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Sample Annual-Implementation-Plan-2020

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines 14 different school projects with objectives, activities, timelines and budgets for Bukandala Elementary School in Imus City, Cavite for the 2020-2021 school year.

The main goals of the projects include raising academic performance, eliminating non-readers and non-numerates, reducing drop-out rates, improving teachers' competencies and habits, maximizing school facilities, increasing stakeholder participation, improving learner health and performance in sports.

Each project lists specific activities that will be conducted such as instructional supervision, training workshops, production of learning materials, tutorial sessions, recognition programs, facility development and community engagement activities.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Project LOVE : To raise the Quarterly MPS raised to  Intensify instructional supervision School Head, June 2020 to Php20,000.00 MOOE and
Learning Objective performance level 75% in all learning areas  Produce/purchase localized and All Teachers February 2021 Canteen Funds
and Outstanding of the learners in contextualized IMs Bukandala ES
Values all academic areas  Regular conduct of SLACs and InSETs,
Enhancement mentoring and coaching to help
teachers cope up with the latest
trends in education
 Conduct FGDs when needed
Project FRIESS : To eliminate non- Zero non-reader (NR) in  Conduct pre-assessment on the School Head June 2020 to Php50,000.00 MOOE and
Focus on Reading to readers in all all grade levels reading level of all learners Selected February 2021 Canteen Funds
Intensify and grade levels  Identify the teachers who will be part Teachers Bukandala ES
Enhance Study Skills To develop love of the FRIESS Team; tutors,
for reading among production team, M&E team
the learners  Capacitate every member of the
team on their task
 Conduct a meeting with the parents
of the identified NRs
 Produce localized IMs
 Pull-out from the class the identified
 Purchase notebooks for learners’
take home activities
 Weekly monitoring of the progress of
the learner
 Recognize “Star Readers” in every
reading level
 Recognize teacher-advisers with zero
NR at the end of the SY.
Project TENS: To decrease the Zero non-numerates or  Conduct pre and post computational
Teaching number of non- struggling numerates in skills tests
Enhancement in numerates in all all grade level  Identify teachers who will part of the
Numeracy Skills grade levels project School Head, June 2020 to Php50,000.00 MOOE,
 Capacitate every member of the CIP Team, February 2021 Canteen and
To develop love team of their tasks Selected Bukandala ES MTAP Funds
for numeracy  Orient parents of the identified NNs Teachers
among learners of the program
 Purchase different cards/charts (F4
cards, drill cards, IMs, charts, etc.)
 Develop localized IMs and modules
 Pull-out from the class of the
identified NNs for tutorial session
Project YAKAP : To reduce Drop Reduced Drop Out Rate  Profiling and assessment of PARDOs School Head June 2020 to Php10,000.00 Canteen Fund
Yakapin, Kalingain Out Rates to  Conference with parents, community Teacher- February 2021
Pagsalba sa Drop 0.01% and other stakeholders Advisers Bukandala ES
Outs  Setting and signing of Agreement
 Crafting of modules for Alternative
Delivery Mode
 Regular monitor attendance of
 Open communication link between
and among the learners, the parents,
and the teachers
 Home visitation
 Practice reward system monthly in
the classroom to recognize those
with perfect attendance
 Constant monitoring and evaluation
of performance
Project TEACH : To improve  Intensify instructional supervision School Head, June 2020 to Php5,000.00 MOOE and
Teachers’ teachers’ attitude  Regular conduct of SLACs and InSETs, All Teachers February 2021 Canteen Funds
Enhancement on and habits mentoring and coaching to help Bukandala ES
Attitudes, towards work, and teachers cope up with the latest
competency and enhance their trends in education
Habits competencies  Conduct FGDs when needed
 Strengthen camaraderie and unity Php285,000.00
among themselves (GAD Activity)
 Have annual physical exam to ensure Php21,660.00
health of every personnel
Project SAFE: To maximize and Vegetable and mushroom  Convert vacant spaces into Gulayan Php25,000.00
Secured And utilize every gardens, and Reading sa Paaralan and reading park
Friendly vacant space Park in every idle space
To make every Reading corner in every  Develop reading corners in every Php12,000.00
classroom classroom to encourage classroom
conducive for every learner to read  Generate and provide funds for the Php1.5M
learning Have the 20 classrooms tiling of the 20 classrooms School Head, June 2020 to
tiled Teachers, March 2021 MOOE,
To provide EPP Home Economics and  Remodel one instructional classroom Parents and Bukandala ES Php30,000.00 Canteen
laboratory rooms; Industrial Arts laboratory to HE & IA labs other Php50,000.00 Funds,
Home Economics  Provide equipment and tools stakeholders Fund Raising,
building, Industrial Solicitation
Arts room

To make every Emergency hotlines  Post emergency hotlines in all visible Php1,500.00
part of the safe for posted in strategic places places inside the campus
the learners and inside the campus
faculty members

To institutionalize YES – O Club  Organize different clubs for learners

measures on child Batang Bibo ng Kalikasan
protection policy Scouting
and promote a

To organize Junior Fire Marshall

organization that
will develop their
sense of

Project REACH : To increase Increased number of  Conduct mapping of possible School Heads, June 2020 to Php10,000.00 Canteen Fund
Reaching Active stakeholders’ stakeholders stakeholders Adopt-a-School March 2021
Hands of participation  Tap interested individuals and Coor, Bukandala ES
Stakeholders companies to be partners All Teachers,
To recognize  Conduct Stakeholders’ Summit Stakeholders
active  Alumni Homecoming
stakeholders  Gift giving
 Adopt-a-child
 Donate a book
 Mystery Shoe Box
 BESt Night Concert

Project KAMI : To improve  Aquaponics  Strengthening Organikong Gulayan sa School Head, June 2020 to Php275,000.00 MOOE, SBFP
Katawang Malusog learners’ health  WINS Program Paaralan, nutrition education, feeding SBFP Coor, Nutri March 2021 and Canteen
at Maunlad na and well-being  Mushroom Garden program, and mushroom production Ed Coor, GPP Bukandala ES Funds
Isipan  Health Kit and Coor, 4Ps
Vitamins for SBFP parents
 Toothbrushing
Project rise Up To improve Increased academic  Orientation to both teachers and School Head, June 2020 to MOOE and
academic performance of learners parents on measures or interventions All Teachers March 2021 Canteen Funds
performance of in all learning areas  Purchase/produce/ reproduce Bukandala ES
learners and make learning and testing materials
them reach the  Preparation/reproduction of localized
national standard IMs
MPS of 75%
Project COACH: To improve Winning athletes  Synchronized training program School Head, June 2020 to Php65,00.00.00 MOOE and
Creating athletes’  Monitor athletes’ and coaches’ Selected March 2021 Canteen Fund
Opportunities to performance by performance Teachers Bukandala ES
Athletes’ acquiring  Enhancement training for coaches
Competitiveness additional  Shared knowledge of invited
and Honor knowledge in competent coaches
Project ARAL: To advocate and Research-based data for  Training-workshop on research
Advocating develop research the improvement of the  InSET/LAC
Research and culture and school  Mentoring and coaching
Attaining higher excellence in the  Awards and recognition
Learning school
More MA graduate
To motivate teachers
teachers pursue
post graduate
studies for their
growth and

Prepared by:

Principal II

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