Purdue Supplementals
Purdue Supplementals
Purdue Supplementals
Purdue is the perfect fit for me, being an intellectual individual with varied interests.
The First-Year Engineering Program, which provides hands-on research experience, is an
ideal opportunity to exhibit my knowledge and creativity. Additionally, research and
internship opportunities at Purdue, like the Computing Career Fair, DURI and SURF, would
allow me to gain the needed experience in engineering. I also find music intriguing and I am
skilful in many musical aspects. I aim to join Purdue’s Bands and Orchestras and grab
opportunities to perform across campus. Being a Boilermaker would allow me to strive for
excellence to revolutionize the world.
Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the major you have selected. (Respond in
100 words or fewer.)*
My mother, a software professional, told me stories about her work at Seagull Technologies.
I connected with her and became really interested in the projects that she did, such as ATC
simulations. Interning at ‘Ticket Ninja’, where I learned about technologies such as cloud
computing, affirmed my interest in engineering. Furthermore, I really enjoyed research
projects pertaining to nuclear physics and mechanics in school. I excelled academically due
to my natural knack in mathematics and physics. Also, engineering allows me to be
innovative and thoughtful. This convinced me that a pursuit of engineering would be the
most fruitful.
The clock above our heads read 1:10. I waited with my two friends in the school auditorium
as a group of chatty high-school students entered the room. We smiled at the group and
asked them to take a seat in the orange chairs in front of us. A chill went down my spine as I
finally said the words I longed to say: “Welcome to the AIS Talent Club”.
Starting the talent club hit home for me. I knew other people in my school had the same
passion for music as I did. Distraught by the lack of opportunities for talented individuals in
AIS, I decided to establish a talent club in school along with two of my peers. The initiative
mandated a lot of work and planning. Campaigning in school to get new members was
ritualistic. After drafting down proposals, making posters and banners, and presenting our
ideas to a group of teachers, we finally had consent to start our club.
The AIS talent club allowed me to channel my passion for music for the good of the school
community. Being President of the club elevated my leadership and communication abilities.
Working with club members to create new compositions and covers bolstered my confidence
and enriched my skills. Club activities taught me the effectiveness of collaboration and
enhanced my decision-making capabilities. Thrilled with the success of my club, I look
forward to using the same resolve to lead me onward in my college experience at Purdue.