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DSMTS-0010.6 ZN Wire

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Material Product Data Sheet

Pure Zinc and Zinc Alloy Thermal Spray Wires

Thermal Spray Wire Products: Quick Facts

Metco Zinc, Metco ZnAl
Classification Wire, zinc-based
Chemical formula Zn 99.9 %+ or Zn15Al
1 Introduction
Metco™ Zinc and Metco Zn/Al are excellent material choices Manufacture Drawn wire
for corrosion protection in both atmospheric and marine en- Purpose Corrosion protection and electrical
vironments. Using either the electric arc spray or combustion conductivity
wire process, wire coatings of these materials act as sacrificial Process Electric Arc Wire Spray or
anodes, galvanically protecting iron or steel substrates. Combustion Wire Spray
­Decades of field work using these coatings has clearly
demonstrated that they are far more effective and longer-
lasting than hot dip galvanizing.

Coatings of Metco ZnAl often have better corrosion resistance

than either pure zinc or aluminum, by combining the advan-
tages of both materials. This is particularly true in areas
where crevices exist and residual moisture and contamination
is present, and in areas where the coating has been scratched
or scraped, resulting in coating voids and exposed

Using the electric arc spray process, coatings of these

­materials are often used in the electronics industry for EMI
and RF shielding, or as conductive coatings on capacitors.

1.1 Typical Uses and Applications

nn Atmospheric and immersion corrosion protection on
large steel or iron structures such as bridges, roadway
barriers, posts and poles, offshore structures and
­marine structures.
nn Atmospheric corrosion protection on steel or iron compo-
nents such as tanks and gas bottles
nn EMI and RF shielding on plastic components (electric arc
spray only)
nn Electrical conductance on components such as the
­conductive areas on insulators and capacitor end caps
(electric arc spray only)

DSMTS-0010.6 – Pure Zinc and Zinc Alloy Thermal Spray Wires

© 2016 Oerlikon Metco 1
2 Material Information

2.1 Chemical Composition

Product Nominal Composition Weight Percent (nominal)

Zn Al Other (max)
Metco Zinc Zn 99.9+ Balance --- 0.1
Metco ZnAl Zn 15Al Balance 15 ---

2.2 Other Material Properties

Product Density Available Wire Diameters

g/cm3 1.45 mm 1.62 mm 2.0 mm 2.3 mm 2.5 mm 3.0 mm 3.2 mm 4.8 mm
(15 ga) (14 ga) (0.079 in) (11 ga) (0.098 in) (0.118 in) (1/8 in) (3/16 in)
Metco Zinc 7.14       
Metco ZnAl 7.18     

 Electric Arc Wire Spray  Combustion Wire Spray

2.3 Key Selection Criteria 2.4 Related Products

nn Metco Zinc is usually easier to apply than Metco ZnAl. nn Metco AlMg is the preferred choice for corrosion protec-
nn In general, coatings of Metco ZnAl offers superior corro- tion in immersed salt water environments.
sion protection compared to coatings of Metco Zinc and, nn Metco Aluminum, Metco SF Aluminum or Metco 8234
unlike zinc, can be used in slightly acidic environments. can be used at much higher service temperatures than
nn Choose Metco ZnAl for service in industrial environments either Metco Zinc or Metco ZnAl.
where SO2 is present. nn Coatings of Metco ZnAl provide better galvanic protection
nn Coatings of Metco ZnAl can be used in water at much than aluminum or aluminum alloys, such as Metco Alumi-
higher service temperatures, has better bond strength on num, Metco SF Aluminum and Metco 8234 in dry atmo-
properly prepared surfaces and better coating erosion re- spheres or environments with a pH of 6 – 12.
sistance than coatings of Metco Zinc. nn In acidic environments (pH ≤ 6), saltwater and salt atmo-
spheres, choose an aluminum-based material such as
Metco Aluminum or Metco SF Aluminum.
nn Metco Copper can also be used for anti-corrosion in ma-
rine environments, particularly on copper-based sub-
strates or when fouling is an issue.

2.5 Customer Specifications

Product Customer Specifications Certification When Origin Is:

U.S.A. Germany
Metco Zinc American Welding Society (AWS) C2.25/C2.25M W-Zn-1  
Rolls-Royce plc MSRR 9507/106 

DSMTS-0010.6 – Pure Zinc and Zinc Alloy Thermal Spray Wires

© 2016 Oerlikon Metco 2
3 Coating Information

3.1 Key Thermal Spray Coating Information

Specification Metco Zinc Metco ZnAl

Macrohardness HRH 20 – 30 40 – 45
Bond Strength (on grit-blasted steel) a 6.9 – 15.0 MPa 1000 – 2175 psi 20.7 – 24.1 MPa 3000 – 3500 psi
Coating Density g/c3 6.36 5.2
Coating Porosity (approximate %) 4 3
Coating Thickness > 5.0 mm > 0.200 in > 3.8 mm > 0.150 in
Maximum Service Temperature b
Aqueous Environments c 60 °C 140 °F 315 °C 600 °F
Dry Atmospheres 250 °C 480 °F 250 °C 480 °F
a  ond strength dependent on the spray process used. Values shown were determined using FM1000 film. If epoxy glues are used, bond strength values will be highe
than those listed above as a result of glue penetration.
b Maximum service temperature for galvanically active, sacrificial coating applications
c Metco ZnAl can be used in steam and boiling water environments. Metco Zinc should only be used in water at the temperatures indicated.

3.2 Coating Parameters Recommended Spray Guns

Please contact your Oerlikon Metco Account Representative
Electric Arc Wire Combustion Wire Spray
for parameter availability. For specific coating application
SmartArc PPG Metco 16E Series
­requirements, the services of Oerlikon Metco’s Coating
­Solution Centers are available. Metco LD/Schub 5 Metco 5K
Praxair / Tafa Wire Arc Guns
Metco LD/U2
Metco LD/U3

4 Commercial Information

4.1 Ordering Information and Availability

Product Order No. Wire Diameter Package Size Package Type Availability a Dist. b Origin
Metco Zinc 1030497 1.45 mm (15 ga) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Stock Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1031592 1.62 mm (14 ga) 25 lb (11.3 kg) Dorn Spool Stock Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1031601 1.62 mm (14 ga) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Stock Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1072722 1.62 mm (14 ga) 150 kg (330 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1002446 1.62 mm (14 ga) 20 kg (44 lb) Dorn Spool Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1002510 1.62 mm (14 ga) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1057568 2.0 mm (0.079 in) 20 kg (44 lb) Hasp Spool Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1072728 c 2.0 mm (0.079 in) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1030496 2.3 mm (11 ga) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Special Order Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1002441 2.3 mm (11 ga) 20kg (44 lb) Dorn Spool Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1002503 2.3 mm (11 ga) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Special Order Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1072725 c 2.3 mm (11 ga) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1066220 2.5 mm (0.098 in) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Special Order Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1002511 2.5 mm (0.098 in) 20 kg (44 lb) Hasp Spool Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1057571 2.5 mm (0.098 in) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1072723 c 2.5 mm (0.098 in) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1030499 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 50 lb (22.7 kg) Coil Stock Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1030495 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Stock Global U.S.A.

DSMTS-0010.6 – Pure Zinc and Zinc Alloy Thermal Spray Wires

© 2016 Oerlikon Metco 3
4.1 Ordering Information and Availability (continued)

Product Order No. Wire Diameter Package Size Package Type Availability a Dist. b Origin
Metco Zinc 1004609 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 25 kg (55 lb) Coil Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1002505 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1030498 4.8 mm (3/16 in) 50 lb (22.7 kg) Coil Stock Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1030494 4.8 mm (3/16 in) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Stock Global U.S.A.
Metco Zinc 1072724 4.8 mm (3/16 in) 25 kg (55 lb) Coil Stock Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1002506 4.8 mm (3/16 in) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Special Order Europe Germany
Metco Zinc 1067047 c 4.8 mm (3/16 in) 250 kg (551 lb) Drum Special Order Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1035633 1.62 mm (14 ga) 150 kg (330 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1064356 2.0 mm (0.079 in) 30 lb (13.6 kg) Hasp Spool Special Order Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1072720 2.0 mm (0.079 in) 200 kg (440 lb) Drum Special Order Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1066336 2.5 mm (0.098 in) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Stock Global U.S.A.
Metco ZnAl 1070948 2.5 mm (0.098 in) 200 kg (440 lb) Steel Drum Special Order Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1072716 2.5 mm (0.098 in) 200 kg (440 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1072718 3.0 mm (0.118 in) 20 kg (44 lb) Coil Special Order Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1072713 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 20 kg (44 lb) Coil Stock Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1002513 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 200 kg (440 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1072714 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 200 kg (440 lb) Drum Stock Europe Germany
Metco ZnAl 1064498 3.2 mm (1/8 in) 500 lb (227 kg) Drum Stock Global U.S.A.
a Minimum order quantities for special order products may apply.
b Some European products may be available in other regions on a special order basis. Contact Oerlikon Metco for more information.
c When considering similar products, these products have better availability and may be lower cost.

4.2 Handling Recommendations version applicable to the country where the material will
nn Store in the original container in a dry location. be used. SDS are available from the Oerlikon web site at ­­­­­
nn Do not stack drums; keep drums upright and avoid www.oerlikon.com/metco (Resources – Safety Data Sheets).
­excessive vibration during transport to prevent
­decoiling issues. Product SDS No.
Metco Zinc 50-231
4.3 Safety Recommendations
Metco ZnAl 50-230
See the applicable SDS (Safety Data Sheet) in the localized

Information is subject to change without prior notice.

DSMTS-0010.6 – Pure Zinc and Zinc Alloy Thermal Spray Wires www.oerlikon.com/metco
© 2016 Oerlikon Metco info.metco@oerlikon.com4

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