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Chapters Final

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SAP Application

Chapter 1



BEML (Bharath Earth Movers Limited) was established in the year 1964 as public sector
undertakings which manufactures various spare parts, mining and construction and rail
coaches. The company has partly disinvested and currently government of India owns 54
percent of equity and 46 percent by public, financial institution, banks and employees.

BEML is the undisputed leader in the Indian engineering industry for four decades with the
substantial with considerable commitment to the sectors of economy like mining,
development, construction and railroads. The term advancement evokes picture of vibrant
town, contemporary buildings and well-connected roadways. The earth moving industry has
a vital role to play and crating them. The construction equipment in India has come long
way 1948 from the day’s low technological profile to remarkable a machine which was not
there in earlier. A lot of research and understanding has gone into the advancement of the
earth moving business sector.
The development of earth moving industry is technological improvement of nation, since
engaging of such an expensive machine was a test and it requires the sharpened abilities and
experience. The industry with much enhanced innovative status is all around prepared to
assimilate most recent worldwide technological advancement. The industry has possessed the
capacity to configuration, create and manufacture indigenously various equipment and
critical accessories. In delivering different equipment 60 to 80 percent of indigenization has
been already activated. A public sector earth moving equipment producer BEML has
possessed the capacity to accomplish a record of 85% normal indigenization in collaborate
Earth moving and construction industry assumes an important part in the financial
advancement of the nation. The outlook for the earth moving industry portion to a great
extent relies upon the development of core sector of the industry in particular mining and
construction. It also provides equipment to the irrigation and power projects, parts, steel,
manure etc.

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The Indian infrastructure part has now experiencing an immense change. The government has
just set upon massive road construction projects, bridges, air terminals and ports that have
helped the earth moving industry. The Indian development construction industry is
experiencing a huge change by moving from a low volume, intensive use of equipment
structure to high volume particular utilize one.
The government has just set upon gigantic road development undertakings, with the National
Highways Development program assembling the North-South and East- West corridors and
the Golden Quadrangle venture associating significant urban communities. Moreover, the
government choices to toss upon the development of road expansion, air terminals and ports
to the private segment and permitting 100% foreign investment in real estate projects has
provided a lift to the construction industry and additionally create interest for construction

Construction and mining equipment covers an assortment of apparatus, for example pressure
driven excavators, tippers, bull-dozers, dump trucks, breakers, vibratory compactors, black
top drum/wet blend plants, off-interstate dumpers (20T to170T) engine graders, rope
shovels, graders, powers, wet mix plant motor graders and so on. They play an assortment of
capacities like unearthing, readiness of ground, haw period of material, dumping laying in
directed way of material handling, road construction and so on. India is the only developing
country which is absolutely independent in such very sophisticated equipment.

In India there are only few medium and large organization in the composed sector who
produces these. Before 1960‟s, domestic requirements of mining and construction equipment
were altogether met by imports. This plant has been taken over by caterpillar for the Indian
operation. The machines fabricated by caterpillar in manufacturing facility which are
marketed by TLL and GMMCO.

The industry has made significant investment in the latest past for setting up assemblies
bases, in spite of small volume and uneconomic sizes of production compared to worldwide
bench mark. The improvement of this sector is interlinked with the development of Indian
economy and implication with growth of infrastructure.

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The significant players in this sector who are also the members of Indian earth moving and
construction industry association limited (IECIAL) are as follows:
• Ashok Leyland LTD
• Bharat Earth Movers LTD
• Caterpillar LTD
• Mahindra and Mahindra


 Machine Shop
The fundamental function of ―Machine shop‖ is to convert raw materials received from
stores into specified design. The above shop consists of nearly 55 machines which are
segregated into 2 bays. It is equipped with conventional and computer numerical controlled
machines (CNC).
 Plate Shop and Fabrication Shop
In this shop frame and body of the Dumper, Motor Graders and Water Sprinklers are built.
Initially raw materials are supplied form stores. The plates whose thickness varies from 3.5
mm to 100 mm are cut into required profile. The whole body is split into number of parts
depending upon the size of the body and those parts are assembled to form body and frame.
The main operations carried out in this shop are-
• Cutting
• Bending
• Stress removing
• Straightening
• Joining

 Light Assembly Shop

Similar to Major assembly shop, this shop is meant for the assembly of equipment‟s, but
lesser capacity equipment’s compared to that of Major assembly. Dumpers, Water sprinklers
and Motor graders of various capacities are assembled in this shop (lesser capacity
compared to that of Major assembly).

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1. BH 35-2 (35 tons)
2. BH 40 (40 tons)
3. BH 60 (60 tons)

1. BWS 28 (28000 litres)

1. BG 605
2. BG 405

 Tool Engineering

In BEML, it is one of the major departments, which mainly supports the Machine shop. The main
aim of this department is to assist the production and to supply required cutting tools whenever
required. BEML have a set of tool engineers who will be monitoring the selection of proper tools
required for various operations. Consumption of tools will be monitored by SAP. It is categorized
into 2 sub-departments:
1. Tool planning
2. Tool design

 Planning

Based on the orders planning department will plan to fulfil the orders with in the given time
period.as soon as the company got order planning department will plan to produce the
ordered equipment. If there is any inventory they will plan for the production of remaining
equipment. Initially they will check for the inventory and available parts and machine to
carry out the production. If it’s not sufficient they will go with the help of subcontractor
interconnected to or the trusted subcontractors of BEML. They plan for the raw materials
required for the production, they ensure all the material required for the preparation of the
equipment. Nearly one equipment involves of 30-40 thousand parts. Planning department will
ensure all the parts are available for the production of equipment.

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Purchase Department
According to annual production plan, the planning department will generate ―Purchase
requisition―(PR). PR consists of part number, part name, quantity and approximate rating.
Role of purchase department begins once the PR s generated and received. Now the
department sends enquiries to the vendors. There are two types of enquiries
1. SAP
2. SRM

Service Department
After the complete production of the equipment the Service Department inspects for the
overall performance and the documents are given to the Shipping Department and then it is
dispatched. Once the equipment is handed over to the customer, the regional service men
assemble the dismantled equipment and final testing of the equipment is done. In case if there
are any failures the part will be replaced free of cost if the failure occurs within the warranty
period .Before replacement of any part, such a process is brought to the notice of the service
department and a document is maintained for such replaced parts. If the failure occurs after
the warranty period the service will be provided with suitable charges.

Shipping Department
It is the department which connects BEML with its customers .The main customers of BEML
are Coal India, HCL, NMDC (National Mineral Development Corporation), SAIL (Steel
Authority of India Limited). Depending upon the size of the equipment the Shipping
Department decides the number of trailers required for its transportation. For example BH100
requires 3 trailers (one for chassis, other for body, another for rear axle and other parts) for its
transportation while BH-60 requires 2 trailers (one for chassis and the other for rear axle,
body and other parts).

Research and Development

The major function of this department is to conduct marketing survey and to collect
feedback and their requirement. Conducting marketing survey helps in improving the
product. Through survey company will get to know what actually the customer expects from
the product. Customer feedback helps the company to know where the modifications are
required and what they face drawbacks of the product. The data collected by the marketing

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survey is studied and preference order is allotted. As per this preference R & D engineers try
to bring out the necessary improvements in the form of design. The corporate office is
located in Bengaluru which sends their marketing people to various places to collect
customer needs and wants.

Stores Management
It is one of the major department which is place interconnected with every department.
Purchase department before ordering their requirement they contact stores department and
get to know what are required, how much quantity is required. Then they prepare purchase
order. The vendor comes with the ordered material along with delivery challan (DC).
Security will check the DC and give gate pass to the material to go to stores. This DC
consists of purchase order number, quantity, and other required details. Once the goods
arrived the stores person will ensure the quantity, if it is as per the purchase order then he
will sign and pass it to stores. If there is variation in the quantity the inspecting person will
make a note of it and send a note to purchase department and payment amount is made for
the intake material. The received material are sent for inspection, out of lot they select few
samples for inspection, if all samples meet their requirement they accept whole lot, if some
parts do not meet their specification they will go for inspection of more samples, if the parts
fail to meet the company standards they will reject the component and they recover the
amount from the supplied vendors.


 Machine Shop

Engine division is classified into four lanes:

• Camshaft
• Connecting rod
• Cylinder head
• Flywheel

Engine division houses variety of machines to perform basic operations and it contains
number of CNC machines to perform heavy duty operations.

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 Assembly Shop

1. Clean block
 Use soapy water, then air dry

2. Install all dimensions

• Machine shops do make mistakes, double check their work
• Install oil clearances

3. Wash block again

• Use hot soapy water and then blow dry
• Tools needed: Scrub brush

4. Install oil gallery plugs and core plugs

• Use hardening sealer, never silicone
• Tools needed: Hardening sealer 5. Install camshaft
• Use high pressure grease

 Final Testing department

This department the assembled engines are tested. Here the engines are tested for torque,
efficiency, leakage, fuel consumption and other engines aspects. Here the engine will be run
for certain hours to carry out the testing process. The engine is connected to a computer
which displays the specified parameters which are compared with the parameters of the tested
machines. If it meets the all the requirements, then OK sticker will be attached. And then the
engine will be ready to dispatch.

 Float Engines

Here the engine which is handed over to BEML for service purpose will be firstly dismantled
to check for the critical parts‟ wear outs and malfunctions. If the part cannot be reused it will
be replaced. If this replaced part is within its warranty period, it will be replaced free of cost
or else it will be charged. Finally all the parts of the engine are reassembled. These engines
are called Float Engines

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1.2.3Marketing Division:

 Spare parts shop

This is the department in BEML which handles the spare parts which are supplied to other
departments. The main aim of this shop is to distribute the spare parts to the other regional
offices across the country. In the shop the spare parts are managed by assigning a unique
code to each part. The finally ordered spare parts are stored in the ―Main holding stores‖.
According to some terms and conditions the spare parts will be supplied to the customers.
Some inventory are also renovated and supplied as new parts to the customers. Spare parts
are inspected before it enters and it leaves the shop.

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Chapter 2
BEML is a miniratna category-1, serves India’s core sector like rail, defence, mining and
construction. Earlier the company started with the initial turnover of five crore in the year
1965 today it has been a diversified portfolio business. So now the company has been able to
achieve turnover of more than 3500 crore.
The company operates its business under three verticals that is mining and construction,
Defence and Rail and Metro. BEML has been operated by five manufacturing units located at
Kolar Gold Field (KGF), Bangalore, Palakkad, Mysore, and subsidiary in Chikmangalore
District. Each business is controlled by a Director who reports to the chairman and managing
Director of the company.
The company was incorporated in the first five year plan when India was economically
weak. The main aim of setting up this company is to produce heavy earth moving
equipment’s, big dump trucks and rail coaches. BEML was incorporated its headquarters in
Bangalore in the year 1964, under the ministry of defence. Products which are manufactured
at Bangalore are integral rail coaches, Rail bus, Treasury vans, metro and so on. Under
mining and construction the products are shovels, dumpers, water sprinklers, motor graders,
Bull Dozers, Excavators. And at last under defence the products are like Milrail wagons,
Snow cutters, Aircraft Towing Tractors, Bridge Systems etc.
BEML products are sold and adjusted through its huge marketing network spread all over
throughout the country. BEML‟s products are sent out in excess of 56 countries. As a part of
company globalization strategy, the company has expanded its business through research
and development infrastructure and team with consistent policy and matters in order to meet
the market demand. Later the company has operated its business by opening local business
at Indonesia and Brazil recently in addition to China and Malaysia office.

As aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in
the mid-term or long term.
Become a market leader as a diversified company supplying quality products and services to
sector such as defense and aerospace, mining and construction and Rail and metro to emerge
as a prominent international player.

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Mission statements are the starting points of an organization’s strategic planning and goal setting

2.2.1BEML Mission:

• Improve competitiveness through organizational transformation and collaboration strategic

alliances / joint ventures, to sustain and enhance market share in product groups BEML operates

• Attract and build people in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering creativity and
innovation with lesser attrition levels

• Offer technology and cost effective total solutions for enhanced customer satisfaction

• Continue to diversify and grow addressing new products and markets with higher turnover from
in-house R&D developed products.

• Adoption of state of the art technologies and bring in new products through Transfer of
technology and in- house R&D.

A Quality policy is a document developed by management to express the directive of the top
management with respect to quality. Quality policy management is a strategic item.


• To strive and offer world class quality products and services to our customers in domestic
and international market.
• To improve competitiveness and profitability through continual improvement in quality of
products processes, system and after sales service.

• Manufacture and supply equipment to meet customer’s needs, applicable statutory,
regulatory and safety standard, so as to maintain dominant position in the market.

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• Provide total engineering solutions to the customers ensuring satisfactory performance of

the products and high equipment availability.
• Establish systems to provide customer support at the shortest possible time and bring about
quality awareness. To customer personnel in operation and maintenance of product to
maximize equipment utilization and availability. .
• Have an effective documented system to ensure product quality and service.
• Adopt best quality practices and emerging concept for improvements of system, processes,
products and services.
• Continuous building of skills and core competencies amongst personnel to bring about
effectiveness required for design, manufacturing testing and servicing of products. .
• Evaluate manufacturing and field performance data to effect improvement in technological
processes and product performance.
• Establish control over quality costs to achieve high profitability.
• Treat vendors a business partners and evolve strategies to ensure quality supplies frame
• Treat every function as a process whose quality can improve products and services of our



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Figure no 2.4.1 DUMP TRUCKS

 BH205E-AC
 BH150E
 BH100
 BH60M


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Figure no 2.4.2 Water Sprinklers

 BWS28-2
 BWS70


Figure no 2.4.3 Motor Graders

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 BG605A
 BG825
 BG605I
 BG405A


Figure no 2.4.4 Tatra Vehicle with Non Euro Version

 Aircraft Towing Tractor – BA18T, BA28T
 Aircraft Towing Tractor(ATT) with Auxiliary Power Unit(APU)

 Models of BEML-TATRA Vehicles with Non Euro Version

 BEML - Tatra T815 VVNC 8X8 Vehicle

 BEML - Tatra T815 VVL 8X8 Vehicle

 BEML - Tatra T815 VTI 8X8 - Tank Transporter

 BEML - Tatra T815 VVNC 8x8 Chassis For 15 M Bridge Laying Role

 BEML - Tatra T815 VVNC 6X6 High Mobility Vehicle

 BEML - Tatra T815 VVNC 6X6 Field Artillery Tractor

 BEML - Tatra T815 VI 4X4 High Mobility Vehicle

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 BEML - Tatra Crash Fire Tender

 

Figure no.2.4.5 Tatra Vehicles with Non Euro Version

 Models of BEML – TATRA Vehicles with BHARAT STAGE – II (Euro – II)


Figure no 2.4.6 Tatra Vehicles with Euro Version

 BEML - Tatra T816 6MWR 8T 10X10 Vehicle

 BEML - Tatra T815 27ET96 28 300 8X8.1r / 50T - Tank Transporter

 BEML - Tatra T815 27ER96 28 300 8X8.1r / 50T Vehicle

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 BEML - Tatra T815 27ER96 30 300 8X8.1r / 50T - 4150 Vehicle

 BEML - Tatra T815 26RR36 22 255 6X6.1r / 50T High Mobility Vehicle (Rhd)

 BEML - Tatra T815 25rr45 17 230 4X4.1 High Mobility Vehicle


Figure no.2.4.7 BS42 Snow cutter

Figure no 2.4.8 Figure no Air Craft Towing Tractor

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Figure no 2.4.9 BFAT


An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and
supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims. Organizations need
to be efficient, flexible, innovative and caring in order to achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage. Organizational structure can also be considered as the viewing glass or
perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment.

2.5.1BEML Organization Structure:

Chairman &
Managing Director


Executive Director

Chief General

General Manager

Dy. General

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Asst. General

Senior Manager


Asst. Manager




Finance HR Management Marketing

Figure no2.5.1 BEML Organization Structure


• CMD received the ―SCOPE award for Excellence and outstanding contribution to the public
sector management – Medium PSE category-D‖ for the year 2006-07.
• CMD received ―Best PSU award‖ instituted by India’s leading B- School, Indian Institute of
Planning and Management held at Bangalore on 25th March 2009.

• Southern region of EEPC India awarded BEML with silver shield for star performer as a large
Enterprise for its outstanding contribution to Engineering Export held at Trivandrum on 11th
February 2009.
• CMD received ―Raksha Mantra’s‖ award for best performance in Exports held at Delhi on 7 th
November 2008.
• Conferred ―Star Performer award‖ by Engineering Export Promotion Council, Southern region
on 24th November 2007.

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• Award for ―Excellence in Technology and Innovation‖ from confederation of Indian Industries
• Rated ―AAA‖ by ICRA in January 2007.
• Ranked ―4th Best Wealth Creator among 21 Best Wealth Creators of India‖ and the ―1st
among PSU‟s (US$ 1 in 2002 has appreciated to US$ 62.64 in 2007)‖ by Dalal Street
• Receiver ―Golden Export Award‖ from Government of Karnataka, India during August
• Received ―Enterprise Excellence award‖ from Indian Institute of Industrial Engineers
during May 2006.
• Received ―Excellent‖ MoU rating in 2005-06.
• Award for ―Outstanding Export Performance‖ from Engineering Export Promotion council
(EEPC) during February 2005.
•Award for ―The Largest and Most Profitable Construction Equipment Company‖ 1st rank
from construction world- NICMAR 2007.
• Awarded ―UDYOG RATNA AWARD‖ (Gold trophy) by Institute of Economic Studies,
New Delhi, during October 2004.
• Received ―Niryat Shree Gold Trophy‖ from Federation of Indian Export Organizations for
its outstanding export.

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Chapter 3

Various tasks were performed during my 30 days internship in the organization starting from
visiting different departments and divisions, getting to know more about the machineries
produced and developed and mainly on working in SAP technology which is the core in
maintaining any business activity.

I worked in SAP technology which was handled by the IT department in maintaining all
activities of the organization. I have worked on inserting logs into the database and creating
records. Logs will be created starting from the initial activity. Any vehicles entering into the
compound will recorded and also it’s containing’s. Till the vehicle goes out to and the
products get delivered these logs will be entered into the database. Every department will be
having its own SAP suite with its required functionality. Detailed explanation about SAP
suite is given below.

3.1IT Department in BEML


SAP ERP is an enterprise resource planning software developed by the German company
SAP SE. SAP ERP incorporates the key business functions of an organization. The latest
version (SAP ERP 6.0) was made available in 2006. The most recent Enhancement Package
(EHP8) for SAP ERP 6.0 was released in 2016
Business Processes included in SAP ERP are Operations (Sales & Distribution, Material
Management, Production Planning, Logistics Execution, and Quality Management),
Financials (Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, and Financial Supply Chain
Management), Human Capital Management (Training, Payroll, e-Recruiting) and Corporate
Services (Travel Management, Environment, Health and Safety, and Real-Estate
An ERP was built based on the former SAP R/3 software. SAP R/3, which was officially
launched on 6 July 1992, consisted of various applications on top of SAP Basis, SAP's set of
middleware programs and tools. All applications were built on top of the SAP Web
Application Server. Extension sets were used to deliver new features and keep the core as

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stable as possible. The Web Application Server contained all the capabilities of SAP Basis.
R/3 Enterprise was replaced with the introduction of ERP Central Component (SAP ECC).
The SAP Business Warehouse, SAP Strategic Enterprise Management and Internet
Transaction Server were also merged into SAP ECC, allowing users to run them under one
instance. The SAP Web Application Server was wrapped into SAP Net Weaver, which was
introduced in 2003. Architectural changes were also made to support enterprise service
architecture to transition customers to a Service-oriented architecture.
SAP Products are:
 Supplier Relationship Management (SRM):
Supplier relationship management (SRM) is the discipline of strategically planning for, and
managing, all interactions with third party organizations that supply goods and/or services to
an organization in order to maximize the value of those interactions..
The focus of SRM is to develop two-way, mutually beneficial relationships with strategic
supply partners to deliver greater levels of innovation and competitive advantage than could
be achieved by operating independently or through a traditional, transaction purchasing
In many fundamental ways, SRM is analogous to customer relationship management. Just as
companies have multiple interactions over time with their customers, so too do they interact
with suppliers – negotiating contracts, purchasing, managing logistics and delivery,
collaborating on product design, etc. The starting point for defining SRM is a recognition that
these various interactions with suppliers are not discrete and independent – instead they are
accurately and usefully thought of as comprising a relationship, one which can and should be
managed in a coordinated fashion across functional and business unit touch-points, and
throughout the relationship life-cycle.

 Supply Chain Management (SCM):

Supply-chain management (SCM) the management of the flow of goods and services,
involves the movement and storage of raw materials of work-in-process inventory and of
finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption. Interconnected, interrelated or

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interlinked networks, channels and node businesses combine in the provision of products and
services required by end customers in a supply chain. Supply-chain management has been
defined as the "design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply-chain activities
with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging
worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand and measuring performance globally.
SCM practice draws heavily from the areas of industrial engineering, systems engineering,
operations management, logistics, procurement, information technology, and marketing and
strives for an integrated approach. Marketing channels play an important role in supply-chain
management Current research in supply-chain management is concerned with topics related
to sustainability and risk management among others. Some suggest that the ―people
dimension‖ of SCM, ethical issues, internal integration, transparency/visibility, and human
capital/talent management are topics that have, so far, been underrepresented on the research.
Supply-chain management is a cross-functional approach that includes managing the
movement of raw materials into an organization, certain aspects of the internal processing of
materials into finished goods, and the movement of finished goods out of the organization
and toward the end consumer

 Product lifecycle management (PLM):

In industry, product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire
lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service
and disposal of manufactured products. PLM integrates people, data, processes and business
systems and provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended
Product lifecycle management (PLM) should be distinguished from 'product life-cycle
management (marketing) (PLCM). PLM describes the engineering aspect of a product, from
managing descriptions and properties of a product through its development and useful life;
whereas, PLCM refers to the commercial management of life of a product in the business
market with respect to costs
Product lifecycle management can be considered one of the four cornerstones of a
manufacturing corporation's information technology structure. All companies need to manage
communications and information with their customers (CRM-customer relationship
management), their suppliers and fulfilment (SCM-supply chain management), their
resources within the enterprise (ERP-enterprise resource planning) and their product planning
and development (PLM).

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Figure no.3.1.2 ERP Modules

Figure no 3.1.3 Screenshot of SAP Operation

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Figure no 3.1.4 Screenshot of SAP Operation

Figure no 3.1.5 Screenshot of SAP Operation

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Figure no 3.16 Screenshot of SAP Operation

3.1.4Front End used in SAP:

ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is the primary programming language
supported on the SAP Net Weaver ABAP application server platform and applications that
run on it, such as SAP ERP (formerly R/3), S/4HANA and CRM.
SAP uses ABAP to implement its own applications on the Net Weaver ABAP platform, and
SAP customers use ABAP to modify the functionality of SAP applications or build their own
on the Net Weaver ABAP platform. ABAP is the oldest and, likely, the most widely used of
SAP's four major application platforms, which also includes SAP Net Weaver Java, SAP
HANA and SAP Cloud Platform. By far the largest developer of ABAP code is SAP itself.
However, many thousands of ABAP developers work with SAP customers and consulting

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companies to maintain and modify SAP systems. ABAP is regularly in the top 30 of the
Tiobe Index, which roughly tracks the popularity of programming languages.

Figure no 3.1.7 Architecture of ABAP

3.1.6 Backend used in SAP:

SAP was database agnostic ERP and it worked on Oracle, MS SQL, DB2, Max DB, whereas
BEML complex in Mysore uses Oracle as Backend and stores about millions of transactions.
SAP had intentions to build a proprietary DB; it acquired Sybase and believed it would be the
Oracle redefines data management with the world’s first autonomous database. Autonomous
Database eliminates complexity, human error, and manual management, helping to ensure
higher reliability, security, and more operational efficiency at the lowest cost.

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3.2Network in BEML

Basic Concepts of Networks implemented BEML:

 Ring Topology
 Bus Topology

3.2.2Network Provider-
 Reliance is the primary network provider with 75Mbps.
 BSNL is the secondary network provider with 14Mbps having Point to Point
If there is a failure in Reliance connection, it switches to BSNL within a minute and makes
sure connection is retained.
3.2.3Protocol used:
 OSPF Protocol.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a routing protocol for Internet Protocol (IP) networks. It
uses a link state routing (LSR) algorithm and falls into the group of interior gateway
protocols (IGPs), operating within a single autonomous system (AS). It is defined as OSPF
Version 2 in RFC 2328 (1998) for IPv.
Connection is made wired due to the policy of government. Also due to the fear of data
protection and data protection all the system will be in wired connection.

3.2.4Switches and Routers:

Various switches and Routers used are-
 Cisco-2800 series
 Cisco-3750
 Cisco 4300 series


 ASA5510-

Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances deliver a robust suite of highly
integrated, market-leading security services for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs),
enterprises, and service providers—in addition to providing unprecedented services

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flexibility, modular scalability, feature extensibility, and lower deployment and operations

Figure no 3.1.8 ASA5510 firewall

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Chapter 4
In This study I have dealt with the introduction to the Internship like why and how the
internship should be conducted mentioning the benefits that students can realize from this
internship those help them getting exposed to practical aspects of industry and company in
particular. The chapters clearly exhibited that the internship study took place between sixth
and seventh semester for a period of four weeks. The main objective of the internship is to get
exposed to real time working of organization.

It is covered aspects like Background, Nature of the Business, Vision, Mission, Quality
Policy, Product/Service Profile, Organization Structure, Achievements/Awards, if any and
Future Growth.

The analysis of Financial Statement is done using three techniques like comparative analysis,
common size analysis and ratio analysis, helped to learn the real financial practices at BEML

The punctuality of employees of reaching the office premises at 7:00 am proves the
effectiveness of the organization, since punctuality is the yardstick for apparent effectiveness.

The involvement of a Board-staff Steering Committee throughout the succession planning

process, including assessing key issues to be addressed, built the credibility internally.

The involvement of employees in their job role was impressive as there was hardly any time
being wasted during working hours.

Got to know about the workers‟ rights and duties.

The Employees has been given the medical facilities in the BEML.

I learnt about the waste management system where they are eco-friendly in nature. They also
have organized the swachh bharat abhiyan in there campus. They also give contract for the
cleaning department.

The recruitment process that happen in the training centre. If the pass in the aptitude test then
they will interview the candidates they will provide the training department to get train.

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Got to know about the proper food facilities they have providing to the workers for the entire

The quality department checks the various qualities manufacturing product they are willing to
Challenge as a student intern

My biggest challenge was dealing with team members to complete the work within deadline
and also getting technical outcomes without any failures. It was a great deal of learning daily
about not only my job but the organization culture and how to execute on goals.

Most valuable aspect of the experience

 Really understanding what it means to work full time and an understanding of the real
projects by an organization.

 I really understood after this experience that I have to get job in this organization.
This internship also introduced me to the real world with a real time experience.

 I understand the importance of Android Application Development in IT Projects.

This experience increased my understanding, professionalism, and excitement for

work after graduation

Use of internship for future career

My internship has prepared me for my future by allowing me to experience full time work
and I earn the knowledge about company. It also taught me about the real world. I also able to
see the steps needed to take a good job in companies to optimize the business solution.

Self-awareness programs enhance the students’ personalities. They get to realize that
punctuality, goal management, collaborative team skills, and listening skills, are important
facets of a well-rounded personality. These soft skills are enormously valued in business
organizations. As employment conditions become tougher, potential recruiters look for
personal attributes like attitude and values.


During this Industrial Training I got a better technical knowledge about Basics of SAP
implementation and hands on experience on SAP business suite.

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This internship was definitely an introduction to the actual work field for me. I have learned
to work in a business organization and apply my knowledge into practice. I learned a lot from
the different interns that I have been working with during my internship. Each intern had a
different educational background and that made it interesting for me. By working with them I
got to learn from them and become aware educational background.

The role that I fulfilled during my internship is I have worked in IT division where I got the
better knowledge about business structure and applications required for various processes.
Working with the SAP application and creating details of each and every logs is the major
task that I accomplished during my internship at BEML Ltd.

Also working in the networking part of the whole organization, gave me lot of knowledge on
technical aspects of networks in any company. Primarily included on how the wires will be
laid, internet connection and its speed, electrical equipment usage and many basic concepts in
this field.

I would get lots of feedback on how to implement the work. I have worked with most of the
interns and all of them would give feedback or we would brainstorm on certain subjects. The
interns have different specific educational background and I would get feedback from their
area of expertise.


During the course of my internship, I learned valuable information and gained a professional
experience that is relevant and directly related to my master program. I gained pragmatic
and professional experience.

Internship at BEML helped me to improve my translation skills. An important part of this

internship was learning about different career paths and evaluating my interests. Throughout
my time at the organization, I was exposed to many kinds of career paths and a variety of
people with whom I discussed them.

The insight I was able to acquire through conversation with employees at the Embassy was
useful in that I not only learned what their job entailed, I was told how they personally felt
about their job, how working overseas affects their families, and the pros and cons associated
with a life of moving every two to four years. As a result of this internship, my technical
skills have grown as I have worked in groups, have learned new means of research and how
to be a more effective researcher, as well as improved my English linguistic skills, and

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increased my understanding of new technologies. Another important skill I developed was

the ability to think strategically about the progress of my work.

Overall, this internship enabled me to better see my strengths and weaknesses, evaluate my
interests, develop practical skills, and make contacts with people who can provide
opportunities for future career possibilities.

I set up goals halfway during my internship, to develop and improve areas that I find needed
to be improved. The working areas I develop and improved in during my internship are the

Working precisely as I want to work more precisely. At the beginning of my internship, I

noticed that there are lots of mistakes found in my work. Mistakes included at the
understanding level itself and getting to know about more things. Halfway my internship, I
have improved in this area by reading, listening and focusing better on my work Improve my
communication I want to improve my communication skills.

Personality development is also a necessary must when it comes to any training program.
Personality is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviours that make a person
unique. When we say that someone has a "good personality" we mean that they are likeable,
interesting and pleasant to be with. Everyone wants to be attractive to others. To that end,
having a good personality is vital - probably even more so than good looks.

In fact, approximately 85 percent of success and happiness will be a result of how well you
interact with others and I have improved my personality by being a better listener, Reading
more and expanding interests, Being a good conversationalist, Having an Opinion, meeting
new people and being myself.

More initiative I want to show more initiative during internships. At the beginning I had
trouble getting involved in the event planning process. This is because I wasn’t aware of how
the process was conducted and I didn’t have all the background information of it. Halfway
my internship I have improved in this area by getting more involved and becoming more
aware on how the event process is conducted.

Time Management is something that needs to be learned and practiced, it must be mastered
and become part of our life to be truly effective. Once we have mastered good time
management skills at work, it will help us to automatically apply them to other areas of our

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life. Good time management requires an important shift in focus from activities to results
being busy isn’t the same as being effective

 Business Communication: Communications skills, current English usage, debates,

language games, situational dialogues, précis writing, essay writing, presentations.

 Presentation Skills: Preparing for effective presentations, presentation for small groups
and large groups, marketing and business presentations.

 Business Correspondence: Principles of clear writing, often misused words, applications

and requests, positive and negative responses to requests, routine messages, memos,
report writing, organizing meetings, preparation of agenda and minutes, business
etiquette, telephone etiquette, e-mail etiquette.

Benefits from the Training

The ability to communicate clearly and concisely is an advantage to a promising manager.

The students will soon realize that fluency and command over speaking and writing gives
them an edge while interacting with people at all levels.

An array of skills related to personal growth for efficient functioning constitutes the training.
Students are made to realize their strengths and weaknesses so that they are able to grasp the
true essence of development. They are made to take part in role plays, games, and puzzles
that demonstrate the attributes needed for assertiveness, interpersonal relationships,
negotiations, time and goal management, leadership skills, and conflict management.

To enable the students to work on their weaknesses, trained counselors’ services are made

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Chapter 5


The complete and rigorous training program in the organization was found to be satisfied.
Working under various people in the team has made me to thoroughly understand the process
of application development.

It is through this training program and work culture, I came to understand that there is vast
difference between getting trained as a student in college and the real time environment. In
university we learnt about a lot of new technologies that are being used in the industry. But
most were only seen either through a window or picture, Industrial training expose us to the
real device were we get the hands on experience (installing, configuring, maintaining and
troubleshooting of such devices) while being a graduate. This training gave me an
opportunity to work in an organization with a decade’s history behind it and its employees
with rich knowledge and experience.

I am really happy about the experience I had at the industry as a graduate and I would
recommend and request my college to adopt a compulsory industry oriented training
programs for all my juniors as well, so as to understand the current Technology and Real
Time applications and be competent in the cooperate world.

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