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Eng 5 SD

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1. Tita : Hi Nina, what time is it? B. carrot and onion

Nina : It’s a quarter past five. C. tomato and cucumber
The bold typed words means … . D. mayo sauce and tomato
A. 05.30
B. 05.15 6. Father always wears a tie on Monday
C. 05.05 and Tuesday.
D. 05.45 The right picture for the bold typed
word is ...
2. You always … your clothes after
washing them.


A. dry
B. iron
C. wear
D. keep

Text 1 for no. 3 – 5

7. The bell rang at half past seven. Fahmi
a) FF arrived at school at twenty to eight. So,
he came … minutes late.
A. ten
C. fifteen
Ingredient D. thirty
Fresh tomato Fresh cabbage
Fresh carrot Fresh onion 8. My hobby is cycling. I like travelling by
Fresh cucumber Mayo sauce riding my bike.
The right picture for the bold typed
word is ...
3. Question: How many vegetables are A.
there in the salad?
Answer : There are … vegetables.
A. seven
B. five B.
C. six
D. eight
4. Question : How are the vegetables?
Answer : They are … . C.
A. ripe
B. wet
C. green
D. fresh
5. Question : What vegetables are juicy?
Answer : They are … .
A. cabbage and carrot

9. Angga is a … boy. He often helps his 13. This is my new t-shirt. It has short … .
mother washing the dishes every A. pocket
morning. B. button
A. clever C. zipper
B. lazy D. sleeves
C. handsome
D. diligent 14. Your sister collects a lot of stamps. Her
hobby is … .
A. reading
Text 2 for no. 10 – 12 B. correspondence
C. philately
Sita : Do you eat fruits everyday?
D. writing
Didit : No, I don’t.
Sita : Why? They are very nutritious,
15. nine – a break time – have – at – we
aren’t they?
The best arrangement is … .
Didit : Absolutely. My mother often buys
A. A break time we have at nine
me a kind of fruits but I like
B. We have a break time at nine
eating avocado and banana only.
C. At nine a break time we have
How about you?
D. We at nine have a break time
Sita : I almost like eating all fruits. I
think each fruits have different
Text 3 for no. 16 – 19
vitamin and nutrition. So, try
them all. Sunday is a holiday for my family. I and my
Didit : Ok, I’ll do it. Thanks for your sister do not go to school. My father also …
suggestion. (16) go to his office. We help mother to
clean the house. Father cuts the … (17) at
10. Question : Does Didit like eating fruit the yard. My sister … (18) the floor and I
very much? cook in the …(19). At eleven we usually
Answer :…. finish doing our activities then we have
A. Yes, he does lunch together.
B. No, he doesn’t
C. Yes, she does 16. A. will not
D. No, she doesn’t B. isn’t
C. doesn’t
11. Question : What does Sita suggest to D. don’t
Answer : Sita suggests him to … . 17. A. flower
A. buy avocado and banana B. grass
B. eat avocado and banana C. pet
C. buy all fruits D. rubbish
D. eat all kinds of fruits
18. A. sweeps
12. This statement is not true about Didit. B. wipes
It is … . C. waters
A. Didit’s favorite fruits are banana and D. swings
B. Didit often buys fruits. 19. A. kitchen
C. Didit will try to eat all kind of fruits B. bathroom
D. Didit likes eating avocado and C. dining room
banana. D. veranda

2 – TPS 1 Kelas 5 SD
20. Linda : Do you like eating chocolate? B. Science
Wiwin : Yes, I do. How about you? C. Religion
Linda : … , but my little brother likes it D. Physical Education
very much.
A. Yes, I do 25. always – before – I – teeth – sleeping –
B. No, I don’t brush – my
C. Really A. Before I sleeping always brush my
D. Sure teeth.
B. I always brush my teeth before
21. Dandi has new trousers. These are ... sleeping.
trousers. C. Before sleeping always I brush my
D. I brush my teeth always before

A. he 26. Rio : What do you have for dinner?

B. him Ani : I have and
C. his
D. hers
A. a bowl of soup – a glass of plain
Text 4 for no.22 - 23 B. a plate of fried rice – a glass of juice
C. a bowl of porridge – a cup of tea
No Name Hobby (hobbies) D. a plate of noodle – a cup of coffee
1 Ahamad gardening, listening
music, swimming Text 5 for no. 27 – 29
2 Sinta singing, dancing
3 Teguh cycling, watching tv Naila : Shall we go to … (27) now?
4 Lusi swimming Mia : What do you want to buy?
5 Wayan cooking, football, Naila : I want to buy a skirt.
singing Mia : What … (28) do you like?
Naila : Dark blue. How about you? Would
22. Question : Who do like singing? you buy something there?
Answer : They are … . Mia : Ehm. A t-shirt. I need it for …
A. Lusi and Sinta (29) on Sunday morning.
B. Ahmad and Lusi Naila : That’s good. Well, let’s go.
C. Teguh and Wayan
D. Wayan and Sinta 27. A. supermarket
B. fashion store
23. Question : How many hobbies do you C. stationary
find in the table? D. barber
Answer : There are … hobbies.
A. eleven 28. A. size
B. nine B. price
C. seven C. type
D. eight D. color

24. Dion : What subject do you have on 29. A. sleeping

Friday? B. swimming
Nur : I have … . C. studying
That’s why I wear t-shirt and short on D. jogging
A. Math

30. My little brother has a hobby. His hobby Text 6 for no. 34 – 35
… painting.
B. is
C. like
Please, wear your scout uniform on
D. are
Saturday August 14th 2010
31. The class will finish at ten past (Scout Day),
twelve. School Principal
A. 11 12 1
2 34. Question : When should the students
8 4 wear scout uniform?
7 6 5
Answer :….
B. 11 12 1
A. Everyday
10 2 B. August 14th 2010
9 3
8 4 C. Every August
7 6 5 D. On Saturday
C. 11 12 1
10 2 35. Question : What is the announcement
9 3
8 4
7 6 5 Answer : It’s about … .
D. A. flag ceremony
11 12 1
10 2 B. party
9 3 C. competition
8 4
7 6 5 D. scout day

36. Question : Where is the

32. Yuni : Does your mother go to the
announcement from?
market everyday?
Answer : It is from … .
Azam: … . She goes to the market on
A. the school principal
B. the scouts instructor
A. No, she doesn’t.
C. the teacher
B. Yes, she does.
D. the student
C. No, she isn’t
D. Yes, she is
37. Tamam’s hobby is cooking.
He can … many kinds of food.
33. How to make French fries
1 Peel the potatoes

2 Fry the potatoes

A. make
3 Cut the potatoes B. buy
C. collect
4 Wash the potatoes D. eat

38. X: Excuse me, what time is it?

The right step is … .
Y: It’s half past three.
A. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1
X: … .
B. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
A. Sorry
C. 4 – 1 – 3 – 2
B. See you
D. 1 – 4 – 3 – 2
C. Thanks
D. Hello

4 – TPS 1 Kelas 5 SD
Text 7 for no. 39 – 41 Text 8 for no. 44 – 47
Santi : Do you think that reading is
Fatin’s schedule
Lala : Of course. It improves our
Time Monday Friday
knowledge. It helps us to get
07.00 - 07.35 Flag Gymnastic
information. Reading is also
cheap, we don’t need much
money to do it. 07.35 - 08.10 Math English
Santi : Yes, I agree with you. 08.10 - 08.45 Math English
08.45 - 09.20 Religion Social
39. Question : How is reading? 09.20 - 09.35 Break Break
Answer : It is an … hobby. 09.35 - 10.10 Religion Scout
A. boring 10.10 - 10.45 Indonesian Scout
B. interesting 10.45 - 11.20 Indonesian
C. expensive 11.20 – 11.35 Break
D. cheap 11.35 – 12.10 Art
40. Question : Does Lala think that
44. Fatin studies … at ten past eight on
reading is interesting?
Answer :….
A. religion
A. Yes, she does
B. English
B. No, she doesn’t
C. Indonesian
C. Yes, they do
D. Math
D. No, they don’t
45. Question : Does Fatin have two
41. We will get these things by reading a
breaks on Friday?
book, except …
Answer :….
A. information
A. Yes, she does.
B. knowledge
B. No, she doesn’t
C. entertainment
C. Yes, she is
D. much money
D. No, she isn’t
42. Andrea always washes his … after
46. Question : What time does Fatin go
home on Monday?
A. face
Answer : She goes home at … .
B. bed
A. ten past twelve
C. dishes
B. twenty past eleven
D. bath
C. twenty five to twelve
D. a quarter to eleven
43. Mother buys me a … . I like wearing it
on my hair.
47. This statement is true according to the
A. ribbon
text, it is … .
B. necklace
A. The lesson begins at half past
C. ring
D. bracelet
B. Fatin studies Art after the second
C. There are five subjects on Friday.
D. Social science is at a quarter past

48. X: What do you usually do in the 49. Laila has a strawberry in her … .
afternoon? A. noodles
Y: I do homework at my room. B. coffee
A. C. pudding
D. porridge

50. My father … a newspaper every

morning at the veranda.

C. A. sells
B. sell
C. reads
D. read

6 – TPS 1 Kelas 5 SD

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