Study Plan - Arabic
Study Plan - Arabic
Study Plan - Arabic
1. 20 Multiple Choice Questions. All are to be answered. (20 Marks)
2. Multiple questions requiring short answers in Arabic Only. (Compulsory) (20 Marks)
3. Three (3) full length descriptive questions. At least one to be answered. (1x20)
4. Two (2) questions requiring explanation of given stanzas (Poetic Lines) in
N.B -If one answers both these questions, then only one question is to be opted from
descriptive part. However, If one does not answer any explanatory question, then all three
questions from the descriptive part would be required to be answered. (1x20)
2010 – Explain significance of pre-Islamic poetry and its importance in understanding the
Language of Quran.
2009 – Discuss features of pre-Islamic poetry with special reference to literary importance
2008 – What do you know about SAB’A MULLAQAT? Explain their significance and place in
Pre-Islamic History.
2007 – Discuss the linguistic importance of Arab markets (ASWAQ) in promotion of Arabic
2007 – Discuss the features of the pre-Islamic poetry and its importance in exegesis of
2005 – Identify the exact lexical meaning of the derogatory term AL-JAHILIYAH in the light
of the pre-Islamic Arabic literature and explain the rigid conventions of the pre-Islamic ode
with reference to the seven suspended long poems of the Islamic Era.
2004 – Explain the features of QASEEDA in pre-Islamic poetry with reference to well
known anthologies.
2002 – Fairs of the pre-Islamic periods played a vital role in Enchantment of the literary
activities. Discuss this statement with special reference to fair of UKAZ.
2002 – Mention literary periods of the Arabic Literature chronologically, then discuss in
detail salient features of mono-meter and mono-rhymed poetry of the pre-Islamic era.
2001 – Discuss in detail the sources of the Arabic Literature of the pre-Islamic period,
keeping in view their literary authenticity, their rhapsodists and the methodology they
adopted in their compilation
2001 – Discuss the lexical meaning of the term Al Adab Al Jahlia and write down the
exclusive and inclusive definition of the word Al ADAB and describe the main structural
and thematic distinctive features of the Arabic Literature before the advent of Islam.
Altaf Ahmed Sheikh – CSS2011
2009 – Write a note on the Quran, its miracles, languages and influence on Arabic
2008 – Illustrate the development of Arabic lexicography with special reference to Lisan -
Al’- Arab compiled by Ibn Manzoor.
2006 – Write a note on the Quran, its miracles, language, and influence on Arabic
2005 – The text of the Quran is neither poetry nor prose. How do you justify this
statement keeping in view the unique style of the Quran syntactical string both in
eloquence and rhetoric?
2004 – How do you interpret the miracle of Quran and significance of its challenge to
human being at large?
2003 – Discuss the linguistic miracle of the Quran and its influence on the subsequent
2002 – The Holy Quran is a master piece of eloquence and rhetoric, mention exclusively
and inclusively definition of eloquence and rhetoric then discuss the statement in the light
of linguistic output, after the revelation of the Holy Quran.
2001 – Write down a detailed comment of the literary value of the Quranic artistic prose
with special reference to eloquence and rhetoric?
2007 – Write down an article about the development of Arabic Ghazal in Umayyad period
with special reference to Al-Ghazal Alibahi and Al-Ghazal Ul Uzari.
2003 – Write down an article about the Umayyad Poetry with special reference to the
development of ghazal.
2002 – Describe in detail “the poetry of flying and literary duel” in the Arabic literature
and role of the Trio during Umayyad’s period.
Altaf Ahmed Sheikh – CSS2011
2008 – Introduce Al Jahiz and highlight his works which really enriched the classical
heritage of Arabic literature.
2007 – Write down an Article about the “Al KHMRIYAT” in the Abbasid’s poetry.
2006 – An Naqd Al Adabi ----explain the given phrase and identify as to what were the
standards and principles laid down by the Arab critics during the region of the Abbasid’s
2005 – What do you know about the first Arabic Lexicon KITABU-I-AIN elaborate his
meritorious characteristics and write a comprehensive note on his compiler.
2005 – Define the term Naqd al Adabi and identify the criteria laid down by the Arab
critics during the “Abbasid’s period” with special reference to perception and feeling.
2005 – What do you know about Al-Beruni and his works ?
2005 – Write a comprehensive note on the life of Ibn-Rushd (Averroes) and his
contribution in the field of Aristotelian philosophy in the medieval ages.
2004 – Write a comprehensive note on the contribution of Al Jahiz in various fields of
Arabic Literature.
2003 – Describe the main features of the Abbasid’s poetry with special reference to the
poet of Abu Nuwas.
2002 – What are the main factors of literary and scientific development in the Abbasid’s
period? Describe them with the special reference to the role of dynasties.
2001 – What do you know about the life of Rahib Al-Asfahani the Quranic Lexicographer
and the value of his book Mufradat Fi Gharib Al-Quran.
2001 – What were the characteristics of Arabic Literature in Abbasid’s period? Describe in
• An Naqd Al Adabi
• Ibn-Rushd, Al-Beruni, Al Jahiz.
• Development of Qur’anic Lexicography during Abbasids.
• Main characteristics of Arabic Literature during Abbasids.
• Ibn Manzoor’s Lisan - Al’- Arab
• Rahib Al-Asfahani’s Mufradat Fi Gharib Al-Quran
Altaf Ahmed Sheikh – CSS2011
2005 – What is chronological difference between the modern and contemporary Arabic
Literature, identify new literary genres penetrated in the Arabic literature through the
intervention of the western literature.
2004 – Discuss the origin and development of Modern Arabic literature and examine
critically how it was influenced by the west.
2009 – Write down an article about the literature of AL-MAHJAR with special reference to
the contribution of JABRAN KHALIL JABRAN.
2007 – Discuss the salient features of the Al-Adabul Mahajar and the role of the Pen
league- Al-Rabitatul Qalamiyya.
2006 – Define Adab ul Mahajar and elaborate the main characteristics with special
reference to Jabran Khalil Jabran.
2004 – Define Adab-ul-Mahajer and elaborate the main characteristics with special
reference to Umer Abu Rishan.
2003 – Write a short note on Jabran Khalil Jabran in classical Arabic.
2008 – Give an account of origin, growth and objectives of short story writing. Examine
critically various approaches in this regard.
Altaf Ahmed Sheikh – CSS2011
2007 – Write a short essay on the movement of story writing in modern Arabic literature.
• Chief characteristics & development of i) Drama ii) Short Story iii) Novel iv) Essay
May Allah help all of us attain our aims and aspirations! (Ameen)