may be regarded as a process connecting the past, the present, and the future—as a sort of bridge
In broad view, globalization is the growth of international trade, investment, technology and
information all over the world. Technology is a big factor of globalization. The advanced and
modern technology can help each nation to access borders and top increase the economic growth
of each country. Globalization expands more in terms of the social, cultural, legal, and political.
Each country has its own cultural, social and political globalization and they represent and
exchange it to other countries about the new ideas and values of their country. They also share
the development of their country and help some country if needed.
However, there are a number of dimensions in which globalisation can bring about social and
political change. Some of these dimensions are articulated below:
One of the ways or dimensions in globalisation can bring about social and political change is
global market. Among all effects of globalization, this one is beneficial. It means encouraging
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nations to specialize and produce plenty of goods available in their local market. Different
countries produce different products and what is most surprising there is no country which is
self-sufficient. Some countries with developed economies don’t have enough raw materials for
their factories, while the rest accumulate costs more than it should.
Albrow (1996: 167) stipulates that worldwide integration has led the way to cheap raw materials.
Now states can purchase them and produce low price products with a good profit. Developed
countries advertise for the low-income community to buy their products with compatible prices.
They also sell goods to developing countries because they are affordable. They are supposed to
promote the economic growth of the country from where they buy their raw materials as they
invest their money overseas by building industries to produce cheap goods.
The larger the market, the more the returns. This concept has extended businesses in both
underdeveloped and developed countries. They have also expanded by acquiring companies in
developing countries, partnering and merging with others to reach out to a big market and
produce cheaper goods due to the availability of materials and labor. Availability of cross-border
market encourages companies from developed countries to create various goods because they
have consumers worldwide. Some of them produce vehicles, other clothes or foods. There are a
range of products invented in developed countries and sold elsewhere.
Furthermore, each country has got its own culture. Culture pertains to the way particular people
do things as well as their values and believes. Incorporating all cultures to form a global one is
not easy. For instance, gender equality is not recognized in some legal systems, and they do not
allow women to lead or engage in business. Before globalization, many countries would not
allow females to acquire education, and even if they did, they were supposed to do jobs such as
teaching or nursing.
Now a lot of states have adopted features of American culture even in the way they carry out
business. For instance, one of the United States features is keeping time as well as understanding
its value. They don’t like procrastinating with ridiculous activities. Population in developed and
underdeveloped countries has a culture of engaging in activities which are profitable either
socially, economically or spiritually. Here becomes a new global culture. Globalization is a
causality of cultural erosion in communities from both developed and developing countries.
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Morever, Giddens (2018: 26) posits that competition is a healthy way of doing business. Without
it, companies would not pioneer some innovations in crossborder trade. It is the main reason why
the quality of goods and services improve as well as why the prices drop. Competition affected
industries in some developed countries to source cheap raw materials and labor to decrease
prices. People from the first-world can afford themselves to buy products from domestic
industries and foreign ones. Competition causes increased communication of ideas and
innovation as people try to find a competitive advantage for their business.
Socially, about 90 percent of the first-world population earns for living through employment.
Initially, job opportunities were quite scarce, and everyone who graduated from college applied
in a certain government sector, but most of them ended up working as a casual laborer in
industries with a low income. Thus, globalization has brought this trend to a halt as more job
opportunities are now available locally and internationally. By using technology, one can access
employment opportunities, work remotely and even have more than one job.
Many students come out as entrepreneurs ready to grow their own business and create job
opportunities for others (Waters, 1995: 214). Furthermore, globalization has brought in
diversification which helps student interact with foreigners. They exchange ideas on available
opportunities in various countries, and such discussions broaden their mind on how to find
employment or other ways of making a decent living. The major standards of living have
improved due to an extended labor market.
Besides, socially, globalization has notably declined the gap between rich and poor people. For
many centuries there has been a wide gap between these groups, a gap that seemed to widen
every year. Globalization enabled poor people to have access to job opportunities. A long time
ago people who worked in government sectors and companies got high salaries, but now even
overeducated employees earn a little money. As a result, many employers hire qualified workers
and pay them less than they deserve. Due to their expenses of maintaining companies’ specific
image, the highly paid workers live a stressful life while the low-income people seem to have a
stress-free experience (Kenny, 2004: 131).
The number of low-income people working as casual laborers has continued to decrease as most
young people acquire education. These young, educated people perform multitasking jobs to get
enough money to enable themselves and their family to live a decent life. Consequently, a
constant difference between the rich and the poor reduce considerably. Most industries employ
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only skilled workers due to complicated systems of operation. Those without skills seek
employment in other states. Instead of staying without an income, most people don’t mind the
displacement as long as they are going to earn for a living.
McGrew (1992: 6) added that globalization brought in the need for people from developed states
to invest in some developing countries. Foreign investment is one of the results of globalization
that culminates in many developments in these countries. For instance, some investors want raw
materials and goods to be transferred faster to the industry and the market respectively. The only
way to do this is to help each government in the building of efficient infrastructure. The local
people get jobs from these industries and companies established in their country. Investors boost
the country’s economy by paying taxes to the government. They help to improve institutions
such as schools and hospital through the government agencies which benefits the locals and their
family members.
Globalisation can bring about social and political change through dvanced technologies. A
constant need for innovations appeared due to the lack of quick data transfer and public
communication. Lots of inventors have tried to serve the needs of modern society by improving
technology. Its advancement has paved the way for positive effects of globalization in countries
that initially did not want to associate with others. Such states select partners for cooperation
depending on religion rather than the economy (Levitt, 1993).
Through globalization, people get to know what’s happening in other countries. Media services
cover events which occur in other countries. As a result, various turmoils could be solved by
international mediators. Those who perform acts against human rights are arrested and sentenced
by intergovernmental courts. Equally, those who practice illegal business aiming to get
competitors out of trading are prosecuted. Nevertheless, lots of states are not satisfied that a
particular IGO interferes domestic policy and dictate them how they should operate within own
boundaries. Imposed economic sanctions prosecute governments which refused to adopt
international conventions and follow their laws (Beck, 2018).
However, on the other hand, it has had a few adverse effects on developed countries. Some
adverse consequences of globalization include terrorism, job insecurity, currency fluctuation, and
price instability.
Before globalization, skilled people got employment in government sectors and companies
where they received high salaries. Job opportunities were waiting for those who completed
colleges and earned a degree. People would resign a job and quickly get another. Due to
globalization, there are many people seeking employment all over the world. Employers
especially government officials take advantage of cheap labor (Ougaard, 2004). One can get a
dismissal because of a slight mistake as the employer can find a skilled worker who is ready to
be paid less.
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Price instability is a significant effect of globalization on business. Some politicians establish
industries overseas where they get cheap raw materials and labor. They can cut production costs
and sell their goods at a low price. Due to competition, some high-quality products differ in
prices. No matter how the World Trade Organization has tried to control price fluctuation, their
efforts are not successful. These companies reach out to consumers using modern technology.
Successful businesses are for those who can find a competitive advantage and especially make
highquality products for a low price (McGrew, 1992: 11).
Lastly, international trade buys and sells products using the US dollar. The price of dollar
fluctuates day-to-day in developing countries, this result in imbalanced economy and unnormal
prices for goods and services. National currencies are affected the most by IGOs.
From the foregoing discussion, it can be deduced that globalization is the growth of the sizes of
social systems and the increase in the complexity of intersocietal links. In other words,
globalization is the growth of international trade, investment, technology and information all
over the world. Thus, the paper has highlighted different ways in which globalisation can bring
about social and political change such as; global market - means encouraging nations to
specialize and produce plenty of goods available in their local market. Worldwide integration has
led the way to cheap raw materials. Socially, due to globalization more job opportunities are
created. It has also declined the gap between rich and poor people. Globalisation has brought
about social and political change through dvanced technologies. Politically, terrorism is a
significant problem in most underdeveloped and developed countries due to globalization.
Above all, employers especially government officials take advantage of cheap labor as a result of
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Ougaard, M. (2004). Political Globalization: State, Power, and Social Forces. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.
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