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Private Administrative Process PAP

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Such a vessel is the strawman.

would regulate the intercourse of men with

Inasmuch as law must always provide a
remedy, when US Inc. declared bankruptcy 4. Equity suffers no right without a remedy.
in 1933 it had to structure a means for living
people to appear in their private, proper 5. Equality is equity.
capacity and deal with whatever claims
might arise. The result is that all claims 6. Equity follows the law.
must be resolved through private
administrative process to determine 7. He who seeks equity must do equity.
whether or not the public sector (public
policy) has jurisdiction in a given matter. 8. He who seeks equity must have clean
Private Administrative Consequently, in order properly to bring or
deal with an action in the public sector, the 9. Equity will not permit a party to profit by
Process PAP private, administrative remedies must his own wrong.
properly be exhausted first. The real
Private Administrative Process
being cannot perfect his claim and assert 10. To receive equity one must give equity.
An Introduction
http://peaceportal.mobi/open/index.php? any standing as creditor in the absence of
option=com_content&view=article&id=309:pap&catid=126:h perfecting the private administrative If, in an action, both parties are in dishonor,
process, hereinafter “PAP,” first. both have failed to “give equity” and have
The current commercial process in the proceeded without “clean hands.” In such
world today is a Game, is created entirely in Inasmuch as all courts today are admiralty- case the judge has unbridled discretion,
the realm of FICTION, operating as private equity tribunals, the universal principles of since he is dealing with two losers from
law and private contract between legal equity are operational. inception. The judge must then do is what
fictions, i.e., Countries (Nations,) his exclusive duty is in any case, uphold
Corporations, and strawmen These principles include such maxims of public policy and collect revenue for paying
(Individuals/Sole Proprietors.) equity as: the insurance policy premiums to keep the
bankrupt corporation afloat.
Today’s operational jurisdiction is private 1. He who comes into a court of equity must
law, called “public policy,” not public law as come with clean hands. 79 Fed. Rep. 854; The solution, therefore, is never to dishonor,
existed in the Republic. To make his way in 97 Tenn. 180; 11 Tex. Civ. App. 624. i.e., always do equity and act with clean
the Real world a living being, who cannot hands, and perfect your claim in the private,
enter, operate in, or be in the realm of the 2. He who has committed iniquity shall not administrative realm at the outset of a
fictitious and imaginary, needs a have equity. Francis, 2d Max. dispute. By so doing, you have availed
commercial vessel. yourself of the remedy in law and
3. Equity denotes the spirit and habit of “exhausted your administrative remedies.”
fairness, justness, and right dealing which At this point, should the matter enter a court
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and be put before a judge, you will be the b. To justify or prove. Directive: Uphold public policy and collect
one with a perfected claim on the private Law a formal statement including an offer of revenue for the bankruptcy reorganization.
side and also the only party with clean proof or substantiation.
hands, having done equity and acted in Your private administrative process must
honor and good faith. “I have no idea whether your claims and operate as follows:
equity means: the state, quality, or charges are bona fide or not, or whether I
ideal of being just, impartial, and fair. have a valid obligation to satisfy the 1. Do everything by affidavit or
obligations you assert, but I am not aware asseveration, notarized.
Because administrative remedies must be of any evidence substantiating your
exhausted prior to a matter entering the position in any of these matters and if you 2. Use a notary for everything—sending out
judicial arena, as long as you are doing claim that your demands are valid, provide all of your paperwork, receiving responses,
administrative procedure, the public officials documentary proof of claim for the record keeping the notarial logbook, retaining
cannot proceed with any court action and I will comply with whatever you have copies of everything sent and received,
against the strawman. substantiated.” executing such notarial documents as those
involved in a notary protest, etc.
The administrative process consists of It is essential to remember that the entire
having your notary send (you should always current judicial system functions by 3. Have your notary send your adversaries
send and receive all paperwork by and stipulations, i.e., agreements, between your notices in the private capacity of all
through a friendly and knowledgeable disputing parties. Stipulations occur either involved parties.
notary) notice of your position to all of the by the two parties openly agreeing on a
parties, i.e., “Respondents,” who are particular point or, if they do not, the 4. Never dishonor or traverse, which you
assaulting your strawman with demands, discovery and trial process resulting in can do by enjoining (commenting on,
obligations, and charges. Said Respondents stipulations based on the ruling of the judge, whether admitting or denying) any of the
are sent your private, administrative notices i.e., the discretionary “conscience of the content, i.e., subject matter, in their
in the private capacity of all concerned, so court.” communications, as well as by ignoring
that you are operating as a real being what you receive (failing to respond
sending notices to other real beings. The The entire legal/ commercial process today within the time frames required).
nature of your paperwork is that without is a game, the essential rule of which is: Remember the definition of “traverser” from
dishonoring (denying, traversing, fault- “Whoever dishonors first loses.” Or, Black’s Law Dictionary: “In pleading, one
finding, etc.), you require that your phrased differently, “No one who dishonors who traverses or denies. A prisoner or party
adversary “put up or shut up.” In other can be assured of prevailing.” In short, if indicted; so called from his traversing the
words, you send your adversaries, in private you wish to win you must proceed without indictment.” Regard the content of their
capacity, conditional acceptances and dishonoring, or there is no guarantee you documents as their truth or fantasy, which,
negative averments that in essence state: will prevail and, what is worse, if your in either case, is not your position/ truth and
averments means: adversary is the system itself, you are therefore not your business to comment on
1. To affirm positively; declare. automatically guaranteed to lose because one way or another, other than as above,
2. Law the judge must faithfully adhere to his Prime “maybe what you say is true, but if so,
a. To assert formally as a fact. prove it.” Then you have not dishonored
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by ignoring, nor traversed by c. Private, commercial, and judicial denial that contradicts what one has
commenting on their statements. summary judgment and judgment in previously stated as the truth.
estoppel on the law, facts, and money.
5. Remember the maxim of law: “The After completion of the above, you can file
burden of proof resides on him who asserts, Their stipulations established by the your administrative judgment with the
not on one against whom a claim or charge foregoing process include their admission appropriate Recorder, and thereafter
is made.” They initiated the matter and are and confession, i.e., “confession of record a certified copy of the filed
demanding something from you, not the judgment,” that: judgment on a UCC-1 or UCC-3.
reverse. Therefore, in the PAP process the
burden of proof concerning the validity of 1. You are the creditor and not a debtor Remember that your notary constitutes a
their assertions rests with them, not you. concerning the transaction; third-party, disinterested witness. When the
notary, an agent of the State and the court,
6. Invoke the principle of acquiescence by 2. There is no evidence that they are the enters the public side with your private
silence, i.e., by the terms and conditions of creditor; information, your position appears on the
the interchange, their failure to put up or public record.
shut up within the time frame you allow for 3. They owe you, and you can bill them
them to prove their claims constitutes their for, the sum-certain amount set forth in the
Thereafter, any form of court action
stipulation (agreement) that your position paperwork; against your strawman would constitute
is true, correct, and complete in entirety self-validating proof, based on the public
and they are devoid of proof of claim for 4. They have failed to state a claim upon record that has been established, that any
anything they’ve alleged against the which relief can be granted; and all involved parties — are acting
strawman. inequitably and with unclean hands. If
5. Any and all proceeding against you you have any form of court proceeding
7. After you have consummated your thereafter constitutes a libel on the public asserted against you show the judge that he
private administrative process, proceed to record authorizing your filing a libel of has only one course of action based on the
the public side by invoking the notary for review in the (general) admiralty against all record.
the notarial protest process, at the end of parties in their private capacity, devoid of
which you have the following established as official immunity; Once the PAP process has been
documentary proof on the record: completed, then all manner of remedies and
6. They and all others are hereafter forever recourses exist for you that formerly did not
a. A private (from you) and public (from the estopped (means from raising the issue, and could not. These include a habeas
notary) exhaustion of administrative contesting the stipulations, or proceeding corpus, criminal affidavits, maritime
remedies; against you in any way concerning what has liens, and other remedies.
been finalized.
b. A complete set of stipulations by them habeas corpus means: a writ ordering a
in support of your position; Estoppel means: A bar preventing person to be brought before a court or judge, esp.
one from making an allegation or a so that the court may ascertain whether his
detention is lawful ( and or should be released.)
Latin writ, literally: You may have the body.
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