x14 Altanis The Sunken City
x14 Altanis The Sunken City
x14 Altanis The Sunken City
ALTANIS, The Sunken City The city of ALTANIS has long been a myth and legend of
generations of seafarers. While its location is as varied
By R.C. PINNELL as that of the number of those who proclaimed to know,
one thing was common among the claims--it had once
been a large island that lay many sailing days to the
south-southwest of the great Kingdom of IERENDI.
After years of absence by the humans the city began to As soon as they approach him he introduces himself as
dissolve back into the plateau, while the PRUHANA kept Ernesto Garcia Gyjaximus. He pardons himself and says
to their residences in the hot springs within the caverns he could not help but notice the interest the group was
of the three islands. Forced to find new ways to survive, displaying in the gossip floating through the room. He
the humans split into separate groups, often forming pauses, shaking the dice cup. Continuing, he says--"The
small colonies along coasts of the known world. Over stories are true, though most who boast of knowing are
time they became referred to as MERMEN. In the simply doing so to hear themselves. A race of beings
meanwhile the PRUHANA remained reclusive, and never was spared extermination by a powerful sea goddess,
seen by humans again. That is, until recently. and in return built a submerged civilization that paid
homage to her alone for unknown centuries . Until they
mysteriously disappeared. I know nothing more, but--I
START have heard of a man, a wise sage who might know the
How the party reaches the location of the sunken city is location of the sunken city. If you are interested in
a matter of possibilities. If the players have not recently locating him, I will divulge the man’s location, for a
finished the module X1, The Isle of Dread, then some small price." When asked how much he replies “just a
purpose will have to be devised by the DM to get them to silver piece, and the tossing of the dice.”
hire a ship. This would indicate they are on the Allow each player to roll 3 die and consult the table to
mainland of the known world continent, perhaps in follow to see what effects result. Once all have finished,
SPECULARUM itself, and in need of one. Certainly the
he will tell them that the oracle is on an island, 9 days
discovery of old legends and rumors of a sunken city south-southwest of IERENDI. It is one of 3 islands near to
filled with untold wealth might be incentive enough. And each other, so they will have to search each to find him.
if that is the case, the process of procuring a ship and (Once they do, of course, he will reveal that the city lies
setting sail should not be complicated. If on the other on the plateau, between the three islands. More about
hand they have finished exploring The Isle of Dread it is this appears later under the Island description.)
possible that they might come across the location on
their return to the mainland. DIE
In addition to the above plot-hooks, it is possible that the
party is traveling via ship from one place to another and 3 Character gains 1 point to Primary ability
a storm appears, blowing their vessel off course and 4-5 Character gains PERM damage bonus of +2
taking them to the location. But whether it is finding an 6-7 Character gains XP to move ½ way into next level
old map, hearing a tall tale, or being blown off course, 8-9 Character gains 1 point to CON (bonus retroactive)
the DM should be as sparse or elaborate with the details 10-11 Character gains 1 point to DEX (2, if a thief)
12-13 Character gains 1 point to CHA (2, if an elf)
of journeying to the sunken city as he wishes. 14-15 Character loses XP to drop to top of next lower level
16-17 Character suffers PERM damage penalty of -1
For the purpose of this adventure it is assumed the party 18 Character can upgrade any one item by +1, or charge
is resting between expeditions, and has taken rooms in any wand, rod or stave to full capacity. Will also make
one of the nicer inns of SPECULARUM. One night, while non-magic weapon at least +1, or a ring, protection +1
relaxing after a filling and scrumptious meal, the group
is casually resting in the dining hall when they begin to
Only one (1) roll allowed per player/character with cultural and religious relation to the races.
Once this encounter has occurred the figure will not be GEYSERS OF THE ALTANIS PLATEAU
in the inn ever again, though a map to the islands will
have mysteriously appeared under the door to their Each geyser is from 20' to 30' in height and cone shaped.
room the next day. The party must then hire a ship and Its base ranges from 45' to 60' across and its top 5' to 15'.
crew to take them to their desired destination. At low tide many of these will appear as small islands
just above the surface of the water. At high tide
Regardless how the party obtains a ship, whether eruptions from them appear as if whales may be present
through the impetus just described or having hired one and spouting. In either event, the fluid spewing from the
for an earlier expedition--say to the Isle of Dread--once orifice of these cones is very hot, and capable of
the party is afloat and at sea a journey of sorts must scalding anyone touched by it that comes within 60'.
occur in order to deliver them to the location of this
adventure. This can be ignored and the DM can simply
have the party arrive at the locale, or the process of the The 7 SISTERS (2A) EASTERN PLATEAU
journey can be played out if desired. If choosing the Roll 1d8 to determine firing order of this set. If an 8
latter the DM should consult the Expert manual for results it means all the odd geysers (1, 3, 5, 7) have
mechanics dealing with this part of the adventure. erupted simultaneously. If this set fires in numerical
The party will be able to see the islands when their ship sequence (1-7) then proceed to the next set. Though
gets to within 24 miles of the location. These will appear these appear to be in a more or less straight line
as small hills rising out of the sea, getting larger as the running north to south they are, in actuality, offset to
ship draws near. Once they have arrived at the location one another by as much as a mile east or west.
and dropped anchor, exploration of the three islands can
Roll 1d6 to determine the order of eruption. If a 6 results
Even at high tides the ship’s navigator will see the it means all odd geysers (1, 3 and 5) have erupted
danger in anchoring within the triangular plane between simultaneously. If this set fires in numerical sequence
the islands. Instead, he will insist that the captain (1-5) then proceed to the next set.
position the vessel in deeper water, outside this plane,
and safe from tidal effects. Once accomplished, the
Roll 1d4 to determine sequence. If a 4 results it means
party can go ashore using the ship’s lifeboat.
the odd geysers (1 & 3) have erupted simultaneously. If
this set fires in numerical order (1-3) then proceed to the
final geyser.
There are certain geophysical forces working in and
around the land and water where the characters will be
exploring. The three mountains, themselves, contain
This geyser will go off if/after all the others have
caverns and tunnels carved out of them by old volcanic
erupted in numerical order. If that should occur, then
activity that has calmed somewhat over the eons; the
the plateau is 50% likely to suffer a cataclysmic
bubbling hot springs and mud pits left behind being a
earthquake, resulting in a tsunami that will speed away
clue to this. Geysers that rise up from the underwater
from this location, racing toward the shores of the
plateau erupt every hour, releasing the pressure still
known world’s land masses.
present beneath the surface; should these go off in a
particular sequence is a sign of an impending quake If a major earthquake occurs the DM should determine
deep in the crust of the earth below. The tides caused by the effects it will have upon the island caves and
the lunar effect result in a particularly low and high tunnels, as well as the surface of the underwater
level here, exposing the surface of the plateau and plateau. Cave-ins and collapses are very possible, as
making it possible to easily walk upon. well as cracks and gorges opening up.
Each game day the DM should roll for the geyser
activity. Each hour a geyser will erupt beginning with WATER TEMPERATURE & LEVELS
the first set. Using the table to follow, each set of
geysers has a sequential possibility in which they will With so much volcanic activity still present in the area
erupt. Should all the sets actually erupt in a continuous the waters around the islands and above the plateau are
sequence, there is a possibility that a large shift in the relatively warm. The further away from this zone and
earth’s crust will occur, causing a tsunami. Each set of the deeper one goes the temperatures naturally
geysers was given a name by the KOPRUH, having to do plummet.
The very light blue area delineates the actual surface of The weather in and around the islands is generally mild.
the plateau itself. This zone surrounds the islands, as Travel to and from the location from the main-lands will
well, and the water depth and temperatures here range naturally be affected by weather conditions. As such,
from 0 to -15 feet and from 80 to 90 degrees F (27-32 C). once the party has reached the plateau and islands, the
DM should consult the Optional Water Movement chart
The medium blue zone is a band around the plateau that in the Expert manual (X64) at the start of each game day,
declines at about a 60-degree angle with temperatures using a d10 and ignoring results of 1 and 12. This will
dropping quickly from 80 near the top of the plateau to result in local weather conditions fairly consistent for
around 60 degrees F (27 down to 16 C) near the base. the area.
The base is roughly 90 feet below the surface of the
plateau. At the start of each week, should the resulting check as
noted above be a 1 or 12 then indications are a major
The dark blue zone is where the base of the plateau ends storm is approaching the area; these usually generate to
and the ocean floor begins a slow descent, spreading out the southeast and move toward the location. The DM
across the submerged landscape. The depth here runs should determine the strength of the storm, if it will
from 105 to 200 below the surface of the water, and the reach the islands and plateau, and what effect it will
temperature is a nippy 60 down to 40 degrees (16 down have.
to 6 C).
Low tides will occur at midnight, and noon, resulting in MOVEMENT & PREDATORS
the water depth across the plateau being a mere 2’ to 4’.
High tides will happen at dawn and sunset; with the While on the islands or within a ship of some type the
water depth being that as given above in the description movement for characters is the same as that found in
under light blue. either manual (Basic or Expert). With two exceptions,
when the party decides to explore the plateau at low tide
they will experience some resistance from the
THE SILENT STATUES remaining water. For humans, elves and dwarves the
water level should not be life threatening, but simply
On the north plateau stand the remains of 9 stone slow their normal move base by 1” per foot of water. For
figures. These rise out of the plateau, like extensions of hobbits it is a different matter, in that the depth might
the coral itself, and are worked and shaped into 3 still be above their heads. Some care regarding them
distinct forms. Only some have remained relatively must be taken, and might simply resort to their being
intact over the eons, and these are on the east side of the carried.
central, most northern one. These all appear to be
aquatic figures, with tail flukes instead of legs, web-like Also, when the tides are low, traveling in a large ship
hands. Their round heads and faces are without detail, across the surface of the plateau will not be possible; the
being worn smooth by the sea currents. At low tide these draft of the ship will certainly not be shallow enough
are visible above the water line, and stand as tall as 18'. and it could, easily, become stuck. An alert party might
The central statue and those to the west of it have been figure this out but should they not the navigator aboard
destroyed, with only their pedestal shafts still standing; ship will make sure it is anchored away from the plateau
chunks of stone that lie atop the plateau about their base as the tide goes out. Otherwise, travel by lifeboat above
suggest the remainders of these works. At low tide only the plateau during low tides should not be too difficult.
the pedestals are visible.
If the party has encountered the creatures in the caverns MONSTERS OF THE DEEP
on Island 1 before finding the statues they will have a
good chance of suspecting those that are intact are in Whether the tide is low or high there is a community of
the same likeness. There is a base chance of 10% plus creatures residing in and around the plateau and island
5% for every Intelligence point above 12. Allow each hills. While some are generally harmless, such as
character one attempt to make the association. If the dolphins, seals, gulls, others should be avoided if at all
party has not seen the creatures, or the other statue, on possible. The DM can augment the following table with
Island 1 and have found this area first, there is literally creatures of his own desire, though using it as is should
no chance that they will understand who or what these be sufficient for game play. The table lists each type of
might represent. creature that is likely to be present, the number that
might be encountered, and during which tidal time.
WEATHER & MOVEMENT Note that those encountered during High Tide will be
fully submerged, unless they attack, which may require
them exposing parts of themselves above the surface.
Should a character be under the water when such Submerged combat is always at a penalty to characters.
encounters occur the creature is at an advantage, In such instances, all To Hit attacks are at -6, and
gaining first attack always, while the character suffers a damage is ½ the total combined amount, excluding the
-6 to attack with any physical weapon; movement for the magical bonuses of weapons. Meaning that ½ the
character is also impeded, being ½ that of normal. weapon and strength damage of the character is
Check each hour the party is on the surface of the water computed, then adding the magic bonus.
in a lifeboat, or if physically in the water, moving across
the plateau at low tide. A roll of 1-3 on a d6 indicates an In addition, characters do not gain any dexterity bonus
encounter in the former case, while a roll of 1-2 for the to their AC while treading water, or submerged; use of a
latter. shield is also restricted, gaining no benefit. Heavy metal
armor such as plate or chain is impractical (unless it is
WANDERING ENCOUNTER TABLE magical, in which case the penalty is ignored), forcing
the character to expend more energy to remain afloat or
Die Roll Creature type #Appearing Low tide/ High tide move, thus reducing the character’s ability to attack to
2 Barracuda* 3-12 Yes/ Yes once every 3 rounds. Leather armor reduces the ability
3 Crabs, giant 1-6 Yes/ Yes to attack to once every other round. Those not wearing
4 Eel, Moray* 1-4 Yes/ Yes any armor at all, thus, are at an advantage. Note that
5 Jellyfish* 1-8 Yes/ Yes this does not apply to characters merely walking
6 Shark, bull 1-8 No/ Yes
7 Shark, Mako 1-4 No/ Yes
through knee-deep waters across the plateau at low tide.
8 Shark, White 1 No/ Yes
9 Snake, sea 1-8 Yes/ Yes ENCOUNTER MATRIX, AQUATIC
10 Spiny rockfish 3-12 Yes/ Yes
11 Stingray, giant* 1-4 Yes/ Yes
12 Termite, Salt- 2-7 Yes/ Yes
Water 1A. DRAGON TURTLE (HPS: 135) An old, large dragon
turtle swims constantly about in this location in a large
*Barracuda (AC6, HD ½, M15”, AT bite, D 1-4, SA F1, circular pattern about 300’ in diameter. About 70’ below
MO11, Neutral) it, standing stuck in the sandy sea bottom is an emerald
statue about 3’ tall. The turtle has claimed the item as
*Eel, Moray (AC 0/6, HD4, M9”, AT bite & crush, D 1-6, its own and will attack any that dare disturb it. Formed
2-12 per round from crushing jaws should it roll a 20 to in the likeness of a mermaid, the item is worth 5,000 GP
hit, SA F4, MO 9, Neutral) to collectors of such statuary.
*Jellyfish (AC9, HD1, M6”, AT sting, D poison, SA F1, 1B. SEA DRAGON (HD: 11, HPS: 49) A rogue sea dragon
MO 7, Neutral. Jellyfish take only ½ damage from blunt has established a lair here within a coral. Somehow it
weapons. Jellyfish poison functions like that of a Sea has managed to collect 30,000 SP that line the bottom of
Snake. its nest; passing ships of long ago are the likely source.
While it is neutral by nature, it will aggressively attack
*Stingray, giant (AC 4, HD 6-8, M12”, AT bite & sting, D any that appear to threaten it.
1-4 and paralysis, SA F2-3, MO 8, Neutral. Stingray
paralysis functions like that of a Ghoul, but can only be 1C. SEA SERPENTS (HPS: 32, 30, 28, 26, 24) A family of
removed by a Neutralize Poison, or Cure Serious sea serpents has claimed this spot. During high tide
Wounds spell.) they will often hunt for food along the surface of the
southern end of the plateau, finding delicacies of sea
cucumbers and jellyfish in abundance. They have no
In addition to the mobile encounters listed previously 1D. GIANT OCTOPUS (HPS: 44) A giant octopus has
there are several “set” ones that will occur only at made a home in the side of the plateau at this location at
specific locations. The creatures listed at each location about 20’ below the surface of the water. Stuck onto the
will be very familiar with their immediate vicinity, and very end of one of its tentacles is a Ring of the Sea, a
may likely detect the intrusion of their space by the magic item highly sought and guarded by sailors. When
party, whatever the mode of transportation the group worn the item allows the wearer to breath underwater as
might be using at the time. The DM must adjudicate the if he had gills, and negates the move penalty normally
likeliness of such detection, and the response of the associated with being submerged. It is made of a gold
creatures at the locale. band with two small black pearls inset. Its powers have
no effect on the octopus, or any creature at home in the
sea or any body of water. At one time the race was a land-based species almost
human in appearance and ability. A sea-going people
they came upon the islands during their many world
1E. SEA HYDRA (HPS: 72, 8 per head) Along the northeast voyages and some remained and settled here. But life
rim of the plateau this twelve-headed beast rules the for those that did was not easy. Decades of endless
deeper waters. Few other creatures beside it will be typhoons and catastrophes sent them into the deep
found in the area. Though it protects its feeding ground caves in order to survive. There they discovered an
ferociously, there is no treasure anywhere in the ancient race of creatures that assisted them. And after
vicinity. centuries of interbreeding the PRUHANA came to
resemble their hosts to the point that, now, there is very
1F. GIANT SQUID (HPS: 31, 29, 2x27, 25, 23) A colony of little to distinguish the two from one another. The
these creatures claims the northwest face of the plateau. KOPRU, the original subterranean race, is all but gone as
Ruins of some kind jutting out from the plateau have a their kind mixed with the PRUHANA. Only a few “nobles”
vague semblance of docks; why the KOPRU would have of pure blood remain, one in this adventure and several
had such is not clear, but perhaps to allow trade with on the Isle of Dread.
land going beings that would need such facilities. The
giant squid find the food supply here reason to claim the For the purpose of this adventure the ruins serve only as
area. They have no treasure. places of hiding and protection for some of the animals
and creatures that reside on the islands. The DM can
1G. STORM GIANT (HPS: 67) An injured giantess has substitute (or remove) those on island #2 with any he
found a hidden retreat within the face of the plateau at desires. The encounters on islands 1 and 3 are pertinent
this locale and is nursing herself back to health. to the storyline and should not be removed unless some
Separated from her clan during their annual migration other plot device(s) has been designed.
south, she was attacked by a Behemoth of the Deep
roughly a week ago. If discovered she will defend
herself to the best of her abilities (attack at -3 and doing ISLAND #1, HAVENSTONE KEEP
½ damage due to her injuries) if attacked, but will bond
with those that offer her assistance and aid. The only A large population of goats dwells on the island along
possession she managed to retain after being separated with many giant lizards, and birds that make their nests
from her people is a magic +3 trident that cannot be atop the two tall peaks here. But it is the large ruins that
used by humans; without the aid of a belt of giant will likely be the focus of the group’s curiosity. The
strength of some kind. It has other abilities the DM can remains of a moderately sized Keep stand at the base of
determine as desired. one of the island’s hills.
its area of concern before attacking. All the data for this rd
to 3 level clerical spells, it attacks as an 11 HD
creature will appear in the appendices at the end of this creature, and has 88 HPS. (More about this creature
adventure, and can also be found in the Companion appears in the appendices following the adventure) All
Manual on p.33. three will attack any non-KOPRUH that enters the cavern,
with the shaman casting spells to its best
THE VOLCANIC CAVES AND MUD PITS defense/offense (the DM should choose those that seem
most logical for the circumstances).
Once past the golem the party can enter a 20’ wide
tunnel that runs eastward. This extends into the ground The shaman wears a necklace of pearls (12) each worth
some 60’ before angling to the northeast. At this point it from 100 to 1000 GP. Along with this, and the gems at C,
enters a large cavern with a low hanging ceiling--about there is 8000 PP in a pile at E along with a +2 Sword,
8’. When the group is within 10’ of this chamber they with an additional +4 bonus vs. Sea Dragons, Sea
will feel the air turn hot and moist, an offensive smell of Serpents, Dragon Turtles, Giant Squid, Giant Octopus
mud and sulfur will penetrate their nostrils, and they and Sharks.
will begin to feel the effects of heat exhaustion. After
three turns within the cavern they will suffer a -1 penalty ISLAND #2, CASTLE & TOWER
to hit and damage on all attack rolls, becoming -2 after The largest of the three islands is, ironically, sparse and
another three turns elapse. They will return to normal home to fewer creatures than the first. Some wild pigs
one turn after leaving the caverns. roam the higher elevations along with a few types of
A. A secret tunnel can be located here that leads directly predatory birds, but for the most part the level areas are
to the inner chamber of the KOPRUH, and the cellar of barren and empty of life. Except for the castle and tower
the temple ruins. Unfortunately, a gaping crevasse must ruins.
be negotiated in order to use the tunnel to its fullest. The castle and tower ruins are in the same condition as
those of the keep previously described. While a few
B. A series of terrace-like steps lead down into the beams of rotted and splintered wood still cling to higher
chamber itself. With the walls and ceiling dripping with sections of the walls, the roofs have totally disintegrated
runny clay it is at first difficult to distinguish the floor and fallen to the floors below. Vines and natural growth
from the actual mud pits ahead. Three large bubbling have climbed across some chambers creating a canopy
pits of mud fill the chamber, two along the northern wall of sorts, filled in with webs and nesting debris of the
and one along the south. Located in each of these is a creatures making their homes there.
KOPRUH (HPS: 48, 46, 44), at location B with the largest
of the three being in the south pit. They will attack A. The Entry tower to the castle lacks doors, but a leafy
intruders upon detection, attempting to throw vast roof of intertwined vines and limbs from plants covers
about 50 % of the area, providing shade during the day prevail in returning the character.
and some protection from moisture during such times
when rain falls. It is currently the home of six Gecko E. A tower and small attached building stand to the
Lizards (HPS: 25, 23, 21, 19, 17, 15). They are currently northeast of the castle. In the same state of ruin, their
very famished and will attack anything that remotely purpose for being so far from the castle is not clearly
looks like a possible meal. They have no treasure. evident. In the past, the tower served as a dungeon, or
jail, while the jailer-guards dwelt in the building.
B. This square tower is the home of a Black Widow How long the tower served for this purpose is unknown,
Spider (HPS: 24). The complete skeletal remains of what nor the untold suffering that occurred at the hands of the
appears to be a dwarf sit on the floor leaning against the jailers. But evidence of the victimization of those that
south wall. Its clothes have long rotted away and were incarcerated remains in the form of a lingering
become dust on the ground, though a metal helm still spirit, for a Ghost (HPS: 90) still resides within the round
rests atop its head. A faded parchment in its bony hand tower. Fortunately for the party, the former victim was a
reads, Lawful resident of long ago, wrongfully accused and
If the spirit is approached in a non-threatening manner
Care must be taken in removing the parchment from the it will actually assist the party, by leading them to the
skeleton’s hand or it will crumble to bits. If examined a remains of a large, oak chest at location F, where a
shiny ring will be found in the rotted left boot still on the treasure lays undisturbed. If hostile actions are aimed
skeleton’s foot. It is a magic ring of Holiness. This item at it, the spirit will react accordingly. Details of this
is described in the appendices following the adventure creature are listed in the appendices after the adventure,
and is found in the Companion manual on p.52. Why the or can be found in the Companion DM manual on page
dwarf would have had such an item is an enigma to be 32-3. Inside the chest is a +2 War Hammer, a +3 Shield,
sure. a suit of +3 Chain armor, and a +1 Lawful Two-handed
sword, +3 vs. Undead. These, too, are described in the
C. Diametrically opposite the tower of the black widow
manual referred to.
spider is another that is occupied; this one being the
home of a pair of Giant Weasels (HPS: 33, 30). They are Who the spirit is/was is not clear, and the DM can make
rather hungry, having not eaten in the past 3 days, and up any back-story to explain this encounter if he desires.
will ferociously attack anything entering their tower
abode. Among the debris and refuse that fills this place
is a container filled with liquid. How it got here is simply ISLAND #3, THE TEMPLE & THE ORACLE
a mystery the party will, likely, not care, since it is of a
magic nature and will benefit whomever claims it. Imprisoned (stuck) on this island is the old, blind oracle
Inside the bottle is a full potion of Giant Strength. that the party was told of by the stranger in the inn, back
in SPECULARUM. He resides in a chamber (A) relatively in-
D. The larger of the two entrances to the castle, this one tact compared to the remaining ruins. Each day he uses
is on the north wall. In the same decayed condition of one of his magic rings (of Lesser DJINNI summoning) to
the rest of the ruins, it is amazing the walls remain call upon a benevolent being to bring him food. He does
standing at all. Though there is nothing currently not know the nature of the provider, or all its abilities,
residing at this location it is a potentially dangerous and is thankful for the aide it renders.
area for the group to pass through. If anyone should
foolishly molest the walls thinking to find a secret door Unfortunately his feast is usually disrupted, if not
or compartment there is a 20% chance that a 5’ wide by actually denied him, by a flock of Harpies that have
7’ high section of the wall will collapse upon the been ordered by a powerful being to remain on the
perpetrator. This will inflict 3-18 points of damage upon island and torment the old man. Thus, each day when
the victim or half if a successful DEX check is made. his meal arrives and the old man makes his way to the
Should the person not be wearing a helmet, there is an great stone table to take nourishment, the creatures
additional 5% chance that a serious blow to the head swoop down from the tops of the pillars above and steal
will send the victim into a coma. If this should occur, his food, and drive him away. Sometimes he is savagely
roll a d8 to see how many days the person will be attacked, other times he is not. But such suffering does
unconscious and unable to continue exploring. A roll of not accumulate to the point of being fatal, for he wears
8 indicates a d12 should be rolled as the result is 1-12 along with his other item a magic ring of regeneration; a
hours. Only a Cure Serious Wounds spell will remove gift he does not fully know the powers of.
the comatose condition, otherwise, only time will
Though the DJINNI could conceivably carry the old man About 30 miles southeast of the island temple lies the
away to safety, it is restricted from doing so by the submerged ruins of ALTANIS. Where the surface of the
cursed item the old man possesses. Unaware of its plateau lies a roughly uniformed 15’ below the sea level,
powers the old man wears a loadstone necklace that is a natural depression occurs here caused by a sinking of
tied to the temple ruins. Should the wearer of this item the land mass when an ancient volcano collapsed
go beyond 1000 feet from the temple he will begin to millennia ago. This caused the area to drop, roughly,
enlarge at a rate of 1 foot and 50 lbs. per turn, up to a another 15’, and created a bowl the KOPRUH found ideal
maximum limit of 20 feet additional, and 1000 lbs. If in which to build their city.
removed it can be carried beyond this limit and, when
worn will empower the wearer with the strength of a When the tide is low the water depth within this bowl is
Cloud Giant, granting the chance to hit and doing just under 20’, and clear enough to allow any one upon
damage at the same rate for a duration of 6 turns, the surface to see the remains of the city below. But that
useable once per day. Removing the necklace will is about all they will see--ruins, for without maintenance
require a Remove Curse spell cast by a cleric of at least the natural forces of the sea have nearly removed all
8 level. evidence of the city that was abandoned so long ago.
Endlessly tormenting the old man every day at As the KOPRA adapted to their undersea environment
mealtime are eight Harpies (HPS: 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, they abandoned conventional structures that served
18, 17, 16). Should they be killed or driven away, the old them well when they were land dwellers. Modeling their
man will gladly tell his rescuers what they want to know- homes and buildings to fit their new way of living
-that the sunken city of ALTANIS lies submerged beneath beneath the water, their city became a natural extension
the water directly southeast of the temple, about 30 of the terrain in which it stood; to the uneducated eye
miles. He does not know the details or history of the city, there was little to distinguish their creations from the
but that it was once filled with mountains of gold and natural world around them. Except for the existence of
pearls, and that the sea goddess MINOWE once blessed roads and paths, which the KOPRA laid, connecting one
its citizens. He will also give them his items in exchange site to another, more out of the old habits than
for transport off the island and back to civilization. practicality. And it is these roads and paths that have
remained, visible and fairly intact, that offer proof
In addition to the Harpies, 3 stone figures appear to be positive of a designing force that goes beyond natural
formed out of the tops of the three largest pillars (see forces.
map inset). These are actually Gargoyles (HPS: 32, 31,
30) that, if undisturbed, will pose no threat to the party.
But should the group discover the monsters’ treasure at The ALTANIS city map reveals many roads and paths
D the creatures will animate and swoop to attack. that are still visible from the surface at low tide. These
are comprised of stones laid tightly together to form
Covered by dirt and debris at D lie two items--a magic avenues connecting the many structures within the
helm and trident of MINOWE. When worn the helm allows depression. It should be fairly easy to follow these,
the wearer to move and swim underwater unburdened either by swimming above them or by walking across
and able to breathe normally, as the helm completely them, providing some means of keeping one’s feet upon
enclose the wearer’s head, drawing oxygen out of the them is devised. It is less likely that the structures can
water via two apparatuses on each side much like the be explored, as they have all but collapsed in on
gills of certain aquatic creatures. A command word themselves, leaving only varying sizes and shapes of
(AQUATIS PERFECTIS) will seal and unseal the device when mounds that once served as their homes and such. The
entering or exiting the water. Only the magic-user spell DM can design areas to be explored inside these if
Wizard Eye cast into the helm will reveal this, as the desired, but such is not necessary. The exterior
command is written inside the item. The trident is a +3 landscape within this sunken depression is all that is
magic weapon able to summon a Water Elemental as a needed, and contains enough challenging creatures and
staff once per week. As a weapon it gains a +2 to encounters to conclude the adventure.
initiative rolls in combat, and inflicts 3-18 points of
damage upon non-sea dwelling creatures; otherwise A. A group of tiger sharks patrols each of these locations
doing 1d8. (HPS: 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21; 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19; and 22,
21, 20, 19, 18, 17). They will move to attack any creature
The old man has never stumbled upon the Gargoyle’s that gets within 120’ of their location. They are slightly
treasure, and has thus been spared their hostility. larger and heavier than the bull shark, having 3+3 HD
and doing 1-10 damage per bite. They have no treasure.
ALTANIS, The Sunken City
B. Dominating the area roughly 270’ in diameter around
these locations is either a pod of 3 manta rays (HPS: 32, Perhaps there are more caves deep within the islands
31, 30 in each group) or 1 giant manta ray having from that hold the answers. If so, are they also the home to
55, 65 or 75 HPS. The giant versions each have a small other, undiscovered creatures? Does the history of the
collection of treasure caught in a crevasse of their wing KOPRU exist some-where in hidden vaults as yet
flaps or stuck on to their long, barbed tail. In the case of uncovered?
the former it will amount to 100 PP and 2 gems worth
5000 GP each. For the latter, it will be a magic ring of The role of the DM does not begin and end with simply
either elemental adaptation or survival. Both of these the running of the adventure as written. The possibilities
items are described in the Companion DM manual on for more adventure depends upon the DM and his own
pages 52 & 53, and will be found in the appendices at the drive to create, and contribute.
end of the adventure. (The ring of survival will have 50
charges, and the ring of elemental adaptation will be for
air & water) Here ends the adventure, ALTANIS, the sunken city.