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Clark - Application For Registration

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As of 2017 September 15
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the President
Clark Freeport Zone


General Instructions: 4) CDC reserves the right to request additional information to complete its
1) Type or print in block letters the needed information on the spaces evaluation of the application;
provided. Put a cross [X] in the box, if one is provided. If a question does
not apply to you, write “N/A”. 5) This application together with the required supporting documents must be
submitted in three (3) sets to CDC Records Management Division; or
2) Use additional sheet/s for the information if necessary. You must provide all email: IPD2@clark.com.ph;
required information. Otherwise, your application will be returned;
6) For inquiry regarding your application, you may call Business
3) All supporting foreign documents/annexes should have English Development Department tel. no. 045 499-0894, 599-9000 local 642 to
translations; 645.

 Notarized and Completely Filled-Out CDC Application for Registration Form (FM-CDC-MD – 01) including applicable Annexes;
 Resume and photocopies of passports for no derogatory record purpose and/or any valid ID of key Officers;
 Proof of Financial Capability (any or all of the following):
Latest Audited financial Statements of applicant firm (or parent/management company if applicable);and/or
Verifiable Bank Certification of deposits or approved loan or credit line; if equity financing is less than total project cost;
 Proposed Organizational Chart (not applicable for Canteen);
 Certified true copy of Business Registration (Securities and Exchange Commission Papers, License to transact Business in the
Philippines, DTI Registration);
 Board Resolution authorizing the Lease/Sub-Lease Agreement and Signatory thereof (disregard if Sub-Lessee is a Single Proprietorship);
 Company Profile with process flowchart of the proposed business activity;
 Latest photo of the proposed area for lease or sublease.

Written Acceptance to the General Conditions and Annexes/Appendix which Endorsement Letter from CIAC;
are provisions of the Lease Agreement; Lease Agreement with CIAC
Proposed site conceptual plan and location map (with perspective drawings);

Endorsement Letter from Developer/Sub-Lessor; Letter endorsement from CIAC;
Draft Sublease Agreement between Sublessor and Sublessee CIAC Approval of Sub-Lease Agreement
Sublease Agreement between Sub-Lessor and Sub-Lessee;

Please mark appropriate box:

Type of Application: Direct Lease Sub-Lease Canteen Concessionaire

Nature of Business Entity:

Branch of an Existing Corporation
Division of New Corporation as one of its Business Partnership
New Corporation as its Sole Business Single Proprietorship
Proposed Corporation

Page 1 to
Type of Application: 4 Annex-A Annex-B Annex-C Annex-D
A. Proponent applying for No Incentives/Regular Tax
 Direct Lease  N/A   
 Sub Lease  N/A N/A  
 Canteen Concessionaire  N/A N/A N/A N/A
B. Proponent applying for Incentives: 
(subject for evaluation and approval of CDC
Please indicate the proposed business activity based on the
Investment Priority List (see attached Annex E for reference)

 Direct Lease     
 Sub Lease   N/A  
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Name and Address of Applicant Firm: Name & Position of Authorized Representative/s

Tel No. Fax No. E-mail address: Mobile No. E-mail address:


Current Business Activities/Product Lines /Services and Current Market Coverage: (attach separate sheets if necessary)

SEC Registration/Articles of Incorporation
SEC Registration No. Date of Registration: Primary Purpose (per Articles of Incorporation/Partnership)
Pls. check: New Existing
Subscribed Capital:
Authorized Capitalization:

Paid-Up Capital:

Stockholders/Partners (Use separate sheet if necessary)

Corporate Stockholder Amount Amount
Directors / Key Officers / Partners Nationality  
Position Yes No Subscribed (P=) Paid (P=)

PROPRIETORSHIP: Pls. check New Existing (* mandatory)

* DTI Certificate No. * Date Issued:

* Validity: From____________ To________________ * DTI Certificate Issued to:

Name of Proprietor:

Sources of Funds Percentage (%)
(Total investment as committed)
From Equity
From Loans: (Attach certification/proof of funding on loan obtained)
Bank Loans
Advances from parent Company (if any)
Projected Rate of Return on Investment (ROI) Projected Payback Period
Page 3 of 4

Direct Lease or Sub-lease Area being applied for:
Lessor/Sub-Lessor Space Requirements Address
Open Space (sq.m.) and Structure/ Floor Area (sq.m.)
proposed lease rate and proposed lease rate


General Project Description (Specify business activity to be undertaken including facilities to be setup, concept of business operation,
product lines/services, target market & indication whether new, expansion or transfer of operations, stating reasons for transfer)

Manpower Requirements
(Required field - Information critical for processing of evaluation)
Particulars 1st year 3rd year 5th year
Local Foreign Local Foreign Local Foreign

During Construction (Cumulative)

During Operation:
Regular (Cumulative Totals)
Contractual (Cumulative Totals)
Total Employment during Operation
1. Do you require specific skills in recruiting manpower? _ Yes ___No
2. If yes, please enumerate needed skills: (Pls. use extra sheets if necessary)

Locators are mandated to establish in-house skills training program and recruitment system in coordination with CDC to
maximize job opportunities for the local Labor Force. If the skills requirement is highly specialized, foreign nationals hired to
occupy the job must transfer the technology through the said program.

Committed Investment / Project Cost

(Required field- Information critical for processing of evaluation)

Particulars Cost (Cumulative)

1 st Year 3 rd Year 5 th year
Land Improvements
Plant Machinery & Equipment
Communication and Electronic Equipment
Transportation Equipment
Office Equipment
Furniture and Fixtures
Other assets
Add: Working Capital
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I, _______________________, of legal age, ________________________ of ____________________ (the “company”, herein), with postal
address at _____________________________________________________ after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law hereby,
depose, represent, certify and warrant that in addition to above performance commitments, the applicant also commits to undertake the ff.:
1. To contribute to the achievement of the goals of transforming the Clark Freeport Zone (CFZ) into a modern metropolis that is world-class
in its facilities but environmentally sound for its residents and workers and to the development of the national economy in general;
2. To support the promotion of CFZ as an investment and tourist destination;
3. To engage in good faith in creating a market for its products and services abroad;
4. To use domestic raw materials and supplies in preference to imported goods whenever these are available at comparable quality and
5. To establish a separate entity that will exclusively engage in the proposed business activities at the CFZ, if the proponent has been
granted the privileges to enjoy tax incentives pursuant to RA 9400 and the same will not branch outside the CFZ in the future;
6. To comply with the following:
Rules and regulations on importation/exportation and all other existing laws, rules, and ordinances issued by the Government;

Zoning regulations, building, environmental, health and safety standards prescribed by the authorities concerned;

Requirements of RA 10708 also known as the Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act (TIMTA), its implementing rules and
regulations and pertinent circulars if the entity will qualify for tax incentives; if applicable

Terms and conditions of the lease agreement with CDC and Annexes of this application, if applicable;

Submission of periodic reports and other information on its activities in the CFZ as may be required by CDC.
7. To install an accounting system adequate to identify the investments, revenues, costs and profits or losses of the project covered by this
application separately from the aggregate investments, revenues, costs and profits or losses of the other business activities of the
applicant not registered with CDC;
8. To promise not to give, has not given and will not give any gift to any officer or employee of the CDC in connection with filing and
processing of this application pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 and Section 14 of Republic Act No. 3019 [Anti-Graft Act];
9. To ensure that based on the records of the applicant, no Board member or department Director of CDC has an investment or any other
financial interest, direct or indirect, in the applicant’s enterprise; Also, that there no exists dummy relationship between the stockholders
or Directors of the applicant and any foreigner;
10. To hire, as much as practicable, employees and workers from peripheral areas of the CFZ through the CSR & Placement Division of
CDC, and to abide by existing labor policies, rules and regulations pursuant to the Labor Code of the Philippines;
11. To establish in-house skills training program and recruitment system in coordination with CDC to maximize job opportunities for the local
Labor Force. If the skills requirement is highly specialized, foreign nationals hired to occupy the job must transfer the technology through
the said program;
12. To accept that the CDC Citizen’s Charter on standard processing time for the lease/sub-lease agreement may only be applicable if the
complete requirements have been submitted and contents of said documents have been verified by our departments;
13. To accept that the submission of the required documents will not guarantee of any property which shall be subject of the negotiations
and CDC will continue to entertain other proponents for the area; if applicable
14. To accept that CDC may undertake due diligence enquiries, and to request and receive information relative to this application including
information on derogatory records of its officers, directors, and/or authorized representatives and that any person named within this
application is authorized to release any information requested by CDC;
15. To obligate its management and staff or authorized third party representatives, if any, to periodically access and read the official CDC
Website: www.clark.com.ph to comply with applicable circulars posted regarding policies and information affecting its operation and
welfare of the company and its employees. This effort is also part of the paperless campaign for a clean and green environment;

I declare that I have read and fully understood the contents of this application and undertaking including annexes which I have voluntarily
and willingly signed, fully aware of the consequences in case of non-compliance thereto in accordance with the laws of the Republic of
the Philippines.

Done in the city province of _________________________this _____ day of ________,20__

___________________________ ________________________ ____________________

(Applicant Firm) (Signature over printed name) (Position/Designation)

Republic of the Philippines}

City/Province of }S.S.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this___________ day of ___________________, 20_______in the City /Province of
____________________. Affiant exhibited to me his Community Tax Certificate No._____________________ issued at
_____________________, on_________________
Doc. No.____________
Page No.___________
Book No.___________
Series of____________
Annex - A

(Subject to the approval of CDC Management Committee)
Breakdown of business activities if From these List of Importables related Local Purchases VAT-
each one separately earns income: activities Clients Name & Countries Exempt related to this
1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year to this activity activity
Pls. check: SOURCE
(In US$) (In US$) (In US$)
Yes No
1. Export:


2. Export:


3. Export:


(Use additional sheets if necessary)

Annex – B


Activity Indicative Date
1. Importation of machinery/equipment
2. Installation of machinery/equipment

3. Hiring/Training of Personnel

Activity: Number of days:
1. Submission of Site Development/Conceptual Within _____ (XX) calendar days from signing of Lease Agreement.
2. Submission of Construction Plans Within _______ (XX) calendar days from CDC’s approval of the conceptual
3. Start of construction activities Within ______ (XX) calendar days from CDC’s approval of the construction

4. Construction period ________ (XX) months

5. Start of operations Within ________ (XX) calendar days from issuance of Occupancy Permit.

Indicative Date of Start of Operation: ________

Annex – C

Required Voltage: Pls. check _____ 69kV, ______13.8kV, ______460V or ______ 230V
Capacities: Pls. fill out ______ kW or _______ MW
Energy: Pls. fill out ______ kWh or _______MWh
Operations: 8 hours or 24 hours? Pls. specify ________________
Any special load (large motors)
Pls. specify _____________________

Please indicate cu.m./month

For Telecommunications and Information Technology Related Projects: Systems /Schematic Diagram/network configuration Diagram (Shows local
network in CFZ plus connectivity to total Network outside CFZ, attach separate sheet if necessary)
(Please indicate total number of telephone lines needed & specifications if necessary)

_______________ mbps
Technology Transferred, if applicable; (Highlight new production technology or state-of-the art machinery/equipment to be used if any)
(Attach Process Flow Chart)

List of Machinery/Telecommunication/Electronic/Computer/ and other Total Cost Origin Mode of Shipment Air/Sea/Land
Equipment/Devices to be used (Attach machinery layout) :

List of Antennas to be installed (including Technical specifications) Total Cost Origin Mode of Shipment Air/Sea/Land

List of Support/Infrastructure Services required within the

Zone (Attached separate sheets if necessary ):

Environmental Soundness
Raw materials the proposed project will consume/Used During Operations
(indicate the approximate amount used per month for each material):

Solid Waste Liquid Waste Gaseous Emissions

(Description & Estimated Volume/Day) (Description & Amount/Day) (Source (e.g. furnace boilers, etc.

Brief Description of Waste Disposal System and Planned Treatment process:

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Annex - D
Republic of the Philippines )
Clark Freeport Zone ) S.S.


I, ________________________, of legal age, _____________, Filipino, with postal address at

_________________________________, Philippines, after being duly sworn to in accordance with
law, hereby depose and state that:

1. I am the ________________________ (state position/designation in the company) of

__________________________________ (state name of locator company) (hereinafter
referred to as the “Corporation”), duly registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with principal address at ____________________________, CFZ,
Pampanga, Philippines.

A copy of the Corporation’s Board Resolution and/or Secretary’s Certificate on my

authority to act, represent and sign this Affidavit for and on behalf of the Corporation
is hereto attached as Annex “A”, while a copy of the Corporation’s Certification of
Registration issued by the SEC is hereto attached as Annex “B”.

2. The Corporation is authorized by its Articles of Incorporation to engage in the

following primary purpose:


The Corporation is likewise allowed to engage in the following secondary



A copy of the Corporation’s Articles of Incorporation is attached as Annex “C.”

[Note: If the secondary purpose is relevant to the CRTE being applied for, please
indicate, otherwise just write Not Applicable]

3. For and on behalf of the Corporation –

3.1 I affirm and certify that the Corporation’s registered business activity is consistent
with the Corporation’s primary and secondary purposes as approved by the SEC,
the CDC, and other regulatory agencies (if any) that monitor and regulate the
Corporation’s business activity.

3.2 I shall notify CDC of any intended change in the business activity/ies of the
Corporation and to secure the appropriate license, permit or franchise to operate
from the appropriate regulatory agencies.
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3.3 I undertake the following:

(a) The Corporation’s business operations in the CFZ shall at all times be carried
out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement/CDC
Approval of Sublease Lease Agreement and the CRTE issued by the CDC and
subject to the pertinent laws of the Republic of the Philippines;

(b) The Corporation shall not in any way engage in any other activity other than
its registered business activity as approved by CDC;

(c) The Corporation shall not commit any of the acts or omissions, defined and
penalized under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, including its
amendatory laws, and other special penal laws passed by the Philippine
Congress, including but not limited to:

1) Online/Internet/Electronic Gambling or Lottery

2) Human Trafficking (as penalized by Republic Act No 9208, Republic
Act No. 10364)
3) Pornography (as penalized by the Revised Penal Code and Republic
Act No. 9775)
4) Online Dating/Mail Order Bride (as penalized by Republic Act No.
5) Money Laundering (as penalized by Republic Act No. 9160, as

(d) The Corporation shall not:

1) Act as procurer or operator or internet or online gambling service

provider or provide services related thereto;

2) Engage in the sale, production, development, marketing,

distribution, promotion/advertisement of physical or digital
products (e.g. games or apps) used in casinos, any form of wager
games or software applications;

3) Provide technical or support services in connection with, related

to, or in furtherance of, internet or online gambling, pornography
and online dating;

4) Engage in activities or provide services integral to any part or

process, without which online gambling, pornography or online
dating or the distribution, marketing or facilitation thereof, would
not be possible; and,

5) Engage in activities that in any manner enable, facilitate, promote

or endorse online gambling, human trafficking, pornography,
online dating, money laundering or any crime.

(e) The Corporation shall comply with any and all future policies of CDC related
to the above prohibited activities.

(f) If I discover that any prohibited or illegal activity is being conducted on the
leased or subleased premises by any person or entity, I shall notify the CDC
within forty eight (48) hours from discovery and confirmation of said
prohibited activity or activities, and take steps to cease and desist from
continuing with said prohibited or illegal activity/ies.

(g) The Corporation shall assist and cooperate with CDC in any investigation in
relation to alleged or suspected prohibited or illegal activity being conducted
within the leased/subleased premises.
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3.4 In case of misrepresentation or in the event of violation or non-compliance with any

of the terms of this Undertaking, I acknowledge and fully agree that CDC may
proceed to exercise its rights under the Lease Agreement/CDC Approval of
Sublease Agreement, including but not limited to the revocation of the CRTE/RC
or of the clearance/permits already issued, if any or to be issued; withholding of
incentives, if any, and/or termination/revocation of the Lease Agreement/CDC
Approval of Sublease Agreement, without the need of written notice or resort to
judicial action; cancellation of the Subic-Clark Working Visa of the Corporation’s
officers and employees, and deportation, as may be warranted under the

3.5 I hereby release and hold CDC free and harmless from any and all claims, demands,
causes of action, loss, liability, damage and/or injury arising from or in connection
with this Undertaking;

4. I declare that I have read and fully understood the contents of this Undertaking which I
have voluntarily and willingly signed, fully aware of the consequences in case of non-
compliance thereto in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this __________________ at Clark

Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines.

Printed Name and Signature

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___________, affiant having exhibited to

me his/her competent evidence of identity to wit:

Doc. No.____________;
Page No.____________;
Book No.____________;
Series of ____________.
Annex - E

1. Electronics
a. Electronic Products 4. Utilities
b. Supplier / Support Services a. Energy / Electricity
i. IC Design i. Clean / Renewable
ii. Manufacture of Energy Providers
parts/components of electronic b. Water
iii. Manufacture of production
5. Logistics
supplies (e.g. molds, precision
tools, etc.) used by the a. Distribution Services
electronics manufacturers b. Transportation
iv. Establishment of test and c. Ground Handling Services
other service facilities

6. Garments (High-End)
2. Semiconductors
a. Pattern Making
a. IC Manufacturing / Production
b. Cutting
b. Testing
c. Sewing
c. Assembly
d. Quality Control
3. ICT/BPO e. Packaging
(Except activities enumerated in Annex D
of the Application for Registration) 7. Tourism
a. IT Services a. Lodging Facilities
i. Application Systems b. Restaurants (Fine Dining,
Development Casual Dining, Fast Food)
ii. Mobile Applications c. Theme Parks / Amusement Parks
Development d. Convention Centers
iii. Web Development and e. Eco-Tourism Facilities
iv. Database Design and
8. Transportation
a. Shuttle Services (Mini Buses)
v. Computer
b. Electric Jeepneys
Graphics /
Animation Tourist Buses / Vehicles (Novelt y Vehicles e.g.,
vi. Computer Games Development Nayong Filipino)
vii. Computer Networking and
Data Communications,
Software Development
(system software, middleware,
application software)
viii. Business Continuity Facilities /
Backup Facilities

b. IT-Enabled Facilities / Services

i. Call Centers
ii. Medical / Legal Transcription
iii. Construction Engineering &
Design (AUTOCAD)
iv. BPO Services e.g., General
Accounting / Bookkeeping
Services, Accounts
Maintenance, Invoice and
Accounts Payable
Administration, Benefits
Administration, Learning
System Administration,
Inventory Control, ect.
v. IT Infrastructure
vi. Data Center Operations

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