Signs of Placental Separation
Signs of Placental Separation
Signs of Placental Separation
Calkin’s sign – 1st sign of placental separation. Uterus becomes firm and globular rising to the
level of the umbilicus.
Sudden gush of blood from the vagina
Lengthening of the cord as the placenta separates form the uterus
Appearance of the placenta at the vaginal opening
- Period from the onset of true labor contractions until full cervical dilatation and effacement is
- Effacement – shortening of the cervical canal; express in percentage
- Dilatation – enlargement or widening of the cervical canal; expressed in cm
- Occurs from full cervical dilatation until the birth of the baby
- Birth of the baby
- Period from the delivery of the placenta until the condition of the woman has stabilized
Types of Episiotomy
Schultze’s Mechanism – separation of the placenta starts from the center. Shiny smooth fetal side is
delivered first. 80%
Duncan Mechanism – separation begins from the edges of placenta. Maternal side is delivered first. 20%