2000 The Challenges of Voice Over IP Over Wireless
2000 The Challenges of Voice Over IP Over Wireless
2000 The Challenges of Voice Over IP Over Wireless
Much as second-generation radio access brought mobile telephony capa- high data-rate circuit-switched services,
bilities to the mass market, third-generation radio-access technology will such as real-time video.1
introduce value that extends beyond basic telephony. The widespread
growth of the Internet has created a mass market for multimedia and
information services. The challenge of providing this access is twofold: The universal mobile telecommunications
system (UMTS) is being standardized in the
from the market perspective, the challenge is to merge the installed base
Third Generation Partnership Project
of users in cellular and Internet environments; in terms of technology, the (3GPP), which is a joint effort between the
challenge is to find common denominators for cellular solutions on one European Telecommunications Standards
side, and efficient Internet access on the other. To successfully meet Institute (ETSI) and the Association of
these challenges, the third-generation wireless systems must be designed Radio Industries and Broadcasting (ARIB,
to offer a multitude of services, provide considerable flexibility, structured Japan). The basic radio-access technology
QoS handling, and cost-effective access, while ensuring coverage with for UMTS/IMT-2000 in all major areas of
high radio spectrum efficiency. the world is wideband code-division multi-
These design challenges need to be resolved in the future evolution of ple access (WCDMA). The 1999 release of
UMTS and EDGE standards, beginning with the standardization of release the UMTS standard was the first to be im-
2000 in ETSI/3GPP, both regarding the radio-access networks and the plemented in commercial products.
The radio-access part—the universal ter-
common core network. A common denominator for this evolution is the
restrial radio access (UTRA)—includes a
Internet protocol suite, which provides end-to-end solutions for transport frequency-division duplex (FDD) mode and
and network communication, including cellular (radio) access links over a time-division duplex (TDD) mode. The
UMTS/EDGE. FDD mode is based on pure WCDMA,
The authors describe the requirements and current trends in the evolu- whereas the TDD mode includes an addi-
tion of the third-generation wireless systems toward supporting more tional time-division multiple access
generic multimedia applications on a common platform. More especially, (TDMA) component.
they discuss the challenges and solutions involved in designing a packet- The WCDMA system, which uses wide-
switched radio-access network that efficiently supports VoIP service, band direct-sequence technology (DS-
highlighting session control for VoIP service, quality-of-cellular service for CDMA), fully supports the UMTS and
the cellular link, and the challenges of VoIP over wireless. IMT-2000 requirements for 384 kbit/s
wide-area coverage and 2 Mbit/s local cov-
erage. Particularly noteworthy features of
• support for interfrequency handover,
Introduction which is necessary for high-capacity hier-
archical cell structures (HCS);
Today, the accumulated volume of data traf- • support for capacity-improving technolo-
fic is on the verge of surpassing the accu- gies, such as adaptive antennas and multi-
mulated volume of voice traffic in all pub- user detection.
lic networks. Given the growth in the areas • built-in service flexibility, which pro-
of wireless voice and data, we see that the vides spectrum-efficient access for current
combination of mobile and Internet com- as well as future applications; and
munication constitutes the driving force be- • efficient handling of bursty applications
hind third-generation wireless systems, via an advanced packet-access mode.
which promise to support at least 144 kbit/s WCDMA also provides efficient support for
(384 kbit/s) in all radio environments, and multimedia services; that is, for transferring
up to 2 Mbit/s in low-mobility and indoor multiple services on one connection.1,2
The standardization of third-generation EDGE
wireless systems is rapidly progressing in all The GSM and TDMA/136 technologies
major regions of the world. These systems— make up the foundation on which the com-
which go under the names of IMT-2000 mon radio access for data services will be of-
(ITU), UMTS, and EDGE (ETSI/3GPP)— fered. The enhanced data rates for GSM and
will extend the services provided by current TDMA/136 evolution (EDGE) concept,
second-generation systems (GSM, PDC, IS- which ETSI and the Universal Wireless
136, and IS-95) with high data-rate capa- Communications Consortium (UWCC)
bilities. The main application for these ser- have adopted as the migration path from
vices will be wireless packet transfer; for in- GSM and TDMA/136, fulfills the require-
stance, for wireless access to the Internet. ments for third-generation wireless systems
However, support will also be provided for according to IMT-2000. EDGE is capable
3GPP Third-generation Partnership H.323 ITU-T standard for multimedia RRC Radio resource control
Program applications RSVP Resource reservation protocol
AMR Adaptive multirate HCS Hierarchical cell structure RTCP RTP control protocol
API Application program interface IETF Internet Engineering Task Force RTP Real-time transport protocol
ARIB Association of Radio Industries IMT International mobile SAP Service access point
and Broadcasting telecommunication SDP Session description protocol
BER Bit error rate IP Internet protocol SDU Service data unit
CDMA Code-division multiple access IPv4 IP version 4 SGSN Serving GPRS support node
CN Core network IPv6 IP version 6 SIP Session initiation protocol
CRC Cyclic redundancy code IS Intermediate standard SMS Short message service
CRTP Compression for real-time ISDN Integrated services digital network TCP Transmission control protocol
protocol ITU-T International Telecommunication TDD Time-division duplex
DS-CDMA Direct-sequence CDMA Union – Telecommunications TDMA Time-division multiple access
DTMF Dual-tone multiple frequency Standardization Sector TE Terminal equipment
DTX Discontinuous transmission LAN Local area network UDP User datagram protocol
ECSD Enhanced circuit-switched data MS Mobile station (terminal) UE User equipment
EDGE Enhanced data rates for GSM and MT Mobile terminal UED Unequal error detection
TDMA/136 evolution NAS Non-access stratum UEP Unequal error protection
EED Equal error detection PDC Personal digital communication UMTS Universal mobile
EEP Equal error protection PDCP Packet data convergence protocol telecommunications system
EGPRS Enchances GPRS PDP Packet data protocol UTRA UMTS radio access
ETSI European Telecommunications PSTN Public switched telephone network UTRAN UMTS terrestrial radio-access
Standards Institute PT Payload type network
FDD Frequency-division duplex QoS Quality of service UWCC Universal Wireless
FER Frame error rate RAB Radio-access bearer Communications Consortium
GGSN Gateway GPRS support node RAN Radio-access network VoIP Voice over IP
GSM Global system for mobile RLC Radio link control VoIPoW Voice over IP over wireless
communication RNS Radio network server WCDMA Wideband CDMA
GW Gateway ROCCO Robust checksum-based header WWW World Wide Web
GPRS General packet radio service compression
Ideal solution
icey Circuit-switched voice
Figure 2 Voalit
The voice-over-IP-over-wireless challenge qu
naling systems, remote sensoring, and sys- which runs counter to the goal of spectrum
tems that provide interactive access to efficiency.
WWW servers. The focus of this article,
however, is on voice service. The voice ser- Network architecture
vice of third-generation wireless systems
must, at the very least, offer the same high overview
level of voice quality, and be as spectrum- To facilitate our ensuing discussion, let us
efficient, as present-day second-generation briefly describe the VoIP service. The basic
realizations. The challenge is to implement components of the voice service are two user
end-to-end service on IP-based transport. terminals with IP-based voice applications
The main advantage of running IP all the and a network that provides end-to-end
way over the air interface is service flexibil- transport between the terminals (Figure 3).
ity. To date, cellular-access networks have The terminals exchange voice samples using
been optimized for voice quality and spec- the real-time transport protocol (RTP),
trum efficiency. The demand for service flex- which has been standardized by the IETF.
ibility adds a new parameter, as illustrated In some situations, terminals can estab-
by Figure 2. Since there are no dependen- lish and maintain communication without
cies between an application and the access the involvement of a third-party entity. At
network, almost anyone can develop new ap- other times, however, the two user end-
plications. But for services like voice over points cannot establish end-to-end commu-
IP over wireless (VoIPoW), the main chal- nication without outside intervention; for
lenge is to achieve quality and spectrum example, when they do not know one an-
efficiency. other’s IP address or do not use the same
To date, all cellular systems that provide voice codec. In these cases, a control plane
voice service have been optimized in a two- framework is used to route incoming traffic
dimensional space whose X-axis and Y-axis and to negotiate terminal capabilities (codec
are voice quality and spectrum efficiency, re- support, multiparty conferencing, and so
spectively. Now, a third dimension is being on)—in traditional telecommunications
added in the form of IP service flexibility. this functionality, which is referred to as call
By bridging the radio interface with IP control, is provided by, say, a GSM mobile
packets, we suffer a lot of protocol overhead, switching center. In the IP world, there are
Radio Ethernet
GGSN Backbone
RNS router
Figure 6
PHY Conceivable realization of a VoIPoW user
er (8 octets), and an RTP header (12 octets) at all, and fields with only minor changes
for a total of 40 octets. In IPv6, the IP head- can be updated with only a few bits. How-
er is 40 octets, which raises the total to 60 ever, when frames are lost or damaged over
octets. The size of the voice data depends on the channel, as can occur on cellular links,
the codec and can be as small as 15 to 30 the context on the downstream side cannot
octets. These numbers make a strong argu- be updated properly and the decompression
ment for terminating the IP protocols be- of subsequent headers produces incorrect
fore the air interface: the IP/UDP/RTP headers. Thus, the header-compression
headers consume too much bandwidth and schemes must have mechanisms for in-
make inefficient use of valuable radio spec- stalling context, for detecting when the con-
trum. However, it is possible to overcome text is out of date, and for repairing the
this problem with header compression. downstream context when it is incorrect.
No header information in a voice packet Several header-compression algorithms
can be discarded, but because there is a high are being standardized by the IETF. For
degree of redundancy in the fields of head- VoIP, the compressed RTP (CRTP) can
ers of consecutive packets that belong to the compress 40-octet IPv4/UDP/RTP headers
same packet stream, this information can be to a minimum of 2 octets.5 To repair con-
compressed by means of header-compression text, the CRTP relies on an upstream link
algorithms. These algorithms maintain a over which the decompressor sends requests
context, which is essentially the uncom- for updating the headers. All packets re-
pressed version of the last transmitted head- ceived by the decompressor are lost while
er at each end of the channel over which the context is out of date, since the headers
header compression occurs. The compressed cannot be decompressed. The round-trip
headers solely carry changes to the context. time over the link will thus limit the effi-
Static header fields need not be transmitted ciency of the context-repair mechanism.