2019 TOYM Briefer
2019 TOYM Briefer
2019 TOYM Briefer
The JCI Philippines as an organization has the following goal and mission; To provide development opportunities that empower young
people to create positive change. This mission finds basis
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of a man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best won by free men through fr ee enterprise;
That government should be of laws rather of men;
That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; and
That service to humanity is the best work of life.
The JCI Values, which is universal in its perception and exhortation, sees man not only in the light of what he is but what he can be.
The earth’s great treasure lies in the human personality and that service to humanity is the best work of life.
“It is in this context and spirit that the TOYM award was conceived. If it is idealistic, it is because man must have his idealism if
he has to shape for himself a better future, a better world.
The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) Awards is now in its 60th year. The Awards began as a project of JCI Manila, patterned
after the TOYM of America Awards, and later adopted by the JCI Philippines as an annual project. It is now a yearly undertaking
of the JCI Philippines and co-sponsored by the PLDT, Gerry Roxas Foundation, Inc. and the TOYM Foundation, Inc.
Over the years, the TOYM has become an institution, having developed a reputation for its selectiveness of outstanding young
active citizens upon whom the award is conferred. TOYM seek to give national recognition to young men and women whose
selfless dedication to their profession or vocation has resulted in significant contributions to the welfare of their countrymen
and our country as large, as well as to the advancement of their respective fields of endeavour. The awardees who have
become light of the nation totalling 506 by now, is literally a Philippine ”Who’s Who “ in outstanding achievements in areas
such as agricultural science, arts and humanities, banking business, law, business, community development, educational
business, government service, political and social sciences, journalism and mass communication, sports, medicine, economics,
science technology and engineering and other fields of endeavour.
1. To recognize the outstanding achievement of our nation’s young active citizens which have resulted to positive changes
in the nation;
2. To focus public attention and confer nation recognition to these contributions and positive changes;
3. To inspire others, especially the young active citizens with the recognition to these achievements and/or leadership of the
TOYM awardees- leaders who have demonstrated vigor and enterprise in tackling the problems of society and offering
sustainable solutions; and
4. To live the JCI Values and consider as a good measure of performance by the awardee.
While other awards give recognition purely to humanitarian work, the TOYM Awards is uniquely given for the outstanding
leadership and excellence and contributions to humanity.
1. The nominee is evaluated by his/her exceptional leadership and excellence in the course of his contribution to humanity
in general. In the essence, proof of nominee’s outstanding leadership and excellence in his field of endeavour as well as
his paralleled contributions to society constitute the basis for the TOYM Award.
2. Nominee must have complied with all the rules governing nomination such as age, citizenship, etc. contained at the back
of the page of the official nomination form.
3. Nominee must have disclosed material facts and information whether favourable and or unfavourable to give an objective
and complete profile of the nominee for the Search, Screening and Judging Committee.
4. Nominee must be engaged in his/ her field of endeavour for the substantial part of his/her life with documented proof
subject to verification by the TOYM Search Committee.
5. Nominee must be engaged in contributing to the cause of humanity for a substantial part of his/her life with documented
proof subject to verification by the TOYM Search Committee. Filipino citizens (including naturalized citizens between the
ages of 18 to 40) are eligible for nomination. Nominees for 2019 must not have reached the age of 41 by December 31,
6. Nominees must not be former TOYM awardees. By Filipino, nominees must either be:
a) Those wherever born, in the Philippines or in a foreign country, of Filipino parents. In this case, the father or the
mother may be a natural born or a naturalized citizen of the Philippines or;
b) Those, at the time his or her bid was received by the TOYM Committee, is a naturalized citizen of the Philippines and
those who have elected Philippines citizenship; or
c) Those, despite having renounced his citizenship at the time his or her bid was received by the TOYM Committee has
one or both parents who is/are citizen(s) of the Philippines; or,
d) Those, despite living outside the Philippines as resident aliens or immigrants of another country, has one or both
parents who is/are citizen(s) of the Philippines.
7. These annual awards are given to recognize the young men and women who have proven themselves worthy of honor
and emulation based on the criteria:
a) Service to the community and/ or to the nation (40 points)
b) Professional excellence and integrity in their respective field of endeavour (40 points)
c) Leadership, including moral rectitude, innovativeness and pioneering spirits (20 points)
Step 1: Download
Download the offline form for an
advance copy of the requirements and Step 2: Nominate
information needed Once you have the Nominee’s
for your nomination. information, you may now Nominate
Online! Nominations are subject to
verification by the TOYM Search
Step 3: Verify
Once verified, you will receive an email with Step 4: Access and Build
further details on how you can move Access and build after the verification process, you
forward with your nomination. may access your TOYM Account and build your
Nominee’s Portfolio.
Have your chapter acknowledge along with your nominee if they are
awarded as nominees for this year's search