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Threshold 20

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THRESHOLD - The Mystara Magazine

Issue #20
Editorial ............................................................................... 3
This Issue s Contributors......................................................4
Call for Contributors............................................................. 7
Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles /hex............................8
The Great History of Skothar ............................................ 11
The Political Maps of Skothar.............................................49
Three Nations of Skothar....................................................75
Notes on Skotharian Rakasta.............................................. 84
Beholders of Mystara ......................................................... 95
STARPORT .........................................................................109
Returned Blackmoor......................................................... 131
The Tigers of Kuraman..................................................... 160
Playing Zhochal in Mystara ..............................................170
Artwork Sources and Credits ............................................188
Next Issue.......................................................................... 193

Threshold: The Mystara Magazine is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan
Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property
of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Threshold: The Mystara Magazine is a non-commercial, fan-produced magazine. There is
no intention to infringe on anyone’s rights, and in particular not on those of Wizards of the
Coast, which holds all rights to the original material on which the magazine is based.
All issues of Threshold are available for FREE download from the Vaults of Pandius website

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


Editorial Credits
Threshold Editorial Team: Editor-in-Chief, Issue 19:
Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Allan Palmer (AllanP)
Giampaolo Agosta (Agathokles) Layout:
John Calvin (Chimpman) Allan Palmer (AllanP)
Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Editors Emeriti Khannea SunTzu
Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew) Justin Pfeil [“Keeps on the Borderland”]
Ashtagon Toni Roads
Angel Tarragon (The Angelic Dragon) Robin
Geoff Gander (Seer of Y'hog)
Håvard Cartography:
Jesper Andersen (Spellweaver) Thorfinn Tait
Joseph Setorius (Julius Cleaver) Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Leland (Argentmantle) Giampaolo Agosta (Agathokles)
LoZompatore Christian Constantin
Robert Nuttman (RobJN) Additional Reviewers & Proofreaders:
Simone Neri (Zendrolion) Allan Palmer (AllanP)
Thorfinn Tait (Thorf) John Calvin (Chimpman)
Troy Terrell (CmdrCorsiken) Harri Maki (hihama)
Simone Neri
Robert Nuttman (RobJN)
THRESHOLD logo designed by Thorf Shawn Stanley

Thanks To: The Mystara Community, for your support, hard work, and dedication to Mystara.

The aims of Threshold magazine:

▪ to provide a venue for community members to present material
▪ to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
▪ to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
▪ to encourage authors to revisit and revitalise existing articles
▪ to motivate interest in Mystara in general

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


Skothar the Unknown

Skothar has always been fascinating to me We will start with the current map of Skothar
because it was the most mysterious and done by Thorfinn Tait, then with the History
underdeveloped continent of Mystara. There of the continent and the historical maps I have
were a few names in the original Master set made for it. You will see Thorfinn and I have
map by Frank Mentzer, the Alphatian colony different takes on the shape and the extension
in Esterhold introduced in the Dawn of the of Skothar and that is fine as Threshold
Emperors boxed set, the descriptions of Magazine does not creates "canon" material for
Jennites and Tanagoro and the mention of Mystara, but present all the different ideas fans
Milenian colonists founding Minaea in the may have about the setting. Next, we will see
Hollow World boxed and the Poor Wizard's three Almanac-style entries for nations of
Almanac. That is about all the canon Skothar and a short description of Skotharian
informations on the whole continent. But rakasta by Arnden Quartzspar. Then Robin
then, there is Blackmoor. Originally will introduce us to the Beholders of Mystara
developed by Dave Arneson as an and Skothar, The Real Nowhere Man will
independent setting, the first one for D&D, present the Duchy of the Peaks from
Blackmoor was placed in Mystara with the Blackmoor times to now, and Brian Rubinfield
DA series of modules (1986-1987). The will show Blackmoor returned with all its
Mystara Known World Gazetteers seemed to might in present days Skothar.
assume Blackmoor was in the Known World,
but later the Hollow World boxed set placed Finally, Giampaolo Agosta will lead us to an
Blackmoor in Skothar. The idea is convenient adventure with humans and rakasta in the
as it allows to give quite an interesting past Gulf of Tangor, inspired by the Far East
to the mysterious continent. swashbuckling adventures of classic italian
writer Emilio Salgari. Last but not least an
As happened with all the rest of Mystara, fans article not set specifically in Skothar but
did not stay idle after canon products were easily applicable to it: playing the zhochal by
discontinued and several new material was Geoff Gander, a completely alien intelligent
created for Skothar too, with a full project to creature from another dimension who can
turn the continent into the Oriental setting take humanoid guise and could become
of Mystara. This issue of Threshold present either allies or an enemies.
the current status of the fan development of
Skothar. You will see there is still much work Enough material in this issue to spark your
to do, but also enough ideas to allow DMs to imagination and let you populate the
use the continent as a fully functional setting, unknown continent of Skothar with history,
fascinating and diverse as all the rest of people and places, turning it into a setting as
Mystara is. alive as the rest of Mystara continues to be!

Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)

Issue #20 Editor-in-Chief

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

This Issue s Contributors

This Issue’s Contributors

Giampaolo Agosta (a.k.a. Agathokles) soon after becoming “addicted”. Ultimately,
agrees with Schiller that “man is only she was intimately bound to the world of
completely a man when he plays£. Therefore, Mystara, because of its complex diversity. A
he makes a point of taking gaming seriously, current compiler of massive materials
and real life casually. Besides Mystara, his available on Vaults of Pandius & her “Breath
gaming interests include (among others) of Mystara” blog; and former Teacher of
Dark Sun, Planescape, Ravenloft, Birthright, Biology, Ecology, Chemistry, Physics, once
Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars and Witchcraft RPG. travelling all over Europe as a stage dancer
including house parties. Once called "The
Francis Doherty Jr, (Aka Arnden Quartzspar)
Fletcher" at UK GenCon by Bruce Heard for
started playing in Mystara in 1982 at age 12,
her extensive compilation in “Revenge of the
with the Isle of Dread. Like Frank, Arnden
Little Ones”.
joined the Air Force, and started to see
remote areas of the world. When he lost his Brian Rubinfeld: despite never being as
homeland, he started to journal his intense of a fan as much of the fandom,
exploration on foot. Skothar caught his eye Brian has had a fondness for Mystara
and has held his interest ever since. stretching back as many eons as the stars!
Whether coming up with zany ideas or
Geoff Gander has been heavily involved in
diving into the earthiness of the setting's
the Mystaran community for longer than he
lore, he always finds something to love
cares to remember. He has since been
about the Known World and beyond. When
published by Solstice Publishing, Metahuman
not writing for Threshold, Brian is an
Press, AE SciFi, and Expeditious Retreat Press.
amateur writer and game creator looking
He primarily writes horror and dark fantasy,
into freelance options, as well as currently
but is willing to give anything a whirl. When
working in a pharmacy.
he isn't writing or toiling on a cube farm,
Geoff spends his time reading, entertaining I'm Toni Roads. I’m a concept artist and
his two boys, watching British comedies, illustrator based in Barcelona, Spain. I
playing roleplaying games, and travelling. Not always liked fantasy as a way to get away
at the same time. from reality so I can learn to face problems
with a new perspective. I’m a big fan of
Justin Pfeil draws comics, is a historical
RPGs, and fantasy universes like Harry Potter
fencer in the Italian tradition, makes armor
and the Lord of the Rings. Currently, I'm a
for his friends, and has played D&D since the
Half-Elf Ranger raised by Halflings.
Red Box was first published. His current
You can follow me on instagram:@toniroads
project is a webcomic about characters
artrtstation: www.artstation/toniroadsart.com
attempting to survive The Keep on the
Facebook: Toni Roads Art
Borderlands module from the players
perspective. Even though Sturm (a.k.a. Francesco
Defferrari) loves any alternate world, he
Robin (at The Piazza, Robin D elsewhere)
believes Mystara is incomparably the best for
Female from 1962, she began playing D&D
its vibrant community endlessly delving into
since its earliest days as far back as 1978,

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

This Issue s Contributors

ethnography, linguistics and history just to contributions began with the Atlas of
make a little sense of it. Something like the Mystara project starting in 2005. Recently he
real world, but with dragons. has made the jump to become a published
fantasy cartographer, working on Bruce
He’s The Real Nowhere Man, sitting in his
Heard's Calidar series. You can follow his
Nowhere Land, making all his Nowhere plans
work on his cartography site
for Nobody.
(www.thorfmaps.com) and the Atlas site
Thorfinn Tait hails from the Orkney Islands
in northern Scotland, though he has lived in
Japan for many years now. Growing up with
BECMI and the Known World, he learnt to
type by compiling a database of Mystara's
timeline. He joined the Mystara online
community in 1997, but his true

Some features in issues of Threshold carry a “From

the Vaults of Pandius” tagline. As one of our stated
aims is “to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the
material there”, we hope you will enjoy these
revised or extended treasures from that website.

From the
Forum at

Some features in issues of Threshold carry a “From

the Mystara Forum at The Piazza” tagline. Theses
Discussion Boards are an active and dynamic home
of creativity for the Mystara community and many
other game worlds. We hope you will enjoy the
articles that have arisen from that website.

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Previous Issues

Previous Issues
Previous issues of THRESHOLD - the Mystara Also available at the same location are higher
Magazine, are available for download from the resolution versions of the maps that were
Vaults of Pandius website. included in the issue’s PDF, allowing greater
detail to be viewed.

#1 - “Karameikos”
#2 - “Vaults of Pandius”
#3 - “The Sea of Dread”
#4 - “Return to Dread”
#5 - “Exploring Davania”
#6 - “The Northlands”
#7 - “Exploring Norwold”
#8 - “Warlordsof Norwold”
#9 - “Hollow World”
#10 - “Elven Realms”
#11 - “Thyatis & Alphatia”
#12 - “Ages Past”
#13 - “A Crucible of Creatures”
#14 - “the Shadowdeep”
#15 - “Mystaraspace”
#16 - “Dwarves, Gnomes & Hin”
#17 - “Western Brun”
#18 - “Savage Coast”
#19 - “Planes and Immortals”

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Call for Contributors

The Threshold editorial team invites all fans Articles about other topics are still
of the Mystara setting to submit welcome and the editorial team will
contributions to the magazine's next issue. evaluate their publication for any
We are especially looking for contributions upcoming issue, taking into account
fitting the following themes: available space and the issue's
Issue 21 - Specularum
Discover the history, personalities,
organizations and locales of Specularum,
the city on the mirror bay, capital of the Threshold accepts and invites submissions
Grand Duchy of Karameikos. This issue of extended or revised versions of works
aims at giving a new life to the vaporware having appeared on The Piazza or Vaults
product: “Fantasy Cities #1: Specularum” of Pandius.
Proposal Deadline: July 15th, 2018
Contributions may include, but are not
Manuscript Deadline: August 10th, 2018
limited to: Articles: short stories, short
Issue Published: by October 21st, 2018
adventure modules, NPCs, historical
treatises and timelines, geographical
Call for proposals for main themes of
entries, new monsters and monster
forthcoming issues (2019):
ecologies, etc.; and Illustrations: portraits,
Issue 22 - Adventures and Campaigns maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.
This issue will focus on adventures,
The Threshold editorial team strives for
campaigns, and other materials directly
edition neutrality, but edition specific
useful for your Mystaran games
articles (e.g., conversions) are also
Proposal Deadline: November 3rd, 2018
accepted. statistics for new monsters and
Manuscript Deadline: December 6th, 2018
NPCs may be included in articles (e.g.,
Issue Published: by February 15th, 2019
adventure modules, new monsters or
Issue 23 -Strongholds NPCs) in any version of Dungeons &
This issue will delve into the myriad of Dragons. The editorial team also offers
strongholds that dot the Mystaran help in providing conversions to some
landscape. Cities, castles, towers, and specific rules set. including BECMI/RC,
secret lairs. These strongholds may serve 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder.
as anything from bastions of refuge, to However, this material should be limited
adventure obstacles waiting to be to a minimum. For most NPCs, it is
overcome by Mystaran PCs. sufficient to mention class, level, and
Proposal Deadline: March 3rd, 2019 alignment. For important NPCs, a one or
Manuscript Deadline: April 6th, 2019 two line stat block may be included.
Issue Published: by June 15th, 2019

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles /hex

The Atlas of Mystara aims to present a comprehensive set of maps for Mystara, in two
flavours: “replica maps”, which faithfully recreate the printed maps as-is; and “updated
maps”, which are based on the Atlas’s consistent model of Mystara, and include additions
from other sources which include all published products as well as select fan-created works.

This column presents the updated map of Skothar, current as of May 2018. For changes
since publication, visit this article at the Atlas site.

Skothar - 72 miles per hex

by Thorfinn Tait

Thorf writes: I derived the terrain in previously unmapped

regions from five main sources:
“[Overleaf] is an early draft, and at 72 miles
per hex it’s also rather small scale. Which is ● The Master Rules Set world map
to say, almost everything is still open for
change. ● The Jurassic Earth map

I’ve redone areas that appeared on 24 mile ● The Hollow World Campaign Set world
per hex maps to more closely match those map
maps. For example, Nuar in the Pearl Islands
is completely different from how it appeared ● My climate map for Mystara, which is an
on previous 72 mile per hex maps; it’s far expanded version of Bruce Heard’s
more accurate. However, Alphatia is not yet climate map of Brun
updated, nor is the Isle of Dawn, which I’m
leaving to do on the Brun map. ● Previous fan-made maps, such as Thibault
Sarlat’s and Francesco Defferrari’s

The mountains come primarily from the base

Master Set world map. I then referenced the

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles /hex

Jurassic Earth map to get information on the Finally, I tried to reference the fan-made
ridges, which have been marked with dark maps as much as I could, but this was made
brown mountain ridge hexes. rather difficult by the rather drastic difference
The continental shelves come from the same in Skothar’s shape. As a result, I haven’t
map, as no official maps ever gave ocean incorporated nearly as much detail as I
depths for any of these regions. would have liked, and instead went for
similar overall patterns and inspiration rather
The Hollow World Campaign Set map shows than copying specific detail.
all the terrain in very broad strokes. I adapted
this to get the forests, hills, tundra/snow
fields, and plains. I referred to my climate
map for guidance while doing this.

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles /hex

Future Updates:
Back to work… This is just the first of three
As I said, this is still just an early draft. I’d (four?!), after all…”
love to hear your thoughts on the map: what
did I get right, what did I get wrong, etc. I’m
happy to change terrain details to
accommodate existing or new fan projects; Visit the new Atlas OF Mystara
nothing east of 30ºE is set in stone, as most
of it is just arbitrary decisions. website at:

So please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you http://mystara.thorfmaps.com/

have any comments, suggestions, or


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

A timeline of the Eastern continent

by Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)

Introduction of Skothar before the Great Rain of Fire
which destroyed Blackmoor, and showed
The eastern continent of Mystara is certainly also a pre-cataclysmic map of the planet and
the one less developed and described in the continent and a migration map of the
canon products. The first image of the peoples of Mystara over the millenia. Some
continent was in the map done by Frank additional information was later added in the
Mentzer1 in the D&D Master Set (1985) and Poor Wizard’s Almanacs I, II, and III (1992-
shows a few political lines: the land of 4), mostly about Minaea, Jen and Esterhold.
Nentsun in the north, the land of Thonia, the This is more or less the extent of the canon
land of Jen, the Empire of the Great Khan, information available on the continent,
the Empire of Tangor, Minaea, Zyxl. The which is much less than what we have about
western peninsula of the continent is also Brun and Davania (see Threshold issues #17,
shown as part of the Empire of Alphatia. And 18 and 5).
indeed in Dawn of the Emperors boxed set
(1989), we discovered a little more But obviously the active Mystara fan
information on that peninsula, Esterhold, community soon tried to fill the void adding
occupied by Alphatia and inhabited by native many ideas which would allow any DM to
Jennites. Much more about Skothar was bring her/his players to Skothar to find plenty
detailed in the Hollow World Campaign set of adventures.
(1990), which gave a basic timeline of the
whole planet and stated that two important The purpose of this article is both to
cultures of the Hollow World, the Tanagoro summarize the existing canon and fan
and the Jennite peoples, came from Skothar. material and to add my personal
The campaign set also clarified that interpretation of Skothar, giving an unique
Blackmoor, the campaign created by Dave feel and setting to the continent. In fact,
Arneson and detailed in the modules DA1- Brun has been developed in canon and fan
DA4 (1986-7) was meant to be set in the past material as a sort of Mystaran Europe in the
east and Savage West in the west, while
1 Se e re p l i ca ma p s by Th o rfi n n Tait in the Davania is portrayed as a Mystaran equivalent
Va u l t s o f Pandius


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

for unexplored South America and Africa.

Skothar however cannot be “just” a Mystara
Asia, because it is meant to contain also
cultures which do not come from an asian
inspiration (such as the Tanagoro, which are
the Mystaran equivalent of African peoples)
and is also meant to be the true origin of the
modern Mystara humans. Yet many cultures
inspired by Africa or Asia have already been
used in canon products in Brun or Davania,
therefore the human cultures of Skothar
should have some unique twists to make
them a bit different. I think these unique
twists should be a great cultural melting pot
and the heritage of Blackmoor.

The Skotharian Melting Pot

As the origin of the human race and the seat
of the most powerful empires in Mystara’s
history, Skothar reached a major cultural and
material development before the Great Rain
of Fire. First the Empire of Thonia, then
Blackmoor, Tangor and the Empire of the
Great Khan. All these became multi-ethnic
empires inhabited by different human
cultures, demihumans, rakasta, humanoids items. Looking at the pre-cataclysmic and
and many other races. So while in Brun we post-cataclysmic map in the Hollow World
have fantasy cultures that mirror the ones of Campaign set, it is easy to understand that
the real world, probably Skothar should have the continent has suffered much more than
only mixed cultures which have greatly the rest of Mystara, completely changing
changed from their origin during the course shape. Whole nations have been destroyed
of history by mixing with other cultures and and new lands have risen. Skothar is dotted
races. with ruins of its past, ruins feared and
coveted because they contain the Heritage.

The Great Rain of Fire which destroyed The Heritage of Blackmoor
Blackmoor was 4,000 years before the Skotharian people know about Blackmoor
present time of many Mystara campaigns, yet and how it was supposedly destroyed by its
the fallout has not ended yet. Before the own technomagic powers. They also tell their
apocalypse, Skothar had huge empires with children about the Wasting disease which
immense cities and common technomagic was caused by the failing of Blackmoorian


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

technomagic items after the Great Rain of These races were sandfolk, geonids,
Fire. Many nations and groups therefore fungoids, hivebrood, frogfolk and gatormen,
forbid the owning and usage of any creodonts and rakastodons. The creodonts
Blackmoorian item on the penalty of death. were a race of intelligent carnivorous
Yet despite their inherent danger, and the mammals now extinct, even if some scholars
will of the Immortals to destroy the suspect they could be somehow related to
dangerous heritage of technomagic, there the ancestry of lupins, hutaakans and gnolls.
are still people willing to take the risk to The rakastodons were the direct ancestors of
obtain incredible powers. the rakasta, who could have their origin in
Skothar, even if some sages think instead
their origin was in Davania.

All of these races competed for prominence

in Skothar or came to dominate different
THE HISTORY OF regions of the continent. Other races came
SKOTHAR after them - garls, giants and brutemen. The
relation between these three peoples is not
clear. Garl may be the ancestors of giants.
Brutemen are probably the ancestors of
The Northern Dragon Empire modern humans, or just a parallel evolution.
Giants dominated Skothar for centuries, then
and the Eastern Court their dominion fell, according to their myth,
In the remote past of Mystara, Skothar was due to a world spanning war between fire
completely under water. When the continent and frost giants. Eventually brutemen
began to rise from the waves, its first became the dominant race in Brun, while it’s
inhabitants were dragons and the many races not clear how numerous they ever were in
of the fairy folk: so were born the Northern Skothar. It seems that the rakastodon, and all
Dragon Empire and the Eastern Court, or the the rakasta races which evolved from it,
Court of Twilight, which dominated Skothar dominated large parts of Skothar for a long
for countless millennia2. time, and so did the hivebrood, particularly
in Eastern Skothar.

The ancient people To the present day some of these ancient

races have almost disappeared, while others
Then other races rose to prominence, those are still numerous and thriving in many
that now are called “the ancient people” of regions of the continent, even if they do not
Skothar, but that were the young races at the dominate it now like once they did in times
time, in comparison to dragons and fairies. past.

2 Most of this comes from my article

“ 9 9 , 9 9 9 9 9 8 5 % M y s t a r a h i s t o r y ” in the
Va u l t s o f Pa n d i u s . E x c e p t fo r so m e n o te s i n
th e te x t, m o st o f th e r e fe r e n ce s o f th i s
ti m e l i n e a r e l i ste d a t th e e n d o f th e a r ti cl e .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

Humans, rakasta & other races modern Alphatia, or Bellisaria, or near these
lands. Others think the origin of rakasta was
Humanity was born in Skothar, maybe from instead in Davania. In any case, it is certain
a group of brutemen, maybe from the will of that many different human and rakasta
some Immortals or manipulations of dragons peoples populated Skothar in great numbers
or fairies. Either way the new race became quite early in the history of the continent.
more and more numerous and diversified
greatly in shape and look, establishing 150,000 BC Rakastodons and Cave Rakasta
different groups in different parts of the are already present in Southern Skothar. The
continent. They were not however the new human species has its origin possibly in
dominant race of Skothar, not yet at least. the region of modern eastern Minaea or the
The rakasta were as numerous and as Gulf of Tangor, from a group of brutemen.
different as the humans, and the other
ancient races were not extinct as well. The 100,000 BC Rakasta are differentiating into
relations between humans and rakasta varied the modern breeds. The new human species
between conflict, competition, distrust and put some pressure on them forcing or
cooperation. This pushed both people to pushing them to migrate to other regions of
exploration and migration, and slowly Skothar.
humans and rakasta migrated toward the
central islands and Brun in great numbers. 75,000 BC Rakasta migrations move to
Still many rakasta groups remained in northern Skothar and toward Brun.
Skothar, differentiating into the rakasta
breeds of Skothar: sherkasta, pardasta, snow 50,000 BC The expansion and growing
pardasta, cloud pardasta, dwarf pardasta, numbers of humans force many rakasta
lyncasta, grey rakasta, jungle rakasta, sand groups to disperse across Skothar or leave
rakasta, steppe rakasta, wild rakasta, fisher the continent to the north.
rakasta, rust rakasta, flathead rakasta, bay
rakasta, golden rakasta, marbled rakasta and
Skotharian simbasta3. Humans differentiated Humans spread and rise to
as well into many different breeds, the most prominence
important ones being the Neathar, Oltecs
and Tanagoro. 45,000 BC Wars erupt in several regions of
central and southern Skothar between
It should be also noted that some sages humans and rakasta. Even if the rakasta stand
dispute that the origin of humanity was in their ground for centuries, slowly the
Skothar, and believe instead it was in the humans gain prominence and settle more
territories. The three main branches of
3 Inspired by real world felidae breeds. Most humans, Neathar, Oltecs and Tanagoro are
o f t h i s c h a p t e r c o m e f r o m “ H i st o r y And
Evolution Of Rakastas” by Simone Neri at
now recognizable. The Neathar move slowly
the Va u l ts o f Pa n d i u s . Fo r a n o th e r th e o r y to northern and western Skothar, the Oltec
a bo u t th e e v o l u ti o n o f r a ka sta fr o m D a v a n i a to central and southwestern Skothar, the
see also “History and Origins of the Rakasta” Tanagoro settle southern and eastern Skothar.
b y G i a m p a o l o A g o s t a f r o m T h r e shol d 39,000 BC Expansion of sherkasta, simbasta
M a g a zi n e i ssu e # 5


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

and pardasta in southern Skothar and foothold in the continent pushing gatormen
Bellisaria has to compete with the expansion and frogfolk against humans and rakasta.
of Oltec men from southern Skothar to the While the strategy has some success and
central plains. leads to the increase of the territory of these
races, it fails ultimately when the Immortals
35,000 BC More Oltec people settle imprison the carnifex (M3 module, Geoff
Bellisaria, forcing other rakasta migrations. Gander, Threshold issue #11).
(Most of the oltec history come from A
Timeline of the Oltec Man by Átila Pires dos 13,000 BC Several regions of Skothar are
Santos and Giampaolo Agosta, see end of the still dominated by lizardfolk, gatormen and
article. The Oltec group settling Bellisaria frogfolk, as is the region of the future
would be the ancestor of the Mystaran Blackmoor (Rafael).
Amerindians Oltecs which will colonize
southern Brun and Davania). 12,000 BC Metal working, agriculture,
ceramics and the domestication of animals
30,000 BC Dwa Tanagoro reach the Sea spread in Skothar, mostly coming from the
Kingdoms, establishing alliances with Oltecs who have learned it from dwarves and
underwater races. (Dwa Tanagoro are my gnomes of Brun (modified from James
creation inspired by Melanesian people, Mishler).
from an idea by Giulio Caroletti).
11,000 BC Lhomarrian people develop in
20,000 BC The Oltecs of Skothar diversified south western Skothar from Oltecs and
in several groups like the Jen-Yal, Peshwah, Maharian Neathar and spread to Bellissaria
Jen-Kha, Jen-Wan and Mawa, spreading and the Sea Kingdoms, eventually reaching
through the continent. (Caroletti, Agosta, Davania. (Lhomarrr is a creation of Geoff
dos Santos and me, Jen-Yal, Jen-Kha and Gander, Maharian Neathars are the southern,
Peshwah should correspond roughly to Mediterranean-like population imagined by
Mongolian, Jen-Wan to Sino-Tibetan, Mawa Caroletti, Agosta and Gander, see end of the
to Austronesians and Tai-Austroasiatic). article).

19,000 BC Harimau-Belang sherkasta 10,400 BC Most of the Lhomarrians are

culture of the lowlands, and the Tagh pushed out of southern Skothar by the
sherkasta culture of the mountains develop Tanagoro, some settle in the Alphatian Sea,
in Skothar (Neri). Esterhold and Minaea (Geoff Gander,
Threshold issue #11).
16,000 BC The rakasta leader Ninfangle
leads a great migration of rakasta out of 8,400 BC The Lhomarrians of Davania have
Skothar to Brun and Davania. (Dalmonte, see founded a seafaring empire. They found
end of the article). colonies in other regions of Davania, the
Alphatian Sea and southwestern Skothar
15,000 BC The rising power of carnifex in (Geoff Gander).
Davania leads to some of them reaching
southern Skothar and trying to gain a


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

Neathars imagined by Caroletti, Agosta and

dos Santos).

8,006 - 7,022 BC The great war between

Carnifex and Lhomarrians in Davania
marginally touches also the Alphatian Sea
and southwestern Skothar where Carnifex
agents try again to push gatormen and
frogfolk against humans, with mixed success
(Gander, Author).

7,225 BC The region of future Thonia is now

ruled by sorcerer-kings called the Red Coven.

8,303 BC Mythical date of the first Khan of

Skothar founding the nation of Khar. The The Empires of Thonia and
ancient fairy Eastern Court is possibly Blackmoor
involved in the creation of the nation, and
called by humans the Celestial Court. 7,000 BC Thonian Neathars conquers the
Dragons are involved as well with the first land of the Vantalians Yevan, displacing them
Khan himself being a dragon (Author, to the north. First nucleus of Old Thonia.
Rafael, MOrient project)4. Some Yevan merge with Oltec tribes in the
west, later forming the Afridhi people.
8,000 BC The Valoin migrate to Northern (Yevan was a term invented by me in
Brun. The Skandaharians are people born in Threshold issue #9 for the ancestors of the
Northern Skothar, mostly from Neathar Vantalians, the Mystara Slavic people, in
populations and Valoin. Maharian Neathars Skothar. The Afridhi leader Toska Rusa in the
settle Alphatian Sea and Southeastern Brun DA series of modules has a Russian name, so
(Caroletti, Agosta and dos Santos). a Slavic influence fits with them. Their Yevan
Dunharian Neathar settle north-western ancestry could also explain their later hate
Skothar (Dunharians are the Celtic-like for Thonia).

4 Th i s e ve n t a n d o th e rs be l o w a re i n tru th
6,868 BC First human record of elves in
i n sp i re d by th e Ki n gd o m o f Ka ra k i n th e northern Skothar. Starport in the north is
W i l de r l a nds se t t i n g u se d a l so b y H å v a r d a n d now the capital of the Red Coven (Maiden’s
James Mishler. In 1977, Blackmoor was Timeline). It is possible that halflings arrived
p u b l i s h e d b y J u d g e s G u i l d a n d l a t e r so m e at the same time. The elves belong to the
f a n s c o n n e c t e d i t t o J G ' s W i l d e r l a n d s se t t i n g .
However, e v e n i f th e W i l d e r l a n d s co u l d
Genander clan and are related to the
p ro vi d e gre a t i n sp i ra ti o n fo r a n ci e n t Sko th a r , Genalleth and Geffronell who would later
th e y h ave si n ce be come th e i r own se tti n g settle Wendar and Denagoth in Brun
a n d I d o n o t wa n t to u se th e m fu l l y be ca u se (Author, Håvard, Threshold issue #10).
th e se tti n g co n ta i n s se ve ra l n o n h u ma n ra ce s
wh i ch d o n o t re a ll y fi t wi th M ysta ra .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

6,000 BC Small groups of dwarves and

gnomes from Brun begin to settle western
Skothar (James Mishler, Blackmoor d20).

5,632 BC City of Lum founded by

descendants of Lhomarrians, controls trade
between Bellissaria and Skothar on the
current western coast (JTR, Author).

5,500 BC Thonia, learning advanced

agriculture and iron working from the
dwarves, rises to prominence in central
Skothar (James Mishler). 5,022 BC Robert I of Geneva founds a first
settlement in the area of Blackmoor town
5,200 BC Possible date of the founding of (Blackmoor d20).
Mohacs, King Euphemus makes it the capital
of Thonia (JTR). The Kus, a human group 5,000 BC Mawa Oltecs reach the Sea
descended from Tanagoro and Oltec blood, Kingdoms from southern Skothar. (Mawa
found the realm of Saku in the eastern Oltecs are my supposition from
mountains (JTR, Author). Austronesian/Polynesian people and were
already mentioned in several issues of
5,050 BC Mythical date of the halfling Threshold Magazine as partial ancestors of
migration from Davania to Skothar under the several populations in northern Davania,
guidance of the heroine Tilla. (Ripvanwormer). Alphatian Sea, Pearl Islands, Ochalea,
Thanegioth archipelago and Ierendi, an idea
5,025 BC5 Coup in Thonia against the also mentioned by Caroletti, Agosta and Dos
sorcerer king and creation of the Imperial Santos in the ethnographic histories, see end
Council, Robert I of Geneva is the new king of the article).
of the Thonians, Year 0 of the Thonian
calendar (Mishler, Blackmoor d20). The fey 4,900 BC: Legendary birth date of the
people in the woods of Thonia have good dwarven hero Urbestar Kazakhum in Skothar
relations with the humans (PC1). (DA1). Telo of Regia is the first Thonian King
to declare himself Emperor (JTR). The
5 A n e x a ct co r r e sp o n d e n ce be twe e n
Empire of Thonia expands into central
B l a c k m o o r a n d M y st a r a h i st o r y i s qu i t e Skothar and clashes with the Peshwah,
a r b i t r a r y b e c a u se t h e H o l l o w W o r l d b o x e d Valemen and Skandaharians to the north and
set only indicates 4,000 BC as the rise of Tanagoro to the south, but fails to conquer
B l a c k m o o r, th e DA s e r i e s o n l y s p e a k s o f their territories (James Mishler).
3,000 years ago (later retconned to 5,000)
and the Blackmoor d20 setting was not
officially connected to Mystara. I follow 4,800 BC Sakkrad of Saku is traditionally the
m o s t l y L o Z o m p a t o re ’ s t i m e l i n e ( se e b e l o w) first great Togoro of the Tanagoro.
bu t h a v e m o d i fi e d i t ta ki n g i n to a cco u n t Skandaharian raiders start to pillage the
B l a c k m o o r d 20 w h i c h d i d n o t e x i st e d wh e n southern coasts (JTR).
h e cre a te d th e ti m e l i n e .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

4,780 BC Thonia completes the conquest of 4,500 BC Beastmen invade northern

the Western Marches (JTR). Thonia contacts Skothar. In Afridhi lands, the beastmen are
the Deres, a nomad people of mixed Oltec exterminated, hence the land becomes
and Tanagoro descent, of Yuila al Kaloon, known as Goblin Kush. Duchy of the Peaks
the Sea of Grass, trading with them (Biles). founded (James Mishler). Urbestar
Kazakhum establish the Northern Delving
4,700 BC A successful plot by the ruler of mines, in the Crystal Peaks mountains, just
the rival western city state of Shefa succeeds north of the northern border of the Thonian
in fragmenting the Empire of Thonia in Ten Empire. It is said that these mines are the
Principalities (JTR). Thonian aggression most prominent example of dwarvish
against the Deres leads to their invasion and architecture throughout Mystara (DA1,
a Deres dynasty ruling for a brief time the LoZompatore).
southern part of Thonia (Biles).
4,487 BC First war between dwarves and
4,600 BC Six of the Thonian houses agree to beastmen (JTR).
an arrangement that keep the Imperium
restricted to themselves and the Empire is 4,450 BC Beastmen eventually reach Thonia
reunified as the Second Republic (JTR). and endanger the Second Republic (JTR).

4,554 BC The Bloody Duke, a sadist and 4,426 BC Skandaharians of chief Skuld sack
architectural megalomaniac, reigns in Mohacs, invade Thonia and a Skandaharian
Blackmoor Castle. He designs and builds a dynasty begins in the Empire, the Third
vast, multi-level dungeon beneath castle Republic (Rafael, JTR). The Third Republic of
Blackmoor, connecting to natural caves and to Thonia creates the North colony as a buffer
even older, deeper passages (Blackmoor d20). zone (Mishler).

4,525 BC Temple of Id is destroyed in 4,400 BC Kingdom of Satum founded in the

Blackmoor: treachery within the human Tangor Chain by Tanagoro people with some
faction creates a deep rift among the elves. A Oltec blood (JTR, Author).
faction of elves vows to turn their backs on
humans and all civilization, becoming the 4,346 BC Revolt in Thonia and end of the
Westryn. The elf king Uhlmar curses them Skandaharian dynasty (Rafael).
and their leader, Uhlmar’s daughter who will
become known as the Black Queen, and 4,325 BC The Northlands are settled by
plague the western woods with undeath for exiles and criminals from the Thonian
centuries to come. The others who accept Empire, who call themselves “The
mingling with the humans become the Unwanted”. The first settlements are built far
Cumasti, also later known as Meriallis from the Empire's border, in a wild and off-
(Blackmoor d20, Threshold issue #10). centre region claimed by the far Duchy of the
Peaks in what will become the Duchy of Ten.
4,500 BC Republic of Thonia annexes the It is known that elves and halflings and the
territories of its Southern and Eastern Egg of Coot already live in the area (DA1,
Marches (JTR). LoZompatore).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

4,300 BC The House of Iyx rises to 4,146 BC Two powerful wizards, the “Wizard
prominence in Thonia (JTR). Ten lesser of the Wood“ and “Wizard of the Vale”, allies
noblemen families, opposing the new with the Thonian crown, stabilizing the
dynasty emigrate to the Ten region. Upon Empire (Rafael).
their arrival they find an overpopulated area,
so they are both obliged to establish new 4,129 BC End of the Mage Wars in Thonia
settlements in the nearby wilderness or to and Blackmoor (Blackmoor d20).
drop any hope to rule and to act as traders
and merchants, but help develop the land 4,100 BC Khoronus the wizard is still alive as
(DA1). The northern dwarves are engaged in one of the founders of Blackmoor, he will
their third major conflict with the beastmen. later become an Immortal discovering time
In the south, the new coastal kingdom of travel, and preserving descendants of his
Satum devastates and absorbs the older Saku family in a far away world in anticipation of
kingdom and makes contact with Thonia. the Great Rain of Fire (Dalmonte, Mishler).
The Peshwah move into the Hak. The Afridhi The cultists of the Frog order settle in the
begin to worship Zugzul (JTR). Dismal Swamps, fleeing from Blackmoorish
pogroms due to the Froggies human
4,250 BC Establishment of the settlement of sacrifices. The cultists establish the Temple of
Blackmoor as an official settlement of the the Frog in the middle of the swamps (DA2,
Thonian Empire in the Northlands (DA1, LoZompatore).
LoZompatore). Among the founders is also
the mortal form of the Immortal Khoronus 4,115 BC The Wizards’ Cabal is officially
(WotI). The settlement of Vestfold is founded founded. (Blackmoor d20).
soon after. The whole area is annexed to the
Thonian Empire and called “The Province of 4,100 BC Thonia attacks Ten but is defeated
the North” (DA1, LoZompatore). It is (DA1, Blackmoor d20). The region is
possible that the fey’s migration to the officially called Duchy of Ten. (DA1,
Northlands happened in this period. The fey LoZompatore).
were disappointed by the increasingly
authoritarian government of the Thonian 4,050 BC The Duke of the Peaks disappears
Empire (PC1, LoZompatore). and his wife Sonia Sholako becomes the new
Duchess (DA1, see also the Duchy of the
4,230 - 4,220 BC Thonian empire defeated by Peaks campaign in this issue of Threshold
the Unwanted in the first war of Ten. (Rafael). Magazine (#20)).

4,210 BC The Mage Wars begin in Thonia 4,055 BC The Egg of Coot appears and
(Blackmoor d20). By this date Thonian modifies the land, connecting the Black Sea
traders are reaching to southern Skothar and with the North Sea and joining the raiding
Bellissaria (JTR). capabilities of the Western and Eastern
Skandaharians. Skandaharian raids become
4,150 BC: Some scholars and wise men much more dangerous than before (DA1,
establish the Cult of the Frog in the Province LoZompatore).
of the North (DA2, LoZompatore).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

4,040 BC Uther Andahar born (Blackmoor d20). just sends them diplomats, who are
sacrificed to Zugzul (DA1, LoZompatore).
4,031 BC Marfeldt the barbarian begins his
rampage through the north (DA1, Blackmoor 4,018 BC The plains of Hak are under the
d20). Afridhi's control. Their army attacks the
Duchy of Ten (DA1. LoZompatore).
4,030 BC First invasion of Blackmoor by the
Egg of Coot, Blackmoor city damaged in the 4,015 BC Blackmoor Baron Uther Andahar
attack (Blackmoor d20). valiantly fights in the military campaign
between the Province of the North and the
4,028-27 BC Orc king Funk I controlled by Egg of Coot. (DA1, LoZompatore).
the Egg conquers Blackmoor and terrorizes
the north until defeated by adventurers 4,012 BC The Duchy of the Peaks allies with
(Blackmoor d20). the Afridhi, who are completing their
conquest of the Duchy of Ten. The Duchy of
4,025 BC Iyx becomes the new Thonian Ten falls within the year (DA1,
Emperor under the name Iyx I, Year 1,000 of LoZompatore).
the Thonian Calendar. Toska Rusa, the Afridhi's
high priestess, receives from her Immortal 4,011 BC The Afridhi establish a tyrannical
Zugzul a grand vision of conquest. The Afridhi government over the Duchy of Ten and
start their campaign by invading the nearby attack the North, but are repelled. Emperor
lands of the Valemen (DA1, LoZompatore, Iyx accuses the northern baron of treason
Blackmoor d20). Existence of tieflings but the governor’s army encounters
discovered in the North (Blackmoor d20). opposition and cannot arrest Uther. (DA1,
4,023 BC The Afridhi complete their
conquest of the Vales (DA1, Blackmoor d20). 4,010 BC Emperor
Iyx orders again the
4,020 BC The Baron of Blackmoor is killed arrest of Baron
during a Skandaharian raid. Uther becomes Uther but the
the new Baron. Battle of Berne between the Thonian army is
Barony of Blackmoor and the Duchy of Ten. defeated in the
The Barony of Blackmoor forces a route of battle of the Root
the Ten army. Baron Uther Andahar River. Battle of the
distinguishes himself in the battle. The Neck: Uther and
Afridhi invade the plains of Hak, inhabited by the allied Barons
the Peshwah nomad people (DA1, defeat the Afridhi.
LoZompatore, Blackmoor d20). Uther is crowned
first King of
4,019 BC Thonian Emperor Iyx hears for the Blackmoor.
first time about the Afridhi and their (LoZompatore,
movements on the plains of Hak. Careless DA1). The Thonian Empire allies with the
about these savages and their actions, Iyx Peshwah against the Afridhi (DA3,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

LoZompatore). The Docrae halfling escape scout mission, with the hope of getting aid or
from Afridhi slavery and settle near allies against Thonia. The scouts reach the
Blackmoor (Blackmoor d20). spaceship, but they are repelled by its high-
tech defences (DA3, LoZompatore).
4,009-4,005 BC This is the time of the Five
Victories of Blackmoor: two against the Egg 4,002 BC The Blackmoorish noble Bascom
of Coot, one against the Skandaharians led Ungolian leads an expedition in the lands of
by Thorsen One Thumb, previously repelled the Egg of Coot in order to free his wife,
from Thonia by Taha Markovic, the Duke of kidnapped by the Egg's minions. The
Borno, the fourth against the Thonian army expedition is ambushed and Bascom
occupying the lower Province of the North disappears (DA1, LoZompatore). A group of
and the fifth against the Afridhi at Blackmoor Thonian mages establish the Wizards’ Cabal
city. Toska Rusa decides to suspend any and sets up a rebellion in the town of
military operations against Blackmoor and to Vestfold, with the intention of destroying the
move around it from the south. An Afridhi local University. The rebellion is suppressed
army is sent to conquer the Dragon Hills. and the surviving mages flee and hide; their
(DA1, Blackmoor d20). leader, Tamis Azkanikin ("The Green Mage")
hides in the ruins of the tower of Old North
4,005 BC: The alien spaceship the F.S.S. Watch (DA1, LoZompatore).
Beagle crash-lands on Mystara, in the Valley of
the Ancients, a desert lowland south of the 4,001 BC Uther is kidnapped by the agents
Blackmoor Kingdom. The barbarian tribes of the Iron Duke of Borno. The rulership is
inhabiting the desert start raiding and looting entrusted to the Council of the Regents
the landing site (DA3, LoZompatore). On the (DA1, LoZompatore). Uberstar Kazakhum is
Beagle spaceship, Security Chief Stephen captured by beastmen. The dwarves set up
Rocklin rebels against Captain Bork Riesling right away a military force to free him, but
and escapes, crashing in the Dismal Swamps, they are defeated and pushed back until the
not far from the Temple of the Frog. Stephen gates of Northern Delving, where they are
and his comrades are revered as gods and start besieged by the beastmen. This is the start of
reinforcing the Cult of the Frog with their the Sixth War between dwarves and
equipment and knowledge (DA2-DA3, beastmen. Lortz Kazakhum, the son of
LoZompatore). The Iron Duke Taha Markovic Uberstar, becomes ad-interim Regent of the
is appointed as the new Governor of the Mines. The siege forces him to interrupt any
North Western Province (DA1, LoZompatore). communications with Blackmoor and the
humans (DA1, LoZompatore).
4,004 BC University of Blackmoor built
(DA1). Zugzul orders Toska Rusa to built the 4,000 BC A group of adventurers from AC
Well of Souls. The Immortal prophecies that 1000 reaches Blackmoor through the
only people not yet born may destroy the Comeback Inn, and manages to free king
artefact. (DA4, LoZompatore). Uther. (DA1 main event, LoZompatore).
Thonia establishes formal contact and trade
4,003 BC The Blackmoorians learn about the with the Tanagoro Empire (Håvard).
crash landing of the Beagle and send a first


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

3,999 BC Uther sends an expedition of in Blackmoor and Thonia. (Dalmonte).

adventurers to the Temple of the Frog in
order to free an important noble. During the 3,900 BC The Afridhi capture the Western
attack, Stephen Rocklin manages to escape Marches of Thonia. Emperor Neryx II is
and rebuilds the Order of the Frog. The deposed and the Iyx dynasty ends (JTR).
Blackmoorians get some high tech devices Thonia has fragmented into principalities,
from the battle site (DA2, LoZompatore). duchies and minor entities, while Blackmoor
Some months later, a deserter from the rises as a major power with the new
Beagle spaceship brings a Blackmoorian Technomancy (James Mishler). Blackmoor
expedition back. The expedition helps the starts to predominate in naval power over
alien against Stephen Rocklin, but the Skandaharia and begins trading with the
captain refuses to ally with the Deres and Tanagoro to the south (Biles).
Blackmoorians, who however are able to Afridhi mixing with Thonians create the
bring some alien equipment to the Nasuuan people (Caroletti, Author).
University. (DA3, Return to the Temple of
the Frog). After this incursion the crew of the 3,750 BC Blackmoor begins to use Black
Beagle becomes more and more dissatisfied powder (Mishler).
(WotI, LoZompatore).
3,743 BC Afridhi under Eos Cynex besiege
3,998 BC The Blackmoorians recruit a group Mohacs but are repelled by the intervention
of adventurers from AC 1000, in order to of Blackmoorian troops (JTR).
move around the Zugzul prophecy about the
Well of the Souls. The group reaches Tor 3,740 BC The iron-wielding Janbu culture of
Kurram and destroys the Well of the Souls, the southern Skothar plains drives the Ibu
thus ending the continuum perturbations jungle tribes eastward. Refugees flee into the
and the alternate timeline (DA4, sea, with survivors landing on northern
LoZompatore). Davania and Brun (possible ancestors of the
Karimari). Southern Skothar is partitioned
3,997 BC Ogdoban Treel kills the entire between the old Tanagoro and Janbu tribes
crew of the Beagle and provokes its of the plains, the Satum kingdom of the
destruction, in which the only survivor, mountains, the Ibu jungle tribes, and the
Rheddrian, turns into an implosion. Kho tribes (Oltec descended) of the desert.
Rheddrian is imprisoned into the Mirror but To the west, a fire priest from the Oltec
becomes an Immortal (Wrath of the nations shook the Bellissarian kingdoms
Immortals boxed set, exact date supposed). (JTR, Author).

3,995 BC Dragonborn from the Spine of the 3,730 BC A devastating attack by beastmen
Dragon mountains contact Blackmoor, Year and Ash goblins on Blackmoor city takes and
1,030 of the Thonian Calendar (Blackmoor burns the capital. The King and his family are
d20 - 4th ed campaign time). dead, the heir supposedly missing (Author,
supposed from Age of the Wolf Blackmoor
3,950 BC Guidarezzo, later to become an 4th ed vapourware product).
Immortal, is an extremely famous musician


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

3,726 BC Age of the Wolf in Blackmoor, the mountains mixing with the related Jen-Kha
capital city is abandoned and as the heir of and Jen-Wan or with the Mawa people,
the kingdom is still missing the other cities forming the Paesh (See my articles in
have become de-facto independent states as Threshold issue #2 and #9 about Etesh, Wan
factions debate and compete on the future of and Paesh people. Paesh should be the
the Kingdom. The Afridhi, the Egg and the equivalent of Tai-Austroasiatics).
Skandaharians take this opportunity to attack
Blackmoor. Local heroes rise, helped also by 3,620 BC The Treaty of Dragonia establishes
the elite dragonborn bombardiers of the city the new Holy Thonian Empire, de facto
state of Rodhin, to face these menaces controlled by Blackmoor, whose King Uther
(Blackmoor 4th ed, Author). V is also the Emperor and Patriarch of the
Thonian High Church (Mishler, JTR).
3,715 BC The heir of the Blackmoor crown,
Uther III, is found and crowned thanks to the 3,600 BC Blackmoor explorers travel all over
action of some heroes and the help of the Skothar and reaches Brun and Davania
dragonborn of Rodhin. Blackmoor again (Mishler). Blackmoor has completed the
defeats its enemies and returns to greatness; conquest of the Sea of Grass in Central
the city is rebuilt (Author, from Blackmoor Skothar, building many mines with dwarven
4th ed). engineers and Deres and Tanagoro slaves
3,700 BC The Afridhi under Sola Carnix
conquer and burn Mohacs, prompting a 3,550 BC Robert the Mariner rounds the
reaction of Blackmoor which attacks the Horn of Zyxl and became the first man to
Afridhi Empire (JTR). Blackmoor discovers circumnavigate Skothar (JTR).
precious minerals in the Sea of Grass and
begins to attack the Deres tribes (Biles). 3,525 BC Blackmoor and Thonian explorers
chart the Great Inland Ocean and western
3,680 BC Blackmoor destroys the Afridhi Brun (JTR).
Empire, enslaving most of the Afridhi
populations. (Mishler). The Nasuuan migrate 3,500 BC Declaration of Purity: the Thonian
to the southeast of Thonia (Caroletti, Church declares a great Crusade against the
Author). Goblin races in Brun, considered by many an
excuse to engage in massive colonization of
3,650 BC Blackmoor exterminates beastmen the rest of the world (Mishler). Gemstone
and humanoids in central Skothar (Mishler). dragon sorcerers begin their studies to reach
Blackmoor extermination of the Afridhi and immortality and contain Blackmoor
racism against the Peshwah leads to their (Dragonlord trilogy). Blackmoor expansion
migration north and south. Some Afridhi will in northern Skothar pushes the Yali people,
merge with Neathar people and form the ancestors of Huleans and other central Brun
Jen, while the Peshwah in parts go north and populations, to the Alphatian Sea and Brun
to Brun, to later became the Etesh, ancestors (Agosta and dos Santos). The Blackmoor
of the Ethengarians, while others settle civilisation is flourishing thanks to the
Central Skothar in the plains and the meteoric rise in technology. Rakasta,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

considered similar to beastmen, are not 3,330 BC Concordance of Mohacs re-

considered proper subjects of Blackmoor establishes the supremacy of Blackmoor, but
and often persecuted. The rakasta tribes founds the Principalities of the Republic of
living in Skothar near Blackmoor seek shelter Thonia, thanks to the generosity of the
into the wilderness, where they become reformer King Uther VII Andahar, "The Red".
isolated and aggressive, refusing any contact Involvement of the Serpentine Empire of
with humans (this happens mostly to the Davania is discovered, and wars begin against
Mountain rakastas and Tagh sherkastas them, involving also the Sea Kingdoms.
which live near the Blackmoorian borders) Separation of the Church of Blackmoor and
(Giulio Caroletti). More elves from Evergrun, the Church of Thonia (Mishler). In the
the Anuliinde, settle Thonia and Blackmoor Tanagoro lands the Church of Korotiku and
and technomagic is brought to Evergrun the Church of Thanatos (infiltrated by the
(JTR, Peronnet). Serpentine) struggle for dominance through
a secret war (Mishler).
3,480-20 BC First Beastmen Crusade,
Blackmoor defeats the Draconic Empire in 3,310 BC Beginnings of the Wars of
Brun and pushes the beastmen north, Unification in the Tanagoro kingdoms after
establishing colonies in Brun (Mishler). the defeat of the Church of Thanatos
(Mishler). A dynasty from Satum wins the
3,400 BC The Immortal Ssu-ma sponsors Janbu tribes and creates the First Tanagoro
friendship between sherkasta and Empire. Satum however does not join the
pachydermions of Skothar, helping the Empire (JTR, Author).
sherkasta contact the packydermions of
Patera and giving them and other rakasta
some help to resist Blackmoorian aggression
(Giulio Caroletti). Blackmoor explorers had
charted the shores of Bellissaria, Oceania and
large stretches of the Davanian coast (JTR).

3,370 BC Start of a massive rebellion of the

Thonian Empire against Blackmoor
supremacy in Skothar (Mishler).

3,350 BC Elven war between Evergrun and

Blackmoor, mostly fought on the sea and by
proxy, as the elves try to end Blackmoorian
slave trade, particularly in Bellissaria and the
central seas (JTR).
3,300 BC Uther VII dies, at 80, while
3,335 BC Battle of Marban Green, a decisive destroying the Serpentine Empire’s capital in
Blackmoorian victory over Thonian rebels Davania and is succeeded by his grandson
(Mishler). Unther VIII (Mishler).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

3,285 BC Edicts of Westport end slavery in 3,220-3,200 BC Exterminating again all the
Blackmoor, but the slave trade continues in beastmen in Skothar, Blackmoor and Thonia
Thonia and other colonies (Mishler). wage the Second Beastmen Crusade in Brun
and Davania (Mishler). Blackmoor tries to
3,280 BC The Wars of Unification end in the use beholders for military purposes but the
Tanagoro Kingdoms (Mishler) creatures escape (Robin).

3,270 BC Uther VIII pass away and his less 3,200 BC Blackmoorians, Skandaharians and
than capable son Melyon III lets mercantile elves found colonies on Matera (Mishler).
corporations gain much power during his Skotharian sherkasta and pachydermions
reign (Mishler). from Kompor-Thap build a magical gate, the
Svargadvara, that links Mystara to Patera
3,260 BC Stardock Accords grants to the (Giulio Caroletti). The immortal to be
Skandaharians kingdoms colonies in the Cochere leads many gyerians west to the
western sea from Skothar to Brun, in the Alphatian sea and Brun to escape
Kingdom of the Giants of Gandhar in the Isle Blackmoorian power. (Dalmonte).
of Dawn and on Zyxl. Tanagoro expeditions Belorfiwyn from Clan Anuliinde invents
to Oceania, Sea Kingdoms, northwestern dirigible balloon (Peronnet).
Davania and the Serpent Peninsula (Mishler).
3,194 BC Lunar Accords between
3,255 BC Melyon III dies drunk. (Mishler). Blackmoor, Skandaharia and the Elven
Empire (Mishler).
3,250 BC Colonial Exchange Accords, signed
by four of the Tanagoro Kingdoms, the 3,180 BC Blackmoorian space vessels begin
Golden Empire, the Empire of Evergrun and the exploration of the solar system (Mishler).
the United Hin Dominions. Several elves and
hin arrive in Tanagoro lands (Mishler). 3,150 BC Blackmoor develops TransPlanar
technomagic gates (Mishler).
3,248 BC King Marrok II of Blackmoor closes
the city park to let wolves run free. Rumors 3,150-3,135 BC Dragon Wars, war between
abound about him being a werewolf (Mishler). the Dragonlord of Blackmoor and the
dragons. Blackmoor develops giant
3,240 BC Skandaharians reach the moon steamtech robots, ancestors of the
(Matera). (Mishler). Earthshakers. Later an agreement is reached
between dragons and Blackmoor but the
3,235 BC Blackmoorians reach the moon gemstone dragons are exiled from Mystara
too (Mishler). (Dragonlord trilogy, JTR).

3,230 BC Goblinfolk and beastmen reappear 3,120 BC Automatons developed by

in Skothar spreading destruction, brought Blackmoor and later by other nations, such
into the Skotharian Shadowdeep by the as the Elven Empire (Mishler, HW boxed
Serpentine (Mishler). set).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

3,100 BC Blackmoorian space vessels reach

other solar systems (Mishler). Oltecs of
Alphatia and Bellissaria settle the region of
current Esterhold on Skothar (HW boxed
set). They are former inhabitants of the
kingdom of Atlan displaced by the rise of
Asydh people in the region, lead by the hero
Gilgamesh (see my article on the past of
Alphatia in Threshold issue #11 and the
Codex Immortalis). Start of the reign of the
emperor of Blackmoor/Thonia Korin II (DA1)
Anuliinde Clan clashes with the empire of
Blackmoor for ecological reasons. The
retaliations are severe and the elves are put
under military rule (Peronnet).
3,040 BC Start of the reign of Halkad IV
3,088 BC Start of the reign of Nial II (DA1) (DA1) Space vessels allow the colonization of
other solar systems (Mishler).
3,080 BC Start of the reign of Ruxpin I (DA1)
3,030 BC Start of the reign of Ning I (DA1)
3,077 BC Start of the reign of Oser I (DA1)
3,014 BC Start of the reign of Melnik III
3,060 BC In Central Skothar the (DA1)
Blackmoorian government of Kaloonland
began the 'Land Reclamation Project' to 3,005 BC Start of the reign of Reger I (DA1)
render the land habitable once the mines The Anuliinde, led by Belorfiwyn, flee
finally all gave out. In the cooler northern Blackmoor on 10 gigantic dirigible balloons
regions, some progress was made in they have secretly built (Peronnet).
cleansing the waters and developing
irrigated farms. In the very heart of the Yuila 3,010-3,001 BC War, chaos and anarchy
al Kaloon, a group of magitechnicians began reign in the Tanagoro kingdoms, Thonia and
experimenting with life forms which would other nations, spread by a strange genetic
consume polluted soil and water and convert disease created by the Serpentine Empire
it to fertile soil (Biles). (Mishler).

3,054 BC Start of the reign of Bodmin I 3,001 BC In Central Skothar, the seeding of
(DA1) a 400 square mile region is complete, and
the supplies have been put in place to
3,050 BC Year in which I set the New extend the project (Biles). In Evergrun Clan
Blackmoor campaign (set in the Known Anuliinde finds shelter among Clan
World in Brun) in Threshold issue #2. Nadriendel. Both clans are forced to escape
Blackmoor discovers Patera (JTR). on the dirigibles when the cataclysm strikes


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

The Great Rain of Fire vegetation despite its northern latitude

and its Aftermath (Sarikhan). The Nasuuan are hit hardly by
the cataclysm but manage to survive in the
3,000 BC The Great Rain of Fire obliterates colder climate. Slowly hardships and external
the Blackmoorian civilisation. In north attacks push them even more to the north
western Skothar the destruction is massive. (Author).
The region of the Kingdom of Blackmoor is
completely depopulated and only undead 2,995 BC In Central Skothar, the shifting of
“survive” (Canon, Author). Thonia is almost the axis causes disastrous storms and freak
completely abandoned in the course of a few weather for decades in the wake of the Great
months and all the survivors migrate west to Rain of Fire, and many creatures are
the coast (Canon). Nyx saves some Thonian strangely mutated. Even more of the land
wizards who will migrate south and form the becomes polluted waste, the Keres change
Deathless of Central Skothar (Burns, their name to 'Waros', which means survivors
Author). Other southern wizards become in their tongue, and dubb the land that had
shadelings to save themselves from the once been theirs as 'Drakhaba al Kaloon', the
cataclysm and the Wasting (Burns, Author). Sea of Corruption (Biles).
In southern Skothar, the sherkasta sages
gather their people and use the Svargadvara 2,990 BC After the Great Rain of Fire, only 5
to transport them to Patera, where the elven dirigibles remain, united to form one
sherkasta settles in the jungles south of formidable flying city, Filmaelle, a self-
Kompor-Thap. As a result, Kata Ng, the White sufficient community which flies over the
Sherkasta, becomes Immortal, but the Farend Ocean (Peronnet). The radiations of
Svargadvara is destroyed (see note 3). Fall of the Great Rain of Fire provokes mutations
the First Tanagoro Empire, many Tanagoro among beholders. Beholder city of Kargash
people are brought to the Hollow World to settled in eastern Skothar (Robin).
preserve their cultures in the following
centuries (HW boxed set). The Second of 2,989 BC Led by Urthyne Drelgh, a small
The Seven Tangor Empires is born, and the band of Skotharian dwarves take refuge in a
four elite units of the Empire's army that complex near the outermost edge of
exist to these days, the Dragon army, the Blackmoor’s borders. The complex, which
Rakasta army, The Allies army and the Noble extends deep underground, grants the
army (Author). Utnapishtim brings his dwarves shelter from the dreaded Wasting
people to safety leaving Esterhold for disease (Calvin).
Bellissaria (Dalmonte). The displacements
caused by the catastrophe bring many Paesh 2,970 BC Thonian refugees settle Serison on
and Wan people down to the Tangor coast the western Skothar coast and create the
(Author, MOrient project). The cataclysm Kingdom of New Thonia. Some elves,
creates the Fiery Serpent Sea in the dwarves, hin and pegataurs join the
northwestern coast of Skothar, which will Kingdom too (James Ruhland, 1017 almanac,
become Nentsun. The region is date mine).
uninhabitable for centuries but eventually
becomes warmer and is colonized by lush


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

2,960 BC The Cloud giant Inoq I creates a small village. The forest was filled with a
floating castle on the clouds of northern strange miasma which would slay the unwary
Skothar after saving many of his people from and careless. The explorers came to call
the Great Rain of Fire (LoZompatore). themselves 'Sebgir', or 'Daring Ones', and
learned how to survive briefly in the forest,
2,900 BC Djaea promotes the birth of and fairly well among the devastated lands
druidic orders in New Thonia to save the (Biles).
people from the devastation of the post
Great Rain of Fire (Dalmonte). Jennite 2,898 BC Another city is built around
culture formed from remnants of the Afridhi crashed Filmaelle, named Ymlyn (Ebony)
and Oltec settlers of Esterhold (Author). after the first tree to be planted (the seed of
Some Afridhi travel further south and are which came from Evergrun) (Peronnet).
absorbed by Tangor people, forming the
Nailan culture (Caroletti). The giant kingdom 2,886 BC Belorfiwyn creates the Marwar, a
of Khatmun is created in the eastern parasitic fungus which increases both
mountains (M-Nepal from MOrient project). production and the culture's resistance to
Conflict on the elves flying city provokes a the climate (Peronnet).
crash on Skothar. Filmaelle is immobilised in
a cold desert between mountains (Peronnet). 2,882 BC Belorfiwyn takes to the air with his
Satum kingdom of the East Tangor fixed dirigible the Celorfimir, in order to
Mountains now is divided between three gather all the tree species he can find around
rival dynasties (Author, JTR). The Second the world (Peronnet).
Tangor Empire no longer has control of the
whole gulf as the first Empire did and is 2,800 BC Jennites
limited to the central region, mainly because spread across the
many other people have settled the gulf plains of Skothar.
(Author, Caroletti). Some eventually
settle in Minaea
2,890 BC In north eastern Central Skothar, creating the Teslan
the Waros slowly began to flourish. Their culture. (Agosta
coastal region becomes a land of stubborn and do Santos).
farmers and tough warriors. The boldest of Golden Khan of
them return to the way of the horse and the Paesh,
move into the interior, learning how to descendants of the
survive among the wastes. They brought back Peshwah, creates The Great Kingdom of Haca
the news of the 'Virik al Rigoon', the 'Forest (Author). Dragonchildren begin to appear in
of Fungus', which was gradually growing in Haca and soon many of them become part of
the heart of the Drakhaba al Kaloon. It was a the Khan’s army (Rodger Burns, Author).
strangely pale land of huge intertwined
'fungal' growth and insects which dwelt 2,790 BC Foundation of the city of Tesla
within it, led and guarded by the powerful (Caroletti, Author).
'Rigoon al Asagir', the 'Wise Ones of the
Forest', huge armoured insects the size of a


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

The Invasions warm, but are in constant danger due to the

intense volcanic activity (Author6, Sarikhan,
2,630 BC Some Skotharian dwarves leave Caroletti).
their underground refuges to reach Minaea.
Some are captured by kopru and brought 2,450 BC Third Tangor Empire founded, but
away (Dornhoff, Calvin). it really has even less control on the Gulf
region than the Second one. Tribal warfare is
2,602 BC More Skotharian dwarves migrate common in the following centuries (Author,
to Alphatia and Brun, while some remain in Caroletti).
Thorin (Caroletti)
2,400 BC Newly born forests dot the
2,600 BC Over the centuries, the Waros landscape. They are composed by the
farmers, and the Sebgir nomads have split, different species Bellorfiwyn brought back
and occasionally war with each other. The from his trip: Oaks, Acacia, Maple trees,
Waros build a series of short-lived nations Poplars, and so on. The four new cities are
which repeatedly crumbled into city states, named Celithrarith (Oak City), Elvawen
sometimes falling prey to conquest by Sebgir (Maple Tree City), Sebrildur (Chestnut Tree
tribes. They trade with the Tanagoro and City), and Manereteriel (Cedar City)
Jennites (Biles). (Peronnet).

2,576 BC Most of the Skotharian dwarves 2,333 BC Kingdom of Yeong created on the
leave their underground refuge to go to Brun eastern Tangor coast (M-Korea in the
(Calvin). MOrient project).

2,500 BC The great hivebrood expansion. 2,300 BC Ierain Klee, a candidate to

Hivebrood expand into many region of Immortality in the Sphere of Energy who had
Skothar, as the modern Esterhold and several been a priest in late Blackmoor, creates ten
regions of the Tangor chain, displacing humans engines to warm artificially the cold lands of
and rakasta. Fall of the Second Tangor Empire central Nasuua in Nentsun and becomes
and further displacement of Tanagoro people King. He moves most of the Nasuuan
to the mountains and Zyxl. Tarastia unifies the population away from the unstable southern
sparse Jennite tribes and attains Immortality coast (Caroletti, Author).
(Author, Codex Immortalis, Håvard). Some
elves from Vulcania reach the Sea Kingdoms
and Skothar (Author, MOrient project). Last 6 Th e o ri gi n a l Ne n tsu n ma te ri a l by Gi u l i o
C a r o l e tti p r o ba b l y m e a n t to p l a ce th e n a ti o n
flight of the Celorfimir, which tows the four
o f Ne n tsu n i n th e co a st wh e re I h ave in stead
other dirigibles in the valley to provide a core p l a ce d th e r u i n s o f o l d T h o n i a ( se e m a p s i n
to four new cities. The Celorfimir settles n e x t a rti cl e ) . I h a v e ch o se n to p l a ce i t
around Ymlyn (Peronnet). By now the i n ste a d i n th e n o rth a s th e re g i o n i s ke p t
Nasuuan have reached Nentsun, settling on wa rm e r th a t i t sh o u l d be g i ve n i ts p o si ti o n by
th e Fi e r y S e r p e n t S e a cr e a te d by Isa be l
the warmer regions of the coast where the
Sarikhan , which keeps it from turn in g in to
Fiery Serpent Sea keeps the coast relatively a r cti c tu n d r a , a n d l a te r a l s o by th e
Nen tsu n ian mach in es.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

2,200 BC First Tanagoro migration to the descendant) arrive on Skothar, invading the
Serpent Peninsula. (CoM) Tangor Peninsula. (Caroletti, Author).
Tanagoro migration to the Arm of the
2,166 BC The Kasharin affliction (probably a Immortals and Yalu bay (Threshold issue #17)
beholder version of the Wasting Disease),
regular volcanic eruptions, and Tangor 1,706 BC Klee ascends as the Immortal
attacks force the beholders to abandon Nentsun and leaves the ten apprentices to
Kargash (Robin). watch over the engines in an unified
Nentsun formed by ten duchies (Caroletti).
2,050 BC: Fall of the Enduk realm in North
western Davania, Minoides kills Gildesh, the 1,700 BC Tribes of humanoids from Brun
followers of Minoides become the modern invade northern Skothar. Repelled by
minotaurs and create a kingdom in the Nentsun and by the northern giants, they
region. The Enduk survivors escape to Brun migrate to the central and southern area of
(Canon, Mishler, Author). the continent along the western coast
2,000 BC Tanagoro migration to the east,
reaching north western Davania. (HW boxed 1,699 BC Minoides settles the city of Erech
set). Some Ee’aar elves from the Arm of the in Tesla (Caroletti).
Immortal reach Eastern Skothar (MOrient
project). Magnificent forests cover the 1,697 BC The minotaurs of Erech get in touch
totality of the valley. The Ainuliinde and with the Teslan city of Ekimmu. Trade begins
Nadriendel clans have merged and are between the two populations (Caroletti).
named from now on the Anuliindriendel
(Peronnet). 1,649 BC A league formed by Minotaurs
from Erech and Teslans from Ekimmu defeat
1,900 BC Rise of the Jennites who conquer the greatest Jennite attack of the last century
almost all of central Skothar (HW Boxed set). (Caroletti).

1,950 BC By now Klee has brought other 1,650 BC The great humanoid invasion, Fall
peoples to Nasuua and chosen ten of the Golden Khan. Fall of the Third Tangor
apprentices to watch over ten engines which Empire. Great barbarian hordes of central
warm Nasuua. The local tribes are divided Skothar form, made up of ruling humanoids
and often war among themselves (Caroletti). or rakasta and enslaved humanoids (Author,
MOrient project). A tribe of goblins and
1,800 BC Kingdom of Yeha founded in the hobgoblins mix with a Jennite clan,
East Tangor chain as Tanagoro people eventually creating the Wanderers of Central
conquer the remnants of Satum (M-Ethiopia Skothar (Burns). Goblins and hobgoblins
from the Morient project, Author). invade Thonia in large number, occupying
for a time the whole north east of the nation,
1,750 BC Humans and Elves destroy the until they are repelled to the wilderlands and
minotaur kingdom in Davania. First partially integrated into the kingdom
minotaurs lead by Minoides (or a (Author, Almanac 1017).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

1,623 BC After successfully defending Erech Eventually humans, rakasta and humanoids
from humanoid attacks, Minoides leaves cooperate to limit their spread. A dynasty of
Erech, appointing his son Atreides as the ogre rulers establish the Fourth Tangor
new King of Minotaurs (Caroletti). Empire in Tangor. Tanagogre born of human
and ogre parents soon become a middle
1,600 BC Second Tanagoro migration to the class in the empire between ogre rulers and
west under Emperor Kumba, reaching Sea human subjects (Author, Caroletti).
Kingdoms, Vulcania, Pearl Islands, Arypt and
Cestia. (HW boxed set and Threshold issue 1,555 BC Queen Pallas of Erech dies. Her
#9). Jennite wars between traditional son Agesilaon becomes King.
followers of Tarastia and followers of
Rathanos, traditional Jennites brought to the 1,511 BC Agesilaon dies of old age. Rumours
Hollow World. (HW boxed set). Some that he was poisoned by his son Minoides
Jennites settle in Teslan lands forming the spread unrest among the population.
Tarystian culture (Agosta and dos Santos). Minoides seizes the throne as Minoides II,
but is forced to establish the kingdom's laws,
written down and ratified by minotaurs from
the most important families (Caroletti).

1,509 BC Town of Qyrta founded by

Sinbayan minotaurs. They are led by a
dissident minotaur named Achlon, that
fiercely opposes the Minoides dynasty.
Kingdom of Minotaurs renamed Minoidean
Kingdom (Caroletti).

1,500 BC Silver Khan unifies humans and

humanoids of the plains in the new Haca

1,488 - 1,483 BC First War of Tears.

Minoideans minotaurs fight against the
Achlonites, claiming that they have settled on
1,589 BC Atreides of Erech dies. His Minoidean lands. Mercenaries from Ekimmu
daughter Pallas becomes Queen (Caroletti). are employed by both factions, while the
government of Ekimmu doesn't involve itself
1,577 BC Town of Sinbay founded by in the war (Caroletti).
minotaurs, following the orders of Queen
Pallas. Minotaurs extend their control over 1,477 BC Minoides II dies mysteriously in his
this part of Tesla (Caroletti). sleep. His eldest daughter Iphygenia
becomes Queen (Caroletti).
1,550 BC East Tangor is again invaded by
Hivebrood, which reach to the gulf.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

1,469-8 BC Queen Iphygenia sends Kingdom of Erech becomes a Theocracy,

messengers to the Qyrtans, asking them to ruled by the High Priest of Minoides
open diplomatic ties. A group of aggressive (Caroletti).
minotaurs that oppose these ideas are exiled
by the Queen and leave westwards. 1,364 - 1,361 BC The High Theocrats of
Diplomatic ties opened between the City Erech declare war on the City State of Qyrta.
State of Qyrta and the Minoidean Kingdom Third War of Tears. The Minoideans win and
(Caroletti). most of the Qyrtan riches and lands are
assigned to the Theocracy and to Erech
1,462 BC Queen Iphygenia is killed by her (Caroletti).
husband Archon, who is thereafter executed.
In fact, Archon was innocent, because the 1,359 - 1,356 BC Disappointed with his
one responsible for her death was her son High Theocrats, Minoides stops to give them
Minoides III, the new Minoidean King. Town spells and sends a plague until the
of Deianira founded (Caroletti). Threocrats are deposed by the faithful cleric
Albaran, who becomes the new King of
1,459 BC Sphinxes attack Erech after the Erech and Sinbay (Caroletti).
king killed one of them. Minoides III is then
killed by an Immortal avatar in the form of a 1,354 BC Albaran offers a new peace treaty
flaming minotaur for his empiety. Erech to the Qyrtans, returning the land taken
becomes a republic (Caroletti). during the Third War to them (Caroletti).

1,450 BC Polonius the triton becomes lord 1,349 BC A group of military officers depose
of the Sea Kingdoms, creating the coral walls Albaran. Albaran and nearly two thousand
to defend them from the Kara Kara orcs, and minotaurs flee Erech and settle in Sinbay,
attaining immortality (Dalmonte). Gold and where they declare independence (Caroletti).
iron mines found in the territories north of
Qyrta. Qyrta start heavy commerce with 1,349 - 1,340 BC Fourth War of Tears: Erech
surrounding cities (Caroletti). vs Sinbay & Qyrta. At the end of the war
Sinbay is a mass of burning ashes and is later
1,446 - 1,441 BC: Second War of Tears. rebuilt by the Erechians. Qyrta is again
Republic of Erech against City State of Qyrta. dispossessed of its land, although it retains
The Qyrtans win thanks to the help of its independence. Albaran is the new King of
mercenaries and their sphinx allies Qyrta. Cults of Minoides and Poseidon
(Caroletti). officially banned from Erech, the minotaur
leaders turn to the worship of a barbaric
1,428 BC Astartius, High Priest of Minoides, divinity named Gylgarid, imported from
is king of Erech (Caroletti). mercenaries of the East that were employed
1,399 BC Astartius abdicates to his son for the war (Caroletti).
Iacynthon (Caroletti).
1,338 - 1,327 BC Albaran seeks the aid of
1,391 BC Priests of Minoides accuse King northern sphinxes and later of a mercenary
Iacynthon of being a tyrant and depose him. company from the Jennite Lands, the Green


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

Spear, secretly followers of Jammudaru, who radiations, poisoning the rakasta and human
eventually poison him and take control of population (Caroletti).
the city (Caroletti)
1,200 BC First emperor of Chung Eun
1,250 BC Some Tanagogres from Skothar crowned on the Dragon Throne, east of
invade Davania establishing their dominion Haca. Chung Eun and Haca fight several
in Arica. They quickly sever their ties to wars in the following centuries competing
Skothar to escape the control of the ogre for the eastern plains of Skothar (MOrient
rulers of Tangor (Wilson, Threshold issue project, Author).
#5, Author).

1,220 BC By now Qyrta has changed for the

worse. Many minotaurs leave the city and
move westwards to the sea and even Brun.
Those who remain are turned to the worship
of Jammudaru. Meanwhile, the military
hierarchy of Erech continues to rule the
Minoidean Kingdom. Minoides renounces
his Quest for Immortality and Protius turns
him into an Exalted being (Caroletti).

1,218 BC A group of minotaur dissidents

from Qyrta and Sinbay manage to throw
down the Erechian corrupted government.
They create a Republic and grant religious
freedom to the population. Minoides is again 1,146 BC Orcnad leads a great revolt in
revered openly, although adventurers and Nentsun, defeating the rakshasas with the
military officers remain mostly worshippers help of most rakasta, and becomes first King
of Gylgarid (Caroletti). of Nentsun (Caroletti).

1,215-1,204 BC Growing tension between 1,135 BC Tarystian conquer the Teslan city
Qyrta and Erech leads to the Fifth War of of Ekimmu. By now the Teslan have been
Tears. Qyrta is destroyed and its inhabitants absorbed by the Tarystia culture (Fan
massacred. The survivors hide in the Almanacs, Author).
mountains and continue to worship
Jammudaru (Caroletti). 1,100 BC Wuo people, mixed humans and
humanoids, settle the Tangor chain (M-
1,212 BC Rakasta tribes guided by rakshasas Manchiuria from MOrient project). Paesh
invade and conquer Nentsun, enslaving the people settle the Sea Kingdoms, Vulcania, the
population (Caroletti). Isles of Steam, some parts of the Davanian
coast (Yasuko) and Ochalea (Threshold issue
1,201 BC The ten dukes of Nentsun are #5, #11). Hinu halflings menaced by
dead and the engines begin to emit humanoids escape to Zyxl. Sindhi refugees


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

reach Skothar, settling in the eastern gulf of 986 BC City of Lendar founded in Tarystia
Tangor and influencing the culture of the late (Caroletti).
kingdom of Tanat (MOrient project, Author).
Fall of the Fourth Tangor Empire, more 980 BC In Tangor the union of goblins with
migrations to the Sea Kingdom, Vulcania, humans creates the new Dark Goblin breed
Cestia, Arypt and the Pearl Islands (Author). which settles in the Western Tangor
The Tanagoro migrations meet the Nithians mountains dividing into 10 different tribes
who have colonized the Alatian islands and (Caroletti, Author).
the two people agree on a peaceful division
of territories. The Tanagoro settle the Pearl 911 BC The Black Sorcerer of Durhan unifies
Islands and parts of the Aryptian coast near the gulf of Tangor in the Fifth Tangor Empire
the Nithians (LoZompatore, Author). By now (Caroletti, Author).
the minotaurs of the northern mountain have
become increasingly violent under the 900 BC The arrivals of the Alphatians worries
leadership of the brutal clergy of Jammudaru. the Thonian Kingdom, who is wary of the
The minotaur raiding bands become another newcomers, even if some minimal trade
of the humanoid threats that periodically begins (Ruhland). In the elven valley,
harass the Tarystian coast, and then Minaea Belorfael (descendant of Belorfiwyn)
into modern times (Caroletti). develops the Trarwar (a variety of Marwar
which doubles the growing capabilities of the
1,054 BC The Tarystian city of Traun is trees). This fungus is inoculated to the five
founded (Caroletti). symbolic trees of the cities and planted at the
core of the cities (Peronnet). Orcs and
1,010 BC Beholders resettle their old city of goblins start to attack Nentsun from the
Kargash in north eastern Skothar (Robin). southern mountains (Caroletti)

1,000 BC Arrival of the Alphatians, who soon 897 BC Alphatians settle Aaslin and Alinquin
proceed to conquer the island from native in Bellisaria. For centuries their control of the
cultures. Some refugees from the native island will not extend beyond the two cities
Alphatian kingdoms settle Tarystia and (Ebenezum, Author, Threshold issue #11).
Jennite lands (Canon, Author).
854 BC The Black Sorcerer of Durhan is
1,000 - 990 BC Nithian explorers reach killed by a Jennite adventurer named Eet-an
Skothar and contact Thonia, several Jennites and chaos of competing pretenders follows
tribes and Tarystia. The Alphatians make the his demise (Caroletti)
same initial contact as well, following the
Nithians (Supposed, but likely). The 850 BC The peaceful faith of Koryis, also
Sakhalian culture arises in northeastern later know in some nations of Skothar as
Skothar from dwarves and humans, slaves Rohindartha7, spreads and becomes official
and Blackmoorians, in the northern area of
7 In the M Orient project he was an original
the Drakhaba al Kaloon, eventually forming Immortal, but Koryis could easily be used as
the Sakhalin Empire (Biles). i t i s su p p o se d to h a v e th e sa m e p a ci fi st
agenda. Older Immortals as Maat, Ilsundal
a n d T h e Gr e a t O n e m a y be su i ta b l e to o .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

religion in Chung Eun. Mysticism develops project is forgotten and the gnolls settle
and spreads in southern and central Skothar between Jen and Thonia, becoming the
(MOrient project). Thoth-Ath gnolls (Nowack). A few gnolls are
captured by the Thonians and eventually
841 BC Eet-an, now known as the Steel integrated into the kingdom (Almanac 1017)
Demon, crowns himself King of Ubu and
Tangor (Caroletti). 696 BC The hivebrood and Tangors of the
eastern borders repel the goblins. The Dark
821 BC: The Steel Demon leaves his Goblins settle in the forested regions just at
kingdom and a iron golem named Hawa the north of them (Caroletti).
Dulu reigns in his place (Caroletti).
665-61 BC A great campaign conducted by
800 BC Before the final fall of the Sylvan the hivebrood colony of Lleweryn and the
Realm some elves sail from Brun to Skothar Tangors of the city of Yara defeat the Dark
(MOrient project). Goblins, whose king Ghulan had died some
years before. The survivors become
750 BC Haca invaders place a Khan on the hivebrood slaves (Caroletti).
Chung Eun dragon throne. Many Wan
refugees settle the bay of Tangor, eventually 660 BC The general Guthbrand becomes
leading to the creation of the Tangi Empire famous in Thonia, later leaving to serve
in the eastern part of the gulf. The hero Jiku under the Alphatians (Dalmonte).
leads some Chung refugees, escaping the
new Khan, to Zyxl (MOrient project, Author). 632 BC orcs and goblins invade Nentsun
conquering most of the Outer Circle, the
733 BC Local Tangor people attack the region not warmed by the engines, but the
Beholder city of Kargash but fail to destroy it dukes resist in the lands of the Inner Circle
(Robin) (Caroletti).

730 BC The Tangors bordering the 600 BC Guthbrand is a famous Nentsunian

hivebrood colonies manage to open pirate on his path to Immortality as the
diplomatic relations with the insectoid Eternal General (Dalmonte). Haca invaders
humanoids. The two races start to have now been absorbed by the Chung
collaborate in the face of the menace coming culture and Chung Eun expands in former
from the north: a massive migration of Dark Haca territories (MOrient project, Author).
Goblins led by a charismatic chief named Empress Himiko of Zyxl defeats the Chung
Ghulan (Caroletti). Emperor attack on the island (MOrient
project). The western Tangor kingdom of
710 BC The Ursinians, a human population Yara becomes powerful by supplying slaves
descended from Afridhi and Tanagoro, settle to the hivebrood of Lleweryn (Caroletti).
in Nentsun (Caroletti). Milenians found colonies on the Isle of
700 BC Alphatians buy gnoll slaves from the Dawn, Bellissaria and the Alatian islands,
Nithians and bring them to Skothar, with the soon entering in conflict with Alphatia
intent of using them eventually, but soon the (Author, Threshold issue #11)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

570 BC An Alphatian wizard discovers a

magical blue clay in Skothar, but is killed by
a rival (Robin8)

565 BC The beholder city of Zelphim is

founded in northern Skothar. Beholders
proceed to enslave local humanoids and
humans (Robin).

554 BC Some non-wizard Alphatians settle

the Alatians islands allying with Milenians
against their empire (Guerra, Threshold issue 530 BC The five cities are moved to the top
#11, Author) of the trees and the elven valley becomes
Calengaer the green ocean. The foot of the
550 BC Some Hatwa elves from Davania trees, already difficult to reach is made
refusing integration with the ogres reach impossible to reach because of the toxic
Skothar. Finding ogres and tanagogres in the emanations of the Urwar. A web of trails is
gulf, they help local humans and rakasta fight set in the foliage allowing easier
them, establishing the first seed of the Muang communications between the cities
kingdom (Author, MOrient project). A (Peronnet).
Nithian expeditionary force to modern
Esterhold takes control of the elven valley in 500 BC Milenians who by now have colonies
north central Skothar. Nithian priests and all over the Isle of Dawn and Bellisaria, begin
magicians discover the remains of technology trade with Skothar. Kiranjo minotaurs
used in the dirigibles and conduct devastate Jennite lands and eventually settle
experiments (Peronnet). in Tarystia (Threshold issue #11, Codex
Immortalis). Chung contact with Alphatia in
540 BC Belorfanwyl of the elven valley the central Gulf of Tangor is disastrous and
creates a mutated version of the Trarwar, the the eastern empire becomes more and more
Uurwar (which provokes quicker and bigger isolationist (MOrient project). Traces and
growth of vegetation). Helped by the Elven memory of Nithia are wiped out in Brun but
resistance, the fungus is spread everywhere some survive in Skothar among the Thoth-
in the valley. When the fungus are magically Ath gnolls and in the southern city of Mizpeh
activated, the trees mutate and grow (Novack, Taylor). By now in northeastern
hundred of meters in a matter of hours. The Central Skothar the Virik al Rigoon is
Nithian expeditionary force is crushed by the growing over the Sebgir lands, while the
elvish resistance. The elvish population forces of the Sakhalin Empire come from the
settles up at the top of the trees. (Peronnet). north. The Empire uses lost Blackmoorian
magitech to conquer (Biles). Alphatia
absorbs Thothia and a rivalry develops
between Alphatians and Milenians in the
8 R o bi n u se d th i s sto r y to a d a p t th e sm u r fs Alphatian Sea, slowly building to an
t o M y st a r a , se e h t t p : / / p a n d i u s. c o m / sm u r f . p d f


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

undeclared war (Author, Threshold issue #11) former size. The Sakhalin Empire collapses.
The Sebgir, Waros and the dwarves revolt
463 BC The hivebrood are united by the and Sakhalin break apart into squabbling
Controllers of Lleweryn in a Great Colony states (Biles).
325 BC The beholder city of Zelphim is
450 BC Great Wall of Chung built to stop destroyed by a combined attack of
Jennite raids (MOrient project). The Thoth- humanoids and humans, displaced after the
Ath gnolls build the Great Pyramid to fall of the Sakhalin Empire (Robin, Author).
preserve their knowledge and are aided by
Rathanos. They establish peaceful relations 300 BC Peaceful tanagogres, mostly
with the local Jennites (Novack). First unique followers of Sumag (Terra) leave Skothar for
creatures appear in Calengaer (Peronnet). the Arm of the Immortals (Canon). The war
between Alphatians and Milenians intensifies
392 BC King Tsen founds the realm of Hasa in the Dawn Sea and the Alphatians attack
in the Tangor mountains, unifying humans, Milenian cities on the Isle of Dawn, Alatian
rakasta and humanoids (M-Tibet from islands and Bellissaria. Alphatia occupies
MOrient project). Ochalea and the Pearl Islands. The Milenians
ally with or pay Tarystian, Traldar and
350 BC Chung isolationism lessens and Thyatian pirates to attack Alphatians (Author,
colonies are founded in other regions of Threshold issue #11).
Skothar (MOrient project). The Sakhalin
Empire has conquered the divided Waros 290 BC Alphatia plans a full conquest of all
kingdoms and become a mighty empire the Milenian colonies on the Isle of Dawn
which begins to exploit the creatures of the and starts to attack them. Attacks on the
Virik al Rigoon for their own benefit, powerful Milenian cities on Bellissaria have
especially the Rigoon al Asagir, whose shells less success (Author, Threshold issue #11)
can be used to make nearly indestructible
armour and weapons. The conquest is 220 BC In Calengaer the first cyme-raft to
quick and astonishing, reaching Jennite navigate over the trees is built (Peronnet).
lands and obtaining tributes from Chung
Eun and the God King Eryos of Tangi 210 BC Tritons escaping the devilfish settle
(Biles, Author). Orcs and goblins south of the Sea Kingdoms (PC2, Author)
Nentsun begin a terrible civil war which
ends with the defeat of the goblins and 200 BC Alphatians invade the lands of Jen,
exile of the green orcs, while the victorious driving the nomadic inhabitants back several
orcs create small nations which also accept hundred miles. The Alphatians call their
human settlers (Caroletti). new lands Esterhold and take Jennite slaves
(DotE). Alphatian magic in Esterhold interior
333 BC King Tekhmet of Sakhalin decides to lands leads to the spread of the Kukarachans,
destroy the Virik al Rigoon but thousands of large, semi-intelligent insects descended
Rigoon al Asagir sweep out of the forest, and from cockroaches (Daly, Gander). Eyvind, an
the Virik al Ragoon swell to several times its explorer of from the Antalian kingdom of


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

195 BC Alphatia completes the conquest of

Mileanian colonies in the southern Isle of
Dawn and Aeria, but Aegos resists and fights
back (Author, Threshold issue #11)

192 BC Alphatia conquers Thyatis and

attacks Mileanian cities in the southern
Alatians and Bellissaria. Milenia strikes back
ferociously in support of its colonies
(Author, Threshold issue #11).

188 BC Tangor troops attack the beholder

city of Kargash but are repelled (Robin).

167-153 BC Four Tangor kingdoms are

slowly united by Makala, a woman sorceress
and brilliant tactician, into the Sixth Empire
of Tangor (Caroletti).

151 BC Kingdom of Gan founded in the

Tangor Peninsula by Paesh people, later to
be known as the Land of a Thousands
Pagodas or Sian. (M-Myanmar in the MOrient
Ystmarhavn in Qeodhar, discover the warm project).
and sparsely inhabited southern coast of
Nentsun, and establish a colony, enslaving 141 BC Alphatian campaign in Bellissaria
the local population. The volcanic activity of conquers the western half of the island. Gaity
the Fiery Serpent Sea is greatly reduced by falls into Alphatian hands as well. Milenian
now. Due to the Nentsunian reaction, he forces resist in Aegos (Author, Threshold
ultimately fails in his ambitions of conquest issue #11).
and is succeeded by his wife, who releases all
the slaves and with firmness and treaties 123 BC A half-orc king known as Glashow
succeed in creating the kingdom of unifies the orc territories of Nentsun and
Højgylden (Sarikhan, Author, Caroletti). By conquers the Outer Circle. Glashow’s army
now in the eastern and northern fringes of soon revolts under his lieutenant Abdus
the Drakhaba al Kaloon there are many (Caroletti).
squabbling city states, much like the
southern region of the Waros, but slightly 113 BC The last surviving duke of Nentsun,
higher in technological level. Most of these Kewd the Hawk manages to restore pace to
states boast a handful of functional part of the lands, gives a central government
Blackmoorian devices, pried from ruins and to the Inner Circle and is crowned King. In
carefully maintained. The dwarves gain a the eastern conflicting lands, the Ursinians
powerful economic position (Biles). are able to restore peace, but most of the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

Outer Circle is dominated by brigands and 45 BC Now isolated from other Milenian
orc bands (Caroletti). lands, Aegos finally falls into Alphatian
hands. More refugees reach Minaea (Author).
104 BC Thanasis is the first Milenian colony
founded in Tarystia (Caroletti). 43 BC Sanka the Hawk of Nentsun founds
the Divine School of the Bear to train the ten
100 BC Minaea founded by Milenian masters needed to control the engines. No
colonists from Davania (Canon). The city of one remembered the existence of the
Minaea is founded after an agreement with engines, apart from the aristocrats
Tarystia to resist Alphatian encroachment in (Caroletti).
the region (Caroletti, Author). In the next
two decades from the decadent and
collapsing Milenian Empire waves of The last thousand years
refugees arrive in Bellissaria and join the
fight against Alphatians (Author). 0 AC A fire in the Temple of the
Remembrances in New Thonia destroys most
99 BC Milenians colonists settle Alchemos of the ancient Blackmoorian/Thonian relics
and eastern Bellissaria in large numbers that survived the Great Rain of Fire. Among
(Author, Khan). them there were the last ancient Thonian
coins known to Mystarans (DA1). First King
94 BC Green orcs of the Nentsun mountains of Muang crowned in the Tangor Bay (M-
descend to reconquer their ancestral lands, Thailand from the MOrient project). Thoth-
and the Outer Circle and the hill regions of Ath gnolls and Jennite raiders attack the
the south (known by now as Glashow's Alphatian settlements in Esterhold, almost
Desolation) are left in a state of chaos and driving them away from Skothar (Nowack).
instability (Caroletti). The Alphatians counterattack and overrun
and burn to the ground a Jennite settlement
90 BC Adunapolis is founded by Milenians in in the NW of the peninsula. They build their
Minaea (Caroletti, Author). own settlement called Sky-Fire (DotE). There
66 BC Alphatians attack in Bellissaria, are now five main kingdoms in West Tangor:
temporarily conquering Alchemos and the Tangor Empire, the Kingdom of Ubu, the
pushing Minaean forces to the eastern Kingdom of Mawuru, the Principality of
peninsulae (Khan, Author). Zambul and the Republic of Durhan
65 BC An Alphatian expedition is defeated
near Minaea by a combined Milenian and 10 AC Minaeans exploit Alphatian difficulties
Tarystian force, cementing the alliance to launch a campaign of conquest in
between the two people (Author). Bellissaria, and eventually take the western
and southern half of the island (Author).
50 BC The fall of Milenia brings other
refugees to Minaea (Author). 42 AC First Kukarachan attacks on Alphatian
colonies in Esterhold (Daly, Gander, Author)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

100 AC Macroblan the Tanagogre defeats the

giants and ogres ruling the Tangor range and
becomes an Immortal. The Kingdom of
Oblan is created. (Dalmonte, Author).

115 AC Dalya, an adventurer from

Rockhome, discovers the unnaturally warm
coast of Højgylden in Northern Skothar,
leading to a migration of dwarves, gnomes
and Ostlanders to Skothar (Sarikhan).

133 AC The dwarves and gnomes eventually

conquer the kingdom of Højgylden and
Dalya becomes Queen (Sarikhan).
200 AC Alliance between Thonia and the
135 AC In Nentsun the engines are emitting Jennites as Alphatian control increases in
radiations again: disgusted by the Esterhold (James Ruhland). In Minaea,
incompetence of the aristocrats, Kashang, Milenian and Tarystian cultures have blended
Baron of Wolven, raises an army of Outer by now: the Milenians, who had taken with
Circle mercenaries, and conquers the them the technology, magics and
Kingdom of Vixen. Kashang reunifies several architecture of their homelands, are
kingdoms, and re-organizes the engine gradually absorbed into the piratical, warlike
control, creating another school of fighting, Tarystian way of life, abandoning their old
the Sacred School of Nentsun, to help the patriarchal ways for the egalitarian Tarystian
efforts of the Divine School of the Bear. He attitude (Fan Almanacs). In Højgylden
tells the population that the reasons for the gnomes have developed greenhouses and
prosperity of the land were the dangerous the printing press. Trade with Alphatia
engines, that he called "Unholy Devices of flourishes, but the Empire plans a conquest
Blekmur, things which caused the first of the prosperous small kingdom (Sarikhan).
destruction of an Empire in
Nentsun"(Caroletti). 219 AC Kingdom of Ubu conquered by the
Seventh Tangor Empire, refugees found the
150 AC The Silver Khan of Haca is killed by city state of Akuba in eastern Minaea
dragons and the realm falls (Author). First (Caroletti).
gondolfière built in Calengaer (Peronnet).
227 AC Refugees from the Kingdom of
179 AC Dalya abdicates in Højgylden and the Mawuru, conquered by the Seventh Tangor
Sisterhood of Kuldana is created as guardians Empire, reach Akuba (Caroletti).
of the realm (Sarikhan).
238 AC Alphatian forces led by general
193-194 AC In West Tangor the Republic of Neroli conquer Højgylden (Sarikhan).
Durhan is conquered by Zambul (Caroletti).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

243 AC Some Mawurans build the city of the aggressive attitude of the neighbouring
Batu Fomba. The only other Tangor kingdom Seventh Tangor Empire (Caroletti).
to remain independent from the Empire is
the mountain Principate of Zambul 335-336 AC Minaea's victory over the
(Caroletti). Seventh Tangor Empire (Caroletti).

252 AC As Alphatian forces are sent to 353 AC Four Alphatian wizards become the
Ylaruam, the Sisterhood of Kuldana stages a rulers of the Tarystian city of Lendar in
rebellion in Højgylden and frees the country Minaea and rename it Leontion. Piracy
from Alphatian control, but some Alphatians against Alphatia ceases in the region and the
remain in the kingdom and are accepted as city begins to trade with Alphatia (Caroletti).
citizens (Sarikhan).
354 AC A coalition of Minaean cities attack
260 AC Højgylden develops small airships Leontion but fails to conquer it. The four
and establishes trade with Nentsun and ruling wizards sign a peace treaty, promising
Thonia, creating also the colony of Bajreve in not to become an Alphatian Imperial base in
former humanoid territories to the east Minaea (Author).
360 AC Tension decreases between
270 AC Diplomatic contacts between Højgylden and Alphatia and trade resumes
Højgylden and Thorin do not go well, almost (Sarikhan).
leading to war between the two nations
(Sarikhan). 374 AC King Rikyudy of Wolven destroys the
rakastan city of Zeshuita and enslaves the
296 AC Kukarachans have become common population to possess the local silver mines.
and numerous in the interior of Esterhold, Many other Nentusian states, enraged by the
harassing both Jennites and Alphatians. The brutal conclusion of the siege, declared war
Alphatians try to exterminate them, but are on Wolven (Caroletti).
only partially successful (Daly, Gander,
Author) 393 AC A kukarachan swarm time endangers
Alphatians and Jennites in Esterhold until
300 AC The huge red dragon who will put down by massive Alphatian intervention
become Pearl rules over Haca and later (Gander, Author)
conquers Chung Eun too (Codex Immortalis,
Threshold issue #9). Højgylden skyships 400 AC Højgylden skyships discover the
discover the undead followers of Hel of the northern entry to the Hollow World and after
Burning Spires Mountain Range, but the some failed expeditions, succeed in
Sisterhood of Kuldana stops any plan to contacting some Antalian and Beastmen
destroy them (Sarikhan). tribes (Sarikhan).

335 AC Several Tarystian-Minaean cities 411 AC The Nentusunian leader known as

decide to create a league in order to resist Warchild creates a theocratic Confederation


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

of 12 states over the entire Nentsun region, 530 AC Thonia threatens to invade
each assigned to one of the 12 Immortals of Højgylden but eventually desists (Sarikhan).
the Nentsunian pantheon (Caroletti).
536-539 AC Minaea loses a war with the
439-446 AC The Seventh Tangor Empire northern Kingdom of Hastwr over the
attacks eastern Minaea (Caroletti) control of the cities of Dool and Durke (Fan
445 AC Akuba is conquered by the Seventh
Tangor Empire (Caroletti). 543 AC A swarm of kukarachans hits
Esterhold. The Alphatians obtain the
467 AC Tangor tribes attack the beholder cooperation of Jennite tribes to fight the
city of Kargash but are defeated (Robin) insects (Gander, Author).

500 AC In north eastern Skothar a powerful 554 AC City of Vidruntos founded in Minaea
Waros leader, Nimrod the Great, conquers (Caroletti)
the Sebgir and begins to exploit the Rigoon
al Asagir to arm his troops. While he is about 575 AC Micael Scryv, high priest of the Wind
to conquer the remnants of the Sakhalin of Nentsun raises an army from the Outer
states the Rigoon al Asagir attack much of the Circle, conquers the city of Wolven and kills
Sebgir lands. The Waros emperor is slain, the Alsun, King of Wolven, then he proclaims the
Sebgir come close to extinction, and the Outer Circle free of the Inner (Caroletti).
Virik al Ragoon reaches the border of the
Waros lands (Biles). 581 AC Minaea grants independence to its
colony of Erineos (Caroletti).
502 AC Minaeans settle the colony of
Erineos (Caroletti). 590 AC Alphatia attacks Milenian cities in
Bellissaria, almost conquering all the island
510 AC Gemstone dragons return to Skothar, (Author).
slowly gaining dominance again in the
continent and establishing the Council of the 595 AC Minaeans intervene in Bellissaria,
Six Great Dragons, a Huge Crystal in defeating the Alphatians who have to retreat to
Nentsun, a Huge Ruby in the Thonian Range, the line of Aaslin (Author, Threshold issue #11).
a Huge Onyx in Minaea, a Huge Sapphire in
Esterhold, a Huge Jade in the Tangor Bay and 633-42 AC Great slave revolt in the
a Huge Amber in the Tangor Chain hivebrood kingdom of Lleweryn. It takes
(Dragonlord trilogy, Threshold issue #9). nearly ten years for the insectoids to again
take control of the goblins, many of whom
523 AC The recently formed Nentsunian manage to flee into the mountains. This
confederation is split into twelve dominions leads to increasing tensions with Zambul,
and soon descendants of the ancient families who accuse them of raids (Caroletti).
are back on the thrones. The leadership of the
Inner Circle, result in malcontent and hostility 645-67 AC Tangor and Lleweryn conquest
in the regions of the Outer Circle (Caroletti). Zambul after a long war. Empress Zaila the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

Ruthless of Tangor donates all the prisoners Author). Tanagoro sea raiders begin to harass
of Durhanian language as slaves to the the coast of Waros, and eventually the Taylin
hivebrood in exchange for the complete Tanagoro conquer all the coast. Some of the
sovereignty over Zambul (663). Disgusted by nobles of the Waros kingdoms escape to the
the political move of the Empress, several northwest, and join with the remains of the
nobles and cities revolt, but the Empress Sebgir in the western and northern fringes of
crushes them (667) (Caroletti). the Drakhaba al Kaloon. These become
known as the 'Valley Kingdoms', and are soon
649 AC Refugees from Zambul settle the forced to swear fealty to the 'Taylin
Tarystian city of Serenia in Minaea, in a Heptarchy', a collection of seven kingdoms
territory claimed by Adunapolis (Caroletti). dominated by a Tanagoro-derived ruling class
and led by the High King of the Taylin (Biles).
652 AC Adunapolis attacks Serenia but fails
to take the city. The on and off war will 701 AC Emperor Swahimi of Tangor sets a
continue for decades (Caroletti). plebiscite in the provinces of Durhan and
Zambul, allowing the population to choose
671-674 AC Empress Zaila is poisoned by whether to become independent or remain in
her fourth husband, who seizes the throne the Empire. Durhan chooses independence,
to rescue the hivebrood slaves. The Zambul remains in the Empire (Caroletti).
hivebrood go eastward and invade the Kukarachan swarms hit Alphatian colonies all
kingdom of Rathasia, weakening it greatly. over Esterhold, forcing the local rulers to ask
The new Emperor, Vamoro III, is thus able for the help of the Empire to face the menace.
to conquer it (Caroletti). Another purge of the creatures is done, but is
not resolutive (Gander).
681 AC The hivebrood conquer the Duchy
of Cymru, and stop there, using the human 703 AC Beautification project by the
population as broodlings (Caroletti). Alphatian emperor in the Alatian islands
leads to more Milenian refugees arriving in
690 AC The merchant organization known Bellissaria and Minaea (Guerra, Author)
as the Ant is founded in Tangor to trade with
the hivebrood and only they are allowed to 708-715 AC A great plague spreads terror in
enter their domains (Caroletti). Nentsun, orc raids increase in the Outer
Circle which is almost abandoned (Caroletti).
693 AC Dwarves exiled from Thorin found 720 AC A mysterious figure who calls
the city of Dain-Karak in Minaea (Caroletti). himself 'the Holy Emperor' appears in the
lands of the Sakhaba (the human survivors
700 AC Chung Eun by this time has absorbed of the fallen Sakhalin Empire), with a great
the Tangi empire, but their southern knowledge of Blackmoor's secrets (Biles).
commercial port is sacked by Alphatians,
provoking a time of isolationism in the 721-722 AC The minotaur cities of Erech
eastern empire and eventually the and Sinbay pillaged by orcs and savage
independence of Tangi (MOrient project, minotaurs. (Caroletti).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

723-725 AC Nentsun is invaded by giant The new kingdom is called Lamu (Caroletti).
butterflies of mysterious origin whose grubs The Iliifari elves from Alphatia settle the
damage the land until the creatures are Outer Circle of Nentsun after chasing away
repelled (Caroletti). some local orc tribes (Caroletti).

725 AC Alphatian forces complete the

conquest of Bellissaria (Author, Threshold
issue #11)

728-31 AC Hjika the orc conquers the

rakasta kingdom of Einikushagi but soon his
troops rebel against him (Caroletti).

730 AC The pirate Arkali, famous for many

victories against Alphatians, deposes the
democratic government of Minaea and
becomes king, starting his dynasty,
exploiting the fear of an Alphatian invasion.
A Minaean attack on Bellissaria, at the same
time as a Thyatian attack on the Alatians, is
repelled by Alphatia (Caroletti, Author).
Some Filwarf dwarves from the Isle of Dawn
reach Minaea (Author, Caroletti, Theisen).
745 AC The Holy Empire of Sakhaba is born
738 AC Minaea defeats the orcs and savage and the city of New Sakhalin rises on the
minotaurs and King Arkali reforms the League ruins of the old (Biles).
as a Confederacy of Thirteen cities and
kingdoms, including the minotaur cities of 794 AC The Demonettes ally themselves
Erech and Sinbay. Serenia and Adunapolis with the governor of Ekleke, and begin to
finally settle on a truce. (Caroletti). Leontion prepare the city to regain its independence
joins the Confederacy, and the four Alphatian from the Tangor Empire (Caroletti).
wizard rulers swear fealty to Minaea, but they
maintain peaceful trade relations with 800 AC The five cities of Calengaer have
Alphatia (Author). Hjika is killed by the orc founded numerous forester villages on the
revolt, the rest of Nentsun defeats the orcs canopy. Cyme-rafts and gondolfières travel
and Einikushugi is resettled by rakasta, but the valley (Peronnet).
the orcs who had abandoned the savage ways
are accepted in the area (Caroletti). 811 AC Thanasis creates the colony of Ire as
a base to attack the Tangor Empire
742 AC Several Dark Goblin tribes of the (Caroletti, Author).
mountains are conquered and united by a
weird race of female humanoids that call 814-816 AC Third Tangor War between
themselves Demonettes, exiled from Zyxl. Minaea and the New Tangor Empire. Ire


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

joins the Minaean Confederacy as an 900 AC Dalung-quo, the Empire of the Great
independent city (Caroletti). Dragon or new Empire of the Great Khan is
founded in the central plains of Skothar by
816 AC Akuba freed from the New Tangor the ancient dragon Wei Huang Long. He
Empire by the Minaean Confederacy, defeats soon creates an army of Dragonchildren
an attack from the city of Batu-Fomba. The (Author, Burns). The Heptarchy of Taylin and
Mawuran city of Ekleke manages to gain the Holy Empire of Sakhaba come into
independence. Black-men from Batu-Fomba contact around the fringes of the Virik al
organise a political coup to bring the city Ragoon but neither is able to wage a truly
into the Confederation, but it is foiled by a successful war (Biles).
young adventurer named Dabo. He is
crowned King of the city (Caroletti). 912 AC Alphatia finally contains the Jennite
raids and founds the port settlement of
823 AC The 80 year old Alphatian wizard Bo- Anchorage in northern Esterhold, as a way
Keem Marid is believed killed during an station between Faraway and Skyfyr (PWA III,
expedition in Esterhold, but he just found Author)
another world, Argain, and began to conquer
it (Taylor). Demonettes begin to infiltrate the 915 AC The port of Rock Harbor is founded
human population of Ekleke (Caroletti). by Alphatia on the Southeastern shore of
Esterhold to increase trade (PWA III).
840 AC Højgylden defeats an invasion of
humanoids and giants and enslaves them in 917 AC A green orc attack is crushed by
the Læggenkul mine (Sarikhan, Author). Minaea at the Battle of Adunapolis (Caroletti).

850 AC The huge red dragon which will 934 AC The city of Dool revolts and leaves
become Pearl becomes an Immortal and the Kingdom of Hastwr, joining the
leaves central Skothar (Dalmonte). His Confederacy of Minaea (Fan Almanacs).
actions involuntarily wake a great ancient
grey dragon which will take the name of Wei 949 AC The elf Skaarn became the first non-
Huang Long (Author, Threshold issue #9). human Master in Nentsunian history
890 AC Hivebrood attack the beholder city of
Kargash but fail to conquer it (Robin). A great 950 AC Zyxl sends its warriors to start a
swarm of kukarachan attack Esterhold and is trade in gems with Gombar and Suma’a
driven back by the Alphatians in the lands of (Dragon Magazine #200, Author)
Jen, where they are eventually destroyed 964 AC Batu Fomba is raided by people
after a large war (Gander). from Akuba (Caroletti).
895 AC In retaliation for the kukarachan
invasion, the Jennites of Jen support the 967-8 AC Batu Fomba and the Tangor
tribes of Esterhold in attacks against the Empire's city of Ungkha ally themselves
Alphatians, years of raids and wars begin against Akuba. The city is conquered and
which often see the Alphatians in serious split in two parts: one controlled by the
difficulties (Author). Governor of Ungkha and the other by the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

Ruling Council of Batu Fomba (Caroletti). bringing about a new age of peace (Biles).

976 AC In Nentsun the elven King Vidaar is 1,004 AC Eruption near the beholder city of
slain mysteriously in the forest. Rakasta are Kargash, which is not directly damaged
blamed and tension rises with the elves until (Robin).
it is discovered it was a plot by a paranoid elf
(Caroletti). 1,010 AC Xanthus of Skyfyr begins to act as
an independent king in Esterhold (PWA I)
981 AC Akuba regains independence and
becomes a democratic government with the 1,012 AC Xanthus is defeated by Alphatian
support of Minaea (Caroletti). and Jennite forces in Esterhold. (PWA III)

990 AC The lost Nithian city of Mizpeh is 1,013 AC The New Alphatian Council names
discovered by the Kassites, a tribe of Favian Vern as King of Blackrock. King
Tanagoro and Jennites, who almost conquer Favian’s first act is to declare all Jennites of
it but are eventually repelled (Taylor). Esterhold to be free citizens. (Fans Almanac).

993 AC The Alphatian wizard Bo-Keem 1,017 AC Thyatian-Minrothaddan Skothar

Marid, on his path to Immortality and set to expedition prepares in Beitung, Ochalea
invade Skothar with an army of improved (Fans Almanac)
kobolds, the boor, is temporarily defeated by
adventurers (Taylor). 1,018 AC Minrothad traders and the
Thyatian-Minrothaddan expedition reaches
1,000 AC Zelphim in Northern Skothar is Jennite lands in Esterhold (Fans Almanac).
resettled by a small number of beholders
(Robin). Rumors abound in north eastern 1,019 AC The Thyatian-Minrothaddan
Skothar of the birth of a Holy Messenger, expedition reaches Minaea, establishing
sent by the Immortals to finally bring peace good relations with the Confederation (Fans
between humans and the Virik al Ragoon, Almanac).
who will unite the lands and cleanse them,
Early History Blackmoor

“History And Evolution Of Rakastas” by “The Age of Blackmoor” by James Mishler

Simone Neri “An Extended Blackmoor Timeline” by
“A Timeline of the Oltec Man” by Átila Pires LoZompatore
dos Santos and Giampaolo Agosta “Legend of Uhlmar the Elf-King” by Håvard
“Ethnographic History of Mystara” by Giulio “The Maiden’s timeline in Blackmoor” by
Caroletti, Geoff Gander and Giampaolo Rafael
Agosta “Age of the Wolf”, vapourware Blackmoor 4th
“Codex Immortalis” by Marco Dalmonte ed products
“Lhomarr: The Land, Its People, and Their “3000 BC, Under the Great Rain of Fire” by
History” by Geoff Gander Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar

“Skothar Overview” by Håvard Other lands of Skothar

Blackmoor Regional Maps by Håvard
Atlas of Skothar from the Fan Almanacs
Thonia “Calengaer, the green ocean” by Frédéric
“Hail Thonia!” by JTR from Threshold “Ist Campaign” and “Boor” by Neal Taylor
Magazine issue #12 “Kingdom of Højgylden (pronounced
Thonia articles on the Vaults of Pandius by Hoygilden)” by Isabelle Sarikhan
James Ruhland, Aaron Novack and others “Drakhaba al Kaloon” by John Walter Biles
“The Thoth-Ath Gnolls” by Aaron Nowack Giulio Caroletti’s work on Nentsun

Oriental Skothar Tangor and Minaea

“Skothar Overview” by Håvard “Tanagoro Timeline” by Håvard

“Mystaran Orient Project” “Thoughts on the post Rain of Fire Tanagoro
“Dalung-quo, the Empire of the Great Migrations” by DJ Hartel
Dragon” by Francesco Defferrari (Sturm) “Oltec Timeline” and Maps of the Known
“Who’s Who in the Wyrmsteeth part 2” by World before and after the GRoF by JTR
Francesco Defferrari (Sturm) from Threshold Giulio Caroletti’s work on Tangor
Magazine issue #9 Steven Wilson’s work on Arica
Giulio Caroletti’s work on Minaea and
Dwarves and other races Minotaurs
Map of Minaea by Francesco Defferrari
“The (Not So) Young races, a guide to (Sturm)
Dwarves and Gnomes” by Giulio Caroletti
from Threshold Magazine issue #14 Bellissaria and the Alphatian Sea
“Shimmering Lands” by John Calvin
“Lost Immortals: Tilla” by Ripvanwormer “The Minaean Affair” by Jamuga Khan
“Demihumans of Skothar” by Rodger Burns “Expedition to the Great Southland” by
“Kargash: Beholder City” by Robin and the Captain Ebenezum
expanded article in this issue (#20) of “Alphatian Rulers since Landfall” by Jennifer
Threshold magazine. Guerra
“The Kukarachans” by Jeff Daly and Geoff “History of the Filwarves” by Andrew
Gander Theisen and “Birth of the Filwarf Dwarves”
“The castle of the Inoqs” by LoZompatore by Giulio Caroletti
“The Sea of Steam and the Farend Ocean” by


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

by Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)

Introduction SKOTHAR IN 7,050 BC

Following the previous timeline of Skothar,
here is a brief description of the people and At this time Lhomarr dominates southeastern
nations of the continent of Skothar. I have Davania, while the rival reptilian empire of
placed on the map all the available canon and Y’hog dominates the northwest of the
fan information, even if, in some cases, I have continent1. Skothar is only marginally
arbitrarily decided the position and borders involved in this conflict as Lhomarrians, once
of nations of which no map ever existed. All almost completely expelled from the
the rest is my creation as specified in the text continent by ancient Jennites, Tanagoro,
below. Obviously this is meant only as a reptilians and rakasta attacks, have now
possible inspiration for Dungeon Masters created several colonies in the regions of
wishing to set a campaign on Skothar as not modern Minaea and Esterhold. Y’hog has
everyone may wish to use the cultures and tried to harass these colonies by helping and
the nations described. To outline the history funding local reptilian people (mostly
of Skothar I have created political maps of lizardmen, gatormen and frogfolk), with only
the continent in four different times: 7,050 partial success.
BC, at the time of Lhomarr, 4,000 BC at the
rise of Blackmoor, 2,300 BC after the Great What follows is a description of the labels in
Rain of Fire and 1,000 AC, the present time the map in alphabetical order. Names in red
for most original Mystara products. are human populations, while names in
purple are non-human populations. If the
nation was present in canon or fan material,
the name of the author is indicated and more
details can be found in the previous article,
the Timeline of Skothar. If the nation is my
original creation, it is indicated as (New). The

1 Lhomarr and Y’hog are creations of Geoff

G a n d e r, s e e “ L h o m a r r : T h e L a n d , I t s P e opl e ,
a n d T h e i r H i s t o r y” in the Va u l ts


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

same tag is also added to some fan nations Afridhi: These people should just have
of which I have expanded the original formed from Vantalian Neathars which
description here and in the Timeline. The mixed with local Jennite Oltecs, see previous
names referenced in parenthesis are those of article (Canon, New).
the authors whose articles have already been
linked in the previous article about the Ailusti: A land inhabited by an unique race
Timeline of Skothar. often confused with rakasta, possibly a
hengeyokai breed, or related to the
Mythu’nn folk of Brun. Inspired by the
Ailuridae family [source] (New).

Bayasta: A neologism coined by me for the

Bay rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta
[source] (New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Beastmen: In canon their origin is given at age have already settled the Sea Kingdoms
5,000 BC, but I would consider them much (Threshold issue #9, New)
more ancient creatures. In Blackmoor d20
they can resemble apes, badgers, bears, Dwarves: The first dwarves from Brun and
bisons, boars, bulls, dogs, goats, weasels, Alphatia should have reached Skothar
wolves, or wolverines, making them possibly around this time, slowly moving toward the
related to canon neshezu, minotaurs, region of Blackmoor (Canon).
goatmen, lupins, or hengeyokai (see below).
Otherwise, in this age they could also be Elves: Mentioned in this time in Blackmoor
substituted by cryions or rakasta. (Blackmoor setting sources. They could have recently
3th ed, New). arrived from Evergrun in Davania and also be
present in other areas of the continent
Caracasta: A canon breed of rakasta which in (Canon, Havard, Threshold issue #10).
this age still lives in the plains of Skothar:
[source] (Heard, Neri, New). Faenare: Canon creatures which in this age
are common in all the eastern mountains of
Chirost: Northern cold lands inhabited by Skothar (Canon, New).
bat-like creatures, inspired by the cryion race
which appears in the AC9 and 1993 Creature Fairy folk: In this age, the most ancient
Catalogues (New). forests of the continent are still inhabited by
fairy folk, wild and often feared by humans
Deres: Nomadic humans descended from and rakasta. The region is also inhabited by
Jennites and Kho-Tanagoro. In this age they hengeyokai (badgerfolk, cranefolk, foxfolk,
have probably not domesticated the horse harefolk, hedgehogfolk, monkeyfolk,
yet (Biles). ostrichfolk, pangolinfolk, ratfolk,
sparrowfolk, spiderfolk), possibly breeds of
Drivi: A nation of Tanagoro humans loosely aranea, gyerians, lupins and pooka, or
inspired by ancient India or by Viridistan in unknown types of faeries (New).
the Wilderlands setting. Also inhabited by
sherkasta, pachydermions and other rakasta Gatormen: These people inhabit many
breeds (New). swamp regions of the Tangor Gulf in this
age, often ruling over lizardmen, frogfolk and
Dunharian: Mystaran Celts, a branch of even rakasta. Y’hog agents are trying to
Neathars. Some of them will settle the Isle of influence them and push them to Outer
Dawn and several regions of Brun, like Being worship (Canon, Gander, New).
Robrenn. Also inspired by the Ethnographic
History of Mystara. The group living in Giant Kingdoms: competing giant jarls and
Skothar at this time worship the local fairy kingdoms of cloud, storm, frost, mountain,
folk. hill and fire giants dominate many regions of
northernmost Skothar in this age (New).
Dwa: A branch of Tanagoro humans loosely
inspired by Melanesian people which by this


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Giants: The mountains of Skothar in this age

are inhabited by many giants, mainly
mountain and cloud giants (New).

Golcasta: A neologism coined by me for the

Golden rakasta, a variety of the domestic
rakasta inhabiting eastern Skothar: [source]

Gyerians: A huge variety of gyerian breeds

roam in this age the plains and forests of
Skothar: from ostrich gyerians to crow
gyerians, also known as kenku, thrushes,
woodpeckers, hornbills, parrots, pelicans, Khar: A nation formed by humans descended
storks, ibises, flamingos, pheasants and of Jennites and Lhomarrians, could be
cranes, gyerians comes in all shapes, colours inspired by Karak in the Wilderlands setting.
and sizes. And they are not the only Inhabited also by pardasta, other rakasta and
intelligent bird like creatures around, as hengeyokai (New).
hsiao too are common in the woods, harpies
in the hills and faenare in the mountains of Kna, Shark-kin, Kopru: Canon creatures
Skothar (Canon, New). which inhabit the underwater regions of the
Sea Kingdoms in this age. Possibly a limited
Harim: A nation created by the Harimau- number of merrows and sea giants are also
Belang sherkasta, i.e. the southern sherkasta settling in the region by now (Canon, New).
breed. (Heard, Neri, New).
Jen: The land of the Jennites, which in this
Herpesta: A neologism coined by me for a age have not yet domesticated the horse and
people inspired by the mongoose: [source] are just beginning to keep auroch cattle.
which could be superficially similar to the Many of them still live in a forest
Jorri of the Savage Coast (New). environment (Canon, New).

Hivebrood: These canon insect-like Jen-Cirk: an offshoot of Jennites which

creatures have been fought and almost travelled far north and mixed with local
exterminated both by humans and rakasta, Neathar. Inspired by the real world
but have not been completely eradicated Circassian people [source]) and by the
(Canon, New). nation of Cirkhosia, mentioned in the
Blackmoor setting (Havard, New).
Ibussa: A nation ruled by the Ibu Tanagoro
created by JTR, also with a sizable rakasta and Jen-Kha: A branch of Jennites related to the
Mawa population (New). kingdom of Khar, but not subject to it (New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Jen-Yal: Jennite people which will become Marmocasta: A neologism coined by me for
the ancestors of the Yalu people of Brun, the the Marbled rakasta, a variety of the domestic
Huleans and other related populations, as rakasta which lives all around the Tangor
mentioned in A Timeline of the Oltec Man bay: [source] (New).
(dos Santos, Agosta).
Mawa: A Oltec descended people created by
Jen-Wan: A branch of the Jennites who have me as partial ancestors of the Makai, Pearl
settled on the rivers of eastern Skothar and Island natives and inhabitants of the Sea
will originate the nation of Wa, later to Kingdoms, inspired by Polynesian people
become Chung Eun Empire (MOrient, New). (Threshold issue #5, #9, #11, New).

Juncasta: A neologism coined by me for the Musti: A neologism coined by me for a

Jungle rakasta, a variety of the domestic people inspired by Asian martens: [source]
rakasta common in this age in the Tangor which could be related to the Jorri of the
area [source] (New). Savage Coast (Threshold issue #18, New).

Lhomarrians: People of mixed Maharian Neathar: In this age more Neathar people
and Oltec descent. Several independent inhabit the region which will become
Lhomarrian city states are here, occasionally modern Thonia. Lyncasta and fairy folk are
harassed by lizardmen and gatormen. The also probably present in the area. These
region is also inhabited by gyerians and Neathar could be Dunharians or Vantalians
some sherkasta (Gander, New). or Maharian (Southern Neathar, from
Ethnographic History of Mystara), or a bit of
Lyncasta: A neologism coined by me to all, and also mixed with Valoin (Oltecs).
indicate the canon Lynxman rakasta. They
are quite numerous in this age in the Nebasta: A neologism coined by me for the
temperate northern area of Skothar, but canon Cloud Pardasta which in this age
divided in clans and small tribes (Heard, should inhabit many mountains of southern
Neri, New). and eastern Skothar: [source] (Heard, Neri).

Macaze: A neologism created by me for a Nor: A nation of Tanagoro humans with

race inspired by the Asian macaque: [source] some Jennite blood, loosely inspired by
which could be related to the canon ancient Nubia or Ghinor in the Wilderlands
Neshezu of the Savage Coast (Canon, setting (New).
Threshold issue #18, New).
Orazu: A neologism coined by me for a race
Manusta: A neologism for the Manul rakasta, inspired by orangutans: [source] which
a variety of the domestic rakasta [source] could be related to the canon Neshezu of the
which in this age is common in central Savage Coast (Canon, Threshold issue #18,
Skothar (New). New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Ota-Wa: A neologism coined by me for a Sherkasta and Tagh: The Tagh Sherkasta
variant breed of the Omm-wa of the Savage have created their own nation in the
Coast inspired by Eared seals: [source] mountains of north central Skothar. Not all
(Threshold issue #18, New). the sherkasta have joined the nation, and
some still live in independent families and
Pachydermion: Even if most of them have clans (Heard, Neri, New).
already emigrated to Patera, a sizable
population of pachydermions still live in the Sicista: A neologism for the Skotharian
region (Canon, Agosta, Neri). mountain rakasta, a variety of the domestic
rakasta common in northeastern Skothar:
Pardasta: A breed of rakasta which is [source] (New).
common in Central Skothar (Heard, Neri).
Simbasta: The Skotharian breed of the
Pardista: A neologism for the Leopard cat Simbasta [source] (New).
rakasta, a small breed of the Pardasta
[source] (New). Skandaharians: Antalian people mentioned
in the Blackmoor setting, ancestors of the
Peshwah: These people are described in Antalians of northern Brun. In this age the
canon Blackmoor material and should be Skandaharians have not built yet their
related to the Jennite Oltecs. In this age they longships and are divided into competing
could be the first to domesticate the horse clans (Canon, various fan works).
(Canon, New).
Spardasta: A neologism I have created for the
Pricasta: A neologism coined by me for the canon Snow Pardasta created by Bruce Heard
Fishing rakasta, Flat-headed rakasta and in the article Rakasta of Mystara which
Rusty rakasta: [source], small local varieties appeared on Dragon Magazine #247 in May
of the domestic rakasta (New). 1998. In this age they mostly inhabit the
mountains of northern Skothar (Heard, Neri).
Reptilians (north): In this age the region
which will become Blackmoor is dominated Ta-Ibu: a branch of the Tanagoro humans
by lizardmen, gatormen and frogfolk, as created by JTR, could be related to the Karimari
mentioned in Blackmoor d20 material which ended up in southern Brun (JTR, New).
Ta-Janbu: A Tanagoro population which will
Reptilians (Minaean coast): In this age this rise to prominence in the region after learning
region is inhabited by lizardmen, gatormen, to produce metal tools and weapons (JTR).
frogfolk and dragons, influenced by Y’hog
against the Lhomarrians (Gander, New). Ta-Kho: Tanagoro humans of the northern
plains, who have recently domesticated the
Sancasta: A neologism for the Sand rakasta, auroch. Inspired by Khoisan people [source]
a small variety of the domestic rakasta: (JTR, New).
[source] (New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

inspired by the Ethnographic History of

Mystara (Caroletti, Gander, Agosta, New).

Vantalian: More Vantalian people inhabit

the central forests, divided in tribes and clans

Vivesta: A neologism coined by me for a race

inspired by Asian civets and bearcats:
[source], a people often confused with a
rakasta breed but not related to rakasta
beyond a slightly similar appearance (New).
Tangor: The area inhabited by the Tanagoro
humans and a first nucleus of the nation of Wilcasta: A neologism for the Steppe
Tangor, later to become the first Tangor rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta
Empire (Canon, Mishler, New). adapted to life in the steppes of central
Skothar [source] (New).
Ta-Sakus: Tanagoro humans which will later
create the Kingdom of Saku, loosely inspired Yevan: A Vantalian (Mystaran Slavs) people
by ancient Kush: [source] (JTR). which will originate the Yevo people of
Brun, ancestor of the Empire of Zuyevo
Tenat: A nation of Lhomarrians and Jennites, created by Adrian Mattias [source] (Mattias,
Lenap of the Wilderlands setting could be Threshold issue #9).
used as inspiration. Inhabited also by rakasta
and gyerians (New). Zyxl: In this age the northeastern island is
very big and inhabited mostly by gyerians,
Thonia: The nation of Thonia has just been faenare, cloud pardasta and some hivebrood.
formed, ruled by the High Thonians, an The other eastern islands are also inhabited
Antalian people, but mainly inhabited by by other rakasta breeds and by some
Common Thonians, usually of Vantalian or lizardmen, gatormen, chameleon men,
Maharian Neathar descent. Fairy folk are also tortles and crabmen.
present in the nation (Canon).

Tin’a: A matriarchal nation of Lhomarrians

and Jennites, Tarantis of the Wilderlands
setting could be used as inspiration. Also
inhabited by rakasta and gyerians (New).

Vani: A nation of Valoin humans (Mystaran

Ugro-Finns) which have special relations
with local fairies and some rakasta accepted
in their communities, created by me but


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar


At this time Blackmoor has gained

independence from the Thonian Empire and As above, what follows is a description of the
will begin its rise to power, mostly thanks to labels in the map in alphabetical order.
the technomagic items developed after Names in red are human populations, while
contact with the alien visitors of the F.S.S names in purple are non-human
Beagle starship. Elves, gnomes, dwarves and populations. When borders are present, this
hin have arrived in Skothar, but rakasta and means there is a structured nation (with a
other non-human populations are still quite recognizable leader and a government),
numerous in the interior of the continent. In while if borders are omitted this means the
the following millenium up to the Great Rain population is divided in tribes or groups,
of Fire of 3,000 BC Blackmoor will become competing or not.
more and more powerful and the Beastmen
Crusades will often target not only the
beastmen but also several other non-human
races, shrinking their number and territories
all over the continent.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

fridhi: The territory conquered by the Grakan: Dragons secretly rule here over
growing Afridhi Empire, including the lizardmen and gatormen subjects (New).
former Valelands, the Duchy of Ten and the
Peshwah lands of western Hak (Canon). Harang: The realm of the Harimau-Belang
sherkasta has become bigger too (New).
Avalon: A realm of fairy folk, dragons,
hengeyokai and rakasta, inspired by Hin: By this time halflings should have
Arthurian myths. Valon from the Wilderlands reached Skothar from Davania, settling in
setting could also be used for this region different regions around Thonia and
(New). Blackmoor (Canon, Dalmonte).

Beastmen: In this time, beastmen have Ibussa: This nation has grown by this time
spread in almost all the northern and central and dominate eastern Tangor (New).
regions of Skothar, menacing both humans
and other races (Canon). Jen-Zu and Jen-Ro: The northern,
patriarchal Jennite population is now
Blackmoor: Blackmoor as described in the dominated by followers of Zugzul and in
DA series and the namesake setting. The competition with the southern matriarchal
Kingdom of Blackmoor also includes sizable Jennites, dominated by Ordana, a conflict
populations of dwarves, gnomes, elves and begins to unfold that anticipates and mirrors
halflings and other creatures such as the one between followers of Tarastia and
beastmen, ash goblins, lizardmen, gatormen Rathanos after the Great Rain of Fire (New).
and frogfolk (Canon).
Khar: This nation has grown extensively by
Coot: Territory of the mysterious Egg of now (New).
Coot, inhabited by his thralls of many races,
from frogfolk and beastmen to many others Lhoman: A nation of loosely allied cities,
(Canon). descended from Lhomarrians which however
have almost forgotten their old empire
Detran: A nation of Lhomarrians and Jennites (Gander, New).
which has a sizable population of tieflings.
Inspired by the Demon Empires of the Lhotec: In modern Esterhold, descendants
Wilderlands setting and by the fact that of Lhomarrians have now mixed with Oltec
Blackmoor 4th ed setting had tieflings (New). people from the Alphatian sea (Canon,
Dalmonte, New).
Drivi: This kingdom has grown, often
competing with Harang and Nor (New). Lum: A powerful city state, descended from
Lhomarrian people, who control trade in the
Frisia and Rhun: Antalian inhabited nations, region (JTR).
later to be conquered by Eastern
Skandaharians (Havard, Canon). Lyncasta: The growth of human kingdoms
and the Thonian Empire in particular has


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

pushed the lynxmen rakasta to the north of

the continent. (Heard, Neri).

Nor: This realm too has grown, competing

with Tangor for control of the region (New).

Peaks: Duchy of the Peaks, inhabited by

humans of Thonian origin but including
slaves of all races, see the article dedicated to
it in this issue of Threshold ((#20) Canon).

Peshwah: Eastern Hak, inhabited by the

Peshwah, now allied with Thonia against the
Afridhi expansion (Canon).

Satum: A kingdom founded by Tanagoro

people with some Oltec blood, who
absorbed the older Saku kingdom, inspired
by Aksum [source] (JTR).

Shefa: A powerful city state bordering the

Empire of Thonia (JTR).

Skandaharia: Eastern Skandaharians are by (Canon, Havard).

now often united under a Jarl which leads
them to destructive raids against Thonia, Valley of the Ancients: South of Blackmoor,
Blackmoor and other people (Canon). this land is inhabited by the Ungolwaith or
sand folk and geonids, and nearby
Tagh: The Tagh sherkasta nation has grown mountains also by dragonborn (Canon,
by this time, bordering Thonia (Neri, New). Blackmoor 4th ed).

Tangor: The First Tangor Empire has grown Vani: By this time this Valoin nation has
in the southern central region. Its population united. In later Blackmoor times it will fall
includes also rakasta, aranea, lizardmen, under the influence of Skandaharia, despite
reptilian and frogfolk, sometimes but not several rebellions against it (New).
always accepted as proper subjects of the
realm (Canon, New). Wan: A realm created by Jennite people,
inspired by ancient China (MOrient, New).
Thonia: The Empire has reached a great
expansion in eastern Skothar, including in its
territory dwarves, gnomes, elves and
halflings, fairy folk and possibly some rakasta


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

The expansion of Blackmoor

and the persecution of
In the later Blackmoorian times, i.e. from
4,000 to 3,000 BC, the power of Blackmoor
continues to grow in the continent. Ancient
enemies are completely destroyed, such as
Coot and the Afridhi, and two “Beastmen
Crusades” target not only “proper”
beastmen, but also gyerians, rakasta, giants Between 3,150-3,135 BC the dragons of
and many others, including some group of Skothar try in vain to destroy Blackmoor, but
elves. The crusades of 3,480 and 3,220 BC are defeated as well. Fairy folk by now have
and the fight against the Serpentine Empire become completely hostile to the once
in Davania culminate in 3,200 BC with the friendly Blackmoor and Thonia, and have
attack on the Harimau-Belang sherkasta and severed all the links between their hidden
the Pachydermion and their escape to Patera realms and Skothar.
after the realm of Harang is destroyed. The
kingdom of the Tagh sherkasta was Late Blackmoor is not only racist, but also
destroyed much before, in 3,500 BC, forcing colonialist. In 3,285 BC the Edicts of
the survivors to hide in the most remote Westport ends slavery in Blackmoor, but the
mountains. Reptilian creatures, considered trade continues outside the borders of
agents of the Serpentines, have been Blackmoor proper, even in Thonia. The
persecuted so much they survive only deep targets of slavery are almost always other
underground or in the more remote humans, as beastmen and rakasta are not
swamps. The sand folk of the Valley of the tolerated in Blackmoor territories, not even
Ancients, despite never being enemies of as servants. The consequence is that many
Blackmoor, are deported to the Adri Varma human kingdoms, such as Drivi and Ibussa,
region in Brun to use them as soldiers are destroyed by direct Blackmoorian
against beastmen. Even the dragonborn, interventions or Proxy wars because they
once allies of Blackmoor, are persecuted defied the will of the powerful empire and
after 3,200 BC. The reptilian kingdom of many people, as the Deres, are enslaved.
Grakan and the tiefling kingdom of Detran Other kingdoms, such as Shefa, Khar, Lum
are destroyed in 3,320 BC, and nearby and others, are reduced to be de-facto client
rakasta people are persecuted as well. This states of Blackmoor.
racist attitude infects also other human
realms, such as Skandaharia and Tangor, When the Great Rain of Fire strikes in 3,000
which often applies the same ethnic BC, many people in Skothar have reason to
cleansing policies toward beastmen and feel that Blackmoor fully deserved the Wrath
rakasta. Still, rakasta and other non-human of the Immortals, but the cataclysm harms all
people manage to survive in the more the inhabitants of the continent, which will
remote regions of Skothar, and their number take centuries to recover.
will grow again after the Great Rain of Fire.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar


restricted in their territories. Now however

At this time, chosen because it is the date of they are spreading again all over Skothar.
the post-cataclysmic Taymora setting As above, what follows is a description of the
developed by John Calvin2 for the Known labels in the map from North to South (and
World, Skothar is recovering from the from West to East when applicable). Names
cataclysm. The Jennites, dominated by the in red are human populations, while names
Church of Tarastia, have extensive power at in purple are non-human populations. When
the centre of the continent, and the borders are present, this means there is a
humanoids have not returned yet to the structured nation (with a recognizable leader
continent. The hivebrood however have and a government), while if borders are
invaded several regions and are a terrible omitted this means the population is divided
threat in all the continent. In late in tribes or competing groups.
Blackmoorian times (3,500-3,000) beastmen
were effectively exterminated in the In several cases I have indicated real,
continent and rakasta and other non-human historical or modern nations as inspiration
people were often labelled as such and for the fantasy realms listed below. This is
suffered the same fate, or were severely intended only as a guideline to provide
suggestions and ideas that could be used to
2 Se e Pa st A g e s o f th e Kn o wn W o rl d i n th e create a fantasy culture as happened in
A t l a s se c t i o n o f t h e Va u l ts o f P a n d i u s o r i n canon Mystaran products.
t h e d e d i ca t e d su b - f o r u m a t T h e Pi a z z a


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

After an interesting discussion on The Piazza Bhadur: A nation of people descended from
Thunder Rift forum with Gravesguardian3 I Jennites, Tanagoro and other humans, which
have decided Skothar is probably the perfect will later split in Bhat and Dur, loosely based
continent where to place the Rift. Its on ancient India and Pakistan (New).
inhabitants should be refugees from Thonia
and Blackmoor, even if they do not Deathless: Thonian wizards which have
remember this anymore. survived the cataclysm by turning to the
worship of Nyx (Burns, New)
Avalon: A mysterious and reclusive land
inhabited by faeries, centaurs, sherkasta, Dragonborn: Resistant to the Wasting,
lyncasta, gyerians, hengeyokai and possibly dragonborn are rising in the mountains, now
werecreatures (New). free from the Blackmoorian persecution
(Blackmoor 4th ed, New).
Bek: A human Jennite culture which will
later form the nation of Tasbek, loosely Dwarves: Some dwarves which did not left
based on Uzbek people (New). for Brun settled in northern Teslan lands,
renouncing Blackmoor technomagic (Calvin,
3 Se e i n p a rti cu l a r th i s fo ru m p o st a t Th e Caroletti, New).
Pi a zza a b o u t t h e e st i m a t e d d i m e n si o n s o f t h e
R i ft.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Circk: Descendants of the ancient Jen-Cirk Ibu: The kingdom of these Tanagoro people
live here, their land is also inhabited by was destroyed by Blackmoor. Now they are
several rakasta breeds. In later time they will trying to rebuild it but are menaced by
be absorbed by the nation of Kisvan (New). gatormen and hivebrood (JTR, New).

Faenare: The eastern mountains are again Jen-Ri: A branch of Jennites which do not
the domain of faenare, pegataurs, sphinxes, follow Tarastia but mostly Djaea, their land is
rakasta, hengeyokai and ailusti (New). inhabited also by some rakasta and gyerians
(Dalmonte, New).
Filmaelle: A flying elven city which crashed
on Skothar (Peronnet). Theocracy of Jen-Ta: The powerful and
enlarging territory controlled by the Jennite
Fris: These people are descended from clans which follow Tarastia. The land is also
displaced Antalians (Blackmoor, New). inhabited by some rakasta breeds, but also
menaced by the spread of the hivebrood
Golden Khanate of Haca: A nation of Kha (Canon, New).
Jennite which is conquering a vast territory
in the eastern Skotharian plain. The land is Kargash: The beholder city is powerful in
also inhabited by dragonchild and this age and menaces nearby Tanagoro
hengeyokai and rumors say the Khanate was kingdoms (Robin).
created by fairies, and that the Khan really is
a dragon (Canon, Burns, MOrient, Author, Khatum: Giants have created a powerful
New). kingdom in the mountains, loosely based on
Nepal and also inhabited by snow pardasta
Hivebrood: The Great Rain of Fire and the and sherkasta (MOrient).
following centuries of cold and diseases
greatly reduced the number of humans in Kho: Land inhabited by the Kho Tanagoro
the continent, and the hivebrood have (JTR, New).
profited of this new situation, spreading in
all the continent and reaching Esterhold and Lyncasta and Giants: The north of the
Alphatia (Threshold issue #11, Burns). These continent is dominated by lynxman rakasta
creatures are powerful also in eastern and and giants, which are taking back the
southern Skothar, where they have territories Blackmoor took from them. Giants
conquered extensive territories. More dominate in this cold age vast territories of
ancient than mammals, they consider all this the northern seas and in northern Brun.
just reclaiming what once belonged to them
(Canon, Burns, Mattias, Caroletti New). Mawa: This branch of Jennites has settled
this region of Skothar, many fleeing the
Humans: Displaced humans who will later hivebrood to the safety of the Sea Kingdoms
find the Rift and inhabit it (Thunder Rift (Threshold issue #9, New).
setting, New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Nailan: A people formed by local Tanagoro

people and enslaved Afridhi escaped from
Thonia after the cataclysm (Caroletti).

Nasuuan: A people of Afridhi and Thonian

descent which escaped the wastelands near
Thonia and found a strangely warm land in
the far north. Lyncasta, snow pardasta and
sherkasta also live near them (Caroletti).

Nebasta: Cloud pardasta are rebuilding their

numbers too, but like other people are
menaced by the expansion of the hivebrood
(Heard, Neri, New).

Orazu: These people are now free from Sakhal: A culture formed by a mix-up of
Blackmoorian persecution but are menaced Blackmoorian and Thonian refugees,
by the expanding hivebrood (New). descendants of slaves and dwarves (Biles).

Paesh: These people descend from the Satum-Ka, Satum-Ib and Satum-Wa: The
Peshwah and were pushed southward by the powerful kingdom has risen from the
terrible climate after the Rain of Fire. Now devastation of the Great Rain of Fire, but it is
they are trying to rebuild their lives, but are now divided between three rival dynasties
menaced by the hivebrood expansion and will slowly descent in utter chaos in the
(Threshold issue #9, #11, New). next centuries (JTR, New)

Phun: A culture of humans mostly of Jennite Sea Kingdoms: By now the Western Sea
descent which will later form the Phu nation, Kingdoms, south of Skothar, are inhabited by
loosely based on ancient Bhutan (MOrient). many sea creatures (kna, kopru, shark-kin,
sea giants, merrows, narwhals, the ota-wa
Rakasta (eastern): The different rakasta previously mentioned), by descendants of
breeds of eastern Skothar hardly had the the Hatwa elves from Davania and by four
time to rejoice for the demise of human groups: the Dwa Tanagoro, the Mawa
Blackmoorians, as all the chain is now being Jennites, the Lam and the Tanagoro. The Lam
invaded by the hivebrood (New). are descendants of Lhomarrians,
Blackmoorians and Skandaharians colonist
Rakasta hills: Almost exterminated during who have by now almost forgotten their
Blackmoorian times, many rakasta breeds different origins and joined as just one
and tribes have now reunited in this region people. The Tanagoro arrived recently after
of central Skothar, determined to resist the the hivebrood invasion which destroyed the
growing power of human empires (Heard, Second Tangor Empire (Canon, New).
Neri, New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Sebgir: The “Daring Ones”, the Waros who independence from Jen-Ta and their homes
have chosen to live near the mysterious from rising gatormen, lizardmen, frogfolk
fungus forest (Biles). and hivebrood (dos Santos, Agosta,
Shadelings: These wizards have recently
submitted to the Church of Tarastia and are Tocrch: After the cataclysm several
therefore tolerated in the expanding populations of tortles, crabmen and
theocracy (Burns, New) chameleon men which lived on the islands
near Zyxl have settled here (New).
Sherkasta: Even if most of them fled to
Patera in later Blackmoorian times, the New Thonia: A nation of Antalian and other
Harimau-Belang sherkasta are now slowly humans, with minorities of dwarves, gnomes,
rebuilding their numbers in southern elves, hin and rakasta. Loosely based on
Skothar (Heard, Neri). medieval Germany (Canon, Fan Almanacs).

Skain: Former Skandaharian colonists of Thorin: A land inhabited by dwarves since

eastern Skothar live here, trying to resist the before the Great Rain of Fire (Canon, New).
hivebrood (Mishler, New).
Tisan: Ancestors of the people of Ti’sang,
Swanamutu: Southern and western Tangor loosely based on ancient Tibet (MOrient,
coast, also inhabited by rakasta breeds, Arnden in this issue of Threshold (#20)).
threatened by the hivebrood (Caroletti,
New). TR: Thunder Rift, inhabited at this time only
by dwarves and elves, refugees from
Tagh: The Tagh sherkasta are expanding Blackmoor and Thonia (Thunder Rift setting,
again in the mountains of Skothar. They may New).
also consider concealing the existence of the
Rift to the outside world a sacred task. The Ursi: The land still inhabited by Ursinians, a
dwarven and gnomish refuge of Farseer people of Afridhi and Tanagoro descent
should also be in the south of this region4 former slaves of Blackmoor. Most of them
(Heard, Neri, Calvin, New). will settle in Nentsun in 710 BC to escape
humanoid attacks (Caroletti).
Tangor: The Third Tangor Empire has risen
after the second was destroyed by hivebrood Vabar: A nation of Valoin and Antalian humans,
a couple of centuries ago, and is now trying loosely based on ancient Estonia (New)
to defend its territory from the insectoid
creatures (New). Vaska: A nation of Vantalian humans,
loosely based on ancient Poland (New).
Tesla: Here is the center of the culture of
sedentary Jennites, trying to preserve their Viat: A nation of Valoin and Antalian humans,
loosely based on ancient Latvia (New)
4 See the “Shimmering Lands Gazetteer” by
Joh n C a lvin


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Wan: A branch of Jennites which will create SKOTHAR IN 1,000 AC

a powerful kingdom, now however menaced
by Haca and hivebrood (MOrient, New)
Present time. Elves, dwarves, gnomes and
Waros: Descendants of the Deres nomads, halflings exist in Skothar, but they are often
which have changed their name to Waros, isolated populations with aspect and
meaning “survivors” (Biles). customs quite different from their
counterparts in Brun and humanoids have
The Wasted Lands: The land formerly spread all over the continent after their
known as Blackmoor and Thonia, now a initial invasion of 1,700 BC. Hivebrood,
wasteland dotted with ruins and inhabited rakasta and other non-human races are well
only by undead, degenerated creatures and known in several regions of Skothar, and
mutants. Full of powerful technomagic often human kingdoms include significant
items, but still contaminated with the non-human populations.
Wasting disease, which affects anyone who
stays for more than a week (Canon, New). As above, what follows is a description of the
labels in the map from North to South (and
Yeong: A nation recently created by Wan from West to East when applicable). Names
Jennites, it is now threatened by the in red are human populations, while names
hivebrood (MOrient, New). in purple are non-human populations. Note
that in this age the division is arbitrary, as
Zachen: The westerners, an informal group many lands now have a mixed population of
of displaced Antalian, Dunharian, Vantalian humans and non-humans. In general, the
and Jennite people, loosely based on ancient labels in red are those for the nations where
Bohemia and Hungary, will be pushed the dominating population is human, even if
eastward by the humanoid invasion of 1,700 it may not be the absolute majority. In this
BC (New). age, borders are almost always present as
normally several structured nations (with a
Zyxl: Inhabited initially only by faenare, recognizable leader and a government)
gyerians, macaze, ursi, musti, jorri and cloud surround the territories which are still
pardasta, the island was devastated by the divided in tribes or groups. Some people live
cataclysm, slowly joining the east of Skothar, across state borders or in territories claimed
and is now inhabited only by some by other nations, or share a territory without
corrupted crow gyerians, descendants of clear borders.
Skandaharian colonists affected by the
wasting disease and newly arrived Tanagoro Adir: A nation of Ibu Tanagoro with some
refugees (Canon, New). Jennite blood, also inhabited by tanagogre
and macaze, loosely based on Somalia (New).

Akuba: A Tanagoro city state, also inhabited

by some tanagogre and sherkasta (Caroletti).
Andhakarban: A savage territory dominated


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

by sherkasta and inhabited also by pardasta, Biawak: A land of lizardmen, but also
nebasta, juncasta and bayasta, with some inhabited by some gatormen and juncasta,
Alphatian outposts and lizardmen. Loosely loosely based on ancient Borneo (Agosta).
based on colonial India or Southeast Asia in
colonial times (Agosta). Bhat: A nation of sedentary Jennite humans
and Khoi Tanagoro, also inhabited by
Ashgat: A nation of Yali Jennites, distantly humanoids, gyerians, sherkasta and
related to the modern inhabitants of Hule, pachydermion, loosely based on some
inhabited also by pardasta and humanoids, aspects of ancient India (New).
loosely based on Turkmenistan, supposedly
dominated by the Deathless wizards (Burns, Byon: A nation of bayasta, pricasta, goblins,
New). hobgoblins and bugbears with some
tanagogre (New).
Atum: A Tanagoro kingdom which claims to
be the legitimate heir of Saku and Satum, Old Blackmoor Cursed Lands: These lands
menaced by the beholders of Kargash, are dotted with ruins but considered cursed
loosely based on Eritrea, also inhabited by by most inhabitants of Skothar. See the
macaze and humanoids (JTR, New). articles on Returned Blackmoor and the
Duchy of the Peaks in this same issue of
Avalon: A mysterious and reclusive land Threshold Magazine (New).
inhabited by faeries, centaurs, sherkasta,
lyncasta, gyerians, hengeyokai and possibly
werecreatures (New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Blande: A nation created by Nailan Tanagoro

(Tanagoro humans with some Jennite blood)
with relevant populations of cloud pardasta
(Caroletti, New).

Calengaer: An unapproachable, strangely

tall forest the Jennites consider taboo.
Inhabited by elves (Peronnet).

Cymru: Once a Tanagoro nation, now

inhabited by hivebrood (Caroletti)

Dagl: A realm of humanoids and Antalian inhabited by sherkasta and humanoids,

humans, loosely based on ancient Denmark loosely based on some aspects of Pakistan
(New). (New).

Desh: A nation dominated by ogres which Durhan: A nation created by Nailan

for a time dominated a huge territory in the Tanagoro (Caroletti)
Tangor gulf and even the Tangi kingdom.
Humans, sherkasta, vivesta and golcasta Emas: A nation ruled by Taranya Tanagoro
minorities also live in the region. Loosely humans but inhabited also by tanagogre,
inspired by Bangladesh (New). Paesh Jennites, pardasta, nebasta, sherkasta,
juncasta, bayasta and marmocasta. Could be
Dyak: Or Land of the Headhunters, a loosely based on ancient Timor (Agosta).
territory inhabited by savage juncasta who
kill any foreigner they meet. Loosely based Alphatian Esterhold: The region of Skothar
on ancient Borneo (Agosta) dominated by the Alphatian Empire,
including the dominion, later to become
Empire of Dalung-Quo: An empire ruled by independent kingdoms of Blackrock and
an ancient dragon, loosely inspired by Verdan.
imperial China during the Ming dynasty,
which has conquered many territories. Ezer: A kingdom formed by humans,
Followed directly the Chung Eun empire hobgoblins and manusta, loosely based on
which existed from 1,200 BC to 850 AC with Azerbaijan (New).
different dynasties (MOrient, New).
Fa’ear: A nation of faenare, Ee’aar winged
Drbor: Land of the dragonborn, also elves and ailusti (New).
inhabited by snow pardasta and humanoids
(Blackmoor 4th ed, New). Frisa: A realm of humanoids, Antalian
humans and lyncasta, loosely based on
Dur: A nation of sedentary Jennites, with a ancient Frisia (New).
long history of rivalry with Bhat, also


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Islands of the Giants: (Not shown on map) Hinu: A nation of Hinu halfling, also
The whole northern sea from the lands west inhabited by some tortles (New).
of Nentsun to Frosthaven in Brun, and
beyond, is a land inhabited by giants. The Hives: Many territories of the eastern Tangor
mountains closer to Nentsun are inhabited chain are still inhabited by hivebrood, whose
by fire giants. Cloud giants live in Inoq and territory has waxed and waned over the
other locations, but frost giants dominate centuries (Canon, New).
most of the islands of the northern sea
(LoZompatore, Canon, New). Hobgothia: A land dominated by
hobgoblins but inhabited also by goblins,
Goblins of Tangor: Mountains of the dark bugbears, kobolds, snow pardasta and
goblins, divided in several clans (Caroletti). lyncasta, always a source of trouble for
Thonia, loosely based on ancient Gothia
Hacan: A nation of Jennite humans which (New).
once had a powerful empire that dominated
the continent but is now in danger of being Højgylden: An advanced nation inhabited
absorbed by Dalunq-Quo, loosely based on by Antalian people, dwarves and gnomes
Kazakhstan (New). (Sarikhan)

Hasa: A nation of the same ethnic stock of Hoyen: A nation of Mawa and Paesh
Ti’sang, but formed by settled people, see Jennites, loosely based on Vietnam, also
also description by Arnden (MOrient, inhabited by pricasta and humanoids (New).
Irys: A nation of sedentary but fierce
Hastwr: A kingdom of sedentary Jennites, Jennites also inhabited by giants,
could be loosely based on Azerbaijan humanoids, gyerians, sherkasta and
(Caroletti, New). manusta, loosely based on Ossetia (New).

Jen-Le: The Jennites of Esterhold, usually

worshipping Utnapishtim and Rathanos.
Battered by Alphatians and Kukarachans, are
trying to unite with the local pardasta to
defeat the invaders (Canon, Dalmonte).

Jen-Lo: The Northern Jennites, mostly

followers of Djaea, Utnapishtim, Ixion,
Ninsun. The region is also inhabited by
rakasta, humanoids and gyerians. Could be
loosely based on Tajikistan people
(Dalmonte, New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Jen-Ra: The main Jennite land, or Southern influence, loosely inspired by Indonesia
Jennites, mostly following Rathanos with (Agosta)
some minorities still worshipping Tarastia.
Also inhabited by cinasta, the cheetah Kham: A nation of goblins, tanagogre,
rakasta, also called Fast Runners, which came golcasta, bayasta and Mawa humans, loosely
from Minaea, and shadelings in the coastal based on Cambodia (New)
cities, loosely based on ancient Scythia but
probably local humans should look like Khatmun: A kingdom created by giants, but
inhabitants of current Kyrgyzstan. Also see inhabited also by minorities of Tagh sherkasta,
description by Arnden in this issue of snow pardasta, dwarves and humans. Loosely
Threshold (#20) (Canon, Dalmonte, Burns, based on Nepal (MOrient, New).
Fan Almanacs, Arnden).
Khogyn: A nation founded by Khoi
Tanagoro and gyerians, which also include a
sizable population of caracasta, sherkasta
and pardista (New).

Kisvan: A nation inhabited mostly by

Antalian, Vantalian and Jen-Circk humans
and a relevant number of lyncasta. Loosely
based on medieval Ukraine (New).

Krekh: A nation created by ogres with

Kassites and Mizpeh: A nomadic tribe of relevant minorities of other humanoids,
mixed Kho Tanagoro and Jennite which has giants and pardasta (New).
recently discovered a lost Nithian city, but
has been repelled (Taylor). Kukarachans: A race of insect-like creatures
which periodically threaten the interior lands
Kerze: A divided land inhabited by of Esterhold (Daly, Gander).
humanoids, snow pardasta, lyncasta,
hengeyokai and humans divided in many Lamu: A nation created by female
different clans and people. Loosely inspired demonettes, tiefling like female only
by the Caucasus (New). creatures which rule over the Tanagoro
population (Caroletti)
Kargash: territory controlled by the
beholders of the namesake city, controlling Lleweryn: The greatest hivebrood nation of
also some humanoid tribes (Robin, in this western Tangor (Caroletti).
issue of Threshold) (#20).
Magy: A nation of Jennite humans,
Keraja: complete name Kerajaan Berlian- sherkasta, lyncasta and centaurs, loosely
Wajik, a realm inhabited by sherkasta, based on medieval Hungary (New).
pardasta and juncasta, now under Alphatian


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Makari: A nation of Ibu Tanagoro and Mawa following Macroblan, Korotiku and Karaash
Jennites, loosely based on Madagascar, also (Canon, Dalmonte, New)
inhabited by vivesta and macaze (New)
Mawan: A nation of Mawa Jennites, also Okon: A nation of orazu, macaze and
inhabited by orazu, bayasta and herpesta, tanagogre (New)
loosely based on ancient Taiwan (Threshold
issue #9, New) Orcs of Nentsun: All around Nentsun the
land is dominated by orc tribes, often at war
Melay: A nation of Mawa Jennites, also with each others (Caroletti).
inhabited by herpesta, loosely based on
ancient Malaysia (New). Orcs of Tangor: Forest of the green orcs,
which are common all along the western
Minaea: A confederation of cities settled by Tangorian and eastern Minaean coast
Milenians from Davania which mixed with a (Caroletti)
Tarystian population, descended from
Jennites. Inhabited also by sherkasta, Pashda: A kingdom formed by descendants
pardasta, nebasta, minotaurs, sphinxes, orcs, of the Peshwah, loosely inspired by Iran and
goblins, tanagogre and Tangor humans. Afghanistan. Includes sizable minorities of
Minaeans could be loosely based on humanoids, caracasta, simbasta and gyerians
Hellenistic greeks and Tarystians on (New).
Armenians (Caroletti).
Phion: A nation of Mawa Jennites also
Muang: A nation inhabited by Paesh inhabited by some Ibu Tanagoro, pricasta
Jennites, Tanagoro, tanagogre, sherkasta, and herpesta, loosely based on Philippines
juncasta, bayasta, golcasta, marmorasta and (MOrient, New).
humanoids, loosely based on Thailand
(MOrient, New). Phu: A kingdom formed by displaced Jennite
and Neathar humans, with sizable minorities
Mung: A nation of musti, also inhabited by of Tagh sherkasta, snow pardasta, hin and
some hinu halfling and chameleon men giants. Loosely based on Bhutan. Its
(New). northeastern region also contained the
former beholder city of Zelphim, now
Munsan: A nation of mamusta and pardasta, inhabited by a single beholder hive
also inhabited by gyerians (New) (MOrient, New, Robin).

Nentsun: A federation of several allied Prehen: A nation of pricasta and herpesta,

nations which inhabit a strangely warm land, also inhabited by some Mawa Jennites
populated by humans, lyncasta, snow (New).
pardasta, elves and half orcs (Caroletti).
Preku: A nation of Pricasta, also inhabited by
Oblan: A nation of tanagogre, the origin of some tanagogre (New).
the Gombar and Sumag colonists, mostly


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Great History of Skothar


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Raj: Complete name The Alphatian Raj, Skothar (Heard, Neri, New).
conquered by Alphatians but inhabited also
by sherkasta, juncasta, bayasta, Paesh Jennites Skain: A nation inhabited by descendants of
and Tanagoro. Loosely based on Brunei Skandaharian colonists, some Mawa Jennites
(Agosta). and macaze (New).

Sakar: A nation of sedentary Jennite humans Snars: A nation of snow pardasta also
also inhabited by peaceful humanoids, inhabited by giants, Tagh sherkasta and
sherkasta and pardasta. Loosely based on pardasta (New).
Georgia (New).
Tagh: The Tagh sherkasta have expanded
Sakhaba: A reborn kingdom which once greatly in the last centuries, ruling also over
conquered vast lands of northeastern snow pardasta, lyncasta, humans and
Skothar, inhabited by humans and dwarves humanoids. The mythical city of Farseer,
(Biles). inhabited by gnomes and dwarves, would be in
the south of this region (Neri, Calvin, New).
Sea Kingdoms: Inhabited since ancient
times by ocean creatures, such as kna, kopru,
shark kin, sea giants, snapper, omm-wa and
narwhal, the islands were settled first by Dwa
Tanagoro, who soon established alliances
with underwater races, then by Lhomarrians,
mermen and tritons, Mawa oltecs,
Blackmoorians, Tanagoro, Elves, Kara Kara
orcs, Paesh Jennites. Defended by a coral wall
built by the Immortal Polonius to keep the
Kara Kara orcs at bay, the Western Sea
Kingdoms lay just south of Skothar and trade
with many nations of the Tangor gulf and the
Tangor chain (Canon, New).

Sian: Or the Land of a Thousand Pagodas, a Tanat: A nation inhabited by Paesh humans,
nation of Paesh Jennites, with relevant tanagogre, Ibu Tanagoro, marmocasta,
minorities of sherkasta and juncasta. Loosely golcasta, pachydermion, sherkasta and
based on Myanmar (MOrient, Arnden in this humanoids, loosely based on Indonesia
issue of Threshold) (#20). (New).

Sicsak: A nation of sicista and sancasta, also Tangi Empire: A powerful nation inhabited
inhabited by pardasta, some gyerians and by Wan, Mawan and Paesh Jennites and Ibu
humanoids (New). Tanagoro, includes also sizable golcasta,
macaze and gyerian populations, loosely
Simbasta: A proud rakasta breed of central based on Southern China (New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

Tangor: Also known as the New Tangor independence for centuries. Normally allied
empire or the Seventh Tangor Empire, with Jen-Lo, maintain good relations with the
inhabited by Tanagoro humans, with some dwarves of Thorin (Novack, New)
minorities of tanagogre, sherkasta, juncasta,
orcs, goblins and Paesh Jennites (Caroletti) Thorin: A nation created by dwarves and
gnomes, also inhabited by some pegataurs
Tasbek: A nation of Kha Jennites, loosely based (Canon, New).
on Uzbekistan, also inhabited by humanoids,
pardasta, sicista and sancasta (New) Tocrch: A nation inhabited by crabmen,
tortles, chameleon men and some gyerians
Taylin: A nation of humans of Jennite origin, (New).
the Waros, which were conquered by a
Tanagoro dynasty, now at odds with Sakhaba Uls Or: A land inhabited by orcs, goblins and
(Biles). hobgoblins with sizable minorities of Jennite
humans, sancasta and sincista, loosely based
Old Thonia Wastes: These lands are on Mongolia. It was once much larger but is
inhabited by undead, corrupted giants, now on the verge of being absorbed by
humanoids and ash goblins, which are Dalung-Quo (New).
apparently immune to the Wasting, have
found many technomagic items and happily Vabari: A nation of Valoin and Antalian
use them against intruders (Blackmoor 3ed, humans, loosely based on medieval Estonia
New) (New)

Thonia: the heir of the former Empire, Valska: An elective kingdom created by
loosely based on Germany and inhabited by Vantalian humans, loosely based on Poland.
humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halfling, It swings between good and bad relations
goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls and pegataurs with Thonia (New).
(Canon, Fan Almanacs, New).
Viatj: A nation of Valoin and Antalian humans,
Thunder Rift: The Rift is now inhabited by loosely based on medieval Latvia (New)
humans, dwarves, elves, humanoids, rakasta,
frogfolk, centaurs and other races, but Vzech: A nation of Dunharian humans,
mostly isolated from the outside world faeries and lyncasta, loosely based on
(Canon, New). Bohemia (New).

Ti’sang: A nation of nomadic clans of Jennite Wagir: A nation formed by Waros and Sebgir
origin, loosely based on Tibet, see also people which united when the Taylin
description by Arnden in this issue of conquered Waros, now under the informal
Threshold (#20) (MOrient, Arnden). control of the Taylin (Biles).

Thoth-ath gnolls: Former Nithian slaves, Walad: A nation of Ibu Tanagoro with
these gnolls have defended their relevant numbers of tanagogre, pricasta and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Political Maps of Skothar

macaze. Loosely based on aboriginal

populations of southeastern Asia (New).

Wanderers: An unique people formed by

goblins and hobgoblins mixed with humans
(MOrient, Burns).

Warang: Or Warangan, a land settled by

Alphatians and dwarves from Alphatia, but
originally inhabited by sherkasta and juncasta,
loosely inspired by Singapore (Agosta)

Wuo-Quo: A nation formed by Jennite

humans and humanoids, which has already
lost to Dalung-Quo many western territories,
loosely based on Manchuria (MOrient, New).

Wuxi: A nation of vivesta supposedly Yulan: A nation of humanoids and Vantalian

dominated by an ancient huge amber dragon humans, loosely based on Transylvania
(New, Threshold issue #9) (New).

Xao: A nation of Mawa Jennites also Zyxl: Inhabited after the cataclysm by crow
inhabited by golcasta, vivesta and gyerians and descendants of Skandaharian
humanoids. Loosely based on Laos (MOrient, colonists, it was then settled by the Hinu
New). halfling in 1,100 BC, then by some
tanagogres and by Chung Jennites in 750 BC.
Yara: A nation created by Nailan Tanagoro Zyxl is now dominated by an Imperial
which trades with the hivebrood of Lleweryn matriarchy dominated by the humans
(Caroletti) descended from the Chung. Halfling and
tanagogres have special roles in the society,
Yeha: An ancient nation of Ibu Tanagoro the first as artisans and the latter as warriors
with some Mawa Jennite blood which and long distance sailors. The crow gyerians
conquered the even more ancient kingdom and the white men are instead considered
of Satum, loosely based on Ethiopia, also monsters and enemies (Canon, MOrient,
inhabited by tanagogre, humanoids, golcasta, New).
vivesta (MOrient, JTR).

Yeong: Nation created by Wan Jennites,

inhabited also by pricasta, nebasta, musti,
macaze, faenare, gyerians, loosely based on
Korea (MOrient, New).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

by Arnden Quartzspar

JEN (LAND OF) Coinage: The people of Jen rely on barter

for trade.

Location: Continent of Skothar, east of Government Type: Tribal; clans are headed
Esterhold Peninsula. by a clan chieftain, who is advised by the
clan's most powerful shaman (cleric)
Area: Unknown (nomadic Jennites roam
much of Skothar's central regions, see maps). Industries: Herding (cattle, sheep, goats,
and horses), hunting and raiding.
Population: Unknown (estimated at 100,000
Jennites, in clans of 50-1000 individuals). Important Figures: The Jennite clans are
divided by great distances and differing
Languages: Jennite customs; each clan has its own important
figures, but none has yet become an
important figure in Known World politics.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

Flora and Fauna: To the Jennites, the only the southeast, and by the forested hills of the
animals that truly matter are their cattle and Minaean Coast to the south.
their horses. Likewise the only plants that
matter are the endless grasses on which their The people of Jen are copper-skinned
herds graze. Many other animals share the nomadic herders and horsemen. They rely
steppes with the people of Jen, however. on New Stone Age technology (well-crafted
They include gazelles, marmots (rodents tools and weapons made of wood, bone, and
related to woodchucks, whose pelts are stone), as the art of forging metal was lost to
prized by the Jennites), wild two-humped their ancestors. Jennite craftsmen know how
camels, wild asses and horses, and antelopes. to beat and hammer gold and copper, which
Birds abound on the steppes, especially they can find in a natural, almost pure state.
partridges, larks, cranes, and falcons Most Jennites worship the Immortal
(sometimes captured and trained by Jennite Rathanos, although some clans follow other
hunters). Rivers and lakes of the steppes Immortals. Women rarely hold a high
teem with fish, including trout, perch, and position in Jennite society. Masters of the
pike. horse and of the steppes, Jennite warriors
sometimes raid Alphatian or Minaean
communities in Esterhold and along
Skothar's southwestern coast.

Notable Sites: There are no known

permanent settlements in the Land of Jen.
Along the Minaean Coast, there are rumors
of a distant valley where Jennite chieftains
are interred with their accumulated

History: Four millennia ago, Oltecs reached

the fertile shores of Skothar and colonized
the continent. They called the new land jen,
meaning “green.” Most of these newcomers
From a letter to the Dahl Lam Tenzin Gyatso
of Lhasa, from his humble servant, Ngawang

The Land of Jen encompasses most of the

grassy steppes that stretch across the central
region of Skothar, from the western coast
and the Esterhold Peninsula to the Nentsun
Plateau far to the east. This land is ringed by
mountain ranges to the north, the east, and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

established farming communities near the LHASA (LAND OF)

coast. Others discovered herds of wild horses
and aurochs (an ancient breed of enormous,
aggressive cattle) and became herders. Location: Continent of Skothar, southeast of
Ultimately, the nomads began to prey on the Jen.
settled farmers, raiding the towns for food
and gold. Area: 1,228,400 km2 (474,300 sq mi)
(nomadic Lhasans roam much of Skothar's
Eventually, the nomadic Jennite clans formed central regions).
two separate groups at odds with one
another. While many clans continued to Population: Unknown (estimated at 318,000
worship Tarastia, patron immortal of justice, Lhasans, in clans of 50-1000 individuals).
some clans turned to the worship of
Rathanos. Tarastia took offense at Rathanos's Languages: Lhasan, Sian
insistence that his followers should keep
women subservient to men. She incited her Coinage: The people of Lhasa rely on barter
own followers to war. Generations of war for trade.
followed and threatened to destroy both
groups. Around 1600 BC Tarastia spirited her
followers to the Hollow World, to keep their
culture intact.

The outer-world Jennites prospered for a

time before a series of natural catastrophes
weakened their culture. These disasters
included a deadly plague that decimated
their herds of aurochs, and this loss, in turn,
decimated the nomads. It was some time
before the Jennites were able to build up
herds of a smaller breed of cattle. The
nomads gradually regressed to stone-age
technology, their former glory all but
forgotten and their ties with the Government Type: Tribal; some nomadic
agriculturalists and craftsmen of the coastal clans, some settled clans, each headed by a
lowlands severed. clan chieftain, who is advised by the clan's
most powerful shaman (cleric). Monasteries
With the exception of the disastrous are headed by high level monks, the highest
encounter with Alphatians on the Esterhold levels go by the title Lam with the supreme
Peninsula, the Jennites' nomadic way of life-- religious and political leader known as the
herding, hunting, and occasionally raiding Dahl Lam. Monasteries are mostly among the
settlements-- has remained unchallenged for settled clans, some in the city centers, and
centuries. (See Esterhold and Minaean Coast) others in more remote areas.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

Industries: Herding (cattle, sheep, goats, to beat and hammer gold and copper, which
and horses), hunting and farming (main they can find in a natural, almost pure state.
crops grown are barley, wheat, buckwheat, Most Lhasans worship the Immortal
rye, potatoes, and assorted fruits and Rathanos, although some clans follow other
vegetables.) Immortals. Women rarely hold a high
position in Lhasan society. Masters of the
Important Figures: Each clan and horse and of the steppes, Lhasan warriors
Monastery has its own important figures, but sometimes raid Alphatian or Minaean
none has yet become an important figure in communities in Esterhold and along
Known World politics. Skothar's southwestern coast.

Flora and Fauna: To the Lhasans, all Notable Sites: There are several known
animals matter. They pay particular attention permanent settlements in the Land of Lhasa,
to their cattle and horses. Likewise, all plants as well as nomadic groups. The Land of
matter. Anywhere from the grasses on which Lhasa isn't known beyond the neighbouring
their herds graze, their farmed crops and the regions.
rare woods that survive are prized due to
their altitude. Many animals share the History: Four millennia ago, Oltec men
steppes and mountains with the people of reached the fertile shores of Skothar and
Lhasa. The Lhasan Plateau hosts species of gray colonized the continent.
wolf, snow leopard, domestic and wild yak, wild
donkey, horses, cranes, vultures, hawks, geese, “Although their history is similar to ours in
snakes, and water buffalo. many ways, as we have both had to deal
with countries to our North, East, and
Description South; and our countries are currently at
From the personal letters from Tien, student peace with these same people, the Lhasans
of divinity and monastic studies. Late of Sian, have had a varied outcome then we Sianesse
currently studying in Lhasa. have.

The Land of Lhasa encompasses most of the “As I am learning the long song of the
grassy steppes that stretch across the Lhasan People from the Great Dahl himself,
southern side of the Jennite Sword in central I am reminded that since history takes its
Skothar. This land is ringed by mountain own slow path to Enlightenment, so too
ranges to the north, the east, and the will it take me to learn their history and
southeast, and by the forested hills of Sian to accomplishments.
the south.
I pledge that I will continue with this history
The people of Lhasa are copper-skinned in my next missive. Until next time, as
nomadic herders, subsistence farmers, always, your humble student.”
horsemen and monasteries. They rely on
New Stone Age technology (well-crafted - From the personal letters of Tien,
tools and weapons made of wood, bone, and student of divinity and monastic studies.
stone), as the art of forging metal was lost to Late of Sian, currently studying in Lhasa.
their ancestors. Lhasan craftsmen know how


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar



Location: Continent of
Skothar, Tangor Bay, east of
Empire of Tangor, Southeast of
Jennite Sword, Southwest of

Area: 513,120 km2

(198,120 mi2)

Population: Unknown
(estimated at 6,478,590
Sianesse, in clans of 50-1000 individuals).
and betel palm and rubber have been
Languages: Sian(esse) introduced. In the highlands of the north,
oak, pine and various rhododendrons cover
Coinage: The people of Sian rely on barter much of the land.
for trade.
Typical jungle animals, particularly tigers,
Government Type: Tribal; clans are headed occur in Sian. In upper Sian, there are
by a clan chieftain, who is advised by the rhinoceros, wild water buffalo, clouded
clan's most powerful shaman (cleric) leopard, wild boars, deer, antelope, and
elephants, which are also tamed or bred in
Industries: Herding (cattle, sheep, goats, captivity for use as work animals, particularly
and horses), hunting and farming (rice and in the lumber industry. Smaller mammals are
millet.) also numerous, ranging from gibbons and
monkeys to flying foxes. The abundance of
Important Figures: Each clan has its own birds is notable with over 800 species,
important figures, but none has yet become including parrots, myna, peafowl, red jungle
an important figure in Known World politics. fowl, weaver birds, crows, herons, and barn
owl. Among reptile species there are
Flora and Fauna: To the Sianesse, forests, crocodiles, geckos, cobras, Sianesse pythons,
including dense tropical growth and valuable and turtles. Hundreds of species of
teak in lower Sian, cover over 49% of the freshwater fish are wide-ranging, plentiful
country, including areas of acacia, bamboo, and are very important food sources.
ironwood and magnolia champaca. Coconut


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

Description absolute middle of nowhere! At first glance,

I would have to guess that this town is about
From “The Land of a Thousa Pagodas” as big as home, back in Mafertat, Frisland,
by Patrick Sullivan Alphatia. The homes were primarily made
out of wood with straw and mud to seal
An excerpt from the diary of Taferias of them, and many small fishing canoes were
Mafertat, Captain of the Glorious ; Faithful moored along a full half-mile stretch of the
Explorer to Her Imperial Majesty, Eriadna shore and along the slow mouth of a wide
the Wise; Wizard Extraordinaire; etc.; etc.; river. The people going about their business
etc. in the town were undoubtedly human, but
their complexion was unlike any other that
“...We believed all was lost once the ship I have seen. If I had to guess, I'd say that
ran aground, for everyone knows that this they were closest to the Jennites. They wore
area of the world holds nothing remotely fairly typical clothes for this climate-- scant
resembling civilisation. We couldn't and brightly coloured, but not indecent.
determine our exact location due to the Aside from its size, it seemed to be a fairly
storm, which was still as fierce as ever, but typical native village, except for the great
we knew that we were somewhere on the temple or palace structure of some sort at
jungle coast of the Sea of Steam or perhaps the centre! It's gracefully soaring, curving
the Gulf of Tangor. At any rate, our chances architecture towered over the rest of the
looked grim: even if we did somehow town, dwarfing it in comparison. But the
manage to repair the ship, we still could most astonishing thing was that this
not get away from this place without facing structure was covered with what appeared
THEM again. At this point, I think I'd rather to be gold! When we came closer and the
take my chances with the jungle. peasants noticed us, they seemed somewhat
frightened, but more an uneasiness of
Daylight finally brought a clearing of the strangers than the panic of terror. They
storm. The damage to the ship was not as backed away, until three men in red robes
serious as I feared that it might have been, with completely bald heads came toward
but it would still require about a month of us. Despite what appeared to be a great
hard labour to repair, and we needed treasure here, we didn't appear to be in a
provisions. Even if it were repaired, could very good position to take it by force, so I
we get away from here by sea? I certainly made the obvious choice to try to befriend
had my doubts, but with the sun came new them. They three bald men bowed before
hopes for survival. I decided to lead an us, and we returned the gesture. I cast a
expedition up the coast a few miles in each spell so that we could communicate, hoping
direction in order to see what could be that they wouldn't interpret it as a
discovered. After a couple of miles we threatening gesture. They never batted an
spotted something shining in the distance eye, and I began to speak to them. I
ahead of us. You can imagine my surprise explained our situation (they were most
when I saw, as we drew closer, a full-fledged impressed that we had actually made it here
town. Here! In what everyone knows is the across the sea), and asked them for


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

whatever help that they could give us. The for himself. Most of my men, along with
monks, as they turned out to be, and the some of the natives, went back to the ship
peasants gladly and freely welcomed us into today to try to repair it, but I decided to stay
their homes, despite the fact that almost to learn what I could of this land.
none of my men could communicate with The dome of the Great Pagoda is real gold!
the natives. I sat on the floor at a low table What's more, the natives tell me that this is
with my monk/host and shared a meal of only one town in the great Land A Thousand
rice and chicken with a strange, foul- Pagodas. Allanmyo told me that there is a
smelling, though pleasant-tasting, spice. We great king of this land who rules from his
also shared several cups of a delicious tea, capital at Pantang, the Glorious City of the
and then he allowed me to rest the night in Hundred Pagodas. The city I'm in, by the
his home. It never occurred to me until I way is called Rangyon. Anyway, Allanmyo
was already lying on my bedroll that they says that there are hundreds of pagodas
never once asked us to surrender our throughout the Kingdom. Not all of them
weapons. are made out of gold; there's not that much
gold in the whole world! But this is
It turns out that the palace is actually obviously an incredible kingdom
something called a "Pagoda". Apparently it's nonetheless! From how the monks describe
a holy sight for their religion, which seems the Kingdom, it sounds more like a very
to involve extreme pacifism and kindness loose federation of tribes united in their
to all beings. They do not "worship" their faith and their symbolic allegiance to their
patron immortal, as so many other primitive King at Pantang.
societies do, but look up to him as a role
model and mentor in their own quest for Today I awoke to the sounds of shouting
enlightenment. They call their patron in the village. I quickly drew on some
“Rohindartha,” but I have never heard of clothes and then rushed outside to see what
such an immortal. Everyone in the town the commotion was. A pair of tigers were
seems to be a fervent philosopher; in the centre of the town, and townspeople
Allanmyo, my host, explains that every boy were running helter-skelter to try to avoid
of the town, as well as many of the girls, their fangs and claws. I rushed forward and
join the monastery for at least a few months fired a lightning bolt from my wand.
of their lives. If it is their calling, they will Unfortunately my aim was off in my haste,
spend their lives at the monastery. The and it only grazed the side of one of the
monks and nuns (I met a few nuns today) tigers. I prepared to shoot again, this time
seem to actually be people from all walks more accurately, when I heard a spell cast
of life: many are typical clerics, but there from behind me and felt myself unable to
are people reminiscent of Sindhi mystics, move. Me! An Officer of the Imperial
and there are even a few magic-users! They Alphatian Navy! A powerful wizard! ME!
follow their philosophy of pacifism and HELD?!? Allanmyo ran from behind me and
respect for all life very rigidly, though it is began calling orders to the peasants, who,
believed to be each individual's instead of panicking, listened and followed
responsibility to determine right or wrong his orders. They all ran in the same


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

directions, leaving an open path for the powerful; knowledgeable, yet unknown;
tigers to escape, which they quickly did, full of seeming contradictions. This diary
running back into the jungle. They poured does not do them justice, with all the
some sort of tea which, in retrospect, must complexities of their society, but it at least
have been drugged into my mouth. It sheds some light on what until now has
released me from my paralysis, but also been a completely unknown kingdom, right
seemed to relax my tension and calm my under the nose of Great Alphatia! I for one
nerves and my fury. Allanmyo explained to am certainly glad to consider these people
me that the tigers were simply passing my friends, and I will never spread word of
through town this morning when the this land to those money-grubbing gold-
townspeople began to awake, scaring the seekers who would try to rob them blind.
tigers, and accidentally herding them Besides, I might be able to turn a healthy
towards the centre of town. The tigers had profit off of trade with The Land Of A
eaten well that night, and, being one with Thousand Pagodas!
nature, had no desire to kill. As this was the
case, all that Allanmyo had to do was allow From the diary of Huli Jamin Fi 'ayi Makan,
them to escape to go back to their cave and formally crewman of the Glorious; Faithful
rest, all they ever wanted in the first place. Explorer to Her Imperial Majesty, Eriadna
This excitement (and probably the tea) the Wise; Wizard Extraordinaire; etc.; etc.;
helped convince me to go back to bed for etc.
a long nap. After my peaceful rest, I had
much of the night to converse with the It has been my decision to leave Her Imperial
monks. They explained many things of this Majesty's service in order to explore this
part of the world, claiming that great strange land. Here are some of my findings.
empires exist where Alphatian textbooks
have always taught exist nothing but The Land of Sian encompasses most of the
barbarians! They also explained some more jungle areas that stretch across the central
about their philosophy, which sounds fairly region of the Skothar continent, from the
good (and similar to the Great Immortal western coast to the Nentsun Plateau far to
Alphatia's) except that it is terribly the east. This land is ringed by mountain
impractical. Late this evening, one of the ranges to the north and the east, and by the
monks spotted something moving quietly forested hills of the Minaean Coast to the west.
through town. When we went to investigate
and discovered three ghouls prowling the The people of Sian are typically copper-
night, I restrained my impulse to attack, skinned but range from a light yellow
remembering last time. You can imagine my through copper and light tannish brown,
surprise when the monks all raced forward depending on general area. They are herders,
and fought the ghouls with such incredible farmers, and horsemen. They rely on New
fury that nothing I've ever fought could Stone Age and Copper Age technologies
stand up to their combined might... (well-crafted tools and weapons made of
wood, bone, copper and stone), as the
These are a strange people: peaceful, yet higher arts of forging other metals were lost


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Three Nations of Skothar

to their ancestors. Sianesse craftsmen know you later with updates to this investigation.
how to beat and hammer gold and copper, Regrettably, this may take some time to
which they can find in a natural, almost pure accomplish. I have included the notes that I
state. have so far. Your Faithful Explorer,Huli
Jamin Fi 'ayi Makan, formally crewman of the
In a traditional village, the monastery is the Glorious ; Faithful Explorer to Her Imperial
centre of cultural life. Monks are venerated Majesty, Eriadna the Wise; Wizard
and supported by the lay people. A Extraordinaire; etc.; etc.; etc.
novitiation ceremony called shinbyu is the
most important coming of age events for a
boy, during which he enters the monastery
for a short time. All children in Rohindist Excerpt from “Ethnographic History of
families are encouraged to be a novice Mystara” by Giulio Caroletti, Geoff Gander
(beginner for Rohindism) before the age of and Giampaolo Agosta
twenty and to be a monk after the age of
twenty. Girls have ear-piercing ceremonies
at the same time.
Birth of the Human Race
Most Sianesse worship the Immortal Before 75'000 BC
Rohindartha, although some clans follow
other Immortals. Women rarely hold a high Black skinned human race in Tangor Bay area.
position in Sianesse society, but it is not
unheard of. Masters of the river and marshes, 75'000 - 70'000 BC
they are accomplished small boat sailors.
First migrations leave eastwards and cross
Notable Sites: There is an unknown number the Tangor mountains. Those that remain are
of permanent settlements in the Land of the ancestors of the Tanagoro and of the
Sian. Along the Tangor Coast, there are other black-skinned humans. The evolution
rumors of a distant valley where Sianesse of the black skinned races will be treated
chieftains have been buried with their wealth. separately in a later article.

History: It is believed that the ancestors of 67'000 - 56'000 BC

the Sian were remnants of the Southians,
who broke off from the Tangor people, who Southians remain on the south-eastern coast.
migrated to the northwest and settled in the They may have become extinct, or have
Tangor Gulf. They may have intermingled crossed over the sea to Zyxl. The rest of the
with Afridhi and Peshwans.... migrating humans, known as Northians,
continue upwards near the eastern
“As I am currently learning the Sianesse Skotharian coast.
Language, the documentation of their Great
History and culture, have been an
understandably slow process. I will contact


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

A Treatise on Skotharian Rakasta

taken from the Field Notes of Arnden Quartzspar
by Arnden Quartzspar
“I have taken it upon myself to document
my anthropological study of the Continent
of Skothar, specifically with this entry
concerning the elusive rakasta. This will
be a study of their physical characteristics,
as well as their interactions with other
races and cultures during a very
informative tour of Skothar.”

Arnden wrestles with some papers. His

riding dog, Roady raises his head for a
moment before resettling. Arnden
continues with his presentation…
The odd name also comes from their
unusual ability. When using their energy
Cloud Pardasta burst, cloud pardasta can harness natural
magical forces pervading the forest and
Contrary to what their name seems to imply, blend away into its mist, fog, or clouds. In
cloud pardasta are not greater rakasta. This effect, cloud pardasta can cast dimension
wild felid type remains one of the best door to a distance of 10’ per experience
examples of arboreal rakasta, and somewhat level, at which point the energy burst ends.
of a legend as well. Cloud pardasta live in Cloud pardasta may invoke this power at any
the forests of Skothar, along the Minaean time while the energy burst still lasts. Cloud
Coast, Tangor Bay, and the Tangor pardasta must be in contact with forest mist
Peninsula. On Skothar, they call themselves when they perform the dimension door.
Rimau-Dahan – literally, fork-of-branch Cloud pardasta’ clans are tucked away in
tigers. small villages built on the branches of very
tall trees, virtually invisible from the ground.
Cloud pardasta gained their name from the Cloud pardasta suffer no movement penalty
large spots on their backs, which look like when in a tree. They have been observed by
cloudy blotches. Their base coats vary from some hunters to sneak or run down tree
brown to pale or rich yellow, with white or light trunks head first, without any difficulty
tawny on the inner limbs, throat, and chest. whatsoever. They can hang from branches


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

using only their legs, or run underneath one from yellowish-gray to golden or reddish-
with ease. Jumping from one branch to fawn with small dark spots. These tall, lanky
another is a native game, which they do rakasta often stun observers by their running
without requiring Dexterity checks or the speed and their agility when pursuing a prey.
use of a Jumping general skill, unless the This alone makes them the most successful
distance exceeds 15 feet (horizontally or hunters among rakasta. This notoriety and
downward). Cloud pardasta receive the the ensuing attention has been a curse to
general Jumping skill for free, as can be them for centuries.
expected of arboreal creatures. To
accomplish these feats, the cloud pardasta’s The life of the fast runners remains indeed a
long tail must be free to help balance difficult one. On Davania, where they call
movements. On the other hand, they lose themselves Msongo, they must beware of the
two points of Dexterity when caught on the Simbasta who view them as annoying pests.
ground. Elsewhere, Thothian monarchs and Jennite
warlords who wish to bolster the ranks of
Cloud pardasta also have a +15% bonus on their armies often seek their services, often
Climb Walls checks when climbing on trees. with less than amicable terms. The rich and
the powerful covet them as household
AL: any (non-evil). hunters and status symbols. Unfortunately,
fast runners are too few truly to challenge
these difficult neighbors.
Fast Runner
When using its natural energy burst, fast
runners can run at a much faster pace than
other bipeds: fast runners can run at
quadruple speed (instead of triple speedy);
they can go five times normal speed when
succeeding a normal Strength check; six
times normal speed with a –4 penalty on the
check. Finally, with a –8 penalty, they can
accelerate to seven times its normal
movement rate, but for one round only, after
which the energy burst ends. Time normally
allowed to keep the running speed is
counted beginning from the end of the fast
runner’s energy burst.

AL: any (non-evil).

The fast runners dwell on the dry grasslands

of the southern Steppes of Jen on Skothar.
The coat of a fast runner is coarse, varying


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

Lynx-man p o l a r
These strange rakasta claimed the coldest might crawl
regions of Mystara. On Davania, these out and still
nomads travel as far as the southern tip of survive with
the Brasol Range. On Skothar and Brun, they one hit
do not venture past the Nentsun Plateau, the point left
Hyborean Reaches, or the Wyrmsteeth instead of
Range. freezing to
death. It
Recognizable by their tail, shortened as a could also
protection against extreme colds, tufted ears, shake off all
stocky bodies, and big broad paws, lynx-men d a m a g e
are notorious for their thick neck ruffle from a
when angered. Their pelage varies from magical
reddish-tawny or cream with faint spots and cone of
facial lines in Davania forests, to gray in cold. The energy burst ends immediately
Skothar and Brun woodlands. In frozen after any one such situation occurs.
regions, lynx-men turn pure white to blend
in with the icy background. AL: any.

These hardy rakasta travel the dark frozen

expanses of the polar rims leading to Pardasta
Mystara’s Hollow World. Their natural
instinct guides them through these These clever rakasta can be found almost
treacherous lands. lynx-men travel between anywhere on Mystara, away from heavily
the two worlds according to the cycles linked populated centers – that is, regions with few
to the clans’ own totems, signs in the skies, human or demi-human settlements. Small
or divinations from their priests. Davanian tribes have been discovered fairly close to
clans know the way to Hollow World’s human settlements, but these rakasta are
Nithia, while their northern kin travel elusive and sneaky enough that people often
instead to the land of the Antalians. On this fail to notice their presence at all. Their
route, the latter compete with Norwold natural habitat includes any sort of
Malamutes (a lupin breed dwelling in woodland, savannas, semi-deserts, and
northern Norwold). Lynx-men can move rugged mountains. Pardasta tribes exist
across snow at a normal speed. especially on Skothar, Bellissaria, Ochalea,
Cestia, and Davania, in regions stretching
When using their natural energy burst, lynx- roughly between the 30th parallel.
men can shake off the effects of any cold-
based attack, or survive a situation where Their pelage can be fairly short and sleek in
natural cold would be fatal. For example, a warmer climes to deeply furred in the north.
lynx-man accidentally falling into the sea in Base color varies from pale straw, tan, or


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

gray-buff to Sherkasta
b r i g h t
reddish- Mightiest among
yellow, or jet the greater
black for rakasta, sherkasta
natives of prowl the forests
h e a v i l y and swamps of
forested southern Skothar.
regions. Some have also
Small spots claimed the
cover their mountain forests
head and of northern
necks, turning to larger rosettes on their Skothar. The
back and flanks. The base color of their southerners, who
throats, inner limbs, and belly remains call themselves the Harimau-Belang, remain
white. the most common. Their base color runs
from reddish-orange to reddish-yellow, with
Pardasta are smart and strong enough to live dark stripes and white or cream fur inside
near other rakasta or human settlements their limbs. Their northern cousins, the
without too much difficulty. They often Tagh, show a thicker, light-gray or white
outwit the powerful simbasta, they know pelage, with brown or black stripes.
how to avoid angering the mighty sherkasta,
and if threatened by humans they always find The more reclusive sherkasta form small
a way to exact a terrible revenge against their clans and shun contact with other races.
aggressors. Pardasta are supreme stalkers Other individuals sometimes mingle with
and always seem to find their quarry. They neighboring human or demi-human
excel as thieves, spies, and rangers. They populations. Sherkasta, because of their size
generally dislike tabaxi, unless they share the and ferocious appearance are normally
same alignment. considered evil monsters, or at least
dangerous predators by other races.
When using their energy burst, pardasta are However, with time, a few become more
immune to all mind-altering attacks (fear, accepted by the local population.
sleep, hypnotism, charm, etc). This does not
affect their natural fear of water or spells that The sherkasta loathe the rakshasa evil spirits
already had been cast upon them before they that resemble them. For centuries, individual
used their energy burst. They also have a rakshasa have subjected clans to a despotic
permanent +2 bonus to their initiative rolls. rule or slavery. These spirits resort, to magic,
Pardasta have a +10% bonus on Climb Walls fear, or blackmail to maintain their hold over
checks when climbing on trees. the clans and influence their minds.
Sherkasta can only unmask rakshasas for
AL: any non-lawful. what they really are when attacking and
realizing fangs and claws aren’t hurting


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

them. rakshasas delight in pitting their feline Snow Pardasta

slaves against humankind to further their
own schemes. This has done great harm to Snow pardasta
the sherkasta clans and their relations with tribes are scattered
human populations. The power of the above forest lines
rakshasas over sherkasta clans can last on the northern
decades, but usually a sherkasta escapes to mountains of
return later, when it has reached a sufficient Skothar (Nentsun
experience level to challenge the spirit and Plateaus).
free its clan.
Their thick, long
Sherkasta and were-tigers, on the other fur protects them
hand, get along fairly well and sometimes from the intense
ally against a common foe. Sherkasta can cold of their
also maintain an empathic link with common natural habitat.
tigers. Small spots cover their heads and neck,
becoming large irregular circles on their
When using their natural energy burst, back and flanks. Their pale gray fur makes
sherkasta can virtually shake off the effects of them difficult to detect against the bleak
magic previously cast upon them. A background of high mountain rocks.
successful Wisdom check dispels a first-level
spell, provided it originated from a lower- Hardly anyone competes with the snow
level spell-caster sherkasta cannot alter the pardasta, considering how remote their
effects of area spells or spells that are not homelands are. There, they hunt the ibex,
cast directly upon them (fireballs, explosive the markhor, and as opportunities present
clouds, phantasmal forces, etc). For themselves, marmots and other small
example, a 10th level sherkasta can dispel a mammals. Occasionally they wage sporadic
charm cast by a 7-HD rakshasa, but not one wars against encroaching yetis or
cast by a rakshasa maharajah (13th-level sasquatches. Their villages, often built
spell-casting ability). Furthermore, at every around temples, include a few freestanding
fifth additional level, the sherkasta may buildings made of stones and slates, and
increase its spell immunity one level walls covering the entrance to natural caves.
(second-level spells at 6th level, third-level Snow pardasta can tread ice and snow
spells at 11th level, etc). without movement penalties. Although they
cannot boost their Dexterity ratings as
AL: any (non-evil). mountain rakasta do, snow pardasta benefit
from the same leaping abilities.
Furthermore, a snow pardasta can blend into
a rock big enough to contain the whole
creature or into a large chunk of ice for the
duration of its energy burst, after which it
reappears outside. While doing so, it can see


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

and hear what happens outside, but it CREATING A RAKASTA

cannot communicate or cast spells. The
snow pardasta is at a disadvantage outside its
natural terrain. When exposed to warm
weather or less mountainous terrain, the Rakasta can be played using normal human
snow pardasta suffers a –2 penalty on all character classes (including druids, paladins,
saving throws, ability checks, and attack mystics, etc.). Each rakasta starts with 2 HD
rolls. at first level, using the type of dice
corresponding to the chosen character class,
AL: neutral. and a one-time penalty of –2,200 XP that
must be overcome before any of the class
abilities can be used. The rakasta suffers a
“I have met representatives of all the permanent 30% experience penalty
differing types of Rakasta in my travels (rounded up to the nearest 100) on all
around Skothar, and have a cloud experience points gained thereafter during
pardasta as a traveling companion. We adventures.
have helped each other over the last several
years, and I have found that they can be For example, a 1st-level magic-using
great friends or terrible enemies, domestic rakasta gains an extra 1d4 hp in
depending on how they perceive your addition to his initial 2 HD when reaching
intentions and actions.” 2nd level; he must have first gained 2,200 XP
to qualify as a 1st level magic-user, then
Arnden motioned to the rakasta sitting off 3,600 XP (–30% penalty = 2,500 XP) for 2nd
to the side with Roady. level. Rakasta share some ability score
adjustments (including maximum and
minimum scores) according to their breed
and must respect all limitations that are
normally part of the chosen class. They have
no level limitation; Constitution adjustments
apply only once per class level up to 9th
level. Rakasta fight and save as their chosen
character classes or as 2 HD monsters,
whichever offers the best score.

Size and Weight

Size and weight are based largely upon the
rakasta’s breed and Strength score. Should
you decide to make female characters
smaller, a –10% size difference is
recommended for rakasta up to 70 inches
tall, –20% for taller specimens. Weight is
calculated accordingly.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

Lifespan Dexterity, and Constitution, but gains a

The basic lifespan of a rakasta is 90 years point of Wisdom. A venerable rakasta loses a
(maximum longevity is 90 + 2d8). Middle point of Strength, Dexterity, and
age for a rakasta comes at about half its base Constitution, but gains a point of
lifespan (45 years for a generic rakasta). Old Intelligence and Wisdom.
age comes at two-thirds its base lifespan (or
60 years, minimum 40 years), and venerable
age at its base lifespan (90 years, minimum Rakasta Spell-casters
60 years). A middle-aged rakasta loses a Only domestic rakasta can be clerics or
point of Strength and Constitution, but gains magic-users. Wild, greater, and ancestor
a point of Intelligence and Wisdom. An old species cannot choose any of the spell-
rakasta loses two points of Strength, casting classes save the druid (it’s suggested


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

you use the rules found in the Players advance a level in the Wokan or Shaman
Handbook, or Red Steel Campaign book to class.
have them start as druids since 1st level) and
the bard (if you allow this class to cast spells
at all in your campaign). SPECIAL ABILITIES:

Wild, greater, and ancestor rakasta can Most rakasta share the following special
nevertheless take the Wokan (or Wicca) and abilities. Please read carefully these entries
Shaman options described in GAZ10 - The and confront them with Tables 2 and 3 to
Orcs of Thar by B. Heard (TSR 9241, 1988, understand an individual breed’s abilities.
“Dungeon Master’s Booklet”, pages 5-10) Most rakasta breeds also have their own
and later supplements; use the rakasta’s special abilities which are listed in their
chosen class as its normal progression, then individual description, later in this paragraph.
apply the additional XPs to be earned to


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

Roar Feline Physiology

Most ancestor and greater rakasta have a roar All rakasta can gather their strength and
powerful enough to affect their foes (see release it in a sudden burst of activity. When
Table 2 for individual listing). The roar must doing so, a rakasta may temporarily increase
be used in the first round of any combat its Strength as follows: subtract half the
encounter to be effective and counts as an rakasta’s normal Strength score from 10; add
action. Table 3 lists the effects of the roar. the result rounded up to the rakasta’s
Strength. The Strength burst cannot exceed
Fear of Water
See Table 2 for each rakasta’s rating. This burst of energy lasts a number of
Entering open water requires a successful rounds equal to half the rakasta’s
Wisdom check, else halve the rakasta’s Constitution score (rounded down), or until
Strength and Dexterity ratings (rounded the rakasta decides to calm down, whichever
down) until out of the water. Halve comes first. Each time this ability is used, the
Charisma as well until dry. Rakasta listed rakasta must rest for as many turns as the
with None are immune to this limitation. number of rounds the burst of energy lasted.
Moderate fear requires a normal Wisdom rakasta must sleep 12 hours each day in
check. High fear adds a +4 penalty to the addition to these cat naps, although not
check. necessarily at one time or during night
hours. If a rakasta fails to complete either, its


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence scores check, during which time it can make no
are all halved (rounded down) until properly action (attacks, spell casting, etc). If attacked
rested. Felines normally rest 16 hours a day, at this time, the rakasta retains all magical,
but rakasta can limit their rest to 12 hours armor, and Dexterity bonuses to AC, while
when adventuring. the attacker sustains a –2 penalty to its attack
rolls against this rakasta due to its
All rakasta are light sleepers. They can wake unpredictable twists and rolls. There must
up at any suspicious sound, provided they be a fresh patch of at least a foot-square in
make a successful Detect Noise roll. Add a order to affect a rakasta.
20% bonus for each subsequent sound. For
example, a snoring companion does not
affect a sleeping rakasta. A companion Whiskers
waking up and rummaging inside a backpack Part of all rakastas’ Dexterity comes from
does. An approaching thief will too, unless their vibrissae, which act as air-current
the thief makes a successful Move Silently detectors. Should these be damaged or cut
roll. Use common sense in adjudicating off, the rakasta loses 2 points of Dexterity,
these situations. and both the blind fighting and detect
invisible proficiencies. These whiskers
Natural Concealment regrow in 1d4 weeks.
Wild rakasta can conceal themselves when
hiding or moving slowly within their natural
environment (see individual descriptions). Weapons and Armour
Greater rakasta have the same ability, but all Limitations
chances are halved. Table 3 lists the chances
of success. Ancestor and domestic breeds Rakastas have no limitations on what
don’t have this special ability. weapons they can use, other than class
related or campaign setting restrictions.
Ancestor and greater rakastas never use
Catnip missile weapons other than hand thrown
Called nepeta rakastaria by some Known weapons (stones, javelins, hand axes, etc).
World sages, this plant of ancient Ochalean The former weapons are either too complex,
origins has a powerful effect on all Mystaran out of character, or simply deemed
felines. Unless making a successful Wisdom cowardly. Hand-to-hand or unarmed blood
check, the rakasta feels an uncontrollable lust is more in their natural style. Some
and immediate urge to rub and roll on the rakastas will not use any missile weapons at
plant, displaying a state of utter ecstasy all due to their Warrior Honor. Paladins and
(licking, biting, chewing, rubbing its cheeks wild rakasta never use firearms. There are no
and chin, shaking its head, purring, further weapon limitations.
growling, leaping in the air). The victim
never actually eats catnip but only enjoys its More lightly built rakastas stay away from
contact and smell. This display persists for as heavy armor as a matter of racial preference.
many rounds as the rakasta failed its Wisdom Rakastas listed with a weight divider of 4.6 or


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Notes on Skotharian Rakasta

more (see Table 2) avoid armor whose Sources:

standard encumbrance exceeds 250 cn.
Rakastas with a weight divider of 4.1 or more “History and Evolution of Rakastas” by
avoid armor whose standard encumbrance Simone Neri,
exceeds 400 cn. Rakastas with a weight
divider of 4 or less have no armor The original articles on rakastas by Bruce
restrictions, other than those usually Heard:
imposed by the chosen character class or the
particular campaign setting. “Rakasta of Mystara”,
in Dragon Magazine #247 (vol. XXII, no. 10,
Increase the weight of armor for larger May 1998)
rakastas, as follows: for rakastas up to 70”
tall, use the normal armor encumbrance. For “The Voyage of the Princess Ark - Part 28:
every extra 4” size (or fraction thereof), add In the Eye of the Cat,” in Dragon Magazine
another 10% (retain fractions). For example, #181 (vol. XVI, no. 12 , May 1992).
normal plate mail is listed at 500 cn. For
each extra 4” size, add +10% (+50 cn). For [See also “Herioes of the Princess Ark” book
an 80” tall rakasta, this armor should weigh (pages 48-52 and 92-93) in the “Champions
50 + (3 x 50) = 650 cn. of Mystara” boxed set which compiles mych
of the original VotPA rakasta material]
Generally speaking, rakasta favor swiftness,
maneuverability, and aggressive tactics over
cautious or defensive approaches (such as
heavy armor). Ancestors never wear armor
other than hides and bones. Greater and
wild rakasta do not normally manufacture
metal armor of any sort, but they might wear
it if made available to them.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

of Mystara by Robin
14 Yarthmont 1001 AC; almost “That is pwecisly what I intent to
Sunset; Glantri Great School of undewstand Master Lest. And the
Magic, Museum of Monsterology, Dweamspeech magic divulged a lot of
Anatomy/Examination room. infowmation of these dangewous,
intewesting species. That is why I called
upon the expewtise of Master Bhes3. And
“The weseawch of a lifetime is what I desiwe see what his divinations bwought us
to call it”. knowledge”.

“I know, I know, ...yet Gaston1, ...from other ”Indeed my fellow teachers. It seems that
researchers we have learned from Autopsy, the specimen laid before us still has mental
Anatomy, Divination and Thanatology that images remaining in his mind. Are you sure
the mind of a beholder is utterly chaotic brother Lest that the creature is dead and
and dancing around the barrier of sanity incapacitated?”
and madness. Don’t you agree Master
Timonn Lest2?” “Yes, Master Bhes. The creature seemed to
be a renegade beholder. According to the
“Yes, I do, yet I also understand the brave adventurers it was hunted by at least
conceptual ideas of Master vander Klil. It three beholders of a different breed. The
indeed seems that these chaotic creatures differences are clear when knowing how to
seem to have an ordered concept of living. look. It was not known until recently that
It is as if these chaotic creatures do seem to the beholder race has several different
have some lawfulness and order”. breeds, which seem to combat each other,”
replied Sir Timonn.
1 Sir Gaston vander Klil is Master of “Yes, indeed, this specimen seemed to
B i o l o g y, E c o l o g y a n d G e o m o r p h o l o g y i n th e belong to a breed we have seen only on the
G re a t S c h o o l o f M a g i c , a n d i s a l s o a n continent Skothar,...” his brother Sir Johann
e xp l o re r a n d a d ve n tu rer. H e h a s a s p e e c h
chimed in.
deficien cy du e missin g teeth (w=r). His
a d v e n t u r e s c a n b e f o l l o we d u n t h e “ Br e a t h o f
Mystara” blog. “That was interesting, yet not what
2 Sir Timonn Lest is Master of Monster Lore
information I requested Masters. You don’t
i n th e Gr e a t S c h o o l o f M a g i c wo r ki n g
seem to understand that if I delve deeper
togeth er with h is broth er Sir Joh an n L e s t
wh o i s M a st e r o f A n i m a l L o r e . B o t h wo r k i n
th e M u se u m o f M o n ste r o l o g y o f th e G r e a t 3 S i r W i l h e l m B h e s i s M a ste r o f D i v i n a ti o n s
School of Magic. in the Gre a t S c h o o l o f M a g i c .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

within the decaying mind, I could lose my Master Bhes sat down, meditate for a turn or
way of returning if there is an active so, and then began invoking his divination
sentience within.” magic. He arose, grabbed the brain, and an
image appeared. Followed by another, and
“Sorry, Master Bhes, the creature was another, faster and faster until the images
subjected to several rays of magical eyes seemed to be a moving active situation
from the following beholders. And even to depicted in translucent illusion magic.
them the creature seemed to be dead, Master Bhes started to speak; and his voice
before they left. The adventurers also cut spoke;...
several times within the creature, and with
the examination, and autopsy we have not
discerned any glint of life”. BEHOLDERBREEDS ON
“Oke, then I will commence with the Deep
Divination. We must know more about CITIES
these monsters.””...How intewesting they
might be.” by 6inchnails4

True Beholders
(Oculithorax variants)
The standard Beholder
(Oculithorax tyrannis

Mystaran beholders tend to be brown or

green, and possess mottled skin. The
distinctive patterns of the mottling define
the particular breed. Their tentacles are
about average in length (24 inches) and
mostly unsegmented. These beholder stalks
have human-sized eyes that disappear when
their dark eyelids close. A Mystaran beholder
that closes its eyes and folds its eyestalks
across its body while settling on the ground,
looks much like a moss-encrusted or mud-
encrusted boulder. Stories of unwitting

4 O r i g i n a l l y a n a r t i c l e , “ Be h o l de r Br e e ds o n
Mystara and their Cities”, published on
R o b i n’ s a rt b l o g


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

adventurers who sat atop sleeping pattern, blue eyes. Some individuals of this
beholders are quite common. Alas, all of breed seem to have developed water-
these tales end in tragedy. It is suggested the breathing as a natural ability)
varieties in local ecology and diet create new
breeds. Currently 11 different breeds are Davanian Breed = O.t.M.Davanicus, (this
recognized on Mystara (in a beholder’s version is more brown with thicker, hair-like
opinion the breeds other than their own green mottling, blue eyes. This breed is less
breed are variant befouled monstrosities); vulnerable to heat, and somewhat more to
The Known World Breed = O.t.M.
Darokinius, (this version is medium brown, Blackmoor Breed = O.t.M.Polaris, (this
with dark-brown mottling in a band like version is more dark-brown with lighter


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

mottling, yellow eyes. It has a banded profile (due the wet caves it lives in). It has red or
of scales--a predecessor of armor. This breed yellow bloodshot eyes.)
resembles the first breed brought to Mystara
by the FSS Beagle aliens at best ) Northern Skothar breed = O.t.M. Millenius,
(this version is slightly more armored (AV+1
Alphatian Breed = O.t.M.Alpaticus, (this or AC-1)5, its scales are light-brown with a
version is light-brown with dark-brown greenish cast and some dark-brown mottling
mottling, brown eyes. This breed has the on top, it has green eyes)
highest percentage of beholder mages and
elders of all breeds) Southern Skothar Breed = O.t.M. Vulcanis,
(this version has a more armored skin (AV+2
Norwold breed = O.t.M.Aquilonum, (this or AC-2) and segmented eyestalks, with
version is dark-brown with much mossy yellow eyes, its scales are medium brown
mottling, grey-blueish eyes. This breed rarely with lighter brown ends. The face-nose area
speaks, and seems to have developed a 50’ is cracked, it has yellow eyes--see picture)
It is possible a variant breed will develop
Savage Coast Breed = O.t.M. Cinnabryllus, somewhere else. All breeds tend to stay to
(this version is reddish-brown with muddy their own part of the world, and new breeds
darker mottling, reddish brown eyes--the must settle somewhere yet unclaimed by the
reddish teint is not genetic but a side effect other breeds. As expected there are conflict
of the area. This breed often camouflages areas where the breeds claim territory
itself with mud). (territories overlap on the map) or are
reasonably near to other territories. Keep in
Thanagian Breed = O.t.M. Thanagius, (this mind that beholder borders do not follow
version is light-brown with intensive green any other racial borders.
almost hair-like top mottling, and dark-
brown muddy bottom mottling, green eyes. The O.t.M. Vulcanis (travelled there by
This breed adorns its stalks with shells) themselves) and the O.t.M. Alphaticus
(placed there by the translocation of Alphatia
Isle of Dawn Breed = O.t.M Tessarectum, 1009 AC as a floating continent) are currently
(this version is creme-brown, with a dark- the only two breeds found in the Hollow
brown grouped mottling, dark-brown eyes. World, and their numbers are very low, they
Known for its three-dimensional gravity- possess no cities and no more than 3 hives
changing mazes found on the Isle of Dawn each and the spell of preservation prevents
regularly) the rise of new breeds unless they travel or
are placed there. With the demise of Alphatia
Western Breed = O.t.M. Occidentalis, (this in 1009 AC, the O.t.M. Alphaticus survived
version is dark-brown, with darker brown only in Esterhold, Bellissaria, Norwold and
variant sized mottling all over its body, and is
mostly wet with real moss growing on its top 5 Th i s d e p e n d s i f th e A rm o r Valu e (AV) ru les
o f th e D a wn o f th e E m p e r o r s B o x e d S e t i s
used or not.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

the Northern Islands. They were driven from gorbel (Oculithorax pyrophoricus) do exist,
the Isle of Dawn, and are almost destroyed but are rare on Mystara. They are spawned
in Bellisaria and Norwold. Esterhold can’t by a hive mother depending on her diet, and
sustain them enough, and the northern are able to reproduce amongst their own.
islands are too cold to reproduce, so this They may or may not bear the original breed
race is eventually doomed to extinction on traits and marks of the breed they are
the Outer World. Of the four beholder cities spawned from. The eye-of-the-deep is the
that have existed on Mystara, Kargash is best known and most widespread of these
currently the only active one. creatures.

Outside Mystara (Space and Planar) 25 other Abominations (Oculithorax detestatio

variant beholder races are known to exist species) belong to the beholder
named after their planet or Plane (they are abominations spawned by a hive mother
all Oculithorax tyrannis species), and these depending on the need and circumstances.
may have their own (mostly up to 6) local These are completely different species being
breeds (the fourth name in line). A beholder equal in any breed they are spawned;
race of the Outer Plane Hades would be defender8 (Oculithorax detestio Defendus),
O.t.Hadesius, followed by the name of the director (Oculithorax detestio Princepius),
breed. examiner (Oculithorax detestio Scrutator),
lensman (Oculithorax detestio
Humanoides), overseer (Oculithorax
Other beholder creatures6 detestio Arboretus), watcher (Oculithorax
The beholder mage (Oculithorax tyrannis detestio Vigilius), astereater (Oculithorax
Mystarae-Occultis) and elder orbs detestio Bothynus), orbus (Oculithorax
(Oculithorax tyrannis Mystarae-Antiqua) are detestio Orbus), are all beholder
altered standard beholders and still bear the abominations once existing on Mystara (and
original breed traits and marks. may well still exist in Kargash). They are not
able to reproduce. At least one astereater is
Beholderkin like the eye-of-the-deep known to roam Mystaraspace, probably
(Oculithorax aquaticus), gauth (Oculithorax originating from Mystara just before the
quadricrinixus Inferior), death kiss Destruction of Alphatia (1009 AC), and may
(Oculithorax ungueus Sanguina-Electrica), have been a reaction of the great war.
spectator (Oculithorax curiosis Cogitarus),
and the searechter7 or marine spectator Undead beholder; death tyrant (Corpus
(Oculithorax curiosis Aquaticus), observer animatea Oculi-Tyrannis) 1166, kasharin
(Oculithorax curiosis Nirvanaeus), and (Corpus mummificatum Oculi-Tyrannis)
1260, doomsphere* (Spiritum oculi
tyrannis) 11379.
6 A l l t h e se cr e a t u r e s a r e e x ce l l e n t l y d e t a i l e d
i n A D& D 2e d su p p l e me n t “I, Ty r a n t ” - a
table for Mystara can be found on Robin’s 8 A defender is another beholder
a rt b l o g a bo m i n a t i o n cre a t e d b y m e , . . . h o we v e r, the
7 A varian t (aqu atic) sp ectator , n a m e d i n
s t a t i s t i c s a re n o t fi n i sh e d a n d wi l l be p l a ce d
D r a g o n M a g a zi n e # 1 3 9 , a n d se e t h i s o n P i a z za / P a n d i u s l a t e r .
W i ki p e d i a e n try fo r m o re i n fo rm a ti o n 9 Th e n u m be rs a re p a g e n u m be rs o f th e se


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

History - Planes. Legends say that the Great Mother

as the Immortals know it usually consumes these powerful creatures.
These ‘unions’ doubtless account for some of
When the Multiverse was young and chaotic, the more unusual sorts of beholder kin and
in the beginning of time, the Great Mother abominations. This behavior is also found
was born from an unknown creature in the within hive mothers, and as such expected
Nightmare dimension. It developed so much magically transferred from the Great Mother
intelligence that it quickly arose to immense to hive mothers. It seems that each new
power. Many current races in that realm have abomination or beholderkin can be spawned
either heard of her as being one of the Great from the moment of its initial creation by the
Creators of existence, or even herald their Great Mother from hive mothers if they
own offspring directly to her. desire so depending upon circumstances.

She soon succeeded in becoming Immortal; In one of these realms her offspring arose to
who her sponsor was is unknown, but a great civilization, with technological and
Thanatos already did exist, maybe she was magical progress. Yet its chaotic genetic
the first mortal that he sponsored into imbalance soon prevailed, and different
Immortality. (If so, he no longer remembers breeds came forth. At first this was no
this anymore). problem, as the beholders did not yet have
their xenophobic tendency. But soon there
Unlike its mortal spawn, the Great Mother is was absolutely no order. In all this chaos,
an egg layer. It drifts endlessly on its tensions became violence, and violence
mysterious journey, stopping only to lay eggs became a war, a giant war. Several beholder
(in effect casting the Immortal spell Create breeds settled on their space vessels to
Species) or briefly return to its home plane. escape the utter chaos, bringing with them
Most of the Great Mother’s eggs hatch into the genetic seed for xenophobia.
Hive Mothers of various breeds.
In the early Blackmoor era, a gigantic vessel
Scholars do not know what factors determine travelled haphazardly through space and
the breed of the eggs, though some believe finally even through the solar system of the
that the Great Mother’s diet greatly beholders, while they were warring and
influences this process. As the Immortal law combating with each other, or even trying to
‘No direct interference against mortals’ flee. Within these travels they succeeded in
counts only on the Prime Plane, she stays far capturing several warring beholders. Some
away from there, and thus devours any sages suggest; it was probably due to the
creature she likes to devour, ranging from chaotic energy these creatures emit (magic)
devil to demon or Outer Planar spawn. The that the giant vessel ruptured the
Great Mother often encounters powerful dimensional borders in the first place. When
beings in her wanderings throughout the the vessel was disabled and crash-landed on
Mystara, nothing happened at first, but soon
undead in my “Mystara Monster Manual intruders from the planet, invaded the vessel
C o m pi l a t i o n ” b o o k o n u n d e a d i n B E C M I and released the imprisoned horrors (mostly
st y l e


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

unwittingly), and thus the beholder came to sparsely or not at all occupied by other
Mystara. The Blackmoorians soon tried to sentient races. A small beholder city will
control these monsters to be used in the war contain the following; 1d6+2 hive mothers,
with the beastmen. However, their chaotic 3d6 standard beholders, (there is a 50%
minds and magic abilities made them chance that 1d3 of these creatures will be
unreliable and prone to escape. The mages), 3d6+3 overseers, 1d6+4x10
creatures were greatly affected by the Rain of directors, 1d4x10 examiners, 3d6+3
Fire and the radiation. They were dispersed watchers, 1d6=2x10 lensmen and 2d6
over Mystara, and suffered several mutations. miscellaneous other beholder kin. A very
It is these ones which formed the basis of the large beholder city will have a terrifyingly
current Mystara beholder breeds. The large population consisting of 1500 hive
number of variety in beholder and beholder- mothers, 3000 overseers, 2500 standard
kin and even abominations was limited by beholders (of whom some 250 are beholder
the magical aura of the planet itself. mages), 17.500 directors, 6000 examiners,
3000 watchers, 15.000 lensmen, and 1500
In the beginning they were mostly solitary10, mixed beholder kin. The usual proportions
yet soon hive mothers spawned, and of non-beholder-kin population also reside
beholder hives11 came to be. The appearance in the city.
of beholder hives is significantly less
common than the appearance of a solitary
beholder. A hive consists of one ruling hive Hive mother
mother and either 1d6+4 beholders (or even (Oculithorax tyrannis
more rare) 5d4 abominations and beholder- Mystarae-Dominatrix)
kin. The standard beholders present in a hive
must all be of the same breed; even the Hive mothers were first encountered by a
presence of a hive mother will not deter matriarchal elven society in the distant past
different breeds of beholders from attacking (probably Norwold elves just after the Rain
each other. Generally, the hive mother will of Fire 3000 BC). This elven society assumed
be the parent or ancestor of all other that these giant creatures were female
members of the hive, but this is not always because they led beholder communities, and
the case. worshipped an Immortal called the Great
Mother. Naturally, the elves named these
Occasionally, two or more same-breed hive creatures hive mothers. However, the
mothers decide to unite their individual beholders’ own name for a hive mother is
hives. The resultant community, regardless Kawahak Kru, which translates more
of its size is called a city. Historically, these correctly as “Spawner-Boss”. Kawahak kru
cities have formed for two reasons; the same have no specific female traits. Hive mothers
beholder breed dominates a particular are naturally transformed beholders or born
geographical locale abundantly, and it is that way from an adult hive mother, or more
rarely a direct transformation under the
10 A solitary beholder is called Ashatsi in
influence of their Immortal the Great
be h o l d e r to n g u e
11 A beholder hive is called Claskho in Mother. The natural process is that in a hive,
be h o l d e r to n g u e


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

the first pregnant beholder births a single The Lost underground

young hive mother, that rapidly grows in the Beholder city12 Ill’th Khinax on
following years. During the teenage stage, Brun
the creature starts to grow so exponentially
that it forces the eyestalks to become Created 2795 BC, it thrived between 2755
regressed in mounds of flesh. The rapid BC and 1750 BC, warred against the 2nd
growth halts when the hive mother-beholder Empire of Mogreth on Brun, but fell from
gains adult size and normal growth sets in. warring factions within the city. Once it did
During the autopsy research of a recently hold over 2000 beholders and beholder-kin.
killed hive mother, it was indeed discovered Current occupation unknown (depending on
that the eyestalk is literally pulled inside to results from the AD&D2e adventure series;
the limit by the exponentially grotesque “Eye of Doom”, “Eye of Pain”, and “Eye to Eye”.
beholder body, and the eyestalk skin is still
found just behind the eyes within the body, The city itself originates from a time long
shriveled up like a pushed-up sleeve. past, when beholders ruled both the surface
and the depths and humans had only begun
The hive mother’s ability to create to appear in the area. Named Illth Khinax in
abominations—sterile beholder-like the beholder tongue (which means “Place of
creatures that exist only in hive situations— Spires”), the beautiful city (at least the
most likely stems from the species beholders themselves considered it
predisposition towards mutation. Beholder beautiful) was once a thriving population
legends, however, claim that this is a gift center with over 2000 beholders and
from the Great Mother. Hive mothers are beholder-kin dwelling there. Many of the
larger adapted variants of their own breed; as other subterranean species knew of and
such they hold the same naming, but with "- marveled at its existence, and some even
Dominatrix" added to the 3rd designation. A managed to establish peaceful (sort of)
hive mother of the beholder race of the relations with the eye tyrants (through
Outer Plane Hades would be O.t.Hadesius- adopting a suitable obsequious attitude and
Dominatrix, followed by the name of the thereby circumventing the beholder’s
breed. legendary xenophobia) and began to trade
with them (the modrigswerg are rumored to
Only four (mostly empty or almost empty) have done this, but all information about this
beholder cities have existed on Mystara. Only trade is lost in time.) Still, the beholders
one of these cities is active--very active. were enemies of many races, and constant
retaliation against invasion was seen a
necessity. On more than one occasion other
subterranean species attempted to attack Ilth
K’hinax, either openly or through subtle
infiltration. Some of the fallen warriors of the
beholder enemies decorate the halls of the
city to this day

12 A ci ty i s ca l l e d B e r i n g i n be h o l d e r to n g u e


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

The End but none has ever attempted it, until now.
In the end, the downfall of the city came, Ixathinon began her quest to re-establish the
not from without, but from within. Factions throne of Ilth K'hinax over 150 years ago. No
within the society of the great city constantly known routes existed to the Place of Spires,
opposed each other, plotting for power and but she diligently researched for years,
prestige against one another. Ultimately, the examining shreds of evidence from tales and
conflicts became too openly militant to records bought, stolen, or connived away
check, and a full-blown civil war ensued. from other subterranean races. Slowly, the
Some factions were annihilated, others fled hive mother began to construct a map that
to safer havens, still others continued to war revealed a possible location of the fabled
with one another in the channels and spires city. Her perseverance paid off; she was the
of Ilth K'hinax. In the end, one faction first beholder to lay eyes on Ilth K'hinax in
reigned supreme, but the glory of the great over a millennia.
beholder city was but a memory. The other
subterranean races, seeing their chance at Overjoyed, Ixathinon led her hive to the site
revenge and domination, allied against the and established a home there. The task of
remaining eye tyrants and hunted them reclaiming the city from the ravages of time
down. When all was said and done, the proved to be a long and arduous one, but
surviving citizens of Ilth K'hinax had slowly, the beholders are beginning to
scattered with the four winds, and the city return the place to its former glory. Only a
lay silent and dark. No other species could portion of Ilth K'hinax has been taken back;
comfortably live there without the inherent the rest will be restored in due time. A major
levitation ability of the beholders, so the obstacle stands in the restoration of Ilth
place was abandoned by the sentient ones. K'hinax's former glory: the presence of
The mindless monsters that the beholders humans and demihumans on the surface.
once kept as pets and guards remained, Ixathinon knows too well the tale of the
multiplying and adapting or dying out original downfall of Ilth K'hinax, and she has
completely (for escape was impossible for been convinced through her studies that it
most of them). Ilth K'hinax lay dormant for was a result of the citizens' interaction with
hundreds of years, and the knowledge of its and acceptance of the other races. It has
location became lost in the shrouds of time. become an obsession of hers that no other
sentient species should be permitted to
dwell in the vicinity of the great city; to do
Recently so only invites disaster once again. Thus it
In the wilds beyond Ilth K'hinax, the legend has come to pass that Ixathinon has devised
of the city has been passed from generation a plan to eradicate the town of Cumbert and
to generation of beholder. It has become all of its inhabitants. Understanding the
more a tale of myth and mystery than a limitations of the military strength of her
simple set of facts, but the memory of the hive, Ixathinon realizes she could never
place remained, nonetheless. Many an elder hope to win an all-out war with the surface
orb or hive mother has dreamed of one day dwellers. To even attempt such a thing
returning there to claim dominion over it, would not only deplete her valuable


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

resources, but it would draw unwanted eventually lost the battle here. It is now
attention to the hive and its activities. completely abandoned.
Instead, by using a criminal organization
called the Unblinking Eye, she has set in The underground beholder city Ash Phrax is
motion a scheme to subtly degrade the fabric the lost city according to beholders. In many
of Cumbert's society hopefully leading to its respects it resembles Illth Khinax, yet all
eventual and ultimate corruption This plot breeds corresponding to either city would be
has become the source of contention very insulted by this. Ash Phrax is similar to
between the hive mother and the beholder Ilth K'hinax in a way, that it is located within
Qeqtoxi. Because of the great success of the a cave 500 miles deep within the ground,
Unblinking Eye, Qeqtoxi has come to enjoy hidden deep under the surface of the
the level of power it commands among the Davanian continent. It may appear to be
surface dwellers and is not so willing to similar to Illth Khinax, the main difference
surrender it to Ixathinon. It sees her plan to lies within its floating middle city. This huge
destroy Cumbert as foolish and a waste of stone circular disk floats about 10 feet from
potential resources, so the elder orb has the ceiling and about 30 feet from four
decided to usurp her and take over the hive. carefully placed gravity-influencing poles that
If successful, Qeqtoxii will continue to build keep the disk in its position. The magic is so
its power base within Cumbert and strong (and apparently not affected by the
eventually spread its organization's influence Day of Dread’s no-magic effect), that it is
farther afield. assumed that the beholder goddess the
Great Mother had something to do with
This is where the Eye of Doom, Eye of Pain creating this “artifact” city.
and Eye to Eye AD&D2ed adventure trilogy
begins. This floating section and the assumption the
Great Mother created this was apparently
also the reason that both Davanian beholder
The haunted beholder city Ash breeds battled over possession of the city.
Phrax on Davania The battle was so immense that more than
1100 petrified beholders are currently found
Deep within underground Davania is the in the area. Some unknown force succeeded
beholder city Ash Phrax. It is unknown which in controlling these petrified undead
of the two Davanian beholder breeds built beholders (stats as normal death tyrant, but
the city and which destroyed it. Between 255 AV +3), maybe it is due to doomspheres or
AC13 and 280 AC it was a viable beholder city something worse.
containing over 500 beholders of one of the
two breeds. As there are remains found of The city is now completely abandoned, as at
over 1100 beholders and beholderkin, least 50 beholder ghosts (doomspheres)
apparently both breeds met, battled and seem to haunt the area. Neither beholder
breed knows of this city anymore, and the
only memory with the same name leads to an
13 It was created about a decade earlier as a immense slaughter field. In fact this made so
hive and grown into a city over time.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

much impact that the word Ash Phrax new single hive (32 beholders, 1 hive mother
literally is translated as battlefield, or death named Kai-La-rinn, and about 15 beholder-
field. No beholder would be interested in kin).
this city due to the hundreds of dead and
undead beholders lurking there,
uncontrollable, unlike death tyrants.

The living Beholder city

Kargash16 on Skothar
The abandoned Beholder city by 6inchnails17
of Zelphim on Skothar
Kargash is depicted in the AD&D 2ed
The abandoned Beholder city of Zelphim14 supplement “I, Tyrant” as the main beholder
has recently (1000AC) been rediscovered and city and is in fact the only truly functioning
partially repopulated. beholder city on Mystara.

Inhabited from 565 BC to 325 BC on the

northern part of Skothar—very well recorded This beholder city is made up of many of the
slaughter records15; located;1504 beholders, wasp’s nest style dwellings, plus other
342 hive mothers, 1100 variant beholders constructions and places for the common
slain, warred against hordes of humanoids use of all beholder citizens. It was created
(combined, Jennite human, orc, ogre, troll shortly after the Great Rain of Fire in 2990
and giant), and was almost wiped out of BC, and was active yet small until 2166 BC.
existence. The city is currently nothing more At that time the Kasharin affliction (probably
than an abandoned, mostly ruined, beholder a Beholder version of the Wasting Disease),
city functioning as a living location for the and regular volcanic eruptions, together with
Tangor attacks made an end to the city.
14 A s d e p i cte d i n th i s i l l u str a ti o n o n When the Alphatians made Landfall, the
beholder cities beholders had already rediscovered and
1 5 Hi n e xp l o re rs stu mbl e d u p o n th e

b a t t l e f i e l d i n 325B C . T h e y su c c e e d e d t o repopulated the city for a decade. No Tangor

remain hidden, and recorded the battle on tribe was powerful enough to resist them,
shells and birch bark scrolls written in Lalor. although major attacks have occured in 733
W h e n th e ba ttle wa s o ver , they saw no BC, 188 BC, and 467 AC. There has also been
su rvi vors. Th ey retu rn ed h ome with severa l
b e h o l d e r p a r t s, a n d b e c a m e i n st a n t h e r o e s .
Th e se re ma i n s ca n be fo u n d i n ma n y Hi n 16 A u th o r; th e ma p u se s Ka r d a s h i n s t e a d o f
p u b l i c b u i l d i n g s o f M y st a r a . U p t o t o d a y Kargash....this is a mistake...sorry..probably
n o bo d y kn o ws th e tr u th , a n d d e sce n d a n ts a g r e m l i n i n m y PC ....o r i t m a y be a ssu m e d
still boast the stories. The records only to be th e Ta n a g o ro h u m a n tra n sl a ti o n o f th e
d i cta te v a r i a n ts sp e ci e s a n d ki l l s, wi th m u tu a l b e h o l d e r n a m e . A s su c h Ka r g a sh a n d
battle tactics, and assumed ‘heroic’ attacks K a r d a sh a r e th e sa m e a n d u se d by th e
o f th e H i n . C o p i e s a r e sto r e d i n th e l i br a r y o f v a r i a n t sp e ci e s/ cu l tu r e s.
Sh i re to n , Th e Gre a t Li bra ry o f Se rra i n e a n d 1 7 O r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d a s a n a r ti cl e o n

i n th e Gre a t Li bra ry o f Gl a n tri . R o b i n’ s a rt b l o g


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

an attack by the hivebrood (Formica as natural cliffs became obscure. Examiners,

hominoidea-parasites)18 in 890 AC, which acting as structural engineers, make sure that
was overwhelmingly won by the beholders. the cliffs are not so heavily dug out that they
The Tangor tribes suffered several major will collapse; otherwise, these cliffs look
defeats from these monsters and since then entirely artificial.
refrained from crossing the Ale River, the
mountain chain and the Desyx River to The above map shows the location of the
prevent further war and retaliations they small city of Kargash (on the Mystara
can’t manage. The beholders on the other continent of Skothar) — population 2000 —
hand have created more beholder spawn located on a volcanic, mist-shrouded tract of
(amongst them the new defender spawn), land far from any settlements or trade
and it may be assumed they will initiate routes. Once upon a time, the city was
attacks on either the humanoids, the nothing but a small river canyon. However,
remaining hivebrood of the region or travel a hive mother named Kagg discovered the
beyond and attack Tangor tribes. area in 2990 BC and pronounced it perfect
for settlement. It has gradually become one
Over time, the cliff sides of the beholder city of the largest eye tyrant cities ever recorded
became so infested with lairs that their origin (even on other Planes).

18 See pages 672-676 of “Lowlife” at the

Va u l t s o f Pa n d i u s.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

Arragon Volcanoes The beholders get their slaves from the

This line of the continent of Skothar lies Tangor tribes on the other side of the
upon a deep crevice of geologically unstable mountain. The Tangor have named the
matter. Deep below, the lower cells of the Mountain range as Tembo Taboo, what
planetary creature (the Megalith, see this means forbidden area. Most of the Arragon
post at “Breath of Mystara”) continuously volcanoes are currently active, and slowly
deplete, and new cells are created on top of erupt their ashes and magma in continuous
it (instead normally below this wound). streams in underground tunnels toward the
Probably this wound was created in the Great North and East. The other volcanoes are
Rain of Fire incident in 3000 BC, and the either dead or currently inactive. The whole
massive radiation even affected the area is riddled with magma tunnels, and
regenerative abilities of the creature we many giant worms are attracted to the fresh
know as the planet Mystara, as well as matter, riddling it further, with their tunnels.
causing it to massively tilt permanently. Almost any kind of worm can be found here.
No other important races are found here,
In fact the northern part of the area is slowly except spiders and other large lowlife, but
and steadily pushed down by the growth of there are no other sentient races in this
the cells south of it, creating mountains desolate dying part of the world, other than
there, and enabling lots of volcanic activity a handful of subjugated humanoids (orcs,
on the overlap zone, where these cells meet. trolls, kobolds).

It is due to these volcanoes that the area still The Beholder city is described and mapped
exists, as the magma pours out of the holes on pages 59-62 of the AD&D Monstrous
of Mystara, they flow north and eastwards, Arcana supplement “I, Tyrant”, and can be
creating new continental matter, that again is used to illustrate Kargash
slowly used in the creation of the mountains.

In fact the whole area is geological fresh

matter, with clear ridges, “canals” of
hardened magma, between the local hills that
were pressed up a little against the
mountains. The latest eruption in 1004 AC,
caused the great woods to become the
Burned Wood. The burned carcasses of the
ancient trees still abound. Further areas of
interest are the bombardment fields, where
the area is littered with pyroclastic bombs of
earlier eruptions. The beholders like the
region for its instability, difficulty for ground-
bounded creatures to pass, and the overall
feeling and sensation of destruction and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Beholders of Mystara

15 Yarthmont 1001 AC;

Deep Divination
about an hour after sunrise;
Glantri Great School of Magic, A Deep Divination is the Diviners version of a Lore
spell. Often cast together with a basic visual and
Museum of Monsterology,
auditory illusion to enable others learning from
Anatomy/Examination room. the spell (like a holographic movie with sound).
Unlike Lore the spell is not an instant knowledge
Master Bhes finally collapses due to the tool, but acts slow; the caster’s combined
mental strain of the Deep Divination (see intelligence, wisdom and constitution is the
amount of Turns the spell will be active at best.
sidebar).The illusionary effect slowly fades
The duration of this spell depends on how deep is
away. Master vander Klil, and the Masters delved; 1 Turn base, each 1 year=+1 Turns, each
Lest rise up from their seats. 10 year=+2 Turns, each 100 Years=+3 Turns,
opposed alignment (L vs C, or E vs G=+3
“This gave much more information than we T/opposition, for each 500 miles distance=+1
Turn, +1d10 for variant sources of resistance;
ever expected.”
Protection, Mental controlled, Immortal Influence,
etc.). Like an Analyze weakens the caster
“Indeed, we must undewstand that a temporarily, a Lore (or Deep Divination) will do
beholdew is not alike evewy beholdew”. the same (Con-8). A long sleep (8 hours +2 Turns
“Yes, each breed surely has its differences. per passed Turn) will cause the caster to revive
completely. During the spell the caster is in full
The question is however; if all these breeds
meditation and can’t be disturbed. If an active and
have come to be from a handful of beholders resisting sentience is within the divined source, or
in the Blackmoor era; will they develop into the caster is disturbed in any other way, he or she
more breeds, or was the original diversity may be in need of breaking off the spell, suffer the
between the initial beholders enough to same weakness as normally at the end of the spell,
but must succeed an intelligence check at -5 or
spawn new breeds?”
become subject to temporary insanity (which
cures naturally at a chance of 25% each month, or
“Do not fowget the slim chance of wenegade by use of a Cure Insanity spell (Cleric/Healer class).
beholdews meeting and mating, cweating a
new bweed”.

“Sure? I don’t agree. The chaotic mind seems

to restrict this, especially the weird behavior
of these monsters killing its own spawn
when being aberrant in any minor way of the
breed of their own.” Compiling their notes, the mages regroup
and bring Master Bhes to a bed to recover.
“The good thing we now know, is that the The notes are stored in the Great Library,
major danger is far away, on a continent not and a copy can be found in the anatomical
affecting us in any way.” library of the Museum of Monsterology of the
Great School of Magic in Glantri.
“As of yet Mastew Lest, ...as of yet”.

(Continued on page 130)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20



A system agnostic,
roleplay-heavy campaign
for six players and
a Game Master

by The Real Nowhere Man



This campaign is focused on the lands of the reincarnate when the next episode starts.
Duchy of the Peaks and is made of ten This way they will live through some of the
episodes. It doesn’t have a reference ruleset, most exciting ages of the Duchy of the Peaks.
but each Game Master can use her favorite
ruleset or can even use a different ruleset for As you may expect from a game involving a
each episode. cycle of reincarnations, you will have not
only to solve some complex situations
The episodes will NOT take the characters proposed by the Game Master, but also to
from zeroes to heroes as it often happens, progressively prepare your soul for…
but the players will play a different character something that is waiting for you at the end
in each episode, starting every time from of your path through multiple lives and
scratch… almost. Why? Because at the end of situations.
each episode they will die (sometimes a
violent death, other times of old age) and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


CAMPAIGN (chosen randomly) comes from a

somewhat inferior social environment.
PLAYERS 3. Antagonist (female): your objective is to
prevent the Lover (female) from
You start this campaign as pure souls. In achieving her objective. You come from a
front of you is an overwhelmingly powerful somewhat superior social environment,
being with female appearance, flowing red but you have a hidden psychological
hair, fair skin and sharp eyes piercing space wound or a dark secret (to be agreed
and time. with the Game Master).

“You are part of my project.” she says. 4. Antagonist (male): your objective is to
prevent the Lover (male) from achieving
You don’t have time to reply. You feel dizzy his objective. You come from a somewhat
as you cross the barrier that divides you from superior social environment, but you
the incarnates. A crossing that always brings have a hidden psychological wound or a
oblivion. dark secret (to be agreed with the Game
In who are you incarnating?
5. Jester (choose sex as you prefer): your
First of all, in order to define in which “role” objective is to make a mess of the
you will incarnate, each player needs to adventure and make everybody else
choose randomly (as an option, the Game laugh. You can choose to be more
Master can choose them and rotate the roles clumsy, or salacious, etc. as you prefer.
as the adventures come and go or introduce The Game Master will allow you to repeat
variations inspired by previous adventures once any roll that may allow you to play
and experiences) between one of these six better your “comic relief” character.
6. Confused (choose sex as you prefer):
1. Lover (female): your objective is despite all possible evidence, you believe
overcoming all hurdles and getting that one Lover is a bad person, and you
together with the Lover (male). You are want to be an obstacle, while one
in general naïve and shy. One character Antagonist is a good person, and you
between the female and male Lover want to help. You master the art of
(chosen randomly) comes from a misunderstanding, in good faith.
somewhat inferior social environment. Typically, you are older than the other
characters and like guiding and
2. Lover (male): your objective is controlling them.
overcoming all hurdles and getting
together with the Lover (female). You are This way, besides having to achieve the
in general naïve and shy. One character overall group objectives that the Game
between the female and male Lover Master will indicate to you at each Episode,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


you will also need to take care of your CAMPAIGN

personal objectives. You can’t change these
guidelines when you roleplay, unless
instructed differently by the Game Master. GAME MASTER

Now, you need to order randomly the seven This system agnostic campaign is focused
sins (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath mainly on the Duchy of the Peaks, with a
and sloth) and the seven virtues (prudence, story arc covering millennia. The characters
justice, fortitude, temperance, faith, hope will reincarnate at the start of each Episode
and charity). and their final objective is not just to
complete successfully the ten Episodes, but
When you start the campaign, highlight the also to “purify” their souls. Of course, a
number one sin and the number one virtue. character that dies during an episode will
When roleplaying your character, you need reincarnate on the next one, typically with
to stick strictly to them, unless you want to no penalty incurred from that. Actually,
try changing your “destiny”. Depending on dying a good death, helping to overcome the
the ruleset chosen, the Game Master will tell obstacles of that episode and one’s sin,
you which (difficult to achieve and should be awarded with some bonus.
expensive to play) game mechanic will allow
you to overcome your initial sin and virtue In practice, the good behavior in one
(maybe a Saving Throw with progressively episode will not be rewarded with special
increasing penalties, a Fate point use, a objects or extra levels on the next episode,
Benny, or a LUCK roll…) and, if you manage as the characters will die between episodes
to do it, you can roleplay against your sin are reincarnate many years after (the Game
and/or virtue. As the opportunity to roleplay Master can decide what experience level is
against your pre-defined sin is difficult to appropriate for the characters on each
achieve, make sure it is worth it! episode), but with a progress to the next sin
and virtue. As there are ten episodes and
If, during an episode, you “overcome your only seven sins, the Game Master can set the
karma”, in the subsequent episode you will difficulty level accordingly: the opportunities
move to your second sin and your second to “change the story”, as mentioned, should
virtue, and so on until you get rid of them be rare (between one and three per
all. If the Game Master judges that you episode?) and their success rate should be
haven’t “changed your destiny” enough, you reasonably unlikely.
will play next adventure of the campaign
with the same sin and virtue. This approach is similar to certain Thai
lakorn telenovelas, where the same actors
After a number of episodes, you should be play first on a historical background (often
able to free yourself from all “hurdles” (sins ancient Thailand), usually displaying bad
and virtues) and roleplay as you like, behaviors and making mistakes. Then the
without having to stick to a predefined same actors, sometimes with swapped roles
background behavior, with few, costly and different personal situations, play again
opportunities to deviate from it. as their reincarnated selves in a


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


contemporary background, of course EPISODE ONE: WE SAW

oblivious of the past. They will find
themselves in front of quite similar moral
dilemmas and they will have to decide if they NORTH
want to repeat their past mistakes or if they
want to break the circle of bad behaviors and Recommended soundtrack:
“change the story” for good. “The Planets” by Gustav Holts

Of course, with this campaign, I don’t want The first episode is set in a mythical past, when
to promote the beliefs of reincarnation, nor men were few in the world and the Thonian
the concept of karma (that are often in the Empire was young. Imagine an early bronze age.
background of some Thai lakorn, that this The climate is colder, an icecap still covers Frisia
way sometimes become kind of moral plays), (north of Blackmoor, across the Black Sea) and a
but I want to put the players in unexpected big part of what will become the Duchy of the
and intriguing situations, where they will Peaks. Between Hak and Mohacs there are large
have to take difficult decision, under a steppes, where tribal groups migrate constantly
roleplaying point of view. with their flocks. The characters are part of the
clan of a mysterious child mage-monarch, that
The overall campaign plot, as it will become leads her followers wherever prophetic dreams
clearer reading through the Episodes, is the and portents indicate the way. On this occasion,
conflict between logic and technology versus during her astronomical observations she saw a
religion and magic. Logic and technology are star falling on the Superstition Mountains and
the basic beliefs of a race that claims to be wants to reach it.
the original inhabitants of this universe,
while religion and magic are promoted by
the Immortals, that originally came from a
different universe through the Vortex. The
Immortals have the initial advantage of being
able to time travelling, so they can actually
change the story, but have the disadvantage
that they can’t make direct interventions and
need to use pawns. The self-proclaimed
original inhabitants of this universe need to
learn quickly time travelling technology to
overturn the changes in history, but have the
advantage that the Immortals actually need
some of their race as pawns.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


The mysterious child, known as Satura the technopowers of Satura as similar to the
(although her original name would be powers of the best equipped oards from the
pronounced more appropriately as classic module Where Chaos Reigns1, written
T’Pzatura) came to Mystara a long time ago by Graeme Morris and published by TSR.
on an exploration and study mission from a
planet very far away in space and time (one The adventure can be played starting from
of the many visits aliens have paid to Mystara the module The Vessel of Stars2, written by
during the millennia). She looks like a Robert Holzmeier, published by the Wizards
human child with slightly elvish traits of the Coast, with a number of adaptations,
(pointed ears, up-swept eyebrows) and her changes or clarifications described below.
skin is pale with a slight bronze to greenish
tint. She is usually impassible and controls The map should be replaced with a
very strictly her feelings. She greets by Blackmoor map, although its northern
showing the palm of her hand with strangely shores are threatened by an ice shelf. There
outstretched fingers and by muttering a few is only one meaningful Human settlement in
words in an unknown language that no Blackmoor, Maus (that replaces Horvath in
magic allows an understanding of. Her the original adventure), mostly dedicated to
spaceship crash landed and she has been fishing, and another minor settlement in
waiting a long time for her rescue mission what will become Ten: the Waystation (that
(the Vessel of Stars), that also crash landed. on the map is where Port Dacoit will be in
She doesn’t know this, however there is still the far future), populated when the season
a functioning escape pod, that will become leaves the Black Sea free of ice and suitable
her ultimate objective to go back home. This for whaling.
sequence of crash landings is the result of a
local singularity. The spacefaring race of Between Maus and Port Dacoit there is an
Satura came from a turbulent past when they untamed and underpopulated forested
almost self-obliterated and on the brink of wilderness where the bizarre Queen
destruction decided to negate their Maragaine reigns over a small nation of elves
attraction for greed and lust and embrace that are just beginning to notice the human
pure logic, philosophy and desire for presence. Feel free to add this force to the
perfection. They are now on the brink of possible forest encounters.
being conquered by another race of
spacefarers and are looking for alternative The areas of what will become the Barrier
planets where they may want to live in exile, Swamp are populated by an almost
in case they lose the planetary war, as looks intelligent race of reptiles similar to
likely right now. humanoid crocodiles. Feel free to add this
force to the possible encounters before
Just before the beginning of the game, she reaching Superstition Mountains, but
lost nearly all her followers in a battle against remember that this area is cold at this time in
off-world enemies, so the characters will be
her last hope to reach the Vessel of the Stars. 1 A v a i l a bl e a s a p d f p r o d u ct o n D r i v e Th r u
As a source of inspiration, you can imagine 2 Available as a free download from the
W i za r d s o f t h e C o a s t si t e


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


history and reptilians can become very slow the objectives of their adventure, they should
with cold temperatures, especially in the get a bonus while generating their new
night. character sheet, leaving some details open to
fate, such as their new roles (lover,
The crash site is of course in the area where antagonist, etc.) and gender.
Starport will be founded.
This time they do NOT meet the same
The city of Stern is a trading post somewhere overwhelmingly powerful being with a
north of Mohacs. female appearance that originally told the
characters that they are part of her project.
Raz’s name is replaced by Thrax. They instead meet a similarly
overwhelmingly powerful being, but with a
The Blighted Hills are replaced by male appearance, with amber skin, black hair
Superstition Mountains. and beard and sharp eyes piercing space and
Fharlanghn, Boccob and Pelor can be
replaced with Dealth, Phellia and Pacuun3. He will say that the project is still very far
from being concluded, but, somehow,
In room #5 of the Vessel of Stars Keyed starting it and concluding it is all part of a
entries (Royal Yacht Hangar), besides the single step. He’s of course talking about the
egg-shaped escape pod for Satura, there is a point of view of an Immortal with a strong
gift that the young monarch mage leaves grip of Time.
behind for her followers: the Pygmalion! She
is a fabled relic: an android, in fact, During the years following the discovery of
programmed for bringing happiness and the Vessel of Stars, more wandering monarch
harmony to Satura’s followers left behind, mages and stargazers came from the south to
after serving her. study the relic from the stars. That is the start
of the settlement known as Starport! The
inhabitants of this small human enclave will
call this land Thracia. They exploited the
fantastic services of the Pygmalion, that made
INTERLUDE ONE their life easier. The Pygmalion achieved her
objective of pacifying the life of humans, that
One way or the other the characters from previously were always at war with each
Episode One met the end of their lives and, other, by giving them all kinds of facilitation,
depending on how they overcame their sins, so the society lost the high level of violence
they should move to the next sin or not, that was inherent before, as there was no
while, depending on how well they achieved more need to fight for the meagre resources,
that were instead tapped by the Pygmalion.
This way the new society of Thracia, the first
3 P l e a s e n o t e t h a t D e a l t h i s a l so k n o wn b y
so m e wo r sh i p p e r o n M y sta r a a s th e A i r
name of the civilization growing on the
E l e m a s t e r, Ph e l l i a a s Ixi o n a n d Pa cu u n a s Superstition Mountains, was mostly a society
Od i r, a l th o u g h n o t e v e r y bo d y a g r e e s o n th i s.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


dedicated to pleasure and debauchery. The EPISODE TWO: THE

humans enslaved the reptilians that were
living in the area of Superstition Mountains.
Passing barbarians (the ancestors of what will
become the Skandaharians) occasionally Recommended soundtrack:
tried conquering them, with poor results, “William Tell”, by Gioacchino Rossini
due to the great services of the Pygmalion,
and some other times they rather offered This adventure can be played starting from
themselves as slaves, hoping to enjoy at least the module The Caverns of Thracia4, written
a small part of the great pleasures of the by Paul Jaquays, published by the Judges
Thracians. Guild, with a number of adaptations,
changes or clarifications described below.
The Thracians, in order to avoid the cold
climate of Superstition Mountains, asked the Room 73: The Singing Caryatids. One of the
Pygmalion to dig for them an underground three caryatids is actually the Pygmalion!
kingdom of pleasures. Eventually, the However her body from the outside is in all
Pygmalion went too deep and discovered similar to the other two caryatids described,
what should have stayed hidden: the lost including its functions. She will be brought
civilization that ages before was the reptilian back to her former self by the triangular key
civilization and that worshipped the that can be found in room 112 and which
bloodthirsty Immortal named Thanatos! needs to be plugged into her body.

The Pygmalion disappeared in the bowels of Room 112: The treasure trove of the
the earth and only a few roaming barbarians Minotaur King. In this room, mixed up with
kept alive her legend and her cult. Some all other treasures, there is a golden,
worshipped the Pygmalion as an Immortal, triangular object that is big enough to be
while others instead believed the Pygmalion held in a human hand: on one side it is flat
to be Phellia’s avatar. and smooth, while on the other side it has
strangely crafted, delicate studs. If inserted in
the appropriate way into the body of the
right caryatid (as a kind of plug), it will revive
it again as the mighty and glorious Pygmalion!

As a source of inspiration, you can imagine

the technopowers of the Pygmalion as similar
to the powers of the best equipped Oards
from the classic module Where Chaos Reigns,
written by Graeme Morris and published by

4 A v a i l a bl e a s a p d f p r o d u ct fr o m D r i v e T h r u


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


INTERLUDE TWO Immortal on her own or as Phellia’s avatar

by the locals. During these years the climate
More rogue mages from Thonia reach the becomes a bit warmer and the Black Sea is
Superstition Mountains and the new found free of ice for most of the year, apart from
Pygmalion revives the society around winter.
Starport, which slowly grows, still with its
peculiar culture of debauchery. Slavery is This time the souls, ready to be re-born
also very common and many people, oblivious of the past, will meet a demonic-
especially barbarians, give themselves up looking creature with sharp eyes piercing
voluntarily as slaves or mercenary warriors space and time. He will mock them and
as there are rumors about the fact that the order them to carry on with their project, if
best slaves and mercenaries are eventually they don’t want to be devoured.
allowed into the decadent society of Starport
as full citizens.
After several years of good service the VISITOR FROM A
Pygmalion is mysteriously lost again, raising
a lot of anguish, only mitigated by the wide DISTANT STAR
use of slavery to keep the life of the free
citizens as easy and comfortable as before. Recommended soundtrack:
“Rusalka” by Antonin Dvorak
During these years, the name Duchy of the
Peaks is used for the first time. The title of
Duchy is used to make sure no great interest
or retaliation desire is raised from the
Emperor of Thonia, who doesn’t like rivals.
Not even in such a far, isolated country.

The Duchy of the Peaks welcomed refugees

from all over, as long as they were happy to
serve as slaves, as the use of reptilians
(gatormen) as slaves went out of fashion
over time.

In order to attract more people from the

Stars, slaves were used to carve mysterious
trenches in the mountains, that can only be
seen from high in the skies and from that Eventually, another alien spaceship (looking
point of view look like drawings and are for alternative places to start a colony, as
meant to attract spaceships to Starport. This their original planet was under attack and
was an ancient design by the Pygmalion, likely to fall to another species of aliens)
now worshipped more than ever as an visited Starport, and crash-landed like the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


previous ones, due to an unexpected Egg of Coot! He is also interested in magic

singularity that caused so many crash- and magical creatures, like dragons, that on
landings in time. his original planet are unknown or, if they
were known in a very distant past, they are
Seeing this other star falling near Starport, now replaced by technology. Ran of Ah Foo,
the locals send a party of slaves willing to having powers approximately like the
show off their worth and be made full Pygmalion, can be assumed to have
citizens of the Peaks (the characters, of technopowers similar to the powers of the
course!) to investigate. best equipped Oards from the classic
module Where Chaos Reigns, written by
This adventure can be played starting from Graeme Morris and published by TSR6, but
the module Dungeon from a Distant Star5, also with some magic-like ability coming
written by Stuart Robertson, published by from his study and imitation of Mystaran
Robertsongames, with a number of magic.
adaptations, changes or clarifications
described below. The souls this time meet with a very old-
looking man with long, white hair and beard
Remove the first paragraph of the and sharp eyes piercing space and time. The
background and replace it with the above old man doesn’t speak, but looks at them
info to run this adventure. with interest and smiles gently.

Room 23. Crypt. In this room no alien can be

found alive, but there is a half-damaged and EPISODE FOUR: THE
half-mad android with a humanoid shape: SINGULARITY
Ran of Ah Foo! This android is somehow like
the fabled Pygmalion with respect to its
powers and abilities (that appear to be semi- Recommended soundtrack:
divine), although with a male shape of “The Phantom of the Opera “soundtrack,
otherworldly physical symmetry, but part of by Andrew Lloyd Webber
his memory banks and emotional circuits are
damaged. The first part of this episode is based on the
adventure Ties that bind, that is included in
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor7, written by Dave
INTERLUDE THREE Arneson, Dustin Clingman, Jeff Quinn,
Richard Pocklington and published by
Ran of Ah Foo doesn’t have the Pygmalion’s Zeitgeist Games (it is in Chapter 9). This part
programming aimed at taking care of the of the adventure is about finding a
surrounding humans, but he is rather Blackmoorian noblewoman that
programmed for exploration. He therefore disappeared, as she is controlled by the Egg
goes to investigate the closest singularity: the of Coot. The Game Master will have to make

5 A v a i l a bl e a s a Pa y W h a t yo u W a n t p d f a t 6 A v a i l a bl e a s a p d f p r o d u ct o n D r i v e Th r u
DriveThru 7 A va i l a bl e a s a p d f p ro d u ct i n D ri ve Th ru


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


sure that she isn’t caught before sailing INTERLUDE FOUR

towards the lands of the Egg of Coot as in
the original adventure, but that instead she Ran of Ah Foo moves to the Duchy of Ten,
manages to escape to it, followed by the where, thanks to his overwhelming powers,
characters. he quickly becomes one of the ten Dukes,
replacing one that he killed while serving the
The characters will have to take break from Egg of Coot. The Duchy of Ten was founded
their pursuit just before crossing the Black quite recently by more Thonian refugees and
Sea and this will be the beginning of the was largely ignored by the Duchy of the
second part of the adventure, that can be Peaks, despite being so close.
based on All the Egg’s Men8, an Episode from
Blackmoor MMRPG campaign, written by Ran of Ah Foo is then involved in several
Dustin Clingman and Tad Kilgore, published battles for the Duchy of Ten and he proves
by Zeitgeist Games. In this second part of to be a real mastermind in battle, calculating
the adventure, the characters will also have with superhuman perfection and logic all
to gather as much information as possible actions and reactions. However, being
about the Egg of Coot and its plans. mortal meatbags, sometimes his troops or
his enemies have reactions that are beyond
In this second part of the adventure, Skae his calculations and this causes him to have
(Chapter 4) should be replaced with the a very strong crisis, pushing him to seek
noblewoman that disappeared at the isolation.
beginning of Ties that bind to make
everything gel together. On top of this, in Ran of Ah Foo is also making plans for a new
the same chapter, at the head of the Army, capital for the Duchy of Ten (Starmorgan)
there should be the encounter with Ran of and to replace all organic inhabitants of the
Ah Foo, an overpowered enemy that, once Duchy with 10,000 androids, so his
has demonstrated his superiority to the proposed new name for the Duchy will be
characters, should start a telepathic the Duchy of Ten Thousand. However, he
conversation with the Egg of Coot, accusing doesn’t have time to pursue his most far
it of not being perfect, nor logic and, fetched plans.
eventually, deciding to abandon its services,
leaving the characters still (barely) alive and The souls this time meet with a man in his
able to complete the adventure. prime, with long, black hair and beard and
sharp eyes piercing space and time. He
smiles gently and tells them that the plan is
progressing nicely and that he is very curious
to see its conclusion.

If the characters ask for it, the Game Master

can confirm that the man looks like the
8 Available as a free download upon
registration at The Comeback Inn Blackmoor
younger self of the old man with long hair
foru m an d followin g th e in stru ction s in th is and beard that they met previously.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


EPISODE FIVE: ● The Afridhi, guided by Zugzul’s priestess

Toska Rusa. The Afridhi are slavers and
WARGAMES! attack relentlessly the Duchy of Ten.
Their final target, however, is Blackmoor.
Recommended soundtrack: They worship the fire and hate water, so
“1812 Overture” by Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky hey are a bit clumsy when crossing rivers
and even swamps.
On this Episode, all characters are the top
generals of neighboring nations, each of ● The Skandaharians, barbarian seafarers
them with specific motives. They may ally or always looking for plunder, under the
betray each other. leadership of the first Jarl Thorsen. They
opportunistically attack the weakest
Here are the six contenders in which the six coastal settlements and don’t like going
players will be incarnated: too much inland, unless it is along rivers.

● The Duchy of Ten, guided by the Duke ● The Egg of Coot, an enigmatic being,
General Ran of Ah Foo. This is a leader controlling a strange army of creatures of
always open to all possibilities, quick to many kinds, often with grafted limbs, and
switch alliances and attack the weakest interested above all in plundering magic
contender on the field to get the most items and magic users to drain their
advantage in a cold and logical way, powers, as it is said that the Egg of Coot
without affection for his lands and gets its power from draining magic.
citizens, that he sacrifices without a
second thought whenever he can get a ● The Earl of Vestfold, the future of
strategic advantage. Blackmoor, is mostly interested in
defense, and attacks other nations only as
● The Duchy of the Peaks, guided by the pre-emptive attacks to negate their
Abominable Snowfreak, Duke Whitehead, chances of attacking Blackmoor, rather
although it is whispered that the real than to conquer them.
power behind the throne is Sonia
Sholako, his lover. The Duke’s mercenary This adventure is in practice a military
army is very powerful, although small (as campaign (wargame) to be played by the
they are motivated by the dream of various characters following the motives of
becoming full citizens if they distinguish their army. The references for setting up this
themselves enough in war), but the real adventure can be found in The First Fantasy
secret weapon of this mountain nation is Campaign, by Dave Arneson, published by
the ability to corrupt whatever enemy is The Judges Guild. This publication leaves
camping within its borders. They are very some details under described, and the Game
quick to switch their alliance to the Master will have to be ready to fill some gaps.
closest or strongest army.
The characters can of course exchange
messages, agree to alliances, break alliances,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


attempt sneak attacks, try assassinating each Sholako, then disappears under mysterious
other, hire and fire heroes, etc. as true circumstances. The crown passes smoothly
generals. to Sonia Sholako.

On this occasion, the end of the adventure The souls meet again with the man they
doesn’t coincide necessarily with the death encountered last time: in his prime, with
of the characters, but rather their souls are long, black hair and beard and sharp eyes
withdrawn from the bodies they occupy. piercing space and time. He is very curious
to see how the plan develops, because, the
more he studies it, the more he struggles to
INTERLUDE FIVE understand its vast boundaries. However, he
won’t provide any more information.
Ran of Ah Foo, perhaps shocked by a military
defeat that he didn’t foresee, or by the fact
that the other Dukes of Ten didn’t approve EPISODE SIX: THE
his blueprints for the new capital Starmorgan TEMPLE OF THE
(that was eventually built along solid
Thonian architectural canons), disappears, PYGMALION
while the Duchy of Ten is completely
subdued by the Afridhi. Recommended soundtrack:
“Il Trovatore” by Giuseppe Verdi
In the Duchy of the Peaks, old Duke
Whitehead marries an exotic dancer, Sonia Gin of Salik, one of the greatest wizards of
the time (mentioned in The First Fantasy
Campaign, page 15) studied the ancient
legend of the Pygmalion and dedicated his
life to finding her. For this reason, he moved
from Salik to the Duchy of the Peaks and is
now called Gin of Kralc (Kralc is the small
settlement, not far from Starport, where
Gin’s new tower is). He offered, as a
payment, huge riches, or full citizenship of
the Duchy of the Peaks, or himself as a slave
for a year, to whoever finds for him the
Pygmalion, and there is news that an ancient
temple has been found in Superstition
Mountain. The characters come across the
map by chance and realize that this is a great
opportunity for them to sort out the rest of
their lives…


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


This adventure can be played starting from most dangerous warrior of these times, on
the module The Temple of Poseidon, written his rampage against the Duchy of the Peaks,
by Paul Reiche III, published by Dragon although in such a way that no one will know
Publishing, a division of TSR Hobbies, in it, as this time she behaves in a much more
Dragon Magazine #46, February 19819, with stealthy and hidden way compared to the past.
a number of adaptations, changes or
clarifications described below.
The location of the Temple is somewhere in
Superstition Mountain. The Afridhi conquer the Duchy of Ten and
enslave its population in their terrible grip.
Replace Poseidon and the Sea Lord with, They also threaten Blackmoor, while they
obviously, the Pygmalion and the Lady of all reach some kind of arrangement with the
Graces. Duchy of the Peaks. The rulers of Blackmoor
can’t convince the Emperor of Thonia to
Room 18, there is no great bearded man help them and, when they repel the Afridhi
emerging from the waters, but of course an invasion by themselves, they get removed
amazing female of otherworldly beauty. from their position by the Emperor, as he
didn’t order them to fight the Afridhi.
Room 31, inside a
sarcophagus is the After this insult, Blackmoor fights back for its
Pygmalion. She independence and becomes an independent
won’t tell what kingdom.
happened to her
during the many In the meanwhile, Ran of Ah Foo, the
years she was strongest General of Ten disappears. This is
away, nor will she due to the shock of losing his last battle, that
explain how or he calculated so carefully, but his predictions
why she ended up didn’t materialize and he went into one of
in this his legendary fits of depression.
temple. She After a long time, an oracle reveals news
doesn’t seem to be about him: he is in Port Dacoit, pretending
under any kind of to be an old madman. If somebody could be
stress and suffers sent to remind him of his duties and to
no visible damage. persuade him to go back and fight the
The myth of the Afridhi, then there would be a new hope for
Pygmalion will live Ten!
on: she will be the one that will subdue the
mighty Marfeldt the Barbarian, perhaps the The souls meet again with the man they met
last time: in his prime, with long, black hair
9 A d e scr i p ti o n p a g e fo r th i s i ssu e i s o n and beard and sharp eyes piercing space and
Rp g .n e t


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


time. He urges them to stay strong and keep This adventure can be played as a sandbox in
going, as the conclusion of the plan is slowly Port Dacoit, starting from the module
but surely coming forward. Blacksand10 (only Chapter 3, excluding the
History section), written by Graham Bottley,
published by Arion Games, with a number of
EPISODE SEVEN: PORT adaptations, changes or clarifications
DACOIT, THE CITY OF described below.
THIEVES Carsepolis is an ancient, walled pirate
stronghold originally founded by the Duke
Recommended soundtrack: of the Peaks, Carses, as a present for the
“The Thieving Magpie” by Gioacchino Rossini Amber Channel pirates (that in exchange
stopped disrupting the traffic of slaves,
The Afridhi have no experience with spices and gems to and from Starport and
seafaring, due in part to their loathing of acquired the typical debauchery of the
waters, and Port Dacoit is one of the few Duchy of the Peaks - a classic Starport
ports they conquered. For this reason, apart strategy) over an even more ancient
from the initial bloodshed during conquest, settlement (the Waystation, from Episode 1).
to make sure they are taken seriously, they Carsepolis is now buried underground
treat this city in a somewhat “gentler” way below the surface of Port Dacoit.
than their other conquests. A minimum
Afridhi presence, and a light hand at The Guild of Wizards and Sorcerers is
governance, insures that the city maintains a actually what it says and it protects both
good reputation and does not drive away all Wizards and Sorcerers, that in Port Dacoit
the people with a good knowledge of are not fighting all the time against each other!
seafaring. This way, Port Dacoit, known also
as Blacksand from its volcanic and sandy soil, Hause Hadrak is owned by a family that
has been left a bit to itself during last few betrayed Port Dacoit, the Tenian ruling Van
years. The Afridhi continue to cultivate some Ringe family and took their mansion. More
seafaring skill here, in case they are needed recently they claimed that they are the oldest
in the future for conquering Blackmoor. family in the city, while the truth is that they
Now, most of the surviving inhabitants are descend from a treacherous pirate.
thieves, assassins or morons… but they can
sail! House D’Arrago is a family originated from
an exiled noble from south Thonia, due to
Ran of Ah Foo found his privacy here and his bad deeds.
he’s drawing very complex plans, involving
programming 10,000 androids and winning The four noble houses currently in Port
the war with precision calculation and detail Dacoit (Hardak, Kobassis, Sturtz-Chenser
control. He needs a lot of time and quiet for and D’Arrago) are all Afridhi collaborators, in
these calculations!
10 Available as a pdf product from


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


exchange for power over the City of Thieves. T10 – Temple of Kukulak, replace with
Unverified gossip says that they all sold their Kadis. This temple was converted to the cult
souls to Zugzul and therefore they are under of Zugzul right after the fall of Port Dacoit.
his control. Nowadays only the few Afridhi resident in
Port Dacoit go there. If a non-Afridhi ARE
The City Guard is made of a mix of races found here, they are often sacrificed to Zugzul.
conquered by the Afridhi during their long
march to Ten and Blackmoor and they are T11 – Temple of Elim, replace with Med-a.
very faithful to their masters, although
undisciplined and debauched. All references to Logaan are replaced by
references to Dealth.
G15 – Arakor Nicodemus: this is the hidden
identity (crazy, old mage) that Ran of Ah Foo Lord Azzur is actually a Lich possessed by
took to stop being harassed and take his time Zugzul and its background story needs to be
and think about the best way to program rewritten accordingly.
10,000 androids and retake the nation. The
objective of this Episode is to locate Ran of
Ah Foo and convince him to come back to INTERLUDE SEVEN
his duties as Tenian Duke and General. If
convinced, he will trigger the next Episode. After Ran of Ah Foo is found again, he states
that he needs to focus on his calculations for
T7 – Temple of Solinthar, replace with Uzu some time more, but if his followers want to
Kul. This temple has fallen somewhat into help and expedite his plans in the
disuse as to avoid displeasing the Afridhi. meanwhile, they should clear the way to the
However, it is tolerated that services are held 10,000 androids that he wants to re-program.
when a ship is about to leave the port or
when it returns from a long sail. He gives indications to an ancient spaceship
where the androids should be found still
T8 – Temple of Fourga, replace with Zugzul. intact. This is the spaceship that long ago
This temple, the most beautiful of Port brought Satura to Mystara and crash-landed
Dacoit, was once dedicated to Khoronus. It not too far from Starport.
was desecrated and recently it was
rededicated to Zugzul, although true Afridhi On this occasion, the characters don’t
don’t seem to worship there, but almost all necessarily need to die and be reincarnated,
Tenians that converted to the cult of Zugzul as the next Episode is very close in time,
come to this temple to worship. although the Game Master can choose to do
T9 – Temple of Sukh, replace with Mwajin. It
followed a path similar to the Temple of Uzu Potentially, for next Episode, a few
Kul, but it sees even less crowds. characters could have purified themselves of
their sins and could remember all their
previous lives… and the Immortal project.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


Nobody will believe them, of course, apart reprogramming. This will probably require
from the other characters that went through some kind of deal with the Duchy of the Peaks.
the same kind of purification, leaving them
with a free will. This should make the
following adventures easier for the
characters that completed their purification.



Recommended soundtrack:
“Pictures at an Exhibition”
by Modest Mussorgsky

This adventure can be played starting from

the module Expedition to the Barrier INTERLUDE EIGHT
Peaks11, written by Gary Gygax, published by
TSR Hobbies, with a number of adaptations, After the wars against the Afridhi (if the
changes or clarifications described below. Game Master wants to add another
adventure to play in this same timeline,
This adventure is not set in the Grand Duchy perhaps the City of Gods12 module, by Dave
of Geoff but in the Duchy of the Peaks. Arneson and David Ritchie could be added)
there is a very long time lapse. During this
Background information should be limited time, Blackmoor civilization flourishes and
to Ran of Ah Foo’s information to locate the dies under the Great Rain of Fire, to be
entry to the ancient spaceship. covered by the polar ice cap, after the axis of
Mystara is shifted by the terrible cataclysm.
The spaceship comes from the world of The inhabitants of the Duchy of the Peaks of
queen-mage Satura (see Episode 1) and course follow the same destiny of
crash-landed on Mystara and not on the Blackmoor, due to the short distance.
World of Greyhawk.
When the global axis shifted, Starport was
Level VI, Cargo Hold areas have lifts going occupied by kobolds, much more resistant
down to Level VII, where 10,000 androids to the Wasting Disease than other races.
still to be programmed have been dormant They quickly got quite a lot of their
for millennia. Ran of Ah Foo wants them to advanced technology, starting up a glorious
be transported to a safe place for civilization somewhere under the polar ice
cap (powered with the nuclear reactors that

11 A v a i l a bl e a s p d f p r o d u ct fr o m D r i v e T h r u 12 A v a i l a bl e a s p d f p r o d u ctfr o m D r i v e T h r u


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


were present in Starport, of course). Outside tech, but their mythology tells about a fabled
their technological refuge below the ice, the kobold civilization of outstanding refinement.
planet took centuries to heal and civilization
took millennia to flourish again. According to their culture, tribesmen desire
an honorable death, fighting face to face
This civilization is the “fabled” kobold with an honorable enemy to meet their
civilization, very isolationist and based on a ancestors in a fabled land where they can
highly scientific and philosophical approach stay together forever in glory: this is the
to life (canine teeth of predators are Road to Glory. For them, the only honorable
replaced by flat teeth of the vegetarians). death is one found in hand to hand combat.
They could possibly rule Mystara with their Ranged weapons are considered good only
high tech, but they are not interested in for hunting or for cowards to be used
power, just in knowledge and philosophy. against other kobolds.
Their only “weakness” is that they like
travelling in secret and helping Recently, the Mourning Star appeared in the
“underdeveloped” kobold tribes all over the skies, initiating a terrible, never-ending
world (that's where Kurtulmak's "shining" winter that is taking a terrible toll on the
armor suit comes from, for example). huge herds of the horde and on the
The souls this time meet with a very old-
looking man with long, white hair and beard During this hard times, the horde is attacked
and sharp eyes piercing space and time. The by new, mysterious enemies coming from
old man is the same that was met after south (the characters should be involved in
Episode Three and says that time progressed some of these skirmishes): the enemies are
a lot since their last incarnation, but the in fact human troops with higher
project is still ongoing and their help is technological and magical advancements,
needed to complete it. taking advantage of heavy metal armor, long
range crossbow bolts and wands casting
Fireball and Lightning Bolt spells, while the
EPISODE NINE: THE kobolds are fundamentally at Stone Age
BARBARIAN JUDGEMENT technology level, with no magic abilities. For
the kobolds it is practically impossible to get
close enough to fight in an honorable melee
Recommended soundtrack: and eventually the horde leaders order the
“The Water Goblin” by Antonin Dvorak tribes to fall back north.

The characters are incarnated as a group of Eventually, the horde is surrounded in a

kobolds. They are part of the Whistling Wind flatland called, with ironic hindsight, the
horde and, like the wind, their horde roams Shallow Grave. All around it, there are
vast steppes (in northern Skothar) with their frozen lakes, difficult to spot under the snow
grazers. Their ancestral culture is very low- that keeps falling.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


During just another skirmish, enemy troops, Typically, the situations call for a single to
with heavy armor, break the ice and sink in sacrifice for the community (or vice versa).
the lake below. This can happen various
times. After these episodes, the enemies The trials continue until the heroes either
seems to change strategy: now they just wait, refuse to “play” or only one of them is left
shooting at any kobold that tries escaping. standing.
During the impasse, cold is slowly but surely
grinding down the horde and there is no
hope in sight.
Whether they refuse to “play” or keep going
The heroes are abducted by a super until the last one, eventually the super
technological flying saucer and taken into an technological “Masters” reveal themselves,
underground base, run on nuclear power congratulating the heroes and telling them
(what in ancient times was Starport). they are worth saving, like their ancestors .

People in boilersuits, faces covered by The “Masters” remove their breathing masks:
breathing masks, control the heroes with they look like kobolds too! However, their
paralyzing rays. They are stripped, teeth are not pointy, like carnivores (and the
completely shaven, carefully washed, heroes), but flat, like grazers. In fact, they eat
disinfected and given strange medicines. only vegetarian nutribars, trim their hairs
They are fed exclusively with tasteless carefully and are hygiene fanatics.
This is the “fabled” kobold civilization, very
Eventually, the heroes are put into an aseptic isolationist and based on a highly scientific
labyrinth, like guinea pigs. They encounter and philosophical approach to life. They
logic puzzles that force them to work cleverly could rule the world if they were interested
together to progress, get food, avoid traps in power, but they just love knowledge and
and, finally, there is a door that can be philosophy.
opened only by keeping a kobold-sized
hamster wheel in continuous movement: the They travel periodically to "underdeveloped"
exit. One hero will have to stay behind in the kobold tribes all over the world, take
wheel, while the others can escape. “samples” (like the heroes), make
“civilization tests” and, occasionally, lend a
Then there is a group fight against a big troll, hand to their kind (that's where Kurtulmak's
requiring collaboration to survive. mythic armor comes from, for example).

Then there is a session against a mechanic Having passed “the tests” the heroes are
spider. It is too fast and powerful and the allowed to roam freely in the otherworldly
only escape option is having one hero underground base where they meet
staying behind and fighting it, while the legendary kobold heroes of the past: Road to
others flee. Glory!


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


When the Heroes mention the dire situation INTERLUDE NINE

of their horde, the tech-kobolds will sigh, as
they have a law that doesn’t allow such Whether or not they completed the path to
dramatic interventions: their “help” can only get rid of sins, all the character now can
be a little nudge, but in the tactical map it is remember their nine previous “lives”. During
very clear that the enemy troops will
overpower the horde. Just a nudge won’t

The tech-kobolds will also show the

Mourning Star, an asteroid that will cause
huge destruction and climate change,
passing very close to Mystara, but they built
a nuclear super missile that will deflect it. In
theory they could use it to destroy the enemy
instead, but the law doesn’t allow it. The
enemy will destroy the horde before the the following Episode, the characters should
asteroid hits Mystara. be able to make the most of all bonuses and
advantages earnt so far, by completing
The heroes have to decide between staying successfully the previous Episodes.
put in this fake heaven, leaving the horde to
a grim destiny, or using the missile against The “souls” meet an overwhelmingly
the enemy, causing a massive fallout, but powerful being with female appearance,
perhaps allowing most of the horde to flowing red hair, fair skin and sharp eyes
survive, as kobolds are a resistant race, until piercing space and time. If they ask the
the collision with the asteroid. question, the heroes can be informed that it
is the same powerful being they met at the
If the heroes choose to use the missile beginning of the campaign.
against the enemy, then the tech-kobolds,
realizing what kind of damage technology She finally explains that their project was
can do, hastily build a second missile to started to prevent magic from being wiped
destroy the asteroid, effectively saving the out from Mystara (she won’t say that this
planet as intended, and then, stoically, they would also prevent the very existence of the
destroy their own civilization in a blast, Immortals in this universe and that the
removing this source of technological Immortals are bound to strict rules to avoid
knowledge (and danger) for the world. direct interference on the Prime Material
Plane and therefore need to rely on heroes
If the heroes decide not to save themselves like the characters to push their agenda). A
or their horde, in full Duchy of the Peaks foul race of time travelers, the oards, from
fashion, and let the tech-kobolds destroy the the planet of Aelos, is time travelling to many
asteroid instead, the adventure ends here different planets, destroying retrospectively
anyway. the development of magic (and religion), to


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


supplant them with logic, philosophy and EPISODE TEN, PART ONE:
technology: they need to protect their planet IN THE BEGINNING
and their way of living from technology!
The characters are sent to the original planet
where Satura (and the Pygmalion) came from
by the female Immortal that started the
project. They are sent to a very ancient time,
EPISODE TEN: WHERE when magic (and religion) were still
CHAOS REIGNS! developing (early Stone Age, early times for
humanity). The Immortals can in fact be
defeated by the oards in two ways: either by
Recommended soundtrack: removing magic from the universe, as magic
“The Isle of the Dead” by Sergej Rachmaninov is the very nature of the Immortals, or by
removing all religions, as Immortals wither
Episode Ten is divided in various parts, and vanish if they are not worshipped.
where each time the “souls” meet the
Immortal with a female appearance, flowing What is not clarified to the characters is that
red hair, fair skin and sharp eyes piercing this planet is actually Mystara (and
space and time that they met at the approximately the area that will become the
beginning. She is still running her Duchy of the Peaks), but on another time /
mysterious project and asks the characters to timeline, and that Satura went back home
support her against the oards, without telling not with a journey in space, but rather with
much about them. In particular, she will not a journey in time. She was time-stranded.
mention that Aelos and Mystara are two
different names for the same planet, used at The objective for the characters is to keep
different times. the populations with magic and religion
alive, then they will once again face the
During this Episode, if the characters can’t female Immortal that they met at the
achieve the objective at the end of each Part, beginning.
they are left stranded in space and time, as
the Immortal disappears and can’t bring
them back anymore, resulting in an EPISODE TEN, PART TWO:
unsuccessful conclusion to the campaign. FORGE OF POWER

Of course, all following Parts of Episode Ten This time, the Immortal with a female
are based on Where Chaos Reigns, written by appearance sends the characters to another
Graeme Morris and published by TSR13. time and place: the past of the planet of Ran
of Ah Foo. Once again, it is still Mystara (and
approximately the area that will become the
Duchy of the Peaks) on another time and
timeline, but this is not communicated to the
13 A v a i l a bl e a s a p d f p r o d u ct o n D r i v e Th r u


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


EPISODE TEN, PART THREE: Once the characters reach the Column and
BRONZE AND IRON earn their chance to destroy the Entropy
Bubble, that is the last sign of existence of
Another trip to “a different planet” (with not the oards in the universe, one of them comes
much further detail) sponsored by the forward and tries to convince them not to do
Mystaran Immortal. However, the characters it. She says that the oards are actually the
may start thinking that it was always the true representatives of mankind and that all
same planet every time, as its inhabitants their adventures took place on Mystara, a
may remember them in their legends related planet that had million years of history
to previous parts of this Episode. without either magic, or religion. The
Immortals, together with religion and
magic… and the ability to manipulate time,
EPISODE TEN, PART FOUR: came to this universe from the mysterious
ISLAND OF SORCERERS Vortex, but are originally aliens from a
different dimension and invaded this
The announced trip to another “different universe to colonize it.
planet” may raise more doubts in the
characters, similarly to previous expeditions, The oards tried to defend their universe
as it is always the same planet (a different from the attacks of the Immortals, that
time and timeline of Mystara). The Immortal manipulated time to bring mankind back to
driving this project keeps avoiding all a state where technology was very
questions that may cause doubts. underdeveloped and taught them religion
and magic, but the original representatives of
mankind struggled before learning how to
EPISODE TEN, PART FIVE: travel in time. During this time, the
THE ENTROPY BUBBLE Immortals manipulated the hearts and soul
of the inhabitants of Mystara to the point that
This is the final climax of the campaign. The they convinced them with lies to act against
characters, at the end of Part Four, should themselves.
have acquired enough information and
equipment to travel (or be transported by Suddenly, the female Immortal with flowing
the Immortal as previously, although this red hair, fair skin and sharp eyes piercing
option is less preferable in the climax of the space and time appears, just outside the
story arc) to the Entropy Bubble, an oard Entropy Bubble. She says that clearly the
location out of space and time. The location oards haven’t learnt to manipulate time fully,
is not so dull and oppressive as described in as now there is no longer a way to say what
the original adventure module, but more the original status of this universe was,
logical and technologic in nature. On the because history changed so many times (she
way into the Entropy Bubble, the characters doesn’t confirm it explicitly, but she doesn’t
may glimpse, in the chaotic landscape say that the oard’s explanation is false, only
outside space and time, a huge Vortex. that it doesn’t matter anymore)… but now
they finally won: technology and logic have


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20


now been completely expelled from this Now it is up to the characters to decide the
universe, limiting them on the Entropy story of the universe: magic or technology?
Bubble, outside time and space. She then Who will they chose? This may be the
urges the characters to destroy the Column beginning of a new world and a new era!
and collapse the Bubble once and for all.

The oard says that, while the Entropy Bubble

has now been pushed out of time and space,
it still has all the knowledge required to
bring the universe and mankind back to the
situation it was before the Immortals’ attack,
wiping out all religions and consequently all
Immortals and all magic. It all depends on
the characters.

Beholders of Mysraa

(Continued from page 108)

Final note by Author run by Thibault Sarlat. He noticed that some

I created these locations using Dragon of the maps in the folder have his name on
Magazine #139, and the various Beholder them, and thus suspects that all of the maps
D&D books, of which TSR9521: “Monstrous may have been created by Thibault, not John.
Arcana - I, Tyrant” was the most important,
as I used the city of Kaggash to create Kargash. I used this map (the only detailed hex map at
that moment on Skothar) to be able to create
The 72 miles hex map I used was found on a 24 mile hex map, to make the Kargash
Wombat's website . The website appears to location maps as presented above. Together
be from John Walter Biles, but you'll notice with the inset of the Master boxed set map,
that the maps are in a sub-directory called the region/location of the Kargash region is
FrenchSiteMaps. Shawn Stanley recalled that made clear.
the site, which is now no longer online, was


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

by Brian Rubinfeld
Introduction: this article takes a slightly more mature
theme, even though certain topics are only
Ever since I became interested in the Known examined briefly or alluded to.
World and beyond, I was always fascinated
by Blackmoor more than anything. My The gist of the actual game that inspired this
modus operandi when it came to D&D was the heroes found the good ol' Inn from
always leaned towards “Science Fantasy” the DA series and helped save Blackmoor
rather than the straight up Medieval Heroic from many plots. They then discovered the
Fantasy that the game is better known for. Oard (from CM6) and battled them a fair bit
When I discovered that there were plans to (not the whole module, just enough to
bring Blackmoor into Mystara via a boxed introduce them), only to discover they've
set, I was amazed and all the more found their way to Blackmoor. The semi-
disappointed that this ended up scrapped, episodic game detailed the war against the
along with the rest of the line. As for the Oard and the development of Blackmoor,
article itself, it borrows heavily from dark leading to its prophesied doom. The players
fantasy, dystopian fiction, post-apocalyptic helped use the Oards’ time tampering tech,
fiction and gothic science fiction... with tons alongside the Comeback Inn, to help save
of subtle nods here and there to things. Not Blackmoor. When the players returned to
to mention, other projects and ideas from see the fruits of their labors, they were
the community are alluded to here, like greeted with the outskirts of the dark,
Mystaraspace. Because of these inspirations, dystopian mockery that is Returned


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

Blackmoor. The game sadly ended there, knowledge leads to oblivion! Something is
which is where the article picks up and alive up there, something we are not
elaborated in the timeline slightly. prepared to handle. I pray to the
Immortals we don't discover it. May we
This work is made with the assumption of either be granted ignorance or survive the
the year 1000 AC, when the Adventures in same fate as those before us.”
Blackmoor modules takes place initially.
Albeit, this is an alternate timeline created by A waterlogged journal entry of a Marcos
the events of the DA line as well as CM6 De’Casagrande, First Mate of the sunken
Where Chaos Reigns. However, this article wreckage formally known as The Ever
wasn't made with any mechanical Vigilant Mariner.
assumptions in mind, despite a heavy basis
off the original Basic/BECMI books and
AD&D 2E Boxed Sets. However, beyond A GREATLY ALTERED
looks into the earlier age of Blackmoor, very TIMELINE OF EVENTS:
little official material exists on its rise to
becoming a world conquering technomancy
superpower. As for placement, it was ● 1,000 AC: A team of adventurers learn of
decided by plenty of debates and research to The Blackmoor Comeback Inn1. Hepath
be set in Northeastern Skothar. Nun, Gern, Charo and Rilk discover its
incredible power. Due to some
“Those who seek out this tundra gem tampering, Duke Markovic discovers
always meet the same fate, a gruesome useful powers from it. Meanwhile, the
demise. Every time, some addled events of the adventure CM6-TSR9158-
exploration team with grand notions of Where Chaos Reigns concludes slightly
fame and fortune plot their expeditions to differently. In short, a back door is left
the northern reaches of Skothar. They say open to the Known World by accident,
the remains of a once mighty civilization and what's left of the Oard take notice.
rest there in deathly slumber. Before they Upon skimming through history, they
set foot on the continent, the majority of discover the same Comeback Inn as the
their own troops are wiped out in some heroes of Blackmoor.
horrid manner. And those left? Why, they're
too mad to communicate properly! We ● 3976 BC: Adventurers from the future
need to end these insane plans to head aid King Uther, after discovering a plot
there, or we'll be next! Besides, how could from Duke Markovic alias "The Iron
such things be permitted to occur? There's Duke". The heroes, and the Oard2 by
only one logical reason behind this, the proxy, discover the City of the Gods and
Immortals are sending a grave warning to the problems that it has caused. After St.
all who dare to challenge them. Some Stephan is dealt with and outreach to
subjects are best left unknown. There are
things out there that our feeble mortal 1 The Comeback Inn is detailed in module
D A 1 : “A d v e n t u r e s i n B l a c k m o o r ” [ T S R 9 1 7 2 ]
minds dare not try to comprehend. Such 2 O a r d s a p p e a r i n m o d u l e C M 6: “ W h e r e

Chaos Reigns” [TSR9158].


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

Capt. Riesling is attempted, a brief calm Much of the cyborg menace is wiped out,
comes to the region. but many vow revenge. Artifacts are given
to the heroes that send messages
● 3975 BC: As conflicts are being transcending time itself.
addressed in the Duchy of Ten, the Oard
begin to sow their treachery and ● 3489 BC: The Oard slightly slip up,
deception across Blackmoor. Magic in almost revealing themselves again after
nearby regions is slowly being corrupted, helping to push steam based technology
as the Oard do what they can to render throughout the region. To their dismay,
mages insane and find means of tainting magic continues to help to build these
their power. As a result of this corruption, creations. In response, they weaponize
Blackmoor City is attacked by a steam inventors that rebuke magic in all
mysterious wizard called “Egethar the forms. This age of steam ends in a great
Astounding”3. The ensuing assault war. The heroes are brought back to face
cripples outward city defenses. Following a familiar menace.
the mad mage's defeat, the Oard trace
him back to a dread entity called “The ● 3030 BC: Greatly wounded and soon to
Egg of Coot”. An unholy allegiance is be eliminated, the Oard enact one final
made. Through this partnership, the Oard plan... to obliterate Blackmoor and put all
find their means of twisting magic into blame on magic. They return to their plan
something wicked. of corrupting magic users from the
shadow, capturing countless mages to
● 3974 BC: Bolstered by the Egg, the Oard either push into tampering with dark
do whatever they can to coax the Afridhi powers or abusing them to the point of
into raiding the City for whatever strange madness. Chaos magic is introduced to
technologies lie within, while infiltrating Blackmoor in part from the Oards'
the city and shifting any blame to magic mischief and in part from The Egg,
users. The heroes, who attended to Uther, causing disaster after disaster around the
banished St. Stephen's Cult of the Frog and region. Government officials within the
aided the City of the Gods, return to find a original city greatly worry about the
new menace. Beastmen are armed with uptick in unstable magic. Efforts to
strange devices they barely understand, preserve the main city and nearby regions
mages are going insane in droves, the are put in place.
metallic grand city beside the desert is
under siege by the very raiders that helped ● 3001 BC: The “Plague of the Arcane”
get the party inside in the first place, St. reaches a feverish outbreak, as wild magic
Stephen has taken up new allies. A joint surges rampage through the continent,
effort between the Kingdom, Riesling's causing mass destruction and leaving a
crew and the extra temporal heroes not magical radiation in its wake. Those who
only expose the Oard, but push them back. can sense the Egg realize that it has
become far more powerful than ever
3 N P C fr o m a ca m p a i g n , i m p l i e d to be a before. It begins to absorb its remaining
m a n i fe sta ti o n o f th e E g g o f C o o t i tse l f.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

allies of the Oard any way it can, much to wiped out in the Great Rain of Fire, at
their horror. A forcefield-like shield least in this timeline.
against this corruption proves to be
useful, but not a permanent solution to ● ALT2999 BC: The New Immortals,
this issue. However, life seems to fearing the wrath of the Mystaran
somewhat stabilize amidst the apocalyptic Immortals, leave the Material Plane.4
chaos. The Heroes are called to return However, they continue to watch over
one final time, to help put an end to the Northern Skothar from afar, making sure
Oard as well as the Egg, who has finally nothing tampers with the region much.
revealed itself. All sorts of horrific arcane This persists until Blackmoor’s return.
mutants are created, many being former Few new Immortals make their presence
Beastmen, as well as a variety of other or names known, even after Blackmoor
races. This timeline has accidentally resurfaces. However, more dangerous
created the progenitors to a variety of entities such as “The King in Crimson”
new humanoids in Mystara. Countless
Blackmoorians are affected by this.

● 3000 BC: Although originating from a

different cause, The Great Rain of Fire
occurs like as if it was meant to be.
Either way, most records of this cause are
lost. The constant use of the Comeback
Inn, along with the Oard time travel
technology gave protected Blackmoorians
the kind of power and gateway needed to
leave. Many Blackmoorians near the edge
of the blast zone (who weren't' shielded)
absorb enough of the powerful energy to
become Immortals in their own right.
These Immortals decide to remain in the
destroyed landscape, awaiting the return
of their home. Much of Blackmoor is
plunged into what they’d consider the
distant future. However, the coordinates
of the heroes' timeline of 1000 AC are
altered due to some of the corrupt magic
seeping in and causing damage to the
machines. While there is no widespread
carnage like the other regions, it causes a
glitch that sends them several decades 4 As the Immortals of Mystara considered
Blackmoor dangerous in canon, the
too early. The remains of the Oard are Blackmoor Immortals would not be allowed
to join them. Th us, they remain in their own
sp a ce fo r th e ti m e be i n g .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

● ALT967 AC: The surviving Blackmoorian citizens, he's appointed supreme

colony emerges through a demiplane to emperor of Returned Blackmoor.
witness a tundra wasteland containing
some unearthed bits of their old home. ● ALT976 AC: New energy shields are
The machines used to measure time completed to block the lands off from the
distance have completely broken down, awful climate, attempts at maintaining
only succeeding in giving the current age crops and cattle are made far easier with
of their new Mystaran home. In truth, it's enclosed artificial climates. The people
the fault of both the chaos magic from have been won over to their strict "yet
past and present tampering with the fair" emperor, as life seems to improve.
systems. Word begins to spread that the
time they have chosen was off by ● ALT978 AC: Loki, completely unaware of
decades. The general response from the Returned Blackmoor, harnesses the chaos
public is disappointment, despite their magic that still resides around Skothar.
gratitude for being saved. Attempts to While his control over it is limited, he’s
reassure the population are made by capable of infusing it into pockets of
seeking out any trace of the famed magic.. Some theorize it infected the Red
heroes. Reger I and Andahar still Curse of the Savage Coast5 as Loki
maintain influence of this new traveled with his mad acquisition.
Blackmoor, for now. The Immortals of Fortunately, the chaos magic isn't strong
Blackmoor plea to have the land spared enough to cause much damage.
from the wrath of Mystara’s Immortals. However, its appearance in the region
They’re met with silence, for now. has lead to wild mages becoming a
reality. The Blackmoorian Immortals are
● ALT969 AC: Sickness, below zero sent into a panic trying to understand the
temperatures and low morale ravage the reason for Loki’s mischief, later
displaced colony. Reports bring back that discovering that he is oblivious to
most of the heroes are likely not even Blackmoor itself. Other Mystaran
born yet. This further damages morale as immortals are curious by Loki’s actions.
civilians become more fed up with the
current rulers. General Gwyn Allogost, a ● ALT979 AC: Blackmoorian scientists
faithful aid to Blackmoor's military, improve the energy shields, allowing
begins to boost the hopes of civilians them to expand and take more land with
through careful planning, rationing and it over time. In one year alone, several
empowered speeches. His true motives miles are assimilated. Outsiders take
aren't clear to the rest of the empire yet. notice of the strange magical alien wall
that eats the land itself. The word slowly
● ALT970 AC: Allogost stages a violent spreads and most commoners are deeply
coup against the ruling powers of the afraid. .
empire. The insurrection goes on for
over 2 years, resulting in annihilation of
the royal line. With approval of the 5 M o r e o n th e R e d C u r se ca n be fo u n d i n
the “Red Steel” boxed set.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

● ALT980 AC: A tribe of fast-runner rakasta The adventurers took to looting whatever
find themselves taken by the barrier after they could when eyes weren't on them.
dismissing the rumors from crazed However, they were quickly caught and
adventurers. Their original goal was to questioned. Upon learning that the
create an oasis in the frozen tundra, General-turned-Leader had been tricked
using various shamastic magics. Due to in one of his delirious states, the group
their skepticism regarding “magic land- was executed in public on a day dubbed
eating walls”, they’re grabbed during a "Traitor's Day". This holiday becomes a
consumption phase of the barrier. Much yearly event where anyone who "betrays"
of the tribe migrated further into the the nation is executed as a publicized
region, only to be discovered by display. Brutal sanctions are passed to
Allogost's fleets. The tribe manages to discourage any trespassers, ranging from
petition for their stay within the region, capture to immediate execution (should
eventually settling down in a far off plot they resist or prove unruly). While
of land. They are mostly left alone, but Allogost would favor execution on sight,
the later rise of extreme rule results in his personal council encourages keeping
them being a heavily repressed minority. captured outsiders alive for enslavement,
However, their knowledge of brainwashing or even more insidious
terraforming has given them some leeway purposes; should the need arise.
compared to others. However, this hasn’t stopped a small
handful of curious and powerful
● ALT982 AC: Overly curious adventurers outsiders. Although, they’ve just proved
discover that the wall has two phases, the to be very evasive and lucky.
blockade phase and a very quick
consumption phase.6 By exploiting the ● ALT985 AC: Researchers from Blackmoor
shield’s timing and use of teleportation University have helped to develop a new
magic, they find their way inside after technology alongside the portal tech of
hearing rumors of a rich and glowing city Khoronus Laboratories to rip the whole
deep within the coastline of Skothar's domain into a demiplane, to prevent
coldest reaches. After being taken in by further incidents, as other Immortals
guards, they are brought before The begin to take more and more notice of
Emperor, slowly becoming more the sprawling colony. As a result,
delusional from trauma and isolation. He Blackmoor's ascended Immortals begin to
mistakes the group for the heroes of interact with the Immortal politics of
ancient Blackmoor, welcoming them in. Mystara on a larger scale, in hopes of
preventing a conflict of cosmic
6 T h e sh i e l d s o p e r a t e o n t wo c y c l e s, a proportions. While both sides are met
p ro te cti ve wa l l a n d th e co n su m i n g ba rri e r . with resentment and distrust, no major
T h e fi r st p h a se bl o ck s th i n g s o u t m a jo r i ty o f action is taken by either side at this time.
th e ti m e . T h e se co n d fu n cti o n s fo r n o l o n g e r
than 1 hour. D e sp i te g r a bbi n g m a te r i a l , i t i s
m o n i to r e d by g u a r d s, wh o ca n “e x tr a c t”
● ALT986 AC: The demiplane experiment
ma te ri a l a n d p u sh i t a way. C l e v e r st e a l t h is completed. The actual lands
a n d m a g i c ca n g e t p a st th i s.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

themselves are lifted off the material, with Blackmoor when they do eventually
while what’s left is a replica of Skothar as return to their home.
if it were untouched by Blackmoor.
Meanwhile, the consuming wall has been ● ALT994 AC: The secrets of space travel
changed to sample Skothar land and are slowly recovered once more. The
recreate it in the new plane. The wall prototype ship, Uther’s Blade, discreetly
otherwise functions as it did before, launches (with the protection of
blocking out most of the time while Blackmoorian Immortals) beyond
consuming some of the time. However, Mystara's Crystal Sphere and into
most organic life forms cannot be taken wildspace. The vessel receives a faint and
into Blackmoor without direct cryptic message in a strange Thonian
intervention. Further interaction dialect informing the crew that other
between the Blackmoorian and Mystaran Blackmoorians are living out in
Immortals leads to an impasse. However, wildspace.7 This news is brought to
both accept the demiplane being created. Allogost, who is filled with both hope and
● ALT991 AC: A combined effort of elves
and druids from the Red Woods to ● ALT995 AC: Further attempts at
overthrow the state fails spectacularly. communicating with the Thonian-
Legions of troops blaze through the area, speaking Wildspace denizens is cut off by
claiming anything salvageable for land some force. The crew behind the project
development. Prisoners are taken to are deeply distraught. One of the
work demeaning jobs while civilians are Blackmoorian immortals, known as “The
given the chance at being integrated into King in Crimson”, tries to influence the
mainstream Blackmoor after a lengthy material plane… or at least the regions
screening process. Those who were not beyond Blackmoor. A tribe of arctic
noticed flee deeper into the woodlands, barbarians is manipulated into random
in hopes of remaining hidden. acts of violence around the Blackmoorian
border, further discouraging intruders.
● ALT993 AC: A troop of venturing However, this sudden outbreak of
tribesmen lead by a powerful shaman madness intrigues adventurers.
accidentally make their way past the
various defenses and into the demiplane, ● ALT996 AC: Uther's Blade successfully
managing to kill several soldiers returns from its voyage. However, the
patrolling the border against all odds. ship returns with a group of new
They are ultimately defeated by a roving passengers, a rather odd group of gun-
bandit gang. The survivors, including the obsessed mercenaries. The creatures are
shaman, escape using the same process humanoids with hippo shaped heads and
that lead them into Blackmoor. They are clad in military-style uniforms. The
eventually go mad from being lost in a
desolate region of the continent for so
7 Th i s re fe rs to th e M ysta ra n E xi l e s
long. No one believes their encounter ca m p a i g n , fu rth e r e l a bo ra te d h e re a t th e
Va u l t s o f Pa n d i u s.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

hippo-like passengers8 are brought before plan to take the empire for themselves. A
a state council, where they agree to work faction of "knights" has arisen out of duty
for Blackmoorian weapons development and radical dedication to Blackmoor's
in any way possible. The appeals to the ancient ideals. While they stand by their
state mostly amounted to declaring leader, they care more about national
utmost loyalty to the state, showing off a identity than paying service to a “dying”
vast knowledge of weaponry/military dictator. Many continue the tradition of
experience and payment options for their wiping out explorers who get too
services. The strange humanoids have dangerous, but many are reluctant to do
mostly stayed out of public eye, working so. The frequent treks into the wastes
for the government where needed. have resulted in archeological digs
throughout the ruins. Most of the results
● ALT998 AC: Massive innovative leaps are repurposed for other technologies.
have seen the Kingdom expand into
something of a small empire. However, ● ALT1000 AC: One of the “knights” of
prolonged isolation and alienation has returned Blackmoor was deployed to a
not only taken its toll on the leader, but recently established explorer's guild of
its populace. Surveys return that people Esterhold, after hearing their plans to
are either afraid of each other or explore Blackmoor's ruins. Tales of “the
apathetic, while opinion of the state is land of ghosts”, as locals call it, intrigued
hardly positive. On top of that, they wish the guild. However, their destruction
Blackmoor be returned to the Material in brings unwanted attention and bedlam.
full. Meanwhile, the leader has become Allogost has forsaken his old body,
hyper delusional. He has begun to replacing with a mechanical one.
experience frequent hallucinations, as his Eventually, he resurfaces, a brain-in-a-jar
authoritarian rule has become even bonded to an intimidating robotic body.9
worse. Physicians have done all they can Despite a superior physical form, his
to aid him, but his conditions continue to mind remains heavily damaged and
become more drastic. Allogost begins to unhinged. The cyborg creates a paranoid
consider equally drastic options, campaign to root out anyone who
including recently re-established planned to overthrow him during his
cybernetics. time of weakness. This campaign roots
out the governor of the Outer Province of
● ALT999 AC: Opinions regarding the state Woodenbridge, who conspired to kill
begin to feel that Allogost's regime is Allogost in his frailer state. The governor
likely to crumble in a couple of years. He is executed in his own office. This is
has failed to make a public appearance broadcasted across the region. Several
for over 4 years at this point. Many denizens take the opportunity find
speculate he's already dead, as others exploits in the demiplane barrier to leave
Blackmoor entirely. A combination of the
8 The “hi ppo- like” Giff ap pea r in the
“Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures in Space” 9 Similar (non-magical) cyborgs are detailed
boxed set in DA3: “City of the Gods” [TSR9191].


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

Esterhold incident and the faults in and frigid crags. Jutting frozen spears keep
Khoronus Lab Portal Tech results in the much of the coastline hostile towards
Blackmoor name surfacing more around docking ships. Harsh gusts of wind and the
Mystara. Despite all of this, Allogost occasional snow storm are common within
feels Blackmoor is on the rise once more. the region. Much of the powdery dust is
blown out towards the sea, further
inhibiting any sailors who dare to get too

CLIMATE, The area inside this ever expanding

ENVIRONMENT AND shielding bubble proves to be far different.
A mixture of a greenhouse effect and
WEATHER weather regulating devices allows for a
temperate climate, much akin to home.
Much of the area outside the massive Likewise, weather tends toward the mild;
bubble shield surrounding the region is a save for mandatory drills which force
desolate, frozen landscape. Besides the few situations to their extremes, especially with
hidden ancient artifacts accidentally left "winter" weather. The general feel of the
behind, very little lies within these reaches. area tends to shift thanks to artificially
Rumors of flying shining ghosts and sinister regulated seasons. Much of the "natural"
disappearing spires have kept many spaces are man-made parks and reserves,
nomadic travelers and the possible once- quiet pockets of serene wilderness built up
native populations in the area away. Much for both aesthetics and preservation of old
of the terrain is mostly flat, ice cover lands. world wildlife. A wide variety of deciduous
Further inland sports some jagged inclines and pine trees line the reserves, alongside

Population: 1.3 Million Capital:
(62% Humans, Blackmoor City
9% Dwarves,
8% Gnomes,
nearly 400,000
4% Halflings,
4% Elves, Religion:
13% Others) Allogost the God-King (and to an extent
Khoronus and The Ascended of Blackmoor)
Allogost the God-King of Blackmoor Currency:
Digital Credit (worth 1 silver pieces), Com-
Politics: memorative Hybrid Alloy Coin (worth 2
Authoritarian/Militaristic Dictatorship gold pieces)
Technology Level Equivalent:
Estimated equal to Real World 2070-2170.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

various types of plants long thought to be them to earn "home time" after a certain
extinct. To promote geographical diversity, amount of hours are worked each day. As
the scientists of Blackmoor have helped to such, new forms of leisure and
craft various hilly rock formations, forests, entertainment have slowly emerged. Much of
marshland and various other types of biomes it has been filtered due to government
within this space. In fact, they've even approval systems and other forms of
simulated other types of biomes that are a censorship. However, what has been cleared
good match for other parts of the world. As has still found its way into public
for areas that are assimilated into the realm, consciousness. This ranges from newer
they slowly transition from the arctic of forms of music to traditional art movements
outside to the changing landscape found to even technological media itself. However,
inside with the help of the constantly busy all of these required to advance the state and
science divisions. the "image of its people" in some regard.
This proud and chauvinistic approach is
either embraced by its citizens or hated
behind closed doors. In fact, wherever you
go within the civilized majority of
CULTURE Blackmoor, you will see some symbolism
related to the nation or the face of the ruler
Despite the dystopian society that has been featured clearly. However, frivolous and
imposed on Blackmoor, it still retains much distracting novelty that bears no threat to the
of its culture, with an added sense of state is allowed in certain amounts. As such,
stubbornness to it. For all the pride in all sorts of pointless and fascinating devices
advancing innovations and a new form of crop up in Blackmoorian markets.
government, the region remains heavily
conservative. Genuine cultural change is rare
and often met with criticism. Whether out of
maintaining graces with the rulership or
comfort in traditions, people aren't overly POLITICS
likely to adopt too many new ideas. Even
proxy rulers for areas like the provinces or Following the fall of the noble houses and
the citadel tend to be the same as both the royalty of Blackmoor, this colony has been
mainstream ideologies and the state itself. ruled through a brutal dictatorship. The
But, in their defense, they are essentially the supreme overlord of this empire is Allogost,
puppets of Allogost himself. the former general under Blackmoor's
military. Following his usurping of power, he
However, some critics of Blackmoorian has ruled the land rigidly. His elite military
tradition have successfully petitioned or team, the Exe-Corps or Executioner Corps,
proposed some new ideas, as Allogost fears helps to crack down and suppress dissenting
too much stagnation settling in. For opinion while the rest of his armed forces
example, law abiding citizens have been carry out his will. And, what the militarized
granted a couple of work rights allowing police and army can't handle, surveillance


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

When it comes to unruly behavior or

lawbreaking, forgiveness is extremely rare.
Should this happen, it often has a catch to it.
This can range from enslavement to usage in
secret experiments. Otherwise, execution is
a common reality. As Blackmoor doesn't
really have the accommodating space for
prisons, it's very rare that they take prisoners
of any kind. As it is, political prisoners are
often slain after "outliving their usefulness".
In some cases, they’re lumped in with the lab
guinea pigs, to be used for all sorts of
unethical research. There have also been
talks of sites being used solely for the
purposes of mass slaughter, but no one from
the public has been able to confirm this as
techno-magic covers. Very little of the land fact. Meanwhile, the government only
isn't being watched over by something. confirms that they take actions to further the
Privacy within the borders is almost non- empire’s will.
As for the leadership of the land itself,
Equally important to maintaining order is Allogost rules as the god-king, supreme
maintaining secrecy of Blackmoor itself, commander, overseer, emperor or whatever
despite the fact nothing within country limits else strikes his fancy that day. His trusted
is secret. Despite the calming look of the cabinet of associates serve directly under him
natural reserves and awe of the sprawling as glorified obedient mouthpieces and
cities, the ever moving borders look anything servants to his causes. The classic Blackmoor
but. No façade is kept here. Guards are on castle now serves as his dark base of
constant patrol, looking for any outside operations. Offsite locations include a
"contaminants" that might stumble past the barracks by one of the borders of the actual
cloaking illusion of just more frozen city, a fortress and battery that also acts as a
wastelands. Most intruders or outsiders who carryover from Old Blackmoor and several
react negatively are killed on sight, while classified bunkers below main city limits. The
others are taken for questioning. Those who final location is top secret information only
escape gain bounties on their heads or are shared with top informants and other
left to fend with the strange things outside of "trusted" elites of the land.
Blackmoorian civilization. Those who are
taken in are often enslaved or brainwashed
into pawns to be used for Blackmoor. Only
the "mythic heroes" are granted special
privileges. But even then, these unique
individuals would be constantly under watch.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

CITIES AND DOMAINS Discrimination and unfair conditions lead to

a revolt, which was sadly squashed. This
incident wasn't erased by propaganda, as
Blackmoor City news of this was already widespread before
The capital of Returned Blackmoor. This the government could do anything about it.
region is by far the most built up, as this It's left as a grim reminder of those who turn
urban sprawl was well maintained before the away from their ruler. Some scrappers and
big jump. Expansion mostly lies in increased monsters have found their way into the ruins
security and anything seen fit by the supreme though.
leader. It is here that both the center of
commerce and culture for Blackmoor
resides. Or at least, whatever is permitted by Citadel Archivis
the ultra strict laws and far harsher Originally an encampment, now a
government. All the same, a chaotic compound, this archeological base is the
underground thrives in the city’s cracks, just center of operations for any funded treks to
outside of the regime’s eyesight. discover what's left of the old world.
Blackmoor University often sends out
scholars and professionals for briefing on
Torchlight where to explore and what to hopefully
A small colony created many miles away unearth. Unfortunately, this was how the
from the prime city. Once next to the ever Serpentine Ruins were unearthed... strangely
expanding energy walls, it now resides as a intact! A lot of the larger laboratory and
midpoint for any guards and military that are technical groups have moved here over time,
actively on patrol. Originally meant as a turning it into the central cluster of
resting stop for workers helping to terraform knowledge and innovation. Meanwhile,
the land, it's now a recuperation stop for Blackmoor University stands as a reminder of
Allogost's soldiers. a historic age.

Mobile Work Towns Star Garden

What can only be described as industrial Built up by priests who became dismayed by
buildings carried by a slab with mechanical the failing leadership in Returned
crab legs. These mobile locations are used to Blackmoor, prior to the upheaval, this place
shelter workers while keeping them near remains an important center for religious
sites relevant to their jobs for that day. These affairs. The current regime tolerates its
were created after Torchlight outlived its presence, as many of the leaders revere the
purpose. Immortals (including those who ascended
during the chaos magic storms). However,
these religions tend to be reworked and
Backburner woven to fit the agendas of the state. Many of
A collapsed former colony of citizens the largest supporters are fervently devout to
descended from outsiders and immigrants. the religions of Blackmoor.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor#

Outer Provinces disconnect with the rest of Blackmoor.

Large territories in their own right, they pale These insulated lands prefer to keep to
in comparison to Blackmoor City itself. None themselves and are unlikely to unite under
the less, they are maintained by puppet- some revolutionary banner. However,
leaders that directly serve under Allogost in nothing is outside of the realm of possibility.
some manner. However, it's possible that
one of these division leaders could have
their own subversive agenda. Nonetheless, The Vaults
little is extraordinary. Residential ranges Below the city and stretching far beyond its
from comfortable homes for those who have limits is a series of bunkers and shelters
connections with the regime to humble occupied by the government and any allies
establishments and slums for everyone else. within the elite. These winding, maze-like
While industry is often found in other parts places serve many uses; a private retreat, top
of the colony, the provinces are still secret planning, a place to interrogate or
developed enough to help support the execute potential enemies without any
colony's central hubs. Many of the residents prying outside eyes or a place to conduct all
are likely employed under these services. sorts of heinous experiments. Of course,
These can range from agriculture to should things go terribly wrong, it's secluded
manufacturing supplies for the military. enough that it won't affect anything up above.
Otherwise, nothing is exceptional about
these areas.


A savage wasteland that, while converted, has
remained very much barren dirt. Due to little Blackmoor University (Blackmoor City):
attempt to cultivate, little is usable. However,
some effort has been made to maintain areas One of the few relics from the "earlier age".
reserved for future provinces or other The medieval-esque architecture of Old
spaces. The only populations out here are Blackmoor stands strong through the ages. A
the growing number of "wild men", escapees mixture of archaic and contemporary, this
and fugitive criminals, outsiders who broke place is the font of learning from which the
out of the fake demiplane and former Blackmoorians gain knowledge from... Or
military who snapped under pressure. Many rather, whatever is currently allowed is
of these people have degenerated into taught here. Until change is enacted, this
raiders and bandits. Small towns exist out in institution is a glorified center for
the wastes, but lack the protection of locales propaganda.
overseen by Allogost. Help for these
settlements often comes well after carnage Blackmoor Zoo (Blackmoor City):
has been unleashed. Tribal grounds and
forest kingdoms like the Red Woods are If the menagerie details Blackmoor itself, this
considered part of the outlands, due to a captures the exotic world around them.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

Many scouts and mercenaries have captured abiding citizens with spotless records are
all sorts of fascinating wildlife from around granted free healthcare, while those who
the world. However, the means of doing so display the most minor of infractions must
were probably very illegal, but somehow pay out of their own pockets. Those who are
discreet enough to not get too much unable to pay up are granted experiments for
attention drawn. Despite xenophobic views future treatments, which are often gruesome
of the outside world, this park is approached and inhumane. Many of these patients are
with enthusiasm and learning. There is a moved to undisclosed locations for
stranger side to it, as many of the scientists particularly heinous experiments. Eerily
utilize dying and crippled animals for all enough, these experiments are overseen by
means of tests. Some of them result in the main medical instructor for the
bizarre hybrid creatures and unspeakable Blackmoor University division of the
abominations. In fact, the zoo lab techs have hospital, Dr. Gorble.
made their own aberrations similar to those
from other Prime Materials, drawing many Castle Blackmoor
frightened questions and ire from superiors. (Outskirts of Blackmoor City):

Carr Memorial Hospital (Blackmoor City): The seat of power for the land. In the recent
past, it housed the greatest rulers of the
Named after a famed priest of days old (and seemingly invulnerable empire. In more
also known as “St. Carr Memorial Hospital” recent years, it is the base of operations for
to many), this long running establishment the current regime. The castle itself connects
helps to provide medical aid that mixes the to an annexed basement floor fortified with
best of old healing techniques with modern technologies not yet seen by civilians. This
arcane sciences. For nearly five centuries in secret government lab holds all sorts of
Blackmoor’s sinister experiments. Its presence casts an
original time, a eerie shadow on the city limits, a reminder
sanitarium that the citizens are always watched from afar.
within the
hospital has Cootbane Dams (Outlands):
operated as a
means of Named after the site of a great battle against
understanding cultists of the Egg of Coot, this well fortified
and conquering dam acts as both a buffer for the massive
mental illness. lakes beyond it, as well as a backup power
While many source for much of the territories. In recent
have been months, the dam has been decommissioned
treated, the likes and blocked off. However, far below the dam
of Allogost itself lies a decent sized laboratory and
refuse to excavated relic bristling with foul power.
acknowledge an Rumor has it the dam recently went defunct
issue. Law- due to an experiment gone horribly awry.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

Cleaner crews have been sent to destroy any Swine", a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
evidence, but that won't stop any rebels from Of course, the place is routinely searched by
discovering what horrors have been military and security for wanted criminals
unearthed. The barricaded secrets could very and mercenaries alike. The tavern is out of
well tie into the fate of the serpentine and place, especially since it's founded by one of
something even the dark mages wish they the few outsiders to successfully sneak in
could have had. and integrate into Blackmoor.

Dungeons of Renewal (Star Gardens): Fast-Runner Tribal Grounds (Outlands):

Deep beneath the religious sector above lies The site of a tribe of rakasta that made their
a sinister series of passages and chambers way into Blackmoor following rumors of a
operated by the Cult of the Cleansing better land free from the strife of the world.
Mother. Part political war room, part torture What they received was relatively
chamber of horrors; this is where spared accommodating at first, until harsh sanctions
enemies of Blackmoor are sometimes taken. crippled their ways of life. The tribe lies
The cult takes maniacal joy in tormenting all impoverished, acting in service to the
within its grasp some times, while planning empire. While younger generations have
their end-times final solution for the rest of adopted the ways of Blackmoor, many resist
the world. It is here where the cult also in an attempt to keep their own traditions
stockpiles enough hidden supplies to alive. In fact, in reaction to the harsh
prepare for the off chance that Allogost's Blackmoorian state, many have taken up a
regime topples, so that they can replace it slightly technophobic stance. Some of the
and continue his vision. rakasta created from the wild magic plagues
have found their way into the tribe, in part to
Entertainment District (Blackmoor City): infiltrate and survey the everyday happenings
of the people there.
Despite rampant censorship and constant
control over anything consumed by the Historic Blackmoor Village
public, people are still given the opportunity (Outskirts of Blackmoor City):
to unwind and enjoy themselves... within
reason. It is here where performers are A famous historical site used to help boost
welcome to perform sanctioned works of art patriotic morale. This classic small town
and permitted beverages are poured. Almost resembles Blackmoor in a far earlier age. Re-
everything here is sanitized and relatively enactors portray various famous icons of
fake, but most visitors barely care. The history while various events take place based
Commandant Club is a popular place for on chapters of Blackmoor's progress. Much
elites and military personnel to unwind. It's of it is a sanitized version of reality, if only to
common to see powerful officers engaging in further encourage children into being proud
casual discussion over some rare ales or over of their ancestral home. Those who have
a game here. For those who wish to evade pushed for the living museum to be more
prying eyes, there is "The Skewered Devil realistic have either been silenced or


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

removed from the picture. Until then, the Sadly, recreating the exact wilderness was a
historical site remains a place of idyllic failure, but they created a convincing
propaganda for a past that wasn't quite as simulation of what it might have otherwise
portrayed. been like. While actively maintained for both
wildlife preservation and research, various
Khoronus Laboratories (Blackmoor City): people of importance have been allowed to
walk around the area with enough caution
Named after the Immortal, much to his and perception. Many elven citizens have
dismay. This laboratory has always been taken up protecting and maintaining the
cutting edge in regards to new scientific region.
ideas and experiments. They've often helped
to propel the empire further and further Menagerie of the Extinct
forward. After the great leap into Mystara, (Citadel Archivis):
they were part of the main reason that the
estranged colony recovered so quickly. One of the preserves has several small
Rumors have surfaced that many at the biomes dedicated to wildlife that would have
laboratory have gotten influence from been exterminated in the Great Rain of Fire.
somewhere outside of this space and time. Visiting this location requires special
These rumors have persisted for countless privileges or at least strict supervision. The
centuries, with the City of the Gods being the few that have visited these contained
only proof. It's likely they've somehow gotten reserves have helped to turn them into a
into contact with far more than the ruined symbol of national pride. Those who are
F.S.S. Beagle crew. allowed inside must follow a strict rules
conduct, perhaps harsher than the rules of
Knowledge Vault (Citadel Archivis): everyday life. Any antagonism or violence
against any plant or animal within this safe
Comparable to Candlekeep in Abeir-Toril, zone is grounds for execution, due to
this massive fortress contains vast records of potentially threatening the existence of
knowledge through the ages. While extremely endangered life. Some think the
everything has been absorbed into higher ups care more about this menagerie
Blackmoorian data banks, physical records than the actual populations of people.
are still stored for tradition's sake. Only the
most prestigious and privileged are granted Power Shuttle Stations:
access to this fabled library. Copies are made
physically and in the electronic magical Altered and Tinkered Blackmoorian
databanks that fill the scholarly fort. technology given new purpose! These
locomotive-like cars zoom across an energy
The Living Forest (Outlands): rail in record speed, allowing for quick and
seemingly instant travel. So far, these shuttles
One of the major projects of Blackmoor City operate between Blackmoor City and the
was to recreate the wilderness as it was far various "Hub Urbs" or Outer Provinces. The
before many of Blackmoor's revolutions. only set sights for expansion is Citadel


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

Archivis. Their incredible speeds are Temple for the New Ascended
outdone by the spaceships that Blackmoor (Star Gardens):
hopes to get fully operational again.
A place to honor the brave heroes who
The Rogues' Gallery (Outskirts of helped push Blackmoor through the
Blackmoor City, Outlands, Backburner): temporal vortex as all hell broke loose.
Doing this changed them into the Immortal
Whoever said they could monitor ALL of protectors of the land. While slightly distant,
Blackmoor is a fool and a lunatic. Through they remain an active part of this new
the cracks lies chaotic scum like the rogues' Blackmoor. These are detailed halls of glory,
gallery. This is the modern Blackmoor detailing the mighty heroes of Blackmoor's
version of the thieves' guild, more than still somewhat recent past. Each of these new
aware of counter-measures against all the immortals has a devoted space to them, even
state's tricks and traps. However, many of the more unsavory ones that none the less
their operatives have been tracked down, generate national pride.
caught and/or killed. Their numbers
dwindle, but they remain ever strong. They The Temple of Hope (Star Gardens): They
operate in cells around parts of Blackmoor say in times of darkness, a sliver of hope is
City, with a few expansions in other needed to keep people moving. It is perhaps
territories. this reason why this religious charity is
allowed to continue. The weary and weak
Serpentine Ruins (Outlands): travel here to seek healing and rejuvenation,
at least on the state's terms. Other priests
The Serpentine tortured Blackmoor in its have slowly tried to infiltrate this temple to
later years, as they were rumored to be turn it into a place of furthered propaganda.
minions of the Egg. As their time was
numbered, they tipped off the Oard invaders The Cloaking Shields (Outlands):
about many secrets of Blackmoor and
beyond. While unaware of this, the falling This bubble-like formation has three
armies were slowly being converted into functions: disguising the region to fit in with
undead by mad necromancers who were the mostly barren and bland icy scenery,
either in service to Blackmoor or just insane acting as a force field against outsiders and
mages. The ruins remain swarming with the curiously acting like a portal key to throw
living dead. Only the toughest of patrols and visitors completely off. This last function is
units dare to quest into there. These largely experimental, finding surprising
serpentine are quasi-mindless, only acting approval from the state. When it works,
territorial. The mages themselves? They only outsiders who come into contact with the
respect Allogost, worshipping him like a barrier are whisked away from the hidden
deity. The few soldiers who discovered this demiplane. It looks like pre-return
ponder if this might set their leader on the Blackmoorian Skothar. Small bits of ancient
track to becoming an Immortal. artifacts and general Blackmoorian influence
can be found within the material plane


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

itself.. However, there are no hidden artifacts their older ones. They've slowly been
or bits of Blackmoorian influence here. gathering the means of replicating their
However, sometimes the barrier mightiest vessels, as the originals were
malfunctions and sends outsiders into an scrapped to help build the colony back up.
endless void. One such scientist discovered The prototype spacecraft, Uther's Blade, did
this, utilizing a portal device to get back. prove to be an outstanding success. This has
Sadly, they perished the next day from since spurred on increased funding and
exposure to whatever that void was. This more projects.
glitch doesn't bother the officials who gave
the research grant. Warrens of Madness (Outlands):

The Great Heroes Monument (Blackmoor A ways away from Backburner is a series of
City): caves hollowed out and dug by a deranged
wererat and its equally unhinged cult. They
In Grand Thonian Park, a group of statues believe that Blackmoor's technology is
were erected in honor of the heroes that needed to help build a Machine God. So far,
helped to save Blackmoor several times they have assembled a robotic creature that
before vanishing. Before it was discovered is sentient, but lacking in self-awareness.
that the kingdom traveled too far into Strangely enough, it is capable of using
Mystara's past, they were thought to have priestly spells. They seek to complete what
died. The statues have since been left as a they call a god. All of this was caused by a
tribute to honor them, rather than in cleric sent with a scouting party to learn
memoriam. Allogost finds the statues tacky about Mystara, only for the priest to be a sole
and a remnant of a "tragic age", but refuses survivor infected by a wererat's bite. The
to tamper with them, as they are a treasured infection rendered him insane as he
symbol of Blackmoor's people. vanished mysteriously. Rumors declared him
dead soon after returning from the mission.
Uther Space (Citadel Archivis): In truth, he was grabbing up foolish
explorers to help with his warped vanity
A program dedicated to helping Blackmoor project. However, as the robot has grown
achieve travel into the stars. Before the Great stronger, it has slowly been taking control of
Rain of Fire, Blackmoor had already the wererat priest's cult. Attempts to kill off
discovered the stars beyond. Many the priest have been made, as the mad
Blackmoorians were stranded in the reaches wererat has been completely oblivious to
beyond the Mystaran crystal sphere for ages this.
after the fall of Blackmoor. By all means, it's
possible that Uther Space Program could
receive messages by these long since
detached descendents. The message they did
receive could have been that, but it's also
possible that was a hoax. The ships they have
available now are by no means as capable as


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

DRAMATIS PERSONAE: through any means necessary. She cares

little for her cohorts or associates, and
honestly little for the supreme ruler of
■ God-King Gwyn Allogost - the land himself. Allogost often leaves her
At one time, he to whatever goals, as they typically align
was a widely with and aid Allogost's as well. She often
admired and surveys over what new information has
beloved military been brought to the Citadel and
hero who catalogued. While few are allowed to
helped to end leave the bubble, her most trusted
the terrors of scholars are repurposed into spies for
the serpentine, discovering everything about the changed
the oard and world. Her main concern over outside
many other information is discovering weaknesses
threats. He and strengths, so she may gain more favor
ended up from Allogost.
the heroes to ■ Sir Bertrin -
learn all he The commanding knight from the Knights
could before settling down in of Returned Blackmoor. He is responsible
Blackmoor's original final years, for the protection of not just the mighty
embodied as a seemingly immortal hero. empire, but its people, its projects and its
The fame and glory went to his head, as ideals. Despite serving diligently, he has
he began to imagine himself as larger pangs of regret and sorrow. Many of his
than life. He also thought of himself as missions have involved the butchering of
the ruler that his people deserved. To curious minds and scholars who were
him, the government of Blackmoor had accused of being like the other pirates
become decadent, incompetent and and brigands he was sent to hunt in the
corrupted. With that, he devised his first place. Upon sparing two members of
scheme to take it back from bloated old an exploration guild, he has had a slight
monarchs and bureaucrats to help set up change of heart. While he doesn't actively
the governing forces of a new age. His work against the state, he has subverted
narcissism and paranoia ultimately them on several occasions in more subtle
distorted his vision into Blackmoor's ways, such as informing citizens of places
equivalent of a fascist state. As his where rampant surveillance won't always
withered human form is replaced with a catch them.
disturbing cybernetic body, his weakened
empire seems to be making a rebound, ■ Tsabalya -
but perhaps not in ways he’s anticipating. Originally an outsider from an explorer's
guild bend on plundering the ruins of
■ Lady Galvena Gailendawn - North Skothar, her company was
A cruel overseer for Citadel Archivis. She obliterated by Sir Bertrin. She pleaded to
cares solely about obtaining knowledge join in whatever Bertrin was up to, as she


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

personally hated the guild she was part ■ Lord of Bloodshed -

of... outside of good pay. While a cold- Once a high ranking army official by the
blooded and morally devoid mercenary, name of Sir William Erentimen, he helped
she is passionate about finding new organize and carry out campaigns to
experiences and interacting with all she thwart traitors and secure the expanding
can. It's why she became an explorer to boundaries of the region. A mix of
begin with. Her experience in Blackmoor, redundancy of the job and violence
under the protection of Sir Bertrin, had against Blackmoor's civilians ate away at
been a surprisingly positive one. Granted, his mind over time. During an excursion
she never really needed the protection, in the outlands to deal with talks of
outside of from her own ignorance. bandits, he threatened his troop to
Keeping her identity out of the light, she abandon the mission. Those who stayed
has had the chance to marvel at the loyal to the state were slain. Not long
uncanny and alien world that Blackmoor after, a raider gang approached the shot
has brought with it. Her roguish up camp. The thugs were little match for
tendencies do directly butt heads with the official and his deserters. Many thugs
the strict order present in the State itself. were spared and assimilated into this new
For a number of years, she's found a way army, The Bloodshed Conquest. William,
to fend for herself, as this land is far now the Lord of Bloodshed, recruits
detached from her Alphatian roots. workers and soldiers alike as captured
slaves for his desire of overthrowing
■ Asanis - Allogost by force. His alternative for a
An exile from the Tangor region. He's better Blackmoor is far from better
greedy and bitter, living in one though. The Lord of Bloodshed has long
unfulfilling place after another. Like since become a thorn in Allogost's side,
Tsabalya, he cares deeply about good but he's far too proud to be worried
money. It's the main reason he stayed in about a "deserter who aligns with misfits
the same guild as her for a long time. and tribals".
After being spared and offered a job with
the knights, he turned this down in favor ■ Blunthammer and Battlestein -
of security work for caravans, Two dwarven fraternal twins, sister and
archaeologists, work teams and more. brother, who frantically come up with
Upon discovering the growing issues with new schematics for all sorts of seemingly
bandits, he has since regretted this ridiculous devices. They've been accused
decision. Unlike Tsabalya, he's itching to of squandering funds to pursue passion
find a proper escape. However, he's more projects. However, many of the plans are
than aware any attempt at deserting duty repurposed for more practical goods
will mark him a dead man. All the same, which they help to create. Despite their
he'll probably find doom if he tried to slight slipping into the mad scientist
help bandits too. This internal conflict trope, they are genuinely good natured
keeps him at his station, for now. folk in the otherwise dark world of


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

■ Uther, V.1 - uniform fails to show his Renardie

One of the first successful attempts at heritage, as he has long since been clad in
artificial intelligence. Uther, V. 1 is closely slave's rags. He expects few visitors and
modeled on the famous King Uther of fewer allies to communicate with.
Blackmoor. However, he is currently loyal
the regime as it stands. He bids his time, ■ Zaddergath Wentlestone -
awaiting for the right moment to help A gnomish explorer from Serraine, this
bring back a noble age of chivalry and wayward folk hero went on a journey to
kingdoms. However, he's tactful enough travel through all known realms of the
to play along with whatever plans the known world and beyond. However, his
government has for him. flying machine was shot down during his
travel over Returned Blackmoor. He has
■ Ssst'lexteth - been kept in holding ever since. Still ever
A Serpentine Lich and one of the few of chipper, he seems more concerned with
his kind to retain an intelligent mind. examining all that Blackmoor City has to
During the assault on the last bastion of offer. Sadly, the guards still have
the serpentfolk, Ssst'lexteth quickly suspicion that he's a spy, albeit a horribly
aligned with the dark mages laying siege. incompetent one. Plus, the guards enjoy
In the process, he learned forbidden torturing him for fun.
necromantic arts. While he hates
Blackmoor, he finds the current regime to ■ The King in Crimson -
be a suitable punishment. All he cares By far, one of the most insidious
about is being left alone and seeing Immortals to come out of Blackmoor's
Blackmoorians suffer. changed timeline is this one. His name
long since lost, this ascended one was a
■ Scratchy Pete - devoted mage, corrupted by the Egg of
A very scruffy looking Lupin who was Coot and deceived by the Oard. The end
captured by one of many patrols during a result changed him into the something
daily run around the border. While the more akin to the Egg itself. Upon
rest of his party was slain, he offered up becoming immortal, it’s likely that any
knowledge as a reason to stay alive. He essence of humanity was completely
was captured immediately and taken to a discarded. Now, he bids his time doing
containment center for questioning, all he can to sow chaos until his influence
shackled with devices to prevent use of breaks from Blackmoor into the rest of
magic. After several days, he earned his the known world and beyond. In truth,
worth, remaining as a prisoner. His only Blackmoor is a means to mobilizing an
"release" is for more discussion on the army against the world, crumbling all of
outside world. However, he is given the progress and changes they have
limited access to Lady Gailendawn's made. He wants the world to collapse, so
libraries under strict surveillance, should Blackmoor can help revert it back to how
an army troop head in the direction of it once was. Part of his essence is trapped
Citadel Archivis. The fluffy mage's under Blackmoor City itself. His lingering


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor#

mania has helped to propel the distrust ■ The Machine God -

and paranoia within the lands, making A confused and childish construct. It
his agenda even harder to accomplish. seeks admiration and worship however it
While most Immortals from this realm can get it, but doesn't understand much
have intentionally remained out of the of what's going on in the world around it.
way, The King in Crimson has made his While this construct is as powerful as
influence and presence well known, at some of the strongest heroes, it's far from
least to his cultists and others affected by stable. It frequently throws tantrums and
him. loves causing destruction out of spite.
The cult that worships it usually fails to
■ The Cleansing Mother - completely pacify it. Many cultists who
The leader of an apocalypse cult, but a have realized their mistake are found out
crooked devotee of The God-King as well. by the Machine God, as they are
While not de facto overseer of the Star "removed" as the construct calls it. This
Gardens, she holds much sway here. Her doesn’t mean it’s stupid. It continues to
agenda end game is to cause catastrophic create all sorts of plots on not just seizing
damage to every other region, all for the the cult for its own agendas, but finding
sake of easy conquest later. She proves to ways of assimilating any tech in the area
be one of the few people to unnerve even for its own resources.
Allogost himself, as her personality and
charisma are destabilized by her absolute ■ Doctor Garvin Gorble -
madness. However, her cultist zeal Don't let the silly sounding name fool
proves to be far too useful for the you, he embodies the concept of mad
religious sects of Blackmoor. If it weren't science. Originally a medical technician
for her obsession with Allogost and for Blackmoor University, he was granted
flawless organization skills, she probably transfer to work for the government.
would have been executed long ago. Eventually, he was tasked with utilizing
However, some say she might actually be prisoners and slaves for whatever
an immortal in disguise. Of course, most research he desired. His proposal was
will deny this... as far as they know. creating bioweapons out of
"undesirables", reprogrammed to lay
■ Lady Angelsgleam - siege to enemies of the state while
Lone survivor of the original clergy of defending all that the regime holds dear.
Blackmoor. Daughter to devoted priests, Of course, only Dr. Gorble knows the
she was one with the cloth at an early "fail-safe switches", in case of personal
age. However, the Great Rain of Fire emergency. His specialties lie in
brought her to maturity for sooner than “defeating death” through his arcane
she expected. Now, very much a mature sciences as well as aiding the
adult, she does whatever she can to aid experimental underground in
the citizens of the land while avoiding the Blackmoor's zoo. It's rumored that he has
wrath of all around her. To many, she is received inspiration from the depths of
one of the last good souls within the the stars themselves or worse, The Egg of
church of Blackmoor. Coot. Few have seen him in public, save


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

for his appearances in Carr Memorial ENTERING BLACKMOOR

Hospital as an occasional medical
Sneaking into the lands of Blackmoor should
● Rogues’ Gallery Cells: prove to be no easy feat. For starters,
Not so many an individual, but an travelers must brave the brutal tundras of
anonymous collective of brigands, northern Skothar, finding their way to where
bandits, pirates, anarchists, rebels and the “ancient ruins” of Blackmoor should be
outsiders. Some are members of the located. Harsh storms, frostbite, unstable icy
outlander gangs that terrorize the border ridges and impaired vision alone would
reaches. Others are to blame for the prove to be deadly adversaries for any
black markets that are hidden in the explorer foolish enough to fight the
deepest parts of Blackmoor City, elements. The tell tale sign of finding your
peddling all sorts of contraband tech and way is an uncanny glimmer in your path
drugs to any civvie with the right amount ahead. Everything looks distorted, as if a
of money and a mouth that knows when magical painting was made of the frozen
to shut up. However, many of the reaches beyond. In reality, this is the barrier
“rogues” aren’t actually criminals and are wall that cuts off Blackmoor from the outside
in fact good minded folk who want to world.
help liberate the realm from the
tyrannical grasp of Allogost. They have Penetrating the wall while it lies in its
come to the realization that they might protective mode is next to impossible.
require outside help to turn the tides. In Outside of extremely powerful magic, any
fact, their magic users have been secretly creature that attempts to enter is repelled
sending out messages to any traveler, backwards and shot back onto the icy
bard and explorer within the region who ground. When the barrier rarely turns to its
happens to take notice. It’s partially the consumption phase, teleportation magics
fault of these rebels for the Esterhold have been known to succeed. However,
incident. Most of these rogues are just there is a 50% chance that you’ll instead be
citizens who operate in private. Most of sent to the facade crafted by Blackmoorian
the more noble minded rogues know few scientists, a barren wasteland of ice; the
of their fellow rebels, due to the secrecy endless void that Northern Skothar was
of their operations. However, many of originally meant to be. For those who lack
these “noble rogues” have resulted to the proper magic, one can wait for the wall’s
terrorism to get their point across, second phase to move past them and hope
murdering government official and that the scientists that survey wall import the
civilian alike. “organic matter” that the wall has consumed.
However, it’s also likely that the teams
monitoring the wall will “delete” anyone
who ties to enter through the barrier in this
manner, to avoid “contaminations” from
entering the land.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

Another, less savory alternative, is to not only THE FUTURE OF

know of the guards that patrol the perimeter
but get their attention from the outside zone.
This will result in combat or capture. Should
a fight break out and the party succeed, a Suffering under a harsh tyrannical rule for
hefty bounty will be placed on them at the many years, it is unlikely that this new version
very minimum. Perhaps they could become of Blackmoor will find happiness. In time, it is
a national threat. Should they not resist likely that the heroes that helped to save
arrest, they’ll be brought into the territories Blackmoor in the first place will stumble upon
where they will face all sorts of horrible the consequences of their actions. Despite
trials. They could range from being having missed the heroes by decades, many
transported to a secret laboratory, a prison still recall them from either direct contact or
complex or be assigned into servitude the mythic tales they produced. While the
(slavery) under some Blackmoorian official. denizens of the land want little to do with
outsiders, it is likely that the party that
Less likely is to gain the contact of a powerful traveled back to the ancient kingdom to begin
Blackmoorian. By some circumstance, they with would receive at least cautious fanfare.
might be willing to let “the gates” down for
you to grant you entry into Blackmoor. This Returned Blackmoor can't sustain itself in a
assumes that you can fulfill the nation’s reclusive and repressed state forever.
agenda, or the ruler’s to be more specific. Eventually, the current state will falter, people
Barring that, a rebel or rogue that has either will leave, outsiders will find their way in and
infiltrated a powerful inner circle or one of change will occur. Eventually, Allogost's reign
Blackmoor’s magical science institutions is of terror will come to an end; by the hands of
willing to recruit help, should you find a way his own trusted council or a civilian revolt.
to reply to their message for help. While all revolts up until this point have been
crushed by him, a brave group of adventurers
could help turn the tide.

Will the Immortals take kindly to one of the

largest examples of temporal tampering in the
multiverse? It's hard to say. The alternate
events that created this colony also created its
own share of Immortals who watch over the
somber land. It's likely that massive conflicts
will stem from both mortal turf and the
domains of Immortals over the controversy of
Blackmoor's resurgence... not on the Mystaran
Immortals terms, but the Blackmoorians
themselves! This new City of the Gods will
eventually find its purpose, perhaps branching
out and sharing the secrets of its once lost


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

POSSIBLE ADVENTURES Allogost’s subordinates chafe under his

rule and seek to thwart him, pushing the
IN RETURNED dictator further into madness. Even
BLACKMOOR worse, adversaries surrounding the land
are far stronger than ever. Allogost’s
► Cousins!: In their attempts to venture grasp on the realm is constantly in peril
far into the Known World and beyond, a as total demoralization has slowed down
troop has accidentally found itself in the the progress of technology… that only
Hollow World. In an attempt to hide works in this domain. This is a domain
from Ka’s wrath, the expedition team of dread where technology has truly run
accidentally stumbled upon the amok!
Blacklore Elves. Somehow, this group of
elves wasn't saved by the protective ►Devour, Assimilate: The shields are
shields in time. The expedition troop's controlled by a super computer that's
findings proved to be quite surprising. hellbent on converting the land into
In the end, their similarities allowed something akin to ancient Skothar
them to bunker down in the region, at (Blackmoor age). However, this might
least for now. Perhaps your team has cause a lot of damage in the process.
made their way into the Hollow World, Any landscapes and settlements would
finding Blackmoorian knights as well. be absorbed into Blackmoor while a
Even stranger, perhaps an archaic frigid abyss is all that’s left behind..
version of Blackmoor rests within there Who's to say it will stop at there? It might
too!10 try to convert all of Mystara, if given the
chance! The scientists themselves will
►Demiplane of Dread:11 The corrupted admit that changing or halting the
realm of Blackmoor is well on its way to program will be hard, near impossible!
catching the attention of The Mists, with They made their program a little too well.
Allogost as its Darklord. As it is, the
realm is already cut off as a demiplane. ►Nightmares of Carcosa: The floating
In this scenario, the Demiplane of Dread and distant realm of Carcosa is a
absorbs Blackmoor and nearby regions wretched place beyond dream itself.
into into dark pocket dimension. What’s This land is decadent and failing, but
left behind are the original ruins of a still shares its curse with other realms.
Blackmoor destroyed by the Great Rain In this scenario, the entropic Immortal
of Fire. Meanwhile, the domain that known as The King in Crimson realizes
surfaces in the realms of Ravenloft is a there are great beings like him, greater
distorted mockery of Blackmoor’s glory. than him, older than him. He wants to
know more, even going as far as
10 As referenced in “The Lighthouse’s Guide
bringing Blackmoor into Carcosa’s
to Unknown Cultures” (Threshold Magazine realm. Or worse, melding the
i ssu e # 9) Dreamlands with the Dimension of
1 1 T h e D o m a i n s o f D r e a d a r e fu r th e r
Nightmare. The results of such a planar
elaborated in the “Ravenloft: Realm of
Terror” boxed set.
calamity would be unfathomable.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

However, Crimson bids his time waiting Roleplaying Game. Many liberties would
and plotting. Should such a plan occur, have to be taken, especially in regards to
the other Immortals of Blackmoor would Silver Mount and the littered ruins of ship
be forced to find cooperation from the parts around the wastes. A viable
rest of the universe. alternative would be unearthed ruins
from the cataclysm. As for Silver Mount?
►God that I Am: Allogost hasn't just What if the Blackmoorians tried to
become a powerful cyborg, his recreate the Beagle? And even more, what
technomagical infusions have helped him if Khoronus Laboratories did gain the
on the path to becoming an Immortal as attention of alien life? Or even stranger,
well. If not stopped, he shall ascend to what if the Beagle wasn't the only ship to
said ranks and lead the new crash? Perhaps the colony traveled in time
Blackmoorian Immortals in a relentless once more to rip the Beagle out of the
crusade; whether to take Mystara or ground, taking it with them? Perhaps
expand Blackmoor into a deadly another ship finally caught the Beagle's
superpower unlike what the known distress signal and found its way to
world has ever seen! This scenario would Mystara not long after Blackmoor
require the heroes to stop Allogost from returned?
becoming an Immortal. Will his bizarre
mixture of magitech rituals and eldritch ►It's Party Time!: A group of
sorceries propel him to new heights? insurrectionist rogues have launched a
Such a fight would prove most deadly. terror attack on Cootsbane Dam. The
Or worse, should he succeed in his plans, ensuing flood has subsided, but they've
the heroes must find a way to gain a level just unleashed something far worse. A
of power needed to take down a deific magical construct of the serpentine,
level villain. wielding infectious chaos magic, has
broken loose from the facility below.
►Iron Gods:12 Experiments in new Waves of mutants and undead follow the
technomancies have transcended what monstrosity in its wake. The
was thought possible, an artificial revolutionaries themselves are trapped,
intelligence capable of wielding the same but aren't going down without a fight.
powers as mortals and immortals alike!
Journey not just into Blackmoor's prime ►Return of the Wrath of the Immortals:
lands, but the wasted world tainted Messing with space and time is a major
within the grasp of its ever expanding taboo in almost any prime material plane.
barrier shields. This adventure takes Something of this magnitude would
heavy inspiration from the Iron Gods certainly get the Immortals involved. To
adventure path for the Pathfinder make matters worse, this strange new
colony has brought its own cast of
Immortals with it. A direct clash over
12 More details on the Iron Gods adventure
Blackmoor's shattering of reality is
p a t h a re d e ta i l e d i n th e A d ve n tu re Pa th
a d v e n tu r e s # 85 - # 90 fo r Pa i zo ’ s P a t h f i n d e r inevitable.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

►Returned Egg of Coot: Blackmoor forested lands are concerned, anything

wasn't the only thing that survived its Allogost must go. As for the various
jump to Mystara. The dreaded Egg of decadent technologies and strange
Coot has made the jump as well. The creations? That will be addressed later, as
moment the Oard made their way into long as it doesn't overly tamper with or
the past was the moment the Egg caught harm the ways of nature.
a glimpse of the would-be future and
began to plan, bidding time till it could ►The Great War of Fire: Glantri can be
abandon its old conquest and set sights said to be the modern stand-in for
on a new prize, the known world and Blackmoor. Needless to say, the
beyond! Whether or not Allogost remains Blackmoorians themselves dislike this
in power, the forces of Blackmoor must greatly. Once discovery of the Nucleus of
take arms alongside other nations and Spheres is made, all hell shall break loose
factions to purge the greatest evil never in the name of either securing it or
meant for this world! destroying Glantri with it. Other lands are
caught between a war between two
►Revolution!: For those who are able to forces they dare not intervene with.
find their way into the new empire, they However, whether out of fear or strange
quickly discover a heavily oppressed admiration, some might even take arms
people. Gone are the days of a fair and alongside the two powers. By all means,
noble monarchy, here are the days of this could lead into the Greater Rain of
totalitarian rule over a once trusted and Fire scenario.
beloved warrior. This scenario involves
heroes from the outside world helping to ►The Greater Rain of Fire: An End All Be
start an uprising against their usurper- All Scenario, should the tyranny of this
leader, Allogost. The backlash from his new empire prove to be too great. The
forces would be intense, but would draw only way to purge it for good is to
focus to squashing this rebellion. But, kickstart something the denizens of
he's no fool. He'd anticipate help from Blackmoor are more than familiar with.
the outside world... either to liberate his Under normal circumstance, the
people or to topple Blackmoor as a Immortals would obliterate the threat,
whole. Be careful who you trust, you but the rise of Blackmoorian equivalents
might just help create a far more has made this more of a challenge. This
dangerous world. scenario would risk destroying Mystara as
it is currently known, causing far more
►REVENGE!: The Red Woods was greatly damage than the Wrath of the Immortals
crippled by Blackmoor, even before the saga accomplished. The world would be
failed revolt. Any characters connected shifted once more, majority of the great
more to nature, such as rangers and nations would collapse in an instant, the
druids, would be sought out for one last survivors would once again have to fend
strike against a now weakening state. As for themselves and sacrifice centuries to
far as the various enclaves across the rebuild a civilization. An adventure with


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Returned Blackmoor

this conclusion would truly be the end of

days, or at least of the Known World as it
is currently known.

►The World of Tomorrow: Assuming

Allogost is deposed and new order is
established, the denizens might either
turn towards finding a way to hide
themselves once more or establishing
themselves better with the new world. In
the latter case, they learn from the
mistakes of the F.S.S. Beagle crew and try
to establish better relations with the
world at large. Perhaps their shielded
demiplane returns back to the material
realm. In fact, allies might even learn
their secrets of technomancy. By some
miracle or means of intervention, these
newer devices seem more stable than the
original devices that should have caused
the Great Rain all those ages ago.



: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

A Companion-level mini-adventure
in the Gulf of Tangor
by Giampaolo Agosta (Agathokles)


Tigers of Kuraman is an adventure and mini- Most of the population of the Gulf of Tangor
setting for the continent of Skothar. The is composed of rakasta, either Harimau-
adventure is written for BECMI Player Belang (sherkasta), Rimau-Dahan (cloud
Characters of early Companion levels. pardasta), Rimau-Gunung (pardasta), or
Pregenerated characters are provided, tying Kucing (domestic rakasta).
the party to the setting and introducing the
key NPCs. The adventure can be used to set Other native sentients of the area include
the background for a more complex lizard men (Biawak), dragons (jade, onyx,
campaign, either using the provided PCs, or and black dragons), naga, and Tangor and
using different characters, and turning the Jennite humans (called Orang-Hitam and
pregenerated PCs into NPCs for the rest of Orang-Datar by the native rakasta;
the campaign. Alphatians are called Orang-Langit, literally
meaning both humans from the sky and sky-
The adventure is set in the Gulf of Tangor, coloured humans, referring to the bluish tint
but the setting covers also part of Tangor of pure Alphatians' complexion).
Biawak lizard men are similar to the shazak
The Tigers of Kuraman is inspired by “Pirates of the Savage Coast, but their skins are
of Malaysia” by Emilio Salgari, and the covered in a natural mail of bone extrusions,
related “Indo-malay” cycle of novels. giving them a natural AC 5, and have poison
glands that allow them to inject a powerful
and deadly venom. Furthermore, their blood
naturally contains a strong antibacterial
compound, which gives them a +2 bonus to
saving throws to resist diseases.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

The Pirate Island of Kuraman The Kingdom of Warangan

Kuraman is a disappearing island, impossible This semi-independent dominion is located

to locate. It is considered as a legend by the along the coast of the Gulf of Tangor. It is
mariners of the Gulf of Tangor. However, it controlled by Quisoth Tredissur, an
does exist in the Gulf of Tangor and, at the enterprising Alphatian cleric of Brissard and
same time, in the Dreamlands. The island former military officer of the Imperial Navy,
originally moved erratically between the who is known as “The Pirates’ Bane” and “The
Dreamlands and the real world. Since two Human Rajah”. Warangan is rich in mineral
years, the consciousness of Lady Mylerila, resources, and the Human Rajah is
and Alphatian elf maiden, has merged with increasingly attracting dwarven miners from
the land itself, and exerts a degree of control the Kingdom of Stoutfellow to improve the
over it, mostly at the behest of her former efficiency of the mines. This causes conflict
husband, the sherkasta pirate lord Bahadur with the local sherkasta clergy and hunters and
the Brave. Bahadur’s “cubs”, fierce sherkasta the domestic rakasta farmers. Quisoth is
pirates, make up most of the island’s currently attempting to get his claim as King of
population, from which they sail out in Warangan recognized by the Imperial throne.
prahos (use longship statistics) to raid
Alphatian shippings. Inland, the jungles of Warangan are
inhabited by dangerous creatures, including
There are few other threats on the island, giant snakes and lizards, as well as plants
although some sleepy treants are found in such as archer bushes, mantraps, and choke
the woods on the slopes that lead to the creepers. The jade dragon Tuan-Ular
keep where Bahadur holds his court. controls much of this territory. She is
friendly towards the natives, but hostile
towards the Alphatians.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

Kerajaan Berlian-Wajik claims the title of Viceroy, although in

(Rajahstan of Berlian-Wajik) Alphatian terms he is a full-fledged King. The
Raj territory is divided into many smaller
The nearest neighbour to the north and east principalities, mostly held by local vassals, or
of Warangan, Berlian-Wajik is a large but by Alphatian administrators.
underdeveloped kingdom, ruled by a caste of
sherkasta warriors and clerics lording over Besides Alphatians, Jennite and Tangor
cloud pardasta hunters and domestic rakasta humans are also found in the area.
farmers. Pardasta also live in the northern
borderlands. The Rajah of Berlian-Wajik,
Delima-Batu (sherkasta cleric 12, N), is an The Andhakarban
ineffective, prejudiced, traditionalist ruler
who has been unable to resist the Alphatian This giant mangrove forest at the delta of a
requests, leaving the island of Lawang under the Devanadi river in Tangor Bay borders the
Alphatian control. The island is used by the Alphatian Raj. Sherkasta hunt-lords control
Alphatians as a stopover for flights and sea swaths of the jungle, maintaining retinues of
travels to the Alphatian Raj. sherkasta and pardasta hunters, and cloud
pardasta and domestic rakasta servants. The
The fauna of Berlian-Wajik is similar to that Alphatian Raj maintains military outposts
of Warangan, but decapi, surtaki1 and hill along the borders, mostly manned by sepoys.
giants are also found in the the more remote The murderous cult of the demon goddess
areas. Andhakari (Demogorgon) hides in the
depths of the forests, emerging to abduct
victims to sacrifice in her pagoda temples.
The Alphatian Raj Sanshodhara, the high priest of Andhakari,
leads this evil cult.
This large dominion in the south of the Bay
of Tangor is controlled by a group of high- The Andhakarban is a hotbed of monsters.
level Alphatian adventurers, the Company of Hydrae are particularly common, as are
Mage Adventurers, who have invested large hangman trees, and multiple black and onyx
amount of money and magical resources in dragons claim territories in the region, all
carving out their own dominion in Skothar, under the command of a huge onyx dragon,
subjugating local sherkasta Rajahs and Kelam-Akik.
Maharajahs. The Alphatians are supported by
a small amount of magically armed Alphatian
troops, as well as domestic rakasta and Kingdom of Emas
sherkasta sepoys, native mercenary troops.
Viceroy Qanetar (male human magic user This multi-ethnic kingdom east of the
30, C) is the leader of the Alphatians. He Andhakarban is composed of sherkasta and
other rakasta, but also Tangor humans and
1 A su r ta ki i s a n u n u su a l m o n ste r fr o m ogre-kin, who have stratified in a long
“Creature Catalog”, page 104. It is a sequence of migrations and invasions. The
p r e d a to r l a r g e a s a bu l l , wi th a r e p ti l i a n
current rulers are a displaced Tangor human
h e a d , p o i so n qu i l l s, a n d a sh a g g y fu r.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

people, called Taranya in the rakasta Company has sufficient clout to be able to
language. They form circa 15% of the get limited support from the Imperial fleet,
population, with ogre-kin immigrants from and sufficient funds to hire Alphatian and
the east composing another 20%, and the native mercenaries. Viceroy Qanetar is the
rest divided among the pardasta, cloud leader of the Company of Mage Adventurers.
pardasta, sherkasta and domestic breeds of
rakasta, and a few Jennite immigrants. The
current chief of state is the dowager Queen The Pirates
Zamrud (female human cleric 9 of Ixion).
The Tigers of Kuraman are directly opposed
to the Alphatians, since their leader,
FACTIONS Bahadur, lost his family and petty kingdom
to the human Rajah, Quisoth Tredissur. They
mostly strike at Alphatian ships, but
The Alphatians occasionally attack ports. While Bahadur is a
noble leader and does not condone slavery
The Alphatians operate in the Gulf of Tangor or the killing of prisoners, his followers are
and Tangor Bay regions in a semi-official not as lenient when Bahadur himself is not
way. Most of them are independent or semi- present.
independent adventurers, hoping to
establish dominions in this remote but
resource-rich region. A relative amount of The Thugs
organisation is provided by the Company of
Mage Adventurers, an organisation These ferocious rakasta of various breeds are
sponsored by rich Alphatian magic users as cultists of Demogorgon, in her aspect as
well as by the Cult of Supremacy, a cult of Andhakari. They practice ritual sacrifices of
Brissard originating in Frisland. The sentient beings as well as engaging in


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

kidnapping, murder, and slave trade. Their with his beloved, who turned out to be
upper ranks include weretigers and randara2, Mylerila, a weretigress! Unfortunately,
beside high level sherkasta clerics of Mylerila elven blood interfered with her
Demogorgon. They originate from the lycanthropy, leading her to fall ill and, in
Andhakarban, but are found in Emas and the time, die of her lycanthropy.
Alphatian Raj as well, usually under cover.
The high priest Sanshodhara is the leader of A majestic sherkasta with piercing black eyes,
the cult. dressed in red cloth brocaded with gold,
Bahadur often sports a turban kept in place
by a ruby and dark red leather boots. A
curved dagger and a scimitar complete his
Yonar to Sphendon
Bahadur the Brave
Minaean thief 17, N
Pirate Lord, sherkasta fighter 20, C
Yonar is a roguish gentleman of Minaean
Bahadur was born the heir to a petty origins. He was traveling on an Alphatian
kingdom in what is now Warangan. At that ship as a mercenary, when the ship was
time, the territory was part of the Rajahstan attacked by Bahadur’s pirates. Yonar was the
of Berlian-Wajik. Bahadur’s parents and most last defender to surrender, and Bahadur
of his relatives were killed or dispersed by admired his bravery and skill so much he
the Human Rajah during his campaign to decided not only to spare him, which he
consolidate his power on Warangan, while does with all prisoners, but to acknowledge
Bahadur was away on a trading expedition to him as his equal. From that time, Yonar
distant Zyxl. On his return, Bahadur vowed became almost a brother to Bahadur, as well
vengeance and assembled a pirate crew out as his second in command. A master of
of the remaining warriors of his household disguises, Yonar is able to pass himself off as
and others wronged by Quisoth. After a an Alphatian, as he speaks the language
particularly violent battle at sea, Bahadur’s perfectly, and uses this ability to help
praho shipwrecked on Lawang, where he Bahadur gather information and infiltrate the
was not recognized. Lord Astreth and his Alphatians’ ranks.
protegé Mylerila nursed him to health.
During that time, Bahadur met a mysterious Yonar is tall and lanky, with a drooping
and fascinating sherkasta woman, whom he moustache and a long nose. His greying hair
wooed, only to be forced to flee by a sudden is tied in a ponytail. He wears the colorful
visit of the Human Rajah. After many clothes of a swashbuckler, and wields rapier
adventures, Bahadur managed to reunite and main gauche in combat.
2 A r a n d a r a i s th e B E C M I v e r si o n o f th e
A D & D r a k sh a s a . I t i s f o u n d i n “ C r e a t ur e
Ca t a l o g ” , p a g e 89.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

Shakta-Byadha Rajah Quisoth Tredissur

Andhakardan Hunter, sherkasta fighter 16, N The Human Rajah, King of Wangaram,
Alphatian cleric 18 of Brissard, C
Shakta-Byadha is a noble sherkasta from the
Andhakardan. A tall, handsome specimen Quisoth Tredissur is a former Imperial Navy
with large stripes, Shakta-Byadha is a skilled officer turned explorer and adventurer. An
snake hunter and outdoorsman, as well as a imposing man in his mid-forties, Quisoth
valiant fighter. He is a sworn enemy of sports longish brown curly hair, a thin
Sanshodhara and the Thugs, and the lover of moustache, and the coppery complexion of
Lady Halarys Telanes. a common Alphatian. He is originally from
Ambur, and has retained a certain theatrical
flair, relishing in unexpected appearances
Sanshodhara and sudden revelations. Quisoth is a
competent military commander, although he
High Priest of the Thug Cult, sherkasta cleric tends to push his men too much, and is
of Demogorgon 20, C prone to sudden bursts of wrath. His success
derives mostly from the superior magical
A wily sherkasta priest, Sanshodhara is power of the Alphatians, his good relations
known by the titles of High Priest of with the Company of Mage Adventurers, and
Andhakara, and Son of the Great Waters. His his prized possession, the sky schooner
true identity is mostly unknown, even to the Ybodnei.
adepts of the cult, and only the inner circle
of priests -- all devoted worshipers of Quisoth is a follower of the Cult of
Demogorgon -- know his face, which is Supremacy, a Frislander religion centered
hidden behind a golden mask during the around the cult of the Immortal patron of
rituals. Yet, he commands the absolute slavery, Brissard. He is loosely allied with the
devotion of his followers. Alphatian Raj, and is developing an alliance
with Sanshodhara. Quisoth is the mortal
Physically, Sanshodara is thin for a sherkasta, enemy of Bahadur.
but has ropelike muscles. He is an expert
wrestler and a master of disguises. As the
high priest, he wears a golden mask and rich Lord Astreth
paraments of black silk decorated with
golden thread. Skycaptain, Governor of Lawang, Alphatian
weretiger 12/magic user 15, N

Lord Astreth is an older Alphatian adventurer

and skyship captain. He is the governor of
Lawang, which he holds as a sub-dominion
for the Human Rajah. He and his beautiful
protegé, Mylerila, are both weretigers.
Astreth is not as evil as Quisoth Tredissur,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

but hates Bahadur for carrying away Mylerila Captain Feredyl Telanes
and blames him for her death.
Shiye Mercenary, alphatian elf 10 (Attack
Astreth looks like a pure Alphatian, dressed Class D), L
in the uniform of a navy officer, or in the
flowing robes of the aristocracy. In tiger This mercenary officer from Shiye-Lawr is the
form, his black and white stripes have a uncle of Mylerila, and the adoptive father of
bluish cast. her half-sister Halarys. A stern, no-nonsense
officer, Feredyl serves the Company of Mage
Adventurers in the Alphatian Raj,
Mylerila, the Sapphire of commanding a border fort near the
Lawang Andhakarban.

Nature Spirit, formerly Alphatian (half-)elf

9/weretiger 9, N Halarys Telanes

Mylerila was born of Feredyl Telanes’ sister Alphatian cleric 13/weretiger 10, N
and Lord Astreth’s older brother. Her mother
died in childbirth, and her father died when Halarys Telanes is Mylerila’s half-sister from
the girl was very young following the Spike her father’s side. The identity of her mother
Assault in distant Thyatis. Mylerila was sent is a secret known only to Feredyl Telanes,
to live with her uncle, who moved to Lawang who used to be a close friend and assistant of
when the Human Rajah acquired the island. her father. Feredyl adopted the girl, who
As the daughter of an elf and a weretiger, her remains very close to her half-sister. Halarys
dual nature stressed her physique was kidnapped by the thugs to be trained as
immensely, leading to her premature death a a priestess of Demogorgon. However, Shakta-
couple of years after marrying Bahadur. Byadha and Feredyl joined forces to rescue
When she died, her spirit did not leave her.
Kuraman, but merged with the island itself
becoming a nature spirit. She sometimes
appears as an elf or a sherkasta maiden, or as Antek
a white tiger. She exerts a degree of control
over Kuraman’s presence in the material Cloud pardasta fighter 14, L
world or in the Dreamlands, which she can
use to help Bahadur. Antek is a cloud pardasta servant of Shakta-
Byadha. He is unceasingly loyal to his master,
and a remarkable fighter on his own. He is
often able to save his master by appearing at
the last minute out of nowhere and saving
the day, as well as to escape defeat by
suddenly disappearing from a battle site.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

Jumlah Dibuang Bahadur sends Yonar with a group of his

pirates to attack the invaders. A furious
Exiled Prince of Warangan, domestic rakasta melee ensues. The three PCs on the ship are
cleric 10 of Bastet attacked by 12 Tigers of Kuraman (sherkasta
The son of the former ruler of Warangan has
been sent to the custody of the Viceroy of the Yonar is instead faced by 3 sailors (domestic
Alphatian Raj. He is a popular figure in rakasta F2) and captain Kelasi.
Warangan and Berlian-Wajik, and his
disappearance has put a halt to insurgency in The other sailors and Tigers are busy fighting
the area. each other, and can be considered as not
contributing to the fight. If Yonar dispatches
the sailors (or if the Tigers capture the other
THE ADVENTURE PCs), the Tigers of Kuraman dispatch the
remaining sailors, and surround Feredyl,
The adventure starts as Shakta-Byadha has Halarys and Antek. If, on the other hand, the
been captured by the Human Rajah. three PCs dispatch all the Tigers before
Instigated by Sanshodhara, the Rajah is Yonar wins his fight, or if Yonar is subdued
sending Shakta-Byadha to a prison colony in by the sailors, Bahadur himself appears with
Esterhold by ship. Feredyl, Halarys, and a large group of Tigers, and forces the
Antek set sail on the “Young Tangor” to surrender of the shipwrecked crew.
attempt a rescue, but shipwreck on
Kuraman, where they are joined by Yonar, In any case, Feredyl, Halarys and Antek are
who helps them in their efforts. brought before Bahadur, who recognises the
resemblance of Halarys to Mylerila. Soon, the
The adventure is designed for the four truth is discovered, and the three can
characters mentioned above, but can the expound their plight to the pirate lord, who
party can be expanded by adding one or two asks Yonar to help them. He sends them out
high-level Tigers of Kuraman (sherkasta F14, with a praho, 20 Tigers, and Yonar.
N). In this case, the DM will need to adjust
the number of opponents. The adjusted TPL
for the party, as stated above, is 120. Battles in the Sky

Bahadur’s plan is that the PCs take command

The Shipwreck of the “Star of Verdun”, the ship that will
bring Shakta-Byadha to Esterhold. The PCs
The adventure begins in medias res, with will then reach Warangan, retrieve Shakta-
Feredyl, Halarys, and Antek on board the Byadha under the guise of Alphatian officers,
“Young Tangor”, a small sailing ship manned and bring him back to Kuraman. For this
by captain Kelasi (male domestic rakasta F5, reason, only the PCs can accomplish the
L) and his sailors. A violent storm sends the mission -- Bahadur himself would be easily
“Young Tangor” to shipwreck on the Tangor recognised, so he remains on Kuraman.
Gulf island of Kuraman.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman

The Star of Verdun The Starpoint Arrow

The "Star of Verdun" is an Alphatian navy The "Starpoint Arrow" will intercept the "Star
ship, equivalent to a large sailing ship. It is of Verdun" near Warangan's coast. It attacks
manned by 26 sailors (normal humans), from the sky with a belcher, aiming at
captain Taloth Ur-Daryr (male human T14, disabling the sails. Then, the Arrow's captain
N), first officer Lernan (male human T9, N), sends a boarding party of 10 élite boltmen
and 3 mates (each a T3). Protecting the ship (E3 or MU3), commanded by Commander
is a company of 20 heavy marines (F3, armed Tsalim (male human MU10, N) and 12
with longswords and wearing plate mail and marines (F4), commanded by Lieutenant
shield) led by commander Zumthan (male Zyndras (male human F12).
human F9, L).
If the boarding fails, the captain will
Mylerila senses the proximity of the "Star of withdraw his forces and sink the "Star of
Verdun", allowing the PCs to reach it on a Verdun" using his belcher, forcing the PCs to
praho, in case they want to attack the ship, reach the coast swimming.
or on a lifeboat, if they want to pass
themselves off as survivors of a shipwreck.
They can then use persuasion, charm spells,
bribes or any means they can come up with The Rajah’s Palace
to replace the officers. However, if one of the
officers manages to escape the PCs Once in Warangan, the PCs may try to carry
persuasion methods, he will be able to use a out the original plan, if they are still in
scroll of communication to alert an Alphatian possession of the "Star of Verdun". In this
base, from which the skyship "Starpoint case, however, they will be betrayed by one
Arrow" is dispatched. of the officers or sailors, forcing a
confrontation with the White Rajah's guards
(use the same statistics as for the "Starpoint
Arrow" boarding crew, but there is no aerial
support in this encounter).

Otherwise, they need to come up with a

different plan. This part of the adventure is
less constrained, as the PCs may come up
with different plans to free Shakta-Byadha. If
they ask for a local contact, then a local sage
and opium house owner, Pembag (domestic
rakasta T9, C) will suggest to infiltrate the
Human Rajah's palace, give Shakta-Byadha a
finely tuned dose of Black Lotus, so he will
appear dead, then exfiltrate him from the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

The Tigers of Kuraman


If the PCs do not exercise the utmost caution,
the followers of Sanshodhara will discover
their purpose by interrogating their Emilio Salgari, “I Pirati della Malesia”, 1896
informants (e.g., Pembag or any survivor of (first published in English as “The Pirates of
the "Star of Verdun" crew). In this case, the Malaysia” in 2007)
Son of the Great Waters will dispatch his
representatives in Warangan to ambush the Bruce Heard, “Rakasta of Mystara”,
PCs, if possible by night. The team is led by Dragon Magazine #247, TSR, May 1998
Jahat (cloud pardasta cleric 10 of
Demogorgon) and composed by six Thugs Simone Neri, “History and Evolution of
(HD 5 each). Furthermore, Jahat will have Rakastas”, 2008
summoned a death leech. If Jahat falls, the
Thugs will retreat, leaving the death leech to Giampaolo Agosta, “History and Origins of
cover them. the Rakasta”, Threshold Magazine Issue #5,
Oct 2014

The Mortuary Marco Dalmonte, “On the Fey of Frisland

The mortuary is haunted by a vision. The and the Eye of Huldra”, in “Community
vision appears as 8 rakasta fighting monks, Interview: Marco Dalmonte”, Threshold
armed with wicked polearms (1d10 damage). Magazine Issue 6, Jan 2015.
The vision does not manifest by day, and the
mortuary is otherwise empty by night -- the
curators know of the haunting.

If the PCs have poisoned Shakta-Byadha, his

body lies on a table in the center of the

Finale: The Human Rajah

When the PCs have recovered Shakta-Byadha,
the Human Rajah will suddenly appear,
having got wind of the PCs' presence --
perhaps an NPC recognised them, or a
surviving Thug informed him. The Human
Rajah will be always accompanied by his six
bodyguards (each a human F8).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

A very different Mind-set:

by Geoff Gander


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

Pr o f e s s o r v a n d e r K l i l c a n b e s e e n
in Robin’s Blog; and works as a
te a ch e r i n th e G r e a t S ch o o l o f
Magic of Glantri. He is also
m e n ti o n e d i n h e r B e h o l d e r a r ti cl e
o f th i s v e r y T h r e sh o l d m a g a zi n e .
H e u se s a n o th e r d i a l e ct to
describe the species; Zochal


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

Research Art Zochal Warrior

Location; Continent Skothar (secret) High Protein Food

-increased strength
Wings; -scaled, barbed, metallic brown chitinuous skin
-Harder, Wider skull
Arm Tentacles, Head, Thorax, Elytra, Wing, -Light beige tentacles, Probosci, cheeks
Haltere, Wing, Abdomen, Leg Tentacles.

The balancing Haltere are always opposed in

movement to the Wing, creating a vibrating Infiltrator
sound in flight.
Normal Protein Food
In group this is a fearsome sound. -smooth dark metallic chitinuous skin
-slender shape
Creature; -dark probosci, cheeks and tentacles
-variant dark colors (Brown, Blue, Black, Green)
Zochal Poleaxe, Thorax, Abdomen, Eggsacks,

Arm Tentacles with 3 tentacle fingers 6"-9" and Scholar

higher placed tentacle thumb 4"-5"
Low Protein Food
Elytra (Hard Outer Wings), 3'1"-3'9" Dark Green -slender, long, very light coloured Chitinuous
Metallic. skin.
Bulging "skull"
Opens like a Beetle sideways. enlarged brain
somewhat longer more agile tentacles and
Height; 5'9"-6'5" proboscid
Length Body; 6'3"-7'6"
Weight; 130-195 LBS

Leg Tentacles similar to arm tentacles Zochal base Flight Pattern


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

Introduction: because I was forced to look at everything

through new eyes. This was especially true
This article provides rules for a new race and for social situations (some very interesting in-
character-class package for the Mystara character discussions were had). This article
campaign setting: an alien race known as the is the result of my experiences with that
zhochal. The zhochal are loosely inspired by campaign, combined with numerous
H.P. Lovecraft's Mi-Go (also known as the discussions with my players, many hours of
Fungi from Yuggoth); however, they are far deep thought, and play-testing.
from being a malicious race bent on
experimenting on humanity for their own
selfish aims. Instead, the zhochal are beings Using the Zhochal Player
with a full range of motivations and Character Race in Your
personalities—they are simply very, very Campaign:
different, and playing one offers interesting
challenges and opportunities. Saying the zhochal are not your typical Player
Character (PC) race would be an
When I originally designed them, the zhochal understatement. Their physiology, mindset,
were far more faithful to Lovercraft's Mi-Go, and social organisation are products of a
as they were intended to be a race that completely alien environment and, despite
originated in another dimension who having lived on Mystara for approximately
discovered the Outer Beings and chose to three millennia, these elements remain
venerate them (as opposed to being a deeply rooted in their being. Just about every
created servitor race). This positioned them form of behaviour and reaction we take for
as a handy nemesis for any campaign, as a granted as human beings—which we can
highly intelligent, utterly inhuman race that safely extrapolate to elves, dwarves, halflings,
willingly embraced a pantheon of beings and even orcs—cannot be done for the
bent on destroying the universe not out of zhochal.
malice, but because they simply wanted to
replace it with something of their own. The For example, almost all social beings engage
zhochal did, in fact, work quite well as in “small talk” and use body language of one
opponents in my campaign. form or another, the purpose of which can
be to reinforce social bonds, to assess status,
Ideas evolve over time (as they are wont to to demonstrate dominance, or to determine
do), and I soon saw great roleplaying sexual availability. The zhochal, however, do
potential in such a race. I played one (who not engage in nonverbal communication, use
had a human disguise) in a Play by Email superfluous gestures, or engage in small talk
Campaign (with the GM's permission, of because of their hive-like and rigidly
course), without the other players' hierarchical social structure. All members of
knowledge. I quickly discovered that not the collective are equal under their leader
only were the zhochal fun (but challenging) (who is known as the First), and therefore
to play; their very alien mindset presented an there is no social status to gain or lose;
incredibly rich roleplaying experience although more experienced zhochal often act


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

as teachers, imparting their wisdom for the

betterment of the collective. Likewise, the
zhochal are asexual, so there is no reason to
solicit a mate. Thus, even if a zhochal is
wearing a human guise they will not pick up
on social cues that we take for granted, nor
will they use gestures, unless they are
thoroughly schooled in human behaviour. As
a result, they will come across as very odd
and will likely arouse suspicion.

As a result, playing a zhochal (at least as

described in this article) is something that
requires more attention on the part of both
the player and the DM than most other
classes require. This is a character who is a
fish-out-of-water in almost every sense, for
whom many experiences other races take for
granted will be—at first—novel, confusing,
overwhelming, and possibly dangerous.
However, because a zhochal PC will likely be
adventuring with “native” Mystarans, there
are also many opportunities for character
growth. In this sense, players can use a
zhochal PC to explore social concepts such
as belonging, identity, and morality to a
greater depth. I would add that the zhochal
is a race/class that is ideally suited to players
who are not only familiar with roleplaying,
but who are willing and prepared to play a
character that will need to grow and change
if it is to thrive. Playing one will probably
also require a discussion with the DM as to
how the race will fit into the campaign.



: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara


In their natural form the zhochal (a rough

approximation of what they call themselves)
are vaguely insect-like creatures averaging 6’
in height. They have a mottled greenish-grey
carapace, with six appendages (two
segmented legs and four two-foot long,
highly dextrous tentacles at the “chest”
level). When desired, they can split their
carapace in the back to produce two light
green membranous wings (much like a
beetle), which emit a low whirring noise
when in motion.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

From the old examination scriptures of Their heads are oval-shaped and extend,
Professor vander Klil; crest-like, backwards. Their faces are
dominated by three red, saucer-sized eyes,
All zochal have dark green metallic Elytra each of which is capable of independent
(wingshield), varying in intensity only. Other movement (zhochal cannot be flanked when
body section colors vary by class, which is in their natural forms). They do not have
dictated by diet, or some genetic coloring. proper jaws, and instead have four thin, foot-
Zochal receive an adjusted diet in their initial long tubes, each ending with a tiny toothless
growing phase. It seems they have an egg, then mouth. Because of this arrangement, they
Larval, then main individual phase, making the are fully capable of communicating while
initial growing phase the Larval phase. Each eating (they find single-mouthed creatures to
diet varies by protein content. Low amounts be very limited). Although capable of
increase the yield of the brain, but lower producing a full range of sounds, a zhochal’s
physique, high amounts increase physique, voice in its natural form has a rasping,
alter skin, but lower intelligence. The donut- buzzing undertone that many listeners find
shaped bulge of the Scholar class harbours the disconcerting.
an enlarged brain, making it capable of
memorizing and casting magical spells. In combat, zhochal may attack up to two
times with their tentacles, or wield a one- or
The yellowish translucent Zochal wings (with two-handed weapon. When fighting, they
brown-yellow veins) and Dark brown Haltere may also swoop down on a foe, and if a
together cause a vibrating sound (equivalent successful attack roll is made, they can grab
to the sound of a Bluebell fly), but in groups their opponent and try to haul them into the
combined into the fear-causing hum, (listen air and then drop them from great heights.
to an example). This hum together with the
typical flight pattern (see art), is a fear Zhochal PCs can be guardians (fighters),
inspiring approach, similar to a fear aura of infiltrators (thieves), or scholars (magic
Dragons, being effective if heard. users). Each of these classes has the same
abilities as their human equivalents (i.e.,
DM Note: As an option in increase variation guardians have fighter combat options at
between Zhochal sub-classes, Warriors have later levels, infiltrators have thief skills), with
1d8 hp/HD but a +2 on their strength and the exception that scholars, when assuming
constitution, but a -2 on intelligence and a guise (see Shapeshifting – below) are
wisdom. The Scholar thus has 1d4 Hp/HD allowed to wear any non-metallic armour,
and a +2 on Intelligence, +1 on Wisdom, and may use any one-handed weapon.
and a -2 on Strength and constitution. The
Infiltrator will have no such adjustments and Due to the otherworldly nature of the
being 1d6Hp/HD. The Warrior class has a zhochal, and their extensive historical
barbed harder skin, not only does this skin association with the Outer Beings, Mystaran
give 1 point of damage to soft-skin creatures Immortals will not grant spells to them (even
upon contact, it also provides a higher Armor if prayed to fervently). As a result, the only
Value (or better Armor Class) of +1. The “divine” magic available to the zhochal
other classes will have no adjusted AC or AV.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

derives from the Outer Beings (who are although a large number zhochal found in
generally considered to be evil). As a typical adventuring parties would also possess the
heroic adventuring campaign does not allow individualist streak. Hierarchical and
evil characters, zhochal cannot be clerics. collective impulses are always lurking in the
Furthermore, there is a 25% chance that any background of an individual zhochal’s
clerical spell cast on a zhochal—even psyche—any sizeable gathering (more than
healing—will fail. six) of zhochal, even if they had each been
living independently for years beforehand,
will automatically feel the urge to forge
Society: subconscious mental links with each other in
order to create a collective. One of their
Although they are not insects, the zhochal number will then become a First, and will
are intensely hierarchical and behave in a begin assigning societal roles.
very hive-like manner. Each well-functioning
member of a community is assigned a Although the zhochal have unique
specific role by their First, and they are personalities and a sense of identity, the idea
expected to perform that role without of having a name is foreign to them. The
question until they die, or unless the First zhochal know who they are and define
reassigns them. Most zhochal perform their themselves publicly by their function. Due to
duties to the best of their abilities without their hive-like social organisation, the needs
complaint; they are so thoroughly of the collective always supersede those of
programmed that the concept of job the individual (even unto the death of the
dissatisfaction, or dereliction of duty, is individual, if that is what the community
foreign to most of them. This behaviour is requires), and the notion of putting personal
not a conscious choice, but something that is wants and needs first is considered a form of
genetically coded into their being. A small insanity. In fact, within the collective the
percentage, however, do possess an ambient psychic link that exists between all
individualistic streak, and while they still feel the members creates a low-pitched, pleasing
intense pressure to conform and serve the buzz or murmur that tamps down
greater interests of the collective, they are individualistic tendencies and impulses, and
apt to propose new ways of doing things, or strengthens group solidarity. Most Mystaran
to (politely and with discretion, usually) societies, by contrast, with their emphasis on
question actions that might not be ideal. This individuality, are considered highly chaotic
is not a flaw, but a means of ensuring the at best, and utterly mad at worst. Thus,
race’s survival. In the event that the First of a conformity and deference to authority are
collective is killed, one of the more virtues of the highest order.
individualistic zhochal will notice the sudden
absence of a co-ordinating force, and This strong communitarian focus, combined
become a replacement. In most cases there with their inborn ability to detect members
are few enough individualistic zhochal in a of their own species, means that prolonged
collective that this sudden ascension is not isolation is traumatic—many zhochal would
challenged, and genetically-driven, pragmatic go insane (especially if the isolation is
communitarian impulses do the rest; sudden and prolonged), but some make


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

painful adaptations and become true The zhochal are asexual, and reproduce
individuals. Even in the latter case, however, through parthenogenesis (self-reproduction
the desire to find a group of any kind (such without fertilisation) upon receipt of specific
as an adventuring party) as a surrogate biochemical signals from the First. They find
collective is very strong. Isolation is, in fact, the sexual duality of most native Mystaran
the worst form of punishment meted out in species to be both illogical and biologically
a collective; death is preferable. Due to their unnecessary. Offspring develop in black
highly structured society, most collectives act spherical pods measuring 1-2’ in diameter,
in what would be considered a “lawful” and are fully functional when they hatch
manner; however, their highly rational, (although much smaller in size). Maturation
communitarian, deterministic outlook on life takes up to ten years, during which a
often comes across as being very cold to function is assigned and training is provided.
outsiders. Hence, most zhochal PCs should The typical zhochal lifespan is between 150-
be neutral. 250 years, and they are fully active until 3-6
months before death, at which time they
Individually, zhochal do feel emotions—of a degenerate rapidly. The oldest zhochal
sort. Notions of personal sadness, anger, and records state that in their home dimension
happiness are confusing enough that hive they lived for many centuries.
philosophers have spent decades analysing
observations of other races from the field Zhochal physiology allows them to function
and writing about them. While they possess without food or rest for far longer than many
an instinct for self-preservation, and in most other races can manage. Two hours of rest
circumstances would never wish to die or be per 24-hour period, and one moderate-sized
harmed, zhochal do not feel fear, they meal every two days, is sufficient; although it
merely want to continue contributing to the is common for them to eat every 3-4 days
collective. An accidental death of a worker, instead. A zhochal can survive comfortably
for example, is cause for regret and worry— without food for one week, after which the
not for the life lost, but because the effects of starvation must be considered.
collective has lost a contributor and overall Most can function without sleep (which
well-being may suffer. A murder might be resembles a sort of quiet meditation) for one
avenged out of a desire to prevent the week without suffering the ill effects of
perpetrator from doing so again, not out of fatigue. In their natural environment the
revenge. Happiness is especially confusing, zhochal grow their food, which resembles
as fulfilling one’s duties competently is seen grey pond scum, in special dedicated vats.
as a satisfying end in itself. However, when This food is tasteless, but nourishing (other
the collective succeeds in something races find it incredibly bland, but digestible).
important, the community’s mood is The notion that food should do anything
elevated. Zhochal who live as individuals for beyond sustaining life is a strange concept.
prolonged periods can experience and Zhochal are capable of digesting “native”
express emotional states that more closely foods, but most find the flavours to be
approach those of other races—but even so overwhelming and the profusion of textures
they are not as strong. to be unpleasant.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara


After their arrival on Mystara the zhochal

learned very quickly that they would only
survive through disguise and subterfuge.
Within a few generations they developed the
techniques required to craft items to allow
them to walk unmolested among the locals.
Today, these items—most often rings, but
they can take other forms—are ubiquitous
enough that most communities have enough
to send out small parties to spy on, or do
business with, local populations. Regardless
of their form, shapeshifting devices work


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

only as long as they are worn—if they are receive training on human anatomy,
knocked off or destroyed the zhochal reverts including typical physical characteristics
to its true form. Transformation takes one (such as hair colour and complexion) for the
round (ten seconds), and if reverting back to region in which they inhabit before assuming
its true form a zhochal must take care to a guise. This is done to ensure that the guise
remove any clothing it wishes to keep. It is does not attract undue attention. In cases
assumed that zhochal PCs have been sent where the training in unavailable, or
into the broader world on a mission, and incomplete, the shapeshifting device’s
therefore they will be equipped with such rudimentary intelligence guides and
items—at least initially. Once transformed, a “corrects” a zhochal’s choices, to ensure that
zhochal may remain in its altered state for as a four-armed hermaphrodite (for example) is
long as it wishes; although many do not not chosen. Unless the zhochal specifies
enjoy being “trapped” inside a body that particular characteristics, the default human
functions in an awkward manner. model is a brown eyed, brown-haired male
or female of average appearance, build, and
Players must decide what their guise, or complexion, with no noticeable facial
“alter ego”, looks like at character creation. features such as scars, moles, or facial hair.
Once a guise is chosen, it cannot be
changed. All zhochal guises are human (they Guises are not illusions, enchantments, or
have reasoned that humans attract the least spells; they are actual physical
amount of attention), and although they are transformations, all the way down to the
asexual it is not uncommon for some to skeletal structure. The main clues that give
prefer “playing” one gender over another away a disguised zhochal’s true nature are its
when disguised, or (among experienced blood (a runny yellow fluid), the location of
zhochal infiltrators) to adopt guises over its three hearts (in the abdomen—stabbing
time that have certain traits in common them in the chest is not fatal), and its
(such as a specific eye or hair colour). Hive metabolism (they still require very little food
philosophers have pondered this or rest). Experienced zhochal infiltrators
phenomenon for centuries, and some feign sleep (or keep a very low profile), and
speculate that the first guise chosen is one force themselves to eat more regularly, in
that expresses the individual zhochal’s order to avoid suspicion.
personality in some way. Once selected, a
guise does not change (i.e., hair and nails do Most zhochal are only capable of mastering
not grow), nor does it age. Experienced one guise, but older, more experienced
zhochal infiltrators, who are more likely than specimens can retain two or three. Extremely
any other group to use guises, take care not powerful zhochal are capable of
to use a specific guise, or to stay in one shapeshifting without an item of any sort,
place, for more than 10-20 years in order to which suggests that this is actually an inborn
avoid suspicion; although old guises may be ability that requires a visible focus to activate,
re-adopted if enough time has passed since and practice to master. The fact that a
its last use.It should be noted that most zhochal’s guise does not change if they use
zhochal who venture into the outside world different shapeshifting devices, and seems to


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

be part of them, supports this theory. In

game terms, a PC starts off with one guise,
and can acquire a new one every ten
experience levels, to a maximum of three.



: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

Getting About in the World – However, zhochal have one advantage in that
Movement and Magic: their scholars (magic users) do not need to
use spell books. Their brains have a third
lobe that is specifically designed to retain
Flying and Encumbrance information—basically an internal library—
and it is in this portion that spells are stored.
In order to memorise a particular spell, a
Although they are accomplished flyers, there zhochal scholar reviews the specific
is a limit to how much a zhochal can carry memories associated with it. The effects of
before it is unable to fly. The encumbrance casting a spell, however, are identical in that
chart below outlines how weight affects their it is “forgotten” temporarily.
flying ability.
As noted above, zhochal cannot cast divine
magic. Furthermore, any clerical spell cast on
them (including healing) has a 25% chance
Speed Maximum Encumbrance of failing. Unlike servants of the Outer
in cn. (Lbs.) Beings, the zhochal are not vulnerable to
210' (70') 300 (50) spells and magic items that specifically target
those entities and their servants.
180' (60') 500 (50)
150' (50') 700 (70) *****
120' (40') 900 (90)
90' (30') 1,100 (110)
60' (20') 1.300 (130)
30' (10') 1,500 (150)
0' 1,500+ (150+)

Although the zhochal are a technological
civilisation that originated in another
dimension, they are capable of wielding the
native arcane magic of Mystara (and can even
sense it to a degree). However, because of
their alien origins they are unable to master
magic to the same extent as “native-born”
species. As a consequence, zhochal scholars
cannot cast spells until they reach second
level, and their repertoire at 36th level is less
than would be the case for magic users and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

New Skills: must spend at least one week practising

before attempting the check again.
Crystal Singing (Cha): This is the art of
shaping crystals by emitting sub-sonic pulses. Lifeshaping (INT): This skill allows the
Crystal singing is an ancient art form of the zhochal to manipulate the living
zhochal, and sculptures are used to aid protoplasmic matter that forms the basis of
meditation, and to elevate moods. Each use their civilisation to create tools, weapons,
of the skill shapes a crystal for one hour, armour, and other items. Each use of the
after which it grows very imperceptibly. Very skill involves one hour of effort, and the GM
complex geometrical patterns can be created will determine how many checks are
over many months. The artist’s emotional required to produce an item. As a guide, an
state at the time of creation also influences item with no moving parts (such as a sword)
the shape that the crystal assumes. might require one successful check, whereas
a shocklance would require five or more,
Kinetics (Dex): This skill allows a zhochal to due to the complexity. When shaping an
master the use of a guise to a point where item, the PC may only make one check per
they can move naturally. No skill checks are day, and must keep the item in a specially
required for daily activities such as walking, prepared nutrient bath for the duration of
running, or climbing, but the GM may ask the work. If the item is removed for more
that a check be made if the PC has to than one hour prior to completion, or if the
perform a complicated manoeuvre (i.e., chemical composition of the nutrient bath is
dancing) for which they do not have the skill. changed, it will “die” and the work must start
Failure means that the PC trips up. Zhochal over.
PCs without this skill can still get around in
their guises, but they will be noticeably Psychology (Race – INT): This skill gives
clumsy. the PC a thorough understanding of the
psychological makeup of one race of the
This skill can also be used whenever a player’s choice. The character will have a
zhochal PC learns a new Strength- or clinical understanding of what motivates that
Dexterity-based skill (such as acrobatics). race, as well as the drivers behind its most
Such skills are learned, initially, for one common behavioural patterns, social
physical form only—the player should note dynamics, etc. A successful skill check would
this down. All skill checks in the other form allow a character to understand when a
are halved unless the player makes a given species is using sarcasm (which does
successful Kinetics check to determine not exist in zhochal society), or that a raised
whether they learn how to use the newly- voice may indicate anger, but not necessarily
acquired skill in both their natural form and an imminent attack. Zhochal without this
their guise. Once a successful check is made, skill will tend to take other races and what
no further Kinetics rolls are required when they say at face value, and react accordingly.
using that skill. If the roll fails, the player


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

New Player Character Race: Maximum Level: 36.

The zhochal are an utterly alien race that Natural AC of 4. Other restrictions as per class.
originated long ago in a far-off dimension,
brought to Mystara during a time now Weapons:
forgotten. Although many had already Any, as per class restrictions.
embraced the unwholesome Outer Beings
by the time they arrived, a minority Special Abilities & Limitations:
remained devoted to the principles of Arcane Sense, Awkwardness, Flying, Horror
collectivity and logic that had originally Rating, Immunity to Cold, Infravision, Low
guided them. In the centuries since their Bio-Survival Needs, Psy-sense, Skill
arrival the zhochal have established many Requirements, Susceptible to Disease &
strongholds in the more remote corners of Poisons.
Mystara, but a number of communities have
broken away from the Grand Collective to Saving Throws: As per class.
return to the old ways of logic and order.
Many of these embattled groups seek ways THAC0: As per class.
to cleanse their race of the taint of the Outer
Beings. Zhochal player characters come Languages:
from one of these struggling communities. Zhochal begin with their native language
(a combination of clicking of pincers and
buzzing), plus the local language of the
Prime Requisite: nation in which they live.
Dexterity and class requirement.
Weapon Mastery:
Other Requirements: Begin with two weapon choices; additional
Intelligence and Dexterity 11 or higher. choices as per other non-fighter classes. An
extra choice per 300,000 xp gained after
Attribute Modifiers: level 36.
+2 Intelligence (max. 19), +1 Dexterity, -3
Charisma. Arcane Sense: The zhochal can detect low-
level energy discharges that are emitted from
Experience Bonus: magic items, which are imperceptible to
5% for Dexterity + class requirement 13-15, other races. All magic items within 60’ can be
10% for Dexterity + class requirement 16-18. detected in this way; although the zhochal
will not know what the item is.
Hit Dice:
1d6 per level up to 9th level. Starting at 10th Awkwardness: The zhochal homeworld was
level, +1 hit point per level, and a belt of rugged asteroids nestled within an
Constitution adjustments no longer apply. atmospheric, low-gravity envelope orbiting a
dim red star. Their bodies are not well suited


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

Experience Scholar Spells per day

Guardian Infiltrator Scholar
Level by Spell Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - -
2 2,400 1,500 3,250 1 - - - - - - - -
3 4,800 3,000 6,500 2 - - - - - - - -
4 9,600 6,000 13,000 2 1 - - - - - - -
5 19,000 12,000 26,000 2 2 - - - - - - -
6 38,000 24,000 50,000 2 2 1 - - - - - -
7 76,000 48,000 100,000 2 2 2 - - - - - -
8 150,000 96,000 250,000 3 2 2 - - - - - -
9 300,000 190,000 400,000 3 2 2 1 - - - - -
10 450,000 350,000 650,000 3 3 2 2 - - - - -
11 600,000 500,000 800,000 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -
12 750,000 650,000 950,000 4 3 2 2 2 - - - -
13 900,000 800,000 1,100,000 4 3 3 2 2 - - - -
14 1,050,000 950,000 1,250,000 4 4 3 3 2 1 - - -
15 1,200,000 1,100,000 1,400,000 4 4 3 3 3 2 - - -
16 1,350,000 1,250,000 1,550,000 4 4 4 3 3 2 - - -
17 1,500,000 1,400,000 1,700,000 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 - -
18 1,650,000 1,550,000 1,850,000 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - -
19 1,800,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 - -
20 1,950,000 1,850,000 2,150,000 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 -
21 2,100,000 2,000,000 2,300,000 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 -
22 2,250,000 2,150,000 2,450,000 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 -
23 2,400,000 2,300,000 2,600,000 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 -
24 2,550,000 2,450,000 2.750,000 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 1
25 2,700,000 2,600,000 2,900,000 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2
26 2,850,000 2,750,000 3,050,000 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2
27 3,000,000 2,900,000 3,200,000 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 2
28 3,150,000 3,050,000 3,350,000 7 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 2
29 3,300,000 3,200,000 3,500,000 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 3
30 3,450,000 3,350,000 3,650,000 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 4 3
31 3,600,000 3,500,000 3,800,000 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 3
32 3,750,000 3,650,000 3,950,000 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 4 3
33 3,900,000 3,800,000 4,100,000 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 4
34 4,050,000 3,950,000 4,250,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 4
35 4,200,000 4,100,000 4,400,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 4
36 4,350,000 4,250,000 4,550,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 5


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Playing Zhochal in Mystara

to Mystara, and as a result their maximum Psy-sense: The communal nature of the
movement rate on land is 60’ (20’). zhochal means that they are constantly in
psychic connection with each other at a basic
Flying: Zhochal are winged, and in their level (no roll required), meaning that a
natural forms can fly at speeds of up to 210’ zhochal can sense others of its kind within
(70’); although their speed is reduced if they 120’. Although it is possible to read general
are encumbered. emotional states, zhochal cannot read
another's thoughts or determine whether
Horror Rating: Due to their otherworldly they are disguised. Prolonged association
natures, the zhochal (regardless of with non-zhochal can sometimes result in a
temperament) tend to inspire intense fear in link being formed, such that they can also be
native creatures when in their natural forms. tracked in this manner on a roll of “1” on 1d6.
All zhochal characters have a Horror Rating of
3 (see rules for insanity in my article Skill Requirements: All zhochal characters,
“Insanity, Horror, and the Outer Beings in regardless of class, must take the following
Mystara” at the Vaults of Pandius. skills at creation: Acting (Intelligence),
Disguise (Intelligence), Knowledge (country
Immunity to Cold: Although the zhochal - Intelligence), and Survival – Mountains
have lost the ability to survive in the vacuum (Intelligence).
of space, they have retained their immunity
to cold. They do not take damage from Susceptible to Disease & Poisons: The
magical cold sources (i.e., from spells or a alien nature of the zhochal makes them
white dragon’s breath weapon), nor are they especially vulnerable to native diseases and
susceptible to mundane cold-based damage certain poisons. All Constitution checks
(i.e., frostbite). They take full damage from against disease are halved, and if attacked by
fire-based attacks (i.e., no saving throws deadly or damaging poisons saving throws
permitted). are penalised by -4. Zhochal are vulnerable
to paralytic and sleeping poisons (-2 penalty
Infravision: Due to their alien physiologies to saving throws).
zhochal are able to see beyond the
conventional spectrum to distances of up to

Low Bio-Survival Needs: Zhochal can go

without food or rest, without penalty, for
long periods of time. Minimum requirements
are two hours of rest per 24-hour period,
and one moderate meal every two days. A
zhochal can survive without food for two
weeks, and may function without sleep for
one week, before suffering penalties.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Artwork Sources and Credits


Front [Image: Cover of issue 20] Source
cover: Cover of issue 20 by Sturm, using a photo of Beijing by user
shizhao via Wikimedia Commons
Page 7: [Image 1: Atlas logo]
Original work by Thorfinn Tait
Page 8: [Image 2: Map of Skothar by Thorfinn Tait] Source
Original work by Thorfinn Tait
Page 9: [Image 3: Map of Skothar climate by Thorfinn Tait] Source
Original work by Thorfinn Tait
Page 10: [Image: Chung Eun scroll] Source
Nymph of the Luo River, handscroll, ink and colors on silk,
27.1x572.8 cm, Palace Museum, Beijing. A copy of the
original painting by Gu Kaizhi from the Southern Song
Page 11: [Image: Great Rain of Fire] Source
Leonid Meteor Storm, as seen over North America on the
night of November 12-13, 1833. Author Edmund Weiß.
Page 13: [Image: Adventurer finds Blackmoorian tech]
Original drawing by Justin Pfeil, aka warriorneedsfood on
The Piazza, check his Keeps on the Borderlands web comic
Page 16 [Image: Lhomarrian temple] Source
Sumerian ziggurat via Wikimedia commons
Page 17: [Image: Thonian Princes] Source
"The seven electors choose Henry, Count of Luxembourg, as
King of the Romans at Frankfurt on the 27th day of
November." Drawing on parchment from 1341; today at
public main federal state record office in Koblenz, Germany.
Page 20: [Image: King Uther] Source
Rhead, George Wooliscroft & Louis. "Arthur Leading the
Charge at Mount Badon" from Tennyson, Alfred. Idylls of the
King: Vivien, Elaine, Enid, Guinevere. New York: R. H.
Russell, 1898.
Page 24: [Image: Blackmoorians in Tangor] Source
Victoria (Cameroon) from “Das Buch von unseren Kolonien“
von Ottomar Beta, Leipzig 1908 traditionsverband.de by
Rudolf Hellgrewe (1860–1935)
Page 26: [Image: Blackmoorian Power] Source
The East offering its riches to Britannia. Allegorical ceiling piece
commissioned by the East India Company in 1777 for the
Revenue Committee Room in East India House. Oil on canvas.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 28: [Image: Teslan musicians] Source

An illustration from the Encyclopaedia Biblica, a 1903
publication which is now in the public domain. Fig. 24 for
article "Music". Image of an Assyrian quartet - two lyres, a
drum, and cymbals
Page 31: [Image: Jennite belt] Source
Gold scythian belt title from Mingachevir, Azerbaijan. Author
Urek Meniashvili.
Page 33: [Image: Chung depiction of dragons] Source
The Nine Dragon Wall in the Beihai Park, a large imperial
garden in central Beijing, China. Authorsplitbrain.
Page 36: [Image: Temple complex in Muang] Source
Wat Chai Wattanaram, Ayutthaya, Thailand, June 2005.
Photographer: Heinrich Damm (User:Hdamm, Hdamm at
Page 38: [Image: Tanagogre temple] Source
ete Giyorgis (Church of St. George), Lalibela, Ethiopia.
Author Bernard Gagnon.
Page 40: [Image: Tangor cavalry] Source
Mossi horsemen, from J.W. Buel. 1890. Heroes of the Dark
Continent and How Stanley Found Emin Pasha. Philadelphia,
PA, St. Louis, MO: Historical Publishing Company. Author J.
W. Buel.
Page 44: [Image: Minaean plate depicting a minotaur] Source
The Minotaur, tondo of an Attic bilingual kylix, circa 515 BC,
National Archaeological Museum of Spain. © Marie-Lan
Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY 2.5
Page 50: [Map of Skothar in 7,050 BC]
Original worke by author
Page 52: [Image: Nomad people in the plains] Source
Nomads near Namtso, Tibet, via Wikimedia commons
Page 55: [Image: Ta-Kho people] Source
1805 aquatint by Samuel Daniell. Original caption:
"Bosjemans frying Locusts", reproduction from Suid-
Afrikaanse Geskiedenis in Beeld (1989) by Anthony Preston.
Bion Books: Printed in South Africa.
Page 56: [Map of Skothar in 4,000 BC]
Original work by author


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 72: [Image: Pilgrims to the great temple of Tanat] Source

Tempera painting depicting the Borobudur as a pilgrimage
site. Date before 1919. Collection Tropenmuseum (English:
Museum of the Tropics), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Author
G.B. Hooijer (Painter).
Page 74: [Image: The Emperor of Yeha] Source
Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia photographed on the throne
in coronation garb. Wikimedia commons.
Page 75: [Map: MOrient project Map] Source
Map of the MOrient project.
Page 76: [Image: Jennites meeting a Minaean traveller] Source
Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863): Ovid among the Scythians,
painting. Date 1862, oil on paper mounted on wood. Current
location Metropolitan Museum of Art New York City.
Page 76: [Image: Jennites jewelry depicting horses] Source
Scythian jewelry, Budapest, VAM Design Center. Author
Derzsi Elekes Andor.
Page 77: [Image: High monastery in Hasa] Source
The Potala palace in Lhasa, Tibet. Date August 2009. Author
Antoine Taveneaux.
Page 79: [Image: Golden pagoda in Sian] Source
Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar. Date 15 May 2005
(original upload date). Author Dwstein.

Page 84: [Image:Cloud Pardasta] Source

Clouded leopard face, close up. Date14 July 2007, Source
Flickr. Author Frank Wouters.
Page 85: [Image:Fast Runner] Source
Acinonyx jubatus (Cheetah) in ZOO Olomouc, Czech Republic
Author Mistvan
Page 86: [Image:Lynx-man] Source
English: Eurasian lynx. Author Bernard Landgraf.
Page 87: [Image:Pardasta] Source
Shot in Guwahati Zoo, Assam, India. Date 28 January 2016,
Author R4robin.
Page 87: [Image:Sherkasta] Source
Cathay, South China Tigress, in Africa. Date September
Author Save China's Tiger.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 88: [Image:Snow pardasta] Source

A snow leopard (Uncia uncia). Date 29 January 2005.
Author Bernard Landgraf.
Page 96: [Image: Beholder] Source
Modified by author from a picture by Huntleigh on
WikiMedia Commons of a sculpture of a beholder in the
convention center complex, Gen-Con 2010
Page 97: Map: Beholders of Mystara by Robin]
Based on continmental map frpm Master Rules boxed set
Page 106: [Map: Kargash location by Robin]
Page 109: [Image: Stars over the Peaks] Source
Pixabay CC0 Creative Commons

Page 112: [Image: The Star Satura has seen in the sky] Source
Photo of the comet Hale-Bopp above a tree. This picture was
taken in the vicinity of Pazin in Istria/Croatia. Date 29 March
1997. Author Philipp Salzgeber
Page 116: [Image: Starship crash] Source
by Mysticsartdesign from Pixabay under CC0 Creative
Commons licenec
Page 120: [Image: Sonia Sholako] Source
Mata Hari photographed in 1906 (Public Domain)
Page 121: [Image: Pygmalion] Source
Particular from Sandro Botticelli (1445–1510): The Birth of Venus
painting. Date from 1484 until 1485. Current location Uffizi
Gallery, Florence, Italy.
Page 124: [Image: Climbing the Peaks] Source
Pixabay CC0 Creative Commons
Page 127: [Image: Sky and Comet] Source
Pixabay CC0 Creative Commons
Page 131: [Image: Blackmoor City] Source
Used with permission from the author; an original work by
Page 134: [Image: The King in Crimson] Source
Modified from wikimedia commons

Page 141: [Image: The Exe-Corps] Source

By Walt Miller - Last Enemy - Astounding Science Fiction)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 145: [Image - Blackmoorian Mental Patient] Source

Mental Patient by Ambroise Tardieu
Page 149: [Image: God-King Allogost] Source
Mammon, from A book of images, 1898, by W.T. Horton
(1864-1919), preface by W.B. Yeats (1865-1939).
Page 155: [Image: Intruder captured by Blackmoor border guards]
Original drawing by Toni Roads and used with permission
Page 161: [Image: Map of Tangor Bay area]
Giampaolo Agosta, Map of Tangor Bay area, 2018. Used by
permission of the author.
Page 63: [Image: A beach in the Gulf of Tangor] Source
Louis Le Breton, Adolphe Jean Baptiste Bayot. Rade et ville de
Singapour, vue prise de la maison du gouverneur. Atlas
pittoresque, planche 134. 1846. Public Domain via Wikimedia
Page 168: [Image: A piratical praho] Source
A Piratical Proa in Full Chase as depicted in The Pirates Own
Book by Charles Ellms. 1837. Public Domain via Wikimedia
Page 171: [Image: Zhocal illustration]
Original work by author
Page 175: [Image: Mi-Go illustration] Source
Original drawing by Khannea SunTzu via Wikimedia commons
Back [Back Cover] Source
Cover: Back cover of issue 20 by Sturm, using Fasil Ghebbi fortress
in Gondar, Ethiopia photo by A.Savin, via Wikimedia Commons


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

Next Issue

Venture into the bustling capital city of the Grand

Duchy of Karameikos! Learn of its colourful history
and meet many personalities who call it “home”!
Find your way through its maze of streets to a
friendly (or perhaps unfriendly) tavern, to a
boarding house to rest your limbs, to many
businesses that sustain adventurers in the
wilderness lands beyond the city! Immerse yourself
in the number one fantasy city:

Anticipated contents include:

● History of the cvity

● The rulers over the centuries
● The Trade Guilds
● Maps and details of the city’s districts
● Citizens - a range of NPCs
● The Estate of Marilenev

…and much much more!

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: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

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: The Mystara Magazine Issue #20

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