Adv Security Technical Reference
Adv Security Technical Reference
Adv Security Technical Reference
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Revision History
Publication Date Summary
December 2016 New version that supports Advance 2016 software.
Introduction.................................................................................................................... 4
1 Authentication .......................................................................................................... 5
How to customize the Advance Salt Value and Proxy Password ......................................... 6
How to set up LDAP for use with Advance ...................................................................... 7
This document is meant to help you understand the security (authentication and authorization process)
model used by Ellucian Advance™. Gaining a better understanding of how these processes work will
allow you and your organization to make educated decisions regarding whether you should customize
the authentication and authorization process and how to do so.
Information in this document applies to all Ellucian applications that use the Advance security model,
including the following applications:
• Configuration Utility
• AdvExport
• SmartCall Integration Utility
Intended audience
The intended audience of this document is system administrators, database administrators, and
knowledgeable programmers. Information in this document will not be beneficial for most end-users,
such as data entry staff.
The term “authentication” is used to describe the process by which Advance determines whether the
user (identified by their username and password) is who they say they are. For example, if a user
attempts to log in to Advance and enters an invalid username and password combination, their
credentials will fail the authentication process.
Authentication settings
The Advance security model allows you to use either one of the following authentication methods.
• Database
• LDAP Independent of the Database
This authentication type indicates that you wish to use your database to authenticate
username/password combinations. This is the standard out-of-the-box authentication method.
Database accounts use a hashed password to activate the role ‘advrole.’ Non-database accounts have
hashed passwords and ‘advrole’ by default. Advance uses adv100.dll, a variant of the MD5 algorithm
to perform hashes. Use this authentication type if LDAP is integrated with your Oracle database, and
your user is “identified externally.”
If you wish to use this authentication type, set the authentication type in the security.ini file to
‘DBConnect’, and set the Authentication Type for each user to ‘Database’ via the Users Security
window of the Configuration Utility. These are the default settings for an install or upgrade.
This utility is not installed with the Advance base product and can only be used on a PC running a
licensed version of PowerBuilder Enterprise version 12.1, build 6518. For instructions on how to
obtain this utility, please contact
To customize the Salt Value or Proxy Password:
1. Once you have accessed the Custom Salt/Proxy Password utility, specify the location of the
SunGardBSRsalt.pbd file via the “Source Location” field. Use the ellipses button to search
for the location of this folder.
2. Specify the location that you wish to generate a new version of the SunGardBSRsalt.pbd
file via the “Destination Location” field. Use the ellipses button to search for the location of
this folder.
3. If you wish to change the Salt Value, check the Change Salt Value check box and specify the
new salt value in the New Salt Value field. Confirm the new password in the Confirm New
Salt Value field.
4. If you wish to change the Proxy Password, check the Change Proxy Password check box and
specify the new proxy password in the New Proxy Password field. Confirm the new password
in the Confirm New Proxy Password field.
System Option 210 requires a full Distinguished Name. Failure to set this value
appropriately will result in unexpected system behavior.
For example: cn=manager,dc=sungardbsr,dc=com.
Securing data that pertains to an individual’s identity and financial information is essential. Advance
includes functionality that aids you in securing the following types of information stored in the
Advance database in a way that the data can not be viewed outside of Advance. This concept applies
regardless of whether the information was entered and saved manually or through an automated feed.
• Tax ID Numbers (e.g. Social Security Numbers)
• Bank Routing Numbers and Account Numbers
Advance does not store credit card information (name on credit card, credit card
number, expiration date).
In respect to viewing sensitive data through Advance:
• Only authorized users using tools such as PL SQL Developer, or SQL Plus or another
database access tool will see actual values when they view any of the secured fields. The
actual values will be masked from view for a user who does not have appropriate
authorization to view the secured fields.
• In earlier versions of Advance, Advanced Lookups allowed you to search on Credit Card
Numbers in the Gift – Tender Type Advanced Lookup, Alternate IDs (including Tax ID such
as Social Security Numbers) in the Bio – ID – Alt ID Advanced Lookup. Currently, you may
not search on Credit Card Numbers. However, you may still search on any alternate IDs using
the Bio-ID-Alt ID Advanced Lookup.
• Existing facilities accommodate limiting a user from viewing sensitive data online, as
o For Credit Cards:
Users who are not allowed to view Bank Card information are denied access
to the Bank Card window.
o Users in inquiry mode cannot see Bank Number or Account number information for
EFT Pledges.
o For Alternate ID Numbers, such as Social Security Numbers:
Only users assigned to the Override Rights Group for an ID type where
Suppress Display Ind = Y in its tms_ids_type table entry can see the ID type
and value.
Advance neither requires nor prevents data encryption. Institutions that wish to implement data
encryption may do so by using a utility outside of the Advance application.