must acquire upon completion. Despite the emergence of this new trend
and the learning opportunities it can provide to students, it appears that global
critical thinking and problem solving. Considering the age bracket that SHS students have
(16 years to 20 years old), most are not exposed to work related experience. Write up in
the context of the Philippines particularly in Iligan City has not been deliberated thoroughly
on the outcome and effects of the said program. The importance of this study attempts to
motivational factors of the Senior High School students and its correlation towards work
immersion program performance. This thesis aims to understand how students at STI
College Iligan City and STI College Cagayan de Oro City assess their own skills. In
addition, this will highlight opportunities to promote skills and competencies cohesion.
The notion of the aforementioned inspired this research to analyze the implications
of Senior High School work immersion performance and its effectivity of obtainment on
The research study assumes that SHS students’ leadership skills, self-efficacy and
For the purpose of the study, the researcher identified three (3) components
relevant to the study of students’ work immersion performance: (1) perceived self-
The theoretical framework for this study is anchored through the Self-
Determination Theory (SDT). (Gagné & Deci, 2005) A broad framework on the study of
human motivation and personality has been the highlight of the study for the SDT. SDT
propositions also focus on how social and cultural factors facilitate or undermine people’s
sense of will and initiative, in addition to their well-being and the quality of their
performance. Self-determination theory assumes that that all individuals have a natural
constructive tendency towards developing the self and identifies specifiable factors that
both support and hinder intrinsic motivations. (Fernandez III, 2011). Conditions
argued to foster the most volitional and high quality forms of motivation and engagement
for activities, including enhanced performance, persistence, and creativity. The need for
person’s independence and the belief that they are in control of actions gives the definition
of Autonomy. Competence comes to an idea when a person likes that they are good at
the activity in question. Relatedness addresses the need that a person wants what they
are doing to be connected with their own goals or that it connects them to other people.
SDT comprises four mini-theories: Cognitive evaluation theory which describes the
theory concerns internalization and integration of values and regulations, and was
environment in ways that support their own autonomy, control their behavior. Lastly, the
basic needs theory was formulated to explain the relation of motivation and goals to health
health, across time, gender, situations and culture. All these mini-theories anchored to
same authors Deci and Ryan.(2004) SDT has been a guiding philosophy in the field of
education and psychology. This approach has been used by scholars around the globe
to further study its dynamics regarding attitudes and values which has been
The main reason that the researcher select SDT is because of its usefulness in
explaining motivation as this sets the core elements of the SDT. The understanding of
student motivation is important as it can also lead to positive academic outcome. This
perspective will give insights that will elicit relevant information from students’
Similarly, the Self Efficacy Theory (Bandura, 2004) has also been one of the most
prominent theories that has been integrated with SDT. Self-efficacy refers to beliefs in
one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage
prospective situations. Self efficacy beliefs are assumed to play a central role in any type
motivation”.(Iwanaga, 2018) This can support the effectivity of our study to equate self-
efficacy to competency. Learning efficacy has been one of the pioneered platforms
among education research in the world. The educational settings are requested to
achieve academic results, and thus the curriculum focuses to a great extent on academic
Alejandra, & Milicic, 2011) Most studies discussed the relationship between motivation
and learning efficacy especially on off-campus internship as this will strengthen the career
level. Students’ field expectation from program content is to foster quality leadership.
Also, students are expected to have high level of knowledge, skill, appropriate disposition
and effort which supplement the need for the student to exercise leadership competence.
As a result, this will enhance the cognitive, interpersonal, business and strategic skills.
and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation”
(Allen et al., 2016). Transformational leaders are leaders who engage with followers,
focus on higher order intrinsic needs, and raise consciousness about the significance of
specific outcomes and new ways in which those outcomes might be achieved(Hay, 2012).
Bernard M. Bass further developed the theory of Burns and suggested four components
open communication and can freely share ideas. Inspirational Motivation highlights
development of attractive, alternative futures .(Bass, Avolio, Jung, & Berson, 2003).
Lastly, individualized consideration seeks to emulate as a role model for his followers
which best distinguished an authentic form of leader. Followers will internalize his/her
development to the ethical and critical reasoning of students and will provide reflection
Scholars have made great stages of progress over the past decades in providing
satisfaction. A determination for job satisfaction can be viewed to the worker’s motivation
and effective performance. In modern organizations, the human is an active labor force
which can be affected by many factors, sensitive to all kinds of attitudes and behaviors,
productivity are required within an organization, it is absolutely necessary for the labor
The figure shows the interaction of variables in which work immersion performance
efficacy and leadership skills) will contemplate the independent variable and how it
these will attribute to better understand the goal of the study to come up with effective
This study wants to determine the relationship between the significance of job
1. To what extent do the participants assess their work performance in terms of:
1.2 Attitude;
HO1: The participants’ assessment of perceived self-determination, self-efficacy
and leadership skills significantly associated with the participants’ performance in their
work immersion.
This study wants to prospect the impact of work immersion experiences of the
Senior High School students of STI College from Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro City
their host training establishment. This study will give favorable outcomes to the following
To the students, the result of this research will give advantageous benefits to the
students to reinforce their field of interest and to further develop the key practices learn
will enhance their knowledge and skill competence that will help them in the future in
To the teachers, the outcome of this study will be a useful tool in acquiring
information on the knowledge and skills of students. This will also be a means in helping
To the school, the findings will recognize an appreciation of the students that have
undergone the work immersion program. Also, this will appraise the linkages of the school
towards building community involvement by partnering with industries that help students
a guide in SHS job performance competencies which can be used as a basis to improve
self-efficacy and leadership skills obtained by the Grade 12 SHS students. The study will
also emphasize the effectivity of SHS work immersion performance based on the
perspective of the coordinators in the host training establishments. The participants of the
study are the SHS students of STI College Iligan and STI College Cagayan de Oro City
taking the work immersion subject and their work immersion coordinator/s from the
partnered establishment. The work immersion coordinator/s and the SHS students will
determine the job performance result which will be the backbone of the study. The
students will participate through survey questionnaires that will help in addressing the
goal of the study. The research will focus on the three strands in the TVL program of STI
For the clarity of the study, the following terms are defined either conceptually or
Personal Factors
Leadership skill is setting a good example for others, looking ahead to the future,
taking initiative to change the status quo, building teamwork and trust, and encouraging
person’s needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness through the work
that affect their lives. This core belief is the foundation of human motivation, performance
includes behaviors such as helping, civic virtue, and courtesy. In-role performance
includes employee behaviors that are consistent with organizational objectives and that
fulfillment of an individual the “need to belong” in their workplace. The practice of positive
working relationship.
Job Performance is defined as the total expected value to the organization of the
discrete behavioral episodes that an individual carries out over a standard period of time.
A job performance should be useful for the full range of strategies and interventions that
performance in work organizations. (Motowidlo & Kell, 2012) This will be in accordance
with the work immersion performance that the researcher wants to measure in the study.
company’s performance including its workers, programs and projects. Delivering best
Technical competence includes the ability to develop and design products and
Work immersion is part of the SHS Curriculum that consists of 80 hours of hands-
on experience which the Grade 11 and 12 students will have to undergo to expose them
to the actual workplace setting and enrich the competencies provided by the
school.(DOLE, 2017).
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