Dec Newsletter
Dec Newsletter
Dec Newsletter
Dear Members,
Well the golfing season has finally come to an end and while some of us
will be putting our clubs away for a few months, the more fanatical and
hardy amongst us will be carrying on the challenge no matter what the
I think you will all agree that the past season has been a very successful
one on the golfing front. Our course has been in magnificent condition
throughout the summer and I have received complimentary comments
about it from both visitors and members alike. So well done to our green
staff and greens committee headed by Alan Considine. I am sure that the Inside Articles;
course will be in even better condition next season.
On the golfing front the club has also been very successful this year with House
the scratch team winning the Liverpool and District Scratch League and
our juniors winning the South West Lancashire League.
Our professional John Fisher and leading amateur Paul Goodman both
achieved new course records this year and both got to final qualifying for
The Open Championship.
But now is the time of year for parties and functions and I know our Development
House Committee has put together a number of events over the next few
months to fit everybody’s taste and I hope that as many people as possible
will come along to these functions and support the club. Best wishes for
Handicap & Comps
Christmas and the New Year!
Your Club Captain, Roy Clamp
Desperate weather, desperate times financially for our Club. I thought to start this year with ice and
snow was a setback, but to end the year was not in the equation.
The club will make a loss for the year ending 30th November 2010, but all is not doom and gloom as
we ended the year in a positive cash situation. With our 7% increase in the subscriptions for the com-
ing year I hope the membership holds up, as to date we have had thirteen
male members resign, and three females, together with some transfers between categories.
We have taken the step to dispense with the caterers after listening to the many complaints from the
membership. We are dealing with the day to day catering in house with the help of Vera in the main
and others helping out on a piecemeal basis.
Lionel has the situation in hand and we will keep you informed as to the long term strategy.
Terry has been appointed bar manager with no responsibility for catering, and we hope with his expe-
rience and control we can manage the bar more efficiently and show some savings over previous
years. The new Lady Captain's evening was a great success and provided much needed bar income
and I hope we can repeat this event with some themed evenings in the new year.
Our green fees held up well this year and at £40k were £4k in excess of budget. I think a lot of this
was due to the excellent condition of the course. There will not be much new money around for in-
vestment as we will be fire fighting to keep the club and course in the conditions you expect, and
budgets will be set in the new year when the extent or our subscription income in known.
Rest assured I will manage our finances as best I can and look forward to an end to this bad weather
and get back on track again. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Graham Booth
As most of you are probably aware there have been will continue to try, do not hesitate to come and
a few changes in the “House Department” in recent talk to myself , any member of “house committee”
weeks, with the catering being taken in house for or any member of council if you have any thought
the time being and outside contractors coming in or suggestion.
on major events. Thanks to the diligent work of Ve-
ronica Caulton using her expertise in commercial Are any of your family or friends planning an
catering and controlling staffing and purchasing we event or function? We have first class facilities
appear to at least be breaking even, plus the food here at the Club House. We are making every effort
supplied by contractors at the St.Andrews Night to improve the facilities and the ambiance of the
and Ladies Captains Night was excellent. We will be clubhouse. We should all be endeavoring to pro-
reviewing the situation in the New Year before de- mote the club in these financially difficult times,
ciding the way forward. Whatever the decision this please recommend the facilities whenever you can,
has been an invaluable learning curve which should we will be more than happy to accommodate any
help us in deciding future policy. requests. Like all Golf Clubs we are feeling the ef-
fects of the financial climate and funds are low.
We had taken a decision this year to merge During the summer months, the Ladies renovated
St.Andrews Night and Christmas Dinner being con- the library. There was an upsurge in club spirit
scious that there was perhaps an overload of activi- from which we are still benefiting. There is a new
ties during December. Unfortunately we have now buzz about the club, the more members join in on
had to cancel New Years Eve due to lack of support these projects the more the camaraderie will im-
which leaves us with just Steak Pie Night Saturday prove. Believe me they are enjoyable nights. More
18th December. The night is booking up reasonably support at these various work-parties will take the
well, please come and make this a crowded room club forward. Your club! My club. The club we en-
creating the atmosphere of a Christmas party. joy and the club others will want to join when they
see the facilities and sense the atmosphere.
The drop off in support for social events is most
disappointing. We are all members of a Golf Club
not a Golf Course and I find
it so sad that we cannot get
back to enjoying the social
side of Golf as well as the
competitive element. Possi-
bly we are not supplying
what members want. Com-
ments have been made
about the standards of
food, we have addressed
this, please come and give
it another try. We have on
occasions listened to what
members have suggested,
tried to co-operate and
have still been let down by
the very people we have
listened to. However we
John Lynch
I would love to be telling you all that the Christmas Fairies and Dave Thornton have given me a
budget of £250,000 to sort out all our concerns, and I REFUSED IT so you all could have a
50% reduction on your subscriptions, wouldn’t that be nice, on the other hand I might win the
Lottery. So I am afraid it’s the same story as last year with too many problems chasing after not
enough cash.
So into next year, we need more mineral felt repairs to the roof over the Pro`s Shop as a prior-
I am looking for volunteers again; the Tractors and Trailers are left out in all weathers in the
Green-shed Yard and are rusting away. I would like to build a roof over the Bay adjacent to
Richard`s cottage. It has three solid walls and requires a roof and doors,
I need someone with building experience to supervise. If we purchase our own materials and
use volunteer Labour we should be able to complete at under a thousand pounds. Please con-
tact me by e-mail john& if you can help.
Best wishes to you all, have a great Christmas and plenty of excellent golf in the New Year.
Handicap & Comps
Kev Kenny
Another competition we play at this time of year is called the HOOCH. For the newer
members these are 4 man team competitions which are held once a month on a Sun-
day. It's a good day and a great way for new members to meet the old fossils that
have been inhabiting the club for an eternity. If any new member wishes to participate
let me know and I will guarantee you a game.
It's also the time of year for the annual handicap review. This is where the handicap-
ping system, Club 2000, tells us who has played well and who has played poorly
throughout the year. Thirty-one players were adjusted up or down and they will be no-
tified by March.
1 May a player open a barn door to enable him to play a shot through the barn?
2 Two players on the 15 play their approach shots to the 15th green. They agree to
tee off at the 16th hole and then putt out on the 15th green. This is to avoid walking
back to the 16th tee to save time. What is the ruling (a) match-play (b) stroke-play ?
PS. If you are happy with the handicap you were given this year I drink Guinness, if
your not happy I drink Guinness
Your Voice
Now you’ve heard how the relevant Committees stand and
what their plans are, what are your thoughts?
You can let us know and get involved in several ways. The
AGM is in March and you can raise issues there. You can
stand for Council, and help directly the way the Club faces
the future.
On a lesser level, you can use the Course Book in the Pro’s
Shop, leave notes in the Secretaries office, write into Coun-
cil, or approach Council Members or our Secretary. On a
more frivolous front, you can even leave comments on our
Facebook page!
So there are lots of ways of making your voice heard, and if Fancy winning one of these next season?.
you have got an idea, or a comment, fire away!