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086 - Doctor Who - The Tors

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DOCTOR WHO THE DOMINATORS Based on the BBC television serial by Norman Ashby by
arrangement with the British Broadcasting Corporation IAN MARTER Number 86 in th
e Doctor Who Library A TARGET BOOK published by the Paperback Division of W. H.
A Target Book Published in 1984 By the Paperback Division of W. H. Alien & Co. P
LC 44 Hill Street, London WlX 8LB First published in Great Britain by W. H. Alie
n & Co. PLC 1984 Novelisation copyright © lan Marter 1984 Original script copyright
© Norman Ashby 1968 'Doctor Who' series copyright © British Broadcasting Corporation
1968, 1984 The BBC producer of The nominators was Peter Bryant, the director was
Morris Barry. Printed and bound in Great Britain by Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading IS
BN 0 426 19553 1 This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, b
y way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated
without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other tha
n that in which is it published and without a similar condition including this c
ondition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
CONTENTS 1 Island of Death 7 2 The Radiation Mystery 19 3 The Assessment 31 4 He
ads in the Sand 41 5 Slavery 55 6 Fighting Back 69 7 Buried Alive 79 8 Clues 91
9 Last Chances 101 10 Desperate Remedies 115
1 Island of Death A huge crescent of brilliant pinpoints of light sliced through
the unimaginable emptiness of space near the edge of a remote spiral galaxy. Li
ke a colossal scimitar, it flashed in a relentless sweep towards an insignifican
t little planet which orbited an isolated minor star. Suddenly the very tip of t
he nearer point of the crescent separated itself from the rest. It decelerated i
nto a tight curving path which gradually spiralled closer and closer to the pale
, ochre-coloured planet. Far above, the gigantic blade of lights swept on throug
h the galaxy, leaving the meteor-like object to burn its deadly way down through
the hot dry atmosphere towards the barren waste shimmering below. A vicious whi
rlwind of sand and rock splinters was sucked into the air around a vast dune-cov
ered basin at the foot of rugged sandstone cliffs. A sickening throbbing sound v
ibrated through the dense clouds as an enormous circular shadow darkened the swi
rling hollow. Slowly a massive silver disc descended and hovered a few metres ab
ove ground. Its upper surface was a shallow dome with cowlings radiating from th
e centre like flattened tubular spokes. A band of circular ports pulsated in rap
id sequence round and round the rim, giving the impression that the saucer was r
otating as it slowly gyrated and steadied itself while emitting a piercing rhyth
mic whine. After a few seconds, a broad silver shaft emerged from the underside
and extended itself to the ground forming a central support. For several minutes
the whirlwinds raged around the weird craft and the oscillating whine reached a
deafening climax. Then gradually the noise decreased, the pulsation of the rim
slowed and stopped, and the shrieking sandstorm subsided. An eerie silence envel
oped the giant metallic mushroom as the thick dust settled and the ground ceased
to tremble. Then from far in the distance came the faint sound of waves monoton
ously breaking. For a while nothing happened. All at once a curved panel at the
base of the central shaft hummed smoothly open and something stirred in the dark
interior. Two massive figures strode menacingly into the hot! air. They were hu
man in form but towered more than two and a half metres in height. Their leather
y features were starkly chiselled, with thin bloodless lips and deeply set red-r
immed eyes which burned with a cold green light beneath heavy brows. Their short
hair was black and sleeked back, like a skullcap, from their shallow foreheads.
The creatures were clad in protective suits consisting of black quilted materia
l like rubber, armoured with small overlapping plates and built up around the sh
oulders so that they appeared to have no necks. Massive boots encased their long
thick legs and their hands were concealed inside huge padded gloves which creak
ed when they moved their fingers. The two figures stalked cumbersomely around un
der the saucer, surveying the arid landscape with piercing emerald stares. 'Is f
lux absorption complete, Toba?' one of them suddenly rapped in a hard imperious
voice. The other checked a small instrument he was carrying. 'Affirmative, Navig
ator Rago,' he announced. 'Energy now transferred to fuel fields. But we require
much more.' Rago waved his big arm impatiently. 'That is the purpose of our vis
it, Probationer Toba.' Like two giant turtles on their hind legs, the figures ma
rched slowly through the soft sand. Toba glanced sideways at his superior. 'With
respect, I still submit that we should continue to Epsilon Zero Gamma. This pla
net has not been fully evaluated ...' Rago drew a hissing breath and his eyes re
ddened. This planet is ideal,' he retorted sharply. 'At this location, crust par
ameters are optimum. Also an intelligent life-form is present.' 8
'But the species might be unsuitable,' Toba objected. 'It might be hostile.' Rag
o's gloves creaked ominously. 'If necessary we shall destroy it, Toba.' A trace
of a ghastly smile buckled Toba's iron features. 'Yes we shall destroy ...' he r
asped eagerly. Rago glared contemptuously at his subordinate. 'Commence the prel
iminary survey at once,' he ordered. 'Command accepted,' Toba replied submissive
ly. Turning towards the dark hatchway at the foot of the shaft he rapped out a h
arsh summons: 'Quarks!' Instantly an excited whirring and chattering sound issue
d from within, a noise that was part human and part mechanical. Something glinte
d and sparked in the shadows. And then the Quarks emerged ... On the far side of
the parched plateau stretching back from the ridge of sandstone cliffs, lay a v
ast grey sea covered with a smoky mantle of fog. Across the gently heaving, murk
y water a large hovercraft shaped like a flat beehive was gliding towards the sh
ore. Its hull was composed of concentric rings rising from a broad base and tape
ring to a small dome and several faintly illuminated panels glimmered around its
middle ring. Otherwise the vessel was featureless, looming through the cloud wi
th a low-pitched grinding sound. In the cool, softly lit interior, four people w
ere lounging in padded seats set in a semicircle around a well-worn instrument c
onsole. They were staring up at the large display-screen suspended at an angle a
bove them, which showed a clear image of the approaching land, while through the
observation ports the thick vapours writhed and swirled outside. The four trave
llers - three male and one female - wore sleeveless garments like togas, cut low
around the neck but with curiously bulging pleated waists. Their legs were bare
and their feet were clad in thong sandals reaching to their ankles. ._ A slende
r but athletic young man with fine bronzed features and wavy blond hair turned t
o his companions with a wry smile. 'This really is a terribly primitive way to t
ravel,' he 9
exclaimed. 'Well, we wanted some excitement for a change didn't we, Tolata?' rep
lied a second youth with dark curly hair, turning to the beautiful fair girl bes
ide him. Tolata nodded eagerly. 'An adventure. That is why I came, Etnin.' The b
lond youth gestured round the shabby cabin. 'Excitement? What's exciting about s
itting for hours in this obsolete old tub?' he demanded. 'In a capsule we'd only
have taken a few minutes.' Just then the fourth traveller - a short balding man
with a plump body and a mischievous expression - sprang up to adjust some contr
ols. 'Not without a permit, Wahed!' he retorted. 'You seem to forget... all this
is extremely illegal.' At that moment the craft shuddered and lurched violently
from side to side. The helmsman smiled at his passengers' gasps of dismay. 'You
can hardly complain. You've travelled hundreds of kilometres by sea with a real
live navigator ...' The vessel lurched again. 'Well, Kully, perhaps that does a
dd a little zest,' Wahed admitted doubtfully. Kully gestured up at the scanner.
'The Island of Death!' he announced dramatically. 'Uninhabited for 170 annos. No
thing could survive in this poisoned wasteland ...' The passengers stared at the
brownish coastline and distant cliffs. There were no signs of life of any descr
iption. Eventually Wahed shrugged. 'It's not so impressive. There's a regular vi
sit by the Monitoring Unit and ...' 'And sometimes Students are allowed to see t
he effects of atomic radiation there ..." Tolata added, her large blue eyes wide
with fascination. Kully snorted dismissively and jiggled his controls. 'But all
that's organised by the Council,' he cried. 'This is the real thing!' Wahed fro
wned at the screen. 'It looks like the images on my video at home,' he objected.
'You could be cheating us, Kully.' Kully shook his pinkish round head impatient
ly. 'This is real. You're actually here,' he protested. 10
Etnin rose to his feet. 'Why don't we land on the Island ... and see for ourselv
es?' he suggested in a hushed voice. Kully stared at him in horror. 'You can't.'
'Whyever not?' demanded Wahed, standing up on the other side of their perspirin
g little guide. 'Yes. Why not?' Tolata joined in excitedly. - Kully gripped the
control console and swallowed nervously. 'Without protective suits?' he murmured
. 'It would be madness.' At that moment, warning systems started buzzing and fla
shing urgently. Kully went pale. 'Radiation hazard ... Radiation ..." he stammer
ed, gazing in panic at his instruments. Suddenly they were thrown violently side
ways. 'Kully ... do something, Kully ...' Tolata screamed as the ship swung abru
ptly to and fro and then shuddered to a stop, its propulsion systems grinding in
protest. Kully struggled to regain control, but the systems whined and squealed
uselessly. The craft would not move. 'We've run aground,' he admitted in a whis
per. 'The drives are completely stuck.' There was an appalled silence. 'You mean
permanently?' Wahed asked uncertainly. Kully nodded miserably, falling back int
o his seat and covering his face in his hands. 'This certainly is exciting!' Etn
in murmured, clutching Tolata's arm nervously. 'Running aground on radiation-con
taminated islands isn't my idea of excitement,' Kully wailed. Suddenly Wahed poi
nted to the instruments. 'Look, the radiation detectors are indicating zero!' he
exclaimed. Kully peered through his stubby fingers. 'Zero? But they can't be.'
'So much for your real live navigation,' Wahed laughed. He turned to the others.
'Wherever we are, this can't be the Island of Death,' he scoffed. Kully roused
himself and thumped the console. The detectors continued to register zero radiat
ion. 'It must be a malfunction,' he protested defiantly. 11
Behind his back, Wahed had reached across and craftily operated a series of swit
ches. 'Hey, what do you think you're doing?' Kully shouted angrily as a hatchway
rumbled slowly open somewhere in the vessel. Wahed grinned. 'Let's go and see w
here we really are,' he suggested mischievously. Kully stared at him incredulous
ly. 'Go out there?' he echoed. 'But you'll all be cooked to a frazzle in seconds
!' Ignoring him, Wahed gestured to Tolata and Etnin to follow and walked fearles
sly out of the cabin. For a moment Kully could only watch in horrified silence a
s Etnin disappeared after him. Then his shiny face puckered with rage. 'Don't co
mplain to me if you all kill yourselves,' he shouted, 'because I don't refund mo
ney to ..." He clutched his sparse hair in panic. 'Refund? What am I saying? You
haven't paid me yet. Come back!' He darted forward and seized Tolata's arm as s
he was about to follow the others. 'Don't be a fool. This is the Island of Death
!' he screamed. 'The detectors are malfunctioning ...' The tall girl shook herse
lf free, reached the hatchway and jumped elegantly down into the shallows. 'You
are a rogue, Kully!' she cried setting off eagerly up the beach through the thin
ning mist. 'This can't be the Island of Death.' 'I tell you it is!' Kully yelled
after her. 'And I must insist that you pay me the agreed price ..." Just then,
Wahed appeared over some nearby dunes and ran "down towards them. 'People ... up
by the cliffs!" he shouted triumphantly. 'That settles it, Kully,' Tolata said
over her shoulder. 'There would be no people on the Island of Death.' 'Only the
Monitoring Unit,' Kully gasped, cowering in the hatchway as Wahed splashed towar
ds him. 'The two I just saw are not wearing radiation suits,' Wahed retorted smu
gly. Suddenly Etnin appeared, waving his arms excitedly. 'They've got robots wit
h them!' he cried. Reaching up, Wahed grabbed Kully's podgy hand and pulled him
into the shallows. 'Robots,' he exclaimed. 'Come on, Kully, perhaps we can persu
ade them to assist us.' 12
Dragging Kully behind him he set off towards the dunes. Kully glanced back at hi
s marooned ship listing drunkenly in the soft sand. 'Robots!' he muttered scornf
ully and stumbled reluctantly after the others. Beyond the dunes, at the foot of
the towering cliffs near the saucer, two Quarks were being programmed by Probat
ioner Toba. Each Quark stood about two metres tall. It consisted of a squat 'bod
y', like a heavily armoured box mounted upon two stout extendable 'legs' and sur
mounted by a large spherical 'head'. This head was covered with a network or eye
s and sensors, and resembled a crystal-studded ball. From it protruded five ante
nnae shaped like elongated glass pyramids - one each side, front and back, and t
he fifth projecting vertically from the crown. For 'arms', each Quark possessed
two extendable probes hinged across its 'chest' and ending in a complex 'hand' b
ristling with sensors, sockets and implements. The robots acknowledged Toba's in
structions with a continuous metallic chuckling sound, eerily resembling the lau
ghter of small children. Around their sharp-edged and pointed antennae, the air
buzzed and crackled menacingly. 'Drilling targets will be established at the fiv
e vector nodes and depth parameters calculated for each target ..." Toba ordered
. Suddenly one of the Quarks emitted a vicious sparking between the points of it
s antennae. Toba wheeled round and saw three distant figures running across the
dunes towards the saucer, shouting and gesticulating. He watched them impassivel
y for a moment and then a kind of smile cracked around his hard mouth. He glance
d furtively towards the saucer and then rasped out an order. The Quarks immediat
ely turned, deploying their probes and aiming at the approaching figures. 'Destr
oy them,' Toba hissed, in an obsessive whisper. There was a brief wailing and bl
eating sound, followed by a series of whiplike cracks as bolts of ultrasonic ene
rgy burst simultaneously from the Quarks' probes. Wahed, Tolata and Etnin were f
lung into the air like helpless puppets before 13
collapsing in shapeless broken bundles in the sand. 'Recharge force units!' Toba
rapped, licking his thin dry lips with relish. The Quarks chuckled harshly in a
nticipation. 'Is there trouble, Probationer Toba?' Toba started guiltily as Rago
strode out of the access hatch at the base of the shaft. 'I have dealt with thr
ee alien beings, Navigator Rago,' he reported, smartly recovering his composure.
'Dead?' 'Affirmative.' Rago strode menacingly over to him. "That was unnecessar
y, a waste of vital energy reserves,' he hissed. 'Resume your proper functions i
mmediately.' 'Command accepted,' Toba acknowledged. His eyes glowered with resen
tment and he resolved to avenge his humiliation as he watched Rago marching off
to examine the remains of his victims. Some distance along the wandering ridge o
f the sand-cliffs, Kully lay among some boulders, paralysed with horror at what
he had just witnessed and stunned by his miraculous escape. Now he was stranded
on the Island, alone and defenceless against an unknown enemy. Eventually pullin
g himself together, he massaged the wrenched ankle that had made him fall behind
the others - ironically, saving his life - and tried to think." All at once the
rocks started trembling and clattering together around him. Holding his breath,
he listened as a raucous screeching and groaning rose from somewhere below him.
Then he scrambled to his feet and frantically clawed his way up the cliff-face
whimpering with terror. Below, a shabby, rickety structure topped by a flashing
yellow beacon gradually became visible against the cliff. After a few seconds th
e beacon stopped flashing, the ground ceased to vibrate and there was silence ..
. After a while the door of the police public call-box creaked open and a short
dark-haired little man ambled out, yawning and sleepily rubbing his eyes. He was
wearing grubby 14
checked trousers, a kind of frayed frock-coat and a threadbare and none too clea
n shirt, with a bootlace tie negligently knotted under his jutting chin. His sho
es were scuffed and down-at-heel and his manner was carefree and unassuming. Str
etching, he shook himself and looked keenly around with dark humorous eyes, snif
fing at the air expectantly. 'Ah yes ... indeed yes ..." he muttered happily. 'A
re ye all right, Doctor?' demanded a gruff Scots voice as a tough-looking young
lad dressed in a kilt complete with sporran, sleeveless furry jacket and knee-le
ngth socks with heavy boots emerged behind him, brandishing a folded deckchair.
'Just a little tired, Jamie,' the Doctor replied. 'Mental projection can be an e
xhausting business, you know.' Behind Jamie, a lively teenage girl with a round
face and short black hair dressed in slacks and a tee-shirt peered round the pol
ice-box door. 'You need a rest, Doctor,' she announced firmly. 'My dear Zoe, we
all do,' the Doctor agreed. 'That's precisely why we came to Dulkis. This is a s
plendid little planet.' He took the deckchair from Jamie and set it up on the sa
nd. Jamie grunted sceptically. 'Och, we've heard that one before.' 'You mean the
re won't be any Cybermen or Daleks?' Zoe complained, wrinkling her nose in disap
pointment as she stared around them. 'Is the whole planet as dreary as this?' Th
e Doctor settled himself comfortably in the deckchair. 'Dear me, no,' he chuckle
d patiently, 'this is just a small island. The main cities are quite extraordina
ry and you'll find the Dulcians are an extremely advanced people, gentle and fri
endly and very ..." A tremendous explosion drowned the rest of the Doctor's word
s. He leaped out of the deckchair, which collapsed in a heap. 'Whatever was that
?' exclaimed Zoe, covering her ringing ears. 'It came frae over this way!' cried
Jamie, running off along the base of the cliff. 15
The Doctor and Zoe set off in pursuit. Eventually they came upon the wreckage of
a low L-shaped building, half buried in the sand in a kind of horseshoe indenta
tion in the cliff. Shattered concrete slabs and twisted metal frameworks were sc
attered everywhere. A gaping hole in one wall held" charred window frames and th
e remains of a heavy door. 'What were you just saying about the gentle, friendly
Dulcians, Doctor?' Zoe teased as they surveyed the ruin. 'But that explosion co
uldna have caused all this ...' Jamie observed." The Doctor frowned and deep lin
es formed at the corners of his nose and ran down each side of his mouth. He pic
ked up a fragment of concrete and crumbled it thoughtfully. 'Quite right, Jamie.
All this happened many years ago,' he murmured. 'Probably the result of an atom
ic explosion ...' Jamie and Zoe exchanged anxious glances as the Doctor cautious
ly approached the dark hole and ventured inside the ruin. With the recent detona
tion still throbbing in their ears, they tentatively followed. 'I just don't und
erstand it..." the Doctor was muttering as he peered around. Against the walls s
tood large display-cabinets made of a kind of thick Perspex material, dusty but
completely undamaged. They contained all kinds of sophisticated devices, some of
which were obviously very old, while others looked new and unused. 'Looks like
some kind of museum,' said Zoe, wandering through the gloom and round the angle
into the shorter arm of the building. 'Exactly. A war museum,' agreed the Doctor
. Jamie had lifted a slim rifle-like weapon out of its case and was squinting in
to its electronic sight. 'But you said the Dulcians were a peaceful lot, Doctor,
' he protested, waving the gun carelessly about. 'Oh, these are very ancient wea
pons,' the Doctor explained. 'They banned these gadgets decades ago.' At that mo
ment an intense beam of energy shot across the building and, with a crack, punch
ed a hole in the remains of the door. 'Careful Jamie,' the Doctor yelled, lungin
g forward and 16
snatching the deadly laser from him. Jamie went pale and giggled nervously as th
e Doctor replaced the thing gingerly on its stand. Then a fearful shriek made th
em both spin round. 'Zoe ...!' the Doctor cried, rushing across to the right-ang
led corner of the building with Jamie at his heels. Zoe came towards them in the
half-light, backing slowly away from a spine-chilling scene at the far end of t
he room. Four figures were seated around a circular table, their bodies frozen i
nto grotesquely contorted positions. Their clothing was charred and rotten, here
and there fused into a glassy lump with their roasted and flayed flesh. The eye
less faces were burned beyond recognition. Jamie put his hand to his mouth. 'Wha
t... what happened to them?' he gasped, his stomach rising. Signing to his young
companions to stay put, the Doctor slowly approached the nightmarish tableau. T
hen as he drew near he began to shake with laughter. 'Oh dear me ...' he chuckle
d, shaking his head. 'Of course ... of course ..." He beckoned them over. Zoe an
d Jamie stared at each other in astonishment and then reluctantly crept forward.
Just as they reached him, the Doctor gave the nearest figure a sharp nudge. It
slumped sideways and its head twisted off and rolled across the table before bou
ncing onto the floor. They gaped at their smiling friend in horrified disbelief.
'Well, don't you see?' giggled the Doctor. 'They're dummies. Just dummies!' 'Bu
t why? What are they here for?' Jamie demanded after a shocked pause, still not
convinced. Without replying, the Doctor thrust his hands deep into his pockets a
nd started shuffling round and round the table muttering quietly to himself. Zoe
was still staring fixedly at the macabre tableau in front of her. 'Doctor, did
you check the radiation levels before we left the TARDIS?' she demanded. The Doc
tor stopped in his tracks. 'Zoe, that's just what I was trying to remember. I'm
sure I did.' Zoe shuddered slightly. "This place reminds me of those 17
old atomic test ranges on Earth,' she said nervously. The Doctor nodded thoughtf
ully. 'Yes, Zoe, I think you may be right. But why on Dulkis?' Jamie looked puzz
led. 'But you said the Dulcians . . . ' - 'Oh, they certainly outlawed war ...'
the Doctor agreed. Zoe moved back into the other half of the building. 'I think
we ought to get back to the TARDIS and check the radiation levels again, Doctor,
' she urged him. 'There must be some other explanation ...' the Doctor murmured,
shaking his head in perplexity as he and Jamie followed. There was a fearful ga
sp from Zoe. Jamie and the Doctor looked up sharply. Three tall figures in dazzl
ing white protective suits with smoked-glass visors were looming among the displ
ay cases, their heavily rhythmic breathing hissing and roaring through the respi
rators. Very slowly the three apparitions raised their large gloved hands and ad
vanced towards them. 18
2 The Radiation Mystery Still badly shocked after seeing, first, his three compa
nions cold-bloodedly murdered and, now, his stranded hovercraft blown to smither
eens by the alien robots in a gigantic explosion, Kully had been scrambling amon
g the cliffs desperately trying to find out what was happening. Grubby and exhau
sted, he edged cautiously round a crumbling sandstone bluff towards the strange
blue box-like structure he had just discovered. Before he reached it, he suddenl
y came across what looked like a huge black spider flattened into the sand. Stif
ling a squeal of alarm, he pulled himself together and knelt to examine the five
-pointed star shape, about a metre in diameter, burnt into the ground. Something
about the weird symbol sent a spiky sensation crawling up his spine. All at onc
e, harsh angry voices burst out nearby. Kully scuttled away in panic and hid beh
ind the police box ... 'So you destroyed the ocean craft?' Rago was saying accus
ingly. 'You continue to allow your destructive instincts to interfere with prime
objectives.' 'Censure not accepted,' Toba retorted as the two huge figures reac
hed the black star symbol and stopped. 'The target survey is completed. This is
perimeter two. Atomic analysis is also completed.' 'Report,' Rago snapped. 'Atom
ic activity on this planet located only on this island. Radiation released 17.2
decades ago.' Navigator Rago nodded approvingly. Then he noticed the TARDIS unde
r the cliff. 'What is that artefact?' e ? demanded suspiciously. 19
'A primitive native structure,' Toba answered, his eyes gleaming expectantly. 'S
hall I summon a Quark to destroy it?' 'Negative!' Rago rasped contemptuously. 'S
uch action would waste energy. It does not obstruct our work. We will examine th
e remaining targets.' 'Command accepted,' Toba gruffly acknowledged. 'Central bo
re is next.' As they strode off heavily, Kully crept out from behind the TARDIS
and trailed them along the base of the cliff, his heart hammering almost audibly
. Eventually they reached another spidery star melted into the sand close to the
ruined building. Kully took refuge among some shattered concrete slabs and watc
hed. 'Primitive technology,' Toba sneered as he and Rago entered the ruin and gl
anced around at the exhibits. 'Every culture develops,' Rago retorted coldly. To
ba picked up the laser gun that Jamie had toyed with earlier. He aimed at the wa
ll and fired. There was a piercing whine and a jagged hole was blown clean throu
gh the concrete. Just for a second, a tremor of pleasure seemed to ripple throug
h Toba's massive frame. Then he dropped the weapon uninterestedly. 'All this is
obsolete,' he shrugged. 'There is nothing to threaten us here.' Rago stared at h
is operative in despair. 'It is unwise to base your assessments on the past,' he
rapped. 'Do you not conclude that more advanced weapons must have been develope
d since these?' 'Affirmative.' With a viciously slicing fist, Rago thumped a nea
rby display cabinet which cracked all over without splintering. 'Probationer Tob
a,' he raged, 'because of your precipitate act of self-gratification in destroyi
ng the three inhabitants, it will be necessary to locate other specimens and to
investigate and assess them in accordance with our objectives.' Toba followed hi
s superior outside to examine the target mark. 'This debris must be cleared away
from the bore area,' Rago ordered. 'When we have completed perimeter target 20
checks, you will prepare a preliminary assessment and communicate to Fleet Leade
r.' The Doctor, Zoe and Jamie stared helplessly at their white-suited captors th
rough the thick glass observation-panel. They were confined in a cramped airlock
chamber and surrounded by a hot steamy vapour which was choking them and threat
ening to boil them alive. Through the glass, the three tall figures - who had re
moved their protective helmets - peered in at them from time to time, discussing
something animatedly and then hurrying over to make adjustments on a large and
complex instrument panel. 'Well, they seem ... seem genuinely concerned about ou
r welfare ...' the Doctor managed to croak in a strangled attempt at reassurance
, 'but I fear they're going to kill us with kindness in a minute ...' He broke o
ff to mouth a desperate plea to the silver-haired and bearded figure who at that
moment was squinting through the scalding haze at them. But the distinguished p
erson turned back to his two young assistants and the Doctor could only resort t
o thumping the glass feebly. ' I do hope we are not too late, Kando. How badly w
ere they affected?' the silver-haired man asked the tall fair girl at the instru
ment panel. 'I cannot tell, Educator Balan,' she replied. 'The radiation level s
till reads zero.' Balan turned gravely to the slim young man beside her. Teel?'
'Zero confirmed,' Teel announced in a puzzled voice. 'I do not understand it.' B
alan glanced anxiously across at the three figures sagging limply against the ob
servation port, their tongues hanging out and their eyes rolling. 'There must be
an instrument malfunction,' he murmured. 'They had no protection at all. The co
unt cannot be zero.' 'We cannot leave them in there much longer!' Kando warned h
im. After a moment of agonised indecision, Balan leaned over and touched a switc
h. The airlock chamber door swung open 21
and the three sweating, gasping victims stumbled out into the clinical and compl
ex laboratory. 'What... what the divil are ye trying to do, ye Sassenachs... coo
k us?' Jamie spluttered. 'Cos I'm no haggis ..." The Doctor restrained him as be
st he could and staggered angrily over towards Balan who backed away from him po
inting a small Geiger counter at arm's length. 'All totally un...unnecessary,' t
he Doctor panted, brushing the instrument aside. 'There's not a trace of contami
nation on any of us.' Calmly Balan checked the reading. 'Strange, is it not? The
whole island has been lethally radioactive for 172 annos,' he said in a culture
d voice. 'Well, it isn't now!' Jamie snapped rudely, clutching his head". 'Of co
urse it is,' Kando corrected him politely. 'I suggest that you check,' the Docto
r advised Balan firmly 'We have only just arrived here,' Teel explained. 'The an
nual environmental audit will be conducted during the next few days.' The Doctor
moved closer to Balan and addressed him with confidential urgency. 'I insist th
at you order a check immediately. It could be of the utmost importance.' Balan s
tared impassively at the dapper stranger for a moment. Then he turned and nodded
to Teel. The young Dulcian picked up the Geiger counter and his helmet, and hur
ried out. 'What is happening here?' Balan suddenly demanded glancing at Zoe and
Jamie. 'I was not aware that any other persons were permitted to work on the Isl
and.' 'Neither was I,' bluffed the Doctor, smiling courteously 'We were rather h
oping that you might be able to enlighten us.' Zoe stared at the formidable arra
y of equipment around them. 'Why is the Island supposed to be so dangerous?' she
asked, wincing from the dull headache her recent ordeal had given her. Balan fr
owned in surprise. 'Everyone is aware of the atomic 22
test .-..' 'But I thought you had abolished such research here on Dulkis,' the D
octor exclaimed. Balan shook his head. 'You seem very poorly informed about your
own planet.' 'That's because our own planet is ..." Jamie clammed up as the Doc
tor kicked him sharply in the ankle. But it was too late. The Doctor looked furi
ous, but simply shrugged. 'As Jamie was about to reveal, we come from a differen
t planet... indeed from a different time,' he admitted. Balan seemed completely
unmoved. 'Really? Not from Dulkis. I must record that in the bulletin,' he said.
Then he smiled indulgently: 'That explains why you exposed your- selves to the
dangers on the Island. No Dulcian would be so foolhardy.' 'Then what the divil a
re you doing here?' Jamie demanded roughly, turning to Kando. She drew herself u
p with elegant pride. 'We are members ;of Educator Balan's university research g
roup The Doctor intervened hastily. 'When I visited Dulkis before, it was a civi
lised and peaceful place,' he remarked gently. Again Balan looked singularly uni
mpressed. "This is not your first visit. I must note that in the bulletin.' 'But
what has happened here?' the Doctor inquired impatiently. 'Why are you conducti
ng atomic tests?' Balan smiled and turned to Kando. 'The Seventh Council ...'he
prompted her. There was a brief silence while Kando muttered parrot-fashion unde
r her breath about fifth and sixth councils and the Doctor shuffled restlessly f
rom foot to foot, nodding encouragement. '...the Seventh Council under Director
Manus initiated research into atomic energy, using this Island as a test site fo
r the device, the results of which can be seen today...' Kando recited tonelessl
y. 'Thereafter all such projects were prohibited. The Island is preserved as a m
useum and as a warning to future generations.' 'She's certainly done her homewor
k!' Zoe remarked, with a 23
sarcastic grimace at Jamie. Oblivious, Balan beamed at his pupil approvingly Mea
nwhile the Doctor had wandered off around the laboratory, shoulders hunched, han
ds deep in pockets. 'Atomic weapons or no atomic weapons ... that was quite a ba
ng we heard,' he murmured. Then he stopped in his tracks face to face with Balan
. 'So what has happened to all that radiation?' he demanded. 'I do hope you don'
t suspect that its disappearance has got anything to do with us!' As soon as Rag
o and Toba were out of sight, Kully emerged from his cramped niche among the deb
ris and scurried over to look at the sticky black markings in the sand, not far
from the wall of the museum. Then he noticed several sets of regular rectangular
tracks and shuddered at the memory of the ruthless robots he had seen earlier.
A sudden movement behind him made him jerk round with a gasp. A tall faceless wh
ite figure was clambering over the wreckage towards the ruin. Springing up, Kull
y started to run as fast as his short plump legs would carry him, away towards t
he dunes. 'Kully ... Kully!' rasped an echoing metallic voice. 'What are you doi
ng here?' Kully stopped but dare not turn round. 'Who ...who is that?' he shoute
d, as heavy footfalls thumped up behind him 'It is Teel. I am with the survey gr
oup.' Kully spun round, almost crying with relief as the suited figure ran up to
him. He peered into the dark visor, but saw only his own terrified bulbous face
reflecting back at him. 'Surely you remember me?' rasped the voice through the
helmet speaker. 'Survey group!' Kully gasped, gripping Teel's arm. 'Take me ther
e. Quickly, take me there.' 'But what are you doing out here like that?' the voi
ce demanded in astonishment. Kully tugged frantically at the thick suit-sleeve.
'Donâ t argue, just take me there,' he pleaded. As Teel led the way swiftly back to t
he survey module Kully trotted along beside him endlessly jabbering about 24
aliens and robots and giant wooden boxes, until Teel began to fear that either t
he frenzied Dulcian had lost his' sanity or he was suffering from some kind of r
adiation sickness. Meanwhile, back in the cool humming chamber of the survey mod
ule the Doctor was pacing agitatedly. 'But why should you think that we are resp
onsible?' he objected. Balan shrugged. 'It is possible that your craft ... your
TARDIS has attracted the radiation somehow and absorbed it,' he speculated bland
ly. 'Nonsense. Quite out of the question,' the Doctor protested vehemently, runn
ing a critical eye over the module's instruments. Zoe and Jamie were deep in con
versation with Kando. 'Do spacecraft often visit Dulkis?' Zoe wondered. 'I belie
ve that yours is the first,' Kando replied. Jamie looked baffled. 'Well, ye dinn
a seem very surprised ta see us.' Kando frowned at the strange young man's curio
us speech. 'We Dulcians are taught to accept fact,' she explained. 'You are here
- that is fact. That you come from another planet I must accept as fact, since
I have no evidence to prove otherwise.' Jamie stared mischievously at her, tryin
g to think up some way to shock the serene young Dulcian. Suddenly the airlock h
issed open and Teel entered, removing his helmet. 'Not a trace of local radiatio
n,' he announced. 'But look what I did find!' he added, ushering forward a dusty
, rumpled figure covered in scratches. 'Kully!' Balan exclaimed with a start. 'H
ow do you come to be...?' 'Never mind that now,' Kully cried, ignoring the Docto
r and his two companions and seizing the Educator by the arm. â We must get back to t
he Capitol immediately.' 'Impossible,' Balan retorted. 'We have not even begun o
ur survey for the annual audit.' Kully stared at him wild-eyed. 'You'll all be w
iped out here!' he cried. Teel laughed uncomfortably. 'He claims to have seen al
iens 25
and killer robots and spacecraft,' he explained. Balan turned to the Doctor. 'Yo
u did not mention that you had brought robots.' Before the Doctor could reply, K
ully babbled on recklessly. 'Listen, Balan, I brought three citizens to the Isla
nd in my hovercraft. The robots killed them and destroyed the ship.' Balan start
ed to smile and then broke into a deep resonant laughter as he turned to the Doc
tor, Jamie and Zoe. 'Three citizens ... I see. Really Kully, you and your three
friends here should at least have agreed on the same story.' The Doctor looked f
lustered. 'I have never seen this person before in my life,' he protested, gestu
ring at Kully. Balan turned gravely to the dishevelled Dulcian. 'Kully, you may
be the son of our distinguished Director, but you had no right to bring these pe
ople here without authorisation,' he said coldly. Kully stared in turn at the th
ree strangers. 'These aren't my clients. I've never seen them before,' he retort
ed. Then he grabbed Balan's arm again. 'Listen, you old fool, there's no time to
lose. Call up my father in the Capitol... at least he's not as senile as you ar
e.' Before the outraged Educator could find words to reply, the Doctor hurriedly
intervened. 'You say that you saw a spacecraft?' he asked Kully. 'I've already
told you!' Kully yelled in exasperation! 'And robots ... horrible things.' The D
octor looked anxious. "This spacecraft, it wasn't sort of square like a tall woo
den box ...?' Kully wrinkled his snub nose impatiently. 'No, no, no .... that's
not the spacecraft. It's circular and flattish and silvery.' Balan snorted scorn
fully. 'The blue box is somewhere else. By the black star,' Kully chattered exci
tedly. 'The aliens were there. They were talking about destroying it," he shudde
red. "The TARDIS!' Zoe and Jamie chorused. The Doctor turned urgently to his you
ng friends. 'We'd better go at once,' he cried. Balan raised a restraining hand.
'My dear sir, you will be wasting your time,' he warned. 26
'My dear sir, time cannot be ...' the Doctor stopped himself, turned and ran to
the airlock. 'Come on, you two,' he shouted. Jamie hurried over, but Zoe held ba
ck. 'I think I'd rather stay here, Doctor,' she murmured. The Doctor nodded. 'We
won't be long,' he waved, opening the hatch. Before Zoe could object, they were
gone. Filled with foreboding, Zoe wandered aimlessly round the module trying to
ignore the fierce argument which had flared up between Kully and Balan, while T
eel and Kando occupied themselves with an elaborate communications unit along th
e far wall. 'I am sorry, Kully, but I can take no action until I have contacted
the Director,' Balan concluded adamantly. Kully grimaced. 'We all know what the
old man will say. â Do nothing.' Balan struggled to remain calm. 'Better to do nothin
g than to 'Cause unnecessary panic in the community.' 'Vegetables. Just vegetabl
es the lot of you!' Kully snapped. 'Show some respect!' Balan thundered. 'If not
for me then at least for your father.' He swept over to the communications unit
. Teel indicated the useless strobing and flashing on the screen. "There is powe
rful interference, Balan,' he reported apologetically. 'It is most unusual.' 'Th
at'll be the robots ..." Kully muttered exhaustedly. Zoe went over to the discon
solate little figure. 'You don't seem to be having much success convincing them,
' she said sympathetically. Kully pulled a grotesque face. 'Fossils. They don't
really live, they just exist,' he despaired. 'At least your Doctor friend showed
some interest.' He has a very enquiring mind, luckily,' Zoe said with a smile K
ully grinned bleakly. 'Then he'll be as unpopular as I am Whatever do you mean?'
â Oh, I just don't fit the Dulcian mould,' Kully explained wryly. 'Their shapely civ
ilised society. Everybody thinking 27
and living alike.' Balan suddenly clapped his hands. 'Quiet. We have made contac
t with Director Senex," he announced. They looked at the screen. A clear image w
as just beginning to form. 'Here we go,' Kully groaned. 'Words of wisdom from on
high...' 'Well, they've no harmed the TARDIS anyway,' reported Jamie after he h
ad briefly inspected the dilapidated structure, The Doctor was on his hands and
knees near by, his nose almost touching the sand as he examined the tacky black
markings scorched in the ground. 'Look at this, Jamie,' he muttered, 'most inter
esting.' Jamie glanced at the five-pointed star. Then he noticed the sets of tra
cks. 'Hey, Doctor, what are these?' he cried excitedly. Scrambling to his feet,
the Doctor hurried over. Two pairs of rectangular prints led away among the dune
s along the foot of the cliffs. The Doctor pondered a moment. 'Now who or what l
eaves footprints like these?' he murmured. 'Footprints ...' Jamie whispered, gri
nning uneasily as he looked warily around at the desolate landscape. The Doctor
sniffed the air expectantly. 'Come along, Jamie, let's follow them ... or it...
shall we?' He darted off nimbly over the brittle, ochre-coloured sandhills. Relu
ctantly Jamie caught up and they followed the strange oblong tracks for about tw
o kilometres. Eventually, climbing a short slope, they found themselves staring
at the huge silver saucer mounted on its broad central column. Instinctively Jam
ie threw himself face-down in the sand, but the Doctor remained standing, shield
ing his eyes from the glare and gazing intently at the opening at the bottom of
the shaft. Slowly Jamie got to his feet. 'I reckon we ought to get back to Zoe n
ow, Doctor,' he suggested nervously. 'She'll be worried.' But the Doctor had alr
eady begun to creep forward towards the awesome machine gleaming menacingly agai
nst the cuff. 28
'You're not thinking what I think you're thinking ... are you Doctor?' Jamie whi
spered, clutching his sleeve. 'Most definitely,' the Doctor grinned, still stari
ng in fascination at the open hatchway. â Och no ..." Jamie pleaded, frowning at the
hundreds of track marks criss-crossing the hollow in front of the ominously loom
ing saucer. 'Can ye no keep oot a trouble just for once?' They finally reached t
he curved hatchway and the Doctor stopped to admire the underside of the giganti
c craft spread out above them. 'How absolutely splendid,' he murmured almost rev
erently. 'Yes, obviously an interstellar craft of quite sophisticated design, no
doubt powered by some kind of ..." The Doctor paused as his arm was gripped pai
nfully. 'Don't do that Jamie ...' he protested. Jamie's gasp of horror made the
Doctor jerk round. His jaw dropped open and his eyes widened in surprise and dis
may. â Oh dear. Oh Jamie. Oh my goodness,' he muttered, making Jamie wince as he grip
ped his arm in turn. Two Quarks were standing a few metres away, cutting off the
ir escape. The Doctor and Jamie stared at the squat, buzzing robots for a moment
and then turned back in futile desperation towards the hatchway. The opening wa
s filled by Toba's huge gaunt figure. His massive gloves creaked as he opened hi
s hands in a gesture of ironic welcome on the threshold of the spacecraft. 'Do n
ot move. Do not move!' bleated the Quarks, in a kind : of crazed falsetto. The D
octor and Jamie continued to stare into Toba's expressionless green eyes while b
ehind them the Quarks chattered away, extending their probes and charging their
weapon systems. An unearthly smile carved deep fissures in Toba's mask-like face
and a livid pink tongue darted out momentarily to moisten, his thin lifeless li
ps. Then his red-rimmed eyes lit up with a hypnotic gleam which seemed to be fir
ed by hate and greed and lust and madness, all together. 'Quarks!' he suddenly r
asped, his gloves creaking in eager anticipation. 'Prepare!' 29
3 The Assessment Prodded viciously by the buzzing Quarks, the Doctor and Jamie s
oon found themselves entering the vast circular control centre at the heart of t
he alien ship. The chamber was filled with a ghostly glow from the fluorescent g
raphics and systems displays covering the walls. In the middle , on a raised cir
cular dais, stood the main control column consisting of a mosaic of flickering c
rystal buttons set into a sphere which was mounted on a slim metal stalk, like s
ome giant tropical bloom. Otherwise the chamber was streamlined and bare 'Approa
ch!'Rago ordered. The Quarks propelled their captives across to the dais where R
ago loomed over them, his emerald eyes glittering in the soft' rainbow luminosit
y. Toba stood behind them breathing heavily. 'Who are you?' Jamie croaked, his t
hroat dry with fear. The towering figure glowered down at them. 'We are Dominato
rs,' he announced, his voice echoing around the dome above. 'That's quite eviden
t,' the Doctor muttered wryly. Toba emitted a dangerous hiss. Jamie shivered des
pite himself. 'Assess the specimens,' Rago ordered tersely. 'Stand against the p
anel!' Toba rapped, whirling the prisoners round bodily and thrusting them towar
ds a flat section of wall. 'I will not!' Jamie exploded, tearing himself free. '
Jamie ...' warned the Doctor, shuffling obediently to the panel 31
"The Dominators are obeyed!' Toba roared. Jamie stood his ground. 'Not by me,' h
e retorted. 'Quark!' One of the robots whirred into action, its long crystal ant
ennae glowing reddish white. There was a rapid throbbing sound and the young Sco
t was flung against the panel. He hung there dazed and limp for a moment. Then h
e feebly started to struggle. 'Help me ... help me, Doctor ...' he pleaded. As s
oon as the Doctor responded, the staccato throbbing burst out again and he too w
as forced against the panel. Rago smiled contemptuously. 'It is useless to resis
t. My Quark has bonded your bodies to the panel by means of molecular adhesion,'
he' boomed. Toba touched some switches and Jamie's section of panelling immedia
tely slid outward and then swung through 90 degrees to form a horizontal pallet.
'What are ye doing to me?' Jamie gasped, transfixed with terror as a transparen
t globular apparatus swung out and hung suspended over his body. 'Aliens are occ
asionally of use to us,' Rago explained coldly. 'We shall assess your physiologi
cal status. Quark!' One of the robots tramped rapidly over and connected its two
probes into sockets at the foot of Jamie's pallet. Frantically Jamie tried to t
wist himself free, his eyes staring wildly and his white face glistening with sw
eat. 'Doctor ... can ye no do anything?' he panted. 'Activate!' Rago snapped, st
epping down from the dais. The Quark emitted a crazed giggling noise and the glo
bular device above Jamie started to glow. Helplessly the Doctor watched as Rago
took a kind of visor resembling an ophthalmoscope from Toba and slipped it over
his head, Jamie was bathed in an eerie bluish aura as the Dominator bent over to
examine him. 'Brittle skeletal structure ... calcium phosphate ... reasonable d
egree of flexibility and muscular strength ...' Rago murmured. 'Single heart...
superfluous organ present right side ..." Jamie shuddered as Rago's eye, magnifi
ed to monstrous 32
proportions by the visor, bored relentlessly into his own. 'Simple brain circuit
ry ...' Rago continued tonelessly, signs of recent rapid learning ... little int
ellectual development.' At last Rago straightened up and took off the visor. Ass
essment: possible marginal utility for elementary labour tasks,' he concluded. '
Shall I prepare the second specimen for scrutiny?' Toba asked eagerly. Rago cons
idered the Doctor for a moment. 'Negative. They will be identical. Conserve powe
r,' he decided. The Quark disconnected its probes, the apparatus withdrew and th
e panel tilted back to the vertical. Jamie hung beside the Doctor pale and drain
ed, his stomach cramped with nausea from the effects of the body scanner. Toba t
urned expectantly to his superior. 'Since these specimens are of inferior qualit
y we can destroy them,' he proposed. 'Negative. They will perform in a labour fo
rce.' 'We have the Quarks for such functions,' Toba objected. 'I repeat, Toba: t
he Quarks' power must be conserved.' Rago turned abruptly away and stood staring
into the Doctor's mild brown eyes. The Doctor stared unflinchingly back, the fa
intest of smiles flickering around his mouth. 'Set up a Neuro-Initiative Test on
this specimen,' Rago suddenly ordered, pointing at the Doctor. The Doctor's smi
le vanished at once and he swallowed apprehensively. 'Oh dear me,' he muttered m
iserably, 'not a NIT.' In the survey module, Teel struggled to maintain visual c
ontact with the Capitol, but the image of Director Senex oscillated fitfully and
finally broke up into a storm of static. However, the Director's imperturbable
voice continued to filter faintly through: 'Your image is fading, Educator Balan
... I regret that it is not possible to evaluate your ...' 'Oh never mind the p
icture, Father,' Kully butted in irritably, 'just tell us what you're going to d
o.' The audio circuit hissed and squealed, and Senex became 33
only just distinguishable. 'I cannot understand you, Balan ... Send Kully and th
e strangers to the Capitol immediately... I will question them here ...' Kully s
houldered his way between Balan and Teel: 'Father, listen to me ...' he shouted
into the receiver, 'Father, there's no time ..." Teel shook his head. 'I am sorr
y, Kully, but they have terminated reception.' Kully thumped himself on the fore
head. 'Typical Dulcian behaviour,' he exclaimed in despair. 'Something unusual h
appens, something you don't understand, and you just switch off. Up here.' Kando
glanced round from the transporter unit. 'The capsule is priming now, Balan,' s
he reported. Kully wandered gloomily over to Zoe, who had been trying not to get
in the way. 'Ever travelled in a capsule before?' he enquired. 'No. How do they
work?' Kully shrugged. 'No idea. Hate the things myself.' He turned suddenly to
Balan. 'You see? The girl asked a question, therefore she can't possibly be a D
ulcian. She must have an enquiring mind,' he said with a facetious grin. Balan w
as unimpressed. 'Your father will decide,' he replied humourlessly. Then he turn
ed courteously to Zoe. 'As soon as your two friends return they will follow in t
he second capsule,' he explained. Zoe looked apprehensive. 'Wouldn't it be simpl
er to wait and all go together?' she suggested with a nervous little laugh. 'Tra
vel capsules carry only two persons,' Kando informed her. 'Capsule one is primed
, Balan.' Balan squeezed Zoe's arm encouragingly. 'There is nothing to fear,' he
told her gently. Zoe giggled. 'Oh I'm not afraid. I'm looking forward to it,' s
he lied. 'Well, I'm not,' Kully murmured grumpily, leading the way over to a sec
tion of transparent tube set into the wall. Inside the tube was a long bullet-sh
aped vehicle, with a sliding canopy which opened to reveal two small seats, set
one in front of the other. Zoe noted the absence of visible controls, 34
apart from a digital display and a few touch-buttons in the front panel. 'Come o
n, then, let's try to stir up a bit of action in the Capitol,' Kully said, reluc
tantly squeezing his chubby frame into the cramped front seat. After a momentary
hesitation, Zoe climbed in behind him. Balan leaned in and touched a sequence o
f buttons. 'I will programme for the Capitol if you will allow me,' he said firm
ly. 'Afraid I might get lost?' Kully chuckled, watching Balan operate the route
lock button. With a swish the transparent canopy and the hatch in the launch tub
e both slid shut. 'I hope you know how to fly this contraption,' Kully joked, as
the capsule suddenly accelerated away along the tube and then abruptly tilted a
t a steep angle upwards. Seconds later they were climbing at tremendous speed th
rough dense white clouds, and the capsule was vibrating and gyrating sickeningly
. Pale and silent, Zoe gritted her teeth and clung to her seat, convinced that s
he had left her stomach far behind her. 'Selectors are a bit worn,' Kully remark
ed casually over his shoulder, 'but you just sit back and relax. It'll be all ri
ght as soon as we level off.' After a while the capsule stopped vibrating and gr
adually levelled off. 'Does this thing land automatically as well?' Zoe enquired
in a faint voice. 'Usually,' Kully chuckled. 'In the old days everything had to
be done manually, of course. Must have led to a great feeling of pride and achi
evement.' 'And an awful lot of accidents!' Zoe added ruefully. 'Yes, but at leas
t people exercised their individual skills and judgement. Now all that's gone.'
Zoe gripped her seat even more firmly. 'You ... you mean you can't control this
thing at all?' Kully shrugged. 'There are some switches here for emergencies ...
but I can't remember how to use them.' The capsule suddenly dived sharply and t
hen came level again. 35
'Very comforting!' Zoe muttered, clutching her tummy. 'Don't worry,' Kully cried
gaily. 'Nothing will go wrong. Not on Dulkis. Father wouldn't allow it.' 'Why d
on't you get on with your father?' Zoe asked. 'Oh, he's all right, I suppose,' K
ully admitted. 'He's just gone a little too far. He got rid of aggression and al
l that, but now curiosity's gone as well. There's no desire for adventure Kully'
s words were swallowed up by a piercing whine as the capsule pitched abruptly in
to a steep nosedive. Zoe could not help screaming as it accelerated faster and f
aster towards the vertical and the clouds merged into a dizzy blur outside the c
anopy ... The Doctor and Jamie were rapidly growing weaker and weaker from the e
ffects of the molecular adhesion pinning them firmly to the wall of the control
centre. Helplessly they watched Rago and Toba setting up an elaborate testing ap
paratus on the central dais. 'For optimum slave personnel we shall require stren
gth and obedience, but only sufficient intelligence to make them efficient and n
ot dangerous ..." Rago was saying. Jamie grimaced. 'So they want to know how cle
ver we are,' he whispered feebly out of the corner of his mouth. 'Or how stupid
we are ...' the Doctor muttered hoarsely. 'That might be more to our advantage,
Jamie.' He squinted at the device through half-closed eyes. It resembled a game
board perforated with differently shaped holes and with a pair of earphones wire
d to a network of circuitry beneath it. Along one edge of the board was fitted a
vertical plate containing two fist-sized apertures side by side. Along the oppo
site edge ran a tray filled with an assortment of small solid shapes rather like
model building-blocks. 'You have to fit the shapes into the correct holes,' the
Doctor explained under his breath. 'But a wee bairn could do that,' Jamie croak
ed, 'it's simple.' The Doctor nodded. 'That's what worries me, Jamie. It's too s
imple.' Jamie's dulled eyes suddenly brightened. 'Doctor ... you 36
nodded,' he gasped. 'You moved.' 'Dear me, Jamie, so I did,' the Doctor muttered
cautiously. He twitched his finger, clenched his hand, raised his arm and final
ly eased his body away from the wall. 'I'm free!' he breathed. 'How about you?'
Scarcely daring to try, Jamie eventually prised himself a few centimetres away f
rom the panel. 'Aye, me too.' The Doctor glanced covertly across the huge chambe
r towards the elevator system which had brought them up from ground level earlie
r. The Dominators were engrossed in their apparatus. A reckless idea flashed int
o the Doctor's mind ... But at the same instant, one of the Quarks' antennae spa
rked and the robot marched menacingly towards the prisoners. 'Adhesion expired.
Are the specimens to be refused?' it bleated shrilly. 'Negative!' Rago snapped,
turning sharply. 'Commence the test.' Prodded by the Quark, the Doctor shuffled
wearily across to the dais. 'What are you going to do to us?' he asked submissiv
ely. Toba clamped the earphones to the Doctor's temples and thrust the Doctor's
hands through the circular openings in the vertical plate. 'Quark!' Toba ordered
. The nearest robot connected its probes into the circuits at the base of the bo
ard and its antennae glowed blood-red. The Doctor immediately contorted in agony
, struggling to free his hands so that he could tear the screaming phones from h
is ears, but his hands were paralysed. After a few seconds the Quark's antennae
stopped glowing and the Doctor sagged limply to his knees. Toba's face was a wax
en mask of cruel enjoyment. "The goad will be repeated regularly until the puzzl
e is reassembled,' he rasped malevolently. 'Begin!' Powerless to intervene, Jami
e could only look on as the Doctor fumbled clumsily with the Perspex shapes, try
ing to force them into completely unsuitable holes in the board. 'Come on, Docto
r, the square hole ... no, the square hole,' Jamie cried as the Quark's antennae
glowed and the Doctor dropped the shapes and twisted pitifully. 37
The Quark switched off the goad and the Doctor struggled to pick up the shapes i
n his horribly clenched hands again. 'Och ye canna be sae daft... the triangle..
.' Jamie pleaded. 'Whatever's the matter wi' ye?' But the Doctor kept fumbling a
nd dropping the pieces. A third time the goad was switched on and the Doctor spr
ang back, arched like a bow, with his swollen tongue trapped between gnashing te
eth and his eyes crossing and bulging horribly in his lolling head. Frozen into
silence, Jamie gaped in futile desperation at his tortured friend. 'Quark, termi
nate!' Rago ordered. Toba wrenched the earphones from the Doctor's head, dragged
his gnarled hands through the plate and shook him back to consciousness. Meanwh
ile Rago was staring intently at the specimen, almost as if he suspected that al
l was not as it seemed. Boiling with rage, Jamie hurried over and supported the
Doctor while he found his feet again. 'Are you all right, Doctor?' he murmured,
peering anxiously into the flushed, contorted face. 'Yes, yes, I'm in the pink,
Jamie. Just a little dazed though.' 'What are you up to? That puzzle was easy,'
Jamie whispered. The Doctor gave a sly wink. 'A stupid enemy is far less of a th
reat than an intelligent one,' he whispered, grinning mischievously. 'Just act s
tupid, Jamie. Can you manage that?' 'Aye, it's easy ...' Jamie caught the Doctor
's eye and realised he was being sent up. 'Och you're in the pink all right,' he
mumbled shamefacedly. They fell silent as they became aware of Rago's unwaverin
g gaze on them. Nudging Jamie to follow suit, the Doctor meekly shuffled to the
edge of the dais and sat with his legs dangling and a vacant expression on his f
ace. Suddenly Toba rapped out an order and the Quarks marched forward and connec
ted their probes into the edge of the circular platform. 'Power,' Toba snapped.
The two sets of antennae sparked in unison. Rago watched the Doctor carefully as
he looked around, nodding and grinning and patting Jamie's knee reassuringly. 3
'Now stand up!'.Toba boomed. The Doctor obediently lowered his feet to the deck
and immediately jumped back up onto the dais as a vivid blue flash exploded unde
r his shoes. 'Stand up!' Toba repeated in an almost maniacal tone. Gingerly Jami
e edged forward and again there was a vicious crack as his sturdy hobnailed boot
s touched the deck, causing him to jerk his legs into the air as he rolled on hi
s back on the dais. 'Get down!' Toba shrieked. 'Let's try over there,' the Docto
r suggested in a ponderous voice, as if he were solving some fantastically compl
ex problem. 'You are surrounded,' Toba snarled contemptuously. The Doctor and Ja
mie stared at each other and then shook their heads, lifting their feet and poin
ting hopelessly at their smoking boots like a pair of vaudeville clowns. 'These
specimens are utterly useless,' Toba hissed, turning to Rago. 'That is my assess
ment.' The Navigator's waxen nostrils flared and the red rims of his eyes bright
ened. 'Their behaviour is at variance with information we already possess,' he s
aid ominously. 'Those weapons we examined in the ruin could not have been devise
d by such apparent simpletons as these.' Rago turned to a Quark. 'Report to Flee
t Leader. Fleet Refuel Project proceeds to plan. However, status of indigenous s
pecies is not yet determined.' The Quark marched across to a communications pane
l and plugged itself in. Rago surveyed his two prisoners cowering on the dais. '
Follow,' he ordered, turning abruptly towards the elevator. 'But we can't get of
f without... without...' the Doctor's plea trailed pathetically into silence. 'J
ump!' Rago retorted. Warily the two captives got to their feet and stood gazing
down at the deck as though it were a yawning chasm below them. Then the Doctor c
lasped Jamie by the hand, shut his eyes and they both jumped safely off the dais
. 'A simple electrical circuit, completed by your bodies when 39
you attempted to stand up,' Rago explained to the amazed pair. 'Evidently you kn
ow nothing of electricity.' The Doctor frowned. 'Electricity? What is that?' The
Navigator strode over to the Doctor. 'Are you such a fool? You have intelligent
eyes,' he rasped. For a moment Jamie thought the Doctor was going to abandon hi
s pretence, but he simply stared up at the huge Dominator with wide, innocent ey
es. There was a spine-chilling pause. 'One final test ...' Rago announced, strid
ing over to the elevator. 'Bring them ...' 40
4 Heads in the Sand On the Dulcian mainland the Capitol basked in the warm clear
light from Dulkis's modest yellow sun, its thousands of silver terraces gleamin
g and its endless windows reflecting the golden sky. Long cool galleries filled
with lush green vegetation stretched in all directions and every few metres smal
l fountains cast fine shimmering sprays of purified water in myriad colours. The
atmosphere was relaxed and hushed. Everywhere, the tall inhabitants moved about
calmly in their loose light togas, conversing in quiet unhurried voices. In the
Council Chamber, high in the domed summit of the vast city, half a dozen elderl
y Dulcians were lounging in padded reclining chairs, each fitted with its own sm
all vision screen and its individual refreshment rack laden with exotic fruits a
nd colourful iced drinks. The Councillors had high foreheads and swept-back hair
and the skin of their long sensitive faces was lined but blooming. Around them,
subtle combinations of pastel colours endlessly mingled on the curved opalescen
t walls and softly soothing sounds floated continuously through the scented air.
Deputy Director Bovem arranged his flowing white robe and settled back into the
cushions. 'Very well. It is agreed, subject naturally to the approval of Direct
or Senex, that the area in question be developed for exclusively leisure and hol
iday activity,' he announced in a musical voice. 'But have the Councillors given
all due consideration to the submissions of the Industrial Committee?' asked a
florid member, sipping from a tall slim glass. Bovem raised an elegant hand. 'Re
ally Councillors, I do not wish to hurry you, but we have been debating this mat
ter 41
for several lunars and I feel sure ..." He was interrupted by a series of bell-l
ike tones and then a quiet voice filled the Chamber: 'Citizen Kully has arrived
accompanied by a stranger. They wait in the Antechamber.' Bovem touched a button
in the arm of his couch. 'Let them remain there until Director Senex has been i
nformed,' he instructed. Without warning, a section of the wall dissolved and Ku
lly came bursting in followed by Zoe, both of them out of breath. The wall autom
atically re-formed itself behind them. Kully stomped straight over to Bovem, sca
ttering sand and wiping his shining face with the hem of his skirt. 'If you thin
k we're going to kick our heels while you gossip away for hours on end you're mi
staken,' he shouted. Bovem rose to his feet with strained dignity. 'Inform the D
irector that his son is here,' he ordered. Then he gathered his robe in a classi
cally authoritative pose. 'This is an outrageous abuse of the Council's dignity.
' he protested. 'Who cares about that?' Kully retorted. 'I've got vitally import
ant news.' The Deputy Director permitted himself a faintly ironic smile. 'What f
airy tale have you concocted this time?' he demanded. 'And who is this young lad
y?' Kully ushered Zoe forward. She looked pale and shaken after the hair-raising
flight in the capsule. 'This is Zoe. Her friends will be arriving soon. I met t
hem all on the Island.' Balan frowned. 'Doubtless none of you possessed the nece
ssary permits.' 'Don't be stupid!' Kully shouted exasperatedly. 'How could they
have permits? They come from another planet.' There was a startled pause. Then a
murmur of disbelief rippled round the Chamber. A gaunt, hook-nosed Councillor w
aved a languid arm. 'Nonsense. The existence of extra-Dulcian life has been conc
lusively disproved by the Scientific Committee.' A younger Councillor shook his
head. 'Not conclusively. It is possible that life in some form does exist elsewh
ere,' he argued. 42
Kully grabbed an orange fruit from the nearest rack. 'Listen, there's no time fo
r the usual three-lunar debate,' he snapped, biting hungrily and sending a strea
m of juice in all directions. 'Can't you understand what's happened? A spacecraf
t has landed on the Island with aliens and robots, and they've killed Wahed, Tol
ata and Etnin!' The atmosphere in the Council Chamber abruptly changed. Bovem wa
lked slowly up to Zoe and stared searchingly into her face. 'Aliens?' he murmure
d gravely. 'Murder?' Zoe squirmed uncomfortably and said nothing. 'Kully!' calle
d a thin, cultured voice. At once everyone looked round in surprise. A very tall
figure with fine silver hair and a pointed beard was standing by the wall. His
robe was edged with a narrow green band. 'Director Senex ... we were not aware .
..' Bovem faltered. The Director raised his pale hand. 'Quite. 'He gazed impassi
vely at Zoe for a moment with keen blue eyes. Then he moved elegantly across to
his chair. 'I shall speak with Kully and the stranger alone, 'he announced. The
Councillors immediately rose and Bovem led them out in respectful silence. Zoe w
atched in uneasy bewilderment as Senex slowly took his seat. His face seemed fil
led with peace, wisdom and intelligence. 'Do you enjoy being treated as a clown,
Kully?' he enquired at last. Kully stared sulkily at his father and said nothin
g. Senex turned to Zoe. 'What were you doing on the Island?' he said gently, gla
ncing at her unfamiliar clothing. Zoe shrugged. 'Nothing really. Just looking ar
ound.' Senex glared at his son. 'How could you expose foolish innocent citizens
to such danger?' he demanded severely. 'But I didn't take Zoe ..." Kully started
to protest. Senex waved his hand impatiently. 'We know all about your irrespons
ible escapades.' Kully looked genuinely shocked. 'You knew? Then why didn't you
prosecute me?' Senex frowned. 'Prosecution would simply have flattered your reck
less ego and it would have reflected badly upon 43
myself.' Kully clutched his head in his podgy hands: 'Why can't I be treated as
an individual instead of always as "the son of our distinguished Director"?' he
groaned despairingly. The Director ignored this and turned back to Zoe. 'Please
tell me exactly what happened,' he requested courteously. Zoe took a deep breath
. 'Well, your... your worship... the Doctor and Jamie and I had just landed on t
he Island in the TARDIS ...' 'The TARDIS?' 'Oh, a Time And Relative Dimensions I
n Space machine,' Zoe explained. 'Transcends Time and Space Field Parameters ...
' added Kully helpfully. Senex rose angrily to his feet. 'This game has gone qui
te far enough, Kully,' he warned. 'Oh, but it's true,' Zoe insisted, 'ask the Do
ctor and Jamie. They'll be arriving soon.' Senex's noble face clouded ominously.
'What do you hope to achieve by this elaborate play-acting, Kully?' he demanded
in an outraged undertone. Kully could stand it no longer. He seized the loose f
olds of his father's robe and almost shook him off his feet. 'I told you the tru
th on the vision link,' he shouted. 'A spacecraft has landed. Three people have
been killed. Radioactivity has disappeared and there are robots destroying every
thing in sight. Now please do something before it's too late.' The Director was
virtually trapped face to face with his raging son. 'And no doubt Zoe will confi
rm all this?' he murmured. Zoe glanced uncertainly at Kully. 'Well ... I haven't
actually seen the spacecraft and the robots ...' she mumbled apprehensively, 'b
ut Jamie and the Doctor ....' With unexpected force, Senex freed himself from Ku
lly's tenacious grasp. 'So We have only your word Kully,' he breathed. 'And bitt
er experience has taught us all just how reliable that is.' Inside the ruined mu
seum the tension was becoming 44
unbearable as Jamie and the Doctor stood facing one another a few metres apart,
each guarded by a Quark with its probes extended and primed. Rago had handed the
Doctor the laser gun from the showcase. 'What is it?' the Dominator demanded. T
he Doctor peered at the weapon short-sightedly. 'It's a sort of a gun ...' 'Expl
ain its function.' The Doctor hesitated. 'Well, I ... it kills people ...' 'Fire
it!' Rago commanded. Jamie's heart leapt into his throat as the Doctor pointed
the laser vaguely in his direction while pretending to work out its mechanism, b
ut he gritted his teeth and kept quiet. For a few awful seconds the incessant ch
attering of the Quarks' circuits was the only sound. Then Rago snatched the weap
on and handed it to Jamie. 'You fire it!' he rapped. Jamie frowned. 'Ah dinna ke
n how ta werk it,' he mumbled, pointing the barrel at Toba. There was a violent
bleating and flashing from the two robots and Jamie immediately swung the laser
towards the Doctor. 'Obey!' Toba bellowed. Suddenly the weapon emitted a shrill
whirring and the Doctor ducked out of range with a genuine gasp of fright. Jamie
continued to fumble and the gun repeated the whirring several times but did not
discharge. The Doctor was trembling and sweating but he pulled himself together
and managed to grin simple-mindedly at the Dominators. 'We don't really underst
and such devices on Dulkis,' he blustered. 'You see, we haven't used them for de
cades ..." Rago took the laser from Jamie and aimed it point-blank at the Doctor
's head. 'So you do not understand this weapon?' he said quietly. The Doctor sho
ok his head, licking his dry lips. All at once the laser whirred and then fired.
The Doctor had no time to even flinch. Jamie screamed in horror and covered his
face. 'Neutral mode,' Rago explained, smiling cruelly at the 45
Doctor's sweat-soaked face, 'for testing only.' Jamie was almost crying with rel
ief and for a while the Doctor was unable to speak. 'Ah yes, the Clever Ones,'.
he eventually muttered. 'They invented the weapons, but they stopped us using th
em ..." Rago's interest was aroused. 'Clever Ones? Then there are two distinct s
pecies on this planet?' he suggested. The Doctor nodded resentfully. 'Not many C
lever Ones left now. We don't like them. They tell us what to do.' Tossing the g
un aside, Rago grunted with satisfaction. 'There appears to be no danger from th
ese primitives and the others are pacifists,' he brusquely informed Toba. The Pr
obationer raised his huge grasping gloves. 'These primitives are useless to us.
They should be destroyed.' Rago turned on him. 'Negative. They can perform menia
l tasks for us in due course.' The Navigator swung round to the cowering and ina
nely grinning Doctor. 'Keep away from us and from the Quarks until you are requi
red,' he commanded. Then he strode out followed by Toba and the two robots. When
they had gone, Jamie and the Doctor hugged each other in sheer relief. 'Well do
ne, Jamie,' cried the Doctor, dabbing at his face with a large spotted handkerch
ief, 'but perhaps you were just a trifle too convincing when they ordered you to
shoot me!' 'Bloodthirsty lot,' Jamie said with a shudder. 'But what are they af
ter, Doctor?' 'Judging by that message they sent to their Fleet Leader, I'd gues
s it's fuel of some kind.' 'But why do they want slaves? They've got those Quark
beasties.' The Doctor folded his handkerchief thoughtfully-into smaller and sma
ller squares. I wish I knew, Jamie ..." he muttered. 'One thing is obvious: the
Dulcians are in great danger.' He listened for a moment, then motioned Jamie to
follow. "They've gone. Come on, we must get back to that survey module.' In the
module, Balan and Kando were watching Teel complete a complex graph on a compute
r screen, their faces 46
registering increasing concern and incomprehension. Eventually Teel turned to th
em. 'It is not logical, but that is the statistical result. There has been a ste
ady decrease in the radiation levels for the past 172 annos ... until now.' They
stared at the display. 'Now it has suddenly vanished,' Kando murmured. 'It is n
ot possible.' Balan shrugged unhappily. 'It has happened, therefore it is a fact
,' he informed the two young students. 'We have discovered that the radiation ef
fects from an atomic detonation endure for 172 annos.' Teel's fine, intelligent
features puckered with doubt. 'But what is the explanation?' he demanded. Educat
or Balan raised his hands, palms upwards, in a typical Dulcian gesture of resign
ation. 'No doubt our experts will explain,' he replied complacently. 'It is frui
tless for us to seek reasons to prove facts. Facts are truth.' Teel's jaw jutted
defiantly. 'I submit that the survey unit must investigate this phenomenon,' he
insisted, springing to his feet. 'The spacecraft that Kully reported ...' Angri
ly Balan cut his pupil short. 'There is no such craft, Teel. Nor are there any r
obots.' 'Oh I wouldn't bet on that if I were you!' The three Dulcians spun round
to see the Doctor and Jamie just emerging from the airlock. 'Kully was right,'
the Doctor continued. 'There is certainly an alien spacecraft and most definitel
y there are robots.' 'And you're all in great danger,' Jamie added earnestly. .
Balan ignored these revelations. 'Your friend Zoe is already at the Capitol and
Director Senex will be awaiting your own arrival,' he informed them. 'Do not del
ay.' The Doctor had caught .sight of the graph still glowing on the computer scr
een. His eyebrows shot up in astonishment. 'There you are!' he cried excitedly.
'Just look at that. You can't ignore that!' Swiftly Balan turned and cancelled t
he display. 'Please, Doctor, do not waste any more time in this foolishness,' he
pleaded. The Doctor stared furiously at Balan for several seconds. 'Quite!' he
suddenly snapped. 'Come along, Jamie, perhaps 47
Director Senex will listen to us.' Teel and Kando hurried across to prime the se
cond capsule for launching, while Balan escorted the Doctor and Jamie to the lau
nch tube and programmed the destination panel as they clambered aboard. 'Capsule
primed,' Teel called out. 'This will deliver you direct to the Capitol,' Balan
explained, 'and the Director will see you at his convenience.' "The Director wil
l see me at once,' the Doctor retorted as the canopy and access panel zipped shu
t. With a hollow screaming noise the capsule shot out of sight along the tube. T
eel and Kando had been eagerly whispering together and they turned as Balan came
back into the laboratory section. 'Now perhaps we can continue with our proper
work,' the Educator sighed. 'Willingly,' Kando agreed, glancing covertly at Teel
. 'Permission to commence soil-core sampling?' 'Granted,' Balan replied. Grabbin
g their equipment, the students almost rushed for the airlock. 'Wait!' Balan cri
ed sharply. 'I shall accompany you, to ensure that nothing distracts you from yo
ur tasks ..." Zoe had been wandering impatiently round and round the Council Cha
mber, now and then glancing hopefully at the wall through which Director Senex h
ad disappeared seemingly hours previously. Kully was lying in his father's chair
, his grubby and bruised legs thrown casually over the arm, idly watching a thin
trickle of sand running out of the side of his battered sandals. 'Oh, why are t
hey taking so long?' Zoe cried exasperatedly after a long silence. Kully yawned.
'Everything takes time on Dulkis. Nothing's ever rushed. Not any more,' he mumb
led. Zoe clasped and unclasped her hands in frustration. 'If what you told them
about the robots is true ...' 'So even you don't really believe me,' Kully said
disconsolately. 48
Zoe tousled her neat black hair. 'I don't know. I'm really worried. Jamie and th
e Doctor should have got here ages ago.' 'Perhaps my imaginary robots have gobbl
ed them both up!' Kully chuckled. Zoe gave a little sigh of apprehension. 'Sorry
,' Kully said gloomily. 'You don't believe me. The Council don't believe me. It'
s my own fault, I suppose.' He stared at the little heaps of sand on the floor b
y the chair. Then he suddenly leaped out of the Director's seat and grasped Zoe
by the shoulders. 'Would you come back to the Island with me?' he asked earnestl
y. Perplexed and miserable, Zoe gazed listlessly at his grimy bulbous features.
'Why, what are you going to do?' 'Bring back some evidence. Make them believe me
before it's too late. Will you come, Zoe?' Zoe thought for a moment. 'What kind
of evidence? Anyway, how could we get past your father and the Council out ther
e?' she objected. Kully seized her hand and headed straight towards the blank wa
ll of the Chamber. It dissolved in front of them and before she could resist, Ku
lly dragged Zoe through. 'We'll go through my father's private apartments,' he e
xplained. 'Then we'll have to steal a capsule somehow ...' Suddenly Kully stoppe
d. 'Your clothes, Zoe ... not exactly Dulcian, are they?' he said with a frown.
Zoe glanced down at her tee-shirt and slacks and then at Kully's shapeless, plea
ted tunic. 'No, I'm glad to say they're not,' she retorted indignantly. 'They'll
give us away. We'll never get past the Transport Monitors ...' Then Kully's fac
e brightened. 'You can borrow something from Zanta! She's away in the Antipodes.
' 'Zanta?' Zoe echoed doubtfully. 'My younger sister,' Kully explained. 'You're
about the same size,' he grinned. 'Come on.' Five minutes later, as arranged, Zo
e met Kully in the curved shimmering corridor outside Senex's apartments. Kully
whistled approvingly. 'At least you look more like a girl now.' Zoe grimaced at
her chunky pleats and rather loose sandals. 49
'This clobber isn't very practical, is it?' she complained. 'Never mind, you loo
k 90 per cent Dulcian,' Kully chuckled 'Your friends won't recognise you.' Zoe l
ooked worried. 'We'll probably pass them going in the opposite direction.' Kully
led the way rapidly along the smooth deserted corridor. 'Luckily I discovered s
ome travel permits in Father's pockets,' he whispered, flourishing some small pl
astic tokens. 'All I have to do is forge his signature.' 'Kully, you're a shamel
ess villain ..." Zoe giggled admiringly. 'And you are an alien imposter,' Kully
grinned, seizing her hand and breaking into a trot ... Their huge figures lit by
a lurid multicoloured glow, the Dominators were studying a large seismological
map of the Island displayed in fluorescent graphics on a panel in their control
centre. Five red stars forming a regular pattern pulsated rhythmically, and comp
lex clusters of symbols and figures flashed up in ever-changing sequences over t
he map. Beside the display, two Quarks were operating a large computer terminal.
'Depth of fourth bore revised in accordance with latest seismological data,' To
ba reported in a voice hushed with concentration. Rago nodded, his leathery face
a livid red in the glare from the screen and his green eyes piercingly intent.
'Link with trajectory angles and collate detonation limits,' he ordered quietly.
'Command accepted. Computing now.' The figures and symbols danced and flickered
madly. "There must be no error,' Rago warned in a menacing whisper. 'There will
be no second chance.' At that moment, one of the Quarks sparked and chattered i
nto action. 'Alien specimens approaching!' it bleated. 'Not now!' Rago breathed
venomously. 'I warned them ... Visual!' he ordered, turning to the Quark. The di
splay blacked out and a view of the area around the saucer flashed up in its pla
ce. Three white-suited but 50
helmetless figures could be seen descending the slope of the dunes and approachi
ng the Dominators' craft. 'Shall we destroy?' Toba suggested eagerly, trembling
with excitement. 'Negative,' Rago retorted. These are new specimens.' He leaned
forward in anticipation. 'They may be from the superior species. Investigate.' B
alan, Kando and Teel stood underneath the saucer, gazing in wonder at the sleek
monster towering over them. 'So Kully was telling the truth,' Teel murmured, awe
struck. 'Was he?' Balan said sharply. 'Then where are the robots?' Kando glanced
down at the maze of parallel tracks leading from the open hatchway at the botto
m of the central shaft. 'Perhaps ... perhaps they are inside,' she suggested ner
vously. Balan shook his head dismissively. 'Why seek unlikely answers to simple
problems? This is probably some form of experimental craft being tested by the T
echnological Committee.' 'But why is it here on the Island?' Teel persisted stub
bornly. 'No doubt it is highly secret,' Balan warned, turning to leave. 'Come, w
e have work to do.' Kando and Teel stood their ground. 'Perhaps there has been a
n accident ... a forced landing!' Kando burst out. 'Yes, it is our duty to inves
tigate,' Teel agreed, starting towards the hatchway. 'There has been no referenc
e to any accident in the Bulletins,' Balan objected, 'and I forbid you to interf
ere.' 'If it is secret the Bulletins will not refer to it,' Teel answered triump
hantly. Kando joined him, her beautiful eyes alive with excitement. 'We must inv
estigate,' she urged. Warily the two students stepped into the cylindrical chamb
er. Speechless with rage Balan came hurrying after them. No sooner had he entere
d than the hatch slid shut with a slick whirr and the floor immediately heaved u
nder their 51
feet as the elevator bore them rapidly up into the saucer. The three Dulcians st
ared around them open-mouthed as they stepped out into the deserted control cent
re, echoing and dark. 'This is not the technology of Dulkis ..." Teel murmured a
lmost reverently, gesturing at the crystal mosaic sphere glittering on the centr
al control column. Still struck dumb with amazement, Balan walked slowly over to
the dais and grasped the slim rail surrounding it for support. From the shadows
came a shrill giggling. Something glowed red and a nauseating throbbing burst o
ut. Balan went chalk white and tried to let go of the rail. 'I... I cannot move
...' he stuttered, gaping in utter terror at his shocked pupils. The throbbing w
as repeated and Teel was flung across the chamber and pinned helplessly to the w
all. Kando screamed in panic as two whirring, chattering machines with flashing
antennae marched out of the gloom towards her. Slowly she backed away. 'Stand st
ill!' croaked a hollow alien voice and Toba strode into the chamber hunched in h
is carapace of armoured plates. Then Rago entered, his suit creaking menacingly
as he loomed over Balan. The terrified Educator's mouth moved but no words emerg
ed, only strange incoherent sounds. His eyes were bloodshot and popping out of h
is head. 'You ... you are not Dulcians,' Teel gasped, his slim body crumpled aga
inst the panel. 'Quark!' Toba barked. The wall panel swung Teel like a dummy and
suspended him horizontally while the globular apparatus descended over him. The
n the Quark connected its probes into the bottom edge of the pallet. 'Activate!'
Toba ordered. Teel was bathed in the bluish aura as Rago fitted the visor over
his head and strode over to examine the new specimen. 'As I anticipated, this on
e is different,' Rago reported with a grunt of satisfaction. 'Greater brain capa
city ... Two hearts ... No superfluous internal organs ... Limited potential for
physical activity ...' After a few minutes he straightened up and took off the
visor. 'Affirmative. There are two species. 52
Neither presents any threat to us.' Toba was staring at Kando's cowering figure
beside the other Quark. 'Then we shall be able to assemble a labour force?' 'Aff
irmative. Of limited performance, but adequate,' Rago decided. 'We shall require
the oscillation area around the central bore target to be cleared of debris. Se
arch the Island. Round up all specimens.' 'Command accepted,' Toba acknowledged
eagerly. When Toba had left, Rago resumed his investigation of the semi-consciou
s Teel. 'I do not understand ..." Balan wailed, still helplessly stuck to the ra
il of the dais by molecular adhesion. 'Why should they wish to harm us?' Dazed w
ith shock, Kando shook her head. Then she began to whimper with terror as Rago t
urned his attention to her, his huge green eye swollen like that of some monstro
us Cyclops by the lenses of the visor. 'Muscular development is relatively retar
ded,' the creaking giant rasped, stooping over her. 'However, endurance can be t
ested. It should prove a most informative experiment ...' 53
5 Slavery After the capsule had screamed to a shuddering halt inside the termina
l tube in the survey module, Kully gallantly offered to help Zoe disembark, but
the independent young human jumped lightly out, none the worse for her second tu
rbulent trip. They looked around the deserted module with a mounting sense of fo
reboding. 'Where is everybody?' murmured Zoe. 'What do you think can have happen
ed?' Kully glanced over the quietly humming systems monitors and shrugged. 'We'd
better take a look outside.' Just then Zoe glimpsed something through the small
porthole nearest her. 'What on earth is that?' she exclaimed, leaning forward.
Then she caught sight of a similar object through the neighbouring porthole. She
ran from porthole to porthole and then turned slowly to face Kully as hot and c
old pins and needles prickled the back of her neck. 'We seem ... we seem to be c
ompletely surrounded ...' she gasped. As Kully scrambled to see for himself, a c
horus of unearthly noises briefly penetrated the hull of the module. An instant
later, the whole structure shuddered and several equipment panels burst into sho
wers of sparks. Momentarily frozen with terror, Kully stared at the encircling Q
uarks inexorably closing in on them with throbbing probes and threshing antennae
. Then he dived towards the airlock, yelling at Zoe to follow. Frantically he pr
essed and twisted and thumped the switches, but the door remained shut. Dense cl
ouds of black smoke began to billow out of the shattered panels. Again the modul
e shuddered, this time tipping over at an 55
alarming angle before settling back in a series of violent rocking movements. 'W
e're trapped ... we're trapped..." Kully shrieked, before being racked by a fit
of retching and coughing. A third time the module shook and then it rolled over
and over several times like a barrel, flinging Zoe and Kully around like rag dol
ls. The din was appalling as they alternately screamed and choked in the deadly
fumes, while the structure rapidly started to collapse around them. When the mod
ule finally came to rest, the two prisoners felt blindly about in the poisonous
darkness, their ears numbed by the prodigious reverberations of the battered" hu
ll. Eventually they found each other. 'Maybe you'll believe in my robots now ...
' Kully gasped, clasping Zoe round the waist with one arm and feeling with his f
ree hand for the airlock controls. 'What about the capsule thing?' Zoe panted th
rough her handkerchief. 'Can't navigate... even if it still works ... we'd end u
p back in the Capitol,' spluttered Kully, jiggling the switches in vain. 'Better
than being cooked in here.' Desperately Kully levered with his fingernails arou
nd the tightly sealed edge of the airlock, but it was impossible to budge it. Zo
e sank to her knees, her lungs burning. 'I.. .I just can't breathe ...' she croa
ked piteously, doubled in agony. A few seconds later, Kully collapsed against th
e airlock panel. Outside, standing hunched on the dunes like a huge rearing turt
le, Toba ordered the circle of Quarks to recharge their probes. A tremor of plea
sure ran through his massive frame as the robots bleated and sparked in unison a
round the scorched hulk of the module. 'And now complete destruction!' he comman
ded, in a frenzy of hatred and power. 'Negative. Command negated!' Rago thundere
d, striding up behind his unwitting Probationer. The Quarks clattered and buzzed
in confusion and then fell 56
Silent. Toba swung violently round. 'Intention was to prevent escape of any spec
imens,' he blustered feebly. 'Your obsession with destruction has seriously depl
eted Quark power reserves,' hissed Rago. 'Did you examine the craft?' 'All data
has been recorded,' Toba claimed. 'The craft was empty.' Rago stared briefly at
the blistered wreck. 'Bring any further specimens to me intact at once,' he orde
red. 'And Toba - I do not expect to have to correct you again.' The Probationer
glared at his superior from beneath lowered eyelids. 'Command accepted,' he whis
pered hoarsely. Rago nodded curtly and strode away. Toba had just started organi
sing the squad of robots to continue the search of the Island when he suddenly n
oticed that the outer airlock door had opened in the hull of the module, releasi
ng a huge pall of acrid black smoke. Then, to his astonishment, two dazed figure
s crawled slowly out and lay panting feverishly in the sand. When at last they m
anaged to raise their heads, Zoe and Kully found themselves staring at a semicir
cle of Quarks with Toba's towering frame in the centre relentlessly bearing down
on them. With a gigantic effort Kully turned to Zoe. 'Now perhaps you will beli
eve me ..." he whispered. Bovem met the Doctor and Jamie at the capsule terminal
in the Capitol. As he hurried them along endless gleaming corridors to the Coun
cil Chamber, they tried to find but what had happened to Zoe but without success
. Bovem seemed very evasive. 'Director Senex will explain, should he consider it
fitting,' Bovem told them soothingly as he ushered them into the Antechamber. T
shall announce your arrival.' As they waited for what seemed like ages to be ad
mitted, Jamie paced restlessly up and down. 'Where d'ye think the wee lassie can
be, Doctor?' he asked anxiously. 'D'ye think they're holding her hostage or som
ething?' The Doctor roused himself from his reverie. 'Oh I'm sure 57
the Dulcians wouldn't harm her, Jamie.' The tough young Scot gritted his teeth.
'They'd better not!' he muttered grimly. Eventually they were summoned. They fou
nd themselves standing in the Council Chamber surrounded by a dozen elderly dign
itaries. The Doctor looked impatient and uncomfortable under the steady gaze of
Director Senex and made a feeble attempt to smooth his dusty, rumpled clothes an
d hair. Jamie simply stared around him with barely disguised contempt. At last S
enex spoke. 'As far as the Council is aware, your friend has left the Capitol in
the company of my son Kully,' he blandly informed them. 'Presumably they return
ed to the Island.' 'Why did ye no tell us before?' Jamie shouted indignantly. 'C
ome on, Doctor ...' Jamie looked for a doorway in vain. 'That would not be advis
able,' Senex warned quietly. Jamie's blue eyes blazed defiantly. 'Ye mean we're
prisoners?' A murmur of protest ran round the noble assembly. 'There are no pris
oners here,' Senex replied calmly. The Doctor quickly intervened. 'There's no ne
ed, Jamie,' he explained tactfully. 'Dulcian society is totally pacifist.' Jamie
grimaced. 'Then how are they going to fight those Dominators and their Quarks?'
he demanded. The Director sat upright in his luxurious chair. 'It would seem to
be true that you come from another planet,' he announced. 'So do the Dominators
,' said the Doctor earnestly. 'We have seen them. We were taken inside their cra
ft. They are ; utterly callous and they are here on Dulkis for some sinister pur
pose.' The Councillors began stirring uneasily in their reclining seats. Senex c
alled for order and was instantly obeyed. He turned and courteously addressed th
e Doctor. 'We should be grateful if you would inform us what has occurred on the
Island,' he declared. 'Och not again,' Jamie exploded. 'We're hanging aboot ble
thering and Zoe's in danger ..." 58
With phenomenal patience the Doctor briefly recounted events since the TARDIS ha
d materialised on the Island. '..; and once the physiological tests were complet
ed ... well, they let us go,' he concluded at last. Senex appeared to be convinc
ed. 'Did you discover the purpose of these tests, Doctor?' he asked. To see if w
e were clever enough to be useful,' Jamie spelt out with painstaking rudeness. '
Evidently you were not!' Deputy Bovem retorted. Before the quick-tempered Highla
nder could bite the bait, the Doctor again intervened. 'With respect, Director S
enex, I know that it is the Dulcian custom to deliberate and discuss at leisure,
but the situation is urgent. Send someone to the Island to confirm our story,'
he pleaded. 'Aye, and we'll be organising a way to defeat these Dominators,' Jam
ie added with relish. The Director raised his hands, palms upward. 'The Dominato
rs let you go free, so why should we fear them?' he demanded simply. The Doctor
adopted a menacing air. 'Don't expect them to think and act as you do,' he murmu
red, leaning very close to Senex. 'They are aliens. From another world.' Senex s
miled. 'So are you, Doctor.' Disconcerted, the Doctor blinked and retreated a li
ttle. Senex inclined his head kindly, as though he were talking to a small child
. 'What could such aliens possibly want from Dulkis?' The Doctor frowned. 'Well,
they talked about refuelling their fleet ...' The Director laughed: 'We have no
suitable minerals here. The aliens are welcome to whatever they can use,' he sa
id, to murmurs of agreement from the Councillors. The Doctor shook his head thou
ghtfully. 'There is the puzzle about the disappearance of radiation from the Isl
and,' he mused. 'Perhaps that is what they came for ...' Senex shrugged. 'That i
s no cause for alarm, Doctor. Why seek menace where there may be none?' The Doct
or bit his lip for a moment, restraining his growing frustration. 'I am only gue
ssing,' he went on. 'And 59
there is the possibility that they are slavers - recruiting for some vast projec
t.' 'You can't just sit here and do nothing!' Jamie shouted. 'Better do nothing
than do the wrong thing,' remarked an aged member in a wavering croak. Senex hel
d up his hand. 'What do you suggest we do?' he asked the irate young Scot. 'Firs
t send an armed force to rescue Zoe and Kully ...' Jamie began eagerly. 'An arme
d force?' Bovem echoed in astonishment. 'Impossible.' Outraged voices broke out
all around the Chamber. 'For decades we have lived in peace,' Senex calmly repli
ed. 'We have proved that universal restraint eliminates aggression.' 'Och, just
try telling the Dominators that!' retorted Jamie scornfully. The Doctor stirred
himself into action. 'Jamie's right. I suggest you contact Balan on the Island -
at least he might have some more news by now,' he proposed earnestly. After a p
ause, Senex touched a button on his video panel. Amidst a snowstorm of interfere
nce, the interior of the survey module flickered unsteadily onto the miniature s
creen. There was a gasp of horror as the Councillors stared at their individual
monitors. The images showed a total ruin, a blackened pile of wreckage. Senex pa
nned the scanner calling agitatedly for Balan over the audio link. There was no
reply, only a rush of static. The remains of the module seemed deserted. Sadly t
he Doctor hung his head. 'I'm afraid it's too late. I did try to warn you.' 'Wha
t... what is that?' Bovem suddenly cried, pointing at his monitor. Through the o
pen airlock, a squat mechanical figure was entering the module, its antennae fla
shing and its probes twitching eagerly. 'That's a Quark! One of the robots,' the
Doctor exclaimed. 'A Quark ... and you let Zoe go back there!' Jamie yelled at
the dumbstruck Council. He grabbed the Doctor's arm and 60
started to drag him away. 'We must go back, Doctor! We canna waste any more time
!' The Doctor held back a moment, staring intently at the screens. They all watc
hed fascinated as the Quark suddenly seemed to notice the scanner. Its antennae
sparked even more ferociously and its manic bleating rose to a frenzied climax a
s it approached, growing larger and larger on the screens. Its glowing probes re
ached out towards the speechless watchers, then the screens fizzled and went bla
nk. The Doctor glanced around the stunned and silent assembly. 'Now will you bel
ieve us?' he whispered hoarsely. Then he and Jamie dashed out of the Chamber. Ja
mie was soon sitting glumly in the rear seat of a transit capsule while in front
the Doctor desperately tried to remember how to operate the machine. 'I suppose
you know what you're doing,' Jamie muttered apprehensively. 'Oh yes. It's just
a matter of the correct sequence of switches,' the Doctor reassured him. Jamie l
eaned forward. 'No, no. I mean this contraption's heading back to the survey shi
p, right?' 'Well, I certainly hope it is Jamie. Why?' 'Och nothing,' Jamie shrug
ged. 'Just that there's an angry Quark waiting there to meet us ...' 'Oh dear,'
the Doctor muttered. 'So there is.' Toba and the Quarks had escorted Zoe and Kul
ly across the sweltering dunes to the ruined museum. Ragged and exhausted, the t
wo prisoners now stood in the blistering heat of the Dulcian noon, awaiting thei
r fate with as much courage as they could muster. For some time Zoe had been ste
aling glances at their Quark guardians. 'Any idea how they're powered?' she whis
pered to Kully. If we knew, we might be able to sabotage them.' 'Wouldn't stand
a chance,' Kully muttered, 'they're deadly.' 'They're only robots,' Zoe murmured
, suddenly remembering the laser gun and the other weapons inside the ruin. 61
'Kully, I think we stand a chance...' she breathed hopefully. The nearest Quark
emitted a threatening buzz. 'Attack them? Are you out of your mind, Zoe?' Kully
retorted through clenched teeth. At that moment, Rago and Toba came striding ove
r the sandhills followed by Teel, Kando and Balan with a Quark escort. The priso
ners were all herded together and the Dominators surveyed the small band of slav
es. 'Work potential and stamina to be recorded for analysis,' Rago commanded. 'A
ffirmative,' Toba responded eagerly. 'But if any try to escape ...' 'No action.
Report to me,' Rago insisted. The prisoners watched as the two huge figures face
d each other breathing heavily, manoeuvring for supremacy. 'Toba!' 'Command acce
pted,' Toba conceded after a long pause. Rago threw him a cold emerald glare and
then marched off, followed by all but two of the Quarks. Toba slowly circled ro
und the huddled captives, a hideous smile warping his leathern face. Then he add
ressed them in a hushed voice almost choked with excitement. 'If the tests prove
favourable, you may be chosen to serve the Dominators,' he breathed. 'Dominator
s? Who on earth are they?' piped up Zoe innocently. Toba swung round and bore do
wn on her. 'Do not ever interrupt me again,' he whispered hoarsely, his warm aci
d breath making Zoe flinch in disgust. Toba resumed his circling. 'We are the Ma
sters of the Ten Galaxies.' 'And we're the Dulcians,' Kully blurted out, 'and we
don't serve anybody.' The huge creaking figure towered over the plump little Du
lcian. 'You will clear and prepare this site for drilling, Toba rasped, gesturin
g at the rubble-strewn ground surrounding the star-shaped target. 'And if we don
't?' Zoe challenged. 'You will be destroyed,' Toba hissed with obvious delight '
So remember - you are working for your lives.' 62
'Well, I'm certainly not working for you,' Zoe snapped defiantly. 'Quarks!' Toba
screamed. A shiver whipped up Zoe's spine as she heard the demented giggling an
d saw the ominous sparking emitted by the two robots as they stomped forward. To
ba watched with a sadistic smile as the Quarks drove the five prisoners towards
the scattered debris and forced them to form a short chain-gang. Exhausted and c
owed, Balan reluctantly stooped, picked up a small lump of concrete and passed i
t along the chain. At the other end, Teel heaved the block as far as he could aw
ay into the sand. Then the futile action was repeated, over and over again. For
a while Toba gloated over their struggles with heavy slabs and twisted girders,
and then marched away towards the distant saucer. As they sweated and strained i
n the heat and the soft shifting sand, under the impassive, unblinking gaze of t
he Quarks, Zoe desperately tried to think. 'There are only two of these tin sold
iers, but there are five of us,' she eventually murmured to the others. 'We've g
ot to get away.' 'Where would we go?' Kando asked. 'We cannot leave the Island.'
'Perhaps the Capitol will send help,' Teel suggested. Kully staggered under an
awkwardly twisted beam. 'What ... what can they do?' he panted. 'We've got to ge
t ourselves out of this mess.' 'Exactly what I intend to do,' Zoe agreed. 'How f
ast can these clockwork soldiers move, Kully?' Balan stopped work and leaned on
Zoe's shoulder. 'I cannot allow you to incite my students to rebellion,' he prot
ested weakly, 'it will only lead to violence.' 'And submission will only lead to
slavery,' Zoe retorted. 'What do you say, Kully?' Kully nodded eagerly and turn
ed to Kando. 'No, Balan is right,' gasped the tall Dulcian girl, trying to lift
the slab Balan had just dropped. 'Violence breeds violence.' Kully turned earnes
tly to Teel who was struggling to pull a thick steel rod out of the sand. Teel p
aused, glancing 63
uncomfortably at Balan and Kando. 'I understand your arguments ... but meek subm
ission is humiliating,' he muttered resolutely. 'I am with Zoe and Kully.' A spe
ctacular discharge of sparks burst among the Quarks' antennae and they lumbered
nearer, bleating suspiciously... As the Capsule hurtled through the Dulcian sky,
Jamie craned over the Doctor's shoulder, his face frozen with horror. The Docto
r had removed the instrument panel in front of him and was poking about in the t
angle of wires. 'Have ye gone daft or something?' Jamie shouted above the harsh
whining and buffeting of the craft. 'No, no, Jamie, all I've got to do is to ...
oh dear ...' cried the Doctor in dismay, swapping a few connections over. 'But
ye canna just take this contraption ta bits in mid air,' Jamie protested. The Do
ctor pressed a switch, then another and shook his head. 'But we don't want to la
nd in the middle of all those Quark things as you yourself pointed out,' he shou
ted, changing the wires over again. 'Don't worry Jamie, all I have to do is over
-ride the autopilot.' At that moment the capsule started looping in a terrifying
corkscrew pattern. Jamie held on to his stomach and closed his eyes. 'But... ar
e there no any ordinary controls?' he yelled in anguish as they spiralled round
and round. The Doctor handed Jamie a spaghetti-like bundle of wires over his sho
ulder. 'Here, hold this, there's a good chap,' he cried. Jamie grabbed the tangl
e and the Doctor immediately dived off his seat and began wriggling his way forw
ard into the nose-cone. At once the capsule started bucking and rearing like a f
airground machine. Jamie felt decidedly sick as he watched the Doctor's legs wav
ing around every time the craft took a sudden dizzy plunge. 'What are ye doing i
n there?' he shouted anxiously. There was an incomprehensible series of muffled
com- ments as the Doctor twisted this way and that. 'Think I've got it!' he even
tually declared, shuffling backwards into the cockpit clutching several printed
circuits and even more 64
tangles of wire. 'Anyway there won't be time for a second try,' he cried cheerfu
lly manoeuvring himself back into his seat. 'Now I'm going to attempt to steer t
his thing.' The Doctor fiddled with the circuits for a few seconds. All at once
the capsule gave a bone-numbing lurch and then steadied itself again. 'We'll be
down in no time at all, Jamie.' 'Aye, but in one piece?' 'Hang on!' the Doctor y
elled as the craft tipped almost vertically and accelerated downwards at a pheno
menal rate. â We'll soon find out.' The capsule fell for what seemed an eternity. The
n very gradually the nose came up and it levelled out. Soon they were skidding a
long in the sand with a deafening roaring and scraping. 'Yippee!' cried the Doct
or, still fiddling with the circuitry. Finally the capsule crunched to a halt un
derneath the cliffs. Opening the canopy, the Doctor leaped out nimbly. 'Look, no
Quarks!' he cried triumphantly. 'I think we've done rather well so far.' He sni
ffed the air a few times. "This way, I think,' he declared, starting to scramble
up the face of the cliff. After an arduous, sticky climb they followed the crum
bling ridge for a few hundred metres and then suddenly found themselves looking
down on the ruined museum. The Doctor drew a bent and battered telescope out of
his pocket and peered through it. 'What can ye see?' Jamie demanded impatiently,
snatching the instrument. 'It's Zoe and Kully and the others!' he exclaimed, ov
erjoyed. 'Let's go, Doctor.' 'Wait!' the Doctor commanded sternly, taking the te
lescope and quickly scanning the area. 'We'll split up and work our way round se
parately from behind them, just in case. I'll follow the ridge for a bit first.
You go down that wa y . ..' Under the cliff, the five prisoners had resumed thei
r task. Although Balan and Kando could hardly manage to shift anything at all, Z
oe Kully and Teel put on a convincing show while secretly whispering among thems
elves. 65
'Have you got any ideas?' Kully asked. 'We must be quick or the others will be t
oo exhausted to move.' 'There's a laser gun in that museum place. We've got to g
et hold of it somehow,' Zoe murmured. Teel bent down beside them. 'There is only
one Quark now,' he said. Cautiously they looked up. One of the robots had moved
over to the drilling target to take soundings and measurements. With a muffled
gasp, Balan suddenly fell to his knees. 'I am ... I am sorry,' he panted pitiful
ly. Their Quark sentry tramped over to examine the fallen Dulcian. 'Is this spec
imen broken?' it bleated harshly. 'Move it aside and resume working.' Zoe winked
significantly at Kully and Teel, then she and Kando helped Balan over to the sh
adowed area by the remains of the museum entrance' and propped him up against th
e wall. Meanwhile the Quark transmitted a terse report to its masters. 'Initial
assessment: one specimen broken. Three others showing signs of unserviceability.
Only one still performing at high efficiency,' it screeched. 'That will be one
of the males,' Rago's voice observed through the Quark's audio circuit. 'Correct
ion. A female,' retorted the robot. 'The name's Zoe ...' Zoe muttered to herself
as she knelt beside Balan, keeping her eyes glued on the chattering Quark.: 'Wo
rk the specimens to exhaustion,' Rago ordered' brutally. 'Record the times of co
llapse.' Kully had been watching Zoe's movements like a hawk Now he positioned h
imself so that he blocked the Quark's view of the museum entrance. Nearby, Teel
redoubled his efforts dislodging the steel rods to distract the machine's attent
ion. Very slowly Zoe stood up and started to back into the gaping doorway. The Q
uark was still preoccupied observing Teel's valiant struggles .'.. a few more ba
ckward steps and she would be within reach of the laser gun. Suddenly Kully real
ised that he could only see one Quark, 66
the one 'he was blocking. He glanced fearfully round the Quark by the target had
disappeared. He tried to call out a warning to Zoe, but his throat felt like sa
ndpaper and no sound came. Zoe took three more paces and then her heart froze as
she heard an unearthly giggling and sparking behind her. She stopped dead. A sc
ream flew to her lips but was never uttered. Without looking round, she began to
walk slowly forward again into the open, with the robot's mechanical footsteps
shaking the floor beneath her as it followed. At every step she expected the Qua
rk's glowing probes to discharge their murderous ultrasonic quanta and to smash
her body to fragments. 67
6 Fighting Back In the cool Capitol the Councillors were locked in dispute with
their Director. Senex seemed to be reconciling himself to the need for action, w
hereas Bovem led a majority in favour of doing nothing. 'We must hope that the D
octor will succeed in devising an effective course of action,' Senex stated firm
ly. 'With respect, I am reluctant to rely upon the assistance of an alien,' Depu
ty-Severn objected. 'We should support the recommendations of the Emergency Comm
ittee.' 'Chairman Tensa is able,' Senex agreed, 'but can he deal with-this unpre
cedented crisis?' Bovem looked shocked. 'Tensa has proved his competence dealing
with floods, droughts, earthquakes ..." he protested. The Director smiled indul
gently. 'All natural disasters, Bovem, not the result of aggressive intelligence
s.' At that moment the wall parted and a surprisingly robust young Dulcian enter
ed with an air of determined ability. A grateful sigh of relief rose from the tr
oubled Councillors, as though all their problems were solved at last. They sat u
p expectantly. Tensa looked at them gravely. 'We have three alternatives,' he an
nounced abruptly. 'If these aliens are indeed hostile -which has not been proved
beyond question - we can fight, we can flee or we can submit.' There was a doom
ed silence. The Councillors waited, as if hoping for more, for some magical solu
tion. Tensa remained silent. Senex rose slowly to his feet. 'We cannot fight, we
are not able. We cannot flee, there is no refuge. We can submit, but to 69
what?' 'Who knows?' Tensa replied curtly. The assembly stared aghast at Chairman
Tensa, as though all their trust and expectations had been betrayed. Eventually
the Director sank back into his luxurious chair.; 'So we can only wait ...' he
concluded. Fortunately for Zoe, Kando had fainted and fallen on her face in the
burning sand, and her collapse had distracted the Quark from Zoe's suspicious be
haviour. Having revived Kando and laid her next to Balan by the museum entrance,
the others carried on the struggle to clear the drilling site, though Teel was
getting rapidly weaker from the unaccustomed physical exertion. Determined as ev
er, Kully and Zoe had soon devised another escape plan. 'So all we need now is s
omewhere we can hide ..." Kully whispered. 'The bomb shelter,' Teel suddenly mut
tered. 'I am sure they built one ... part of the atom tests.' Kully glanced surr
eptitiously at the Quarks. 'Where is it?' he asked, passing Teel a jagged sheet
of metal. Teel shrugged apologetically and shook his head. 'Fat lot of use!' sna
pped Zoe irritably listen Kully, once you're inside, give me time to get the Qua
rks into your line of fire.' 'Don't forget to duck,' Kully joked under his breat
h, heaving a slab onto his shoulder and bending at the knees. 'Wish me luck.' 'D
on't forget to point the gun the right way,' Zoe muttered anxiously. Kully stagg
ered a few paces with his burden, then he groaned dramatically, stumbled and fel
l. Immediately the two Quarks stomped over to him. 'Specimen has failed,' one bl
eated. 'Join the other failed specimens!' screeched the second. With grossly exa
ggerated effort, Kully dragged himself painfully across to the entrance and lay
down in the shade beside Balan and Kando. Meanwhile, closely watched by the Quar
ks, Zoe picked up the slab Kully had dropped and 70
struggled on. Balan clutched feebly at Kully's sleeve. 'This is mere foolishness
. You cannot possibly succeed,' he croaked. But the plucky little Dulcian chose
his moment and then crawled swiftly into the ruin. Once inside, he heaved the sp
lintered remains of the door shut as best he could and then scuttled among the s
howcases, feverishly searching in the semi-darkness for the laser gun Zoe had de
scribed. At last he found it where Rago had thrown it down earlier. Holding the
unfamiliar device out in front of him with his face averted, Kully cautiously ap
proached the crumbling window, racking his brains to remember the detailed instr
uctions Zoe had given him. Outside, Zoe staggered along under the concrete slab,
followed at a short distance by the two Quarks monitoring her progress. As she
gradually drew level with the window, she glimpsed Kully out of the corner of he
r eye levelling the laser gun through the ragged hole in the wall. As arranged,
she stumbled a few more paces and then sank to her knees with a moan. 'One more
specimen has failed,' screeched a Quark. 'Fire, Kully, fire ..." Zoe muttered be
tween her teeth, anxiously awaiting the whirr and slam of the laser. Sweat strea
med into Kully's eyes and his hands shook violently as he forced himself to oper
ate the primer and poised his finger on the trigger, fighting to steady himself
to fire. Sensing that something was wrong, Teel let out a shuddering cry and cru
mpled to the ground. 'All specimens have failed," the Quarks trumpeted. 'All spe
cimens stand up!' 'Why don't you fire?' Zoe groaned, her eyes tightly closed and
the hair on her neck prickling with suspense as she defied the Quarks' command
as long as she dared. Still nothing happened. Propped against the window frame,
Kully had taken aim at the Quark nearest to Zoe's slumped figure. Just as he was
about to press the trigger button, a brawny hand reached over his shoulder and y
anked the weapon savagely aside. 'What d'ye think ye're doing... Zoe's oot there
!' a shocked voice blasted into his ear. Spinning round, Kully came face to face
with Jamie. 'I know that, you fool, I was aiming at the Quarks!' he hissed. Tur
ning back, Kully hurriedly took aim again. Outside, Balan, Kando, Teel and Zoe h
ad all obediently got to their feet and were now directly in the line of fire. '
It's no good. I've lost my chance,' Kully fumed resentfully. Jamie looked ashame
d. 'Sorry,' he mumbled. The Quarks had herded their captives together. 'Specimen
s; will be returned to Dominator Rago,' one of them screeched in a voice like a
knife-blade on glass. Suddenly the other Quark sparked and giggled madly. 'One s
pecimen is missing... the specimen Kully,' it shrieked, stomping frantically rou
nd and round the pathetic huddle. 'Now Balan's in the way,' Kully muttered, stil
l squinting hopelessly through the sights. Jamie put a restraining hand on his a
rm. 'Aye, well maybe it's no such a guid idea,' he said doubtfully. 'I think we
should wait till the Doctor gets here.' 'He'd better be quick,' Kully snapped te
stily, 'because those Quarks will be after me any second now.' At that moment th
e Doctor was very close, keeping a sharp look-out for Jamie as he darted along t
he base of the cliffs. towards the ruin and stopping every few metres to spy out
the land. Suddenly he saw a straggling group of Dulcians approaching, escorted
by two Quarks. Among them he, recognised Zoe, looking dazed and unhappy in her b
orrowed attire. The Doctor shrank into a hollow and tried to think, but almost a
t once a familiar tramping sound behind him sent his spirits plunging even furth
er. Before he could move, a sizzling bang brought down part of the sandstone ove
rhang around him so that he was buried up to his waist and immobilised. 'You wer
e ordered to keep away from our operations,' 72
Toba snarled, striding up followed by several Quarks. The Doctor twisted awkward
ly round and grinned sheepishly. 'I do try to, but everywhere I go I bump into Q
uarks and things, all over the Island. Where can I go?' he whined pathetically,
cowering before the mighty Dominator. Toba's green eyes bore fiercely into him f
or several seconds and the Doctor began to fear that his pretence was about to b
e exposed. Just then the group from the drilling site stumbled up the slope on i
ts way to the saucer. Zoe stared at the half-buried Doctor with a mixture of hor
ror and relief, but she dared not call out or break rank. For his part, the Doct
or was relieved to see that Jamie was not among the party, but Zoe's plight fill
ed him with anxiety. All at once Toba ordered the procession to stop. 'One of th
e specimens is missing,' he hissed. 'Specimen Kully has escaped,' bleated one of
the Quarks. To the Doctor's surprise, a smile of satisfaction cracked its way a
cross Toba's waxen features. The Dominator jabbed a creaking glove towards him.
'Take this cretin with the other specimens to Dominator Rago,' he commanded. In
vain the Doctor attempted to heave himself out of the mound of sand. Leaning for
ward, Toba grasped his coat by the lapels and dragged him effortlessly clear. Me
ekly the Doctor scurried over and, with a crafty wink at Zoe, joined the process
ion. The two Quarks immediately whirred into motion again, driving their captive
s away across the dunes. Ordering his squad of Quarks to follow, Toba set off ea
gerly down the slope towards the ruin. Inside the museum, Jamie and Kully waited
in gloomy silence - Jamie sprawling morosely on a fallen beam and Kully wanderi
ng aimlessly about lamenting his humiliating failure with the laser gun. Eventua
lly Kully could bear the suspense no more. 'We daren't wait any longer. Somethin
g must have happened to the Doctor,' he murmured. Before Jamie could reply they
heard a movement outside the ruin. Kully turned expectantly to the window and wa
s about to 73
call out 'Doctor when the sturdy Scot leaped on him, clamped a hand over his mou
th and they both hit the floor like a couple of sandbags. 'Kully ... I know you
are there!' Toba's voice thundered, making the showcases rattle around them. The
y lay listening to the crazed giggling of the Quarks' circuitry, their hearts po
unding fit to burst. 'Do ... do you think he saw me ...?' asked Kully weakly. 'A
h telt ye ta keep away frae the windy,' Jamie muttered savagely. 'Gimme that thi
ng..." and he snatched the laser gun from the trembling Dulcian. Outside the rui
n, flanked by his Quarks, Toba's enormous frame was twitching with excitement. '
Now you will learn the consequences when a Dominator is disobeyed,' he screamed.
'Quarks! Destroy!' There was a sickening slamming noise and the doorway complet
ely disintegrated leaving a gaping hole in the wall. Kully clutched Jamie's arm,
wide-eyed with terror. Shaking free, Jamie scrambled to his knees, crawled swif
tly across to the window and leaped to his feet, flattening himself beside -the
edge of the frame. With deft, rapid movements he primed the laser, aimed and fir
ed several short sharp bursts. The Quark nearest to Toba exploded in a shower of
molten components and clouds of treacly smoke. For a moment Toba was paralysed
with astonishment and rage. Then he hunched behind the semicircle of Quarks and
rapped out a string of hysterical orders: 'All units. Total destruction. Utter a
nnihilation. Death! Death! Death!' Ear-splitting whines rent the air and then th
e Quarks' deadly ultrasonic bolts began streaming relentlessly into the ruined b
uilding. Taking terrible risks, Jamie dodged around the window frame desperately
trying to get another shot at the screaming Dominator and his sizzling robots.
But the air was soon filled with choking dust and smoke and murderously sharp fr
agments of stone and metal whizzing in all directions. 'If only I could see them
..." Jamie yelled in frustration, firing the laser at random in the hope of hit
ting something. All at once there was a terrible crash behind him and he whipped
round to see that Kully had been pinned underneath 74
a huge beam as a section of the roof had collapsed. Dropping the gun, Jamie scra
mbled over and vainly tried to shift the huge concrete rafter. Then he had a bra
inwave. Grabbing the laser, he carefully aimed it at the beam close to Kully's q
uaking body. As the helpless Dulcian stared at him in abject terror, Jamie fired
the laser with just enough blast to shatter the rafter in two. Then he threw al
l his weight against the lighter section and it slid off, setting Kully free. Mi
raculously he had not been crushed, only dazed. 'Let's get out of here,' Jamie y
elled above the colossal din of the Quarks' barrage and the collapsing building.
Suddenly Kully grabbed his arm. "This way!' he shouted, dragging the protesting
Highlander under a tangle of criss- crossed beams just at the same instant as t
he whole front wall of the museum caved inwards and the remains of the roof hurt
led downwards. Seconds later there was a titanic explosion and the wreckage of t
he museum blew apart in a searing hail of fire and debris. When the smoke and th
e dust had cleared, the museum no longer existed. Nothing moved in the devastati
on spread around on the sand. 'Destruction completed,' Toba breathed, his voice
hushed with malicious satisfaction. Then, followed by the surviving Quarks, he t
urned abruptly and strode away. After an exhausting trek from the drilling site,
the Doctor and Zoe together with Balan, Kando and Teel, were herded into the co
ntrol centre in the saucer. As soon as the Quarks had delivered their reports to
Rago, the atmosphere became electric as Probationer Toba faced his superior def
iantly. 'You deliberately disobeyed my instructions,' Rago fumed. 'You wasted po
wer destroying the structure and the specimen Kully.' 'And possibly my young fri
end Jamie!' the Doctor shouted, his face contorted with rage and sorrow. Zoe gaz
ed at the Doctor in horror. Toba's eyes clouded with cunning. 'My life was threa
tened and a Quark was destroyed.' 'The result of your own negligence,' Rago reto
rted. 75
Toba smiled a nightmare smile. 'Does the Navigator suggest that I should have al
lowed the specimen to escape?' 'This is an Island. The specimens cannot escape,'
Rago sneered. He turned to the Quark escort. 'Take the specimens to the central
bore and prepare the target for drilling. The inferior specimens will remain he
re,' he added, indicating Zoe and the Doctor. The dusty haggard figures of Balan
, Kando and Teel were driven roughly out of the control centre by the two Quarks
. Zoe and the Doctor lingered apprehensively under the glinting gaze of another
robot. Zoe was almost frantic with concern for Jamie, but as soon as she tried t
o question the Doctor he put his finger to his lips and nodded warningly towards
Rago and Toba. The two Dominators had moved across the chamber to the Quark con
trol unit on the far side. A vivid red symbol representing the robot destroyed b
y Jamie was pulsing among row upon row of green symbols denoting serviceable Qua
rks.. 'Probationer Toba, I begin to question whether you possess the qualities o
f intelligence and detachment vital in a Dominator,' Rago rapped out with exagge
rated disdain. 'You have repeatedly destroyed the creatures and installations of
this planet, and squandered vital Quark resources to no useful purpose, merely
to gratify your lust for destruction.' Toba gestured defiantly at the huge navig
ation charts. glowing on the panels behind them. 'Was it by weakness and indecis
ion that the Dominators mastered the Ten Galaxies?' he demanded. Rago stiffened.
'It was by rational ruthlessness,' he retorted, his eyes ablaze with fanatical
certainty. 'What threatens us, we destroy. What can serve us, we exploit. Everyt
hing else, we ignore.' 'Well, at least we're honest,' murmured the Doctor wryly,
listening intently. 'But the primitives have disobeyed us. They have attacked u
s and we do not know what the superior aliens may be planning elsewhere on the p
lanet,' Toba protested. 'I alone am competent to assess such matters,' Rago thun
dered. 'I shall report your conduct to Fleet Leader.' 76
'And I shall protest at yours,' Toba shouted. 'You have jeopardised our mission
by weakness. You have humiliated me before inferior creatures ...' Rago thrust h
is creaking, leathery face close to Toba's. 'It is not unknown for mutinous subo
rdinates to be executed,' he hissed. 'Nor is it unknown for an incompetent super
ior to be replaced,' Toba ranted unflinchingly. 'Quark!' Rago rasped. 'Place Pro
bationer Toba under restraint.' The Quark guarding the Doctor and Zoe advanced o
n Toba, its probes whirring ominously. 'Quark Toba countered, his malevolent eye
s fixed on Rago. 'Secure the prisoners.' The robot lurched to a halt. Its antenn
ae glowed and its probes stabbed the air as its legs jerked it round to face the
Doctor and Zoe, and then back round to face Toba again. The two captives watche
d from the shadows, fascinated by the robot's paralysing confusion. 'Quark, I am
the Senior Dominator. You obey me,' Rago thundered. The Quark emitted an agonis
ed bleating and then tramped resolutely towards Toba. The Probationer licked his
mean lips and backed away a few paces. 'Will you submit or shall I order molecu
lar adhesion?' Rago demanded coldly. Toba lowered his huge head and his body slu
mped in defeat. 'I submit ...' he whispered hoarsely. Rago watched as the Quark
continued to advance on Toba with inexorable purpose. Then, when the humiliated
Probationer looked up in naked terror and let out a macabre whimper, Rago smiled
and casually instructed the robot to return to the prisoners. 'You are fortunat
e that Fleet still requires your services, Toba,' he sneered. 'You will now retu
rn to supervise final drilling operations. And allow nothing to distract you.' A
gain Toba bowed his head. 'Command accepted,' he whispered and marched out. Rago
strode across to the Doctor and Zoe. 'I require 77
information about your planet,' he rapped, looming over them. 'What plan ...' Zo
e began. The Doctor silenced her with a sharp nudge and a pantomime cough. Then
he gazed innocently up at Rago, nodding and smilingly meekly. 'Your responses ha
d better be satisfactory,' Rago hissed, 'for your own sakes.' 78
7 Buried Alive Balan, Kando and Teel were appalled to see the devastation from t
he Quark attack on the museum. Wreckage was strewn all over the drilling site wh
ich they had sweated so hard to clear earlier. The Quarks forced them back to wo
rk with brutal shoves and harsh metallic threats. After only a few minutes, Bala
n began to gasp and tremble with the strain while Teel and Kando struggled brave
ly among the smouldering debris. 'Kully must be dead. No one could have survived
in there ..." Kando murmured. 'The attempt was sheer madness,' Balan whispered
faintly. 'It is useless to resist.' Teel blinked the stinging sweat out of his e
yes and stared hard at a tangle of beams heaped in the centre of the ruin. For a
fleeting moment he thought he saw something moving. He tried to attract Kando's
attention, but a Quark whirred warningly behind him and he reluctantly resumed
his back-breaking task. Only thirty metres away, the tip of a slim metal shaft w
as twisting and turning under the beams trying to force its way upwards, but the
heavy girders held it fast. Time after time the shaft was withdrawn a few centi
metres and then thrust sharply upwards again only to become fouled in the tangle
d wreckage. Teel strained to see out of the corner of his eye but eventually gav
e up, blaming the heat and his exhaustion for deceiving his senses. At the other
end of the vertical shaft, several metres beneath 79
the specially reinforced floor of the ruin, Jamie and Kully were struggling in t
he stuffy and dusty gloom to force the periscope up into the open. But try as th
ey would, the shaft only moved so far and then jammed solid. The atomic shelter
was a featureless, boxlike room containing four bunks, an air-filtering unit and
two dimly glowing fluorescent lighting strips. A steel ladder led up one wall t
o a square hatchway in the ceiling. The hatch was tightly shut. Finally, worn ou
t with their frantic efforts, Jamie and Kully collapsed onto the bunks. 'It's no
good. The whole building must be piled on top of it,' Jamie panted. 'We'll just
have to wait until someone digs us out,' Kully shrugged. Jamie snorted and atte
mpted to take a few deep breaths in the close, stale atmosphere. 'Meantime we'd
better stop breathing,' he muttered sarcastically. . Kully glanced at the ventil
ator unit. "The batteries are too low to run that thing,' he said hopelessly. 'T
hey won't power the lights much longer either.' Wearily Jamie hauled himself to
his feet. 'Look, Kully, we've got to get that trap door open again,' he insisted
. He dragged himself up the ladder and started heaving against the unyielding st
eel hatch with his shoulder. Kully glanced with grudging admiration at the brawn
y Highlander's bulging calves as he strained upwards. 'Even if you get it open y
ou'll probably find the Quarks waiting for you,' he objected gloomily. 'That's a
risk we'll have to take,' snapped Jamie, resting for a few seconds and swallowi
ng great gulps of stale air. Kully frowned. 'Don't you see, Jamie? It's suicide
either way. The harder we work the sooner we use up the air.' 'Sitting there moa
ning's no better,' Jamie retorted angrily, puzzled that all the fight seemed to
have gone out of Kully suddenly. 'The Dulcians believe it is undignified to stru
ggle against one's fate,' Kully said staring vacantly into space, as if talking
to himself. 80
Jamie twisted round and glared contemptuously down at the forlorn little figure.
'Och come on, Kully ... I thought ye were different. Ye sound like those auld f
ossils in the Council. I thought ye'd fight!' he taunted, putting his shoulder t
o the immovable hatch again. 'I always wanted adventure ..." Kully agreed, sniff
ing glumly. Then his plumpish face brightened a little. 'I enjoyed exploding tha
t Quark. That was tremendous fun!' he cried, more cheerfully. Shaking the sweat
out of his eyes, Jamie rested again. 'If we can get out of here, maybe we can ex
plode some more,' he suggested temptingly, 'so get your fat carcass up here and
push, will ye?' Reluctantly Kully clambered up and squeezed himself breathlessly
next to Jamie. Nose to nose they each clung to the rungs with one hand and shov
ed against the steel hatch with their opposite shoulder. 'Now ... heave!' Jamie
commanded. Time and again they heaved, pausing briefly to gulp a few breaths of
sour, dusty air. The blood hammered in their ears like gunfire and their tight,
aching chests were crushed in an invisible vice. But the hatch did not budge a m
illimetre ... Outside, so near and yet so far away, Balan, Kando and Teel were o
n the brink of total collapse. For the second time they had almost cleared the a
rea immediately surrounding the drilling target. Two Quarks were now positioned
face to face over the star-shaped marking and Dominator Toba had arrived with th
e drilling rig itself. With a sadistic smile, Toba ordered Balan to carry the he
avy awkward device over to the target. The rig consisted of a bulky cylindrical
head, with fluted vanes running vertically around the side and a tapering barrel
projecting downwards. A tripod support, slightly longer than the barrel, splaye
d out from the lower rim of the cylinder. Balan tottered over the undulating san
d and dumped the rig between the waiting Quarks' extended probes. Choking with t
he effort, he managed to lever it upright. 81
'Centre it!' Toba rasped, cuffing him viciously. Staggering feebly in the shifti
ng sand, Balan threw all his weight against the drill and eventually managed to
manoeuvre the mouth of the barrel exactly over the centre of the star. Then he s
tumbled back, out of the way. Toba ordered the Quarks to engage power. With eage
r whinnyings, they inserted their probes into sockets in the cylindrical head of
the rig, while their antennae glowed blood-red. Teel and Kando had cautiously a
pproached and now supported Balan's sagging body between them, while staring in
apprehensive fascination at the drilling operation. 'Angular bore parameters loc
ked,' Toba rapped out. 'Affirmative,' chorused the Quarks. 'Initial depth parame
ter locked.' 'Affirmative.' 'First stage: commence.' At first nothing happened.
Then the ground shook as a low whining noise rose from the rig, steadily increas
ing to a higher and higher pitch. All at once an intense beam of light shot from
the tip of the barrel a few centimetres above the target. After a few seconds,
a clean black hole about ten centimetres across appeared in the centre of the st
ar as the sand parted, melted and then fused around the energy beam. The three D
ulcians reeled backwards, averting their faces from the searing glare and coveri
ng their ears against the unbearably rapid throbbing of the machine. However, To
ba seemed totally unaffected - his green, red-rimmed eyes resembled two miniatur
e lasers as they reflected the massively concentrated power of the drill. After
a while the incandescent beam vanished, the sickening noise subsided, and the re
d glow faded from the Quarks' antennae. Toba peered into the crackling bore-hole
and nodded approvingly, almost savouring the oily smoke which curled up into hi
s face. Shivering in his pupils' arms, Balan opened his eyes wide with terror an
d confusion. 'What do they want here?' he gasped faintly. 'What are they doing t
o our planet?' Toba stepped back. 'Second stage,' he rapped. 'Commence.' 82
Under Rago's intensive interrogation, the Doctor had been trying to discover mor
e about the Dominators' intentions while giving away as little as he could, but
his persistent hesitations had finally exasperated the looming Navigator. 'Senex
, your leader ... he is in the Capitol?' Rago repeated, at the end of his patien
ce. The Doctor scratched his head, coughed, shrugged, blew his nose and then fro
wned. 'Well, that's difficult to say... I'm not absolutely sure,' he blustered.
Rago swung round on Zoe. 'Quark. Molecular adhesion!' he snapped. Chattering eag
erly, the robot swung out its probes and sent the terrified girl reeling against
the wall where she hung limp and staring, like a severed puppet. Rago turned ba
ck to the inanely grinning Time Lord. 'I asked you a question,' he hissed. 'Inde
ed you did,' the Doctor nodded, smiling despite Zoe's anguished moans behind him
. 'Yes, Senex is most likely at the Capitol, 'he conceded at last. 'How can I tr
avel there?' The Doctor looked sad. 'I'm afraid you can't, the capsule terminal
at the survey module was destroyed. By Dominator Toba, I believe.' Rago's face d
arkened with fury. Then he turned and ordered the Quark to prepare the saucer fo
r flight. The Doctor glimpsed Zoe's frightened, pleading face. 'Well, I do happe
n to know of a capsule not far from here,' he mumbled. Rago fixed him with a sea
rching glare. The Doctor babbled on nervously. 'I didn't mention it before becau
se I'm not sure it still works, but I'm sure you could get it going,' he smiled
flatteringly. 'How large is this machine? Will it transport a Quark?' The Doctor
thought quickly. 'Oh dear no, I don't think so,' he muttered apologetically. Ra
go waved his creaking gloves impatiently. 'We shall take our own craft,' he anno
unced, striding across to the central dais. Coughing and sniffing, the Doctor sc
urried diffidently 83
after him. 'Actually, if you remove the seats I think a Quark will just fit in,'
he suggested. The Doctor flinched as the Dominator abruptly rounded on him. Wat
ching anxiously, Zoe feared that her friend had finally gone too far. To her rel
ief, Rago nodded. 'You will show me the capsule immediately,' he ordered. Then h
e strode away to give instructions to the Quark, cancelling flight preparations.
The Doctor shuffled across to Zoe. 'Don't worry, my dear, you'll be right as ra
in once the effects wear off,' he murmured encouragingly. 'Why did you ... tell
that monster ... about the capsule?' Zoe asked, fighting bravely against the par
alysing effect of molecular adhesion. 'So we might have a chance to investigate
the saucer's propulsion system,' the Doctor murmured, 'then we could discover wh
at these Dominators are looking for here on Dulkis.' Zoe did not look entirely c
onvinced. 'Besides,' the Doctor added, 'if they take us off to the Capitol we wo
n't be able to find out about Jamie ...' Zoe looked even more anguished. 'If onl
y they managed to find the shelter,' she whispered to herself. The Doctor had be
en trying to eavesdrop on the, Quark's complex coded transmission to the Fleet L
eader at the communications unit, but he swiftly adopted his cretinous manner as
Rago approached. 'Instruct Probationer Toba to rendezvous with me,' Rago conclu
ded. 'Release the female.' The Quark trained its probes on Zoe and, with a brief
pulse of ultrasonic energy, set her free. 'And now you will lead us to the caps
ule,' Rago commanded. The Doctor bowed. 'Kindly come this way ..." Rago stared s
uspiciously at the capsule, lying slightly on its side in deep sand under the cl
iff, a jumble of wires bristling out of the nose-cone. Then he glared at the Doc
tor, who tapped the battered hull and signalled the thumbs-up sign, 84
while nodding and grunting encouragingly. Zoe lingered nearby, still stiff and d
azed after her ordeal in the saucer, and watched the Doctor's pantomime with une
asy scepticism. 'A primitive machine, but functional,' the Dominator declared at
last. 'Repairs can be effected quite easily.' 'Oh, certainly,' the Doctor agree
d eagerly. 'It is well that you appreciate the futility of deception,' Rago adde
d, completing his inspection. The Doctor nodded vigorously, like some silent-mov
ie comic, and Zoe had to suppress a sudden urge to giggle. At that moment, Toba
arrived. 'I intend to travel to meet the alien leader,' Rago informed his subord
inate. 'You will remain and complete drilling operations.' 'Command accepted,' T
oba readily acknowledged. He stared at the capsule in amazement. 'You intend to
use this crude device?' 'Affirmative.' Toba's malevolent eyes narrowed craftily.
'Is that wise? It could prove hazardous,' he rasped. 'I shall take a Quark as e
scort,' Rago retorted. 'You, Toba, will command in my absence.' A spasm of excit
ement jerked through the Probationer's giant frame. 'Command accepted!' he rappe
d. 'However,' Rago continued with deliberate emphasis, 'I do not expect to find
further destruction on my return.' While the two Dominators and the Quark were b
usy preparing the capsule for flight, Zoe and the Doctor managed to confer quiet
ly. '.. .but why didn't you tell me about the shelter before?' the Doctor grumbl
ed resentfully. 'I've been worried to death about Jamie.' 'I've hardly had much
of a chance,' Zoe replied hotly. The Doctor pondered silently, keeping a close w
atch on the group huddled round the capsule. 'I suppose it's just possible they
found the shelter,' he sighed eventually. 'But if they didn't...' Zoe clutched a
t his sleeve. 'Couldn't we just creep away now back to the ruin ... and at least
try to find them?' she 85
pleaded, her eyes prickling with tears. Gently the Doctor put his arm round her
shoulder, but before he could reply Toba came striding over to them. 'You will f
ollow me!' he commanded. Zoe opened her mouth to resist, but the Doctor firmly p
ropelled her forward, following Toba back in the direction of the saucer. As the
y departed, the Doctor glanced back at the capsule where Rago and the Quark were
busy making final adjustments. 'Happy landings,' he murmured. In the atomic she
lter, the plight of Jamie and Kully was now desperate. They clung to the ladder
under the trap door, gasping for breath, their skins burning and their throats d
ry as ashes. In vain they listened, straining to detect the faintest hint of res
cue. Some time earlier, the vibration of the drilling rig had provided a short-l
ived burst of euphoria and hope. But since it had stopped there had been total s
ilence: nothing. 'It's no good, it's the end,' Kully whimpered. 'They've abandon
ed us. We'll never get out now.' Jamie sagged against the cold steel rungs of th
e ladder, sweat pouring down his face and dripping off his chin. 'Doctor, where
are ye?' he gasped, 'Where are ye?' Then slowly Jamie roused himself. With an al
most superhuman effort he balanced his body and placed both hands against the ha
tch. Then he straightened his legs and pushed his head up against his hands. Kul
ly stared at him as if he were mad. Jamie's face went beetroot, he let out a blo
odcurdling yell and roared: 'MacCrimmons for ever ...' Kully stared speechless a
t the extraordinary totem-like figure with its squashed crimson face performing
an almost magical rite in front of him. Suddenly there was a faint grating sound
, a trickle of dust and then a brief waft of cool air. Jamie bent his knees, low
ered his arms and seized Kully in a wild embrace. 'It ... it moved ... it moved
...' screamed Jamie. Kully looked doubtfully up at the heavy trap door: 'You mus
t have imagined it ...' 'Come on, man, heave!' Jamie shrieked, almost knocking 8
himself out as he thrust frenziedly upwards again with head and hands. Sceptical
ly Kully did the same. The hatch stirred and rose a few millimetres and cool, fr
esh air rushed through the gap. 'We did it, we did it!' Kully yelled, drinking t
he air, greedily. 'What did I tell you, Jamie?' After a few seconds they were ob
liged to lower the trap and rest. 'Aren't you the wee ray of sunshine,' Jamie pa
nted ironically. 'But we're no free yet.' 'Oh don't be such a defeatist,' Kully
scolded him, 'it's no good giving up now.' 'Who's giving up?' Jamie demanded, th
rowing himself at the hatch again. 'Well, I'm not,' Kully cried, adding his cons
iderable weight. Gratefully they gulped great lungfuls of air as the trap rose s
everal centimetres. 'Even if we canna get oot, at least the air can get in,' Jam
ie observed while they rested once again. 'No good wasting time,' Kully panted,
heaving away with all his might yet again. Shaking his head in wry astonishment
at Kully's miraculous new lease of life, Jamie straightened his legs and pushed.
Suddenly the hatch gave way so abruptly that they all but toppled off the ladde
r. Jamie just managed to reach through and grab a piece of metal piping to prop
the trap partly open. After another brief rest they moved a rung or two further
up the ladder. Then, with a final heave they opened the hatch completely. Jamie
scrambled through and sat thankfully on the ledge, his head and shoulders partia
lly hidden among the debris. 'Well, come on up. No use hiding down there,' he ur
ged. Cautiously Kully hauled himself up through the square opening. They had onl
y a brief opportunity to luxuriate in the fresh air before a feared and familiar
noise made Kully start so violently that he almost tumbled back into the shelte
r. 'Quarks,' Jamie exclaimed, peering intently through the wreckage. He could ju
st make out Teel and Kando working at 87
the drilling site surrounded by several robots. "These Dominators aren't much go
od without their Quarks, are they?' he mused. Kully squinted uneasily through th
e debris. 'So?' 'So, we destroyed one. Why not others?' Kully looked incredulous
. 'Attack the Quarks?' he whispered. 'But we had the laser thing before. Now it'
s buried somewhere under this lot.' Jamie squeezed his fleshy arm encouragingly.
'Och, we MacCrimmons never had such things - but we did for the Redcoats right
enough,' he muttered dramatically. The Dulcian scratched his balding head in bew
ilderment: 'MacCrimmons? Redcoats?' he echoed blankly. 'Never mind, ye wee Sasse
nach,' Jamie murmured impatiently. 'Listen, we'll rescue Teel and Kando. Are ye
with me?' he demanded, wrenching free the length of pipe with which he had propp
ed open the hatch, and brandishing it confidently. Steeling himself, Kully swall
owed nervously and then nodded. With the light of battle in his eyes, Jamie led
the way..They wriggled cautiously through the maze of debris and into a gully be
hind the ruin which led up the cliffs and was not visible from the drilling site
. After a strenuous climb, they were soon edging their way along the meandering
clifftop, spying on the scattered groups of Quarks at work among the dunes stret
ching below them. Eventually they came upon one of the perimeter targets, where
Balan and two Quarks were operating a rig. They threw themselves down in the san
d and shielded their eyes as the drill reached maximum power and the whole area
lit up like a magnesium flare. 'They seem to be drilling in five places ... in a
kind of pattern,' Jamie shouted into Kully's ear above the whining throb of the
rig. 'But what for?' 'I dinna ken,' Jamie shouted, 'but I ken what we're going
to do right enough.' Using his piece of pipe as a lever, Jamie quickly dislodged
a small but heavy boulder from the brittle 88
sandstone. Then grasping it in both hands, he leaped to his feet and hurled it w
ith every ounce of his strength over the cliff edge. Narrowly missing Balan, the
missile struck one of the Quarks squarely on its vertical antenna. Instantly, b
oth Quarks disconnected themselves from the rig and swung round, scanning the du
nes in a frenzy of bleating. Balan flung himself headlong in a panic, and lay st
ill. Chuckling with delight, Kully dug furiously with his fingers and prised up
another rock. 'Do it again ... do it again ...' he begged, passing it to the cro
uching Jamie. Jumping up, Jamie repeated the attack. 'Take that ye wee porridge
pot!' he yelled as the second stone crashed onto the domed head of the same Quar
k. The other Quark jerked round and fired its probes. A fountain of molten sand
flew up into Jamie's face as he threw himself flat. Suddenly the cliff started t
o disintegrate around them as the two Quarks fired simultaneously, carving deep
gouges out of the soft ridge. 'Time to go!' cried Jamie, scrambling up. But at t
hat same moment there was a mighty roar and the whole cliff collapsed, hurling h
im helplessly down onto the dunes and leaving Kully scrabbling desperately halfw
ay up the crumbling face in an avalanche of sand. Picking himself up, Jamie race
d towards a steep V-shaped gorge dividing the cliff at right angles nearby. Sizz
ling spouts of sand soared all around him as he fled up the sloping cleft with b
oth Quarks tramping rapidly in pursuit. Meanwhile Kully had managed to scramble
back to the clifftop, tripping, as he went, over the length of pipe. Seizing it,
he stooped low and scampered towards some large spherical boulders precariously
perched on the edge of the gorge. Reaching them, he saw Jamie below him, runnin
g for his life as the gorge exploded around him. Kneeling behind the biggest sto
ne, Kully inserted the pipe at an angle and heaved. To his delight, the boulder
stirred and settled back again. Tingling with excitement, Kully waited until the
two Quarks were almost exactly beneath him and then threw all his weight agains
t the pipe. 89
Gradually the huge stone moved forward. Then it tipped 1 over the lip of the gor
ge and rolled faster and faster, bouncing down the steep slope in gigantic archi
ng leaps. Recklessly Kully stood silhouetted against the sky yelling in triumph
as ; the boulder flattened one Quark completely and knocked the other on its sid
e in a cascade of sparks. 'Mac ... Crimming's for ever. Death to the Redcoats!'
Kully's victorious cry changed abruptly into a squawk of terror as the edge of t
he gorge gave way under him and he plunged over and over in a flailing of arms a
nd legs, finally coming to rest next to the astounded Jamie in a hollow. 'Well..
.' he spluttered, spitting sand out of his mouth and blinking his watering eyes.
'Well, I'm with you now all right!' A little way down the gorge, the damaged Qu
ark was already whirring back into action. Levering itself upright again, it swu
ng its glowing antennae wildly about like a bundle of fluorescent blades, seekin
g out its prey trapped in the dead-end of the valley. 90
8 Clues The Council had been in session for hours. Director Senex reclined in hi
s chair, silent and pensive, only half listening to the interminable drone of th
e Councillors' deliberations. The violent memory of the Quark attack in the surv
ey module was burnt indelibly in their minds and they had still not recovered fr
om the shock and disappointment of Chairman Tensa's advice. There was a long sil
ence. Suddenly the Director's face betrayed the deep and impotent anger surging
through his being. 'It is our tragedy to do nothing. We are the prisoners of our
own negative philosophy,' he declared. 'Little wonder that some of our youth -
like my own son - are determined to rebel.' 'But why should the aliens intend us
harm?' asked Deputy Bovem for the thousandth time. 'No intelligent race would i
ndulge in irrational purposeless violence ...' Scarcely were the words out of hi
s mouth than the wall of the chamber parted to admit the huge lumbering figure o
f Rago, closely followed by his Quark escort. There was an awed and appalled sil
ence while the Dominator flashed his emerald glare around the assembly. 'Who is
in control here?' Rago rasped. Senex cleared his throat. 'I am the Director,' he
replied calmly. 'If you would care to make an appointment :..' Bovem began. Rag
o turned on the Deputy, his boots and gloves creaking eerily. 'Listen and obey,'
he commanded. 'I require information.' 91
Chairman Tensa strode forward. 'I must protest. Such discourtesy to the Council
is intolerable!' he cried. Rago stared at him incredulously. 'Protest?' he hisse
d. 'You defy me? You defy a Dominator?' Tensa stood his ground. 'Our Director's
rank demands respect,' he retorted. 'Demands ... respect?' Rago echoed, his hars
h voice brittle with mockery. 'Your leader is nothing to me. I respect only supe
rior force.' He swung back to loom over Senex who had risen with great dignity.
'I command you to supply ...' 'Sir, you would do better to request rather than c
ommand,' Tensa interrupted, forcing his way between Senex and the massive alien.
'After all, your visit is not even on the Council Agenda,' objected an aged Cou
ncillor. Tensa opened his mouth to continue. 'Quark!' Rago rapped, stepping quic
kly back and pointing at Tensa's outraged face. 'Destroy.' A ghost of a smile, c
hased by a look of sheer uncompre- hending horror, flitted across Tensa's fine f
eatures. Before he could speak, the robot bleated its warning and then discharge
d a brief, devastating bolt of energy. Tensa's robe fluttered to the floor aroun
d the pulverised remains of his body. The Councillors recoiled and fell back in
their chairs in stunned silence. Rago towered over Senex. 'I have no desire to r
epeat such action,' he stated tonelessly. 'Let it demonstrate that we Dominators
are to be obeyed without question.' Senex stared back at the alien, his eyes du
lled with shock. 'You will place at our disposal the strongest of your species,'
Rago instructed him. After a long pause, Senex recovered his voice. 'You ... yo
u seek our assistance?' he said in a dreamlike monotone. Rago smiled a bleak, hu
mourless smile. 'Assistance? I require slaves. Nothing more, nothing less,' he r
etorted. Somehow Senex managed to talk through his numbed lips. 'Had you come to
Dulkis in peace we should have done all in our power to assist you, but we cann
ot bow to ...' 'What we require, we take,' Rago thundered dismissively. 92
'We control ten galaxies. Our mission is to colonise certain others. For this ta
sk our Quarks are needed, therefore we must replace their functions on our home
planets.' 'With slaves,' Senex added flatly. 'Exactly. Those selected from your
population will be fortunate. They will be saved.' 'Saved?' croaked Bovem. 'Save
d from what?' 'Only the strongest are suitable,' Rago hissed, striding towards t
he wall and rounding on the cowering assembly. 'You will co-operate or perish. T
he choice is yours.' The wall opened and the alien and his robot disappeared. Af
ter a long time some of the Councillors ventured forward and knelt by the broken
body in their midst. 'Can we not punish them?' the aged Councillor cried in a c
hoking voice, wringing his gnarled hands incessantly. Bovem glanced round at eac
h member in turn. 'What did the alien mean ... some of us would be saved?' he br
eathed. 'Saved from what?' Sinking back into his chair, Senex shook his head and
sighed. 'Perhaps from ourselves,' he murmured hopelessly. 'Perhaps from ourselv
es ...' When the Doctor and Zoe arrived back at the saucer with Toba, the contro
l centre was humming with activity. Quarks marched about, plugging themselves in
to computer terminals and systems displays as they performed the complex sequenc
es of the drilling operation. Toba began to stride up and down, bloated with sel
f-importance and revelling in his temporary role of commander. 'Report progress
to Fleet Leader,' he instructed a Quark. 'All perimeter bores completed. Central
bore approaching optima ...' The Doctor stood in the shadows with Zoe, his hand
s plunged deep in his pockets, long furrows stretching each side of his nose. 'W
e must find out what they're drilling for,' he exclaimed. 'Fat chance with all t
hese Quarks everywhere,' Zoe grimaced. 'Hmm. If only we could distract them some
how,' mused 93
the Doctor, peering vainly about for inspiration. At that moment, two symbols st
arted flashing on the Quark control unit. Toba rushed over and thumped the panel
with his giant fist. One of the symbols stopped flashing and remained glowing.
'Another Quark has been destroyed and a third has been damaged,' Toba raged. 'Th
is could be just what we need,' the Doctor muttered, pulling Zoe further into th
e shadows. They watched the frenetic alien intently. 'Quarks follow!' screamed T
oba. Immediately the robots disconnected themselves and followed Toba out of the
control centre in a sparking, chattering line. Soon Zoe and the Doctor were lef
t quite alone. 'Who would destroy a Quark?' Zoe wondered. The Doctor grinned bro
adly. 'I think I can guess!' he cried, rubbing his hands together gleefully. 'Ja
mie!' Zoe exclaimed after a momentary pause. 'So they did escape after all.' 'Al
ive and kicking by the sound of things,' the Doctor agreed. 'Good lads! We must
make the most of our opportunity.' He scurried off round the huge circular chamb
er, peering closely at print-outs, displays, inspection panels and crystal switc
hes, and muttering furiously to himself the whole time. Zoe did her best to keep
up with him. 'What exactly are we looking for?' she asked breathlessly. 'I want
to find out what they feed this thing on,' replied the Doctor, darting into an
elaborate assembly of flickering tubes. Zoe trailed after him. 'Well, the Quarks
seem to use ultrasonics, so presumably it's a fuel capable of producing random
amplified fields and accelerated phases,' she suggested. 'Hmm, it must be quite
powerful too,' added the Doctor, poking thoughtfully among the coloured fluoresc
ent columns. 'Well, that's what I just said ...' Zoe stopped and blushed, realis
ing too late that she had been sent up. 'Look, if you don't 94
want my help, Doctor ...' 'Oh but I do, Zoe,' the Doctor assured her, backing ca
refully out of the mass of tubes and standing upright again. 'Now, my dear, wher
e do you think the essential power source is lurking?' Zoe walked around for a f
ew seconds frowning with concentration. 'Well, if they use ultrasonics ...' 'No,
no, no ...' cried the Doctor, 'more likely to be some form of particle accelera
tion.' He dropped to his knees and started to crawl round and round the central
control dais, his nose to the deck like a bloodhound. Eventually he stopped, sni
ffed, crawled backwards a few metres, stopped, sniffed, crawled forwards a metre
and finally stopped. Then he tapped a small panel in the side of the dais. 'Her
e we are!' he cried. 'Just as I expected.' He tapped again and then listened. 'O
r is it?' he demanded, kneeling up and staring enquiringly at Zoe. She shrugged
impatiently. 'Well, there's only one way to find out.' Taking a small penknife f
rom his pocket, the Doctor began prising at the edge of the access panel, still
muttering away. Suddenly the panel sprang free. Carefully the Doctor removed it
and peered inside. He cocked his head and listened. Then he sniffed a few times
and to Zoe's astonishment, licked his finger and poked it into the opening for s
everal seconds. 'Oh dear ...' he sighed. 'Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..." He click
ed his tongue and shook his head. 'Whatever's the matter Doctor?' Instead of ans
wering, the Doctor pulled out a compact, tubular instrument, shook it, blew on i
t and then tied it to a long piece of string. Cautiously he lowered the gadget i
nto the opening, paying out the string as it went. Suddenly a series of sharp cl
icks emerged from the gadget. The Doctor frowned and nodded energetically. 'I th
ought so...' he murmured, paying out more string. The clicking increased dramati
cally as the Geiger counter registered radiation. 'Atomic reactor?' Zoe asked, c
raning over the Doctor's shoulder. 95
The Doctor stared down at the clusters of spherical vessels filling the entire a
rea under the dais. 'No, my dear, nothing as crude as that,' he replied at last.
He hauled the Geiger counter out of the trap and thoughtfully wrapped the strin
g tightly round it. 'No. This is almost certainly a form of negative mass flux a
bsorption system.' Zoe's eyebrows shot up. 'A what?' 'A sort of radiation vacuum
cleaner,' the Doctor explained. 'It would account for the sudden disappearance
of radio-activity from the Island.' 'You mean this thing sucked it all up?' 'In
a manner of speaking, Zoe, yes.' Zoe pondered a moment. 'Then what on earth are
they; drilling all those holes out there for?' The Doctor tapped his nose with t
he cocoon of string. 'I wish I knew, my dear ... I wish I knew ...' he mumbled v
acantly. When Toba and his cohort of Quarks reached the fourth \ perimeter targe
t near the gorge, Balan was still lying dazed by â ¢ the rig. Toba yanked him to his f
eet. 'A Quark has been destroyed, another damaged. Who was responsible?' he hiss
ed. The frail Dulcian whimpered helplessly. Toba shook his victim like a bundle
of sticks. Balan stared like a terrified animal. 'I did not see ... I was workin
g... I was almost hit...' he pleaded. The Quarks had formed a circle round the r
ig and were scanning the area with wickedly slicing antennae. 'Evidence of alien
assault,' one of them squawked. Toba gripped Balan's stick-like arms mercilessl
y. 'Is there a resistant force on this Island?' he demanded hopefully. 'There is
no force on Dulkis,' Balan answered feebly. The Dominator flung the old man asi
de and gazed around, his green, red-rimmed eyes alight with malice. 'Quarks, sea
rch the Island. Destroy any alien specimens not accounted for. Total destruction
!' he raved, his huge nostrils flaring hideously. Having ordered a Quark to esco
rt Balan back to the saucer, he marched away to the central bore target by the 9
ruined museum. There, Kando and Tee! still laboured to clear the remaining debri
s under the relentless surveillance of a pair of Quarks. 'Perimeter four has bee
n attacked and a Quark eliminated,' Toba spat, stamping up to them. Kando turned
excitedly to Teel. 'Kully must have .. .'Too late she bit her lip and blushed.
Toba seized her by the hair and twisted viciously. The willowy girl folded like
a wounded gull. 'What do you know about this?' Toba screamed. 'Leave her ...' Te
el blurted out, wielding a metal strip. Dropping Kando, Toba turned on the youth
. 'Do you dare to defy a Dominator?' he challenged in an awesome whisper. Sudden
ly Teel hurled himself forward, flailing uselessly at the enormous armoured figu
re standing over the pale, quaking girl. Toba did not move, but merely gloated w
ith creaking grunts of pleasure as Teel battered vainly against his plated chest
. Eventually, the Dominator tired of the game as his assailant's slim arms quick
ly weakened. 'Quark. Restrain!' he commanded. One of the robots advanced on Teel
, opening its probes like a pincer. 'No!' Kando gasped, scrambling up. Toba seiz
ed her wrists and shook her like a dish cloth. 'No one ever questions a Dominato
r,' he rapped. The Quark caught Teel round the waist and lifted him effortlessly
off the ground. Then it tightened its grip and Teel almost folded in half. 'Sto
p. Please stop!' Kando cried, hanging limp from Toba's gloves. 'Power!' Toba ord
ered. There was a dull cracking sound and Teel uttered a long hollow moan of ago
ny. 'Stop. I'll tell you ...' Kando shrieked. 'Release!' commanded Toba. The Qua
rk immediately opened its probes and Teel dropped to the sand, writhing silently
. 97
'Who attacked my Quarks?' Toba demanded, thrusting his face into Kando's as he r
aised her level with him. 'It ... it must have been Kully. 'The specimen Kully i
s destroyed,' retorted Toba, twisting Kando's slender wrists in opposite directi
ons. She struggled to speak, but the excruciating pain paralysed her throat. The
n the Dominator's emerald eyes shrank into tiny brilliant points. 'The other boy
... the stupid one. He must be responsible ...' he hissed. 'Where is he?' Kando
shook her head and then closed her eyes, waiting for the end. But her tormentor
suddenly released her and she slumped at his feet, huddled and trembling. Toba l
oomed over his two victims, as if he were about to crush them out of existence.
'One of you must know where the stupid one is,' he breathed at last. 'And you wi
ll tell me...' The Doctor only just had time to replace the inspection panel in
the dais when the Quark drove Balan into the control centre. While the robot wen
t over to monitor the bore-project display, the Doctor and Zoe managed a furtive
conversation with the exhausted Educator. Zoe was overjoyed to hear that Jamie
had probably destroyed another Quark and damaged a third. Despite Balan's condit
ion, the Doctor plied him with whispered questions in an attempt to solve the my
stery of the drilling operations. 'Balan, when the Dulcian scientists exploded t
he atomic device on the Island all those years ago ... where did they obtain the
fission material?' Balan cast his clouded mind back as best he could. 'I believ
e that their requirements came from somewhere in the northern hemisphere ...' "T
he other side of the planet. Then why are the Dominators drilling here?' Balan s
hrugged wearily. 'Perhaps because the planet's crust is very thin just here.' Th
e Doctor slapped himself on the forehead. 'The magma!' he gasped, turning to Zoe
. 'The molten planetary core ..." He turned back to Balan. 'Could the magma be r
adioactive?' 98
The Educator looked uncertain. 'The minor eruptions which occur here from time t
o time have never registered such radiation, Doctor.' 'But are we sure these Dom
inators are drilling for fuel?' Zoe interjected. The Doctor gestured at the sche
matic display in front of the Quark. 'It's the pattern that intrigues me, Zoe,'
he murmured. 'Four drill holes arranged in a square, with a fifth hole where the
diagonals cross in the centre... fascinating...' Zoe squinted across the chambe
r at the project display. 'I think that fifth hole is the one by the ruin, Docto
r.' The Doctor nodded. 'The bull's-eye ...' he murmured. At that moment Probatio
ner Toba burst in followed by the Quark with Kando and Teel. The latter was stum
bling, doubled over with both arms clutched across his chest. 'Quarks, assemble
the specimens," ordered Toba. The two robots herded Kando and Teel next to the D
octor, Zoe and Balan. Zoe tried to help Kando support the injured Teel, but they
were brutally shoved apart. Toba walked slowly round the frightened huddle. 'Th
e other simpleton - the boy - is missing,' he rasped. 'He has defied the Dominat
ors and attacked the Quarks. Where is he?' There was a long silence. Zoe glanced
anxiously at the Doctor. Balan gazed in horror at Kando and the semiconscious T
eel. Toba walked round them again, his vast hands clenching and unclenching with
an ominous squeaking. 'You will die, one by one, until you inform me ...' he to
rmented them. Still there was silence. Toba stopped and jabbed his creaking glov
e at Balan. 'You were a witness. Speak.' The Educator stared mesmerised into Tob
a's glittering eyes.. The Dominator stepped back. 'Quark, destroy!' One of the r
obots whirred expectantly. Kando cried out and clung convulsively to Teel. A siz
zling bolt tore through the air and Balan's protective suit collapsed in a heap,
empty. Striding over it with savage indifference, Toba towered over the Doctor.
'You know the simpleton boy. Where is he? 99
Answer or die.' The Doctor hesitated, fiddling nervously with his tie and blinki
ng meekly. Then his eyes narrowed and he curled his lip in disgust and contempt.
But he remained silent. Zoe held her breath, watching the Doctor's struggle to
contain his outrage with anxious admiration. 'Answer!' hissed Toba. The Doctor c
ompressed his lips and set his jaw. Something in his eyes seemed to disconcert t
he Dominator, something he had not anticipated. After a brief duel of wills, Tob
a turned abruptly and lumbered away a few paces. 'Quark!' he rapped. The nearest
Quark jerked its probes round towards the Doctor and waited, its antennae glowi
ng red and its circuits clattering in growing excitement. Zoe thrust her fist in
to her mouth and shut her eyes ... 100
9 Last Chances Jamie and Kully had managed to escape from the gorge by the skin
of their teeth after the damaged Quark, hard on their heels, had suddenly ground
to a smoking halt half-way up the slope, its traction mechanism finally burnt o
ut, but its probes still firing intermittently. As they dragged themselves dazed
but unharmed onto the plateau above, they found their escape cut off. A huge cr
escent of Quarks was advancing towards them, driving them relentlessly back into
the gorge. 'Where did all yon tin Sassenachs spring from?' Jamie exclaimed, pul
ling Kully down into a hollow just in time to avoid the vicious crossfire of ult
rasonic pulses which suddenly shredded the air above them. A stinging torrent of
sand erupted a few metres away and fell on them, almost completely burying them
.. Jamie wriggled furiously to and fro, working his way in a kind of trench towa
rds the steep cliff edge. 'Come away, Kully!' Jamie yelled above the sizzling di
n. â Let's get to the shelter and lie doggo till things cool down a wee bit.' 'Doggo?
' Kully echoed, spitting the sand out of his mouth and trying to imitate Jamie's
example. With a series of deafening roars, several more huge columns of sand sh
ot into the air and scattered around them. Jamie turned himself round and grabbe
d Kully's flailing hands, and hauled the squirming Dulcian towards the steep dro
p 'Come on, they're far too close for comfort!' Jamie panted, heaving Kully's sw
eating bulk through the trench. When the exhausted Dulcian reached the precipito
us edge, 101
he went rigid with terror. Without thinking, Jamie rolled himself over the cliff
and dragged Kully after him ... Half rolling and half sliding down the brittle
sandstone face, they soon reached the dunes below. Then, after a hair-raising sk
irmish with a Quark patrol advancing from the direction of the saucer, they even
tually reached the deserted ruin. Bundling Kully through the hatch into the atom
ic shelter Jamie searched frantically around in the wreckage until he located th
e tip of the periscope mechanism. After a brief struggle, he managed to clear aw
ay the obstruction that was preventing it extending properly. Nearby, he came ac
ross the blocked inlet for the ventilator system and soon dislodged enough sand
to allow at least some air through into the shelter below. Then he took cover. S
queezing himself through the hatch, Jamie carefully lowered it shut after making
sure that no loose debris could jam it again. He found Kully lying on one of th
e bunks. 'That was marvellous fun,' Kully panted, 'especially the avalanche.' 'A
ye, we fair stirred them up,' Jamie chuckled, getting his breath back. 'We'll li
e low a wee while and keep 'em guessing. Then we'll oot and bag another Quark or
two.' Just then his stomach rumbled noisily. 'Och, I'm fair starving,' he grinn
ed. Kully patted his own ample belly. 'Fighting is hungry work,' he agreed cheer
fully. Levering himself off the bunk, he began to rummage in a small locker unit
underneath it. With a whoop of triumph he stood up brandishing a slim bar wrapp
ed in foil. Tearing off the wrapper, he broke the bar in half and handed Jamie a
piece of a grey waxy substance. Jamie sniffed at it unenthusiastically. 'What's
this stuff?' 'Basic nutrients,' Kully explained, cramming his portion into his
mouth and chewing greedily. 'Proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates. You can survive
on it for annos.' He swallowed and licked his lips. Jamie bit off a tiny piece a
nd chewed tentatively. 'I hope I'll no need to do that: it tastes like old candl
es,' he grimaced, tossing the remainder to Kully. Rousing himself, Jamie went ac
ross to the periscope, 102
grasped the handles and pushed upwards. It slid quite freely, despite emitting a
nasty scraping sound. 'Let's see how the land lies ..." he muttered, peering in
to the binocular viewer. For a while he was silent, twisting the tube slowly fro
m side to side, then he turned. Kully stopped chewing and stared at him. 'We've
got visitors ...' Jamie said. 'Lots of them.' 'Quark, order cancelled. Toba, wha
t is the meaning of this?' Zoe cried out in gratitude and relief as Rago's power
ful voice suddenly rang around the control centre. Hissing with frustration, Tob
a spun round to face his leader as he emerged from the elevator followed by his
escort. Rago stared down at Balan*s suit, at the cowering figures of Kando and T
eel, and finally turned to his sullen subordinate. 'Explain, Probationer Toba,'
he snapped. The Doctor mopped his glistening face and squeezed Zoe's cold hand g
ratefully. 'That was a trifle near the mark ...' he whispered wryly. Toba brazen
ed things out as best he could. 'We were attacked, Navigator Rago. A Quark was d
estroyed, another damaged; In the emergency I decided to ...' 'Emergency? Rago s
neered. 'A handful of primitives manage to incapacitate a Quark and you interrup
t vital projects to waste time and valuable power chasing them all over the Isla
nd?' Toba creaked forward a few paces: 'I decided to hold an inquiry, Navigator
...' Rago turned impatiently and frowned dangerously at the bore-project display
. 'Is drilling complete?' All four perimeter bores are completed,' said Toba hur
riedly. 'And the centre target?' Toba hesitated uncomfortably. 'A minor delay ..
. caused by strata deviations.' Rago leaned closer. 'The only deviations have oc
curred in your behaviour, Toba. Quark power reserves approach minimal levels and
drilling is incomplete, yet you fritter precious resources in fruitless chases
and in killing insignificant aliens 103
Toba was aware of the Doctor's contemptuous stare boring into his back. 'I consi
dered it my duty ...' he protested. 'Your duty is to complete the project accord
ing to schedule,' Rago thundered. 'Have the rockets been installed at the perime
ter targets?' The Doctor's face lit up with profound interest and anticipation a
nd he edged surreptitiously closer to gain a better view of the project display
across the vast chamber . 'Not yet,' Toba admitted after an embarrassed pause. '
Do it at once,' Rago ordered. 'Is the seeding trigger approaching criticality?'
'There has not been sufficient time to determine.' 'Time?' Rago boomed, the rims
of his eyes burning like red-hot rings. 'Toba, if you have jeopardised this mos
t vital stage of our mission by your obsessive irresponsibility, then you will r
emain here on Dulkis and perish with the weaker primitives.' The Doctor observed
intently as Toba hurried across to the central dais and opened a heavily armour
ed circular panel near the one he and Zoe had examined earlier. A soft pink glow
spread over Toba's body as he withdrew a large opaque object resembling an ostr
ich egg, encased within a kind of glass shell with short blunt spikes protruding
in all directions. The Probationer peered at each protrusion in turn, the glow
transforming his features into a caricature carnival mask. 'Report!' Rago rapped
impatiently. 'The seeding trigger approaches criticality minus gamma.' Toba car
efully replaced the device and closed the thick panel. Zoe glanced at the Doctor
. He was muttering silently to himself and nodding knowingly as he watched Toba'
s every move. 'Minus gamma. Then there is not a moment to lose, Toba,' Rago warn
ed urgently. 'The centre bore must be completed and projectiles will be inserted
in the perimeter targets immediately. Understood?' . 'Command accepted,' Toba p
romptly acknowledged. Rago strode across to the Quark control unit and passed hi
s enormous hand over a sequence of coloured keys. 'The search 104
is cancelled. All Quarks to position at drilling stations and conserve power unt
il further instructions,' he ordered. Then he turned back to his subordinate. 'I
shall communicate with Fleet Leader regarding the exploitation potential of the
primitives. Meanwhile, keep them under constant supervision.' Ordering the two
Quarks to follow with the four surviving prisoners, Toba strode towards the elev
ator. Toba.' The Probationer stopped and waited. 'This is your final chance. Do
not waste it.' As the captives were prodded into motion by the Quarks, the Docto
r glanced sideways at Zoe. 'Speaking of chances,' he muttered, 'from now on we m
ust be sure not to waste any of ours.' For some time the assembled Quarks had re
mained motionless and silent outside the ruin, like a plantation of dwarf mechan
ical trees waiting for some unwary bird to light among them. Jamie peered appreh
ensively at them through the periscope, while Kully lay on a bunk, nervously dev
ouring the emergency rations out of the locker. The tension was almost tangible,
like the closeness in the air before a thunderstorm. Suddenly Jamie whooped wit
h delight. 'More visitors, Kully!' he exclaimed, as the Doctor, Zoe, Kando and T
eel trudged into view. Kully elbowed him-aside. 'Balan isn't with them,' he mutt
ered anxiously, panning the periscope. Then he groaned. 'More Quarks?' Jamie eag
erly seized the viewer again, but he too groaned as he watched Toba arrive and s
tart supervising some of the Quarks around the rig. 'We've got to get them in he
re with us. We canna just leave them up there ...' he said, focusing on the Doct
or and Zoe. 'Here we go again,' Kully sighed, clutching his head in despair. The
young Highlander grinned mischievously and glanced quickly round the bleak conc
rete shelter. His eyes lit on the plastic sheeting covering the bunks. He whippe
d a gleaming dirk out of its sheath inside his sock and rapidly slit the 105
sheeting free from one of the mattresses. Kully watched in baffled silence as he
cut a long narrow strip from one side. 'Now listen carefully, Kully,' Jamie sai
d firmly, 'this is what we'll do Guarded by a single Quark and huddled some dist
ance from the drilling apparatus, the Doctor and the others covered their ears a
nd averted their faces as the rig began to whine and throb and an intense beam o
f light flashed down the barrel into the target hole. As the ground vibrated and
the whole area shimmered in the hot searing glare, the Doctor attempted to squi
nt under his thick dark eyebrows to observe the awesome procedure. Zoe put her m
outh close to his ear. 'Any idea what they're looking for?' she shouted. The Doc
tor forced his blinking watering eyes to stay at least partially open for a few
more seconds. Then he turned to her. 'Oh, I don't think they intend to take anyt
hing out of the hole, Zoe,' he yelled back. 'More likely they're going to drop s
omething in.' 'But what?' Before the Doctor could reply, he caught a glimpse of
someone moving among the debris up by the ruin, behind their Quark sentry. 'Oh d
ear me ... oh no ..." he muttered, as Jamie emerged crouching low and dropped on
to his stomach behind a low ridge of sand. The attention of Toba and of the Quar
ks was totally absorbed in the screaming and throbbing drill, as Jamie started w
riggling his way towards the unsuspecting robot. With his back to the rig, the D
octor was able to watch in anxious fascination as Jamie knelt up behind the Quar
k, reached into his shirt and unrolled the thin plastic strip. Reaching forward,
Jamie carefully wound the strong material round and round the robot's thick, co
ncertina legs, binding them tightly together. The reckless lad froze as the Quar
k's antennae waggled and flickered and its domed head stirred suspiciously. Then
the robot suddenly shifted slightly and its rectangular foot came down, trappin
g Jamie's hand underneath. Thrusting the end 106
of the plastic strip into his mouth, Jamie stifled his agony. Promptly the Docto
r stepped forward. 'Excuse me, sir!' he cried. The sparking robot immediately un
folded its probes and went to advance on the Doctor, but as it tried to take a s
tep it overbalanced and its bulky body pitched forward into the sand; At that sa
me moment, Kully scampered out from behind the ruin and enveloped the Quark's an
tennae in the plastic sheet, completely depriving it of its senses. Blowing fran
tically on his throbbing hand, Jamie leaped up and, while Kully hurriedly shephe
rded the astonished prisoners safely into the ruin, he dragged a heavy beam from
some nearby wreckage and heaved it on top of the struggling robot. The disabled
Quark started to emit a piercing distress signal which at first was inaudible a
gainst the howl of the drilling rig, but eventually Toba heard it. Ordering oper
ations to cease, Toba scanned the area in a frenzy. 'A Quark has been attacked a
nd the specimens have escaped ...' he screamed as the glare and the noise of the
apparatus subsided. Striding towards the ruin, Toba hurled the beam aside and r
ipped the sheet off the stricken Quark, which began rolling about on its back li
ke a mechanical beetle. 'Quark, where are the specimens?' Toba demanded. 'Sensor
s temporarily inoperable. No data recorded,' bleated the robot pathetically. Tob
a swung round hysterically. 'Quarks, search. Search and destroy ...' he shrieked
, starting to clamber over the wreckage around the ruined museum, kicking and hu
rling debris in all directions. 'Command cancelled!' Rago's voice sliced like a
blade through the hot muggy air. Toba lurched to a halt, his huge limbs jerking
spasmodically. 'Why has drilling been interrupted yet again?' Rago demanded icil
y, approaching between the assembled Quarks. Toba mumbled an explanation. Rago s
urveyed the silent rig. 'Probationer, if you cannot perform the tasks assigned t
o you here, you will never gain 107
full Dominator status,' he rasped. 'Complete the bore.' With as much dignity as
he could muster, Toba clambered back onto the sand and strode back to the rig. '
The primitives will not escape unpunished,' Rago added with condescending genero
sity, as Toba ordered the Quarks by the rig to reconnect power. 'Fleet Leader co
nfirms that Dulcians are totally unsuitable for our projects. Therefore they wil
l die with their planet.' Toba's eyes flashed with malignant satisfaction. "Then
the sooner we complete operations the better.' 'Exactly. I shall now supervise
the positioning of the projectiles at the perimeter targets. Inform me when the
centre, bore is prepared for the seeding trigger.' Rago commanded a detachment o
f Quarks to accompany him and then strode rapidly away across the dunes. Jamie h
ad only just had time to squeeze himself through the hatch before the frenzied T
oba clambered onto the wreckage above the open trap-door. In the shelter below,
the six fugitives had then waited in total silence, scarcely daring even to brea
the until the two Dominators moved away. Then at last Jamie had carefully lowere
d the heavy trap and jumped down to join the others. 'That was extremely rash of
you, Jamie,' the Doctor scolded him, smiling appreciatively, 'those Quarks can
be appallingly dangerous.' 'Och, they're nae so terrible,' Jamie grinned, giving
Zoe an affectionate hug. Kully turned from the periscope. 'Where's Balan?' he a
sked. Gently, Kando explained what had happened. 'You did all you could, Kully,'
Teel murmured, nursing his bruised ribs. 'Thanks to you and Jamie, the rest of
us are safe.' 'I'm not so sure about that,' Jamie told him. 'I just heard those
Dominators saying that the Dulcians are no use to them.' Kando smiled innocently
. "Then they will leave us in peace now.' Jamie glanced at the Doctor and Zoe in
embarrassment. 108
Then he turned to the three Dulcians. 'They said that you would all die ... with
your planet,' he mumbled helplessly. Kully peered back into the periscope. 'The
y can't destroy Dulkis ..." he protested indignantly. Just then the shelter bega
n to vibrate as Toba's unit resumed drilling outside. The Doctor coughed and cle
ared his throat. 'I'm afraid they can. I believe they intend to use your planet
as fuel for their fleet.' There was a long, shocked silence. The Doctor shrugged
, smiled bleakly and then examined his fingernails minutely. 'I'm most terribly
sorry.' Then Zoe stuck her chin out. 'But Doctor, you decided that their saucer
uses atomic power,' she objected. 'There are no suitable radioactive minerals in
this hemisphere,' Kando reminded him. The Doctor waved his arms impatiently. 'N
o, no, no, there is no reactor in the saucer, only a radiation accumulator and c
onverter system.' Everyone looked blank. 'Negative mass flux absorption,' the Do
ctor cried, glancing triumphantly around him. 'What?' Jamie gasped. 'They suck u
p the radiation, store it and then convert it into propulsion?' Zoe speculated.
'The Doctor beamed at her. 'Precisely, Zoe.' He turned to the Dulcians. 'Remembe
r how all the radioactivity disappeared from the Island as soon as the saucer ar
rived?' Kando and Teel nodded and a glimmer of understanding flickered between t
hem. Jamie was speechless for a moment. 'So, why are they doing all that drillin
g out there?' he suddenly blurted out, in a burst of frustrated desperation. 'Ca
n't imagine why no one's asked me that before!' the Doctor cried, fumbling in hi
s pockets and unearthing a broken stick of chalk. Then he rushed over to the wal
l and started drawing feverishly. 'Four deep holes ..." he said, marking out the
corners of a square with little crosses. 'Another deep hole - the one outside h
ere -' he announced, 109
putting a small star at the centre of the square. The Doctor glanced over his sh
oulder at the semicircle of puzzled faces staring intently at his sketch. 'Now,
a rocket is fired down each of the four corner holes which all meet at a point f
ar below the surface ..." Turning back to the wall, the Doctor quickly drew a si
de view, showing the four angled shafts intersecting exactly below the fifth one
. Once again the Doctor glanced round at his audience. 'My guess is that they in
tend to drop that seeding device - the thing we saw the saucer, Zoe - down the f
ifth hole ... Simple, really, isn't it!' Jamie nodded. 'Aye,' he mumbled. 'Well,
don't you see?' cried the Doctor. 'They're going to fire the rockets through th
e planet's crust - which is very thin just here on the Island - and into the mag
ma.' 'But that could cause a volcano,' Zoe interrupted. 'Exactly, Zoe.' 'And if
they explode the seed device in the middle of it...' '... then the planet will b
ecome a vast mass of molten radioactive material,' the Doctor concluded. 'If the
ir calculations are correct, a vast fuel source at exactly the right particle de
nsity and energy flux.' Turning back to the wall, the Doctor added the trajector
ies of the rockets and the seeding trigger and then with violent swirls of chalk
drew a colossal explosion. He stared at his handiwork in silence for a moment.
When he turned round again, the others were looking at him as if expecting some
word of comfort or advice. He smiled bleakly, shrugged, sighed, and stared at hi
s fingernails. 'Aye, well we'll just have to stop them, won't we?' Jamie said at
last. The Doctor agreed. There was another long silence, broken only by the sic
kening vibration caused by the throbbing rig outside. Zoe began to imagine she c
ould almost feel the planet shuddering in horror at its approaching fate. The Do
ctor realised that everyone was waiting for him. 'Yes, well, that's easier said
than done, Jamie..." he flustered. 'Perhaps if we could somehow get hold of that
seeding trigger ...' He sat on a bunk and stared at his diagrams, 110
hunched with concentration. Suddenly Jamie jumped up. 'Hey, Doctor ...' 'Please,
Jamie, I am trying to think.' 'Aye, but I think I know how ...' 'Jamie!' Zoe sn
apped irritably. The impetuous young Scot grabbed Kully's arm. 'Listen, I know h
ow we can get hold of this atomic seed thing.' 'Oh really, Jamie?' exclaimed Zoe
with a sarcastic smile. Jamie rounded on her. 'The Doctor said they were going
to drop it down that hole outside ..." 'Indeed I did,' agreed the Doctor absentl
y. 'Aye, well, it's simple. We dig a tunnel from here out to their shaft and cat
ch the wee thing on its way down!' Zoe turned eagerly to the Doctor. He remained
staring silently into space, and still, like a Buddha. 'Och well, it was just a
thought ..." Jamie trailed glumly into silence. All at once the Doctor sprang t
o his feet. 'Just a thought. And so simple, Jamie, only you could have thought i
t!' He seized Jamie's hand and pumped it enthusiastically up and down. Jamie gri
nned sheepishly, as if uncertain whether to regard this as a compliment. 'We cou
ld use the periscope,' Zoe suggested. 'Just line it up on the drill and that's t
he direction .'..' The Doctor held up his hand. 'There's one little snag. Our tu
nnel will have to be quite a few metres long and we haven't much time.' 'But the
sandstone should be reasonably soft,' Zoe pointed out. 'And Kully and I can slo
w those Dominators down a wee bit,' Jamie laughed, flinging his arm round the Du
lcian's shoulders. Kully nodded eagerly. 'We are experts at sabotaging Quarks,'
he reminded them. The Doctor looked serious. 'You've both been very lucky so far
,' he warned them. 'Now if we could only devise some kind of weapon for you ...'
'Weapon?' Kully echoed, glancing at Kando and Teel. 111
They smiled and nodded encouragement. 'There's nothing down here except out-of-d
ate rations and medical kits.' 'Medical kits!' cried the Doctor. 'The very thing
. It's surprising what one can achieve with a few simple chemicals. See what you
can find, Kully.' While Kully searched through the lockers beneath the bunks, t
he Doctor led Zoe and Jamie over to the periscope. 'We must establish the direct
ion for our tunnel very accurately,' he advised, as Zoe raised the tube and peer
ed into the smoked-glass binocular, sighting it as best she could on the incande
scent glare of the flashing rig. 'That's the bearing ...' she said at last, blin
king and massaging her watering eyes. 'Righto, Zoe.' The Doctor squinted at righ
t angles to the alignment of the periscope's handles and then marked a point on
the wall of the shelter with his chalk. 'We'll have to move this bunk first thou
gh.' As soon as they had cleared the space, the Doctor carefully drew a large ci
rcle around his chalk mark. Jamie could hardly wait to start chipping away at th
e concrete with his dirk, but for all his enthusiasm, the sharp blade screeched
and skidded uselessly across the hard surface. 'I think perhaps I had better sta
rt you off...' the Doctor chuckled, groping in his pockets and finally producing
a strange object like a slim torch with a bulbous end and with various switches
along its casing. Jamie snorted scornfully: 'Och, how are ye going to dig a tun
nel wi'a screwdriver?' he demanded. The Doctor looked indignant. 'This is not me
rely a sonic screwdriver, Jamie ...' he retorted, adjusting several switches and
then pointing the device at the wall at arm's length. 'Now ... watch ...' Every
one looked on in astonishment as the Doctor's gadget emitted a powerful warbling
sound. All at once, in the centre of the chalk circle, the solid concrete seeme
d to soften and then melt and finally to evaporate before their eyes. In no time
at all the Doctor bored a large hole right through the shelter wall to the sand
stone beyond. Then he left the others to take over the tunnelling and turned his
attention to 112
the contents of the medical kits which Kully had unearthed in the lockers. While
Jamie, Kully, Kando and even Teel worked like beavers digging into the softish
ground, Zoe helped the Doctor to measure and mix various combinations of chemica
ls in a number of small phials. Some of the mixtures frothed violently, changed
colour threateningly and gave off clouds of evil-smelling vapour. But the Doctor
seemed oblivious of any hazards, hunched over his task and muttering to himself
like some mediaeval alchemist in his den. Eventually Jamie grew impatient. 'Doc
tor, I don't think we can wait any longer...' he said, crawling backwards out of
the growing hole and brushing the sand out of his hair. 'Hang on, Jamie,' the D
octor muttered, carefully pouring a little of each mixture into a test-tube. He
shook the foul liquid until it suddenly went colourless, like water. 'If this wo
rks, you'll not only be able to distract the Quarks, you'll most likely blow the
m to smithereens. Let's try it out shall we?' 'In here?' Zoe exclaimed in alarm.
The Doctor grinned reassuringly. 'Just a tiny quantity.' He took a little silve
r pill from a bottle and held it poised over the mouth of the test-tube. 'Now, J
amie, just add one of these pills to the mixture before you throw it. Like this
..." The Doctor popped the pill into the tube and stuck a small cork in the end.
'Don't forget Jamie, you must throw it before ten seconds have elapsed, otherwi
se ...' 'Six ... seven ... eight ... Doctor!' Zoe shrieked. With a start the Doc
tor flung the phial over his shoulder. There was a blue flash and a brief roar a
s it exploded under one of the bunks behind them. The Doctor grinned as everybod
y jumped in fright. 'It works!' he cried, hugging Zoe ecstatically. 'Och, ye cou
ld have blown us all tae bits,' Jamie gasped, pale as milk. The Doctor shook his
head. "That was nothing. With ten times as much in each tube you'll have quite
an effective armoury ...' All of a sudden there was total silence. Everybody lis
tened. Then they all turned to the Doctor. He was looking suddenly 113
haggard. The drilling had stopped. It seemed that their last chance was to be de
nied them after all. 114
10 Desperate Remedies Jamie and Kully were soon edging their way out of the back
of the ruin and scrambling up the cliff between two bluffs which afforded some
cover from the drilling site. Their mission to create a diversion had now become
one of interception. They must prevent the seeding trigger from reaching the ce
ntre bore target. Armed with the phials of colourless liquid and the box of tiny
pills, they followed the meandering cliff-edge in the direction of the saucer u
ntil they reached one of the perimeter sites guarded by two silent and motionles
s Quarks below them. They crouched at the edge. Jamie held out a phial and nodde
d. Kully dropped in a silver pill and began counting while Jamie jammed in the c
ork. Then Jamie hurled the bomb as far as he could and they both flattened thems
elves and waited. 'Seven ... eight ... nine ..." Kully muttered. There was a .br
illiant blue flash and a huge bang. They craned over the edge to see one of the
robots marching spasmodically round and round in circles, jerking its probes and
its antennae, while its distress signal blurted out in strangled metallic rasps
. Jamie frowned. 'Not quite enough.' He held out another phial, Kully popped in
a pill, Jamie corked the tube and flung it. There was another explosion. This ti
me fragments of metal flew up in the air together with a fountain of sand. Again
Kully and Jamie peered down. One Quark was scattered in pieces over the dunes.
The other was wheeling crazily round on the spot, squeaking and grating with smo
ke pouring out of 115
its head, its antennae hanging like rotten leaves. 'This is fun,' Jamie grinned.
'Let's do some more,' Kully agreed. They scrambled up and followed the clifftop
until they eventually reached another of the perimeter sites. As before, two si
lent Quarks were guarding it. 'This is just a wee bit too easy,' Jamie chuckled
as they prepared another bomb. Kully popped in the silver pill. 'As easy as one
... two ...' Toba was making final depth-soundings on the centre bore when he su
ddenly heard distant explosions and then the Quarks' feeble distress signals. Sp
itting with fury, he was about to order the two Quarks to disconnect from the ri
g and to hunt down and destroy the alien attackers, when he remembered Rago's wa
rning. Grinding his flinty teeth in frustration, he prepared to resume drilling.
At that moment, Rago appeared from the direction of the saucer. The expression
on the Navigator's face sent a chilly spasm through Toba's massive frame. 'More
Quarks have been destroyed or incapacitated,' stormed Rago accusingly. Toba allo
wed himself an ironic smile. 'You should have permitted me to destroy the primit
ives.' 'Silence!' Rago thundered. 'We now have only eight operational Quarks. Po
wer levels are minimal. Report reserve status,' he ordered, turning to the Quark
s. 'Two units,' bleated one. 'Five units,' bleated the other." Rago's jaw creake
d as he grimaced with rage. 'Barely sufficient to complete drilling,' he rasped.
'The rockets are installed, Toba. Inform me as soon as your operations here are
concluded.' 'Command accepted.' As the Navigator strode away, the rig blazed in
to life again beginning the crucial final stage of the bore. On the clifftop abo
ve, two figures knelt in the sand. 'They've started drilling again,' Jamie mouth
ed. 'We still 116
have a chance ...' The sound of the drilling starting up again brought a profoun
d sigh of relief from the Doctor as he grabbed the next plastic sheet filled wit
h sand from Kando at the mouth of the tunnel and handed it to Zoe, who emptied i
t onto the huge pile growing ever larger in the middle of the shelter. At least
the race to intercept the seeding trigger was not yet lost, but there was so lit
tle time left ... 'How much further have you got, Teel?' the Doctor called into
the vibrating darkness of the tunnel. 'A little more than my own length ...' cam
e the brave young Dulcian's muffled reply. The Doctor did a quick mental calcula
tion and turned to Zoe. 'Still a long, long way to go ...' he frowned. 'Teel, co
me out and rest now. Zoe's turn.' When Teel's feet appeared, the Doctor and Kand
o reached into the hole and pulled him out. The exhausted Dulcian, covered in di
rt and sweat, staggered to a bench and collapsed gratefully. Armed with Jamie's
dirk gripped between her teeth, Zoe clambered into the tunnel and dragged hersel
f into the hot, throbbing gloom by walking on her elbows and knees. When she rea
ched the face, she pulled the plastic sheet out of her belt and spread it out as
best she could behind her. The vibration of the drilling rig caused a constant
trickle of sand to run into her eyes as she dug desperately away at the crumblin
g sandstone ahead, scraping the loose sand past her body and onto the sheet so t
hat the others could empty it periodically in the shelter. The task was agonisin
gly slow and awkward and it was horrifying to feel that the shuddering tunnel mi
ght collapse at any moment and trap her. Eventually she stopped to rest her achi
ng arms a moment. All at once the tunnel shook with a series of violent shocks.
Zoe's heart almost froze as the tunnel started cracking all around her. In the s
helter, the Doctor had dived for the periscope. 'Jamie and Kully have attacked t
he rig!' he shouted, cheering as the two Quarks careered sideways and the rig it
self toppled over, belching smoke and sparks. 'Zoe, the drilling's stopped!' 117
'So will the tunnelling if they're not careful..." muttered Zoe, digging away ag
ain for all she was worth. Peering through the eyepiece, the Doctor watched Rago
rush into view escorted by three Quarks. Expertly he lip-read the hurried dialo
gue between the two Dominators. 'See what damage your "harmless" aliens are doin
g with their primitive explosives? Now we must surely destroy them,' Toba insist
ed. Rago flung out his huge hand. 'Replace the rig and continue. I shall persona
lly pursue and destroy these saboteurs,' he retorted. Seeing his revenge denied
him, Toba sullenly concurred. As Rago set off towards the gorge, accompanied by
the three Quarks, Toba struggled to re-position the rig over the target. The Doc
tor said nothing as he re-joined the others at the mouth of the tunnel, but his
gentle face betrayed increasing anxiety about the fate of Jamie and the diminish
ing likelihood of thwarting the Dominators in their evil purpose. Unaware of Rag
o's intentions, Jamie and Kully slid helter-skelter down into the canyon on thei
r way back to the shelter. No sooner had they reached the bottom than they were
dismayed to see Rago and his Quarks advancing inexorably along the floor of the
canyon towards them. Whooping with delight, Kully started preparing a bomb, but
Jamie grabbed his arm and yanked him roughly back up the slope. Their progress w
as painfully slow as the sand gave under them, forcing them to take three steps
for every one gained in height. Rago's eyes burned with contempt as he ordered h
is squad to attack. Three pairs of probes were trained in deadly concentration o
n the desperate fugitives crawling up the slope like wasps trying to escape from
a jar of treacle. Huge scars were gouged in the slopes and bluffs as the Quarks
fired simultaneously, but miraculously neither was hit. 'Recharge force' units,
' Rago commanded. 'Report failure.' The robots whirred and sparked intermittentl
y. 'Reserves below minima,' one of them announced. Rago spat viciously. 'Toba is
responsible for this entire 118
fiasco. Quarks, quantise aggregate pulses. Single discharge. Destroy them.' Just
as Jamie and Kully reached the top of the canyon, a savage tearing noise split
the air around them. Kully gasped and choked and then uttered a terrible scream
of agony. Jamie seized his wrist just in time to prevent him from rolling back i
nto the gorge and hauled his dead weight up over the edge and onto the plateau.
'We're safe now, Kully ...' he panted. 'The Quarks can't climb up here.' Kully's
face had gone a ghastly yellow and his teeth were chattering with shock. 'Somet
hing's happened ... my arm ... leg's gone cold ,.. can't move arm now ... better
leave me behind...' Jamie put his arm protectively round Kully's paralysed shou
lder. 'Nonsense. Ye'll be right as ninepence in a wee while.' Peering over the e
dge, Jamie realised that Rago had ordered his Quarks to scale the longer but gen
tler slope at the end of the canyon. Despite their depleted power reserves, they
were making good progress. If they reached the plateau, he and the wounded Dulc
ian had no chance at all. Jamie quickly counted the remaining phials of chemical
s stuck around the top of his sock. There were four. 'One each ..." he muttered,
setting the phials upright in the sand and prising the box of silver pills out
of Kully's frozen hand. 'Hang on, Kully ..." he urged, dropping a pill in each p
hial and frantically jamming in the stoppers. 'Four ... five ... six ...' He pic
ked the phials up. 'Seven ... eight ..." He leaped to his feet. 'Nine ...' He th
rew the four phials together like a brace of daggers. They flew into the canyon
and landed in an arc at the feet of Rago and the Quarks. There were four sharp t
hunderclaps. Jamie saw the robots scatter in all directions, reeling and totteri
ng, their probes firing indiscriminately into the air and at each other, and the
ir distress signals bleating feebly. Two of them blew each other up and the thir
d almost hit Rago before bursting into flames. 'Ye'll no dominate Jamie MacCrimm
on ..." the young 119
Highlander yelled down at the scorched and tattered figure lying amidst the wrec
kage of his Quarks. As Rago clambered awkwardly to his feet, Jamie hoisted Kully
onto his shoulders and set off across the plateau towards the clifftop that ove
rhung the ruin. If they met any Quarks now, they were done for ... With Kando va
liantly taking her turn in the tunnel, Zoe was manning the periscope while the D
octor and Teel emptied sheetful after sheetful of sand onto the heap which was n
ow almost touching the ceiling. 'Toba got the drill working again,' Zoe reported
. 'We can't have much time left, Doctor.' The Doctor glanced at the mound of exc
avated sand. 'We must be nearly through to their shaft by now,' he murmured hope
fully. 'It feels very close ...' Kando reported faintly, as she pushed another l
oad of sand towards the tunnel-opening with her feet. 'So near and yet so far...
" the Doctor mused, helping Teel with the sheet. At that moment, the trap-door t
hudded open and Kully suddenly sprawled onto the mound and slid stiffly to the f
loor. Jamie jumped in after him and heaved the hatch shut before slithering down
beside him. Briefly, Jamie explained what had happened since the intrepid pair
had set out on their vital mission. 'Luckily for Kully, the Quarks' power-levels
were low ..." he concluded. Zoe and the Doctor had made the casualty as comfort
able as possible in the sand. 'It's my left side ... it's paralysed ..." he moan
ed. The Doctor gently took hold of Kully's left wrist. 'Can you move your finger
s at all?' he asked. Kully shut his eyes and screwed up his face with effort. Hi
s fingertips twitched a little, then his thumb stirred. The Doctor smiled encour
agingly. 'You are lucky. I think it's only temporary.' Kully managed a plucky gr
in. 'Don't worry about me, 120
Doctor. What about the tunnel?' he murmured feebly. 'Thanks to you and Jamie we'
ve almost finished it.' Zoe gave a startled shout. 'Doctor, they've stopped dril
ling again!' The Doctor rushed to the periscope just in time to see the battered
figure of Rago limping up to Toba as the Quarks began dismantling the rig. Once
again he deciphered their brief exchange, his own lips moving as he read theirs
. 'The centre bore is completed, Navigator.' 'Good, I shall enjoy absorbing this
miserable planet and its insignificant creatures, Toba. Bring the seeding trigg
er immediately. No more delays.' There was just the faintest of smiles on Toba's
grim visage as he glanced at his superior's undignified disarray before marchin
g obediently away. Jamie had already taken Kando's place at the tunnel face and
he was soon sending out load after load of sand. 'Any sign of that bore shaft ye
t, Jamie?' the Doctor yelled anxiously as he returned to help the others. 'Och n
o. The roof keeps caving in though...' came the faint reply out of the foetid da
rkness. They worked like beavers in the hot, stifling atmosphere of the cramped
shelter, while Kully lay on the mound and kept up a brave repartee of encouragem
ent. Hours seemed to pass, but everyone had lost all sense of time, endlessly re
peating the same automatic movements over and over again. And very soon there wo
uld be no more space in the shelter to dump the eternal flow of sand ... Then al
l at once Zoe grabbed the periscope handles. 'The Dominators are coming back ...
they've got the device!' she cried. The Doctor dropped the heavy plastic sheet
he was carrying and peered into the binocular. He watched as Toba carefully hand
ed the seeding trigger - still in its curious spiky glass shell - to Rago. The D
ominators' faces were bathed in a lurid pink glow as they conferred over the cen
tre bore target. 'Recall all operational Quarks. Prepare the craft for departure
and rendezvous with Fleet. Inform Fleet Leader that refuelling orbit may commen
ce on schedule.' 121
'Command accepted.' Rago cradled the weirdly glowing device almost lovingly in h
is massive gloves. 'I shall insert the seeding trigger. You will return and sync
hronise the perimeter target projectiles immediately. Soon we shall see this pla
net and its species burst asunder.' The Doctor's face clouded with indignation a
s he mouthed the Dominator's terrible words. He watched Toba stride purposefully
away to prepare the rockets and then focused the periscope on Rago. The Navigat
or was pressing the tips of the bristling glass spikes in an apparently random s
equence and with each movement the pink glow intensified. Eventually the glass s
hell came apart and Rago delicately withdrew the opalescent egg within. 'Critica
lity minus beta.' Unable to watch any longer, the Doctor closed his eyes and lea
ned his forehead against the periscope. 'We're too late ...' he sighed dejectedl
y. 'We've failed ...' 'We're through, Doctor!' Spinning round, the Doctor saw Ja
mie's dirt-streaked smile filling the tunnel mouth. 'Only a wee bit too far to t
he left,' Jamie cried as he clambered out. 'Not bad at all.' The Doctor whipped
back to the periscope. Rago was bending over the borehole, the seeding trigger p
oised in his outstretched hands. In a single bound, the Doctor flung himself at
the tunnel and vanished into the darkness. Zoe flew to the periscope. She uttere
d a cry of despair. Rago's hands were empty. 'It's gone ... we missed it,' she s
aid, stifling a sob of disappointment. There was a long silence. Jamie, Zoe, Kan
do, Teel and Kully stared glumly at one another and then turned anxiously toward
s the tunnel. After a while, they heard muffled mutterings and then a frantic sc
rambling. Gradually the Doctor emerged feet first from the narrow opening. He st
ood up and then turned to face the astonished group. He was holding the huge egg
as though it were a bomb. 122
'You did it.' whispered Zoe. 'So, we are saved,' Kando burst out, with a brillia
nt smile. 'Not quite saved ...' murmured the Doctor, moving in slow motion as if
the slightest shock would be disastrous. 'We still have to neutralise it.' With
infinite care, he turned the glowing device over and over in his trembling hand
s. Then he looked at them, appalled. 'It's sealed ... completely sealed...' he g
asped. 'I can't open it.' They all stared at him helplessly. 'Ye mean it was all
for nothing?' Jamie exclaimed bitterly. 'Are we going to be blown to smithereen
s after all?' The Doctor nodded. 'I'm afraid so, Jamie. Unless we can get it awa
y from Dulkis immediately ..." Teel and Kando were kneeling beside Kully. Their
three faces were overcast with incredulity and anguish. Jamie and Zoe gazed at t
he Time Lord with barely concealed resentment. Suddenly the Doctor grinned misch
ievously. 'Whatever's the matter with you all?' he demanded, weighing the lethal
object almost nonchalantly in one hand, his eyes beginning to twinkle. 'Teel an
d Kando, you take Kully to the capsule near the saucer, get back to the Capitol
and warn them that there might be a little earthquake and a volcano or two poppi
ng up here and there. Jamie and Zoe, you go straight back to the TARDIS and wait
there for me ...' He was interrupted by a chorus of protest. 'But why? What are
you going to do?' Jamie demanded. 'No time to explain now,' the Doctor cried, p
ushing his way through them to the periscope. 'Ah good, coast's clear at last.'
He scrambled up the mound of sand under the trapdoor, clutching the seeding trig
ger under his arm like a rugby ball. Kully tried to get up. 'But you must come w
ith us to the Capitol. My father will want to see you ..." 'So sorry. Some other
time. Got to dash ..." The Doctor planted his head against the hatch and pushed
it open with a crash. 'On behalf of the Dulcian community .,.' Teel began, stan
ding up with shy solemnity. 123
'Apologies. Not now. Compliments and so on to the esteemed Council ...' the Doct
or waved. A moment later he was gone. There was a stunned silence. 'Where's he g
one?' Zoe asked at last. Jamie shrugged. 'Och, we'll just have to do as he says.
I hope he's not up to anything too daft though ...' Inside the giant saucer, th
e Dominators were completing final preparations for firing the perimeter rockets
and for immediate take-off from Dulkis. The control centre hummed and flickered
with intense activity. 'Remaining Quarks about to board,' Toba reported. 'Parti
cle flux?' 'Confirmed.' 'Good. Perimeter targets primed,' Rago checked. 'Seeding
trigger in situ. Approaching criticality minus alpha,' Toba warned. 'Affirmativ
e. Target projectile and take-off countdowns locked in sequence.' At that moment
, beneath the massive craft, a dapper figure was scurrying breathlessly up behin
d the last Quark as it entered the elevator at the foot of the central shaft. Ju
st as the access panel began to close, the figure took something out of his coat
and placed it carefully on the floor of the cubicle behind the robot. 'Just a l
ittle something for the journey ..." he murmured, jumping back in the nick of ti
me as the hatch clicked shut. Then he turned and ran away across the dunes as fa
st as his short legs would carry him. High up in the control centre, Toba was mo
nitoring the flight displays. 'Propulsion flux at optimum,' he announced. 'Initi
ate take-off,' Rago ordered. A colossal shudder ran through the saucer as it wob
bled and then began to rise slowly from the sand. 'Target rockets fired. All max
imum penetration ..." Rago reported with satisfaction. 'Seeding trigger now at c
ritical... at critical plus ... plus ...' Toba glanced across at his superior in
alarm. Rago was 124
staring in utter disbelief at the elevator cubicle which had just , brought up t
he last of the Quarks. Toba ...' Rago gasped in a hoarse nightmarish croak, poin
ting at the floor of the cubicle. 'Toba ... abandon ...' At that moment, the sau
cer tipped slightly and something rolled out of the cubicle and trundled noisily
across the deck towards the dais. It was the seeding trigger, now glowing a dee
p crimson. The Dominators gaped speechlessly at the giant egg as it zig-zagged a
round the gently gyrating deck, glowing brighter and hotter every second ... The
vast saucer had shrieked away into the Dulcian evening sky just as Jamie reache
d the TARDIS, after helping Teel and Kando to carry Kully to the capsule. 'Thank
goodness you're safe!' cried Zoe, meeting him in the doorway. 'But there's no s
ign of the Doctor yet.' 'Och, I knew I should've gone with him ...' Jamie panted
, shaking his head ruefully. All at once there was a mighty roaring noise and a
jet of flame erupted out of the sand nearby. They flung themselves face-down and
covered their heads. After a few seconds the roaring ceased and the ground stop
ped shaking. A thick column of smoke and sand hung over the TARDIS. Badly shaken
, they scrambled up. In the distance they could see three similar palls of smoke
rising high in the air. 'They've just fired the rockets at the perimeter boreho
les ...' yelled a familiar voice. The Doctor came stumbling over the dunes, dust
y and out of breath. 'Quick, you two - into the TARDIS!' he shouted. 'But where'
s that big egg thing?' Jamie asked. 'Later ... later. Get inside ...' the Doctor
gasped as he reached them. Jamie pushed Zoe into the dilapidated police box and
followed her. 'Yon Dominators got away ...' he muttered angrily. Just as the Do
ctor was about to enter, a brilliant flash of incandescent white light burst ove
r the darkening sky. He turned and paused in the doorway, a faint smile hovering
over 125
his grimy face. A few seconds later, there was a sharp crack which rumbled and e
choed and re-echoed overhead for quite some time. The Doctor winced. 'I think I
prefer them poached myself ...'he chuckled. Suddenly the ground started to tremb
le and the surrounding dunes began to undulate like waves on the sea, causing th
e TARDIS's ancient woodwork to protest vociferously. 'Doctor ... come on ... the
whole planet's going to blow up!' Jamie yelled from inside. The Doctor smiled w
ith benign satisfaction. 'No, no, Jamie, the planet is quite safe now,' he calle
d. 'This is only a local earthquake caused by the rockets. It'll only affect the
Island, you know.' There was a moment's delay and then Jamie appeared in the do
orway next to him. 'Aye, maybe, Doctor. But we happen to be on the Island.' At t
hat moment, there was a terrifying tearing sound and a huge split started to ope
n up in the dunes, belching orange sparks and sticky red lava and hissing clouds
of gas and steam. The Doctor's eyes widened as he watched the boiling, bubbling
fissure rushing hungrily towards them. 'Oh dear,' he mumbled, rubbing the end o
f his nose with a crooked finger. 'Oh my goodness me ... out of the frying pan a
nd into the tire ...' 126

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