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Embedded Coder®

User's Guide

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Embedded Coder® User's Guide

© COPYRIGHT 2011–2014 by The MathWorks, Inc.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be used
or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or
reproduced in any form without prior written consent from The MathWorks, Inc.
FEDERAL ACQUISITION: This provision applies to all acquisitions of the Program and Documentation
by, for, or through the federal government of the United States. By accepting delivery of the Program
or Documentation, the government hereby agrees that this software or documentation qualifies as
commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation as such terms are used
or defined in FAR 12.212, DFARS Part 227.72, and DFARS 252.227-7014. Accordingly, the terms and
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government agrees to return the Program and Documentation, unused, to The MathWorks, Inc.
MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See
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MathWorks products are protected by one or more U.S. patents. Please see
www.mathworks.com/patents for more information.

Revision History
April 2011 Online only New for Version 6.0 (Release 2011a)
September 2011 Online only Revised for Version 6.1 (Release 2011b)
March 2012 Online only Revised for Version 6.2 (Release 2012a)
September 2012 Online only Revised for Version 6.3 (Release 2012b)
March 2013 Online only Revised for Version 6.4 (Release 2013a)
September 2013 Online only Revised for Version 6.5 (Release 2013b)
March 2014 Online only Revised for Version 6.6 (Release 2014a)
October 2014 Online only Revised for Version 6.7 (Release 2014b)
Check Bug Reports for Issues and Fixes
Software is inherently complex and is not free of errors. The output of a code generator
might contain bugs, some of which are not detected by a compiler. MathWorks
reports critical known bugs brought to its attention on its Bug Report system at
www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/. Use the Saved Searches and Watched Bugs
tool with the search phrase "Incorrect Code Generation" to obtain a report of known bugs
that produce code that might compile and execute, but still produce wrong answers.

The bug reports are an integral part of the documentation for each release. Examine
periodically all bug reports for a release, as such reports may identify inconsistencies
between the actual behavior of a release you are using and the behavior described in this

In addition to reviewing bug reports, you should implement a verification and validation
strategy to identify potential bugs in your design, code, and tools.

Model Architecture and Design

Modeling Environment
Set Up Your Modeling Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Application Objectives

Guidelines and Standards

What Are the Standards and Guidelines? . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

MAAB Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

MISRA C Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

IEC 61508 Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7

Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the IEC 61508
Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Check for IEC 61508 Standard Compliance Using the
Model Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Validate Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

ISO 26262 Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the ISO 26262
Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Check for ISO 26262 Standard Compliance Using the
Model Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Validate Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

EN 50128 Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11

Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the EN 50128
Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Check for EN 50128 Standard Compliance Using the
Model Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Validate Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

DO-178C Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13

Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the DO-178C
Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Check for Standard Compliance Using the Model
Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Validate Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

Patterns for C Code

About Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

Prepare a Model for Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Configure a Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Configure Input and Output Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Initialize States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Set Up Configuration Parameters for Code Generation . 4-5
Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart . . . . 4-6
Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function
Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

Data Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Declare a Variable for a Block Parameter Using a Data
Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9

vi Contents
Declare a Variable for a Signal using a Data Object . . . 4-10

Data Type Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — Simulink
Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — Stateflow
Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — MATLAB
Function Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Other Type Conversions in Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13

Type Qualifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14

Modeling Patterns for Type Qualifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Using a Tunable Parameter in the Base Workspace . . . 4-14
Use a Data Object of the Const Custom Storage Class 4-15

Relational and Logical Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16

Modeling Patterns for Relational and Logical Operators 4-16
Modeling Pattern for Relational or Logical Operators —
Simulink Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Modeling Pattern for Relational and Logical Operators —
Stateflow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Modeling Pattern for Relational and Logical Operators —
MATLAB Function Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18

Bitwise Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20

Simulink Bitwise-Operator Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Stateflow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
MATLAB Function Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22

If-Else . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Modeling Pattern for If-Else: Switch block . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Modeling Pattern for If-Else: Stateflow Chart . . . . . . . 4-25
Modeling Pattern for If-Else: MATLAB Function Block 4-26

Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
Modeling Pattern for Switch: Switch Case block . . . . . 4-28

Modeling Pattern for Switch: MATLAB Function block 4-31
Convert If-Elseif-Else to Switch statement . . . . . . . . . 4-32

For Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33
Modeling Patterns: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33
Modeling Pattern for For Loop: For-Iterator Subsystem
block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33
Modeling Pattern for For Loop: Stateflow Chart . . . . . 4-36
Modeling Pattern for For Loop: MATLAB Function
block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37

While Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39
Modeling Pattern for While Loop: While Iterator
Subsystem block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39
Modeling Pattern for While Loop: Stateflow Chart . . . 4-42
Modeling Pattern for While Loop: MATLAB Function
Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-45

Do While Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48
Modeling Pattern for Do While Loop: While Iterator
Subsystem block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48
Modeling Pattern for Do While Loop: Stateflow Chart . 4-51

Function Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-55

Function Prototyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-56

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-56
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-56
Function Call Using Graphical Functions . . . . . . . . . . 4-56
Control Function Prototype of the model_step Function 4-58

External C Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-59

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-59
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-59
Use the Legacy Code Tool to Create S-functions . . . . . 4-59

viii Contents
Use a Stateflow Chart to Make Calls to C Functions . . 4-61
Using a MATLAB Function Block to Make Calls to C
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-62

Macro Definitions (#define) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-65

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-65
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-65
Use a 'Define' Custom Storage Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-65
Use a Custom Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-66

Conditional Inclusions (#if / #endif) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-68

Typedef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69
C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-70

Structures for Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-71

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-71
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-71
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-72

Structures for Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-73

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-73
Modeling Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-73
Structure for Signals Using a 'Struct' Custom Storage
Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-73
Structure for Signals Using a Simulink Non-Virtual Bus
Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-74

Nested Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-76

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-76
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-76
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-78

Bitfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-80
C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-80
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-80
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-81

Arrays for Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-82

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-82
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-82

Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-83

Arrays for Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-84

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-84
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-84
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-84

Pointers for Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-86

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-86
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-86
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-86

Pointers Using Simulink Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-87

C Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-87
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-87
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-87

Variant Systems
About Variant Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

Why Generate Code for Variant Systems? . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Generate Preprocessor Conditionals for Variant

Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Define Variant Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Configure Model for Generating Preprocessor Conditional
Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Build Your Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

Review Code Variants in Code Generation Report . . . . 5-7

Generate Code for Model Variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Generate Code for Variant Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

Open Example Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Define Variant Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Configure Model for Generating Preprocessor Conditional
Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

x Contents
View Generated Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13

Restrictions on Variant Subsystem Code Generation . 5-15

Special Considerations for Generating Preprocessor

Conditionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17

Limitations on Generating Code for Variants . . . . . . . 5-18

Generated Code Components Not Compiled

Conditionally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19

Scheduling Considerations
Use Discrete and Continuous Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Support for Discrete and Continuous Time Blocks . . . . . 6-2
Support for Continuous Solvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Support for Stop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

Optimize Multirate Multitasking Operation on RTOS

Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Use rtmStepTask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Scheduling Code for Multirate Multitasking on
VxWorks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Suppress Redundant Scheduling Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6

Data, Function, and File Definition

Data Types
What are User-Defined Data Types? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

Location of User-Defined Type Definitions . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Omit a HeaderFile Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Specify a HeaderFile Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Create and Apply User-Defined Data Types . . . . . . . . . . 7-5

Specify Persistence Level for Signals and Parameters . 7-8

Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
About Buses and Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Set Bus Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Optimize Virtual and Nonvirtual Buses . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Use Single-Rate and Multi-Rate Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Set Bus Signal Initial Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Use Buses with Atomic Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22

Rename Built-In Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26

Register mpt User Object Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28
Register mpt User Object Types Using
sl_customization.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28
mpt User Object Type Customization Using
sl_customization.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-30

Data Type Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32

Replace Built-In Data Type Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32
Replace Built-In Data Type Names with Replacement
Data Type Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-35
Programmatically Replace Built-In Data Type Names . 7-40
Replace boolean with an Integer Data Type . . . . . . . 7-40
Data Type Replacement Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-42

Data Definition and Declaration Management . . . . . . 7-43

Overview of Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-43
Create Simulink and mpt Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-44
Create Data Objects for a Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-57
Define Global Data Objects in Separate File . . . . . . . . 7-63
Define Global Data Objects in Separate Files . . . . . . . 7-64
Save and Load Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-65
Apply Naming Rules to Identifiers Globally . . . . . . . . 7-65

xii Contents
Module Packaging Tool (MPT) Data Objects
MPT Data Object Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

Custom Storage Classes

Introduction to Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Custom Storage Class Memory Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
Register Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
Custom Storage Class Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3

Resources for Defining Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . 9-5

Simulink Package Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . . . . . 9-6

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections . 9-8

Create Packages for Custom Storage Class Definitions . 9-8
Use Custom Storage Class Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Edit Custom Storage Class Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Use Custom Storage Class References . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19
Create and Edit Memory Section Definitions . . . . . . . . 9-23
Use Memory Section References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-27

Apply Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-29

About Applying Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . . . . . . 9-29
Apply Custom Storage Classes to Parameters . . . . . . . 9-30
Apply Custom Storage Classes to Signals . . . . . . . . . . 9-31
Custom Storage Classes Using Signal Objects . . . . . . . 9-32
Custom Storage Classes Using Embedded Signal
Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-33
Specify Custom Storage Classes Using GUI . . . . . . . . 9-40
Specify Custom Storages Classes Using API . . . . . . . . 9-42

Generate Code with Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . . . 9-46

Code Generation Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-46
Code Generation With Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . 9-46

Define Advanced Custom Storage Classes Types . . . . . 9-50
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-50
Create Your Own Parameter and Signal Classes . . . . . 9-50
Create Custom Attributes Classes for Custom Storage
Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-50
Write TLC Code for Custom Storage Classes . . . . . . . . 9-51
Register Custom Storage Class Definitions . . . . . . . . . 9-51

GetSet Custom Storage Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-53

About GetSet Custom Storage Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-53
GetSet Custom Storage Class Properties . . . . . . . . . . . 9-53
Apply the GetSet Custom Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-54
GetSet Custom Storage Class Restrictions . . . . . . . . . 9-54
Increase Code Efficiency With GetSet CSC . . . . . . . . . 9-54

Custom Storage Class Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-56

Custom Storage Class Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-57

User Package Registration

About Data Object Wizard and User Packages . . . . . . 10-2

Register User Packages Using sl_customization.m . . . 10-3

User Package Customization Using

sl_customization.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5

Function and Class Interfaces

Function Prototype Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
About Function Prototype Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
Configure Function Prototypes Using Graphical
Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3

xiv Contents
Sample Procedure for Configuring Function
Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
Configure Function Prototypes Programmatically . . . 11-16
Sample Script for Configuring Function Prototypes . . 11-20
Verify Generated Code for Customized Functions . . . 11-20
Function Prototype Control Limitations . . . . . . . . . . 11-21

C++ Class Interface Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-23

About C++ Class Interface Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-23
Simple Use of C++ Class Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-24
Customize C++ Class Interfaces Using Graphical
Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
Customize C++ Class Interfaces Programmatically . . 11-42
Configure Step Method for Model Class . . . . . . . . . . . 11-45
Specify Custom Storage Class for C++ Class Code
Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-46
Model Class Copy Constructor and Assignment
Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-47
C++ Class Interface Control Limitations . . . . . . . . . . 11-48

Atomic Subsystem Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-50

About Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation . . . . . 11-50
Configure Subsystem for Generating Modular Function
Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-51
Modular Function Code for Nonvirtual Subsystems . . 11-56
Nonvirtual Subsystem Modular Function Code
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-61

Memory Sections
About Memory Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
What Are Memory Sections? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2

Requirements for Defining Memory Sections . . . . . . . 12-3

Define Memory Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5

Edit Memory Section Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Specify the Memory Section Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6

Specify a Qualifier for Custom Storage Class Data
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Specify Comment and Pragma Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Surround Individual Definitions with Pragmas . . . . . . 12-7
Include Identifier Names in Pragmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8

Configure Memory Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-9

Declare Constant Data as Volatile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-10

Apply Memory Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13

Assign Memory Sections to Custom Storage Classes . 12-13
Apply Memory Sections to Model-Level Functions and
Internal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15
Apply Memory Sections to Atomic Subsystems . . . . . 12-17

Generated Code with Memory Sections . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21

Sample ERT-Based Model with Subsystem . . . . . . . . 12-21

Model-Level Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-23

Model-Level Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-23
Subsystem Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-24

Code Generation

Application Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2

High-Level Code Generation Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3

Determine Model Configuration for Specified

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5

Check and Configure Model for Code Generation

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6

xvi Contents
Check and Configure Model for Code Generation
Objectives Using Configuration Parameters Dialog
Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10

Configure Code Generation Objectives

Programmatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14

Check Objectives in Referenced Models . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15

Checking Model and Configuration with Model

Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16

Check Model During Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17

Create Custom Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18

Specify Parameters in Custom Objectives . . . . . . . . . 13-18
Specify Checks in Custom Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-19
Determine Checks and Parameters in Existing
Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-19
How to Create Custom Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-21

Code Generation Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-24

About Target Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-24
Select an ERT Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-25
Customize an ERT Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
Configure Support for Numeric Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
Configure Support for Time Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
Support for Non-inlined S-Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-27
Configure Model Function Generation and Argument
Passing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-27
Set Up Support for Code Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-29
Configure a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . 13-30

Configuration Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-31

Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-32
Configure and Optimize Model with Configuration Wizard
Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-32
Add a Configuration Wizard Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-33
Use Configuration Wizard Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-35
Create a Custom Configuration Wizard Block . . . . . . 13-35

Code Appearance
Add Custom Comments to Generated Code . . . . . . . . . 14-3

Add Custom Comments for Signal or Parameter

Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5

Add Global Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7

Use a Simulink DocBlock to Add a Comment . . . . . . . 14-7
Use a Simulink Annotation to Add a Comment . . . . . 14-10
Use a Stateflow Note to Add a Comment . . . . . . . . . . 14-10
Use Sorted Notes to Add Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-11

Specify Comment Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-13

Customize Generated Identifier Naming Rules . . . . . 14-14

Identifier Format Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-16

Control Name Mangling in Generated Identifiers . . . 14-19

Minimize Name Mangling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19

Avoid Identifier Name Collisions with Referenced

Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21

Maintain Traceability for Generated Identifiers . . . . 14-22

Exceptions to Identifier Formatting Conventions . . . 14-23

Identifier Format Control Parameters Limitations . . 14-24

Specify Simulink Data Object Naming Rules . . . . . . . 14-26

Control Code Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27

Control Parentheses in Generated Code . . . . . . . . . . 14-27
Control Indentation Style in Generated Code . . . . . . 14-28
Control Cast Expressions in Generated Code . . . . . . . 14-29

Customize Code Organization and Format . . . . . . . . . 14-35

Custom File Processing Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-35
Custom File Processing Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-36

xviii Contents
Specify Templates For Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . 14-37

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files . . . . . . . . . . . 14-38

Default CGT file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-38
CGT File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-38
Built-In Tokens and Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-39
Subsections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-40

Custom File Processing (CFP) Templates . . . . . . . . . . 14-42

Custom File Processing (CFP) Template Structure . . 14-42

Change the Organization of a Generated File . . . . . . 14-44

Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File

Processing (CFP) Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-46
Generate Code with a CFP Template . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-46
Analysis of the Example CFP Template and Generated
Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-48
Generate a Custom Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-51
Custom Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-53

Comparison of a Template and Its Generated File . . 14-54

Template and Generated File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-55

Code Template API Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-58

Generate Custom File and Function Banners . . . . . . 14-61

Create a Custom File and Function Banner Template 14-62
Customize a Code Generation Template (CGT) File for File
and Function Banner Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-63

Template Symbols and Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-69

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-69
Template Symbol Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-69
Template Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-72
Rules for Modifying or Creating a Template . . . . . . . 14-75

Code Annotation for Justifying Polyspace Checks . . 14-77

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and

Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-79
Overview of Data Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-79
Priority and Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-80

Ownership Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-85
Memory Section Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-86
Data Placement Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-86
Settings for a Data Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-86
Data Placement Rules and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-94

Specify Delimiter for #Includes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-105

Source Code Generation

Generating Code Using Embedded Coder® . . . . . . . . . 15-2

Generate Code Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9
Generated Code Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9
User-Written Code Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
Customize Generated Code Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code . . . . . 15-15

What Is Reentrant Code? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15
When to Generate Reentrant Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15
Generate Reentrant Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16
Generated Code API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16
Call Reentrant Code in a Single-Thread Environment 15-17
Call Reentrant Code in a Multithreaded Environment 15-18
Call Reentrant Code with No Persistent or Global Data
(UNIX Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-19
Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent
Data (Windows Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-23
Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent
Data (UNIX Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-27

Generate Reentrant Code from Top-Level Models . . . 15-33

xx Contents
Report Generation
Reports for Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2

HTML Code Generation Report Extensions . . . . . . . . . 16-3

HTML Code Generation Report Location . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5

HTML Code Generation Report for Referenced

Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-6

Search Code Generation Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7

Generate a Code Generation Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-8

Generate Code Generation Report After Build

Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-9

Open Code Generation Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11

Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11

Generate Code Generation Report Programmatically 16-13

View Code Generation Report in Model Explorer . . . 16-14

Package and Share the Code Generation Report . . . . 16-16

Package the Code Generation Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-16
View the Code Generation Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17

Traceability in Code Generation Report . . . . . . . . . . 16-18

View Code Metrics and Definitions in the Generated

Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19

Web View of Model in Code Generation Report . . . . . 16-20

About Model Web View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20
Generate HTML Code Generation Report with Model Web
View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20
Model Web View Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-23

Analyze the Generated Code Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-24
Code Interface Report Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-24
Generating a Code Interface Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-25
Navigating Code Interface Report Subsections . . . . . 16-27
Interpreting the Entry Point Functions Subsection . . 16-28
Interpreting the Inports and Outports Subsections . . 16-31
Interpreting the Interface Parameters Subsection . . . 16-32
Interpreting the Data Stores Subsection . . . . . . . . . . 16-34
Code Interface Report Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-35

Static Code Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-36

About Static Code Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-36
Static Code Metrics Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-36

Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink

Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-39

Generate a Static Code Metrics Report for MATLAB

Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-45
In a MATLAB Coder Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-45
At the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-49

Analyze Code Replacements in the Generated Code . 16-51

Document Generated Code with Simulink Report

Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-53
Generate Code for the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-54
Open the Report Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-54
Set Report Name, Location, and Format . . . . . . . . . . 16-56
Include Models and Subsystems in a Report . . . . . . . 16-57
Customize the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-58
Generate the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-59

Code Replacement for Simulink Models

What Is Code Replacement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models . . . . . . 17-4

About Code You Can Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4

xxii Contents
Math Functions – Simulink Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
Math Functions – Stateflow Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-10
Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-15
Nonfinite Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-16
Mutex and Semaphore Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-17
Lookup Table Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18

Code Replacement Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-23

Code Replacement Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-25

Code Replacement Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-28

Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models . . . . 17-29

Choose a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-32

About Choosing a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . 17-32
Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries . . . . . 17-32
Explore Code Replacement Library Contents . . . . . . . 17-32


Shared Object Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
About Host-Based Shared Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
Generate Shared Library Version of Model Code . . . . . 18-3
Create Application Code to Use Shared Library . . . . . 18-3
Host-Based Shared Library Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . 18-7

Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Standalone Programs (No Operating System) . . . . . . . 19-2
About Standalone Program Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Generate a Standalone Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Standalone Program Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3
Main Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3
rt_OneStep and Scheduling Considerations . . . . . . . . . 19-4
Static Main Program Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-10
Rate Grouping Compliance and Compatibility Issues . 19-17

Operating System Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-21

Processor Support Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22

Export Code Generated from Model to External

Export Function-Call Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Exporting Function-Call Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Requirements for Exporting Function-Call
Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
Techniques for Exporting Function-Call Subsystems . . 20-5
Optimize Exported Function-Call Subsystems . . . . . . . 20-7
Export Functions That Depend on Elapsed Time . . . . . 20-7
Function-Call Subsystem Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-8
Function-Call Subsystems Export Limitations . . . . . . 20-11

Control Generation of Function Prototypes . . . . . . . . 20-12

C++ Class Interface Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14

xxiv Contents
Code Replacement Customization for Simulink
What Is Code Replacement Customization? . . . . . . . . . 21-3

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models . . . . . . 21-4

About Code You Can Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-4
Math Functions – Simulink Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-4
Math Functions – Stateflow Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-10
Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-15
Nonfinite Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-16
Mutex and Semaphore Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-17
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-18

Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process 21-22

Code Replacement Customization Limitations . . . . . 21-24

Develop a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-26

Quick Start Library Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-27

Identify Code Replacement Requirements . . . . . . . . . 21-37

Mapping Information Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-37
Build Information Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-38
Registration Information Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 21-38

Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development 21-40

Define Code Replacement Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-42

Defining Code Replacement Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-42
Define Mappings Interactively with the Code Replacement
Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-43
Define Mappings Programmatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-46

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code . . . 21-58

Specifying Build Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-58
Specify Build Information Interactively with the Code
Replacement Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-59
Specify Build Information Programmatically . . . . . . . 21-61

Register Code Replacement Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-66
Code Replacement Library Registration . . . . . . . . . . 21-66
Create Registration File Interactively with the Code
Replacement Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-67
Create Registration File Programmatically . . . . . . . . 21-69
Register a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-71
Registration Files That Define Multiple Code Replacement
Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-71
Registration Files That Define Code Replacement Library
Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-72

Review and Test Code Replacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-74

Code Replacement Table Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-74
Validate a Table Definition File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-74
Review Table Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-75
Verify Library Registration and Content . . . . . . . . . . 21-76
Review and Trace Code Replacements Generated Using a
Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-77
Determine Why Code Replacement Functions Are Not
Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-81

Deploy Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-87

Math Function Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-88

Memory Function Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-90

Nonfinite Function Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-93

Semaphore and Mutex Function Replacement . . . . . 21-96

Algorithm-Based Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-103

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement . . . . . . . 21-106

Lookup Table Algorithm Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . 21-106
Lookup Table and Interpolation Algorithm
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-106
Lookup Table Function Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-107
Interactive Mapping with Code Replacement Tool . . 21-111
Programmatic Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-116
Sample Code Replacement Definition for the lookup2D
Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-121

xxvi Contents
Data Alignment for Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . 21-125
Code Replacement Data Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-125
Specify Data Alignment Requirements for Function
Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-125
Provide Data Alignment Specifications for Compilers 21-127
Basic Example of Code Replacement Data Alignment 21-132

Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using

coder.replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136

Replace MATLAB Functions Specified in MATLAB

Function Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-138

Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement . . . . . . 21-142

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for

Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-144
Customize Code Matching and Replacement for
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-145

Scalar Operator Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-149

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code

Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-152
Algorithm Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-152
Interactive Specification with Code Replacement Tool 21-153
Programmatic Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-153
Algorithm Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-153
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-155

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code

Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-157

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS

Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-162

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS

Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-170

Remap Operator Output to Function Input . . . . . . . 21-177

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-180
Create the Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-180
Test the Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-185

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . 21-187

Fixed-Point Operator Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-187
Fixed-Point Numbers and Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . 21-191
Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-191
Subtraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-192
Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-192
Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-193
Data Type Conversion (Cast) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-194
Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-194

Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement . . . . . 21-197

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . 21-201

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-205

Multiplication and Division with Saturation . . . . . . 21-205
Multiplication and Division with Rounding Mode and
Additional Implementation Arguments . . . . . . . . 21-208

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement . 21-212

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code

Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-216
Casts From int32 To int16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-216
Casts Using Net Slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-217

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement . . . . . 21-221

Shift Lefts for int16 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-221
Shift Lefts Using Net Slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-222

Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB

What Is Code Replacement Customization? . . . . . . . . . 22-3

xxviii Contents
Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code . . . . . . . . . 22-4
About Code You Can Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-4
Math Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-4
Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-9
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-9

Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process 22-14

Code Replacement Customization Limitations . . . . . 22-15

Develop a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-16

Quick Start Library Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-17

Identify Code Replacement Requirements . . . . . . . . . 22-27

Mapping Information Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-37
Build Information Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-38
Registration Information Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 22-38

Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development 22-30

Define Code Replacement Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-31

Defining Code Replacement Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-42
Define Mappings Interactively with the Code Replacement
Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-43
Define Mappings Programmatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-46

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code . . . 22-47

Specifying Build Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-58
Specify Build Information Interactively with the Code
Replacement Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-59
Specify Build Information Programmatically . . . . . . . 22-61

Register Code Replacement Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-55

Code Replacement Library Registration . . . . . . . . . . 22-55
Create Registration File Interactively with the Code
Replacement Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-56
Create Registration File Programmatically . . . . . . . . 22-58
Register a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-60
Registration Files That Define Multiple Code Replacement
Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-60
Registration Files That Define Code Replacement Library
Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-61

Review and Test Code Replacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-63
Code Replacement Table Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-63
Validate a Table Definition File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-63
Review Table Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-64
Verify Library Registration and Content . . . . . . . . . . 22-65
Review and Trace Code Replacements Generated Using a
Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-66
Determine Why Code Replacement Functions Are Not
Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-68

Deploy Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-72

Math Function Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-73

Memory Function Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-75

Specify In-Place Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-77

In-Place Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-77
Argument Specification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-77
Interactive Argument Replacement Specification with
Code Replacement Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-77
Programmatic Argument Replacement Specification . 22-81

Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using

coder.replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-84

Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement . . . . . . . 22-86

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for

Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-88

Scalar Operator Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-90

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code

Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-92
Algorithm Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-92
Interactive Specification with Code Replacement Tool 22-93
Programmatic Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-93
Algorithm Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-93
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-95

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code

Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-97

xxx Contents
Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS
Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-101

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS

Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-108

Remap Operator Output to Function Input . . . . . . . 22-115

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for

Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-118

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . 22-124

Fixed-Point Operator Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-124
Fixed-Point Numbers and Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . 22-128
Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-128
Subtraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-129
Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-129
Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-130
Data Type Conversion (Cast) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-131
Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-131

Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement . . . . . 22-134

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . 22-137

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-140

Multiplication and Division with Saturation . . . . . . 22-140
Multiplication and Division with Rounding Mode and
Additional Implementation Arguments . . . . . . . . 22-143

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement . 22-147

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code

Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-150

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement . . . . . 22-154


Configure Code Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-2

Specify Global Variable Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-5

Set Hardware Implementation Parameters . . . . . . . . . 23-6

Use External Mode with the ERT Target . . . . . . . . . . . 23-7

Memory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-7
Generation of Pure Integer Code with External Mode . 23-7

Code Execution Profiling

Execution Profiling for Generated Code . . . . . . . . . . . 24-2

Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL . . . . . . . . . . 24-5

Configure Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL . 24-6

Execution Profiling for Atomic Subsystems and Model

Reference Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-8

View and Compare Code Execution Times . . . . . . . . . 24-10

Analyze Code Execution Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-16

Tips and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-18

Triggered Model Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-18
Outliers in Execution Time Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-18
Hardware-Specific Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-18
Task Context Switching Due to Preemption . . . . . . . 24-18

xxxii Contents
Data Type Replacement Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-19

Code Execution Profiling for MATLAB Coder

Execution Time Profiling for SIL and PIL . . . . . . . . . . 25-2

Generate Execution Time Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-3

View Execution Time Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4

Analyze Execution Time Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-7

Extract Execution Time Data for Kalman Estimator
Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-7

Data Copy Reduction

Optimize Global Variable Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-2
Minimize Global Data Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-3
Use Global to Hold Temporary Results . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-8

Reuse Block Outputs in the Generated Code . . . . . . . 26-12

Reuse Global Block Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-12

Virtualized Output Ports Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . 26-16

Control Signal Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-18

Signal Reuse for Root-Level Model Inputs and

Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-19
Reuse Root-Level I/O Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-19

Execution Speed
Remove Initialization Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-2

Generate Pure Integer Code If Possible . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-3

Disable MAT-File Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-4

Simplify Multiply Operations In Array Indexing . . . . . 27-5

Generated Code Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-5

Memory Usage
Optimize Generated Code Using Specified Minimum and
Maximum Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-2
How to Configure Your Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-2
How to Enable Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-3
Optimize Generated Code Using Specified Minimum and
Maximum Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-3
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-6

Reduce Global Variables in Nonreusable Subsystem

Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-8
Generate void-void Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-8
Generate Function with Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-9


Code Tracing
About Code Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-2

xxxiv Contents
Format of Traceability Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-3
Examples of Tagged Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-3

Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks . . . . . . 29-4

Trace Model Objects to Generated Code . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6

Reload Existing Traceability Information . . . . . . . . . . 29-9

Customize Traceability Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-10

Generate a Traceability Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-12

Traceability Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-13

Component Verification
Component Verification in the Target Environment . . 30-2

Goals of Component Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-3

Maximizing Code Portability and Configurability . . . 30-4

Simplifying Code Integration and Maximizing Code

Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-5

Running Component Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-6

Component Verification With a Real-Time Target

About Real-Time Software Component Verification . . 31-2

Real-Time Software Component Testing . . . . . . . . . . . 31-4

Numerical Equivalence Checking
About SIL and PIL Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-2
What are SIL and PIL Simulations? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-2
Why Use SIL and PIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-3
How SIL and PIL Simulations Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-4
Comparison of SIL and PIL Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-5

Choose a SIL or PIL Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-7

Verify Top Model Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-8
Verify Referenced Model Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-9
Verify Subsystem Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-9

Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-10

Top-Model SIL or PIL Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-10
Model Block SIL or PIL Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-12
Use a SIL or PIL Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-13
Check the SIL or PIL Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-14

Top Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL . . . . . . . . . . . 32-17

Referenced Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL . . . . 32-18

Verify Internal Signals of a Component . . . . . . . . . . . 32-20

Simulation Mode Override Behavior in Model Reference

Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-21

Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-23

Code Interface for Top-Model SIL or PIL . . . . . . . . . . 32-23
Code Interface for Model Block SIL or PIL . . . . . . . . 32-24

Configure Hardware Implementation Settings for

SIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-25
Choose Hardware Implementation Approach . . . . . . . 32-25
Portable Word Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-25
Test Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-28
Production hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-29

Debug Code During SIL Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-30

xxxvi Contents
PIL Customization for Target Environment . . . . . . . . 32-32
Target Connectivity Configurations for PIL . . . . . . . . 32-32
Target Connectivity API Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-32
Communications rtiostream API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration . . . . . 32-35

Create a Connectivity API Implementation . . . . . . . . 32-35
Test an rtiostream Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-36
Synchronize Host and Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-38
Specify Hardware Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-39
Register a Connectivity API Implementation . . . . . . . 32-41
Target Connectivity API Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-41

View Test Harness in Code Generation Report . . . . . 32-43

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations . . . 32-45

About SIL and PIL Simulation Support and
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-45
Code Source Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-45
Block Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-48
Configuration Parameters Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-50
I/O Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-56
Hardware Implementation Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-66
Other Feature Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-67

Programmatic Code Generation Verification . . . . . . . 32-69

Code Generation Verification API Overview . . . . . . . 32-69
Verify Numerical Equivalence with CGV . . . . . . . . . . 32-69
Verify Numerical Equivalence Between Two Modes of
Execution of a Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-70
Plot Output Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-75

Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB

Code Verification Through Software-in-the-Loop and
Processor-in-the-Loop Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-2

Software-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-4

Software-in-the-Loop Execution From Command

Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-6
SIL Execution of Code Generated for a Kalman
Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-6

Code Debugging During SIL Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-9

PIL Customization for Target Environment . . . . . . . . 33-12

Target Connectivity Configurations for PIL . . . . . . . . 33-12
Target Connectivity PIL API Components . . . . . . . . . 33-12
Communications rtiostream API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-13

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration . . . . . 33-15

Create a Connectivity API Implementation . . . . . . . . 33-15
Test an rtiostream Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-16
Synchronize Host and Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-38
Specify Hardware Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-19
Register a Connectivity API Implementation . . . . . . . 33-41

Processor-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project

Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-22

Processor-in-the-Loop Execution From Command

Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-24
PIL Execution of Code Generated for a Kalman
Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-24

SIL/PIL Execution Support and Limitations . . . . . . . 33-29

Code Coverage
Code Coverage in SIL and PIL Simulations . . . . . . . . . 34-2

Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-3

xxxviii Contents
View Code Coverage Information at the End of SIL or
PIL Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-5

Configure Code Coverage Programmatically . . . . . . . . 34-8

Code Coverage Summary and Annotations . . . . . . . . 34-10

LDRA Testbed Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-10
BullseyeCoverage Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-12

Code Coverage Tool Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-15

Code Coverage for PIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-16

PIL Support for LDRA Testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-16
PIL Support for BullseyeCoverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-17

Tips and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-18

Compiler and Platform Support for SIL . . . . . . . . . . . 34-18
Right-Click Subsystem Build Unsupported for Code
Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-18
BullseyeCoverage License Wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-18
Current Working Folder Cannot be UNC Path . . . . . 34-18
Characters in matlabroot and File Path . . . . . . . . . 34-18
Header Files with Identical Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-19
Code Coverage for Source Files in Shared Utility
Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-19
BullseyeCoverage Behavior with Inline Macros . . . . . 34-19
SIL and PIL Simulations with Open LDRA Testbed . 34-20
PIL Zero Coverage LDRA Testbed Annotations . . . . . 34-20
Modify Legacy Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-20
IDE Link Does Not Support LDRA Testbed . . . . . . . . 34-20

Embedded IDEs and Embedded Targets

Getting Started with Embedded Targets

Embedded Coder Supported Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-2

Project and Build Configurations for Embedded
Model Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-2
Block Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-2
Configure Target Hardware Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-3
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-5
Model Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-12

IDE Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-13

Support for Third Party Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-13
Code Generation and Build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-13

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains . . . . . . . . . 36-15

What is the XMakefile Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-15
Using Makefiles to Generate and Build Software . . . . 36-18
Making an XMakefile Configuration Operational . . . . 36-21
Creating a New XMakefile Configuration . . . . . . . . . 36-21
XMakefile User Configuration dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-27

Verification and Profiling Generated Code

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets . . . . . . 37-2
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-2
PIL Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-3
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-7
Running Your PIL Application to Perform Simulation and
Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-13
Performing a Model Block PIL Simulation via SCI Using
Makefiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-13
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-16
PIL Issues and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-17

Code Execution Profiling for IDE and Toolchain

Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-19
Execution Time Profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-19
Stack Profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-19

xl Contents
Perform Execution Time Profiling for IDE and Toolchain
Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-22
Execution Profiling During Standalone Execution . . . 37-22
Execution Profiling During PIL Simulation . . . . . . . . 37-25

Perform Stack Profiling with IDE and Toolchain

Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-27

Processor-Specific Optimizations for Embedded

Replace Code for Embedded Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-2
Using a Processor-Specific Code Replacement Library to
Optimize Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-2
Process of Determining Optimization Effects Using Real-
Time Profiling Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-2

Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer

Studio 3.3 IDE
Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-2

Code Composer Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-3

Using Code Composer Studio with Embedded Coder
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-3
Default Project Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-3

Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-5

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-5
Verifying Your Code Composer Studio Installation . . . 39-8

IDE Automation Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-9

Getting Started with IDE Automation Interface . . . . . 39-9
Getting Started with RTDX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-25

Constructing ticcs Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-42
ticcs Properties and Property Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-43
Overloaded Functions for ticcs Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 39-43
ticcs Object Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-44
Function List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-50

IDE Project Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-52

Introducing IDE Project Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-52
IDE Project Generator and Board Selection . . . . . . . . 39-52
Generate an IDE Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-54
Model Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-57

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool . . . . . . . 39-61

About FDATool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-61
Preparing to Export Filter Coefficients to Code Composer
Studio Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-62
Exporting Filter Coefficients to Your Code Composer
Studio Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-65
Preventing Memory Corruption When You Export
Coefficients to Processor Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-70

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 3.x . . . . 39-76

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-76
Set Up XMakefile for CCSv3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-76
Prepare Your Model for CCSv3 and Makefiles . . . . . . 39-77
Create Target Configuration File in CCSv3 . . . . . . . . 39-78
Load and Run the Embedded Software . . . . . . . . . . . 39-78

Reported Limitations and Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-80

Example Programs Do Not Run Well with Incorrect GEL
Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-80
Changing Values of Local Variables Does Not Work . 39-81
Code Composer Studio Cannot Find a File After You Halt
a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-81
C54x XPC Register Can Be Modified Only Through the PC
Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-83
Working with More Than One Installed Version of Code
Composer Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-83
Changing CCS Versions During a MATLAB Session . 39-84
MATLAB Hangs When Code Composer Studio Cannot
Find a Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-84
Using Mapped Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-85
Uninstalling Code Composer Studio 3.3 Prevents
Embedded Coder From Connecting . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-85

xlii Contents
PostCodeGenCommand Commands Do Not Apply to IDE
Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-86

Setting Up Code Composer Studio (ert.tlc System Target

File) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-87
Prepare Your Model for CCSv3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-87
Prepare Your Model for CCSv4/5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-87

IDE Link Frequently Asked Question: Why do I get an

error when I invoke TICCS? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-89
Why do I get an error when I invoke TICCS? . . . . . . . 39-89
How can I fix this problem? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-89
What happens if I click Deselect All when CCS prompts
that 'New components were detected'? . . . . . . . . . . 39-91
How do I use CCS Component Manager to enable IDE
Link Components? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-91

Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer

Studio 4 & 5 IDE
Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-2

Code Composer Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-3

Feature Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-3

Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-4

Verifying Your Code Composer Studio Installation . . . 40-4
Learning About Makefiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-4

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 4/5 . . . . . 40-5

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-5
Set Up XMakefile for CCSv4/5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-5
Prepare Your Model for CCSv4/5 and Makefiles . . . . . 40-6
Create Target Configuration File in CCSv4/5 . . . . . . . 40-7
Configure Windows Path for TI Debug Server Scripting
(DSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-7
Load and Run the Embedded Software Using DSS . . . 40-8

Reported Limitations and Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-11
Example Programs Do Not Run well with Incorrect GEL
Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-11
PostCodeGenCommand Commands Do Not Apply to IDE
Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-11

Working with Texas Instruments C2000

Install Support for C2000 Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-2
Workflows for Texas Instruments C2000 . . . . . . . . . . . 41-2
Install Code Composer Studio and control SUITE . . . . 41-2
Install Texas Instruments C2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-3
Configuring and Verifying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-5

Data Type Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-6

Scheduling and Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-7

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-7
Timer-Based Interrupt Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-7
Asynchronous Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-8

Sharing General Purpose Timers between C281x

Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-13
Sharing General Purpose Timers between CAP and
eCAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-14
Sharing General Purpose Timers between CAP and
SPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-17

Overview of Creating Models for C2000 Processors . 41-21

Accessing the Embedded Coder Block Library . . . . . . 41-21
Building Your Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-21

Using the c2000lib Blockset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-23

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-23
Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-23
Starting the c2000lib Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-24
Setting Up the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-24
Adding Blocks to the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-25

xliv Contents
Generating Code from the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-26

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks . . . . 41-28

The CAN Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-28
Setting Timing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-28
Parameter Tuning and Signal Logging . . . . . . . . . . . 41-33

ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt ..... 41-44

Run the model using CCSv3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 41-46
Run the model using CCSv4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 41-46
Run the model using CCSv5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 41-47

Configuring Acquisition Window Width for ADC

Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-49
What Is an Acquisition Window? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-49
Configuring ADC Parameters for Acquisition Window
Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-51

Real-Time Data Exchange via RTDX™ . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-55

SPI-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-57

HIL Verification of IIR Filter via SCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-60

CAN-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . 41-66

CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode . . . . . . 41-69

Using the I2C Bus to Access a Connected EEPROM . 41-77

Using the IQmath Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-81

About the IQmath Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-81
Fixed-Point Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-82
Building Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-86

Programming Flash Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-89

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-89
Installing TI Flash APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-89
Configuring the DSP Board Bootloader . . . . . . . . . . . 41-90
Configuring the Software for Automatic Flash
Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-90
Selectively Erase, Program, or Verify Specific Flash
Sectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-91

Placing Additional Code or Data on Unused Flash
Sectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-91

Configuring LIN Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-94

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-94
Configuring Your Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-94

Open Examples for Embedded Coder Texas Instruments

C2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-96

Tips and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-98

RTDX Simulation Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-99

Code Generation from MATLAB Code

Build Configuration for Code Generation from

Specify Comment Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-2
Specify Comment Style Using the Project Interface . . . 42-2
Specify Comment Style at the Command-Line
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-2

Generate Custom File and Function Banners for C and C

++ Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-4

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB . 42-7

Default CGT file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-7
CGT File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-7
Components of the CGT File Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-9

Customize Generated Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-18

Customize Identifiers Using the Project Interface . . . 42-18
Customize Generated Identifiers Using the Command
Line Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-19

xlvi Contents
Code Replacement for MATLAB Code
What Is Code Replacement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-2

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code . . . . . . . . . 43-4

About Code You Can Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-4
Math Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-4
Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-9
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-9

Code Replacement Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-15

Code Replacement Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-17

Code Replacement Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-20

Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code . . . . . . 43-21

Choose a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-24

About Choosing a Code Replacement Library . . . . . . 43-24
Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries . . . . . 43-24
Explore Code Replacement Library Contents . . . . . . . 43-32

Verification of Code Generated from MATLAB

Highlight Potential Data Type Issues in a Report . . . . 44-2
Enable Highlight Option Using a Project . . . . . . . . . . . 44-3
Enable Highlight Option Using the Command Line
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-4

Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code . . 44-5

Data Type Issues Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-5
Enable Highlighting of Potential Data Type Issues . . . 44-5
Find and Address Cumbersome Operations . . . . . . . . . 44-6
Find and Address Expensive Rounding . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-8
Find and Address Expensive Comparison Operations . 44-9

Model Architecture and Design

Modeling Environment
1 Modeling Environment

Set Up Your Modeling Environment

When developing a system, use a combination of products to model each system
component based on the domain to which it applies.

The following table guides you to information and examples that pertain to use of the
Embedded Coder® product to meet goals for specific domains.

Goals Related Product Information Examples

Generate a software “Code Generation” rtwdemo_codegenrpt
design description in the Simulink
Report Generator™
Trace model “Requirements rtwdemo_requirements
requirements to Traceability” in the
generated code Simulink Verification
and Validation™
Implement “Data Types and Scaling” rtwdemo_fixpt1
application on fixed- and “Fixed-Point Code rtwdemo_fuelsys_fxp_publish
point processors Generation” in the rtwdemo_dspanc_fixpt
Fixed-Point Designer™
Use an integrated “Program Building, In rtwdemos, select one of the
development Interaction, and following folders: Desktop IDEs,
environment (IDE) Debugging” topics in Desktop Targets, Embedded IDEs,
to integrate an the Embedded Coder or Embedded Targets
application on a documentation
target processor
automatically “Program Building,
Interaction, and
Debugging” and “Desktop
Targets” topics in
the Simulink Coder


Application Objectives

The first step in applying Embedded Coder configuration options to the application
development process is to consider how your application objectives, particularly with
respect to efficiency, traceability, and safety, map to code generation options in a model
configuration set.

Parameters that you set in the Solver, Data Import/Export, Diagnostics, and Code
Generation panes of the Configuration Parameters dialog box affect the behavior of a
model in simulation and the code generated for the model.

Consider questions such as the following:

• What settings might help you debug your application?

• What is the highest objective for your application — efficiency, traceability,
debugging, safety precaution, or some other criteria?
• What is the second highest objective?
• Can the objective at the start of the project differ from the objective required for the
end result? What tradeoffs can you make?

After you answer these questions:

1 Define your objectives in the configuration set. For more information, see “High-
Level Code Generation Objectives” on page 13-3.
2 Use the Code Generation Advisor to identify parameter values that are not
configured for the objectives that you selected. For more information, see “Determine
Model Configuration for Specified Objectives” on page 13-5.

Guidelines and Standards

• “What Are the Standards and Guidelines?” on page 3-2

• “MAAB Guidelines” on page 3-4
• “MISRA C Guidelines” on page 3-5
• “IEC 61508 Standard” on page 3-7
• “ISO 26262 Standard” on page 3-9
• “EN 50128 Standard” on page 3-11
• “DO-178C Standard” on page 3-13
3 Guidelines and Standards

What Are the Standards and Guidelines?

If your application has mission-critical development and certification goals, your models
or subsystems and the code generated for them might need to comply with one or more of
the standards and guidelines listed in the following table.

Standard or Guidelines Organization For More Information, See...

Guidelines: Use of MATLAB®, MAAB • Control Algorithm Modeling
Simulink, and Stateflow® Guidelines Using MATLAB,
software for control algorithm Simulink, and Stateflow
modeling – MathWorks Software: PDF, Word
Automotive Advisory Board • Develop Models and Code
(MAAB) Guidelines That Comply with “MAAB
Guidelines” on page 3-4
Guidelines: Use of the C Motor Industry Software • MISRA C Web site
Language in Critical Systems Reliability Association • Technical Solution 1-1IFP0W on
(MISRA C®a) (MISRA) the MathWorks Web site
• Develop Models and Code
That Comply with “MISRA C
Guidelines” on page 3-5
Standard: AUTomotive AUTOSAR Development • Publications and specifications
Open System ARchitecture Partnership available from the AUTOSAR
(AUTOSAR) Web site
• Technical Solution 1-2WFS27 on
the MathWorks Web site
• “AUTOSAR Standard”
Standard: IEC 61508, International • IEC functional safety zone Web
Functional safety of electrical/ Electrotechnical Commission site
electronic/ programmable • Model-Based Design for
electronic safety-related IEC 61508 (Excerpts) — For
systems the complete document, see
Technical Solution 1-32COJP on
the MathWorks Web site.

What Are the Standards and Guidelines?

Standard or Guidelines Organization For More Information, See...

• Develop Models and Code
That Comply with “IEC 61508
Standard” on page 3-7
Standard: ISO 26262, Road International Organization • ISO 26262 Support in MATLAB
Vehicles - Functional Safety for Standardization and Simulink
• Develop Models and Code
That Comply with “ISO 26262
Standard” on page 3-9
Standard: EN 50128, Railway European Committee • Develop Models and Code
applications — Software for for Electrotechnical That Comply with “EN 50128
railway control and protection Standardization Standard” on page 3-11
Standard: DO-178C, Software Radio Technical Commission • Develop Models and Code
Considerations in Airborne for Aeronautics (RTCA) That Comply with “DO-178C
Systems and Equipment Standard” on page 3-13

a. MISRA® and MISRA C are registered trademarks of MISRA Ltd., held on behalf of the MISRA Consortium.

For information on whether Simulink Coder technology is certified or qualified and

whether safety-critical software has been developed with MathWorks tools, see
Embedded Coder — Code Certification with MathWorks Tools.

3 Guidelines and Standards

MAAB Guidelines
The MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board (MAAB) involves major automotive OEMs
and suppliers in the process of evolving MathWorks controls, simulation, and code
generation products, including Simulink, Stateflow, and Simulink Coder. An important
result of the MAAB has been the “MAAB Control Algorithm Modeling” guidelines.

If you have a Simulink Verification and Validation product license, you can check that
your Simulink model or subsystem, and the code that you generate from it, complies
with MAAB guidelines. To check your model or subsystem, open the “Simulink Model
Advisor”. Navigate to By Product > Simulink Verification and Validation >
Modeling Standards > MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board Checks and run
the “MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board checks”.

For more information on using the Model Advisor, see “Run Model Checks” in the
Simulink documentation.

MISRA C Guidelines

MISRA C Guidelines
The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA2) has established
“Guidelines for the Use of the C Language in Critical Systems” (MISRA C). For general
information about MISRA C, see www.misra-c.com.

In 1998, MIRA Ltd. published MISRA C (MISRA C:1998) to provide a restricted subset
of a standardized, structured language that met Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 2 and
higher. A major update based on feedback was published in 2004 (MISRA C:2004),
followed by a minor update in 2007 known as Technical Corrigendum (TC1). In 2007,
MISRA also published the MISRA AC AGC standard, “MISRA AC AGC: Guidelines
for the Application of MISRA-C:2004 in the Context of Automatic Code Generation.”
MISRA AC AGC does not change MISRA C:2004 rules, rather it modifies the adherence
recommendation. For more information about MISRA C, see www.misra-c.com.

Embedded Coder and Simulink offer capabilities to minimize the potential for MISRA C
rule violations, especially rules deemed applicable by MISRA AC AGC.

To configure a model or subsystem so that the code generator is most likely to produce
MISRA C:2004 compliant code, use the Code Generation Advisor. For more information,
refer to:

• “High-Level Code Generation Objectives”

• “Determine Model Configuration for Specified Objectives”

The “ Model Advisor” also checks that you developed your model or subsystem to increase
the likelihood of generating MISRA C:2004 compliant code. To check your model or

1 Open the“ Model Advisor”.

2 Navigate to By Product > Embedded Coder.
3 Run the following checks:

• “Check for blocks not recommended for MISRA-C:2004 compliance”

• “Check configuration parameters for MISRA-C:2004 compliance”

For more information about using the Model Advisor, see “Run Model Checks” in the
Simulink documentation.

2. MISRA and MISRA C are registered trademarks of MIRA Ltd., held on behalf of the MISRA Consortium.

3 Guidelines and Standards

For information about using Embedded Coder software within MISRA C guidelines, see
Technical Solution 1-1IFP0W on the MathWorks Web site.

IEC 61508 Standard

IEC 61508 Standard

In this section...
“Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the IEC 61508 Standard” on page 3-7
“Check for IEC 61508 Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor” on page 3-7
“Validate Traceability” on page 3-8

Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the IEC 61508 Standard

Applying Model-Based Design to a safety-critical system requires extra consideration
and rigor so that the system adheres to defined safety standards. IEC 61508, Functional
safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety related systems, is such a
standard. Because the standard was published when most software was coded by hand,
the standard needs to be mapped to Model-Based Design technologies. Model-Based
Design for IEC 61508 (Excerpts) provides a sampling of information available from a
document that offers recommendations on how to apply Simulink, Simulink Coder, and
third-party products for Model-Based Design to IEC 61508 measures and techniques.
For the complete version of Model-Based Design for IEC 61508, see Technical Solution
1-32COJP on the MathWorks Web site.

MathWorks provides an IEC Certification Kit product that you can use to certify
MathWorks code generation and verification tools for projects based on the IEC 61508
standard. For more information, see http://www.mathworks.com/products/iec-61508/.

Check for IEC 61508 Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor
If you have a Simulink Verification and Validation product license, you can check that
your Simulink model or subsystem and the code that you generate from it complies with
selected aspects of the IEC 61508 standard by running the “Simulink Model Advisor”.
Navigate to By Product > Simulink Verification and Validation > Modeling
Standards > IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and EN 50128 Checks or By Task > Modeling
Standards for IEC 61508 and run the “IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and EN 50128 Checks”.

For more information on using the Model Advisor, see “Run Model Checks” in the
Simulink documentation.

3 Guidelines and Standards

Validate Traceability
Typically, applications that require certification require some level of traceability
between requirements, models, and corresponding code.

To... Use...
Associate requirements documents The “Requirements Traceability” that is
with objects in Simulink models available if you have a Simulink Verification and
Validation license.
Trace model blocks and subsystems to The “Model-to-code traceability option” when
generated code generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.
Trace generated code to model blocks The “Code-to-model traceability option” when
and subsystems generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.

ISO 26262 Standard

ISO 26262 Standard

In this section...
“Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the ISO 26262 Standard” on page 3-9
“Check for ISO 26262 Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor” on page 3-9
“Validate Traceability” on page 3-8

Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the ISO 26262 Standard

Applying Model-Based Design to a safety-critical system requires extra consideration
and rigor so that the system adheres to defined functional safety standards. ISO 26262,
Road Vehicles - Functional Safety, is such a standard. For further information about
MathWorks support for ISO 26262, see ISO 26262 Support in MATLAB and Simulink.

MathWorks provides an IEC Certification Kit product that you can use to qualify
MathWorks code generation and verification tools for projects based on the ISO 26262
standard. For more information, see http://www.mathworks.com/products/iso–26262/.

Check for ISO 26262 Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor
If you have a Simulink Verification and Validation product license, you can check that
your Simulink model or subsystem and the code that you generate from it complies with
selected aspects of the ISO 26262 standard by running the “Simulink Model Advisor”.
Navigate to By Product > Simulink Verification and Validation > Modeling
Standards > IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and EN 50128 Checks or By Task > Modeling
Standards for ISO 26262 and run the “IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and EN 50128 Checks”.

For more information on using the Model Advisor, see “Run Model Checks” in the
Simulink documentation.

Validate Traceability
Typically, applications that require certification require some level of traceability
between requirements, models, and corresponding code.
To... Use...
Associate requirements documents The “Requirements Traceability” that is
with objects in Simulink models available if you have a Simulink Verification and
Validation license.

3 Guidelines and Standards

To... Use...
Trace model blocks and subsystems to The “Model-to-code traceability option” when
generated code generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.
Trace generated code to model blocks The “Code-to-model traceability option” when
and subsystems generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.

EN 50128 Standard

EN 50128 Standard
In this section...
“Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the EN 50128 Standard” on page 3-11
“Check for EN 50128 Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor” on page 3-11
“Validate Traceability” on page 3-8

Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the EN 50128 Standard

Applying Model-Based Design to a safety-critical system requires extra consideration
and rigor so that the system adheres to defined safety standards. EN 50128, Railway
applications — Software for railway control and protection systems, is such a standard.

MathWorks provides an IEC Certification Kit product that you can use to certify
MathWorks code generation and verification tools for projects based on the EN 50128
standard. For more information, see http://www.mathworks.com/products/iec-61508/.

Check for EN 50128 Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor

If you have a Simulink Verification and Validation product license, you can check that
your Simulink model or subsystem and the code that you generate from it complies with
selected aspects of the EN 50128 standard by running the “Simulink Model Advisor”.
Navigate to By Product > Simulink Verification and Validation > Modeling
Standards > IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and EN 50128 Checks or By Task > Modeling
Standards for EN 50128 and run the “IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and EN 50128 Checks”.

For more information on using the Model Advisor, see “Run Model Checks” in the
Simulink documentation.

Validate Traceability
Typically, applications that require certification require some level of traceability
between requirements, models, and corresponding code.

To... Use...
Associate requirements documents The “Requirements Traceability” that is
with objects in Simulink models available if you have a Simulink Verification and
Validation license.

3 Guidelines and Standards

To... Use...
Trace model blocks and subsystems to The “Model-to-code traceability option” when
generated code generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.
Trace generated code to model blocks The “Code-to-model traceability option” when
and subsystems generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.

DO-178C Standard

DO-178C Standard
In this section...
“Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the DO-178C Standard” on page 3-13
“Check for Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor” on page 3-13
“Validate Traceability” on page 3-8

Apply Simulink and Embedded Coder to the DO-178C Standard

Applying Model-Based Design to a high-integrity system requires extra consideration
and rigor so that the system adheres to defined safety standards. DO-178C Software
Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification is such a standard. A
supplement to DO-178C, DO-331, provides guidance on the use of Model-Based Design
technologies. MathWorks provides a DO Qualification Kit product that you can use to
qualify MathWorks verification tools for projects based on the DO-178C, DO-331, and
related standards. For more information, see http://www.mathworks.com/products/

For information about Model-Based Design and MathWorks support of aerospace and
defense industry standards, see http://www.mathworks.com/aerospace-defense/ .

Check for Standard Compliance Using the Model Advisor

If you have a Simulink Verification and Validation product license, you can check that
your Simulink model or subsystem and the code that you generate from it complies with
selected aspects of the DO-178C standard by running the “Simulink Model Advisor”.
Navigate to By Product > Simulink Verification and Validation > Modeling
Standards > DO-178C/DO-331 Checks or By Task > Modeling Standards for
DO-178C/DO-331 and run the “DO-178C/DO-331 checks”.

For more information on using the Model Advisor, see “Run Model Checks” in the
Simulink documentation.

Validate Traceability
Typically, applications that require certification require some level of traceability
between requirements, models, and corresponding code.

3 Guidelines and Standards

To... Use...
Associate requirements documents The “Requirements Traceability” that is
with objects in Simulink models available if you have a Simulink Verification and
Validation license.
Trace model blocks and subsystems to The “Model-to-code traceability option” when
generated code generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.
Trace generated code to model blocks The “Code-to-model traceability option” when
and subsystems generating an HTML report during the code
generation or build process.


Patterns for C Code

• “About Modeling Patterns” on page 4-3

• “Prepare a Model for Code Generation” on page 4-4
• “Data Declaration” on page 4-8
• “Data Type Conversion” on page 4-11
• “Type Qualifiers” on page 4-14
• “Relational and Logical Operators” on page 4-16
• “Bitwise Operations” on page 4-20
• “If-Else” on page 4-23
• “Switch” on page 4-28
• “For Loop” on page 4-33
• “While Loop” on page 4-39
• “Do While Loop” on page 4-48
• “Function Call” on page 4-54
• “Function Prototyping” on page 4-56
• “External C Functions” on page 4-59
• “Macro Definitions (#define)” on page 4-65
• “Conditional Inclusions (#if / #endif)” on page 4-68
• “Typedef” on page 4-69
• “Structures for Parameters” on page 4-71
• “Structures for Signals” on page 4-73
• “Nested Structures” on page 4-76
• “Bitfields” on page 4-80
• “Arrays for Parameters” on page 4-82
• “Arrays for Signals” on page 4-84
• “Pointers for Signals” on page 4-86
4 Patterns for C Code

• “Pointers Using Simulink Data Objects” on page 4-87

About Modeling Patterns

About Modeling Patterns

Several standard methods are available for setting up a model to generate specific C
constructs in your code. For preparing your model for code generation, some of these
methods include: configuring signals and ports, initializing states, and setting up
configuration parameters for code generation. Depending on the components of your
model, some of these methods are optional. Methods for configuring a model to generate
specific C constructs are organized by category, for example, the Control Flow category
includes constructs if-else, switch, for, and while. Refer to the name of a construct
to see how you should configure blocks and parameters in your model. Different modeling
methodologies are available, such as Simulink blocks, Stateflow charts, and MATLAB
Function blocks, to implement a C construct.

Model examples have the following naming conventions:

Model Components Naming Convention

Inputs u1, u2, u3, and so on
Outputs y1, y2, y3, and so on
Parameters p1, p2, p3, and so on
States x1, x2, x3, and so on

Input ports are named to reflect the signal names that they propagate.

4 Patterns for C Code

Prepare a Model for Code Generation

In this section...
“Configure a Signal” on page 4-4
“Configure Input and Output Ports” on page 4-4
“Initialize States” on page 4-5
“Set Up Configuration Parameters for Code Generation” on page 4-5
“Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6
“Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function Block” on page 4-7

Configure a Signal
1 Create a model in Simulink. For more information, see “Modeling Basics”.
2 Right-click a signal line. Select Properties. For more information about the Signal
Properties dialog box, see “Signal Properties”.
3 Enter a signal name for the Signal name parameter.
4 On the same Signal Properties dialog box, select the Code Generation tab. Use
the drop down menu for the Storage class parameter to specify a storage class.
Examples in this chapter use Exported Global.

Note: Alternatively, on the Signal Properties dialog box, select Signal name must
resolve to Simulink signal object. Then create a signal data object in the base
workspace with the same name as the signal. See “Create Simulink and mpt Data
Objects” for more information on creating data objects in the base workspace.
(Examples use mpt.Signal and specify the Storage class as ExportedGlobal.

Configure Input and Output Ports

1 In your model,

Double-click an Inport or Outport block. A Block Parameters dialog box opens.

2 Select the Signal Attributes tab.
3 Specify the Port dimensions and Data type. Examples leave the default value for
Port dimensions as —1 (for inherited) and Data type as Inherit: auto.

Prepare a Model for Code Generation

Initialize States
1 Double-click a block.
2 In the Block Parameters dialog box, select the Main tab.
3 Specify the Initial conditions and Sample time. For more information, see “
Specify Sample Time”.
4 Select the State Attributes pane. Specify the state name. See “States”.
5 You can also use the Data Object Wizard for creating data objects. A part of this
process initializes states. See “Create Data Objects with Data Object Wizard”.

Set Up Configuration Parameters for Code Generation

1 Open the Configuration Parameter dialog box by selecting Simulation > Model
Configuration parameters. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E.
2 Open the Solver pane and select

• Solver type: Fixed-Step

• Solver: discrete (no continuous states)
3 Open the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, and select the Inline
parameters parameter.
4 Open the Code Generation pane, and specify ert.tlc as the System Target
5 Clear Generate makefile.
6 Select Generate code only.
7 Enable the HTML report generation by opening the Code Generation >
Report pane and selecting Create code generation report, Launch report
automatically, and Code-to-model. Enabling the HTML report generation is
8 Click Apply and then OK to exit.

4 Patterns for C Code

Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart

Follow this general procedure to create a simple model containing a Stateflow chart.

1 From the Stateflow > Chart library, add a Stateflow chart to your model .
2 Add Inport blocks and Outport blocks according to the example model.
3 Open the Stateflow Editor by performing one of the following:

• Double-click the Stateflow chart.

• Press Ctrl+R.
4 Select Chart > Add Inputs & Outputs > Data Input from Simulink to add the
inputs to the chart. A Data dialog box opens for each input.
5 Specify the Name (u1, u2, ...) and the Type (Inherit: Same as Simulink)
for each input, unless specified differently in the example. Click OK.

Click Apply and close each dialog box.

6 Select Chart > Add Inputs & Outputs > Data Output from Simulink to add the
outputs to the chart. A Data dialog opens for each output.
7 Specify the Name (y1, y2, ...) and Type (Inherit: Same as Simulink) for
each output, unless specified differently in the example. Click OK.
8 Click Apply and close each dialog box.
9 In the Stateflow Editor, create the Stateflow diagram specific to the example.
10 The inputs and outputs appear on the chart in your model.
11 Connect the Inport and Outport blocks to the Stateflow Chart.
12 Configure the input and output signals; see “Configure a Signal” on page 4-4.

Prepare a Model for Code Generation

Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function Block

1 Add the number of Inport and Outport blocks according to a C construct example
included in this chapter.
2 From the Simulink User-defined Functions library drag a MATLAB Function block
into the model.
3 Double-click the block. The MATLAB Function Block Editor opens. Edit the function
to implement your application.
4 Click File > Save and close the MATLAB Function Block Editor.
5 Connect the Inport and Outport blocks to the MATLAB Function block. See
“Configure a Signal” on page 4-4.
6 Save your model.

4 Patterns for C Code

Data Declaration

C Construct
int32 p1 = 3;

Declare a Variable for a Block Parameter Using a Data Object

You can specify certain block parameters as a variable. If you define the variable as a
data object, the variable is global. Where the variable is declared in the generated code
depends on the custom storage class that you choose (and whether you select Inline
Parameters on the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane ). If you choose
Inline Parameters, then the data object name is used in the generated code. If you did
not choose Inline Parameters, the generated code creates a global structure that stores
all of the parameters. For more information on how to create a data object, see “Create
and Apply User-Defined Data Types”.

Block Parameter
Constant Value
Gain Value
For Iterator Iteration Limit

There are several methods for configuring data objects:

• For a model with many parameters, use the Data Object Wizard, which analyzes
your model and finds the unresolved data objects and data types. You can then create
the data objects in the Data Object Wizard. The procedure for using the Data Object
Wizard for a parameter is similar to the procedure for a signal. For an example, see
“Declare a Variable for a Signal using a Data Object” on page 4-10.
• To add, delete, edit, and configure data objects, use the base workspace in the Model
• To create and configure data objects, use the MATLAB command line.

The following example demonstrates how to create a data object using the Model
Explorer. The declaration statement in the generated code is as follows:

int Kp = 3;

Data Declaration

1 Create a model containing a Constant block and a Gain block.

2 Press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

3 On the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane of the Configuration

Parameter dialog box, select Inline parameters.
4 Click Apply and OK. The Configuration Parameter dialog box closes.
5 In your model, double-click the Constant block. The Block Parameters dialog box
6 In the Value field, enter a variable name. In this example, the variable name is p1.
7 In your model, double-click the Gain block. The Block Parameters dialog box opens.
8 In the Value field, enter a variable name. In this example, the variable name is p2.
9 Press Ctrl+H to open the Model Explorer. On the Model Hierarchy pane, select the
base workspace.
10 Add two mpt parameter objects. Select Add > Add Custom. On the Contents of:
Base Workspace pane, you see the parameters.
11 Double-click each mpt.Parameter object and change their names to p1 and p2.
12 Click the p1 parameter. The data object parameters are displayed in the right pane
of the Model Explorer.
13 In the Value field, enter 3 for p1. For the Data type, select int32. Because you
chose an mpt parameter, the Storage Class is already set to Global(Custom).
14 In the Value field, enter 5 for p2. For the Data type, select int32.
15 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

In the model.c file you see:

int32 p1 = 3;
int32 p2 = 5;

Note: Depending on the storage class, the global variable is represented differently in the
generated code. For more information, see “Parameter Objects”.

C Construct
int p1 = 3;

4 Patterns for C Code

Declare a Variable for a Signal using a Data Object

1 Create a model and label the signals.
2 Open the Data Object Wizard. In the Simulink Editor, select Code > Data
Objects > Data Object Wizard. If you are not familiar with creating Simulink
Data Objects using the wizard, refer to “Data Object Wizard” .
3 Click Find. The list of unresolved parameters and objects populates the Data Object
Wizard. You can do mass edits for identical data objects.
4 Select the signals individually or select all signals by clicking Check All.
5 From the parameter Choose package for selected data objects drop-down list,
select the mpt package. Click Apply Package. When you open the Model Explorer
the data objects appear in the base workspace.
6 In the base workspace, click the p1 data object . The data object parameters appear
in the right pane of the Model Explorer.
7 From the Data type drop-down list, select int16.
8 You can also specify the storage class. The data object is an mpt.Parameter object,
therefore the Storage Class is automatically set to Global (Custom).

Note: The Storage class alters the data object implementation in the generated code.
For more information, see “Signal Objects”.

Data Type Conversion

Data Type Conversion

C Construct
y1 = (double)u1;

Modeling Patterns
• “Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — Simulink Block” on page 4-11
• “Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — Stateflow Chart” on page 4-12
• “Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — MATLAB Function Block” on page

Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — Simulink Block

One method to create a data type conversion is to use a Data Type Conversion block from
the Simulink > Commonly Used Blocks library.


1 From the Commonly Used Blocks library, drag a Data Type Conversion block into
your model and connect to the Inport and Outport blocks.
2 Double-click on the Data Type Conversion block to open the Block Parameters dialog
3 Select the Output data type parameter as double.
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.

The generated code appears in ex_data_type_SL.c, as follows:

int32_T u1;
real_T y1;

void ex_data_type_SL_step(void)
y1 = (real_T)u1;

4 Patterns for C Code

The Embedded Coder type definition for double is real_T.

Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — Stateflow Chart

Stateflow Chart Type Conversion


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6 .
This example contains one Inport block and one Outport block.
2 Name the example model ex_data_type_SF.
3 Double-click the Inport block and select the Signal Attributes tab. Specify the
Data Type as int32 from the drop down menu.
4 Double-click the Outport block and select the Signal Attributes tab. Specify the
Data Type as Inherit: auto from the drop down menu.
5 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code appears in ex_data_type_SF.c, as follows:

int32_T u1;
real_T y1;
void ex_data_type_SF_step(void)
y1 = (real_T)u1;

Modeling Pattern for Data Type Conversion — MATLAB Function Block


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function Block” on
page 4-7 . This example model contains one Inport block and one Outport block.

Data Type Conversion

2 Name the model ex_data_type_ML_Func.

3 In the MATLAB Function Block Editor enter the function, as follows:
function y1 = typeconv(u1)
y1 = double(u1);
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code appears in ex_data_type_ML_func.c, where real32_T is a float

and real_T is a double. Type conversion occurs across assignments.
real32_T u1;
real_T y1;

void ex_data_type_ML_func_step(void)
y1 = u1;

Other Type Conversions in Modeling

Type conversions can also occur on the output of blocks where the output variable is
specified as a different data type. For example, in the Gain block, you can select the
Inherit via internal rule parameter to control the output signal data type. Another
example of type conversion can occur at the boundary of a Stateflow chart. You can
specify the output variable as a different data type.

4 Patterns for C Code

Type Qualifiers

Modeling Patterns for Type Qualifiers

• “Using a Tunable Parameter in the Base Workspace” on page 4-14
• “Use a Data Object of the Const Custom Storage Class” on page 4-15

Using a Tunable Parameter in the Base Workspace

A tunable parameter is a block parameter whose value can be changed at runtime. The
storage class property of a parameter specifies how the parameter is declared in the
generated code.



1 Create a model containing a Constant block and an Outport block.

2 Double-click the Constant block. In the Constant value field, enter the parameter
name p1 .
3 In the base workspace, create a MATLAB variable for p1 and specify its Value as
9.8 and its Data type as double.
4 Press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and select the
Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane.
5 Select the Inline parameters parameter, which activates the Configure button.
6 Click the Configure button to open the Model Parameter Configuration dialog box.
7 To declare a tunable parameter, from the Source list, select the variable p1.
8 Click the Add to table button to add p1 to the Global (tunable) parameters
9 Click the Storage Class and select Exported Global.
10 Click the Storage Type Qualifier arrow and select const.

Type Qualifiers

11 Click Apply to save the changes.

12 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code appears in ex_type_qual.c as follows:

/* Exported block parameters */
const real_T p1 = 9.8; /* Variable: p1
* Referenced by: '<Root>/Constant'

Use a Data Object of the Const Custom Storage Class

One way to create a type qualifier in the generated code is to create a data object and
specify a custom storage class. Use the previous model, ex_type_qual, for this example.
Specify p1 differently as follows:


1 Press Ctrl+H to open the Model Explorer. On the Model Hierarchy pane, select the
base workspace.
2 Select Add > Add Custom to add an mpt parameter object. The parameter is
displayed in the Contents of: Base Workspace pane.
3 Double-click the mpt.Parameter object and change the Name to p1.
4 Click the p1 parameter which displays the data object parameters on the right pane
of the Model Explorer.
5 In the Value field, enter 9.8 for p1. Specify the Data type as auto for 64–bit
6 You can use the different type qualifiers by selecting a custom storage class from the
Storage class list. For this example, select ConstVolatile (custom).
7 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane, select the Inline parameters.
8 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code produces the type qualifier in ex_type_qual.c:

const volatile real_T p1 = 9.8;

4 Patterns for C Code

Relational and Logical Operators

Modeling Patterns for Relational and Logical Operators

• “Modeling Pattern for Relational or Logical Operators — Simulink Blocks” on page
• “Modeling Pattern for Relational and Logical Operators —Stateflow Chart” on page
• “Modeling Pattern for Relational and Logical Operators — MATLAB Function Block”
on page 4-18

Modeling Pattern for Relational or Logical Operators — Simulink Blocks



1 From the Logic and Bit Operations library, drag a Logical Operator block into
your model.
2 Double-click the block to configure the logical operation. Set the Operator field to
3 Name the blocks, as shown in the model ex_logical_SL.
4 Connect the blocks and name the signals, as shown in the model ex_logical_SL.
5 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.

Note: You can use the above procedure to implement relational operators by replacing
the Logical Operator block with a Relational Operator block.

Relational and Logical Operators


Code implementing the logical operator OR is in the ex_logical_SL_step function in


/* Exported block signals */

boolean_T u1; /* '<Root>/u1' */
boolean_T u2; /* '<Root>/u2' */
boolean_T y1; /* '<Root>/Logical Operator'*/

/* Logic: '<Root>/Logical Operator' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
* Inport: '<Root>/u2'
y1 = (u1 || u2);

Modeling Pattern for Relational and Logical Operators —Stateflow Chart

ex_logical_SF/Logical Operator Stateflow Chart


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6.
This example model contains two Inport blocks and one Outport block.
2 Name the example model ex_logical_SF.
3 In the Stateflow Editor, specify the Data Type for y1 as Boolean.
4 In the Stateflow Editor, create the Stateflow diagram as shown. The relational
or logical operation actions are on the transition from one junction to another.
Relational statements specify conditions to conditionally allow a transition. In that
case, the statement would be within square brackets.
5 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.

4 Patterns for C Code


Code implementing the logical operator OR is in the ex_logical_SF_step function in

boolean_T u1; /* '<Root>/u1' */
boolean_T u2; /* '<Root>/u2' */
boolean_T y1; /* '<Root>/Chart' */

void ex_logical_SF_step(void)
y1 = (u1 || u2);

Modeling Pattern for Relational and Logical Operators — MATLAB

Function Block
This example demonstrates the MATLAB Function block method for incorporating
operators into the generated code using a relational operator.


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function Block” on
page 4-7 . This example model contains two Inport blocks and one Outport block.
2 Name the example model ex_rel_operator_ML.
3 In the MATLAB Function Block Editor enter the function, as follows:
function y1 = fcn(u1, u2)
y1 = u1 > u2;
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


Code implementing the relational operator '>' is in the ex_rel_operator_ML_step

function in ex_rel_operator_ML.c:
real_T u1; /* '<Root>/u1' */
real_T u2; /* '<Root>/u2' */
boolean_T y; /* '<Root>/MATLAB Function' */

void ex_rel_operator_ML_step(void)

Relational and Logical Operators

y = (u1 > u2);

4 Patterns for C Code

Bitwise Operations

Simulink Bitwise-Operator Block



1 Drag a Bitwise Operator block from the Logic and Bit Operations library into
your model.
2 Double-click the block to open the Block Parameters dialog.
3 Select the type of Operator. In this example, select AND.
4 In order to perform Bitwise operations with a bit-mask, select Use bit mask.

Note: If another input uses Bitwise operations, clear the Use bit mask parameter
and enter the number of input ports.
5 In the Bit Mask field, enter a decimal number. Use bin2dec or hex2dec to convert
from binary or hexadecimal. In this example, enter hex2dec('D9').
6 Name the blocks, as shown in, model ex_bit_logic_SL.
7 Connect the blocks and name the signals, as shown in, model ex_bit_logic_SL.
8 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


Code implementing the logical operator OR is in the ex_bit_logic_SL_step function

in ex_bit_logic_SL.c:

uint8_T u1;

Bitwise Operations

uint8_T y1;

void ex_bit_logic_SL_step(void)
y1 = (uint8_T)(u1 & 217);

Stateflow Chart

ex_bit_logic_SF/Bit_Logic Stateflow Chart


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6.
This example contains one Inport block and one Outport block.
2 Name the example model ex_bit_logic_SF.
3 From the Stateflow Editor, select Tools > Explore to open the Model Explorer.
4 In the Model Explorer, on the right pane, select Enable C-bit operations.
5 In the Stateflow Editor, create the Stateflow diagram, ex_bit_logic_SF/
6 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


Code implementing the logical operator OR is in the ex_bit_logic_SF_step function

in ex_bit_logic_SF.c:
uint8_T u1;
uint8_T y1;

void bit_logic_SF_step(void)
y1 = (uint8_T)(u1 & 0xD9);

4 Patterns for C Code

MATLAB Function Block

In this example, to demonstrate the MATLAB Function block method for implementing
bitwise logic into the generated code, use the bitwise OR, '|'.


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function Block” on
page 4-7. This example model contains two Inport blocks and one Outport block.
2 Name your model ex_bit_logic_ML.
3 In the MATLAB Function Block Editor enter the function, as follows:
function y1 = fcn(u1, u2)

y1 = bitor(u1, u2);
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


Code implementing the bitwise operator OR is in the ex_bit_logic_ML_step function

in ex_bit_logic_ML.c:

uint8_T u1;
uint8_T u2;
uint8_T y1;

void ex_bit_logic_ML_step(void)
y1 = (uint8_T)(u1 | u2);



C Construct
if (u1 > u2)
y1 = u1;
y1 = u2;

Modeling Patterns
• “Modeling Pattern for If-Else: Switch block” on page 4-23
• “Modeling Pattern for If-Else: Stateflow Chart” on page 4-25
• “Modeling Pattern for If-Else: MATLAB Function Block” on page 4-26

Modeling Pattern for If-Else: Switch block

One method to create an if-else statement is to use a Switch block from the Simulink
> Signal Routing library.

Model ex_if_else_SL

4 Patterns for C Code


1 Drag the Switch block from the Simulink>Signal Routing library into your model.
2 Connect the data inputs and outputs to the block.
3 Drag a Relational Operator block from the Logic & Bit Operations library into your
4 Connect the signals that are used in the if-expression to the Relational Operator
block. The order of connection determines the placement of each signal in the if-
5 Configure the Relational Operator block to be a greater than operator.
6 Connect the controlling input to the middle input port of the Switch block.
7 Double-click the Switch block and set Criteria for passing first input to u2~=0.
The software selects u1 if u2 is TRUE; otherwise u2 passes.
8 Enter Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code includes the following ex_if_else_SL_step function in the file
/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */
ExternalInputs U;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

ExternalOutputs Y;

/* Model step function */

void ex_if_else_SL_step(void)
/* Switch: '<Root>/Switch' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
* Inport: '<Root>/u2'
* Outport: '<Root>/y1'
* RelationalOperator: '<Root>/Relational Operator'
if (U.u1 > U.u2) {
Y.y1 = U.u1;
} else {
Y.y1 = U.u2;


Modeling Pattern for If-Else: Stateflow Chart



1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6.
This example model contains two Inport blocks and one Outport block.
2 Name your model ex_if_else_SF.
3 When configuring your Stateflow chart, select Chart > Add Patterns > Decision >
If-Else. The Stateflow Pattern dialog opens. Fill in the fields as follows:

Description If-Else (optional)

If condition u1 > u2
If action y1 = u1
Else action y1 = u2
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code includes the following ex_if_else_SF_step function in the file
/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */
ExternalInputs U;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

ExternalOutputs Y;

/* Model step function */

4 Patterns for C Code

void ex_if_else_SF_step(void)
/* Stateflow: '<Root>/Chart' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
* Inport: '<Root>/u2'
* Outport: '<Root>/y1'
/* Gateway: Chart */
/* During: Chart */
/* Transition: '<S1>:14' */
/* If-Else */
if (U.u1 > U.u2) {
/* Transition: '<S1>:13' */
/* Transition: '<S1>:12' */
Y.y1 = U.u1;

/* Transition: '<S1>:11' */
} else {
/* Transition: '<S1>:10' */
Y.y1 = U.u2;

/* Transition: '<S1>:9' */

Modeling Pattern for If-Else: MATLAB Function Block


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function Block” on
page 4-7. This example model contains two Inport blocks and one Outport block.
2 Name your model ex_if_else_ML.
3 In the MATLAB Function Block Editor enter the function, as follows:
function y1 = fcn(u1, u2)
if u1 > u2;
y1 = u1;
else y1 = u2;
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code includes the following ex_if_else_ML_step function in the file
/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */
ExternalInputs U;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

ExternalOutputs Y;


/* Model step function */

void ex_if_else_ML_step(void)
/* MATLAB Function Block: '<Root>/MATLAB Function' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
* Inport: '<Root>/u2'
* Outport: '<Root>/y1'
/* MATLAB Function 'MATLAB Function': '<S1>:1' */
if (U.u1 > U.u2) {
/* '<S1>:1:4' */
/* '<S1>:1:5' */
Y.y1 = U.u1;
} else {
/* '<S1>:1:6' */
Y.y1 = U.u2;

4 Patterns for C Code


C Construct
switch (u1)
case 2:
y1 = u2;
case 3:
y1 = u3;
y1 = u4;

Modeling Patterns
• “Modeling Pattern for Switch: Switch Case block” on page 4-28
• “Modeling Pattern for Switch: MATLAB Function block” on page 4-31
• “Convert If-Elseif-Else to Switch statement” on page 4-32

Modeling Pattern for Switch: Switch Case block

One method for creating a switch statement is to use a Switch Case block from the
Simulink > Ports and Subsystems library.


Model ex_switch_SL


1 Drag a Switch Case block from the Simulink > Ports and Subsystems library into
your model.
2 Double-click the block. In the Block Parameters dialog box, fill in the Case
Conditions parameter. In this example, the two cases are: {2,3}.
3 Select the Show default case parameter. The default case is optional in a switch
4 Connect the condition input u1 to the input port of the Switch block.
5 Drag Switch Case Action Subsystem blocks from the Simulink>Ports and
Subsystems library to correspond with the number of cases.
6 Configure the “Switch Case Action Subsystem” subsystems.
7 Drag a Merge block from the Simulink > Signal Routing library to merge the
8 The Switch Case block takes an integer input, therefore, the input signal u1 is type
cast to an int32.

4 Patterns for C Code

9 Enter Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code includes the following ex_switch_SL_step function in the file
/* Exported block signals */
int32_T u1; /* '<Root>/u1' */

/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */

ExternalInputs U;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

ExternalOutputs Y;

/* Model step function */

void ex_switch_SL_step(void)
/* SwitchCase: '<Root>/Switch Case' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S1>/Action Port'
* ActionPort: '<S2>/Action Port'
* ActionPort: '<S3>/Action Port'
* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
* SubSystem: '<Root>/Switch Case Action Subsystem'
* SubSystem: '<Root>/Switch Case Action Subsystem1'
* SubSystem: '<Root>/Switch Case Action Subsystem2'
switch (u1) {
case 2:
/* Inport: '<S1>/u2' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u2'
* Outport: '<Root>/y1'
Y.y1 = U.u2;

case 3:
/* Inport: '<S2>/u3' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u3'
* Outport: '<Root>/y1'
Y.y1 = U.u3;

/* Inport: '<S3>/u4' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u4'
* Outport: '<Root>/y1'
Y.y1 = U.u4;


Modeling Pattern for Switch: MATLAB Function block


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function Block” on
page 4-7. This example model contains four Inport blocks and one Outport block.
2 Name your model ex_switch_ML.
3 In the MATLAB Function Block Editor enter the function, as follows:
function y1 = fcn(u1, u2, u3, u4)

switch u1
case 2
y1 = u2;
case 3
y1 = u3;
y1 = u4;
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code includes the following ex_switch_ML_step function in the file
/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */
ExternalInputs U;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

ExternalOutputs Y;

/* Model step function */

void ex_switch_ML_step(void)
/* MATLAB Function Block: '<Root>/MATLAB Function' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
* Inport: '<Root>/u2'
* Inport: '<Root>/u3'
* Inport: '<Root>/u4'
* Outport: '<Root>/y1'
/* MATLAB Function 'MATLAB Function': '<S1>:1' */
/* '<S1>:1:4' */
switch (U.u1) {
case 2:
/* '<S1>:1:6' */
Y.y1 = U.u2;

4 Patterns for C Code

case 3:
/* '<S1>:1:8' */
Y.y1 = U.u3;

/* '<S1>:1:10' */
Y.y1 = U.u4;

Convert If-Elseif-Else to Switch statement

If a MATLAB Function block or a Stateflow chart uses if-elseif-else decision logic,
you can convert it to a switch statement by using a configuration parameter. In the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation > Code Style pane,
select the “Convert if-elseif-else patterns to switch-case statements” parameter. For
more information, see “Converting If-Elseif-Else Code to Switch-Case Statements” in
the Simulink documentation. For more information on this conversion using a Stateflow
chart, see “Convert If-Elseif-Else Code to Switch-Case Statements” and “Example of
Converting Code to Switch-Case Statements” in the Stateflow documentation.

For Loop

For Loop

C Construct
y1 = 0;
for(inx = 0; inx <10; inx++)
y1 = u1[inx] + y1;

Modeling Patterns:
• “Modeling Pattern for For Loop: For-Iterator Subsystem block” on page 4-33
• “Modeling Pattern for For Loop: Stateflow Chart” on page 4-36
• “Modeling Pattern for For Loop: MATLAB Function block” on page 4-37

Modeling Pattern for For Loop: For-Iterator Subsystem block

One method for creating a for loop is to use a For Iterator Subsystem block from the
Simulink > Ports and Subsystems library.

Model ex_for_loop_SL

4 Patterns for C Code

For Iterator Subsystem


1 Drag a “For Iterator Subsystem” block from the Simulink > Ports and
Subsystems library into your model.
2 Connect the data inputs and outputs to the For Iterator Subsystem block.
3 Open the Inport block.
4 In the Block Parameters dialog box, select the Signal Attributes pane and set the
Port dimensions parameter to 10.
5 Double-click the For Iterator Subsystem block to open the subsystem.
6 Drag an Index Vector block from the Signal-Routing library into the subsystem.
7 Open the For Iterator block. In the Block Parameters dialog box set the Index-mode
parameter to Zero-based and the Iteration limit parameter to 10.
8 Connect the controlling input to the topmost input port of the Index Vector block,
and the other input to the second port.
9 Drag an Add block from the Math Operations library into the subsystem.
10 Drag a Unit Delay block from Commonly Used Blocks library into the subsystem.
11 Double-click the Unit Delay block and set the Initial Conditions parameter to 0.
This parameter initializes the state to zero.
12 Connect the blocks as shown in the model diagram.
13 Save the subsystem and the model.

For Loop

14 Enter Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code includes the following ex_for_loop_SL_step function in the file
/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */
ExternalInputs U;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

ExternalOutputs Y;

/* Model step function */

void ex_for_loop_SL_step(void)
int32_T s1_iter;
int32_T rtb_y1;

/* Outputs for iterator SubSystem: '<Root>/For Iterator Subsystem' incorporates:

* ForIterator: '<S1>/For Iterator'
for (s1_iter = 0; s1_iter < 10; s1_iter++) {
/* Sum: '<S1>/Add' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
* MultiPortSwitch: '<S1>/Index Vector'
* UnitDelay: '<S1>/Unit Delay'
rtb_y1 = U.u1[s1_iter] + DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE;

/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S1>/Unit Delay' */

DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtb_y1;

/* end of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/For Iterator Subsystem' */

/* Outport: '<Root>/y1' */
Y.y1 = rtb_y1;

4 Patterns for C Code

Modeling Pattern for For Loop: Stateflow Chart


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6.
This example model contains one Inport block and one Outport block.
2 Name the model ex_for_loop_SF.
3 Enter Ctrl+R to open the Model Explorer.
4 In the Model Explorer, select the output variable, u1, and in the right pane, select
the General tab and set the Initial Value to 0.
5 In the Stateflow Editor, select Chart > Add Patterns > Loop > For. The
Stateflow Pattern dialog opens.
6 Fill in the fields in the Stateflow Pattern dialog box as follows:

Description For Loop (optional)

Initializer expression inx = 0
Loop test expression inx < 10
Counting expression inx++
For loop body y1 = u1[inx] + y1

The Stateflow diagram is shown.

7 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.

For Loop


The generated code includes the following ex_for_loop_SF_step function in the file
/* Block signals (auto storage) */
BlockIO B;

/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */

ExternalInputs U;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

ExternalOutputs Y;

/* Model step function */

void ex_for_loop_SF_step(void)
int32_T sf_inx;

/* Stateflow: '<Root>/Chart' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
/* Gateway: Chart */
/* During: Chart */
/* Transition: '<S1>:24' */
/* For Loop */
/* Transition: '<S1>:25' */
for (sf_inx = 0; sf_inx < 10; sf_inx++) {
/* Transition: '<S1>:22' */
/* Transition: '<S1>:23' */
B.y1 = U.u1[sf_inx] + B.y1;

/* Transition: '<S1>:21' */

/* Transition: '<S1>:20' */

/* Outport: '<Root>/y1' */
Y.y1 = B.y1;

Modeling Pattern for For Loop: MATLAB Function block


1 Follow the directions for “Set Up an Example Model With a MATLAB Function
Block” on page 4-7. This example model contains one Inport block and one Outport
2 Name your model ex_for_loop_ML.
3 In the MATLAB Function Block Editor enter the function, as follows:
function y1 = fcn(u1)

4 Patterns for C Code

y1 = 0;

for inx=1:10
y1 = u1(inx) + y1 ;
4 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The generated code includes the following ex_for_loop_ML_step function in the file
/* Exported block signals */
real_T u1[10]; /* '<Root>/u1' */
real_T y1; /* '<Root>/MATLAB Function' */

/* Model step function */

void ex_for_loop_ML_step(void)
int32_T inx;

/* MATLAB Function Block: '<Root>/MATLAB Function' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/u1'
/* MATLAB Function 'MATLAB Function': '<S1>:1' */
/* '<S1>:1:3' */
y1 = 0.0;
for (inx = 0; inx < 10; inx++) {
/* '<S1>:1:5' */
/* '<S1>:1:6' */
y1 = u1[inx] + y1;

While Loop

While Loop

C Construct
while(flag && (num_iter <= 100)
flag = func ();
num_iter ++;

Modeling Patterns
• “Modeling Pattern for While Loop: While Iterator Subsystem block” on page 4-39
• “Modeling Pattern for While Loop: Stateflow Chart” on page 4-42
• “Modeling Pattern for While Loop: MATLAB Function Block” on page 4-45

Modeling Pattern for While Loop: While Iterator Subsystem block

One method for creating a while loop is to use a While Iterator Subsystem block from
the Simulink > Ports and Subsystems library.

Model ex_while_loop_SL

4 Patterns for C Code

ex_while_loop_SL/While Iterator Subsystem


1 Drag a While Iterator Subsystem block from the Simulink > Ports and
Subsystems library into the model.
2 Drag a Constant block from the Simulink > Commonly Used Blocks library
into the model. In this case, set the Initial Condition to 1 and the Data Type to
Boolean. You do not have to set the initial condition to FALSE. The initial condition
can be dependent on the input to the block.
3 Connect the Constant block to the While Iterator Subsystem block.
4 Double-click the While Iterator Subsystem block to open the subsystem.
5 Place a Subsystem block next to the While Iterator block.
6 Right-click the subsystem and select Block Parameters (Subsystem). The Block
Parameters dialog box opens.
7 Select the Treat as atomic unit parameter to configure the subsystem to generate
a function. This enables parameters on the Code Generation tab.
8 Select the Code Generation tab. From the Function packaging list, select the
option, Nonreusable function.
9 From the Function name options list, select the option, User specified. The
Function name parameter is displayed.
10 Specify the name as func.
11 Click Apply.
12 Double-click the func subsystem block. In this example, function func() has an
output flag set to 0 or 1 depending on the result of the algorithm in func( ). Create
the func() algorithm as shown in the following diagram:

While Loop

13 Double-click the While Iterator block to set the Maximum number of iterations to
14 Connect blocks as shown in the model and subsystem diagrams.


The generated code includes the following ex_while_loop_SL_step function in the file
/* Exported block signals */
boolean_T IC; /* '<Root>/Initial Condition SET to TRUE' */
boolean_T flag; /* '<S2>/Relational Operator' */

/* Block states (auto storage) */

D_Work DWork;

/* Start for atomic system: '<S1>/func( ) Is a function that updates the flag' */
void func_Start(void)
/* Start for RandomNumber: '<S2>/Random Number' */
DWork.RandSeed = 1144108930U;
DWork.NextOutput = rt_NormalRand(&DWork.RandSeed) * 1.7320508075688772E+000;

/* Output and update for atomic system:

* '<S1>/func( ) Is a function that updates the flag' */
void func(void)
/* RelationalOperator: '<S2>/Relational Operator' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S2>/Constant1'
* RandomNumber: '<S2>/Random Number'
flag = (DWork.NextOutput > 1.0);

/* Update for RandomNumber: '<S2>/Random Number' */

DWork.NextOutput = rt_NormalRand(&DWork.RandSeed) * 1.7320508075688772E+000;

/* Model step function */

4 Patterns for C Code

void ex_while_loop_SL_step(void)
int32_T s1_iter;
boolean_T loopCond;

/* Outputs for iterator SubSystem:

* '<Root>/While Iterator Subsystem' incorporates:
* WhileIterator: '<S1>/While Iterator'
s1_iter = 1;
loopCond = IC;
while (loopCond && (s1_iter <= 100)) {
/* Outputs for atomic SubSystem:
* '<S1>/func( ) Is a function that updates the flag' */

/* end of Outputs for SubSystem:

* '<S1>/func( ) Is a function that updates the flag' */
loopCond = flag;

/* end of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/While Iterator Subsystem' */


Modeling Pattern for While Loop: Stateflow Chart

Model ex_while_loop_SF

While Loop

ex_while_loop_SF/Chart Executes the desired while-loop


1 Add a Stateflow Chart to your model from the Stateflow > Chart library.
2 Double-click the chart.
3 Add the input, flag, and output, func, to the chart and specify their data type.
4 Connect the data input and output to the Stateflow chart as shown in the model
5 In the Model Explorer, select the output variable, then, in the right pane, select the
General tab and set the Initial Value to 0.
6 Select Chart > Add Patterns > Loop > While. The Stateflow Pattern dialog opens.
7 Fill in the fields for the Stateflow Pattern dialog box as follows:

Description While Loop (optional)

While condition (flag) && (num_iter<=100)
Do action func; num_iter++;
8 Place a Subsystem block in your model.
9 Right-click the subsystem and select Block Parameters (Subsystem). The Block
Parameters dialog box opens.
10 Select the Treat as atomic unit parameter to configure the subsystem to generate
a function. This enables parameters on the Code Generation tab.
11 Select the Code Generation tab. From the Function packaging list, select the
option, Nonreusable function.

4 Patterns for C Code

12 From the Function name options list, select the option, User specified. The
Function name parameter is displayed.
13 Specify the name as func.
14 Click Apply to apply the changes.
15 Double-click the func subsystem block. In this example, function func has an
output flag set to 0 or 1 depending on the result of the algorithm in func( ). The
Trigger block parameter Trigger type is function-call. Create the func()
algorithm, as shown in the following diagram:

ex_while_loop_SF/func A function that updates the flag

16 Save and close the subsystem.
17 Connect blocks to the Stateflow chart as shown in the model diagram for
18 Save your model.


The generated code includes the following ex_while_loop_SF_step function in the file
/* Exported block signals */
int32_T num_iter; /* '<Root>/Chart Executes the desired while-loop' */
boolean_T flag; /* '<S2>/Relational Operator' */

/* Block states (auto storage) */

D_Work DWork;

/* Model step function */

void ex_while_loop_SF_step(void)
/* Stateflow: '<Root>/Chart Executes the desired
* while-loop' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<Root>/func() A function that
* updates the flag'
/* Gateway: Chart
Executes the desired while-loop */

While Loop

/* During: Chart
Executes the desired while-loop */
/* Transition: '<S1>:2' */
num_iter = 1;
while (flag && (num_iter <= 100)) {
/* Transition: '<S1>:3' */
/* Transition: '<S1>:4' */
/* Event: '<S1>:12' */
num_iter = num_iter + 1;

/* Transition: '<S1>:5' */

/* Transition: '<S1>:1' */

Modeling Pattern for While Loop: MATLAB Function Block

Model ex_while_loop_ML


1 In the Simulink Library Browser, click Simulink > User Defined Functions, and
drag a MATLAB Function block into your model.
2 Double-click the MATLAB Function block. The MATLAB Function Block Editor
3 In the MATLAB Function Block Editor enter the function, as follows:
function fcn(func_flag)

flag = true;
num_iter = 1;

while(flag && (num_iter<=100))

4 Patterns for C Code

flag = func_flag;
num_iter = num_iter + 1;
4 Click Save and close the MATLAB Function Block Editor.
5 Place a Subsystem block in your model, right-click the subsystem and select Block
Parameters (Subsystem). The Block Parameters dialog box opens.
6 Select the Treat as atomic unit parameter to configure the subsystem to generate
a function. This enables parameters on the Code Generation tab.
7 Select the Code Generation tab. From the Function packaging list, select the
option, Nonreusable function.
8 From the Function name options list, select the option, User specified. The
Function name parameter is displayed.
9 Specify the name as func.
10 Click Apply.
11 Double-click the func() subsystem block. In this example, function func() has
an output flag set to 0 or 1 depending on the result of the algorithm in func( ).
The Trigger block parameter Trigger type is function-call. Create the func()
algorithm, as shown in the following diagram:

12 Save and close the subsystem.

13 Connect the MATLAB Function block to the func() subsystem.
14 Save your model.


The generated code includes the following while_loop_ML_step function in the file
while_loop_EML.c. In some cases an equivalent for loop might be generated instead
of a while loop.

While Loop

/* Exported block signals */

boolean_T func_flag; /* '<S2>/Relational Operator' */

/* Block states (auto storage) */

D_Work DWork;

/* Model step function */

void while_loop_ML_step(void)
boolean_T func_flag_0;
boolean_T flag;
int32_T num_iter;

/* MATLAB Function Block: '<Root>/MATLAB Function Executes

* the desired While-Loop' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<Root>/func() updates the "flag"'
func_flag_0 = func_flag;

/* MATLAB Function 'MATLAB Function

* Executes the desired While-Loop': '<S1>:1' */
/* '<S1>:1:3' */
flag = TRUE;

/* '<S1>:1:4' */
num_iter = 1;
while (flag && (num_iter <= 100);
num_iter++) {
/* '<S1>:1:6' */
/* '<S1>:1:7' */

/* '<S1>:1:8' */
flag = func_flag_0;

/* '<S1>:1:9' */

4 Patterns for C Code

Do While Loop

C Construct
num_iter = 1;
do {
flag = func();
while (flag && num_iter <= 100)

Modeling Patterns
• “Modeling Pattern for Do While Loop: While Iterator Subsystem block” on page
• “Modeling Pattern for Do While Loop: Stateflow Chart” on page 4-51

Modeling Pattern for Do While Loop: While Iterator Subsystem block

One method for creating a while loop is to use a While Iterator Subsystem block from
the Simulink > Ports and Subsystems library.


Do While Loop

ex_do_while_loop_SL/While Iterator Subsystem


1 Drag a While Iterator Subsystem block from the Simulink > Ports and
Subsystems library into the model.
2 Double-click the While Iterator Subsystem block to open the subsystem.
3 Place a Subsystem block next to the While Iterator block.
4 Right-click the subsystem and select Block Parameters (Subsystem). The Block
Parameters dialog box opens.
5 Select the Treat as atomic unit parameter to configure the subsystem to generate
a function. This enables parameters on the Code Generation tab.
6 Select the Code Generation tab. From the Function packaging list, select the
option, Nonreusable function.
7 From the Function name options list, select the option, User specified. The
Function name parameter is displayed.
8 Specify the name as func.
9 Click Apply.
10 Double-click the func subsystem block. In this example, function func has an
output flag set to 0 or 1 depending on the result of the algorithm in func. Create the
func algorithm as shown in the following diagram:

4 Patterns for C Code

ex_do_while_loop_SL/While Iterator Subsystem/func

11 Double-click the While Iterator block. This opens the Block Parameters dialog.
12 Set the Maximum number of iterations to 100.
13 Specify the While loop type as do-while.
14 Connect blocks as shown in the model and subsystem diagrams.
15 Enter Ctrl+B to generate code.

void func(void)
flag = (DWork.NextOutput > (real_T)P.Constant1_Value);
DWork.NextOutput =
rt_NormalRand(&DWork.RandSeed) * P.RandomNumber_StdDev +

void ex_do_while_loop_SL_step(void)
int32_T s1_iter;

s1_iter = 1;
do {
} while (flag && (s1_iter <= 100));

Do While Loop

Modeling Pattern for Do While Loop: Stateflow Chart



1 Add a Stateflow Chart to your model from the Stateflow > Chart library.
2 Double-click the chart to open it.
3 Add the inputs and outputs to the chart and specify their data type.
4 Connect the data input and output to the Stateflow chart.
5 In the Model Explorer, select the output variable, then, in the right pane, select the
General tab and set the Initial Value to 0.

4 Patterns for C Code

6 Select Chart > Add Patterns > Loop > While. The Stateflow Pattern dialog opens.
7 Fill in the fields for the Stateflow Pattern dialog box as follows:

Description While Loop (optional)

While condition (flag) && (num_iter<=100)
Do action func; num_iter++;
8 Place a Subsystem block in your model.
9 Right-click the subsystem and select Block Parameters (Subsystem). The Block
Parameters dialog box opens.
10 Select the Treat as atomic unit parameter to configure the subsystem to generate
a function. This enables parameters on the Code Generation tab.
11 Select the Code Generation tab. From the Function packaging list, select the
option, Nonreusable function.
12 From the Function name options list, select the option, User specified. The
Function name parameter is displayed.
13 Specify the name as func.
14 Click Apply to apply the changes.
15 Double-click the func subsystem block. In this example, function func has an
output flag set to 0 or 1 depending on the result of the algorithm in func. The
Trigger block parameter Trigger type is function-call. Create the func
algorithm, as shown in the following diagram:

ex_do_while_loop_SF/func Updates the flag

16 Save and close the subsystem.
17 Connect blocks to the Stateflow chart as shown in the model diagram for
18 Save your model.

Do While Loop

void ex_do_while_loop_SF_step(void)
int32_T sf_num_iter;
num_iter = 1;
do {
} while (flag && (sf_num_iter <= 100));

4 Patterns for C Code

Function Call
To generate a function call, add a subsystem, which implements the operations that you

C Construct
void add_function(void)
y1 = u1 + u2;


1 Create a model containing a subsystem. In this example, the subsystem has two
inputs and returns one output.
2 Double-click the subsystem. Create Add_Subsystem, as shown.

3 Right-click the subsystem and select Block Parameters (Subsystem) to open the
Subsystem Parameters dialog box.
4 Select the Treat as atomic unit parameter. This enables parameters on the Code
Generation tab.

Function Call

Select the Code Generation tab. For the Function packaging parameter, from
the drop-down list, select Nonreusable function.
5 For the Function name options parameter, from the drop-down list, select User
6 In the Function name field, enter the subsystem name, add_function.
7 Click Apply and OK.
8 Press Ctrl+B to build and generate code.

In ex_function_call.c, the function is called from ex_function_call_step:
void ex_function_call_step(void)

The function prototype is externed through the subsystem file, add_function.h.

extern void add_function(void);

The function definition is in the subsystem file add_function.c:

void add_function(void)
function_call_Y.y1 = u1 + u2;

4 Patterns for C Code

Function Prototyping

C Construct
double add_function(double u1, double u2)
return u1 + u2;

Modeling Patterns
• “Function Call Using Graphical Functions” on page 4-56
• “Control Function Prototype of the model_step Function” on page 4-58

Function Call Using Graphical Functions


1 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6.
This example model contains two Inport blocks and one Outport block.
2 Name the example model ex_func_SF.
In the Stateflow Editor, create a graphical function by clicking the fx button and
placing a graphical function into the Stateflow chart.
4 Edit the graphical function signature to: output = add_function(u1, u2).
5 Add the transition action, as shown in the following diagram.

Function Prototyping


In the Stateflow chart is an example of a simple transition that calls add_function.

6 Open the Model Explorer. From the Model Hierarchy tree, select ex_func_SF >
Chart > f()add_function. On the right pane, specify the Function Inline Option
as Function.
7 From the Model Hierarchy tree, click Chart and on the right pane select the Export
Chart Level Functions (Make Global) parameter. This makes the function
available globally to the entire model.
8 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


ex_func_SF.c contains the generated code:

extern real_T add_function(real_T sf_in1, real_T sf_in2)
return sf_in1 + sf_in2;
void ex_func_SF_step(void)

ex_func_SF_B.y1 = add_function(u1, u2);

ex_func_SF_Y.y1 = ex_func_SF_B.y1;

4 Patterns for C Code

Control Function Prototype of the model_step Function



1 Create the model, ex_control_step_function. See “Configure a Signal” on page

4-4 and “Configure Input and Output Ports” on page 4-4, for more information.
2 Press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
3 On the Code Generation > Interface pane, click Configure Model Functions to
open the Model Interface dialog box.
4 Specify the Function specification parameter as Model specific C
5 Click Get Default Configuration to update the Configure model initialize and
step functions section and list the input and output arguments.
6 To configure the function output argument to pass a pointer, in the Step function
arguments table, specify the Category for the Outport as a Pointer. In addition,
you can specify the step function arguments order and type qualifiers.
7 To validate your changes, click Validate.
8 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


ex_control_step_function.c contains the generated code:

void ex_control_step_function_custom(real_T arg_u1, real_T arg_u2, ...
real_T *arg_y1)
(*arg_y1) = arg_u1 + arg_u2;

External C Functions

External C Functions
C Construct

extern double add(double, double);

#include "add.h"
double add(double u1, double u2)
double y1;
y1 = u1 + u2;
return (y1);

Modeling Patterns
There are several methods for integrating legacy C functions into the generated code.
These methods either create an S-function or make a call to an external C function. For
more information on S-functions, see “Insert S-Function Code”.

• “Use the Legacy Code Tool to Create S-functions” on page 4-59

• “Use a Stateflow Chart to Make Calls to C Functions” on page 4-61
• “Using a MATLAB Function Block to Make Calls to C Functions” on page 4-62

Use the Legacy Code Tool to Create S-functions

This method uses the Legacy Code Tool to create an S-function and generate a TLC file.
The code generation software uses the TLC file to generate code from this S-function. The
advantage of using the Legacy Code Tool is that the generated code is fully inlined and
does not need wrapper functions to access the custom code.


1 Create a C header file named add.h that contains the function signature:
extern double add(double, double);
2 Create a C source file named add.c that contains the function body:
double add(double u1, double u2)

4 Patterns for C Code

double y1;
y1 = u1 + u2;
return (y1);
3 To build an S-function for use in both simulation and code generation, Run the
following script or execute each of these commands at the MATLAB command line:

%% Initialize legacy code tool data structure

def = legacy_code('initialize');

%% Specify Source File

def.SourceFiles = {'add.c'};

%% Specify Header File

def.HeaderFiles = {'add.h'};

%% Specify the Name of the generated S-function

def.SFunctionName = 'add_function';

%% Create a c-mex file for S-function

legacy_code('sfcn_cmex_generate', def);

%% Define function signature and target the Output method

def.OutputFcnSpec = ['double y1 = add(double u1, double u2)'];

%% Compile/Mex and generate a block that can be used in simulation

legacy_code('generate_for_sim', def);

%% Create a TLC file for Code Generation

legacy_code('sfcn_tlc_generate', def);

%% Create a Masked S-function Block

legacy_code('slblock_generate', def);
The output of this script produces:

• A new model containing the S-function block

• A TLC file named add_function.tlc.
• A C source file named add_function.c.
• A mexw32 dll file named add_function.mexw32
4 Add inport blocks and an outport block and make the connections, as shown in the

External C Functions

5 Name and save your model. In this example, the model is named
6 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


The following code is generated in ex_function_call_lct.c:

real_T u1;
real_T u2;
real_T y1;
void ex_function_call_lct_step(void)
y1 = add(u1, u2);

The user-specified header file, add.h, is included in ex_function_call_lct.h:

#include "add.h"

Use a Stateflow Chart to Make Calls to C Functions


1 Create a C header file named add.h that contains the example function signature.
2 Create a C source file named add.c that contains the function body.
3 Follow the steps for “Set Up an Example Model With a Stateflow Chart” on page 4-6.
This example model contains two Inport blocks and one Outport block.
4 Name the example model ex_exfunction_call_SF.
5 Double-click the Stateflow chart and edit the chart as shown. Place the call to the
add function within a transition action.

4 Patterns for C Code

6 On the Stateflow Editor, select Simulation > Model Configuration
7 On the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Simulation Target > Custom
Code. In the Include custom C code in generated section, on the left pane, select
Header file and in the Header file field, enter the #include statement:

#include "add.h"
8 In the Include list of additional section, select Source files and in the Source
files field, enter add.c.
9 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


ex_exfunction_call_SF.c contains the following code in the step function:

real_T u1;
real_T u2;
real_T y1;

void exfunction_call_SF_step(void)
y1 = (real_T)add(u1, u2);

ex_exfunction_call_SF.h contains the include statement for add.h:

#include "add.h"

Using a MATLAB Function Block to Make Calls to C Functions


1 Create a C header file named add.h that contains the example function signature.

External C Functions

2 Create a C source file named add.c that contains the function body.
3 In the Simulink Library Browser, click Simulink > User Defined Functions, and
drag a MATLAB Function block into your model.
4 Double-click the MATLAB Function block. The MATLAB Function Block Editor
5 Edit the function to include the statement:

function y1 = add_function(u1, u2)

%Set the class and size of output

y1 = u1;

%Call external C function

y1 = coder.ceval('add',u1,u2);

6 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box, and select Simulation Target >
Custom Code.
7 In the Include custom C code in generated section, on the left pane, select
Header file and in the Header file field, enter the statement, :

#include "add.h"
8 In the Include list of additional section, select Source files and in the Source
files field, enter add.c.
9 Add two Inport blocks and one Outport block to the model and connect to the
MATLAB Function block.
10 Configure the signals: u1, u2, and y1, as described in “Configure a Signal” on page
11 Save the model as ex_exfunction_call_ML.
12 Press Ctrl+B to build the model and generate code.


ex_exfunction_call_ML.c contains the following code:

real_T u1;
real_T u2;
real_T y1;

void ex_exfunction_call_ML_step(void)

4 Patterns for C Code

y1 = add(u1, u2);

ex_exfunction_call_ML.h contains the #include statement for add.h:

#include "add.h"

Macro Definitions (#define)

Macro Definitions (#define)

C Construct
#define p_1 9.8;

Modeling Patterns
“Use a 'Define' Custom Storage Class” on page 4-65

“Use a Custom Header File” on page 4-66

Use a 'Define' Custom Storage Class


1 Create a model containing a Gain block.

2 Press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

3 In the Configuration Parameter dialog box, on the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane, select Inline parameters.
4 Click Apply and OK.
5 In your model, double-click the Gain block. The Block Parameters dialog box opens.
6 In the Value field, enter a variable name. In this example, the variable name is p1.
7 Press Ctrl+H to open the Model Explorer. On the Model Hierarchy pane, select the
Base Workspace.
8 To add an mpt parameter object, in the menu bar, select Add > Add Custom. The
parameter appears in the Contents of: Base Workspace pane.
9 Double-click the mpt.Parameter object and change its name to p1.
10 Click the p1 parameter. The data object parameters are displayed in the right pane
of the Model Explorer.

4 Patterns for C Code

11 In the Value field, enter 9.8. In the Code generation options section, click the
Storage Class drop-down list and select Define(Custom).
12 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.


The generated code includes the inlined parameter, p1, in ex_define_data_object.c:

/* Model step function */
void ex_define_data_object_step(void)
rtY.y1 = p1 * rtU.u1;

Use a Custom Header File


1 Follow steps 1 through 10 of “Use a 'Define' Custom Storage Class” on page 4-65.
2 In the Simulink.Parameter dialog box for p1, in the Value field, enter 9.8. In the
Code generation options section, click the Storage Class drop-down list and
select ImportFromFile(Custom).
3 In the Header file parameter, enter the name of the header file, in this example,
4 Click Apply and OK.
5 Create the C header file, external_params.h that contains the #define

#define p1 9.8


/* EOF */

6 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.


The generated code includes the inlined parameter, p1, in ex_define_data_object.c:

/* Model step function */
void ex_define_data_object_step(void)

Macro Definitions (#define)

ex_define_data_object_Y.Out1 = p1 * ex_define_data_object_U.In1;

4 Patterns for C Code

Conditional Inclusions (#if / #endif)

You can generate preprocessor conditional directives in your code by implementing
variant blocks (Model Variants block or Variant Subsystem block) in your model. In the
generated code, preprocessor conditional directives select a section of code to execute at
compile time. To implement variants in your model, see “Workflow for Implementing
Variants”. To generate code for variants, see “Generate Preprocessor Conditionals for
Variant Systems”.


To generate a typedef definition, use a Simulink.AliasType data object.

C Construct
typedef double float_64;

1 Create the ex_get_typedef model with a Gain block.

2 In the Gain block parameter dialog box, select the Parameter Attributes tab, and
specify the Parameter data type as double.
3 Right-click the u1 signal and select Properties. In the Signal Properties dialog box,
select Signal name must resolve to Simulink signal object.
4 Right-click the y1 signal and select Properties. In the Signal Properties dialog
box, select the Code Generation tab, and specify the Storage class parameter as
5 Create a new alias type by using a “Simulink.AliasType” data object. At the
MATLAB command line, enter:
float_64 = Simulink.AliasType;
6 In the base workspace, double-click float_64. The Simulink.AliasType dialog box
7 Specify the Base type parameter as double. Click Apply and OK.
8 Create a data object for the u1 signal. In the base workspace, select Add >
Simulink Signal, and name it u1. Specify the Data type parameter as float_64
and the Storage class parameter as Global(custom).

Note: You can also specify an output data type for Simulink blocks using the new
alias type.
9 Click Apply and OK.

4 Patterns for C Code

10 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

Note: An alternative method for defining a typedef is to import the alias type from a
custom header file. If you want to import all of the typedefs from a C header file, using
this alternative method is useful.

The generated code includes the typedef definition, which is declared within #ifndef
and #endif statements in the ex_get_typedef_types.h file.
#ifndef _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_float_64_
#define _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_float_64_

typedef real_T float_64;

typedef creal_T cfloat_64;


Note: real_T is the Embedded Coder typedef for double .

The generated code also includes the declaration of the Simulink data objects of the alias
type in ex_get_typedef.c.
float_64 y1;
float_64 u1;

Structures for Parameters

Structures for Parameters

To generate a structure containing parameters, use a mpt.Parameter object with a
Struct (custom) storage class.

C Construct
typdef struct {
double p1;
double p2;
double p3;

} my_struct_type;

my_struct_type my_struct={1.0,2.0,3.0};

1 Create the ex_struct_param model with three Constant blocks and three Outport

2 Create a data object for each parameter, p1, p2, and p3. At the MATLAB command
line, enter:
p1 = mpt.Parameter;
p2 = mpt.Parameter;
p3 = mpt.Parameter;

3 In the base workspace, double-click one of the parameter data objects to open the
mpt.Parameter dialog box.
4 Specify a Value parameter for each parameter object.
5 Specify the Storage class parameter as Struct (Custom) for each parameter

4 Patterns for C Code

6 In the Custom Attributes section, specify the Struct name as my_struct. Click
Apply and OK.
7 Press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
8 Open the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, and select the Inline
parameters parameter.
9 Click Apply and OK.
10 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

The generated code includes the typedef definition for a structure, which is declared in
the ex_struct_param_types.h file.
/* Type definition for custom storage class: Struct */
typedef struct my_struct_tag {
real_T p1;
real_T p2;
real_T p3;
} my_struct_type;

The generated code also includes the declaration of my_struct in ex_struct_param.c.

/* Definition for custom storage class: Struct */
my_struct_type my_struct = {
/* p1 */

/* p2 */

/* p3 */

Structures for Signals

Structures for Signals

To generate a structure containing parameters, use a mpt.Signal object with a Struct
(custom) storage class or a Simulink non-virtual bus object.

C Construct
typedef struct {
double u1;
double u2;
double u3;
} my_signals;

Modeling Patterns
“Structure for Signals Using a 'Struct' Custom Storage Class” on page 4-73

“Structure for Signals Using a Simulink Non-Virtual Bus Object” on page 4-74

Structure for Signals Using a 'Struct' Custom Storage Class


1 Create the ex_signal_struct_csc model using the blocks shown and follow the
steps to configure the signals and model.

2 Double-click a Gain block to open the block parameter dialog box. Set the values of
the Gain blocks as shown in the model diagram.
3 Right-click the u1 signal and select Properties. In the Signal Properties dialog box,
select Signal name must resolve to Simulink signal object. Repeat for signals
u2 and u3.

4 Patterns for C Code

4 At the MATLAB command line, create a mpt.Signal data object for each input
u1 = mpt.Signal;
u2 = mpt.Signal;
u3 = mpt.Signal;

Note: You can also create a data object in the Model Explorer base workspace, by
selecting Add > Add Custom.
5 In the base workspace, configure each of the data objects, u1, u2, and u3. Double-
click a data object, to open the mpt.Signal parameter dialog box.
6 Specify the Data type parameter as auto and the Storage class parameter as
Struct (custom).
7 Click Apply and OK.
8 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.


The generated code includes the typedef definition for a structure, which is declared in
the ex_signal_struct_csc_types.h file.
/* Type definition for custom storage class: Struct */
typedef struct my_signal_struct_tag {
real_T u1;
real_T u2;
real_T u3;
} my_signal_struct_type;

The generated code also includes the declaration of my_signal_struct in

/* Definition for custom storage class: Struct */
my_signal_struct_type my_signals;

Structure for Signals Using a Simulink Non-Virtual Bus Object


1 Create the ex_signal_struct_bus model using the blocks shown and follow the
steps to configure the bus object and model.

Structures for Signals

2 Add the Inport blocks, an Outport block, and a Bus Creator block to your diagram.
3 Double-click the Bus Creator block to open the block parameter dialog box.
4 Specify the Number of inputs parameter as 3. Click Apply.
5 In your model diagram, connect the three Inport blocks to the three inports of the
Bus Creator block. Also, connect the outport of the Bus Creator block to the Outport
6 Label the signals as shown in the model diagram.
7 In the Bus Creator block parameter dialog box, Signals in bus now displays the
signals connected to the Bus Creator block.
8 Create a bus object named MySignals that includes signals u1,u2, and u3. For more
information on creating bus objects, see “Manage Bus Objects with the Bus Editor”.
Once the bus object, MySignals, is created, it appears in the base workspace.
9 In the Bus Creator block parameter dialog box, select the Output as nonvirtual
bus parameter, which specifies that bus signals must be grouped into a structure in
the generated code.
10 Click Apply and OK.
11 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.


The generated code includes the typedef definition for a structure, which is declared in
the signal_struct_bus_types.h file.
typedef struct {
real_T u1;
real_T u2;
real_T u3;
} MySignals;

4 Patterns for C Code

Nested Structures
One way to create nested structures of signals in the generated code is by using multiple
non-virtual bus objects. When nesting bus objects, all of the bus objects must either be
non-virtual, or all of them must be virtual.

C Construct
typedef struct {
double u1;
double u2;
double u3;
} my_signals123;

typedef struct {
double u4;
double u5;
double u6;
} my_signals456;

typedef struct {
my_signals123 y1;
my_signals456 y2;
} nested_signals;

1 Create the ex_nested_structure model using the blocks shown and follow the
steps to configure the bus objects and model.

Nested Structures

2 For each bus in the model, follow the instructions for “Structure for Signals
Using a Simulink Non-Virtual Bus Object” on page 4-74, creating bus objects
My_Signals_123 and My_Signals_456.
3 Drag a Bus Creator block into your model. Configure the Bus Creator block so that it
takes in signals from different buses.
4 Double-click the Bus Creator block to open the block parameter dialog box.
5 Specify the Number of inputs parameter as 2. Click Apply.
6 In your model diagram, connect the two bus outports to the inports of the new Bus
Creator block.
7 Label the signals as shown in the model diagram.
8 In the Bus Creator block parameter dialog box, Signals in bus now displays the
signals, y1 and y2, connected to the Bus Creator block.
9 Create a bus object named Nested_Signals that includes signals y1 and y2,
where the DataType for y1 is My_Signals_123 and the DataType for y2 is

4 Patterns for C Code

For more information on creating bus objects, see “Manage Bus Objects with the Bus
Editor”. Once the bus object, Nested_Signals, is created, it appears in the base
10 In the Bus Creator block parameter dialog box, select the Output as nonvirtual
bus parameter, which specifies that bus signals must be grouped into a structure in
the generated code.
11 Click Apply and OK.
12 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

The generated code includes the typedef definitions for structures, which are declared
in the ex_nested_structure_types.h file.
#ifndef _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_My_Signals_123_
#define _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_My_Signals_123_

typedef struct {
real_T u1;
real_T u2;
real_T u3;
} My_Signals_123;


Nested Structures

#ifndef _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_My_Signals_456_
#define _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_My_Signals_456_

typedef struct {
real_T u4;
real_T u5;
real_T u6;
} My_Signals_456;


#ifndef _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_Nested_Signals_
#define _DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_Nested_Signals_

typedef struct {
My_Signals_123 y1;
My_Signals_456 y2;
} Nested_Signals;


4 Patterns for C Code

One way to create bitfields in the generated code is by using a mpt.Parameter object
with Bitfield (Custom) storage class.

C Construct
typedef struct {
unsigned int p1 : 1;
unsigned int p2 : 1;
unsigned int p3 : 1;
} my_struct_type

1 Using the model, ex_struct_param, in “Structures for Parameters” on page 4-71,
rename the model as ex_struct_bitfield_CSC.
2 Create a data object for each parameter, p1, p2, and p3. At the MATLAB command
line, enter:
p1 = mpt.Parameter;
p2 = mpt.Parameter;
p3 = mpt.Parameter;

3 In the base workspace, double-click one of the parameter data objects to open the
mpt.Parameter dialog box.
4 Specify the Value parameter for each parameter object.
5 Specify the Storage class parameter as Bitfield (Custom) for each parameter
6 In the Custom Attributes section, specify the Struct name as my_struct. Click
Apply and OK.
7 Specify the data objects for each parameter.


8 Press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

9 Open the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, and select the Inline
parameters parameter.
10 Click Apply and OK.
11 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

The generated code of the model, ex_struct_bitfield_CSC, includes the typedef
definition for a Bitfield, which is declared in the ex_struct_bitfield_CSC_types.h
/* Type definition for custom storage class: BitField */
typedef struct my_struct_tag {
uint_T p1 : 1;
uint_T p2 : 1;
uint_T p3 : 1;
} my_struct_type;

4 Patterns for C Code

Arrays for Parameters

To create an array in the generated code, you can use a constant parameter in the base
workspace, or a mpt.Parameter.

C Construct
int params[5]= {1,2,3,4,5};

1 Create a model, ex_array_params, containing the Constant blocks and Outport
blocks and label the blocks as shown in the model diagram.

2 Double-click the Constant1 block and give the Constant value the name of a
parameter, params1.
3 Double-click the Constant2 block and give the Constant value the name of a
parameter, params2.
4 To create the parameters in the base workspace, at the MATLAB command line,
params1 = [1,2,3,4,5];
params2 = mpt.Parameter;

5 In the base workspace, double-click params2 to open the mpt.Parameter dialog

6 In the Value field, specify the array, [1 2 3 4 5].
7 Press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
8 Open the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, and select the Inline
parameters parameter.
9 Click Apply and OK.

Arrays for Parameters

10 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

The generated code includes the array, params2, in the ex_array_params.c file:
int16_T params2[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } ;

The data object, params1, is defined in the array_params_data.c file:

/* Constant parameters (auto storage) */
const ConstParam_array_params array_params_ConstP = {
/* Computed Parameter: Constant1_Value
* Referenced by: '/Constant1'
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
where ConstParam_array_params is a structure containing the array and defined in
the array_params.h file.
typedef struct {
/* Computed Parameter: Constant1_Value
* Referenced by: '/Constant1'
int16_T Constant1_Value[5];
} ConstParam_array_params;

4 Patterns for C Code

Arrays for Signals

To create an array in the generated code for signal data, you can specify a signal as
ExportedGlobal, or use a mpt.Signal object.

C Construct
int u1[5];
int y1[5];

1 Create the ex_array_signals model using the blocks shown and follow the steps
to configure the signals and model.

2 Double-click the Inport block to open the Inport block parameter dialog box.
3 Select the Signal Attributes tab and specify the Port dimensions parameter as 5,
for an array of length 5.
4 Click OK.
5 Right-click the u1 signal line and select Properties.
6 Select the Code Generation tab and specify the Storage Class parameter as
7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 for signal y1.
8 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

Note: Alternatively, you can use Simulink data objects (mpt.Signal) to specify the
storage class and dimensions for the signals, u1 and y1.

The generated code includes arrays for u1 and y1 in the ex_array_signals.c file:
int16_T u1[5];
int16_T y1[5];

Arrays for Signals

In this case, a for loop is generated to carry out the gain operations on elements of the
input signal.
int32_T i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
y1[i] = (int16_T)(5 * u1[i]);
However, if the dimension of the array is less than a threshold value (typically 5), code
generation might not include a for loop for array operations.

4 Patterns for C Code

Pointers for Signals

To create a pointer in the generated code, you can configure a signal to use the
ImportedExternPointer storage class or use an mpt.Signal (or mpt.Parameter for
parameters) object with an ImportedExternPointer storage class.

C Construct
extern double *u1;

This is a quick method to obtain pointers in the generated code. You cannot control the
data type, which is decided by the model compilation process.

1 Create the ex_pointer_signal model using the blocks shown and follow the steps
to configure the signals and model.

2 Label the signal to be imported as a pointer, in this example, u1.

3 Right-click the u1 signal line and select Properties.
4 Select the Code Generation tab and specify the Storage Class parameter as
5 Click OK.
6 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

The generated code includes the extern declaration for the pointer in the
ex_pointer_signal_private.h file.

extern real_T *u1;

Pointers Using Simulink Data Objects

Pointers Using Simulink Data Objects

You can control the data type of a signal or parameter by using a Simulink data object to
generate a pointer.

C Construct
extern double *u1;

You can use this procedure for either a signal or parameter. To create a pointer for a
parameter, use an mpt.Parameter instead of an mpt.Signal data object described in
step 3.

1 Create the ex_pointer_signal_data_object model using the blocks shown and

follow the steps to configure the signals and model.

2 Label the signal to be imported as a pointer, in this example, u1.

3 At the MATLAB command line, create a data object for signal u1.
u1 = mpt.Signal;
4 In the base workspace, double-click u1 to open the mpt.Signal dialog box.
5 Specify the Storage class parameter as ImportedExternPointer.
6 Click Apply and OK.
7 Press Ctrl+B to generate code.

The generated code includes the extern declaration for the pointer in the
ex_pointer_signal_data_object_private.h file.
extern real_T *u1;

The ex_pointer_signal_data_object_private.h file imports the pointer into the

generated code. To compile the code, you must declare and define the pointer in the main


Variant Systems

• “About Variant Systems” on page 5-2

• “Why Generate Code for Variant Systems?” on page 5-3
• “Generate Preprocessor Conditionals for Variant Systems” on page 5-4
• “Review Code Variants in Code Generation Report” on page 5-7
• “Generate Code for Model Variants” on page 5-8
• “Generate Code for Variant Subsystems” on page 5-10
• “Restrictions on Variant Subsystem Code Generation” on page 5-15
• “Special Considerations for Generating Preprocessor Conditionals” on page 5-17
• “Limitations on Generating Code for Variants” on page 5-18
• “Generated Code Components Not Compiled Conditionally” on page 5-19
5 Variant Systems

About Variant Systems

Embedded Coder generates code from a Simulink model containing one or more Variant
Subsystem blocks. To learn how to create a model containing variant blocks, see
“Workflow for Implementing Variants”.

Code is generated for different variant choices, the active variant, and the default
variant. To generate code for variants, set the following conditions in theVariant
Subsystem block:

• Deselect Override variant conditions and use the following variant.

• Select Generate preprocessor conditionals.

Code generated for variants is surrounded by C preprocessor conditionals #if, #else,

#elif, and #endif. Therefore, the active variant is selected at compile time and the
preprocessor conditionals determine which sections of the code to execute.

To construct model reference variants and generate preprocessor directives in the

generated code, see the example rtwdemo_preprocessor_script.

To construct variant subsystems and generate preprocessor directives in the generated

code, see the example rtwdemo_preprocessor_subsys_script.

Why Generate Code for Variant Systems?

Why Generate Code for Variant Systems?

When you implement variants in the generated code, you can:

• Reuse generated code from a set of application models that share functionality with
minor variations.
• Share generated code with a third party that activates one of the variants in the code.
• Validate the supported variants for a model and then choose to activate one variant
for a particular application, without regenerating and re-validate the code.
• Generate code for the default variant that is selected when an active variant does not

5 Variant Systems

Generate Preprocessor Conditionals for Variant Systems

Define Variant Controls
To learn about variant controls, see “Create, Export, and Reuse Variant Controls” in
the Simulink documentation. Perform the following steps to define variant controls for
generating code.

1 Open the Model Explorer and select the Base Workspace node.
2 A variant control can be a condition expression, a “Simulink.Variant class” object
specifying a condition expression or a Simulink.Parameter object. In the
Model Explorer, select Add > Simulink Parameter. Specify a name for the new
3 On the Simulink.Parameter property dialog box, specify the Value and Data
4 Select one of these Storage class values.

• ImportedDefine(Custom)
• CompilerFlag(Custom)
• A storage class created using the Custom Storage Class Designer. Your storage
class must have the Data initialization parameter set to Macro and the Data
scope parameter set to Imported. See “Use Custom Storage Class Designer” for
more information.
5 Specify the value of the variant control. If the storage class is either
ImportedDefine(Custom) or a custom storage class, do the following:

a Specify the Header File parameter as an external header file in the Custom
Attributes section of the Simulink.Parameter property dialog box.
b Enter the values of the variant controls in the external header file.

Note: The generated code refers to a variant control as a user-defined macro.

The generated code does not contain the value of the macro. The value of the
variant control determines the active variant in the compiled code.

If the variant control is a CompilerFlag custom storage class the value of the
variant control is set at compile time. On the Code Generation > General pane
of the Model Configuration Parameters dialog box, add a makefile option to

Generate Preprocessor Conditionals for Variant Systems

the “Make command” parameter. For example, for variant control, VSSMODE, enter
make_rtw OPTS="-DVSSMODE=1" in the Make command field.

Note: If you want to modify the value of the variant control after generating the
makefile, use a makefile option when compiling your code. For example, at a
command line outside of MATLAB, enter:
makecommand -f model.mk OPTS="-DVSSMODE=1"
6 Follow the instructions in “Configure Model for Generating Preprocessor Conditional
Directives” on page 5-5 to implement variant objects for code generation. Check
that only one variant object is active in the generated code by implementing the
condition expressions of the variant objects such that only one evaluates to true.
The generated code includes a test of the variant objects to determine that there is
only one active variant. If this test fails, your code will not compile.

Note: You can define the variant controls using Simulink.Parameter object of
enumerated type. This approach provides meaningful names and improves the
readability of the conditions. The generated code includes preprocessor conditionals
to check that the variant condition contains valid values of the enumerated type.

Configure Model for Generating Preprocessor Conditional Directives

1 Open the Configuration Parameter dialog box.
2 Select the Code Generation pane, and set System target file as ert.tlc.
3 In the Report pane, select Create code generation report.
4 Select the Code Generation pane, and clear “Ignore custom storage classes”. In
order to generate preprocessor conditionals, you must use custom storage classes.
5 Select the Interface pane, and select the Use Local Settings option of the
Generate preprocessor conditionals parameter. This parameter is a global
setting for the parent model. This setting enables the Generate preprocessor
conditionals parameter located in the Model Variants block parameters dialog
box or Variant Subsystem parameters dialog box. See “Generate preprocessor
conditionals” for more information.
6 Open the Model Variants block parameters dialog box or the Variant Subsystem
block parameter dialog box, depending on your application. Select the Generate
preprocessor conditionals parameter. If the block parameters dialog box

5 Variant Systems

was already open, close and reopen the dialog box to see the enabled Generate
preprocessor conditionals parameter.
7 Clear the parameter, Override variant conditions and use following variant.

Build Your Model

After configuring your model to generate code, build your model.

Review Code Variants in Code Generation Report

Review Code Variants in Code Generation Report

The Code Variants Report displays a list of the variant objects in alphabetical order
and their condition. The report also lists the model blocks that have Variants, and the
referenced models that use them. In the Contents section of the code generation report,
click the link to the Code Variants Report:

5 Variant Systems

Generate Code for Model Variants

To open a model for generating preprocessor conditionals, enter rtwdemo_preprocessor.

After building the model, look at the variants in the generated code.
rtwdemo_preprocessor_types.h includes the following:

• Call to external header file, rtwdemo_preprocessor_macros.h, which contains the

macro definition for the variant control variable, VSSMODE.
/* Includes for objects with custom storage classes. */
#include "rtwdemo_importedmacros.h"

• Preprocessor directives defining the variant objects, LINEAR and NONLINEAR. The
values of these macros depend on the value of the variant control variable, VSSMODE.
The condition expression associated with each macro, LINEAR and NONLINEAR,
determine the active variant.
/* Model Code Variants */
#ifndef LINEAR
#define LINEAR (VSSMODE == 0)

#define NONLINEAR (VSSMODE == 1)

• Check that exactly one variant is active at a time:

/* Exactly one variant for '<Root>/Left Controller' should be active */
#if (LINEAR) + (NONLINEAR) != 1
#error Exactly one variant for '<Root>/Left Controller' should be active

Calls to the step and initialization functions are conditionally compiled as shown in a
portion of the step function, rtwdemo_preprocessor_step:

/* ModelReference: '<Root>/Left Controller' */

rtwdemo_linl(&rtb_Add, &rtb_LeftController_vmerge_1,


/* ModelReference: '<Root>/Left Controller' */

rtwdemo_nlinl(&rtb_Add, &rtb_LeftController_vmerge_1,


/* ModelReference: '<Root>/Right Controller' */

Generate Code for Model Variants

rtwdemo_linr(&trb_Add, &rtb_RightController_vmerge,


/* ModelReference: '<Root>/Right Controller' */

rtwdemo_nlinr(&rtb_Add, &rtb_RightController_vmerge_1,

#endif /* LINEAR */

5 Variant Systems

Generate Code for Variant Subsystems

In this section...
“Open Example Model” on page 5-10
“Define Variant Controls” on page 5-10
“Configure Model for Generating Preprocessor Conditional Directives” on page 5-12
“View Generated Code” on page 5-13

Open Example Model

Open model rtwdemo_preprocessor_subsys, which contains a variant subsystem.

Define Variant Controls

Variant controls can be a condition expression or Simulink.Variant object specifying a
condition expression or a default variant. Condition expressions specified directly or used
in Simulink.Variant objects should reference Simulink.Parameter objects.

1 Open the Model Explorer and click the Base Workspace.

2 Select Add > Simulink Parameter to create the variant control variable, VSSMODE.
3 In the Simulink.Parameter property dialog box for VSSMODE, specify the Value as
1 and the Data type as int32.
4 Select one of these Storage class values.

• ImportedDefine(Custom)

• Set the external Header File as rtwdemo_importedmacros.h. An external

header file is required for the ImportedDefine(Custom) storage class.

Note: The generated code refers to a variant control variable as a user-defined

macro. The generated code does not contain the value of the macro. The value
of the variant control variable determines the active variant in the compiled

Generate Code for Variant Subsystems

• CompilerFlag(Custom)

• Set the makefile option to enable a variant. In the Configuration

Parameters dialog box, select the Code Generation > General pane. Then
set Build configuration to Specify.
• In the C Compiler field, add a -D option. For example, for variant control
5 Open the RightController variant subsystem and create third variant
LinearModified. Then, open the parameter dialog box for the RightController
subsystem variant.
6 Set the Variant control values for the three variants, setting the LinearModified
variant as default.

5 Variant Systems

7 For each variant subsystem, open the parameter dialog box and select Treat as
atomic unit.

Configure Model for Generating Preprocessor Conditional Directives

In order to generate preprocessor conditional directives configure your model as follows:

Generate Code for Variant Subsystems

1 On the Code Generation pane of the Configuration Parameter dialog box,

specify the System target file parameter as ert.tlc and clear “Ignore custom
storage classes”. In order to generate preprocessor conditionals, you must use custom
storage classes.
2 On the Code Generation > Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters
dialog box, set Generate preprocessor conditionals to Enable all or Use
local settings. This parameter is a global setting that is applicable to all variant
blocks in the model.

If you specify Enable all, the Generate preprocessor conditionals option is

disabled on the variant subsystem block and the preprocessor conditions are always

If you specify Use local settings, preprocessor conditions are generated only
when you set the block parameter GeneratePreprocessorConditions to on.

For more information, see “Generate preprocessor conditionals”.

View Generated Code

The generated code contains child subsystems of the Variant Subsystem block
protected by C preprocessor conditionals. In this case, the selection of the active variant
(subsystem) is deferred until the generated code is compiled. Only one variant object,
which is encoded in C macros, must evaluate to true.

After building the model, look at the variants in the generated code.
AutoSSVar_types.h includes the following:

• Call to external header file, rtwdemo_preprocessor_subsys_types.h, which

contains the macro definitions for the variant control variable VSSMODE.
/* Includes for objects with custom storage classes. */
#include "rtwdemo_importedmacros.h"

• Preprocessor directives defining the variant objects. The values of these macros
depend on the value of VSSMODE. The condition expression associated with each macro
determine the active variant.
/* Model Code Variants */
#ifndef LINEAR
#define LINEAR (VSSMODE == 0))

#define NONLINEAR (VSSMODE == 1)

5 Variant Systems


• Check for exactly one variant being active at a time:

/* Exactly one variant for '<Root>/LeftController' should be active */
#if (LINEAR) + (NONLINEAR) != 1
#error Exactly one variant for '<Root>/LeftController' should be active

/* Exactly one variant for '<Root>/RightController' should be active */

#if (LINEAR) + (NONLINEAR) > 1
#error Exactly one variant for '<Root>/LController' should be active

Calls to the step and initialization functions are conditionally compiled in

rtwdemo_preprocessor_subsys.c. The conditional for the default variant is also

Linear(rtb_Add1, &rtb_VariantMergeForOutportOut1, &rtDWork.Linear_c);


Nonlinear(rtb_Add1, &rtb_VariantMergeForOutportOut1, &rtDWork.Nonlinear_a);

/* Output and update for atomic system: '<S2>/LinearModified' */
rtb_VariantMergeForOutportOut1 = look1_binlx(rtb_Add1,...
rtCP_LookupTable_bp01Dat_j, rtCP_LookupTable_tableDa_j, 4U);


Restrictions on Variant Subsystem Code Generation

Restrictions on Variant Subsystem Code Generation

To generate preprocessor conditionals, the types of blocks that you can place within
the child subsystems of a Variant Subsystem block are limited. Connections are not
allowed in the Variant Subsystem block diagram. However, during the code generation
process, one VariantMerge block is placed at the input of each Outport block within
the Variant Subsystem block diagram. All of the child subsystems connect to each of the
VariantMerge blocks.

In the figure below, the code generation process makes the following connections and
adds VariantMerge blocks to the sldemo_variant_subsystems model.

When compared to a generic Merge block the VariantMerge block can have only one
parameter which is the number of Inputs. The VariantMerge block is used for code
generation in variant subsystems internally, and is not available externally to be used in
models. The number of inputs for VariantMerge is determined and wired as shown in
the figure below.

5 Variant Systems

The child subsystems of the Variant Subsystem block must be atomic subsystems.
Select Treat as atomic unit parameter in the Subsystem block parameters dialog, to
make the subsystems atomic. The VariantMerge blocks are inserted at the outport of
the subsystems if more than one child subsystems are present. If the source block of a
VariantMerge block input is nonvirtual, an error message will be displayed during code
generation. You must make the source block contiguous, by inserting Signal Conversion
blocks inside the variant choices. The VariantMerge block does not support variable
dimensions through it, so you cannot have child subsystems with different output signal

Special Considerations for Generating Preprocessor Conditionals

Special Considerations for Generating Preprocessor Conditionals

• The code generation process checks that the inports and outports of a Model Variants
block are identical (same port numbers and names) to the corresponding inports and
outports of its variants. The build process for simulation does not make this check.
Therefore, if your variant block contains mismatched inports or outports, the code
generation process issues an error.
• The port numbers and names for each child variant subsystem must belong to a
subset of the port numbers and names of the parent Variant Subsystem block.
• The code generation process checks that there is at least one active variant by
using the variant control values stored in the base workspace. The variant control
that evaluates to true becomes the active variant. If none of the variant controls
evaluates to true, the default variant, if specified, becomes the active variant. The
code generation process issues an error if an active variant does not exist.
• If you comment out child subsystems listed in the Variant Choices table in the
Variant Subsystem block parameter dialog box, the code generator does not generate
code for the commented out subsystems.
• If the sample time for a default variant differs from that of the other variant choices,
the #else preprocessor conditional is not generated for the default variant. Instead,
an #if !(<variant conditions>) is generated.

5 Variant Systems

Limitations on Generating Code for Variants

• When you are generating code for Model Variants blocks and Variant Subsystem
blocks, the blocks cannot have:

• Continuous states or mass matrices

• Function call ports
• Outports with constant sample time
• Simscape™ blocks
• The Model Variants block and its referenced models must have the same number of
inports and outports.
• The port numbers and names for each active child subsystem must belong to a subset
of the port numbers and names of the parent Variant Subsystem block.

Generated Code Components Not Compiled Conditionally

Generated Code Components Not Compiled Conditionally

The following components in the generated code are not compiled conditionally. This is
true even if they are referenced only by code for variant subsystems or models that are
conditionally compiled.

• rtModel data structure fields

• #include's of utility files
• Global non-constant parameter structure fields; when the configuration parameter
Optimization > Signals and Parameters > Parameter structure is set to
• Global constant parameter structure fields that are referenced by multiple
subsystems activated by different variants
• Parameters that are configured to use an imported, exported, or custom code
generation storage class, and are referenced by multiple subsystems that are
activated by different variants
• Parameters that are configured to use an imported, exported, or custom code
generation storage class, and are used by variant model blocks


Scheduling Considerations

• “Use Discrete and Continuous Time” on page 6-2

• “Optimize Multirate Multitasking Operation on RTOS Targets” on page 6-4
6 Scheduling Considerations

Use Discrete and Continuous Time

In this section...
“Support for Discrete and Continuous Time Blocks” on page 6-2
“Support for Continuous Solvers” on page 6-2
“Support for Stop Time” on page 6-2

Support for Discrete and Continuous Time Blocks

The ERT target supports code generation for discrete and continuous time blocks. If the
Support continuous time option is selected, you can use these blocks in your models,
without restriction.

Note that use of certain blocks is not recommended for production code generation
for embedded systems. The Simulink Block Data Type Support table summarizes
characteristics of blocks in the Simulink and Fixed-Point Designer block libraries,
including whether or not they are recommended for use in production code generation. To
view this table, execute the following command and see the “Code Generation Support”
column of the table that appears:

Support for Continuous Solvers

The ERT target supports continuous solvers. In the Solver options dialog, you can select
an available solver in the Solver menu. (Note that the solver Type must be fixed-step
for use with the ERT target.)

Note Custom targets must be modified to support continuous time. The required
modifications are described in “Custom Targets” in the Simulink Coder documentation.

Support for Stop Time

The ERT target supports the stop time for a model. When generating host-based
executables, the stop time value is honored if one of the following is true:

• Classic call interface is selected on the Interface pane

Use Discrete and Continuous Time

• External mode is selected in the Data exchange subpane of the Interface pane
• MAT-file logging is selected on the Interface pane

Otherwise, the executable runs indefinitely.

Note: The ERT target provides both generated and static examples of the ert_main.c
file. The ert_main.c file controls the overall model code execution by calling the
model_step function and optionally checking the ErrorStatus/StopRequested
flags to terminate execution. For a custom target, if you provide your own custom static
main.c, you should consider including support for checking these flags.

6 Scheduling Considerations

Optimize Multirate Multitasking Operation on RTOS Targets

In this section...
“Overview” on page 6-4
“Use rtmStepTask” on page 6-5
“Scheduling Code for Multirate Multitasking on VxWorks” on page 6-5
“Suppress Redundant Scheduling Calls” on page 6-6

Using the rtmStepTask macro, targets that employ the task management mechanisms
of an RTOS can eliminate certain redundant scheduling calls during the execution
of tasks in a multirate, multitasking model, thereby improving performance of the
generated code.

To understand the optimization that is available for an RTOS target, consider how the
ERT target schedules tasks for bareboard targets (where RTOS is not present). The
ERT target maintains scheduling counters and event flags for each subrate task. The
scheduling counters are implemented within the real-time model (rtM) data structure as
arrays, indexed on task identifier (tid).

The scheduling counters are updated by the base-rate task. The counters are clock rate
dividers that count up the sample period associated with each subrate task. When a
given subrate counter reaches a value that indicates it has a hit, the sample period for
that rate has elapsed and the counter is reset to zero. When this occurs, the subrate task
must be scheduled for execution.

The event flags indicate whether or not a given task is scheduled for execution. For
a multirate, multitasking model, the event flags are maintained by code in the main
program for the model. For each task, the code maintains a task counter. When the
counter reaches 0, indicating that the task's sample period has elapsed, the event flag for
that task is set.

On each time step, the counters and event flags are updated and the base-rate task
executes. Then, the scheduling flags are checked in tid order, and tasks whose event flag
is set is executed. Therefore, tasks are executed in order of priority.

For bareboard targets that cannot rely on an external RTOS, the event flags are
mandatory to allow overlapping task preemption. However, an RTOS target uses the

Optimize Multirate Multitasking Operation on RTOS Targets

operating system itself to manage overlapping task preemption, making the maintenance
of the event flags redundant.

Use rtmStepTask
The rtmStepTask macro is defined in model.h and its syntax is as follows:
boolean task_ready = rtmStepTask(rtm, idx);

The arguments are:

• rtm: pointer to the real-time model structure (rtM)

• idx: task identifier (tid) of the task whose scheduling counter is to be tested

rtmStepTask returns TRUE if the task's scheduling counter equals zero, indicating that
the task should be scheduled for execution on the current time step. Otherwise, it returns

If your target supports the Generate an example main program parameter, you can
generate calls to rtmStepTask using the TLC function RTMTaskRunsThisBaseStep.

Scheduling Code for Multirate Multitasking on VxWorks

The following task scheduling code, from ertmainlib.tlc, is designed for multirate
multitasking operation on a Wind River® Systems VxWorks® target. The example uses
the TLC function RTMTaskRunsThisBaseStep to generate calls to the rtmStepTask
macro. A loop iterates over each subrate task, and rtmStepTask is called for each
task. If rtmStepTask returns TRUE, the VxWorks semGive function is called, and the
VxWorks RTOS schedules the task to run.
%assign ifarg = RTMTaskRunsThisBaseStep("i")
for (i = 1; i < %<FcnNumST>; i++) {
if (%<ifarg>) {
if (semTake(taskSemList[i],NO_WAIT) != ERROR) {
logMsg("Rate for SubRate task %d is too fast.\n",i,0,0,0,0,0);

6 Scheduling Considerations

Suppress Redundant Scheduling Calls

Redundant scheduling calls are still generated by default for backward compatibility. To
change this setting and suppress them, add the following TLC variable definition to your
system target file before the %include "codegenentry.tlc" statement:
%assign SuppressSetEventsForThisBaseRateFcn = 1

Data, Function, and File Definition

Data Types

• “What are User-Defined Data Types?” on page 7-2

• “Location of User-Defined Type Definitions” on page 7-3
• “Create and Apply User-Defined Data Types” on page 7-5
• “Specify Persistence Level for Signals and Parameters” on page 7-8
• “Buses” on page 7-11
• “Rename Built-In Data Types” on page 7-26
• “Register mpt User Object Types” on page 7-28
• “Data Type Replacement” on page 7-32
• “Data Definition and Declaration Management” on page 7-43
7 Data Types

What are User-Defined Data Types?

User-defined data types are objects of the following data type classes.

• Simulink.AliasType
• Simulink.Bus
• Simulink.NumericType

You can apply user-defined data types to achieve the following objectives in generated

• Map your own data type definitions to built-in data types, and specify that your data
types are to be used in generated code.
• Optionally, generate #include directives specifying own header files that contain
your data type definitions. This technique allows you to use legacy data types in
generated code.

In general, code generated from user-defined data objects conforms to the properties and
attributes of the objects as defined for use in simulation. When generating code from
user-defined data objects, the name of the object is the name of the data type that is used
in the generated code. For Simulink.NumericType objects whose IsAlias property is
false, the name of the functionally equivalent built-in or fixed-point Simulink data type is
used instead.

See Also
“ Data Objects”

Location of User-Defined Type Definitions

Location of User-Defined Type Definitions

In this section...
“Omit a HeaderFile Value” on page 7-3
“Specify a HeaderFile Value” on page 7-3

When a model uses Simulink.DataType and Simulink.Bus objects, the generated

code includes corresponding typedef definitions. Both Simulink.DataType and
Simulink.Bus objects have a HeaderFile property that controls the location of the
object's typedef. Setting a HeaderFile is optional and specific to code generation only.

Omit a HeaderFile Value

If the HeaderFile property for a Simulink.DataType or Simulink.Bus object
is left empty, a generated typedef for the object appears in the generated file


For a Simulink.NumericType object named myfloat with a Category of double and

without HeaderFile property specified, model_types.h in the generated code contains:
typedef real_T myfloat;

Specify a HeaderFile Value

If the HeaderFile property for a Simulink.DataType or Simulink.Bus object is set
to a string value,

• The string must be the name of a header file that contains a typedef for the object.
• The generated file model_types.h contains a #include that gives the header file

You can use this technique to include legacy or other externally created typedefs in
generated code. When the generated code compiles, the specified header file must be
accessible on the build process include path.

HeaderFile Property Syntax

The HeaderFile property should include the desired preprocessor delimiter ("" or
'<>'), as in the following examples.

7 Data Types

This example:
myfloat.HeaderFile = '<legacy_types.h>'

generates the directive:

#include <legacy_types.h>

This example:
myfloat.HeaderFile = '"legacy_types.h"'

generates the directive:

#include "legacy_types.h"

Create and Apply User-Defined Data Types

Create and Apply User-Defined Data Types

This example shows how to create user-defined data types and specify them for data

1 Open the Model Explorer and create Simulink.Signal and Simulink.Parameter

objects in the base workspace.

2 Click Add > Simulink.AliasType to create a data type object.

3 Name the object and set its Base type to int32 and Header file to

7 Data Types

4 Select the data object for which you want to specify the user-defined data type. Click
its Data Type field and from the drop down select Refresh data types.

This action updates the data type list with the user-defined data type you created.
5 Select the user-defined data type.

Create and Apply User-Defined Data Types

See Also
“Create Simulink and mpt Data Objects” on page 7-44 | “ Data Objects”

7 Data Types

Specify Persistence Level for Signals and Parameters

With this procedure, you can control the persistence level of signal and parameter objects
associated with a model. Persistence level allows you to make intermediate variables or
parameters global during initial development. At the later stages of development, you
can use this procedure to remove these signals and parameters for efficiency. Notice the
Persistence Level field on the Model Explorer, as illustrated in the figure below. For
descriptions of the properties on the Model Explorer, see Parameter and Signal Property

Notice also the Signal display level and Parameter tune level fields on the Code
Placement pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, as illustrated in the next

Specify Persistence Level for Signals and Parameters

The Signal display level field allows you to specify whether or not the code generator
defines a signal data object as global data in the generated code. The number you specify
in this field is relative to the number you specify in the Persistence level field. The
Signal display level number is for mpt (module packaging tool) signal data objects in
the model. The Persistence level number is for a particular mpt signal data object. If
the data object's Persistence level is equal to or less than the Signal display level,
the signal appears in the generated code as global data with the properties (custom
attributes) specified in “Create mpt Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” on page
7-51. For example, this would occur if Persistence level is 2 and Signal display
level is 5.

Otherwise, the code generator automatically determines how the particular signal data
object appears in the generated code. Depending on the settings on the Optimization
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, the signal data object could appear in
the code as local data without the custom attributes you specified for that data object. Or,

7 Data Types

based on expression folding, the code generator could remove the data object so that it
does not appear in the code. For more information, see “Code Optimization Basics”.

The Parameter tune level field allows you to specify whether or not the code generator
declares a parameter data object as tunable global data in the generated code.

The number you specify in this field is relative to the number you specify in the
Persistence level field. The Parameter tune level number is for mpt parameter
data objects in the model. The Persistence level number is for a particular mpt
parameter data object. If the data object's Persistence level is equal to or less than the
Parameter tune level, the parameter appears in the generated code with the properties
(custom attributes) specified in “Create mpt Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” on
page 7-51, and thus is tunable. For example, this would occur if Persistence level is
2 and Parameter tune level is 5.

Otherwise, the parameter is inlined in the generated code, and the code generation
settings determine its exact form.

Note that, in the initial stages of development, you might be more concerned about
debugging than code size. Or, you might want one or more particular data objects to
appear in the code so that you can analyze intermediate calculations of an equation. In
this case, you might want to specify the Parameter tune level (Signal display level
for signals) to be higher than Persistence level for some mpt parameter (or signal) data
objects. This results in larger code size, because the code generator defines the parameter
(or signal) data objects as global data, which have the custom properties you specified. As
you approach production code generation, however, you might have more concern about
reducing the size of the code and less need for debugging or intermediate analyses. In
this stage of the tradeoff, you could make the Parameter tune level (Signal display
level for signals) greater than Persistence level for one or more data objects, generate
code and observe the results. Repeat until satisfied.

1 With the model open, in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, click Code
Generation > Code Placement.
2 Type the desired number in the Signal display level or Parameter tune level
field, and click Apply.
3 In the Model Explorer, type the desired number in the Persistence field for the
selected signal or parameter, and click Apply.
4 Save the model and generate code.


In this section...
“About Buses and Code Generation” on page 7-11
“Set Bus Diagnostics” on page 7-12
“Optimize Virtual and Nonvirtual Buses” on page 7-12
“Use Single-Rate and Multi-Rate Buses” on page 7-15
“Set Bus Signal Initial Values” on page 7-18
“Use Buses with Atomic Subsystems” on page 7-22

About Buses and Code Generation

When you use buses in a model for which you intend to generate code:

• Setting diagnostic configuration parameters can add to the ease of development.

• The bus implementation techniques used can influence the speed, size, and clarity of
that code.
• Some bus implementation techniques that can be useful are not immediately obvious.

This chapter contains guidelines that you can use to improve the results when you work
with buses. The guidelines describe techniques for:

• Simplifying the layout of the model

• Increasing the efficiency of generated code
• Defining data structures for function/subsystem interfaces
• Defining data structures that match existing data structures in external C code

Some trade-offs inevitably exist among speed, size, and clarity. For example, the code for
nonvirtual buses is easier to read because the buses appear in the code as structures, but
the code for virtual buses is faster because virtual buses do not require copying signal
data. The applicability of some guidelines can therefore depend on where you are in the
application development process.

This chapter focuses on optimizations that are useful for final production code. Before
you read this chapter, read “Composite Signals”. This topic assumes that you understand

7 Data Types

the concepts and procedures described in that one, including the blocks used for creating
and manipulating buses.

Set Bus Diagnostics

Simulink provides diagnostics that you can use to optimize bus usage. Set the following
values on the Configuration Parameters > Diagnostics > Connectivity pane:

Bus signal treated as vector is enabled only when Mux blocks used to create bus
signals is set to error. See “Prevent Bus and Mux Mixtures” for more information.

Optimize Virtual and Nonvirtual Buses

• “Use Virtual Buses Wherever Possible” on page 7-12
• “Avoid Nonlocal Nested Buses in Nonvirtual Buses” on page 7-13

Use Virtual Buses Wherever Possible

Virtual buses are graphical conveniences that do not affect generated code. As a result,
the code generation engine is able to fully optimize the signals in the bus. You should
therefore use virtual rather than nonvirtual buses wherever possible. You can convert
between virtual and nonvirtual buses using Signal Conversion blocks. In many cases,
Simulink automatically converts a virtual bus to a nonvirtual bus when required. For
example, a virtual bus input to a Model block becomes a nonvirtual bus without the need
for explicit conversion. See for more information.
When are Virtual and Nonvirtual Buses Required?

In some cases, Simulink requires the use of nonvirtual buses:


• For non-auto storage classes

• Inports and Outports of Model blocks
• To generate a specific structure from the bus
• Root level Inport or Outport blocks when the bus has mixed data types

In one case, Simulink requires the use of virtual buses:

• Only virtual buses can be used for bundling function call signals.

Avoid Nonlocal Nested Buses in Nonvirtual Buses

Buses can contain subordinate buses. The storage class of a subordinate bus should be
auto, which results in a local signal. Setting a subordinate bus to a non-auto storage
class has two undesirable results:

• Allocation of redundant memory (memory for the subordinate bus object and memory
for the final bus object)
• Additional copy operations (first copying to the subordinate bus and then copying
from the subordinate bus to the final bus)

In the following example, the final bus is created from local scoped subordinate elements.
The resulting assignment operations are relatively efficient:

7 Data Types

By contrast in the next example the subordinate elements Sub_Bus_1 and Sub_Bus_2
are global in scope. First the assignment to the subordinate bus occurs (lines 54 – 59)
then the copy of the subordinate bus to the main bus (lines 60 – 61). In most cases, this is
not an efficient implementation:


Use Single-Rate and Multi-Rate Buses

• “Introduction” on page 7-15
• “Techniques for Combining Multiple Rates” on page 7-15
• “Larger Buses and Multiple Rates” on page 7-17
• “Specify Sample Time Rates” on page 7-18


Nonvirtual buses do not support multiple rates. Virtual buses support multiple rates
as long as the bus does not cross a root level inport or outport. The best techniques for
optimizing a bus that contains signals that initially have different rates can depend on
the type of the bus and the number of signals.

Techniques for Combining Multiple Rates

The simplest bus contains only two signals. The next figure shows two examples of two-
element buses. The first example shows a virtual bus created from two signals that have
different rates. The second example shows a nonvirtual bus created from the same two
signals. The Sample Time Legend shows the different signal rates:

7 Data Types

The signals with different rates in the first example can be combined into a virtual bus,
because virtual buses support multiple rates. However, a multirate virtual bus cannot
connect to a root-level output port. The bus therefore passes through a Rate Transition
block that converts it to a single-rate bus, then connects to the Outport. This technique is
preferable only for virtual buses that contain one or two signals. See “Larger Buses and
Multiple Rates” on page 7-17.


The signals with different rates in the second example cannot initially be combined
into a nonvirtual bus, because nonvirtual buses do not support multiple rates. One of
the signals therefore passes through a Rate Transition block, which converts it to have
the same rate as the other signal, then connects to the Bus Creator block. The signals
can then combine into a single-rate nonvirtual bus, which can connect to the root-level
outport without further conversion.

Larger Buses and Multiple Rates

When you create a multirate virtual bus that contains more than two signals, you can
convert the bus to single-rate by applying a Rate Transition block to the output of the
Bus Creator block. Use a Rate Transition block on each input signal to give full control
over the output rate. As the next figure shows, when a single Rate Transition block is
used, the block sets the signals to the fastest rate (D1):

7 Data Types

Note that the preferred techniques for a virtual bus with more than two signals, and the
required technique for a nonvirtual bus with one or more signals, are the same. Note also
that, in the preceding figure, the blocks that perform rate transition are not actual Rate
Transition blocks, but other blocks that can change the signal rate as part of some other
operation. The identity of the blocks that perform rate transition is not as significant;
what matters is that the signal rates match when required.

Specify Sample Time Rates

The sample time for buses should be specified through the signals that define the bus.
If the sample times do not match, use Rate Transition (or equivalent) blocks to create
a uniform rate, as shown in the previous figures. The signal rates should not be set by
specifying Sample Time values in a Bus Creator block's bus object. Instead, set the
sample time for each signal before inputting it to the Bus Creator, and set each Sample
Time in the corresponding bus object to -1, which indicates the value is inherited.

Set Bus Signal Initial Values

• “Introduction” on page 7-19
• “Initialize Bus Signals in Simulink” on page 7-19
• “Bus Initialization in Stateflow” on page 7-19
• “Create a Bus of Constants” on page 7-21



Unlike scalar and vector signals, buses do not provide a direct way to initialize signals.
This section describes techniques for initializing bus signals using Simulink, Stateflow,
and MATLAB functions.

Initialize Bus Signals in Simulink

In Simulink, you can set initial values on a bus by using a set of conditionally executed
subsystems, such as Function-Call subsystems, and a Merge block, as shown in this

Both subsystems (InitBus and StandardUpdate) create a bus signal of type

CounterBus. However, the assignment to the variable GlobalCounter is controlled by
the Merge block. See “Create a Function-Call Subsystem” for more information.

This technique is limited because the StandardUpdate subsystem does not use
the initial values from the InitBus subsystem. If the calculations depend on past
information from the bus, consider using Stateflow or MATLAB functions to initialize bus

Bus Initialization in Stateflow

Stateflow and MATLAB functions allow for conditional execution internally. In the
following example, the init and update code are Functions in the Stateflow diagram.
This technique simplifies the presentation in the generated code:

7 Data Types

In the generated code, you can see that the UpdateCnt function uses the past value of

The previous example used Stateflow Graphical functions to initialize and update the
buses. Alternatively, you can use MATLAB functions or Simulink subsystems embedded
in a Stateflow diagram. The next figure illustrates this technique:


The Simulink subsystems are the same as those used in the earlier Simulink-only

Create a Bus of Constants

The code for specifying a bus of constant values will appear in either the Init or the
Step function of the model. The code location depends on the configuration of the bus.
In most cases the code appears in the Step function. However if the following conditions
hold the code will be placed in the Init function:

• The bus is a virtual bus

• The signals in the bus have the same data type
• The signals in the bus are constants

In the next figure, only the bus named Bus_2 meets the requirements:

7 Data Types

The code for Bus_2 therefore appears in the Init function. The code for the other buses
appears in the Step function:

To avoid repeatedly updating a bus of constants, place the bus code into a function-call
subsystem, as described in “Initialize Bus Signals in Simulink” on page 7-19. When
you use this technique, make sure the function-call subsystem is called at the start of
execution. See “Create a Function-Call Subsystem” for more information.

Use Buses with Atomic Subsystems

• “Extract Nonvirtual Bus Signals from Atomic Subsystems” on page 7-22
• “Virtual Bus Signals Crossing Atomic Boundaries” on page 7-23
• “Atomic Subsystems and Buses of Constants” on page 7-24

Extract Nonvirtual Bus Signals from Atomic Subsystems

Selecting signals from a nonvirtual bus can result in unnecessary data copies when those
signals cross an atomic boundary. In the following example the same code, a simple
multiplication of two elements in a vector, is executed three times:


In the second instance when the bus signals are selected outside of the atomic subsystem
an unnecessary copy of the bus data is created.

Although this example shows only signals with global scope, both global and local signals
show the same behavior: the selection of the signals outside of the model results in an
unnecessary copy, while the internal selection does not.

Virtual Bus Signals Crossing Atomic Boundaries

Virtual buses that cross atomic boundaries can result in the creation of unnecessary data
copies. The following example shows the data copy that occurs when a virtual bus crosses
an atomic boundary:

7 Data Types

Lines 25–26 show the signals being selected out of the bus before they are used in the
function on lines 19–20. By comparison the nonvirtual bus does not require the use of
temporary variables.

Atomic Subsystems and Buses of Constants

If the bus passed into an atomic subsystem consists exclusively of constants, using a
virtual bus is more efficient, because Simulink is able to inline the constant values into
the code:


7 Data Types

Rename Built-In Data Types

You can replace built-in data type names with user-defined replacement data type names
in the generated code for a model.

To configure replacement data types,

1 In the Model Editor, set the simulation mode of the open model. From the
Simulation menu, select Normal, Software-in-the-loop (SIL), or
Processor-in-the-loop (PIL).
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, click Code Generation > Data Type
Replacement > Replace data type names in the generated code. A Data type
names table appears. The table lists each Simulink built-in data type name with its
corresponding code generation data type name.

3 Fill in fields in the third column with your replacement data types. Each
replacement data type should be the name of a Simulink.AliasType object
that exists in the base workspace. Replacements may be specified or not for each
individual built-in type.

For each replacement data type you enter, the BaseType property of the associated
Simulink.AliasType object must be consistent with the built-in data type it

Rename Built-In Data Types

• For double, single, int32, int16, int8, uint32, uint16, and uint8, the
replacement data type's BaseType must match the data type.
• For boolean, the replacement data type's BaseType must be either an 8-
bit integer or an integer of the size displayed for Number of bits: int on the
Hardware Implementation pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
• For int, uint, and char, the replacement data type's size must match the size
displayed for Number of bits: int or Number of bits: char on the Hardware
Implementation pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

An error occurs, if

• A replacement data type specification is inconsistent.

• The Simulink.AliasType object has the Data scope parameter set to

7 Data Types

Register mpt User Object Types

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 7-28
“Register mpt User Object Types Using sl_customization.m” on page 7-28
“mpt User Object Type Customization Using sl_customization.m” on page 7-30

Embedded Coder software allows you to create custom mpt object types and specify
properties and property values to be associated with them (see “Create mpt Data Objects
with Data Object Wizard” on page 7-51). Once created, a user object type can be
applied to data objects displayed in Model Explorer. When you apply a user object type to
a data object, by selecting a type name in the User object type pull-down list in Model
Explorer, the data object is automatically populated with the properties and property
values that you specified for the user object type.

To register mpt user object type customizations, use the Simulink customization file
sl_customization.m. This file is a mechanism that allows you to use MATLAB code to
perform customizations of the standard Simulink user interface. The Simulink software
reads the sl_customization.m file, if present on the MATLAB path, when it starts
and the customizations specified in the file are applied to the Simulink session. For
more information on the sl_customization.m customization file, see “Registering

Register mpt User Object Types Using sl_customization.m

To register mpt user object type customizations, you create an instance of
sl_customization.m and include it on the MATLAB path of the Simulink installation
that you want to customize. The sl_customization function accepts one argument: a
handle to a customization manager object. For example,

function sl_customization(cm)

As a starting point for your customizations, the sl_customization function must first
get the default (factory) customizations, using the following assignment statement:

Register mpt User Object Types

hObj = cm.slDataObjectCustomizer;

You then invoke methods to register your customizations. The customization manager
object includes the following methods for registering mpt user object type customizations:

• addMPTObjectType(hObj, objectTypeName, classtype, propName1,

propValue1, propName2, propValue2, ...)

addMPTObjectType(hObj, objectTypeName, classtype, {propName1,

propName2, ...}, {propValue1, propValue2, ...})

Registers the specified user object type, along with specified values for object
properties, and adds the object type to the top of the user object type list, as displayed
in the User object type pull-down list in the Model Explorer.

• objectTypeName — Name of the user object type

• classType — Class to which the user object type applies: 'Signal',
'Parameter', or 'Both'
• propName — Name of a property of an mpt or mpt-derived data object to be
populated with a corresponding propValue when the registered user object type is
• propValue — Specifies the value for a corresponding propName
• moveMPTObjectTypeToTop(hObj, objectTypeName)

Moves the specified user object type to the top of the user object type list, as displayed
in the User object type pull-down list in the Model Explorer.
• moveMPTObjectTypeToEnd(hObj, objectTypeName)

Moves the specified user object type to the end of the user object type list, as displayed
in the User object type pull-down list in the Model Explorer.
• removeMPTObjectType(hObj, objectTypeName)

Removes the specified user object type from the user object type list.

Your instance of the sl_customization function should use these methods to register
mpt object type customizations for your Simulink installation.

The Simulink software reads the sl_customization.m file when it starts. If you
subsequently change the file, to use the changes, you must restart your MATLAB

7 Data Types

mpt User Object Type Customization Using sl_customization.m

The sl_customization.m file shown in sl_customization.m for mpt Object Type
Customizations uses the addMPTObjectType method to register the user signal types
EngineType and FuelType for mpt objects.

sl_customization.m for mpt Object Type Customizations

function sl_customization(cm)
% Register user customizations

% Get default (factory) customizations

hObj = cm.slDataObjectCustomizer;

% Add commonly used signal types

'DataType', 'uint8',...
'Min', 0,...
'Max', 255,...

'DataType', 'int16',...
'Min', -12,...
'Max', 3000,...


If you include the above file on the MATLAB path of the Simulink installation that
you want to customize, the specified customizations will appear in Model Explorer. For
example, you could view the customizations as follows:

1 Start a MATLAB session.

2 Open Model Explorer, for example, by entering the MATLAB command daexplr.
3 Select Base Workspace.
4 Add an mpt signal, for example, by selecting Add > Add Custom.
5 In the right-hand pane display for the added mpt signal, examine the User
object type drop-down list, noting the impact of the changes specified in
sl_customization.m for mpt Object Type Customizations.

Register mpt User Object Types

6 From the User object type drop-down list, select one of the registered user
signal types, for example, FuelType, and verify that the displayed settings are
consistent with the arguments specified to the addMPTObjectType method in

7 Data Types

Data Type Replacement

In this section...
“Replace Built-In Data Type Names” on page 7-32
“Replace Built-In Data Type Names with Replacement Data Type Names” on page
“Programmatically Replace Built-In Data Type Names” on page 7-40
“Replace boolean with an Integer Data Type” on page 7-40
“Data Type Replacement Limitations” on page 7-42

Replace Built-In Data Type Names

In the generated code for a model, you can replace built-in data type names with user-
defined names.

To configure replacement data type names:

1 In the Model Editor, set the simulation mode of the open model. From the
Simulation > Mode menu, select Normal, Software-in-the-loop (SIL), or
Processor-in-the-loop (PIL).
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, click Code Generation > Data
Type Replacement. Select Replace data type names in the generated code.
The Data type names table lists each Simulink built-in data type name with its
corresponding code generation data type name.

Data Type Replacement

3 Fill in the Replacement Name column with values to replace the default names in
the Code Generation Name column. Specify one of the following:

• The name of a Simulink.AliasType object that exists in the base workspace.

Set the BaseType object property value to the corresponding Simulink Name
data type. When you use a Simulink.AliasType object, you can replace a data
type name with a valid Simulink.AliasType name.
• The Simulink Name data type. This name replaces the name in the generated
code. Using the Simulink Name, you can replace all values except real_T
and real32_T. For information on how you specify replacement names for
boolean_T, int_T, uint_T, and char_T, see the following table.
• The name of a Simulink.NumericType object that exists in the base workspace.
Set the DataTypeMode object property value to the corresponding Simulink
Name data type. Using Simulink.NumericType, you can define replacement
names for real_T, real32_T, and boolean_T.

Specify the Data Type for the Code Generation Name

Code Generation Name Simulink.AliasType Simulink Name Simulink.NumericType

BaseType DataTypeMode
real_T double – Double

7 Data Types

Code Generation Name Simulink.AliasType Simulink Name Simulink.NumericType

BaseType DataTypeMode
real32_T single – Single
int32_T int32 int32 –
int16_T int16 int16 –
int8_T int8 int8 –
uint32_T uint32 uint32 –
uint16_T uint16 uint16 –
uint8_T uint8 uint8 –
boolean_T uint8 or int8 or uint8 or int8 or Boolean
intn* intn*
int_T intn* intn* –
uint_T uintn* uintn* –
char_T intn* intn* –

* n is the number of bits displayed in the Configuration Parameters box, Hardware

Implementation pane, either Number of bits: int or Number of bits: char,
depending on the data type.

To specify the data type for Replacement Name in column one of the table, use the
value listed in the column representing the replacement representation.

For example, to use a Simulink.AliasType object to change uint32_T to the name

unsigned_integer in the generated code:

• In the Command Window, create the unsigned_integer object:

>> unsigned_integer=Simulink.AliasType;
• Look in the table under Code Generation Name for uint32_T.

Assign the value in the column labeled Simulink.AliasType BaseType, to


>> unsigned_integer.BaseType='uint32';
• In the Data Type Replacement table, in the Replacement Name column, in the
uint32_T row, enterunsigned_integer .
Data Type Replacement

An error occurs, if:

• A replacement data type specification does not correspond to the Simulink Name
data type.
• The Simulink.AliasType object has the Data scope parameter set to Exported.

For more information, see “Simulink.AliasType” and “Simulink.NumericType”.

Replace Built-In Data Type Names with Replacement Data Type Names
If your application requires you to replace built-in data type names with user-defined
replacement data type names in the generated code, you can do so from the Code
Generation > Data Type Replacement pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog

This pane is available for ERT target-based Simulink models. In addition to providing a
mechanism for mapping built-in data types to user-defined replacement data types, this

• Performs consistency checks so that your specified data type replacements are
consistent with your model's data types.
• Allows many-to-one data type replacement, the ability to map multiple built-in data
types to one replacement data type in generated code. For example, built-in data
types uint8 and boolean can be replaced in your generated code by a data type U8
that you have previously defined.

Note: For limitations that apply, see “Data Type Replacement Limitations” on page

If you select Replace data type names in the generated code, the Data type names
table is displayed.

The table Data type names lists each Simulink built-in data type name along with its
code generation data type name. Selectively fill in fields in the third column with your
replacement data types. You can specify replacements or not for each individual built-in
type. Each replacement data type must be one of the following:

• The name of a Simulink.AliasType object that exists in the base workspace. Set
the BaseType object property value to the corresponding Simulink Name data type.

7 Data Types

When you use a Simulink.AliasType object, you can replace a data type name with
a valid Simulink.AliasType name.
• The Simulink Name data type. This name replaces the name in the generated code.
Using the Simulink Name, you can replace all values except real_T and real32_T.
For information on how you specify replacement names for boolean_T, int_T,
uint_T, and char_T, see the following table.
• The name of a Simulink.NumericType object that exists in the base workspace. Set
the DataTypeMode object property value to the corresponding Simulink Name data
type. Using Simulink.NumericType, you can define replacement names for real_T,
real32_T, and boolean_T.

An error occurs if a replacement data type specification is inconsistent.

Specify the Data Type for the Code Generation Name

Code Generation Name Simulink.AliasType Simulink Name Simulink.NumericType

BaseType DataTypeMode
real_T double – Double
real32_T single – Single
int32_T int32 int32 –
int16_T int16 int16 –
int8_T int8 int8 –
uint32_T uint32 uint32 –
uint16_T uint16 uint16 –
uint8_T uint8 uint8 –
boolean_T uint8 or int8 or uint8 or int8 or Boolean
intn* intn*
int_T intn* intn* –
uint_T uintn* uintn* –
char_T intn* intn* –

* n is the number of bits displayed in the Configuration Parameters box, Hardware

Implementation pane, either Number of bits: int or Number of bits: char,
depending on the data type.

Data Type Replacement

It is not recommended to use data type replacement to work around data type checking.
Do not intentionally replace a data type with a type that has inconsistent characteristics,
such as replacing real_T with a type name that maps to a single-precision data
type (inconsistent size). Remapping to inconsistent types can introduce significant
numerical differences, relative to simulation results, and erroneous behavior. Examples
of inconsistencies include:

• Floating-point precision differences, due to the floating-point number representation

and arithmetic unit on the target processor using a smaller number of bits.
• Literal values and tolerances, calculated and used during simulation and incorporated
into generated code, which are inconsistent with the actual data types used on the
target system.
• Algorithm convergence and run-time library behavior observed during simulation not
being representative of the target system.

For example, suppose that you have previously defined the following replacement data
types, which exist as Simulink.AliasType objects in the base workspace.

User-Defined Name Description

FLOAT64 64-bit floating point
FLOAT32 32-bit floating point
S32 32-bit integer
S16 16-bit integer
S8 8-bit integer
U32 Unsigned 32-bit integer
U16 Unsigned 16-bit integer
U8 Unsigned 8-bit integer
CHAR Character data

You can fill in the Data Type Replacement pane with a one-to-one replacement
mapping, as follows:

7 Data Types

You can also apply a many-to-one data type replacement mapping. For example, in the
following display:

• int32 and int are replaced with user type S32.

• uint32 and uint are replaced with user type U32.
• uint8 and boolean are replaced with user type U8.

Note: Many-to-one data type replacement does not support the char (char_T) built-in
data type. Use char only in one-to-one data type replacements.

Data Type Replacement

The user-defined replacement types you specify appear in your model's generated code
in place of the corresponding built-in data types. For example, if you specify user-defined
data type FLOAT64 to replace built-in data type real_T (double), the original generated
code shown in Generated Code with real_T Built-In Data Type becomes the modified
generated code in Generated Code with FLOAT64 Replacement Data Type.

Generated Code with real_T Built-In Data Type

/* Model initialize function */
void sinwave_initialize(void)
{real_T *dwork_ptr = (real_T *) &sinwave_DWork.lastSin;

Generated Code with FLOAT64 Replacement Data Type

/* Model initialize function */
void sinwave_initialize(void)

7 Data Types

{FLOAT64 *dwork_ptr = (FLOAT64 *) &sinwave_DWork.lastSin;

Programmatically Replace Built-In Data Type Names

To replace the built-in data type names for your model, modify the ReplacementTypes
property, which is managed as a structure. The following lines of example code show how
you can modify the ReplacementTypes property to replace the built-in data type names
int8, uint8, and boolean with user-defined data type names my_T_S8, my_T_U8, and
my_T_BOOL, respectively.

model = bdroot;
cs = getActiveConfigSet(model);

struc = get_param(cs,'ReplacementTypes');
struc.int8 = 'my_T_S8';
struc.uint8 = 'my_T_U8';
struc.boolean = 'my_T_BOOL';


Replace boolean with an Integer Data Type

Using data type replacement, you can replace the boolean built-in data type with an
integer type in the generated code. The integer type can improve the performance of the
generated code on your production hardware:

• int8
• uint8
• intn

n is 8, 16, or 32, matching the integer word size for the production hardware (for
example, int32 for 32-bit hardware).

For example, to map boolean to the int32 data type, perform the following steps.

Data Type Replacement

1 Define a Simulink.AliasType object with a base type of int32:

mybool = Simulink.AliasType;
mybool.BaseType = 'int32';
2 Open an ERT-based model. In the Data Type Replacement pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, map boolean (boolean_T) to the
replacement data type mybool.

In the resulting generated code, boolean is replaced with mybool. For example,
rtwtypes.h contains:
/* Generic type definitions ... */
typedef int boolean_T;
/* Define Simulink Coder replacement data types. */
typedef boolean_T mybool; /* User defined replacement datatype for boolean_T */

Boolean data in the generated code is declared with mybool. For example, given a model
with a Boolean output Out1, an Out1 declaration such as:
boolean_T Out1; /* '<Root>/Out1' */

instead is generated in model.h as:

mybool Out1; /* '<Root>/Out1' */

7 Data Types

Data Type Replacement Limitations

• Data type replacements are ignored during code generation for a model unless the
simulation mode of the model is set to Normal, Software-in-the-Loop (SIL), or
Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL). Set the simulation mode from the Simulation
menu in the Model Editor.
• Data type replacement does not support multiple levels of mapping. Each replacement
data type name maps directly to one or more built-in data types.
• Data type replacement is not supported for simulation target code generation for
referenced models.
• If the Classic call interface option is selected for your model, data type replacement
is not supported.
• Data type replacement occurs during code generation for .c, .cpp, and .h files
generated in build folders (including top and referenced model build folders) and in
the _sharedutils folder. Exceptions are as follows:
model_sf.c or .cpp (ERT S-function wrapper)
model_dt.h (C header file supporting external mode)
model_capi.c or .cpp
• Data type replacement is not supported for complex data types.
• Many-to-one data type replacement is not supported for the char data type.
Attempting to use char as part of a many-to-one mapping to a user-defined data type
introduces a violation of the MISRA C specification. Specifically, if char (char_T) and
either int8 (int8_T) or uint8 (uint8_T) are mapped to the same user replacement
type, the result is a MISRA C violation. If you try to generate C++ code, invalid
implicit type casts are made and compile-time errors can result. Use char only in one-
to-one data type replacements.
• For ERT S-functions, replace the boolean data type with only an 8-bit integer, int8
or uint8.

Data Definition and Declaration Management

Data Definition and Declaration Management

In this section...
“Overview of Data Objects” on page 7-43
“Create Simulink and mpt Data Objects” on page 7-44
“Create Data Objects for a Model” on page 7-57
“Define Global Data Objects in Separate File” on page 7-63
“Define Global Data Objects in Separate Files” on page 7-64
“Save and Load Data Objects” on page 7-65
“Apply Naming Rules to Identifiers Globally” on page 7-65

Overview of Data Objects

Data objects include the parameters and signals that the source code uses, and a
description of their properties. Data objects appear in the middle pane of the Model
Explorer. They also appear in the MATLAB workspace. You can control the property
values for each data object, thereby determining how each parameter and signal is
defined and declared in generated code.

The values of data object properties are used to determine where the code generator
places a parameter or signal in the generated file. This is because some property values
are associated with different template symbols. The location of a symbol in a template
determines where the associated parameter or signal is located in the generated file. For
details about templates and symbols, see “Customize Code Organization and Format”.

Simulink uses a hierarchy of terms that are drawn from object-oriented programming.
For details, see “ Data Objects” in the Simulink documentation. The sketch below
summarizes this hierarchy.

7 Data Types


Class . . . Class

P ... P P ... P
P = Property

PV PV PV PV PV = Property Value

Simulink or mpt is the package. Parameter and Signal are two classes in each of these
packages. Each class has a number of properties associated with it. Sometimes properties
are called attributes. Data objects (the parameters and signals) are the instances of a
package.class. Parameter data objects have a set of properties. Signal data objects
have a different set of properties than that for parameters. For each data object, each
property in the set has its own property value.

Create Simulink and mpt Data Objects

• “Ways to Create Data Objects” on page 7-44
• “Create Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” on page 7-45
• “Create mpt Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” on page 7-51
• “Simulink and mpt Data Object Comparison” on page 7-51
• “Create Data Objects from External Data Source” on page 7-55

Ways to Create Data Objects

The Embedded Coder software provides the mpt (module packaging tool) data object,
which contains the properties of Simulink data objects plus properties that provide
additional control over module packaging. For a comparison of the properties of Simulink
and mpt data objects, see “Simulink and mpt Data Object Comparison” on page 7-51.

There are different ways of creating Simulink and mpt data objects.

• Using the MATLAB command line.

Data Definition and Declaration Management

• Using the Model Explorer.

For Simulink data objects, select Add > Simulink Parameter or Add > Simulink

For mpt data objects, select Add > Add Custom.

For more information, see “ Data Objects” in the Simulink documentation.

• By invoking the Data Object Wizard for an existing model. For more information and
examples, see “Data Object Wizard” in the Simulink documentation and “Create mpt
Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” on page 7-51.
• Creating data objects based on an external source. You can do this manually item by
item, or together using a script. For more information, see “Create Data Objects from
External Data Source” on page 7-55.

The following sections illustrate how to create Simulink and mpt data objects and
compares their properties as data types.

Create Data Objects with Data Object Wizard

You can use

Data Object Wizard to create data objects for your model (see “Data Object Wizard” in
the Simulink documentation).

Data Object Wizard is especially useful for creating multiple data objects for

• Existing models that do not currently use data objects.

• Existing models to which you have added signals or parameters and therefore you
need to create more data objects.

Create Data Objects

This procedure creates Simulink data objects using Data Object Wizard.

1 Open the model for which you want to create data objects. For example, open
rtwdemo_mpf (which is located in toolbox/rtw/rtwdemos).
2 Open Data Object Wizard by entering dataobjectwizard at the MATLAB
command line or by selecting Data Object Wizard from the Code > Data Objects
menu in the Simulink editor. The Data Object Wizard dialog box appears:

7 Data Types

The Model name field displays the name of the model. You could specify a different
model by editing the field or by selecting the model using the adjacent Browse
button. When the Model name field is nonempty, the Find button is enabled.
3 In the Find options pane, select the desired check boxes. For descriptions of
each check box, see “Data Object Wizard” in the Simulink documentation. Be
sure to check the Alias types option. This finds user-registered data types in the
sl_customization.m file plus data type replacements specified for the model in
the Data Type Replacement pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. The
Data Object Wizard can create Simulink.AliasType objects from these.
4 Click the Find button. The model's potential data objects appear. This includes the
model's signals (root inputs, root outputs, and block outputs), discrete states, data
stores, and parameters, depending on:

• The check boxes you selected in the previous step

• The constraint mentioned in the note above

Data Definition and Declaration Management

Data Object Wizard finds only those signals, parameters, data stores, and states
whose storage class is set to Auto. The Wizard lists each data store and discrete
state that it finds as a signal class.
5 Click Select All. Notice in the Choose package for selected data objects field
that Simulink, the default, is selected. Therefore, the data objects are associated
with the Simulink package, as shown below.

6 Click Create. The data objects are added to the MATLAB workspace, and they
disappear from Data Object Wizard.
7 Click Cancel. The Data Object Wizard dialog box disappears.

Now you can set property values for the data objects.

Set Property Values for Data Objects

Most of the property values of data objects are supplied by defaults. A few are from the
model. Note that for Simulink data objects, the default storage class is Auto.

1 Type daexplr on the MATLAB command line, and press Enter. The Model Explorer

7 Data Types

2 In the Model Hierarchy (left) pane, select Base Workspace. The Simulink data
objects appear in the Contents (middle) pane, as shown below.

If the objects that you see do not appear in the order shown, click the Name column
header in the middle pane to sort the objects in ascending order by name.
3 To see the properties of a Simulink data object, select a data object in the middle
pane. The right pane displays the property names for that object. These property
names also appear as column headings in the middle pane. For example, if you select
signal data object A in the middle pane, the Model Explorer looks like this:

Data Definition and Declaration Management

4 You can change the values specified for the properties of the selected object. For
example, with A selected, change its StorageClass property from Auto to Default
(Custom), then click Apply. The property changes as shown below:

7 Data Types

You can use Control-Right-Click to select multiple objects in the center pane, then edit a
property value. The wizard applies the new value to the selected objects. For descriptions
of object properties and their values, see “Parameter and Signal Property Values”.
Generate and Inspect Code

Data objects for the model have been created. You have specified property values for each
data object's properties. Now you generate and inspect the source code, to see if it needs
correction or modification. If it does, you can change property values and regenerate the
code until it is what you want.

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, click Code Generation in the left
2 In the Report pane, select the Create code generation report check box.

Note When you select the Create code generation report check box, the code
generation software automatically selects two check boxes on the pane: Launch
report automatically and Code-to-model. For large models, you may find that
HTML report generation (step 4 below) takes longer than you want. In this case,
consider clearing the Code-to-model check box (and the Model-to-code check box
if selected). The report will be generated faster.

Data Definition and Declaration Management

3 In the Code Generation pane, select the Generate code only check box. The
Build button changes to Generate Code.

Note The generate code process generates the .c/.cpp and .h files. The build
process adds compiling and linking to generate the executable. For details on build,
see “How Executable Programs Are Built From Models” in the Simulink Coder
4 Click the Generate Code button. After a moment, the HTML code generation report
appears, listing the generated files on the left pane.
5 Select and review files in the HTML code generation report. See “Traceability in
Code Generation Report” for more information.

Create mpt Data Objects with Data Object Wizard

Create mpt data objects using Data Object Wizard the same way you did for Simulink
data objects, as explained in “Create Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” on page
7-45, except select mpt as the package instead of Simulink.

Set the property values for the mpt data objects the same way you set them for Simulink
data objects, as explained in “Set Property Values for Data Objects” on page 7-47,
with the following exceptions:

• Accept the default custom storage class for mpt data objects, Global(Custom)
• For data objects A and F1, type mydefinitionfile in the Definition file field on
the Model Explorer.

Then generate and inspect the code.

Note The Alias field is related to “Apply Naming Rules to Identifiers Globally” on page

Simulink and mpt Data Object Comparison

The mpt data object contains the properties of Simulink data objects plus properties that
provide additional control over module packaging. The differences between Simulink and
mpt data objects can be illustrated by comparing

• “Signal and Parameter Properties” on page 7-52

7 Data Types

• “Configuration Parameters” on page 7-53

• “Generated Code” on page 7-54

Key differences include the following:

• Different custom storage classes displayed in the Model Explorer for mpt data objects
provide more control over the appearance of the generated code.
• Additional custom attributes (owner, definition file, persistence level, memory section)
for mpt data objects provide more control over data packaging in the generated code.
• On the Comments pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, the Custom
comments (MPT objects only) option allows you to add a comment just above a
signal or parameter's identifier in the generated code.
• On the Code Placement pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in the
Global data placement (MPT data objects only) subpane:

• The Signal display level parameter allows you to specify whether or not the code
generator declares a signal data object as global data
• The Parameter tune level parameter allows you to specify whether or not the
code generator declares a parameter data object as tunable global data

Signal and Parameter Properties

The properties that appear in Model Explorer when mpt is the package include the
properties that appear when Simulink is the package plus additional properties. Notice
this by comparing the next two figures. (For descriptions of properties in Model Explorer,
see “Parameter and Signal Property Values”.)

Data Definition and Declaration Management

Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters relate to module packaging features. These

parameters are available in the Configuration Parameters dialog box and Model Explorer

7 Data Types

when the system target file selected for a Simulink model is ert.tlc (or a system target
file derived from an ert.tlc):

• Custom comments (MPT objects only) option on the Code Generation >
Comments pane
• In the Global data placement (MPT data objects only) subpane on the Code
Generation > Code Placement pane:

• Signal display level parameter

• Parameter tune level parameter

Generated Code

In the example used in “Set Property Values for Data Objects” on page 7-47, you
selected Default (Custom) in the Storage class field for signal A and parameter F1.
You selected the default Auto in the Storage class field for the remaining data objects.
But for the mpt data objects you used the default Global (Custom) in the Storage
class field. When you generated code, these selections resulted in the definitions and
declarations shown in the table below.

Simulink Data Object with Auto Simulink Data Object with mpt Data Object with Global
Storage Class Default (Custom) Storage Class (Custom) Storage Class
and Definition File Named
In rtwdemo_mpf.c: In global.c: In mydefinitionfile.c:

/* For signal A */ real_T A; real_T A;

ExternalInputs rtU; real_T F1 = 2.0; real_T F1 = 2.0;

/* For parameter F1 */ In global.h: In global.h:

if(rtU.A * 2.0 > 10.0) {...
extern real_T A; extern real_T A;
In rtwdemo_mpf.h: extern real_T F1; extern real_T F1;

/* For signal A */
typedef struct {
real_T A;
} ExternalInputs;

extern ExternalInputs rtU;

Data Definition and Declaration Management

The results shown in the second and third columns of the preceding table require the
following configuration parameter adjustments on the Code Generation > Code
Placement pane:

• Set Data definition to Data defined in single separate source file.

• Set Data definition filename to global.c
• Set Data declaration to Data declared in single separate source file.
• Set Data definition filename to global.h

See the left column of the table, which shows generated code for Simulink signal and
parameter data objects, whose Storage class field is Auto. The input A is defined as
part of the structure rtU as shown above. In the case of the Simulink parameter data
object F1, since the StorageClass was set to auto, the code generator chose to include
the literal value of F1 in the generated code. F1 is a constant in the Stateflow diagram
whose value is initialized as 2.0:
if(rtU.A * 2.0 > 10.0) { ...

For more details, see “Introduction to Custom Storage Classes” and “Summary of Signal
Storage Class Options” in the Simulink Coder documentation.

See the middle column of the table. The Simulink data objects whose Storage class is
not Auto are defined in a definition statement in the global source file (global.c) and
declared in a declaration statement in the global header file (global.h).

In the right column, Simulink data objects whose Storage class is not Auto are defined
in mydefinitionfile, as you specified. The declarations for those objects are in the
global header file.

Create Data Objects from External Data Source

This procedure creates data objects based on an external data source (such as a
Microsoft® Excel® file). You can do this manually or automatically.
Create Data Objects Manually

You can create data objects (and their properties) one-by-one, based on an external data
source, as follows:

1 Open the external file that contains the data (such as a spreadsheet or database file).
2 Determine the data in this file that correspond to the parameters and signals in the
model. Parameters in the external source belong to the Simulink parameter class
and signals belong to the Simulink signal class.

7 Data Types

3 On the MATLAB command line, type daexplr and press Enter. The Model Explorer
4 On the Model Hierarchy (left) pane, expand Simulink Root, and select Base
5 On the Add menu, select Add Custom for an mpt data object or Simulink
Parameter for a Simulink data object. The default name Param appears in the
Contents of (middle) pane.
6 Double-click Param and rename this data object as desired.
7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each additional data item in the external file that belongs to
the mpt.Parameter class or Simulink.Parameter class.

Now you will add data items in the external file that belong to the mpt.Signal class
or Simulink.Signal class.
8 On the Add menu, select Add Custom to add an mpt data object or Simulink
Signal to add a Simulink data object. The default name Sig appears in the
Contents of pane.
9 Double-click Sig and rename the data object as desired.
10 Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each additional data item in the external file that belongs to
the mpt.Signal class or Simulink.Signal class.

External data items for the mpt.Parameter or Simulink.Parameter class, and

the mpt.Signal or Simulink.Signal class now appear in the Contents of pane
and in the MATLAB workspace.

Note The property values for these data objects are supplied by default.

Create Data Objects Automatically

You can create data objects (and their properties) based on an external data source by
creating and running a .m file. This file contains the same MATLAB commands you could
use for creating data objects one-by-one on the command line, as explained in “ Data
Objects” in the Simulink documentation. But instead of using the command line, you
place the MATLAB commands in the .m file for the desired data in the external file:

1 Create a new .m file.

2 Place information in the file that describes the data in the external file that you
want to be data objects. For example, the following information creates two mpt data

Data Definition and Declaration Management

objects with the indicated properties. The first is for a parameter and the second is
for a signal:

% Parameters
mptParCon = mpt.Parameter;
mptParCon.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass ='Const';
mptParCon.value = 3;
% Signals
mptSigGlb = mpt.Signal;
mptSigGlb.DataType = 'int8';
3 Run the .m file. The data objects appear in the MATLAB workspace.

Note: If you want to import data from an external data source, you can write functions
that read the information, convert these to data objects, and load them into the MATLAB
workspace. Among available MATLAB functions that you can use for this process
are xmlread, xmlwrite, xlsread, xlswrite, csvread, csvwrite, dlmread, and

Create Data Objects for a Model

In this procedure, you create data objects for a model using the Data Object Wizard,
inspect the data objects, and generate code. Definitions for the data objects are generated
in the model source file (model.c).

Use Data Object Wizard

1 Open the model rtwdemo_mpf by clicking the link or by typing rtwdemo_mpf in the
MATLAB Command Window.

7 Data Types

In this model,

• A, B, and C are input signals, and L and Final are output signals.
• Subsystem1 receives inputs A and E and contains constants G1 and G2. Signal E is
an output from Data Store Read1.
• Subsystem2 receives inputs C and D. Signal D is an output from Data Store
Read2. There is a constant in Subsystem2 named G3. Also, this subsystem has a
Unit Delay block whose state name is SS.
2 Double-click the Stateflow chart and notice it has constants F1, Gain1, and Gain2,
as shown below:

Data Definition and Declaration Management

3 Change to a work folder that is not on an installation path and save the model in
that work folder. The code generation software does not allow you to generate code
from an installation folder.
4 Double-click the Invoke Data Object Wizard button on the model. Or, type
dataobjectwizard('rtwdemo_mpf') in the MATLAB Command Window. Data
Object Wizard opens and rtwdemo_mpf appears in the Model name field, as shown

5 Click Find on Data Object Wizard. After a moment, the model's parameters and
signals appear in Data Object Wizard.
6 Click Select All.
7 In the Choose package for selected objects field, select mpt. For an explanation
of “package,” see “Overview of Data Objects” on page 7-43.
8 Click Apply Package. Data Object Wizard associates the selected data objects with
the mpt package, as shown below.

7 Data Types

9 Click Create. Data Object Wizard creates data objects for the selected parameters
and signals. Data Object Wizard removes the objects from its object view. Also, the
objects are added to the MATLAB workspace, as shown below.

Data Definition and Declaration Management

10 Close Data Object Wizard.

Inspect Data Objects

You can inspect each data object you selected in the Data Object Wizard using the Model

1 If you have not already done so, complete the steps in “Use Data Object Wizard” on
page 7-57 .
2 Open the Model Explorer.
3 In the left pane, select Base Workspace. Notice that data objects appear in the
middle pane.
4 In the middle pane, select data objects one at a time, and notice their property values
in the right pane. The figure below shows this for signal A. The data objects have
default property values. Note that for an mpt data object, the default in the Storage
class field is Global (Custom). For descriptions of the properties on the Model
Explorer, see “Set Property Values for Data Objects” on page 7-47.

7 Data Types

Generate and Inspect Code

1 If you have not already done so, complete the steps in “Use Data Object Wizard” on
page 7-57 and “Inspect Data Objects” on page 7-61.
2 In the left pane of the Model Explorer, expand the rtwdemo_mpf node.
3 In the left pane, click Configuration (Active).
4 In the center pane, click Code Generation. The active configuration parameters
appear in the right pane.
5 In the Report tab, select Create code generation report
6 Select the General tab. Select Generate code only, and then click Generate
Code. After a few moments, the names of the generated files are listed on the Code
Generation Report on the left pane.

Data Definition and Declaration Management

7 Open and inspect the content of the model source file rtwdemo_mpf.c. The following
data objects are initialized in this file.

real_T F1 = 2.0;
real_T G1 = 6.0;
real_T G2 = -2.6;
real_T G3 = 9.0;
real_T Gain1 = 5.0;
real_T Gain2 = -3.0;

Define Global Data Objects in Separate File

The previous procedure placed the model's data objects in the model source file. Now you
place global data objects in a file separate from the model source file:

1 Configure the model's generated code to include Simulink data objects (signal and
parameter) in a separate definition file. Set Diagnostics > Data Validity > Signal
resolution to Explicit and implicit.
2 Specify that data be defined in a separate file. Set Code Generation > Code
Placement > Data definition to Data defined in single separate source
file. Accept the default for Data definition filename, global.c

7 Data Types

3 Specify that data be declared in a separate file. Set Data declaration to Data
declared in a single separate header file and accept the default for
Data declaration filename, global.h. Then, click Apply.
4 Click Generate Code. Notice that the code generation report lists global.c and
global.h files.
5 Inspect the code generation report. Notice that

• The data objects formerly initialized in rtwdemo_mpf.c now are initialized in

• The file rtwdemo_mpf.c includes rtwdemo_mpf.h.
• The file rtwdemo_mpf.h includes global.h.

Define Global Data Objects in Separate Files

The previous procedure placed global data objects in a separate definition file. You
named that file global.c. (You named the corresponding declaration file global.h.)
MPF allows you to override this and place a specific data object in its own definition file.

Data Definition and Declaration Management

In the following procedure, you move the Final signal to a file called finalsig.c, and
keep the other data objects defined in global.c:

1 In the Model Explorer, display the base workspace and select the Final signal
object. The mpt.Signal properties appear in the right pane.
2 In the Code generation options section, type finalsig.h in the Header file text
box, type finalsig.c in the Definition file text box, and click Apply.
3 On the Code Generation > General pane, click Generate Code. The code
generation report still lists global.c and global.h, but adds finalsig.c and
4 Open the files to inspect them. Notice that the Final signal is defined in
finalsig.c. Other data objects are defined in global.c.

Save and Load Data Objects

In a .mat file, you can save the set of data objects (and their properties) that you have
created and load this information for later use or exchange it with another user. You can
save data objects in the workspace.

Apply Naming Rules to Identifiers Globally

• “Overview” on page 7-65
• “Change Names of Identifiers” on page 7-66
• “Specify Data Object Naming Rules” on page 7-68
• “Define Rules That Change Signal Names” on page 7-69
• “Define Rules That Change Parameter Names” on page 7-69
• “Define Rules That Change #defines” on page 7-70

Note The capabilities described in this section apply only to mpt data objects.


Signal and parameter names appear on a Simulink model. The same names appear as
data objects on the Model Explorer. By default, these names are replicated exactly in
the generated code. For example, "Speed" on the model (and workspace) appears as
the identifier "Speed" in the code, by default. But you can change how they appear in

7 Data Types

the code. For example, if desired, you can change "Speed" to SPEED or speed. Or, you
can choose to use a different name altogether in the generated code, like MPH. The only
restriction is that you follow ANSI® C3/C++ rules for naming identifiers.

There are two ways of changing how a signal name or parameter name is represented in
the generated code. You can do this globally, by following the procedure in this section.
This procedure makes selections on the Configuration Parameters dialog box to change
the names when code generation occurs, according to the same rule. Or, you can change
the names individually by following the steps described in “Set Property Values for Data
Objects” on page 7-47. The relevant field in that procedure is Alias on the Model

If the Alias field is empty, the naming rule that you select on the Configuration
Parameters dialog box applies across data objects. But if you do specify a name in
the Alias field, this overrides the naming rule for that data object. The table below
illustrates these cases. The table assumes that you selected Force lower case as the
naming rule. But with the information provided, you can determine how the naming
rules work for an mpt data object or a Simulink data object (Force upper case, Force
lower case, or Custom M-function).

Naming Rules and Alias Override (Global Change of Force Lower Case Rule)
Name of Data Object Name in Alias Field Package Result in Generated Code
in Model
A Simulink or mpt a
A D Simulink or mpt D

Change Names of Identifiers

This procedure changes the names of signal identifiers so that they are spelled with
lowercase letters. A in the definition statement located in global.c is changed to a. The
one exception is the Final signal in the finalsig.c file. You change this identifier
name to Final_Signal. The names of the rest of the identifiers in the generated files
remain the same:

1 Open the Code Generation > Symbols pane of the Configuration Parameters
2 In the Simulink data object naming rules section, set Signal naming to Force
lower case, and click Apply.

3. ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute, Inc.

Data Definition and Declaration Management

3 Display the base workspace and select Final.

4 In the right pane, type Final_Signal in the Alias text box, then click Apply.

5 On the Code Generation > General pane, click Generate Code . Now, the signal
identifiers in global.c and global.h appear with lowercase letters.
real_T F1 = 0.0;
real_T G1 = 1.0;
real_T G2 = 1.0;
real_T G3 = 1.0;
real_T Gain1 = 0.0;
real_T Gain2 = 0.0;
real_T a;
real_T b;

7 Data Types

real_T c;
real_T d;
real_T ds;
real_T e;
real_T l;
real_T ss;

The statement defining the Final signal in finalsig.c looks like this:

real T Final_Signal;

The statement declaring this identifier in finalsig.h looks like this:

extern real_T Final_Signal;

Specify Data Object Naming Rules

You specify Simulink data object naming rules on the Code Generation > Symbols
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. To access that pane,

1 Open an ERT-based model.

2 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box from the Simulation menu or Model
3 Open the Code Generation > Symbols pane. See the subpane Simulink data
object naming rules.

Notice the preconfigured settings on this pane. “Code Generation Pane: Symbols” in
the Simulink Coder documentation describes the fields on this pane and their possible
settings for these procedures.

• “Define Rules That Change Signal Names” on page 7-69

• “Define Rules That Change Parameter Names” on page 7-69
• “Define Rules That Change #defines” on page 7-70

Data Definition and Declaration Management

Define Rules That Change Signal Names

This procedure allows you to change a model's signal names, using the same rule. The
new names will appear as identifiers in the generated code:

1 In the Signal naming menu, click the desired selection. (“Signal naming” explains
the possible selections.) The default is None. If you selected Custom M-function,
go to the next step. Otherwise, click Apply and then generate and inspect code.
2 Write a MATLAB function that changes occurrences of signal names in the model to
appear the way you want as identifiers in the generated code. (An example is shown
in “Define Rules That Change Parameter Names” on page 7-69.)
3 Save the function as a .m file in a folder on the MATLAB path.
4 In the M-function field under Signal naming, type the name of the file you saved
in the previous step.
5 Click Apply and then generate and inspect code.

Define Rules That Change Parameter Names

This procedure allows you to change a model's parameter names, using the same rule.
The new names will appear as identifiers in the generated code:

1 In the Parameter naming field, click the desired selection. (“Parameter naming”
explains the possible selections.) The default is None. If you selected Custom M-
function, go to the next step. Otherwise, click Apply, and proceed to “Define Rules
That Change Signal Names” on page 7-69.
2 Write a MATLAB function that changes occurrences of parameter names in the
model to appear the way you want as identifiers in the generated code. For example,
the code below changes parameter names to make their first letter uppercase, and
their remaining letters lowercase.
revisedName = initial_caps_only(name, object)
% INITIAL_CAPS_ONLY: User-defined naming rule causing each
% identifier in the generated code to have initial cap(s).
% name: name as spelled in model.
% object: the object of name; includes name's properties.
% revisedName: manipulated name returned to MPT for the

7 Data Types

revisedName = [upper(name(1)),lower(name(2:end))];
3 Save the function as a .m file in a folder on the MATLAB path.
4 In the M-function field under Parameter naming, type the name of the file you
saved in the previous step.
5 Click Apply and then define rules applicable to signal names.

Define Rules That Change #defines

This procedure allows you to change a model's parameter names whose storage class
you selected as Define in “Create mpt Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” on page
7-51, using the same rule. The new names will appear as identifiers in the generated

1 In #define naming, click the desired selection. (“#define naming” explains the
possible selections.) The default is None. If you select Custom M-function, go to
the next step. Otherwise, click Apply and proceed to “Define Rules That Change
Parameter Names” on page 7-69.
2 Write a MATLAB function that changes occurrences of the parameter name whose
storage class you specified as Define in “Create mpt Data Objects with Data Object
Wizard” on page 7-51 so that it appears the way you want as an identifier in the
generated code. (An example is shown below.)
3 Save the function as a .m file in a folder on the MATLAB path.
4 In the M-function field under #define naming, type the name of the file you saved
in the previous step.
5 Click Apply and then define rules that change parameter names.


Module Packaging Tool (MPT) Data

8 Module Packaging Tool (MPT) Data Objects

MPT Data Object Properties

The following table describes the properties and property values for mpt.Parameter and
mpt.Signal data objects that appear in the Model Explorer.

Note: You can create mpt.Signal and mpt.Parameter objects in the base MATLAB
or model workspace. However, if you create the object in a model workspace, the object's
storage class must be set to auto.

The figure below shows an example of the Model Explorer. When you select an
mpt.Parameter or mpt.Signal data object in the middle pane, its properties and
property values display in the rightmost pane.

In the Properties column, the table lists the properties in the order in which they appear
on the Model Explorer.

Parameter and Signal Property Values

MPT Data Object Properties

Class: Property Available Property Description

Parameter, Values
Signal, or Both (* Indicates Default)
Both User object type *auto Prenamed and predefined property
sets that are registered in the
sl_customization.m file. (See “Register
mpt User Object Types”.) This field
is active when a user object type is

Select auto if this field is available but

you do not want to apply the properties
of a user object type to a selected data
object. The fields on the Model Explorer
are populated with default values.
    Listed user object Select a user object type name to
type name apply the properties and values that
you associated with this name in the
sl_customization.m file. The fields
on the Model Explorer are automatically
populated with those values.
Parameter Value *0 The data type and numeric value of
the data object. For example, int8(5).
The numeric value is used as an initial
parameter value in the generated code.
Both Data type   Used to specify the data type for an
mpt.Signal data object, but not for
an mpt.Parameter data object. The
data type for an mpt.Parameter data
object is specified in the Value field
above. See “Data Types” in the Simulink
Both Units *null Units of measurement of the signal or
parameter. (Enter text in this field.)
Both Dimensions *-1 The dimension of the signal or parameter.
For a parameter, the dimension is derived
from its value.

8 Module Packaging Tool (MPT) Data Objects

Class: Property Available Property Description

Parameter, Values
Signal, or Both (* Indicates Default)
Both Complexity *auto Complexity specifies whether the signal
or parameter is a real or complex number.
real Select auto for the code generator to
decide. For a parameter, the complexity is
complex derived from its value.
Signal Sample time *-1 Model or block execution rate.
Signal Sample mode *auto Determines how the signal propagates
through the model. Select auto for the
code generator to decide.
    Sample based The signal propagates through the model
one sample at a time.
    Frame based The signal propagates through the model
in batches of samples.
Both Minimum *0.0 The minimum value to which the
parameter or signal is expected to be
    Number within the  
minimum range of
the parameter or
signal. (Based on
the data type and
resolution of the
parameter or signal.)
Both Maximum *0.0 Maximum value to which the parameter
or signal is expected to be bound. (Enter
information using a dialog box.)
  Code generation    
  Storage class   Note that an auto selection for a storage
class tells the build process to decide
how to declare and store the selected
parameter or signal.

MPT Data Object Properties

Class: Property Available Property Description

Parameter, Values
Signal, or Both (* Indicates Default)
Both Default   Code generation decides how to declare
(Custom) the data object.
Both Global (Custom) Global (Custom) Specifies that a code generator not place a
is the default storage qualifier in the data object's declaration.
class for mpt data
Both Memory section *Default Memory section allows you to specify
storage directives for the data object.
Default specifies that the code generator
not place a type qualifier and pragma
statement with the data object's
Parameter   MemConst Places the const type qualifier in the
Both   MemVolatile Places the volatile type qualifier in the
Parameter   MemConstVolatile Places the const volatile type
qualifier in the declaration.
Both Header file   Name of the file used to import or export
the data object. This file contains the
declaration (extern) to the data object.

Also, you can specify this header

filename between the double-quotation
or angle-bracket delimiter. You can
specify the delimiter with or without
the .h extension. For example, specify
"object.h" or "object". For the
selected data object, this overrides
the general delimiter selection in the
#include file delimiter field on the
Configuration Parameters dialog box.
Both Owner *Blank The name of the module that owns this
signal or parameter. This is used to help

8 Module Packaging Tool (MPT) Data Objects

Class: Property Available Property Description

Parameter, Values
Signal, or Both (* Indicates Default)
determine the ownership of a definition.
For details, see “Ownership Settings” and
the table “Ownership Settings”.
Both Definition file *Blank Name of the file that defines the data
    Valid string  
Both Persistence level   The number you specify is relative to
Signal display level or Parameter tune
level on the Code Placement pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box. For
a signal, allows you to specify whether or
not the code generator declares the data
object as global data. For a parameter,
allows you to specify whether or not the
code generator declares the data object as
tunable global data. See Signal display
level and Parameter tune level in
“Code Generation Pane: Code Placement”.
Both Bitfield   Embeds Boolean data in a named bit field.
  Struct name   Name of the struct into which the
object's data will be packed.
Parameter Const (Custom)   Places the const type qualifier in the
Parameter Header file   See above.
Parameter Owner   See above.
Parameter Definition  file   See above.
Parameter Persistence   See above.
Both Volatile   Places the volatile type qualifier in the
(Custom) declaration.
Both Header file   See above.

MPT Data Object Properties

Class: Property Available Property Description

Parameter, Values
Signal, or Both (* Indicates Default)
Both Owner   See above.
Both Definition  file   See above.
Both Persistence   See above.
Parameter ConstVolatile   Places the const volatile type
(Custom) qualifier in declaration.
Parameter Header file   See above.
Parameter Owner   See above.
Parameter Definition  file   See above.
Parameter Persistence   See above.
Parameter Define (Custom)   Represents parameters with a #define
Parameter Header file   See above.
Both ExportToFile   Generates global variable definition, and
(Custom) generates a user-specified header (.h) file
that contains the declaration (extern) to
that variable.
Both Memory  section   See above.
Both Header file   See above.
Both Definition  file   See above.
Both ImportFromFile   Includes predefined header files
(Custom) containing global variable declarations,
and places the #include in a
corresponding file. Assumes external code
defines (allocates memory) for the global
Both Data access *Direct Allows you to specify whether the
identifier that corresponds to the selected
data object stores data of a data type

8 Module Packaging Tool (MPT) Data Objects

Class: Property Available Property Description

Parameter, Values
Signal, or Both (* Indicates Default)
(Direct) or stores the address of the data
(a pointer).
Both   Pointer If you select Pointer, the code generator
places * before the identifier in the
generated code.
  Header file   See above.
Both Struct (Custom)   Embeds data in a named struct to
encapsulate sets of data.
Both Struct name   See above.
Signal GetSet (Custom)   Reads (gets) and writes (sets) data using
Signal Header file   See above.
Signal Get function   Specify the Get function.
Signal Set function   Specify the Set function.
Both Alias *null As explained in detail in “Apply Naming
Rules to Identifiers Globally”, for a
Simulink or mpt data object (identifier),
specifying a name in the Alias field
overrides the global naming rule
selection you make on the Configuration
Parameters dialog box.
    Valid ANSIa C/C++  
variable name
Both Description *null Text description of the parameter or
signal. Appears as a comment beside the
signal or parameter's identifier in the
generated code.
Signal Reusable   Allows the code generator to reuse a pair
(Custom) of root I/O signals when you specify the
same name and the same custom storage

MPT Data Object Properties

Class: Property Available Property Description

Parameter, Values
Signal, or Both (* Indicates Default)
class for both. The custom storage class is
either Reusable (Custom) or derived
from Reusable (Custom).
Signal Data Scope *Auto You can specify the scope of symbols
code generation generates for a data
object of this class by selecting a value for
DataScope. When you take the default
of Auto, code generation determines
the symbol scope internally. If possible,
symbols have File scope. Otherwise, they
have Exported scope.
    File Code generation defines the scope of
each symbol as the file that defines it.
File scope requires each symbol to be
used in a single file. If the same symbol
is referenced in multiple files, code
generation reports an error.
    Exported Code generation exports symbols to
external code in the header file specified
by the HeaderFile field. If a HeaderFile
is not specified, symbols are exported to
external code in model.h.
    Imported Code generation imports symbols from
external code in the header file specified
by the HeaderFile field. If you do not
specify a header file, code generation
generates an extern directive in
Signal Header file   See above.
Signal Owner   See above.
Signal Definition  file   See above.
a. ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute, Inc.

Examples of Property Value Changes on Generated Code

8 Module Packaging Tool (MPT) Data Objects

What I noticed when inspecting Change I made to property value What I noticed after
the .c/.cpp file settings regenerating and reinspecting
the file
Example 1: In the Model Explorer, I clicked I notice two differences. One is
Parameter data objects can the data object GAIN. I noticed that now GAIN is declared as
be declared or defined as that the property value for its a variable with the statement
constants. I know that the data Memory section property is set real_T GAIN = 5.0;. The
object GAIN is a parameter. at MemConst. I changed this to second difference is that the
I want this to be declared Default. declaration now is located in
or defined in the .c file as a the MemConst memory section
variable. But I notice that GAIN in the .c or .cpp file.
is declared as a constant by
the statement const real_T
GAIN = 5.0;. Also, this
statement is in the constant
section of the file.
Example 2: I changed the Storage class GAIN is not declared in the .c
I notice again the declaration of selection to Define (Custom). file as a MemConst parameter.
GAIN in the .c file mentioned Rather, it is defined as a
in Example 1. It appears as #define macro by the code
real_T GAIN = 5.0;. But #define GAIN 5.0, and
I have changed my mind. I this is located near the top
want data object GAIN to be of the .c file with the other
#define. preprocessor directives.
Example 3: On the Model Explorer, I notice #define GAIN 5.0 is not
I changed my mind again that the property value for present in this .c file. Instead,
after doing Example 2. I do the Header file property the #include filename.h
want GAIN defined using is blank. I changed this to code appears as a preprocessor
the #define preprocessor filename.h. (I chose the ANSI directive at the top of the file.
directive. But I do not want to C/C++ double quote mechanism
include the #define in this for the #include, but could
file. I know it exists in another have chosen the angle bracket
file and I want to reference that mechanism.) Also, I must make
file. the user-defined filename.h
available to the compiler, placing
it either in the system path or
local directory.

MPT Data Object Properties

What I noticed when inspecting Change I made to property value What I noticed after
the .c/.cpp file settings regenerating and reinspecting
the file
Example 4: In the Model Explorer, I selected The identifier
I have one more change I the data object data_in. I data_in_alias now appears
want to make. Let us say that noticed that the Alias field in the .c file everywhere
we have declared the data is blank. I changed this to data_in appeared.
object data_in, and that its data_in_alias, which I know
declaration statement in the .c is a valid ANSI C/C++ variable
file reads name.
real_T data_in = 0.0;. I
want to replace this statement
with an alias in the .c file.


Custom Storage Classes

• “Introduction to Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-2

• “Resources for Defining Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-5
• “Simulink Package Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-6
• “Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections” on page 9-8
• “Apply Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-29
• “Generate Code with Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-46
• “Define Advanced Custom Storage Classes Types” on page 9-50
• “GetSet Custom Storage Class” on page 9-53
• “Custom Storage Class Implementation” on page 9-56
• “Custom Storage Class Limitations” on page 9-57
9 Custom Storage Classes

Introduction to Custom Storage Classes

In this section...
“Custom Storage Class Memory Sections” on page 9-3
“Register Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-3
“Custom Storage Class Examples” on page 9-3

During the build process, the storage class specification of a signal, tunable parameter,
block state, or data object specifies how that entity is declared, stored, and represented in
generated code. Note that in the context of the build process, the term “storage class” is
not synonymous with the term “storage class specifier”, as used in the C language.

The Simulink Coder software defines four built-in storage classes for use with targets:
Auto, ExportedGlobal, ImportedExtern, and ImportedExternPointer. These
storage classes provide limited control over the form of the code generated for references
to the data. For example, data of storage class Auto is typically declared and accessed as
an element of a structure, while data of storage class ExportedGlobal is declared and
accessed as unstructured global variables. For information about built-in storage classes,
see “Signals” in the Simulink Coder documentation.

If the built-in storage classes do not provide data representation required by your
application, you can define custom storage classes (CSCs). Embedded Coder (CSCs)
extend the built-in storage classes provided by the Simulink Coder software. CSCs can
provide application-specific control over the constructs required to represent data in an
embedded algorithm. For example, you can use CSCs to:

• Define structures for storage of parameter or signal data.

• Conserve memory by storing Boolean data in bit fields.
• Integrate generated code with legacy software whose interfaces cannot be modified.
• Generate data structures and definitions that comply with your organization's
software engineering guidelines for safety-critical code.

Custom storage classes affect only code generated for ERT targets. When Configuration
Parameters > Code Generation > Target Selection > System target file specifies
a GRT target, the names of custom storage classes sometimes appear in dialog boxes,
but selecting a CSC is functionally the same as selecting Auto. See “Targets and Code
Formats” for information about ERT and GRT targets.

Introduction to Custom Storage Classes

Custom Storage Class Memory Sections

Every custom storage class has an associated memory section definition. A memory
section is a named collection of properties related to placement of an object in memory;
for example, in RAM, ROM, or flash memory. Memory section properties let you specify
storage directives for data objects. For example, you can specify const declarations, or
compiler-specific #pragma statements for allocation of storage in ROM or flash memory

See “Create and Edit Memory Section Definitions” on page 9-23 for details about
using the Custom Storage Class designer to define memory sections. While memory
sections are often used with data in custom storage classes, they can also be used with
various other constructs. See “Memory Sections” for more information about using
memory sections with custom storage classes, and complete information about using
memory sections with other constructs.

Register Custom Storage Classes

CSCs are associated with Simulink data class packages (such as the Simulink
package) and with classes within packages (such as the Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal classes). The custom storage classes associated with a package are
defined by a CSC registration file. For example, a CSC registration file exists for the
Simulink package. This registration file provides predefined CSCs for use with the
Simulink.Signal and Simulink.Parameter classes, and with subclasses derived
from these classes. The predefined CSCs are used for a wide variety of applications.

If you use only predefined CSCs, you do not need to be concerned with CSC registration
files. You cannot add or change CSCs associated with built-in packages and classes, but
you can create your own packages and subclasses, then associate CSCs with those. See
“Custom Storage Class Implementation” on page 9-56 for more information.

Custom Storage Class Examples

Three examples show Custom Storage Class capabilities:

rtwdemo_cscpredef — Shows predefined custom storage classes and embedded signal


rtwdemo_importstruct — Shows custom storage classes used to access imported data


9 Custom Storage Classes

rtwdemo_advsc — Shows how custom storage classes can support data-object-driven


Click the links above, or type the name in the MATLAB Command Window.

Resources for Defining Custom Storage Classes

Resources for Defining Custom Storage Classes

The resources for working with custom storage class definitions are:

• Use MATLAB class syntax to create a data class in a package. You can assign
properties to the data class and add initialization code to enable custom storage
class definition. For complete instructions, see “Define Data Classes” in Simulink
• A set of ready-to-use CSCs. These CSCs are designed to be useful in code generation
for embedded systems development. CSC functionality is integrated into the
Simulink.Signal and Simulink.Parameter classes; you do not need to use special
object classes to generate code with CSCs.
• The Custom Storage Class Designer (cscdesigner) tool, which is described in this
chapter. This tool lets you define CSCs that are tailored to your code generation
requirements. The Custom Storage Class Designer provides a graphical user interface
that you can use to implement CSCs. You can use your CSCs in code generation
immediately, without a Target Language Compiler (TLC) or other programming. See
“Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections” on page 9-8 for details.

9 Custom Storage Classes

Simulink Package Custom Storage Classes

The Simulink package includes a set of built-in custom storage classes. These are
categorized as custom storage classes, even though they are built-in, because they:

• Extend the storage classes provided by the Simulink Coder software

• Are functionally the same as if you had defined them yourself using the CSC Designer

You cannot change the CSCs built into the Simulink package, but you can subclass the
package and add CSCs to the subclass, following the steps in “Resources for Defining
Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-5.

Some CSCs in the Simulink package are valid for parameter objects but not signal
objects and vice versa. For example, you can assign the storage class Const to a
parameter but not to a signal, because signal data is not constant. The next table defines
the CSCs built into the Simulink package and shows where each of the CSCs can be

CSC Name Purpose Signals? Parameters?

BitField Generate a struct declaration that Y Y
embeds Boolean data in named bit
CompilerFlag Supports preprocessor conditionals N Y
defined via compiler flag. See
“Generate Preprocessor Conditionals
for Variant Systems”.
Const Generate a constant declaration with N Y
the const type qualifier.
ConstVolatile Generate declaration of volatile N Y
constant with the const volatile
type qualifier.
Default Default is a placeholder CSC that Y Y
the code generator assigns to the
property of signal and parameter
objects when they are created.
You cannot edit the Default CSC

Simulink Package Custom Storage Classes

CSC Name Purpose Signals? Parameters?

Define Generate #define directive. Y Y
ExportToFile Generate header (.h) file, with user- Y Y
specified name, containing global
variable declarations.
FileScope Generate a static qualifier suffix for a Y Y
variable declaration so that the scope
of the variable is limited to the current
GetSet Supports specialized function calls to Y Y
read and write the memory associated
with a Data Store Memory block. See
“GetSet Custom Storage Class” on
page 9-53.
ImportedDefine Supports preprocessor conditionals N Y
defined via legacy header file. See
“Generate Preprocessor Conditionals
for Variant Systems”.
ImportFromFile Generate directives to include Y Y
predefined header files containing
global variable declarations.
Reusable Allows the code generator to reuse Y N
a pair of root I/O signals when you
specify the same name and the
same custom storage class for both.
The custom storage class is either
Reusable (Custom) or derived from
Reusable (Custom).
Struct Generate a struct declaration Y Y
encapsulating parameter or signal
object data.
Volatile Use volatile type qualifier in Y Y

9 Custom Storage Classes

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

In this section...
“Create Packages for Custom Storage Class Definitions” on page 9-8
“Use Custom Storage Class Designer” on page 9-8
“Edit Custom Storage Class Properties” on page 9-14
“Use Custom Storage Class References” on page 9-19
“Create and Edit Memory Section Definitions” on page 9-23
“Use Memory Section References” on page 9-27

Create Packages for Custom Storage Class Definitions

Use MATLAB class syntax to create a data class in a package. You can assign properties
to the data class and add initialization code to enable custom storage class definition. For
complete instructions, see “Define Data Classes” in the Simulink documentation.

Use Custom Storage Class Designer

The Custom Storage Class Designer (cscdesigner) is a tool for creating and managing
custom storage classes and memory sections. You can use the Custom Storage Class
Designer to:

• Load existing custom storage classes and memory sections and view and edit their
• Create new custom storage classes and memory sections
• Create references to custom storage classes and memory sections defined in other
• Copy and modify existing custom storage class and memory section definitions
• Check a custom storage class and memory section definitions
• Preview pseudocode generated from custom storage class and memory section
• Save custom storage class and memory section definitions

To open the Custom Storage Class Designer for a particular package, type the following
command at the MATLAB prompt:

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

cscdesigner ('mypkg')

When first opened, the Custom Storage Class Designer scans data class packages on
the MATLAB path to detect packages that have a CSC registration file. A message is
displayed while scanning proceeds. When the scan is complete, the Custom Storage Class
Designer window appears:

The Custom Storage Class Designer window is divided into several panels:

• Select package: Lets you select from a menu of data class packages that have CSC
definitions associated with them. See “Select Data Class Package” on page 9-10 for
• Custom Storage Class / Memory Section properties: Lets you select, view, edit,
copy, verify, and perform other operations on CSC definitions or memory section

9 Custom Storage Classes

definitions. The common controls in the Custom Storage Class / Memory Section
properties panel are described in “Manipulate Custom Storage Classes and Memory
Sections” on page 9-11.

• When the Custom Storage Class tab is selected, you can select a CSC definition
or reference from a list and edit its properties. See “Edit Custom Storage Class
Properties” on page 9-14 for details.
• When the Memory Section tab is selected, you can select a memory section
definition or reference from a list and edit its properties. See “Create and Edit
Memory Section Definitions” on page 9-23 for details.
• Filename: Displays the filename and location of the current CSC registration file,
and lets you save your CSC definition to that file. See “Save Definitions” on page
9-13 for details.
• Pseudocode preview: Displays a preview of code that is generated from objects of
the given class. The preview is pseudocode, since the actual symbolic representation of
data objects is not available until code generation time. See “Preview Generated Code”
on page 9-26 for details.
• Validation result: Displays errors encountered when the currently selected CSC
definition is validated. See “Validate Definitions Category” on page 9-19 for

Select Data Class Package

A CSC or memory section definition or reference is uniquely associated with a Simulink

data class package. The link between the definition/reference and the package is formed
when a CSC registration file (csc_registration.m) is located in the package directory.

You need not search for or edit a CSC registration file directly: the Custom Storage Class
Designer locates available CSC registration files. The Select package menu contains
names of data class packages that have a CSC registration file on the MATLAB search

When you select a package, the CSCs and memory section definitions belonging to the
package are loaded into memory and their names are displayed in the scrolling list in the
Custom storage class panel. The name and location of the CSC registration file for the
package is displayed in the Filename panel.

If you select a user-defined package, by default you can use the Custom Storage Class
Designer to edit its custom storage classes and memory sections. If you select a built-

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

in package, you cannot edit its custom storage classes or memory sections. See “Custom
Storage Class Implementation” on page 9-56 for more information.

Manipulate Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

The Custom Storage Class / Memory Section panel lets you select, view, and (if the
CSC is writable) edit CSC and memory section definitions and references. In the next
figure and the subsequent examples, the selected package is mypkg. Instructions for
creating a user-defined package like mypkg appear in “Design Custom Storage Classes
and Memory Sections”.

The list at the top of the panel displays the definitions/references for the currently
selected package. To select a definition/reference for viewing and editing, click on the
desired list entry. The properties of the selected definition/reference appear in the area

9 Custom Storage Classes

below the list. The number and type of properties vary for different types of CSC and
memory section definitions. See:

• “Edit Custom Storage Class Properties” on page 9-14 for information about the
properties of the predefined CSCs.
• “Create and Edit Memory Section Definitions” on page 9-23 for information about
the properties of the predefined memory section definitions.

The buttons to the right of the list perform these functions, which are common to both
custom storage classes and memory definitions:

• New: Creates a new CSC or memory section with default values.

• New Reference: Creates a reference to a CSC or memory section definition in
another package. The default initially has a default name and properties. See “Use
Custom Storage Class References” on page 9-19 and “Use Memory Section
References” on page 9-27.
• Copy: Creates a copy of the selected definition / reference. The copy initially has a
default name using the convention:


where definition_name is the name of the original definition, and n is an integer

indicating successive copy numbers (for example: BitField_1, BitField_2, ...)
• Up: Moves the selected definition one position up in the list.
• Down: Moves the selected definition one position down in the list
• Remove: Removes the selected definition from the list.
• Validate: Performs a consistency check on the currently selected definition. Errors
are reported in the Validation result panel.

For example, if you click New, a new custom storage class is created with a default

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

You can now rename the new class by typing the desired name into the Name field, and
specify other fields.

Note: The class name must be a valid MATLAB variable name. See “Variable Names”

Click Apply or OK.

Save Definitions

After you have created or edited a CSC or memory section definition or reference,
you must save the changes to the CSC registration file. To do this, click Save in the
Filename panel. When you click Save, the current CSC and memory section definitions
that are in memory are validated, and the definitions are written out.

9 Custom Storage Classes

If errors occur, they are reported in the Validation result panel. The definitions are
saved whether or not errors exist. However, you should resolve validation errors and
resave your definitions. Trying to use definitions that were saved with validation errors
can cause additional errors. Such problems can occur even it you do not try to use the
specific parts of the definition that contain the validation errors, making the problems
difficult to diagnose.

Restart MATLAB After Changing Definitions

If you add, change, or delete custom storage class or memory section definitions for a
user-defined class, and objects of that class already exist, you must restart MATLAB to
use the changed definitions and to eliminate obsolete objects. When you save the changed
definitions, a message appears indicating that you must restart MATLAB.

Edit Custom Storage Class Properties

To view and edit the properties of a CSC, click the Custom Storage Class tab in the
Custom Storage Class / Memory Section panel. Then, select a CSC name from the
Custom storage class definitions list.

The CSC properties are divided into several categories, selected by tabs. Selecting
a class, and setting property values for that class, can change the available tabs,
properties, and values. As you change property values, the changes in the generated code
is immediately displayed in the Pseudocode preview panel. In most cases, you can
define your CSCs quickly and easily by selecting the Pseudocode preview panel and
using the Validate button frequently.

The property categories and corresponding tabs are as follows:

General Category

Properties in the General category are common to CSCs. In the next figure and the
subsequent examples, the selected custom storage class is ByteField. Instructions for
creating a user-defined custom storage class like ByteField appear in “Manipulate
Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections” on page 9-11.

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

Properties in the General category, and the possible values for each property, are as

• Name: The CSC name, selected from the Custom storage class definitions list.
The name cannot be a TLC keyword. Violating this rule causes an error.
• Type: Specifies how objects of this class are stored. Values:

• Unstructured: Objects of this class generate unstructured storage declarations

(for example, scalar or array variables), for example:

datatype dataname[dimension];
• FlatStructure: Objects of this class are stored as members of a struct. A
Structure Attributes tab is also displayed, allowing you to specify additional
properties such as the struct name. See “Structure Attributes Category” on page
• Other: Used for certain data layouts, such as nested structures, that cannot
be generated using the standard Unstructured and FlatStructure custom
storage class types. If you want to generate other types of data, you can create a
new custom storage class from scratch by writing TLC code. See “Define Advanced
Custom Storage Classes Types” on page 9-50 for more information.
• For parameters and For signals: These options let you enable a CSC for use with
only certain classes of data objects. For example, it does not make sense to assign
storage class Const to a Simulink.Signal object. Accordingly, the For signals
option for the Const class is deselected, while the For parameters is selected.

9 Custom Storage Classes

• Memory section: Selects one of the memory sections defined in the Memory
Section panel. See “Create and Edit Memory Section Definitions” on page 9-23.
• Data scope: Controls the scope of symbols generated for data objects of this class.

• Auto: Symbol scope is determined internally by code generation. If possible,

symbols have File scope. Otherwise, they have Exported scope.
• Exported: Symbols are exported to external code in the header file specified by
the Header File field. If a Header File is not specified, symbols are exported to
external code in model.h.
• Imported: Symbols are imported from external code in the header file specified
by the Header File field. If you do not specify a header file, an extern directive
is generated in model_private.h. For imported data, if the Data initialization
value is Macro, a header file must be specified.
• File: The scope of each symbol is the file that defines it. File scope requires each
symbol to be used in a single file. If the same symbol is referenced in multiple files,
an error occurs at code generation time.
• Instance specific: Symbol scope is defined by the Data scope field of the
CoderInfo.CustomAttributes property of each data object.
• Data initialization: Controls how storage is initialized in generated code. Values:

• Auto: Storage initialization is determined internally by the code generation.

Parameters have Static initialization, and signals have Dynamic initialization.
• None: Initialization code is not generated.
• Static: A static initializer of the following form is generated:

datatype dataname[dimension] = {...};

• Dynamic: Variable storage is initialized at runtime, in the model_initialize
• Macro: A macro definition of the following form is generated:

#define data numeric_value

The Macro initialization option is available only for use with unstructured
parameters. It is not available when the class is configured for generation of
structured data, or for signals. If the Data scope value is Imported, a header file
must be specified.

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

• Instance specific: Initialization is defined by the Data initialization

property of each data object.

Note: The code generator might include dynamic initialization code for signals
and states even if the CSC has Data initialization set to None or Static, if the
initialization is required.
• Data access: Controls whether imported symbols are declared as variables
or pointers. This field is enabled only when Data scope is set to Imported or
Instance-specific. Values:

• Direct: Symbols are declared as simple variables, such as

extern myType myVariable;

• Pointer: Symbols are declared as pointer variables, such as

extern myType *myVariable;

• Instance specific: Data access is defined by the Data access property of each
data object.
• Header file: Defines the name of a header file that contains exported or imported
variable declarations for objects of this class. Values:

• Specify: An edit field is displayed to the right of the property. This lets you
specify a header file for exported or imported storage declarations. Specify the full
filename, including the filename extension (such as .h). Use quotes or brackets as
in C code to specify the location of the header file. Leave the edit field empty to not
specify a header file.
• Instance specific: The header file for each data object is defined by the
Header file property of the object. Leave the property undefined to not specify a
header file for that object.

If the Data scope is Exported, specifying a header file is optional. If you specify
a header file name, the custom storage class generates a header file containing the
storage declarations to be exported. Otherwise, the storage declarations are exported
in model.h.

If the Data scope of the class is Imported, and Data initialization is Macro,
you must specify a header file name. A #include directive for the header file is

9 Custom Storage Classes

Comments Category

The Comments panel lets you specify comments to be generated with definitions and

Comments must conform to the ANSI C standard (/*...*/). Use \n to specify a new

Properties in the Comments tab are as follows:

• Comment rules: If Specify is selected, edit fields are displayed for entering
comments. If Default is selected, comments are generated under control of the code
generation software.
• Type comment: The comment entered in this field precedes the typedef or struct
definition for structured data.
• Declaration comment: Comment that precedes the storage declaration.
• Definition comment: Comment that precedes the storage definition.

Structure Attributes Category

The Structure Attributes panel gives you detailed control over code generation for
structs (including bitfields). The Structure Attributes tab is displayed for CSCs whose
Type parameter is set to FlatStructure. The following figure shows the Structure
Attributes panel.

The Structure Attributes properties are as follows:

• Struct name: If you select Instance specific, specify the struct name when
configuring each instance of the class.

If you select Specify, an edit field appears for entry of the name of the structure to
be used in the struct definition. Edit fields Type tag, Type token, and Type name
are also displayed.
• Is typedef: When this option is selected a typedef is generated for the struct
definition, for example:

typedef struct {
} SignalDataStruct;

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

Otherwise, a simple struct definition is generated.

• Bit-pack booleans: When this option is selected, signals and/or parameters that
have Boolean data type are packed into bit fields in the generated struct.
• Type tag: Specifies a tag to be generated after the struct keyword in the struct
• Type name: Specifies the string to be used in typedef definitions. This field is
visible if Is typedef is selected.
• Type token: Some compilers support an additional token (which is simply another
string) after the type tag. To generate such a token, enter the string in this field.

Validate Definitions Category

To validate a CSC definition, select the definition on the Custom Storage Class panel
and click Validate. The Custom Storage Class Designer then checks the definition
for consistency. The Validation result panel displays a errors encountered when the
selected CSC definition is validated. The next figure shows the Validation result panel
with a typical error message:

Validation is also performed whenever CSC definitions are saved. In this case, all CSC
definitions are validated. (See “Save Definitions” on page 9-13.)

Use Custom Storage Class References

Packages can access and use custom storage classes that are defined in other packages,
including both user-defined packages and predefined packages such as Simulink
and mpt. Only one copy of the storage class exists, in the package that first defined

9 Custom Storage Classes

it. Other packages refer to it by pointing to it in its original location. Changes to the
class, including changes to a predefined class in later MathWorks product releases, are
immediately available in every referencing package.

To configure a package to use a custom storage class that is defined in another package:

1 Type cscdesigner to launch the Custom Storage Class Designer.

2 Select the Custom Storage Class tab.

3 Use Select Package to select the package in which you want to reference a class or
section defined in some other package. The selected package must be writable.

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

4 In the Custom storage class definitions pane, select the existing definition below
which you want to insert the reference. For example:

5 Click New Reference.

A new reference with a default name and properties appears below the previously
selected definition. The new reference is selected, and a Reference tab appears that
shows the reference's initial properties. A typical appearance is:

9 Custom Storage Classes

6 Use the Name field to enter a name for the new reference. The name must be unique
in the importing package, but can duplicate the name in the source package. The
name cannot be a TLC keyword. Violating this rule causes an error.
7 Set Refer to custom storage class in package to specify the package that
contains the custom storage class you want to reference.
8 Set Custom storage class to reference to specify the custom storage class to be
referenced. Trying to create a circular reference generates an error and leaves the
package unchanged.
9 Click OK or Apply to save the changes to memory. See “Save Definitions” on page
9-13 for information about saving changes permanently.

For example, the next figure shows the custom storage class ConstVolatile imported
from the Simulink package into mypkg, and given the same name that it has in the
source package. Other names could have been used without affecting the properties of
the storage class.

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

You can use Custom Storage Class Designer capabilities to copy, reorder, validate, and
otherwise manage classes that have been added to a class by reference. However, you
cannot change the underlying definitions. You can change a custom storage class only in
the package where it was originally defined.

Change Existing Custom Storage Class References

To change an existing CSC reference, select it in the Custom storage class definitions
pane. The Reference tab appears, showing the current properties of the reference. Make
changes, then click OK or Apply to save the changes to memory. See “Save Definitions”
on page 9-13 for information about saving changes permanently.

Create and Edit Memory Section Definitions

Memory section definitions add comments, qualifiers, and #pragma directives to
generated symbol declarations. The Memory Section tab lets you create, view, edit, and

9 Custom Storage Classes

verify memory section definitions. The steps for creating a memory section definition are
essentially the same as for creating a custom storage class definition:

1 Select a writable package in the Select package field.

2 Select the Memory Section tab. In a new package, only a Default memory section
initially appears.
3 Select the existing memory section below which you want to create a new memory
4 Click New.

A new memory section definition with a default name appears below the selected
memory section.
5 Set the name and other properties of the memory section.
6 Click OK or Apply.

The next figure shows mypkg with a memory section called MyMemSect:

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

The Memory section definitions list lets you select a memory section definition to
view or edit. The available memory section definitions also appear in the Memory
section name menu in the Custom Storage Class panel. The properties of a memory
section definition are as follows:

• Memory section name: Name of the memory section (displayed in Memory section
definitions list).
• Is const: If selected, a const qualifier is added to the symbol declarations.

9 Custom Storage Classes

• Is volatile: If selected, a volatile qualifier is added to the symbol declarations.

• Qualifier: The string entered into this field is added to the symbol declarations as a
further qualifier. Note that verification is not performed on this qualifier.
• Memory section comment: Comment inserted before declarations belonging to this
memory section. Comments must conform to the ANSI C standard (/*...*/). Use \n
to specify a new line.
• Pragma surrounds: Specifies whether the pragma should surround All
variables or Each variable. When Pragma surrounds is set to Each
variable, the %<identifier> token is allowed in pragmas and will be replaced by
the variable or function name.
• Pre-memory section pragma: pragma directive that precedes the storage definition
of data belonging to this memory section. The directive must begin with #pragma.
• Post-memory section pragma: pragma directive that follows the storage definition
of data belonging to this memory section. The directive must begin with #pragma.

Preview Generated Code

If you click Validate on the Memory Section panel, the Pseudocode preview panel
displays a preview of code that is generated from objects of the given class. The panel
also displays messages (in blue) to highlight changes as they are made. The code preview
changes dynamically as you edit the class properties. The next figure shows a code
preview for the MemConstVolatile memory section.

Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections

Use Memory Section References

Packages can access and use memory sections that are defined in other packages,
including both user-defined packages and predefined packages such as Simulink
and mpt. Only one copy of the section exists, in the package that first defined it; other
packages refer to it by pointing to it in its original location. Changes to the section,
including changes to a predefined section in later MathWorks product releases, are
immediately available in every referencing package.

To configure a package to use a memory section that is defined in another package:

1 Type cscdesigner to launch the Custom Storage Class Designer.

2 Select the Memory Section tab.
3 Use Select Package to select the package in which you want to reference a class or
section defined in some other package.
4 In the Memory section definitions pane, select the existing definition below which
you want to insert the reference.
5 Click New Reference.

A new reference with a default name and properties appears below the previously
selected definition. The new reference is selected, and a Reference tab appears that
shows the reference's initial properties.
6 Use the Name field to enter a name for the new reference. The name must be unique
in the importing package, but can duplicate the name in the source package.
7 Set Refer to memory section in package to specify the package that contains the
memory section you want to reference.
8 Set Memory section to reference to specify the memory section to be referenced.
Trying to create a circular reference generates an error and leaves the package
9 Click OK or Apply to save the changes to memory. See “Save Definitions” on page
9-13 for information about saving changes permanently.

For example, the next figure shows the memory section MemConstVolatile imported
from the Simulink package into mypkg, and given the same name that it has in the
source package. Other names could have been used without affecting the properties of
the memory section.

9 Custom Storage Classes

You can use Custom Storage Class Designer capabilities to copy, reorder, validate,
and otherwise manage memory sections that have been added to a class by reference.
However, you cannot change the underlying definitions. You can change a memory
section only in the package where it was originally defined.

Change Existing Memory Section References

To change an existing memory section reference, select it in the Memory section

definitions pane. The Reference tab appears, showing the current properties of the
reference. Make changes, then click OK or Apply to save the changes to memory. See
“Save Definitions” on page 9-13 for information about saving changes permanently.

Apply Custom Storage Classes

Apply Custom Storage Classes

In this section...
“About Applying Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-29
“Apply Custom Storage Classes to Parameters” on page 9-30
“Apply Custom Storage Classes to Signals” on page 9-31
“Custom Storage Classes Using Signal Objects” on page 9-32
“Custom Storage Classes Using Embedded Signal Objects” on page 9-33
“Specify Custom Storage Classes Using GUI” on page 9-40
“Specify Custom Storages Classes Using API” on page 9-42

About Applying Custom Storage Classes

You can apply a custom storage class to a parameter or a signal using the GUI or the

• To apply a custom storage class to a parameter, you specify the storage class in the
Simulink.Parameter object that defines the parameter in the base workspace.
• To apply a custom storage class to a signal, you specify the storage class in a
Simulink.Signal object that is bound to the signal. You can provide this object in
two ways:

• Create the object in the base workspace, then bind it to the signal as described
in “Symbol Resolution”. When you save the model, you must save the object in a
separate file, as with base workspace objects.
• Use the Signal Properties dialog box to embed the object in the model on the port
where the signal originates. When you save the model, Simulink automatically
saves the embedded signal object as part of the model file.

Most of the GUI techniques, and most of the API techniques, are the same for parameter
and signal objects, and for base workspace and embedded signal objects. Only the initial
steps differ, after which you apply the same GUI or API instructions within the context
that you established in the initial steps.

The following instructions assume that you have already created packages, custom
storage classes, and memory sections, as described in “Design Custom Storage Classes
and Memory Sections” on page 9-8.

9 Custom Storage Classes

Apply Custom Storage Classes to Parameters

To apply a custom storage class to a parameter, you specify the storage class in the
Simulink.Parameter object that defines the parameter in the base workspace. The
instructions that begin in this section show you how to create that object using the GUI
or API. Later instructions show you how to specify a custom storage class and custom

For information about using parameter objects to specify block parameter values, see
“Use Parameter Objects to Specify Parameter Values”. For information about parameter
storage in generated code, see “Parameters”.

Create Parameter Objects Using GUI

1 In the Model window, choose View > Model Explorer.

2 In the Model Hierarchy pane, select the Base Workspace.
Click the Add Parameter tool or choose Add > Simulink Parameter.

Simulink creates a Simulink.Parameter object in the base workspace with the

default name, Param.
4 Change the parameter name by editing it in the Contents pane. Example: MyParam.
5 Set parameter attributes other than Code generation options in the Dialog pane.
6 Follow the instructions in “Specify Custom Storage Classes Using GUI” on page

Create Parameter Objects Using API

1 In the MATLAB Command Window, enter:


where ParamClass is Simulink.Parameter or a subclass of it that you have

2 Simulink creates a ParamClass object with the specified name:

MyParam =

Simulink.Parameter (handle)
Value: []

Apply Custom Storage Classes

CoderInfo: [1x1 Simulink.ParamCoderInfo]

Description: ''
DataType: 'auto'
Min: []
Max: []
DocUnits: ''
Complexity: 'real'
Dimensions: [0 0]
3 Set parameter attributes other than CoderInfo, which controls custom storage
4 Follow the instructions in “Specify Custom Storages Classes Using API” on page

Apply Custom Storage Classes to Signals

To apply a custom storage class to a signal, you specify the storage class in a
Simulink.Signal object. This object can exist in either of two locations:

• In the MATLAB base workspace

• On the port where the signal originates

The object itself is the same in either case; only its location and some of the techniques
for managing it differ. The instructions that begin in this section show you how to create
a signal object in either location using the GUI or API. Later instructions show you how
to specify the custom storage class and custom attributes.

A given signal can be associated with at most one signal object. The signal can refer to
the object more than once, but every reference must resolve to exactly the same object. A
different signal object that has exactly the same properties will not meet the requirement
for uniqueness. A compile-time error occurs if a model associates more than one signal
object with a signal.

Assigning a signal to a non-Auto storage class automatically makes the signal a test
point, overriding the setting of Signal Properties > Logging and accessibility > Test
point. See “Test Points”for more information.

For information about using signal objects to specify signal attributes, see “Using Signal
Objects to Initialize Signals and Discrete States”. For information about signal storage in
generated code, see “Signals”.

9 Custom Storage Classes

Custom Storage Classes Using Signal Objects

The first step is to create the signal object in the base workspace, after which you specify
signal attributes and the custom storage class and attributes.

Create Signal Objects in Base Workspace Using GUI

1 In the Simulink Editor, select View > Model Explorer.

2 In the Model Hierarchy pane, select the Base Workspace.
Click the Add Signal tool or choose Add > Simulink Signal.

Simulink creates a Simulink.Signal object in the base workspace, with a default

name, Sig.
4 Change the signal name by editing it in the Contents pane. Example: MySig.
5 Set signal attributes other than Code generation options in the Dialog pane.
6 Give the signal the same name as the signal object, as described in “Signal Names”.
7 Arrange for the signal to resolve to the object, as described in “Symbol Resolution”.
8 Follow the instructions in “Specify Custom Storage Classes Using GUI” on page

Create Signal Objects in Base Workspace Using API

1 In the MATLAB Command Window, enter:


where SignalClass is Simulink.Signal or a subclass of it that you have defined.

2 Simulink creates a SignalClass object with the specified name:

MySig =

Simulink.Signal (handle)
CoderInfo: [1x1 Simulink.SignalCoderInfo]
Description: ''
DataType: 'auto'
Min: []
Max: []
DocUnits: ''
Dimensions: -1

Apply Custom Storage Classes

Complexity: 'auto'
SampleTime: -1
SamplingMode: 'auto'
InitialValue: ''
3 Set parameter attributes other than CoderInfo, which controls custom storage
4 Give the signal the same name as the signal object, as described in “Signal Names”.
5 Arrange for the signal to resolve to the object, as described in “Symbol Resolution”.
6 Follow the instructions in “Specify Custom Storages Classes Using API” on page

Custom Storage Classes Using Embedded Signal Objects

You can use the GUI or the API to apply a CSC using an embedded signal object.

• If you use the GUI, you use the Signal Properties dialog box to specify the attributes
you want. The software then creates a Simulink.Signal object and assigns it to the
output port where the signal originates.
• If you use the API, you instantiate Simulink.Signal or a subclass of it, set the
attribute values that you want, and assign the object to the output port where the
signal originates.

In either case, the generated code is the same as if you had created a base workspace
signal object that specified the same name, CSC, and custom attributes as the embedded
signal object. For more information, see “Custom Storage Classes Using Signal Objects”
on page 9-32.

The advantages of using embedded signal objects are that they do not clutter the
base workspace, and they do not need to be saved separately from the model, as base
workspace objects do. When you save a model, Simulink saves embedded signal objects in
the model file, and reloads the objects when you later reload the model.

The disadvantage of embedded signal objects is that you can use such an object only
to specify a custom storage class, custom attributes, and an alias; you must accept the
default values for other signal attributes. You cannot work around this restriction by
providing additional information in a base workspace signal object on the same signal,
because a signal object can have at most one associated signal object, as described in
“Multiple Signal Objects”.

9 Custom Storage Classes

Create Embedded Signal Objects Using GUI

1 Give the signal a name, which must be a valid ANSI C identifier. Example: MySig.
2 Right-click the signal and choose Properties from the context menu.

The Signal Properties dialog box opens:

3 Do not select Signal name must resolve to Simulink signal object. Selecting
it would require a base workspace signal object, which would conflict with the
embedded signal object.
4 Click the Code Generation tab.
5 The Package is initially ---None---. When a package is not specified, only the
non-custom built-in storage classes defined for both GRT and ERT targets are

Apply Custom Storage Classes

Applying a storage class when the package is ---None--- sets internal storage
class attributes rather than creating an embedded signal object. For information
about built-in storage classes, see “Signals” in the Simulink Coder documentation.
6 To apply a custom storage class, you must first specify the package where it is
defined. Initially, viewing the Package menu displays only the built-in Simulink
and mpt packages:

9 Custom Storage Classes

7 Click Refresh to load other available packages, including user-defined packages,

available on the MATLAB path. After a brief delay, a timer box tracks the progress
of the package search. After the search completes, viewing the Package menu
displays available packages:

Apply Custom Storage Classes

Once you have used Refresh in the Signal Properties dialog, Simulink saves the
information for later use, so you do not have to click Refresh again during the
current MATLAB session.
8 Select the package that contains the custom storage class you want to apply, e.g.

9 Custom Storage Classes

9 Follow the instructions in “Specify Custom Storage Classes Using GUI” on page

Delete Embedded Signal Objects Using GUI

To delete an embedded signal object with the Model Explorer, delete the name of the
signal to which the object applies, by editing the name in the graphical model or in the
Signal Properties dialog box. Simulink automatically deletes the embedded signal object
as soon as its signal does not have a name.

Create Embedded Signal Objects Using API

To provide an embedded signal object using the API, you create the object, set its custom
storage class and custom attributes, then assign the object to the output port on which it
will be embedded.

1 Name the signal if it does not already have a name. The name must be a valid ANSI
C identifier.

Apply Custom Storage Classes

2 In the MATLAB Command Window, enter:


where SignalClass is Simulink.Signal or a subclass of it that you have defined.

The name of the signal object does not need to match the name of the signal to which
the object will be applied.
3 Simulink creates a SignalClass object with the specified name. Example:

MySig =

Simulink.Signal (handle)
CoderInfo: [1x1 Simulink.SignalCoderInfo]
Description: ''
DataType: 'auto'
Min: []
Max: []
DocUnits: ''
Dimensions: -1
Complexity: 'auto'
SampleTime: -1
SamplingMode: 'auto'
InitialValue: ''
4 Do not set attributes. An embedded signal object can specify only custom storage
class information.
5 Follow the instructions in “Specify Custom Storages Classes Using API” on page
9-42. After specifying the custom storage class, be sure to assign the signal object
to its output port, as described under “Assign Embedded Signal Objects to Output
Ports” on page 9-45.

Change Embedded Signal Objects Using API

To change an embedded signal object using the API, you obtain a copy of the object from
the output port on which it is embedded, change the object, then assign the changed
object back to the port.

1 Obtain a copy of the signal object using a handle to the output port. Example:


9 Custom Storage Classes

2 Change the signal object using the techniques described in “Specify Custom Storages
Classes Using API” on page 9-42. After making the changes, be sure to copy the
signal object to its output port, as described in “Assign Embedded Signal Objects to
Output Ports” on page 9-45.

Delete Embedded Signal Objects Using API

To delete an embedded signal object with the API, obtain a handle to the output port
where the signal object is embedded, then set the port's SignalObject parameter to []:

Resolve Signal Names to Simulink Signal Objects Using API

To set the name of a signal to resolve to a Simulink signal object using the API, obtain
the handle to the output port and then set the port's MustResolveToSignalObject
property to on:
set_param(hp,'MustResolveToSignalObject', 'on')

Specify Custom Storage Classes Using GUI

The initial steps for applying a CSC with the GUI differ depending on whether you are
applying the CSC to a parameter using a base workspace object, to a signal using a base
workspace object, or to a signal using an embedded object. The initial steps for each of
these three cases appear in:

• “Create Parameter Objects Using GUI” on page 9-30

• “Create Signal Objects in Base Workspace Using GUI” on page 9-32
• “Create Embedded Signal Objects Using GUI” on page 9-34

After the initial steps, applying a CSC with the GUI is the same for the three cases.
The following instructions show you how to finish applying a CSC with the GUI. The
instructions assume that you have completed one of the previous sets of instructions, and
that the dialog you used to execute those instructions is still open.

The available custom storage classes and custom attributes depend on the package
that you select. The examples in this section assume that you are using the Simulink

Apply Custom Storage Classes

The dialog that you used to begin the process of applying a CSC with the GUI by
providing an object contains two fields: one for specifying a custom storage class and one
for optionally specifying an alias.

Storage class is Auto because that is the default storage class in the Simulink
package. Other packages may have different defaults. You can specify an Alias whenever
the Storage class is not Auto. If Storage class is Auto, Simulink deletes aliases you
try to specify, leaving the field blank. If you specify an alias, it appears in generated code
instead of the name of the object.

To specify a custom storage class and its custom attributes:

1 View the Storage Class menu, which looks like this for the Simulink package:

Each custom storage class has (custom) suffixed to its name. The storage
classes SimulinkGlobal, ExportedGlobal, ImportedExtern, and
ImportedExternPointer are the built-in non-custom storage classes described in
“Signals” in the Simulink Coder documentation.
2 Choose the desired custom storage class from Storage class, for example, Struct.
3 Provide values for custom attributes. Struct has only one, Struct name. For
example, set Struct name to MyStruct:

9 Custom Storage Classes

4 Click Apply.

In generated code, data whose storage is controlled by this custom storage class
specification will appear in a structure named MyStruct. See “Generate Code with
Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-46 for an example.

Specify Custom Storages Classes Using API

The initial steps for applying a CSC with the API differ depending on whether you are
applying the CSC to a parameter using a base workspace object, to a signal using a base
workspace object, or to a signal using an embedded object. The initial steps for each of
these three cases appear in:

• “Create Parameter Objects Using API” on page 9-30

• “Create Signal Objects in Base Workspace Using API” on page 9-32
• “Create Embedded Signal Objects Using API” on page 9-38

After the initial steps, applying a CSC with the API is the same for the three cases,
except for the case of an assignment for an embedded signal object. The following
instructions show you how to finish applying a CSC with the API. The instructions
assume that you have completed one of the previous sets of instructions, and that the
resulting objects an attributes are unchanged.

The available custom storage classes and custom attributes depend on the package
that you select. The examples in this section assume that you are using the Simulink
package. The examples also assume that the object for which you want to specify a
custom storage class is named MyObj, which is a parameter or signal object that exists in
the base workspace, or a signal object that will be assigned to an output port.

The rest of this section provides information that is specific to custom storage classes
in Embedded Coder. See “Simulink Package Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-6 for a

Apply Custom Storage Classes

list of the custom storage classes that are built into the Simulink package for use by
Embedded Coder software.

CoderInfo Properties

Each Simulink parameter object or signal object defines properties called CoderInfo
properties. Code generation software uses these properties to control storage class
assignment in the generated code. The CoderInfo properties and their default values
are as follows:
StorageClass: 'Auto'
Alias: ''
CustomStorageClass: 'Default'
CustomAttributes: [1x1 SimulinkCSC.AttribClass_Simulink_Default]

For more information about CoderInfo properties, see “Signals” in the Simulink Coder

Specify a Custom Storage Class

To specify a custom storage class using CoderInfo properties:

1 Set StorageClass to 'Custom'.

2 Set CustomStorageClass to the name of the storage class.

For example, to specify the Struct custom storage class:


Whenever you have specified a custom storage class other than Auto, you can specify an
alias by setting the Alias attribute. If you specify an alias, it appears in generated code
instead of the name of the object.

Specify Instance-Specific Attributes

A custom storage class can have properties that define attributes that are specific to
that CSC. Such properties are called instance-specific attributes. For example, if you
specify the Struct custom storage class, you must specify the name of the C language
structure that will store the data. That name is an instance-specific attribute of the
Struct CSC.

Instance-specific attributes are stored in the CoderInfo property CustomAttributes.

This property is initially defined as follows:

9 Custom Storage Classes

1x1 struct array with no fields

When you specify a custom storage class, Simulink automatically populates

CoderInfo.CustomAttributes with fields to represent instance-specific attributes of
that CSC. For example, if you set the MySig CSC to Struct, as described in “Specify a
Custom Storage Class” on page 9-43, then enter:


MATLAB displays:

StructName: ''

To specify that StructName is MyStruct, enter:


MATLAB displays:

StructName: 'MyStruct'

Class Name Instance-Specific Property Purpose

BitField Name of the bitfield struct into
which the code generator packs the
object's Boolean data.
ExportToFile Name of header (.h) file that
contains exported variable
declarations and export directives
for the object.
GetSet Name of header (.h) file to
#include in the generated code.
See “GetSet Custom Storage Class”
on page 9-53.
String that specifies the name of a
function call to read data.
String that specifies the name of a
function call to write data.

Apply Custom Storage Classes

Class Name Instance-Specific Property Purpose

ImportedDefine The header file that defines the
values of code variant preprocessor
conditionals. See “Generate
Preprocessor Conditionals for
Variant Systems”.
ImportFromFile Name of header (.h) file containing
global variable declarations the
code generator imports for the
Struct Name of the struct into which the
code generator packs the object's

Assign Embedded Signal Objects to Output Ports

If you are operating on an embedded signal object with the API, you must copy the object
to the port after providing or changing its CoderInfo properties. For example, if MyObj
is a signal object that you want to copy to the output port, enter:
Subsequent changes to the source object in the base workspace have no effect on the
output port copy, and you can delete the source object:
clear ('MyObj')

9 Custom Storage Classes

Generate Code with Custom Storage Classes

In this section...
“Code Generation Prerequisites” on page 9-46
“Code Generation With Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-46

Code Generation Prerequisites

Before you generate code for a model that uses custom storage classes, set model options
as follows:

• If your model assigns custom storage classes to parameters, select Configuration

Parameters > Optimization > Signals and Parameters > Inline parameters.
Otherwise, the code generator ignores CSC specifications for parameters. This
requirement also applies to models that assign built-in storage classes to parameters.
• Clear Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Data specification
override > Ignore custom storage classes.

Otherwise, the code generator ignores CSC specifications and treats data objects as if
their Storage class were Auto.

Code Generation With Custom Storage Classes

This section presents an example of code generation with CSCs, based on this model:

Generate Code with Custom Storage Classes

The model contains three named signals: aa, bb, and cc. Using the predefined Struct
custom storage class, the example generates code that packs these signals into a struct
named mySignals. The struct declaration is then exported to externally written code.

To specify the struct, you provide Simulink.Signal objects that specify the Struct
custom storage class, and associate the objects with the signals as described in “Apply
Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-29. The three objects have the same properties. This
figure shows the signal object properties for aa:

The association between identically named model signals and signal objects is formed as
described in “Symbol Resolution”. In this example, the symbols aa, bb, and cc resolve
to the signal objects aa, bb, and cc, which have custom storage class Struct. In the
generated code, storage for the three signals will be allocated within a struct named

9 Custom Storage Classes

To display the storage class of the signals in the model, select Display > Signals
& Ports > Storage Class in the Simulink editor. The figure below shows the block
diagram with signal data types and signal storage classes displayed.

With the model configured as described in “Code Generation Prerequisites” on page

9-46, and the signal objects defined and associated with the signals, you can generate
code that uses the custom storage classes to generate the desired data structure for the
signals. After code generation, the relevant definitions and declarations are located in
three files:

• model_types.h defines the following struct type for storage of the three signals:

typedef struct MySignals_tag {

boolean_T bb;
uint8_T aa;
uint8_T cc;
} mySignals_type;
• model.c (or .cpp) defines the variable mySignals, as specified in the object's
instance-specific StructName attribute. The variable is referenced in the code
generated for the Switch block:

/* Definition for Custom Storage Class: Struct */

mySignals_type mySignals = {
/* cc */
/* bb */
/* aa */

Generate Code with Custom Storage Classes

/* Switch: '<Root>/Switch1' */
if(mySignals.cc) {
rtb_Switch1 = mySignals.aa;
} else {
rtb_Switch1 = mySignals.bb;
• model.h exports the mySignals Struct variable:

/* Declaration for Custom Storage Class: Struct */

extern mySignals_type mySignals;

Grouped Custom Storage Classes

A custom storage class that results in multiple data objects being referenced with a
single variable in the generated code, in the previous example, is called a grouped custom
storage class. In the Simulink package, Bitfield and Struct (shown in the preceding
example) are grouped CSCs. Data grouped by a CSC is referred to as grouped data.

Note: If you use a grouped custom storage class, you cannot specify its properties on an
instance-specific basis. This is because a grouped custom storage class combines multiple
pieces of data into a single data structure. Data in this structure must have the same
properties such as Header file, Data scope, and Data initialization.

9 Custom Storage Classes

Define Advanced Custom Storage Classes Types

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 9-50
“Create Your Own Parameter and Signal Classes” on page 9-50
“Create Custom Attributes Classes for Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-50
“Write TLC Code for Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-51
“Register Custom Storage Class Definitions” on page 9-51

Certain data layouts, such as nested structures, cannot be generated using the standard
Unstructured and FlatStructure custom storage class types. You can define an
advanced custom storage class if you want to generate other types of data. Creating
advanced CSCs requires understanding TLC programming and using a special advanced
mode of the Custom Storage Class Designer. This sections explain how to define
advanced CSC types.

Create Your Own Parameter and Signal Classes

The first step is to create your own package containing classes derived from
Simulink.Parameter or Simulink.Signal. This procedure is described in “Define
Data Classes” in the Simulink documentation.

Create Custom Attributes Classes for Custom Storage Classes

If you have instance-specific properties that are relevant only to your CSC, you should
create a custom attributes class for the package. A custom attributes class is a subclass
of Simulink.CustomStorageClassAttributes. The name, type, and default value
properties you set for the custom attributes class define the user view of instance-specific
properties. For instructions, see “Define Data Classes” in the Simulink documentation.

For example, the ExportToFile custom storage class requires that you set the
CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile property to specify a .h file used for
exporting each piece of data. See “Simulink Package Custom Storage Classes” on page
9-6 for further information on instance-specific properties.

Define Advanced Custom Storage Classes Types

Note: If you rename or remove custom attributes, you may need to manually edit the
csc_registration file for the associated package to remove references to the custom
attributes that you renamed or removed.

Write TLC Code for Custom Storage Classes

The next step is to write TLC code that implements code generation for data of your new
custom storage class. A template TLC file is provided for this purpose. To create your
TLC code, follow these steps:

1 Create a tlc directory inside your package's +directory (if it does not already exist).
The naming convention to follow is

2 Copy TEMPLATE_v1.tlc (or another CSC template) from matlabroot/toolbox/
rtw/targets/ecoder/csc_templates into your tlc directory to use as a starting
point for defining your custom storage class.
3 Write your TLC code, following the comments in the CSC template file. Comments
describe how to specify code generation for data of your custom storage class (for
example, how data structures are to be declared, defined, and whether they are
accessed by value or by reference).

Alternatively, you can copy a custom storage class TLC file from another existing
package as a starting point for defining your custom storage class.

Register Custom Storage Class Definitions

After you have created a package for your new custom storage class and written its
associated TLC code, you must register your class definitions with the Custom Storage
Class Designer, using its advanced mode.

The advanced mode supports selection of an additional storage class Type, designated
Other. The Other type is designed to support special CSC types that cannot be
accommodated by the standard Unstructured and FlatStructure custom storage
class types. The Other type cannot be assigned to a CSC except when the Custom
Storage Class Designer is in advanced mode.

To register your class definitions:

9 Custom Storage Classes

1 Launch the Custom Storage Class Designer in advanced mode by typing the
following command at the MATLAB prompt:
cscdesigner -advanced
2 Select your package and create a new custom storage class.
3 Set the Type of the custom storage class to Other. Note that when you do this, the
Other Attributes pane is displayed. This pane is visible only for CSCs whose Type
is set to Other.

If you specify a customized package, additional options, as defined by the package,

also appear on the Other Attributes pane.
4 Set the properties shown on the Other Attributes pane. The properties are:

• Is grouped: Select this option if you intend to combine multiple data objects of
this CSC into a single variable in the generated code. (for example, a struct).
• TLC file name: Enter the name of the TLC file corresponding to this custom
storage class. The location of the file is assumed to be in the /tlc subdirectory
for the package, so you should not enter the path to the file.
• CSC attributes class name: (optional) If you created a custom attributes class
corresponding to this custom storage class, enter the full name of the custom
attributes class. (see “Create Custom Attributes Classes for Custom Storage
Classes” on page 9-50).
5 Set the remaining properties on the General and Comments panes based on the
layout of the data that you wish to generate (as defined in your TLC file).

GetSet Custom Storage Class

GetSet Custom Storage Class

In this section...
“About GetSet Custom Storage Class” on page 9-53
“GetSet Custom Storage Class Properties” on page 9-53
“Apply the GetSet Custom Storage” on page 9-54
“GetSet Custom Storage Class Restrictions” on page 9-54
“Increase Code Efficiency With GetSet CSC” on page 9-54

About GetSet Custom Storage Class

GetSet is a built-in advanced custom storage class that generates specialized function
calls to read from (get) and write to (set) the memory associated with a Data Store
Memory block that is read and written many times in a single model. See “Data Stores”
for information about data stores and the Data Store Memory block, and “Define
Advanced Custom Storage Classes Types” on page 9-50 for information about advanced

The GetSet custom storage class is designed primarily for use with the state of the Data
Store Memory block. However, GetSet is capable of handling signals other than data
stores, and is supported for the outputs of most built-in blocks provided by MathWorks.
For more about the definition of the GetSet storage class, look at its associated TLC code
in the file:


GetSet Custom Storage Class Properties

The next table summarizes the instance-specific properties of the GetSet storage class:

Property Description
GetFunction String that specifies the name of a function call to read data.
SetFunction String that specifies the name of a function call to write data.
HeaderFile String that specifies the name of a header (.h) file to add as an
(optional) #include in the generated code.

9 Custom Storage Classes

For example, if the GetFunction of signal X is specified as 'get_X' then the generated
code calls get_X() wherever the value of X is used. Similarly, if the SetFunction of
signal X is specified as 'set_X' then the generated code calls set_X(value) wherever
the value of X is assigned.

Apply the GetSet Custom Storage

The GetSet storage class cannot be represented by the standard Unstructured or
FlatStructure custom storage class types, so it is an advanced CSC, as described
in “Define Advanced Custom Storage Classes Types” on page 9-50. To access the CSC
definition for GetSet, you must launch Custom Storage Class designer in advanced
cscdesigner -advanced

If you omit the HeaderFile property for a GetSet data object, you must specify
a header file by an alternative means, such as the Header file field of the Code
Generation > Custom Code pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
Otherwise, the generated code might not compile or might function improperly.

For wide signals, an additional index argument is passed, so the calls to the get and set
functions are get_X(idx) and set_X(idx, value) respectively.

GetSet Custom Storage Class Restrictions

• The GetSet supports only signals of noncomplex data types.
• Some built-in blocks do not directly support GetSet.
• User-written S-functions do not directly support GetSet.

To use GetSet with a nonsupporting built-in block or a user-written S-function:

1 Insert a Signal Conversion block at the outport of the block or function.

2 Select the Signal Conversion Block's Exclude this block from 'Block reduction'
optimization property.
3 Assign the GetSet storage class to the output of the Signal Conversion block.

Increase Code Efficiency With GetSet CSC

The model below contains a Data Store Memory block that resolves to the Simulink
signal object X:

GetSet Custom Storage Class

The following specifications configure the signal object X to use the GetSet custom
storage class:
X = Simulink.Signal;
X.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
X.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'GetSet';
X.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.GetFunction = 'get_X';
X.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.SetFunction = 'set_X';
X.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'user_file.h';

The GetSet CSC appears as follows in the code generated for the model:

/* Includes for objects with custom storage classes. */

#include "user_file.h"

void getset_csc_step(void)
/* local block i/o variables */
real_T rtb_DSRead_o;

/* DataStoreWrite: '<Root>/DSWrite' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/In1'

/* DataStoreRead: '<Root>/DSRead' */
rtb_DSRead_o = get_X();

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' */
getset_csc_Y.Out1 = rtb_DSRead_o;

Note that the code uses a local variable rtb_DSRead_o rather than multiple calls to the
get_X function. This technique increases code efficiency and prevents changes to the
value within a simulation step.

9 Custom Storage Classes

Custom Storage Class Implementation

You can skip this section unless you want to ship custom storage class definitions in an
uneditable format, or you intend to bypass the Custom Storage Class designer and work
directly with files that contain custom storage class definitions.

The file that defines a package's custom storage classes is called a CSC registration
file. The file is named csc_registration and resides in the +package directory that
defines the package. A CSC registration file can be a P-file (csc_registration.p) or a
MATLAB file (csc_registration.m). A built-in package defines custom storage classes
in both a P-file and a functionally equivalent MATLAB file. A user-defined package
initially defines custom storage classes only in a MATLAB file.

P-files take precedence over MATLAB files, so when MATLAB looks for a package's CSC
registration file and finds both a P-file and a MATLAB file, MATLAB loads the P-file
and ignores the MATLAB file. The capabilities and tools, including the Custom Storage
Class Designer, then use the CSC definitions stored in the P-file. P-files cannot be edited,
so CSC Designer editing capabilities are disabled for CSCs stored in a P-file. If a P-file
does not exist, MATLAB loads CSC definitions from the MATLAB file. MATLAB files are
editable, so CSC Designer editing capabilities are enabled for CSCs stored in a MATLAB

Because CSC definitions for a built-in package exist in both a P-file and a MATLAB
file, they are uneditable. You can make the definitions editable by deleting the P-file,
but it is not recommended to modify built-in CSC registration files or other files under
matlabroot. The preferred technique is to create packages, data classes, and custom
storage classes, as described in “Define Data Classes” in the Simulink documentation.

The CSC Designer saves CSC definitions for user-defined packages in a MATLAB file,
so the definitions are editable. You can make the definitions uneditable by using the
pcode function to create an equivalent P-file, which will then shadow the MATLAB
file. However, you should preserve the MATLAB file if you may need to make further
changes, because you cannot modify CSC definitions that exist only in a P-file.

You can also use tools or techniques other than the Custom Storage Class Designer to
create and edit MATLAB files that define CSCs. However, that practice is vulnerable
to syntax errors and can give unexpected results. When MATLAB finds an older P-file
that shadows a newer MATLAB file, it displays a warning in the MATLAB Command

Custom Storage Class Limitations

Custom Storage Class Limitations

• Data objects cannot have a CSC and a multi-word data type.
• The Fcn block does not support parameters with custom storage class in code
• For CSCs in models that use referenced models:

• If data is assigned a grouped CSC, such as Struct or Bitfield, the CSC's Data
scope property must be Imported and the data declaration must be provided in a
user-supplied header file. See “Grouped Custom Storage Classes” on page 9-49 for
more information about grouped CSCs.
• If data is assigned an ungrouped CSC, such as Const, and the data's Data scope
property is Exported, its Header file property must be unspecified. This results
in the data being exported with the standard header file, model.h. Note that for
ungrouped data, the Data scope and Header file properties are either specified
by the selected CSC, or as one of the data object's instance-specific properties.


User Package Registration

• “About Data Object Wizard and User Packages” on page 10-2

• “Register User Packages Using sl_customization.m” on page 10-3
• “User Package Customization Using sl_customization.m” on page 10-5
10 User Package Registration

About Data Object Wizard and User Packages

Data Object Wizard (DOW) can be run in connection with a Simulink model to quickly
determine which model data are not associated with data objects and to create and
associate data objects with the data. (For more information about Data Object Wizard,
see “Data Object Wizard” in the Simulink documentation and “Create Data Objects with
Data Object Wizard”.) If you want the wizard to use data object classes from a package
other than the standard Simulink class package to create the data objects, you select
the package from the wizard's Choose package for selected data objects list. You
can customize the package list by adding and removing packages and modifying the list

Note: User-defined packages that you add to the list must contain a Simulink.Signal
subclass named Signal and a Simulink.Parameter subclass named Parameter.

To register Data Object Wizard user package customizations, use the Simulink
customization file sl_customization.m. This file is a mechanism that allows you to
use MATLAB code to perform customizations of the standard Simulink user interface.
The Simulink software reads the sl_customization.m file, if present on the MATLAB
path, when it starts and the customizations specified in the file are applied to the
Simulink session. For more information on the sl_customization.m customization file,
see “Registering Customizations”.

Register User Packages Using sl_customization.m

Register User Packages Using sl_customization.m

To register Data Object Wizard user package customizations, you create an instance of
sl_customization.m and include it on the MATLAB path of the Simulink installation
that you want to customize. The sl_customization function accepts one argument: a
handle to a customization manager object. For example,

function sl_customization(cm)

As a starting point for your customizations, the sl_customization function must first
get the default (factory) customizations, using the following assignment statement:

hObj = cm.slDataObjectCustomizer;

You then invoke methods to register your customizations. The customization manager
object includes the following methods for registering DOW user package customizations:

• addUserPackage(hObj, packageName)

addUserPackage(hObj, cellArrayOfStrings)

Adds the specified user package(s) to the top of the package list, as displayed in the
Choose package for selected data objects pull-down list in Data Object Wizard.
• moveUserPackageToTop(hObj, packageName)

Moves the specified user package to the top of the package list, as displayed in the
Choose package for selected data objects pull-down list in Data Object Wizard.
• moveUserPackageToEnd(hObj, packageName)

Moves the specified user package to the end of the package list, as displayed in the
Choose package for selected data objects pull-down list in Data Object Wizard.
• removeUserPackage(hObj, packageName)

Removes the specified user package from the package list.

• setUserPackages(hObj, cellArrayOfStrings)

Replaces the entire package list with a specified list of user packages.

Your instance of the sl_customization function should use these methods to register
DOW user package customizations for your Simulink installation.

10 User Package Registration

The Simulink software reads the sl_customization.m file when it starts. If you
subsequently change the file, in order to use your changes, you must restart your
Simulink session or enter the following command at the MATLAB command line:

User Package Customization Using sl_customization.m

User Package Customization Using sl_customization.m

The sl_customization.m file shown in sl_customization.m for User Package
Customizations uses the following methods:

• addUserPackage to add the user packages ECoderDemos and SimulinkDemos

(present by default in the MATLAB path) to the top of the package list, as displayed
in the Choose package for selected data objects pull-down list in Data Object

Note: PackagesECoderDemos and SimulinkDemos must contain a

Simulink.Signal subclass named Signal and a Simulink.Parameter subclass
named Parameter.
• moveUserPackageToEnd to move SimulinkDemos to the end of the package list

sl_customization.m for User Package Customizations

function sl_customization(cm)
% Register user customizations

% Get default (factory) customizations

hObj = cm.slDataObjectCustomizer;

% Add user packages

hObj.addUserPackage({'ECoderDemos', 'SimulinkDemos'});

% Move SimulinkDemos to end of list



If you include the above file on the MATLAB path of the Simulink installation that you
want to customize, the specified customizations will appear in Data Object Wizard. For
example, you could view the customizations as follows:

1 Start a MATLAB session.

2 Launch a model, such as rtwdemo_udt.
3 Open Data Object Wizard, for example, by selecting Code > Data Objects > Data
Object Wizard in the Simulink window.

10 User Package Registration

4 In the Data Object Wizard dialog box, click the Find button to generate a list of one
or more data objects.
5 Examine the Choose package for selected data objects drop-down list, noting
the impact of the changes specified in sl_customization.m for User Package

To replace the entire Data Object Wizard package list with a specified list of user
packages, you can use a method invocation similar to the following:
hObj.setUserPackages({'myPackage1', 'ECoderDemos', 'mpt'});


Function and Class Interfaces

• “Function Prototype Control” on page 11-2

• “C++ Class Interface Control” on page 11-23
• “Atomic Subsystem Code” on page 11-50
11 Function and Class Interfaces

Function Prototype Control

In this section...
“About Function Prototype Control” on page 11-2
“Configure Function Prototypes Using Graphical Interfaces” on page 11-3
“Sample Procedure for Configuring Function Prototypes” on page 11-11
“Configure Function Prototypes Programmatically” on page 11-16
“Sample Script for Configuring Function Prototypes” on page 11-20
“Verify Generated Code for Customized Functions” on page 11-20
“Function Prototype Control Limitations” on page 11-21

About Function Prototype Control

The Embedded Coder software provides a Configure Model Functions button, located
on the Code Generation > Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box,
that allows you to control the model function prototypes that are generated for ERT-
based Simulink models.

By default, the function prototype of an ERT-based model's generated model_step

function resembles the following:
void model_step(void);
The function prototype of an ERT-based model's generated model_initialize function
resembles the following:
void model_initialize(void);

(For more detailed information about the default calling interface for the model_step
function, see the model_step reference page.)

The Configure Model Functions button on the Interface pane provides you flexible
control over the model function prototypes that are generated for your model. Clicking
Configure Model Functions launches a Model Interface dialog box (see “Configure
Function Prototypes Using Graphical Interfaces” on page 11-3). Based on the
Function specification value you specify for your model function (supported values
include Default model initialize and step functions and Model specific
C prototypes), you can preview and modify the function prototypes. Once you validate

Function Prototype Control

and apply your changes, you can generate code based on your function prototype

For more information about using the Configure Model Functions button and the
Model Interface dialog box, see “Sample Procedure for Configuring Function Prototypes”
on page 11-11 and the model rtwdemo_fcnprotoctrl, which is preconfigured to
demonstrate function prototype control.

Alternatively, you can use function prototype control functions to programmatically

control model function prototypes. For more information, see “Configure Function
Prototypes Programmatically” on page 11-16.

You can also control model function prototypes for nonvirtual subsystems, if you generate
subsystem code using right-click build. To launch the Model Interface for subsystem
dialog box, use the RTW.configSubsystemBuild function.

Right-click building the subsystem generates the step and initialization functions
according to the customizations you make. For more information, see “Configure
Function Prototypes for Nonvirtual Subsystems” on page 11-8.

For limitations that apply, see “Function Prototype Control Limitations” on page

Configure Function Prototypes Using Graphical Interfaces

• “Launch the Model Interface Dialog Boxes” on page 11-3
• “Default Model Initialize and Step Functions View” on page 11-4
• “Model Specific C Prototypes View” on page 11-5
• “Configure Function Prototypes for Nonvirtual Subsystems” on page 11-8

Launch the Model Interface Dialog Boxes

Clicking the Configure Model Functions button on the Interface pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box launches the Model Interface dialog box. This
dialog box is the starting point for configuring the model function prototypes that
are generated during code generation for ERT-based Simulink models. Based on the
Function specification value you select for your model function (supported values
include Default model initialize and step functions and Model specific
C prototypes), you can preview and modify the function prototype. Once you validate
and apply your changes, you can generate code based on your function prototype

11 Function and Class Interfaces

To configure function prototypes for a right-click build of a nonvirtual subsystem, invoke

the RTW.configSubsystemBuild function, which launches the Model Interface for
subsystem dialog box. For more information, see “Configure Function Prototypes for
Nonvirtual Subsystems” on page 11-8

Default Model Initialize and Step Functions View

The figure below shows the Model Interface dialog box in the Default model
initialize and step functions view.

The Default model initialize and step functions view allows you to validate
and preview the predicted default model step and initialization function prototypes.
To validate the default function prototype configuration against your model, click the
Validate button. If the validation succeeds, the predicted step function prototype
appears in the Step function preview subpane.

Note: You cannot use the Default model initialize and step functions view
to modify the function prototype configuration.

Function Prototype Control

Model Specific C Prototypes View

Selecting Model specific C prototypes for the Function specification parameter

displays the Model specific C prototypes view of your model function prototypes.
This view provides controls that you can use to customize the function names, the order
of arguments, and argument attributes including name, passing mechanism, and type
qualifier for each of the model's root-level I/O ports.

To begin configuring your function control prototype configuration, click the Get Default
Configuration button. This activates and initializes the function names and properties
in the Configure model initialize and step functions subpane, as shown below.
If you click Get Default Configuration again later, only the properties of the step
function arguments are reset to default values.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

In the Configure model initialize and step functions subpane:

Function Prototype Control

Parameter Description
Step function name Name of the model_step function.
Initialize function name Name of the model_initialize function.

Note: This parameter only applies to the model initialize

function. It does not apply to the model registration
function for a referenced model.
Order Order of the argument. A return argument is listed as
Port Name Name of the port.
Port Type Type of the port.
Category Specifies how an argument is passed in or out from
the customized step function, either by copying a value
(Value) or by a pointer to a memory space (Pointer).
Argument Name Name of the argument.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Parameter Description
Qualifier (optional) Specifies a const type qualifier for a function argument.
The available values are dependent on the Category
specified. When you change the Category, if the specified
type is not available, the Qualifier changes to none. The
possible values are:

• none
• const (value)
• const* (value referenced by the pointer)
• const*const (value referenced by the pointer and the
pointer itself)

Note: When a model includes a referenced model, the

const type qualifier for the root input argument of the
referenced model's specified step function interface is
set to none, and the qualifier for the source signal in the
referenced model's parent is set to a value other than
none, code generation honors the referenced model's
interface specification by generating a type cast that
discards the const type qualifier from the source signal.
To override this behavior, add a const type qualifier to
the referenced model.

The Step function preview subpane provides a preview of how your step function
prototype is interpreted in generated code. The preview is updated dynamically as you
make modifications.

An argument foo whose Category is Pointer is previewed as * foo. If its Category

is Value, it is previewed as foo. Notice that argument types and qualifiers are not
represented in the Step function preview subpane.

Configure Function Prototypes for Nonvirtual Subsystems

You can control step and initialization function prototypes for nonvirtual subsystems
in ERT-based Simulink models, if you generate subsystem code using right-click build.
Function prototype control is supported for the following types of nonvirtual blocks:

• Triggered subsystems

Function Prototype Control

• Enabled subsystems
• Enabled trigger subsystems
• While subsystems
• For subsystems
• Stateflow blocks
• MATLAB function block

To launch the Model Interface for Subsystem dialog box, open the model containing the
subsystem and invoke the RTW.configSubsystemBuild function.

The Model Interface dialog box for modifying the model-specific C prototypes for the
rtwdemo_counter/Amplifier subsystem appears as follows:

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Right-click building the subsystem generates the step and initialization functions
according to the customizations you make.

Function Prototype Control

Sample Procedure for Configuring Function Prototypes

The following procedure shows how to use the Configure Model Functions button on
the Code Generation > Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box to
control the model function prototypes when generating code for your Simulink model.

1 Open a MATLAB session and launch the rtwdemo_counter model.

2 In the rtwdemo_counter Model Editor, double-click the Generate Code Using
Embedded Coder (double-click) button to generate code for an ERT-based
version of rtwdemo_counter. The code generation report for rtwdemo_counter
3 In the code generation report, click the link for rtwdemo_counter.c.
4 In the rtwdemo_counter.c code display, locate and examine the generated code for
the rtwdemo_counter_step and the rtwdemo_counter_initialize functions:

/* Model step function */

void rtwdemo_counter_step(void)

/* Model initialize function */

void rtwdemo_counter_initialize(void)

You can close the report window after you have examined the generated code.
Optionally, you can save rtwdemo_counter.c and other generated files to a
different location for later comparison.
5 From the rtwdemo_counter model, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
6 Navigate to the Code Generation > Interface pane and click the Configure
Model Functions button. The Model Interface dialog box appears.
7 In the initial (Default model initialize and step funtions) view of the
Model Interface dialog box, click the Validate button to validate and preview the
default function prototype for the rtwdemo_counter_step function. The function
prototype arguments under Step function preview should correspond to the
default prototype in step 4.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

8 In the Model Interface dialog box, set Function specification field to Model
specific C prototypes. Making this selection switches the dialog box from
the Default model initialize and step functions view to the Model
specific C prototypes view.

Function Prototype Control

9 In the Model specific C prototypes view, click the Get Default

Configuration button to activate the Configure model initialize and step
functions subpane.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

10 In the Configure model initialize and step functions subpane, change

Initialize function name to rtwdemo_counter_cust_init.

Function Prototype Control

11 In the Configure model initialize and step functions subpane, in the row for the
Input argument, change the value of Category from Value to Pointer and change
the value of Qualifier from none to const *. The preview reflects your changes.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

12 Click the Validate button to validate the modified function prototype. The
Validation subpane displays a message that the validation succeeded.
13 Click OK to exit the Model Interface dialog box.
14 Generate code for the model. When the build completes, the code generation report
for rtwdemo_counter appears.
15 In the code generation report, click the link for rtwdemo_counter.c.
16 Locate and examine the generated code for the rtwdemo_counter_custom and
rtwdemo_counter_cust_init functions:
/* Model step function */
void rtwdemo_counter_custom(const int32_T *arg_Input, int32_T *arg_Output)

/* Model initialize function */

void rtwdemo_counter_cust_init(void)

17 Verify that the generated code is consistent with the function prototype
modifications that you specified in the Model Interface dialog box.

Configure Function Prototypes Programmatically

You can use the function prototype control functions (listed in Function Prototype
Control Functions), to programmatically control model function prototypes. Typical uses
of these functions include:

• Create and validate a new function prototype

1 Create a model-specific C function prototype with obj =

“RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype”, where obj returns a handle to a newly
created, empty function prototype.
2 Add argument configuration information for your model ports using
3 Attach the function prototype to your loaded ERT-based Simulink model using
4 Validate the function prototype using

Function Prototype Control

5 If validation succeeds, save your model and then generate code using the
rtwbuild function.
• Modify and validate an existing function prototype

1 Get the handle to an existing model-specific C function prototype that

is attached to your loaded ERT-based Simulink model with obj =
RTW.getFunctionSpecification(modelName), where modelName is a string
specifying the name of a loaded ERT-based Simulink model, and obj returns a
handle to a function prototype attached to the specified model.

You can use other function prototype control functions on the returned handle
only if the test isa(obj,'RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype') returns 1. If the
model does not have a function prototype configuration, the function returns [].
If the function returns a handle to an object of type RTW.FcnDefault, you cannot
modify the existing function prototype.
2 Use the Get and Set functions listed in Function Prototype Control Functions
to test and reset such items as the function names, argument names, argument
positions, argument categories, and argument type qualifiers.
3 Validate the function prototype using
4 If validation succeeds, save your model and then generate code using the
rtwbuild function.
• Create and validate a new function prototype, starting with default
configuration information from your Simulink model

1 Create a model-specific C function prototype using obj =

“RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype”, where obj returns a handle to a newly
created, empty function prototype.
2 Attach the function prototype to your loaded ERT-based Simulink model using
3 Get default configuration information from your model using
4 Use the Get and Set functions listed in Function Prototype Control Functions
to test and reset such items as the function names, argument names, argument
positions, argument categories, and argument type qualifiers.
5 Validate the function prototype using

11 Function and Class Interfaces

6 If validation succeeds, save your model and then generate code using the
rtwbuild function.
• Reset the model function prototype to the default ERT function
configuration Create an object of the ERT default function signature. Reset
the model function prototype and undo any custom settings, by calling the
RTW.FcnDefault method, attachToModel, as follows:

obj = RTW.FcnDefault;
model must be a loaded ERT-based model.

Note: You should not use the same model-specific C function prototype object across
multiple models. If you do, changes that you make to the step and initialization function
prototypes in one model are propagated to other models, which is usually not desirable.

Function Prototype Control Functions

Function Description
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.addArgConf Add step function argument configuration
information for Simulink model port to
model-specific C function prototype
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.attachToModel Attach model-specific C function prototype
to loaded ERT-based Simulink model
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.getArgCategoryGet step function argument category for
Simulink model port from model-specific C
function prototype
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.getArgName Get step function argument name for
Simulink model port from model-specific C
function prototype
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.getArgPositionGet step function argument position for
Simulink model port from model-specific C
function prototype
Get step function argument type qualifier
for Simulink model port from model-specific
C function prototype

Function Prototype Control

Function Description
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.getDefaultConfGet default configuration information for
model-specific C function prototype from
Simulink model to which it is attached
Get function names from model-specific C
function prototype
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.getNumArgs Get number of step function arguments from
model-specific C function prototype
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.getPreview Get model-specific C function prototype code
RTW.configSubsystemBuild Launch GUI to configure C function
prototype or C++ class interface for right-
click build of specified subsystem
RTW.getFunctionSpecification Get handle to model-specific C function
prototype object
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.runValidation Validate model-specific C function prototype
against Simulink model to which it is
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.setArgCategorySet step function argument category for
Simulink model port in model-specific C
function prototype
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.setArgName Set step function argument name for
Simulink model port in model-specific C
function prototype
RTW.ModelSpecificCPrototype.setArgPositionSet step function argument position for
Simulink model port in model-specific C
function prototype
Set step function argument type qualifier
for Simulink model port in model-specific C
function prototype
Set function names in model-specific C
function prototype

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Sample Script for Configuring Function Prototypes

The following sample MATLAB script configures the model function prototypes for the
rtwdemo_counter model, using the Function Prototype Control Functions.
%% Open the rtwdemo_counter model

%% Select ert.tlc as the System Target File for the model


%% Create a model-specific C function prototype


%% Add argument configuration information for Input and Output ports

addArgConf(a,'Input','Pointer','inputArg','const *')

%% Attach the model-specific C function prototype to the model


%% Rename the initialization function


%% Rename the step function and change some argument attributes


%% Validate the function prototype against the model


%% if validation succeeded, generate code and build

if status

Verify Generated Code for Customized Functions

You can use software-in-the-loop (SIL) testing to verify the generated code for your
customized step and initialization functions. This involves creating a SIL block with your
generated code, which then can be integrated into a Simulink model to verify that the
generated code provides the same result as the original model or nonvirtual subsystem.
For more information, see “Choose a SIL or PIL Approach”.

Function Prototype Control

Function Prototype Control Limitations

The following limitations apply to controlling model function prototypes:

• Function prototype control supports only step and initialization functions generated
from a Simulink model.

Function prototype control supports only single-instance implementations. For
standalone targets, you must set Code interface packaging to Nonreusable
function (on the Code Generation > Interface pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog box). For model reference targets, you must select One for the
Total number of instances allowed per top model parameter (on the Model
Referencing pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box).
• For model reference targets, if Code interface packaging is set to Reusable
function, the code generator ignores the setting.
• You must select the Single output/update function parameter (on the Interface
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box).
• Function prototype control does not support multitasking models. Multirate models
are supported, but you must configure the models for single-tasking.
• You must configure root-level inports and outports to use Auto storage classes.
• Do not control function prototypes with the static ert_main.c provided by
MathWorks. Specifying a function prototype control configuration other than the
default creates a mismatch between the generated code and the default static
• The code generator removes the data structure for the root inports of the model unless
a subsystem implemented by a nonreusable function uses the value of one or more of
the inports.
• The code generator removes the data structure for the root outports of the model
except when you enable MAT-file logging, or if the sample time of one or more of the
outports is not the fundamental base rate (including a constant rate).
• If you copy a subsystem block and paste it to create a new block in either a new model
or the same model, the function prototype control interface information from the
original subsystem block does not copy to the new subsystem block.
• If you have a Stateflow license, for a Stateflow chart that uses a model root inport
value, or that calls a subsystem that uses a model root inport value, you must do one
of the following to generate code:

11 Function and Class Interfaces

• Clear the Execute (enter) Chart At Initialization check box in the Stateflow
• Make the Stateflow function a nonreusable function.
• Insert a Simulink Signal Conversion block immediately after the root inport. In
the Signal Conversion block parameters dialog box, select Exclude this block
from 'Block reduction' optimization.
• If a model root inport value connects to a Simscape conversion block, you must
insert a Simulink Signal Conversion block between the root inport and the Simscape
conversion block. In the Signal Conversion block parameters dialog box, select
Exclude this block from 'Block reduction' optimization.

C++ Class Interface Control

C++ Class Interface Control

In this section...
“About C++ Class Interface Control” on page 11-23
“Simple Use of C++ Class Control” on page 11-24
“Customize C++ Class Interfaces Using Graphical Interfaces” on page 11-30
“Customize C++ Class Interfaces Programmatically” on page 11-42
“Configure Step Method for Model Class” on page 11-45
“Specify Custom Storage Class for C++ Class Code Generation” on page 11-46
“Model Class Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator” on page 11-47
“C++ Class Interface Control Limitations” on page 11-48

About C++ Class Interface Control

Using the Code interface packaging option C++ class, on the Code Generation
> Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, you can generate a C++
class interface to model code. The generated interface encapsulates required model data
into C++ class attributes and model entry point functions into C++ class methods. The
benefits of C++ class encapsulation include:

• Greater control over access to model data

• Ability to multiply instantiate model classes
• Easier integration of model code into C++ programming environments

C++ class encapsulation also works for right-click builds of nonvirtual subsystems.
(For information on requirements that apply, see “Configure C++ Class Interfaces for
Nonvirtual Subsystems” on page 11-42.)

If you have an Embedded Coder license and you have selected an ERT target for your
model, you can use additional Code Generation > Interface pane parameters in
the Configuration Parameter dialog box to customize and control the generated C++
class interface to model code. The general procedure for generating custom C++ class
interfaces to model code is as follows:

1 Configure your model to use an ert.tlc system target file provided by MathWorks.
2 Select the C++ language for your model.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

3 Select C++ class code interface packaging for your model.

4 Customize C++ class interface settings for your model code, using either a graphical
user interface (GUI) or application programming interface (API).
5 Generate model code.
6 Examine the C++ class interfaces in the generated files and the HTML code
generation report.

To get started with an example, see “Simple Use of C++ Class Control” on page 11-24.
For more details about customizing C++ class interfaces for your model code, see
“Customize C++ Class Interfaces Using Graphical Interfaces” on page 11-30 and
“Customize C++ Class Interfaces Programmatically” on page 11-42. For limitations
that apply, see “C++ Class Interface Control Limitations” on page 11-48.

Note: For an example of C++ class code generation, see the example model

Simple Use of C++ Class Control

This example illustrates a simple use of C++ class code interface packaging.
It generates C+ class code interfaces from an example model, without extensive
modifications to default settings.

Note: For details about setting C++ class parameters, see the sections that follow this
example, beginning with “Customize C++ Class Interfaces Using Graphical Interfaces”
on page 11-30.

To generate C++ class interfaces for a Simulink model:

1 Open a model for which you would like to generate C++ class code interfaces. This
example uses the model rtwdemo_counter.
2 Configure the model to use an ert.tlc system target file provided by MathWorks.
For example, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box, go to the Code
Generation pane, select a target value from the System target file menu, and
click Apply.
3 On the Code Generation pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, set the
Language parameter to C++.

C++ Class Interface Control

On the Code Generation > Interface pane, check that the Code interface
packaging parameter is set to C++ class.

Click Apply.

Note: To immediately generate the default style of C++ class code, without exploring
the related model configuration options, skip steps 4–8 and go directly to step 9.
4 Go to the Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box and examine
the Code interface subpane.

When you select C++ class code interface packaging for your model, additional
C++ class interface controls become available in the Code interface subpane.
See “Configure Code Interface Options” on page 11-31 for descriptions of
these controls. You might want to modify the default settings according to your
5 Click the Configure C++ Class Interface button. This action opens the Configure
C++ class interface dialog box, which allows you to configure the step method for
your generated model class. The dialog box initially displays a view for configuring a

11 Function and Class Interfaces

void-void style step method (passing no I/O arguments) for the model class. In this
view, you can specify the model class name, step method name, and namespace for
your model.

See “Configure Step Method for Your Model Class” on page 11-35 for descriptions
of these controls.

Note: If the void-void interface style meets your needs, you can skip steps 6–8 and
go directly to step 9.
6 If you want root-level model input and output to be arguments on the step method,
select the value I/O arguments step method from the Function specification
menu. The dialog box displays a view for configuring an I/O arguments style step
method for the model class.

C++ Class Interface Control

See “Configure Step Method for Your Model Class” on page 11-35 for descriptions
of these controls.
7 Click the Get Default Configuration button. This action causes a Configure C
++ class interface subpane to appear in the dialog box. The subpane displays the
initial interface configuration for your model, which provides a starting point for
further customization.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

See “Passing I/O Arguments” on page 11-37 for descriptions of these controls.
8 Perform this optional step only if you want to customize the configuration of the I/O
arguments generated for your model step method.

Note: If you choose to skip this step, you should click Cancel to exit the dialog box.

If you choose to perform this step, first you must check that the required option
Remove root level I/O zero initialization is selected on the Optimization pane,
and then navigate back to the I/O arguments step method view of the Configure
C++ class interface dialog box.

Now you can use the dialog box controls to configure I/O argument attributes.
For example, in the Configure C++ class interface subpane, in the row for the
Input argument, you can change the value of Category from Value to Pointer
and change the value of Qualifier from none to const *. The preview updates to
reflect your changes. Click the Validate button to validate the modified interface

Continue modifying and validating until you are satisfied with the step method

C++ Class Interface Control

Click Apply and OK.

9 Generate code for the model. When the build completes, the code generation report
for rtwdemo_counter appears. Examine the report and observe that required
model data is encapsulated into C++ class attributes and model entry point
functions are encapsulated into C++ class methods. For example, click the link for
rtwdemo_counter.h to see the class declaration for the model.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Note: If you configured custom I/O arguments for the model step method (optional
step 8), examine the generated code for the step method in rtwdemo_counter.h and
rtwdemo_counter.cpp. The arguments should reflect your changes. For example, if
you performed the Input argument modifications in step 8, the input argument should
appear as const int32_T *arg_Input.

Customize C++ Class Interfaces Using Graphical Interfaces

• “Select C++ Class Code Interface Packaging” on page 11-31
• “Configure Code Interface Options” on page 11-31

C++ Class Interface Control

• “Configure Step Method for Your Model Class” on page 11-35

• “Use Namespaces to Scope C++ Model Classes” on page 11-40
• “Configure C++ Class Interfaces for Nonvirtual Subsystems” on page 11-42

Select C++ Class Code Interface Packaging

To select C++ class code interface packaging, in the Configuration Parameters dialog
box, on the Code Generation pane, set the Language parameter to C++. Then, in
the Code Generation > Interface pane, check that the Code interface packaging
parameter is set to C++ class:

Selecting this value:

• Disables model configuration options that C++ class does not support. For details,
see “C++ Class Interface Control Limitations” on page 11-48.
• Adds additional C++ class interface parameters, which are described in the next

Configure Code Interface Options

When you select C++ class code interface packaging for your model, the Code
interface parameters shown below are displayed on the Interface pane.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

• Multi-instance code error diagnostic

Specifies the severity level for diagnostics displayed when a model violates
requirements for generating multi-instance code.

• None — Proceed with build without displaying a diagnostic message.

• Warning — Proceed with build after displaying a warning message.
• Error (default) — Abort build after displaying an error message.
• Terminate function required

Specifies whether to generate the model_terminate method (on by default). This

function contains model termination code and should be called as part of system
• Generate preprocessor conditionals

For a model containing Model blocks, specifies whether to generate preprocessor

conditional directives globally for a model, locally for each variant Model block,
or conditionally based on the Generate preprocessor conditionals setting in
the Model Reference Parameter dialog for each variant Model block (Use local
settings by default).
• Suppress error status in real-time model data structure

C++ Class Interface Control

Specifies whether to omit the error status field from the generated real-time model
data structure rtModel (off by default). Selecting this option reduces memory usage.

Be aware that selecting this option can cause the code generator to omit the rtModel
data structure from generated code.
• Combine signal/state structures

Specifies whether to combine global block signals and global state data into one data
structure in the generated code (off by default). Selecting this option reduces RAM
and improves readability of the generated code.
• Block parameter visibility

Specifies whether to generate the block parameter structure as a public, private,

or protected data member of the C++ model class (private by default).
• Internal data visibility

Specifies whether to generate internal data structures, such as Block I/O, DWork
vectors, Runtime model, Zero-crossings, and continuous states, as public, private,
or protected data members of the C++ model class (private by default).
• Block parameter access

Specifies whether to generate access methods for block parameters for the C++ model
class (None by default). You can select noninlined access methods (Method) or inlined
access methods (Inlined method).
• Internal data access

Specifies whether to generate access methods for internal data structures, such as
Block I/O, DWork vectors, Runtime model, Zero-crossings, and continuous states,
for the C++ model class (None by default). You can select noninlined access methods
(Method) or inlined access methods (Inlined method).
• External I/O access

Specifies whether to generate access methods for root-level I/O signals for the C++
model class (None by default). If you want to generate access methods, you have the
following options:

• Generate either noninlined or inlined access methods.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

• Generate either per-signal or structure-based access methods. That is, you can
generate a series of set and get methods on a per-signal basis, or generate just one
set method that takes the address of an external input structure as an argument
and, for external outputs (if applicable), just one get method that returns a
reference to an external output structure. The generated code for structure-based
access methods has the following general form:
class ModelClass {
// Root inports set method
void setExternalInputs(const ExternalInputs* pExternalInputs);

// Root outports get method

const ExternalOutputs & getExternalOutputs() const;

Note: This parameter affects generated code only if you are using the default
(void-void style) step method for your model class; not if you are explicitly passing
arguments for root-level I/O signals using an I/O arguments style step method. For
more information, see “Passing No Arguments (void-void)” on page 11-35 and
“Passing I/O Arguments” on page 11-37.
• Generate destructor

Specifies whether to generate a destructor for the C++ model class (on by default).
• Use dynamic memory allocation for model block instantiation

For a model containing Model blocks, specifies whether generated code should use
dynamic memory allocation, during model object registration, to instantiate objects
for referenced models configured with a C++ class interface (off by default). If you
select this option, during instantiation of an object for the top model in a model
reference hierarchy, the generated code uses the operator new to instantiate objects
for referenced models.

Selecting this option frees a parent model from having to maintain information about
referenced models beyond its direct children. Clearing this option means that a parent
model maintains information about its referenced models, including its direct and
indirect children.


C++ Class Interface Control

• If you select this option, be aware that a bad_alloc exception might be

thrown, per the C++ standard, if an out-of-memory error occurs during the use

of new. You must provide code to catch and process the bad_alloc exception in
case an out-of-memory error occurs for a new call during construction of a top
model object.
• If Use dynamic memory allocation for model block instantiation is
selected and the base model contains a Model block, the build process might
generate copy constructor and assignment operator functions in the private
section of the model class. The purpose of the functions is to prevent pointer
members within the model class from being copied by other code. For more
information, see “Model Class Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator” on
page 11-47.
• Configure C++ Class Interface

Opens the Configure C++ class interface dialog box, which allows you to configure the
step method for your model class. For more information, see “Configure Step Method
for Your Model Class” on page 11-35.

Configure Step Method for Your Model Class

To configure the step method for your model class, on the Code Generation > Interface
pane, click the Configure C++ Class Interface button, which is available when
you select C++ class code interface packaging for your model. This action opens the
Configure C++ class interface dialog box, where you can configure the step method for
your model class in either of two styles:

• “Passing No Arguments (void-void)” on page 11-35

• “Passing I/O Arguments” on page 11-37

Note: The void-void style of step method specification supports single-rate models
and multirate models, while the I/O arguments style supports single-rate models and
multirate single-tasking models.

Passing No Arguments (void-void)

The Configure C++ class interface dialog box initially displays a view for configuring a
void-void style step method for the model class.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

• Step method name

Allows you to specify a step method name other than the default, step.
• Class name

Allows you to specify a model class name other than the default, modelModelClass.
• Namespace

Allows you to specify a namespace for the model class. If specified, the namespace
is emitted in the generated code for the model class. The Namespace parameter
provides a means of scoping C++ model classes. In a model reference hierarchy, you
can specify a different namespace for each referenced model.
• Step function preview

Displays a preview of the model step function prototype as currently configured. The
preview display is dynamically updated as you make configuration changes.

C++ Class Interface Control

• Validate

Validates your current model step function configuration. The Validation pane
displays the status and an explanation of any failure.

Passing I/O Arguments

If you select I/O arguments step method from the Function specification menu,
the dialog box displays a view for configuring an I/O arguments style step method for the
model class.

Note: To use the I/O arguments style step method, you must select the option Remove
root level I/O zero initialization on the Optimization pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog box.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

• Get Default Configuration

Click this button to get the initial interface configuration that provides a starting
point for further customization.
• Step function preview

Displays a preview of the model step function prototype as currently configured. The
preview dynamically updates as you make configuration changes.
• Validate

Validates your current model step function configuration. The Validation pane
displays the status and an explanation of any failure.

C++ Class Interface Control

When you click Get Default Configuration, the Configure C++ class interface
subpane appears in the dialog box, displaying the initial interface configuration. For

• Step method name

Allows you to specify a step method name other than the default, step.
• Class name

Allows you to specify a model class name other than the default, modelModelClass.
• Namespace

Allows you to specify a namespace for the model class. If specified, the namespace
is emitted in the generated code for the model class. The Namespace parameter
provides a means of scoping C++ model classes. In a model reference hierarchy, you
can specify a different namespace for each referenced model.
• Order

Displays the numerical position of each argument. Use the Up and Down buttons to
change argument order.
• Port Name

Displays the port name of each argument (not configurable using this dialog box).
• Port Type

Displays the port type, Inport or Outport, of each argument (not configurable using
this dialog box).
• Category

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Displays the passing mechanism for each argument. To change the passing
mechanism for an argument, select Value, Pointer, or Reference from the
argument's Category menu.
• Argument Name

Displays the name of each argument. To change an argument name, click in the
argument's Argument name field, position the cursor for text entry, and enter the
new name.
• Qualifier

Displays the const type qualifier for each argument. To change the qualifier for
an argument, select an available value from the argument's Qualifier menu. The
possible values are:

• none
• const (value)
• const* (value referenced by the pointer)
• const*const (value referenced by the pointer and the pointer itself)
• const & (value referenced by the reference)

Tip When a model includes a referenced model, the const type qualifier for the root
input argument of the referenced model's specified step function interface is set to none
and the qualifier for the source signal in the referenced model's parent is set to a value
other than none, code generation honors the referenced model's interface specification by
generating a type cast that discards the const type qualifier from the source signal. To
override this behavior, add a const type qualifier to the referenced model.

Use Namespaces to Scope C++ Model Classes

Embedded Coder provides namespace control for scoping model classes generated using
C++ class code interface packaging. In the Configure C++ class interface dialog box, use
the Namespace parameter to specify a namespace for a model class. If specified, the
namespace is emitted in the generated code for the model class. To scope the C++ model
classes in a model reference hierarchy, you can specify a different namespace for each
referenced model.

C++ Class Interface Control

For an example of namespace control, see the example model rtwdemo_cppclass. This
model assigns namespaces as follows:

• TopNS for top-level model rtwdemo_cppclass

• MiddleNS for referenced model rtwdemo_cppclass_refmid
• BottomNS for referenced model rtwdemo_cppclass_refbot

If you build the model with its default settings, you can examine the generated header
and source files for each model to see where the namespace is emitted. For example,
the Namespace setting for the model rtwdemo_cppclass_refmid is shown below,
followed by excerpts of the emitted namespace code in the model header and source files.

42 // Class declaration for model rtwdemo_cppclass_refmid

43 namespace MiddleNS {
44 class MiddleClass {
45 // public data and function members
46 public:
47 // Model entry point functions
52 // model step function
53 void StepMethod(const real_T *arg_In1, const real_T &arg_In2, real_T
54 *arg_Out1, real_T *arg_Out2);
87 };
88 }

15 #include "rtwdemo_cppclass_refmid.h"
16 #include "rtwdemo_cppclass_refmid_private.h"
18 namespace MiddleNS
19 {
20 // Model step function
21 void MiddleClass::StepMethod(const real_T *arg_In1, const real_T &arg_In2,
22 real_T *arg_Out1, real_T *arg_Out2)
23 {

11 Function and Class Interfaces

43 }
83 }

Configure C++ Class Interfaces for Nonvirtual Subsystems

You can configure C++ class interfaces for right-click builds of nonvirtual subsystems in
Simulink models, if the following requirements are met:

• The model is configured for the C++ language and C++ class code interface
• The subsystem is convertible to a Model block using the function
Simulink.SubSystem.convertToModelReference. For referenced
model conversion requirements, see the Simulink reference page

To configure C++ class interfaces for a subsystem that meets the requirements:

1 Open the containing model and select the subsystem block.

2 Enter the following MATLAB command:

where gcb is the Simulink function gcb, returning the full block path name of the
current block.

This command opens a subsystem equivalent of the Configure C++ class interface
dialog sequence that is described in detail in the preceding section, “Configure Step
Method for Your Model Class” on page 11-35. (For more information about using
the MATLAB command, see RTW.configSubsystemBuild.)
3 Use the Configure C++ class interface dialog boxes to configure C++ class settings for
the subsystem.
4 Right-click the subsystem and select C/C++ Code > Build This Subsystem.
5 When the subsystem build completes, you can examine the C++ class interfaces in
the generated files and the HTML code generation report.

Customize C++ Class Interfaces Programmatically

If you select the Code interface packaging option C++ class for your model, you
can use the C++ class interface control functions (listed in C++ Class Interface Control
Functions) to programmatically configure the step method for your model class.

C++ Class Interface Control

Typical uses of these functions include:

• Create and validate a new step method interface, starting with default
configuration information from your Simulink model

1 Create a model-specific C++ class interface with obj =

“RTW.ModelCPPVoidClass” or obj = “RTW.ModelCPPArgsClass”, where
obj returns a handle to an newly created, empty C++ class interface.
2 Attach the C++ class interface to your loaded ERT-based Simulink model using
3 Get default C++ class interface configuration information from your model using
4 Use the Get and Set functions listed in C++ Class Interface Control Functions
to test or reset the model class name and model step method name. Additionally,
if you are using the I/O arguments style step method, you can test and reset
argument names, argument positions, argument categories, and argument type
5 Validate the C++ class interface using “runValidation”. (If validation fails,
use the error message information thatrunValidation returns to address the
6 Save your model and then generate code using the rtwbuild function.
• Modify and validate an existing step method interface for a Simulink model

1 Get the handle to an existing model-specific C++ class interface that

is attached to your loaded ERT-based Simulink model using obj =
RTW.getClassInterfaceSpecification(modelName), where modelName
is a string specifying the name of a loaded ERT-based Simulink model, and obj
returns a handle to a C++ class interface attached to the specified model. If the
model does not have an attached C++ class interface configuration, the function
returns [].
2 Use the Get and Set functions listed in C++ Class Interface Control Functions to
test or reset the model class name and model step method name. Additionally, if
the returned interface uses the I/O arguments style step method, you can test and
reset argument names, argument positions, argument categories, and argument
type qualifiers.
3 Validate the C++ class interface using “runValidation”. (If validation fails,
use the error message information that runValidation returns to address the

11 Function and Class Interfaces

4 Save your model and then generate code using the rtwbuild function.

Note: You should not use the same model-specific C++ class interface control
object across multiple models. If you do, changes that you make to the step method
configuration in one model propagate to other models, which is usually not desirable.

C++ Class Interface Control Functions

Function Description
“attachToModel” Attach model-specific C++ class interface to loaded ERT-based
Simulink model
“getArgCategory” Get argument category for Simulink model port from model-
specific C++ class interface
“getArgName” Get argument name for Simulink model port from model-
specific C++ class interface
“getArgPosition” Get argument position for Simulink model port from model-
specific C++ class interface
“getArgQualifier” Get argument type qualifier for Simulink model port from
model-specific C++ class interface
“getClassName” Get class name from model-specific C++ class interface
“getDefaultConf” Get default configuration information for model-specific C++
class interface from Simulink model to which it is attached
“getNamespace” Get namespace from model-specific C++ class interface
“getNumArgs” Get number of step method arguments from model-specific C+
+ class interface
“getStepMethodName” Get step method name from model-specific C++ class interface
RTW.configSubsystemBuild Open GUI to configure C function prototype or C++ class
interface for right-click build of specified subsystem
RTW.getClass- Get handle to model-specific C++ class interface control object
“runValidation” Validate model-specific C++ class interface against Simulink
model to which it is attached

C++ Class Interface Control

Function Description
“setArgCategory” Set argument category for Simulink model port in model-
specific C++ class interface
“setArgName” Set argument name for Simulink model port in model-specific
C++ class interface
“setArgPosition” Set argument position for Simulink model port in model-
specific C++ class interface
“setArgQualifier” Set argument type qualifier for Simulink model port in model-
specific C++ class interface
“setClassName” Set class name in model-specific C++ class interface
“setNamespace” Set namespace in model-specific C++ class interface
“setStepMethodName” Set step method name in model-specific C++ class interface

Configure Step Method for Model Class

The following sample MATLAB script configures the step method for the
rtwdemo_counter model class, using the C++ Class Interface Control Functions.
%% Open the rtwdemo_counter model

%% Select ert.tlc as the System Target File for the model


%% Select C++ as the target language for the model


%% Select C++ class as the code interface packaging for the model
set_param(gcs,'CodeInterfacePackaging','C++ class')

%% Set required option for I/O arguments style step method (cmd off = GUI on)

%% Create a C++ class interface using an I/O arguments style step method

%% Attach the C++ class interface to the model


%% Get the default C++ class interface configuration from the model

%% Move the Output port argument from position 2 to position 1


11 Function and Class Interfaces

%% Reset the model step method name from step to StepMethod


%% Change the Input port argument name, category, and qualifier

setArgQualifier(a,'Input','const *')

%% Validate the function prototype against the model


%% if validation succeeded, generate code and build

if status

Specify Custom Storage Class for C++ Class Code Generation

To configure a Simulink parameter, signal, or state to use a custom storage class (CSC)
with C++ class code generation:

1 Open an ERT-based model for which Language is set to C++ and Code interface
packaging is set to C++ class.
2 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
3 On the Code Generation > Interface pane, set the Multi-instance code error
diagnostic parameter to a value other than Error.

4 On the Code Generation pane, if the option Ignore custom storage classes is
selected, clear the option.

Apply the changes.

5 In the model, select a custom storage class for a parameter, signal, or state. For
example, select a signal, open its Properties dialog box, and view its code generation
options. In the Storage class drop-down list, select a custom storage class, and then
configure its attributes. Apply the changes.
C++ Class Interface Control

Note: C++ class code generation does not support the following CSCs:

• CSCs with Volatile specifications.

• CSCs of type Other, except GetSet.

6 Build the model.
7 In the code generation report, examine the files model.h and model.cpp to observe
the use of CSCs in the generated C++ code.

Model Class Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator

Code generation automatically adds a copy constructor and an assignment operator
to C++ class declarations when required to securely handle pointer members. The
constructor and operator are added as private member functions when both of the
following conditions exist:

• The model option “Use dynamic memory allocation for model block
instantiation” is set to on.
• The base model contains a Model block. The Model block is not directly or indirectly
within a subsystem for which Function packaging is set to Reusable function.

Under these conditions, the software generates a private copy constructor and
assignment operator to prevent pointer members within the model class from being
copied by other code.

Note: To prevent generation of these functions, consider clearing the option Use
dynamic memory allocation for model block instantiation.

The code excerpt below shows generated model.h code for a model class that has a
pointer member. (Look for instances of MiddleClass_ptr). The copy constructor and
assignment operator declarations are shown in bold.
class MiddleClass; // class forward declaration for <S1>/Bottom model instance
typedef MiddleClass* MiddleClass_ptr;

// Class declaration for model cppclass_top

11 Function and Class Interfaces

class Top {
// private data and function members
// Block signals
BlockIO_cppclass_top cppclass_top_B;

// Block states
D_Work_cppclass_top cppclass_top_DWork;

// Real-Time Model
RT_MODEL_cppclass_top cppclass_top_M;

// private member function(s) for subsystem '<Root>/Subsystem'

void cppclass_top_Subsystem_Init();
void cppclass_top_Subsystem_Start();
void cppclass_top_Subsystem();

//Copy Constructor
Top(const Top &rhs);

//Assignment Operator
Top& operator= (const Top &rhs);

// model instance variable for '<S1>/Bottom model instance'

MiddleClass_ptr Bottom_model_instanceMDLOBJ1;

C++ Class Interface Control Limitations

• The C++ class code interface packaging option does not support some Simulink
model configuration options. Selecting C++ class disables the following items in the
Configuration Parameters dialog box:

• Identifier format control subpane on the Symbols pane

• File customization template parameter on the Templates pane

Note: The code and data templates on the Templates pane are supported for C+
+ class code generation. However, the following template file features that are
supported for other language selections are not supported for C++ class generated

• Free-form text outside template sections

• Custom tokens
• TLC commands (<! > tokens)

C++ Class Interface Control

• Global data placement (custom storage classes only) subpane on the Code
Placement pane
• Memory Sections pane
• Among the data exchange interfaces available on the Interface pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, only the C API interface is supported for C++
class code generation. If you select External mode or ASAP2, code generation fails
with a validation error.
• The I/O arguments style of step method specification supports single-rate models and
multirate single-tasking models, but not multirate multitasking models.
• The Code Generation > Export Functions capability does not support C++ class
code interface packaging.
• If you have a Stateflow license, for a Stateflow chart that resides in a root model
configured to use the I/O arguments step method function specification, and
that uses a model root inport value or calls a subsystem that uses a model root inport
value, you must do one of the following to generate code:

• Clear the Execute (enter) Chart At Initialization check box in the Stateflow
• Insert a Simulink Signal Conversion block immediately after the root inport. In
the Signal Conversion block parameters dialog box, select Exclude this block
from 'Block reduction' optimization.
• If a model root inport value connects to a Simscape conversion block, you must
insert a Simulink Signal Conversion block between the root inport and the Simscape
conversion block. In the Signal Conversion block parameters dialog box, select
Exclude this block from 'Block reduction' optimization.
• When building a referenced model that is configured to generate a C++ class

• You must use the I/O arguments step method style of the C++ class interface.
The void-void step method style is not supported for referenced models.
• You cannot use a C++ class interface in cases when a referenced model cannot
have a combined output/update function. Cases include a model that

• Has a continuous sample time

• Saves states

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Atomic Subsystem Code

In this section...
“About Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation” on page 11-50
“Configure Subsystem for Generating Modular Function Code” on page 11-51
“Modular Function Code for Nonvirtual Subsystems” on page 11-56
“Nonvirtual Subsystem Modular Function Code Limitations” on page 11-61

About Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation

The Embedded Coder software provides a Subsystem Parameters dialog box option,
Function with separate data, that allows you to generate modular function code
for nonvirtual subsystems, including atomic subsystems and conditionally executed

By default, the generated code for a nonvirtual subsystem does not separate a
subsystem's internal data from the data of its parent Simulink model. This can make
it difficult to trace and test the code, particularly for nonreusable subsystems. Also, in
large models containing nonvirtual subsystems, data structures can become large and
potentially difficult to compile.

Function with separate data allows you to generate subsystem function code in which
the internal data for a nonvirtual subsystem is separated from its parent model and is
owned by the subsystem. The subsystem data structure is declared independently from
the parent model data structures. A subsystem with separate data has its own block I/O
and DWork data structure. As a result, the generated code for the subsystem is easier to
trace and test. The data separation also tends to reduce the maximum size of global data
structures throughout the model, because they are split into multiple data structures.

To use the Function with separate data parameter,

• Your model must use an ERT-based system target file (requires a Embedded Coder
• Your subsystem must be configured to be atomic or conditionally executed. For more
information, see “Systems and Subsystems”.
• Your subsystem must use the Nonreusable function setting for Code
Generation > Function packaging.

Atomic Subsystem Code

To configure your subsystem for generating modular function code, you invoke the
Subsystem Parameters dialog box and make a series of selections to display and enable
the Function with separate data option. See “Configure Subsystem for Generating
Modular Function Code” on page 11-51 and “Modular Function Code for Nonvirtual
Subsystems” on page 11-56 for details. For limitations that apply, see “Nonvirtual
Subsystem Modular Function Code Limitations” on page 11-61.

For more information about generating code for atomic subsystems, see the sections
“Code Generation of Subsystems” and “Generate Code and Executables for Individual
Subsystem” in the Simulink Coder documentation.

Configure Subsystem for Generating Modular Function Code

This section summarizes the steps to configure a nonvirtual subsystem in a Simulink
model for modular function code generation.

1 Verify that the Simulink model containing the subsystem uses an ERT-based system
target file (see the System target file parameter on the Code Generation pane of
the Configuration Parameters dialog box).
2 In your Simulink model, select the subsystem for which you want to generate
modular function code and launch the Subsystem Parameters dialog box (for
example, right-click the subsystem and select Block Parameters (Subsystem)).
The dialog box for an atomic subsystem is shown below. (In the dialog box for a
conditionally executed subsystem, the dialog box option Treat as atomic unit is
greyed out, and you can skip Step 3.)

11 Function and Class Interfaces

3 If the Subsystem Parameters dialog box option Treat as atomic unit is available
for selection but not selected, the subsystem is neither atomic nor conditionally
executed. Select the option Treat as atomic unit, which enables Function
packaging on the Code Generation tab. Select the Code Generation tab.

Atomic Subsystem Code

4 For the Function packaging parameter, select the value Nonreusable

function. After you make this selection, the Function with separate data option
is displayed.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Note: Before you generate nonvirtual subsystem function code with the Function
with separate data option selected, you might want to generate function code with
the option deselected and save the generated function .c and .h files in a separate
directory for later comparison.
5 Select the Function with separate data option. After you make this selection,
additional configuration parameters are displayed.

Atomic Subsystem Code

Note: To control the naming of the subsystem function and the subsystem files in the
generated code, you can modify the subsystem parameters Function name options
and File name options.
6 To save your subsystem parameter settings and exit the dialog box, click OK.

This completes the subsystem configuration for generating modular function code.
You can now generate the code for the subsystem and examine the generated files,
including the function .c and .h files named according to your subsystem parameter
specifications. For more information on generating code for nonvirtual subsystems, see
“Code Generation of Subsystems”. For examples of generated subsystem function code,
see “Modular Function Code for Nonvirtual Subsystems” on page 11-56.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

Modular Function Code for Nonvirtual Subsystems

To illustrate the selection of the Function with separate data option for a nonvirtual
subsystem, the following procedure generates atomic subsystem function code with and
without the option selected and compares the results.

1 Open MATLAB and launch the model rtwdemo_atomic using the MATLAB
command rtwdemo_atomic. Examine the Simulink model.

2 Double-click the SS1 subsystem and examine the contents. (You can close the
subsystem window when you are finished.)

3 Use the Configuration Parameters dialog box to change the model's System target
file from GRT to ERT. For example, from the Simulink window, select Simulation >
Model Configuration Parameters. On the Configuration Parameters dialog box,
select the Code Generation pane and specify ert.tlc for the System target file
parameter. Click OK twice to confirm the change.
4 Create a variant of rtwdemo_atomic that illustrates function code without data

a In the Simulink view of rtwdemo_atomic, right-click the SS1 subsystem and

select Block Parameters (Subsystem). In the Subsystem Parameters dialog
box, verify that

• On the Main tab, Treat as atomic unit is selected

Atomic Subsystem Code

• On the Code Generation tab, User specified is selected for Function

name options
• On the Code Generation tab, myfun is specified for Function name
b In the Subsystem Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation tab

i Select the value Nonreusable function for the Function packaging

parameter. After this selection, additional parameters and options will
ii Select the value Use function name for the File name options
parameter. This selection is optional but simplifies the later task of code
comparison by causing the atomic subsystem function code to be generated
into the files myfun.c and myfun.h.

Do not select the option Function with separate data. Click Apply to apply
the changes and click OK to exit the dialog box.
c Save this model variant to a personal work directory, for example,
rtwdemo_atomic1 in d:/atomic.
5 Create a variant of rtwdemo_atomic that illustrates function code with data

a In the Simulink view of rtwdemo_atomic1 (or rtwdemo_atomic with step

3 reapplied), right-click the SS1 subsystem and select Block Parameters
(Subsystem). In the Subsystem Parameters dialog box, verify that

• On the Main tab, Treat as atomic unit is selected

• On the Code Generation tab, Function is selected for Function
• On the Code Generation tab, User specified is selected for Function
name options
• On the Code Generation tab, myfun is specified for Function name
• On the Code Generation tab, Use function name is specified for File
name options
b In the Subsystem Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation tab, select
the option Function with separate data. Click Apply to apply the change and
click OK to exit the dialog box.
c Save this model variant, using a different name than the first variant, to a
personal work directory, for example, rtwdemo_atomic2 in d:/atomic.

11 Function and Class Interfaces

6 Generate code for each model, rtwdemo_atomic1 and rtwdemo_atomic2.

7 In the generated code directories, compare the model.c/.h and myfun.c/.h files
generated for the two models. (In this example, there are not significant differences
in the generated variants of ert_main.c, model_private.h, model_types.h, or

H File Differences for Nonvirtual Subsystem Function Data Separation

The differences between the H files generated for rtwdemo_atomic1 and

rtwdemo_atomic2 help illustrate the selection of the Function with separate data
option for nonvirtual subsystems.

1 Selecting Function with separate data causes typedefs for subsystem data to be
generated in the myfun.h file for rtwdemo_atomic2:

/* Block signals for system '<Root>/SS1' */

typedef struct {
real_T Integrator; /* '<S1>/Integrator' */
} rtB_myfun;

/* Block states (auto storage) for system '<Root>/SS1' */

typedef struct {
real_T Integrator_DSTATE; /* '<S1>/Integrator' */
} rtDW_myfun;

By contrast, for rtwdemo_atomic1, typedefs for subsystem data belong to the

model and appear in rtwdemo_atomic1.h:

/* Block signals (auto storage) */

typedef struct {
real_T Integrator; /* '<S1>/Integrator' */
} BlockIO_rtwdemo_atomic1;

/* Block states (auto storage) for system '<Root>' */

typedef struct {
real_T Integrator_DSTATE; /* '<S1>/Integrator' */
} D_Work_rtwdemo_atomic1;
2 Selecting Function with separate data generates the following external
declarations in the myfun.h file for rtwdemo_atomic2:
/* Extern declarations of internal data for 'system '<Root>/SS1'' */
extern rtB_myfun rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunB;

Atomic Subsystem Code

extern rtDW_myfun rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunDW;

extern void myfun_initialize(void);

By contrast, the generated code for rtwdemo_atomic1 contains model-level

external declarations for the subsystem's BlockIO and D_Work data, in

/* Block signals (auto storage) */

extern BlockIO_rtwdemo_atomic1 rtwdemo_atomic1_B;

/* Block states (auto storage) */

extern D_Work_rtwdemo_atomic1 rtwdemo_atomic1_DWork;

C File Differences for Nonvirtual Subsystem Function Data Separation

The differences between the C files generated for rtwdemo_atomic1 and

rtwdemo_atomic2 illustrate the selection of the Function with separate data option
for nonvirtual subsystems.

1 Selecting Function with separate data causes a separate subsystem

initialize function, myfun_initialize, to be generated in the myfun.c file for

void myfun_initialize(void) {
((real_T*)&rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunB.Integrator)[0] = 0.0;
rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunDW.Integrator_DSTATE = 0.0;

The subsystem initialize function in myfun.c is invoked by the model initialize

function in rtwdemo_atomic2.c:

/* Model initialize function */

void rtwdemo_atomic2_initialize(void)

/* Initialize subsystem data */


11 Function and Class Interfaces

By contrast, for rtwdemo_atomic1, subsystem data is initialized by the model

initialize function in rtwdemo_atomic1.c:

/* Model initialize function */

void rtwdemo_atomic1_initialize(void)
/* block I/O */
((real_T*)&rtwdemo_atomic1_B.Integrator)[0] = 0.0;

/* states (dwork) */

rtwdemo_atomic1_DWork.Integrator_DSTATE = 0.0;
2 Selecting Function with separate data generates the following declarations in the
myfun.c file for rtwdemo_atomic2:

/* Declare variables for internal data of system '<Root>/SS1' */

rtB_myfun rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunB;

rtDW_myfun rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunDW;

By contrast, the generated code for rtwdemo_atomic1 contains model-

level declarations for the subsystem's BlockIO and D_Work data, in

/* Block signals (auto storage) */

BlockIO_rtwdemo_atomic1 rtwdemo_atomic1_B;

/* Block states (auto storage) */

D_Work_rtwdemo_atomic1 rtwdemo_atomic1_DWork;
3 Selecting Function with separate data generates identifier naming that reflects
the subsystem orientation of data items. Notice the references to subsystem
data in subsystem functions such as myfun and myfun_update or in the
model's model_step function. For example, compare this code from myfun for

Atomic Subsystem Code

/* DiscreteIntegrator: '<S1>/Integrator' */
rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunB.Integrator = rtwdemo_atomic2_myfunDW.Integrator_DSTATE;

to the corresponding code from myfun for rtwdemo_atomic1.

/* DiscreteIntegrator: '<S1>/Integrator' */
rtwdemo_atomic1_B.Integrator = rtwdemo_atomic1_DWork.Integrator_DSTATE;

Nonvirtual Subsystem Modular Function Code Limitations

The nonvirtual subsystem option Function with separate data has the following

• The Function with separate data option is available only in ERT-based Simulink
models (requires a Embedded Coder license).
• The nonvirtual subsystem to which the option is applied cannot have multiple sample
times or continuous sample times; that is, the subsystem must be single-rate with a
discrete sample time.
• The nonvirtual subsystem cannot contain continuous states.
• The nonvirtual subsystem cannot output function call signals.
• The nonvirtual subsystem cannot contain noninlined S-functions.
• The generated files for the nonvirtual subsystem will reference model-wide header
files, such as model.h and model_private.h.
• The Function with separate data option is incompatible with the Classic
call interface option, located on the Code Generation > Interface pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box. Selecting both generates an error.
• The Function with separate data option is incompatible with setting Code
interface packaging to Reusable function (Code Generation > Interface
pane). Selecting both generates an error.


Memory Sections

• “About Memory Sections” on page 12-2

• “Requirements for Defining Memory Sections” on page 12-3
• “Define Memory Sections” on page 12-5
• “Configure Memory Sections” on page 12-9
• “Declare Constant Data as Volatile” on page 12-10
• “Apply Memory Sections” on page 12-13
• “Generated Code with Memory Sections” on page 12-21
• “Model-Level Data Structures” on page 12-23
12 Memory Sections

About Memory Sections

What Are Memory Sections?

The Embedded Coder software provides a memory section capability that allows you to
insert comments and pragmas and qualify constants as volatile in generated code for

• Data in custom storage classes

• Model-level functions
• Model-level internal data
• Subsystem functions
• Subsystem internal data

Pragmas inserted into generated code can surround

• A contiguous block of function or data definitions

• Each function or data definition separately

When pragmas surround each function or data definition separately, the text of each
pragma can contain the name of the definition to which it applies.

To see an example of memory sections, type rtwdemo_memsec at the MATLAB command


Requirements for Defining Memory Sections

Requirements for Defining Memory Sections

Before you can define memory sections, you must do the following:

1 Set the Simulink model's code generation target to an embedded target such as
2 To create packages, specify package properties, or create classes, including custom
storage classes, see “Define Data Classes” in the Simulink documentation.

See also the instructions that appear when you click the Custom Storage Classes
3 If you need to specify custom storage class properties,

a Choose View > Model Explorer in the model window.

The Model Explorer appears.

b Choose Tools > Custom Storage Class Designer in the Model Explorer

A notification box appears that states Please Wait ... Finding Packages. After
a brief pause, the notification box closes and the Custom Storage Class Designer
c Select the Custom Storage Class tab. The Custom Storage Class pane
initially looks like this:

12 Memory Sections

d Use the Custom Storage Class pane to select a writable package and specify
custom storage class properties. Instructions for using this pane appear in
“Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections”.

Define Memory Sections

Define Memory Sections

In this section...
“Edit Memory Section Properties” on page 12-5
“Specify the Memory Section Name” on page 12-6
“Specify a Qualifier for Custom Storage Class Data Definitions” on page 12-7
“Specify Comment and Pragma Text” on page 12-7
“Surround Individual Definitions with Pragmas” on page 12-7
“Include Identifier Names in Pragmas” on page 12-8

Edit Memory Section Properties

After you have satisfied the requirements in “Requirements for Defining Memory
Sections” on page 12-3, you can define memory sections and specify their properties. To
create new memory sections or specify memory section properties,

1 Choose View > Model Explorer in the model window.

The Model Explorer appears.

2 Choose Tools > Custom Storage Class Designer in the Model Explorer window.

A notification box appears that states Please Wait ... Finding Packages. After
a brief pause, the notification box closes and the Custom Storage Class Designer
3 Click the Memory Section tab of the Custom Storage Class Designer. The Memory
Section pane initially looks like this:

12 Memory Sections

4 If you intend to create or change memory section definitions, use the Select
package field to select a writable package.

The rest of this section assumes that you have selected a writable package, and describes
the use of the Memory section subpane on the lower left. For descriptions of the other
subpanes, instructions for validating memory section definitions, and other information,
see “Define Memory Sections” on page 12-5.

Specify the Memory Section Name

To specify the name of a memory section, use the Name field. A memory section name
must be a legal MATLAB identifier.

Define Memory Sections

Specify a Qualifier for Custom Storage Class Data Definitions

To specify a qualifier for custom storage class data definitions in a memory section, enter
the components of the qualifier below the Name field.

• To specify const, check Is const.

• To specify volatile, check Is volatile.
• To specify anything else (e.g., static), enter the text in the Qualifier field.

The qualifier will appear in generated code with its components in the same left-to-
right order in which their definitions appear in the dialog box. A preview appears in the
Pseudocode preview subpane on the lower right.

Note: Specifying a qualifier affects only custom storage class data definitions. The code
generator omits the qualifier from other definition categories.

Specify Comment and Pragma Text

To specify a comment, prepragma, or postpragma for a memory section, enter the
comment in the text boxes on the left side of the Custom Storage Class Designer. In the
text boxes, you can type multiple lines separated by ordinary Returns.

Surround Individual Definitions with Pragmas

If the Pragma surrounds field for a memory section specifies Each variable, the
code generator will surround each definition in a contiguous block of definitions with the
comment, prepragma, and postpragma defined for the section.

If the Pragma surrounds field for a memory section specifies All variables, the
code generator will insert the comment and prepragma for the section before the
first definition in a contiguous block of custom storage class data definitions, and the
postpragma after the last definition in the block.

Note: Specifying All variables affects only custom storage class data definitions. For
other definition categories, the code generator surrounds each definition separately
regardless of the value of Pragma surrounds.

12 Memory Sections

Include Identifier Names in Pragmas

When pragmas surround each separate definition in a contiguous block, you can include
the string %<identifier> in a pragma. The string must appear without surrounding

• When %<identifier> appears in a prepragma, the code generator will substitute

the identifier from the subsequent function or data definition.
• When %<identifier> appears in a postpragma, the code generator will substitute
the identifier from the previous function or data definition.

You can use %<identifier> with pragmas only when pragmas to surround each
variable. The Validate phase will report an error if you violate this rule.

Note: Although %<identifier> looks like a TLC variable, it is not: it is just a keyword
that directs the code generator to substitute the applicable data definition identifier
when it outputs a pragma. TLC variables cannot appear in pragma specifications in the
Memory Section pane.

Configure Memory Sections

Configure Memory Sections

You configure memory sections by using the Code Generation > Memory Sections
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

To... Select...
Specify the package that contains memory The name of a package for Package. Click
sections that you want to apply Refresh package list to refresh the list of
available packages in your configuration.
Apply memory sections to initialize/start and A value for Initialize/Terminate.
terminate functions
Apply memory sections to step, run-time A value for Execution.
initialization, derivative, enable, and disable
Apply memory sections to constant parameters, A value for Constants.
constant, block I/O, or zero representation
Apply memory sections to root inputs or outputs A value for Inputs/Outputs.
Apply memory sections to block I/O, Dwork A value for Internal data.
vectors, run-time models, zero-crossings
Apply memory sections to parameters A value for Parameters.

The interface checks whether the specified package is on the MATLAB path and that the
selected memory sections are in the package. The results of this validation appear in the
field Validation results.

12 Memory Sections

Declare Constant Data as Volatile

In the C language, the value of data declared with the storage type qualifier, volatile,
can be read from memory and written back to memory when changed without compiler
control or detection. Examples of use include variables for initialization at system power-
up or for system clock updates.

You can add the volatile qualifier to type definitions generated in code for model
constant block I/O, constant parameters, and ground data (zero representation).

To add the volatile qualifier to type definitions, you must configure your model as

• Enable inline parameters

• Specify an ERT target
• Set the memory section for constant data to MemVolatile or MemConstVolatile

If you choose to add the volatile qualifier to type definitions in your generated code,
note the following:

• If constant data that is qualified with volatile is passed by pointer, the code
generator casts away the volatility. This occurs because generated functions assume
that data values do not change during execution and, therefore, pass their arguments
as const * (not const volatile *).
• If a variable must be declared const and you specify MemVolatile, the code
generator declares the variable with the const and volatile qualifiers.
• If you set Constants to MemConst or MemConstVolatile, and a variable cannot be
declared as constant data, a TLC warning appears and the code generator does not
qualify the variable with const.

Consider the following simple lookup table model.

1 On the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane, select Inline parameters.

Declare Constant Data as Volatile

2 In the Code Generation pane, set System target file to ert.tlc.

3 In the Code Generation > Memory Sections pane, set Package to Simulink or
mpt, and Constants to MemConstVolatile.
4 Open the Signal Properties dialog box for signal INPUT. On the Code
Generation tab, set the Package to Simulink or mpt and the Storage class to
ExportedGlobal for storing state in a global variable.
5 Generate code. You should see the volatile qualifier in the generated files
model_data.c and model.h.

/* Constant parameters (auto storage) */
/* ConstVolatile memory section */
const volatile ConstParam_simple_lookup simple_lookup_ConstP = {
/* Expression: [-5:5]
* Referenced by: '<Root>/Lookup Table'
{ -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 },

/* Expression: tanh([-5:5])
* Referenced by: '<Root>/Lookup Table'
{ -0.99990920426259511, -0.999329299739067,
-0.99505475368673046, -0.9640275800758169,
-0.76159415595576485, 0.0, 0.76159415595576485,
0.9640275800758169, 0.99505475368673046,
0.999329299739067, 0.99990920426259511 }

/* Real-time Model Data Structure */
struct RT_MODEL_simple_lookup {
const char_T * volatile errorStatus;

/* Constant parameters (auto storage) */

extern const volatile ConstParam_simple_lookup simple_lookup_ConstP;

Also note in the model.c file that a typecast is inserted in the rt_Lookup function
call, removing the volatile qualifier.
/* Lookup: '<Root>/Lookup Table' incorporates:

12 Memory Sections

* Inport: '<Root>/In1'
OUTPUT = rt_Lookup(((const real_T*)
&simple_lookup_ConstP.LookupTable_XData[0]), 11, INPUT, ((
const real_T*) &simple_lookup_ConstP.LookupTable_YData[0]));

Apply Memory Sections

Apply Memory Sections

In this section...
“Assign Memory Sections to Custom Storage Classes” on page 12-13
“Apply Memory Sections to Model-Level Functions and Internal Data” on page 12-15
“Apply Memory Sections to Atomic Subsystems” on page 12-17

Assign Memory Sections to Custom Storage Classes

To assign a memory section to a custom storage class,

1 Choose View > Model Explorer in the model window.

The Model Explorer appears.

2 Choose Tools > Custom Storage Class Designer in the Model Explorer window.

A notification box appears that states Please Wait ... Finding Packages. After
a brief pause, the notification box closes and the Custom Storage Class Designer
3 Select the Custom Storage Class tab. The Custom Storage Class pane initially
looks like this:

12 Memory Sections

4 Use the Select package field to select a writable package. The rest of this section
assumes that you have selected a writable package.
5 Select the desired custom storage class in the Custom storage class definitions
6 Select the desired memory section from the Memory section pull-down.
7 Click Apply to apply changes to the open copy of the model; Save to apply changes
and save them to disk; or OK to apply changes, save changes, and close the Custom
Storage Class Designer.

Generated code for data definitions in the specified custom storage class are enclosed
in the pragmas of the specified memory section. The pragmas can surround contiguous
blocks of definitions or each definition separately, as described in “Surround Individual
Definitions with Pragmas” on page 12-7. For more information, see “Design Custom
Storage Classes and Memory Sections”.

Apply Memory Sections

Note: The code generator does not generate a pragma around definitions or declarations
for data that has the following built-in storage classes:

• ExportedGlobal
• ImportedExtern
• ImportedExternPointer

The code generator treats data with these built-in storage classes like custom storage
classes without a specified memory section.

Apply Memory Sections to Model-Level Functions and Internal Data

When using code generation software, you can apply memory sections to the following
categories of model-level functions:

Function Category Function Subcategory

Initialize/Terminate functions Initialize/Start
Execution functions Step functions
Run-time initialization

When using code generation software, you can apply memory sections to the following
categories of internal data:

Data Category Data Definition Data Purpose

Constants model_constP Constant parameters
model_constB Constant block I/O
model_constZ Zero representation
model_constM Run-time model
Input/Output model_U Root inputs

12 Memory Sections

Data Category Data Definition Data Purpose

model_Y Root outputs
Internal data model_B Block I/O
model_D D-work vectors
model_Zero Zero-crossings
Parameters model_P Parameters

Memory section specifications for model-level functions and internal data apply to the top
level of the model and to its subsystems. However, these specifications are not applicable
to atomic subsystems that contain overriding memory section specifications, as described
in “Apply Memory Sections to Atomic Subsystems” on page 12-17.

To specify memory sections for model-level functions or internal data,

1 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and select Code Generation >
2 Specify the System target file as an ERT target, such as ert.tlc .
3 Select Memory Sections. The Memory Sections pane looks like this:

Apply Memory Sections

4 Initially, the Package field specifies ---None--- and the pull-down lists only built-
in packages. If you have defined packages of your own, click Refresh package list.
This action adds user-defined packages on your search path to the package list.
5 In the Package pull-down, select the package that contains the memory sections
that you want to apply.
6 In the pull-down for each category of internal data and model-level function, specify
the memory section that you want to apply to that category. Accepting or specifying
Default omits specifying memory section for that category.
7 Click Apply to save changes to the package and memory section selections.

Apply Memory Sections to Atomic Subsystems

For atomic subsystem whose generated code format is Function or Reusable
Function, you can specify memory sections for functions and internal data that exist in
that code format. Such specifications override model-level memory section specifications.
Such overrides apply only to the atomic subsystem itself, not to subsystems within it.

12 Memory Sections

Subsystems of an atomic subsystem inherit memory section specifications from the

containing model, not from the containing atomic subsystem.

To specify memory sections for an atomic subsystem,

1 Right-click the subsystem in the model window.

2 Choose Subsystem Parameters from the context menu. The Function Block
Parameters: Subsystem dialog box appears.
3 Select the Treat as atomic unit checkbox. If it is not selected, you cannot specify
memory sections for the subsystem.

For an atomic system, on the Code Generation tab, you can use the Function
packaging field to control the format of the generated code.
4 Specify Function packaging as Nonreusable function or Reusable
function. Otherwise, you cannot specify memory sections for the subsystem.
5 If the code format is Function and you want separate data, check Function with
separate data.

The Code Generation tab now shows applicable memory section options. The
available options depend on the values of Function packaging and the Function
with separate data check box. When the former is Nonreusable function and
the latter is checked, the pane looks like this:

Apply Memory Sections

6 In the pull-down for each available definition category, specify the memory section
that you want to apply to that category.

• Selecting Inherit from model inherits the corresponding selection from the
model level (not parent subsystem).
• Selecting Default specifies that the category does not have an associated
memory section, overriding model-level specifications for that category.
7 Click Apply to save changes, or OK to save changes and close the dialog box.

Caution If you use Build This Subsystem or Build Selected Subsystem to generate
code for an atomic subsystem that specifies memory sections, the code generator ignores
the subsystem-level specifications and uses the model-level specifications instead.
The generated code is the same as if the atomic subsystem specified Inherit from
model for every category of definition. For information about building subsystems, see
“Generate Code and Executables for Individual Subsystem”.

12 Memory Sections

It is not possible to specify the memory section for a subsystem in a library. However,
you can specify the memory section for the subsystem after you have copied it into a
Simulink model. This is because in the library it is unknown what code generation target
will be used. You can copy a library block into many different models with different code
generation targets and different memory sections available.

Generated Code with Memory Sections

Generated Code with Memory Sections

Sample ERT-Based Model with Subsystem

The next figures show an ERT-based Simulink model that defines one subsystem,
mySubsystem, and then the contents of that subsystem.

Assume that the subsystem is atomic. On the Code Generation tab, the Function
packaging parameter is Reusable function. Memory sections have been created and
assigned as shown in the next two tables; here, data memory sections specify Pragma
surrounds to be Each variable.

Model-Level Memory Section Assignments and Definitions

Section Assignment Section Name Field Name Field Value

Input/Output MemSect1 Prepragma #pragma IO_begin
Postpragma #pragma IO-end
Internal data MemSect2 Prepragma #pragma InData-begin(%<identifier>)
Postpragma #pragma InData-end
Parameters MemSect3 Prepragma #pragma Parameters-begin
Postpragma #pragma Parameters-end
Initialize/ MemSect4 Prepragma #pragma InitTerminate-begin
Terminate Postpragma #pragma InitTerminate-end

12 Memory Sections

Section Assignment Section Name Field Name Field Value

Execution MemSect5 Prepragma #pragma ExecFunc-begin(%<identifier>)
functions Postpragma #pragma ExecFunc-begin(%<identifier>)

Subsystem-Level Memory Section Assignments and Definitions

Section Assignment Section Name Field Name Field Value

Execution MemSect6 Prepragma #pragma DATA_SEC(%<identifier>,
functions "FAST_RAM")

Given the preceding specifications and definitions, the code generator would create the
following code, with minor variations depending on the current version of the Target
Language Compiler.

Model-Level Data Structures

Model-Level Data Structures

#pragma IO-begin
ExternalInputs_mySample mySample_U;
#pragma IO-end

#pragma IO-begin
ExternalOutputs_mySample mySample_Y;
#pragma IO-end

#pragma InData-begin(mySample_B)
BlockIO_mySample mySample_B;
#pragma InData-end

#pragma InData-begin(mySample_DWork)
D_Work_mySample mySample_DWork;
#pragma InData-end

#pragma InData-begin(mySample_M_)
RT_MODEL_mySample mySample_M_;
#pragma InData-end

#pragma InData-begin(mySample_M)
RT_MODEL_mySample *mySample_M = &mySample_M_;
#pragma InData-end

#pragma Parameters-begin
Parameters_mySample mySample_P = {
0.0 , {2.3}
#pragma Parameters-end

Model-Level Functions
#pragma ExecFunc-begin(mySample_step)
void mySample_step(void)
real_T rtb_UnitDelay;
rtb_UnitDelay = mySample_DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE;
mySubsystem(rtb_UnitDelay, &mySample_B.mySubsystem;,
(rtP_mySubsystem *) &mySample_P.mySubsystem);
mySample_Y.Out1_o = mySample_B.mySubsystem.Gain;
mySample_DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE = mySample_U.In1;

12 Memory Sections

#pragma ExecFunc-end(mySample_step)

#pragma InitTerminate-begin
void mySample_initialize(void)
rtmSetErrorStatus(mySample_M, (const char_T *)0);
((real_T*)&mySample_B.mySubsystem.Gain)[0] = 0.0;
mySample_DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE = 0.0;
mySample_U.In1 = 0.0;
mySample_Y.Out1_o = 0.0;
mySample_DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE = mySample_P.UnitDelay_X0;
#pragma InitTerminate-end

Subsystem Function
Because the subsystem specifies a memory section for execution functions that overrides
that of the parent model, subsystem code looks like this:

/* File: mySubsystem.c */

#pragma DATA_SEC(mySubsystem, “FAST_RAM”)

void mySubsystem(real_T rtu_In1,
rtB_mySubsystem *localB,
rtP_mySubsystem *localP)
localB->Gain = rtu_In1 * localP->Gain_Gain;

If the subsystem had not defined its own memory section for execution functions, but
inherited that of the parent model, the subsystem code would have looked like this:

/* File: mySubsystem.c */

#pragma ExecFunc-begin(mySubsystem)
void mySubsystem(real_T rtu_In1,
rtB_mySubsystem *localB,
rtP_mySubsystem *localP)
localB->Gain = rtu_In1 * localP->Gain_Gain;

Model-Level Data Structures

#pragma ExecFunc-end(mySubsystem)

Code Generation


• “Application Objectives” on page 13-2

• “High-Level Code Generation Objectives” on page 13-3
• “Determine Model Configuration for Specified Objectives” on page 13-5
• “Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives” on page 13-6
• “Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives Using Configuration
Parameters Dialog Box” on page 13-10
• “Configure Code Generation Objectives Programmatically” on page 13-14
• “Check Objectives in Referenced Models” on page 13-15
• “Checking Model and Configuration with Model Advisor” on page 13-16
• “Check Model During Code Generation” on page 13-17
• “Create Custom Objectives” on page 13-18
• “Code Generation Targets” on page 13-24
• “Configuration Variations” on page 13-31
• “Wizard” on page 13-32
13 Configuration

Application Objectives
The first step in applying Embedded Coder configuration options to the application
development process is to consider how your application objectives, particularly with
respect to efficiency, traceability, and safety, map to code generation options in a model
configuration set.

Parameters that you set in the Solver, Data Import/Export, Diagnostics, and Code
Generation panes of the Configuration Parameters dialog box specify the behavior of a
model in simulation and the code generated for the model.

Consider questions such as the following:

• What settings might help you debug your application?

• What is the highest objective for your application — efficiency, traceability, safety
precaution, debugging, or some other criteria?
• What is the second highest objective?
• Can the objective at the start of the project differ from the objective required for the
end result? What tradeoffs can you make?

After you answer these questions, you must:

• Define your objectives in the configuration set. For more information, see “High-Level
Code Generation Objectives” on page 13-3.
• Use the Code Generation Advisor to identify parameter values that are not configured
for the objectives that you selected. For more information, see “Determine Model
Configuration for Specified Objectives” on page 13-5.

High-Level Code Generation Objectives

High-Level Code Generation Objectives

Depending on the type of application that your model represents, you are likely to have
specific code generation objectives. For example, safety and traceability might be more
critical than efficient use of memory. If you have specific objectives, you can quickly
configure your model to meet those objectives by selecting and prioritizing from these
code generation objectives:

• Execution efficiency (all targets) — Configure code generation settings to achieve fast
execution time.
• ROM efficiency (ERT-based targets) — Configure code generation settings to reduce
ROM usage.
• RAM efficiency (ERT-based targets) — Configure code generation settings to reduce
RAM usage.
• Traceability (ERT-based targets) — Configure code generation settings to provide
mapping between model elements and code.
• Safety precaution (ERT-based targets) — Configure code generation settings to
increase clarity, determinism, robustness, and verifiability of the code.
• Debugging (all targets) — Configure code generation settings to debug the code
generation build process.
• MISRA-C:2004 guidelines (ERT-based targets) — Configure code generation settings
to increase compliance with MISRA-C:2004 guidelines.
• Polyspace (ERT-based targets) — Configure code generation settings to prepare the
code for Polyspace® analysis.

Based on your objective selections and prioritization, the Code Generation Advisor checks
your model and suggests changes that you can make to achieve your code generation

Note: If you select the MISRA-C:2004 guidelines code generation objective, the Code
Generation Advisor checks:

• The model configuration settings for compliance with the MISRA-C:2004

configuration setting recommendations.

• For blocks that are not supported or recommended for MISRA-C:2004 compliant code

13 Configuration

Setting code generation objectives and running the Code Generation Advisor provides
information on how to meet code generation objectives for your model. The Code
Generation Advisor does not alter the generated code. You can use the Code Generation
Advisor to make the suggested changes to your model. The generated code is changed
only after you modify your model and regenerate code. If you use the Code Generation
Advisor to set code generation objectives and check your model, the generated code
includes comments identifying which objectives you specified, the checks the Code
Generation Advisor ran on the model, and the results of running the checks.

Determine Model Configuration for Specified Objectives

Determine Model Configuration for Specified Objectives

You can use the Code Generation Advisor to review your model and identify the
parameters that are not configured for your objective. The Code Generation Advisor
reviews a subset of model configuration parameters. It displays the results in the Check
model configuration settings against code generation objectives check.

The Code Generation Advisor uses the information presented in “Recommended Settings
Summary” to determine the values. When there is a conflict due to multiple objectives,
the higher-priority objective takes precedence.

You can use the Code Generation Advisor to review a model before generating code, or as
part of the code generation process. When you choose to review a model before generating
code, you specify which model, subsystem, or referenced model the Code Generation
Advisor reviews. When you choose to review a model as part of the code generation
process, the Code Generation Advisor reviews the entire system.

13 Configuration

Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives

This example shows how to configure and check your model to meet code generation

1 On the menu bar, select Code > C/C++ Code > Code Generation Advisor.

On the toolbar drop-down list, select Code Generation Advisor.
• Right-click a subsystem, and then select C/C++ Code > Code Generation
Advisor. Go to step 3.
2 In the System Selector window, select the model or subsystem that you want to
review, and then click OK.
3 In the Code Generation Advisor, on the Code Generation Objectives pane, select
the code generation objectives. As you select objectives, on the left pane, the Code
Generation Advisor updates the list of checks it will run on your model. If your
model is configured with an ERT-based target, more objectives are available. For this
example, the model is configured with an ERT-based target. If your objectives are
execution efficiency and traceability, in that priority, do the following:

a In Available objectives, double-click Execution efficiency. Execution

efficiency is added to Selected objectives - prioritized.
b In Available objectives, double-click Traceability. Traceability is added
to Selected objectives - prioritized below Execution efficiency.

Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives

4 Click Run Selected Checks to run the checks listed in the left pane of the Code
Generation Advisor.
5 In the Code Generation Advisor window, review the results for Check model
configuration settings against code generation objectives by selecting it from
the left pane. The results for that check are displayed in the right pane.

Check model configuration settings against code generation objectives

triggers a warning for either of these reasons:

• Parameters are set to values other than the value recommended for the specified
code generation objectives.
• Selected code generation objectives differ from the objectives set in the model.

Click Modify Parameters to set:

• Parameter to the value recommended for the specified code generation objectives.
• Code generation objectives in the model to the objectives specified in the Code
Generation Advisor.

13 Configuration

6 In the Code Generation Advisor window, review the results for the remaining checks
by selecting them from the left pane. The right pane populates the results for the
7 After reviewing the check results, you can choose to fix warnings and failures, as
described in “Fix a Model Check Warning or Failure”.

Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives

Note: When you specify an efficiency or Safety precaution objective, the Code Generation
Advisor includes additional checks.

When you make changes to one check, the other check results could become invalid. You
must run the checks again.

13 Configuration

Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives Using

Configuration Parameters Dialog Box
This example shows how to configure and check your model to meet code generation
objectives using the Configuration Parameters dialog box:

1 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box. Select Code Generation.

2 Specify a system target file. If you specify an ERT-based target, more objectives are
available. For this example, choose an ERT-based target such as ert.tlc.
3 Click Set Objectives.
4 In the “Set Objectives — Code Generation Advisor Dialog Box”, specify your
objectives. For example, if your objectives are execution efficiency and traceability, in
that priority, do the following:

a In Available objectives, double-click Execution efficiency. Execution

efficiency is added to Selected objectives - prioritized.
b In Available objectives, double-click Traceability. Traceability is added
to Selected objectives - prioritized below Execution efficiency.

Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives Using Configuration Parameters Dialog Box

c Click OK to accept the objectives. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box,

Code Generation > General > Prioritized objectives is updated.
5 On the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > General pane, click
Check Model.
6 In the System Selector window, select the model or subsystem that you want to
review, and then click OK. The Code Generation Advisor opens and reviews the
model or subsystem that you specified.
7 In the Code Generation Advisor window, review the results by selecting a check from
the left pane. The right pane populates the results for that check.

13 Configuration

8 After reviewing the check results, you can choose to fix warnings and failures, as
described in “Fix a Model Check Warning or Failure”.

Note: When you specify an efficiency or Safety precaution objective, the Code Generation
Advisor includes additional checks. When you make changes to one check, the other
check results could become invalid and you must run the checks again.

Check and Configure Model for Code Generation Objectives Using Configuration Parameters Dialog Box

For more information, see “Set Objectives — Code Generation Advisor Dialog Box”

13 Configuration

Configure Code Generation Objectives Programmatically

This example shows how to configure code generation objectives by writing a MATLAB
script or entering commands at the command line.

1 Specify a system target file. If you specify an ERT-based target, more objectives are
available. For this example, specify ert.tlc. model_name is the name or handle to
the model.
set_param(model_name, 'SystemTargetFile', 'ert.tlc');
2 Specify your objectives. For example, if your objectives are execution efficiency and
traceability, in that priority, enter:
set_param(model_name, 'ObjectivePriorities',...
{'Execution efficiency', 'Traceability'});

Note: When you specify a GRT-based system target file, you can specify an objective at
the command line. If you specify ROM efficiency, RAM efficiency, Traceability,
MISRA-C:2004 guidelines, Polyspace, or Safety precaution, the build process
changes the objective to Unspecified because you have specified a value that is invalid
when using a GRT-based target.

Check Objectives in Referenced Models

Check Objectives in Referenced Models

When you check a model during the code generation process, you must specify the same
objectives in the top model and referenced models. If you specify different objectives for
the top model and referenced model, the build process generates an error.

To specify different objectives for the top model and each referenced model, review the
models separately without generating code.

13 Configuration

Checking Model and Configuration with Model Advisor

You can use the Model Advisor checks available with Embedded Coder to assess model
readiness for code generation. For information about the Model Advisor, see “Run Model
Checks”. For checks available with Embedded Coder, see “Embedded Coder Checks”.

If you want to check and configure your model for code generation objectives such as
traceability or safety, see “Application Considerations”.

Check Model During Code Generation

Check Model During Code Generation

This example shows how to use the Code Generation Advisor to review a model as part of
the code generation process.

1 Specify your code generation objectives.

2 On the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > General pane, select
one of the following from Check model before generating code:

• On (proceed with warnings)

• On (stop for warnings)
3 If you only want to generate code, select Generate code only; otherwise clear the
check box to build an executable.
4 Apply your changes, and then click Generate Code/Build. The Code Generation
Advisor starts and reviews the top model and subsystems.

If the Code Generation Advisor issues failures or warnings, and you specified:

• On (proceed with warnings) — The Code Generation Advisor window opens

while the build process proceeds. After the build process is complete, you can
review the results.
• On (stop for warnings) — The build process halts and displays the
Diagnostic Viewer. To continue, you must review and resolve the Code
Generation Advisor results or change the Check model before generating
code selection.
5 In the Code Generation Advisor window, review the results by selecting a check from
the left pane. The right pane populates the results for that check.
6 After reviewing the check results, you can choose to fix warnings and failures as
described in “Fix a Model Check Warning or Failure”.

Note: When you specify an efficiency or Safety precaution objective, the Code
Generation Advisor includes additional checks. When you make changes to one of
these checks, the other check results could become invalid and you must run the
check again.

For more information, see “Set Objectives — Code Generation Advisor Dialog Box”

13 Configuration

Create Custom Objectives

In this section...
“Specify Parameters in Custom Objectives” on page 13-18
“Specify Checks in Custom Objectives” on page 13-19
“Determine Checks and Parameters in Existing Objectives” on page 13-19
“How to Create Custom Objectives” on page 13-21

The Code Generation Advisor reviews your model based on objectives that you specify. If
the predefined efficiency, traceability, Safety precaution, and debugging objectives do not
meet your requirements, you can create custom objectives.

You can create custom objectives by:

• Creating a new objective and adding parameters and checks to a new objective.
• Creating a new objective based on an existing objective, then adding, modifying, and
removing the parameters and checks within the new objective.

Specify Parameters in Custom Objectives

When you create a custom objective, you specify the values of configuration parameters
that the Code Generation Advisor reviews. You can use the following methods:

• addParam — Add parameters and specify the values that the Code Generation
Advisor reviews in Check model configuration settings against code
generation objectives. When you add parameters that have dependencies, the
software includes the dependencies in the list of parameter values that the Code
Generation Advisor reviews.
• modifyInheritedParam — Modify inherited parameter values that the Code
Generation Advisor reviews in Check model configuration settings against code
generation objectives.
• removeInheritedParam — Remove inherited parameters from a new objective
that is based on an existing objective. When a user selects multiple objectives, if
another selected objective includes this parameter, the Code Generation Advisor
reviews the parameter value in Check model configuration settings against
code generation objectives.

Create Custom Objectives

Specify Checks in Custom Objectives

Objectives include the Check model configuration settings against code
generation objectives check by default. When you create a custom objective, you
specify the list of additional checks that are associated with the custom objective. You
can use the following methods:

• addCheck — Add checks to the Code Generation Advisor. When a user selects the
custom objective, the Code Generation Advisor displays the check, unless the user
specifies an additional objective with a higher priority that excludes the check.

For example, you might add a check to the Code Generation Advisor to include a
custom check in the automatic model checking process.
• excludeCheck — Exclude checks from the Code Generation Advisor. When a user
selects multiple objectives, if the user specifies an additional objective that includes
this check as a higher priority objective, the Code Generation Advisor displays this

For example, you might exclude a check from the Code Generation Advisor when a
check takes a long time to process.
• removeInheritedCheck — Remove inherited checks from a new objective that is
based on an existing objective. When a user selects multiple objectives, if another
selected objective includes this check, the Code Generation Advisor displays the

For example, you might remove an inherited check, rather than exclude the check,
when the check takes a long time to process, but the check is important for another

Determine Checks and Parameters in Existing Objectives

When you base a new objective on an existing objective, you can determine what checks
and parameters the existing objective contains. The Code Generation Advisor contains
the list of checks in each objective.

For example, the Efficiency objective includes checks which you can see in the Code
Generation Advisor. To see the checks in the Code Generation Advisor:

1 Open the rtwdemo_rtwecintro model.

2 Specify an ERT-based target.

13 Configuration

3 On the model toolbar, select Code > C/C++ Code > Code Generation Advisor.
4 In the System Selector window, select the model or subsystem that you want to
review, and then click OK.
5 In the Code Generation Advisor, on the Code Generation Objectives pane, select
the code generation objectives. As you select objectives, on the left pane, the Code
Generation Advisor updates the list of checks it will run on your model. For this
example, select Execution efficiency.

• In Available objectives, double-click Execution efficiency. Execution

efficiency is added to Selected objectives - prioritized.

In the left pane, the Code Generation Advisor lists the checks for the Execution
efficiency objective. The first check, Check model configuration settings against
code generation objectives, lists parameters and values specified by the objective.
For example, the Code Generation Advisor displays the list of parameters and the
recommended values in the Execution efficiency objective. To see the list of
parameters and values:

1 Run Check model configuration settings against code generation objectives.

2 Click Modify Parameters.
3 Rerun the check.

In the check results, the Code Generation Advisor displays the list of parameters and
recommended values for the Execution efficiency objective.

Create Custom Objectives

How to Create Custom Objectives

To create a custom objective:

1 Create an sl_customization.m file.

• Specify custom objectives in a single sl_customization.m file only, or the

software generates an error. This issue is true even if you have more than one
sl_customization.m file on your MATLAB path.
• Except for the matlabroot/work folder, do not place an sl_customization.m
file in your root MATLAB folder, or its subfolders. Otherwise, the software
ignores the customizations that the file specifies.
2 Create an sl_customization function that takes a single argument. When
the software invokes the function, the value of this argument is the Simulink
customization manager. In the function:

a Create a handle to the code generation objective, using the

ObjectiveCustomizer constructor.
b Register a callback function for the custom objectives, using the
ObjectiveCustomizer.addCallbackObjFcn method.
c Add a call to execute the callback function, using the
ObjectiveCustomizer.callbackFcn method.

For example:
function sl_customization(cm)
%SL_CUSTOMIZATION objective customization callback

objCustomizer = cm.ObjectiveCustomizer;
index = objCustomizer.addCallbackObjFcn(@addObjectives);


3 Create a MATLAB callback function that:

• Creates code generation objective objects using the

rtw.codegenObjectives.Objective constructor.
• Adds, modifies, and removes configuration parameters for each objective using
the addParam, modifyInheritedParam, and removeInheritedParam

13 Configuration

• Includes and excludes checks for each objective using the addCheck,
excludeCheck, and removeInheritedCheck methods.
• Registers objectives using the register method.

The following example shows how to create an objective, Reduce RAM Example.
Reduce RAM Example includes five parameters and three checks that the Code
Generation Advisor reviews.
function addObjectives

% Create the custom objective

obj = rtw.codegenObjectives.Objective('ex_ram_1');
setObjectiveName(obj, 'Reduce RAM Example');

% Add parameters to the objective

addParam(obj, 'InlineParams', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'BooleanDataType', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'OptimizeBlockIOStorage', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'EnhancedBackFolding', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'BooleansAsBitfields', 'on');

% Add additional checks to the objective

% The Code Generation Advisor automatically includes 'Check model
% configuration settings against code generation objectives' in every
% objective.
addCheck(obj, 'mathworks.design.UnconnectedLinesPorts');
addCheck(obj, 'mathworks.design.Update');

%Register the objective



The following example shows you how to create an objective, My Traceability

Example, based on the existing Traceability objective. The custom objective modifies,
removes, and adds parameters that the Code Generation Advisor reviews. It also
adds and removes checks from the Code Generation Advisor.
function addObjectives

% Create the custom objective from an existing objective

obj = rtw.codegenObjectives.Objective('ex_my_trace_1', 'Traceability');
setObjectiveName(obj, 'My Traceability Example');

% Modify parameters in the objective

modifyInheritedParam(obj, 'GenerateTraceReportSf', 'Off');
removeInheritedParam(obj, 'ConditionallyExecuteInputs');
addParam(obj, 'MatFileLogging', 'On');

% Modify checks in the objective

Create Custom Objectives

addCheck(obj, 'mathworks.codegen.SWEnvironmentSpec');
removeInheritedCheck(obj, 'mathworks.codegen.CodeInstrumentation');

%Register the objective



4 If you previously opened the Code Generation Advisor, close the model from which
you opened the Code Generation Advisor.
5 Refresh the customization manager. At the MATLAB command line, enter the
sl_refresh_customizations command.
6 Open your model and review the new objectives.

13 Configuration

Code Generation Targets

In this section...
“About Target Selection” on page 13-24
“Select an ERT Target” on page 13-25
“Customize an ERT Target” on page 13-26
“Configure Support for Numeric Data” on page 13-26
“Configure Support for Time Values” on page 13-26
“Support for Non-inlined S-Functions” on page 13-27
“Configure Model Function Generation and Argument Passing” on page 13-27
“Set Up Support for Code Reuse” on page 13-29
“Configure a Code Replacement Library” on page 13-30

About Target Selection

The first step to configuring a model for code generation is to choose and configure a
code generation target. When you select a target, other model configuration parameters
change automatically to best serve requirements of the target. For example:

• Code interface parameters

• Build process parameters, such as the template make file
• Target hardware parameters, such as word size and byte ordering

Use the Browse button on the Code Generation pane to open the System Target File
Browser (see “Select a Target”. The browser lets you select a preset target configuration
consisting of a system target file, template makefile, and make command.

If you select a target configuration by using the System Target File Browser, your
selection appears in the System target file field (target.tlc).

If you are using a target configuration that does not appear in the System Target File
Browser, enter the name of your system target file in the System target file field. Click
Apply or OK to configure for that target.

“Targets and Code Formats” describes the use of the browser and includes a complete list
of available target configurations.

Code Generation Targets

You also can select a system target file programmatically from MATLAB code, as
described in “Select a System Target File Programmatically”.

After selecting a system target, you can modify model configuration parameter settings.

If you want to switch between different targets in a single workflow for different code
generation purposes (for example, rapid prototyping versus product code deployment), set
up different configuration sets for the same model and switch the active configuration set
for the current operation. For more information on how to set up configuration sets and
change the active configuration set, see “Manage a Configuration Set”.

Select an ERT Target

The Browse button in the Target Selection subpane of the Code Generation >
General pane lets you select an ERT target with the System Target File Browser. See
“Targets and Code Formats” for a general discussion of target selection.

The code generator provides variants of the ERT target including the following:

• Default ERT target

• ERT target for generating and building a Visual C++® Solution (.sln) file for the
Visual C++ IDE
• ERT target for generating a Windows® or UNIX® host-based shared library

These targets are based on a common system target file, ert.tlc. They are displayed in
the System Target File Browser as shown in the figure below.

13 Configuration

You can use the ert_shrlib.tlc target to generate a host-based shared library from
your Simulink model. Selecting this target allows you to generate a shared library
version of your model code for your host platform, either a Windows dynamic link library
(.dll) file or a UNIX shared object (.so) file. This feature can be used to package your
source code securely for easy distribution and shared use.

Customize an ERT Target

For information on customizing ERT targets, see “Target Development”.

Configure Support for Numeric Data

By default, ERT targets support code generation for integer, floating-point, nonfinite, and
complex numbers.

To Generate Code that Supports... Do...

Integer data only Deselect Support floating-point numbers. If noninteger data
or expressions are encountered during code generation, an error
message reports the offending blocks and parameters.
Floating-point data Select Support floating-point numbers.
Nonfinite values (for example, Select Support floating-point numbers and Support non-
NaN, Inf) finite numbers .
Complex data Select Support complex numbers .

For more information, see “Code Generation Pane: Interface”.

Configure Support for Time Values

Certain blocks require the value of absolute time (that is, the time from the start of
program execution to the present time) , elapsed time (for example, the time elapsed
between two trigger events), or continuous time. Depending on the blocks used, you
might need to adjust the configuration settings for supported time values.

To... Select...
Generate code that creates Support absolute time. For further information on the allocation
and maintains integer and operation of absolute and elapsed timers, see “Timers”. If you
counters for blocks that use do not select this parameter and the model includes block that use

Code Generation Targets

To... Select...
absolute or elapsed time absolute or elapsed time values, the build process generates an
values (default) error.
Generate code for blocks Support continuous time. If you do not select this parameter
that rely on continuous time and the model includes continuous-time blocks, the build process
generates an error.

For more information, see “Code Generation Pane: Interface”.

Support for Non-inlined S-Functions

To generate code for noninlined S-Functions in a model, select Support noninlined
S-functions. The generation of noninlined S-functions requires floating-point and
nonfinite numbers. Thus, when you select Support non-inlined S-functions, the ERT
target automatically selects Support floating-point numbers and Support non-
finite numbers.

When you select Support non-finite numbers, the build process generates an error
if the model includes a C MEX S-function that does not have a corresponding TLC
implementation (for inlining code generation).

Note that inlining S-functions is highly advantageous in production code generation, for
example in implementing device drivers. To enforce the use of inlined S-functions for
code generation, clear Support non-inlined S-functions.

When generating code for a model that contains non-inlined S-functions with an ERT
target and either of the following is true:

• On the Code Generation pane, Generate code only is cleared.

• On the Hardware Implementation pane, Test hardware is the same as
production hardware is cleared.

There might be a mismatch between the simulation and code generation results. To avoid
such a mismatch select Test hardware is the same as production hardware or
select Generate code only.

Configure Model Function Generation and Argument Passing

For ERT targets, you can configure how a model's functions are generated and how
arguments are passed to the functions.

13 Configuration

To... Do...
Generate model function calls that are Select Classic call interface and MAT-file logging.
compatible with the main program In addition, deselect Suppress error status in real-
module of the pre-R2012a GRT target time model data structure. Classic call interface
(grt_main.c or .cpp) provides a quick way to use code generated in R2012a or
higher with a pre-R2012a GRT-based custom target by
generating wrapper function calls that interface to the
generated code.
Reduce overhead and use more local Select Single output/update function
variables by combining the output
and update functions in a single Errors or unexpected behavior can occur if a Model block
model_step function is part of a cycle and “Single output/update function” is
enabled (the default). See “Model Blocks and Direct Feed
through” for details.
Generate a model_terminate Select Terminate function required. For more
function for a model not designed to information, see the description of model_terminate.
run indefinitely
Generate reusable, reentrant code Select Generate reusable code. See “Set Up Support for
from a model or subsystem Code Reuse” on page 13-29 for details.
Statically allocate model data Deselect Generate reusable code. The generated code
structures and access them directly in is not reusable or reentrant. See “Entry-Point Functions
the model code and Scheduling” for information on the calling interface
generated for model functions in this case.
Suppress the generation of an error Select Suppress error status in real-time model data
status field in the real-time model structure. Selecting this parameter can also cause the
data structure, rtModel, for example, rtModel structure to be omitted completely from the
if you do not need to log or monitor generated code.
error messages
When generating code for multiple integrated models, set
this parameter the same for all of the models. Otherwise,
the integrated application might exhibit unexpected
behavior. For example, if you select the option in one
model but not in another, the error status might not be
registered by the integrated application.

Do not select this parameter if you select the MAT-file

logging option. The two options are incompatible.

Code Generation Targets

To... Do...
Open the Model Step Functions dialog Click Configure Step Function. Based on the Function
box preview and modify the model's specification value you select for your model_step
model_step function prototype function (supported values include Default model-step
(see “Entry-Point Functions and function and Model specific C prototype), you
Scheduling”) can preview and modify the function prototype. Once you
validate and apply your changes, you can generate code
based on your function prototype modifications. For more
information about using the Configure Step Function
button and the Model Step Functions dialog box, see
“Function Prototype Control”.

For more information, see “Code Generation Pane: Interface”.

Set Up Support for Code Reuse

For ERT targets, you can configure how a model reuses code using the Generate
reusable code parameter.

Pass root-level I/O as provides options that control how model inputs and outputs at
the root level of the model are passed to the model_step function.

To... Select...
Pass each root-level model input and output Generate reusable code and Pass root-level
argument to the model_step function I/O as > Individual arguments.
individually (the default)
Pack root-level input arguments and root-level Generate reusable code and Pass root-level
output arguments into separate structures that I/O as > Structure reference
are then passed to the model_step function

In some cases, selecting Generate reusable code can generate code that compiles
but is not reentrant. For example, if a signal, DWork structure, or parameter data has
a storage class other than Auto, global data structures are generated. To handle such
cases, use the Reusable code error diagnostic parameter to choose the severity levels
for diagnostics.

In some cases, the Embedded Coder software is unable to generate valid and compilable
code. For example, if the model contains one of the following, the code generated would be

13 Configuration

• An S-function that is not code-reuse compliant

• A subsystem triggered by a wide function call trigger

In these cases, the build terminates after reporting the problem.

For more information, see “Code Generation Pane: Interface”.

Configure a Code Replacement Library

You can configure the code generator to change the code that it generations for functions
and operators such that the code meets application requirements. Configure the code
generator to apply a code replacement library (CRL) during code generation. If you
have an Embedded Coder license, you can develop and apply custom code replacement

For more information about replacing code, using code replacement libraries that
MathWorks provides, see “What Is Code Replacement?” and “Code Replacement
Libraries”. For information about developing code replacement libraries, see “What Is
Code Replacement Customization?” in the Embedded Coder documentation.

Configuration Variations

Configuration Variations
Every model contains one or more named configuration sets that specify model
parameters such as solver options, code generation options, and other choices. A model
can contain multiple configuration sets, but only one configuration set is active at a
time. For more information on configuration sets and how to view and edit them in the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, see “About Model Configurations”.

A configuration set includes options that specify code generation in general. For more
information, see “Configure a Model for Code Generation”. With Embedded Coder and
an ERT target more parameters are available for fine-tuning the generated code with
respect to customizing the appearance and optimizing the generated code.

Multiple configuration sets can be useful in embedded systems development. By defining

multiple configuration sets in a model, you can easily retarget code generation from
that model. For example, one configuration set might specify the default ERT target
with external mode support enabled for rapid prototyping, while another configuration
set might specify the ERT-based target for Visual C++ to generate production code for
deployment of the application. Activation of either configuration set fully reconfigures the
model for that type of code generation.

13 Configuration


In this section...
“Configure and Optimize Model with Configuration Wizard Blocks” on page 13-32
“Add a Configuration Wizard Block” on page 13-33
“Use Configuration Wizard Blocks” on page 13-35
“Create a Custom Configuration Wizard Block” on page 13-35

Configure and Optimize Model with Configuration Wizard Blocks

The Embedded Coder software provides a library of Configuration Wizard blocks and
scripts to help you configure and optimize code generation from your models quickly and

The library provides a Configuration Wizard block you can customize, and four preset
Configuration Wizard blocks.

Block Description
Custom MATLAB file Automatically update active configuration
parameters of parent model using a custom
ERT (optimized for fixed-point) Automatically update active configuration
parameters of parent model for ERT fixed-
point code generation
ERT (optimized for floating-point) Automatically update active configuration
parameters of parent model for ERT
floating-point code generation
GRT (debug for fixed/floating-point) Automatically update active configuration
parameters of parent model for GRT fixed-
or floating-point code generation with
debugging enabled
GRT (optimized for fixed/floating-point) Automatically update active configuration
parameters of parent model for GRT fixed-
or floating-point code generation


These are shown in the figure below.

When you add one of the preset Configuration Wizard blocks to your model and double-
click it, a predefined MATLAB file script executes and configures parameters of the
model's active configuration set without manual intervention. The preset blocks configure
the options optimally for one of the following cases:

• Fixed-point code generation with the ERT target

• Floating-point code generation with the ERT target
• Fixed/floating-point code generation with TLC debugging options enabled, with the
GRT target.
• Fixed/floating-point code generation with the GRT target

The Custom block is associated with an example MATLAB file script that you can adapt
to your requirements.

You can also set up the Configuration Wizard blocks to invoke the build process after
configuring the model.

Add a Configuration Wizard Block

This section describes how to add one of the preset Configuration Wizard blocks to a

13 Configuration

The Configuration Wizard blocks are available in the Embedded Coder block library. To
use a Configuration Wizard block:

1 Open the model that you want to configure.

2 Open the Embedded Coder library by typing the command rtweclib.
3 The top level of the library is shown below.

4 Double-click the Configuration Wizards icon. The Configuration Wizards sublibrary

5 Select the Configuration Wizard block you want to use and drag and drop it into
your model. In the figure below, the ERT (optimized for fixed-point)
Configuration Wizard block has been added to the model.

6 You can set up the Configuration Wizard block to invoke the build process after
executing its configuration script. If you do not want to use this feature, skip to the
next step.


If you want the Configuration Wizard block to invoke the build process, right-
click on the Configuration Wizard block in your model, and select Mask > Mask
Parameters... from the context menu. Then, select the Invoke build process after
configuration parameter.
7 Click Apply, and close the Mask Parameters dialog box.

Note You should not change the Configure the model for option, unless you want
to create a custom block and script. In that case, see “Create a Custom Configuration
Wizard Block” on page 13-35.
8 Save the model.
9 You can now use the Configuration Wizard block to configure the model, as described
in the next section.

Use Configuration Wizard Blocks

Once you have added a Configuration Wizard block to your model, just double-click the
block. The script associated with the block automatically sets parameters of the active
configuration set that are relevant to code generation (including selection of the target).
You can verify that the options have changed by opening the Configuration Parameters
dialog box and examining the settings.

If the Invoke build process after configuration option for the block was selected, the
script also initiates the code generation and build process.

Note: You can add more than one Configuration Wizard block to your model. This
provides a quick way to switch between configurations.

Create a Custom Configuration Wizard Block

The Custom Configuration Wizard block is shipped with an associated MATLAB file
script, rtwsampleconfig.m. The script is located in the folder matlabroot/toolbox/

Both the block and the script are intended to provide a starting point for customization.
This section describes:

13 Configuration

• How to create a custom Configuration Wizard block linked to a custom script.

• Operation of the example script, and programming conventions and requirements for
a customized script.
• How to run a configuration script from the MATLAB command line (without a block).

Setting Up a Configuration Wizard Block

This section describes how to set up a custom Configuration Wizard block and link it to
a script. If you want to use the block in more than one mode, it is advisable to create a
Simulink library to contain the block.

To begin, make a copy of the example script for later customization:

1 Create a folder to store your custom script. This folder should not be anywhere inside
the MATLAB folder structure (that is, it should not be under matlabroot).

The discussion below refers to this folder as /my_wizards.

2 Add the folder to the MATLAB path. Save the path for future sessions.
3 Copy the example script (matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/rtw/rtwsampleconfig.m)
to the /my_wizards folder you created in the previous steps. Then, rename the
script as desired. The discussion below uses the name my_configscript.m.
4 Open the example script into the MATLAB editor. Scroll to the end of the file and
enter the following line of code:

disp('Custom Configuration Wizard Script completed.');

This statement is used later as a test to verify that your custom block has executed
the script.
5 Save your script and close the MATLAB editor.

The next step is to create a Simulink library and add a custom block to it. Do this as

1 Open the Embedded Coder library and the Configuration Wizards sublibrary, as
described in “Add a Configuration Wizard Block” on page 13-33.
2 Select New > Library from the File menu of the Configuration Wizards sublibrary
window. An empty library window opens.
3 Select the Custom MATLAB file block from the Configuration Wizards sublibrary
and drag and drop it into the empty library window.


4 To distinguish your custom block from the original, edit the Custom MATLAB file
label under the block as desired.
5 Select Save as from the File menu of the new library window; save the library to
the /my_wizards folder, under your library name of choice. In the figure below,
the library has been saved as ex_custom_button, and the block has been labeled
my_wizard MATLAB-file.

The next step is to link the custom block to the custom script:

1 Right-click on the block in your model, and select Mask > Mask Parameters from
the context menu. Notice that the Configure the model for menu is set to Custom.
When Custom is selected, the Configuration function edit field is enabled, so that
you can enter the name of a custom script.
2 Enter the name of your custom script into the Configuration function field. (Do
not enter the .m filename extension, which is implicit.) In the figure below, the script
name my_configscript has been entered into the Configuration function field.
This establishes the linkage between the block and script.

3 Note that by default, the Invoke build process after configuration option is
deselected. You can change the default for your custom block by selecting this option.
For now, leave this option deselected.
4 Click Apply and close the Mask Parameters dialog box.
5 Save the library.

13 Configuration

6 Close the Embedded Coder library and the Configuration Wizards sublibrary. Leave
your custom library open for use in the next step.

Now, test your block and script in a model. Do this as follows:

1 Open the vdp model by typing the command:

2 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and view the options by clicking on
Code Generation in the list in the left pane of the dialog box.
3 Observe that vdp is configured, by default, for the GRT target. Close the
Configuration Parameters dialog box.
4 Select your custom block from your custom library. Drag and drop the block into the
vdp model.
5 In the vdp model, double-click your custom block.
6 In the MATLAB window, you should see the test message you previously added to
your script:

Custom Configuration Wizard Script completed.

This indicates that the custom block executed the script.

7 Reopen the Configuration Parameters dialog box and view the Code Generation
pane again. You should now see that the model is configured for the ERT target.

Before applying further edits to your custom script, proceed to the next section to learn
about the operation and conventions of Configuration Wizard scripts.

Create a Configuration Wizard Script

You should create your custom Configuration Wizard script by copying and modifying the
example script, rtwsampleconfig.m. This section provides guidelines for modification.
The Configuration Function

The example script implements a single function without a return value. The function
takes a single argument cs:

function rtwsampleconfig(cs)

The argument cs is a handle to a proprietary object that contains information about the
model's active configuration set. The Simulink software obtains this handle and passes


it in to the configuration function when the user double-clicks a Configuration Wizard


Your custom script should conform to this prototype. Your code should use cs as a “black
box” object that transmits information to and from the active configuration set, using the
accessor functions described below.
Access Configuration Set Parameters

To set parameters or obtain parameter values, use the Simulink set_param and
get_param functions.

Option names are passed in to set_param and get_param as strings specifying an

internal option name. The internal option name may not correspond to the option
label on the GUI (for example, the Configuration Parameters dialog box). The example
configuration accompanies each set_param and get_param call with a comment that
correlates internal option names to GUI option labels. For example:

set_param(cs,'LifeSpan','1'); % Application lifespan (days)

To obtain the current setting of an option in the active configuration set, call get_param.
Pass in the cs object as the first argument, followed by the internal option name. For
example, the following code excerpt tests the setting of the Create code generation
report option:

if strcmp(get_param(cs, 'GenerateReport'), 'on')


To set an option in the active configuration set, call set_param. Pass in the cs object
as the first argument, followed by one or more parameter/value pairs that specify the
internal option name and its value. For example, the following code excerpt turns off the
Support absolute time option:


Select a Target

A Configuration Wizard script must select a target configuration. The example script
uses the ERT target as a default. The script first stores string variables that correspond
to the required System target file, Template makefile, and Make command

stf = 'ert.tlc';

13 Configuration

tmf = 'ert_default_tmf';
mc = 'make_rtw';

The system target file is selected by passing the cs object and the stf string to the
switchTarget function:


The template makefile and make command options are set by set_param calls:


To select a target, your custom script needs only to set up the string variables stf, tmf,
and mc and pass them to the calls, as above.
Obtain Target and Configuration Set Information

The following utility functions and properties are provided so that your code can obtain
information about the current target and configuration set, with the cs object:

• isValidParam(cs, 'option'): The option argument is an internal option name.

isValidParam returns true if option is a valid option in the context of the active
configuration set.
• getPropEnabled(cs, 'option'): The option argument is an internal option
name. Returns true if this option is enabled (that is, writable).
• IsERTTarget property: Your code can detect whether or not the currently selected
target is derived from the ERT target is selected by checking the IsERTTarget
property, as follows:

isERT = strcmp(get_param(cs,'IsERTTarget'),'on');

This information can be used to determine whether or not the script should configure
ERT-specific options, for example:

if isERT


Invoke a Configuration Wizard Script from the MATLAB Command Prompt

Configuration Wizard scripts can be run from the MATLAB command prompt. (The
Configuration Wizard blocks are provided as a graphical convenience, but are not

Before invoking the script, you must open a model and instantiate a cs object to pass in
as an argument to the script. After running the script, you can invoke the build process
with the rtwbuild command. The following example opens, configures, and builds a
open my_model;
cs = getActiveConfigSet ('my_model');


Code Appearance

• “Add Custom Comments to Generated Code” on page 14-3

• “Add Custom Comments for Signal or Parameter Identifiers” on page 14-5
• “Add Global Comments” on page 14-7
• “Specify Comment Style” on page 14-13
• “Customize Generated Identifier Naming Rules” on page 14-14
• “Identifier Format Control” on page 14-16
• “Control Name Mangling in Generated Identifiers” on page 14-19
• “Avoid Identifier Name Collisions with Referenced Models” on page 14-21
• “Maintain Traceability for Generated Identifiers” on page 14-22
• “Exceptions to Identifier Formatting Conventions” on page 14-23
• “Identifier Format Control Parameters Limitations” on page 14-24
• “Specify Simulink Data Object Naming Rules” on page 14-26
• “Control Code Style” on page 14-27
• “Customize Code Organization and Format” on page 14-35
• “Specify Templates For Code Generation” on page 14-37
• “Code Generation Template (CGT) Files” on page 14-38
• “Custom File Processing (CFP) Templates” on page 14-42
• “Change the Organization of a Generated File” on page 14-44
• “Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing (CFP) Template”
on page 14-46
• “Comparison of a Template and Its Generated File” on page 14-54
• “Code Template API Summary” on page 14-58
• “Generate Custom File and Function Banners” on page 14-61
• “Template Symbols and Rules” on page 14-69
• “Code Annotation for Justifying Polyspace Checks” on page 14-77
14 Code Appearance

• “Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations” on page 14-79

• “Specify Delimiter for #Includes” on page 14-105

Add Custom Comments to Generated Code

Add Custom Comments to Generated Code

You can include auto-generated comments in the generated code as described in
“Configure Code Comments”. For ERT targets, include additional custom comments by
setting parameters on the Code Generation > Comments pane in the Configuration
Parameters dialog box. With these parameters, you can enable or suppress generation of
descriptive information in comments for blocks and other model elements.

Goal Specify
Include the text specified in the Description Simulink block descriptions
field of a block's Block Properties dialog box as
comments in the code generated for each block.
Add a comment that includes the block name at Simulink block descriptions
the start of the code for each block.
Include the text specified in the Description Simulink data object descriptions
field of a Simulink data object (such as a signal,
parameter, data type, or bus) in the Simulink
Model Explorer as comments in the code
generated for each object.
Include comments just above signals and Custom comments (MPT objects only)
parameter identifiers in the generated code as
specified in the MATLAB or TLC function.
Include the text specified in the Description Stateflow object descriptions
field in the Properties dialog box for a Stateflow
object as comments just above the code
generated for each object.
Include requirements assigned to Simulink Requirements in block comments
blocks in the generated code comments (for more
information, see “Generate Code for Models with
Requirements Links”).

When you select Simulink block descriptions:

• The description text for blocks and Stateflow objects and block names generated
as comments can include international (non-US-ASCII) characters. For details on
international character support, see “International Character Support”.

14 Code Appearance

• The code generation software automatically inserts comments into the generated
code for custom blocks. Therefore, you do not need to include block comments in the
associated TLC file for a custom block.

Note: If you have existing TLC files with manually inserted comments for block
descriptions, the code generation process emits these comments instead of the
automatically generated comments. Consider removing existing block comments
from your TLC files. Manually inserted comments might be poorly formatted in the
generated code and code-to-model traceability might not work.
• For virtual blocks or blocks that have been removed due to block reduction, comments
are not generated.

For more information, see “Code Generation Pane: Comments”.

Add Custom Comments for Signal or Parameter Identifiers

Add Custom Comments for Signal or Parameter Identifiers

This example shows you how to add a comment just above a signal or parameter
identifier in the generated code. Do the following:

1 Write a MATLAB or TLC function and save it in a .m or .tlc file

2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation > Comments
pane, select the Custom comments (MPT objects only) check box.
3 In the Custom comments function field, select the .m or .tlc file.

You can include some or all of the property values for the data object. Each Simulink
signal or parameter data object has properties, as described in “Parameter and Signal
Property Values”. This example comment contains some of the property values for the
data object MAP as specified on the Model Explorer:
/* DocUnits: PSI */
/* Owner: */
/* DefinitionFile: specialDef */
real_T MAP = 0.0;

You can type text in the Description field in the Model Explorer for a signal or
parameter data object. If you select the Simulink data object descriptions check
box on the Comments pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, this text
appears beside the signal or parameter identifier in the generated code as a comment.
For example, typing Manifold Absolute Pressure in the Description field for the
data object MAP results in the following in the generated code:
real_T MAP = 0.0; /* Manifold Absolute Pressure */

To add a comment just above a signal or parameter identifier in the generated code:

1 The signal or parameter MPT object must use a custom storage class. Open the MPT
object properties dialog box and confirm that the Storage class is a custom storage
class ((Custom) suffixed to its name). The default storage class for an MPT object is
Global (Custom).
2 Write a MATLAB or TLC function that places comments in the generated files. An
example .m file named rtwdemo_comments_mptfun.m is provided in the matlab/
toolbox/rtw/rtwdemos folder.

The MATLAB function must have three arguments that correspond to objectName,
modelName, and request, respectively. The TLC function must have three

14 Code Appearance

arguments that correspond to objectName, modelName, and request, respectively.

For the TLC file, you can use the library function LibGetSLDataObjectInfo to get
every property value of the data object.
3 Save the function as a .m file or a .tlc file and place it in a folder in the MATLAB
4 Open the model and the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
5 On the left pane, under Code Generation, click Comments.
6 In the Comments pane, on the right, select the Custom comments (MPT objects
only) check box.
7 In the Custom comments function field, type the file name of the .m file or .tlc
file that you created.
8 Click Apply.
9 Click Generate Code.
10 Open the generated files and inspect their content to verify that the comments are
what you want.

Add Global Comments

Add Global Comments

In this section...
“Use a Simulink DocBlock to Add a Comment” on page 14-7
“Use a Simulink Annotation to Add a Comment” on page 14-10
“Use a Stateflow Note to Add a Comment” on page 14-10
“Use Sorted Notes to Add Comments” on page 14-11

The following examples show how to add a global comment to a Simulink model so
that the comment text appears in the generated file or files where you want. Specify a
template symbol name with a Simulink DocBlock, a Simulink annotation, or a Stateflow
note. You can also use a sorted-notes capability that works with Simulink annotations or
Stateflow notes (but not DocBlocks). For more information about template symbols, see
“Template Symbols and Rules” on page 14-69.

Note Template symbol names Description and ModifiedHistory also are fields
in the Model Properties dialog box. If you use one of these symbol names for global
comment text, and its Model Properties field also has text in it, both names appear in the
generated files.

Use a Simulink DocBlock to Add a Comment

1 With the model open, from the View menu, select Library Browser.
2 Drag the DocBlock from Model-Wide Utilities in the Simulink library into the
3 Double-click the DocBlock and type the comment that you want in the editor. Save
and close the editor.
4 Right-click the DocBlock and select Mask > Mask Parameters.
5 In the Code generation template symbol box, type one of the following:

• Abstract
• Description
• History
• ModifiedHistory

14 Code Appearance

• Notes

Click OK. Template symbol names are case sensitive.

If you are using a DocBlock to add comments to your code, set the Document type
to Text. If you set Document type to RTF or HTML, your comments will not appear
in the code.

6 In the Block Properties dialog box, on the Block Annotation tab, select
%<ECoderFlag> and click OK. The symbol name that you typed in the previous step
now appears under the DocBlock in the model.

Add Global Comments

7 Save the model. After you generate code, the code generator places the comment in
each generated file whose template has the symbol name that you typed. The code
generator places the comment in the generated file at the location that corresponds
to where the symbol name is located in the template file.
8 To add more comments to the generated files, repeat steps 1–7.

14 Code Appearance

Use a Simulink Annotation to Add a Comment

1 Double-click the unoccupied area on the model where you want to place the
comment. See “Annotations”.
2 Type <S:Symbol_name> followed by the comment. Symbol_name is one of the

• Abstract
• Description
• History
• ModifiedHistory
• Notes

For example, type <S:Description>This is the description I want.

Template symbol names are case sensitive. (The "S" before the colon indicates
"symbol.") If you want the code generator to sort multiple comments for the Notes
symbol name, replace the next step with “Use Sorted Notes to Add Comments” on
page 14-11.
3 Click outside the rectangle and save the model. After you generate code, the code
generator places the comment in each generated file whose template has the symbol
name that you typed. The code generator places the comment in the generated file
at the location that corresponds to where the symbol name is located in the template
file. If you want the code generator to sort multiple comments for the Notes symbol
name, replace the next step with “Use Sorted Notes to Add Comments” on page
4 To add one or more other comments to the generated files, repeat steps 1–3.

Use a Stateflow Note to Add a Comment

1 Right-click the unoccupied area on the Stateflow chart where you want to place the
2 Select the annotation icon from the palette.
3 Type <S:Symbol_name> followed by the comment. Symbol_name is one of the

• Abstract
• Description

Add Global Comments

• History
• ModifiedHistory
• Notes

For example, type <S:Description>This is the description I want.

Template symbol names are case sensitive. If you want the code generator to sort
multiple comments for the Notes symbol name, replace the next step with “Use
Sorted Notes to Add Comments” on page 14-11.
4 Click outside the note and save the model. After you generate code, the code
generator places the comment in each generated file whose template has the symbol
name that you typed. The code generator places the comment in the generated file
at the location that corresponds to where the symbol name is located in the template
5 To add one or more other comments to the generated files, repeat steps 1–4.

Use Sorted Notes to Add Comments

The sorted-notes capability allows you to add automatically sorted comments to the
generated files. The code generator places these comments in each generated file at the
location that corresponds to where the Notes symbol is located in the template file.

The code generator uses the following sorting order:

• Numbers before letters.

• Among numbers, 0 is first.
• Among letters, uppercase are before lowercase.

You can use sorted notes with a Simulink annotation or a Stateflow note, but not with a

• In the Simulink annotation or the Stateflow note, type <S:NoteY> followed by the
first comment. Y is a number or a letter.
• Repeat for as many additional comments you want. Replace Y with a subsequent
number or letter.

The figure illustrates sorted notes on a model, and where the code generator places each
note in a generated file.

14 Code Appearance

The relevant fragment from the generated file for this model is:

** Note1: This is the first comment I want

associated with the Notes symbol.
Note2: This is the second comment I want under Notes.
Noteb: This is the third comment.


Specify Comment Style

Specify Comment Style

For ERT-based models, the comment style used in generated code is determined by the
programming language selected for the model:

• C code uses /*...*/ notation for both single-line and multiple-line comments.
• C++ code uses //... notation and contains only single-line comments.

If you have an Embedded Coder license, you can modify the comment style for generated
code using the command-line parameter CommentStyle. The parameter takes the
following values:

Value Description
Auto (default) For C, generate single or multiple-line comments delimited by /*
and */.
For C++, generate single-line comments preceded by //.
Multi-line Generate single or multiple-line comments delimited by /* and */.
Single-line Generate single-line comments preceded by //.

For example, the following command sets the comment style to single-line comments:
>> set_param('rtwdemo_counter','CommentStyle','Single-line')

Here is an example of code generated using the single-line comment style:

// Sum: '<Root>/Sum' incorporates:
// Constant: '<Root>/INC'
// UnitDelay: '<Root>/X'

rtb_sum_out = (uint8_T)(1U + rtwdemo_counter_DW.X);

Note: For C code generation, select Single-line only if your compiler supports it

14 Code Appearance

Customize Generated Identifier Naming Rules

For GRT and RSim targets, the code generator automatically constructs identifiers
for variables and functions in the generated code. For ERT targets, you can customize
the naming of identifiers in the generated code by specifying parameters on the Code
Generation > Symbols pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

Goal Specify
Set the maximum number of characters the An integer value for the “Maximum identifier
code generator uses for function, typedef, and length” parameter. For more information, see
variable names (default 31) “Specify Identifier Length to Avoid Naming
Collisions”. If you expect your model to generate
lengthy identifiers (due to use of long signal or
parameter names, for example), or you find that
identifiers are mangled more than expected,
increase the value of this parameter. For more
information, see “Specify Identifier Length to
Avoid Naming Collisions”.
Define a macro string that specifies certain A macro string for the Identifier format
substrings that are included within generated control parameters. For more information, see
identifiers for: “Identifier Format Control” on page 14-16.
For exceptions and limitations, see “Exceptions
• Global variables to Identifier Formatting Conventions” on
• Global types page 14-23 and “Identifier Format Control
Parameters Limitations” on page 14-24.
• Field names of global types
• Subsystem methods
• Subsystem method arguments
• Local temporary variables
• Local block output variables
• Constant macros
• Shared utilities
Set the minimum number of characters that the An integer value for the “Minimum mangle
code generator uses for the mangling string length” parameter. For more information,
see “Control Name Mangling in Generated
Identifiers” on page 14-19.

Customize Generated Identifier Naming Rules

Goal Specify
Control whether shortened names are used for Shortened for the “System-generated
system-generated identifiers identifiers” parameter. This setting:

• Provides more space for user names.

• Provides a more predictable and consistent
naming system that uses camel case.
• Does not include underscores or plurals
• Provides consistent abbreviations for both a
type and a variable.
Control whether scalar inlined parameter values The value Literals or Macros for the
are expressed in the generated code as literal “Generate scalar inlined parameter as”
values or macros parameter.

• Literals: If you select Inline parameters,

parameters are expressed as numeric
• Macros: Parameters are expressed as
variables (with #define macros). This
setting makes code more readable.

For more information on these parameters, see “Code Generation Pane: Symbols”.

14 Code Appearance

Identifier Format Control

You can customize generated identifiers by specifying the Identifier format control
parameters on the Code Generation > Symbols pane in the Configuration Parameters
dialog box. For each parameter, you can enter a macro string that specifies whether, and
in what order, certain substrings are included within generated identifiers. For example,
you can specify that the root model name be inserted into each identifier using the $R

The macro string can include:

• Valid tokens, which are listed in Identifier Format Tokens. You can use or omit
tokens depending on what you want to include in the identifier name. The Shared
utilities parameter requires you to specify the checksum string token, $C . The
other parameters require the mangling string token, $M. For more information, see
“Control Name Mangling in Generated Identifiers” on page 14-19. The mangling
string token is subject to the use and ordering restrictions noted in Identifier Format
Control Parameter Values.
• Valid C or C++ language identifier characters (a-z, A-Z, _ , 0-9).

The build process generates each identifier by expanding tokens and inserting the
resultant strings into the identifier. The tokens are expanded in the order listed in
Identifier Format Tokens. Character strings are inserted in the positions that you specify
around tokens directly into the identifier. Contiguous token expansions are separated by
the underscore (_) character.

Identifier Format Tokens

Token Description
$M This token is required. If necessary, the code generator inserts a name
mangling string to avoid naming collisions. The position of the $M token
in the Identifier format control parameter specification determines
the position of the name mangling string in the generated identifier. For
example, if you use the specification $R$N$M, the name mangling string is
appended (if required) to the end of the identifier. For more information,
see “Control Name Mangling in Generated Identifiers” on page 14-19
$F Insert method name (for example, _Update for update method). This
token is available only for subsystem methods.

Identifier Format Control

Token Description
$N Insert name of object (block, signal or signal object, state, parameter,
shared utility function or parameter object) for which identifier is being
$R Insert root model name into identifier, replacing unsupported characters
with the underscore (_) character. When you use referenced models, this
token is required in addition to $M (see “Avoid Identifier Name Collisions
with Referenced Models” on page 14-21).

Note: This token replaces the Prefix model name to global identifiers
option in previous releases.
$H Insert tag indicating system hierarchy level. For root-level blocks, the tag
is the string root_. For blocks at the subsystem level, the tag is of the
form sN_. N is a unique system number assigned by the Simulink software.
This token is available only for subsystem methods and field names of
global types.

Note: This token replaces the Include System Hierarchy Number in

Identifiers option in previous releases.
$A Insert data type acronym (for example, i32 for integers) to signal and
work vector identifiers. This token is available for local block output
variables, local temporary variables, and field names of global types.

Note: This token replaces the Include data type acronym in identifier
option in previous releases.
$I Insert u if the argument is an input or y if the argument is an output. (For
example, rtu_ for an input argument and rty_ for an output argument).
This token is available only for subsystem method arguments.
$C This token is required for Shared utilities. If the identifier exceeds the
Maximum identifier length, the code generator inserts an 8-character
checksum to avoid naming collisions. The position of the $C token in
the Identifier format control parameter specification determines the
position of the checksum in the generated identifier. For example, if you
use the specification $N$C, the checksum is appended to the end of the
identifier. This token is available only for shared utilities.

Identifier Format Control Parameter Values lists the default macro string, the supported
tokens, and the applicable restrictions for each Identifier format control parameter.

14 Code Appearance

Identifier Format Control Parameter Values

Parameter Default Value Supported Restrictions

Global variables rt$N$M $R, $N, $M $F, $H, $A, and $I are not allowed.
Global types $N$R$M_T $N, $R, $M $F, $H, $A, and $I are not allowed.
Field name of $N$M $N, $M, $H, $A $R, $F, and $I are not allowed.
global types
Subsystem $F$N$M $R, $N, $M, $F and $H are empty for Stateflow
methods $F, $H functions; $A and $I are not
Subsystem method rt$I$N$M $N, $M, $I $R, $F, $H, and $A are not allowed.
Local temporary $N$M $N, $M, $R, $A $F, $H, and $I are not allowed.
Local block output rtb_$N$M $N, $M, $A $R, $F, $H, and $I are not allowed.
Constant macros $R$N$M $R, $N, $M $F, $H, $A, and $I are not allowed.
Shared utilities $N$C $N, $C $C is required. $M, $R, $F, $H, $A ,
and $I are not allowed.

Non-ERT-based targets (such as the GRT target) implicitly use a default $R$N$M
specification. This default specification consists of the root model name, followed by the
name of the generating object (signal, parameter, state, and so on), followed by a name
mangling string.

For limitations that apply to Identifier format control parameters, see “Exceptions
to Identifier Formatting Conventions” on page 14-23 and “Identifier Format Control
Parameters Limitations” on page 14-24.

Control Name Mangling in Generated Identifiers

Control Name Mangling in Generated Identifiers

The position of the $M token in the Identifier format control parameter specification
determines the position of the name mangling string in the generated identifiers. For
example, if you use the specification $R$N$M, the name mangling string is appended
(if required) to the end of the identifier. For more information, see “Identifier Format
Control” on page 14-16.

Name Mangling String Per Object

Object Type Source of Mangling String

Block diagram Name of block diagram
Simulink block “Simulink Identifier” (SID)
Simulink parameter Full name of parameter owner (model or block) and parameter
Simulink signal Signal name, full name of source block, and port number
Stateflow objects Complete path to Stateflow block and Stateflow computed name
(unique within chart)

The length of the name mangling string is specified by the Minimum mangle length
parameter. The default value is 1, but this automatically increases during code
generation as a function of the number of collisions. To minimize disturbance to the
generated code during development, specify a larger Minimum mangle length. A
Minimum mangle length of 4 is a conservative value. A value of 4 allows for over 1.5
million collisions for a particular identifier before the mangle length is increased.

Minimize Name Mangling

The length of generated identifiers is limited by the Maximum identifier length
parameter. When a name collision exists, the $M token is expanded to the minimum
number of characters required to avoid the collision. Other tokens and character
strings are expanded in the order listed in Identifier Format Tokens. If the Maximum
identifier length is not large enough to accommodate full expansions of the other
tokens, partial expansions are used. To avoid partial expansions, it is good practice to:

• Avoid name collisions. One way to avoid name collisions is to not use default block
names (for example, Gain1, Gain2...) when there are many blocks of the same type
in the model.

14 Code Appearance

• Where possible, increase the Maximum identifier length to accommodate the

length of the identifiers that you expect to generate.
• Set the Maximum identifier length parameter to reserve at least three characters
for the name mangling string. The length of the name mangling string increases as
the number of name collisions increases.

If changes to the model create more or fewer collisions, an existing name mangling
string increases or decreases in length. If the length of the name mangling string
increases, additional characters are appended to the existing string. For example,
the mangling string 'xyz' can change to 'xyzQ'. For fewer collisions, the name
mangling string 'xyz' changes to 'xy'.

Avoid Identifier Name Collisions with Referenced Models

Avoid Identifier Name Collisions with Referenced Models

Within a model that uses referenced models, collisions between the names of the models
are not allowed. When generating code from a model that uses model referencing:

• You must include the $R token in the Identifier format control parameter
specifications (in addition to the $M token).
• The Maximum identifier length must be large enough to accommodate full
expansions of the $R and $M tokens. If Maximum identifier length is too small, a
code generation error occurs.

When a name conflict occurs between an identifier within the scope of a higher-level
model and an identifier within the scope of a referenced model, the identifier from the
referenced model is preserved. Name mangling is performed on the identifier from the
higher-level model.

If your model contains two referenced models with the same input or output port
names, and one of the referenced models contains an atomic subsystem with “Function
packaging” set to Nonreuseable function, a name conflict can occur and the build
process produces an error.

14 Code Appearance

Maintain Traceability for Generated Identifiers

To verify your model, you can trace back and forth between generated identifiers and
corresponding entities within the model. To maintain traceability, it is important that
incremental revisions to a model have minimal impact on the identifier names that
appear in generated code. There are two ways to minimally impact the identifier names:

• Choose unique names for Simulink objects (blocks, signals, states, and so on) as much
as possible.
• Use name mangling when conflicts cannot be avoided.

The position of the name mangling string is specified by the placement of the $M token in
the Identifier format control parameters. Mangle characters consist of alphanumeric
characters that are unique to each object. For more information, see “Control Name
Mangling in Generated Identifiers” on page 14-19.

Exceptions to Identifier Formatting Conventions

Exceptions to Identifier Formatting Conventions

There are some exceptions to the identifier formatting conventions described in
“Identifier Format Control” on page 14-16.

• Type name generation: name mangling conventions do not apply to type names (that
is, typedef statements) generated for global data types. If the $R token is included in
the Identifier format control parameter specification, the model name is included
in the typedef. When generating type definitions, the Maximum identifier length
parameter is not respected.
• Non-Auto storage classes: the Identifier format control parameters specification
does not affect objects (such as signals and parameters) that have a storage class
other than Auto (such as ImportedExtern or ExportedGlobal).
• For shared utilities, code generation inserts the checksum specified by $C to prevent
name collisions in the following situations:

• $C is specified without $N.

• The length of $N plus the length of the text that you specify exceeds the
Maximum identifier length. Code generation truncates $N and inserts an 8-
character checksum where you specified $C in the formatting string.

14 Code Appearance

Identifier Format Control Parameters Limitations

The following limitations apply to the Identifier format control parameters:

• The following autogenerated identifiers currently do not fully comply with the setting
of the Maximum identifier length parameter on the Code Generation > Symbols
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

• Model methods

• The applicable format string is $R$F, and the longest $F is _derivatives,

which is 12 characters long. The model name can be up to 19 characters
without exceeding the default Maximum identifier length of 31.
• Local functions generated by S-functions or by add-on products such as DSP
System Toolbox™ that rely on S-functions
• Local variables generated by S-functions or by add-on products such as DSP
System Toolbox that rely on S-functions
• DW identifiers generated by S-functions in referenced models
• Fixed-point shared utility macros or shared utility functions
• Simulink rtm macros

• Most are within the default Maximum identifier

length of 31, but some exceed the limit. Examples are
RTMSpecAccsGetErrorStatusPointer, and
• Define protection guard macros

• Header file guards, such as _RTW_HEADER_$(filename)_h_, which can

exceed the default Maximum identifier length of 31 given a filename such as
• Include file guards, such as _$R_COMMON_INCLUDES_.
• typedef guards, such as _CSCI_$R_CHARTSTRUCT_.
• In some situations, the following identifiers potentially can conflict with others.

• Model methods
• Reentrant model function arguments

Identifier Format Control Parameters Limitations

• Local functions generated by S-functions or by add-on products such as DSP

System Toolbox that rely on S-functions
• Local variables generated by S-functions or by add-on products such as DSP
System Toolbox that rely on S-functions
• Fixed-point shared utility macros or shared utility functions
• Include header guard macros
• The following external identifiers that are unknown to the Simulink software might
conflict with autogenerated identifiers.

• Identifiers defined in custom code

• Identifiers defined in custom header files
• Identifiers introduced through a non-ANSI C standard library
• Identifiers defined by custom TLC code
• Identifiers generated for simulation targets might exceed the Maximum identifier
length. Simulation targets include the model reference simulation target, the
accelerated simulation target, the RSim target, and the S-function target.
• Identifiers generated using a model name and bus object data type name, which are
both long names, might exceed the Maximum identifier length. For example, a
ground value variable name is generated as <model_name>_rtZ<bus_name>. If the
model_name and bus_name are close to the maximum identifier length, the name
exceeds the maximum identifier length.

14 Code Appearance

Specify Simulink Data Object Naming Rules

To Define Rules that Change the Names of... Specify a Naming Rule with the ...
Signals Signal naming parameter
Parameters Parameter naming parameter
Parameters that have a storage class of #define naming parameter

For more information on these parameters, see “Specify Data Object Naming Rules”.

Control Code Style

Control Code Style

In this section...
“Control Parentheses in Generated Code” on page 14-27
“Control Indentation Style in Generated Code” on page 14-28
“Control Cast Expressions in Generated Code” on page 14-29

You can change the code style, cast expressions, and indentation of your generated code
to conform to certain coding standards. Modify style options by setting parameters on the
Code Generation > Code Style pane.

In the generated code, you can control the following style aspects:

• Level of parenthesization, see “Control Parentheses in Generated Code” on page

• Order of operands in expressions, see “Preserve operand order in expression”
• Empty primary condition expressions in if statements, see “Preserve condition
expression in if statement”
• Whether to generate code for if-elseif-else decision logic as switch-case
statements, see “Convert if-elseif-else patterns to switch-case statements”
• Whether to include the extern keyword in function declarations, see “Preserve
extern keyword in function declarations”
• Whether to generate default cases for switch-case statements in the code for Stateflow
charts, see “Suppress generation of default cases for Stateflow switch statements if
• Cast expressions, see “Control Cast Expressions in Generated Code” on page 14-29
• Indentation style, see “Control Indentation Style in Generated Code” on page

Control Parentheses in Generated Code

C code contains some syntactically required parentheses, and can contain additional
parentheses that change semantics by overriding default operator precedence. C code can
also contain optional parentheses that have no functional significance, but only increase
the readability of the code. Optional C parentheses vary between two stylistic extremes:

14 Code Appearance

• Include the minimum parentheses required by C syntax and precedence overrides so

that C precedence rules specify all semantics unless overridden by parentheses.
• Include the maximum parentheses that can exist without duplication so that
C precedence rules become irrelevant. Parentheses alone completely specify all

Understanding code with minimum parentheses can require applying nonobvious

precedence rules. Maximum parentheses can hinder code reading by belaboring obvious
precedence rules. Various parenthesization standards exist that specify one or the other
extreme, or define an intermediate style useful to people who read code.

The following example model shows the three levels of parentheses control that you
can set before generating code: rtwdemo_parentheses. For more information on this
parameter, see “Parentheses level”.

Control Indentation Style in Generated Code

For code indentation, you can set the following parameters:

• “Indent style” controls the placement of braces in generated code.

• “Indent size” controls the number of characters per indent level in generated code (2–
8 characters).

You can set Indent style to K&R or Allman style.


K&R stands for Kernighan and Ritchie. Each function has the opening and closing brace
on its own line at the same level of indentation as the function header. Code within the
function is indented according to the Indent size.

For blocks within a function, opening braces are on the same line as the control
statement. Closing braces are on a new line at the same level of indentation as the
control statement. Code within the block is indented according to the Indent size.

For example, here is generated code with the Indent style set to K&R with an Indent
size of 2:

void rt_OneStep(void)

Control Code Style

static boolean_T OverrunFlag = 0;

if (OverrunFlag) {
rtmSetErrorStatus(rtwdemo_counter_M, "Overrun");

OverrunFlag = TRUE;
OverrunFlag = FALSE;


Each function has the opening and closing brace on its own line at the same level of
indentation as the function header. Code within the function is indented according to the
Indent size.

For blocks within a function, opening and closing braces for control statements are on
a new line at the same level of indentation as the control statement. This is the key
difference between K&R and Allman styles. Code within the block is indented according
to the Indent size.

For example, here is generated code with the Indent style set to Allman with an
Indent size of 4:

void rt_OneStep(void)
static boolean_T OverrunFlag = 0;
if (OverrunFlag)
rtmSetErrorStatus(rtwdemo_counter_M, "Overrun");

OverrunFlag = TRUE;
OverrunFlag = FALSE;

Control Cast Expressions in Generated Code

You can choose how the code generator specifies data type casts in the generated code.
In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Code Generation > Code Style.

14 Code Appearance

From the Casting Modes drop-down list, three parameter options control how the code
generator casts data types.

• Nominal instructs the code generator to generate code that has minimal data type
casting and is compatible with previous code generator versions. When you do not
have special data type information requirements, choose Nominal .
• Standards Compliant instructs the code generator to cast data types to conform to
MISRA standards when it generates code. The MISRA data type casting eliminates
common MISRA standard violations, including address arithmetic and assignment. It
reduces 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4 violations.

For more information, see “MISRA C Guidelines”.

• Explicit instructs the code generator to cast data type values explicitly when it
generates code. You can see how a value is stored, which tells you how much memory
space the code uses for the variable. The data type informs you how much precision is
possible in calculations involving the variable.

Open the example model rtwdemo_rtwecintro.

Enable Nominal Casting Mode and Generate Code

When you choose Nominal casting mode, the code generator does not create data type
casts for variables in the generated code.

1 On the Code Generation > Code Style pane, from the Casting Modes drop-down
list, select Nominal.
2 On the Code Generation > Report pane, select Create code generation report.

Control Code Style

3 On the Code Generation pane, select Generate code only.

4 Click Apply.
5 Click Generate Code.
6 In the Code Generation report left pane, click rtwdemo_rtwecintro.c to see the

/* Model step function */

void rtwdemo_rtwecintro_step(void)
boolean_T rtb_equal_to_count;

/* Sum: 'XRootX/Sum' incorporates:

* Constant: 'XRootX/INC'
* UnitDelay: 'XRootX/X'

/* RelationalOperator: 'XRootX/RelOpt' incorporates:

* Constant: 'XRootX/LIMIT'
rtb_equal_to_count = (rtDWork.X != 16);

/* Outputs for Triggered SubSystem: 'XRootX/Amplifier' incorporates:

* TriggerPort: 'XS1X/Trigger'
if (rtb_equal_to_count && (rtPrevZCSigState.Amplifier_Trig_ZCE != POS_ZCSIG))
/* Outport: 'XRootX/Output' incorporates:
* Gain: 'XS1X/Gain'
* Inport: 'XRootX/Input'
rtY.Output = rtU.Input << 1;

rtPrevZCSigState.Amplifier_Trig_ZCE = (uint8_T)(rtb_equal_to_count ? (int32_T)


/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: 'XRootX/Amplifier' */

/* Switch: 'XRootX/Switch' */
if (!rtb_equal_to_count) {
/* Update for UnitDelay: 'XRootX/X' incorporates:
* Constant: 'XRootX/RESET'

14 Code Appearance

rtDWork.X = 0U;

/* End of Switch: 'XRootX/Switch' */


Enable Standards Compliant Casting Mode and Generate Code

When you choose Standards Compliant casting mode, the code generator creates
MISRA standards compliant data type casts for variables in the generated code.

1 On the Code Style pane, from the Casting Modes drop-down list, select
Standards Compliant.
2 On the Code Generation pane, click Apply.
3 Click Generate Code.
4 In the Code Generation report left pane, click rtwdemo_rtwecintro.c to see the
void rtwdemo_rtwecintro_step(void)
boolean_T rtb_equal_to_count;

/* Sum: '<Root>/Sum' incorporates:

* Constant: '<Root>/INC'
* UnitDelay: '<Root>/X'

/* RelationalOperator: '<Root>/RelOpt' incorporates:

* Constant: '<Root>/LIMIT'
rtb_equal_to_count = (boolean_T)(int32_T)((int32_T)rtDWork.X != (int32_T)16);

/* Outputs for Triggered SubSystem: '<Root>/Amplifier' incorporates:

* TriggerPort: '<S1>/Trigger'
if (((int32_T)rtb_equal_to_count) && (rtPrevZCSigState.Amplifier_Trig_ZCE !=
/* Outport: '<Root>/Output' incorporates:
* Gain: '<S1>/Gain'
* Inport: '<Root>/Input'

Control Code Style

rtY.Output = (int32_T)(uint32_T)((uint32_T)rtU.Input << (uint32_T)(int8_T)1);


rtPrevZCSigState.Amplifier_Trig_ZCE = (uint8_T)(int32_T)(rtb_equal_to_count ?
(int32_T)(uint8_T)POS_ZCSIG : (int32_T)(uint8_T)ZERO_ZCSIG);

/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Amplifier' */

/* Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */
if (!rtb_equal_to_count) {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<Root>/X' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/RESET'
rtDWork.X = 0U;

/* End of Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */


Enable Explicit Casting Mode and Generate Code

When you choose Explicit casting mode, the code generator creates explicit data type
casts for variables in the generated code.

1 On the Code Style pane, from the Casting Modes drop-down list, select Explicit.
2 On the Code Generation pane, click Apply.
3 Click Generate Code.
4 In the Code Generation report left pane, click rtwdemo_rtwecintro.c to see the

/* Model step function */

void rtwdemo_rtwecintro_step(void)
boolean_T rtb_equal_to_count;

/* Sum: '<Root>/Sum' incorporates:

* Constant: '<Root>/INC'
* UnitDelay: '<Root>/X'
rtDWork.X = (uint8_T)(1U + (uint32_T)(int32_T)rtDWork.X);

/* RelationalOperator: '<Root>/RelOpt' incorporates:

* Constant: '<Root>/LIMIT'

14 Code Appearance

rtb_equal_to_count = (boolean_T)((int32_T)rtDWork.X != 16);

/* Outputs for Triggered SubSystem: '<Root>/Amplifier' incorporates:

* TriggerPort: '<S1>/Trigger'
if (((int32_T)rtb_equal_to_count) && ((int32_T)((int32_T)
rtPrevZCSigState.Amplifier_Trig_ZCE != (int32_T)POS_ZCSIG))) {
/* Outport: '<Root>/Output' incorporates:
* Gain: '<S1>/Gain'
* Inport: '<Root>/Input'
rtY.Output = rtU.Input << 1;

rtPrevZCSigState.Amplifier_Trig_ZCE = (uint8_T)(rtb_equal_to_count ? (int32_T)


/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Amplifier' */

/* Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */
if (!(int32_T)rtb_equal_to_count) {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<Root>/X' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/RESET'
rtDWork.X = 0U;

/* End of Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */


More About
• “Code Generation Pane: Code Style”

Customize Code Organization and Format

Customize Code Organization and Format

In this section...
“Custom File Processing Components” on page 14-35
“Custom File Processing Configuration” on page 14-36

Custom file processing (CFP) tools allow you to customize the organization and
formatting of your generated code. With these tools, you can:

• Generate a source (.c or .cpp) or header (.h) file. Using a custom file processing
template (CFP template), you can control how code emits to the standard generated
model files (for example, model.c or .cpp, model.h) or generate files that are
independent of model code.
• Organize generated code into sections (such as includes, typedefs, functions, and
more). Your CFP template can emit code (for example, functions), directives (such as
#define or #include statements), or comments into each section.
• Generate custom file banners (comment sections) at the start and end of generated
code files and custom function banners that precede functions in the generated code.
• Generate code to call model functions, such as model_initialize, model_step,
and so on.
• Generate code to read and write model inputs and outputs.
• Generate a main program module.
• Obtain information about the model and the generated files from the model.

Custom File Processing Components

The custom file processing features are based on the following interrelated components:

• Code generation template (CGT) files: a CGT file defines the top-level organization
and formatting of generated code. See “Code Generation Template (CGT) Files” on
page 14-38.
• The code template API: a high-level Target Language Compiler (TLC) API that
provides functions with which you can organize code into named sections and
subsections of generated source and header files. The code template API also provides
utilities that return information about generated files, generate standard model calls,
and perform other functions. See “Code Template API Summary” on page 14-58.

14 Code Appearance

• Custom file processing (CFP) templates: a CFP template is a TLC file that manages
the process of custom code generation. A CFP template assembles code to be
generated into buffers. A CFP template also calls the code template API to emit the
buffered code into specified sections of generated source and header files. A CFP
template interacts with a CGT file, which defines the ordering of major sections of the
generated code. See “Custom File Processing (CFP) Templates” on page 14-42.

To use CFP templates, you must understand TLC programming, for more information,
see “Target Language Compiler”.

Custom File Processing Configuration

Customize generated code by specifying code and data templates on the Code
Generation > Templates pane:

Goal Action
Specify a template that defines Enter a code generation template (CGT) file for the Source
the top-level organization and file (*.c) template parameter.
formatting of generated source
code (.c or .cpp) files
Specify a template that defines Enter a CGT file for the Header file (*.h) template
the top-level organization and parameter. This template file can be the same template file
formatting of generated header that you specify for Source file (.c) template. If you use the
(.h) files same template file, source and header files contain identical
banners. The default template is matlabroot
Specify a template that organizes Enter a custom file processing (CFP) template file for the
generated code into sections (such “File customization template” parameter. A CFP template can
as includes, typedefs, functions, emit code, directives, or comments into each section. For more
and more) information, see “Custom File Processing (CFP) Templates” on
page 14-42.
Generate a model-specific example Select Generate an example main program. For more
main program module information, see “Generate a Standalone Program”.

Note: Place the template files that you specify on the MATLAB path.

Specify Templates For Code Generation

Specify Templates For Code Generation

To use custom file processing features, create CGT files and CFP templates. These files
are based on default templates provided by the code generation software. Once you have
created your templates, you must integrate them into the code generation process.

Select and edit CGT files and CFP templates, and specify their use in the code generation
process in the Code Generation > Templates pane of a model configuration set. The
following figure shows options configured for their defaults.

The options related to custom file processing are:

• The Source file (.c) template field in the Code templates and Data templates
sections. This field specifies the name of a CGT file to use when generating source (.c
or .cpp) files. You must place this file on the MATLAB path.
• The Header file (.h) template field in the Code templates and Data templates
sections. This field specifies the name of a CGT file to use when generating header
(.h) files. You must place this file on the MATLAB path.

By default, the template for both source and header files is matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/
• The File customization template edit field in the Custom templates section. This
field specifies the name of a CFP template file to use when generating code files. You
must place this file on the MATLAB path. The default CFP template is matlabroot/

In each of these fields, click Browse to navigate to and select an existing CFP template
or CGT file. Click Edit to open the specified file into the MATLAB editor where you can
customize it.

14 Code Appearance

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files

Code Generation Template (CGT) files define the top-level organization and formatting of
generated source code and header files. CGT files have the following applications:

• Generation of custom banners (comments sections) in code files. See “Generate

Custom File and Function Banners” on page 14-61.
• Generation of custom code using a CFP template requires a CGT file. To use CFP
templates, you must understand the CGT file structure. In many cases, however, you
can use the default CGT file without modifying it.

Default CGT file

The code generation software provides a default CGT file, matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/
ecoder/ert_code_template.cgt. Base your custom CGT files on the default file.

CGT File Structure

A CGT file consists of one required section and four optional sections:

Code Insertion Section

(Required) This section contains tokens that define an ordered partitioning of the
generated code into a number of sections (such as Includes and Defines sections).
Tokens have the form of:

For example,

The code generation software defines a minimal set of required tokens. These tokens
generate C or C++ source or header code. They are built-in tokens (see “Built-In Tokens
and Sections” on page 14-39). You can also define custom tokens and custom sections.

Each token functions as a placeholder for a corresponding section of generated code. The
ordering of the tokens defines the order in which the corresponding sections appear in
the generated code. If you do not include a token, then the corresponding section is not
generated. To generate code into a given section, explicitly call the code template API
from a CFP template, as described in “Custom File Processing (CFP) Templates” on page

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files

The CGT tokens define the high-level organization of generated code. Using the code
template API, you can partition each code section into named subsections, as described in
“Subsections” on page 14-40.

In the code insertion section, you can also insert C or C++ comments between tokens.
Such comments emit directly into the generated code.

File Banner Section

(Optional) This section contains comments and tokens you use in generating a custom file

Function Banner Section

(Optional) This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom
function banner.

Shared Utility Function Banner Section

(Optional) This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom
shared utility function banner.

File Trailer Section

(Optional) This section contains comments for use in generating a custom trailer banner.

For more information on these sections, see “Generate Custom File and Function
Banners” on page 14-61.

Built-In Tokens and Sections

The following code extract shows the required code insertion section of the default CGT
file with the required built-in tokens.
%% Code insertion section (required)
%% These are required tokens. You can insert comments and other tokens in
%% between them, but do not change their order or remove them.

14 Code Appearance

Note the following requirements for customizing a CGT file:

• Do not remove required built-in tokens.

• Built-in tokens must appear in the order shown because each successive section has
dependencies on previous sections.
• Only one token per line.
• Do not repeat tokens.
• You can add custom tokens and comments to the code insertion section as long as you
do not violate the previous requirements.

Note: If you modify a CGT file and then rebuild your model, the code generation process
does not force a top model build. To regenerate the code, see “Force Regeneration of Top
Model Code”.

The following table summarizes the built-in tokens and corresponding section names,
and describes the code sections.

Built-In CGT Tokens and Corresponding Code Sections

Token and Section Description
Includes #include directives section
Defines #define directives section
Types typedef section.Typedefs can depend on a previously defined
Enums Enumerated types section
Definitions Data definitions (for example, double x = 3.0;)
Declarations Data declarations (for example, extern double x;)
Functions C or C++ functions

You can define one or more named subsections for any section. Some of the built-in
sections have predefined subsections summarized in table “Subsections Defined for Built-
In Sections”.

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files

Note: Sections and subsections emit to the source or header file in the order listed in the
CGT file.

Using the custom section feature, you can define additional sections. See “Generate a
Custom Section”.

Subsections Defined for Built-In Sections

Section Subsections Subsection Description

Includes N/A
Defines N/A
Types IntrinsicTypes Intrinsic typedef section. Intrinsic types depend
only on intrinsic C or C++ types.
Types PrimitiveTypedefs Primitive typedef section. Primitive typedefs
depend only on intrinsic C or C++ types
and on typedefs previously defined in the
IntrinsicTypes section.
Types UserTop You can place any type of code in this section,
including code that has dependencies on the
previous sections.
Types Typedefs typedef section. Typedefs can depend on
previously defined types
Enums N/A
Definitions N/A
Declarations N/A
Functions C or C++ functions
Functions CompilerErrors #error directives
Functions CompilerWarnings #warning directives
Functions Documentation Documentation (comment) section
Functions UserBottom You can place any code in this section.

14 Code Appearance

Custom File Processing (CFP) Templates

The files provided to support custom file processing are:

• matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/codetemplatelib.tlc: A TLC function library that implements

the code template API. codetemplatelib.tlc also provides the comprehensive
documentation of the API in the comments headers preceding each function.
• matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/example_file_process.tlc: An example custom
file processing (CFP) template, which you should use as the starting point for creating
your own CFP templates. Guidelines and examples for creating a CFP template are
provided in “Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing (CFP)
Template” on page 14-46.
• TLC files supporting generation of single-rate and multirate main program modules
(see “Customizing Main Program Module Generation” on page 14-50).

Once you have created a CFP template, you must integrate it into the code generation
process, using the File customization template edit field. See “Specify Templates For
Code Generation” on page 14-37.

Custom File Processing (CFP) Template Structure

A custom file processing (CFP) template imposes a simple structure on the code
generation process. The template, a code generation template (CGT) file, partitions the
code generated for each file into a number of sections. These sections are summarized
in Built-In CGT Tokens and Corresponding Code Sections and Subsections Defined for
Built-In Sections.

Code for each section is assembled in buffers and then emitted, in the order listed, to the
file being generated.

To generate a file section, your CFP template must first assemble the code to be
generated into a buffer. Then, to emit the section, your template calls the TLC function
LibSetSourceFileSection(fileH, section, tmpBuf)


• fileH is a file reference to a file being generated.

• section is the code section or subsection to which code is to be emitted. section must
be one of the section or subsection names listed in Subsections Defined for Built-In

Custom File Processing (CFP) Templates

Determine the section argument as follows:

• If Subsections Defined for Built-In Sections does not define subsections for a given
section, use the section name as the section argument.
• If Subsections Defined for Built-In Sections defines one or more subsections for
a given section, you can use either the section name or a subsection name as the
section argument.
• If you have defined a custom token denoting a custom section, do not call
LibSetSourceFileSection. Special API calls are provided for custom sections
(see “Generate a Custom Section” on page 14-51).
• tmpBuf is the buffer containing the code to be emitted.

There is no requirement to generate all of the available sections. Your template need only
generate the sections you require in a particular file.

Note that legality or syntax checking is not performed on the custom code within each

See “Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing (CFP) Template”
on page 14-46, for typical usage examples.

14 Code Appearance

Change the Organization of a Generated File

The files created during code generation are organized according to the general code
generation template. This template has the filename ert_code_template.cgt, and
is specified by default in Code Generation > Templates pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog box.

The following fragment shows the rtwdemo_mpf.c file header that is generated using
this default template:
* File: rtwdemo_mpf.c
* Code generated for Simulink model 'rtwdemo_mpf'.
* Model version : 1.88
* Simulink Coder version : 8.0 (R2011a) 26-Aug-2010
* TLC version : 7.6 (Sep 3 2010)
* C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Sep 09 10:10:14 2010
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: Generic->32-bit Embedded Processor
* Code generation objectives: Unspecified
* Validation result: Not run

You can change the organization of generated files using code templates and data
templates. Code templates organize the files that contain functions, primarily. Data
templates organize the files that contain identifiers. In this procedure, you organize the
generated files, using the supplied code and data templates:

1 Display the active Templates configuration parameters.

2 In the Code templates section of the Templates pane, type
code_c_template.cgt into the Source file (*.c) templates text box.
3 Type code_h_template.cgt into the Header file (*.h) templates text box.
4 In the Data templates section, type data_c_template.cgt into the Source file
(*.c) templates text box.
5 Type data_h_template.cgt into the Header file (*.h) templates text box, and
click Apply.
6 Click Generate Code. Now the files are organized using the templates you
specified. For example, the rtwdemo_mpf.c file header now is organized like this:

Change the Organization of a Generated File

** Filename: rtwdemo_mpf.c
** File Creation Date: 09-Sep-2010
** Model Name: rtwdemo_mpf
** Model Description: Data packaging examples
** Model Version: 1.89
** Model Author: The MathWorks Inc. - Mon Mar 01 11:23:00 2004
** Model at Code Generation: ssulliva - Thu Sep 09 10:19:35 2010
** Last Saved Modification: ssulliva - Thu Sep 09 10:19:13 2010

14 Code Appearance

Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing

(CFP) Template
In this section...
“Generate Code with a CFP Template” on page 14-46
“Analysis of the Example CFP Template and Generated Code” on page 14-48
“Generate a Custom Section” on page 14-51
“Custom Tokens” on page 14-53

This example shows you the process of generating a simple source (.c or .cpp) and
header (.h) file using the example CFP template. Then, it examines the template and the
code generated by the template.

The example CFP template, matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/

example_file_process.tlc, demonstrates some of the capabilities of the code template API,

• Generation of simple source (.c or .cpp) and header (.h) files

• Use of buffers to generate file sections for includes, functions, and so on
• Generation of includes, defines, into the standard generated files (for example,
• Generation of a main program module

Generate Code with a CFP Template

This section sets up a CFP template and configures a model to use the template in code
generation. The template generates (in addition to the standard model files) a source file
(timestwo.c or .cpp) and a header file (timestwo.h).

Follow the steps below to become acquainted with the use of CFP templates:

1 Copy the example CFP template, matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/

example_file_process.tlc, to a folder outside of the MATLAB folder structure (that is,
not under matlabroot). If the folder is not on the MATLAB path or the TLC path,
then add it to the MATLAB path. It is good practice to locate the CFP template in
the same folder as your system target file, which is on the TLC path.
2 Rename the copied example_file_process.tlc to

Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing (CFP) Template

3 Open test_example_file_process.tlc into the MATLAB editor.

4 Uncomment the following line:
%% %assign ERTCustomFileTest = TLC_TRUE

It now reads:
%assign ERTCustomFileTest = TLC_TRUE

If ERTCustomFileTest is not assigned as shown, the CFP template is ignored in

code generation.
5 Save your changes to the file. Keep test_example_file_process.tlc open, so
you can refer to it later.
6 Open the rtwdemo_udt model.
7 Open the Simulink Model Explorer. Select the active configuration set of the model,
and open the Code Generation pane of the active configuration set.
8 Click the Templates tab.
9 Specify File customization template as test_example_file_process.tlc.
This is the file you previously edited and is now the specified CFP template for your
10 Select the Generate code only option.
11 Click Apply.
12 Click Generate Code. During code generation, notice the following message on the
MATLAB command window:
Warning: Overriding example ert_main.c!

This message is displayed because test_example_file_process.tlc generates

the main program module, overriding the default action of the ERT target. This is
explained in greater detail below.
13 The rtwdemo_udt model is configured to generate an HTML code generation report.
After code generation completes, view the report. Notice that the Generated Files
list contains the files timestwo.c, timestwo.h, and ert_main.c. These files were
generated by the CFP template. The next section examines the template to learn
how this was done.
14 Keep the model, the code generation report, and the
test_example_file_process.tlc file open so you can refer to them in the next

14 Code Appearance

Analysis of the Example CFP Template and Generated Code

This section examines excerpts from test_example_file_process.tlc and
some of the code it generates. Refer to the comments in matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/
codetemplatelib.tlc while reading the following discussion.

Generating Code Files

Source (.c or .cpp) and header (.h) files are created by calling LibCreateSourceFile,
as in the following excerpts:
%assign cFile = LibCreateSourceFile("Source", "Custom", "timestwo")
%assign hFile = LibCreateSourceFile("Header", "Custom", "timestwo")

Subsequent code refers to the files by the file reference returned from

File Sections and Buffers

The code template API lets you partition the code generated to each file into sections,
tagged as Definitions, Includes, Functions, Banner, and so on. You can append
code to each section as many times as required. This technique gives you a great deal of
flexibility in the formatting of your custom code files.

Subsections Defined for Built-In Sections describes the available file sections and their
order in the generated file.

For each section of a generated file, use %openfile and %closefile to store the text
for that section in temporary buffers. Then, to write (append) the buffer contents to a
file section, call LibSetSourceFileSection, passing in the desired section tag and file
reference. For example, the following code uses two buffers (tmwtypesBuf and tmpBuf)
to generate two sections (tagged "Includes" and "Functions") of the source file
timestwo.c or .cpp (referenced as cFile):

%openfile tmwtypesBuf

#include "tmwtypes.h"

%closefile tmwtypesBuf


Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing (CFP) Template

%openfile tmpBuf

/* Times two function */

real_T timestwofcn(real_T input) {
return (input * 2.0);

%closefile tmpBuf


These two sections generate the entire timestwo.c or .cpp file:

#include "tmwtypes.h"

/* Times two function */

FLOAT64 timestwofcn(FLOAT64 input)
return (input * 2.0);

Adding Code to Standard Generated Files

The timestwo.c or .cpp file generated in the previous example was independent
of the standard code files generated from a model (for example, model.c or .cpp,
model.h, and so on). You can use similar techniques to generate custom code within
the model files. The code template API includes functions to obtain the names of the
standard models files and other model-related information. The following excerpt calls
LibGetMdlPubHdrBaseName to obtain the name for the model.h file. It then obtains a
file reference and generates a definition in the Defines section of model.h:
%% Add a #define to the model's public header file model.h

%assign pubName = LibGetMdlPubHdrBaseName()

%assign modelH = LibCreateSourceFile("Header", "Simulink", pubName)

%openfile tmpBuf

#define ACCELERATION 9.81

%closefile tmpBuf


Examine the generated rtwdemo_udt.h file to see the generated #define directive.

14 Code Appearance

Customizing Main Program Module Generation

Normally, the ERT target determines whether and how to generate an ert_main.c
or .cpp module based on the settings of the Generate an example main program
and Target operating system options on the Templates pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog box. You can use a CFP template to override the normal behavior and
generate a main program module customized for your target environment.

To support generation of main program modules, two TLC files are provided:

• bareboard_srmain.tlc: TLC code to generate an example single-rate main

program module for a bareboard target environment. Code is generated by a single
TLC function, FcnSingleTaskingMain.
• bareboard_mrmain.tlc: TLC code to generate a multirate main program module
for a bareboard target environment. Code is generated by a single TLC function,

In the example CFP template file matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/

example_file_process.tlc, the following code generates either a single- or multitasking
ert_main.c or .cpp module. The logic depends on information obtained from the code
template API calls LibIsSingleRateModel and LibIsSingleTasking:
%% Create a simple main. Files are located in MATLAB/rtw/c/tlc/mw.

%if LibIsSingleRateModel() || LibIsSingleTasking()

%include "bareboard_srmain.tlc"
%include "bareboard_mrmain.tlc"

Note that bareboard_srmain.tlc and bareboard_mrmain.tlc use the code template

API to generate ert_main.c or .cpp.

When generating your own main program module, you disable the default generation of
ert_main.c or .cpp. The TLC variable GenerateSampleERTMain controls generation
of ert_main.c or .cpp. You can directly force this variable to TLC_FALSE. The
examples bareboard_mrmain.tlc and bareboard_srmain.tlc use this technique, as
shown in the following excerpt from bareboard_srmain.tlc.
%if GenerateSampleERTMain
%assign CompiledModel.GenerateSampleERTMain = TLC_FALSE
%warning Overriding example ert_main.c!

Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing (CFP) Template

Alternatively, you can implement a SelectCallback function for your target. A

SelectCallback function is a MATLAB function that is triggered during model loading,
and also when the user selects a target with the System Target File browser. Your
SelectCallback function should deselect and disable the Generate an example
main program option. This prevents the TLC variable GenerateSampleERTMain from
being set to TLC_TRUE.

See the “rtwgensettings Structure” section for information on creating a

SelectCallback function.

The following code illustrates how to deselect and disable the Generate an example
main program option in the context of a SelectCallback function.
slConfigUISetVal(hDlg, hSrc, 'GenerateSampleERTMain', 'off');
slConfigUISetEnabled(hDlg, hSrc, 'GenerateSampleERTMain',0);

Note Creation of a main program for your target environment requires some
customization; for example, in a bareboard environment you need to attach rt_OneStep
to a timer interrupt. It is expected that you will customize either the generated code,
the generating TLC code, or both. See “Guidelines for Modifying the Main Program” and
“Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep” for further information.

Generate a Custom Section

You can define custom tokens in a CGT file and direct generated code into an associated
built-in section. This feature gives you additional control over the formatting of
code within each built-in section. For example, you could add subsections to built-in
sections that do not already define subsections. Custom sections must be associated
with one of the built-in sections: Includes, Defines, Types, Enums, Definitions,
Declarations, or Functions. To create custom sections, you must

• Add a custom token to the code insertion section of your CGT file.
• In your CFP file:

• Assemble code to be generated to the custom section into a buffer.

• Declare an association between the custom section and a built-in section, with the
code template API function LibAddSourceFileCustomSection.
• Emit code to the custom section with the code template API function

14 Code Appearance

The following code examples illustrate the addition of a custom token, Myincludes, to
a CGT file, and the subsequent association of the custom section Myincludes with the
built-in section Includes in a CFP file.

Note: If you have not already created custom CGT and CFP files for your model, copy the
default template files matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/ert_code_template.cgt and
matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/example_file_process.tlc to a work folder that is
outside the MATLAB folder structure but on the MATLAB or TLC path, rename them
(for example, add the prefix test_ to each file), and update the Templates pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box to reference them.

First, add the token Myincludes to the code insertion section of your CGT file. For


Next, in the CFP file, add code to generate include directives into a buffer. For example,
in your copy of the example CFP file, you could insert the following section between the
Includes section and the Create a simple main section:

%% Add a custom section to the model's C file model.c

%openfile tmpBuf
#include "moretables1.h"
#include "moretables2.h"
%closefile tmpBuf


The LibAddSourceFileCustomSection function call declares an association

between the built-in section Includes and the custom section Myincludes.
Myincludes is a subsection of Includes. The LibSetSourceFileCustomSection
function call directs the code in the tmpBuf buffer to the Myincludes section of the

Generate Source and Header Files with a Custom File Processing (CFP) Template

generated file. LibSetSourceFileCustomSection is syntactically identical to


In the generated code, the include directives generated to the custom section appear after
other code directed to Includes.

#include "rtwdemo_udt.h"
#include "rtwdemo_udt_private.h"

/* #include "mytables.h" */
#include "moretables1.h"
#include "moretables2.h"

Note: The placement of the custom token in this example CGT file is arbitrary. By
locating %<Myincludes> after %<Includes>, the CGT file specifies only that the
Myincludes code appears after Includes code.

Custom Tokens
Custom tokens are automatically translated to TLC syntax as a part of the build process.
To escape a token, that is to prepare it for normal TLC expansion, use the '!' character.
For example, the token %<!TokenName> is expanded to %<TokenName> by the template
conversion program. You can specify valid TLC code, including TLC function calls: %<!

14 Code Appearance

Comparison of a Template and Its Generated File

This figure shows part of a user-modified custom file processing (CFP) template and the
resulting generated code. The figure illustrates how you can use a template to:

• Define what code the code generation software should add to the generated file
• Control the location of code in the file
• Optionally insert comments in the generated file

Notice %<Includes>, for example, on the template. The term Includes is a symbol
name. A percent sign and brackets (%< >) must enclose every symbol name. You can
add the desired symbol name (within the %< > delimiter) at a particular location in
the template. This is how you control where the code generator places an item in the
generated file.

Comparison of a Template and Its Generated File

Template and Generated File

Portion of
Example Template Corresponding Portion of Generated File
. .
. .
. .
/*#INCLUDES*/ (1) 26 /*#INCLUDES*/
%<Includes> 27 #include "rtwdemo_codetemplate.h"
/*#DEFINES*/ (2) None 28 #include "rtwdemo_codetemplate_private.h"
%<Defines> 29
#pragma string1 (3) 30 /*#DEFINES*/
31 #pragma string1
%<Definitions> 33 /* Block states (auto storage) */
#pragma string2 (5) 34 rtDWork;
%<Declarations> (6) 35
%<Functions> (7) 36 /* External output ( fed by signals with auto storage) */
37 rtY;
39 /* Real-time model */
40 rtM_;
41 *rtM = &rtM_;
42 #pragma string2
None 44 /* Model step function */
45 void rtwdemo_codetemplate_step(void)
46 {
48 /* local block i/o variables */
50 rtb_Switch;
51 rtb_RelOpt;
53 /* Sum: '' incorporates:
54 * UnitDelay: ''
55 */
56 rtb_Switch = ()(()rtDWork.X + 1U);
58 /* RelationalOperator: '' */
59 rtb_RelOpt = (rtb_Switch != 16U);
61 /* Outport: '' */
62 rtY.Out = rtb_RelOpt;
64 /* Switch: '' */
65 if(rtb_RelOpt) {
66 } else {
67 rtb_Switch = 0U;
68 }
70 /* Update for UnitDelay: '' */
71 rtDWork.X = rtb_Switch;
73 /* (no update code required) */
74 }

Mapping Template Specification to Code Generation

14 Code Appearance

This part of the template... Generates in the file... Explanation

Line Description
(1) /*#INCLUDES*/ 26–28 An /*#INCLUDES*/ The code generator adds the C/
%<Includes> comment, followed C++ comment as a header, and
by #include then interprets the %<Includes>
statements template symbol to list the
required #include statements
in the file. This code is first in
this section of the file because the
template entries are first.
(2) /*#DEFINES*/ 30 A /*#DEFINES*/ Next, the code generator places
%<Defines> comment, but no the comment as a header for
#define statements #define statements, but the file
does not need #define. No code
is added.
(3) #pragma string1 31 #pragma statements While the code generator requires
(5) #pragma string2 42 %<> delimiters for template
symbols, it can also interpret C/
C++ statements in the template
without delimiters. In this case,
the generator adds the specified
statements to the code, following
the order in which the statements
appear in the template.
(4) /*DEFINITIONS*/ 32–41 /*DEFINITIONS*/ The code generator places the
%<Definitions> comment, followed by comment and definitions in
definitions the file between the #pragma
statements, according to the
order in the template. It also
inserts comments (lines 33 and
36) that are preset in the model's
Configuration Parameters dialog
(6) %<Declarations> 43 No declarations The file needs no declarations,
so the code generator does not
generate declarations for this
file. The template does not have

Comparison of a Template and Its Generated File

This part of the template... Generates in the file... Explanation

Line Description
a comment to provide a header.
Line 43 is left blank.
(7) %<Functions> 44–74 Functions Finally, the code generator adds
functions from the model, plus
comments that are preset in the
Configuration Parameters dialog
box. But it adds no comments
as a header for the functions,
because the template does
not have one. This code is last
because the template entry is

For a list of template symbols and the rules for using them, see “Template Symbol
Groups” on page 14-69, “Template Symbols” on page 14-72, and “Rules for
Modifying or Creating a Template” on page 14-75. To set comment options, from the
Simulation menu, select Model Configuration Parameters. On the Configuration
Parameters dialog box, select the Code Generation > Comments pane. For details, see
“Configure Code Comments”.

14 Code Appearance

Code Template API Summary

Code Template API Functions summarizes the code template API. See the source code in
matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/codetemplatelib.tlc for detailed information on the arguments,
return values, and operation of these calls.

Code Template API Functions

Function Description
LibGetNumSourceFiles Returns the number of created source files
(.c or .cpp and .h).
LibGetSourceFileTag Returns <filename>_h and
<filename>_c for header and source files,
respectively, where filename is the name of
the model file.
LibCreateSourceFile Creates a new C or C++ file and returns its
reference. If the file already exists, simply
returns its reference.
LibGetSourceFileFromIdx Returns a model file reference based on its
index. This is useful for a common operation
on all files, such as to set the leading file
banner of all files.
LibSetSourceFileSection Adds to the contents of a specified section
within a specified file (see also “Custom File
Processing (CFP) Template Structure” on
page 14-42).
LibIndentSourceFile Indents a file (from within the TLC
LibCallModelInitialize Returns code for calling the model's
model_initialize function (valid for ERT
LibCallModelStep Returns code for calling the model's
model_step function (valid for ERT only).
LibCallModelTerminate Returns code for calling the model's
model_terminate function (valid for ERT

Code Template API Summary

Function Description
LibCallSetEventForThisBaseStep Returns code for calling the model's set
events function (valid for ERT only).
LibWriteModelData Returns data for the model (valid for ERT
LibSetRTModelErrorStatus Returns the code to set the model error
LibGetRTModelErrorStatus Returns the code to get the model error
LibIsSingleRateModel Returns true if model is single rate and false
LibGetModelName Returns name of the model (without an
LibGetMdlSrcBaseName Returns the name of model's main source file
(for example, model.c or .cpp).
LibGetMdlPubHdrBaseName Returns the name of model's public header
file (for example, model.h).
LibGetMdlPrvHdrBaseName Returns the name of the model's
private header file (for example,
LibIsSingleTasking Returns true if the model is configured for
single-tasking execution.
LibWriteModelInput Returns the code to write to a particular root
input (that is, a model inport block). (valid
for ERT only).
LibWriteModelOutput Returns the code to write to a particular root
output (that is, a model outport block). (valid
for ERT only).
LibWriteModelInputs Returns the code to write to root inputs (that
is, all model inport blocks). (valid for ERT
LibWriteModelOutputs Returns the code to write to root outputs
(that is, all model outport blocks). (valid for
ERT only).

14 Code Appearance

Function Description
LibNumDiscreteSampleTimes Returns the number of discrete sample
times in the model.
LibSetSourceFileCodeTemplate Set the code template to be used for
generating a specified source file.
LibSetSourceFileOutputDirectory Set the folder into which a specified source
file is to be generated.
LibAddSourceFileCustomSection Add a custom section to a source file. The
custom section must be associated with
one of the built-in (required) sections:
Includes, Defines, Types, Enums,
Definitions, Declarations, or
LibSetSourceFileCustomSection Adds to the contents of a specified custom
section within a specified file. The custom
section must have been previously created
with LibAddSourceFileCustomSection.
LibGetSourceFileCustomSection Returns the contents of a specified custom
section within a specified file.
LibSetCodeTemplateComplianceLevel This function must be called from your CFP
template before other code template API
functions are called. Pass in 2 as the level

Note: Some MathWorks TLC files pass in 1

as the level argument. Currently, there is
no difference in handling of level 1 versus
level 2 by MathWorks software.

Generate Custom File and Function Banners

Generate Custom File and Function Banners

Using code generation template (CGT) files, you can specify custom file banners and
function banners for the generated code files. File banners are comment sections in
the header and trailer sections of a generated file. Function banners are comment
sections for each function in the generated code. Use these banners to add a company
copyright statement, specify a special version symbol for your configuration management
system, remove time stamps, and for many other purposes. These banners can contain
characters, which propagate to the generated code.

To specify banners, create a custom CGT file with customized banner sections. The build
process creates an executable TLC file from the CGT file. The code generation process
then invokes the TLC file.

You do not need to be familiar with TLC programming to generate custom banners. You
can modify example files that are supplied with the ERT target.

Note Prior releases supported direct use of customized TLC files as banner templates.
You specified these with the Source file (.c) banner template and Header file (.h)
banner template options of the ERT target. You can still use a custom TLC file banner
templates, however, you can now use CGT files instead.

ERT template options on the Code Generation > Templates pane of a configuration
set, in the Code templates section, support banner generation.

The options for function and file banner generation are:

• “Code templates: Source file (*.c) template”: CGT file to use when generating source
(.c or .cpp) files. Place this file on the MATLAB path.
• “Code templates: Header file (*.h) template”: CGT file to use when generating header
(.h) files. You must place this file on the MATLAB path. This file can be the same
template specified in the Code templates: Source file (*.c) template field, in which
case identical banners are generated in source and header files.

By default, the template for both source and header files is matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/
• In each of these fields, click Browse to navigate to and select an existing CGT file
for use as a template. Click Edit to open the specified file into the MATLAB editor,
where you can customize it.

14 Code Appearance

Create a Custom File and Function Banner Template

To customize a CGT file for custom banner generation, make a local copy of the default
code template and edit it, as follows:

1 Activate the configuration set that you want to work with.

2 Open the Code Generation pane of the active configuration set.
3 Click the Templates tab.
4 By default, the code template specified in the Code templates: Source file (*.c)
template and Code templates: Header file (*.h) template fields is matlabroot/
5 If you want to use a different template as your starting point, click Browse to locate
and select a CGT file.
6 Click Edit button to open the CGT file into the MATLAB editor.
7 Save a local copy of the CGT file. Store the copy in a folder that is outside of the
MATLAB folder structure, but on the MATLAB path. If required, add the folder to
the MATLAB path.
8 If you intend to use the CGT file with a custom target, locate the CGT file in a folder
under your target root folder.
9 Rename your local copy of the CGT file. When you rename the CGT file, update
the associated Code templates: Source file (*.c) template or Code templates:
Header file (*.h) template field to match the new file name.
10 Edit and customize the local copy of the CGT file for banner generation, using the
information provided in “Customize a Code Generation Template (CGT) File for File
and Function Banner Generation” on page 14-63.
11 Save your changes to the CGT file.
12 Click Apply to update the configuration set.
13 Save your model.
14 Generate code. Examine the generated source and header files to confirm that they
contain the banners specified by the template or templates.

Generate Custom File and Function Banners

Customize a Code Generation Template (CGT) File for File and Function
Banner Generation
This section describes how to edit a CGT file for custom file and function banner
generation. For a description of CGT files, see “Code Generation Template (CGT) Files”
on page 14-38.

Components of the File and Function Banner Sections in the CGT file

In a CGT file, you can modify the following sections: file banner, function banner, shared
utility function banner, and file trailer. Each section is defined by open and close tags.
The tags specific to each section are shown in the following table.

CGT File Section Open Tag Close Tag

File Banner <FileBanner> </FileBanner>
Function Banner <FunctionBanner> </FunctionBanner>
Shared-utility Banner <SharedUtilityBanner> </SharedUtilityBanner>
File Trailer <FileTrailer> </FileTrailer>

You can customize your banners by including tokens and comments between the
open and close tag for each section. Tokens are typically TLC variables, for example
<ModelVersion>, which are replaced with values in the generated code.

Note: Including C comment indicators, '/*' or a '*/', in the contents of your banner might
introduce an error in the generated code.

An open tag includes tag attributes. Enclose the value of the attribute in double quotes.
The attributes available for an open tag are:

• width: specifies the width of the file or function banner comments in the generated
code. The default value is 80.
• style: specifies the boundary for the file or function banner comments in the
generated code.

The open tag syntax is as follows:

<OpenTag style = “style_value” width = “num_width”>

14 Code Appearance

The built-in style options for the style attribute are:

• classic
/* single line comments */
* multiple line comments
* second line
• classic_cpp
// single line comments
// multiple line comments
// second line
• box
/* banner contents */
• box_cpp
// banner contents //
• open_box
* banner contents
• open_box_cpp
// banner contents
• doxygen
/** single line comments */

* multiple line comments
* second line

Generate Custom File and Function Banners

• doxygen_cpp
/// single line comments

/// multiple line comments
/// second line
• doxygen_qt
/*! single line comments */

* multiple line comments
* second line
• doxygen_qt_cpp
//! single line comments

//! multiple line comments
//! second line

File Banner

This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom file banner.
The file banner precedes C or C++ code generated by the model. If you omit the file
banner section from the CGT file, then no file banner emits to the generated code. The
following section is the file banner section provided with the default CGT file, matlabroot/
%% Custom file banner section (optional)
<FileBanner style="classic">
File: %<FileName>

Code generated for Simulink model %<ModelName>.

Model version : %<ModelVersion>

Simulink Coder version : %<RTWFileVersion>
TLC version : %<TLCVersion>
C/C++ source code generated on : %<SourceGeneratedOn>

14 Code Appearance


Summary of Tokens for File Banner Generation

FileName Name of the generated file (for example,

FileType Either "source" or "header". Designates whether
generated file is a .c or .cpp file or an .h file.
FileTag Given file names file.c or .cpp and file.h; the file
tags are "file_c" and "file_h", respectively.
ModelName Name of generating model.
ModelVersion Version number of model.
RTWFileVersion Version number of model.rtw file.
RTWFileGeneratedOn Timestamp of model.rtw file.
TLCVersion Version of Target Language Compiler.
SourceGeneratedOn Timestamp of generated file.
CodeGenSettings Code generation settings for model: target language,
target selection, production hardware selection, test
hardware selection, code generation objectives (in priority
order), and Code Generation Advisor validation result.

Function Banner

This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom function
banner. The function banner precedes C or C++ function generated during the build
process. If you omit the function banner section from the CGT file, the default function
banner emits to the generated code. The following section is the default function banner
section provided with the default CGT file, matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ecoder/
%% Custom function banner section (optional)
%% Customize function banners by using the following predefined tokens:
%% %<ModelName>, %<FunctionName>, %<FunctionDescription>, %<Arguments>,
%% %<ReturnType>, %<GeneratedFor>, %<BlockDescription>.
<FunctionBanner style="classic">

Generate Custom File and Function Banners

Summary of Tokens for Function Banner Generation

FunctionName Name of function
Arguments List of function arguments
ReturnType Return type of function
ModelName Name of generating model
FunctionDescription Short abstract about the function
GeneratedFor Full block path for the generated function
BlockDescription User input from the Block Description parameter of the
block properties dialog box. BlockDescription contains
an optional token attribute, style. The only valid value
forstyle is content_only, which is case-sensitive and
enclosed in double quotes. Use the content_only style
when you want to include only the block description
content that you entered in the block parameter dialog.
The syntax for the token attribute style is:

%<BlockDescription style = ”content_only”>

Shared Utility Function Banner

The shared utility function banner section contains comments and tokens for use in
generating a custom shared utility function banner. The shared utility function banner
precedes C or C++ shared utility function generated during the build process. If you omit
the shared utility function banner section from the CGT file, the default shared utility
function banner emits to the generated code. The following section is the default shared
utility function banner section provided with the default CGT file, matlabroot/toolbox/
%% Custom shared utility function banner section (optional)
%% Customize banners for functions generated in shared location by using the
%% following predefined tokens: %<FunctionName>, %<FunctionDescription>,
%% %<Arguments>, %<ReturnType>.
<SharedUtilityBanner style="classic">

Summary of Tokens for Shared Utility Function Banner Generation

FunctionName Name of function

14 Code Appearance

Arguments List of function arguments

ReturnType Return type of function
FunctionDescription Short abstract about function

File Trailer

The file trailer section contains comments for generating a custom file trailer. The file
trailer follows C or C++ code generated from the model. If you omit the file trailer section
from the CGT file, no file trailer emits to the generated code. The following section is the
default file trailer provided in the default CGT file.
%% Custom file trailer section (optional)
<FileTrailer style="classic">
File trailer for generated code.


Tokens available for the file banner are available for the file trailer. See Summary of
Tokens for File Banner Generation.

Template Symbols and Rules

Template Symbols and Rules

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 14-69
“Template Symbol Groups” on page 14-69
“Template Symbols” on page 14-72
“Rules for Modifying or Creating a Template” on page 14-75

“Template Symbol Groups” on page 14-69 and “Template Symbols” on page 14-72
describe custom file processing (CFP) template symbols and rules for using them. The
location of a symbol in one of the supplied template files (code_c_template.cgt,
code_h_template.cgt, data_c_template.cgt, or data_h_template.cgt)
determines where the items associated with that symbol are located in the corresponding
generated file. “Template Symbol Groups” on page 14-69 identifies the symbol
groups, starting with the parent (“Base”) group, followed by the children of each parent.
“Template Symbols” on page 14-72 lists the symbols alphabetically.

Template Symbol Groups

Symbol Group Symbol Names in This Group
Base (Parents) Declarations







Declarations ExternalCalibrationLookup1D

14 Code Appearance

Symbol Group Symbol Names in This Group



Defines LocalDefines

Definitions FilescopeCalibrationLookup1D








Template Symbols and Rules

Symbol Group Symbol Names in This Group

Documentation Abstract















Functions CFunctionCode
Types This parent has no children.

14 Code Appearance

Template Symbols

Symbol Name* Symbol Group Symbol Symbol Description

Scope (What the symbol puts in the
generated file)
Abstract Documentation N/A User-supplied description of
the model or file. Placed in
the generated file based on
the Stateflow note, Simulink
annotation, or DocBlock on the
Banner Documentation N/A Comments located near top of
the file. Contains information
that includes model and
software versions, and date file
was generated.
CFunctionCode Functions File C/C++ functions. Must be at the
bottom of the template.
Created Documentation N/A Date when model was created.
From Created on field on
Model Properties dialog box.
Creator Documentation N/A User who created model. From
Created by field on Model
Properties dialog box.
Date Documentation N/A Date file was generated. Taken
from computer clock.
Declarations Base   Data declaration of a signal
or parameter. For example,
extern real_T globalvar;.
Defines Base File Required #defines of .h files.
Definitions Base File Data definitions of signals or
Description Documentation N/A Description of model. From
Model description field on
Model Properties dialog box.**

Template Symbols and Rules

Symbol Name* Symbol Group Symbol Symbol Description

Scope (What the symbol puts in the
generated file)
Documentation Base N/A Comments about how to
interpret the generated files.
Enums Base File Enumerated data type
ExternalCalibrationLookup1D Declarations External ***
ExternalCalibrationLookup2D Declarations External ***
ExternalCalibrationScalar Declarations External ***
ExternalVariableScalar Declarations External ***
FileName Documentation N/A Name of the generated file.
FilescopeCalibrationLookup1DDefinitions File ***
FilescopeCalibrationLookup2DDefinitions File ***
FilescopeCalibrationScalar Definitions File ***
FilescopeVariableScalar Definitions File ***
Functions Base File Generated function code.
GlobalCalibrationLookup1D Definitions Global ***
GlobalCalibrationLookup2D Definitions Global ***
GlobalCalibrationScalar Definitions Global ***
GlobalVariableScalar Definitions Global ***
History Documentation N/A User-supplied revision history
of the generated files. Placed
in the generated file based on
the Stateflow note, Simulink
annotation, or DocBlock on the
Includes Base File #include preprocessor

14 Code Appearance

Symbol Name* Symbol Group Symbol Symbol Description

Scope (What the symbol puts in the
generated file)
LastModifiedDate Documentation N/A Date when model was last
saved. From Last saved on
field on Model Properties dialog
LastModifiedBy Documentation N/A User who last saved model.
From Last saved by field on
Model Properties dialog box.
LocalDefines Defines File #define preprocessor directives
from code-generation data
LocalMacros Defines File C/C++ macros local to the file.
ModelName Documentation N/A Name of the model.
ModelVersion Documentation N/A Version number of the Simulink
model. From Model version
field on Model Properties dialog
ModifiedBy Documentation N/A Name of user who last modified
the model.
ModifiedComment Documentation N/A Comment user enters in the
Modified Comment field on
the Log Change dialog box.
For more information, see “Log
Comments History”.
ModifiedHistory Documentation N/A Text from Model history field
on Model Properties dialog
Notes Documentation N/A User-supplied miscellaneous
notes about the model or
generated files. Placed in
the generated file based on
the Stateflow note, Simulink
annotation, or DocBlock on the

Template Symbols and Rules

Symbol Name* Symbol Group Symbol Symbol Description

Scope (What the symbol puts in the
generated file)
ToolVersion Documentation N/A A list of the versions of the
toolboxes used in generating the
Types Base Data types of generated code.

* Symbol names must be enclosed between %< >. For example, %<Functions>.

** This symbol can be used to add a comment to the generated files. See “Add Global
Comments”. The code generator places the comment in each generated file whose
template has this symbol name. The code generator places the comment at the location
that corresponds to where the symbol name is located in the template file.

*** The description can be deduced from the symbol name. For example,
GlobalCalibrationScalar is a symbol that identifies a scalar. It contains data of
global scope that you can calibrate .

Rules for Modifying or Creating a Template

The following are the rules for creating a MPF template. “Comparison of a Template and
Its Generated File” on page 14-54 illustrates several of these rules.

1 Place a symbol on a template within the %< > delimiter. For example, the symbol
named Includes should look like this on a template: %<Includes>. Note that
symbol names are case sensitive.
2 Place a symbol on a template where desired. Its location on the template determines
where the item associated with this symbol is located in the generated file. If no item
is associated with it, the symbol is ignored.
3 Place a C/C++ statement outside of the %< > delimiter, and on a different line than
a %< > delimiter, for that statement to appear in the generated file. For example,
#pragma message ("my text") in the template results in #pragma message
("my text") at the corresponding location in the generated file. Note that the
statement must be compatible with your C/C++ compiler.
4 Use the .cgt extension for every template filename. ("cgt" stands for code
generation template.)

14 Code Appearance

5 Note that %% $Revision: $ appears at the top of the MathWorks

supplied templates. This is for internal MathWorks use only. It does not need to be
placed on a user-defined template and does not show in a generated file.
6 Place a comment on the template between /* */ as in standard ANSI C4. This
results in /*comment*/ on the generated file.
7 Each MPF template must have all of the Base group symbols, in predefined order.
They are listed in “Template Symbol Groups” on page 14-69. Each symbol in the
Base group is a parent. For example, Declarations is a parent symbol.
8 Each symbol in a non-Base group is a child. For example, LocalMacros is a child.
9 Except for Documentation children, children must be placed after their parent,
before the next parent, and before the Functions symbol.
10 Documentation children can be located before or after their parent in any order
anywhere in the template.
11 If a non-Documentation child is missing from the template, the code generator places
the information associated with this child at its parent location in the generated file.
12 If a Documentation child is missing from the template, the code generator omits the
information associated with that child from the generated file.

4. ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute, Inc.

Code Annotation for Justifying Polyspace Checks

Code Annotation for Justifying Polyspace Checks

With the Polyspace Code Prover™ product you can apply Polyspace verification to
Embedded Coder generated code. The software detects run-time errors in the generated
code and helps you to locate and fix model faults.

Polyspace might highlight overflows for certain operations that are legitimate because
of the way Embedded Coder implements these operations. Consider the following model
and the corresponding generated code.

32 /* Sum: '<Root>/Sum' incorporates:

33 * Inport: '<Root>/In1'
34 * Inport: '<Root>/In2'
35 */
36 qY_0 = sat_add_U.In1 + sat_add_U.In2;
37 if ((sat_add_U.In1 < 0) && ((sat_add_U.In2 < 0) && (qY_0 >= 0))) {
38 qY_0 = MIN_int32_T;
39 } else {
40 if ((sat_add_U.In1 > 0) && ((sat_add_U.In2 > 0) && (qY_0 <= 0))) {
41 qY_0 = MAX_int32_T;
42 }
43 }

Embedded Coder software recognizes that the largest built-in data type is 32-bit. It is not
possible to saturate the results of the additions and subtractions using MIN_INT32 and
MAX_INT32 and a bigger single-word integer data type. Instead the software detects the
results overflow and the direction of the overflow, and saturates the result.

If you do not provide justification for the addition operator on line 36, a Polyspace
verification generates an orange check that indicates a potential overflow. The
verification does not take into account the saturation function of lines 37 to 43. In
addition, the trace-back functionality of Polyspace Code Prover does not identify the
reason for the orange check.

To justify overflows from operators that are legitimate, on the Configuration

Parameters > Code Generation > Comments pane:

14 Code Appearance

• Under Overall control, select the Include comments check box.

• Under Auto generate comments, select the Operator annotations check box.

When you generate code, the Embedded Coder software annotates the code with
comments for Polyspace. For example:
32 /* Sum: '<Root>/Sum' incorporates:
33 * Inport: '<Root>/In1'
34 * Inport: '<Root>/In2'
35 */
36 qY_0 = sat_add_U.In1 +/*MW:OvOk*/ sat_add_U.In2;

When you run a verification using Polyspace Code Prover, the Polyspace software uses
the annotations to justify the operator-related orange checks and assigns the Not a
defect classification to the checks.

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

In this section...
“Overview of Data Placement” on page 14-79
“Priority and Usage” on page 14-80
“Ownership Settings” on page 14-85
“Memory Section Settings” on page 14-86
“Data Placement Rules” on page 14-86
“Settings for a Data Object” on page 14-86
“Data Placement Rules and Results” on page 14-94

Overview of Data Placement

This chapter focuses on module packaging features (MPF) settings that are
interdependent. Their combined values, along with Simulink partitioning, determine the
file placement of data definitions and declarations, or data placement. This includes

• The number of files generated.

• Whether or not the generated files contain definitions for a model's global identifiers.
And, if a definition exists, the settings determine the files in which MPF places them.
• Where MPF places global data declarations (extern).

The following six MPF settings are distributed among the main procedures and form an
important interdependency:

• The Data definition field on the Code Placement pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog box.
• The Data declaration field on the Code Placement pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog box.
• The Owner field of the data object in the Model Explorer and the checkbox for Use
owner from data object for data definition placement on the Code Placement
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. The term "ownership settings"
refers to these fields together.
• The Definition file field of the data object on the Model Explorer.
• The Header file field of the data object on the Model Explorer.
• The Memory section field of the data object on the Model Explorer.

14 Code Appearance

Priority and Usage

• “Overview” on page 14-80
• “Read-Write Priority” on page 14-81
• “Global Priority” on page 14-84
• “Definition File, Header File, and Ownership Priorities” on page 14-85


There is a priority order among interdependent MPF settings. From highest to lowest,
the priorities are

• Definition File priority

• Header File priority
• Ownership priority
• Read-Write priority or Global priority

Priority order varies inversely with frequency of use, as illustrated below. For example,
Definition File is highest priority but least used.

Override Global or Read-Write

for selected data object.

Highest priority Definition File Least used

Header File


Read-Write Global
Lowest priority Most used

MPF Settings Priority and Usage

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Unless they are overridden, the Read-Write and Global priorities place in the generated
files all of the model's MPF-derived data objects that you selected using Data Object
Wizard. (See “Create Data Objects with Data Object Wizard” for details.) Before
generating the files, you can use the higher priority Definition file, Header file, and
Ownership, as desired, to override Read-Write or Global priorities for single data objects.
Most users will employ Read-Write or Global, without an override. A few users, however,
will want to do an override for certain data objects. We expect that those users whose
applications include multiple modules will want to use the Ownership priority.

The priorities are used only for those data objects that are derived from
Simulink.Signal and Simulink.Parameter, and whose custom storage classes are
specified using the Custom Storage Class Designer. (For details, see “Design Custom
Storage Classes and Memory Sections”.) Otherwise, the build process determines the
data placement.

Read-Write Priority

This is the lowest priority. Consider that a model consists of one or more Simulink
blocks or Stateflow diagrams. There can be subsystems within these. For the purpose of
illustration, think of a model with one top-level block called fuelsys. You double-clicked
the block and now see three subsystems labeled subsys1, subsys2 and subsys3, as
shown in the next figure. Signals a and b are outputs from the top-level block (fuelsys).
Signal a is an input to subsys1 and b is input to subsys2. Signal c is an output from
subsys1. Notice the other inputs and outputs (d and e). Signals a through e have
corresponding data objects.

As explained in “Data Definition and Declaration Management”, MPF provides you

with the means of selecting a data object that you want defined as an identifier in the
generated code. MPF also allows you to specify property values for each data object.

14 Code Appearance


a subsys1

subsys3 e

b subsys2

a b


The Generated Files

We generate code for this model. As shown in the figure below, this results in a .c
source file corresponding to each of the subsystems. (In actual applications, there could
be more than one .c source file for a subsystem. This is based on the file partitioning
previously selected for the model. But for our illustration, we only need to show one
for each subsystem.) Data objects a through e have corresponding identifiers in the
generated files.

A .c source file has one or more functions in it, depending on the internal operations
(functions) of its corresponding subsystem. An identifier in a generated .c file has local
scope when it is used only in one function of that .c file. An identifier has file scope when
more than one function in the same .c file uses it. An identifier has global scope when
more than one of the generated files uses it.

A subsystem's source file contains the definitions for that subsystem's data objects that
have local scope or file scope. (These definitions are not shown in the figure.) But where
are the definitions and declarations for data objects of global scope? These are shown in
the next figure.

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Model Generated Files

Results of Read-Write Priority

a subsys1 subsys1.c subsys3.c

int c; int e;
c extern int a; extern int c;
subsys3 e extern int d;

subsys2.c fuelsys.c
b subsys2
int d; int a;
extern int b; int b;

a b


For the Read-Write priority, this source file contains the definitions for the subsystem's
global data objects, if this is the file that first writes to the data object's address. Other
files that read (use) that data object only include a reference to it. This is why this
priority is called Read-Write. Since a read and a write of a file are analogous to input
and output of a model's block, respectively, there is another way of saying this. The
definitions of a block's global data objects are located in the corresponding generated file,
if that data object is an output from that block. The declarations (extern) of a block's
global data objects are located in the corresponding generated file, if that data object is
an input to that block.

Settings for Read-Write Priority

The generated files and what they include, as just described, occur when the Read-Write
priority is used. For this to be the case, the other priorities are turned off. That is,

• The Data definition field on the Code Placement pane is set to Data defined in
source file.
• The Data declaration field on the Code Placement pane is set to Data declared
in source file.

14 Code Appearance

• The Owner field on the Model Explorer is blank, and the checkbox for the Use
owner from data object for data definition placement field on the Code
Placement pane is not checked.
• Definition file and Header file on the Model Explorer are blank.

Global Priority

This has the same priority as Read-Write (the lowest) priority. The settings for this are
the same as for Read-Write Priority, except

• The Data definition field on the Code Placement pane is set to Data defined in
single separate source file.
• The Data declaration field on the Code Placement pane is set to Data declared
in single separate header file.

The generated files that result are shown in the next figure. A subsystem's data objects
of local or file scope are defined in the .c source file where the subsystem's functions are
located (not shown). The data objects of global scope are defined in another .c file (called
global.c in the figure). The declarations for the subsystem's data objects of global scope
are placed in a .h file (called global.h).

For example, data objects of local and file scope for subsys1 are defined in subsys1.c.
Signal c in the model is an output of subsys1 and an input to subsys2. So c is used by
more than one subsystem and thus is a global data object. Because of the global priority,
the definition for c (int c;) is in global.c. The declaration for c (extern int c;) is
in global.h. Since subsys2 uses (reads) c, #include "global.h" is in subsys2.c.

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Model Generated Files

Results of Global Priority

a subsys1 subsys1.c subsys3.c

#include 'global.h' #include 'global.h'
subsys3 e
d subsys2.c fuelsys.c
#include 'global.h' #include 'global.h'
b subsys2

global.c global.h
a b
int a; extern int a;
int b; extern int b;
fuelsys int c;. extern int c;
int d; extern int d;
int e; extern int e;

Definition File, Header File, and Ownership Priorities

While the Read-Write and Global priorities operate on all MPF-derived data objects that
you want defined in the generated code, the remaining priorities allow you to override
the Read-Write or Global priorities for one or more particular data objects. There is a
high-to-low priority among these remaining priorities — Definition File, Header File, and
Ownership — for a particular data object, as shown in MPF Settings Priority and Usage

Ownership Settings
Ownership settings refers to the on or off setting specified using the Use owner from
data object for data definition placement checkbox on the Code Placement pane
of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, and the Owner field of a data object in the
Model Explorer. These settings do not control what files are generated. These settings

14 Code Appearance

only specify definitions and extern statements. There are four possible configurations,
as shown in “Ownership Settings” on page 14-95.

Memory Section Settings

Memory sections allow you to specify storage directives for a data object. As shown in
“Parameter and Signal Property Values”, the possible values for the Memory section
property of a parameter or signal object are Default, MemConst, MemVolatile or

If you specify a filename for Definition file, and select Default, MemConst,
MemVolatile or MemConstVolatile for the Memory section property, the code
generation software generates a .c file and an .h file. The .c file contains the definition
for the data object with the pragma statement or qualifier associated with the Memory
section selection. The .h file contains the declaration for the data object. The .h file can
be included, using the preprocessor directive #include, in files that need to reference
the data object.

You can add more memory sections. For more information, see “Design Custom Storage
Classes and Memory Sections” and “Memory Sections”.

Data Placement Rules

For a complete set of data placement rules in convenient tabular form, based on the
priorities discussed in this chapter, see “Data Placement Rules and Results” on page

Settings for a Data Object

• “Introduction” on page 14-86
• “Read-Write” on page 14-88
• “Ownership” on page 14-89
• “Header File” on page 14-91
• “Definition File” on page 14-93


“Settings and Resulting Generated Files” on page 14-95 provides example settings for
one data object of a model. Eight examples are listed so that you can see the generated

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

files that result from a wide variety of settings. Four examples from this table are
discussed below in more detail. These discussions provide information for understanding
settings you might choose. For illustration purposes, the four examples assume that we
are dealing with an overall system that controls engine idle speed.

The next figure shows that the software component of this example system consists of
two modules, IAC (Idle Air Control), and IO (Input-Output).

IAC (Idle Air Control) Module IO Module

(External to MPF)
Generated File for Chart spd_filt

Depends on MPF Settings /* Definitions*/

real_T meas_spd = 0.0;
real_T iac_cmd = 0.0;

Generated File for Chart iac_ctrl


/* External Data*/
Depends on MPF Settings extern real_T meas_spd;
extern real_T iac_cmd;

Engine Idle Speed Control System

The code in the IO module controls the system's IO hardware. Code is generated only for
the IAC module. (Some other means produced the code for the IO module, such as hand-
coding.) So the code in IO is external to MPF, and can illustrate legacy code. To simplify
matters, the IO code contains one source file, called IO.c, and one header file, called

The IAC module consists of two Stateflow charts, spd_filt and iac_ctrl. The
spd_filt chart has two signals (meas_spd) and filt_spd), and one parameter (a).
The iac_ctrl chart also has two signals (filt_spd and iac_cmd) and a parameter
(ref_spd). (The parameters are not visible in the top-level charts.) One file for each

14 Code Appearance

chart is generated. This example system allows us to illustrate referencing from file to
file within the MPF module, and model to external module. It also illustrates the case
where there is no such referencing.

Proceed to the discussion of the desired example settings:

• “Read-Write” on page 14-88

• “Ownership” on page 14-89
• “Header File” on page 14-91
• “Definition File” on page 14-93


These settings and the generated files that result are shown as Example Settings 1 in
“Settings and Resulting Generated Files” on page 14-95. As you can see from the
table, this example illustrates the case in which only one .c source file (for each chart) is

So, for the IAC model, select the following settings. Accept the Data defined in
source file in the Data definition field and the Data declared in source
file in the Data declaration field on the Code Placement pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog box. Accept the default unchecked Use owner from data object
for data definition placement field. Accept the default blank settings for the Owner,
Definition file and Header file fields on the Model Explorer. For Memory section,
accept Default. Now the Read-Write priority is active. Generate code. The next figure
shows the results in terms of definition and declaration statements.

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

IAC (Idle Air Control) Module IO Module

(External to MPF)
Generated File for Chart spd_filt

spd_filt.c IO.c

/* Definitions*/ /* Definitions*/
const real_T a = 0.9; real_T meas_spd = 0.0;
real_T filt_spd = 0.0; real_T iac_cmd = 0.0;
real_T meas_spd = 0.0;

Generated File for Chart iac_ctrl

/* Definitions*/ /* External Data*/
const real_T ref_spd = 0.0; extern real_T meas_spd;
real_T iac_cmd = 0.0; extern real_T iac_cmd;
extern real_T filt_spd;

Engine Idle Speed Control System (Read-Write Example)

The code generator generated a spd_filt.c for the spd_filt chart and iac_ctrl.c
for the iac_ctrl chart. As you can see, MPF placed definitions of data objects for the
spd_filt chart in spd_filt.c. It placed definitions of data objects for the iac_ctrl
chart in iac_ctrl.c.

However, notice real_T filt_spd. This data object is defined in spd_filt.c and
declared in iac_ctrl.c. That is, since the Read-Write priority is active, filt_spd is
defined in the file that first writes to its address. And, it is declared in the file that reads
(uses) it. Further, real_T meas_spd is defined in both spd_filt.c and the external
IO.c. And, real_T iac_cmd is defined in both iac_ctrl.c and IO.c.


See tables “Ownership Settings” on page 14-95 and “Settings and Resulting
Generated Files” on page 14-95. In the “Read-Write” on page 14-88, there are
several instances where the same data object is defined in more than one .c source file,

14 Code Appearance

and there is no declaration (extern) statement. This would result in compiler errors
during link time. But in this example, we configure MPF Ownership rules so that linking
can take place. Notice the Example Settings 2 row in “Settings and Resulting Generated
Files” on page 14-95. Except for the ownership settings, assume these are the settings
you made for the model in the IAC module. Since this example has no Definition file or
Header file specified, now Ownership takes priority. (If you specified a Definition file
or Header file, MPF ignores the ownership settings.)

On the Code Placement pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, check the box
for the Use owner from data object for data definition placement field. Open the
Model Explorer (by issuing the MATLAB command daexplr) and, for all data objects
except meas_spd and iac_cmd, type IAC in the Owner field (case sensitive). Then, only
for the meas_spd and iac_cmd data objects, type IO as their Owner (case sensitive).
Generate code.

The results are shown in the next figure. Notice the extern real_T meas_spd
statement in spd_filt.c, and extern real_T iac_cmd in iac_ctrl.c. MPF placed
these declaration statements in the files where these data objects are used. This allows
the generated source files (spd_filt.c and iac_ctrl.c) to be compiled and linked
with IO.c.

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

IAC (Idle Air Control) Module IO Module

(External to MPF)
Generated File for Chart spd_filt
/* Definitions*/
const real_T a = 0.9; /* Definitions*/
real_T filt_spd = 0.0; real_T meas_spd = 0.0;
/*Declarations*/ real_T iac_cmd = 0.0;
extern real_T meas_spd;

Generated File for Chart iac_ctrl

/* Definitions*/ /* External Data*/
const real_T ref_spd = 0.0; extern real_T meas_spd;
/*Declarations*/ extern real_T iac_cmd;
extern real_T filt_spd;
extern real_T iac_cmd;

Engine Idle Speed Control System (Ownership Example)

Header File

These settings and the generated files that result are shown as Example Settings 3
in “Settings and Resulting Generated Files” on page 14-95. This example has no
Definition file specified. If you specified a Definition file, MPF ignores the Header
file setting. The focus of this example is to show how the Header file settings result in
the linking of the two chart source files to the external IO files, shown in the next figure.
(Also, ownership settings will be used to link the two chart files with each other.)

As you can see in the figure, the meas_spd and iac_cmd identifiers are defined in IO.c
and declared in IO.h. Both of these identifiers are external to the generated .c files.
You open the Model Explorer and select both the meas_spd and iac_cmd data objects.
For each of these data objects, in the Header file field, specify IO.h, since this is where
these two objects are declared. This setting allows the spd_filt.c source file to compile
and link with the external IO.c file.

14 Code Appearance

Now we configure the ownership settings. In the Model Explorer, select the filt_spd
data object and set its Owner field to IAC. Then, on the Code Placement pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, check the box for the Use owner from data
object for data definition placement field. Now the spd_filt source file links to the
iac_ctrl source file. Generate code. See the figure below.

IAC (Idle Air Control) Module IO Module

(External to MPF)
Generated File for Chart spd_filt
/* Includes*/
#include <IO.h> /* Definitions*/
/* Definitions*/ real_T meas_spd = 0.0;
const real_T a = 0.9; real_T iac_cmd = 0.0;
real_T filt_spd = 0.0;

Generated File for Chart iac_ctrl

/* External Data*/
/* Includes*/
extern real_T meas_spd;
#include <IO.h>
extern real_T iac_cmd;
/* Definitions*/
const real_T ref_spd = 0.0;
/* Declarations*/
extern real_T filt_spd;

Engine Idle Speed Control System (Header File Example)

Since you specified the IO.h filename for the Header file field for the meas_spd and
iac_ctrl objects, the code generator assumed that their declarations are in IO.h.
So the code generator placed #include IO.h in each source file: spd_filt.c and
iac_ctrl.c. So these two files will link with the external IO files. Also, due to the
ownership settings that were specified, the code generator places the real_T filt_spd
= 0.0; definition in spd_filt.c and declares the filt_spd identifier in iac_ctrl.c
with extern real_T iac_cmd;. Consequently, the two source files will link together.

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Definition File

These settings and the generated files that result are shown as Example Settings 4 in
“Settings and Resulting Generated Files” on page 14-95. Notice that a definition
filename is specified. The settings in the table only apply to the data object called a. You
have decided that you do not want this object defined in spd_filt.c, the generated
source file for the spd_filt chart. (There are many possible organizational reasons
one might want an object declared in another file. It is not important for this example to
specify the reason.)

For this example, assume the settings for all data objects are the same as those indicated
in “Header File” on page 14-91, except for the data object a. The description below
identifies only the differences that result from this.

Open the Model Explorer, and select data object a. In the Definition file field specify a
filename. Choose filter_constants.c. Generate code. The results are shown in the
next figure.

14 Code Appearance

IAC (Idle Air Control) Module IO Module

Generated File for Chart spd_filt (External to MPF)
/* Includes*/
#include "IO.h" /* Definitions*/
#include "filter_constants.h" real_T meas_spd = 0.0;
/* Definitions*/ real_T iac_cmd = 0.0;
real_T filt_spd = 0.0;

filter constants.c
/* Definitions */ IO.h
const real_T a = 0.9;
/* External Data*/
global.h extern real_T meas_spd;
/* Declarations */ extern real_T iac_cmd;
extern real_T a;

Generated File for Chart iac_ctrl

/* Includes*/
#include <IO.h>
/* Definitions*/
constr real_T ref_spd = 0.0;
/* Declarations*/
extern real_T filt_spd;
extern real_T iac_cmd;

Engine Idle Speed Control System (Definition File Example)

The code generator generates the same files as in the “Header File” on page 14-91,
and adds a new file, filter_constants.c. Data object a now is defined in
filter_constants.c, rather than in the source file spd_filt.c, as it is in the
example. This data object is declared with an extern statement in global.h

Data Placement Rules and Results

• “Ownership Settings” on page 14-95

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

• “Settings and Resulting Generated Files” on page 14-95

• “Data Placement Rules” on page 14-97

Ownership Settings

Row Enable Data Ownership Owner Setting Result*

Number Checkbox
1 Off** Blank** Embedded Coder determines whether
the current model defines data.
2 Off** A name is specified. Embedded Coder determines whether
the current model defines data.
3 On Blank** Embedded Coder determines whether
the current model defines data.
4 On A name is specified. The model specified in the Owner
setting defines data.

* See also “Ownership Settings” on page 14-85.

** Default.

Settings and Resulting Generated Files

Data Defined Data Owner- Defined Header Generated Files

In... Declared In... ship* File** File
Example Source file Source file Blank Blank Blank .c/.cpp source file
Settings 1
Example Source file Source file Name of Blank Blank .c/.cpp source file
Settings 2 module
(Owner- ship specified
Example Source file Source file Blank Blank Desired .c/.cpp source file
Settings 3 include .h definition file
(Header File filename
Example) specified.
Example Source file Source file Blank Desired Desired .c/.cpp source file
Settings 4 definition include

14 Code Appearance

Data Defined Data Owner- Defined Header Generated Files

In... Declared In... ship* File** File
(Def. File filename filename .c/.cpp definition
Example) specified. specified. file*
.h definition file*
Example Single Source file Blank Blank Blank .c/.cpp source file
Settings 5 separate global .c/.cpp
source file
Example Single Single Blank Blank Blank .c/.cpp source file
Settings 6 separate separate global .c/.cpp
source file header file global.h
Example Single Single Name of Blank Blank .c/.cpp source file
Settings 7 separate separate module global.c/.cpp
source file header file specified global.h
Example Single Single Blank Blank Desired .c/.cpp source file
Settings 8 separate separate include global.c/.cpp
source file header file filename global.h
specified. .h definition file

* "Blank" in ownership setting means that the check box for the Use owner from data
object for data definition placement field on the Code Placement pane is Off and
the Owner field on the Model Explorer is blank. "Name of module specified" can be a
variety of ownership settings as defined in “Ownership Settings” on page 14-95.

** The code generator generates a definition .c/.cpp file for every data object for
which you specified a definition filename (unless you selected #DEFINE for the Memory
section field). For example, if you specify the same definition filename for all data
objects, only one definition .c/.cpp file is generated. The code generator places
declarations in model.h by default, unless you specify Data declared in single
separate header file for the Data declaration option on the Code Generation
> Code Placement pane of the Configuration Parameter dialog box. If you select
that data placement option, the code generator places declarations in global.h. If
you specify a definition filename for each data object, the code generator generates one
definition .c/.cpp file for each data object and places declarations in model.h by
default, unless you specify Data declared in single separate header file for
Data declaration. If you select that data placement option, the code generator places
declarations in global.h.

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Note: If you generate C++ rather than C code, the .c files listed in the following table
will be .cpp files.

Data Placement Rules

Global Settings: Override Settings for Specific Results in Generated Files:

Data Object:
Storage Class Data Data Def. Owner Header Where Where Dec.
Setting Def. Dec. File File Data Def. Data Dec. Inclusion
Is Is
mpt or Simulink Noncustom Storage Classes:
auto N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Note 12 model.h Note 1
Exported-- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A model.c model.h Note 1
Imported-- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A None. model_- Note 2
Extern, External private.h
Simulink-- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Note 13 model.h Note 1
mpt or Simulink Custom Storage Class: Imported Data:
Imported-- D/C D/C D/C N/A null None model_- Note 3
FromFile private.h
Imported-- D/C D/C D/C N/A hdr.h None model_- Note 4
FromFile private.h
Simulink Custom Storage Class: #define Data:
Define D/C D/C N/A N/A N/A N/A #define, Note 5
mpt Custom Storage Class: #define Data:
Define D/C D/C N/A N/A null N/A #define, Note 5

14 Code Appearance

Global Settings: Override Settings for Specific Results in Generated Files:

Data Object:
Storage Class Data Data Def. Owner Header Where Where Dec.
Setting Def. Dec. File File Data Def. Data Dec. Inclusion
Is Is
Define D/C D/C N/A N/A hdr.h N/A #define, Note 6
mpt or Simulink Custom Storage Class: GetSet:
GetSet D/C D/C N/A N/A hdr.h N/A External Note 4
mpt or Simulink Custom Storage Class: Bitfield, Struct:
Bitfield, D/C D/C N/A N/A N/A model.c model.h Note 7
mpt Custom Storage Class: Global, Const, ConstVolatile, Volatile:
Global, Const, auto auto null null or null model.c model.h Note 1
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, Const, src auto null null or null src.c model.h Note 1
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, Const, sep auto null null or null gbl.c model.h Note 1
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, auto src null null or null model.c src.c Note 8
Const, locally
Const-- owned

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Global Settings: Override Settings for Specific Results in Generated Files:

Data Object:
Storage Class Data Data Def. Owner Header Where Where Dec.
Setting Def. Dec. File File Data Def. Data Dec. Inclusion
Is Is
Global, Const, src src null null or null src.c src.c Note 8
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, Const, sep src null null or null gbl.c src.c Note 8
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, Const, auto sep null null or null model.c gbl.h Note 9
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, Const, src sep null null or null src.c gbl.h Note 9
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, Const, sep sep null null or null gbl.c gbl.h Note 9
Const-- locally
Volatile, owned
Global, Const, D/C D/C data.c D/C null data.c See Note Note 10
Const-- 10.
Global, Const, D/C D/C data.c D/C hdr.h data.c hdr.h Note 11

14 Code Appearance

Global Settings: Override Settings for Specific Results in Generated Files:

Data Object:
Storage Class Data Data Def. Owner Header Where Where Dec.
Setting Def. Dec. File File Data Def. Data Dec. Inclusion
Is Is
Global, Const, auto D/C null null hdr.h model.c hdr.h Note 11
Global, Const, src D/C null null hdr.h src.c hdr.h Note 11
Global, Const, sep D/C null null hdr.h gbl.c hdr.h Note 11
Global, Const, D/C auto null External null External model.h Note 1
Const-- owner user--
Volatile, supplied
Volatile file
Global, Const, D/C src null External null External src.c Note 8
Const-- owner user--
Volatile, supplied
Volatile file
Global, Const, D/C sep null External null External gbl.h Note 9
Const-- owner user--
Volatile, supplied
Volatile file
Global, Const, D/C D/C null External header.h External hdr.h Note 11
Const-- owner user--
Volatile, supplied
Volatile file

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Global Settings: Override Settings for Specific Results in Generated Files:

Data Object:
Storage Class Data Data Def. Owner Header Where Where Dec.
Setting Def. Dec. File File Data Def. Data Dec. Inclusion
Is Is
Global, Const, D/C D/C null External header.h External hdr.h Note 11
Const-- owner user--
Volatile, supplied
Volatile file
mpt Custom Storage Class: Exported Data:
ExportTo-File auto auto null null null model.c model.h Note 1
ExportTo-File src auto null null null src.c model.h Note 1
ExportTo-File sep auto null null null gbl.c model.h Note 1
ExportTo-File auto src null null null model.c src.c Note 8
ExportTo-File src src null null null src.c src.c Note 8
ExportTo-File sep src null null null gbl.c src.c Note 8
ExportTo-File auto sep null null null model.c gbl.h Note 9
ExportTo-File src sep null null null src.c gbl.h Note 9
ExportTo-File sep sep null null null gbl.c gbl.h Note 9
ExportTo-File D/C D/C data.cnull null data.c See Note Note 10
ExportTo-File D/C D/C data.cnull hdr.h model.c hdr.h Note 11
ExportTo-File auto D/C null null hdr.h src.c hdr.h Note 11
ExportTo-File sep D/C null null hdr.h gbl.c hdr.h Note 11
Simulink Custom Storage Class: Default, Const, ConstVolatile, Volatile:
Default, auto auto N/A N/A N/A model.c model.h Note 1
Const, Const--

14 Code Appearance

Global Settings: Override Settings for Specific Results in Generated Files:

Data Object:
Storage Class Data Data Def. Owner Header Where Where Dec.
Setting Def. Dec. File File Data Def. Data Dec. Inclusion
Is Is
Default, src auto N/A N/A N/A src.c model.h Note 1
Const, Const--
Default, sep auto N/A N/A N/A gbl.c model.h Note 1
Const, Const--
Default, auto src N/A N/A N/A model.c src.c Note 8
Const, Const--
Default, src src N/A N/A N/A src.c src.c Note 8
Const, Const--
Default, sep src N/A N/A N/A gbl.c src.c Note 8
Const, Const--
Default, auto sep N/A N/A N/A model.c gbl.h Note 9
Const, Const--
Default, src sep N/A N/A N/A src.c gbl.h Note 9
Const, Const--

Manage Placement of Data Definitions and Declarations

Global Settings: Override Settings for Specific Results in Generated Files:

Data Object:
Storage Class Data Data Def. Owner Header Where Where Dec.
Setting Def. Dec. File File Data Def. Data Dec. Inclusion
Is Is
Default, sep sep N/A N/A N/A gbl.c gbl.h Note 9
Const, Const--
Simulink Custom Storage Class: Exported Data:
ExportTo-File auto auto N/A N/A null model.c model.h Note 1
ExportTo-File src auto N/A N/A null src.c model.h Note 1
ExportTo-File sep auto N/A N/A null gbl.c model.h Note 1
ExportTo-File auto src N/A N/A null model.c src.c Note 8
ExportTo-File src src N/A N/A null src.c src.c Note 8
ExportTo-File sep src N/A N/A null gbl.c src.c Note 8
ExportTo-File auto sep N/A N/A null model.c gbl.h Note 9
ExportTo-File src sep N/A N/A null src.c gbl.h Note 9
ExportTo-File sep sep N/A N/A null gbl.c gbl.h Note 9
ExportTo-File auto D/C N/A N/A hdr.h model.c hdr.h Note 11
ExportTo-File src D/C N/A N/A hdr.h src.c hdr.h Note 11
ExportTo-File sep D/C N/A N/A hdr.h gbl.c hdr.h Note 11


In the previous table:

• A Declaration Inclusion Approach is a file in which the header file that contains the
data declarations is included.
• D/C stands for don't care.
• Dec stands for declaration.
• Def stands for definition.
• gbl stands for global.

14 Code Appearance

• hdr stands for header.

• N/A stands for not applicable.
• null stands for field is blank.
• sep stands for separate.

Note 1: model.h is included directly in all source files.

Note 2: model_private.h is included directly in all source files.

Note 3: extern is included in model_private.h, which is in source.c.

Note 4: header.h is included in model_private.h, which is in source.c.

Note 5: model.h is included directly in all source files that use #define.

Note 6: header.h is included in model.h, which is in source files that use #define.

Note 7: model.h is included in all source.c files.

Note 8: extern is inlined in source files where data is used.

Note 9: global.h is included in model.h, which is in all source files.

Note 10: When you specify a definition filename for a data object, a header file is not
generated for that data object. The code generator declares the data object according to
the data placement priorities.

Note 11: header.h is included in model.h, which is in all source files.

Note 12: Signal: Either not defined because it is expression folded, or local data, or
defined in a structure in model.c, all depending on model's code generation settings.
Parameter: Either inlined in the code, or defined in model_data.c.

Note 13: Signal: In a structure that is defined in model.c. Parameter: In a structure

that is defined in model_data.c.

Specify Delimiter for #Includes

Specify Delimiter for #Includes

Understanding the purpose of this procedure requires understanding the Header file
property of a data object, described in “Parameter and Signal Property Values”, and
applied in “Create mpt Data Objects with Data Object Wizard”. For a particular data
object, you can specify as the Header file property value a .h filename where that
data object will be declared. Then, in the IncludeFile section of the generated file, this
.h file is indicated in a #include preprocessor directive.

Further, when specifying the filename as the Header file property value, you may
or may not place it within the double-quote or angle-bracket delimiter. That is, you can
specify it as filename.h, "filename.h", or <filename.h>. The code generator finds
every data object for which you specified a filename as its Header file property value
without a delimiter. By default, it assigns to each of these the double-quote delimiter.

This procedure allows you to specify the angle-bracket delimiter for these instead of the
default double-quote delimiter. See the figure below.

1 In the #include file delimiter field on the Code Placement pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, select #include <header.h> instead of the
default #include "header.h".
2 Click Apply.


Source Code Generation

• “Generating Code Using Embedded Coder®” on page 15-2

• “Generate Code Modules” on page 15-9
• “Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code” on page 15-15
• “Generate Reentrant Code from Top-Level Models” on page 15-33
15 Source Code Generation

Generating Code Using Embedded Coder®

This example shows how to select a target for a Simulink® model, configure options,
generate C code for embedded systems, and view generated files.

1. Open the model.


2. Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box from the model editor by clicking
Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

Alternately, type the following commands at the MATLAB® command prompt.

cs = getActiveConfigSet(model);

3. Select the Code Generation node.

Generating Code Using Embedded Coder®

4. In the Target Selection pane, click Browse to select a target.

You can generate code for a particular target environment or purpose. Some built-
in targeting options are provided using system target files, which control the code
generation process for a target.

15 Source Code Generation

5. Select the Embedded Real-Time (ERT) target and click Apply.

The ERT target includes a utility to specify and prioritize code generation settings based
on your application objectives.

6. In the Code Generation Advisor pane, click Set Objectives.

Generating Code Using Embedded Coder®

You can set and prioritize objectives for the generated code. For example, while code
traceability might be a very important criterion for your application, you might not want
to prioritize it at the cost of code execution efficiency.

7. In the Set Objectives pane, select Execution efficiency and Traceability. Click

You can select and prioritize a combination of objectives before generating code.

8. In the Code Generation pane, click Build to generate code.

9. View the code generation report that appears.

15 Source Code Generation

The report includes rtwdemo_rtwecintro.c, associated utility and header files, and
traceability and validation reports.

The figure below contains a portion of rtwdemo_rtwecintro.c

Generating Code Using Embedded Coder®

10. Close the model.

15 Source Code Generation


Generate Code Modules

Generate Code Modules

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 15-9
“Generated Code Modules” on page 15-9
“User-Written Code Modules” on page 15-12
“Customize Generated Code Modules” on page 15-12

This section summarizes the code modules and header files that make up a Embedded
Coder program and describes where to find the code modules and header files.

The easiest way to locate and examine the generated code files is to use the HTML code
generation report. The code generation report provides a table of hyperlinks that you
click to view the generated code in the MATLAB Help browser. For more information, see
“Traceability in Code Generation Report”.

Generated Code Modules

The Embedded Coder software creates a build folder in your working folder to store
generated source code. The build folder also contains object files, a makefile, and other
files created during the code generation process. The default name of the build folder is

Embedded Coder File Packaging summarizes the structure of source code generated by
the Embedded Coder software.

Embedded Coder File Packaging

File Description
model.c or .cpp Contains entry points for code implementing the model
algorithm (for example, model_step, model_initialize, and
model_private.h Contains local macros and local data that are required by the
model and subsystems. This file is included in the model.c file as a
#include statement. You do not need to include model_private.h
when interfacing handwritten code to the generated code of a model.

15 Source Code Generation

File Description
model.h Declares model data structures and a public interface to the model
entry points and data structures. Also provides an interface to the
real-time model data structure (model_M) with accessor macros.
model.h is included in the subsystem .c or .cpp files of the model.

If you are interfacing your handwritten code to generated code for

one or more models, include model.h for each of those models.
model_data.c or .cpp model_data.c or .cpp is conditionally generated. It contains
(conditional) the declarations for the parameters data structure, the constant
block I/O data structure, and any zero representations for the
model structure data types. If these data structures and zero
representations are not used in the model, model_data.c or .cpp
is not generated. These structures and zero representations are
declared extern in model.h.
model_types.h Provides forward declarations for the real-time model data structure
and the parameters data structure. Function declarations of
reusable functions might need these declarations. Also provides type
definitions for user-defined types used by the model.
rtwtypes.h Defines data types, structures, and macros required by Embedded
Coder generated code. Most other generated code modules also
require these definitions. For more information, see “rtwtypes.h and
Shared Utility Code”.
multiword_types.h Contains type definitions for wide data types and their chunks. File
is generated when multiword data types are used or when you select
one or more of the following in the Configuration Parameters dialog
box on the Code Generation > Interface pane:

• MAT-file logging
• External mode from the Interface list
model_reference_types.hContains type definitions for timing bridges. File is generated for a
model reference target or a model containing model reference blocks.
builtin_typeid_types.h Defines an enumerated type corresponding to built-in data types.
File is generated when you select one or more of the following in the
Configuration Parameters dialog box on the Code Generation >
Interface pane:

Generate Code Modules

File Description
• MAT-file logging
• C API from the Interface list
ert_main.c or .cpp If the Generate an example main program option is on, this
(optional) file is generated. (This option is on by default.) See “Generate an
example main program”.
rtmodel.h If the Generate an example main program option is off, this file
(optional) is generated. (See “Generate an example main program”.)

rtmodel.h contains #include directives required by the

rt_main.c or rt_cppclass_main.cpp static main program
module. Because the static main program module is not created at
code generation time, it includes rtmodel.h to access model-specific
data structures and entry points.

For more information, see “Static Main Program Module”.

model_capi.c or .cpp Provides data structures that enable a running program to access
model_capi.h model signals, states, and parameters without external mode. To
(optional) learn how to generate and use the model_capi.c or .cpp and .h
files, see “Data Interchange Using the C API” in the Simulink Coder

You can customize the generated set of files in several ways:

• File packaging formats: Specify the number of source files generated for your
model. In the Configuration Parameter dialog box, on the Code Generation >
Code Placement pane, specify the File packaging format parameter. For more
information, see “Customize Generated Code Modules” on page 15-12.

• Nonvirtual subsystem code generation: Instruct the code generation software to

generate separate functions, within separate code files, for nonvirtual subsystems.
You can control the names of the functions and of the code files. For further
information, see “Code Generation of Subsystems”.
• Custom storage classes: Use custom storage classes to partition generated data
structures into different files based on file names that you specify. For further
information, see “Introduction to Custom Storage Classes”.

15 Source Code Generation

• Module Packaging Features (MPF): Direct the generated code into a required set of .c
or .cpp and .h files, and control the internal organization of the generated files. For
details, see “Data, Function, and File Definition”.

User-Written Code Modules

Code that you write to interface with generated model code usually includes a customized
main module (based on a main program provided by the code generation software), and
may also include interrupt handlers, device driver blocks and other S-functions, and
other supervisory or supporting code.

Establish a working folder for your own code modules. Put your working folder on the
MATLAB path. Minimally, you must also modify the ERT template makefile and system
target file so that the build process can find your source and object files. If you want to
generate code for a particular microprocessor or development board and deploy the code
on target hardware with a cross-development system, make more extensive modifications
to the ERT target files.

For information on how to customize the ERT target for your production requirements,
see “Target Development”.

Customize Generated Code Modules

Embedded Coder software provides a configuration parameter to specify how the
generated source code is packaged into files. The configuration parameter “File
packaging format” drop-down list options are located in the Configuration Parameter
dialog box, on the Code Generation > Code Placement pane, in the Code Packaging
section. The options are: Modular, Compact (with separate data file), and
Compact. Generated Files According to File Packaging Format shows the files generated
for each file packaging format and the files that have been removed.

Generated Files According to File Packaging Format

File Packaging Format Generated Files Removed Files
Modular (default) model.c None

subsystem files (optional)



Generate Code Modules

File Packaging Format Generated Files Removed Files


Compact (with model.c model_private.h
separate data file)
model.h model_types.h (conditional,
see below)
Compact model.c model_data.c

model.h model_private.h

model_types.h (conditional,
see below)

The code generation process places the content of the removed files as follows:

Removed File Generated Content In File

model_private.h model.c and model.h
model_types.h model.h
model_data.c model.c

You can specify a different file packaging format for each referenced model.

If you specify Shared code placement as Shared location on the Code Generation
> Interface pane of the Configuration Parameter dialog box, the code generation
process generates separate files for utility code in a shared location, regardless of the file
packaging format. If you specify the Shared code placement as Auto, the generated
code for utilities is dependent on the file packaging format as follows:

• Modular: Some shared utility files are in the build directory

• Compact (with separate data file): Utility code is generated in model.c
• Compact: Utility code is generated in model.c

File packaging formats Compact and Compact (with separate data file)
generate model_types.h for models containing:

15 Source Code Generation

• A Model Variants block or a Variant Subsystem block. The model_types.h file

includes preprocessor directives defining the variant objects associated with a variant
• Custom storage classes specifying a separate header file. The model_types.h file
includes the #include call to the external header file.

File packaging formats Compact and Compact (with separate data file) are not
compatible with the following:

• A model containing a subsystem, which is configured to generate separate source files

• A model containing a noninlined S-function
• A model for which Shared code placement is set to Auto, which uses data objects
for which Data scope is set to Exported

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

In this section...
“What Is Reentrant Code?” on page 15-15
“When to Generate Reentrant Code” on page 15-15
“Generate Reentrant Code” on page 15-16
“Generated Code API” on page 15-16
“Call Reentrant Code in a Single-Thread Environment” on page 15-17
“Call Reentrant Code in a Multithreaded Environment” on page 15-18
“Call Reentrant Code with No Persistent or Global Data (UNIX Only)” on page 15-19
“Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent Data (Windows Only)” on page
“Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent Data (UNIX Only)” on page

What Is Reentrant Code?

Reentrant code is a reusable programming routine that multiple programs can use
simultaneously. Operating systems and other system software that uses multithreading
to handle concurrent events use reentrant code. Sharing code with persistent or static
data in a concurrent environment is difficult because multiple threads or processes
might attempt to simultaneously read and write the static data. Reentrant code does
not contain static data. Calling programs maintain their state variables and pass them
into the function. Therefore, any number of threads or processes can share one copy of a
reentrant routine.

With an Embedded Coder license, you can use codegen to generate reusable code. For
more information, see “Generate Reentrant Code” on page 15-16.

When to Generate Reentrant Code

Generate reentrant code when you want to:

• Deploy your code in multi-threaded environments.

• Share the same algorithm with different persistent data.
• Compile code that uses function variables that are too large to fit on the stack.

15 Source Code Generation

If you do not choose to generate reentrant code, codegen generates code that uses
statically allocated memory for function variables that are too large to fit on the stack,
and for global and persistent variables. The use of static memory allocation for these
variables means that you cannot deploy the generated code in environments that require
code to be reentrant. In addition, the generated code can result in static memory size
overflow if you cannot adjust the static memory allocation size to accommodate the static
memory requirements of the program.

When you generate reentrant code, codegen creates input data structures for
function variables that are too large to fit on the stack, and for persistent and global
variables. You can then dynamically allocate memory for these input structures. The
use of dynamic memory allocation means that you can deploy the code in reentrant

Generate Reentrant Code


This option requires an Embedded Coder license.


Use the MultiInstanceCode option of the coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig code

generation configuration object. For example, to compile the file foo.m and generate
reusable code:

1 Create a code generation configuration object and enable the MultiInstanceCode

cfg = coder.config('lib', 'ecoder', true);
cfg.MultiInstanceCode = true;
2 Pass the configuration object to codegen using the -config option.
codegen -config cfg foo

Alternatively, you can set this parameter using the MATLAB Coder Project Settings
dialog box. On the Interface pane , select Reusable function code interface packaging.

Generated Code API

When you generate reusable code, codegen supports dynamic allocation of function
variables that are too large for the stack, as well as persistent and global variables. It

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

generates a header file, primary_function_name_types.h, which you must include

when using the generated code. This header file contains the following structures:

• primary_function_nameStackData

This structure contains the user allocated memory. You must pass a pointer to this
structure as the first parameter to all functions that use it either directly, because the
function uses a field in the structure, or indirectly, because the function passes the
structure to a called function.

The primary_function_nameStackData structure also contains a pointer to

the primary_function_namePersistentData structure if the algorithm uses
persistent or global data. Including this pointer means that you have to pass only one
parameter to each calling function.
• primary_function_namePersistentData

If your algorithm uses persistent or global variables, codegen provides a separate

structure for them and adds a pointer to this structure to the memory allocation
structure. Having a separate structure for persistent and global variables allows
you to allocate memory for these variables once and share them with all threads.
However, if there is no communication between threads, you can choose to allocate
memory for these variables per thread or per application.

For more information on using these global structures, see “Multithreaded Examples” on
page 15-18.

Call Reentrant Code in a Single-Thread Environment

To call reentrant code in a single-thread environment, create a main function that:

• Includes the header file primary_function_name.h.

• Allocates memory for the global memory allocation structure
• If the algorithm uses persistent or global data, allocates memory for the global
structure primary_function_namePersistentData, .
• Calls these functions:

• primary_function_name_initialize.
• primary_function_name.

15 Source Code Generation

• primary_function_name_terminate.

When you convert a MATLAB function to a C/C++ library function or a C/C++

executable, codegen automatically generates two housekeeping functions that you
must call with the C/C++ function. For more information, see “Calling Initialize and
Terminate Functions”.
• Frees the memory used for global structures.

Call Reentrant Code in a Multithreaded Environment

To call reentrant code, create a main function that:

• Includes the header file primary_function_name.h.

• For each thread, allocates memory for the global memory allocation structure
• If the algorithm uses persistent or global data, allocates memory for the global
structure primary_function_namePersistentData. If there is communication
between threads, you must allocate this memory once for the application. Otherwise,
you can choose to allocate memory per thread or per application.
• Contains a thread function that calls these functions:

• primary_function_name_initialize.
• primary_function_name.
• primary_function_name_terminate.

When you convert a MATLAB function to a C/C++ library function or a C/C++

executable, codegen automatically generates two housekeeping functions that you
must call with the C/C++ function. For more information, see “Calling Initialize and
Terminate Functions” in the MATLAB Coder documentation.
• Initializes each thread and passes in a pointer to the memory allocation structure as
the first parameter to the thread function.
• Frees the memory used for global structures.

Multithreaded Examples

Type of Reentrant Code Platform Reference

Multithreaded without Windows “Generating Reentrant C Code from MATLAB Code”
persistent or global data

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

Type of Reentrant Code Platform Reference

UNIX “Call Reentrant Code with No Persistent or Global Data
(UNIX Only)” on page 15-19
Multithreaded with Windows “Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent
persistent or global data Data (Windows Only)” on page 15-23
UNIX “Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent
Data (UNIX Only)” on page 15-27

Call Reentrant Code with No Persistent or Global Data (UNIX Only)

This example requires POSIX thread (pthread) libraries and, therefore, runs only on
UNIX platforms. It is a simple multithreaded example that uses no persistent or global
data. Two threads call the MATLAB function matrix_exp with different sets of input

MATLAB Code Used for This Example

function Y = matrix_exp(X) %#codegen
% The function matrix_exp computes matrix exponential
% of the input matrix using Taylor series and returns
% the computed output.
E = zeros(size(X));
F = eye(size(X));
k = 1;
while norm(E+F-E,1) > 0
E = E + F;
F = X*F/k;
k = k+1;
Y = E;

Provide a Main Function

To call the reentrant code, you must provide a main function that:

• Includes the header file matrix_exp.h.

• For each thread, allocates memory for stack data.
• Calls the matrix_exp_initialize housekeeping function. For more information,
see “Calling Initialize and Terminate Functions”.
• Calls matrix_exp.
• Calls matrix_exp_terminate.

15 Source Code Generation

• Frees the memory used for stack data.

For this example, main.c contains:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "matrix_exp.h"
#include "matrix_exp_initialize.h"
#include "matrix_exp_terminate.h"
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#define NUMELEMENTS (160*160)

typedef struct {
real_T out[NUMELEMENTS];
matrix_expStackData* spillData;

/* The thread_function calls the matrix_exp function written in MATLAB */

void *thread_function(void *dummyPtr) {
IODATA *myIOData = (IODATA*)dummyPtr;
matrix_exp(myIOData->spillData, myIOData->in, myIOData->out);

int main() {
pthread_t thread1, thread2;
int iret1, iret2;
IODATA data1;
IODATA data2;
int32_T i;

/*Initializing data for passing to the 2 threads*/

matrix_expStackData* sd1=(matrix_expStackData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expStackData));
matrix_expStackData* sd2=(matrix_expStackData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expStackData));

data1.spillData = sd1;
data2.spillData = sd2;

for (i=0;i<NUMELEMENTS;i++) {
data1.in[i] = 1;
data1.out[i] = 0;
data2.in[i] = 1.1;
data2.out[i] = 0;

/*Initializing the 2 threads and passing required data to the thread functions*/
printf("Starting thread 1...\n");
iret1 = pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, thread_function, (void*) &data1);
if (iret1 != 0){
perror( "Thread 1 creation failed.");

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

printf("Starting thread 2...\n");

iret2 = pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, thread_function, (void*) &data2);
if (iret2 != 0){
perror( "Thread 2 creation failed.");

/*Wait for both the threads to finish execution*/

iret1 = pthread_join(thread1, NULL);
if (iret1 != 0){
perror( "Thread 1 join failed.");

iret2 = pthread_join(thread2, NULL);

if (iret2 != 0){
perror( "Thread 2 join failed.");


printf("Finished Execution!\n");

Generate Reentrant C Code

Run the following script at the MATLAB command line to generate code.
% This example can only be run on Unix platforms
if ~isunix
error('This example requires pthread libraries and can only be run on Unix.');

% Setting the options for the Config object

% Create a code gen configuration object

e = coder.config('exe','ecoder', true);

% Enable reentrant code generation

e.MultiInstanceCode = true;

% Set the post code generation command to be the 'setbuildargs' function

e.PostCodeGenCommand = 'setbuildargs(buildInfo)';

% Compiling
codegen -config e main.c matrix_exp.m -report -args ones(160,160)

These commands:

15 Source Code Generation

• Check that the example is running on UNIX platforms and generates an error
message if not.
• Create a Simulink Coder configuration object for an ERT target.
• Enable the MultiInstanceCode option to generate reusable, reentrant code.
• Use the PostCodeGenCommand option to set the post-code-generation command to be
the setbuildargs function. This function sets the -lpthread flag to specify that
the build include the pthread library.
function setbuildargs(buildInfo)
% The example being compiled requires pthread support.
% The -lpthread flag requests that the pthread library
% be included in the build
linkFlags = {'-lpthread'};
addLinkFlags(buildInfo, linkFlags);
For more information about the PostCodeGenCommand option, see “Customize the
Post-Code-Generation Build Process”.
• Invoke codegen with the following options:

• -config to pass in the code generation configuration object e.

• main.c to include this file in the compilation.
• -report to create a code generation report.
• -args to specify an example input with class, size, and complexity.

For more information on these options, see codegen.

Examine the Generated Code

codegen generates a header file matrix_exp_types.h, which defines the

matrix_expStackData global structure. This structure contains local variables that are
too large to fit on the stack.
* matrix_exp_types.h
* MATLAB Coder code generation for function 'matrix_exp'

#ifndef __MATRIX_EXP_TYPES_H__
#define __MATRIX_EXP_TYPES_H__

/* Type Definitions */
typedef struct {
struct {
real_T F[25600];
real_T Y[25600];

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

} f0;
} matrix_expStackData;
/* End of MATLAB Coder code generation (matrix_exp_types.h) */

Run the Code

Finally, call the code using the command:

The executable runs and reports completion.

Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent Data (Windows

This example requires libraries that are specific to the Microsoft Windows operating
system and, therefore, runs only on Windows platforms. It is a multithreaded example
that uses persistent data. Two threads call the MATLAB function matrix_exp with
different sets of input data.

MATLAB Code Used for This Example

function [Y,numTimes] = matrix_exp(X) %#codegen
% The function matrix_exp computes matrix exponential
% of the input matrix using Taylor series and returns
% the computed output. It also returns the number of
% times this function has been called.
persistent count;
if isempty(count)
count = 0;
count = count+1;

E = zeros(size(X));
F = eye(size(X));
k = 1;
while norm(E+F-E,1) > 0
E = E + F;
F = X*F/k;
k = k+1;
Y = E ;

numTimes = count;

Provide a Main Function

To call reentrant code that uses persistent data, you must provide a main function that:

15 Source Code Generation

• Includes the header file matrix_exp.h.

• For each thread, allocates memory for stack data.
• Allocates memory for persistent data, once per application if threads share data, and
once per thread otherwise.
• Calls the matrix_exp_initialize housekeeping function. For more information,
see “Calling Initialize and Terminate Functions”.
• Calls matrix_exp.
• Calls matrix_exp_terminate.
• Frees the memory used for stack and persistent data.

For this example, main.c contains:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "matrix_exp.h"
#include "matrix_exp_initialize.h"
#include "matrix_exp_terminate.h"
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#define NUMELEMENTS (160*160)

typedef struct {
real_T out[NUMELEMENTS];
real_T numTimes;
matrix_expStackData* spillData;

/*The thread_function calls the matrix_exp function written in MATLAB*/

DWORD WINAPI thread_function(PVOID dummyPtr) {
IODATA *myIOData = (IODATA*)dummyPtr;
matrix_exp(myIOData->spillData, myIOData->in, myIOData->out, &myIOData->numTimes);
printf("Number of times function matrix_exp is called is %g\n",myIOData->numTimes);
return 0;

void main() {
HANDLE thread1, thread2;
IODATA data1;
IODATA data2;
int32_T i;

/*Initializing data for passing to the 2 threads*/

matrix_expPersistentData* pd1 = (matrix_expPersistentData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expPersistentData));
matrix_expPersistentData* pd2 = (matrix_expPersistentData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expPersistentData));
matrix_expStackData* sd1 = (matrix_expStackData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expStackData));
matrix_expStackData* sd2 = (matrix_expStackData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expStackData));

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

sd1->pd = pd1;
sd2->pd = pd2;
data1.spillData = sd1;
data2.spillData = sd2;

for (i=0;i<NUMELEMENTS;i++) {
data1.in[i] = 1;
data1.out[i] = 0;
data2.in[i] = 1.1;
data2.out[i] = 0;

data1.numTimes = 0;
data2.numTimes = 0;

/*Initializing the 2 threads and passing required data to the thread functions*/
printf("Starting thread 1...\n");
thread1 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_function, (PVOID) &data1, 0, NULL);
if (thread1 == NULL){
perror( "Thread 1 creation failed.");

printf("Starting thread 2...\n");

thread2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_function, (PVOID) &data2, 0, NULL);
if (thread2 == NULL){
perror( "Thread 2 creation failed.");

/*Wait for both the threads to finish execution*/

if (WaitForSingleObject(thread1, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0){
perror( "Thread 1 join failed.");

if (WaitForSingleObject(thread2, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0){

perror( "Thread 2 join failed.");


printf("Finished Execution!\n");

Generate Reentrant C Code

Run the following script at the MATLAB command line to generate code.

15 Source Code Generation

% This example can only be run on Windows platforms

if ~ispc
('This example requires Windows-specific libraries and can only be run on Windows.');

% Setting the options for the Config object

% Create a code gen configuration object
e = coder.config('exe', 'ecoder', true);

% Enable reentrant code generation

e.MultiInstanceCode = true;

% Compiling
codegen -config e main.c -report matrix_exp.m -args ones(160,160)

These commands:

• Check that the example is running on Windows platforms and generates an error
message if not.
• Create a code generation configuration object for an ERT target.
• Enable the MultiInstanceCode option to generate reusable, reentrant code.
• Invoke codegen with the following options:

• -config to pass in the code generation configuration object e.

• main.c to include this file in the compilation.
• -report to create a code generation report.
• -args to specify an example input with class, size, and complexity.

For more information on these options, see codegen.

Examine the Generated Code

codegen generates a header file matrix_exp_types.h, which defines:

• The matrix_expStackData global structure that contains local variables that are
too large to fit on the stack and a pointer to the matrix_expPersistentData global
• The matrix_expPersistentData global structure that contains persistent data.
* matrix_exp_types.h
* MATLAB Coder code generation for function 'matrix_exp'

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code


#ifndef __MATRIX_EXP_TYPES_H__
#define __MATRIX_EXP_TYPES_H__

/* Type Definitions */
typedef struct {
real_T count;
} matrix_expPersistentData;
typedef struct {
struct {
real_T F[25600];
real_T Y[25600];
} f0;
matrix_expPersistentData *pd;
} matrix_expStackData;
/* End of code generation (matrix_exp_types.h) */

Run the Code

Finally, call the code using the command:

The executable runs and reports completion.

Call Reentrant Code — Multithreaded with Persistent Data (UNIX Only)

This example requires POSIX thread (pthread) libraries and, therefore, runs only on
UNIX platforms. It is a multithreaded example that uses persistent data. Two threads
call the MATLAB function matrix_exp with different sets of input data.

MATLAB Code Used for This Example

function [Y,numTimes] = matrix_exp(X) %#codegen
% The function matrix_exp computes matrix exponential
% of the input matrix using Taylor series and returns
% the computed output. It also returns the number of
% times this function has been called.

persistent count;
if isempty(count)
count = 0;
count = count+1;

E = zeros(size(X));
F = eye(size(X));
k = 1;
while norm(E+F-E,1) > 0

15 Source Code Generation

E = E + F;
F = X*F/k;
k = k+1;
Y = E ;

numTimes = count;

Provide a Main Function

To call reentrant code that uses persistent data, you must provide a main function that:

• Includes the header file matrix_exp.h.

• For each thread, allocates memory for stack data.
• Allocates memory for persistent data, once per application if threads share data, and
once per thread otherwise.
• Calls the matrix_exp_initialize housekeeping function. For more information,
see “Calling Initialize and Terminate Functions”.
• Calls matrix_exp.
• Calls matrix_exp_terminate.
• Frees the memory used for stack and persistent data.

For this example, main.c contains:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "matrix_exp.h"
#include "matrix_exp_initialize.h"
#include "matrix_exp_terminate.h"
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#define NUMELEMENTS (160*160)

typedef struct {
real_T out[NUMELEMENTS];
real_T numTimes;
matrix_expStackData* spillData;

/*The thread_function calls the matrix_exp function written in MATLAB*/

void *thread_function(void *dummyPtr) {
IODATA *myIOData = (IODATA*)dummyPtr;
matrix_exp(myIOData->spillData, myIOData->in, myIOData->out, &myIOData>numTimes);
printf("Number of times function matrix_exp is called is %g\n",myIOData->numTimes);

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

int main() {
pthread_t thread1, thread2;
int iret1, iret2;
IODATA data1;
IODATA data2;
int32_T i;

/*Initializing data for passing to the 2 threads*/

matrix_expPersistentData* pd1 =
matrix_expPersistentData* pd2 =
matrix_expStackData* sd1 = (matrix_expStackData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expStackData));
matrix_expStackData* sd2 = (matrix_expStackData*)calloc(1,sizeof(matrix_expStackData));

sd1->pd = pd1;
sd2->pd = pd2;
data1.spillData = sd1;
data2.spillData = sd2;

for (i=0;i<NUMELEMENTS;i++) {
data1.in[i] = 1;
data1.out[i] = 0;
data2.in[i] = 1.1;
data2.out[i] = 0;

data1.numTimes = 0;
data2.numTimes = 0;

/*Initializing the 2 threads and passing required data to the thread functions*/
printf("Starting thread 1...\n");
iret1 = pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, thread_function, (void*) &data1);
if (iret1 != 0){
perror("Thread 1 creation failed.");

printf("Starting thread 2...\n");

iret2 = pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, thread_function, (void*) &data2);
if (iret2 != 0){
perror( "Thread 2 creation failed.");

/*Wait for both the threads to finish execution*/

iret1 = pthread_join(thread1, NULL);
if (iret1 != 0){
perror( "Thread 1 join failed.");

iret2 = pthread_join(thread2, NULL);

if (iret2 != 0){

15 Source Code Generation

perror( "Thread 2 join failed.");



printf("Finished Execution!\n");

Generate Reentrant C Code

Run the following script at the MATLAB command line to generate code.

% This example can only be run on Unix platforms

if ~isunix
error('This example requires pthread libraries and can only be run on Unix.');

% Setting the options for the Config object

% Specify an ERT target

e = coder.config('exe','ecoder', true);

% Enable reentrant code generation

e.MultiInstanceCode = true;

% Set the post code generation command to be the 'setbuildargs' function

e.PostCodeGenCommand = 'setbuildargs(buildInfo)';

% Compiling
codegen -config e main.c -report matrix_exp.m -args ones(160,160)

These commands:

• Check that the example is running on UNIX platforms and generates an error
message if not.
• Create a code generation configuration object.
• Enable the MultiInstanceCode option to generate reusable, reentrant code.
• Use the PostCodeGenCommand option to set the post-code-generation command to be
the setbuildargs function. This function sets the -lpthread flag to specify that
the build include the pthread library.
function setbuildargs(buildInfo)
% The example being compiled requires pthread support.

Generate Reentrant Code from MATLAB Code

% The -lpthread flag requests that the pthread library

% be included in the build
linkFlags = {'-lpthread'};
addLinkFlags(buildInfo, linkFlags);
For more information about the PostCodeGenCommand option, see “Customize the
Post-Code-Generation Build Process”.
• Invokes codegen with the following options:

• -config to pass in the code generation configuration object e.

• main.c to include this file in the compilation.
• -report to create a code generation report.
• -args to specify an example input with class, size, and complexity.

For more information on these options, see codegen.

Examine the Generated Code

codegen generates a header file matrix_exp_types.h, which defines:

• The matrix_expStackData global structure that contains local variables that are
too large to fit on the stack and a pointer to the matrix_expPersistentData global
• The matrix_expPersistentData global structure that contains persistent data.

* matrix_exp_types.h
* MATLAB Coder code generation for function 'matrix_exp'

#ifndef __MATRIX_EXP_TYPES_H__
#define __MATRIX_EXP_TYPES_H__

/* Type Definitions */
typedef struct {
real_T count;
} matrix_expPersistentData;
typedef struct {
struct {
real_T F[25600];
real_T Y[25600];
} f0;
matrix_expPersistentData *pd;
} matrix_expStackData;
/* End of code generation (matrix_exp_types.h) */

15 Source Code Generation

Run the Code

Finally, call the code using the command:


The executable runs and reports completion.

Generate Reentrant Code from Top-Level Models

Generate Reentrant Code from Top-Level Models

To generate reentrant multi-instance code from a model, select Reusable function
code interface packaging. When you select the Reusable function code interface for an
ERT-based model:

• By default, the generated model.c source file does not contain an allocation function
that dynamically allocates model data for each instance of the model. Use the Use
dynamic memory allocation for model initialization option to control whether
an allocation function is generated.
• The generated code passes the real-time model data structure in, by reference, as an
argument to model_step and the other model entry point functions.
• The real-time model data structure is exported with the model.h header file.
• By default, root-level input and output arguments are passed to the reusable model
entry-point functions as individual arguments. Use the Pass root-level I/O as
parameter to control whether root-level input and output arguments are included
in the real-time model data structure that is passed to the functions, passed as
individual arguments, or passed as references to an input structure and an output

To configure an ERT-based model to generate reusable, reentrant code:

1 In the Code Generation > Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog
box, set “Code interface packaging” to the value Reusable function. This
action enables the parameters Multi-instance code error diagnostic, Pass root-
level I/O as, and Use dynamic memory allocation for model initialization.
2 Examine the setting of “Multi-instance code error diagnostic”. Leave the
parameter at its default value Error unless you have a specific need to alter the
severity level for diagnostics displayed when a model violates requirements for
generating multi-instance code.
3 Configure “Pass root-level I/O as” to control how root-level model input and output
are passed to model_step and the other generated model entry-point functions.

When you set Code interface packaging to Reusable function, model data
(such as block I/O, DWork, and parameters) is packaged into the real-time model
data structure, and the model structure is passed to the model entry-point functions.
If you set Pass root-level I/O as to Part of model data structure, the
root-level model input and output also are packaged into the real-time model data

15 Source Code Generation

4 If you want the generated model code to contain a function that dynamically
allocates memory for model instance data, select the option “Use dynamic memory
allocation for model initialization”. If you do not select this option, the generated
code statically allocates memory for model data structures.
5 Generate model code.
6 Examine the model entry-point function interfaces in the generated files and the
HTML code generation report. For more information about generating and calling
model entry-point functions, see “Entry-Point Functions and Scheduling”.

For an example of a model configured to generate reusable, reentrant code, open the
example model rtwdemo_reusable. Click the button View Interface Configuration and
examine the Code interface parameters on the Code Generation > Interface pane.


Report Generation

• “Reports for Code Generation” on page 16-2

• “HTML Code Generation Report Extensions” on page 16-3
• “HTML Code Generation Report Location” on page 16-5
• “HTML Code Generation Report for Referenced Models” on page 16-6
• “Search Code Generation Report” on page 16-7
• “Generate a Code Generation Report” on page 16-8
• “Generate Code Generation Report After Build Process” on page 16-9
• “Open Code Generation Report” on page 16-11
• “Generate Code Generation Report Programmatically” on page 16-13
• “View Code Generation Report in Model Explorer” on page 16-14
• “Package and Share the Code Generation Report” on page 16-16
• “Traceability in Code Generation Report” on page 16-18
• “View Code Metrics and Definitions in the Generated Code” on page 16-19
• “Web View of Model in Code Generation Report” on page 16-20
• “Analyze the Generated Code Interface” on page 16-24
• “Static Code Metrics” on page 16-36
• “Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink Model” on page 16-39
• “Generate a Static Code Metrics Report for MATLAB Code” on page 16-45
• “Analyze Code Replacements in the Generated Code” on page 16-51
• “Document Generated Code with Simulink Report Generator” on page 16-53
16 Report Generation

Reports for Code Generation

Simulink Coder software provides an HTML code generation report so that you can view
and analyze the generated code. When your model is built, the code generation process
produces an HTML file that is displayed in an HTML browser or in the Model Explorer.
The code generation report includes:

• The Summary section lists version, date, and code generation objectives information.
The Configuration settings at the time of code generation link opens a
noneditable view of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. The dialog box shows
the Simulink model settings at the time of code generation, including TLC options.
• The Subsystem Report section contains information on nonvirtual subsystems in
the model.
• In the Generated Files section on the Contents pane, you can click the names of
source code files generated from your model to view their contents in a MATLAB Web
browser window. In the displayed source code, global variables are hypertext that
links to their definitions.
• A Find box at the top of the window. For more information, see “Search Code
Generation Report” on page 16-7.

For an example, see “Generate a Code Generation Report” on page 16-8 and “View
Code Generation Report in Model Explorer” on page 16-14.

The contents of HTML reports varies depending on different target types. You can
generate individual HTML reports for a subsystem or referenced model. For more
information, see “HTML Code Generation Report for Referenced Models” on page
16-6 and “Generate Code for Referenced Models”.

If you have a Simulink Report Generator license, you can document your code generation
project in multiple formats, including HTML, PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word, and XML. For
an example of how to create a Microsoft Word report, see “Document Generated Code
with Simulink Report Generator” on page 16-53.

HTML Code Generation Report Extensions

HTML Code Generation Report Extensions

The Embedded Coder code generation report is an enhanced version of the HTML code
generation report. The Simulink Coder build process generates the HTML report. With
the Embedded Coder software, you can configure your model to include the following
sections in the report:

• The Code Interface Report section provides information about the generated code
interface, including model entry point functions and input/output data. For more
information, see “Analyze the Generated Code Interface” on page 16-24.
• The Traceability Report section allows you to account for Eliminated / Virtual
Blocks that are untraceable versus the listed Traceable Simulink Blocks /
Stateflow Objects / MATLAB Scripts. This provides a complete mapping between
model elements and code. For more information, see “Customize Traceability
• The Static Code Metrics Report section provides statistics of the generated
code. Metrics are estimated from static analysis of the generated code. For more
information, see “Static Code Metrics” on page 16-36.
• The Code Replacements Report section allows you to account for code replacement
library (CRL) functions that were used during code generation, providing a mapping
between each replacement instance and the Simulink block that triggered the
replacement. For more information, see “Analyze Code Replacements in the
Generated Code” on page 16-51.
• The model Web view displays an interactive model diagram within the code
generation report and supports traceability between the source code and the model.
Therefore, you can share your model and generated code outside of the MATLAB
environment. For more information, see “Generate HTML Code Generation Report
with Model Web View” on page 16-20.

On the Contents pane, in the Generated Files section, you can click the names of
source code files generated from your model to view their contents in a MATLAB Web
browser window. In the displayed source code:

• If you enable code-to-model traceability, hyperlinks within the displayed source code
navigate to the blocks or subsystems from which the code is generated. For more
information, see “Traceability in Code Generation Report” on page 16-18 and
“Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks”.

16 Report Generation

• If you enable model-to-code traceability, you can navigate to the generated code for
a block in the model. For more information, see “Trace Model Objects to Generated
• If you set the Code coverage tool parameter on the Code Generation >
Verification pane, you can view the code coverage data and annotations. For more
information, see “Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage”.
• If you select the Static code metrics check box on the Code Generation > Report
pane, you can view code metrics information and navigate to code definitions and
declarations in the generated code. For more information, see “View Code Metrics and
Definitions in the Generated Code”.

HTML Code Generation Report Location

HTML Code Generation Report Location

The default location for the code generation report files is in the html subfolder of the
build folder, model_target_rtw/html/. target is the name of the System target
file specified on the Code Generation pane. The default name for the top-level HTML
report file is model_codegen_rpt.html or subsystem_codegen_rpt.html. For more
information on the location of the build folder, see “Control the Location for Generated

16 Report Generation

HTML Code Generation Report for Referenced Models

To generate a code generation report for a top model and code generation reports for each
referenced model, you need to specify the Create code generation report on the Code
Generation > Report pane for the top model and each referenced model. You can open
the code generation report of a referenced model in one of two ways:

• From the top-model code generation report, you can access the referenced model code
generation report by clicking a link under Referenced Models in the left navigation
pane. Clicking a link opens the code generation report for the referenced model in
the browser. To navigate back to the top model code generation report, use the Back
button at the top of the left navigation pane.
• From the referenced model diagram window, select Code > C/C++ Code > Code
Generation Report > Open Model Report.

To generate a code generation report for a referenced model individually, follow the
instructions in “Generate a Code Generation Report” on page 16-8 and “Open Code
Generation Report” on page 16-11 for the referenced model.

Search Code Generation Report

Search Code Generation Report

When the code generation report is displayed in the MATLAB Web browser window, you
can search the report using the Find box at the top of the window. The search is not case

Pressing Ctrl-F sets focus to the Find box. Type text into the Find box and hit Enter to
start the search. The search highlights the found terms in the displayed page and scrolls
to the first instance found. Press Enter to scroll through the subsequent search hits. If
no terms are found, the background of the search box is highlighted red.

16 Report Generation

Generate a Code Generation Report

To generate a code generation report when the model is built:

1 In the Simulink Editor, select Code > C/C++ Code > Code Generation Report
> Options. The Configuration Parameters dialog box opens with the Code
Generation > Report pane visible.
2 Select the Create code generation report parameter.
3 If you want the code generation report to automatically open after generating code,
select the Open report automatically parameter (which is enabled by selecting
Create code generation report).
4 Generate code.

The build process writes the code generation report files to the html subfolder of the
build folder (see “HTML Code Generation Report Location” on page 16-5). Next, the build
process automatically opens a MATLAB Web browser window and displays the code
generation report.

To open an HTML code generation report at any time after a build, see “Open Code
Generation Report” on page 16-11 and “Generate Code Generation Report After Build
Process” on page 16-9.

Generate Code Generation Report After Build Process

Generate Code Generation Report After Build Process

After generating code, if you did not configure your model to create a code generation
report, you can generate a code generation report without rebuilding your model.

1 In the model diagram window, select Code > C/C++ Code > Code Generation
Report > Open Model Report.
2 If your current working folder contains the code generation files the following dialog

Click Generate Report.

3 If the code generation files are not in your current working directory, the following
dialog opens.

Enter the full path of the build folder for your model, ../model_target_rtw and
click Open Report.
16 Report Generation

The software generates a report, model_codgen_rpt.html, from the code generation

files in the build folder you specified.

Note: An alternative method for generating the report after the build process is complete
is to configure your model to generate a report and build your model. In this case, the
software generates the report without regenerating the code.

Open Code Generation Report

Open Code Generation Report

You can refer to existing code generation reports at any time. If you generated a
code generation report, you can open the report by selecting Code > C/C++ Code >
Code Generation Report > Open Model Report. If you are opening a report for a
subsystem, select Open Subsystem Report. A Simulink Coder license is required to
view the code generation report. An Embedded Coder license is required to view a code
generation report enhanced with Embedded Coder features.

If your current working folder does not contain the code generation files and the code
generation report, the following dialog box opens:

Enter the full path of the build folder for your model, ../model_target_rtw and click
Open Report.

Alternatively, you can open the code generation report (model_codegen_rpt.html or

subsystem_codegen_rpt.html) manually into a MATLAB Web browser window, or
in another Web browser. For the location of the generated report files, see “HTML Code
Generation Report Location” on page 16-5.

After building your model or generating the code generation report, if you modify
legacy or custom code, you must rebuild your model or regenerate the report for the
code generation report to include the updated legacy source files. For example, if you
modify your legacy code, and then use the Code > C/C++ Code > Code Generation

16 Report Generation

Report > Open Model Report menu to open an existing report, the software does not
check if the legacy source file is out of date compared to the generated code. Therefore,
the code generation report is not regenerated and the report includes the out-of-date
legacy code. This issue also occurs if you open a code generation report using the
coder.report.open function.

To regenerate the code generation report, do one of the following:

• Rebuild your model.

• Generate the report using the coder.report.generate function.

Generate Code Generation Report Programmatically

Generate Code Generation Report Programmatically

At the MATLAB command line, you can generate, open, and close an HTML Code
Generation Report with the following functions:

• coder.report.generate generates the code generation report for the specified

• coder.report.open opens an existing code generation report.
• coder.report.close closes the code generation report.

16 Report Generation

View Code Generation Report in Model Explorer

After generating an HTML code generation report, you can view the report in the right
pane of the Model Explorer. You can also browse the generated files directly in the Model

When you generate code, or open a model that has generated code for its current target
configuration in your working folder, the Hierarchy (left) pane of Model Explorer
contains a node named Code for model. Under that node are other nodes, typically
called This Model and Shared Code. Clicking This Model displays in the Contents
(middle) pane a list of generated source code files in the build folder of that model. The
next figure shows code for the rtwdemo_counter model.

In this example, the file S:/rtwdemo_counter_grt_rtw/rtwdemo_counter.c is

being displayed. To view a file in the Contents pane, click it once.

The views in the Document (right) pane are read only. The code listings there contain
hyperlinks to functions and macros in the generated code. Clicking the file hyperlink
opens that source file in a text editing window where you can modify its contents.

If an open model contains Model blocks, and if generated code for these models exists in
the current slprj folder, nodes for the referenced models appear in the Hierarchy pane

View Code Generation Report in Model Explorer

one level below the node for the top model. Such referenced models do not need to be open
for you to browse and read their generated source files.

If the Simulink Coder software generates shared utility code for a model, a node named
Shared Code appears directly under the This Model node. It collects source files that
exist in the ./slprj/target/_sharedutils subfolder.

Note You cannot use the Search tool built into Model Explorer toolbar to search
generated code displayed in the Code Viewer. On PCs, typing Ctrl+F when focused on
the Document pane opens a Find dialog box that you can use to search for strings in the
currently displayed file. You can also search for text in the HTML report window, and
you can open the files in the editor.

16 Report Generation

Package and Share the Code Generation Report

In this section...
“Package the Code Generation Report” on page 16-16
“View the Code Generation Report” on page 16-17

Package the Code Generation Report

To share the code generation report, you can package the code generation report files and
supporting files into a zip file for transfer. The default location for the code generation
report files is in two folders:

• /slprj
• html subfolder of the build folder, model_target_rtw, for example

To create a zip file from the MATLAB command window:

1 In the Current Folder browser, select the two folders:

• /slprj
• Build folder: model_target_rtw
2 Right-click to open the context menu.
3 In the context menu, select Create Zip File. A file appears in the Current Folder
4 Name the zip file.

Alternatively, you can use the MATLAB zip command to zip the code generation report

Note: If you need to relocate the static and generated code files for a model to another
development environment, such as a system or an integrated development environment
(IDE) that does not include MATLAB and Simulink products, use the Simulink Coder
pack-and-go utility. For more information, see “Relocate Code to Another Development

Package and Share the Code Generation Report

View the Code Generation Report

To view the code generation report after transfer, unzip the file and save the two folders
at the same folder level in the hierarchy. Navigate to the model_target_rtw/html/
folder and open the top-level HTML report file named model_codgen_rpt.html or
subsystem_codegen_rpt.html in a Web browser.

16 Report Generation

Traceability in Code Generation Report

This example shows how to create an HTML code generation report which includes links
to trace between the source code and the Simulink model window.

1 With your ERT-based model open, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box or
Model Explorer and navigate to the Code Generation > Report pane.
2 Select Create code generation report if it is not already selected. By default,
Open report automatically and Code-to-model are selected. Model-to-code is
not selected.
3 Select the Model-to-code parameter.
4 If your model contains referenced models and you want to enable traceability for
the referenced model’s code generation report, repeat steps 2–3 for each referenced
5 Generate code for your model by clicking Build on the Code Generation pane
of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. The build process opens the code
generation report in a MATLAB Web browser.
6 In the left navigation pane, select a source code file. In the source code in the right
pane, there are hyperlinks to blocks in the model.
7 Click a hyperlink in the code. The model diagram window displays and highlights
the corresponding block in the model.
8 To highlight the generated code for a block in your Simulink model, right-click the
block and select C/C++ Code > Navigate to C/C++ Code. This selection highlights
the generated code for the block in the HTML code generation report.
9 If you have a referenced model in your model, in the left navigation pane, below
Reference Models, click the link to a referenced model. The code generation report
for the referenced model is now displayed in the window.
10 In the left navigation pane, click the Back button to go back to the previous code
generation report.

Related Examples
• “Trace Model Objects to Generated Code”
• “Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks”

More About
• “Traceability Limitations”

View Code Metrics and Definitions in the Generated Code

View Code Metrics and Definitions in the Generated Code

When you view code in the code generation report, to get access to code metrics and
definitions, you can use the following tools:

• On the Code Generation > Report pane, if you select the Static code metrics
check box you can hover your cursor over global variables and functions in the code
window to see code metrics information.

• In the code window, if you click linked variables or functions, the code inspect window
is displayed. The window provides links to definitions for the variables or functions.
On the Code Generation > Report pane, if you selected the Static code metrics
check box, you can also see code metrics information for the variable or function.

16 Report Generation

Web View of Model in Code Generation Report

In this section...
“About Model Web View” on page 16-20
“Generate HTML Code Generation Report with Model Web View” on page 16-20
“Model Web View Limitations” on page 16-23

About Model Web View

To review and analyze the generated code, it is helpful to navigate between the code
and model. You can include a Web view of the model within the HTML code generation
report. You can then share your model and generated code outside of the MATLAB
environment. When you generate the report, the Web view includes the block diagram
attributes displayed in the Simulink Editor, such as, block sorted execution order, signal
properties, and port data types.

A Simulink Report Generator license is required to include a “Web view” of the model in
the code generation report.

Browser Requirements for Web View

Web view requires a Web browser that supports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Web
view uses SVG to render and navigate models.

You can use the following Web browsers:

• Mozilla Firefox Version 1.5 or later, which has native support for SVG. To download
the Firefox browser, go to www.mozilla.com/.
• The Microsoft Internet Explorer® Web browser with the Adobe® SVG Viewer plug-in.
To download the Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in, go to www.adobe.com/svg/.
• Apple Safari Web browser

Generate HTML Code Generation Report with Model Web View

This example shows how to create an HTML code generation report which includes a
Web view of the model diagram.

1 Open the rtwdemo_mdlreftop model.

Web View of Model in Code Generation Report

2 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box or Model Explorer and navigate to
the Code Generation pane.
3 Specify ert.tlc for the System target file parameter.
4 Open the Code Generation > Report pane.
5 Select the following parameters:

• Create code generation report

• Open report automatically
• Code-to-model
• Model-to-code
• Generate model Web view

Note: These settings specify only the top model, not referenced models.
6 Open the Configuration Parameters for the referenced model, rtwdemo_mdlrefbot
and perform steps 3–5.
7 Save the models, rtwdemo_mdlreftop and rtwdemo_mdlrefbot.
8 From the top model diagram, press Ctrl+B. After building the model and generating
code, the code generation report for the top model opens in a MATLAB Web browser.
9 In the left navigation pane, select a source code file. The corresponding source code is
displayed in the right pane and includes hyperlinks.

16 Report Generation

10 Click a link in the code. The model Web view displays and highlights the
corresponding block in the model.
11 To highlight the generated code for a referenced model block in your model, click
CounterB. The corresponding code is highlighted in the source code pane.

Note: You cannot open the referenced model diagram in the Web view by double-
clicking the referenced model block in the top model.
12 To open the code generation report for a referenced model, in the left navigation
pane, below Referenced Models, click the link, rtwdemo_mdlrefbot. The

Web View of Model in Code Generation Report

source files for the referenced model are displayed along with the Web view of the
referenced model.
13 To go back to the code generation report for the top model, at the top of the left
navigation pane, click the Back button until the top model’s report is displayed.

For more information about exploring a model in a Web view, see “Navigate the Web
View” in the Simulink Report Generator documentation.

For more information about navigating between the generated code and the model
diagram, see :

• “Trace Model Objects to Generated Code”

• “Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks”

Model Web View Limitations

The HTML code generation report includes the following limitations when using the
model Web view:

• Code is not generated for virtual blocks. In the model Web view of the code generation
report, when tracing between the model and the code, when you click a virtual block,
it is highlighted yellow.
• In the model Web view, you cannot open a referenced model diagram by double-
clicking the referenced model block in the top model. Instead, open the code
generation report for the referenced model by clicking a link under Referenced
Models in the left navigation pane.
• Stateflow truth tables, events, and links to library charts are not supported in the
model Web view.
• Searching in the code generation report does not find or highlight text in the model
Web view.
• If you navigate from the actual model diagram (not the model Web view in the
report), to the source code in the HTML code generation report, the model Web view
is disabled and not visible. To enable the model Web view, open the report again, see
“Open Code Generation Report”.
• For a subsystem build, the traceability hyperlinks of the root level inport and outport
blocks are disabled.
• “Traceability Limitations” that apply to tracing between the code and the actual
model diagram.

16 Report Generation

Analyze the Generated Code Interface

In this section...
“Code Interface Report Overview” on page 16-24
“Generating a Code Interface Report” on page 16-25
“Navigating Code Interface Report Subsections” on page 16-27
“Interpreting the Entry Point Functions Subsection” on page 16-28
“Interpreting the Inports and Outports Subsections” on page 16-31
“Interpreting the Interface Parameters Subsection” on page 16-32
“Interpreting the Data Stores Subsection” on page 16-34
“Code Interface Report Limitations” on page 16-35

Code Interface Report Overview

When you select the Create code generation report option for an ERT-based model,
a Code Interface Report section is automatically included in the generated HTML
report. The Code Interface Report section provides documentation of the generated
code interface, including model entry point functions and interface data, for consumers of
the generated code. The information in the report can help facilitate code review and code

The code interface report includes the following subsections:

• Entry Point Functions — interface information about each model entry

point function, including model_initialize, model_step, and (if applicable)
• Inports and Outports — interface information about each model inport and outport.
• Interface Parameters — interface information about tunable parameters that are
associated with the model.
• Data Stores — interface information about global data stores and data stores with
non-auto storage that are associated with the model.

For limitations that apply to code interface reports, see “Code Interface Report
Limitations” on page 16-35.

Analyze the Generated Code Interface

For illustration purposes, this section uses the following models:

• rtwdemo_basicsc (with the ExportedGlobal Storage Class button selected in the

model window) for examples of report subsections
• rtwdemo_mrmtbb for examples of timing information
• rtwdemo_fcnprotoctrl for examples of function argument and return value

Generating a Code Interface Report

To generate a code interface report for your model:

1 Open your model, go to the Code Generation pane of the Configuration Parameters
dialog box, and select ert.tlc or an ERT-based System target file, if one is not
already selected.
2 Go to the Code Generation > Report pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog
box and select the option Create code generation report, if it is not already
selected. The rtwdemo_basicsc, rtwdemo_mrmtbb, and rtwdemo_fcnprotoctrl
models used in this section select multiple Report pane options by default. But
selecting only Create code generation report, generates a Code Interface
Report section in the HTML report.

Alternatively, you can programmatically select the option by issuing the following
MATLAB command:

set_param(bdroot, 'GenerateReport', 'on')

If the Report pane option Code-to-model is selected, the generated report contains
hyperlinks to the model. Leave this value selected unless you plan to use the report
outside the MATLAB environment.
3 Build the model. If you selected the Report pane option Open report
automatically, the code generation report opens automatically after the build
process is complete. (Otherwise, you can open it manually from within the model
build folder.)
4 To display the code interface report for your model, go to the Contents pane of
the HTML report and click the Code Interface Report link. For example, here
is the generated code interface report for the model rtwdemo_basicsc (with the
ExportedGlobal Storage Class button selected in the model window).

16 Report Generation

Analyze the Generated Code Interface

For help navigating the content of the code interface report subsections, see “Navigating
Code Interface Report Subsections” on page 16-27. For help interpreting the content
of the code interface report subsections, see the sections beginning with “Interpreting the
Entry Point Functions Subsection” on page 16-28.

Navigating Code Interface Report Subsections

To help you navigate code interface descriptions, the code interface report provides
collapse/expand tokens and hyperlinks, as follows:

• For a large subsection, the report provides [-] and [+] symbols that allow you to
collapse or expand that section. In the example in the previous section, the symbols
are provided for the Inports and Interface Parameters sections.
• Several forms of hyperlink navigation are provided in the code interface report. For

• The Table of Contents located at the top of the code interface report provides
links to each subsection.
• You can click each function name to go to its definition in model.c.
• You can click each function's header file name to go to the header file source
• If you selected the Report pane option Code-to-model for your model, to go to
the corresponding location in the model display, you can click hyperlinks for any of
the following:

• Function argument
• Function return value
• Inport
• Outport
• Interface parameter (if the parameter source is a block)
• Data store (if the data store source is a Data Store Memory block)

For backward and forward navigation within the HTML code generation report, use the
Back and Forward buttons above the Contents section in the upper-left corner of the

16 Report Generation

Interpreting the Entry Point Functions Subsection

The Entry Point Functions subsection of the code interface report provides the
following interface information about each model entry point function, including
model_initialize, model_step, and (if applicable) model_terminate.

Field Description
Function: Lists the function name. You can click the function name to go to
its definition in model.c.
Prototype Displays the function prototype, including the function return
value, name, and arguments.
Description Provides a text description of the function's purpose in the
Timing Describes the timing characteristics of the function, such as how
many times the function is called, or if it is called periodically,
and at what time interval. For a multirate timing example, see
the following rtwdemo_mrmtbb report excerpt.
Arguments If the function has arguments, displays the number, name,
data type, and Simulink description for each argument. If you
selected the Report pane option Code-to-model for your
model, you can click the hyperlink in the description to go to the
block corresponding to the argument in the model display. For
argument examples, see the rtwdemo_fcnprotoctrl report
excerpt below.
Return value If the function has a return value, this field displays the return
value data type and Simulink description. If you selected the
Report pane option Code-to-model for your model, you can click
the hyperlink in the description to go to the block corresponding
to the return value in the model display. For a return value
example, see the following rtwdemo_fcnprotoctrl report
Header file Lists the name of the header file for the function. You can click
the header file name to go to the header file source listing.

For example, here is the Entry Point Functions subsection for the model

Analyze the Generated Code Interface

To illustrate how timing information might be listed for a multirate model, here are the
Entry Point Functions and Inports subsections for the model rtwdemo_mrmtbb.
This multirate, discrete-time, multitasking model contains Inport blocks 1 and 2,
which specify 1-second and 2-second sample times, respectively. The sample times are
constrained to the specified times by the Periodic sample time constraint option on
the Solver pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

16 Report Generation

Analyze the Generated Code Interface

To illustrate how function arguments and return values are displayed in the report,
here is the Entry Point Functions description of the model step function for the model

Interpreting the Inports and Outports Subsections

The Inports and Outports subsections of the code interface report provide the following
interface information about each inport and outport in the model.

Field Description
Block Name Displays the Simulink block name of the inport or outport. If you
selected the Report pane option Code-to-model for your model,
you can click on each inport or outport Block Name value to go
to its location in the model display.
Code Identifier Lists the identifier associated with the inport or outport data in
the generated code, as follows:

• If the data is defined in the generated code, the field displays

the identifier string.

16 Report Generation

Field Description
• If the data is declared but not defined in the generated code —
for example, if the data is resolved with an imported storage
class — the field displays the identifier string prefixed with
the label 'Imported data:'.
• If the data is neither defined nor declared in the generated
code — for example, if Reusable function code interface
packaging is selected for the model — the field displays the
string 'Defined externally'.
Data Type Lists the data type of the inport or outport.
Dimension Lists the dimensions of the inport or outport (for example, 1 or
[4, 5]).

For example, here are the Inports and Outports subsections for the model

Interpreting the Interface Parameters Subsection

The Interface Parameters subsection of the code interface report provides the following
interface information about tunable parameters that are associated with the model.

Field Description
Parameter Source Lists the source of the parameter value, as follows:

• If the source of the parameter value is a block, the field

displays the block name, such as <Root>/Gain2 or <S1>/

Analyze the Generated Code Interface

Field Description
Lookup1. If you selected the Report pane option Code-to-
model for your model, you can click the Parameter Source
value to go to the parameter's location in the model display.
• If the source of the parameter value is a workspace variable,
the field displays the name of the workspace variable.
Code Identifier Lists the identifier associated with the tunable parameter data in
the generated code, as follows:

• If the data is defined in the generated code, the field displays

the identifier string.
• If the data is declared but not defined in the generated code —
for example, if the data is resolved with an imported storage
class — the field displays the identifier string prefixed with
the label 'Imported data:'.
• If the data is neither defined nor declared in the generated
code — for example, if Reusable function code interface
packaging is selected for the model — the field displays the
string 'Defined externally'.
Data Type Lists the data type of the tunable parameter.
Dimension Lists the dimensions of the tunable parameter (for example, 1 or
[4, 5, 6]).

For example, here is the Interface Parameters subsection for the model
rtwdemo_basicsc (with the ExportedGlobal Storage Class button selected in the
model window).

16 Report Generation

Interpreting the Data Stores Subsection

The Data Stores subsection of the code interface report provides the following interface
information about global data stores and data stores with non-auto storage that are
associated with the model.

Field Description
Data Store Source Lists the source of the data store memory, as follows:

• If the data store is defined using a Data Store Memory block,

the field displays the block name, such as <Root>/DS1. If
you selected the Report pane option Code-to-model for your
model, you can click on the Data Store Source value to go to
the data store's location in the model display.
• If the data store is defined using a Simulink.Signal object,
the field displays the name of the Simulink.Signal object.
Code Identifier Lists the identifier associated with the data store data in the
generated code, as follows:

• If the data is defined in the generated code, the field displays

the identifier string.
• If the data is declared but not defined in the generated code —
for example, if the data is resolved with an imported storage
class — the field displays the identifier string prefixed with
the label 'Imported data:'.
• If the data is neither defined nor declared in the generated
code — for example, if Reusable function code interface
packaging is selected for the model — the field displays the
string 'Defined externally'.
Data Type Lists the data type of the data store.
Dimension Lists the dimensions of the data store (for example, 1 or [1, 2]).

For example, here is the Data Stores subsection for the model rtwdemo_basicsc (with
the ExportedGlobal Storage Class button selected in the model window).

Analyze the Generated Code Interface

Code Interface Report Limitations

The following limitations apply to the code interface section of the HTML code generation

• The code interface report does not support the GRT interface with an ERT target or C
++ class code interface packaging. For these configurations, the code interface report
is not generated and does not appear in the HTML code generation report Contents
• The code interface report supports data resolved with most custom storage classes
(CSCs), except when the CSC properties are set in any of the following ways:

• The CSC property Type is set to FlatStructure. For example, the BitField
and Struct CSCs in the Simulink package have Type set to FlatStructure.
• The CSC property Type is set to Other. For example, the GetSet CSC in the
Simulink package has Type set to Other.
• The CSC property Data access is set to Pointer, indicating that imported
symbols are declared as pointer variables rather than simple variables. This
property is accessible only when the CSC property Data scope is set to Imported
or Instance-specific.

In these cases, the report displays empty Data Type and Dimension fields.
• For outports, the code interface report cannot describe the associated memory (data
type and dimensions) if the memory is optimized. In these cases, the report displays
empty Data Type and Dimension fields.
• The code interface report does not support data type replacement using the Code
Generation > Data Type Replacement pane of the Configuration Parameters
dialog box. The data types listed in the report will link to built-in data types rather
than their specified replacement data types.

16 Report Generation

Static Code Metrics

In this section...
“About Static Code Metrics” on page 16-36
“Static Code Metrics Analysis” on page 16-36

About Static Code Metrics

The code generator performs static analysis of the generated C code and provides these
metrics in the Static Code Metrics Report section of the HTML Code Generation

You can use the information in the report to:

• Find the number of files and lines of code in each file.

• Estimate the number of lines of code and stack usage per function.
• Compare the difference in terms of how many files, functions, variables, and lines of
code are generated every time you change the model or MATLAB algorithm.
• Determine a target platform and allocation of RAM to the stack, based on the size of
global variables plus the estimated stack size.
• Determine possible performance slow points, such as the largest global variables or
the most costly call path in terms of stack usage.
• View the cyclomatic complexity of a function, which counts the number of linearly
independent paths through a function.
• View the function call tree. Determine the longest call path to estimate the worst case
execution timing.
• View how target functions, provided by the selected code replacement library, are
used in the generated code.

For examples, see

• “Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink Model” on page 16-39
• “Generate a Static Code Metrics Report for MATLAB Code” on page 16-45

Static Code Metrics Analysis

Static analysis of the generated code is performed only on the source code without
executing the program. The results of the static code metrics analysis are included in

Static Code Metrics

the Static Code Metrics section of the HTML Code Generation Report. The static code
metrics report does not support the C++ target language. The report is not available if
you generate a MEX function from MATLAB code.

Static analysis of the generated source code files:

• Uses the specified C data types. For Simulink models, you specify these data
types in the Hardware Implementation > Production hardware pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box. For code generation from MATLAB code, you
specify them in the Hardware tab of the MATLAB Coder Project Settings dialog box
or using a code generation configuration object. Actual object code metrics might differ
due to target-specific compiler and platform settings.
• Includes custom code only if you specify it. For Simulink models, you specify custom
code on the Code Generation > Custom Code pane in the model configuration. For
code generation from MATLAB code, you specify it on the Custom Code tab of the
MATLAB Coder Project Settings dialog box or using a code generation configuration
object. An error report is generated if the generated code includes platform-specific
files not contained in the standard C run-time library.
• For Simulink models, includes the generated code from referenced models.
• Uses 1-byte alignment for all members of a structure for estimating global and local
data structure sizes. The size of a structure is calculated by summing the sizes of all
of its fields. This estimation represents the smallest possible size for a structure.
• Calculates the self stack size of a function as the size of local data within a function,
excluding input arguments. The accumulated stack size of a function is the self stack
size plus the maximum of the accumulated stack sizes of its called functions. For
example, if the accumulated stacks sizes for the called functions are represented as
accum_size1...accum_sizeN, then the accumulated stack size for a function is
accumulated_stack_size = self_stack_size + max(accum_size1,...,accum_sizeN)

• When estimating the stack size of a function, static analysis stops at the first instance
of a recursive call. The Function Information table indicates when recursion occurs
in a function call path. Code generation generates only recursive code for Stateflow
event broadcasting and for graphical functions if it is written as a recursive function.
• Calculates the cyclomatic complexity of a function as the number of decisions plus

CC = Number of decisions + 1
The following constructs add a decision:

• If statement

16 Report Generation

• Else-If statement
• Switch statement (1 decision for each case branch)
• Loop statements: While, For, Do-while

Note: Boolean operators in the above constructs do not add extra decisions.
• Does not include ert_main.c, because you have the option to provide your own

Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink Model

Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink Model

The Static Code Metrics Report is a section included in the HTML Code Generation
Report. For more information on the static analysis of the generated code, see “Static
Code Metrics Analysis” on page 16-36.

1 Before generating the HTML Code Generation Report, open the Configuration
Parameters dialog box for your model. On the Code Generation > Report pane,
select the “Static code metrics” check box.

If your model includes referenced models, select the Static code metrics check box
in each referenced model’s configuration set. Otherwise, you cannot view a separate
static code metrics report for a referenced model.
2 Press Ctrl+B to build your model and generate the HTML code generation report.
For more information, see “Traceability in Code Generation Report”.

3 If the HTML Code Generation Report is not already open, open the report. On the
left navigation pane, in the Contents section, select Static Code Metrics Report.

4 Hover your cursor over column titles and some column values to see a description of
the corresponding data.

16 Report Generation

5 To see the generated files and how many lines of code are generated per file, look at
the File Information section.

6 If your model includes referenced models, the File information section includes a
Referenced Model column. In this column, click the referenced model name to open
its static code metrics report. If the static code metrics report is not available for
a referenced model, specify the Static code metrics parameter in the referenced
model’s configuration set and rebuild your model.
7 To view the global variables in the generated code, their size, and the number of
accesses, see the Global Variables section.

Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink Model

The Reads/Writes column displays the total number of read and write accesses
to the global variable. The Reads/Writes in a Function column displays the
maximum number of read and write accesses to the global variable within a function.
You use this information is to estimate the benefit of turning on optimizations, which
reduce the number of global references. For more information, see “Optimize Global
Variable Usage”.

Click [+] to expand structures.

16 Report Generation

8 To navigate from the report to the source code, click a global variable or function
name. These names are hyperlinks to their definitions.
9 To view the function call tree of the generated code, in the Function Information
section, click Call Tree at the top of the table.

Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink Model

ert_main.c is not included in the code metrics analysis, therefore it is not shown in
the call tree format. The Complexity column includes the cyclomatic complexity of
each function.
10 To view the functions in a table format, click Table.

16 Report Generation

The second column, Called By, lists functions that call the function listed in the first
column, using the following criteria:

• If a function is called by multiple functions, all functions are listed.

• If a function has no called function, this column is empty.

For example, Fueling_Mode is called by Fail and fuel_rate_control_step.

The number of call sites is included in parentheses. Fail calls Fueling_Mode twice.

Generate a Static Code Metrics Report for MATLAB Code

Generate a Static Code Metrics Report for MATLAB Code

In a MATLAB Coder Project

This example shows how to generate a static code metrics report for a static C library
generated from MATLAB code in a MATLAB Coder project.

By default, when you generate standalone C code with MATLAB Coder, the code
generation report now includes a static code metrics report. The static code metrics
report is not available for generated MEX functions.

1 In a local, writable folder, create a MATLAB file, moving_average.m, that contains:

function [avg,z] = moving_average(x,z)

if nargin < 2,
z = zeros(10,1);
z(2:end) = z(1:end-1); % Update buffer
z(1) = x; % Add new value
avg = mean(z); % Compute moving average
2 In the same folder, set up a MATLAB Coder project.

a At the MATLAB command line, enter:

coder -new moving_average.prj

By default, the project opens in the MATLAB workspace on the right side.
b On the project Overview tab, click the Add files link. Browse to the file
moving_average.m. Click OK to add the file to the project.

The file is displayed on the Overview tab. Both inputs are undefined.
c Define the type of input u.

i On the Overview tab, click the field to the right of the input parameter x
and, from the list of input options, select double.
ii From the list of size options, select 1 x 1 to specify that the input is a
3 Repeat the previous step for input z.

16 Report Generation

4 In the MATLAB Coder project, click the Build tab.

5 On this tab, set the Output type to C/C++ Static library.

The default output file name is moving_average.

6 On this tab, click More settings to open the Project Settings dialog box.
7 In the Project Settings dialog box, select the Debugging tab and verify that Static
code metrics is selected.
8 Click the Build button to generate a library.

MATLAB Coder builds the project and generates a C static library and supporting
files in the default folder, codegen/lib/moving_average and provides a link to
the code generation report.
9 Open the code generation report and click Static Code Metrics Report to open the
10 To see the generated files and how many lines of code are generated per file, look at
the File Information section.

Generate a Static Code Metrics Report for MATLAB Code

11 To view the global variables in the generated code and their size, see the Global
Variables section.

16 Report Generation

To navigate from the report to the source code, click a global variable name. The
names are hyperlinks to their definitions.
12 To view the function call tree of the generated code, in the Function Information
section, click Call Tree at the top of the table.

To navigate from the report to the function code, click a function name.
13 To view the functions in a table format, click Table.

Generate a Static Code Metrics Report for MATLAB Code

The second column, Called By, lists functions that call the function listed in the first
column, using the following criteria:

• If a function is called by multiple functions, all functions are listed.

• If a function has no called function, this column is empty.

At the Command Line

To enable a static code metrics report at the command line:

1 Create a code generation configuration object for standalone code generation. For
example, to generate a static library:

cfg = coder.config('lib');
2 Generate code, passing the configuration object as a parameter and specifying the -
report option. For example:

codegen -config cfg -report foo


16 Report Generation

1 Create a code generation configuration object for standalone code generation. For
example, to generate a static library:
cfg = coder.config('lib');
2 Set the configuration object GenerateReport and GenerateCodeMetricsReport
parameters to true.

cfg.GenerateReport = true;
cfg.GenerateCodeMetricsReport = true;
3 Generate code, passing the configuration object as a parameter. For example:
codegen -config cfg foo

Analyze Code Replacements in the Generated Code

Analyze Code Replacements in the Generated Code

When you select the Code Generation > Report check box “Summarize which
blocks triggered code replacements” for an ERT-based model, a Code Replacements
Report section is automatically included in the generated HTML report. The Code
Replacements Report section documents the code replacement library (CRL) functions
that were used for code replacements during code generation, providing a mapping
between each replacement instance and the Simulink block that triggered the
replacement. To enable display of the Simulink block information, select the Code
Generation > Comments check box Include comments. On the same pane, select
either the Simulink block / Stateflow object comments check box or the Simulink
block descriptions check box if present, or both.

You can use the report to:

• Determine which replacement functions were used in the generated code.

• Trace each replacement instance back to the block that triggered the replacement.

The figure below shows a Code Replacements Report generated for the CRL model
rtwdemo_crladdsub. Each replacement function used is listed with a link to the block
that triggered the replacement.

16 Report Generation

If you click a block path in the report, the block that triggered the replacement is
highlighted in the model diagram. If the replacement was triggered by a Stateflow chart
or a MATLAB function, a window opens to display the chart or function.

For more information, see “Trace Code Replacements Generated Using Your Code
Replacement Library”.

Document Generated Code with Simulink Report Generator

Document Generated Code with Simulink Report Generator

In this section...
“Generate Code for the Model” on page 16-54
“Open the Report Generator” on page 16-54
“Set Report Name, Location, and Format” on page 16-56
“Include Models and Subsystems in a Report” on page 16-57
“Customize the Report” on page 16-58
“Generate the Report” on page 16-59

The Simulink Report Generator software creates documentation from your model in
multiple formats, including HTML, PDF, RTF, Microsoft Word, and XML. This example
shows one way to document a code generation project in Microsoft Word. The generated
report includes:

• System snapshots (model and subsystem diagrams)

• Block execution order list
• Simulink Coder and model version information for generated code
• List of generated files
• Optimization configuration parameter settings
• Simulink Coder target selection and build process configuration parameter settings
• Subsystem map
• File name, path, and generated code listings for the source code

To adjust Simulink Report Generator settings to include custom code and then generate
a report for a model, complete the following tasks:

1 “Generate Code for the Model” on page 16-54

2 “Open the Report Generator” on page 16-54
3 “Set Report Name, Location, and Format” on page 16-56
4 “Include Models and Subsystems in a Report” on page 16-57
5 “Customize the Report” on page 16-58
6 “Generate the Report” on page 16-59

16 Report Generation

A Simulink Report Generator license is required for the following report formats: PDF,
RTF, Microsoft Word, and XML. For more information on generating reports in these
formats, see the Simulink Report Generator documentation.

Generate Code for the Model

Before you use the Report Generator to document your project, generate code for the

1 In the MATLAB Current Folder browser, navigate to a folder where you have write
2 Create a working folder from the MATLAB command line by typing:

mkdir report_ex
3 Make report_ex your working folder:

cd report_ex
4 Open the slexAircraftExample model by entering the model name on the
MATLAB command line.
5 In the model window, choose File > Save As, navigate to the working folder,
report_ex, and save a copy of the slexAircraftExample model as myModel.
6 Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box by selecting Model Configuration
Parameters from the Simulation menu.
7 Select the Solver pane. In the Solver options section, specify the Type parameter
as Fixed-step.
8 Select the Code Generation pane. Select Generate code only.
9 Click Apply.
10 Click Generate code. The build process generates code for the model.

Open the Report Generator

After you generate the code, open the Report Generator.

1 In the model diagram window, select Tools > Report Generator.

2 In the Report Explorer window, in the options pane (center), click the folder rtw
(\toolbox\rtw). Click the setup file that it contains, codegen.rpt.

Document Generated Code with Simulink Report Generator

Double-click codegen.rpt or select it and click the Open report button . The
Report Explorer displays the structure of the setup file in the outline pane (left).

16 Report Generation

Set Report Name, Location, and Format

Before generating a report, you can specify report output options, such as the folder,
file name, and format. For example, to generate a Microsoft Word report named

1 In the properties pane, under Report Options, review the options listed.

Document Generated Code with Simulink Report Generator

2 Leave the Directory field set to Present working directory.

3 For Filename, select Custom: and replace index with the name
4 For File format, specify Rich Text Format and replace Standard Print with
Numbered Chapters & Sections.

Include Models and Subsystems in a Report

Specify the models and subsystems that you want to include in the generated report by
setting options in the Model Loop component.

1 In the outline pane (left), select Model Loop. Report Generator displays Model Loop
component options in the properties pane.
2 If not already selected, select Current block diagram for the Model name
3 In the outline pane, click Report - codegen.rpt*.

16 Report Generation

Customize the Report

After specifying the models and subsystems to include in the report, you can customize
the sections included in the report.

1 In the outline pane (left), expand the node Chapter - Generated Code. By default,
the report includes two sections, each containing one of two report components.
2 Expand the node Section 1 — Code Generation Summary.
3 Select Code Generation Summary. Options for the component are displayed in the
properties pane.
4 Click Help to review the report customizations that you can make with the Code
Generation Summary component. For this example, do not customize the component.
5 In the Report Explorer window, expand the node Section 1 — Generated Code
6 Select Import Generated Code. Options for the component are displayed in the
properties pane.
7 Click Help to review the report customizations that you can make with the Import
Generated Code component.

Document Generated Code with Simulink Report Generator

Generate the Report

After you adjust the report options, from the Report Explorer window, generate the
report by clicking File > Report. A Message List dialog box opens, which displays
messages that you can monitor as the report is generated. Model snapshots also appear
during report generation. The Message List dialog box might be hidden behind other
dialog boxes.

When the report is complete, open the report, MyModelCGReport.rtf in the folder
report_ex (in this example).

For alternative ways of generating reports with the Simulink Report Generator, see
“Generate Reports”.


Code Replacement for Simulink


• “What Is Code Replacement?” on page 17-2

• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models” on page 17-4
• “Code Replacement Libraries” on page 17-23
• “Code Replacement Terminology” on page 17-25
• “Code Replacement Limitations” on page 17-28
• “Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models” on page 17-29
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library” on page 17-32
17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

What Is Code Replacement?

Code replacement is a technique to change the code that the code generator produces for
functions and operators to meet application code requirements. For example, you can
replace generated code to meet requirements such as:

• Optimization for a specific run-time environment, including, but not limited to,
specific target hardware.
• Integration with existing application code.
• Compliance with a standard, such as AUTOSAR.
• Modification of code behavior, such as enabling or disabling nonfinite or inline
• Application- or project-specific code requirements, such as:

• Elimination of math.h.
• Elimination of system header files.
• Elimination of calls to memcpy or memset.
• Use of BLAS.
• Use of a specific BLAS.

To apply this technique, configure the code generator to apply a code replacement
library (CRL) during code generation. By default, the code generator does not apply a
code replacement library. You can choose from the following libraries that MathWorks

• GNU C99 extensions—GNU®5 gcc math library, which provides C99 extensions as
defined by compiler option -std=gnu99.
• Intel IPP for x86-64 (Windows)—Generates calls to the Intel® Performance Primitives
(IPP) library for the x86-64 Windows platform.
• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86-64 (Windows)—GNU libraries for Intel
Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99
• Intel IPP for x86/Pentium (Windows)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance
Primitives (IPP) library for the x86/Pentium Windows platform.
5. GNU is a registered trademark of the Free Software Foundation.

What Is Code Replacement?

• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86/Pentium (Windows)—Generates calls

to the GNU libraries for Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD
Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99 extensions, for the x86/Pentium Windows platform.
• Intel IPP for x86-64 (Linux)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance Primitives
(IPP) library for the x86-64 Linux® platform.
• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86-64 (Linux)—Generates calls to
the GNU libraries for Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD
Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99 extensions, for the x86-64 Linux platform.

Libraries that include GNU99 extensions are intended for use with the GCC compiler. If
use one of those libraries with another compiler, generated code might not compile.

Depending on the product licenses that you have, other libraries might be available . If
you have an Embedded Coder license, you can view and choose from other libraries and
you can create custom code replacement libraries.

Related Examples
• “Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models”
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Limitations”

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

In this section...
“About Code You Can Replace” on page 17-4
“Math Functions – Simulink Support” on page 17-4
“Math Functions – Stateflow Support” on page 17-10
“Memory Functions” on page 17-15
“Nonfinite Functions” on page 17-16
“Mutex and Semaphore Functions” on page 17-17
“Lookup Table Functions” on page 17-18
“Operators” on page 17-18

About Code You Can Replace

Code that the code generator replaces depends on the code replacement library (CRL)
that you use. By default, the code generator does not apply a code replacement library.
Your choice of libraries is dependent on product licensing and whether you have access to
custom libraries.

For information on how to explore functions and operators that a code replacement
library supports, see “Choose a Code Replacement Library” license and want to develop a
custom code replacement library, see Code Replacement Customization.

Math Functions – Simulink Support

When generating C/C++ code from a Simulink model, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following math functions with application-specific

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
abs1 Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
acos Floating point Scalar Real

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
acosd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acosh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
acot2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acotd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acoth2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsc2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acscd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsch2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asec2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asecd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
asech2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asin Floating point Scalar Real
Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
asind2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asinh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
atan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
atan2 Floating point Scalar Real
atan2d2 Floating point Scalar Real
atand2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
atanh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
ceil • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
cos 3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
cosd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cosh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
cot2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cotd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
coth2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csc2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cscd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csch2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
exactrSqrt Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
exp Floating point Scalar Real
fix Floating point Scalar Real
floor • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
fmod4 Floating point Scalar Real
frexp Floating point Scalar Real
hypot Floating point Scalar Real
ldexp Floating point Scalar Real
ln Floating point Scalar Real
log Floating point Scalar Real
log10 Floating point Scalar Real
log22 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
max Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
Fixed point
min Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
Fixed point
mod Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
pow Floating point Scalar Real
rem Floating point Scalar Real
round Floating point Scalar Real

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
rSqrt Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
saturate Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
sec2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
secd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sech2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sign Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
signPow Floating point Scalar Real
sin3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
sincos3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
sind2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sinh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
sqrt Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
tan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
tand2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
tanh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
Wrap on integer overflow only. Clear block parameter Saturate on integer overflow.
Only when used with the MATLAB Function block.
Supports the CORDIC approximation method.
Stateflow support only.

Math Functions – Stateflow Support

When generating C/C++ code from Stateflow charts, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following math functions with application-specific

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
abs1 Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
acos2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
Real input/complex output
acosd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acot3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acotd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acoth3,5 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsc3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acscd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsch3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asec3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asecd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asech3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
asin2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
asind3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
atan2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
atan22 Floating point Scalar Real
atan2d3 Floating point Scalar Real
atand3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
ceil • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
cos 3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
cosd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
cosh2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
cot3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cotd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
coth3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csc3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cscd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csch3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
exp Floating point Scalar Real
floor • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
fmod Floating point Scalar Real
hypot 3 Floating point Scalar Real
ldexp Floating point Scalar Real

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
log2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log102 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log23 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
max Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
min Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
pow Floating point Scalar Real
sec3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
secd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sech3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sin2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
sind3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
sinh2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
sqrt Floating point Scalar Real
tan 2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
tand3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
tanh2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
Wrap on integer overflow only.
For models involving vectors or matrices, the code generator replaces only functions coded in the
MATLAB action language.
The code generator replaces only functions coded in the MATLAB action language.

Memory Functions
Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,
you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following memory
functions with application-specific implementations.

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
memcmp Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
Vector Complex
memcpy Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset2zero Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Some target processors provide optimized functions to set memory to zero. Use the code
replacement library programming interface to replace the memset2zero function with
more efficient target-specific functions.

Nonfinite Functions
Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,
you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following nonfinite
functions with application-specific implementations.

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real, Complex Support

Matrix Support
getInf Floating point Scalar Real
getMinusInf Floating point Scalar Real
getNaN Floating point Scalar Real
rtIsInf Floating point Scalar Real
rtIsNaN Floating point Scalar Real

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Mutex and Semaphore Functions

Mutex and semaphore functions control access to resources shared by multiple processes
in multicore target environments. MathWorks provides code replacement libraries that
support mutex and semaphore replacement for Rate Transition and Task Transition
blocks on Windows, Linux, Mac, and VxWorks platforms.

Generated mutex and semaphore code typically consists of:

• In model initialization code, an initialization function call to create a mutex or

semaphore to control entry to a critical section of code.
• In model step code:

• Before code for a data transfer between tasks enters the critical section, mutex
lock or semaphore wait function calls to reserve a critical section of code.
• After code for a data transfer between tasks finishes executing the critical section,
mutex unlock or semaphore post function calls to release the critical section of
• In model termination code, an optional destroy function call to explicitly delete the
mutex or semaphore.

Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,

you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following mutex and
semaphore functions with application-specific implementations.

In the following table, key is a string that identifies the function.

Function Key
Semaphore Destroy RTW_SEM_DESTROY
Semaphore Init RTW_SEM_INIT
Semaphore Post RTW_SEM_POST
Semaphore Wait RTW_SEM_WAIT

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Lookup Table Functions

Depending on available code replacement libraries, you can configure the code generator
to replace instances of the following lookup table functions with application-specific
implementations. Support for these functions includes:

• Integer, floating-point, and fixed-point data types

• Scalar, vector, and matrix data formats
• Real and complex data

interp1D interp5D interpND lookup5D

interp2D interp5D lookup1D lookupND
interp3D interp5D lookup2D lookupND_Direct
interp4D interp5D lookup3D prelookup
interp5D interp5D lookup4D  

When generating C/C++ code from a Simulink model, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following operators with application-specific

In the following table:

• Key is a string that identifies the operator.

• Mixed data type support indicates that you can specify different data types for
different inputs.

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Addition (+) RTW_OP_ADD Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Subtraction (-) RTW_OP_MINUS Integer Scalar Real

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Multiplication RTW_OP_MUL Integer Scalar Real
(*)1 Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Division (/) RTW_OP_DIV Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Complex
Data type RTW_OP_CAST Integer Scalar Real
conversion (cast) Floating point2 Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Shift left (<<) RTW_OP_SL Integer Scalar Real
Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Shift right RTW_OP_SRA Integer Scalar Real
arithmetic (>>) 3 Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Shift right RTW_OP_SRL Integer Scalar Real
logical (>>) Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Element- RTW_OP_ELEM_MUL Integer Vector Real
wise matrix Floating point Matrix Complex
multiplication Fixed-point
(.*)4 Mixed
Matrix right RTW_OP_RDIV Integer Vector Real
division (/) Floating point Matrix Complex

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Matrix left RTW_OP_LDIV Integer Vector Real
division (\) Floating point Matrix Complex
Matrix inversion RTW_OP_INV Integer Vector Real
(inv) Floating point Matrix Complex
Complex RTW_OP_CONJUGATE Integer Scalar Real
conjugation Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Transposition RTW_OP_TRANS Integer Vector Real
(.') Floating point Matrix Complex
Hermitian RTW_OP_HERMITIAN Integer Vector Real
(complex Floating point Matrix Complex
conjugate) Fixed-point
transposition (') Mixed
Multiplication RTW_OP_TRMUL Integer Vector Real
with Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point
Multiplication RTW_OP_HMMUL Integer Vector Real
with Hermitian Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point
Greater than (>) RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
THAN Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Greater than or RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
equal(>=) THAN_OR_EQUAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than (<) RTW_OP_LESS_THAN Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than or RTW_OP_LESS_THAN_ Integer Scalar Real
equal (<=) OR_EQUAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Equal (==) RTW_OP_EQUAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Not equal (!=) RTW_OP_NOT_EQUAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Can map to Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS) multiplication functions.
Scaled floating point is not supported.
Code replacement libraries that provide arithmetic shift right implementations should
also provide logical shift right implementations, because some arithmetic shift rights
are converted to logical shift rights during code generation.
Use the multiplication (*) operator (RTW_OP_MUL) for scalar multiplication.

Related Examples
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code Replacement Limitations”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”

Code Replacement Libraries

Code Replacement Libraries

A code replacement library consists of one or more code replacement tables that specify
application-specific implementations of functions and operators. For example, a library
for a specific embedded processor specifies function and operator replacements that
optimize generated code for that processor.

A code replacement table contains one or more code replacement entries, with each entry
representing a potential replacement for a function or operator. Each entry maps a
conceptual representation of a function or operator to an implementation representation
and priority.

Table Entry Description

Conceptual Identifies the table entry and contains match criteria for the code
representation generator. Consists of:

• Function name or a key. The function name identifies most

functions. For operators and some functions, a string called
a key identifies a function or operator. For example, function
name 'cos' and operator key 'RTW_OP_ADD'.
• Conceptual arguments that observe code generator naming
('y1', 'u1', 'u2', ...), with corresponding I/O types (output or
input) and data types.
• Other attributes, such as an algorithm, fixed-point saturation,
and rounding modes, which identify matching criteria for the
function or operator.

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Table Entry Description

Implementation Specifies replacement code. Consists of:
• Function name. For example, 'cos_dbl' or 'u8_add_u8_u8')
• Implementation arguments, with corresponding I/O types
(output or input) and data types.
• Parameters that provide additional implementation details,
such as header and source file names and paths of build
Priority Defines the entry priority relative to other entries in the table. The
value can range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the highest priority. If
multiple entries have the same priority, the code generator uses the
first match with that priority.

When the code generator looks for a match in a code replacement library, it creates and
populates a call site object with the function or operator conceptual representation. If
a match exists, the code generator uses the matched code replacement entry populated
with the implementation representation and uses it to generate code.

The code generator searches the tables in a code replacement library for a match in the
order that the tables appear in the library. If the code generator finds multiple matches
within a table, the priority determines the match. The code generator uses a higher-
priority entry over a similar entry with a lower priority.

Related Examples
• “Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models”
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Code Replacement Terminology

Code Replacement Terminology

Term Definition
Cache hit A code replacement entry for a function or operator,
defined in the specified code replacement library,
for which the code generator finds a match.
Cache miss A conceptual representation of a function or
operator for which the code generator does not find
a match.
Call site object Conceptual representation of a function or operator
that the code generator uses when it encounters
a call site for a function or operator. The code
generator uses the object to query the code
replacement library for a conceptual representation
match. If a match exists, the code generator returns
a code replacement object, fully populated with
the conceptual representation, implementation
representation, and priority, and uses that object to
generate replacement code.
Code replacement library One or more code replacement tables that specify
application-specific implementations of functions
and operators. When configured to use a code
replacement library, the code generator uses
criteria defined in the library to search for matches.
If a match is found, the code generator replaces
code that it generates by default with application-
specific code defined in the library.
Code replacement table One or more code replacement table entries.
Provides a way to group related or shared entries
for use in different libraries.
Code replacement entry Represents a potential replacement for a function
or operator. Maps a conceptual representation
of a function or operator to an implementation
representation and priority.
Conceptual argument Represents an input or output argument for a
function or operator being replaced. Conceptual
arguments observe naming conventions ('y1',

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Term Definition
'u1', 'u2', ...) and data types familiar to the code
Conceptual representation Represents match criteria that the code generator
uses to qualify functions and operators for
replacement. Consists of:

• Function or operator name or key

• Conceptual arguments with type, dimension,
and complexity specification for inputs and

Attributes, such as an algorithm and fixed-point
saturation and rounding modes
Implementation argument Represents an input or output argument for a C
or C++ replacement function. Implementation
arguments observe C/C++ name and data type
Implementation representation Specifies C or C++ replacement function prototype.
Consists of:

• Function name (for example, 'cos_dbl' or

• Implementation arguments specifying type,
type qualifiers, and complexity for the function
inputs and output
• Parameters that provide build information, such
as header and source file names and paths of
build resources and compile and link flags
Key A string that identifies a function or operator
that is being replaced. A function name or key
appears in the conceptual representation of a code
replacement entry. The key RTW_OP_ADD identifies
the addition operator.

Code Replacement Terminology

Term Definition
Priority Defines the match priority for a code replacement
entry relative to other entries, which have the
same name and conceptual argument list, within
a code replacement library. The priority can
range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the highest
priority. The default is 100. If a library provides
two implementations for a function or operator, the
implementation with the higher priority shadows
the one with the lower priority.

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Code Replacement Limitations

Code replacement verification — It is possible that code replacement behaves differently
than you expect. For example, data types that you observe in code generator input might
not match what the code generator uses as intermediate data types during an operation.
Verify code replacements by examining generated code.

Related Examples
• “Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”

Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models

Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models

This example shows how to replace generated code, using a code replacement library.
Code replacement is a technique you can use to change the code that the code generator
produces for functions and operators to meet application code requirements.

Prepare for Code Replacement

1 Make sure that MATLAB, Simulink, Simulink Coder, and a C compiler are installed
on your system. Some code replacement libraries available in your development
environment can also require Embedded Coder.

To install MathWorks products, see the MATLAB installation documentation. If

you have installed MATLAB and want to see which other MathWorks products are
installed, in the Command Window, enter ver .
2 Identify an existing or create a Simulink model for which you want the code
generator to replace code.

Choose a Code Replacement Library

If you are not sure which library to use, explore the available libraries.

Configure Code Generator To Use Code Replacement Library

1 Configure the code generator to apply a code replacement library during code
generation for the model.

• In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation >

Interface pane, select a library from the Code replacement library menu.
• Set the CodeReplacementLibrary parameter at the command line or
2 Configure the code generator to produce code only (not build an executable) so you
can verify your code replacements before building an executable.

• In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation pane,

select Generate code only.
• Set the GenCodeOnly parameter at the command line or programmatically.

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Include Code Replacement Information In Code Generation Report

If you have an Embedded Coder license, you can configure the code generator to include
a code replacement section in the code generation report. The additional information can
help you verify code replacements.

1 Configure the code generator to generate a report. In the Configuration Parameters

dialog box, on the Code Generation > Report pane, select Create code
generation report. Consider having the report open automatically. Select Open
report automatically.
2 Include the code replacement section in the report. On the Code Generation >
Report pane, select Summarize which blocks triggered code replacements.

Generate Replacement Code

Generate C/C++ code from the model and, if you configured the code generator
accordingly, a code generation report. For example, on the Code Generation > General
pane, click Generate Code.

The code generator produces the code and displays the report.

Verify Code Replacements

Verify code replacements by examining the generated code. It is possible that code
replacement behaves differently than you expect. For example, data types that you
observe in the code generator input might not match what the code generator uses as
intermediate data types during an operation.

Related Examples
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”
• “Code Generation Configuration”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”

More About
• “Code replacement library”
• “Generate code only”
• “Create code generation report”
• “Open report automatically”

Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models

• “Summarize which blocks triggered code replacements”

• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Limitations”

External Web Sites

• Supported Compilers

17 Code Replacement for Simulink Models

Choose a Code Replacement Library

In this section...
“About Choosing a Code Replacement Library” on page 17-32
“Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries” on page 17-32
“Explore Code Replacement Library Contents” on page 17-32

About Choosing a Code Replacement Library

By default, the code generator does not use a code replacement library.

If you are considering using a code replacement library:

1 Explore available libraries. Identify one that best meets your application needs.

• Consider the lists of application code replacement requirements and libraries that
MathWorks provides in “What Is Code Replacement?”.
• See “Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries”.
2 Explore the contents of the library. See “Explore Code Replacement Library

If you do not find a suitable library and you have an Embedded Coder license, you can
create a custom code replacement library.

Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries

You can select the code replacement library to use for code generation on the “Code
Generation > Interface pane ” in the Configuration Parameters dialog box. To view
a description of a library, select and hover your cursor over the library name. A tooltip
describes the library and lists the tables that it contains. The tooltip lists the tables in
the order that the code generator searches for a function or operator match.

Explore Code Replacement Library Contents

Use the Code Replacement Viewer to explore the content of a code replacement library.

1 At the command prompt, type RTW.viewTfl.

Choose a Code Replacement Library

>> RTW.viewTfl

The viewer opens. To view the content of a specific library, specify the name of the
library as an argument in single quotes. For example:
>> RTW.viewTfl('GNU C99 extensions')

2 In the left pane, select the name of a library. The viewer displays information about
the library in the right pane.
3 In the left pane, expand the library, explore the list of tables it contains, and select a
table from the list. In the middle pane, the viewer displays the function and operator
entries that are in that table, along with abbreviated information for each entry.
4 In the middle pane, select a function or operator. The viewer displays information
from the table entry in the right pane.

If you select an operator entry that specifies net slope fixed-point parameters
(instantiated from entry class RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator or
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope), the viewer displays an
additional tab that shows fixed-point settings.

See Code Replacement Viewer for details on what the viewer displays.

Related Examples
• “Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Limitations”


18 Desktops

Shared Object Libraries

In this section...
“About Host-Based Shared Libraries” on page 18-2
“Generate Shared Library Version of Model Code” on page 18-3
“Create Application Code to Use Shared Library” on page 18-3
“Host-Based Shared Library Limitations” on page 18-7

About Host-Based Shared Libraries

The Embedded Coder product provides an ERT target, ert_shrlib.tlc, for generating
a host-based shared library from your Simulink model. Selecting this target allows you
to generate a shared library version of your model code for your host platform, either
a Windows dynamic link library (.dll) file or a UNIX shared object (.so) file. This
feature can be used to package your source code for easy distribution and shared use. The
generated .dll or .so file is shareable among different applications and upgradeable
without having to recompile the applications that use it.

Code generation for the ert_shrlib.tlc target exports

• Variables and signals of type ExportedGlobal as data

• Real-time model structure (model_M) as data
• Functions essential to executing your model code

To view a list of symbols contained in a generated shared library file, you can

• On Windows, use the Dependency Walker utility, downloadable from http://

• On UNIX, use nm -D model.so

To generate and use a host-based shared library, you

1 Generate a shared library version of your model code

2 Create application code to load and use your shared library file

Shared Object Libraries

Generate Shared Library Version of Model Code

This section summarizes the steps to generate a shared library version of your model

1 To configure your model code for shared use by applications, open your model
and select the ert_shrlib.tlc target on the Code Generation pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box. Click OK.

Selecting the ert_shrlib.tlc target causes the build process to generate a shared
library version of your model code into your current working folder. The selection
does not change the code that is generated for your model.
2 Build the model.
3 After the build completes, you can examine the generated code in the model
subfolder, and the .dll file or .so file that has been generated into your current

Create Application Code to Use Shared Library

To illustrate how application code can load an ERT shared library file and access its
functions and data, MathWorks provides the model rtwdemo_shrlib. Clicking the blue
button in the model runs a script that:

1 Builds a shared library file from the model (for example,

rtwdemo_shrlib_win32.dll on 32-bit Windows)

18 Desktops

2 Compiles and links an example application, rtwdemo_shrlib_app, that will load

and use the shared library file
3 Executes the example application

Note: It is recommended that you change directory to a new or empty folder before
running the rtwdemo_shrlib script.

The model uses the following example application files, which are located in

File Description
rtwdemo_shrlib_app.h Example application header file
rtwdemo_shrlib_app.c Example application that loads and uses the
shared library file generated for the model
run_rtwdemo_shrlib_app.m Script to compile, link, and execute the example

You can view each of these files by clicking white buttons in the model window.
Additionally, running the script places the relevant source and generated code files in
your current folder. The files can be used as templates for writing application code for
your own ERT shared library files.

The following sections present key excerpts of the example application files.

Example Application Header File

The example application header file rtwdemo_shrlib_app.h contains type declarations

for the model's external input and output.

typedef struct {
int32_T Input;
} ExternalInputs_rtwdemo_shrlib;

typedef struct {
int32_T Output;
} ExternalOutputs_rtwdemo_shrlib;

#endif /*_APP_MAIN_HEADER_*/

Shared Object Libraries

Example Application C Code

The example application rtwdemo_shrlib_app.c includes the following code for

dynamically loading the shared library file. Notice that, depending on platform, the code
invokes Windows or UNIX library commands.
#if (defined(_WIN32)||defined(_WIN64)) /* WINDOWS */
#include <windows.h>
#define GETSYMBOLADDR GetProcAddress
#define LOADLIB LoadLibrary
#define CLOSELIB FreeLibrary

#else /* UNIX */
#include <dlfcn.h>
#define GETSYMBOLADDR dlsym
#define LOADLIB dlopen
#define CLOSELIB dlclose


int main()
void* handleLib;
#if defined(_WIN64)
handleLib = LOADLIB("./rtwdemo_shrlib_win64.dll");
#if defined(_WIN32)
handleLib = LOADLIB("./rtwdemo_shrlib_win32.dll");
#else /* UNIX */
handleLib = LOADLIB("./rtwdemo_shrlib.so", RTLD_LAZY);

The following code excerpt shows how the C application accesses the model's exported
data and functions. Notice the hooks for adding user-defined initialization, step, and
termination code.
int32_T i;
void (*mdl_initialize)(boolean_T);
void (*mdl_step)(void);
void (*mdl_terminate)(void);

ExternalInputs_rtwdemo_shrlib (*mdl_Uptr);
ExternalOutputs_rtwdemo_shrlib (*mdl_Yptr);

uint8_T (*sum_outptr);
#if (defined(LCCDLL)||defined(BORLANDCDLL))

18 Desktops

/* Exported symbols contain leading underscores when DLL is linked with

mdl_initialize =(void(*)(boolean_T))GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_step =(void(*)(void))GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_terminate =(void(*)(void))GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_Uptr =(ExternalInputs_rtwdemo_shrlib*)GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_Yptr =(ExternalOutputs_rtwdemo_shrlib*)GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
sum_outptr =(uint8_T*)GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib , "_sum_out");
mdl_initialize =(void(*)(boolean_T))GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_step =(void(*)(void))GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_terminate =(void(*)(void))GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_Uptr =(ExternalInputs_rtwdemo_shrlib*)GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
mdl_Yptr =(ExternalOutputs_rtwdemo_shrlib*)GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib ,
sum_outptr =(uint8_T*)GETSYMBOLADDR(handleLib , "sum_out");

if ((mdl_initialize && mdl_step && mdl_terminate && mdl_Uptr && mdl_Yptr &&
sum_outptr)) {
/* === user application initialization function === */
/* insert other user defined application initialization code here */

/* === user application step function === */

mdl_Uptr->Input = i;
printf("Counter out(sum_out): %d\tAmplifier in(Input): %d\tout(Output): %d\n",
*sum_outptr, i, mdl_Yptr->Output);
/* insert other user defined application step function code here */

/* === user application terminate function === */

/* insert other user defined application termination code here */
else {
printf("Cannot locate the specified reference(s) in the shared library.\n");

Shared Object Libraries

Example Application Script

The application script run_rtwdemo_shrlib_app.m loads and rebuilds the model, and
then compiles, links, and executes the model's shared library target file. You can view the
script source file by opening rtwdemo_shrlib and clicking a white button to view source
code. The script constructs platform-dependent command strings for compilation, linking,
and execution that may apply to your development environment. To run the script, click
the blue button.

Host-Based Shared Library Limitations

The following limitations apply to using ERT host-based shared libraries:

• Code generation for the ert_shrlib.tlc target exports only the following as data:

• Variables and signals of type ExportedGlobal

• Real-time model structure (model_M)
• Code generation for the ert_shrlib.tlc target supports the C language only (not C
++). When you select the ert_shrlib.tlc target, language selection is greyed out on
the Code Generation pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
• On Windows systems, the ert_shrlib target by default does not generate or retain
the .lib file for implicit linking (explicit linking is preferred for portability).

You can change the default behavior and retain the .lib file by modifying the
corresponding template makefile (TMF). If you do this, the generated model.h file
needs a small modification to be used together with the generated ert_main.c
for implicit linking. For example, if you are using Visual C++, you need to declare
__declspec(dllimport) in front of data to be imported implicitly from the shared
library file.
• To reconstruct a model simulation using a generated host-based shared library, the
application author must maintain the timing between system and shared library
function calls in the original application. The timing needs to be consistent so that you
can check the simulation and integration results.


Real-Time and Embedded Systems

• “Standalone Programs (No Operating System)” on page 19-2

• “Operating System Integration” on page 19-21
• “Processor Support Packages” on page 19-22
19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

In this section...
“About Standalone Program Execution” on page 19-2
“Generate a Standalone Program” on page 19-2
“Standalone Program Components” on page 19-3
“Main Program” on page 19-3
“rt_OneStep and Scheduling Considerations” on page 19-4
“Static Main Program Module” on page 19-10
“Rate Grouping Compliance and Compatibility Issues” on page 19-17

About Standalone Program Execution

By default, the Embedded Coder software generates standalone programs that do not
require an external real-time executive or operating system. A standalone program
requires minimal modification to be adapted to the target hardware. The standalone
program architecture supports execution of models with either single or multiple sample

Generate a Standalone Program

To generate a standalone program:

1 In the Custom templates section of the Code Generation > Templates pane
of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select the Generate an example
main program option (which is on by default). This enables the Target operating
system menu.
2 From the Target operating system menu, select BareBoardExample (the default
3 Generate the code.

Different code is generated for multirate models depending on the following factors:

• Whether the model executes in single-tasking or multitasking mode.

• Whether or not reusable code is being generated.

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

These factors affect the scheduling algorithms used in generated code, and in some cases
affect the API for the model entry point functions. The following sections discuss these

Standalone Program Components

The core of a standalone program is the main loop. On each iteration, the main loop
executes a background or null task and checks for a termination condition.

The main loop is periodically interrupted by a timer. The function rt_OneStep is either
installed as a timer interrupt service routine (ISR), or called from a timer ISR at each
clock step.

The execution driver, rt_OneStep, sequences calls to the model_step functions. The
operation of rt_OneStep differs depending on whether the generating model is single-
rate or multirate. In a single-rate model, rt_OneStep simply calls the model_step
function. In a multirate model, rt_OneStep prioritizes and schedules execution of blocks
according to the rates at which they run.

Main Program
• “Overview of Operation” on page 19-3
• “Guidelines for Modifying the Main Program” on page 19-4

Overview of Operation

The following pseudocode shows the execution of a main program.

Initialization (including installation of rt_OneStep as an
interrupt service routine for a real-time clock)
Initialize and start timer hardware
Enable interupts
While(not Error) and (time < final time)
Background task
Disable interrupts (Disable rt_OneStep from executing)
Complete any background tasks

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

The pseudocode is a design for a harness program to drive your model. The main
program only partially implements this design. You must modify it according to your

Guidelines for Modifying the Main Program

This section describes the minimal modifications you should make in your production
version of the main program module to implement your harness program.

1 Call model_initialize.
2 Initialize target-specific data structures and hardware, such as ADCs or DACs.
3 Install rt_OneStep as a timer ISR.
4 Initialize timer hardware.
5 Enable timer interrupts and start the timer.

Note rtModel is not in a valid state until model_initialize has been called.
Servicing of timer interrupts should not begin until model_initialize has been
6 Optionally, insert background task calls in the main loop.
7 On termination of the main loop (if applicable):

• Disable timer interrupts.

• Perform target-specific cleanup such as zeroing DACs.
• Detect and handle errors. Note that even if your program is designed to run
indefinitely, you may need to handle severe error conditions, such as timer
interrupt overruns.

You can use the macros rtmGetErrorStatus and rtmSetErrorStatus to

detect and signal errors.

rt_OneStep and Scheduling Considerations

• “Overview of Operation” on page 19-5
• “Single-Rate Single-Tasking Operation” on page 19-5
• “Multirate Multitasking Operation” on page 19-6
• “Multirate Single-Tasking Operation” on page 19-8
• “Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep” on page 19-9

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

Overview of Operation
The operation of rt_OneStep depends upon

• Whether your model is single-rate or multirate. In a single-rate model, the sample

times of all blocks in the model, and the model's fixed step size, are the same. A
model in which the sample times and step size do not meet these conditions is termed
• Your model's solver mode (SingleTasking versus MultiTasking)

Permitted Solver Modes for Embedded Coder Targeted Models summarizes the permitted
solver modes for single-rate and multirate models. Note that for a single-rate model, only
SingleTasking solver mode is allowed.

Permitted Solver Modes for Embedded Coder Targeted Models

Mode Single-Rate Multirate
SingleTasking Allowed Allowed
MultiTasking Disallowed Allowed
Auto Allowed Allowed

(defaults to (defaults to MultiTasking)


The generated code for rt_OneStep (and associated timing data structures and support
functions) is tailored to the number of rates in the model and to the solver mode. The
following sections discuss each possible case.

Single-Rate Single-Tasking Operation

The only valid solver mode for a single-rate model is SingleTasking. Such models run
in “single-rate” operation.

The following pseudocode shows the design of rt_OneStep in a single-rate program.

Check for interrupt overflow or other error
Enable "rt_OneStep" (timer) interrupt
Model_Step() -- Time step combines output,logging,update

For the single-rate case, the generated model_step function is

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

void model_step(void)

Single-rate rt_OneStep is designed to execute model_step within a single clock period.

To enforce this timing constraint, rt_OneStep maintains and checks a timer overrun
flag. On entry, timer interrupts are disabled until the overrun flag and other error
conditions have been checked. If the overrun flag is clear, rt_OneStep sets the flag, and
proceeds with timer interrupts enabled.

The overrun flag is cleared only upon successful return from model_step. Therefore,
if rt_OneStep is reinterrupted before completing model_step, the reinterruption is
detected through the overrun flag.

Reinterruption of rt_OneStep by the timer is an error condition. If this condition is

detected rt_OneStep signals an error and returns immediately. (Note that you can
change this behavior if you want to handle the condition differently.)

Note that the design of rt_OneStep assumes that interrupts are disabled before
rt_OneStep is called. rt_OneStep should be noninterruptible until the interrupt
overflow flag has been checked.

Multirate Multitasking Operation

In a multirate multitasking system, code generation uses a prioritized, preemptive

multitasking scheme to execute the different sample rates in your model.

The following pseudocode shows the design of rt_OneStep in a multirate multitasking


Check for base-rate interrupt overrun
Enable "rt_OneStep" interrupt
Determine which rates need to run this time step

Model_Step0() -- run base-rate time step code

For N=1:NumTasks-1 -- iterate over sub-rate tasks

If (sub-rate task N is scheduled)
Check for sub-rate interrupt overrun
Model_StepN() -- run sub-rate time step code

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

Task Identifiers

The execution of blocks having different sample rates is broken into tasks. Each block
that executes at a given sample rate is assigned a task identifier (tid), which associates
it with a task that executes at that rate. Where there are NumTasks tasks in the system,
the range of task identifiers is 0..NumTasks-1.
Prioritization of Base-Rate and Subrate Tasks

Tasks are prioritized, in descending order, by rate. The base-rate task is the task that
runs at the fastest rate in the system (the hardware clock rate). The base-rate task has
highest priority (tid 0). The next fastest task (tid 1) has the next highest priority, and
so on down to the slowest, lowest priority task (tid NumTasks-1).

The slower tasks, running at multiples of the base rate, are called subrate tasks.
Rate Grouping and Rate-Specific model_step Functions

In a single-rate model, the block output computations are performed within a single
function, model_step. For multirate, multitasking models, the code generator tries to
use a different strategy. This strategy is called rate grouping. Rate grouping generates
separate model_step functions for the base rate task and each subrate task in the
model. The function naming convention for these functions is

where N is a task identifier. For example, for a model named my_model that has three
rates, the following functions are generated:
void my_model_step0 (void);
void my_model_step1 (void);
void my_model_step2 (void);

Each model_stepN function executes the blocks sharing tid N; in other words, the
block code that executes within task N is grouped into the associated model_stepN
Scheduling model_stepN Execution

On each clock tick, rt_OneStep maintains scheduling counters and event flags for each
subrate task. The counters are implemented as taskCounter arrays indexed on tid.
The event flags are implemented as arrays indexed on tid.

The scheduling counters and task flags for sub-rates are maintained by rt_OneStep.
The scheduling counters are basically clock rate dividers that count up the sample period

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

associated with each sub-rate task. A pair of tasks that exchanges data maintains an
interaction flag at the faster rate. Task interaction flags indicate that both fast and slow
tasks are scheduled to run.

The event flags indicate whether or not a given task is scheduled for execution.
rt_OneStep maintains the event flags based on a task counter that is maintained by
code in the main program module for the model. When a counter indicates that a task's
sample period has elapsed, the main code sets the event flag for that task.

On each invocation, rt_OneStep updates its scheduling data structures and steps
the base-rate task (rt_OneStep calls model_step0 because the base-rate task must
execute on every clock step). Then, rt_OneStep iterates over the scheduling flags in tid
order, unconditionally calling model_stepN for any task whose flag is set. The tasks are
executed in order of priority.

Note that the design of rt_OneStep assumes that interrupts are disabled before
rt_OneStep is called. rt_OneStep should be noninterruptible until the base-rate
interrupt overflow flag has been checked (see pseudocode above).

The event flag array and loop variables used by rt_OneStep are stored as local (stack)
variables. Therefore, rt_OneStep is reentrant. If rt_OneStep is reinterrupted, higher
priority tasks preempt lower priority tasks. Upon return from interrupt, lower priority
tasks resume in the previously scheduled order.
Overrun Detection

Multirate rt_OneStep also maintains an array of timer overrun flags. rt_OneStep

detects timer overrun, per task, by the same logic as single-rate rt_OneStep.

Note If you have developed multirate S-functions, or if you use a customized static main
program module, see “Rate Grouping Compliance and Compatibility Issues” on page
19-17 for information about how to adapt your code for rate grouping compatibility.
This adaptation lets your multirate, multitasking models generate more efficient code.

Multirate Single-Tasking Operation

In a multirate single-tasking program, by definition, sample times in the model must be

an integer multiple of the model's fixed-step size.

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

In a multirate single-tasking program, blocks execute at different rates, but under the
same task identifier. The operation of rt_OneStep, in this case, is a simplified version
of multirate multitasking operation. Rate grouping is not used. The only task is the base-
rate task. Therefore, only one model_step function is generated:
void model_step(void)

On each clock tick, rt_OneStep checks the overrun flag and calls model_step. The
scheduling function for a multirate single-tasking program is rate_scheduler (rather
than rate_monotonic_scheduler). The scheduler maintains scheduling counters on
each clock tick. There is one counter for each sample rate in the model. The counters are
implemented in an array (indexed on tid) within the Timing structure within rtModel.

The counters are clock rate dividers that count up the sample period associated with each
subrate task. When a counter indicates that a sample period for a given rate has elapsed,
rate_scheduler clears the counter. This condition indicates that blocks running at that
rate should execute on the next call to model_step, which is responsible for checking the

Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep

rt_OneStep does not require extensive modification. The only required modification is
to reenable interrupts after the overrun flags and error conditions have been checked. If
applicable, you should also

• Save and restore your FPU context on entry and exit to rt_OneStep.
• Set model inputs associated with the base rate before calling model_step0.
• Get model outputs associated with the base rate after calling model_step0.

Note: If you modify rt_OneStep to read a value from a continuous output port after
each base-rate model step, see the relevant cautionary guideline below.
• In a multirate, multitasking model, set model inputs associated with subrates before
calling model_stepN in the subrate loop.
• In a multirate, multitasking model, get model outputs associated with subrates after
calling model_stepN in the subrate loop.

Comments in rt_OneStep indicate the place to add your code.

In multirate rt_OneStep, you can improve performance by unrolling for and while

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

In addition, you may choose to modify the overrun behavior to continue execution after
error recovery is complete.

Also observe the following cautionary guidelines:

• You should not modify the way in which the counters, event flags, or other timing
data structures are set in rt_OneStep, or in functions called from rt_OneStep. The
rt_OneStep timing data structures (including rtModel) and logic are critical to the
operation of the generated program.
• If you have customized the main program module to read model outputs after each
base-rate model step, be aware that selecting model options Support: continuous
time and Single output/update function together may cause output values read
from main for a continuous output port to differ slightly from the corresponding
output values in the model's logged data. This is because, while logged data is a
snapshot of output at major time steps, output read from main after the base-
rate model step potentially reflects intervening minor time steps. To eliminate the
discrepancy, either separate the generated output and update functions (clear the
Single output/update function option) or place a Zero-Order Hold block before the
continuous output port.

Static Main Program Module

• “Overview” on page 19-10
• “Rate Grouping and the Static Main Program” on page 19-11
• “Modify the Static Main Program” on page 19-13
• “Modify Static Main to Allocate and Access Model Instance Data” on page 19-14


In most cases, the easiest strategy for deploying generated code is to use the Generate
an example main program option to generate the ert_main.c or .cpp module (see
“Generate a Standalone Program” on page 19-2).

However, if you turn the Generate an example main program option off, you can
use a static main module as an example or template for developing your embedded
applications. Static main modules provided by MathWorks include:

• matlabroot/rtw/c/src/common/rt_main.c — Supports Nonreusable

function code interface packaging.

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

• matlabroot/rtw/c/src/common/rt_malloc_main.c — Supports Reusable

function code interface packaging. The model option Use dynamic memory
allocation for model initialization must be on and model parameter Pass root-
level I/O as must be set to Part of model data structure.
• matlabroot/rtw/c/src/common/rt_cppclass_main.cpp — Supports C++
class code interface packaging.

The static main module is not part of the generated code; it is provided as a basis for
your custom modifications, and for use in simulation. If your existing applications
depend upon a static ert_main.c (developed in releases before R2012b), rt_main.c,
rt_malloc_main.c, or rt_cppclass_main.cpp, you may need to continue using a
static main program module.

When developing applications using a static main module, you should copy the module to
your working folder and rename it before making modifications. For example, you could
rename rt_main.c to model_rt_main.c. Also, you must modify the template makefile
or toolchain settings such that the build process creates a corresponding object file, such
as model_rt_main.obj (on UNIX, model_rt_main.o), in the build folder.

The static main module contains

• rt_OneStep, a timer interrupt service routine (ISR). rt_OneStep calls model_step

to execute processing for one clock period of the model.
• A skeletal main function. As provided, main is useful in simulation only. You must
modify main for real-time interrupt-driven execution.

For single-rate models, the operation of rt_OneStep and the main function are
essentially the same in the static main module as they are in the autogenerated version
described in “About Standalone Program Execution” on page 19-2. For multirate,
multitasking models, however, the static and generated code are slightly different. The
next section describes this case.

Rate Grouping and the Static Main Program

Targets based on the ERT target sometimes use a static main module and disallow use of
the Generate an example main program option. This is done because target-specific
modifications have been added to the static main module, and these modifications would
not be preserved if the main program were regenerated.

Your static main module may or may not use rate grouping compatible model_stepN
functions. If your main module is based on the static rt_main.c, rt_malloc_main.c,

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

or rt_cppclass_main.cpp module, it does not use rate-specific model_stepN function

calls. It uses the old-style model_step function, passing in a task identifier:

void model_step(int_T tid);

By default, when the Generate an example main program option is off, the ERT
target generates a model_step “wrapper” for multirate, multitasking models. The
purpose of the wrapper is to interface the rate-specific model_stepN functions to the
old-style call. The wrapper code dispatches to the model_stepN call with a switch
statement, as in the following example:

void mymodel_step(int_T tid) /* Sample time: */


switch(tid) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
case 2 :
default :

The following pseudocode shows how rt_OneStep calls model_step from the static
main program in a multirate, multitasking model.

Check for base-rate interrupt overflow
Enable "rt_OneStep" interrupt
Determine which rates need to run this time step

ModelStep(tid=0) --base-rate time step

For N=1:NumTasks-1 -- iterate over sub-rate tasks

Check for sub-rate interrupt overflow
If (sub-rate task N is scheduled)
ModelStep(tid=N) --sub-rate time step

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)


You can use the TLC variable RateBasedStepFcn to specify that only the rate-based
step functions are generated, without the wrapper function. If your target calls the rate
grouping compatible model_stepN function directly, set RateBasedStepFcn to 1. In
this case, the wrapper function is not generated.

You should set RateBasedStepFcn prior to the %include "codegenentry.tlc"

statement in your system target file. Alternatively, you can set RateBasedStepFcn in
your target_settings.tlc file.

Modify the Static Main Program

As with the generated ert_main.c or .cpp, you should make a few modifications to the
main loop and rt_OneStep. See “Guidelines for Modifying the Main Program” on page
19-4 and “Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep” on page 19-9.

Also, you should replace the rt_OneStep call in the main loop with a background task
call or null statement.

Other modifications you may need to make are

• If applicable, follow comments in the code regarding where to add code for reading/
writing model I/O and saving/restoring FPU context.

Note: If you modify rt_main.c, rt_malloc_main.c, or rt_cppclass_main.cpp

to read a value from a continuous output port after each base-rate model step, see
the relevant cautionary guideline in “Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep” on page
• When the Generate an example main program option is off, rtmodel.h is
generated to provide an interface between the main module and generated model
code. If you create your own static main program module, you would normally include

Alternatively, you can suppress generation of rtmodel.h, and include model.h

directly in your main module. To suppress generation of rtmodel.h, use the following
statement in your system target file:
%assign AutoBuildProcedure = 0

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

• If you have cleared the Terminate function required option, remove or comment
out the following in your production version of rt_main.c, rt_malloc_main.c, or

• The #if TERMFCN... compile-time error check

• For rt_main.c (not applicable to rt_cppclass_main.cpp): If you do not want to
combine output and update functions, clear the Single output/update function
option and make the following changes in your production version of rt_main.c:

• Replace calls to MODEL_STEP with calls to MODEL_OUTPUT and MODEL_UPDATE.

• Remove the #if ONESTEPFCN... error check.
• The static rt_main.c module does not support Reusable function code interface
packaging. The following error check raises a compile-time error if Reusable
function code interface packaging is used illegally.

Modify Static Main to Allocate and Access Model Instance Data

If you are using a static main program module, and your model is configured for
Reusable function code interface packaging, but the model option Use dynamic
memory allocation for model initialization is not selected, model instance data must
be allocated either statically or dynamically by the calling main code. Pointers to the
individual model data structures (such as Block IO, DWork, and Parameters) must be set
up in the top-level real-time model data structure.

To support main modifications, the build process generates a subset of the following real-
time model (RTM) macros, based on the data requirements of your model, into model.h.

RTM Macro Syntax Description

rtmGetBlockIO(rtm) Get the block I/O data structure
rtmSetBlockIO(rtm,val) Set the block I/O data structure
rtmGetContStates(rtm) Get the continuous states data structure
rtmSetContStates(rtm,val) Set the continuous states data structure
rtmGetDefaultParam(rtm) Get the default parameters data structure
rtmSetDefaultParam(rtm,val)Set the default parameters data structure
rtmGetPrevZCSigState(rtm) Get the previous zero-crossing signal state data structure

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

RTM Macro Syntax Description

Set the previous zero-crossing signal state data structure
rtmGetRootDWork(rtm) Get the DWork data structure
rtmSetRootDWork(rtm,val) Set the DWork data structure
rtmGetU(rtm) Get the root inputs data structure (when root inputs are passed
as part of the model data structure)
rtmSetU(rtm,val) Set the root inputs data structure (when root inputs are passed
as part of the model data structure)
rtmGetY(rtm) Get the root outputs data structure (when root outputs are
passed as part of the model data structure)
rtmSetY(rtm,val) Set the root outputs data structure (when root outputs are
passed as part of the model data structure)

Use these macros in your static main program to access individual model data structures
within the RTM data structure. For example, suppose that the example model
rtwdemo_reusable is configured with Reusable function code interface packaging,
Use dynamic memory allocation for model initialization cleared, Pass root-level
I/O as set to Individual arguments, and Optimization pane option Remove root
level I/O zero initialization cleared. Building the model generates the following model
data structures and model entry-points into rtwdemo_reusable.h:
/* Block states (auto storage) for system '<Root>' */
typedef struct {
real_T Delay_DSTATE; /* '<Root>/Delay' */
} D_Work;

/* Parameters (auto storage) */

struct Parameters_ {
real_T k1; /* Variable: k1
* Referenced by: '<Root>/Gain'

/* Real-time Model Data Structure */

struct tag_RTM {
* ModelData:
* The following substructure contains information regarding
* the data used in the model.
struct {
Parameters *defaultParam;
D_Work *dwork;
} ModelData;

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems


/* Model entry point functions */

extern void rtwdemo_reusable_initialize(RT_MODEL *const rtM, real_T *rtU_In1,
real_T *rtU_In2, real_T *rtY_Out1);
extern void rtwdemo_reusable_step(RT_MODEL *const rtM, real_T rtU_In1, real_T
rtU_In2, real_T *rtY_Out1);

Additionally, if Generate an example main program is not selected for the model,
rtwdemo_reusable.h contains definitions for the RTM macros rtmGetDefaultParam,
rtmsetDefaultParam, rtmGetRootDWork, and rtmSetRootDWork.

Also, for reference, the generated rtmodel.h file contains an example parameter
definition with initial values (non-executing code):
#if 0

/* Example parameter data definition with initial values */

static Parameters rtP = {
2.0 /* Variable: k1
* Referenced by: '<Root>/Gain'
}; /* Modifiable parameters */


In the definitions section of your static main file, you could use the following code
to statically allocate the real-time model data structures and arguments for the
rtwdemo_reusable model:
static RT_MODEL rtM_;
static RT_MODEL *const rtM = &rtM_; /* Real-time model */
static Parameters rtP = {
2.0 /* Variable: k1
* Referenced by: '<Root>/Gain'
}; /* Modifiable parameters */

static D_Work rtDWork; /* Observable states */

/* '<Root>/In1' */
static real_T rtU_In1;

/* '<Root>/In2' */
static real_T rtU_In2;

/* '<Root>/Out1' */
static real_T rtY_Out1;

In the body of your main function, you could use the following RTM macro calls to set up
the model parameters and DWork data in the real-time model data structure:

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

int_T main(int_T argc, const char *argv[])

/* Pack model data into RTM */

rtmSetDefaultParam(rtM, &rtP);
rtmSetRootDWork(rtM, &rtDWork);

/* Initialize model */
rtwdemo_reusable_initialize(rtM, &rtU_In1, &rtU_In2, &rtY_Out1);

Follow a similar approach to set up multiple instances of model data, where the real-time
model data structure for each instance has its own data. In particular, the parameter
structure (rtP) should be initialized, for each instance, to the desired values, either
statically as part of the rtP data definition or at run time.

Rate Grouping Compliance and Compatibility Issues

• “Main Program Compatibility” on page 19-17
• “Make Your S-Functions Rate Grouping Compliant” on page 19-17

Main Program Compatibility

When the Generate an example main program option is off, code generation produces
slightly different rate grouping code, for compatibility with the older static ert_main.c
module. See “Rate Grouping and the Static Main Program” on page 19-11 for details.

Make Your S-Functions Rate Grouping Compliant

Built-in Simulink blocks, as well as DSP System Toolbox blocks, are compliant with
the requirements for generating rate grouping code. However, user-written multirate
inlined S-functions may not be rate grouping compliant. Noncompliant blocks generate
less efficient code, but are otherwise compatible with rate grouping. To take full
advantage of the efficiency of rate grouping, your multirate inlined S-functions must be
upgraded to be fully rate grouping compliant. You should upgrade your TLC S-function
implementations, as described in this section.

Use of noncompliant multirate blocks to generate rate-grouping code generates dead

code. This can cause two problems:

• Reduced code efficiency.

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

• Warning messages issued at compile time. Such warnings are caused when dead code
references temporary variables before initialization. Since the dead code does not run,
this problem does not affect the run-time behavior of the generated code.

To make your S-functions rate grouping compliant, you can use the following TLC
functions to generate ModelOutputs and ModelUpdate code, respectively:
OutputsForTID(block, system, tid)
UpdateForTID(block, system, tid)

The code listings below illustrate generation of output computations without rate
grouping (Listing 1) and with rate grouping (Listing 2). Note the following:

• The tid argument is a task identifier (0..NumTasks-1).

• Only code guarded by the tid passed in to OutputsForTID is generated. The if
(%<LibIsSFcnSampleHit(portName)>) test is not used in OutputsForTID.
• When generating rate grouping code, OutputsForTID and/or UpdateForTID is
called during code generation. When generating non-rate-grouping code, Outputs
and/or Update is called.
• In rate grouping compliant code, the top-level Outputs and/or Update functions call
OutputsForTID and/or UpdateForTID functions for each rate (tid) involved in the
block. The code returned by OutputsForTID and/or UpdateForTID must be guarded
by the corresponding tid guard:
if (%<LibIsSFcnSampleHit(portName)>)

as in Listing 2.

Listing 1: Outputs Code Generation Without Rate Grouping

%% multirate_blk.tlc

%implements "multirate_blk" "C"

%% Function: mdlOutputs =====================================================

%% Abstract:
%% Compute the two outputs (input signal decimated by the
%% specified parameter). The decimation is handled by sample times.
%% The decimation is only performed if the block is enabled.
%% Each ports has a different rate.
%% Note, the usage of the enable should really be protected such that
%% Neach task has its own enable state. In this example, the enable
%% occurs immediately which may or may not be the expected behavior.

Standalone Programs (No Operating System)

%function Outputs(block, system) Output
/* %<Type> Block: %<Name> */
%assign enable = LibBlockInputSignal(0, "", "", 0)
int_T *enabled = &%<LibBlockIWork(0, "", "", 0)>;

%if LibGetSFcnTIDType("InputPortIdx0") == "continuous"

%% Only check the enable signal on a major time step.
if (%<LibIsMajorTimeStep()> && ...
%<LibIsSFcnSampleHit("InputPortIdx0")>) {
*enabled = (%<enable> > 0.0);
if (%<LibIsSFcnSampleHit("InputPortIdx0")>) {
*enabled = (%<enable> > 0.0);

if (*enabled) {
%assign signal = LibBlockInputSignal(1, "", "", 0)
if (%<LibIsSFcnSampleHit("OutputPortIdx0")>) {
%assign y = LibBlockOutputSignal(0, "", "", 0)
%<y> = %<signal>;
if (%<LibIsSFcnSampleHit("OutputPortIdx1")>) {
%assign y = LibBlockOutputSignal(1, "", "", 0)
%<y> = %<signal>;

%% [EOF] sfun_multirate.tlc

Listing 2: Outputs Code Generation With Rate Grouping

%% example_multirateblk.tlc

%implements "example_multirateblk" "C"

%% Function: mdlOutputs =====================================================

%% Abstract:
%% Compute the two outputs (the input signal decimated by the
%% specified parameter). The decimation is handled by sample times.
%% The decimation is only performed if the block is enabled.
%% All ports have different sample rate.
%% Note: the usage of the enable should really be protected such that
%% each task has its own enable state. In this example, the enable
%% occurs immediately which may or may not be the expected behavior.
%function Outputs(block, system) Output

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

%assign portIdxName = ["InputPortIdx0","OutputPortIdx0","OutputPortIdx1"]

%assign portTID = [%<LibGetGlobalTIDFromLocalSFcnTID("InputPortIdx0")>, ...
%<LibGetGlobalTIDFromLocalSFcnTID("OutputPortIdx0")>, ...
%foreach i = 3
%assign portName = portIdxName[i]
%assign tid = portTID[i]
if (%<LibIsSFcnSampleHit(portName)>) {


%function OutputsForTID(block, system, tid) Output

/* %<Type> Block: %<Name> */
%assign enable = LibBlockInputSignal(0, "", "", 0)
%assign enabled = LibBlockIWork(0, "", "", 0)
%assign signal = LibBlockInputSignal(1, "", "", 0)

%case LibGetGlobalTIDFromLocalSFcnTID("InputPortIdx0")
%if LibGetSFcnTIDType("InputPortIdx0") == "continuous"
%% Only check the enable signal on a major time step.
if (%<LibIsMajorTimeStep()>) {
%<enabled> = (%<enable> > 0.0);
%<enabled> = (%<enable> > 0.0);
%case LibGetGlobalTIDFromLocalSFcnTID("OutputPortIdx0")
if (%<enabled>) {
%assign y = LibBlockOutputSignal(0, "", "", 0)
%<y> = %<signal>;
%case LibGetGlobalTIDFromLocalSFcnTID("OutputPortIdx1")
if (%<enabled>) {
%assign y = LibBlockOutputSignal(1, "", "", 0)
%<y> = %<signal>;
%% error it out


%% [EOF] sfun_multirate.tlc

Operating System Integration

Operating System Integration

Embedded Coder supports integration for Linux, Texas Instruments™ DSP/BIOS™, and
Wind River VxWorks. For details, see “Embedded Systems”.

19 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Processor Support Packages

Embedded Coder supports integration for specific processors. For details, see “Embedded


Export Code Generated from Model

to External Application

• “Export Function-Call Subsystems” on page 20-2

• “Control Generation of Function Prototypes” on page 20-12
• “C++ Class Interface Control” on page 20-14
20 Export Code Generated from Model to External Application

Export Function-Call Subsystems

In this section...
“Exporting Function-Call Subsystems” on page 20-2
“Requirements for Exporting Function-Call Subsystems” on page 20-3
“Techniques for Exporting Function-Call Subsystems” on page 20-5
“Optimize Exported Function-Call Subsystems” on page 20-7
“Export Functions That Depend on Elapsed Time” on page 20-7
“Function-Call Subsystem Export” on page 20-8
“Function-Call Subsystems Export Limitations” on page 20-11

Exporting Function-Call Subsystems

Embedded Coder software provides code export capabilities that you can use to

• Automatically generate code for

• A function-call subsystem that contains only blocks that support code generation
• A virtual subsystem that contains only such subsystems and a few other types of
• Create a SIL block that represents the generated code

You can use these capabilities only if the subsystem and its interface to the Simulink
model conform to certain requirements and constraints, as described in “Requirements
for Exporting Function-Call Subsystems” on page 20-3. For limitations that apply,
see “Function-Call Subsystems Export Limitations” on page 20-11. To see an example
of exported function-call subsystems, type rtwdemo_exporting_functions in the
MATLAB Command Window.

Note: For models designed in earlier releases, Embedded Coder software also supports
the ability to export functions from triggered subsystems. In general, the requirements
and limitations stated for exporting functions from function-call subsystems also apply to
exporting functions from triggered subsystems, with the following exceptions:

• Triggered subsystems from which you intend to export functions must be

encapsulated in a single top-level virtual subsystem.

Export Function-Call Subsystems

• Triggered subsystems do not have to meet the requirements in “Trigger Signals

Require a Common Source” on page 20-4 and “Requirements for Exported
Virtual Subsystems” on page 20-4.

• The section “Export Functions That Depend on Elapsed Time” on page 20-7 is
not applicable to exporting functions from triggered subsystems.

Additional Information

See the following in the Simulink documentation for additional information relating to
exporting function-call subsystems:

• “Systems and Subsystems”

• “Signals”
• “Create a Triggered Subsystem”
• “Function-Call Subsystems and S-Functions”
• “Host-Specific Code”

If you want to use Stateflow blocks to trigger exportable function-call subsystems, you
may also need information from “Interface with Simulink”.

Requirements for Exporting Function-Call Subsystems

To be exportable as code, a function-call subsystem, or a virtual subsystem that contains
such subsystems, must meet certain requirements. Most requirements are similar for
either type of export, but some apply only to virtual subsystems. The requirements for
Simulink code generation also apply.

For brevity, exported subsystem in this section means only an exported function-call
subsystem or an exported virtual subsystem that contains such subsystems. The
requirements listed do not necessarily apply to other types of exported subsystems.

Requirements for Exported Subsystems

These requirements apply to both exported function-call subsystems and exported virtual
subsystems that contain such subsystems.

20 Export Code Generated from Model to External Application

Blocks Must Support Code Generation

All blocks within an exported subsystem must support code generation. However, blocks
outside the subsystem need not support code generation unless they will be converted to
code in some other context.
Blocks Must Not Use Absolute Time

Certain blocks use absolute time. Blocks that use absolute time are not supported in
exported function-call subsystems. For a complete list of such blocks, see “Limitations on
the Use of Absolute Time” in the Simulink Coder documentation.
Blocks Must Not Depend on Elapsed Time

Certain blocks, like the Sine Wave block and Discrete Integrator block, depend on
elapsed time. If an exported function-call subsystem contains a block that depends on
elapsed time, the subsystem must specify periodic execution. See “Export Functions That
Depend on Elapsed Time” on page 20-7 in the Simulink Coder documentation.
Trigger Signals Require a Common Source

If more than one trigger signal crosses the boundary of an exported system, all of the
trigger signals must be periodic and originate from the same function-call initiator.
Trigger Signals Must Be Scalar

A trigger signal that crosses the boundary of an exported subsystem must be scalar.
Input and output data signals that do not act as triggers need not be scalar.
Data Signals Must Be Nonvirtual

A data signal that crosses the boundary of an exported system cannot be a virtual bus,
and cannot be implemented as a Goto-From connection. Every data signal crossing the
export boundary must be scalar, muxed, or a nonvirtual bus.

Requirements for Exported Virtual Subsystems

These requirements apply only to exported virtual subsystems that contain function-call
Virtual Subsystem Must Use Only Permissible Blocks

The top level of an exported virtual subsystem that contains function-call subsystem
blocks can contain only the following other types of blocks:

• Input and Output blocks (ports)

Export Function-Call Subsystems

• Constant blocks (including blocks that resolve to constants, such as Add)

• Merge blocks
• Virtual connection blocks (Mux, Demux, Bus Creator, Bus Selector, Signal
• Signal-viewer blocks, such as Scope blocks

These restrictions do not apply within function-call subsystems, whether or not they
appear in a virtual subsystem. They apply only at the top level of an exported virtual
subsystem that contains one or more function-call subsystems.
Constant Blocks Must Be Inlined

When a constant block appears at the top level of an exported virtual subsystem, the
containing model must check Inline parameters on the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
Constant Outputs Must Specify a Storage Class

When a constant signal drives an output port of an exported virtual subsystem, the
signal must specify a storage class.

Techniques for Exporting Function-Call Subsystems

• “General Workflow” on page 20-5
• “Specify a Custom Initialize Function Name” on page 20-6
• “Specify a Custom Description” on page 20-6

General Workflow

To export a function-call subsystem, or a virtual subsystem that contains function-call


1 Check that the subsystem to be exported satisfies the “Requirements for Exporting
Function-Call Subsystems” on page 20-3.
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box:

a On the Code Generation pane, specify an ERT code generation target such as
b If you want a SIL block with the generated code, go to the Verification pane
and, from the Create block drop-down list, select SIL.
c Click OK or Apply.

20 Export Code Generated from Model to External Application

3 Right-click the subsystem block and choose C/C++ Code > Export Functions from
the context menu.

The Build code for subsystem: Subsystem dialog box appears. This dialog
box is not specific to exporting function-call subsystems, and generating code does
not require entering information in the box.
4 Click Build.

The MATLAB Command Window displays messages similar to the code generation
sequence. Simulink generates code and places it in the working folder.

If you set Create block to SIL in step 2b, Simulink opens a new window that
contains an S-function block that represents the generated code. This block has the
same size, shape, and connectors as the original subsystem.

Code generation and optional block creation are now complete. You can test and use the
code and optional block as you could for generated ERT code and S-function block.

Specify a Custom Initialize Function Name

You can specify a custom name for the initialize function of your exported function as an
argument to the rtwbuild command. When used for this purpose, the command takes
the following form:
blockHandle = rtwbuild('subsystem', 'Mode', 'ExportFunctionCalls',..
’ExportFunctionInitializeFunctionName’, ’fcnname’)

where fcnname specifies the desired function name. For example, if you specify the name
'myinitfcn', the build process emits code similar to the following:
/* Model initialize function */
void myinitfcn(void){

Specify a Custom Description

You can enter a custom description for an exported function using the Block Properties
dialog box of an Inport block. To do this, go to the subsystem that is to be exported as
a function, right-click on the Inport block that drives the control port of the subsystem,
and select Properties. In the General tab, use the Description field to enter your
descriptive text. During function export, the text you enter is emitted to the generated
code in the header for the Inport block. For example, if you open the example program

Export Function-Call Subsystems

rtwdemo_exporting_functions and enter a description in the Block Properties dialog

box for port t_1tic_A, code similar to the following is emitted:
* Output and update for exported function: t_1tic_A
* My custom description of the exported function
void t_1tic_A(void)

Optimize Exported Function-Call Subsystems

To optimize the code generated for a function-call subsystem or virtual block that
contains such subsystems, you can

• Specify a storage class for every input signal and output signal that crosses the
boundary of the subsystem.
• For each function-call subsystem to be exported (whether directly or within a virtual

1 Right-click the subsystem and choose Block Parameters (Subsystem) from the
context menu.
2 Select the Code Generation tab and set the Function packaging parameter to
3 Click OK or Apply.

Export Functions That Depend on Elapsed Time

Some blocks, such as the Sine Wave block (if sample-based) and the Discrete-Time
Integrator block, depend on elapsed time. See “Absolute and Elapsed Time Computation”
in the Simulink Coder documentation for more information.

When a block that depends on elapsed time exists in a function-call subsystem, the
subsystem cannot be exported unless it specifies periodic execution. To specify for this:

1 Right-click the Trigger block in the function-call subsystem and choose Block
Parameters from the context menu.
2 Specify periodic in the Sample time type field.

20 Export Code Generated from Model to External Application

3 Set the Sample time to the same granularity specified (directly or by inheritance) in
the function-call initiator.
4 Click OK or Apply.

Function-Call Subsystem Export

This example shows a virtual subsystem that contains two function-call subsystems, and
the associated code that implements the virtual subsystem. The first figure shows the
top level of a model that uses a Stateflow chart named Chart to input two function-call
trigger signals (denoted by dash-dot lines) to a virtual subsystem named Subsystem.

The next figure shows the contents of Subsystem in the previous figure. The subsystem
contains two function-call subsystems, each driven by one of the signals input from the
top level.

Export Function-Call Subsystems

In the preceding model, the Stateflow chart can assert either of two scalar signals,
Toggle and Select.

• Asserting Toggle toggles the Boolean state of the function-call subsystem Toggle
Output Subsystem.
• Asserting Select causes the function-call subsystem Select Input Subsystem
to assign the value of DataIn1 or DataIn2 to its output signal. The value assigned
depends on the current state of Toggle Output Subsystem.

The following generated code implements the subsystem named Subsystem. The code
is typical for virtual subsystems that contain function-call subsystems. It specifies an
initialization function and a function for each contained subsystem, and would also
include functions to enable and disable subsystems if applicable.
#include "Subsystem.h"
#include "Subsystem_private.h"

/* Exported block signals */

real_T DataIn1; /* '<Root>/In3' */
real_T DataIn2; /* '<Root>/In4' */
real_T DataOut; /* '<S4>/Switch' */
boolean_T SelectorSignal; /* '<S5>/Logical Operator' */

/* Exported block states */

boolean_T SelectorState; /* '<S5>/Unit Delay' */

/* Real-time model */
RT_MODEL_Subsystem Subsystem_M_;
RT_MODEL_Subsystem *Subsystem_M = &Subsystem_M_;

/* Initial conditions for exported function: Toggle */

void Toggle_Init(void)
/* Initial conditions for function-call system: '<S1>/Toggle Output Subsystem' */

/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S5>/Unit Delay' */

SelectorState = Subsystem_P.UnitDelay_X0;

/* Output and update for exported function: Toggle */

void Toggle(void)
/* Output and update for function-call system: '<S1>/Toggle Output Subsystem' */

/* Logic: '<S5>/Logical Operator' incorporates:

* UnitDelay: '<S5>/Unit Delay'
SelectorSignal = !SelectorState;

20 Export Code Generated from Model to External Application

/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S5>/Unit Delay' */

SelectorState = SelectorSignal;

/* Output and update for exported function: Select */

void Select(void)
/* Output and update for function-call system: '<S1>/Select Input Subsystem' */

/* Switch: '<S4>/Switch' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/In3'
* Inport: '<Root>/In4'
if(SelectorSignal) {
DataOut = DataIn1;
} else {
DataOut = DataIn2;

/* Model initialize function */

void Subsystem_initialize(void)
/* initialize error status */
rtmSetErrorStatus(Subsystem_M, (const char_T *)0);

/* block I/O */

/* exported global signals */

DataOut = 0.0;
SelectorSignal = FALSE;

/* states (dwork) */

/* exported global states */

SelectorState = FALSE;

/* external inputs */
DataIn1 = 0.0;
DataIn2 = 0.0;


/* Model terminate function */

void Subsystem_terminate(void)
/* (no terminate code required) */

Export Function-Call Subsystems

Function-Call Subsystems Export Limitations

The function-call subsystem export capabilities have the following limitations:

• Subsystem block parameters do not control the names of the files containing the
generated code. Such filenames begin with the name of the exported subsystem.
• Subsystem block parameters do not control the names of top-level functions in the
generated code. Each function name reflects the name of the signal that triggers the
function, or for an unnamed signal, the block from which the signal originates.
• The software cannot export reusable code for a function-call subsystem. The Code
interface packaging value Reusable function does not apply for a function-call
• The function-call subsystem export capability does not support C++ class code
interface packaging.
• The software supports a SIL or PIL block in Accelerator mode only if its function-call
initiator is noninlined in Accelerator mode. Examples of noninlined initiators include
Stateflow charts.
• The SIL block must be driven by a Level-2 S-function initiator block, such as a
Stateflow chart or the built-in Function-call Generator block.
• An asynchronous (sample-time) function-call system can be exported, but the software
does not support the SIL or PIL block wrapper for an asynchronous system.
• The software does not support MAT-file logging for exported function calls.
Specifications that enable MAT-file logging is ignored.
• The use of the TLC function LibIsFirstInit is deprecated for exported function

20 Export Code Generated from Model to External Application

Control Generation of Function Prototypes

The Embedded Coder software provides a Configure Model Functions button, located
on the Code Generation > Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box,
that allows you to control the model function prototypes that are generated for ERT-
based Simulink models.

By default, the function prototype of an ERT-based model's generated model_step

function resembles the following:
void model_step(void);
The function prototype of an ERT-based model's generated model_initialize function
resembles the following:
void model_initialize(void);

(For more detailed information about the default calling interface for the model_step
function, see the model_step reference page.)

The Configure Model Functions button on the Interface pane provides you flexible
control over the model function prototypes that are generated for your model. Clicking
Configure Model Functions launches a Model Interface dialog box. Based on the
Function specification value you specify for your model function (supported values
include Default model initialize and step functions and Model specific
C prototypes), you can preview and modify the function prototypes. Once you validate
and apply your changes, you can generate code based on your function prototype

For more information about using the Configure Model Functions button and the
Model Interface dialog box, see “Sample Procedure for Configuring Function Prototypes”
and the example model rtwdemo_fcnprotoctrl, which is preconfigured to demonstrate
function prototype control.

Alternatively, you can use function prototype control functions to programmatically

control model function prototypes. For more information, see “Configure Function
Prototypes Programmatically”“Configure Function Prototypes Programmatically”.

You can also control model function prototypes for nonvirtual subsystems, if you generate
subsystem code using right-click build. To launch the Model Interface for subsystem
dialog box, use the RTW.configSubsystemBuild function.

Control Generation of Function Prototypes

Right-click building the subsystem generates the step and initialization functions
according to the customizations you make. For more information, see “Configure
Function Prototypes for Nonvirtual Subsystems”.

For limitations that apply, see “Function Prototype Control Limitations”.

20 Export Code Generated from Model to External Application

C++ Class Interface Control

Using the Code interface packaging option C++ class, on the Code Generation
> Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, you can generate a C++
class interface to model code. The generated interface encapsulates required model data
into C++ class attributes and model entry point functions into C++ class methods. The
benefits of C++ class encapsulation include:

• Greater control over access to model data

• Ability to multiply instantiate model classes
• Easier integration of model code into C++ programming environments

C++ class encapsulation also works for right-click builds of nonvirtual subsystems.
(For information on requirements that apply, see “Configure C++ Class Interfaces for
Nonvirtual Subsystems”.)

The general procedure for generating C++ class interfaces to model code is as follows:

1 Configure your model to use an ert.tlc system target file provided by MathWorks.
2 Select the C++ language for your model.
3 Select C++ class code interface packaging for your model.
4 Optionally, configure related C++ class interface settings for your model code, using
either a graphical user interface (GUI) or application programming interface (API).
5 Generate model code and examine the results.

To get started with an example, see “Simple Use of C++ Class Control”. For more
details about configuring C++ class interfaces for your model code, see “Customize C+
+ Class Interfaces Using Graphical Interfaces” and “Customize C++ Class Interfaces
Programmatically”. For limitations that apply, see “C++ Class Interface Control

Note: For an example of C++ class code generation, see the example model


Code Replacement Customization for

Simulink Models

• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?” on page 21-3

• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models” on page 21-4
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process” on page 21-22
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations” on page 21-24
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library” on page 21-26
• “Quick Start Library Development” on page 21-27
• “Identify Code Replacement Requirements” on page 21-37
• “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development” on page 21-40
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings” on page 21-42
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code” on page 21-58
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings” on page 21-66
• “Review and Test Code Replacements” on page 21-74
• “Deploy Code Replacement Library” on page 21-87
• “Math Function Code Replacement” on page 21-88
• “Memory Function Code Replacement” on page 21-90
• “Nonfinite Function Code Replacement” on page 21-93
• “Semaphore and Mutex Function Replacement” on page 21-96
• “Algorithm-Based Code Replacement” on page 21-103
• “Lookup Table Function Code Replacement” on page 21-106
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement” on page 21-125
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace” on page
• “Replace MATLAB Functions Specified in MATLAB Function Blocks” on page
21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement ” on page 21-142

• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions” on page 21-144
• “Scalar Operator Code Replacement” on page 21-149
• “Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement” on page 21-152
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement” on page 21-157
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement” on page
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement” on page
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input” on page 21-177
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators” on page 21-180
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement” on page 21-187
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement” on page 21-197
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement” on page 21-201
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement” on page 21-205
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement” on page 21-212
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement” on page 21-216
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement” on page 21-221

What Is Code Replacement Customization?

What Is Code Replacement Customization?

Customize how and when the code generator replaces C/C++ code that it generates by
default for functions and operators by developing a custom code replacement library. You
can develop libraries interactively with the Code Replacement Tool or programmatically.

• Develop libraries tailored to specific application requirements

• Add identifiers to the list of reserved keywords the code generator considers during
code replacement
• Customize the code generator’s matching and replacement process for functions

To get started, “Quick Start Library Development”.

Related Examples
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

In this section...
“About Code You Can Replace” on page 21-4
“Math Functions – Simulink Support” on page 21-4
“Math Functions – Stateflow Support” on page 21-10
“Memory Functions” on page 21-15
“Nonfinite Functions” on page 21-16
“Mutex and Semaphore Functions” on page 21-17
“Operators” on page 21-18

About Code You Can Replace

Code that the code generator replaces depends on the code replacement library (CRL)
that you use. By default, the code generator does not apply a code replacement library.
Your choice of libraries is dependent on product licensing and whether you have access to
custom libraries.

For information on how to explore functions and operators that a code replacement
library supports, see “Choose a Code Replacement Library” license and want to develop a
custom code replacement library, see Code Replacement Customization.

Math Functions – Simulink Support

When generating C/C++ code from a Simulink model, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following math functions with application-specific
Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
abs1 Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
acos Floating point Scalar Real
Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
acosd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acosh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
acot2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acotd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acoth2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsc2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acscd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsch2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asec2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asecd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asech2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
asin Floating point Scalar Real
Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
asind2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asinh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
atan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
atan2 Floating point Scalar Real
atan2d2 Floating point Scalar Real
atand2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
atanh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
ceil • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
cos 3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
cosd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
cosh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
cot2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cotd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
coth2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csc2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cscd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csch2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
exactrSqrt Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
exp Floating point Scalar Real
fix Floating point Scalar Real
floor • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
fmod4 Floating point Scalar Real
frexp Floating point Scalar Real

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
hypot Floating point Scalar Real
ldexp Floating point Scalar Real
ln Floating point Scalar Real
log Floating point Scalar Real
log10 Floating point Scalar Real
log22 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
max Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
Fixed point
min Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
Fixed point
mod Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
pow Floating point Scalar Real
rem Floating point Scalar Real
round Floating point Scalar Real

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
rSqrt Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
saturate Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
sec2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
secd2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sech2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sign Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
signPow Floating point Scalar Real
sin3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
sincos3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
sind2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sinh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
sqrt Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector
Fixed point Matrix
tan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
tand2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
tanh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex input/complex output
Matrix Real input/complex output
Wrap on integer overflow only. Clear block parameter Saturate on integer overflow.
Only when used with the MATLAB Function block.
Supports the CORDIC approximation method.
Stateflow support only.

Math Functions – Stateflow Support

When generating C/C++ code from Stateflow charts, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following math functions with application-specific

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
abs1 Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
acos2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
Real input/complex output
acosd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acot3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acotd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acoth3,5 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsc3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acscd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsch3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asec3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asecd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asech3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
asin2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
asind3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
atan2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
atan22 Floating point Scalar Real
atan2d3 Floating point Scalar Real
atand3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
ceil • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
cos 3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
cosd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
cosh2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
cot3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cotd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
coth3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csc3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cscd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csch3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
exp Floating point Scalar Real
floor • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
fmod Floating point Scalar Real
hypot 3 Floating point Scalar Real
ldexp Floating point Scalar Real

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
log2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log102 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log23 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
max Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
min Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
pow Floating point Scalar Real
sec3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
secd3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sech3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sin2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
sind3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
sinh2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
sqrt Floating point Scalar Real
tan 2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
tand3 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
tanh2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex
Real input/complex output
Wrap on integer overflow only.
For models involving vectors or matrices, the code generator replaces only functions coded in the
MATLAB action language.
The code generator replaces only functions coded in the MATLAB action language.

Memory Functions
Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,
you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following memory
functions with application-specific implementations.

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
memcmp Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
Vector Complex
memcpy Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset2zero Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Some target processors provide optimized functions to set memory to zero. Use the code
replacement library programming interface to replace the memset2zero function with
more efficient target-specific functions.

Nonfinite Functions
Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,
you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following nonfinite
functions with application-specific implementations.

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real, Complex Support

Matrix Support
getInf Floating point Scalar Real
getMinusInf Floating point Scalar Real
getNaN Floating point Scalar Real
rtIsInf Floating point Scalar Real
rtIsNaN Floating point Scalar Real

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Mutex and Semaphore Functions

Mutex and semaphore functions control access to resources shared by multiple processes
in multicore target environments. MathWorks provides code replacement libraries that
support mutex and semaphore replacement for Rate Transition and Task Transition
blocks on Windows, Linux, Mac, and VxWorks platforms.

Generated mutex and semaphore code typically consists of:

• In model initialization code, an initialization function call to create a mutex or

semaphore to control entry to a critical section of code.
• In model step code:

• Before code for a data transfer between tasks enters the critical section, mutex
lock or semaphore wait function calls to reserve a critical section of code.
• After code for a data transfer between tasks finishes executing the critical section,
mutex unlock or semaphore post function calls to release the critical section of
• In model termination code, an optional destroy function call to explicitly delete the
mutex or semaphore.

Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,

you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following mutex and
semaphore functions with application-specific implementations.

In the following table, key is a string that identifies the function.

Function Key
Semaphore Destroy RTW_SEM_DESTROY
Semaphore Init RTW_SEM_INIT
Semaphore Post RTW_SEM_POST
Semaphore Wait RTW_SEM_WAIT

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

When generating C/C++ code from a Simulink model, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following operators with application-specific

In the following table:

• Key is a string that identifies the operator.

• Mixed data type support indicates that you can specify different data types for
different inputs.

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Addition (+) RTW_OP_ADD Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Subtraction (-) RTW_OP_MINUS Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Multiplication RTW_OP_MUL Integer Scalar Real
(*)1 Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Division (/) RTW_OP_DIV Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Complex
Data type RTW_OP_CAST Integer Scalar Real
conversion (cast) Floating point2 Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Shift left (<<) RTW_OP_SL Integer Scalar Real
Fixed-point Vector

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Mixed Matrix
Shift right RTW_OP_SRA Integer Scalar Real
arithmetic (>>) 3 Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Shift right RTW_OP_SRL Integer Scalar Real
logical (>>) Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Element- RTW_OP_ELEM_MUL Integer Vector Real
wise matrix Floating point Matrix Complex
multiplication Fixed-point
(.*)4 Mixed
Matrix right RTW_OP_RDIV Integer Vector Real
division (/) Floating point Matrix Complex
Matrix left RTW_OP_LDIV Integer Vector Real
division (\) Floating point Matrix Complex
Matrix inversion RTW_OP_INV Integer Vector Real
(inv) Floating point Matrix Complex
Complex RTW_OP_CONJUGATE Integer Scalar Real
conjugation Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Transposition RTW_OP_TRANS Integer Vector Real
(.') Floating point Matrix Complex

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Hermitian RTW_OP_HERMITIAN Integer Vector Real
(complex Floating point Matrix Complex
conjugate) Fixed-point
transposition (') Mixed
Multiplication RTW_OP_TRMUL Integer Vector Real
with Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point
Multiplication RTW_OP_HMMUL Integer Vector Real
with Hermitian Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point
Greater than (>) RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
THAN Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Greater than or RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
equal(>=) THAN_OR_EQUAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than (<) RTW_OP_LESS_THAN Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than or RTW_OP_LESS_THAN_ Integer Scalar Real
equal (<=) OR_EQUAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Equal (==) RTW_OP_EQUAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix

Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models

Operator Key Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Real,

Matrix Support Complex
Not equal (!=) RTW_OP_NOT_EQUAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Can map to Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS) multiplication functions.
Scaled floating point is not supported.
Code replacement libraries that provide arithmetic shift right implementations should
also provide logical shift right implementations, because some arithmetic shift rights
are converted to logical shift rights during code generation.
Use the multiplication (*) operator (RTW_OP_MUL) for scalar multiplication.

Related Examples
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process

When the code generator encounters a call site for a function or operator, it:

1 Creates and partially populates a code replacement entry object with the function or
operator name or key and conceptual arguments.
2 Uses the entry object to query the configured code replacement library for a
conceptual representation match. The code generator searches the tables in a code
replacement library for a match in the order that the tables appear in the library.
When searching for a match, the code generator takes into account:

• Conceptual name or key

• Arguments, including quantity, type, type qualifiers, and complexity
• Algorithm (computation method)
• Fixed-point saturation and rounding modes
• Priority
3 When a match exists, the code generator returns a code replacement object, fully
populated with the conceptual representation, implementation representation,
and priority. If the code generator finds multiple matches within a table, the entry
priority determines the match. The priority can range from 0 to 100. The highest
priority is 0. The code generator uses a higher-priority entry over a similar entry
with a lower priority.
4 Uses the C or C++ replacement function prototype in the code replacement object to
generate code.

When the code generator encounters a call site for a function or operator, it:

1 Creates and partially populates a code replacement entry object with the function or
operator name or key and conceptual arguments.
2 Uses the entry object to query the configured code replacement library for a
conceptual representation match. The code generator searches the tables in a code
replacement library for a match in the order that the tables appear in the library.
When searching for a match, the code generator takes into account:

• Conceptual name or key

• Arguments, including quantity, type, type qualifiers, and complexity
• Algorithm (computation method)

Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process

• Fixed-point saturation and rounding modes

• Priority
3 When a match exists, the code generator returns a code replacement object, fully
populated with the conceptual representation, implementation representation,
and priority. If the code generator finds multiple matches within a table, the entry
priority determines the match. The priority can range from 0 to 100. The highest
priority is 0. The code generator uses a higher-priority entry over a similar entry
with a lower priority.
4 Uses the C or C++ replacement function prototype in the code replacement object to
generate code.

Related Examples
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”

More About
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Code Replacement Customization Limitations

• Code replacement verification — It is possible that code replacement behaves
differently than you expect. For example, data types that you observe in code
generator input might not match what the code generator uses as intermediate data
types during an operation. Verify code replacements by examining generated code.
See “Review and Test Code Replacements”.
• Tokens in file paths—You can include tokens in file paths when specifying build
information for a code replacement entry by using the programming interface only.
The ability to include tokens is not available from the Code Replacement Tool. See
“Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”.
• Addition and subtraction operation replacements—See“Addition and Subtraction
Operator Code Replacement” for relevant limitations.
• Data alignment—

• Not supported for

• Software-in-the-loop (SIL)
• Processor-in-the-loop (PIL)
• Model reference parameters
• Exported functions in Stateflow charts
• Data alignment is not honored in code generation for shared utilities if the
replacement would impose alignment requirements on the shared utility interface
arguments. Under these conditions, replacement does not occur. Replacement is
allowed if the registered data alignment type specification supports alignment of
local variables, and the replacement involves only local variables.
• For Simulink.Bus:

• If structure field alignment is not supported by user registered alignment

specifications, aligning Simulink.Bus objects is not supported unless the
Simulink.Bus is imported.
• When aligning a Simulink.Bus data object, the elements in the bus object
are aligned on the same boundary, which is the lowest common multiple of the
alignment requirements for each individual bus element.
• When you specify alignment for functions that occur in a model reference
hierarchy, and the same function data is operated on by multiple models in
the hierarchy, the bottommost model dictates the alignment for the rest of the

Code Replacement Customization Limitations

hierarchy. If the alignment requirement for a function in a model higher in the

hierarchy cannot be honored due to the alignment set by a model lower in the
hierarchy, the replacement in the higher model does not occur (in some cases,
an error message is generated). To work around this issue, if the shared data is
represented by a bus or signal object, you can manually set the alignment property
on the shared data by setting the alignment property of the Simulink.Bus or
Simulink.Signal object.

See “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”.

• coder.replace function — See coder.replace for relevant limitations.

Related Examples
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Develop a Code Replacement Library

1 “Identify Code Replacement Requirements”
2 “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development”
3 “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
4 “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
5 “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
6 “Review and Test Code Replacements”
7 “Deploy Code Replacement Library”

Related Examples
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace”
• “Replace MATLAB Functions Specified in MATLAB Function Blocks”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Quick Start Library Development

Quick Start Library Development

This example shows how to develop a code replacement library that includes an entry for
generating replacement code for the math function sin. You use the Code Replacement


To complete this example, install the following software:

• Simulink
• Simulink Coder
• Embedded Coder

For instructions on installing MathWorks products, see the “Installation Guide”. If you
have installed MATLAB and want to see what other MathWorks products are installed,
in the Command Window, enter ver.

For a list of supported compilers, see http://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers/


Open the Code Replacement Tool

1 Start a new MATLAB session.

2 Create or navigate (cd) to an empty folder.
3 At the command prompt, enter the crtool command. The Code Replacement Tool
window opens.

Create Code Replacement Table

1 In the Code Replacement Tool window, select File > New table.
2 In the right pane, name the table crl_table_sinfcn and click Apply. Later, when
you save the table, the tool saves it with the file name crl_table_sinfcn.m.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Create Table Entry

Create a table entry that maps a sin function with double input and double output to
a custom implementation function.

1 In the left pane, select table crl_table_sinfcn. Then, select File > New entry >
Function. The new entry appears in the middle pane, initially without a name.
2 In the middle pane, select the new entry.
3 In the right pane, on the Mapping Information tab, from the Function menu,
select sin.
4 Leave Algorithm set to Unspecified, and leave parameters in the Conceptual
function group set to default values.
5 In the Replacement function group, name the replacement function sin_dbl.
6 Leave the remaining parameters in the Replacement function group set to default

Quick Start Library Development

7 Click Apply. The tool updates the Function signature preview to reflect the
specified replacement function name.
8 Scroll to the bottom of the Mapping Information tab and click Validate entry.
The tool validates your entry.

The following figure shows the completed mapping information.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Quick Start Library Development

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

1 On the Build Information tab, for the Implementation header file parameter,
enter sin_dbl.h.
2 Leave the remaining parameters set to default values.
3 Click Apply.

4 Optionally, you can revalidate the entry. Return to the Mapping Information tab
and click Validate entry.

Create Another Table Entry

Create an entry that maps a sin function with single input and double output to
a custom implementation function named sin_sgl. Create the entry by copying and
pasting the sin_dbl entry.

1 In the middle pane, select the sin_dbl entry.

2 Select Edit > Copy
3 Select Edit > Paste
4 On the Mapping Information tab, in the Conceptual function section, set the
data type of input argument u1 to single.
5 In the Replacement function section, name the function sin_sgl. Set the data
type of input argument u1 to single.
6 Click Apply. Note the changes that appear for the Function signature preview.
7 On the Build Information tab, for the Implementation header file parameter,
enter sin_sgl.h. Leave the remaining parameters set to default values and click

Validate the Code Replacement Table

1 Select Actions > Validate table.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

2 If the tool reports errors, fix them, and rerun the validation. Repeat fixing and
validating errors until the tool does not report errors. The following figure shows a
validation report.

Save the Code Replacement Table

Save the code replacement table to a MATLAB file in your working folder. Select File >
Save table. By default, the tool uses the table name to name the file. For this example,
the tool saves the table in the file crl_table_sinfcn.m.

Review the Code Replacement Table Definition

Consider reviewing the MATLAB code for your code replacement table definition. After
using the tool to create an initial version of a table definition file, you can update,
enhance, or copy the file in a text editor.

To review it, in MATLAB or another text editor, open the file crl_table_sinfcn.m.

Generate a Registration File

Before you can use your code replacement table, you must register it as part of a code
replacement library. Use the Code Replacement Tool to generate a registration file.

1 In the Code Replacement Tool, select File > Generate registration file.
2 In the Generate registration file dialog box, edit the dialog box fields to match the
following figure, and then click OK.

Quick Start Library Development

3 In the Select location dialog box, specify a location for the registration file. The
location must be on the MATLAB path or in the current working folder. Save the file.
The tool saves the file as rtwTargetInfo.m.

Register the Code Replacement Table

At the command prompt, enter:


Review and Test Code Replacements

Apply your code replacement library. Verify that the code generator makes code
replacements that you expect.

1 Check for errors. At the command line, invoke the table definition file. For example:

tbl = crl_table_sinfcn

tbl =

TflTable with properties:

Version: '1.0'
ReservedSymbols: []
StringResolutionMap: []
AllEntries: [2x1 RTW.TflCFunctionEntry]
EnableTrace: 1

If an error exists in the definition file, the invocation triggers a message. Fix the
error and try again.
2 Use the Code Replacement Viewer to check your code replacement entries. For

RTW.viewTfl('Sin Function Example')

In the viewer, select entries in your table and verify that the content is what you
expect. The viewer can help you detect issues such as:

• Incorrect argument order.

• Conceptual argument names that do not match what is expected by the code

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• Incorrect priority settings.

3 Identify an existing or create a new Simulink model that includes a Trigonometric
Function block that is set to the sin function. For example:

4 Open the model and configure it for code generation with an Embedded Coder (ERT-
based) target.
5 See whether your library is listed as an available option for the Code Generation
> Interface > Code replacement library model configuration parameter. If it is,
select it.

If it is not listed, open the registration file, rtwTargetInfo.m. See whether you
entered the correct code replacement table name when you created the file. If you
hover the cursor over the selected library, a tool tip appears. This tip contains
information derived from your code replacement library registration file, such as the
library description and the list of tables it contains.
6 Configure the code generation report for code replacement analysis by setting the
following parameters:

• On the Code Generation > Report pane, select Create code generation
report, Open report automatically, Code-to-model, Model-to-code, and
Summarize which blocks triggered code replacements.
• On the Code Generation > Comments pane, select Include comments,
Simulink block / Stateflow object comments, and Simulink block
7 Configure the model to generate code only. Before you build an executable, confirm
that the code generator is replacing code as expected.
8 Generate code for the model.
9 Review code replacement results in the Code Replacement Report section of the code
generation report.

Quick Start Library Development

The report indicates that the code generator found a match and applied the
replacement code for the function sin_dbl.
10 Review the code replacements. In the model window, right-click the Trigonometric
Function block. Select C/C++ Code > Navigate to C/C++ Code. The code
generation report opens and highlights the code replacement in my_sin_func.c. In
this case, the code generator replaced sin with sin_dbl.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Related Examples
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Identify Code Replacement Requirements

Identify Code Replacement Requirements

In this section...
“Mapping Information Requirements” on page 21-37
“Build Information Requirements” on page 21-38
“Registration Information Requirements” on page 21-38

Mapping Information Requirements

• Are you defining a code replacement mapping for the first time?
• Are you updating code replacement entries in an existing library? Or, are you creating
a new library?
• Are you rapid prototyping code replacements?
• Can you base your mappings on existing mappings?
• What type of code do you want to replace? Options include:

• Math operation
• Function
• BLAS operation
• CBLAS operation
• Net slope fixed-point operation
• Semaphore or mutex functions
• Do you want to change the inline or nonfinite behavior for functions?
• What specific functions and operations do you want to replace?
• What input and output arguments does the function or operator that you are
replacing take? For each argument, what is the data type, complexity, and
• What does the prototype for your replacement code look like?

• What is the replacement function name?

• What are the input and output arguments?
• Are there return values?

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• What is the data type, complexity, and dimensionality of each argument and
return value?

Build Information Requirements

• Does your replacement function implementation require a header file? If yes, specify
the header file.
• If the replacement function implementation requires a header file, what is the path
for that file?
• Is the source file for the replacement function in your working folder? If not, you
can explicitly specify the source file name and extension. For example, if the file is
required in the generated makefile or specified in a build information object, specify
the source file.
• Does the replacement function use additional include files? If yes, what are they and
what are the paths for those files?
• Does the replacement function use additional source files? If yes, what are they and
what are the paths for those files?
• What compiler flags are required for compiling code that includes the replacement
• What linker flags are required for building an executable that includes the
replacement code?
• Are the required header, source, and object files for building an executable that
includes your replacement code in the working folder for your project? If not, before
starting the build process, do you want the code generator to copy required files to the
build folder?

Registration Information Requirements

• What do you want to name your code replacement library?
• What code replacement tables do you want to include in the library? What are the file
names and paths for the tables?
• What is the purpose of the library? You can document the purpose as the library
• Does the library apply to specific hardware devices? If yes, what devices?
• Are you developing a hierarchy of code replacement libraries? Is the library that you
are developing based (dependent) on another library? For example, you can specify a

Identify Code Replacement Requirements

general TI device library as the base library for a more specific TI C28x device
• Do you need to specify data alignment for the library? What data alignments are
required? For each specification, what type of alignment is required and for what
programming language?

Related Examples
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development

After you identify your code replacement requirements, prepare for library development
by reviewing this checklist:

• Get familiar with the library development process.

• Decide whether to define code replacement mappings and produce a registration file
interactively with the Code Replacement Tool or programmatically.
• Identify or develop MATLAB code and Simulink models to test your code replacement
• Consider the hierarchy and organization of your library. A library can consist
of multiple tables and each table can include multiple entries. How do you want
to organize the library to optimize reuse of tables and entries? For example, a
registration file can define code replacement tables organized in a hierarchy of code
replacement libraries based on entries that increase in specificity:

• Common entries
• Entries for TI devices
• Entries for TI C6xx devices
• Entries specific to the TI C67x device
• If support files, such as header files, additional source files, and dynamically linked
libraries are not in your current working folder, note their location. You need to
specify the paths for such files.

Related Examples
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”

Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development

• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”

• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Define Code Replacement Mappings

In this section...
“Defining Code Replacement Mappings” on page 21-42
“Define Mappings Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool” on page 21-43
“Define Mappings Programmatically” on page 21-46

Defining Code Replacement Mappings

A code replacement mapping associates a conceptual representation of a function
or operator that is familiar to the code generator with a custom implementation
representation that specifies a C or C++ replacement function prototype. You capture a
mapping as an entry in a code replacement table:

• Interactively, by using the Code Replacement Tool.

• Programmatically, by using a MATLAB programming interface.

The following table lists situations to help you decide when to use each approach.

Situation Approach
Defining mappings for the first Code Replacement Tool.
Rapid prototyping mappings. Code Replacement Tool to quickly generate, register,
and test mappings.
Developing a mapping as a Code Replacement Tool to generate definition code
template or starting point for that you can copy and modify.
defining similar mappings.
Modifying a registration file, MATLAB Editor to update the programming interface
including copying and pasting directly.
Defining mappings that specify Programming interface.
attributes not available from
the Code Replacement Tool
(for example, sets of algorithm

Define Code Replacement Mappings

Define Mappings Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool

This example shows how to use the Code Replacement Tool to develop code replacement
mappings. The tool is ideal for getting started with developing mappings, rapid
prototyping, and developing a mapping to use as a starting point for defining similar

Open the Code Replacement Tool

Do one of the following:

• In the Command Window, enter the command crtool.

• In the Simulink Editor, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and navigate to
the Code Generation > Interface > pane. To the right of the Code replacement
libraryparameter, click the Custom.

The Custom button is available only for ERT-based targets. Although an Embedded
Coder license is not required to create a custom code replacement library, you must
have an Embedded Coder license to use a such a library.

By default, the tool displays, left to right, a root pane, a list pane, and a dialog pane. You
can manipulate the display:

• Drag boundaries to widen, narrow, shorten, or lengthen panes, and to resize table
• Select View > Show dialog pane to hide or display the rightmost pane.
• Click a table column heading to sort the table based on contents of the selected
• Right-click a table column heading and select Hide to remove the column from the
display. (You cannot hide the Name column.)

Create a Code Replacement Table

1 In the Code Replacement Tool window, select File > New table.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

2 In the right pane, name the table and click Apply. Later, when you save the table,
the tool uses the table name that you specify to name the file. For example, if you
enter the name my_sinfcn, the tool names the file my_sinfcn.m.

Create Table Entries

Create one or more table entries. Each entry maps the conceptual representation of a
function or operator to your implementation representation. The information that you
enter depends on the type of entry you create. You must enter the following information:

1 In the left pane, select the table to which you want to add the entry.
2 Select File > New entry > entry-type, where entry-type is one of:

• Math Operation
• Function
• BLAS Operation
• CBLAS Operation
• Net Slope Fixed Point Operation
• Semaphore entry
• Customization entry

The new entry appears in the middle pane, initially without a name.
3 In the middle pane, select the new entry.
4 In the right pane, on the Mapping Information tab, from the Function or
Operation menu, select the function or operation that you want the code generator
to replace. Regardless of the entry type, you must make a selection from this menu.
Your selection determines what other information you specify.

With the exception of customization entries, you also specify information for your
replacement function prototype. You can also specify implementation attributes,
such as the rounding modes to apply.
5 If prompted, specify additional entry information that you want the code generator
to use when searching for a match. For example, when you select an addition or
subtraction operation, the tool prompts you to specify an algorithm (Cast before
operation or Cast after operation).
6 Review the conceptual argument information that the tool populates for the function
or operation. Conceptual input and output arguments represent arguments for

Define Code Replacement Mappings

the function or operator being replaced. Conceptual arguments observe naming

conventions ('y1', 'u1', 'u2', ...) and data types familiar to the code generator.

If you do not want the data types for your implementation to be the same as the
conceptual argument types, clear the Make the conceptual and implementation
argument types the same check box. For example, most ANSI-C functions
operate on and return double data. Clear the check box if want to map a conceptual
representation of the function, such as sin, which specifies an argument and
return value of type single (single sin(single)), to an implementation
representation that specifies an argument and return value of type double (double
sin(double). In this case, the code generator produces the following code:

y = (single) sin(u1);

If you select Custom for a function entry, specify only conceptual argument
7 Specify the name and argument information for your replacement function. As you
enter the information and click Apply, the tool updates the Function signature
8 Specify additional implementation attributes that apply. For example, depending on
the type and name of the entry that you specify, the tool prompts you to specify:

• Integer saturation mode

• Rounding modes
• Whether to allow inputs that include expressions
• Whether a function modifies internal or global state
9 Click Apply.

Validate Tables and Entries

The Code Replacement Tool provides a way to validate the syntax of code replacement
tables and table entries as you define them. If the tool finds validation errors, you can
address them and retry the validation. Repeat the process until the tool does not report

To... Do...
Validate table entries Select an entry, scroll to the bottom of the Mapping
Information tab, and click Validate entry.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

To... Do...
Alternatively, select one or more entries, right-click,
and select Validate entries.
Validate a table Select the table. Then, select Actions > Validate

Save a Table

When you save a table, the tool validates unvalidated content.

1 Select File > Save table.

2 In the Browse For Folder dialog box, specify a location and name for the file.
Typically, you select a location on the MATLAB path. By default, the tool names the
file using the name that you specify for the table with the extension .m.
3 Click Save.

Open and Modify Tables

After you save a code replacement table, to make changes:

1 Select File > Open table.

2 In the Import file dialog box, browse to the MATLAB file that contains the table.

Repeat the sequence to open and work on multiple tables.

If you open multiple tables, you can manage the tables together. For example, use the
tool to:

• Create new table entries.

• Delete entries.
• Copy and paste or cut and paste information between tables.

Define Mappings Programmatically

This example shows how to define a code replacement mapping programmatically. The
programming interface for defining code replacement table mappings is ideal for

• Modifying tables created with the Code Replacement Tool.

• Defining mappings for specialized entries that you cannot create with the Code
Replacement Tool.

Define Code Replacement Mappings

• Replicating and modifying similar entries and tables.

Create a Code Replacement Table

1 Create a table definition file that contains a function definition. For example:
function hTable = crl_table_sinfcn()

2 Within the function body, create the table by calling the function RTW.TflTable.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;

Create a Table Entry

For each function or operator that you want the code generator to replace, map
a conceptual representation of the function or operator to an implementation
representation as a table entry.

1 Within the body of a table definition file, create a code replacement entry object. Call
one of the following functions:

Entry Type Function

Math operation RTW.TflCOperationEntry
Function RTW.TflCFunctionEntry
BLAS operation RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator
CBLAS operation RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator
Fixed-point addition RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator
and subtraction
operations (support for
SlopesMustBeTheSame and
ZeroNetBias parameters)
Net slope fixed-point RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope
Semaphore or mutex entry RTW.TflCSemaphoreEntry
Custom function entry MyCustomFunctionEntry (where
MyCustomFunctionEntry is a class derived from
Custom operation entry MyCustomOperationEntry (where
MyCustomOperationEntry is a class derived from

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

For example:

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

You can combine steps of creating the entry, setting entry parameters, creating
conceptual and implementation arguments, and adding the entry to a table with a
single function call to registerCFunctionEntry, registerCPPFunctionEntry, or
registerCPromotableMacroEntry if you are creating an entry for a function and the
function implementation meets the following criteria:

• Implementation argument names and order match the names and order of
corresponding conceptual arguments.
• Input arguments are of the same type.
• The return and input argument names follow the code generator’s default naming

• Return argument is y1.

• Input arguments are u1, u2, ..., un.

For example:

registerCFunctionEntry(hTable, 100, 1, 'sin', 'double', ...

'sin_dbl', 'double', 'sin_dbl.h','','');

Set Entry Parameters

Set entry parameters, such as the priority, algorithm information, and implementation
(replacement) function name. Call the function listed in the following table for the entry
type that you created.

Entry Type Function

Math operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
Function setTflCFunctionEntryParameters
BLAS operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
CBLAS operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
Fixed-point addition and subtraction setTflCOperationEntryParameters
operations where there is a many-
to-one mapping, such as a mapping

Define Code Replacement Mappings

Entry Type Function

for a range of fixed-point types to the
same replacement function (support
for SlopesMustBeTheSame and
ZeroNetBias parameters)
Net slope fixed-point operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
Semaphore or mutex entry setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters
Custom function entry setTflCFunctionEntryParameters
Custom operation entry setTflCOperationEntryParameters

To see a list of the parameters that you can set, at the command line, create a new entry
and omit the semicolon at the end of the command. For example:

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry

hEnt =

TflCFunctionEntry with properties:

Implementation: [1x1 RTW.CImplementation]

SlopesMustBeTheSame: 0
BiasMustBeTheSame: 0
AlgorithmParams: []
AdditionalHeaderFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourceFiles: {0x1 cell}
OtherFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalIncludePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourcePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjs: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjsPaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkFlags: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalCompileFlags: {0x1 cell}
SearchPaths: {0x1 cell}
Key: ''
Priority: 100
ConceptualArgs: [0x1 handle]
EntryInfo: []
GenCallback: ''
GenFileName: ''

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

AcceptExprInput: 1
SideEffects: 0
UsageCount: 0
RecordedUsageCount: 0
Description: ''
StoreFcnReturnInLocalVar: 0
TraceManager: [1x1 RTW.TflTraceManager]

To see the implementation parameters, enter:


ans =

CImplementation with properties:

HeaderFile: ''
SourceFile: ''
HeaderPath: ''
SourcePath: ''
Return: []
StructFieldMap: []
Name: ''
Arguments: [0x1 handle]
ArgumentDescriptor: []

For example, to set entry parameters for the sin function and name your replacement
function sin_dbl, use the following function call:
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl');

Create Conceptual Arguments

Create conceptual arguments and add them to the entry’s array of conceptual arguments.

• Specify output arguments before input arguments.

• Specify argument names that comply with code generator argument naming

• y1 for a return argument

• u1, u2, ..., un for input arguments

Define Code Replacement Mappings

• Specify data types that are familiar to the code generator.

• The function signature, including argument naming, order, and attributes, must
fulfill the signature match sought by function or operator callers.
• The code generator determines the size of the value for an argument with an unsized
type, such as integer, based on hardware implementation configuration settings.

For each argument:

1 Identify whether the argument is for input or output, the name, and data type. If you
do not know what arguments to specify for a supported function or operation, use the
Code Replacement Tool to find them. For example, to find the conceptual arguments
for the sin function, open the tool, create a table, create a function entry, and in the
Function menu select sin.
2 Create and add the conceptual argument to an entry. You can choose a method from
the methods listed in this table.

If Then
You want simpler code or Call the function createAndAddConceptualArg. For
want to explicitly specify example:
whether the argument
is scalar or nonscalar createAndAddConceptualArg(hEnt, ...
(vector or matrix).
'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1',...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT',...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

The second argument specifies whether the argument is

scalar (RTW.TflArgNumeric orRTW.TflArgMatrix) .
You want to create an Call getTflArgFromString to create the argument.
argument based on Then, call addConceptualArg to add the argument to
a built-in argument the entry.
definition (for example,
scalar or nonscalar). arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

The following code shows the conceptual output and input argument definitions for the
sin function:
% Conceptual Args

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','double');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','double');

addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

Create Implementation Arguments

Create implementation arguments for the C or C++ replacement function and add them
to the entry.

• When replacing code, the code generator uses the argument names to determine how
it passes data to the implementation function.
• For function replacements, the order of implementation argument names must match
the order of the conceptual argument names.
• For operator replacements, the order of implementation argument names do not
have to match the order of the conceptual argument names. For example, for an
operator replacement for addition, y1=u1+u2, the conceptual arguments are y1, u1,
and u2, in that order. If the signature of your implementation function is t myAdd(t
u2, t u1), where t is a valid C type, based on the argument name matches, the
code generator passes the value of the first conceptual argument, u1, to the second
implementation argument of myAdd. The code generator passes the value of the
second conceptual argument, u2, to the first implementation argument of myAdd.
• For operator replacements, you can remap operator output arguments to
implementation function input arguments.

For each argument:

1 Identify whether the argument is for input or output, the name, and the data type.
2 Create and add the implementation argument to an entry. You can choose a method
from the methods listed in this table.

If Then
You want to populate Call the function
implementation copyConceptualArgsToImplementation. For example:
arguments as copies
of previously created copyConceptualArgsToImplementation(hEnt);
matching conceptual

Define Code Replacement Mappings

If Then
You want to create and Call functions createAndSetCImplementationReturn
add implementation andcreateAndAddImplementationArg . For example:
arguments individually,
or vary argument createAndSetCImplementationReturn(hEnt,
attributes, while 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
maintaining conceptual 'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
argument order 'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'IsSigned', true,...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0 );

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

If Then
You want to minimize Create the argument with a call to the function
the amount of code, getTflArgFromString. Then, use the convenience
or specify constant method setReturn or addArgument to specify whether
arguments to pass to an argument is a return value or argument and to add
the implementation the argument to the entry’s array of implementation
function arguments. For example:
arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','double');


The following call to getTflArgFromString passes the

constant 0 to argument u2:

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u2', 'int16', 0)


For semaphore and mutex entries, use the functions

getTflDWorkFromString and addDWorkArg to
create and add a DWork argument to the entry. Then
create implementation arguments as shown above with
getTflArgFromString and the convenience methods
setReturn and addArgument. For example:

arg = getTflDWorkFromString('d1', 'void*')


arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1', 'integer');


arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('d1', 'void**');


Define Code Replacement Mappings

The following code shows the implementation output and input argument definitions
for the sin function:

% Implementation Args

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1','double');

Add an Entry to a Table

Add an entry to a code replacement table by calling the function addEntry.

addEntry(hTable, hEnt);

Validate an Entry

After you create or modify a code replacement table entry, validate it by invoking it at
the MATLAB command line. For example:

hTbl = crl_table_sinfcn

hTbl =

Version: '1.0'
AllEntries: [2x1 RTW.TflCFunctionEntry]
ReservedSymbols: []
StringResolutionMap: []

If the table includes errors, MATLAB reports them. The following examples shows how
MATLAB reports a typo in a data type name:
hTbl = crl_table_sinfcn

??? RTW_CORE:tfl:TflTable: Unsupported data type, 'dooble'.

Error in ==> crl_table_sinfcn at 7

hTable.registerCFunctionEntry(100, 1, 'sin', 'dooble', 'sin_dbl', ...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Save a Table

Save the table definition file. Use the name of the table definition function to name the
file, for example, crl_table_sinfcn.m.

Related Examples
• “Identify Code Replacement Requirements”
• “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Math Function Code Replacement”
• “Memory Function Code Replacement”
• “Nonfinite Function Code Replacement”
• “Semaphore and Mutex Function Replacement”
• “Algorithm-Based Code Replacement”
• “Lookup Table Function Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace”
• “Replace MATLAB Functions Specified in MATLAB Function Blocks”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Scalar Operator Code Replacement”
• “Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement”
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”

Define Code Replacement Mappings

• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”

• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

In this section...
“Specifying Build Information” on page 21-58
“Specify Build Information Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool” on page
“Specify Build Information Programmatically” on page 21-61

Specifying Build Information

A code replacement table entry can specify build information for the code generator to
use when replacing code for a match. The build information can include:

• Paths and file names for header files

• Paths and file names for source files
• Paths and file names for object files
• Compile flags
• Link flags

Add build information to an entry:

• Interactively, by using the Code Replacement Tool.

• Programmatically, by using a MATLAB programming interface.

The following table lists situations to help you decide when to use each approach.

Situation Approach
Creating code replacement Code Replacement Tool.
entries for the first time.
You used the Code Replacement Code Replacement Tool to quickly specify the build
Tool to create the entries for information.
which the build information
Rapid prototyping entries. Code Replacement Tool to quickly generate, register,
and test entries.

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

Situation Approach
Developing an entry to use as Code Replacement Tool to generate entry code that
a template or starting point for you can copy and modify.
defining similar entries.
Modifying existing mappings. MATLAB Editor to update the programming interface

As you specify build information, consider the following information:

• If you use the programming interface, paths that you specify can include tokens.
A token is a variable defined as a string or cell array of strings in the MATLAB
workspace that you enclose with dollar signs ($variable$). The code generator
evaluates and replaces a token with the defined value. For example, consider the
path $myfolder$\folder1, where myfolder is a string variable defined in the
MATLAB workspace as 'd:\work\source\module1'. The code generator generates
the custom path as d:\work\source\module1\folder1.
• If an entry uses header, source, or object files that reside in a folder other than the
build folder, you must copy the files to the build folder before the code generator can
build the code. The Code Replacement Tool and programming information provide a
way to specify this copy operation.

Specify Build Information Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool

The Code Replacement Tool provides a quick, easy way for you to specify build
information for code replacement table entries. It is ideal for getting started with
defining a table entry, rapid prototyping, and developing table entries to use as a starting
point for defining similar mappings.

1 Determine the information that you must specify.

2 Open the Code Replacement Tool.
3 Select the code replacement table entry for which you want to specify the build
information. In the left pane, select the table that contains the entry. In the middle
pane, select the entry that you want to modify.
4 In the right pane, select the Build Information tab.
5 On the Build Information tab, specify your build information.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Field Specify
Implementation header file File name and extension for the header file
the code generator needs to generate the
replacement code. For example, sin_dbl.h.
Implementation source file File name and extension for the C or C++ source
file the code generator needs to generate the
replacement code. For example, sin_dbl.c.
Additional header files/include Paths and file names for additional header
paths files the code generator needs to generate
the replacement code. For example, C:\libs
\headerFiles and C:\libs\headerFiles
Additional source files/ paths Paths and file names for additional source
files the code generator needs to generate
the replacement code. For example, C:
\libs\srcFiles and C:\libs\srcFiles
Additional object files/ paths Paths and file names for additional object files
the linker needs to build the replacement code.
For example, C:\libs\objFiles and C:
Additional link flags Flags the linker needs to generate an executable
file for the replacement code.
Additional compile flags Flags the compiler needs to generate object code
for the replacement code.
Copy files to build directory Whether the code generator needs to copy
header, source, or object files from an external
location to the build folder before building the
replacement code.
6 Click Apply.
7 Select the Mapping Information tab. Scroll to the bottom of that table and click
Validate entry. The tool validates the changes that you made to the entry.
8 Save the table that includes the entry that you just modified.

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

Specify Build Information Programmatically

The programming interface for specifying build information for a code replacement entry
is ideal for:

• Modifying entries created with the Code Replacement Tool.

• Replicating and then modifying similar entries and tables.

The basic workflow for specifying build information programmatically is:

1 Identify or create the code replacement entry that you want to specify the build
2 Determine what information to specify.
3 Specify your build information.

Specify Action
Implementation Use one of the following:
header file
• Set properties ImplementationHeaderFile
and ImplementationHeaderPath in a call
to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, or
setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters. For example:

setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'sin_dbl.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', 'D:/lib/headerFiles'
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl');
• Set argument headerFile in a call to
registerCFunctionEntry, registerCPPFunctionEntry, or
Implementation Set properties ImplementationSourceFile
source file and ImplementationSourcePath in a call
to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, or
setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters. For example:

setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'sin_dbl.c', ...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Specify Action
'ImplementationHeaderPath', 'D:/lib/sourceFiles'
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl');
Additional header For each file, specify the file name and path in calls to the functions
files/include paths addAdditionalHeaderFile and addAdditionalIncludePath. For
libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

addAdditionalHeaderFile(hEnt, 'common.h');
addAdditionalIncludePath(hEnt, fullfile(libdir, 'include'));
Additional source For each file, specify the file name and path in calls to the functions
files/paths addAdditionalSourceFile and addAdditionalSourcePath. For
libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

addAdditionalSourceFile(hEnt, 'common.c');
addAdditionalSourcePath(hEnt, fullfile(libdir, 'src'));
Additional object For each file, specify the file name and path in calls to the functions
files/paths addAdditionalLinkObj and addAdditionalLinkObjPath. For
libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

addAdditionalLinkObj(hEnt, 'sin.o');
addAdditionalLinkObjPath(hEnt, fullfile(libdir, 'bin'));
Compile flags Set the entry property AdditionalCompileFlags to a cell array of strings
representing the required compile flags. For example:
hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

hEnt.AdditionalCompileFlags = {'-Zi -Wall', '-03'};

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

Specify Action
Link flags Set the entry property AdditionalLinkFlags to a cell array of strings
representing the required link flags. For example:
hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

hEnt.AdditionalCompileFlags = {'-MD -Gy', '-T'};

Copy of header, Use one of the following:
source, and link
object files that are • Set property GenCallback to 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir'
specified in an entry in a call to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
to the build folder setTflCOperationEntryParameters, or
setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters. For example:

setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'sin_dbl.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', 'D:/lib/headerFiles'
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl'
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');
• Set argument genCallback in a call to
registerCFunctionEntry, registerCPPFunctionEntry,
or registerCPromotableMacroEntry to

After generating the C or C++ code, the code generator calls the function
RTW.copyFileToBuildDir. The specified files are then available for the
remaining steps of the build process.
4 Save the table that includes the entry that you added or modified.

The following example defines a table entry for an optimized multiplication function
that takes signed 32-bit integers and returns a signed 32-bit integer, taking saturation
into account. Multiplications in the generated code are replaced with calls to the
optimized function. The optimized function does not reside in the build folder. For the
code generator to access the files, they must be copied into the build folder to be compiled
and linked into the application.

The table entry specifies the source and header file names and paths. To request the
copy operation, the table entry sets the genCallback to 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir'
in the call to the setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. In this example,

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

the header file s32_mul.h contains an inlined function that invokes assembly
functions contained in s32_mul.s. If a match occurs for the table entry, the function
RTW.copyFileToBuildDir copies the specified source and header files to the build
function hTable = make_my_crl_table

hTable = RTW.TflTable;

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's32_mul_s32_s32_sat', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's32_mul.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's32_mul.s', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', {fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','crl')}, ...
'ImplementationSourcePath', {fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','crl')}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

The following example uses the functions addAdditionalHeaderFile,

addAdditionalIncludePath, addAdditionalSourceFile,
addAdditionalSourcePath, addAdditionalLinkObj, and
addAdditionalLinkObjPath with the code generation callback function
hTable = RTW.TflTable;

% Path to external source, header, and object files

libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_UNSPECIFIED', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's32_add_s32_s32', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's32_add_s32_s32.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's32_add_s32_s32.c'...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');

addAdditionalHeaderFile(op_entry, 'all_additions.h');
addAdditionalIncludePath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'include'));
addAdditionalSourceFile(op_entry, 'all_additions.c');
addAdditionalSourcePath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'src'));

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

addAdditionalLinkObj(op_entry, 'addition.o');
addAdditionalLinkObjPath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'bin'));
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Identify Code Replacement Requirements”
• “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development”
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Register Code Replacement Mappings

In this section...
“Code Replacement Library Registration” on page 21-66
“Create Registration File Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool” on page
“Create Registration File Programmatically” on page 21-69
“Register a Code Replacement Library” on page 21-71
“Registration Files That Define Multiple Code Replacement Libraries” on page 21-71
“Registration Files That Define Code Replacement Library Hierarchies” on page

Code Replacement Library Registration

After you define code replacement entries in a code replacement table, you can include
the table in a code replacement library that you register with the code generator. When
registered, a library appears in the list of available code replacement libraries that you
can choose from when configuring the code generator.

Register a code replacement table as a code replacement library:

• Interactively, by using the Code Replacement Tool

• Programmatically, by using a MATLAB programming interface

The following table lists situations when you might consider one approach over the other.
If... Then...
Registering a code replacement Use the Code Replacement Tool.
table for the first time
You used the Code Replacement Use the Code Replacement Tool to quickly register the
Tool to create the table table.
Rapid prototyping code Use the Code Replacement Tool to quickly generate,
replacement register, and test entries.
Creating registration file to use Use the Code Replacement Tool to generate code that
as a template or starting point you can copy and modify.
for defining similar registration

Register Code Replacement Mappings

If... Then...
Modifying existing registration Use the MATLAB Editor to update the registration
files file.
Defining multiple code Use the MATLAB Editor to create a new or extend an
replacement libraries in one existing registration file.
registration file
Defining code replacement Use the MATLAB Editor to create a new or extend an
library hierarchy in a existing registration file.
registration file

Create Registration File Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool

The Code Replacement tool provides a quick, easy way for you to create a registration
file for a code replacement table. It is ideal for getting started, rapid prototyping,
and generating a registration file that you want to use as a starting point for similar

1 After you validate and save a code replacement table, select File > Generate
registration file to open the Generate registration file dialog box.

2 Enter the registration information. Minimally, specify:

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

For... Specify...
Registry name String naming the code replacement library. For example,
Sin Function Example.
Table list Strings naming one or more code replacement tables to
include in the library. Specify each table as one of the

• Name of a table file on the MATLAB search path

• Absolute path to a table file
• Path to a table file relative to $(MATLAB_ROOT)

You can specify multiple tables. If you do, separate the table
specifications with a comma. For example:

crl_table_sinfcn, c:/work_crl/crl_table_muldiv

See “Registration Files That Define Multiple Code

Replacement Libraries” on page 21-71 for examples of
each type of table specification.

Optionally, you can specify:

For... Specify...
Description Text string that describes the purpose and content of the
Target HW device Strings naming one or more hardware devices the code
replacement library supports. Separate names with a
comma. To support all device types, enter an asterisk (*). For
example, TI C28x, TI C62x.
Base CRL String naming a code replacement library that you want to
serve as a base library for the library you are registering.
Use this field to specify library hierarchies. For example,
you can specify a general TI device library as the base
library for a more specific TI C28x device library.

Register Code Replacement Mappings

For... Specify...
Generate data Flag that enables data alignment specification.

Create Registration File Programmatically

The programming interface for creating a registration file for a code replacement table is
ideal for:

• Modifying registration files created with the Code Replacement Tool

• Replicating and modifying similar registration files
• Defining multiple code replacement libraries in one registration file

The basic workflow for creating a registration file programmatically consists of the
following steps:

1 Define an rtwTargetInfo function. The code generator recognizes this function

as a customization file. The function definition must include at least the following

function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function this = loc_register_tfl

this(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;
this(1).Name = 'crl-name';
this(1).TableList = {'table',...};

For... Replace...
this(1).Name = 'crl-name'; crl-name with a string naming the code
replacement library. For example, Sin
Function Example.
this(1).TableList = table with a string that identifies the code
{'table',...}; replacement table that contains your code
replacement entries. Specify a table as one of
the following:

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

For... Replace...
• Name of a table file on the MATLAB search
• Absolute path to a table file
• Path to a table file relative to

You can specify multiple tables. If you do,

separate the table specifications with commas.

See “Registration Files That Define Multiple

Code Replacement Libraries” on page 21-71
for examples of each type of table specification.

Optionally, you can specify:

For... Replace...
this(1).Description = text with a string that describes the purpose
'text' and content of the library.
this(1).TargetHWDeviceType device-type with a string that names a
= {'device-type',...} hardware device the code replacement library
supports. You can specify multiple device
types. Separate device types with a comma. For
example, TI C28x, TI C62x. To support all
device types, enter an asterisk (*).
this(1).BaseTfl = 'base- base-lib with a string that names a code
lib' replacement library that you want to serve as a
base library for the library you are registering.
Use this field to specify library hierarchies.
For example, you can specify a general TI
device library as the base library for a TI
C28x device library.

See “Registration Files That Define Code

Replacement Library Hierarchies” on page
21-72for an example.

Register Code Replacement Mappings

For example:

function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function this = loc_register_tfl

this(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;
this(1).Name = 'Sin Function Example';
this(1).TableList = {'crl_table_sinfcn'};
this(1).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};
this(1).Description = 'Example - sin function replacement';
2 Save the file with the name rtwTargetInfo.m.
3 Place the file on the MATLAB path. When the file is on the MATLAB path, the code
generator reads the file after starting and applies the customizations during the
current MATLAB session.

Register a Code Replacement Library

Before you can use the code replacement tables defined in a registration file, you must
refresh Simulink customizations within the current MATLAB session. To initiate a
refresh, enter the following command:


Registration Files That Define Multiple Code Replacement Libraries

Use the programming interface to create a registration file that defines multiple code
replacement libraries. The following example defines multiple code replacement libraries.
The TableList fields specify code replacement tables that reside at different locations.
The tables reside on the MATLAB search path or at locations specified using path
function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function thisCrl = locCrlRegFcn

% Register a code replacement library for use with model: rtwdemo_crladdsub

thisCrl(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

thisCrl(1).Name = 'Addition & Subtraction Examples';

thisCrl(1).Description = 'Example of addition/subtraction op replacement';
thisCrl(1).TableList = {'crl_table_addsub'};
thisCrl(1).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

% Register a code replacement library for use with model: rtwdemo_crlmuldiv

thisCrl(2) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(2).Name = 'Multiplication & Division Examples';
thisCrl(2).Description = 'Example of mult/div op repl for built-in integers';
thisCrl(2).TableList = {'c:/work_crl/crl_table_muldiv'};
thisCrl(2).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

% Register a code replacement library for use with model: rtwdemo_crlfixpt

thisCrl(3) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(3).Name = 'Fixed-Point Examples';
thisCrl(3).Description = 'Example of fixed-point operator replacement';
thisCrl(3).TableList = {fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', ...
thisCrl(3).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

Registration Files That Define Code Replacement Library Hierarchies

Using the programming interface, you can organize multiple code replacement libraries
in a hierarchy. The following example shows a registration file that defines four code
replacement tables organized in a hierarchy of four code replacement libraries. The
tables include entries that increase in specificity: common entries, entries for TI devices,
entries for TI C6xx devices, and entries specific to the TI C67x device.
function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function thisCrl = locCrlRegFcn

% Register a code replacement library that includes common entries

thisCrl(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(1).Name = 'Common Replacements';
thisCrl(1).Description = 'Common code replacement entries shared by other libraries';
thisCrl(1).TableList = {'crl_table_general'};
thisCrl(1).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

% Register a code replacement library for TI devices

thisCrl(2) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(2).Name = 'TI Device Replacements';
thisCrl(2).Description = 'Code replacement entries shared across TI devices';
thisCrl(2).TableList = {'crl_table_TI_devices'};
thisCrl(2).TargetHWDeviceType = {'TI C28x', 'TI C55x', 'TI C62x', 'TI C64x', 'TI 67x'};
thisCrl(1).BaseTfl = 'Common Replacements'

% Register a code replacement library for TI c6xx devices

thisCrl(3) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(3).Name = 'TI c6xx Device Replacements';
thisCrl(3).Description = 'Code replacement entries shared across TI C6xx devices';
thisCrl(3).TableList = {'crl_table_TIC6xx_devices'};
thisCrl(3).TargetHWDeviceType = {'TI C62x', 'TI C64x', 'TI 67x'};

Register Code Replacement Mappings

% Register a code replacement library for the TI c67x device

thisCrl(3) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(3).Name = 'TI c67x Device Replacements';
thisCrl(3).Description = 'Code replacement entries for the TI C67x device';
thisCrl(3).TableList = {'crl_table_TIC67x_device'};
thisCrl(3).TargetHWDeviceType = {'TI 67x'};

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Deploy Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Review and Test Code Replacements

In this section...
“Code Replacement Table Validation” on page 21-74
“Validate a Table Definition File” on page 21-74
“Review Table Content” on page 21-75
“Verify Library Registration and Content” on page 21-76
“Review and Trace Code Replacements Generated Using a Code Replacement Library”
on page 21-77
“Determine Why Code Replacement Functions Are Not Used” on page 21-81

Code Replacement Table Validation

After you create or modify a code replacement table, use the following techniques to
examine and validate the table and its entries.

• Invoke the table definition file

• Use the Code Replacement Viewer to examine libraries, tables, and entries
• Trace code replacements from the source for which you applied the code replacement
• Examine code replacement cache hits and misses logged during code generation

Validate a Table Definition File

After you create or modify a code replacement table definition file, validate it. At the
MATLAB command line, specify the name of the table in a call to the isvalid function.
For example,

ans =

MATLAB displays errors that it finds. In the following example, MATLAB detects a typo
in a data type name.

Review and Test Code Replacements


??? RTW_CORE:tfl:TflTable: Unsupported data type, 'dooble'.

Error in ==> crl_table_sinfcn at 7

hTable.registerCFunctionEntry(100, 1, 'sin', 'dooble', 'sin_dbl', ...

Review Table Content

After you create or modify a code replacement table, use the Code Replacement Viewer to
review the table and its entries.

1 Open the viewer. At the MATLAB command line, enter the following command,
where table is the name of the code replacement table you want to review:

For example,

2 Select entries in the table and verify that the display of the contents meets your
expectations. For example:

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• Argument order is correct.

• Conceptual argument names match code generator naming conventions.
• Implementation argument names are correct.
• Header or source file specification is not missing.
• I/O types are correct.
• Relative priority of entries is correct (highest priority is 0, and lowest priority is
• Saturation or rounding mode specifications are not missing.

Verify Library Registration and Content

After you register a library that includes your code replacement table, use the Code
Replacement Viewer to verify that the library is registered and examine the library and
the tables it contains.

1 Open the viewer. At the MATLAB command line, enter the following command,
where library is the name of the code replacement library you want to review:

For example:
RTW.viewTfl('Sin Function Example')

If the tool does not display your library,

Review and Test Code Replacements

• The code replacement library registration file, rtwTargetInfo.m, might contain

an error.
• You might need to refresh the library registration information. Initiate a refresh
with the following command:

2 Select your library and examine and compare its tables. Common problems that you
can detect include:

• Relative order of tables in the library is not correct (by default, the tool displays
tables in search order)
• Table entry problems as listed in the previous section

Review and Trace Code Replacements Generated Using a Code

Replacement Library
After you register a library that includes your code replacement tables, generate code
and verify that the code generator replaces code as you expect. The following example
illustrates two complementary approaches:

• Check the Code Replacement Report section of the code generation report for expected
• Trace code replacements

For models that consist of model hierarchies, repeat the following procedure for each
model in the hierarchy. Generate code for and review the trace information of each
referenced model separately (stand alone). Logged cache hit and miss information
captured in the Code Replacement Viewer is valid for the last model for which code was
generated only. The code generator overwrites logged information as you generate code
for each model in the hierarchy.

1 Open an ERT-based model for which you anticipate that a function or

operator replacement should occur. This example uses the example model
2 Configure the code generator to use your code replacement library. In the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation > Interface pane,
set the Code replacement library parameter to the name of your library. For the
example model, the library is set to Addition & Subtraction Examples.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

3 Configure the code generation report. On the Code Generation > Report pane,

• Create code generation report

• Open report automatically
• Model-to-code
• Summarize which blocks triggered code replacements
4 Configure comments for the generated code. On the Code Generation >
Comments pane, select:

• Include comments
• Either or both of Simulink block / Stateflow object comments and
Simulink block descriptions

These options include Simulink block information in the Code Replacements

5 Configure the code generator to generate code only. On the Code Generation pane,
select Generate code only. You want to review your code replacements in the
generated code before building an executable.
6 Click Generate code to generate code for the model.
7 Open the Code Replacements Report section of the code generation report. That
report lists the replacement functions that the code generator used, and provides a
mapping between each replacement instance and the Simulink block that triggered
the replacement.

Review and Test Code Replacements

Review the report.

• Check whether expected function and operator code replacements occurred.

• In the replacements sections, click each block link to see the source that triggered
the reported code replacement.
• Click the link that opens the Code Replacement Viewer. In the viewer, review
code replacement hits and misses. For more information, see “Determine Why
Code Replacement Functions Are Not Used” on page 21-81.
8 In the Simulink model window, use model-to-code highlighting to trace code
replacements. Identify and right-click a block for which you expected code
replacement to occur. Then, select C/C++ Code > Navigate to C/C++ Code.
The code generation report appears with the corresponding replacement code
highlighted. In the example model rtwdemo_crladdsub, right-click the Add8 block
and select C/C++ Code > Navigate to C/C++ Code.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Inspect the generated code to see if the function or operator replacement occurred as

If a function or operator is not replaced as expected, a call site request did not match one
of your table entries. The code generator used a higher-priority (lower priority value)
match or did not find a match.

To analyze the code replacement match and replacement behavior, use the following

• Code Replacement Viewer, as described in “Review Table Content” on page 21-75

and “Verify Library Registration and Content” on page 21-76
• Code generation reports, with bidirectional tracing between models and generated
• Information about code replacement library cache hits and misses logged during code
generation, as described in “Determine Why Code Replacement Functions Are Not
Used” on page 21-81

Review and Test Code Replacements

Determine Why Code Replacement Functions Are Not Used

• “Code Replacement Hits and Misses” on page 21-81
• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Viewer Trace Information” on page 21-81
• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Command-Line” on page 21-84

Code Replacement Hits and Misses

Code replacement can behave differently than you expect. To verify code replacements,
first inspect the generated code, as described in “Review and Trace Code Replacements
Generated Using a Code Replacement Library” on page 21-77.

To analyze replacement behavior, in addition to examining the Code Replacements

Report and examining your code replacement tables in the Code Replacement Viewer,
you can view the library cache hits and misses logged the last time code was generated.
This approach provides information on how to configure your table entry to get the
desired replacement. The following techniques can help you determine why the code
generator does not use code replacement functions:

• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Viewer Trace Information” on page 21-81
• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Command-Line” on page 21-84

For models that consist of model hierarchies, you must generate code for and review
the trace information of each referenced model separately (stand alone). Logged cache
hit and miss information captured in the Code Replacement Viewer is valid for the
last model for which code was generated only. The code generator overwrites logged
information as you generate code for each model in the hierarchy.

View Cache Hits and Misses Using Viewer Trace Information

When debugging a code replacement table entry, you can use hit and miss information
in the Code Replacement Viewer to help determine why the code generator did not use a
replacement function in the generated code.

The following example shows how to display the cache hits and misses logged for
a code replacement table entry applied during code generation of example model

1 Open an ERT-based model for which you anticipate that a function or

operator replacement should occur. This example uses the example model

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

2 Configure the code generator to use your code replacement library. In the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation > Interface pane,
set the Code replacement library parameter to the name of your library. For the
example model, the library is set to Addition & Subtraction Examples.
3 Configure the code generation report. On the Code Generation > Report pane,

• Create code generation report

• Open report automatically
• Summarize which blocks triggered code replacements
4 Generate code. A complete rebuild of a single standalone model is required to display
cache hits and misses.
5 Open the Code Replacements Report section of the code generation report. Click the
link for opening the Code Replacement Viewer.
6 In the left pane of the viewer, select the code replacement table you want to examine.
In the middle pane, the viewer lists information for entries in the table, including
a usage count, which is the number of times the table entry was matched and its
replacement function used during code generation. The following display shows
entries for code replacement table crl_table_addsub.

7 In the middle pane, select the table entry to examine. In the right pane, the viewer
displays General Information and Trace Information about the table entry.

Review and Test Code Replacements

8 In the right pane, select the Trace Information tab. The following example shows
trace information for the int16 addition table entry.

The Trace Information tab lists Hit Source Locations and Miss Source
Locations. The usage count for the entry is 2. The Trace Information tab lists 2
hits and 2 misses. The display provides links to each source location (the source for
which code replacement was considered) and, for misses, lists a Miss Reason. In
the display above, in one case a saturation mode setting did not match between the
table entry and the source block, and in another case the signedness attribute did

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

not match. If an expected replacement did not occur, you can use the hit and miss
information to modify the match criteria in the code replacement table entry.

View Cache Hits and Misses Using Command-Line

To display the code replacement cache hits and misses logged during the most recent
code generation session in the command window, use the following command:
>> crl=get_param('model', 'TargetFcnLibHandle')

The resulting display includes the following fields:

Field Description
HitCache Table containing code replacement entries that were matched
during a code generation session. These entries represent function
implementations that should appear in the generated code.
MissCache Table containing code replacement entries that failed to match during a
code generation session. These entries are created by the code generation
process for the purpose of querying the library to locate a registered

In the following example, the most recent code generation session logged one cache hit
and zero cache misses. You can examine the logged HitCache entry using its table index.

a =

Version: '1.0'
HitCache: [2x1 RTW.TflCFunctionEntry]
MissCache: []
TLCCallList: [0x1 handle]
TflTables: [10x1 RTW.TflTable]
TargetHWWordLengths: '8,16,32,32'
SupportNonFinite: 1
TLCSupported: 1
Recording: 0
LoadedLibrary: 'Sin Function Example'
TargetCharacteristics: [1x1 RTW.TargetCharacteristics]
CurrentHWDevice: 'Specified'


ans =

Review and Test Code Replacements

TflCFunctionEntry with properties:

Implementation: [1x1 RTW.CImplementation]

SlopesMustBeTheSame: 0
BiasMustBeTheSame: 0
AlgorithmParams: []
AdditionalHeaderFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourceFiles: {0x1 cell}
OtherFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalIncludePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourcePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjs: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjsPaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkFlags: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalCompileFlags: {0x1 cell}
SearchPaths: {0x1 cell}
Key: 'NULL'
Priority: 100
ConceptualArgs: [1x1 RTW.TflArgNumeric]
EntryInfo: []
GenCallback: ''
GenFileName: ''
AcceptExprInput: 0
SideEffects: 0
UsageCount: 3
RecordedUsageCount: 0
Description: ''
StoreFcnReturnInLocalVar: 0
TraceManager: [1x1 RTW.TflTraceManager]

Related Examples
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”
• “Replace Code Generated from Simulink Models”
• “Generate a Code Generation Report”
• “Traceability in Code Generation Report”
• “Choose a SIL or PIL Approach”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• “Program Builds”
• “Build and Run a Program”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Reports for Code Generation”
• “About Code Tracing”
• “About SIL and PIL Simulations”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Deploy Code Replacement Library

Deploy Code Replacement Library

When you are ready to package and deploy a custom code replacement library for others
to use,

1 Move your code replacement table files to an area that is on the MATLAB search
path and that is accessible to and shared by other users.
2 Move the rtwTargetInfo.m registration file, to an area that is on the MATLAB
search path and that is accessible to and shared by other users. If you are deploying
a library to a folder in a development environment that already contains a
rtwTargetInfo.m file, copy the registration code from your code replacement
library version of rtwTargetInfo.m and paste it into the shared version of that file.
3 Register the library customizations or restart MATLAB.
4 Verify that the libraries are available for configuring the code generator and that
code replacements occur as expected.
5 Inform users that the libraries are available and provide direction on when and how
to apply them.

Related Examples
• “Relocate Code to Another Development Environment”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Math Function Code Replacement

This example shows how to define a code replacement mapping for a math function. The
example defines a mapping for the sin function programmatically. Alternatively, you can
use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_sinfcn2()

%CRL_TABLE_SINFCN2 - Define function entry for code replacement table.
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.

% Create entry for sin function replacement

fcn_entry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(fcn_entry, ...
'Key', 'sin', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'ImplementationName', 'mySin', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'basicMath.h',...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'basicMath.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call.
createAndAddConceptualArg(fcn_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1',...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT',...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

createAndAddConceptualArg(fcn_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example

uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create
and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual

Math Function Code Replacement


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, fcn_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Algorithm-Based Code Replacement”
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement ”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Memory Function Code Replacement

This example shows how to define a code replacement mapping for a memory
function. The example defines a mapping for the memcpy function programmatically.
Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_memcpy()
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.
% Create entry for void* memcpy(void*, void*, size_t)
fcn_entry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
% Set SideEffects to 'true' for function returning void to prevent it from
% being optimized away.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(fcn_entry, ...
'Key', 'memcpy', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'ImplementationName', 'memcpy_int', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'memcpy_int.h',...
'SideEffects', true);

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, u2, and u3. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'void*');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'void*');

addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'void*');

addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u3', 'size_t');

addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example

uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create

Memory Function Code Replacement

and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, fcn_entry);

To test this example, create model that uses the memcpy function for vector assignments.
For example:

1 Use In, Out, and Mux blocks to create the following model. (Alternatively, open the
example model rtwdemo_crlmath and copy the contents of Subsystem1 to a new

2 Select the diagram and use Edit > Subsystem to make it a subsystem.

3 Configure the subsystem with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, select Use memcpy
for vector assignment and set Memcpy threshold (bytes) to 64.
• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your memory function entry.
4 In the Model Explorer, configure the Signal Attributes for the In1, In2, and In3
source blocks. For each, set Port dimensions to [1,100], and set Data type to
int32. Apply the changes. Save the model.
5 Generate code and a code generation report.
6 Review the code replacements.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement ”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Nonfinite Function Code Replacement

Nonfinite Function Code Replacement

This example shows how to define a code replacement mapping for nonfinite utility

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_nonfinite()

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create entries for the function mappings. To minimize the size of this function, the
example uses a local function, locAddFcnEnt, to group lines of code repeated for
each entry. A call to the RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function creates an entry for the
collection of local function entry definitions.
%% Create entries for nonfinite utility functions
% locAddFcnEnt(hTable, key, implName, out, in1, hdr)

locAddFcnEnt(hTable, 'getNaN', 'getNaN', 'double', 'void', 'nonfin.h');

locAddFcnEnt(hTable, 'getNaN', 'getNaNF', 'single', 'void', 'nonfin.h');
locAddFcnEnt(hTable, 'getInf', 'getInf', 'double', 'void', 'nonfin.h');
locAddFcnEnt(hTable, 'getInf', 'getInfF', 'single', 'void', 'nonfin.h');
locAddFcnEnt(hTable, 'getMinusInf', 'getMinusInf', 'double', 'void', 'nonfin.h');
locAddFcnEnt(hTable, 'getMinusInf', 'getMinusInfF', 'single', 'void', 'nonfin.h');

%% Local Function
function locAddFcnEnt(hTable, key, implName, out, in1, hdr)
if isempty(hTable)

fcn_entry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the

setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(fcn_entry, ...
'Key', key, ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'ImplementationName', implName, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', hdr);

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', out);
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', in1);

addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example

uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create
and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, fcn_entry);

To test this example, create a model that uses a nonfinite function. For example:

1 Create a model that includes a Math Function block that is set to the rem function.
For example:

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your memory function entry and select Support: non-finite
3 In the Model Explorer, configure the Signal Attributes for the In1 and Constant
source blocks. For each source block, set Data type to double. Apply the changes.
Save the model.
4 Generate code and a code generation report.
5 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”

Nonfinite Function Code Replacement

• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement ”

• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Semaphore and Mutex Function Replacement

If you are authoring or maintaining a custom target that supports concurrent execution,
and you want to provide custom implementations of semaphore or mutex operations,
you create a code replacement table. The table must have four semaphore entries, four
mutex entries, or both, and include the table in a custom code replacement library. (The
semaphore or mutex entries are mutually dependent. You must provide them in complete
sets of four.)

Note: A custom target that supports concurrent multitasking must set the target
configuration parameter ConcurrentExecutionCompliant. For more information, see
“Support Concurrent Execution of Multiple Tasks” in the Simulink Coder documentation.

During code generation for a multicore target environment, if the build process generates
semaphore or mutex function calls for data transfer between tasks, use a custom library
to replace the generated function calls with custom semaphore or mutex implementations
that are optimal for your target environment. Using the Code Replacement Tool
(crtool) or equivalent code replacement functions, you can:

• Configure code replacement table entries for custom semaphore or mutex functions.
During system startup, execution of the code for data transfer between tasks, and
system shutdown the generated code calls these functions.
• Configure DWork arguments that represent global data, which the semaphore or
mutex functions access. A DWork pointer is passed to the model entry functions.

Generated mutex and semaphore code typically consists of these elements:

Code Generated Code

Model initialization Initialization function call that creates a mutex or
semaphore function to control entry to a critical section of
Model step • Before code for a data transfer between tasks enters
the critical section, mutex lock or semaphore wait
function calls reserve the critical section of code.
• After code for a data transfer between tasks finishes
executing the critical section, mutex unlock or

Semaphore and Mutex Function Replacement

Code Generated Code

semaphore post function calls release the critical
section of code.
Model termination Optional destroy function call to explicitly delete the
mutex or semaphore.

This example shows how to create code replacement table entries for a mutex
replacement scenario. You configure a multicore target model for concurrent execution
and for data transfer between tasks of differing rates, which are handled by Rate
Transition blocks. In the generated code for the model, each Rate Transition block has
a separate, unique mutex. Mutex lock and unlock operations within the Rate Transition
block generated code share access to the same global data by using the unique mutex
created for that Rate Transition block.

1 Open the Code Replacement Tool.

2 Create and open a new table.
3 Name the table crl_table_rt_mutex.
4 Create an entry for a mutex initialization function replacement.

a Select File > New entry > Semaphore entry to open a new table entry for
configuring a semaphore or mutex replacement.
b In the Mapping Information tab, use the Function parameter to select
Mutex Init. Initial default values for the table entry appear. In the
Conceptual function section, typically you can leave the argument settings at
their defaults.
c In the DWork attributes section, the Allocate DWork option is selected. The
dialog box provides a unique entry tag for the DWork argument d1.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

On the DWork attributes pane, configure a DWork argument to the

replacement function. The DWork argument supports sharing of a semaphore
or mutex between code that creates the semaphore or mutex, code that requests
and relinquishes access, and code that deletes the semaphore or mutex. In this
example, the DWork argument for the Mutex Init function defines a unique
entry tag, entry_25576. That function also defines DWork arguments for
Mutex Lock, Mutex Unlock, and Mutex Destroy, which reference the entry
tag to share the DWork data.

The only data type supported for the DWork Data type parameter is void*.
d In the Replacement function section, enter a function name in the Name
field. This example uses myMutexCreate. In the list of Function arguments,
leave the DWork argument d1 data type as void**.

Semaphore and Mutex Function Replacement

The C function signature preview is:

void myMutexCreate (void** d1);

e In the Replacement function section, select Function modifies internal
or global state. This option instructs the code generator not to optimize away
the implementation function described by this entry because it accesses global
memory values. Click Apply. Optionally, you can click Validate entry to
validate the information entered in the Mapping Information tab.

To create a sample table entry, configure the replacement function signature

without the replacement function and its build information. If header and source
files for these functions are available, select the Build Information table to
specify them.
f The Mutex Init table entry is complete. Optionally, you can save the table to a
file, and inspect the MATLAB code created for the table definition so far.
5 Repeat the following sequence to create the table entries for the mutex lock, unlock,
and destroy function replacements. Each table entry references the DWork unique
tag entry, entry_25576, defined in the Mutex Init table entry.

a Select File > New entry > Semaphore entry.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

b In the Mapping Information tab, use the Function parameter to select

Mutex Lock, Mutex Unlock, or Mutex Destroy. Initial default values for the
table entry appear. In the Conceptual function section, typically you can leave
the argument settings at their defaults.
c For a Rate Transition block mutex, the wait, post, and destroy functions operate
on the DWork allocated at system startup by the mutex initialization function.
In the DWork attributes section, verify that the Allocate DWork option is
cleared. From the DWork Allocator entry drop-down list, select the entry tag
matching the value in the Mutex Init table entry. In this example, the entry
tag is entry_25576.

d In the Replacement function section, Name field, enter a function name. This
example uses myMutexLock, myMutexUnlock, and myMutexDelete. In the list
of Function arguments, leave the DWork argument d1 data type as void*.

Semaphore and Mutex Function Replacement

e In the Implementation attributes section, select the option Function

modifies internal or global state. This option instructs the code generator
not to optimize away the implementation function described by this entry
because it accesses global memory values.
f Optionally, supply replacement function build information on the Build
Information tab.
g Click Apply. In the middle pane, right-click the table entry and select Validate
6 When you have added the table entries for Mutex Lock, Mutex Unlock, and Mutex
Destroy to the entry for Mutex Init, the rate transition mutex replacement table
is complete. In the leftmost pane, right-click the table name and select Validate
table. Address errors and repeat the table validation.

7 Save the table to a MATLAB file in your working folder, for example, using File >
Save table. The name of the saved file is the table name, crl_table_rt_mutex,
with an .m extension. Optionally, you can open the saved file and examine the
MATLAB code for the code replacement table definition.

To test this example, create a model that contains a rate transition for which the build
process generates mutex function calls. Configure the model for a multicore target
environment. For example:

1 Create this model.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your mutex entry.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement ”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Algorithm-Based Code Replacement

Algorithm-Based Code Replacement

For some math function blocks, you can control code replacement based on the
computation or approximation algorithm configured for that block. For example, you can

• The Reciprocal Sqrt block to use the Newton-Raphson or Exact computation

• The Trigonometric Function block, with Function set to sin, cos, or sincos, to use
the approximation method CORDIC or None.

You can define code replacement entries to replace these functions for one or all of the
available computation methods. For example, you can define an entry to replace only
Newton-Raphson instances of the rSqrt function.

To set the algorithm for a function in an entry definition, use the EntryInfoAlgorithm
property in a call to the function setTflCFunctionEntryParameters. The following
table lists arguments for specifying the computation method to match during code

Function Argument
rSqrt • 'RTW_DEFAULT' (match the default computation method,
• 'RTW_UNSPECIFIED' (match any computation method)
sin • 'RTW_CORDIC'
cos • 'RTW_DEFAULT' (match the default approximation
sincos method, None)
• 'RTW_UNSPECIFIED' (match any approximation method)

For example, to replace only Newton-Raphson instances of the rSqrt function, create
an entry as follows:

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_rsqrt()

%CRL_TABLE_RSQRT - Define function entry for code replacement table.
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.

% Create entry for rsqrt function replacement

fcn_entry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(fcn_entry, ...
'Key', 'rSqrt', ...
'Priority', 80, ...
'ImplementationName', 'rsqrt_newton', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'rsqrt.h', ...
'EntryInfoAlgorithm', 'RTW_NEWTON_RAPHSON');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call.

createAndAddConceptualArg(fcn_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

createAndAddConceptualArg(e, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');
6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example
uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create
and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, fcn_entry);

The generated code for a Newton-Raphson instance of the rSqrt function looks like the
following code:

/* Model step function */

void mrsqrt_step(void)

Algorithm-Based Code Replacement

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/In1'
* Sqrt: '<Root>/rSqrtBlk'
mrsqrt_Y.Out1 = rsqrt_newton(mrsqrt_U.In1);

Related Examples
• “Math Function Code Replacement”
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

In this section...
“Lookup Table Algorithm Replacement” on page 21-106
“Lookup Table and Interpolation Algorithm Parameters” on page 21-106
“Lookup Table Function Signatures” on page 21-107
“Interactive Mapping with Code Replacement Tool” on page 21-111
“Programmatic Specification” on page 21-116
“Sample Code Replacement Definition for the lookup2D Function” on page 21-121

Lookup Table Algorithm Replacement

You can configure the algorithm for table lookup operations and index searches. Use the
Algorithm tab of lookup table blocks. For example, you can specify the interpolation,
extrapolation, and index search methods.

If the code generated for available algorithm options does not meet requirements for your
application, you can create custom code replacement table entries to replace generated
algorithm code. You can create the table entries programmatically or interactively by
using the Code Replacement Tool.

For more information about using lookup table blocks, see “Nonlinearity” in the Simulink

Lookup Table and Interpolation Algorithm Parameters

Code Replacement Tool Programmatic Name Values*

Extrapolation method ExtrapMethod Clip
Index search method IndexSearchMethod Evenly spaced points
Linear search
Binary search
Integer rounding RndMeth Ceiling
mode Convergent

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

Code Replacement Tool Programmatic Name Values*

Interpolation method InterpMethod Flat
Cubic spline
Number of table NumberOfTableDimensions 1
dimensions 2
Remove protection RemoveProtectionInput off
against out-of-range on
Saturate on integer SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
overflow on
Use last breakpoint UseLastBreakpoint off
for input at or above on
upper limit
Use last table value for UseLastTableValue off
inputs at or above last on
Valid index input may ValidIndexMayReachLast off
reach last index on

* When specifying parameter values programmatically, specify them as strings.

Lookup Table Function Signatures

To create code replacement table entries for a function corresponding to a lookup table
algorithm, you must have information about the conceptual function signature and

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

relevant algorithm parameters. The following table provides the conceptual function
signature information.

Conceptual Function Signature Argument Summary

y1 = interp1D(u1, u2, u3, u4) y1 – output
u1 – index
u2 – fraction
u3 – table data
u4 – table dimension length
y1 = interp2D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7) y1 – output
u1, u3 – index
u2, u4 – fraction
u5 – table data
u6, u7 – table dimension lengths
y1 = interp3D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, y1 – output
u9, u10) u1, u3, u5 – index
u2, u4, u6 – fraction
u7 – table data
u8, u9, u10 – table dimension
y1 = interp4D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, y1 – output
u9, u10, u11, u12, u13) u1, u3, u5, u7 – index
u2, u4, u6, u8 – fraction
u9 – table data
u10, u11, u12, u13 – table
dimension lengths
y1 = interp5D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, y1 – output
u9, u10, u11, u12, u13, u14, u15, u16) u1, u3, u5, u7, u9 – index
u2, u4, u6, u8, u10 – fraction
u11 – table data
u12, u13, u14, u15, u16 – table
dimension lengths
y1 = interpND({ui, uf,}... ut, un...) y1 – output
ui, uf is an index and fraction pair
per dimension
ut – table data
un – table dimension lengths

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

Conceptual Function Signature Argument Summary

y1 = lookup1D(u1, u2, u3, u4) y1 – output
u1 – input
u2 – breakpoint data
u3 – table data
u4 – table dimension length
y1 = lookup2D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7) y1 – output
u1, u2 – input
u3, u4 – breakpoint data
u5 – table data
u6, u7 – table dimension lengths
y1 = lookup3D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, y1 – output
u9, u10) u1, u2, u3 – input
u4, u5, u6 – breakpoint data
u7 – table data
u8, u9, u10 – table dimension
y1 = lookup4D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, y1 – output
u9, u10, u11, u12, u13) u1, u2, u3, u4 – input
u5, u6, u7, u8 – breakpoint data
u9 – table data
u10, u11, u12, u13 – table
dimension lengths
y1 = lookup5D(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, y1 – output
u9, u10, u11, u12, u13, u14, u15, u16) u1, u2, u3, u4, u5 – input
u6, u7, u8, u9, u10 – breakpoint
u11 – table data
u12, u13, u14, u15, u16 – table
dimension lengths
y1 = lookupND(un,..., ub,..., ut, un...) y1 – output
un, input per dimension
ub, breakpoint per dimension
ut – table data
un – table dimension lengths

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Conceptual Function Signature Argument Summary

y1 = lookupND_Direct(u1, u2,...ui, ui+1) y1 – output
u1...ui – input
ui+1 – table data
y1, y2 = prelookup(u1, u2, u3) y1 – index
y2 – fraction
u1 – input
u2 – breakpoint data
u3 – number of breakpoints

The following table lists required and optional parameters that pertain to lookup table
algorithms. When defining a table entry programmatically:

• Set values for required parameters to achieve code replacement.

• If you do not set a value for an optional parameter, the code replacement software
applies don’t care. The software ignores the parameter while searching for

Functions Required Parameters Optional Parameters

interp1D Interpolation method Remove protection
interp2D (InterpMethod) against out-of-range input
interp3D Extrapolation method (RemoveProtectionInput)
interp4D (ExtrapMethod) Valid index input may reach last
interp5D index (ValidIndexMayReachLast)
interpND Integer rounding mode (RndMeth)
Saturate on integer overflow
lookup1D Interpolation method Index search method
lookup2D (InterpMethod) (IndexSearchMethod)
lookup3D Extrapolation method Remove protection
lookup4D (ExtrapMethod) against out-of-range input
lookup5D (RemoveProtectionInput)
lookupND Use last table value for inputs
at or above last breakpoint
Integer rounding mode (RndMeth)
Saturate on integer overflow

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

Functions Required Parameters Optional Parameters

lookupND_Direct Number of table dimensions Integer rounding mode (RndMeth)
Inputs select this
object from table
prelookup Extrapolation method Index search method
(ExtrapMethod) (IndexSearchMethod)
Use last breakpoint for input
at or above upper limit
Remove protection
against out-of-range input
Integer rounding mode (RndMeth)

Interactive Mapping with Code Replacement Tool

This example shows how to specify a code replacement table entry for a lookup table
algorithm by using the Code Replacement Tool.

Open and Examine Example Replacement Function

Identify or create the C or C++ replacement function for the algorithm that you want to
use in place of an algorithm provided by the Simulink software.

This example uses the following C replacement function source and header files that are
in the folder matlab/help/toolbox/ecoder/examples/code_replacement:

• myLookup1D.c
• myLookup1D.h

Place a copy of these files in your working folder.

Open and examine the code in myLookup1D.c. Note the function signature. When you
enter the implementation argument specification in the Code Replacement Tool, you
must specify argument properties.
#include "myLookup1D.h"

real_T my_Lookup1d_Replace(real_T u0, const real_T *bp0, const real_T *table)


21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

real_T y;
uint16_T frac;
uint32_T bpIdx;
uint32_T maxIndex=9U;

if (u0 <= bp0[0U]) {

bpIdx = 0U;
frac = 0U;
} else if (u0 < bp0[maxIndex]) {
bpIdx = maxIndex >> 1U;
while ((u0 < bp0[bpIdx]) && (bpIdx > 0U)) {

while ((bpIdx < maxIndex - 1U) && (u0 >= bp0[bpIdx + 1U])) {

frac = (uint16_T)((u0 - bp0[bpIdx]) / (bp0[bpIdx + 1U] -

bp0[bpIdx]) * 32768.0);
} else {
bpIdx = maxIndex;
frac = 0U;

if (bpIdx == maxIndex) {
y = table[bpIdx];
} else {
y = (table[bpIdx + 1U] - table[bpIdx]) * ((real_T)frac * 3.0517578125E-5) +

return y;

Open and Examine the Example Model

This example uses the model matlab/help/toolbox/ecoder/examples/

code_replacement/lookup1d.slx to test your code replacement specification. Place a
copy of the model in your working folder and name it my_lookup1d.slx.

Open and examine the model. Note input and output specifications and block parameter
settings. To achieve a match, you must specify conceptual arguments based on how the
1D Lookup Table block is configured in the example model.

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

Create Code Replacement Table

1 At the command prompt, enter crtool to open the Code Replacement Tool.
2 Add a new table, select that table, and add a new function entry.
3 On the Mapping Information tab, select Custom for the Function parameter.
4 Look up the call signature and algorithm parameter information for the lookup
function that you want to update with an algorithm replacement. See “Lookup Table
Function Signatures” on page 21-107.

For this example, you replace the algorithm for the conceptual function associated
with the 1–D Lookup Table block. The signature for that function is:
y1 = lookup1D(u1, u2, u3, u4)

Arguments u1, u2, u3, u4 represent input, breakpoint data, table data, and table
dimension length, respectively. The function returns output to y1.

Set the algorithm parameters Extrapolation method and Interpolation method.

Optionally, you can specify values for:

• Index search method

• Remove protection against out-of-range input in generated code
• Support tunable table size in code generation
• Use last table value for inputs at or above last breakpoint

If the code generator finds a match of the conceptual function signature and
algorithm parameter values, an algorithm replacement occurs.
5 To the right of the Function drop-down list, in the function-name text box, enter
the name of the Simulink lookup table function. For this example, type the name
lookup1D. Type the name exactly as it appears in the documented signature,
including character casing. Press Enter.
6 Set the algorithm parameters to match the settings of the 1-D Lookup Table block in
the example model to trigger a match.

Set To
Interpolation method Linear
Extrapolation method Clip
Index search method Linear search

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Set To
Remove protection against out-of-range input off
Support tunable table size off
Use last table value for inputs at or above last on
7 Specify the conceptual arguments. Under the Conceptual arguments list box,
click + to add the arguments that are in the documented function signature. The
lookup1D function takes one output argument and three input arguments. Click +
four times.

The tool creates an output argument y1 and four input arguments u1, u2, u3, and
u4. By default, the four arguments are scalars of type double.

You can adjust the conceptual argument properties. For this example, you do not
make changes for y1 and u1. However, as the block parameter dialog box for the
example model shows, you must adjust the argument properties for the breakpoint
and table data arguments.

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

Adjust the conceptual argument properties by using the following table. Then, click

Signature Conceptual Data type I/O type Argument Lower range Upper range
Argument Argument Name type
y y1 double OUTPUT Scalar Not Not
applicable applicable
u1 u1 double INPUT Scalar Not Not
applicable applicable
bp1 u2 double INPUT Matrix [0 0] [Inf Inf]
table u3 double INPUT Matrix [0 0] [Inf Inf]
tdl u4 uint32 INPUT Scalar Not Not
applicable applicable
8 Enter information for the replacement function prototype. The prototype for the
example function is:
real_T my_Lookup1D_Repl(real_T u0, const real_T *bp0, const real_T *table, uint32_T tdl)

In the Replacement function > Function prototype section, type the function
name my_Lookup1D_Repl in the Name text box.
9 Specify the arguments for the replacement function. Under the Function
arguments list box, click + four times to add four implementation arguments.

You might need to adjust the function argument properties. Make changes for y1
and u1. However, as the replacement function signature shows, you must adjust
the argument properties for the breakpoint, table data, and table dimension length
arguments. For u2 (breakpoints) and u3 (table), select the Const check box. For u4,
set Data type to uint32.
10 Set relevant implementation attributes. Use the default settings.
11 Validate the entry. If the tool reports errors, fix them, and retry the validation.
Repeat until the tool does not report errors.
12 Save the code replacement table in your working folder as

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Specify Build Information

On the Build Information tab, specify information relevant to generating C or

C++ code and building an executable from the model. Enter myLookup1d.h for
Implementation Header File and myLookup1d.c for Implementation Source File.

If you copied the example files to a folder other than the working folder containing the
test model, lookup1d.slx, specify the source and header file paths. Otherwise, leave
the other Build Information parameters set to default values. Click Apply.

Test the Entry

To test this example, use the example model matlab/help/toolbox/ecoder/


Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library that
contains your memory function entry.

Programmatic Specification
This example shows how to programmatically specify code replacement table entries for
lookup table functions.

Open and Examine Example Replacement Function

Identify or create the C or C++ replacement function for the algorithm that you want to
use in place of an algorithm provided by the Simulink software.

This example uses the following C replacement function source and header files that are
in the folder matlab/help/toolbox/ecoder/examples/code_replacement:

• myLookup1D.c

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

• myLookup1D.h

Place a copy of these files in your working folder.

Open and examine the code in myLookup1D.c. Note the function signature. When you
enter the implementation argument specification in the Code Replacement Tool, you
must specify argument properties.
#include "myLookup1D.h"

real_T my_Lookup1d_Replace(real_T u0, const real_T *bp0, const real_T *table)

real_T y;
uint16_T frac;
uint32_T bpIdx;
uint32_T maxIndex=9U;

if (u0 <= bp0[0U]) {

bpIdx = 0U;
frac = 0U;
} else if (u0 < bp0[maxIndex]) {
bpIdx = maxIndex >> 1U;
while ((u0 < bp0[bpIdx]) && (bpIdx > 0U)) {

while ((bpIdx < maxIndex - 1U) && (u0 >= bp0[bpIdx + 1U])) {

frac = (uint16_T)((u0 - bp0[bpIdx]) / (bp0[bpIdx + 1U] -

bp0[bpIdx]) * 32768.0);
} else {
bpIdx = maxIndex;
frac = 0U;

if (bpIdx == maxIndex) {
y = table[bpIdx];
} else {
y = (table[bpIdx + 1U] - table[bpIdx]) * ((real_T)frac * 3.0517578125E-5) +

return y;

Open and Examine the Example Model

This example uses the model matlab/help/toolbox/ecoder/examples/
code_replacement/lookup1d.slx to test your code replacement specification. Place a
copy of the model in your working folder and name it my_lookup1d.slx.

Open and examine the model. Note input and output specifications and block parameter
settings. To achieve a match, you must specify conceptual arguments based on how the
1D Lookup Table block is configured in the example model.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Review Lookup Function Signature

Look up the call signature and algorithm parameter information for the lookup function
that you want to update with an algorithm replacement. See “Lookup Table Function
Signatures” on page 21-107.

Replace the algorithm for the function associated with the 1–D Lookup Table block. The
signature for that function is:

y1 = lookup1D(u1, u2, u3, u4)

Arguments u1, u2, u3, and u4 represent input, breakpoint data, table data, and table
dimension length, respectively. The function returns output to y1.

Set the algorithm parameters ExtrapMethod and InterpMethod. Optionally, you can
specify values for:

• IndexSearchMethod
• RemoveProtectionInput
• RndMeth
• SaturateOnIntegerOverflow
• UseLastTableValue

If the code generator finds a match of the function signature and algorithm parameter
settings, an algorithm replacement occurs.

Create Code Replacement Entry

Create a code replacement table file, as a MATLAB function, that describes the lookup
table function code replacement table entries. Place a copy of the file matlab/help/
toolbox/ecoder/examples/code_replacement/Lookup1D_CRLtable.m in

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

your working folder. This file defines a code replacement table for the C function

Open Lookup1D_CRLtable.m and examine the definition.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hLib = myLookup1DCRL_table
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hLib = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.
hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function. The function key, implementation
name, and header and source files specified in the function call identify the Simulink
lookup table function name, lookup1D and the function name, header file, and
source file for the replacement function my_Lookup1D_Repl. Specify the Simulink
lookup table function name exactly as it appears in the documented signature,
including character casing (see “Lookup Table Function Signatures” on page
21-107). If you copied the example files to a folder other than the working folder
that contains the test model, lookup1d.slx, specify the source and header file
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'Key', 'lookup1D', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'my_Lookup1D_Repl', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'myLookup1D.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'myLookup1D.c', ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');

5 Create conceptual arguments and add them to the entry. This example uses calls to
the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add
the arguments.

The example defines five conceptual arguments for the lookup1D function, one
output argument y1 and four input arguments u1, u2, u3, and u4. Arguments y1
and u1 are defined as scalar double data. Arguments u2 and u3 represent bp1 and
table in the signature and are defined as 1x10 matrices of double data. Argument
u4 represents tdl and is defined as scalar of uint32 data. This definition triggers a
match with the example model.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1','double');
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = RTW.TflArgMatrix('u2', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', 'double');

arg.DimRange = [0 0; Inf Inf];
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = RTW.TflArgMatrix('u3', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', 'double');

arg.DimRange = [0 0; Inf Inf];
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u4','uint32');
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

6 Set the algorithm properties for Lookup1D with calls to the function
addAlgorithmProperty. The calls to addAlgorithmProperty set the algorithm
parameters as listed in the following table. These settings trigger a match with the
example model.

Set To
InterpMethod Linear
ExtrapMethod Clip
IndexSearchMethod Linear search
RemoveProtectionInput Off
UseLastTableValue On

addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'ExtrapMethod','Clip');
addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'InterpMethod','Linear');
addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'IndexSearchMethod','Linear search');
addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'UseLastTableValue','on');
7 Create the implementation arguments and add them to the entry. This example
uses calls to the getTflArgFromString function to create five implementation
arguments that map to arguments in the replacement function prototype: one output
argument y1 and four input arguments u1, u2, u3, and u4. The convenience methods
setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument is a return value or
argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of implementation arguments.

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement


arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1','double');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u2','double*');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u3','double*');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u4','uint32');
8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hLib, hEnt);

Test the Entry

To test this example, use the example model matlab/help/toolbox/ecoder/


Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library that
contains your memory function entry.

Sample Code Replacement Definition for the lookup2D Function

The following code shows a replacement definition for the lookup2D function.
function hLib = my_2dlookup_replacement_table

hLib = RTW.TflTable;

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'Key', 'lookup2D', ...
'Priority', 100, ...

'ImplementationName', 'custom_lookup2d', ...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'custom_lookup2d.h', ...

'ImplementationSourceFile', 'custom_lookup2d.c', ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');

% Conceptual Args

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1','double');
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u2','double');
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = RTW.TflArgMatrix('u3', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', 'double');

arg.DimRange = [1 1; 10 1];
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = RTW.TflArgMatrix('u4', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', 'double');

arg.DimRange = [1 1; 10 1];
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = RTW.TflArgMatrix('u5', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', 'double');

arg.DimRange = [1 1; 10 1];
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u6','uint32');
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u7','uint32');
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

% Algorithm Parameters

addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'ExtrapMethod','Clip');
addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'IndexSearchMethod','Linear search');
addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'InterpMethod','Linear');
addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'RemoveProtectionInput','off');
addAlgorithmProperty(hEnt, 'UseLastTableValue','on');

% Implementation Args

Lookup Table Function Code Replacement

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1','double');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u2','double');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u3','double*');
arg.Type.BaseType.ReadOnly = true;

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u4','double*');
arg.Type.BaseType.ReadOnly = true;

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u5','double*');
arg.Type.BaseType.ReadOnly = true;

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u6','uint32');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u7','uint32');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u6','uint32');

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u7','uint32');


Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement ”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Data Alignment for Code Replacement

Data Alignment for Code Replacement

In this section...
“Code Replacement Data Alignment” on page 21-125
“Specify Data Alignment Requirements for Function Arguments” on page 21-125
“Provide Data Alignment Specifications for Compilers” on page 21-127
“Basic Example of Code Replacement Data Alignment” on page 21-132

Code Replacement Data Alignment

Code replacement libraries can align data objects passed into a replacement function to
a specified boundary. You can take advantage of function implementations that require
aligned data to optimize application performance. To configure data alignment for a
function implementation:

1 Specify the data alignment requirements in a code replacement entry. Specify

alignment separately for each implementation function argument or collectively for
all function arguments. See “Specify Data Alignment Requirements for Function
Arguments” on page 21-125.
2 Specify the data alignment capabilities and syntax for one or more compilers.
Include the alignment specifications in a library registration entry in the
rtwTargetInfo.m file. See “Provide Data Alignment Specifications for Compilers”
on page 21-127.
3 Register the library containing the table entry and alignment specification object.
4 Configure the code generator to use the code replacement library and generate code.
Observe the results.

For examples, see “Basic Example of Code Replacement Data Alignment” on page
21-132 and the “Data Alignment for Function Implementations” section of the
“Replacing Math Functions and Operators” example page.

Specify Data Alignment Requirements for Function Arguments

To specify the data alignment requirement for an argument in a code replacement entry:

• If you are defining a replacement function in a code replacement table registration

file, create an argument descriptor object (RTW.ArgumentDescriptor). Use its

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

AlignmentBoundary property to specify the required alignment boundary and

assign the object to the argument’s Descriptor property.
• If you are defining a replacement function using the Code Replacement Tool, on
the Mapping Information tab, in the Argument properties section for the
replacement function, enter a value for the Alignment value parameter.

The AlignmentBoundary property (or Alignment value parameter) specifies the

alignment boundary for data passed to a function argument, in number of bytes. The
AlignmentBoundary property is valid only for addressable objects, including matrix and
pointer arguments. It is not applicable for value arguments. Valid values are:

• -1 (default) — If the data is a Simulink.Bus, Simulink.Signal, or

Simulink.Parameter object, specifies that the code generator determines an
optimal alignment based on usage. Otherwise, specifies that there is not an alignment
requirement for this argument.
• Positive integer that is a power of 2, not exceeding 128 — Specifies number of bytes
in the boundary. The starting memory address for the data allocated for the function
argument is a multiple of the specified value. If you specify an alignment boundary
that is less than the natural alignment of the argument data type, the alignment
directive is emitted in the generated code, but is silently ignored by the target

The following code specifies the AlignmentBoundary for an argument as 16 bytes.

hLib = RTW.TflTable;
entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;

Data Alignment for Code Replacement

arg = getTflArgFromString(hLib, 'u1','single*');

desc = RTW.ArgumentDescriptor;
desc.AlignmentBoundary = 16;
arg.Descriptor = desc;

The equivalent alignment boundary specification in the Code Replacement Tool dialog
box is in this figure.

Note: If your model imports Simulink.Bus, Simulink.Parameter, or

Simulink.Signal objects, specify an alignment boundary in the object properties,
using the Alignment property. For more information, see “Simulink.Bus”,
“Simulink.Parameter”, and “Simulink.Signal”.

Provide Data Alignment Specifications for Compilers

To support data alignment in generated code, describe the data alignment capabilities
and syntax for your compilers in the code replacement library registration. Provide one or
more alignment specifications for each compiler in a library registry entry.

To describe the data alignment capabilities and syntax for a compiler:

• If you are defining a code replacement library registration entry in a

rtwTargetInfo.m customization file, add one or more AlignmentSpecification
objects to an RTW.DataAlignment object. Attach the RTW.DataAlignment object to
the TargetCharacteristics object of the registry entry.

The RTW.DataAlignment object also has the property DefaultMallocAlignment,

which specifies the default alignment boundary, in bytes, that the compiler uses
for dynamically allocated memory. If the code generator uses dynamic memory
allocation for a data object involved in a code replacement, this value determines

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

if the dynamically allocated memory satisfies the alignment requirement of the

replacement. If not, the code generator does not use the replacement. The default
value for DefaultMallocAlignment is -1, indicating that the default alignment
boundary used for dynamically allocated memory is unknown. In this case, the code
generator uses the natural alignment of the data type to determine whether to allow a

Additionally, you can specify the alignment boundary for complex types by using the
addComplexTypeAlignment function.
• If you are generating a customization file function using the Code Replacement Tool,
fill out the following fields for each compiler.

Click the plus (+) symbol to add additional compiler specifications.

For each data alignment specification, provide the following information.

Alignment- Dialog Box Description

Specification Parameter
AlignmentType Alignment Cell array of predefined enumerated strings, specifying
type which types of alignment this specification supports.

• DATA_ALIGNMENT_LOCAL_VAR — Local variables.

Data Alignment for Code Replacement

Alignment- Dialog Box Description

Specification Parameter
• DATA_ALIGNMENT_GLOBAL_VAR — Global variables.
structure fields.
with padding (individual structure field alignment, if
specified, is favored and takes precedence over whole
structure alignment).

Each alignment specification must specify at


21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Alignment- Dialog Box Description

Specification Parameter
AlignmentPosition Alignment Predefined enumerated string specifying the position in
position which you must place the compiler alignment directive for


directive is emitted before struct st_tag{…}, as part
of the type definition statement (for example, MSVC).
directive is emitted after struct st_tag{…}, as part of
the type definition statement (for example, gcc).
The alignment directive is emitted as a stand alone
statement immediately preceding the definition of the
structure type. A semicolon (;) must terminate the
registered alignment syntax.
The alignment directive is emitted as a stand alone
statement immediately following the definition of the
structure type. A semicolon (;) must terminate the
registered alignment syntax.

For alignment types other than

DATA_ALIGNMENT_WHOLE_STRUCT, code generation uses

Data Alignment for Code Replacement

Alignment- Dialog Box Description

Specification Parameter
AlignmentSyntax- Alignment Specifies the alignment directive string that the compiler
Template syntax supports. The string is registered as a syntax template that
has placeholders in it. These placeholders are supported:

• %n — Replaced by the alignment boundary for the

replacement function argument.
• %s — Replaced by the symbol that will be aligned,
usually the identifier of a variable.

For example, for the gcc compiler, you can specify

__attribute__((aligned(%n))), or for the MSVC
compiler, __declspec(align(%n)).
SupportedLanguagesSupported Cell array specifying the languages to which this alignment
languages specification applies, among c and c++. Sometimes
alignment syntax and position differ between languages for
a compiler.

Here is a data alignment specification for the GCC compiler:

da = RTW.DataAlignment;

as = RTW.AlignmentSpecification;
as.AlignmentType = {'DATA_ALIGNMENT_LOCAL_VAR', ...
as.AlignmentSyntaxTemplate = '__attribute__((aligned(%n)))';
as.SupportedLanguages = {'c', 'c++'};

tc = RTW.TargetCharacteristics;
tc.DataAlignment = da;

Here is the corresponding specification in the Generate customization dialog box of

the Code Replacement Tool.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Basic Example of Code Replacement Data Alignment

A simple example of the complete workflow for data alignment specified for code
replacement is:

1 Create and save the following code replacement table definition file,
crl_table_mmul_4x4_single_align.m. This table defines a replacement entry
for the * (multiplication) operator, the single data type, and input dimensions
[4,4]. The entry also specifies a data alignment boundary of 16 bytes for each
replacement function argument. The entry expresses the requirement that the
starting memory address for the data allocated for the function arguments during
code generation is a multiple of 16.
function hLib = crl_table_mmul_4x4_single_align
%CRL_TABLE_MMUL_4x4_SINGLE_ALIGN - Describe matrix operator entry with data alignment

hLib = RTW.TflTable;
entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'ImplementationName', 'matrix_mul_4x4_s');

% conceptual arguments
createAndAddConceptualArg(entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'single', ...
'DimRange', [4 4]);

Data Alignment for Code Replacement

createAndAddConceptualArg(entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'single', ...
'DimRange', [4 4]);

createAndAddConceptualArg(entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'single', ...
'DimRange', [4 4]);

% implementation arguments
arg = getTflArgFromString(hLib, 'y2', 'void');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hLib, 'y1','single*');

desc = RTW.ArgumentDescriptor;
desc.AlignmentBoundary = 16;
arg.Descriptor = desc;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hlib, 'u1','single*');

desc = RTW.ArgumentDescriptor;
desc.AlignmentBoundary = 16;
arg.Descriptor = desc;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hLib, 'u2','single*');

desc = RTW.ArgumentDescriptor;
desc.AlignmentBoundary = 16;
arg.Descriptor = desc;


2 Create and save the following registration file, rtwTargetInfo.m. If

you want to compile the code generated in this example, first modify the
AlignmentSyntaxTemplate property for the compiler that you use.
For example, for the MSVC compiler, replace the gcc template string
__attribute__((aligned(%n))) with __declspec(align(%n)).
function rtwTargetInfo(cm)
% rtwTargetInfo function to register a code replacement library (CRL)
% for use with code generation

% Register the CRL defined in local function locCrlRegFcn



% Local function to define a CRL containing crl_table_mmul_4x4_single_align

function thisCrl = locCrlRegFcn

% create an alignment specification object, assume gcc

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

as = RTW.AlignmentSpecification;
as.AlignmentType = {'DATA_ALIGNMENT_LOCAL_VAR', ...
as.AlignmentSyntaxTemplate = '__attribute__((aligned(%n)))';
as.SupportedLanguages={'c', 'c++'};

% add the alignment specification object

da = RTW.DataAlignment;

% add the data alignment object to target characteristics

tc = RTW.TargetCharacteristics;
tc.DataAlignment = da;

% Instantiate a CRL registry entry

thisCrl = RTW.TflRegistry;

% Define the CRL properties

thisCrl.Name = 'Data Alignment Example';
thisCrl.Description = 'Example of replacement with data alignment';
thisCrl.TableList = {'crl_table_mmul_4x4_single_align'};
thisCrl.TargetCharacteristics = tc;


3 To register your library with code generator without having to restart MATLAB,
enter this command:
4 Configure the code generator to use your code replacement library.
5 Generate code and a code generation report.
6 Review the code replacements. For example, check whether a multiplication
operation is replaced with a matrix_mul_4x4_s function call. In mmalign.h,
check whether the gcc alignment directive __attribute__((aligned(16))) is
generated to align the function variables.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Data Alignment for Code Replacement

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using

The coder.replace function provides the ability to replace a specified MATLAB
function with a code replacement function in generated code. Use coder.replace in
MATLAB code from which you want to generate C code using:

• MATLAB Coder
• MATLAB code in a Simulink MATLAB Function block

You can replace MATLAB functions that have:

• Single or multiple inputs

• Single or multiple outputs
• Scalar and matrix inputs and outputs

Supported types include:

• single, double (complex and noncomplex)

• int8, uint8 (complex and noncomplex)
• int16, uint16 (complex and noncomplex)
• int32, uint32 (complex and noncomplex)
• Fixed-point integers
• Mixed types (different type on each input)

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Replace MATLAB Functions Specified in MATLAB Function Blocks

This example shows how to use code replacement to replace a MATLAB function
specified in a MATLAB Function block.

1 Open the ex_replace model. At the command prompt, enter:

2 View the MATLAB Function Block code. In the model, double-click the MATLAB
Function block to view the code in the MATLAB editor.

function y = customFcn(u1, u2) %#codegen

% This block supports MATLAB for code generation.

% Replace this MATLAB function with CRL replacement function and if no

% CRL replacement is found, generate an error during code generation.


y = power(u1,u2);

The coder.replace('-errorifnoreplacement') statement instructs the code

generator to replace this MATLAB function with a code replacement library function
and generate an error if it does not find a code replacement entry match.
3 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_coderreplace()

4 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
5 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
6 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'Key', 'customFcn', ...

Replace MATLAB Functions Specified in MATLAB Function Blocks

'Priority', 100, ...

'ImplementationName', 'scalarFcnReplacement', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'MyMath.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'MyMath.c')

7 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','int32');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','int32');

addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u2','int32');

addConceptualArg(hent, arg);

8 Create the implementation arguments and add them to the entry. This example uses
calls to the getTflArgFromString function to create implementation arguments
that map to arguments in the replacement function prototype: output argument
void, input arguments u1 and u2, and output argument y1. The convenience
methods setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument is a return
value or argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of implementation

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'void','void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','int32');


arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u2','int32');


arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','int32*');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
9 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hLib, hEnt);

To test the example:

1 Register the table that contains the entry in a code replacement library.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

2 Create files MyMath.c and MyMath.h that define the replacement function,
scalarFcnReplacement, which has two int32 inputs and one int32 output.


#include "MyMath.h"

void scalarFcnReplacement(int32_T u1, int32_T u2, int32_T* y1 ) {

*y1 = u1^u2;


#ifndef _ScalarMath_h
#define _ScalarMath_h

#include "rtwtypes.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern void scalarFcnReplacement(int32_T u1, int32_T u2, int32_T* y1);

#ifdef __cplusplus

3 Open the ex_replace model.
4 Configure the code generator to use the code replacement library and to include the
Code Replacements Report in the code generation report.
5 Generate the replacement code and a code generation report.
6 Review the code replacements. In the code generation report, view the generated
code for ex_replace.c.

void ex_replace_step(void)
int32_T y;
scalarFcnReplacement(ex_replace_U.In1, ex_replace_U.In2, &y);
ex_replace_Y.Out1 = y;

Replace MATLAB Functions Specified in MATLAB Function Blocks

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement

The code generator and C programming language use, internally, reserved keywords for
code generation. Do not use reserved keywords as identifiers or function names. Reserved
keywords for code generation include many code replacement library identifiers, the
majority of which are function names, such as acos.

To view a list of reserved identifiers for the code replacement library that you
use to generate code, specify the name of the library in a call to the function
RTW.TargetRegistry.getInstance.getTflReservedIdentifiers. For example:
crl_ids = RTW.TargetRegistry.getInstance.getTflReservedIdentifiers('GNU99 (GNU)')

In a code replacement table, the code generator registers each function implementation
name defined by a table entry as a reserved identifier. You can register additional
reserved identifiers for the table on a per-header-file basis. Providing additional reserved
identifiers can help prevent duplicate symbols and other identifier-related compile and
link issues.

To register additional code replacement reserved identifiers, use the

setReservedIdentifiers function. This function registers specified reserved
identifiers to be associated with a code replacement table.

You can register up to four reserved identifier structures in a code replacement table.
You can associate one set of reserved identifiers with a code replacement library, while
the other three (if present) must be associated with ANSI C. The following example
shows a reserved identifier structure that specifies two identifiers and the associated
header file.
d{1}.LibraryName = 'ANSI_C';
d{1}.HeaderInfos{1}.HeaderName = 'math.h';
d{1}.HeaderInfos{1}.ReservedIds = {'y0', 'y1'};

The code generator adds the identifiers to the list of reserved identifiers and honors them
during the build procedure.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement

• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions

During the build process, the code generator uses:

• Preset match criteria to identify functions and operators for which application-specific
implementations replace default implementations.
• Preset replacement function signatures.

However, preset match criteria and preset replacement function signatures might not
completely meet your function and operator replacement needs. For example,

• You want to replace an operator with a particular fixed-point implementation

function only when fraction lengths are within a particular range.
• When a match is made, you want to modify your replacement function signature
based on compile-time information, such as passing fraction-length values into the

When you need to add extra logic into the code replacement matching and replacement
process, create custom code replacement table entries. With custom entries you can
specify additional match criteria and modify the replacement function signature to meet
application needs.

To create a custom code replacement entry:

1 Create a custom code replacement entry class, derived from

RTW.TflCFunctionEntryML (for function replacement) or
RTW.TflCOperationEntryML (for operator replacement).
2 In your derived class, implement a do_match method with a fixed preset signature
as a MATLAB function. In your do_match method, provide either or both of the
following customizations that instantiate the class:

a Add additional match criteria that the base class does not provide. The base
class provides a match based on argument number, argument name, signedness,
word size, slope (if not specified with wildcards), bias (if not specified with
wildcards), math modes such as saturation and rounding, and operator or
function key. Aaccept a match only when additional size or range conditions are
b Modify the implementation signature by adding additional arguments or setting
constant input argument values. You can inject a constant value, such as an
input scaling value, as an additional argument to the replacement function.

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions

3 Create code replacement entries that instantiate your custom entry class.
4 Register a library containing the code replacement table that includes your entries.

During code generation, the code replacement matching process first tries to match
function or operator call sites with the base class of your derived entry class. If the
process finds a match, the software calls your do_match method to execute your
additional match logic (if any) and your replacement function customizations (if any).

Customize Code Matching and Replacement for Functions

This example shows how to use custom code replacement table entries to refine the
matching and replacement logic for functions. Modify a sine function replacement only if
the integer size on the current target platform is 32 bits, such that the implementation
function passes in a degrees-versus-radians flag as an input argument.

1 To exercise the custom code replacement table entries that you create in this
example, create an ERT-based model with a sine function block, such as this model.

In the import block parameters, set the signal Data type to double. If the target
platform selected for your model on the Hardware Implementation pane in the
Configuration Parameters dialog box supports an integer size other than 32, either
temporarily select a target platform with a 32-bit integer size, or modify the code to
match the integer size of your target platform.
2 Create a class folder using the name of your derived class, such as
@TflCustomFunctionEntry. Verify that the class folder is on the MATLAB search
path or in your current working folder.
3 In the class folder, create and save the following class definition
file, TflCustomFunctionEntry.m. This file defines the class
TflCustomFunctionEntry, which is derived from the base class

The derived class defines a do_match method. In the do_match method signature:

• ent is the return handle, which is returned either as empty (indicating that the
match failed) or as a TflCFunctionEntry handle.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• hThis is the handle to this object.

• hCSO is a handle to an object created by the code generator for querying the
library for a replacement.
• The remaining arguments are the number of bits for various data types of the
current target.

The do_match method adds required additional match criteria not provided by the
base class and makes required modifications to the implementation signature. In
this case, the do_match method must match only targetBitPerInt, representing
the number of bits in the C int data type for the current target, to the value 32. If
a match is made, the method sets the return handle and creates and adds an input
argument, representing whether units are expressed as degrees or radians, to the
replacement function signature.

Note: Alternatively, you can create and add the additional implementation function
argument for passing a units flag in each code replacement table definition file that
instantiates this class. In that case, this class definition code does not create the
argument. That code only sets the argument value. For an example of creating and
adding additional implementation function arguments in a table definition file, see
“Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators” on page 21-180.

classdef TflCustomFunctionEntry < RTW.TflCFunctionEntryML

function ent = do_match(hThis, ...
hCSO, ... %#ok
targetBitPerChar, ... %#ok
targetBitPerShort, ... %#ok
targetBitPerInt, ... %#ok
targetBitPerLong) %#ok
% DO_MATCH - Create a custom match function. The base class
% checks the types of the arguments prior to calling this
% method. This will check additional data and perhaps modify
% the implementation function.

ent = []; % default the return to empty, indicating the match failed.

% Match sine function only if the target int size is 32 bits

if targetBitPerInt == 32
% Need to modify the default implementation, starting from a copy
% of the standard TflCFunctionEntry.
ent = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry(hThis);

% If the target int size is 32 bits, the implementation function

% takes an additional input flag argument indicating degress vs.

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions

% radians. The additional argument can be created and added either

% in the CRL table definition file that instantiates this class, or
% here in the class definition, as follows:
createAndAddImplementationArg(ent, 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0, ...
'Value', 1);

Exit the class folder and return to the previous working folder.
4 Create and save the following code replacement table definition file,
crl_table_custom_sinfcn_double.m. This file defines a code replacement table
containing a function table entry for sine with double input and output. This entry
instantiates the derived class from the previous step, TflCustomFunctionEntry.
function hTable = crl_table_custom_sinfcn_double

hTable = RTW.TflTable;

%% Add TflCustomFunctionEntry
fcn_entry = TflCustomFunctionEntry;
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(fcn_entry, ...
'Key', 'sin', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'ImplementationName', 'mySin', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'mySin.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'mySin.c');

createAndAddConceptualArg(fcn_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

createAndAddConceptualArg(fcn_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

% TflCustomFunctionEntry class do_match method will create and add

% an implementation function argument during code generation if
% the supported integer size on the current target is 32 bits.

addEntry(hTable, fcn_entry);

5 Optionally, perform a quick check of the validity of the function entry

by invoking the table definition file at the command prompt (>> tbl =

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

crl_table_custom_sinfcn_double) and by viewing it in the Code Replacement

Viewer (>> RTW.viewTfl(crl_table_custom_sinfcn_double)). For more
information about validating code replacement tables, see “Review and Test Code
Replacements” on page 21-74.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Scalar Operator Code Replacement

Scalar Operator Code Replacement

This example shows you how to define a code replacement mapping for a scalar operator.
The example defines a mapping for the + (addition) operator programmatically.
Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_add_uint8

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

% Create operation entry

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function.
% Define addition pperation of built-in uint8 data type
% Saturation on, Rounding unspecified
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 'u8_add_u8_u8', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.c' );

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'uint8');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example

uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example, create a model that uses an Add block.

1 Create a model that includes an Add block, such as this model.

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
3 Generate code and a code generation report.
4 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”

Scalar Operator Code Replacement

• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”

• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement

In this section...
“Algorithm Options” on page 21-152
“Interactive Specification with Code Replacement Tool” on page 21-153
“Programmatic Specification” on page 21-153
“Algorithm Classification” on page 21-153
“Limitations” on page 21-155

Algorithm Options
When creating a code replacement table entry for an addition or subtraction operator,
first determine the type of algorithm that your library function implements.

• Cast-before-operation (CBO), default — Prior to performing the addition or

subtraction operation, the algorithm type casts input values to the output type. If
the output data type cannot exactly represent the input values, losses can occur as a
result of the cast to the output type. Additional loss can occur when the result of the
operation is cast to the final output type.

• Cast-after-operation (CAO) — The algorithm computes the ideal result of the addition
or subtraction operation of the two inputs. The algorithm then type casts the result
to the output data type. Loss occurs during the type cast. This algorithm behaves
similarly to the C language except when the signedness of the operands does not
match. For example, when you add a signed long operand to an unsigned long
operand, standard C language rules convert the signed long operand to an unsigned
long operand. The result is a value that is not ideal.

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement

Interactive Specification with Code Replacement Tool

When you use the Code Replacement Tool to create a code replacement table entry for an
addition or subtraction operation, the tool displays an Algorithm menu. Use that menu
to specify the Cast before operation or Cast after operation algorithm for that

Programmatic Specification
Create a code replacement table file, as a MATLAB function, that describes
the addition or subtraction code replacement table entry. In the call to
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, set at least these parameters:


• ImplementationName to the name of your replacement function
• EntryInfoAlgorithm to RTW_CAST_BFORE_OP (cast-before-operation) or
RTW_CAST_AFTER_OP (cast-after-operation)

This example sets parameters for a code replacement operator entry for a cast-after-
operation implementation of a uint8 addition.
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'EntryInfoAlgorithm', 'RTW_CAST_AFTER_OP', ...
'ImplementationName', 'u8_add_u8_u8');

For more information, see setTflCOperationEntryParameters.

Algorithm Classification
During code generation, the code generator examines addition and subtraction
operations, including adjacent type cast operations, to determine the type of algorithm
to compute the expression result. Based on the data types in the expression and the type
of the accumulator (type used to hold the result of the addition or subtraction operation),
the code generator uses these rules.

• Floating-point types only

Input 1 Data Input 2 Data Accumulator Data Output Data Type Classification
Type Type Type
double double double double CBO, CAO

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Input 1 Data Input 2 Data Accumulator Data Output Data Type Classification
Type Type Type
double double double single —
double double single double —
double double single single CBO
double single double double CBO, CAO
double single double single —
double single single double —
double single single single CBO
single single single single CBO, CAO
single single single double —
single single double single —
single single double double CBO, CAO
• Floating-point and fixed-point types on the immediate addition or subtraction

Algorithm Conditions
CBO One of the following is true:

• Operation type is double.

• Operation type is single and input types are single or fixed-point.
CAO Operation type is a superset of input types—that is, output type can
represent values of input types without loss of data.
• Fixed-point types only

Algorithm Conditions
CBO At least one of the following is true:

• Accumlator type equals output type (Tacc == Tout).

• Output type is a superset of input types (Tacc >= {Tin1, Tin2})
and accumulator type is a superset of output type (Tacc >= Tout).
• Operation does not incur range or precision loss.

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement

Algorithm Conditions
CAO Net bias is zero and the data types in the expression have equal slope
adjustment factors. For more information on net bias, see “Addition” or
“Subtraction” in “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement” (for MATLAB
code) or “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement” (for Simulink

In many cases, the numerical result of a CBO operation is equal to that of a CAO
operation. For example, if the input and output types are such that the operation
produces the ideal result, as in the case of int8 + int8 —> int16. To maximize the
probability of code replacement occurring in such cases, set the algorithm to cast-after-

• The code generator does not replace operations with nonzero net bias.
• When classifying an operation as a CAO operation, the code generator includes the
adjacent casts in the expression when the expression involves only fixed-point types.
Otherwise, the code generator classifies and replaces only the immediate addition or
subtraction operation. Casts that the code generator excludes from the classification
appear in the generated code.
• To enable the code generator to include multiple cast operations, which follow an
addition or subtraction of fixed-point data, in the classification of an expression, the
rounding mode must be simplest or floor. Consider the expression y=(cast A)
(cast B)(u1+u2). If the rounding mode of (cast A), (cast B), and the addition
operator (+) are set to simplest or floor, the code generator takes into account
(cast A) and (cast B) when classifying the expression and performing the
replacement only.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”
• rtwdemo_crl_cbo_cao

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement

This example shows how to define code replacement mappings that replace nonscalar
small matrix operations with processor-specific intrinsic functions. The example defines
a table containing two matrix operator replacement entries for the + (addition) operator
and the double data type. The example defines the function mapping programmatically.
Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_matrix_add_double

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the first operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

% Create table entry for matrix_sum_2x2_double

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The code generator
ignores saturation and rounding modes for floating-point nonscalar addition
and subtraction. For code replacement entries for nonscalar addition and
subtraction operations that do not involve fixed-point data, in the call to
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, specify 'RTW_SATURATE_UNSPECIFIED'
for the SaturationMode property and {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'} for
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'ImplementationName', 'matrix_sum_2x2_double', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'MatrixMath.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'MatrixMath.c', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...
'ImplementationSourcePath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. To specify a matrix argument in the function call, use the argument

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

class RTW.TflArgMatrix. Sspecify the base type and the dimensions for which the
argument is valid. The first table entry specifies [2 2] and the second table entry
specifies [3 3].
% Specify operands and result
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2]);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString to create the arguments. The convenience methods
setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument is a return value or
argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of implementation arguments.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
8 Create the entry for the second operator mapping.
% Create table entry for matrix_sum_3x3_double
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'ImplementationName', 'matrix_sum_3x3_double', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'MatrixMath.h', ...

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement

'ImplementationSourceFile', 'MatrixMath.c', ...

'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...
'ImplementationSourcePath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

% Specify operands and result

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [3 3]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [3 3]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [3 3]);

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model that includes an Add block.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver with a fixed-step size such
as 0.1.
• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
3 In the Model Explorer, configure the Signal Attributes for the In1 and In2 source
blocks. For each source block, set Port dimensions to [3,3], and set Data type to
double. Apply the changes. Save the model.
4 Generate code and a code generation report.
5 Review the code replacements. The code generator replaces the + operator with
matrix_sum_3x3_double in the generated code.
6 Reconfigure Port dimensions for In1 and In2 to [2 2], regenerate code. Observe
that code containing the + operator is replaced with matrix_sum_2x2_double.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement

• “Code Replacement Libraries”

• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code

This example shows how to define code replacement mappings that replace nonscalar
multiplication operations with Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS) multiplication
functions xgemm and xgemv. The example defines code replacement entries that map
floating-point matrix/matrix and matrix/vector multiplication operations to MathWorks
BLAS library multiplication functions dgemm and dgemv. The example defines the
function mappings programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mappings.

BLAS libraries support matrix/matrix multiplication in the form of

C = a(op(A) * op(B)) + bC . op(X) means X, transposition of X, or Hermitian
transposition of X. However, code replacement libraries support only the limited case of
C = op(A) * op(B) (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) . Correspondingly, although BLAS libraries support
matrix/vector multiplication in the form of y = a(op(A) * x) + by , code replacement
libraries support only the limited case of y = op(A) * x (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) .

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_tmwblas_mmult_double
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Define the path for the BLAS function library. If your replacement functions are on
the MATLAB search path or are in your working folder, you can skip this step.
% Define library path for Windows or UNIX
arch = computer('arch');
if ~ispc
LibPath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'bin', arch);
% Use Stateflow to get the compiler info
compilerInfo = sf('Private','compilerman','get_compiler_info');
compilerName = compilerInfo.compilerName;
if strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc90') || ...
strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc80') || ...
strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc71') || ...
strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc60'), ...
compilerName = 'microsoft';
LibPath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'extern', 'lib', arch, compilerName);

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement

4 Create an entry for the first mapping with a call to the

RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator function.

% Create table entry for dgemm32

op_entry = RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator;
5 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function. The function call sets matrix
multiplication operator entry properties. The code generator ignores saturation
and rounding modes for floating-point nonscalar addition and subtraction. For
code replacement entries for nonscalar addition and subtraction operations that do
not involve fixed-point data, in the call to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
specify 'RTW_SATURATE_UNSPECIFIED' for the SaturationMode property and
{'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'} for RoundingModes.
if ispc
libExt = 'lib';
elseif ismac
libExt = 'dylib';
libExt = 'so';
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'dgemm32', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'blascompat32.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','extern','include'), ...
'AdditionalLinkObjs', {['libmwblascompat32.' libExt]}, ...
'AdditionalLinkObjsPaths', {LibPath}, ...
'SideEffects', true);

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with
one function call. To specify a matrix argument in the function call, use the
argument class RTW.TflArgMatrix and specify the base type and the dimensions
for which the argument is valid. This type of table entry supports a range of
dimensions specified in the format [Dim1Min Dim2Min ... DimNMin; Dim1Max
Dim2Max ... DimNMax]. For example, [2 2; inf inf] means a two-dimensional
matrix of size 2x2 or larger. The conceptual output argument for the dgemm32 entry
for matrix/matrix multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 2; inf
inf], while the conceptual output argument for the dgemv32 entry for matrix/vector
multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 1; inf 1].
% Specify operands and result
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

'BaseType', 'double', ...

'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf inf]);

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString and RTW.TflArgCharConstant functions to create the
arguments. The example code configures special implementation arguments that
are required for dgemm and dgemv function replacements. The convenience methods
setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument is a return value or
argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of implementation arguments.
% Using RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator for xgemm requires the following
% implementation signature:
% void f(char* TRANSA, char* TRANSB, int* M, int* N, int* K,
% type* ALPHA, type* u1, int* LDA, type* u2, int* LDB,
% type* BETA, type* y, int* LDC)
% When a match occurs, the code generator computes the
% values for M, N, K, LDA, LDB, and LDC and inserts them into the
% generated code. TRANSA and TRANSB are set to 'N'.

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = RTW.TflArgCharConstant('TRANSA');
% Possible values for PassByType property are
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = RTW.TflArgCharConstant('TRANSB');
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'K', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDB', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDC', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
9 Create the entry for the second mapping.
% Create table entry for dgemv32
op_entry = RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator;
if ispc

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

libExt = 'lib';
elseif ismac
libExt = 'dylib';
libExt = 'so';
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'dgemv32', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'blascompat32.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','extern','include'), ...
'AdditionalLinkObjs', {['libmwblascompat32.' libExt]}, ...
'AdditionalLinkObjsPaths', {LibPath},...
'SideEffects', true);

% Specify operands and result

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 1; inf 1]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf 1]);

% Using RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator for xgemv requires the following

% implementation signature:
% void f(char* TRANS, int* M, int* N,
% type* ALPHA, type* u1, int* LDA, type* u2, int* INCX,
% type* BETA, type* y, int* INCY)
% Upon a match, the CRL entry will compute the
% values for M, N, LDA, INCX, and INCY, and insert them into the
% generated code. TRANS will be set to 'N'.

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = RTW.TflArgCharConstant('TRANS');
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCX','integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCY', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model that includes two Product blocks.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

2 For each Product block, set the block parameter Multiplication to the value
3 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver with a fixed-step size such
as 0.1.
• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
4 In the Model Explorer, configure the Signal Attributes for the In1, In2, and In3
source blocks. For In1 and In2, set Port dimensions to [3 3] and set the Data
type to double. For In3, set Port dimensions to [3 1] and set the Data type to
5 Generate code and a code generation report.
6 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code

This example shows how to define code replacement mappings that replace nonscalar
multiplication operations with ANSI/ISO® C BLAS multiplication functions xgemm
and xgemv. The example defines code replacement entries that map floating-point
matrix/matrix and matrix/vector multiplication operations to ANSI/ISO C BLAS library
multiplication functions dgemm and dgemv. The example defines the function mappings
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mappings.

BLAS libraries support matrix/matrix multiplication in the form of

C = a(op(A) * op(B)) + bC . op(X) means X, transposition of X, or Hermitian
transposition of X. However, code replacement libraries support only the limited case of
C = op(A) * op(B) (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) . Correspondingly, although BLAS libraries support
matrix/vector multiplication in the form of y = a(op(A) * x) + by , code replacement
libraries support only the limited case of y = op(A) * x (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) .

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_cblas_mmult_double
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Define the path for the CBLAS function library. For example:
LibPath = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'rtw', 'rtwdemos', 'crl_demo');

4 Create an entry for the first mapping with a call to the

RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator function.
% Create table entry for cblas_dgemm
op_entry = RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator;
5 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The function call sets matrix
multiplication operator entry properties. The code generator ignores saturation and
rounding modes for floating-point nonscalar addition and subtraction.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement

'Priority', 100, ...

'ImplementationName', 'cblas_dgemm', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'cblas.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with
one function call. To specify a matrix argument in the function call, use the
argument class RTW.TflArgMatrix and specify the base type and the dimensions
for which the argument is valid. This type of table entry supports a range of
dimensions specified in the format [Dim1Min Dim2Min ... DimNMin; Dim1Max
Dim2Max ... DimNMax]. For example, [2 2; inf inf] means a two-dimensional
matrix of size 2x2 or larger. The conceptual output argument for the dgemm32 entry
for matrix/matrix multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 2; inf
inf]. The conceptual output argument for the dgemv32 entry for matrix/vector
multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 1; inf 1].
% Specify operands and result
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf inf]);

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString function to create the arguments. The example code
configures special implementation arguments that are required for dgemm
and dgemv function replacements. The convenience methods setReturn and
addArgument specify whether an argument is a return value or argument and adds
the argument to the entry’s array of implementation arguments.
% Using RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator for xgemm requires the following
% implementation signature:
% void f(enum ORDER, enum TRANSA, enum TRANSB, int M, int N, int K,
% type ALPHA, type* u1, int LDA, type* u2, int LDB,
% type BETA, type* y, int LDC)
% Since CRLs do not have the ability to specify enums, you must

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

% use integer. (This will cause problems with C++ code generation,
% so for C++, use a wrapper function to cast each int to the
% corresponding enumeration type.)
% When a match occurs, the code generator computes the
% values for M, N, K, LDA, LDB, and LDC and insert them into the
% generated code.

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ORDER', 'integer', 102);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'TRANSA', 'integer', 111);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'TRANSB', 'integer', 111);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'K', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 1);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDB', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDC', 'integer', 0);


8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
9 Create the entry for the second mapping.
% Create table entry for cblas_dgemv
op_entry = RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'cblas_dgemv', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'cblas.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

% Specify operands and result

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 1; inf 1]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf 1]);

% Using RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator for xgemv requires the following

% implementation signature:
% void f(enum ORDER, enum TRANSA, int M, int N,
% type ALPHA, type* u1, int LDA, type* u2, int INCX,
% type BETA, type* y, int INCY)
% Since CRLs do not have the ability to specify enums, you must
% use integer. (This will cause problems with C++ code generation,
% so for C++, use a wrapper function to cast each int to the
% corresponding enumeration type.)
% Upon a match, the CRL entry will compute the
% values for M, N, LDA, INCX, and INCY and insert them into the
% generated code.

% Specify replacement function signature

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ORDER', 'integer', 102);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'TRANSA', 'integer', 111);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M','integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 1);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCX', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCY', 'integer', 0);


addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model that includes two Product blocks.

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver with a fixed-step size such
as 0.1.
• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
3 For each Product block, set the block parameter Multiplication to the value
4 In the Model Explorer, configure the Signal Attributes for the In1, In2, and In3
source blocks. For In1 and In2, set Port dimensions to [3 3]. Set the Data type
to double. For In3, set Port dimensions to [3 1]. Set the Data type to double.
5 Generate code and a code generation report.
6 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Remap Operator Output to Function Input

Remap Operator Output to Function Input

If your generated code mustmeet a specific coding pattern or you want more flexibility,
for example, to further improve performance, you can remap operator outputs to input
positions in an implementation function argument list.

Note: Remapping outputs to implementation function inputs is supported only for

operator replacement.

For example, for a sum operation, the code generator produces code similar to:
add8_Y.Out1 = u8_add_u8_u8(add8_U.In1, add8_U.In2);

If you remap the output to the first input, the code generator produces code similar to:
u8_add_u8_u8(&add8_Y.Out1;, add8_U.In1, add8_U.In2);

The following table definition file for a sum operation remaps operator output y1 as the
first function input argument.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_add_uint8
2 In the call to the setTflCOperationEntryParameters function for the operator
replacement, set the SideEffects property to true.
3 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
4 Create an entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.
% Create operation entry
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
5 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function. In the function call, set the
property SideEffects to true.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'ImplementationName', 'u8_add_u8_u8', ...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.h', ...

'ImplementationSourceFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.c', ...
'SideEffects', true );

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'uint8');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString function to create the arguments. When defining the
implementation function return argument, create a new void output argument,
for example, y2. When defining the implementation function argument for the
conceptual output argument (y1), set the operator output argument as an additional
input argument. Mark its IOType as output. Make its type a pointer type. The
convenience methods setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument
is a return value or argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of
implementation arguments.
% Create new void output y2
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

% Set y1 as first input arg, mark IOType as output, and use pointer type
arg=getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'uint8*');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg=getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'uint8');


arg=getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');


8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model that includes an Add block.

Remap Operator Output to Function Input

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
• On the Optimization pane, set Signals and Parameters > Optimize global
data access to Use global to hold temporary results to reduce data
copies in the generated code.
3 Generate code and a code generation report.
4 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

Create the Entry
This example shows how to create custom code replacement entries that add extra logic
to the code replacement matching and replacement process. Custom entries allow you to
specify additional match criteria or modify the replacement function signature to meet
your application needs.

• You might want to replace an operator with a particular fixed-point implementation

function only when fraction lengths are within a particular range.
• When a match occurs, you might want to modify your replacement function signature
based on compile-time information, such as passing fraction-length values into the

The example modifies a fixed-point addition replacement such that the implementation
function passes in the fraction lengths of the input and output data types as arguments.

Create Class Folder for Entry

Create a class folder using the name of your derived class, such as
@TflCustomOperationEntry. Verify that the class folder is on the MATLAB search
path or in your current working folder.

Create Derived Class that Defines do_match Method

In the class folder, create and save the following class definition
file, TflCustomOperationEntry.m. This file defines the class
TflCustomOperationEntry, which is derived from the base class

The derived class defines a do_match method. In the do_match signature:

• ent is the return handle, which is returned either as empty (indicating that the
match failed) or as a TflCOperationEntry handle.
• hThis is the handle to this object.
• hCSO is a handle to an object created by the code generator for querying the library for
a replacement.
• The remaining arguments are the number of bits for various data types of the current

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

The do_match method adds required additional match criteria that the base class does
not provide. the method makes required modifications to the implementation signature.
In this case, the do_match method can rely on the base class for checking word size
and signedness. do_match must match only the number of conceptual arguments to the
value 3 (two inputs and one output) and the bias for each argument to the value 0. If the
code generator finds a match, do_match sets the return handle, removes slope and bias
wildcards from the conceptual arguments (the match is for specific slope and bias values),
and writes fraction-length values for the inputs and output into replacement function
arguments 3, 4, and 5.

You can create and add the three additional implementation function arguments
for passing fraction lengths in the class definition or in each code replacement entry
definition that instantiates this class. This example creates the arguments, adds them
to a code replacement table definition file, and sets them to specific values in the class
definition code.
classdef TflCustomOperationEntry < RTW.TflCOperationEntryML
function ent = do_match(hThis, ...
hCSO, ... %#ok
targetBitPerChar, ... %#ok
targetBitPerShort, ... %#ok
targetBitPerInt, ... %#ok
targetBitPerLong) %#ok
% DO_MATCH - Create a custom match function. The base class
% checks the types of the arguments prior to calling this
% method. This will check additional data and perhaps modify
% the implementation function.

% The base class checks word size and signedness. Slopes and biases
% have been wildcarded, so the only additional checking to do is
% to check that the biases are zero and that there are only three
% conceptual arguments (one output, two inputs)

ent = []; % default the return to empty, indicating the match failed

if length(hCSO.ConceptualArgs) == 3 && ...

hCSO.ConceptualArgs(1).Type.Bias == 0 && ...
hCSO.ConceptualArgs(2).Type.Bias == 0 && ...
hCSO.ConceptualArgs(3).Type.Bias == 0

% Modify the default implementation. Since this is a

% generator entry, a concrete entry is created using this entry
% as a template. The type of entry being created is a standard
% TflCOperationEntry. Using the standard operation entry
% provides required information, and you do not need
% a custom match function.
ent = RTW.TflCOperationEntry(hThis);

% Since this entry is modifying the implementation for specific

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

% fraction-length values (arguments 3, 4, and 5), the conceptual argument

% wildcards must be removed (the wildcards were inherited from the
% generator when it was used as a template for the concrete entry).
% This concrete entry is now for a specific slope and bias.
% hCSO holds the slope and bias values (created by the code generator).
for idx=1:3
ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).CheckSlope = true;
ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).CheckBias = true;

% Set the specific Slope and Biases

ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Slope = hCSO.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Slope;
ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Bias = 0;

% Set the fraction-length values in the implementation function.

ent.Implementation.Arguments(3).Value = ...
ent.Implementation.Arguments(4).Value = ...
ent.Implementation.Arguments(5).Value = ...

Create Code Replacement Entry

Create code replacement entries that instantiate your custom entry class. For this
example, create and save a code replacement table that contains a single operator entry,
an entry generator for unsigned 32-bit fixed-point addition operations, with arbitrary
fraction-length values on the inputs and the output. This entry instantiates the derived
class from the previous step.

If you want to replace all word sizes and signedness attributes (not just 32-bit and
unsigned), you can use the same derived class, but not the same entry, because you
cannot wildcard the WordLength and IsSigned arguments. For example, to support
uint8, int8, uint16, int16, and int32, you must add five other distinct entries.
Similarly, to use different implementation functions for saturation and rounding
modes other than overflow and round to floor, you must add entries for those match

This table entry creates and adds three implementation arguments to hold the
fraction-length values for the inputs and output. Alternatively, the entry can omit
those argument definitions. Instead the do_match method of the derived class
TflCustomOperationEntry can create and add the three implementation arguments.
When the number of additional implementation arguments required can vary based on
compile-time information, use the alternative approach.

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

1 In your working folder, create an entry definition file.

2 Define a function for the definition.
function hTable = crl_table_custom_add_ufix32
3 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
4 Create an entry for the custom operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCustomOperationEntry function.
%% Add TflCustomOperationEntry
op_entry = TflCustomOperationEntry;
5 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 'myFixptAdd', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'myFixptAdd.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'myFixptAdd.c');

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'Scaling', 'BinaryPoint', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'Scaling', 'BinaryPoint', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...

'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'Scaling', 'BinaryPoint', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32);

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry.
% Specify replacement function signature
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

% Add 3 fraction-length args. Actual values are set during code generation.
createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...
'Name', 'fl_in1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0, ...
'Value', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...

'Name', 'fl_in2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0, ...
'Value', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...

'Name', 'fl_out', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

'IsSigned', false, ...

'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0, ...
'Value', 0);

8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Test the Entry

To test the custom code replacement entry:

1 Create a model that includes one or more unsigned 32-bit fixed-point addition

2 In the block parameters for the Add blocks, set Integer rounding mode to Floor
and select Saturate on integer overflow.
3 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your custom operation entry.

Apply the changes. Save the model.

4 Generate code and a code generation report.
5 Review the code replacements. myFixptAdd replaces the default implementation
code for the unsigned 32-bit fixed-point addition operation. The three additional
fraction-length arguments are present.
/* Model step function */
void ufix32_add_step(void)

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/In1'
* Inport: '<Root>/In2'
* Sum: '<Root>/Add'
ufix32_add_Y.Out1 = myFixptAdd(ufix32_add_U.In1, ufix32_add_U.In2, 9U, 7U, 6U);

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out2' incorporates:

* Inport: '<Root>/In3'
* Inport: '<Root>/In4'
* Sum: '<Root>/Add1'
ufix32_add_Y.Out2 = myFixptAdd(ufix32_add_U.In3, ufix32_add_U.In4, 10U, 9U, 7U);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

In this section...
“Fixed-Point Operator Entries” on page 21-187
“Fixed-Point Numbers and Arithmetic” on page 21-191
“Addition” on page 21-191
“Subtraction” on page 21-192
“Multiplication” on page 21-192
“Division” on page 21-193
“Data Type Conversion (Cast)” on page 21-194
“Shift” on page 21-194

Fixed-Point Operator Entries

If you have a Fixed-Point Designer license, you can define fixed-point operator code
replacement entries to match:

• A binary-point-only scaling combination on the operator inputs and output.

• A slope bias scaling combination on the operator inputs and output.
• Relative scaling or net slope between multiplication or division operator inputs
and output. Use one of these methods to map a range of slope and bias values to a
replacement function for multiplication or division.
• Equal slope and zero net bias across addition or subtraction operator inputs and
output. Use this method to disregard specific slope and bias values and map relative
slope and bias values to a replacement function for addition or subtraction.

The following table maps common ways to match fixed-point operator code replacement
entries with the associated fixed-point parameters that you specify in a code replacement
table definition file.

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

A specific binary-point- RTW.TflCOperationEntry createAndAddConceptualArg
only scaling combination function:
on the operator inputs and
output. • CheckSlope: Specify the value

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

• CheckBias: Specify the value true.
• DataTypeMode (or
DataType/Scaling equivalent):
Specify fixed-point binary-point-only
• FractionLength: Specify a
fraction length (for example, 3).
A specific slope bias RTW.TflCOperationEntry createAndAddConceptualArg
scaling combination on function:
the operator inputs and
output. • CheckSlope: Specify the value
• CheckBias: Specify the value true.
• DataTypeMode (or DataType/
Scaling equivalent): Specify fixed-
point [slope bias] scaling.
• Slope (or
FixedExponent equivalent):
Specify a slope value (for example,
• Bias: Specify a bias value (for
example, 2).

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

Net slope between RTW.TflCOperationEntry- setTflCOperationEntryParameters
operator inputs and Generator_NetSlope function:
output (multiplication and
division). • NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor:
Specify the slope adjustment factor
(F) part of the net slope, F2 (for

example, 1.0).
• NetFixedExponent: Specify the
fixed exponent (E) part of the net
slope, F2 (for example, -3.0).


• CheckSlope: Specify the value

• CheckBias: Specify the value
• DataType: Specify the value

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

Relative scaling between RTW.TflCOperationEntry- setTflCOperationEntryParameters
operator inputs and Generator function:
output (multiplication and
division). • RelativeScalingFactorF:
Specify the slope adjustment factor
(F) part of the relative scaling factor,
F2 (for example, 1.0).

• RelativeScalingFactorE:
Specify the fixed exponent (E) part
of the relative scaling factor, F2 (for

example, -3.0).


• CheckSlope: Specify the value

• CheckBias: Specify the value
• DataType: Specify the value
Equal slope and zero net RTW.TflCOperationEntry- setTflCOperationEntryParameters
bias across operator inputs Generator function:
and output (addition and
subtraction). • SlopesMustBeTheSame: Specify
. the value true.
• MustHaveZeroNetBias: Specify
the value true.


• CheckSlope: Specify the value

• CheckBias: Specify the value

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

Fixed-Point Numbers and Arithmetic

Fixed-point numbers use integers and integer arithmetic to represent real numbers and
arithmetic with the following encoding scheme:

V = V% = SQ + B

• V is an arbitrarily precise real-world value.

V% is the approximate real-world value that results from fixed-point representation.
• Q is an integer that encodes V% , referred to as the quantized integer.

S is a coefficient of Q , referred to as the slope.
• B is an additive correction, referred to as the bias.
The general equation for an operation between fixed-point operands is:

( SOQO + BO ) = ( S1Q1 + B1 ) < op > ( S2Q2 + B2 )

The objective of fixed-point operator replacement is to replace an operator that accepts
and returns fixed-point or integer inputs and output with a function that accepts
and returns built-in C numeric data types. The following sections provide additional
programming information for each supported operator.

The operation V0 = V1 + V2 implies that

ÊS ˆ ÊS ˆ Ê B + B2 - B0 ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ Q1 + Á 2 ˜ Q2 + Á 1 ˜
Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯

If an addition replacement function is defined such that the scaling on the operands and
sum are equal and the net bias

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Ê B1 + B2 - B0 ˆ
Á ˜
Ë S0 ¯

is zero (for example, a function s8_add_s8_s8 that adds two signed 8-bit
values and produces a signed 8-bit result), then the operator entry must set the
operator entry parameters SlopesMustBeTheSame and MustHaveZeroNetBias
to true. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the function

The operation V0 = V1 − V2 implies that

ÊS ˆ ÊS ˆ Ê B1 - B2 - B0 ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ Q1 - Á 2 ˜ Q2 + Á ˜
Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯

If a subtraction replacement function is defined such that the scaling on the operands
and difference are equal and the net bias

Ê B1 - B2 - B0 ˆ
Á ˜
Ë S0 ¯

is zero (for example, a function s8_sub_s8_s8 that subtracts two signed 8-bit
values and produces a signed 8-bit result), then the operator entry must set the
operator entry parameters SlopesMustBeTheSame and MustHaveZeroNetBias
to true. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the function

There are different ways to specify multiplication replacements. The most direct way is to
specify an exact match of the input and output types. This is feasible if a model contains
only a few (known) slope and bias combinations. Use the TflCOperationEntry class

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

and specify the exact values of slope and bias on each argument. For scenarios where
there are numerous slope/bias combinations, it is not feasible to specify each value with a
different entry. Use a net slope entry or create a custom entry.

The operation V0 = V1 * V2 implies, for binary-point-only scaling, that

S0Q0 = ( S1Q1 )( S 2Q2 )

Q0 = Á 1 2 ˜ Q1Q2
Ë S0 ¯
Q0 = SnQ1Q2

where Sn is the net slope.

It is common to replace all multiplication operations that have a net slope of 1.0 with
a function that performs C-style multiplication. For example, to replace all signed 8-
bit multiplications that have a net scaling of 1.0 with the s8_mul_s8_u8_ replacement
function, the operator entry must define a net slope factor, F2E. You specify the values
for F and E using operator entry parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
NetFixedExponent. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the
function setTflCOperationEntryParameters.) For the s8_mul_s8_u8 function, set
NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor to 1 and NetFixedExponent to 0.0.

Note: When an operator entry specifies NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and

NetFixedExponent, matching entries must have arguments with zero bias.

There are different ways to specify division replacements. The most direct way is to
specify an exact match of the input and output types. This is feasible if a model contains
only a few (known) slope and bias combinations. For this, use the TflCOperationEntry
class and specify the exact values of slope and bias on each argument. For scenarios
where there are numerous slope/bias combinations, it is not feasible to specify each
value with a different entry. For this, use a net slope entry or create a custom entry (see
“Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”).

The operation V0 = (V1 / V2) implies, for binary-point-only scaling, that

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

S0Q0 = Á 1 1 ˜
Ë S2Q2 ¯
ÊQ ˆ
Q0 = S n Á 1 ˜
Ë Q2 ¯
where Sn is the net slope.

It is common to replace all division operations that have a net slope of 1.0 with
a function that performs C-style division. For example, to replace all signed 8-
bit divisions that have a net scaling of 1.0 with the s8_mul_s8_u8_ replacement
function, the operator entry must define a net slope factor, F2E. You specify the values
for F and E using operator entry parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
NetFixedExponent. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the function
setTflCOperationEntryParameters.) For the s16_netslope0p5_div_s16_s16
function, you would set NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor to 1 and NetFixedExponent to

Note: When an operator entry specifies NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and

NetFixedExponent, matching entries must have arguments with zero bias.

Data Type Conversion (Cast)

The data type conversion operation V0 = V1 implies, for binary-point-only scaling, that

ÊS ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ Q1
Ë S0 ¯
Q0 = S nQ1

where Sn is the net slope.

The shift left or shift right operation V0 = (V1 / 2n) implies, for binary-point-only scaling,

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

S0Q0 = Á 1 n 1 ˜
Ë 2 ¯
Ê S ˆ ÊQ ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ + Á n1 ˜
Ë S0 ¯ Ë 2 ¯
ÊQ ˆ
Q0 = S n Á n1 ˜
Ë2 ¯

where Sn is the net slope.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement

Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement

You can define code replacement entries for operations on fixed-point data types such
that they match a binary-point-only scaling combination on operator inputs and output.
These binary-point-only scaling entries can map the specified binary-point-scaling
combination to a replacement function for addition, subtraction, multiplication, or

This example creates a code replacement entry for multiplication of fixed-point data
types. You specify arguments using binary-point-only scaling. The example defines the
function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_binptscale

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as multiplication, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow,
rounding modes as unspecified, and the name of the replacement function as
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's32_mul_s16_s16_binarypoint', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's32_mul_s16_s16_binarypoint.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's32_mul_s16_s16_binarypoint.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument specifies that the data type is fixed-point, the mode is
binary-point-only scaling, and its derived slope and bias values must exactly match
the call-site slope and bias values. The output argument is 32 bits, signed, with a

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

fraction length of 28. The input arguments are 16 bits, signed, with fraction lengths
of 15 and 13.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 28);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 15);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 13);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output argument is
32 bits and signed (int32). The input arguments are 16 bits and signed (int16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model.

2 For this model:

• Set the Inport 1 Data type to fixdt(1,16,15).

• Set the Inport 2 Data type to fixdt(1,16,13).
• In the Product block:

• Set Output data type to fixdt(1,32,28).

• Select the option Saturate on integer overflow.
3 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
4 Generate code and a code generation report.
5 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• “Review and Test Code Replacements”

• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement

You can define code replacement for operations on fixed-point data types as matching
a slope bias scaling combination on the operator inputs and output. The slope bias
scaling entries can map the specified slope bias combination to a replacement function for
addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

This example creates a code replacement entry for division of fixed-point data types. You
specify arguments using slope bias scaling. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_s16divslopebias

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as division, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow,
rounding modes as round to ceiling, and the name of the replacement function as
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_DIV', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_CEILING'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's16_div_s16_s16_slopebias', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's16_div_s16_s16_slopebias.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's16_div_s16_s16_slopebias.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument specifies that the data type is fixed-point, the mode
is slope bias scaling, and its specified slope and bias values must exactly match the
call-site slope and bias values. The output argument and input arguments are 16
bits, signed, each with specific slope bias specifications.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'Slope', 15, ...
'Bias', 2);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'Slope', 15, ...
'Bias', 2);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'Slope', 13, ...
'Bias', 5);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output and input
arguments are 16 bits and signed (int16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model.

2 For this model:

• Set the Inport 1 Data type to fixdt(1,16,15,2).

• Set the Inport 2 Data type to fixdt(1,16,13,5).
• In the Divide block:

• Set Output data type to Inherit: Inherit via back propagation.

• Set Integer rounding mode to Ceiling.
• Select the option Saturate on integer overflow.
3 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
4 Generate code and a code generation report.
5 Review the code replacements.

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

In this section...
“Multiplication and Division with Saturation” on page 21-205
“Multiplication and Division with Rounding Mode and Additional Implementation
Arguments” on page 21-208

Multiplication and Division with Saturation

You can define code replacement entries for operations on fixed-point data types as
matching net slope between operator inputs and output. The net slope entries can map a
range of slope and bias values to a replacement function for multiplication or division.

This example creates a code replacement entry for division of fixed-point data types,
using wrap on overflow saturation mode and a net slope. The example defines the
function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_netslopesaturate
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function, which provides
access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
wv = [16,32];
for iy = 1:2
for inum = 1:2
for iden = 1:2
hTable = getDivOpEntry(hTable, ...

function hTable = getDivOpEntry(hTable,dty,dtnum,dtden)

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

% Create an entry for division of fixed-point data types where

% arguments are specified using Slope and Bias scaling
% Saturation on, Rounding unspecified

funcStr = sprintf('user_div_%s_%s_%s',...

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;

4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the

setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as division, the saturation mode as wrap on overflow, rounding
modes as unspecified, and the name of the replacement function as user_div_*.
NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent specify the F and E parts of
the net slope F2 .

setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_DIV', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW',...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'},...
'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...
'NetFixedExponent', 0.0, ...
'ImplementationName', funcStr, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', [funcStr,'.h'], ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', [funcStr,'.c']);

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with
one function call. Specify each argument as fixed-point and signed. Also, for each
argument, specify that code replacement request processing does not check for an
exact match to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, ...
'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1',...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT',...
'CheckSlope', false,...
'CheckBias', false,...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling',...
'IsSigned', dty.Signed,...
'WordLength', dty.WordLength,...
'Bias', 0);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'CheckSlope', false,...
'CheckBias', false,...

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling',...

'IsSigned', dtnum.Signed,...
'WordLength', dtnum.WordLength,...
'Bias', 0);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, ...
'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'CheckSlope', false,...
'CheckBias', false,...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling',...
'IsSigned', dtden.Signed,...
'WordLength', dtden.WordLength,...
'Bias', 0);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString function to create the arguments. Implementation
arguments must describe fundamental numeric data types (not fixed-point data
types). The convenience methods setReturn and addArgument specify whether an
argument is a return value or argument. These methods add the argument to the
entry array of implementation arguments.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', typeStrBase(dty));

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', typeStrBase(dtnum));


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2',typeStrBase(dtden));


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
8 Define functions that determine the data type word length.
function str = typeStrFunc(dt)

if dt.Signed
sstr = 's';
sstr = 'u';
str = sprintf('%s%d',sstr,dt.WordLength);

function str = typeStrBase(dt)

if dt.Signed

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

sstr = ;
sstr = 'u';
str = sprintf('%sint%d',sstr,dt.WordLength);

Multiplication and Division with Rounding Mode and Additional

Implementation Arguments
You can define code replacement entries for multiplication and division operations on
fixed-point data types such that they match the net slope between operator inputs and
output. The net slope entries can map a range of slope and bias values to a replacement
function for multiplication or division.

This example creates a code replacement entry for division of fixed-point data types,
using the ceiling rounding mode and a net slope scaling factor. The example defines the
function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_netsloperound
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function, which provides
access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the type
of operation as division, the saturation mode as saturation off, rounding modes as
round to ceiling, and the name of the replacement function as s16_div_s16_s16.
NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent specify the F and E parts of
the relative scaling factor F2 .

setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_DIV', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_CEILING'}, ...

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...

'NetFixedExponent', 0.0, ...
'ImplementationName', 's16_div_s16_s16', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's16_div_s16_s16.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's16_div_s16_s16.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Specify each argument as fixed-point, 16 bits, and signed. Also, for each
argument, specify that code replacement request processing does not check for an
exact match to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output and input
arguments are 16 bits and signed (int16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model.

2 For this model:

• Set the Inport 1 Data type to int16.

• Set the Inport 2 Data type to fixdt(1,16,-5).
• In the Divide block:

• Set Output data type to fixdt(1,16,-13) .

• Set Integer rounding mode to Ceiling.
3 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
4 Generate code and a code generation report.

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

5 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement

You can define code replacement entries for addition or subtraction of fixed-point data
types such that they match relative slope and bias values (equal slope and zero net bias)
across operator inputs and output. These entries allow you to disregard slope and bias
values. Map relative slope and bias values to a replacement function for addition or

This example creates a code replacement entry for addition of fixed-point data types.
Slopes must be equal and net bias must be zero across the operator inputs and output.
The example defines the function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use
the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_slopeseq_netbiaszero

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator function, which provides access to the fixed-
point parameters SlopesMustBeTheSame and MustHaveZeroNetBias.

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify
the type of operation as addition, the saturation mode as saturation
off, rounding modes as unspecified, and the name of the replacement
function as u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias. SlopesMustBeTheSame and
MustHaveZeroNetBias are set to true, indicating that slopes must be equal and
net bias must be zero across the addition inputs and output.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'SlopesMustBeTheSame', true, ...
'MustHaveZeroNetBias', true, ...
'ImplementationName', 'u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias.c');

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument is specified as 16 bits and unsigned. Each argument
specifies that code replacement request processing does not check for an exact match
to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output and input
arguments are 16 bits and unsigned (uint16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

'Name', 'u2', ...

'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example:

1 Create a model.

2 For this model:

• Set the Inport 1 Data type to fixdt(0,16,13).

• Set the Inport 2 Data type to fixdt(0,16,13).
• In the Add block:

• Verify that Output data type is set to its default, Inherit via internal
• Set Integer rounding mode to Zero.
3 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
4 Generate code and a code generation report.
5 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement

• “Review and Test Code Replacements”

• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement

In this section...
“Casts From int32 To int16” on page 21-216
“Casts Using Net Slope” on page 21-217

Casts From int32 To int16

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
data type conversion (cast) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry that replaces int32 to int16
data type conversion (cast) operations. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_cast_int32_to_int16
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as cast, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow, rounding
modes as toward negative infinity, and the name of the replacement function as
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_CAST', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'ImplementationName', 'my_sat_cast', ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create the int16 argument as conceptual argument y1 and the implementation

return value. This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement

addConceptualArg functions to create the conceptual argument and add it

to the entry. Convenience method setReturn specifies the argument as the
implementation return value.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'int16');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

6 Create the int32 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u1.

This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. Convenience
method addArgument specifies the argument as implementation input argument.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'int32');
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hLib, hEnt);

Casts Using Net Slope

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
data type conversion (cast) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry to replace data type conversions (casts)
of fixed-point data types by using a net slope. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_cast_fixpt_net_slope

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function, which provides
access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the

setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as cast, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow, rounding
modes as toward negative infinity, and the name of the replacement function as
my_fxp_cast. NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent specify the
F and E parts of the net slope F2 .

InFL = 2;
InWL = 16;
InSgn = true;
OutFL = 4;
OutWL = 32;
OutSgn = true;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_CAST', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...
'NetFixedExponent', (OutFL - InFL), ...
'ImplementationName', 'my_fxp_cast', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument is specified as fixed-point and signed. Each argument
specifies that code replacement request processing does not check for an exact match
to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”

• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement

In this section...
“Shift Lefts for int16 Data” on page 21-221
“Shift Lefts Using Net Slope” on page 21-222

Shift Lefts for int16 Data

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
shift (<<) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry to replace shift left operations for int16
data. The example defines the function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you
can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_shift_left_int16
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the type of
operation as shift left and the name of the replacement function as my_shift_left.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_SL', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'ImplementationName', 'my_shift_left', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create the int16 argument as conceptual argument y1 and the implementation

return value. This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and
addConceptualArg functions to create the conceptual argument and add it
to the entry. Convenience method setReturn specifies the argument as the
implementation return value.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'int16');

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

6 Create the int16 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u1.

This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. Convenience
method addArgument specifies the argument as an implementation input argument.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'int16');
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

7 Create the int8 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u2. This
example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. This argument
specifies the number of bits to shift the previous input argument. Because the
argument type is not relevant, the example disables type checking by setting the
CheckType property to false. Convenience method addArgument specifies the
argument as implementation input argument.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'int8');
arg.CheckType = false;
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

• The function getTflArgFromString is called to create an int8 input argument.

This argument is added to the operator entry both as the third conceptual argument
and the second implementation input argument.
• Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Shift Lefts Using Net Slope

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
shift (<<) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry to replace shift left operations
for fixed-point data using a net slope. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_shift_left_fixpt_net_slope

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function. This function
provides access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the type
of operation as shift left, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow, rounding
modes as toward negative infinity, and the name of the replacement function as
my_fxp_shift_left. NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent
specify the F and E parts of the net slope F2 .

InFL = 2;
InWL = 16;
InSgn = true;
OutFL = 4;
OutWL = 32;
OutSgn = true;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_SL', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...
'NetFixedExponent', (OutFL - InFL),...
'ImplementationName', 'my_fxp_shift_left', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument is specified as fixed-point and signed. Each argument
specifies that code replacement request processing does not check for an exact match
to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...

21 Code Replacement Customization for Simulink Models

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Create the int8 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u2. This
example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. This argument
specifies the number of bits to shift the previous input argument. Because the
argument type is not relevant, type checking is disabled by setting the CheckType
property to false. Convenience method addArgument specifies the argument as
implementation input argument.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');
arg.CheckType = false;
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement

• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”

• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Data Alignment for Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”


Code Replacement Customization for


• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?” on page 22-3

• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code” on page 22-4
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process” on page 22-14
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations” on page 22-15
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library” on page 22-16
• “Quick Start Library Development” on page 22-17
• “Identify Code Replacement Requirements” on page 22-27
• “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development” on page 22-30
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings” on page 22-31
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code” on page 22-47
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings” on page 22-55
• “Review and Test Code Replacements” on page 22-63
• “Deploy Code Replacement Library” on page 22-72
• “Math Function Code Replacement” on page 22-73
• “Memory Function Code Replacement” on page 22-75
• “Specify In-Place Code Replacement” on page 22-77
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace” on page
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement” on page 22-86
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions” on page 22-88
• “Scalar Operator Code Replacement” on page 22-90
• “Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement” on page 22-92
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement” on page 22-97
22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement” on page

• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement” on page
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input” on page 22-115
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators” on page 22-118
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement” on page 22-124
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement” on page 22-134
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement” on page 22-137
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement” on page 22-140
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement” on page 22-147
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement” on page 22-150
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement” on page 22-154

What Is Code Replacement Customization?

What Is Code Replacement Customization?

Customize how and when the code generator replaces C/C++ code that it generates by
default for functions and operators by developing a custom code replacement library. You
can develop libraries interactively with the Code Replacement Tool or programmatically.

• Develop libraries tailored to specific application requirements

• Add identifiers to the list of reserved keywords the code generator considers during
code replacement
• Customize the code generator’s matching and replacement process for functions

To get started, “Quick Start Library Development”.

Related Examples
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

In this section...
“About Code You Can Replace” on page 22-4
“Math Functions” on page 22-4
“Memory Functions” on page 22-9
“Operators” on page 22-9

About Code You Can Replace

Code that the code generator replaces depends on the code replacement library (CRL)
that you use. By default, the code generator does not apply a code replacement library.
Your choice of libraries is dependent on product licensing and whether you have access to
custom libraries.

Math Functions
When generating C/C++ code from MATLAB code, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following math functions with application-specific

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
abs1 Floating point Scalar Real
acos Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
acosd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acot Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acotd Floating point Scalar Real

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
Vector Complex
acoth Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsc Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acscd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsch Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asec Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asecd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asech Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asin Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
asind Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
atan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
atan2 Floating point Scalar Real
atan2d Floating point Scalar Real
atand Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cos Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
ceil • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
cosd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cosh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
cot Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cotd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
coth Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csc Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cscd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csch Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
exp Floating point Scalar Real
fix Floating point Scalar Real
floor • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
hypot Floating point Scalar Real
ldexp Floating point Scalar Real
log Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log10 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
max Integer Scalar Real
Floating point

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
min Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
pow Floating point Scalar Real
rem Floating point Scalar Real
round Floating point Scalar Real
sec Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
secd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sech Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sign Floating point Scalar Real
sin Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
sind Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sinh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
sqrt Floating point Scalar Real
tan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
tand Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
tanh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
Wrap on integer overflow only

Memory Functions
Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,
you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following memory
functions with application-specific implementations.
Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
memcmp Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memcpy Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset2zero Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Some target processors provide optimized functions to set memory to zero. Use the code
replacement library programming interface to replace the memset2zero function with
more efficient target-specific functions.


22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

When generating C/C++ code from MATLAB code, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following operators with application-specific

Mixed data type support indicates you can specify different data types of different inputs.

Operator Key Data Type Scalar, Vector, Real,

Support Matrix Support Complex
Addition (+) RTW_OP_ADD Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Subtraction (-) RTW_OP_MINUS Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Multiplication RTW_OP_MUL Integer Scalar Real
(*)1 Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Division (/) RTW_OP_DIV Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Complex
Data type RTW_OP_CAST Integer Scalar Real
conversion (cast) Floating Vector Complex
point2 Matrix
Shift left (<<) RTW_OP_SL Integer Scalar Real
Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Shift right RTW_OP_SRA Integer Scalar Real
arithmetic (>>)3 Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Operator Key Data Type Scalar, Vector, Real,

Support Matrix Support Complex
Shift right logical RTW_OP_SRL Integer Scalar Real
(>>) Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Element- RTW_OP_ELEM_MUL Integer Vector Real
wise matrix Floating point Matrix Complex
multiplication Fixed-point
(.*)4 Mixed
Complex RTW_OP_CONJUGATE Integer Scalar Real
conjugation Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Transposition RTW_OP_TRANS Integer Vector Real
(.') Floating point Matrix Complex
Hermitian RTW_OP_HERMITIAN Integer Vector Real
(complex Floating point Matrix Complex
conjugate) Fixed-point
transposition (') Mixed
Multiplication RTW_OP_TRMUL Integer Vector Real
with Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point
Multiplication RTW_OP_HMMUL Integer Vector Real
with Hermitian Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point
Greater than (>) RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
THAN Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Operator Key Data Type Scalar, Vector, Real,

Support Matrix Support Complex
Greater than or RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
equal(>=) THAN_OR_EQUAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than (<) RTW_OP_LESS_THAN Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than or RTW_OP_LESS_THAN_ Integer Scalar Real
equal (<=) OR_EUQAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Equal (==) RTW_OP_EUQAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Not equal (!=) RTW_OP_NOT_EUQAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Can map to Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS) multiplication functions.
Scaled floating point is not supported.
Code replacement libraries that provide arithmetic shift right implementations should
also provide logical shift right implementations, because some arithmetic shift rights
are converted to logical shift rights during code generation.
Use the multiplication (*) operator (RTW_OP_MUL) for scalar multiplication.

Related Examples
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process

When the code generator encounters a call site for a function or operator, it:

1 Creates and partially populates a code replacement entry object with the function or
operator name or key and conceptual arguments.
2 Uses the entry object to query the configured code replacement library for a
conceptual representation match. The code generator searches the tables in a code
replacement library for a match in the order that the tables appear in the library.
When searching for a match, the code generator takes into account:

• Conceptual name or key

• Arguments, including quantity, type, type qualifiers, and complexity
• Algorithm (computation method)
• Fixed-point saturation and rounding modes
• Priority
3 When a match exists, the code generator returns a code replacement object, fully
populated with the conceptual representation, implementation representation,
and priority. If the code generator finds multiple matches within a table, the entry
priority determines the match. The priority can range from 0 to 100. The highest
priority is 0. The code generator uses a higher-priority entry over a similar entry
with a lower priority.
4 Uses the C or C++ replacement function prototype in the code replacement object to
generate code.

Related Examples
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”

More About
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Code Replacement Customization Limitations

Code Replacement Customization Limitations

• Code replacement verification — It is possible that code replacement behaves
differently than you expect. For example, data types that you observe in code
generator input might not match what the code generator uses as intermediate data
types during an operation. Verify code replacements by examining generated code.
See “Review and Test Code Replacements”.
• Tokens in file paths—You can include tokens in file paths when specifying build
information for a code replacement entry by using the programming interface only.
The ability to include tokens is not available from the Code Replacement Tool. See
“Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”.
• Addition and subtraction operation replacements—See “Addition and Subtraction
Operator Code Replacement”for relevant limitations.
• coder.replace function — See coder.replace for relevant limitations.

Related Examples
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Develop a Code Replacement Library

1 “Identify Code Replacement Requirements”
2 “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development”
3 “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
4 “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
5 “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
6 “Review and Test Code Replacements”
7 “Deploy Code Replacement Library”

Related Examples
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Quick Start Library Development

Quick Start Library Development

This example shows how to develop a code replacement library that includes an entry for
generating replacement code for the math function sin. You use the Code Replacement


To complete this example, install the following software:

• MATLAB Coder
• Embedded Coder
• C compiler

For instructions on installing MathWorks products, see the “Installation Guide”. If you
have installed MATLAB and want to see what other MathWorks products are installed,
in the Command Window, enter ver.

For a list of supported compilers, see http://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers/


Open the Code Replacement Tool

1 Start a new MATLAB session.

2 Create or navigate (cd) to an empty folder.
3 At the command prompt, enter the crtool command. The Code Replacement Tool
window opens.

Create Code Replacement Table

1 In the Code Replacement Tool window, select File > New table.
2 In the right pane, name the table crl_table_sinfcn and click Apply. Later, when
you save the table, the tool saves it with the file name crl_table_sinfcn.m.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Create Table Entry

Create a table entry that maps a sin function with double input and double output to
a custom implementation function.

1 In the left pane, select table crl_table_sinfcn. Then, select File > New entry >
Function. The new entry appears in the middle pane, initially without a name.
2 In the middle pane, select the new entry.
3 In the right pane, on the Mapping Information tab, from the Function menu,
select sin.
4 Leave Algorithm set to Unspecified, and leave parameters in the Conceptual
function group set to default values.
5 In the Replacement function group, name the replacement function sin_dbl.
6 Leave the remaining parameters in the Replacement function group set to default

Quick Start Library Development

7 Click Apply. The tool updates the Function signature preview to reflect the
specified replacement function name.
8 Scroll to the bottom of the Mapping Information tab and click Validate entry.
The tool validates your entry.

The following figure shows the completed mapping information.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Quick Start Library Development

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

1 On the Build Information tab, for the Implementation header file parameter,
enter sin_dbl.h.
2 Leave the remaining parameters set to default values.
3 Click Apply.

4 Optionally, you can revalidate the entry. Return to the Mapping Information tab
and click Validate entry.

Create Another Table Entry

Create an entry that maps a sin function with single input and double output to
a custom implementation function named sin_sgl. Create the entry by copying and
pasting the sin_dbl entry.

1 In the middle pane, select the sin_dbl entry.

2 Select Edit > Copy
3 Select Edit > Paste
4 On the Mapping Information tab, in the Conceptual function section, set the
data type of input argument u1 to single.
5 In the Replacement function section, name the function sin_sgl. Set the data
type of input argument u1 to single.
6 Click Apply. Note the changes that appear for the Function signature preview.
7 On the Build Information tab, for the Implementation header file parameter,
enter sin_sgl.h. Leave the remaining parameters set to default values and click

Validate the Code Replacement Table

1 Select Actions > Validate table.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

2 If the tool reports errors, fix them, and rerun the validation. Repeat fixing and
validating errors until the tool does not report errors. The following figure shows a
validation report.

Save the Code Replacement Table

Save the code replacement table to a MATLAB file in your working folder. Select File >
Save table. By default, the tool uses the table name to name the file. For this example,
the tool saves the table in the file crl_table_sinfcn.m.

Review the Code Replacement Table Definition

Consider reviewing the MATLAB code for your code replacement table definition. After
using the tool to create an initial version of a table definition file, you can update,
enhance, or copy the file in a text editor.

To review it, in MATLAB or another text editor, open the file crl_table_sinfcn.m.

Generate a Registration File

Before you can use your code replacement table, you must register it as part of a code
replacement library. Use the Code Replacement Tool to generate a registration file.

1 In the Code Replacement Tool, select File > Generate registration file.
2 In the Generate registration file dialog box, edit the dialog box fields to match the
following figure, and then click OK.

Quick Start Library Development

3 In the Select location dialog box, specify a location for the registration file. The
location must be on the MATLAB path or in the current working folder. Save the file.
The tool saves the file as rtwTargetInfo.m.

Register the Code Replacement Table

At the command prompt, enter:


Review and Test Code Replacements

Apply your code replacement library. Verify that the code generator makes code
replacements that you expect.

1 Check for errors. At the command line, invoke the table definition file . For example:

tbl = crl_table_sinfcn

tbl =

TflTable with properties:

Version: '1.0'
ReservedSymbols: []
StringResolutionMap: []
AllEntries: [2x1 RTW.TflCFunctionEntry]
EnableTrace: 1

If an error exists in the definition file, the invocation triggers a message to appear.
Fix the error and try again.
2 Use the Code Replacement Viewer to check your code replacement entries. For

RTW.viewTfl('Sin Function Example')

In the viewer, select entries in your table and verify that the content is what you
expect. The viewer can help you detect issues such as:

• Incorrect argument order.

• Conceptual argument names that do not match what is expected by the code

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• Incorrect priority settings.

3 Identify existing or create new MATLAB code that calls the sin function. For

function y = my_sin_fnc(x)
y = sin(x);
4 Create a project and name it my_sin_func.prj.
5 Add the function that includes a call to the sin function as an entry-point file and
define the input types. For example, add my_sin_func.m.
6 Configure the code generator to use the code replacement library that you created. In
the Project Settings dialog box, on the Hardware tab, set the Code replacement
library parameter to Sin Function Example.
7 Configure the code generation report for code replacement analysis. On the
Debugging tab, select:

• Always create a code generation report

• Code replacements
• Automatically launch a report if one is generated
8 On the Build tab, select Generate code only. Before you build an executable,
confirm that the code generator is replacing code as expected.
9 Click Build to generate C code.
10 Review code replacement results in the Code Replacements Report section of the
code generation report.

Quick Start Library Development

The report indicates that the code generator found a match and applied the
replacement code for the function sin_dbl.
11 Review the code replacements. In the report, under Function replacements,
click the MATLAB function that triggered the replacement, my_sin_func.m.
The MATLAB Editor opens and highlights the function call that triggers the code

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Related Examples
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Identify Code Replacement Requirements

Identify Code Replacement Requirements

In this section...
“Mapping Information Requirements” on page 22-37
“Build Information Requirements” on page 22-38
“Registration Information Requirements” on page 22-38

Mapping Information Requirements

• Are you defining a code replacement mapping for the first time?
• Are you updating code replacement entries in an existing library? Or, are you creating
a new library?
• Are you rapid prototyping code replacements?
• Can you base your mappings on existing mappings?
• What type of code do you want to replace? Options include:

• Math operation
• Function
• BLAS operation
• CBLAS operation
• Net slope fixed-point operation
• Semaphore or mutex functions
• Do you want to change the inline or nonfinite behavior for functions?
• What specific functions and operations do you want to replace?
• What input and output arguments does the function or operator that you are
replacing take? For each argument, what is the data type, complexity, and
• What does the prototype for your replacement code look like?

• What is the replacement function name?

• What are the input and output arguments?
• Are there return values?

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• What is the data type, complexity, and dimensionality of each argument and
return value?

Build Information Requirements

• Does your replacement function implementation require a header file? If yes, specify
the header file.
• If the replacement function implementation requires a header file, what is the path
for that file?
• Is the source file for the replacement function in your working folder? If not, you
can explicitly specify the source file name and extension. For example, if the file is
required in the generated makefile or specified in a build information object, specify
the source file.
• Does the replacement function use additional include files? If yes, what are they and
what are the paths for those files?
• Does the replacement function use additional source files? If yes, what are they and
what are the paths for those files?
• What compiler flags are required for compiling code that includes the replacement
• What linker flags are required for building an executable that includes the
replacement code?
• Are the required header, source, and object files for building an executable that
includes your replacement code in the working folder for your project? If not, before
starting the build process, do you want the code generator to copy required files to the
build folder?

Registration Information Requirements

• What do you want to name your code replacement library?
• What code replacement tables do you want to include in the library? What are the file
names and paths for the tables?
• What is the purpose of the library? You can document the purpose as the library
• Does the library apply to specific hardware devices? If yes, what devices?
• Are you developing a hierarchy of code replacement libraries? Is the library that you
are developing based (dependent) on another library? For example, you can specify a

Identify Code Replacement Requirements

general TI device library as the base library for a more specific TI C28x device
• Do you need to specify data alignment for the library? What data alignments are
required? For each specification, what type of alignment is required and for what
programming language?

Related Examples
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development

After you identify your code replacement requirements, prepare for library development
by reviewing this checklist:

• Get familiar with the library development process.

• Decide whether to define code replacement mappings and produce a registration file
interactively with the Code Replacement Tool or programmatically.
• Identify or develop MATLAB code and Simulink models to test your code replacement
• Consider the hierarchy and organization of your library. A library can consist
of multiple tables and each table can include multiple entries. How do you want
to organize the library to optimize reuse of tables and entries? For example, a
registration file can define code replacement tables organized in a hierarchy of code
replacement libraries based on entries that increase in specificity:

• Common entries
• Entries for TI devices
• Entries for TI C6xx devices
• Entries specific to the TI C67x device
• If support files, such as header files, additional source files, and dynamically linked
libraries are not in your current working folder, note their location. You need to
specify the paths for such files.

Related Examples
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Define Code Replacement Mappings

Define Code Replacement Mappings

In this section...
“Defining Code Replacement Mappings” on page 22-42
“Define Mappings Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool” on page 22-43
“Define Mappings Programmatically” on page 22-46

Defining Code Replacement Mappings

A code replacement mapping associates a conceptual representation of a function
or operator that is familiar to the code generator with a custom implementation
representation that specifies a C or C++ replacement function prototype. You capture a
mapping as an entry in a code replacement table:

• Interactively, by using the Code Replacement Tool.

• Programmatically, by using a MATLAB programming interface.

The following table lists situations to help you decide when to use each approach.

Situation Approach
Defining mappings for the first Code Replacement Tool.
Rapid prototyping mappings. Code Replacement Tool to quickly generate, register,
and test mappings.
Developing a mapping as a Code Replacement Tool to generate definition code
template or starting point for that you can copy and modify.
defining similar mappings.
Modifying a registration file, MATLAB Editor to update the programming interface
including copying and pasting directly.
Defining mappings that specify Programming interface.
attributes not available from
the Code Replacement Tool
(for example, sets of algorithm

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Define Mappings Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool

This example shows how to use the Code Replacement Tool to develop code replacement
mappings. The tool is ideal for getting started with developing mappings, rapid
prototyping, and developing a mapping to use as a starting point for defining similar

Open the Code Replacement Tool

Do one of the following:

• In the Command Window, enter the command crtool.

• In the Simulink Editor, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and navigate to
the Code Generation > Interface > pane. To the right of the Code replacement
libraryparameter, click the Custom.

The Custom button is available only for ERT-based targets. Although an Embedded
Coder license is not required to create a custom code replacement library, you must
have an Embedded Coder license to use a such a library.

By default, the tool displays, left to right, a root pane, a list pane, and a dialog pane. You
can manipulate the display:

• Drag boundaries to widen, narrow, shorten, or lengthen panes, and to resize table
• Select View > Show dialog pane to hide or display the rightmost pane.
• Click a table column heading to sort the table based on contents of the selected
• Right-click a table column heading and select Hide to remove the column from the
display. (You cannot hide the Name column.)

Create a Code Replacement Table

1 In the Code Replacement Tool window, select File > New table.

Define Code Replacement Mappings

2 In the right pane, name the table and click Apply. Later, when you save the table,
the tool uses the table name that you specify to name the file. For example, if you
enter the name my_sinfcn, the tool names the file my_sinfcn.m.

Create Table Entries

Create one or more table entries. Each entry maps the conceptual representation of a
function or operator to your implementation representation. The information that you
enter depends on the type of entry you create. You must enter the following information:

1 In the left pane, select the table to which you want to add the entry.
2 Select File > New entry > entry-type, where entry-type is one of:

• Math Operation
• Function
• BLAS Operation
• CBLAS Operation
• Net Slope Fixed Point Operation
• Semaphore entry
• Customization entry

The new entry appears in the middle pane, initially without a name.
3 In the middle pane, select the new entry.
4 In the right pane, on the Mapping Information tab, from the Function or
Operation menu, select the function or operation that you want the code generator
to replace. Regardless of the entry type, you must make a selection from this menu.
Your selection determines what other information you specify.

With the exception of customization entries, you also specify information for your
replacement function prototype. You can also specify implementation attributes,
such as the rounding modes to apply.
5 If prompted, specify additional entry information that you want the code generator
to use when searching for a match. For example, when you select an addition or
subtraction operation, the tool prompts you to specify an algorithm (Cast before
operation or Cast after operation).
6 Review the conceptual argument information that the tool populates for the function
or operation. Conceptual input and output arguments represent arguments for

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

the function or operator being replaced. Conceptual arguments observe naming

conventions ('y1', 'u1', 'u2', ...) and data types familiar to the code generator.

If you do not want the data types for your implementation to be the same as the
conceptual argument types, clear the Make the conceptual and implementation
argument types the same check box. For example, most ANSI-C functions
operate on and return double data. Clear the check box if want to map a conceptual
representation of the function, such as sin, which specifies an argument and
return value of type single (single sin(single)), to an implementation
representation that specifies an argument and return value of type double (double
sin(double). In this case, the code generator produces the following code:

y = (single) sin(u1);

If you select Custom for a function entry, specify only conceptual argument
7 Specify the name and argument information for your replacement function. As you
enter the information and click Apply, the tool updates the Function signature
8 Specify additional implementation attributes that apply. For example, depending on
the type and name of the entry that you specify, the tool prompts you to specify:

• Integer saturation mode

• Rounding modes
• Whether to allow inputs that include expressions
• Whether a function modifies internal or global state
9 Click Apply.

Validate Tables and Entries

The Code Replacement Tool provides a way to validate the syntax of code replacement
tables and table entries as you define them. If the tool finds validation errors, you can
address them and retry the validation. Repeat the process until the tool does not report

To... Do...
Validate table entries Select an entry, scroll to the bottom of the Mapping
Information tab, and click Validate entry.

Define Code Replacement Mappings

To... Do...
Alternatively, select one or more entries, right-click,
and select Validate entries.
Validate a table Select the table. Then, select Actions > Validate

Save a Table

When you save a table, the tool validates unvalidated content.

1 Select File > Save table.

2 In the Browse For Folder dialog box, specify a location and name for the file.
Typically, you select a location on the MATLAB path. By default, the tool names the
file using the name that you specify for the table with the extension .m.
3 Click Save.

Open and Modify Tables

After you save a code replacement table, to make changes:

1 Select File > Open table.

2 In the Import file dialog box, browse to the MATLAB file that contains the table.

Repeat the sequence to open and work on multiple tables.

If you open multiple tables, you can manage the tables together. For example, use the
tool to:

• Create new table entries.

• Delete entries.
• Copy and paste or cut and paste information between tables.

Define Mappings Programmatically

This example shows how to define a code replacement mapping programmatically. The
programming interface for defining code replacement table mappings is ideal for

• Modifying tables created with the Code Replacement Tool.

• Defining mappings for specialized entries that you cannot create with the Code
Replacement Tool.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• Replicating and modifying similar entries and tables.

Create a Code Replacement Table

1 Create a table definition file that contains a function definition. For example:
function hTable = crl_table_sinfcn()

2 Within the function body, create the table by calling the function RTW.TflTable.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;

Create a Table Entry

For each function or operator that you want the code generator to replace, map
a conceptual representation of the function or operator to an implementation
representation as a table entry.

1 Within the body of a table definition file, create a code replacement entry object. Call
one of the following functions:

Entry Type Function

Math operation RTW.TflCOperationEntry
Function RTW.TflCFunctionEntry
BLAS operation RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator
CBLAS operation RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator
Fixed-point addition RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator
and subtraction
operations (support for
SlopesMustBeTheSame and
ZeroNetBias parameters)
Net slope fixed-point RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope
Semaphore or mutex entry RTW.TflCSemaphoreEntry
Custom function entry MyCustomFunctionEntry (where
MyCustomFunctionEntry is a class derived from
Custom operation entry MyCustomOperationEntry (where
MyCustomOperationEntry is a class derived from

Define Code Replacement Mappings

For example:

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

You can combine steps of creating the entry, setting entry parameters, creating
conceptual and implementation arguments, and adding the entry to a table with a
single function call to registerCFunctionEntry, registerCPPFunctionEntry, or
registerCPromotableMacroEntry if you are creating an entry for a function and the
function implementation meets the following criteria:

• Implementation argument names and order match the names and order of
corresponding conceptual arguments.
• Input arguments are of the same type.
• The return and input argument names follow the code generator’s default naming

• Return argument is y1.

• Input arguments are u1, u2, ..., un.

For example:

registerCFunctionEntry(hTable, 100, 1, 'sin', 'double', ...

'sin_dbl', 'double', 'sin_dbl.h','','');

Set Entry Parameters

Set entry parameters, such as the priority, algorithm information, and implementation
(replacement) function name. Call the function listed in the following table for the entry
type that you created.

Entry Type Function

Math operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
Function setTflCFunctionEntryParameters
BLAS operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
CBLAS operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
Fixed-point addition and subtraction setTflCOperationEntryParameters
operations where there is a many-
to-one mapping, such as a mapping

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Entry Type Function

for a range of fixed-point types to the
same replacement function (support
for SlopesMustBeTheSame and
ZeroNetBias parameters)
Net slope fixed-point operation setTflCOperationEntryParameters
Semaphore or mutex entry setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters
Custom function entry setTflCFunctionEntryParameters
Custom operation entry setTflCOperationEntryParameters

To see a list of the parameters that you can set, at the command line, create a new entry
and omit the semicolon at the end of the command. For example:

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry

hEnt =

TflCFunctionEntry with properties:

Implementation: [1x1 RTW.CImplementation]

SlopesMustBeTheSame: 0
BiasMustBeTheSame: 0
AlgorithmParams: []
AdditionalHeaderFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourceFiles: {0x1 cell}
OtherFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalIncludePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourcePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjs: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjsPaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkFlags: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalCompileFlags: {0x1 cell}
SearchPaths: {0x1 cell}
Key: ''
Priority: 100
ConceptualArgs: [0x1 handle]
EntryInfo: []
GenCallback: ''
GenFileName: ''

Define Code Replacement Mappings

AcceptExprInput: 1
SideEffects: 0
UsageCount: 0
RecordedUsageCount: 0
Description: ''
StoreFcnReturnInLocalVar: 0
TraceManager: [1x1 RTW.TflTraceManager]

To see the implementation parameters, enter:


ans =

CImplementation with properties:

HeaderFile: ''
SourceFile: ''
HeaderPath: ''
SourcePath: ''
Return: []
StructFieldMap: []
Name: ''
Arguments: [0x1 handle]
ArgumentDescriptor: []

For example, to set entry parameters for the sin function and name your replacement
function sin_dbl, use the following function call:
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl');

Create Conceptual Arguments

Create conceptual arguments and add them to the entry’s array of conceptual arguments.

• Specify output arguments before input arguments.

• Specify argument names that comply with code generator argument naming

• y1 for a return argument

• u1, u2, ..., un for input arguments

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• Specify data types that are familiar to the code generator.

• The function signature, including argument naming, order, and attributes, must
fulfill the signature match sought by function or operator callers.
• The code generator determines the size of the value for an argument with an unsized
type, such as integer, based on hardware implementation configuration settings.

For each argument:

1 Identify whether the argument is for input or output, the name, and data type. If you
do not know what arguments to specify for a supported function or operation, use the
Code Replacement Tool to find them. For example, to find the conceptual arguments
for the sin function, open the tool, create a table, create a function entry, and in the
Function menu select sin.
2 Create and add the conceptual argument to an entry. You can choose a method from
the methods listed in this table.

If Then
You want simpler code or Call the function createAndAddConceptualArg. For
want to explicitly specify example:
whether the argument
is scalar or nonscalar createAndAddConceptualArg(hEnt, ...
(vector or matrix).
'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1',...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT',...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

The second argument specifies whether the argument is

scalar (RTW.TflArgNumeric orRTW.TflArgMatrix) .
You want to create an Call getTflArgFromString to create the argument.
argument based on Then, call addConceptualArg to add the argument to
a built-in argument the entry.
definition (for example,
scalar or nonscalar). arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

The following code shows the conceptual output and input argument definitions for the
sin function:
% Conceptual Args

Define Code Replacement Mappings

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','double');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','double');

addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

Create Implementation Arguments

Create implementation arguments for the C or C++ replacement function and add them
to the entry.

• When replacing code, the code generator uses the argument names to determine how
it passes data to the implementation function.
• For function replacements, the order of implementation argument names must match
the order of the conceptual argument names.
• For operator replacements, the order of implementation argument names do not
have to match the order of the conceptual argument names. For example, for an
operator replacement for addition, y1=u1+u2, the conceptual arguments are y1, u1,
and u2, in that order. If the signature of your implementation function is t myAdd(t
u2, t u1), where t is a valid C type, based on the argument name matches, the
code generator passes the value of the first conceptual argument, u1, to the second
implementation argument of myAdd. The code generator passes the value of the
second conceptual argument, u2, to the first implementation argument of myAdd.
• For operator replacements, you can remap operator output arguments to
implementation function input arguments.

For each argument:

1 Identify whether the argument is for input or output, the name, and the data type.
2 Create and add the implementation argument to an entry. You can choose a method
from the methods listed in this table.

If Then
You want to populate Call the function
implementation copyConceptualArgsToImplementation. For example:
arguments as copies
of previously created copyConceptualArgsToImplementation(hEnt);
matching conceptual

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

If Then
You want to create and Call functions createAndSetCImplementationReturn
add implementation andcreateAndAddImplementationArg . For example:
arguments individually,
or vary argument createAndSetCImplementationReturn(hEnt,
attributes, while 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
maintaining conceptual 'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
argument order 'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'IsSigned', true,...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0 );

Define Code Replacement Mappings

If Then
You want to minimize Create the argument with a call to the function
the amount of code, getTflArgFromString. Then, use the convenience
or specify constant method setReturn or addArgument to specify whether
arguments to pass to an argument is a return value or argument and to add
the implementation the argument to the entry’s array of implementation
function arguments. For example:
arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','double');


The following call to getTflArgFromString passes the

constant 0 to argument u2:

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u2', 'int16', 0)


For semaphore and mutex entries, use the functions

getTflDWorkFromString and addDWorkArg to
create and add a DWork argument to the entry. Then
create implementation arguments as shown above with
getTflArgFromString and the convenience methods
setReturn and addArgument. For example:

arg = getTflDWorkFromString('d1', 'void*')


arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1', 'integer');


arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('d1', 'void**');


22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

The following code shows the implementation output and input argument definitions
for the sin function:

% Implementation Args

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = hEnt.getTflArgFromString('u1','double');

Add an Entry to a Table

Add an entry to a code replacement table by calling the function addEntry.

addEntry(hTable, hEnt);

Validate an Entry

After you create or modify a code replacement table entry, validate it by invoking it at
the MATLAB command line. For example:

hTbl = crl_table_sinfcn

hTbl =

Version: '1.0'
AllEntries: [2x1 RTW.TflCFunctionEntry]
ReservedSymbols: []
StringResolutionMap: []

If the table includes errors, MATLAB reports them. The following examples shows how
MATLAB reports a typo in a data type name:
hTbl = crl_table_sinfcn

??? RTW_CORE:tfl:TflTable: Unsupported data type, 'dooble'.

Error in ==> crl_table_sinfcn at 7

hTable.registerCFunctionEntry(100, 1, 'sin', 'dooble', 'sin_dbl', ...

Define Code Replacement Mappings

Save a Table

Save the table definition file. Use the name of the table definition function to name the
file, for example, crl_table_sinfcn.m.

Related Examples
• “Identify Code Replacement Requirements”
• “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Math Function Code Replacement”
• “Memory Function Code Replacement”
• “Specify In-Place Code Replacement”
• “Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace”
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Scalar Operator Code Replacement”
• “Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement”
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

In this section...
“Specifying Build Information” on page 22-58
“Specify Build Information Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool” on page 22-59
“Specify Build Information Programmatically” on page 22-61

Specifying Build Information

A code replacement table entry can specify build information for the code generator to
use when replacing code for a match. The build information can include:

• Paths and file names for header files

• Paths and file names for source files
• Paths and file names for object files
• Compile flags
• Link flags

Add build information to an entry:

• Interactively, by using the Code Replacement Tool.

• Programmatically, by using a MATLAB programming interface.

The following table lists situations to help you decide when to use each approach.

Situation Approach
Creating code replacement Code Replacement Tool.
entries for the first time.
You used the Code Replacement Code Replacement Tool to quickly specify the build
Tool to create the entries for information.
which the build information
Rapid prototyping entries. Code Replacement Tool to quickly generate, register,
and test entries.
Developing an entry to use as Code Replacement Tool to generate entry code that
a template or starting point for you can copy and modify.
defining similar entries.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Situation Approach
Modifying existing mappings. MATLAB Editor to update the programming interface

As you specify build information, consider the following information:

• If you use the programming interface, paths that you specify can include tokens.
A token is a variable defined as a string or cell array of strings in the MATLAB
workspace that you enclose with dollar signs ($variable$). The code generator
evaluates and replaces a token with the defined value. For example, consider the
path $myfolder$\folder1, where myfolder is a string variable defined in the
MATLAB workspace as 'd:\work\source\module1'. The code generator generates
the custom path as d:\work\source\module1\folder1.
• If an entry uses header, source, or object files that reside in a folder other than the
build folder, you must copy the files to the build folder before the code generator can
build the code. The Code Replacement Tool and programming information provide a
way to specify this copy operation.

Specify Build Information Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool

The Code Replacement Tool provides a quick, easy way for you to specify build
information for code replacement table entries. It is ideal for getting started with
defining a table entry, rapid prototyping, and developing table entries to use as a starting
point for defining similar mappings.

1 Determine the information that you must specify.

2 Open the Code Replacement Tool.
3 Select the code replacement table entry for which you want to specify the build
information. In the left pane, select the table that contains the entry. In the middle
pane, select the entry that you want to modify.
4 In the right pane, select the Build Information tab.
5 On the Build Information tab, specify your build information.

Field Specify
Implementation header file File name and extension for the header file
the code generator needs to generate the
replacement code. For example, sin_dbl.h.

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

Field Specify
Implementation source file File name and extension for the C or C++ source
file the code generator needs to generate the
replacement code. For example, sin_dbl.c.
Additional header files/include Paths and file names for additional header
paths files the code generator needs to generate
the replacement code. For example, C:\libs
\headerFiles and C:\libs\headerFiles
Additional source files/ paths Paths and file names for additional source
files the code generator needs to generate
the replacement code. For example, C:
\libs\srcFiles and C:\libs\srcFiles
Additional object files/ paths Paths and file names for additional object files
the linker needs to build the replacement code.
For example, C:\libs\objFiles and C:
Additional link flags Flags the linker needs to generate an executable
file for the replacement code.
Additional compile flags Flags the compiler needs to generate object code
for the replacement code.
Copy files to build directory Whether the code generator needs to copy
header, source, or object files from an external
location to the build folder before building the
replacement code.
6 Click Apply.
7 Select the Mapping Information tab. Scroll to the bottom of that table and click
Validate entry. The tool validates the changes that you made to the entry.
8 Save the table that includes the entry that you just modified.

Specify Build Information Programmatically

The programming interface for specifying build information for a code replacement entry
is ideal for:

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• Modifying entries created with the Code Replacement Tool.

• Replicating and then modifying similar entries and tables.

The basic workflow for specifying build information programmatically is:

1 Identify or create the code replacement entry that you want to specify the build
2 Determine what information to specify.
3 Specify your build information.

Specify Action
Implementation Use one of the following:
header file
• Set properties ImplementationHeaderFile
and ImplementationHeaderPath in a call
to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, or
setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters. For example:

setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'sin_dbl.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', 'D:/lib/headerFiles'
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl');
• Set argument headerFile in a call to
registerCFunctionEntry, registerCPPFunctionEntry, or
Implementation Set properties ImplementationSourceFile
source file and ImplementationSourcePath in a call
to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, or
setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters. For example:

setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'sin_dbl.c', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', 'D:/lib/sourceFiles'
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl');

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

Specify Action
Additional header For each file, specify the file name and path in calls to the functions
files/include paths addAdditionalHeaderFile and addAdditionalIncludePath. For
libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

addAdditionalHeaderFile(hEnt, 'common.h');
addAdditionalIncludePath(hEnt, fullfile(libdir, 'include'));
Additional source For each file, specify the file name and path in calls to the functions
files/paths addAdditionalSourceFile and addAdditionalSourcePath. For
libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

addAdditionalSourceFile(hEnt, 'common.c');
addAdditionalSourcePath(hEnt, fullfile(libdir, 'src'));
Additional object For each file, specify the file name and path in calls to the functions
files/paths addAdditionalLinkObj and addAdditionalLinkObjPath. For
libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

addAdditionalLinkObj(hEnt, 'sin.o');
addAdditionalLinkObjPath(hEnt, fullfile(libdir, 'bin'));
Compile flags Set the entry property AdditionalCompileFlags to a cell array of strings
representing the required compile flags. For example:
hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

hEnt.AdditionalCompileFlags = {'-Zi -Wall', '-03'};

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Specify Action
Link flags Set the entry property AdditionalLinkFlags to a cell array of strings
representing the required link flags. For example:
hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;

hEnt.AdditionalCompileFlags = {'-MD -Gy', '-T'};

Copy of header, Use one of the following:
source, and link
object files that are • Set property GenCallback to 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir'
specified in an entry in a call to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
to the build folder setTflCOperationEntryParameters, or
setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters. For example:

setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'sin_dbl.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', 'D:/lib/headerFiles'
'Key', 'sin', ...
'ImplementationName', 'sin_dbl'
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');
• Set argument genCallback in a call to
registerCFunctionEntry, registerCPPFunctionEntry,
or registerCPromotableMacroEntry to

After generating the C or C++ code, the code generator calls the function
RTW.copyFileToBuildDir. The specified files are then available for the
remaining steps of the build process.
4 Save the table that includes the entry that you added or modified.

The following example defines a table entry for an optimized multiplication function
that takes signed 32-bit integers and returns a signed 32-bit integer, taking saturation
into account. Multiplications in the generated code are replaced with calls to the
optimized function. The optimized function does not reside in the build folder. For the
code generator to access the files, they must be copied into the build folder to be compiled
and linked into the application.

The table entry specifies the source and header file names and paths. To request the
copy operation, the table entry sets the genCallback to 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir'
in the call to the setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. In this example,

Specify Build Information for Replacement Code

the header file s32_mul.h contains an inlined function that invokes assembly
functions contained in s32_mul.s. If a match occurs for the table entry, the function
RTW.copyFileToBuildDir copies the specified source and header files to the build
function hTable = make_my_crl_table

hTable = RTW.TflTable;

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's32_mul_s32_s32_sat', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's32_mul.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's32_mul.s', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', {fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','crl')}, ...
'ImplementationSourcePath', {fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','crl')}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

The following example uses the functions addAdditionalHeaderFile,

addAdditionalIncludePath, addAdditionalSourceFile,
addAdditionalSourcePath, addAdditionalLinkObj, and
addAdditionalLinkObjPath with the code generation callback function
hTable = RTW.TflTable;

% Path to external source, header, and object files

libdir = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','..', '..', 'lib');

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_UNSPECIFIED', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's32_add_s32_s32', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's32_add_s32_s32.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's32_add_s32_s32.c'...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir');

addAdditionalHeaderFile(op_entry, 'all_additions.h');
addAdditionalIncludePath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'include'));
addAdditionalSourceFile(op_entry, 'all_additions.c');
addAdditionalSourcePath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'src'));

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

addAdditionalLinkObj(op_entry, 'addition.o');
addAdditionalLinkObjPath(op_entry, fullfile(libdir, 'bin'));
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Identify Code Replacement Requirements”
• “Prepare for Code Replacement Library Development”
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Register Code Replacement Mappings

Register Code Replacement Mappings

In this section...
“Code Replacement Library Registration” on page 22-55
“Create Registration File Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool” on page
“Create Registration File Programmatically” on page 22-58
“Register a Code Replacement Library” on page 22-60
“Registration Files That Define Multiple Code Replacement Libraries” on page 22-60
“Registration Files That Define Code Replacement Library Hierarchies” on page

Code Replacement Library Registration

After you define code replacement entries in a code replacement table, you can include
the table in a code replacement library that you register with the code generator. When
registered, a library appears in the list of available code replacement libraries that you
can choose from when configuring the code generator.

Register a code replacement table as a code replacement library:

• Interactively, by using the Code Replacement Tool

• Programmatically, by using a MATLAB programming interface

The following table lists situations when you might consider one approach over the other.
If... Then...
Registering a code replacement Use the Code Replacement Tool.
table for the first time
You used the Code Replacement Use the Code Replacement Tool to quickly register the
Tool to create the table table.
Rapid prototyping code Use the Code Replacement Tool to quickly generate,
replacement register, and test entries.
Creating registration file to use Use the Code Replacement Tool to generate code that
as a template or starting point you can copy and modify.
for defining similar registration

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

If... Then...
Modifying existing registration Use the MATLAB Editor to update the registration
files file.
Defining multiple code Use the MATLAB Editor to create a new or extend an
replacement libraries in one existing registration file.
registration file
Defining code replacement Use the MATLAB Editor to create a new or extend an
library hierarchy in a existing registration file.
registration file

Create Registration File Interactively with the Code Replacement Tool

The Code Replacement tool provides a quick, easy way for you to create a registration
file for a code replacement table. It is ideal for getting started, rapid prototyping,
and generating a registration file that you want to use as a starting point for similar

1 After you validate and save a code replacement table, select File > Generate
registration file to open the Generate registration file dialog box.

2 Enter the registration information. Minimally, specify:

Register Code Replacement Mappings

For... Specify...
Registry name String naming the code replacement library. For example,
Sin Function Example.
Table list Strings naming one or more code replacement tables to
include in the library. Specify each table as one of the

• Name of a table file on the MATLAB search path

• Absolute path to a table file
• Path to a table file relative to $(MATLAB_ROOT)

You can specify multiple tables. If you do, separate the table
specifications with a comma. For example:

crl_table_sinfcn, c:/work_crl/crl_table_muldiv

See “Registration Files That Define Multiple Code

Replacement Libraries” on page 21-71 for examples of each
type of table specification.

Optionally, you can specify:

For... Specify...
Description Text string that describes the purpose and content of the
Target HW device Strings naming one or more hardware devices the code
replacement library supports. Separate names with a
comma. To support all device types, enter an asterisk (*). For
example, TI C28x, TI C62x.
Base CRL String naming a code replacement library that you want to
serve as a base library for the library you are registering.
Use this field to specify library hierarchies. For example,
you can specify a general TI device library as the base
library for a more specific TI C28x device library.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

For... Specify...
Generate data Flag that enables data alignment specification.

Create Registration File Programmatically

The programming interface for creating a registration file for a code replacement table is
ideal for:

• Modifying registration files created with the Code Replacement Tool

• Replicating and modifying similar registration files
• Defining multiple code replacement libraries in one registration file

The basic workflow for creating a registration file programmatically consists of the
following steps:

1 Define an rtwTargetInfo function. The code generator recognizes this function

as a customization file. The function definition must include at least the following

function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function this = loc_register_tfl

this(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;
this(1).Name = 'crl-name';
this(1).TableList = {'table',...};

For... Replace...
this(1).Name = 'crl-name'; crl-name with a string naming the code
replacement library. For example, Sin
Function Example.
this(1).TableList = table with a string that identifies the code
{'table',...}; replacement table that contains your code
replacement entries. Specify a table as one of
the following:

Register Code Replacement Mappings

For... Replace...
• Name of a table file on the MATLAB search
• Absolute path to a table file
• Path to a table file relative to

You can specify multiple tables. If you do,

separate the table specifications with commas.

See “Registration Files That Define Multiple

Code Replacement Libraries” on page 21-71 for
examples of each type of table specification.

Optionally, you can specify:

For... Replace...
this(1).Description = text with a string that describes the purpose
'text' and content of the library.
this(1).TargetHWDeviceType device-type with a string that names a
= {'device-type',...} hardware device the code replacement library
supports. You can specify multiple device
types. Separate device types with a comma. For
example, TI C28x, TI C62x. To support all
device types, enter an asterisk (*).
this(1).BaseTfl = 'base- base-lib with a string that names a code
lib' replacement library that you want to serve as a
base library for the library you are registering.
Use this field to specify library hierarchies.
For example, you can specify a general TI
device library as the base library for a TI
C28x device library.

See “Registration Files That Define Code

Replacement Library Hierarchies” on page
21-72for an example.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

For example:

function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function this = loc_register_tfl

this(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;
this(1).Name = 'Sin Function Example';
this(1).TableList = {'crl_table_sinfcn'};
this(1).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};
this(1).Description = 'Example - sin function replacement';
2 Save the file with the name rtwTargetInfo.m.
3 Place the file on the MATLAB path. When the file is on the MATLAB path, the code
generator reads the file after starting and applies the customizations during the
current MATLAB session.

Register a Code Replacement Library

Before you can use the code replacement tables defined in a registration file, you must
refresh Simulink customizations within the current MATLAB session. To initiate a
refresh, enter the following command:


Registration Files That Define Multiple Code Replacement Libraries

Use the programming interface to create a registration file that defines multiple code
replacement libraries. The following example defines multiple code replacement libraries.
The TableList fields specify code replacement tables that reside at different locations.
The tables reside on the MATLAB search path or at locations specified using path
function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function thisCrl = locCrlRegFcn

% Register a code replacement library for use with model: rtwdemo_crladdsub

thisCrl(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;

Register Code Replacement Mappings

thisCrl(1).Name = 'Addition & Subtraction Examples';

thisCrl(1).Description = 'Example of addition/subtraction op replacement';
thisCrl(1).TableList = {'crl_table_addsub'};
thisCrl(1).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

% Register a code replacement library for use with model: rtwdemo_crlmuldiv

thisCrl(2) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(2).Name = 'Multiplication & Division Examples';
thisCrl(2).Description = 'Example of mult/div op repl for built-in integers';
thisCrl(2).TableList = {'c:/work_crl/crl_table_muldiv'};
thisCrl(2).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

% Register a code replacement library for use with model: rtwdemo_crlfixpt

thisCrl(3) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(3).Name = 'Fixed-Point Examples';
thisCrl(3).Description = 'Example of fixed-point operator replacement';
thisCrl(3).TableList = {fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', ...
thisCrl(3).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

Registration Files That Define Code Replacement Library Hierarchies

Using the programming interface, you can organize multiple code replacement libraries
in a hierarchy. The following example shows a registration file that defines four code
replacement tables organized in a hierarchy of four code replacement libraries. The
tables include entries that increase in specificity: common entries, entries for TI devices,
entries for TI C6xx devices, and entries specific to the TI C67x device.
function rtwTargetInfo(cm)


function thisCrl = locCrlRegFcn

% Register a code replacement library that includes common entries

thisCrl(1) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(1).Name = 'Common Replacements';
thisCrl(1).Description = 'Common code replacement entries shared by other libraries';
thisCrl(1).TableList = {'crl_table_general'};
thisCrl(1).TargetHWDeviceType = {'*'};

% Register a code replacement library for TI devices

thisCrl(2) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(2).Name = 'TI Device Replacements';
thisCrl(2).Description = 'Code replacement entries shared across TI devices';
thisCrl(2).TableList = {'crl_table_TI_devices'};
thisCrl(2).TargetHWDeviceType = {'TI C28x', 'TI C55x', 'TI C62x', 'TI C64x', 'TI 67x'};
thisCrl(1).BaseTfl = 'Common Replacements'

% Register a code replacement library for TI c6xx devices

thisCrl(3) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(3).Name = 'TI c6xx Device Replacements';
thisCrl(3).Description = 'Code replacement entries shared across TI C6xx devices';
thisCrl(3).TableList = {'crl_table_TIC6xx_devices'};
thisCrl(3).TargetHWDeviceType = {'TI C62x', 'TI C64x', 'TI 67x'};

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

% Register a code replacement library for the TI c67x device

thisCrl(3) = RTW.TflRegistry;
thisCrl(3).Name = 'TI c67x Device Replacements';
thisCrl(3).Description = 'Code replacement entries for the TI C67x device';
thisCrl(3).TableList = {'crl_table_TIC67x_device'};
thisCrl(3).TargetHWDeviceType = {'TI 67x'};

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”
• “Deploy Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Review and Test Code Replacements

Review and Test Code Replacements

In this section...
“Code Replacement Table Validation” on page 22-63
“Validate a Table Definition File” on page 22-63
“Review Table Content” on page 22-64
“Verify Library Registration and Content” on page 22-65
“Review and Trace Code Replacements Generated Using a Code Replacement Library”
on page 22-66
“Determine Why Code Replacement Functions Are Not Used” on page 22-68

Code Replacement Table Validation

After you create or modify a code replacement table, use the following techniques to
examine and validate the table and its entries.

• Invoke the table definition file

• Use the Code Replacement Viewer to examine libraries, tables, and entries
• Trace code replacements from the source for which you applied the code replacement
• Examine code replacement cache hits and misses logged during code generation

Validate a Table Definition File

After you create or modify a code replacement table definition file, validate it. At the
MATLAB command line, specify the name of the table in a call to the isvalid function.
For example,

ans =

MATLAB displays errors that it finds. In the following example, MATLAB detects a typo
in a data type name.

??? RTW_CORE:tfl:TflTable: Unsupported data type, 'dooble'.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Error in ==> crl_table_sinfcn at 7

hTable.registerCFunctionEntry(100, 1, 'sin', 'dooble', 'sin_dbl', ...

Review Table Content

After you create or modify a code replacement table, use the Code Replacement Viewer to
review the table and its entries.

1 Open the viewer. At the MATLAB command line, enter the following command,
where table is the name of the code replacement table you want to review:

For example,

2 Select entries in the table and verify that the display of the contents meets your
expectations. For example:

• Argument order is correct.

• Conceptual argument names match code generator naming conventions.

Review and Test Code Replacements

• Implementation argument names are correct.

• Header or source file specification is not missing.
• I/O types are correct.
• Relative priority of entries is correct (highest priority is 0, and lowest priority is
• Saturation or rounding mode specifications are not missing.

Verify Library Registration and Content

After you register a library that includes your code replacement table, use the Code
Replacement Viewer to verify that the library is registered and examine the library and
the tables it contains.

1 Open the viewer. At the MATLAB command line, enter the following command,
where library is the name of the code replacement library you want to review:

For example:
RTW.viewTfl('Sin Function Example')

If the tool does not display your library,

• The code replacement library registration file, rtwTargetInfo.m, might contain

an error.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• You might need to refresh the library registration information. Initiate a refresh
with the following command:

2 Select your library and examine and compare its tables. Common problems that you
can detect include:

• Relative order of tables in the library is not correct (by default, the tool displays
tables in search order)
• Table entry problems as listed in the previous section

Review and Trace Code Replacements Generated Using a Code

Replacement Library
After you register a library that includes your code replacement tables, generate code
and verify that the code generator replaces code as you expect. The following example
illustrates two complementary approaches:

• Check the Code Replacement Report section of the code generation report for expected
• Trace code replacements

The Code Replacement Report details the code replacement library functions that
the code generator uses for code replacements during code generation. It provides a
mapping between each replacement instance and the line of MATLAB code that triggered
the replacement. The Code Replacements report is not available for generated MEX

1 Identify an existing or create a new MATLAB function for which you want the code
generator to replace code. For example:

function y = my_sin_fnc(x)
y = sin(x);
2 On the project Build tab, set the Output type to generate a library or executable.
3 Click More Settings to open the Project Settings dialog block.
4 Configure the code generator to use your code replacement library. On the
Hardware tab, set the Code replacement library parameter to the name of your
library. For example, Sin Function Example.

Review and Test Code Replacements

5 Configure the code generation report. On the Debugging tab, set the Always
create a code generation report, Code replacements, and Automatically
launch a report if one is generated parameters.
6 Configure the code generator to generate code only. On the Build tab, set the
Generate code only parameter. You want to review your code replacements in the
generated code before building an executable.
7 Click Build to generate replacement code and a report.
8 Open the Code Replacements Report section of the code generation report. That
report lists the replacement functions that the code generator used, and provides a
mapping between each replacement instance and the MATLAB code that triggered
the replacement.

Review the report.

• Check whether expected function and operator code replacements occurred.

• In the replacements sections, trace each replacement instance back to the code
that triggered the replacement.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• Click the link that opens the Code Replacement Viewer. In the viewer, review
code replacement hits and misses.

Determine Why Code Replacement Functions Are Not Used

• “Code Replacement Hits and Misses” on page 22-68
• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Viewer Trace Information” on page 22-68
• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Command-Line” on page 22-69

Code Replacement Hits and Misses

Code replacement can behave differently than you expect. To verify code replacements,
first inspect the generated code, as described in “Review and Trace Code Replacements
Generated Using a Code Replacement Library” on page 22-66.

To analyze replacement behavior, in addition to examining the Code Replacements

Report and examining your code replacement tables in the Code Replacement Viewer,
you can view the library cache hits and misses logged the last time code was generated.
This approach provides information on how to configure your table entry to get the
desired replacement. The following techniques can help you determine why the code
generator does not use code replacement functions:

• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Viewer Trace Information” on page 22-68
• “View Cache Hits and Misses Using Command-Line” on page 22-69

For models that consist of model hierarchies, you must generate code for and review
the trace information of each referenced model separately (stand alone). Logged cache
hit and miss information captured in the Code Replacement Viewer is valid for the
last model for which code was generated only. The code generator overwrites logged
information as you generate code for each model in the hierarchy.

View Cache Hits and Misses Using Viewer Trace Information

When debugging a code replacement table entry, you can use hit and miss information
in the Code Replacement Viewer to help determine why the code generator did not use a
replacement function in the generated code.

1 On the project Build tab, set the Output type to generate a library or executable.
2 Configure the code generator to use your code replacement library. In a project, on
the Hardware tab, set the Code Replacement Library parameter to the name of
your library.

Review and Test Code Replacements

3 Configure the code generation report. In a project, on the Build > More Settings
> Debugging tab, set the Always create a code generation report, Code
replacements, and Automatically launch a report if one is generated
4 Generate replacement code and a report. A complete rebuild of code is required to
display cache hits and misses.
5 Open the Code Replacements Report section of the code generation report. Click
the link for opening the Code Replacement Viewer.
6 In the left pane of the viewer, select the code replacement table you want to examine.
In the middle pane, the viewer lists information for entries in the table, including
a usage count, which is the number of times the table entry was matched and its
replacement function used during code generation.
7 In the middle pane, select the table entry to examine. In the right pane, the viewer
displays General Information and Trace Information about the table entry.
8 In the right pane, select the Trace Information tab. The Trace Information tab
lists Hit Source Locations and Miss Source Locations. The display provides
links to each source location (the source for which code replacement was considered)
and, for misses, lists a Miss Reason. If an expected replacement does not occur,
you can use the hit and miss information to modify the match criteria in the code
replacement table entry.

View Cache Hits and Misses Using Command-Line

To display the code replacement cache hits and misses logged during the most recent
code generation session in the command window, use the following command:
>> crl=get_param('model', 'TargetFcnLibHandle')

The resulting display includes the following fields:

Field Description
HitCache Table containing code replacement entries that were matched
during a code generation session. These entries represent function
implementations that should appear in the generated code.
MissCache Table containing code replacement entries that failed to match during a
code generation session. These entries are created by the code generation
process for the purpose of querying the library to locate a registered

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

In the following example, the most recent code generation session logged one cache hit
and zero cache misses. You can examine the logged HitCache entry using its table index.

a =

Version: '1.0'
HitCache: [2x1 RTW.TflCFunctionEntry]
MissCache: []
TLCCallList: [0x1 handle]
TflTables: [10x1 RTW.TflTable]
TargetHWWordLengths: '8,16,32,32'
SupportNonFinite: 1
TLCSupported: 1
Recording: 0
LoadedLibrary: 'Sin Function Example'
TargetCharacteristics: [1x1 RTW.TargetCharacteristics]
CurrentHWDevice: 'Specified'


ans =

TflCFunctionEntry with properties:

Implementation: [1x1 RTW.CImplementation]

SlopesMustBeTheSame: 0
BiasMustBeTheSame: 0
AlgorithmParams: []
AdditionalHeaderFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourceFiles: {0x1 cell}
OtherFiles: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalIncludePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalSourcePaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjs: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkObjsPaths: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalLinkFlags: {0x1 cell}
AdditionalCompileFlags: {0x1 cell}
SearchPaths: {0x1 cell}
Key: 'NULL'
Priority: 100
ConceptualArgs: [1x1 RTW.TflArgNumeric]

Review and Test Code Replacements

EntryInfo: []
GenCallback: ''
GenFileName: ''
AcceptExprInput: 0
SideEffects: 0
UsageCount: 3
RecordedUsageCount: 0
Description: ''
StoreFcnReturnInLocalVar: 0
TraceManager: [1x1 RTW.TflTraceManager]

Related Examples
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”
• “Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Generation Reports”
• “Tracing Between Generated C Code and MATLAB Code”
• “Code Verification Through Software-in-the-Loop and Processor-in-the-Loop
• “Code Generation Workflow”
• “Program Builds”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Customization Limitations”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Deploy Code Replacement Library

When you are ready to package and deploy a custom code replacement library for others
to use,

1 Move your code replacement table files to an area that is on the MATLAB search
path and that is accessible to and shared by other users.
2 Move the rtwTargetInfo.m registration file, to an area that is on the MATLAB
search path and that is accessible to and shared by other users. If you are deploying
a library to a folder in a development environment that already contains a
rtwTargetInfo.m file, copy the registration code from your code replacement
library version of rtwTargetInfo.m and paste it into the shared version of that file.
3 Register the library customizations or restart MATLAB.
4 Verify that the libraries are available for configuring the code generator and that
code replacements occur as expected.
5 Inform users that the libraries are available and provide direction on when and how
to apply them.

Related Examples
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Math Function Code Replacement

Math Function Code Replacement

This example shows how to define a code replacement mapping for a math function. The
example defines a mapping for the sin function programmatically. Alternatively, you can
use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_sinfcn2()

%CRL_TABLE_SINFCN2 - Define function entry for code replacement table.
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.

% Create entry for sin function replacement

fcn_entry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(fcn_entry, ...
'Key', 'sin', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'ImplementationName', 'mySin', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'basicMath.h',...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'basicMath.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call.
createAndAddConceptualArg(fcn_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1',...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT',...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

createAndAddConceptualArg(fcn_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'DataTypeMode', 'double');

6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example

uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create
and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, fcn_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Specify In-Place Code Replacement”
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Memory Function Code Replacement

Memory Function Code Replacement

This example shows how to define a code replacement mapping for a memory
function. The example defines a mapping for the memcpy function programmatically.
Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_memcpy()
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.
% Create entry for void* memcpy(void*, void*, size_t)
fcn_entry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
% Set SideEffects to 'true' for function returning void to prevent it from
% being optimized away.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(fcn_entry, ...
'Key', 'memcpy', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'ImplementationName', 'memcpy_int', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'memcpy_int.h',...
'SideEffects', true);

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, u2, and u3. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'void*');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'void*');

addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'void*');

addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u3', 'size_t');

addConceptualArg(fcn_entry, arg);

6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example

uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, fcn_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Specify In-Place Code Replacement”
• “Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Specify In-Place Code Replacement

Specify In-Place Code Replacement

In this section...
“In-Place Code Replacement” on page 22-77
“Argument Specification Requirements” on page 22-77
“Interactive Argument Replacement Specification with Code Replacement Tool” on page
“Programmatic Argument Replacement Specification” on page 22-81

In-Place Code Replacement

In-place code replacement is an optimization technique that uses a single buffer, that is,
the same memory, to store function input and output data, as in x=foo(x).

When you generate C or C++ code from MATLAB code, the code generator supports
in-place function argument code replacement. When you interactively create a code
replacement table entry with the Code Replacement Tool, you can specify in-place
function argument replacement. You can also specify in-place function argument
replacement programmatically with the Code Replacement Library API.

Argument Specification Requirements

• The argument must be a pointer.
• An argument can be in-place with only one other argument.
• Specify an input argument as in-place (shares memory) with an output argument or
an output argument as in-place with an input argument.

Interactive Argument Replacement Specification with Code Replacement

This example shows how to specify in-place function argument replacement when
replacing code for a MATLAB function with the Code Replacement Tool. The tool
enforces in-place argument specification requirements as you add arguments and modify
argument properties.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

1 Create the following MATLAB function, customFunction.m.

function x = customFunction(x)
% Function that updates the input and returns it as an output

x = sin(x);
2 In the Code Replacement Tool, add a new table, select that table, and add a new
function entry. For more information, see “Define Code Replacement Mappings”.
3 On the Mapping Information tab, select Custom for the Function parameter.
4 In the function-name text box, name the custom function. For this example, type
the name customFunction.
5 Under the Conceptual arguments list box, click + to add two arguments. By
default, the tool creates an output argument y1 and an input argument u1, both of
type double.
6 In the Replacement function > Function prototype section, type the name
custom_function_inplace_impl in the Name text box.
7 Under the Function arguments list box, click + to add two function
implementation arguments. By default, the tool creates an output argument y1 and
an input argument u1, both of type double.
8 For each input argument that you want to specify as in-place with a corresponding
output argument, in the Argument properties box, select the Pointer check box.
The Argument properties section of the dialog box expands to include an In-place
argument drop-down list. For this example, in the Function arguments list, select
input argument u1, and then select the Pointer check box.

Specify In-Place Code Replacement

9 From the In-place argument list, select y1, the output argument for the code
replacement mapping. The Function arguments list box is updated to show
possible in-place argument mappings.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

10 Select and delete one of the two possible argument mappings. For this example,
delete the mapping y1<-->u1.
11 In the Function signature preview box, if the function signature appears as
expected, click Apply. Otherwise, make adjustments, and then click Apply. The
function signature for this example, appears as

void custom_function_inplace_impl(double* u1);

12 Click Validate entry.
13 Save the code replacement table in the same folder as customFunction.m. Name
the file htfl_inplace_table.m.

To test the example:

1 Register the table that contains the entry in a code replacement library.
2 Configure the code generator to use a code replacement library and to include the
Code Replacements Report in the code generation report.
3 Generate the replacement code and a code generation report.
4 Review the code replacements.

Specify In-Place Code Replacement

Programmatic Argument Replacement Specification

This example shows how to specify in-place function argument replacement when
replacing code for a MATLAB function programmatically. For the input implementation
argument that shares the memory buffer, the example:

• Sets the name of the implementation argument to the same name as the
corresponding conceptual argument.
• Associates the corresponding implementation argument with the argument property

1 Create the following MATLAB function, customFunction.m.

function y = customFunction(x)
% Function that updates the input and returns it as an output

x = sin(x);
2 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_inplace()

3 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
4 Create an entry for the function mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry function.

hEnt = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
5 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function.
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEnt, ...
'Key', 'customFunction', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'custom_function_inplace_impl', ...
'SideEffects', true);

6 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y1','double');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','double');

addConceptualArg(hEnt, arg);

7 Create the implementation arguments and add them to the entry. This example uses
calls to the getTflArgFromString function to create implementation arguments
that map to arguments in the replacement function prototype: output argument
y1 and input argument u1. For each argument, the example uses the convenience
method setReturn or addArgument to specify whether an argument is a return
value or argument. For each argument, this example adds the argument to the entry
array of implementation arguments.

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'y2','void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hEnt, 'u1','double*');

arg.ArgumentForInPlaceUse = 'y1';
8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hLib, hEnt);

To test the example:

1 Register the table that contains the entry in a code replacement library.
2 Configure the code generator to use a code replacement library and to include the
Code Replacements Report in the code generation report.
3 Generate the replacement code and a code generation report.
4 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Specify In-Place Code Replacement

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using

The coder.replace function provides the ability to replace a specified MATLAB
function with a code replacement function in generated code. Use coder.replace in
MATLAB code from which you want to generate C code using:

• MATLAB Coder
• MATLAB code in a Simulink MATLAB Function block

You can replace MATLAB functions that have:

• Single or multiple inputs

• Single or multiple outputs
• Scalar and matrix inputs and outputs

Supported types include:

• single, double (complex and noncomplex)

• int8, uint8 (complex and noncomplex)
• int16, uint16 (complex and noncomplex)
• int32, uint32 (complex and noncomplex)
• Fixed-point integers
• Mixed types (different type on each input)

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Replace MATLAB Functions with Custom Code Using coder.replace

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement

The code generator and C programming language use, internally, reserved keywords for
code generation. Do not use reserved keywords as identifiers or function names. Reserved
keywords for code generation include many code replacement library identifiers, the
majority of which are function names, such as acos.

To view a list of reserved identifiers for the code replacement library that you
use to generate code, specify the name of the library in a call to the function
RTW.TargetRegistry.getInstance.getTflReservedIdentifiers. For example:
crl_ids = RTW.TargetRegistry.getInstance.getTflReservedIdentifiers('GNU99 (GNU)')

In a code replacement table, the code generator registers each function implementation
name defined by a table entry as a reserved identifier. You can register additional
reserved identifiers for the table on a per-header-file basis. Providing additional reserved
identifiers can help prevent duplicate symbols and other identifier-related compile and
link issues.

To register additional code replacement reserved identifiers, use the

setReservedIdentifiers function. This function registers specified reserved
identifiers to be associated with a code replacement table.

You can register up to four reserved identifier structures in a code replacement table.
You can associate one set of reserved identifiers with a code replacement library, while
the other three (if present) must be associated with ANSI C. The following example
shows a reserved identifier structure that specifies two identifiers and the associated
header file.
d{1}.LibraryName = 'ANSI_C';
d{1}.HeaderInfos{1}.HeaderName = 'math.h';
d{1}.HeaderInfos{1}.ReservedIds = {'y0', 'y1'};

The code generator adds the identifiers to the list of reserved identifiers and honors them
during the build procedure.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

Reserved Identifiers and Code Replacement

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions

During the build process, the code generator uses:

• Preset match criteria to identify functions and operators for which application-specific
implementations should replace default implementations
• Preset replacement function signatures

However, preset match criteria and preset replacement function signatures might not
completely meet your function and operator replacement needs. For example,

• You might want to replace an operator with a particular fixed-point implementation

function only when fraction lengths are within a particular range.
• When a match is made, you might want to modify your replacement function
signature based on compile-time information, such as passing fraction-length values
into the function.

When you need to add extra logic into the code replacement matching and replacement
process, you can create custom code replacement table entries. Custom entries allow you
to specify additional match criteria and/or modify the replacement function signature to
meet application needs.

To create a custom code replacement entry:

1 Create a custom code replacement entry class, derived from

RTW.TflCFunctionEntryML (for function replacement) or
RTW.TflCOperationEntryML (for operator replacement).
2 In your derived class, implement a do_match method with a fixed preset signature
as a MATLAB function. In your do_match method, provide either or both of the
following customizations for use by code replacement entries that instantiate the

a Add additional match criteria not provided by the base class. The base class
provides a match based on argument number, argument name, signedness, word
size, slope (if not specified with wildcards), bias (if not specified with wildcards),
math modes such as saturation and rounding, and operator or function key. For
example, you can accept a match only when additional size or range conditions
are met.
b Modify the implementation signature by adding additional arguments or setting
constant input argument values. For example, you can inject a constant value,

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions

such as an input's scaling value, as an additional argument to the replacement

3 Create code replacement entries that instantiate your custom entry class.
4 Register a library containing the code replacement table that includes your entries.

During code generation, the code replacement matching process first tries to match
function or operator call sites with the base class of your derived entry class. If a match is
found, the software calls your do_match method to execute your additional match logic
(if any) and your replacement function customizations (if any).

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Register Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Scalar Operator Code Replacement

This example shows you how to define a code replacement mapping for a scalar operator.
The example defines a mapping for the + (addition) operator programmatically.
Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_add_uint8

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create an entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

% Create operation entry

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function.
% Define addition pperation of built-in uint8 data type
% Saturation on, Rounding unspecified
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 'u8_add_u8_u8', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.c' );

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'uint8');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

6 Copy the conceptual arguments to the implementation arguments. This example

uses a call to the copyConceptualArgsToImplementation function to create

Scalar Operator Code Replacement

and add implementation arguments to the entry by copying matching conceptual


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement

In this section...
“Algorithm Options” on page 22-92
“Interactive Specification with Code Replacement Tool” on page 22-93
“Programmatic Specification” on page 22-93
“Algorithm Classification” on page 22-93
“Limitations” on page 22-95

Algorithm Options
When creating a code replacement table entry for an addition or subtraction operator,
first determine the type of algorithm that your library function implements.

• Cast-before-operation (CBO), default — Prior to performing the addition or

subtraction operation, the algorithm type casts input values to the output type. If
the output data type cannot exactly represent the input values, losses can occur as a
result of the cast to the output type. Additional loss can occur when the result of the
operation is cast to the final output type.

• Cast-after-operation (CAO) — The algorithm computes the ideal result of the addition
or subtraction operation of the two inputs. The algorithm then type casts the result
to the output data type. Loss occurs during the type cast. This algorithm behaves
similarly to the C language except when the signedness of the operands does not
match. For example, when you add a signed long operand to an unsigned long
operand, standard C language rules convert the signed long operand to an unsigned
long operand. The result is a value that is not ideal.

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement

Interactive Specification with Code Replacement Tool

When you use the Code Replacement Tool to create a code replacement table entry for an
addition or subtraction operation, the tool displays an Algorithm menu. Use that menu
to specify the Cast before operation or Cast after operation algorithm for that

Programmatic Specification
Create a code replacement table file, as a MATLAB function, that describes
the addition or subtraction code replacement table entry. In the call to
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, set at least these parameters:


• ImplementationName to the name of your replacement function
• EntryInfoAlgorithm to RTW_CAST_BFORE_OP (cast-before-operation) or
RTW_CAST_AFTER_OP (cast-after-operation)

This example sets parameters for a code replacement operator entry for a cast-after-
operation implementation of a uint8 addition.
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'EntryInfoAlgorithm', 'RTW_CAST_AFTER_OP', ...
'ImplementationName', 'u8_add_u8_u8');

For more information, see setTflCOperationEntryParameters.

Algorithm Classification
During code generation, the code generator examines addition and subtraction
operations, including adjacent type cast operations, to determine the type of algorithm
to compute the expression result. Based on the data types in the expression and the type
of the accumulator (type used to hold the result of the addition or subtraction operation),
the code generator uses these rules.

• Floating-point types only

Input 1 Data Input 2 Data Accumulator Data Output Data Type Classification
Type Type Type
double double double double CBO, CAO

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Input 1 Data Input 2 Data Accumulator Data Output Data Type Classification
Type Type Type
double double double single —
double double single double —
double double single single CBO
double single double double CBO, CAO
double single double single —
double single single double —
double single single single CBO
single single single single CBO, CAO
single single single double —
single single double single —
single single double double CBO, CAO
• Floating-point and fixed-point types on the immediate addition or subtraction

Algorithm Conditions
CBO One of the following is true:

• Operation type is double.

• Operation type is single and input types are single or fixed-point.
CAO Operation type is a superset of input types—that is, output type can
represent values of input types without loss of data.
• Fixed-point types only

Algorithm Conditions
CBO At least one of the following is true:

• Accumlator type equals output type (Tacc == Tout).

• Output type is a superset of input types (Tacc >= {Tin1, Tin2})
and accumulator type is a superset of output type (Tacc >= Tout).
• Operation does not incur range or precision loss.

Addition and Subtraction Operator Code Replacement

Algorithm Conditions
CAO Net bias is zero and the data types in the expression have equal slope
adjustment factors. For more information on net bias, see “Addition” or
“Subtraction” in “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement” (for MATLAB
code) or “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement” (for Simulink

In many cases, the numerical result of a CBO operation is equal to that of a CAO
operation. For example, if the input and output types are such that the operation
produces the ideal result, as in the case of int8 + int8 —> int16. To maximize the
probability of code replacement occurring in such cases, set the algorithm to cast-after-

• The code generator does not replace operations with nonzero net bias.
• When classifying an operation as a CAO operation, the code generator includes the
adjacent casts in the expression when the expression involves only fixed-point types.
Otherwise, the code generator classifies and replaces only the immediate addition or
subtraction operation. Casts that the code generator excludes from the classification
appear in the generated code.
• To enable the code generator to include multiple cast operations, which follow an
addition or subtraction of fixed-point data, in the classification of an expression, the
rounding mode must be simplest or floor. Consider the expression y=(cast A)
(cast B)(u1+u2). If the rounding mode of (cast A), (cast B), and the addition
operator (+) are set to simplest or floor, the code generator takes into account
(cast A) and (cast B) when classifying the expression and performing the
replacement only.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”
• rtwdemo_crl_cbo_cao

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement

This example shows how to define code replacement mappings that replace nonscalar
small matrix operations with processor-specific intrinsic functions. The example defines
a table containing two matrix operator replacement entries for the + (addition) operator
and the double data type. The example defines the function mapping programmatically.
Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_matrix_add_double
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the first operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.
% Create table entry for matrix_sum_2x2_double
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The code generator
ignores saturation and rounding modes for floating-point nonscalar addition
and subtraction. For code replacement entries for nonscalar addition and
subtraction operations that do not involve fixed-point data, in the call to
setTflCOperationEntryParameters, specify 'RTW_SATURATE_UNSPECIFIED'
for the SaturationMode property and {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'} for
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'ImplementationName', 'matrix_sum_2x2_double', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'MatrixMath.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'MatrixMath.c', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...
'ImplementationSourcePath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. To specify a matrix argument in the function call, use the argument
class RTW.TflArgMatrix. Sspecify the base type and the dimensions for which the

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

argument is valid. The first table entry specifies [2 2] and the second table entry
specifies [3 3].
% Specify operands and result
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2]);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString to create the arguments. The convenience methods
setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument is a return value or
argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of implementation arguments.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
8 Create the entry for the second operator mapping.
% Create table entry for matrix_sum_3x3_double
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'ImplementationName', 'matrix_sum_3x3_double', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'MatrixMath.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'MatrixMath.c', ...

Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement

'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...

'ImplementationSourcePath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

% Specify operands and result

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [3 3]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [3 3]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [3 3]);

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”

• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code

This example shows how to define code replacement mappings that replace nonscalar
multiplication operations with Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS) multiplication
functions xgemm and xgemv. The example defines code replacement entries that map
floating-point matrix/matrix and matrix/vector multiplication operations to MathWorks
BLAS library multiplication functions dgemm and dgemv. The example defines the
function mappings programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mappings.

BLAS libraries support matrix/matrix multiplication in the form of

C = a(op(A) * op(B)) + bC . op(X) means X, transposition of X, or Hermitian
transposition of X. However, code replacement libraries support only the limited case of
C = op(A) * op(B) (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) . Correspondingly, although BLAS libraries support
matrix/vector multiplication in the form of y = a(op(A) * x) + by , code replacement
libraries support only the limited case of y = op(A) * x (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) .

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_tmwblas_mmult_double
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Define the path for the BLAS function library. If your replacement functions are on
the MATLAB search path or are in your working folder, you can skip this step.
% Define library path for Windows or UNIX
arch = computer('arch');
if ~ispc
LibPath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'bin', arch);
% Use Stateflow to get the compiler info
compilerInfo = sf('Private','compilerman','get_compiler_info');
compilerName = compilerInfo.compilerName;
if strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc90') || ...
strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc80') || ...
strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc71') || ...
strcmp(compilerName, 'msvc60'), ...
compilerName = 'microsoft';
LibPath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'extern', 'lib', arch, compilerName);

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

4 Create an entry for the first mapping with a call to the

RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator function.

% Create table entry for dgemm32

op_entry = RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator;
5 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function. The function call sets matrix
multiplication operator entry properties. The code generator ignores saturation
and rounding modes for floating-point nonscalar addition and subtraction. For
code replacement entries for nonscalar addition and subtraction operations that do
not involve fixed-point data, in the call to setTflCFunctionEntryParameters,
specify 'RTW_SATURATE_UNSPECIFIED' for the SaturationMode property and
{'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'} for RoundingModes.
if ispc
libExt = 'lib';
elseif ismac
libExt = 'dylib';
libExt = 'so';
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'dgemm32', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'blascompat32.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','extern','include'), ...
'AdditionalLinkObjs', {['libmwblascompat32.' libExt]}, ...
'AdditionalLinkObjsPaths', {LibPath}, ...
'SideEffects', true);

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with
one function call. To specify a matrix argument in the function call, use the
argument class RTW.TflArgMatrix and specify the base type and the dimensions
for which the argument is valid. This type of table entry supports a range of
dimensions specified in the format [Dim1Min Dim2Min ... DimNMin; Dim1Max
Dim2Max ... DimNMax]. For example, [2 2; inf inf] means a two-dimensional
matrix of size 2x2 or larger. The conceptual output argument for the dgemm32 entry
for matrix/matrix multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 2; inf
inf], while the conceptual output argument for the dgemv32 entry for matrix/vector
multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 1; inf 1].
% Specify operands and result
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement

'BaseType', 'double', ...

'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf inf]);

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString and RTW.TflArgCharConstant functions to create the
arguments. The example code configures special implementation arguments that
are required for dgemm and dgemv function replacements. The convenience methods
setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument is a return value or
argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of implementation arguments.
% Using RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator for xgemm requires the following
% implementation signature:
% void f(char* TRANSA, char* TRANSB, int* M, int* N, int* K,
% type* ALPHA, type* u1, int* LDA, type* u2, int* LDB,
% type* BETA, type* y, int* LDC)
% When a match occurs, the code generator computes the
% values for M, N, K, LDA, LDB, and LDC and inserts them into the
% generated code. TRANSA and TRANSB are set to 'N'.

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = RTW.TflArgCharConstant('TRANSA');
% Possible values for PassByType property are
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = RTW.TflArgCharConstant('TRANSB');
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'K', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDB', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDC', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
9 Create the entry for the second mapping.
% Create table entry for dgemv32
op_entry = RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator;
if ispc

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement

libExt = 'lib';
elseif ismac
libExt = 'dylib';
libExt = 'so';
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'dgemv32', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'blascompat32.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','extern','include'), ...
'AdditionalLinkObjs', {['libmwblascompat32.' libExt]}, ...
'AdditionalLinkObjsPaths', {LibPath},...
'SideEffects', true);

% Specify operands and result

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 1; inf 1]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf 1]);

% Using RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator for xgemv requires the following

% implementation signature:
% void f(char* TRANS, int* M, int* N,
% type* ALPHA, type* u1, int* LDA, type* u2, int* INCX,
% type* BETA, type* y, int* INCY)
% Upon a match, the CRL entry will compute the
% values for M, N, LDA, INCX, and INCY, and insert them into the
% generated code. TRANS will be set to 'N'.

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = RTW.TflArgCharConstant('TRANS');
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCX','integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCY', 'integer', 0);

arg.PassByType = 'RTW_PASSBY_POINTER';
arg.Type.ReadOnly = true;

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement”

Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement

• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement”

• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code

This example shows how to define code replacement mappings that replace nonscalar
multiplication operations with ANSI/ISO C BLAS multiplication functions xgemm
and xgemv. The example defines code replacement entries that map floating-point
matrix/matrix and matrix/vector multiplication operations to ANSI/ISO C BLAS library
multiplication functions dgemm and dgemv. The example defines the function mappings
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mappings.

BLAS libraries support matrix/matrix multiplication in the form of

C = a(op(A) * op(B)) + bC . op(X) means X, transposition of X, or Hermitian
transposition of X. However, code replacement libraries support only the limited case of
C = op(A) * op(B) (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) . Correspondingly, although BLAS libraries support
matrix/vector multiplication in the form of y = a(op(A) * x) + by , code replacement
libraries support only the limited case of y = op(A) * x (a = 1.0, b = 0.0) .

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_cblas_mmult_double

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Define the path for the CBLAS function library. For example:
LibPath = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'rtw', 'rtwdemos', 'crl_demo');

4 Create an entry for the first mapping with a call to the

RTW.TflBlasEntryGenerator function.

% Create table entry for cblas_dgemm

op_entry = RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator;
5 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The function call sets matrix
multiplication operator entry properties. The code generator ignores saturation and
rounding modes for floating-point nonscalar addition and subtraction.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement

'Priority', 100, ...

'ImplementationName', 'cblas_dgemm', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'cblas.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with
one function call. To specify a matrix argument in the function call, use the
argument class RTW.TflArgMatrix and specify the base type and the dimensions
for which the argument is valid. This type of table entry supports a range of
dimensions specified in the format [Dim1Min Dim2Min ... DimNMin; Dim1Max
Dim2Max ... DimNMax]. For example, [2 2; inf inf] means a two-dimensional
matrix of size 2x2 or larger. The conceptual output argument for the dgemm32 entry
for matrix/matrix multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 2; inf
inf]. The conceptual output argument for the dgemv32 entry for matrix/vector
multiplication replacement specifies dimensions [2 1; inf 1].
% Specify operands and result
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf inf]);

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString function to create the arguments. The example code
configures special implementation arguments that are required for dgemm
and dgemv function replacements. The convenience methods setReturn and
addArgument specify whether an argument is a return value or argument and adds
the argument to the entry’s array of implementation arguments.
% Using RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator for xgemm requires the following
% implementation signature:
% void f(enum ORDER, enum TRANSA, enum TRANSB, int M, int N, int K,
% type ALPHA, type* u1, int LDA, type* u2, int LDB,
% type BETA, type* y, int LDC)
% Since CRLs do not have the ability to specify enums, you must

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

% use integer. (This will cause problems with C++ code generation,
% so for C++, use a wrapper function to cast each int to the
% corresponding enumeration type.)
% When a match occurs, the code generator computes the
% values for M, N, K, LDA, LDB, and LDC and insert them into the
% generated code.

% Specify replacement function signature

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ORDER', 'integer', 102);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'TRANSA', 'integer', 111);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'TRANSB', 'integer', 111);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'K', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 1);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDB', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDC', 'integer', 0);


8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
9 Create the entry for the second mapping.
% Create table entry for cblas_dgemv
op_entry = RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 100, ...
'ImplementationName', 'cblas_dgemv', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'cblas.h', ...
'ImplementationHeaderPath', LibPath, ...
'AdditionalIncludePaths', {LibPath}, ...
'GenCallback', 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', ...
'SideEffects', true);

% Specify operands and result

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 1; inf 1]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix', ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [2 2; inf inf]);
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgMatrix',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'BaseType', 'double', ...
'DimRange', [1 1; inf 1]);

% Using RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator for xgemv requires the following

% implementation signature:
% void f(enum ORDER, enum TRANSA, int M, int N,
% type ALPHA, type* u1, int LDA, type* u2, int INCX,
% type BETA, type* y, int INCY)
% Since CRLs do not have the ability to specify enums, you must
% use integer. (This will cause problems with C++ code generation,
% so for C++, use a wrapper function to cast each int to the
% corresponding enumeration type.)
% Upon a match, the CRL entry will compute the
% values for M, N, LDA, INCX, and INCY and insert them into the
% generated code.

% Specify replacement function signature

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ORDER', 'integer', 102);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'TRANSA', 'integer', 111);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'M','integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'N', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'ALPHA', 'double', 1);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'LDA', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', ['double' '*']);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCX', 'integer', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'BETA', 'double', 0);


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', ['double' '*']);

arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'INCY', 'integer', 0);


addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example, create a model that uses two Product blocks. For example:

1 Create a model that includes two Product blocks, such as the following:

Matrix Multiplication Operation to ANSI/ISO C BLAS Code Replacement

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step, discrete solver with a fixed-step size such
as 0.1.
• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
3 For each Product block, set the block parameter Multiplication to the value
4 In the Model Explorer, configure the Signal Attributes for the In1, In2, and In3
source blocks. For In1 and In2, set Port dimensions to [3 3] and set the Data
type to double. For In3, set Port dimensions to [3 1] and set the Data type to
5 Generate code and a code generation report.
6 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Small Matrix Operation to Processor Code Replacement”
• “Matrix Multiplication Operation to MathWorks BLAS Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”

• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Remap Operator Output to Function Input

Remap Operator Output to Function Input

If your generated code mustmeet a specific coding pattern or you want more flexibility,
for example, to further improve performance, you can remap operator outputs to input
positions in an implementation function argument list.

Note: Remapping outputs to implementation function inputs is supported only for

operator replacement.

For example, for a sum operation, the code generator produces code similar to:
add8_Y.Out1 = u8_add_u8_u8(add8_U.In1, add8_U.In2);

If you remap the output to the first input, the code generator produces code similar to:
u8_add_u8_u8(&add8_Y.Out1;, add8_U.In1, add8_U.In2);

The following table definition file for a sum operation remaps operator output y1 as the
first function input argument.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_add_uint8
2 In the call to the setTflCOperationEntryParameters function for the operator
replacement, set the SideEffects property to true.
3 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
4 Create an entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.
% Create operation entry
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
5 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function. In the function call, set the
property SideEffects to true.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'ImplementationName', 'u8_add_u8_u8', ...

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.h', ...

'ImplementationSourceFile', 'u8_add_u8_u8.c', ...
'SideEffects', true );

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg functions to create and add the
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'uint8');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg );

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString function to create the arguments. When defining the
implementation function return argument, create a new void output argument,
for example, y2. When defining the implementation function argument for the
conceptual output argument (y1), set the operator output argument as an additional
input argument. Mark its IOType as output. Make its type a pointer type. The
convenience methods setReturn and addArgument specify whether an argument
is a return value or argument and adds the argument to the entry’s array of
implementation arguments.
% Create new void output y2
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y2', 'void');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

% Set y1 as first input arg, mark IOType as output, and use pointer type
arg=getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'uint8*');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';

arg=getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'uint8');


arg=getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');


8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

To test this example, create a model that uses an Add block. For example:

1 Create a model that includes an Add block, such as the following:

Remap Operator Output to Function Input

2 Configure the model with the following settings:

• On the Solver pane, select a fixed-step solver.

• On the Code Generation pane, select an ERT-based system target file.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane, select the code replacement library
that contains your addition operation entry.
• On the Optimization pane, set Signals and Parameters > Optimize global
data access to Use global to hold temporary results. This reduces data
copies in the generated code.
3 Generate code and a code generation report.
4 Review the code replacements.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

This example shows how to create custom code replacement entries that add extra logic
to the code replacement matching and replacement process. Custom entries allow you to
specify additional match criteria or modify the replacement function signature to meet
your application needs.

• You might want to replace an operator with a particular fixed-point implementation

function only when fraction lengths are within a particular range.
• When a match occurs, you might want to modify your replacement function signature
based on compile-time information, such as passing fraction-length values into the

The example modifies a fixed-point addition replacement such that the implementation
function passes in the fraction lengths of the input and output data types as arguments.

Create Class Folder for Entry

Create a class folder using the name of your derived class, such as
@TflCustomOperationEntry. Verify that the class folder is on the MATLAB search
path or in your current working folder.

Create Derived Class that Defines do_match Method

In the class folder, create and save the following class definition
file, TflCustomOperationEntry.m. This file defines the class
TflCustomOperationEntry, which is derived from the base class

The derived class defines a do_match method. In the do_match signature:

• ent is the return handle, which is returned either as empty (indicating that the
match failed) or as a TflCOperationEntry handle.
• hThis is the handle to this object.
• hCSO is a handle to an object created by the code generator for querying the library for
a replacement.
• The remaining arguments are the number of bits for various data types of the current

The do_match method adds required additional match criteria that the base class does
not provide. the method makes required modifications to the implementation signature.

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

In this case, the do_match method can rely on the base class for checking word size
and signedness. do_match must match only the number of conceptual arguments to the
value 3 (two inputs and one output) and the bias for each argument to the value 0. If the
code generator finds a match, do_match sets the return handle, removes slope and bias
wildcards from the conceptual arguments (the match is for specific slope and bias values),
and writes fraction-length values for the inputs and output into replacement function
arguments 3, 4, and 5.

You can create and add the three additional implementation function arguments
for passing fraction lengths in the class definition or in each code replacement entry
definition that instantiates this class. This example creates the arguments, adds them
to a code replacement table definition file, and sets them to specific values in the class
definition code.
classdef TflCustomOperationEntry < RTW.TflCOperationEntryML
function ent = do_match(hThis, ...
hCSO, ... %#ok
targetBitPerChar, ... %#ok
targetBitPerShort, ... %#ok
targetBitPerInt, ... %#ok
targetBitPerLong) %#ok
% DO_MATCH - Create a custom match function. The base class
% checks the types of the arguments prior to calling this
% method. This will check additional data and perhaps modify
% the implementation function.

% The base class checks word size and signedness. Slopes and biases
% have been wildcarded, so the only additional checking to do is
% to check that the biases are zero and that there are only three
% conceptual arguments (one output, two inputs)

ent = []; % default the return to empty, indicating the match failed

if length(hCSO.ConceptualArgs) == 3 && ...

hCSO.ConceptualArgs(1).Type.Bias == 0 && ...
hCSO.ConceptualArgs(2).Type.Bias == 0 && ...
hCSO.ConceptualArgs(3).Type.Bias == 0

% Modify the default implementation. Since this is a

% generator entry, a concrete entry is created using this entry
% as a template. The type of entry being created is a standard
% TflCOperationEntry. Using the standard operation entry
% provides required information, and you do not need
% a custom match function.
ent = RTW.TflCOperationEntry(hThis);

% Since this entry is modifying the implementation for specific

% fraction-length values (arguments 3, 4, and 5), the conceptual argument
% wildcards must be removed (the wildcards were inherited from the
% generator when it was used as a template for the concrete entry).

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

% This concrete entry is now for a specific slope and bias.

% hCSO holds the slope and bias values (created by the code generator).
for idx=1:3
ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).CheckSlope = true;
ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).CheckBias = true;

% Set the specific Slope and Biases

ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Slope = hCSO.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Slope;
ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Bias = 0;

% Set the fraction-length values in the implementation function.

ent.Implementation.Arguments(3).Value = ...
ent.Implementation.Arguments(4).Value = ...
ent.Implementation.Arguments(5).Value = ...

Create Code Replacement Entry

Create code replacement entries that instantiate your custom entry class. For this
example, create and save a code replacement table that contains a single operator entry,
an entry generator for unsigned 32-bit fixed-point addition operations, with arbitrary
fraction-length values on the inputs and the output. This entry instantiates the derived
class from the previous step.

If you want to replace all word sizes and signedness attributes (not just 32-bit and
unsigned), you can use the same derived class, but not the same entry, because you
cannot wildcard the WordLength and IsSigned arguments. For example, to support
uint8, int8, uint16, int16, and int32, you must add five other distinct entries.
Similarly, to use different implementation functions for saturation and rounding
modes other than overflow and round to floor, you must add entries for those match

This table entry creates and adds three implementation arguments to hold the
fraction-length values for the inputs and output. Alternatively, the entry can omit
those argument definitions. Instead the do_match method of the derived class
TflCustomOperationEntry can create and add the three implementation arguments.
When the number of additional implementation arguments required can vary based on
compile-time information, use the alternative approach.

1 In your working folder, create an entry definition file.

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

2 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_custom_add_ufix32
3 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
4 Create an entry for the custom operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCustomOperationEntry function.
%% Add TflCustomOperationEntry
op_entry = TflCustomOperationEntry;
5 Set function entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 30, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 'myFixptAdd', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'myFixptAdd.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'myFixptAdd.c');

6 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'Scaling', 'BinaryPoint', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'Scaling', 'BinaryPoint', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

'CheckBias', false, ...

'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'Scaling', 'BinaryPoint', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32);

7 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry.
% Specify replacement function signature
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

% Add 3 fraction-length args. Actual values are set during code generation.
createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...
'Name', 'fl_in1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0, ...
'Value', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...

'Name', 'fl_in2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0, ...
'Value', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...

'Name', 'fl_out', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...

Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators

'FractionLength', 0, ...
'Value', 0);

8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

In this section...
“Fixed-Point Operator Entries” on page 22-124
“Fixed-Point Numbers and Arithmetic” on page 22-128
“Addition” on page 22-128
“Subtraction” on page 22-129
“Multiplication” on page 22-129
“Division” on page 22-130
“Data Type Conversion (Cast)” on page 22-131
“Shift” on page 22-131

Fixed-Point Operator Entries

If you have a Fixed-Point Designer license, you can define fixed-point operator code
replacement entries to match:

• A binary-point-only scaling combination on the operator inputs and output.

• A slope bias scaling combination on the operator inputs and output.
• Relative scaling or net slope between multiplication or division operator inputs
and output. Use one of these methods to map a range of slope and bias values to a
replacement function for multiplication or division.
• Equal slope and zero net bias across addition or subtraction operator inputs and
output. Use this method to disregard specific slope and bias values and map relative
slope and bias values to a replacement function for addition or subtraction.

The following table maps common ways to match fixed-point operator code replacement
entries with the associated fixed-point parameters that you specify in a code replacement
table definition file.

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

A specific binary-point- RTW.TflCOperationEntry createAndAddConceptualArg
only scaling combination function:
on the operator inputs and
output. • CheckSlope: Specify the value

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

• CheckBias: Specify the value true.
• DataTypeMode (or
DataType/Scaling equivalent):
Specify fixed-point binary-point-only
• FractionLength: Specify a
fraction length (for example, 3).
A specific slope bias RTW.TflCOperationEntry createAndAddConceptualArg
scaling combination on function:
the operator inputs and
output. • CheckSlope: Specify the value
• CheckBias: Specify the value true.
• DataTypeMode (or DataType/
Scaling equivalent): Specify fixed-
point [slope bias] scaling.
• Slope (or
FixedExponent equivalent):
Specify a slope value (for example,
• Bias: Specify a bias value (for
example, 2).

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

Net slope between RTW.TflCOperationEntry- setTflCOperationEntryParameters
operator inputs and Generator_NetSlope function:
output (multiplication and
division). • NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor:
Specify the slope adjustment factor
(F) part of the net slope, F2 (for

example, 1.0).
• NetFixedExponent: Specify the
fixed exponent (E) part of the net
slope, F2 (for example, -3.0).


• CheckSlope: Specify the value

• CheckBias: Specify the value
• DataType: Specify the value

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

Match Create entry Minimally specify parameters

Relative scaling between RTW.TflCOperationEntry- setTflCOperationEntryParameters
operator inputs and Generator function:
output (multiplication and
division). • RelativeScalingFactorF:
Specify the slope adjustment factor
(F) part of the relative scaling factor,
F2 (for example, 1.0).

• RelativeScalingFactorE:
Specify the fixed exponent (E) part
of the relative scaling factor, F2 (for

example, -3.0).


• CheckSlope: Specify the value

• CheckBias: Specify the value
• DataType: Specify the value
Equal slope and zero net RTW.TflCOperationEntry- setTflCOperationEntryParameters
bias across operator inputs Generator function:
and output (addition and
subtraction). • SlopesMustBeTheSame: Specify
. the value true.
• MustHaveZeroNetBias: Specify
the value true.


• CheckSlope: Specify the value

• CheckBias: Specify the value

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Fixed-Point Numbers and Arithmetic

Fixed-point numbers use integers and integer arithmetic to represent real numbers and
arithmetic with the following encoding scheme:

V = V% = SQ + B

• V is an arbitrarily precise real-world value.

V% is the approximate real-world value that results from fixed-point representation.
• Q is an integer that encodes V% , referred to as the quantized integer.

S is a coefficient of Q , referred to as the slope.
• B is an additive correction, referred to as the bias.
The general equation for an operation between fixed-point operands is:

( SOQO + BO ) = ( S1Q1 + B1 ) < op > ( S2Q2 + B2 )

The objective of fixed-point operator replacement is to replace an operator that accepts
and returns fixed-point or integer inputs and output with a function that accepts
and returns built-in C numeric data types. The following sections provide additional
programming information for each supported operator.

The operation V0 = V1 + V2 implies that

ÊS ˆ ÊS ˆ Ê B + B2 - B0 ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ Q1 + Á 2 ˜ Q2 + Á 1 ˜
Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯

If an addition replacement function is defined such that the scaling on the operands and
sum are equal and the net bias

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

Ê B1 + B2 - B0 ˆ
Á ˜
Ë S0 ¯

is zero (for example, a function s8_add_s8_s8 that adds two signed 8-bit
values and produces a signed 8-bit result), then the operator entry must set the
operator entry parameters SlopesMustBeTheSame and MustHaveZeroNetBias
to true. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the function

The operation V0 = V1 − V2 implies that

ÊS ˆ ÊS ˆ Ê B1 - B2 - B0 ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ Q1 - Á 2 ˜ Q2 + Á ˜
Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯ Ë S0 ¯

If a subtraction replacement function is defined such that the scaling on the operands
and difference are equal and the net bias

Ê B1 - B2 - B0 ˆ
Á ˜
Ë S0 ¯

is zero (for example, a function s8_sub_s8_s8 that subtracts two signed 8-bit
values and produces a signed 8-bit result), then the operator entry must set the
operator entry parameters SlopesMustBeTheSame and MustHaveZeroNetBias
to true. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the function

There are different ways to specify multiplication replacements. The most direct way is to
specify an exact match of the input and output types. This is feasible if a model contains
only a few (known) slope and bias combinations. Use the TflCOperationEntry class

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

and specify the exact values of slope and bias on each argument. For scenarios where
there are numerous slope/bias combinations, it is not feasible to specify each value with a
different entry. Use a net slope entry or create a custom entry.

The operation V0 = V1 * V2 implies, for binary-point-only scaling, that

S0Q0 = ( S1Q1 )( S 2Q2 )

Q0 = Á 1 2 ˜ Q1Q2
Ë S0 ¯
Q0 = SnQ1Q2

where Sn is the net slope.

It is common to replace all multiplication operations that have a net slope of 1.0 with
a function that performs C-style multiplication. For example, to replace all signed 8-
bit multiplications that have a net scaling of 1.0 with the s8_mul_s8_u8_ replacement
function, the operator entry must define a net slope factor, F2E. You specify the values
for F and E using operator entry parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
NetFixedExponent. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the
function setTflCOperationEntryParameters.) For the s8_mul_s8_u8 function, set
NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor to 1 and NetFixedExponent to 0.0.

Note: When an operator entry specifies NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and

NetFixedExponent, matching entries must have arguments with zero bias.

There are different ways to specify division replacements. The most direct way is to
specify an exact match of the input and output types. This is feasible if a model contains
only a few (known) slope and bias combinations. For this, use the TflCOperationEntry
class and specify the exact values of slope and bias on each argument. For scenarios
where there are numerous slope/bias combinations, it is not feasible to specify each
value with a different entry. For this, use a net slope entry or create a custom entry (see
“Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Functions”).

The operation V0 = (V1 / V2) implies, for binary-point-only scaling, that

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

S0Q0 = Á 1 1 ˜
Ë S2Q2 ¯
ÊQ ˆ
Q0 = S n Á 1 ˜
Ë Q2 ¯
where Sn is the net slope.

It is common to replace all division operations that have a net slope of 1.0 with
a function that performs C-style division. For example, to replace all signed 8-
bit divisions that have a net scaling of 1.0 with the s8_mul_s8_u8_ replacement
function, the operator entry must define a net slope factor, F2E. You specify the values
for F and E using operator entry parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
NetFixedExponent. (For parameter descriptions, see the reference page for the function
setTflCOperationEntryParameters.) For the s16_netslope0p5_div_s16_s16
function, you would set NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor to 1 and NetFixedExponent to

Note: When an operator entry specifies NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and

NetFixedExponent, matching entries must have arguments with zero bias.

Data Type Conversion (Cast)

The data type conversion operation V0 = V1 implies, for binary-point-only scaling, that

ÊS ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ Q1
Ë S0 ¯
Q0 = S nQ1

where Sn is the net slope.

The shift left or shift right operation V0 = (V1 / 2n) implies, for binary-point-only scaling,

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

S0Q0 = Á 1 n 1 ˜
Ë 2 ¯
Ê S ˆ ÊQ ˆ
Q0 = Á 1 ˜ + Á n1 ˜
Ë S0 ¯ Ë 2 ¯
ÊQ ˆ
Q0 = S n Á n1 ˜
Ë2 ¯

where Sn is the net slope.

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement

You can define code replacement entries for operations on fixed-point data types such
that they match a binary-point-only scaling combination on operator inputs and output.
These binary-point-only scaling entries can map the specified binary-point-scaling
combination to a replacement function for addition, subtraction, multiplication, or

This example creates a code replacement entry for multiplication of fixed-point data
types. You specify arguments using binary-point-only scaling. The example defines the
function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_binptscale

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as multiplication, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow,
rounding modes as unspecified, and the name of the replacement function as
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's32_mul_s16_s16_binarypoint', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's32_mul_s16_s16_binarypoint.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's32_mul_s16_s16_binarypoint.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument specifies that the data type is fixed-point, the mode is
binary-point-only scaling, and its derived slope and bias values must exactly match
the call-site slope and bias values. The output argument is 32 bits, signed, with a

Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement

fraction length of 28. The input arguments are 16 bits, signed, with fraction lengths
of 15 and 13.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 28);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 15);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 13);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output argument is
32 bits and signed (int32). The input arguments are 16 bits and signed (int16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 32, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement

You can define code replacement for operations on fixed-point data types as matching
a slope bias scaling combination on the operator inputs and output. The slope bias
scaling entries can map the specified slope bias combination to a replacement function for
addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

This example creates a code replacement entry for division of fixed-point data types. You
specify arguments using slope bias scaling. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_s16divslopebias

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as division, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow,
rounding modes as round to ceiling, and the name of the replacement function as
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_DIV', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_CEILING'}, ...
'ImplementationName', 's16_div_s16_s16_slopebias', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's16_div_s16_s16_slopebias.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's16_div_s16_s16_slopebias.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument specifies that the data type is fixed-point, the mode
is slope bias scaling, and its specified slope and bias values must exactly match the
call-site slope and bias values. The output argument and input arguments are 16
bits, signed, each with specific slope bias specifications.

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'Slope', 15, ...
'Bias', 2);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'Slope', 15, ...
'Bias', 2);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', true, ...
'CheckBias', true, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'Slope', 13, ...
'Bias', 5);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output and input
arguments are 16 bits and signed (int16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

In this section...
“Multiplication and Division with Saturation” on page 22-140
“Multiplication and Division with Rounding Mode and Additional Implementation
Arguments” on page 22-143

Multiplication and Division with Saturation

You can define code replacement entries for operations on fixed-point data types as
matching net slope between operator inputs and output. The net slope entries can map a
range of slope and bias values to a replacement function for multiplication or division.

This example creates a code replacement entry for division of fixed-point data types,
using wrap on overflow saturation mode and a net slope. The example defines the
function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_netslopesaturate
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function, which provides
access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
wv = [16,32];
for iy = 1:2
for inum = 1:2
for iden = 1:2
hTable = getDivOpEntry(hTable, ...

function hTable = getDivOpEntry(hTable,dty,dtnum,dtden)

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

% Create an entry for division of fixed-point data types where

% arguments are specified using Slope and Bias scaling
% Saturation on, Rounding unspecified

funcStr = sprintf('user_div_%s_%s_%s',...

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;

4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the

setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as division, the saturation mode as wrap on overflow, rounding
modes as unspecified, and the name of the replacement function as user_div_*.
NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent specify the F and E parts of
the net slope F2 .

setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_DIV', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW',...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'},...
'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...
'NetFixedExponent', 0.0, ...
'ImplementationName', funcStr, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', [funcStr,'.h'], ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', [funcStr,'.c']);

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with
one function call. Specify each argument as fixed-point and signed. Also, for each
argument, specify that code replacement request processing does not check for an
exact match to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, ...
'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1',...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT',...
'CheckSlope', false,...
'CheckBias', false,...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling',...
'IsSigned', dty.Signed,...
'WordLength', dty.WordLength,...
'Bias', 0);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, ...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'CheckSlope', false,...
'CheckBias', false,...

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling',...

'IsSigned', dtnum.Signed,...
'WordLength', dtnum.WordLength,...
'Bias', 0);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, ...
'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT',...
'CheckSlope', false,...
'CheckBias', false,...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling',...
'IsSigned', dtden.Signed,...
'WordLength', dtden.WordLength,...
'Bias', 0);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses calls to the

getTflArgFromString function to create the arguments. Implementation
arguments must describe fundamental numeric data types (not fixed-point data
types). The convenience methods setReturn and addArgument specify whether an
argument is a return value or argument. These methods add the argument to the
entry array of implementation arguments.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', typeStrBase(dty));

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', typeStrBase(dtnum));


arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2',typeStrBase(dtden));


7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);
8 Define functions that determine the data type word length.
function str = typeStrFunc(dt)

if dt.Signed
sstr = 's';
sstr = 'u';
str = sprintf('%s%d',sstr,dt.WordLength);

function str = typeStrBase(dt)

if dt.Signed

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

sstr = ;
sstr = 'u';
str = sprintf('%sint%d',sstr,dt.WordLength);

Multiplication and Division with Rounding Mode and Additional

Implementation Arguments
You can define code replacement entries for multiplication and division operations on
fixed-point data types such that they match the net slope between operator inputs and
output. The net slope entries can map a range of slope and bias values to a replacement
function for multiplication or division.

This example creates a code replacement entry for division of fixed-point data types,
using the ceiling rounding mode and a net slope scaling factor. The example defines the
function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement
Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition. For example:

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_netsloperound
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function, which provides
access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the type
of operation as division, the saturation mode as saturation off, rounding modes as
round to ceiling, and the name of the replacement function as s16_div_s16_s16.
NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent specify the F and E parts of
the relative scaling factor F2 .

setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_DIV', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_CEILING'}, ...

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...

'NetFixedExponent', 0.0, ...
'ImplementationName', 's16_div_s16_s16', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 's16_div_s16_s16.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 's16_div_s16_s16.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Specify each argument as fixed-point, 16 bits, and signed. Also, for each
argument, specify that code replacement request processing does not check for an
exact match to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataType', 'Fixed', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output and input
arguments are 16 bits and signed (int16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', true, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement

You can define code replacement entries for addition or subtraction of fixed-point data
types such that they match relative slope and bias values (equal slope and zero net bias)
across operator inputs and output. These entries allow you to disregard slope and bias
values. Map relative slope and bias values to a replacement function for addition or

This example creates a code replacement entry for addition of fixed-point data types.
Slopes must be equal and net bias must be zero across the operator inputs and output.
The example defines the function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you can use
the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_fixed_slopeseq_netbiaszero

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator function, which provides access to the fixed-
point parameters SlopesMustBeTheSame and MustHaveZeroNetBias.

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify
the type of operation as addition, the saturation mode as saturation
off, rounding modes as unspecified, and the name of the replacement
function as u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias. SlopesMustBeTheSame and
MustHaveZeroNetBias are set to true, indicating that slopes must be equal and
net bias must be zero across the addition inputs and output.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_ADD', ...
'Priority', 90, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_WRAP_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}, ...
'SlopesMustBeTheSame', true, ...
'MustHaveZeroNetBias', true, ...
'ImplementationName', 'u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'u16_add_SameSlopeZeroBias.c');

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

5 Create conceptual arguments y1, u1, and u2. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument is specified as 16 bits and unsigned. Each argument
specifies that code replacement request processing does not check for an exact match
to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16);

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u2', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16);

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types). In this case, the output and input
arguments are 16 bits and unsigned (uint16).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...
'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...

Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement

'Name', 'u2', ...

'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', false, ...
'WordLength', 16, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
data type conversion (cast) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry that replaces int32 to int16
data type conversion (cast) operations. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_cast_int32_to_int16
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as cast, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow, rounding
modes as toward negative infinity, and the name of the replacement function as
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_CAST', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'ImplementationName', 'my_sat_cast', ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create the int16 argument as conceptual argument y1 and the implementation

return value. This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and
addConceptualArg functions to create the conceptual argument and add it
to the entry. Convenience method setReturn specifies the argument as the
implementation return value.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'int16');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement

6 Create the int32 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u1.

This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. Convenience
method addArgument specifies the argument as implementation input argument.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'int32');
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hLib, hEnt);

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
data type conversion (cast) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry to replace data type conversions (casts)
of fixed-point data types by using a net slope. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_cast_fixpt_net_slope

2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function, which provides
access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the
type of operation as cast, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow, rounding
modes as toward negative infinity, and the name of the replacement function as
my_fxp_cast. NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent specify the
F and E parts of the net slope F2 .

InFL = 2;
InWL = 16;
InSgn = true;
OutFL = 4;

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

OutWL = 32;
OutSgn = true;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_CAST', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...
'NetFixedExponent', (OutFL - InFL), ...
'ImplementationName', 'my_fxp_cast', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument is specified as fixed-point and signed. Each argument
specifies that code replacement request processing does not check for an exact match
to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric',...

Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement

'Name', 'u1', ...

'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.

addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement”
• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”
• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
shift (<<) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry to replace shift left operations for int16
data. The example defines the function mapping programmatically. Alternatively, you
can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_shift_left_int16
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntry function.

op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntry;
4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the
setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the type of
operation as shift left and the name of the replacement function as my_shift_left.
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_SL', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'ImplementationName', 'my_shift_left', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create the int16 argument as conceptual argument y1 and the implementation

return value. This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and
addConceptualArg functions to create the conceptual argument and add it
to the entry. Convenience method setReturn specifies the argument as the
implementation return value.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'y1', 'int16');
arg.IOType = 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT';
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

6 Create the int16 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u1.

This example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. Convenience
method addArgument specifies the argument as an implementation input argument.

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement

arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u1', 'int16');

addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

7 Create the int8 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u2. This
example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. This argument
specifies the number of bits to shift the previous input argument. Because the
argument type is not relevant, the example disables type checking by setting the
CheckType property to false. Convenience method addArgument specifies the
argument as implementation input argument.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'int8');
arg.CheckType = false;
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

• The function getTflArgFromString is called to create an int8 input argument.

This argument is added to the operator entry both as the third conceptual argument
and the second implementation input argument.
• Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

You can use code replacement entries to replace code that the code generator produces for
shift (<<) operations.

This example creates a code replacement entry to replace shift left operations
for fixed-point data using a net slope. The example defines the function mapping
programmatically. Alternatively, you can use the Code Replacement Tool to define the
same mapping.

1 Define a function for the definition.

function hTable = crl_table_shift_left_fixpt_net_slope
2 Create a table to contain the entry with a call to the RTW.TflTable function.
hTable = RTW.TflTable;
3 Create the entry for the operator mapping with a call to the
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_Netslope function. This function
provides access to the fixed-point parameters NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and
op_entry = RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope;

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

4 Set operator entry parameters with a call to the

setTflCOperationEntryParameters function. The parameters specify the type
of operation as shift left, the saturation mode as saturate on overflow, rounding
modes as toward negative infinity, and the name of the replacement function as
my_fxp_shift_left. NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor and NetFixedExponent
specify the F and E parts of the net slope F2 .

InFL = 2;
InWL = 16;
InSgn = true;
OutFL = 4;
OutWL = 32;
OutSgn = true;
setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
'Key', 'RTW_OP_SL', ...
'Priority', 50, ...
'SaturationMode', 'RTW_SATURATE_ON_OVERFLOW', ...
'RoundingModes', {'RTW_ROUND_FLOOR'}, ...
'NetSlopeAdjustmentFactor', 1.0, ...
'NetFixedExponent', (OutFL - InFL),...
'ImplementationName', 'my_fxp_shift_left', ...
'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'some_hdr.h', ...
'ImplementationSourceFile', 'some_hdr.c');

5 Create conceptual arguments y1 and u1. This example uses calls to the
createAndAddConceptualArg function to create and add an argument with one
function call. Each argument is specified as fixed-point and signed. Each argument
specifies that code replacement request processing does not check for an exact match
to the call-site slope and bias values.
createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...

createAndAddConceptualArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'CheckSlope', false, ...
'CheckBias', false, ...
'DataTypeMode', 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...

Shift Left Operations and Code Replacement

6 Create the implementation arguments. This example uses

calls to the createAndSetCImplementationReturn and
createAndAddImplementationArg functions to create and add implementation
arguments to the entry. Implementation arguments must describe fundamental
numeric data types (not fixed-point data types).
createAndSetCImplementationReturn(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...
'Name', 'y1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_OUTPUT', ...
'IsSigned', OutSgn, ...
'WordLength', OutWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

createAndAddImplementationArg(op_entry, 'RTW.TflArgNumeric', ...

'Name', 'u1', ...
'IOType', 'RTW_IO_INPUT', ...
'IsSigned', InSgn, ...
'WordLength', InWL, ...
'FractionLength', 0);

7 Create the int8 argument as conceptual and implementation argument u2. This
example uses calls to the getTflArgFromString and addConceptualArg
functions to create the conceptual argument and add it to the entry. This argument
specifies the number of bits to shift the previous input argument. Because the
argument type is not relevant, type checking is disabled by setting the CheckType
property to false. Convenience method addArgument specifies the argument as
implementation input argument.
arg = getTflArgFromString(hTable, 'u2', 'uint8');
arg.CheckType = false;
addConceptualArg(op_entry, arg);

8 Add the entry to a code replacement table with a call to the addEntryfunction.
addEntry(hTable, op_entry);

Related Examples
• “Define Code Replacement Mappings”
• “Fixed-Point Operator Code Replacement”
• “Binary-Point-Only Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Slope Bias Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Net Slope Scaling Code Replacement”
• “Equal Slope and Zero Net Bias Code Replacement”
• “Data Type Conversions (Casts) and Operator Code Replacement”

22 Code Replacement Customization for MATLAB Code

• “Remap Operator Output to Function Input”

• “Customize Matching and Replacement Process for Operators”
• “Develop a Code Replacement Library”
• “Quick Start Library Development”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Match and Replacement Process”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

External Web Sites

• “Replacing Math Functions and Operators”



• “Configure Code Optimizations” on page 23-2

• “Specify Global Variable Localization” on page 23-5
• “Set Hardware Implementation Parameters” on page 23-6
• “Use External Mode with the ERT Target” on page 23-7
23 Configuration

Configure Code Optimizations

Several parameters available on the Optimization panes configure your model to
optimize code generation. The following table includes parameters on the Optimization
> General pane:

To... Select or Specify...

Remove initialization code for root-level Select Remove root level I/O zero initialization.
inports and outports with a value of zero.
Generate additional code to set float and Select Use memset to initialize floats and doubles
double storage explicitly to value 0.0. to 0.0 When you set this parameter, the memset
function clears internal storage (regardless of type)
to the integer bit pattern 0 (that is, all bits are off).
The additional code generated when the option is off is
slightly less efficient.

If the representation of floating-point zero that your

compiler and target CPU use is identical to the integer
bit pattern 0, you can gain efficiency by setting this
Suppress the generation of code that Select Remove internal state zero initialization.
initializes internal work structures (for
example, block states and block outputs)
to zero.
Generate run-time initialization code for Select Optimize initialization code for model
a block that has states only if the block is reference This results in more efficient code.
in a system that can reset its states, such
as an enabled subsystem. The following restrictions apply to using the Optimize
initialization code for model reference parameter.
However, these restrictions do not apply to a Model
block that references a function-call model.

• In a subsystem that resets states, do not include a

Model block that references a model that has this
parameter set to on. For example, in an enabled
subsystem with the States when enabling
block parameter set to reset, do not include a
Model block that references a model that has

Configure Code Optimizations

To... Select or Specify...

the Optimize initialization code for model
reference parameter set to on.
• If you set the Optimize initialization code for
model reference parameter to off in a model
that includes a Model block that directly references
a referenced model, do not set the Optimize
initialization code for model reference
parameter for the referenced model to on.
Remove wrapping code that handles Select Remove code from floating-point to integer
out-of-range floating-point to integer conversions that wraps out-of-range values.
conversion results. This reduces the size and increases the speed of the
generated code at the cost of potentially producing
results that do not match simulation in the case of out-
of-range values.
Suppress generation of code that guards Select Remove code that protects against division
against fixed-point division by zero. arithmetic exceptions. When you select this
parameter, simulation results and results from
generated code may not be in bit-for-bit agreement.
To minimize the amount of memory Specify an integer value for Application lifespan
allocated for absolute and elapsed time (days) For more information on the allocation and
counters. operation of absolute and elapsed timers, see “Timers”,
“ Use Timers in Asynchronous Tasks”, and “Control
Memory Allocation for Time Counters” in the Simulink
Coder documentation.

The following table includes optimization parameters on the Optimization > Signals
and Parameters pane:

To... Select or Specify...

Control whether parameter data for Select Hierarchical or NonHierarchical for
reusable subsystems is generated in a Parameter structure.
separate header file for each subsystem
or in a single parameter data structure
Replace multiply operations in array Select Simplify array indexing.
indices when accessing arrays in a loop

23 Configuration

To... Select or Specify...

Store Boolean signals as one-bit bitfields Select Pack Boolean data into bitfields. Selecting
instead of as a Boolean data type this parameter enables the Bitfield declarator
type specifier. To optimize your code further,
select uchar_T, however this optimization benefit is
dependent on your choice of target.
Pass each reusable subsystem output Select Individual arguments for Pass reusable
argument as an address of a local subsystem outputs as.
to reduce global memory usage and
eliminate copying local variables back to
global block I/O structures

Specify Global Variable Localization

Specify Global Variable Localization

When you generate code for a model, the code generator can optimize variable references
by replacing global variables with local variables. Replacing global variables with
local variables improves execution speed and reduces RAM/ROM. Creating more local
variables can increase stack usage.

Some of the global variables that the code generator can localize include:

• Global signals that cross subsystem boundaries.

• Global signals across Simulink and Stateflow domains.
• Unused global state variables.
• Redundant local Data Store Memory block signals.

To enable the global variable localization analysis:

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation pane, in the
System target file box, specify an ERT target.
2 Verify that the OptimizeBlockIOStorage parameter is set to ‘on’:

>> get_param(gcs,'OptimizeBlockIOStorage')
ans =
3 Verify that AdvancedOptControl is not set to ‘-SLCI’:

>> get_param(gcs,'AdvancedOptControl')
ans =
4 Set the storage class for signals to Auto.

The code generator does not localize global variables for MATLAB system objects or

23 Configuration

Set Hardware Implementation Parameters

Specification of target-specific characteristics of generated code (such as word sizes
for char, short, int, and long data types, or desired rounding behaviors in integer
operations) can be critical in embedded systems development. The Hardware
Implementation category of options in a configuration set provides a simple and flexible
way to control such characteristics in both simulation and code generation.

Before generating and deploying code, you should become familiar with the options on
the Hardware Implementation pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. See
“Hardware Implementation Pane” in the Simulink documentation and “Platform Options
for Development and Deployment” in the Simulink Coder documentation for full details
on the Hardware Implementation pane.

By configuring the Hardware Implementation properties of your model's active

configuration set to match the behaviors of your compiler and hardware, you can
generate more efficient code. For example, if you specify the Byte ordering property,
you can avoid generation of extra code that tests the byte ordering of the target CPU.

You can use the rtwdemo_targetsettings demo model to determine some implementation-
dependent characteristics of your C or C++ compiler, as well as characteristics of your
target hardware. By using this model in conjunction with your target development
system and debugger, you can observe the behavior of the code as it executes on the
target. You can then use this information to configure the Hardware Implementation
parameters of your model.

To use this model, type the command


Follow the instructions in the model window.

Use External Mode with the ERT Target

Use External Mode with the ERT Target

Selecting the External mode option turns on generation of code to support external
mode communication between host (Simulink) and target systems. The Embedded Coder
software supports Simulink external mode features, as described in the “Host/Target
Communication” section of the Simulink Coder documentation.

This section discusses external mode options that may be of special interest to embedded
systems designers. The next figure shows the Data Exchange subpane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box, Interface pane, with External mode selected.

Memory Management
Consider the Memory management option Static memory allocation before
generating external mode code for an embedded target. Static memory allocation is
generally desirable, as it reduces overhead and promotes deterministic performance.

When you select the Static memory allocation option, static external mode
communication buffers are allocated in the target application. When Static memory
allocation is deselected, communication buffers are allocated dynamically (with
malloc) at run time.

Generation of Pure Integer Code with External Mode

The Embedded Coder software supports generation of pure integer code when external
mode code is generated. To do this, select the External mode option, and deselect the
Support floating-point numbers option in the Software environment section of the
Interface pane.

This enhancement lets you generate external mode code that is free of storage definitions
of double or float data type, and allows your code to run on integer-only processors

23 Configuration

If you intend to generate pure integer code with External mode on, note the following

• All trigger signals must be of data type int32. Use a Data Type Conversion block if
• When pure integer code is generated, the simulation stop time specified in the Solver
options is ignored. To specify a stop time, run your target application from the
MATLAB command line and use the -tf option. (See “Run the External Program” in
the Simulink Coder documentation.) If you do not specify this option, the application
executes indefinitely (as if the stop time were inf).

When executing pure integer target applications, the stop time specified by the -tf
command line option is interpreted as the number of base rate ticks to execute, rather
than as an elapsed time in seconds. The number of ticks is computed as
stop time in seconds / base rate step size in seconds


Code Execution Profiling

• “Execution Profiling for Generated Code” on page 24-2

• “Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL” on page 24-5
• “Configure Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL” on page 24-6
• “Execution Profiling for Atomic Subsystems and Model Reference Hierarchies” on
page 24-8
• “View and Compare Code Execution Times” on page 24-10
• “Analyze Code Execution Data” on page 24-16
• “Tips and Limitations” on page 24-18
24 Code Execution Profiling

Execution Profiling for Generated Code

Use code execution profiling to determine:

• Whether the generated code meets real-time requirements of your target hardware.
• Code sections that require performance improvements.

The following tasks represent a general workflow that uses code execution profiling:

1 With the Simulink model, design and optimize your algorithm.

2 Configure the model for code execution profiling, and generate code.
3 Execute generated code on target.
4 Analyze performance through code execution profiling plots and reports. For
example, check that the algorithm code satisfies real-time requirements:

• If the algorithm code easily meets the requirements, consider enhancing your
algorithm to exploit available processing power.
• If the code cannot be executed in real time, look for ways to reduce execution

Identify the tasks that require the most time. For these tasks, investigate
whether trade-offs between functionality and speed are possible.

If your target is a multicore processor, distribute the execution of algorithm code

across available cores.
5 If required, refine the model and return to step 2.

To find information about code execution profiling with Simulink products, use the
following table.

Target Execution Feature Type of Relevant Products See

Host computer Model configured Execution Simulink Coder • “Build and Download to a
for concurrent time Multicore Target”
execution • “Concurrent Execution
Example Models”
Host computer Software-in-the- Execution Embedded • “Code Execution Profiling for
loop (SIL) time Coder SIL and PIL”

Execution Profiling for Generated Code

Target Execution Feature Type of Relevant Products See

• “Configure Code Execution
Profiling for SIL and PIL”
• “Execution Profiling for
Atomic Subsystems and
Model Reference Hierarchies”
• “View and Compare Code
Execution Times”
• “Analyze Code Execution
Embedded Processor-in-the- Execution Embedded • “Code Execution Profiling for
hardware or loop (PIL) time Coder SIL and PIL”
instruction set • “Configure Code Execution
simulator Profiling for SIL and PIL”
• “Execution Profiling for
Atomic Subsystems and
Model Reference Hierarchies”
• “View and Compare Code
Execution Times”
• “Analyze Code Execution
Target support Standalone Execution Embedded • “Code Execution Profiling for
packages execution, PIL time Coder IDE and Toolchain Targets”
• “Perform Execution Time
Profiling for IDE and
Toolchain Targets”
Target support Standalone Stack Embedded • “Code Execution Profiling for
packages execution Coder IDE and Toolchain Targets”
• “Perform Stack Profiling with
IDE and Toolchain Targets”

24 Code Execution Profiling

Target Execution Feature Type of Relevant Products See

Simulink Real- Hardware-in-the- Execution Simulink Coder, • “Execution Profiling for Real-
Time™ loop (HIL) time Simulink Real- Time Applications”
Time • “Configure Real-Time
Application for Profiling”
• “Generate Real-Time
Application Execution
Simulink Real- Model configured Execution Simulink Coder, • “Execution Profiling for Real-
Time for concurrent time Simulink Real- Time Applications”
execution, HIL Time • “Concurrent Execution with
Simulink® Real-Time™”

Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL

Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL

During a software-in-the-loop (“SIL”) or processor-in-the-loop (“PIL”) simulation, you can
produce a profile of execution times for tasks and functions in your generated code. The
software calculates execution times from data that is obtained through instrumentation
probes added to the SIL or PIL test harness or placed inside generated code.

Use the execution time profile to check whether your code runs in real time on your
target hardware:

• If code execution overruns, look for ways to reduce execution time. For example:

1 Identify tasks that require the most time.

2 In these tasks, investigate whether trade-offs between functionality and speed
are possible.
3 Make the changes that reduce execution time.
• If your code easily meets real-time requirements, consider enhancing functionality to
exploit the unused processing power.

Note: Tasks are main entry points into the generated code. For example, the step
function for a sample rate or the model_initialize function.

The software collects execution time measurements in a variable that you specify. See
“Configure Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL” on page 24-6.

At the end of the SIL or PIL simulation, you can:

• View a report of code execution times.

• Use the Simulation Data Inspector to view and compare plots of function execution
• Analyze the measurements within the MATLAB environment.

See “View and Compare Code Execution Times” on page 24-10 and “Analyze Code
Execution Data” on page 24-16.

24 Code Execution Profiling

Configure Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL

To configure code execution profiling for a “SIL” or “PIL” simulation:

1 In your top model, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box, and select the
Code Generation > Verification pane.
2 Select the Measure task execution time check box.
3 If you also want function execution times, select the Measure function execution
times check box. For information about how you apply this setting to atomic
subsystems and model reference hierarchies, see “Execution Profiling for Atomic
Subsystems and Model Reference Hierarchies” on page 24-8.
4 In the Workspace variable field, specify a name. When you run the simulation,
the software generates a variable with this name in the MATLAB base workspace.
The variable contains the execution time measurements, and is an object of type

If you select the Data Import/Export > Save simulation output as single object
check box, the software creates the variable in the Simulink.SimulationOutput
object that you specify.
5 From the Save options drop-down list, select one of the following:

• Summary data only — If you want to generate only a report and reduce
memory usage, for example, during a long simulation. See “View and Compare
Code Execution Times” on page 24-10.
• All measurement and analysis data — Allows you to generate a
report and store execution time profiles in the base workspace. After the
simulation, you can use methods from the coder.profile.ExecutionTime and
coder.profile.ExecutionTimeSection classes to retrieve execution time
measurements for every call to each profiled section of code that occurs during the
simulation. See “Analyze Code Execution Data” on page 24-16.
6 Click OK.

For a PIL simulation, you must configure a hardware-specific timer. When you set up the
connectivity configuration for your target, create a timer object. See “Create PIL Target
Connectivity Configuration”. This action is not required for a SIL simulation.

If you select All measurement and analysis data from the Save options drop-
down list, the generated report displays Simulation Data Inspector icons . When you

Configure Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL

click one of these icons, the software imports simulation results into the Simulation Data
Inspector. You can then plot execution times and manage and compare plots from various
simulations. See “View and Compare Code Execution Times” on page 24-10.

For details about automatically importing simulation data into the Simulation Data
Inspector, see “Validate System Behavior”.

24 Code Execution Profiling

Execution Profiling for Atomic Subsystems and Model Reference

To generate execution data for tasks only, on the Code Generation > Verification
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select the Measure task execution
time check box and clear the Measure function execution times check box.

To generate function execution data for atomic subsystems in the top model, on the Code
Generation > Verification pane, you must select the Measure task execution time
and Measure function execution times check boxes.

The generation of function execution data requires the insertion of measurement

probes into the generated code. The software inserts measurement probes for an atomic
subsystem only if you set the Function packaging field (on the Code Generation
tab of the Function Block Parameters dialog box) to either Nonreusable function or
Reusable function. If the field is set to Auto, then the insertion of probes depends on
the packaging choice that results from the Auto setting. If the field is set to Inline, the
software does not insert probes.

Note: In the generated code, the software wraps each function call with measurement
probes except when:

• The call site cannot be wrapped because of expression folding (see “Minimize
Computations and Storage for Intermediate Results”).

• The call site is located in the shared utility code (see “Sharing Utility Code”).

You might not want to generate profiles for specific subsystems. To disable code
execution profiling for a subsystem in the top model:

1 Right-click the subsystem.

2 From the context menu, select Properties.
3 In the Block Properties dialog box, select the General tab.
4 In the Tag field, enter DoNotProfile.
5 Click OK.

To generate function execution data for model reference hierarchies:

Execution Profiling for Atomic Subsystems and Model Reference Hierarchies

1 In the top model, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box, and select the Code
Generation > Verification pane.
2 Select the Measure task execution time check box.
3 For each Model block that you want to profile, select Measure function execution
times only at the reference level for which you require function execution data.

For example, consider a top model that has Model block A, which in turn contains Model
block B.

If you want to generate execution times for functions from model B, select Measure task
execution time for the top model and Measure function execution times for model

Note: By default, the Model block parameter, Code under test is set to Model
reference. If this block parameter is set to Top model, the configuration parameter
Measure task execution time for the top model and the referenced model must be the
same. Otherwise, the software produces an error.

If your top model has a PIL block, the execution profiling settings that apply to the PIL
block are the settings from the original model that you used to create the PIL block. See
“Use a SIL or PIL Block”. The execution profiling settings of your top model do not apply
to the PIL block.

24 Code Execution Profiling

View and Compare Code Execution Times

After a SIL or PIL simulation, you can:

• Use report to open a report of code execution times.

• Use the Simulation Data Inspector to:

• Plot execution times.

• Manage and compare plots from various simulations.

Consider the model rtwdemo_sil_topmodel, which has two subsystems

CounterTypeA and CounterTypeB.

To generate code execution times for the subsystems, on the Configuration

Parameters > Code Generation > Verification pane:

View and Compare Code Execution Times

1 Select the following check boxes:

• Measure task execution time

• Measure function execution times
2 Specify a Workspace variable, for example, executionProfile.
3 From the Save options drop-down list, select All measurement and analysis

When you run a SIL simulation, the software generates the variable
executionProfile in the MATLAB base workspace.

Note: If you select the Data Import/Export > Save simulation output as
single object check box, the software creates the variable in your specified
Simulink.SimulationOutput object.

To display a code execution report, in the Command Window, enter:

>> report(executionProfile)

24 Code Execution Profiling

Part 1 provides a summary. Part 2 contains information about profiled code sections.

You can expand and collapse profiled sections in Part 2 by clicking [+] and [–]
respectively. The following graphic shows fully expanded sections.

The report contains time measurements for:

• The model initialization function rtwdemo_sil_topmodel_initialize.

• A task represented by the step function rtwdemo_sil_topmodel_step [0.1 0].
• Functions generated from the subsystems CounterTypeA and CounterTypeB.

You can go to a profiled code section in the Generated Code view of the Code Generation
Report. In the Code Execution Profiling Report, on a code section row, click the icon .
For example, if you click the icon in the rtwdemo_sil_topmodel_initialize row, you
see the measurement probes around the call site in the SIL test harness.

View and Compare Code Execution Times

By default, the report displays time in nanoseconds (10-9 seconds). You can specify the
time unit and numeric display format. For example, to display time in microseconds (10-6
seconds), use the following command:
>>report(executionProfile,'Units', 'Seconds', 'ScaleFactor', '1e-06', 'NumericFormat', '%0.3f')

The report displays time in seconds only if the timer is calibrated, that is, the number
of timer ticks per second is known. On a Windows machine, the software automatically
determines this value for a SIL simulation. On a Linux machine, you must manually
calibrate the timer. For example, if your processor speed is 1 GHz, specify the number of
timer ticks per second:

>>executionProfile.TimerTicksPerSecond = 1e9;
For more information, see “Analyze Code Execution Data” on page 24-16.

To display measured execution times for a task or function, click the Simulation Data
Inspector icon on the corresponding row. You can use the Simulation Data Inspector
to manage and compare plots from various simulations.

24 Code Execution Profiling

For information, see “Inspect Signal Data with Simulation Data Inspector”.

Note: To observe how code sections are invoked over the execution timeline, use the
timeline function.

The following table describes the information provided in the code section profiles.

Column Description
Model Name of task, top model, subsystem, or Model block. Click the link
to go to the model.

With a task, the sample period and sample offset are listed next
to the task name. For example, rtwdemo_sil_topmodel_step
[0.1 0] indicates that the sample period is 0.1 seconds and the
sample offset is 0.
Maximum Maximum time between start and end of function execution.
Execution Time Includes time spent in child functions.
Average Execution Average time between start and end of execution. Includes time
Time spent in child functions.
Maximum Self Longest time spent in function. Excludes time spent in child
Time functions.
Average Self Time Average time spent in function. Excludes time spent in child
Calls Number of calls made to task or function.
Icon that you click in the Code Execution Profiling Report to see
the profiled code section in the Generated Code view of the Code
Generation Report. Code section can be a task or function.

The specified workspace variable, for example,

executionProfile, must be present in the base workspace.
Icon that you click to display the profiled code section in the
Command Window. Equivalent to executing the command

The specified workspace variable, for example,

executionProfile, must be present in the base workspace.

View and Compare Code Execution Times

Column Description
Icon that you click to display measured execution times with
Simulation Data Inspector.

The specified workspace variable, for example,

executionProfile, must be present in the base workspace.

24 Code Execution Profiling

Analyze Code Execution Data

After a SIL or PIL simulation, you can analyze execution time data using methods from
the coder.profile.ExecutionTime and coder.profile.ExecutionTimeSection

Consider the model rtwdemo_sil_topmodel. Specify the following profiling options,

and then run a SIL simulation.

The software generates the workspace variable myExecutionProfile, an

coder.profile.ExecutionTime object.

To get the total number of code sections that have profiling data, use the Sections
>> no_of_Sections = myExecutionProfile.Sections

no_of_Sections =

To get the coder.profile.ExecutionTimeSection object for a profiled code section,
use the method Sections.
>> FirstSectionProfile = myExecutionProfile.Sections(1)


Section name = rtwdemo_sil_topmodel_initialize

Sample period = 0
Sample offset = 0
>> SecondSectionProfile = myExecutionProfile.Sections(2)


Section name = rtwdemo_sil_topmodel_step [0.1 0]

Sample period = 0.1
Sample offset = 0

Analyze Code Execution Data


Use coder.profile.ExecutionTimeSection methods to extract profiling information

for a particular code section. For example, use Name to obtain the name of a profiled task.
>> name_of_section = SecondSectionProfile.Name

name_of_section =

rtwdemo_sil_topmodel_step [0.1 0]


If the timer is uncalibrated and you know the timer rate, for example 2.2 GHz, you can
use the coder.profile.ExecutionTime method TimerTicksPerSecond to calibrate
the timer:
>> myExecutionProfile.TimerTicksPerSecond(2.2e9)
>> SecondSectionProfile = myExecutionProfile.Sections(2);

24 Code Execution Profiling

Tips and Limitations

Triggered Model Block
Consider the case where a triggered Model block is configured to run in the SIL or PIL
simulation mode. The software generates one execution time measurement each time the
referenced model is triggered to run. If there are multiple triggers in a single time step,
the software generates multiple measurements for the triggered Model block. Conversely,
if there is no trigger in a given time step, the software generates no time measurements.

Outliers in Execution Time Profiles

After the start of a measurement, the operating system might preempt a SIL application,
making the code execution profiling result for the time step unreliable. As a consequence
of preemption, you might see outliers in your execution time profiles, with execution
times that are longer than expected.

For execution time measurements greater than 232 ticks, the counter wraps. (If you
are profiling a real-time, multi-core application, the software reduces the effective
measurement range of the timer to accommodate synchronization discrepancies in the
recording of timer values for different cores.) Counter wrapping occurs when the actual
execution time is very long. Counter wrapping results in a measured execution time that
is shorter than expected.

Hardware-Specific Timer
If your target configuration does not already specify a timer, you must specify one. To
specify a timer, you must create a timer object that provides details of the hardware-
specific timer and associated source files:

• For SIL simulation, the timer word length is determined by your MEX compiler. The
word length is 64 bits, unless your selected MEX compiler is Lcc. In this case, the
word length is 32 bits.
• For PIL simulation, you can specify an 8-, 16-, 32-, or 64-bit timer.

Task Context Switching Due to Preemption

Profiling instrumentation is intrusive and affects the quantity that it is meant to
measure. Therefore, the design goal is to maximize code understanding with a minimum

Tips and Limitations

of instrumentation. For example, with a real-time system, there can be task context
switches due to preemption. These context switches are not explicitly instrumented.
To record the start and end of each task, the software must infer context switches from
instrumentation. As a result, the software reports behavior that is an estimate. The
estimate is subject to error because of incomplete instrumentation within the kernel.

In some cases, when the software cannot accurately determine behavior, the software
generates a warning:
Warning: Analysis unsuccessful for one or more profiling data points. ...
For example, the software might generate this warning when not all mutex take system
calls (associated with rate transitions) are instrumented. In the case of Simulink Real-
Time, this situation might arise if you generate code for a model reference hierarchy
without enabling function profiling for all referenced models (set_param(model,
'CodeProfilingInstrumentation', 'on'). If a mutex take system call is not
instrumented, a task context switch might occur that is not visible to the execution
profiling analysis.

In other cases, although the software cannot accurately determine behavior, the software
does not generate a warning.

Data Type Replacement Support

Data type replacement does not support the measurement of function execution times.
For your model, clear one of the following check boxes:

• Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Verification > Measure

function execution times
• Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Data Type Replacement >
Replace data type names in the generated code


Code Execution Profiling for MATLAB


• “Execution Time Profiling for SIL and PIL” on page 25-2

• “Generate Execution Time Profile” on page 25-3
• “View Execution Time Profile” on page 25-4
• “Analyze Execution Time Data” on page 25-7
25 Code Execution Profiling for MATLAB Coder

Execution Time Profiling for SIL and PIL

During a software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution, you can
produce a profile of execution times for code generated from entry-point functions. The
software calculates execution times from data that is obtained through instrumentation
probes added to the SIL or PIL test harness.

Use the execution time profile to check whether your code runs within the required time
on your target hardware:

• If code execution overruns, look for ways to reduce execution time.

• If your code easily meets time requirements, consider enhancing functionality to
exploit the unused processing power.

At the end of the SIL or PIL execution, you can:

• View a report of code execution times.

• Use the Simulation Data Inspector to view and compare plots of function execution
• Access and analyze execution time profiling data.

Note: SIL and PIL execution supports multiple entry-point functions. An entry-point
function can call another entry-point function as a subfunction. However, the software
generates execution time profiles only for functions that are called at the entry-point
level. The software does not generate execution time profiles for entry-point functions
that are called as subfunctions by other entry-point functions.

For more information, see:

• “Generate Execution Time Profile” on page 25-3

• “View Execution Time Profile” on page 25-4
• “Analyze Execution Time Data” on page 25-7

Generate Execution Time Profile

Generate Execution Time Profile

Before running a software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution,
enable execution time profiling using the Project Interface:

1 Select the Build tab.

2 Under Settings, click More settings, which opens the Project Settings dialog box.
3 From the All Settings > Advanced > Enable entry point execution profiling
for SIL/PIL drop-down list, select Yes.

Or, from the Command Window, specify the CodeExecutionProfiling property of

your coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object. For example:

config.CodeExecutionProfiling = true;

For information about setting up a SIL or PIL execution, see “Code Verification”.

25 Code Execution Profiling for MATLAB Coder

View Execution Time Profile

If you enable SIL or PIL execution time profiling, at the end of the execution, the
software generates a link in the Command Window. For example:
Current plot held
### Starting SIL execution for 'kalman01'
To terminate execution: clear kalman01_sil
Execution profiling report available after termination.
Current plot released

Click the clear kalman01_sil link. The software terminates the execution process
and displays a new link.
### Stopping SIL execution for 'kalman01'
Execution profiling report: report(getCoderExecutionProfile('kalman01'))

Click the report link. The software opens the Code Execution Profiling Report.

The first section provides a summary. The second section contains information about
profiled code sections.

The report contains time measurements for:

• The entry_point_fn_initialize function, for example, kalman01_initialize.

• The entry-point function, for example, kalman01.

View Execution Time Profile

• The entry_point_fn_terminate function, for example, kalman01_terminate.

By default, the report displays time in nanoseconds (10-9 seconds). You can specify the
time unit and numeric display format. For example, to display time in microseconds (10-6
seconds), use the “report” command:
executionProfile=getCoderExecutionProfile('kalman01'); % Create workspace var
report(executionProfile, ...
'Units', 'Seconds', ...
'ScaleFactor', '1e-06', ...
'NumericFormat', '%0.3f')

The report displays time in seconds only if the timer is calibrated, that is, the number of
timer ticks per second is established. On a Windows machine, the software determines
this value for a SIL simulation. On a Linux machine, you must manually calibrate the
timer. For example, if your processor speed is 1 GHz, specify the number of timer ticks
per second:
executionProfile.TimerTicksPerSecond = 1e9;
For more information, see “Analyze Execution Time Data” on page 25-7.

To display measured execution times for a function, click the Simulation Data Inspector
icon on the corresponding row. You can use the Simulation Data Inspector to manage
and compare plots from various executions. For information, see “Inspect Signal Data
with Simulation Data Inspector”.

The following table lists the information provided in the code section profiles.

Column Description
Section Name of function from which code is generated.
Maximum Maximum time between start and end of function execution.
Execution Time Includes time spent in child functions.
Average Execution Average time between start and end of execution. Includes time
Time spent in child functions.
Maximum Self Longest time spent in function. Excludes time spent in child
Time functions.
Average Self Time Average time spent in function. Excludes time spent in child
Calls Number of calls made to function.

25 Code Execution Profiling for MATLAB Coder

Column Description
Icon that you click to display the profiled code section in the
Command Window.
Icon that you click to display measured execution times with
Simulation Data Inspector.

Analyze Execution Time Data

Analyze Execution Time Data

After a software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution, you can
analyze execution time data using methods from the coder.profile.ExecutionTime
and coder.profile.ExecutionTimeSection classes.

In the following example, you run a SIL execution and apply supplied methods to
execution time data.

Extract Execution Time Data for Kalman Estimator Code

Run SIL execution to generate execution time data
Copy MATLAB code to your working folder.

src_dir = ...

copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'kalman01.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'test01_ui.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'plot_trajectory.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'position.mat'), '.')
For a description of the Kalman estimator, see “C Code Generation at the Command

Create a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object.

config = coder.config('lib');
config.GenerateReport = true; % HTML report

Configure the object for SIL and enable execution time profiling.

config.VerificationMode = 'SIL';
config.CodeExecutionProfiling = true;

Generate library code for the kalman01 MATLAB function and the SIL interface.

codegen('-config', config, '-args', {zeros(2,1)}, 'kalman01');

Run the MATLAB test file test01_ui with kalman01_sil. kalman01_sil is the
SIL interface for kalman01.

25 Code Execution Profiling for MATLAB Coder

coder.runTest('test01_ui', ['kalman01_sil.' mexext]);

At end of the execution, you see the following message.

To terminate execution: clear kalman01_sil

Execution profiling report available after termination.
Current plot released

Terminate the SIL execution process. Click the link clear kalman01_sil.

### Stopping SIL execution for 'kalman01'

Execution profiling report: report(getCoderExecutionProfile('kalman01'))
Create workspace variable that holds execution time
Use the getCoderExecutionProfile function to create a workspace variable that
holds execution time profiling data.

Extract code sections
Use the Sections method.
allSections = executionProfile.Sections
The software displays the number of code sections and a list of properties.

allSections =

1x3 ExecutionTimeTaskSection array with properties:


Extract execution time data from specific code section

Extract execution time data from specific code section
Specify the code section that you want to examine.

secondSectionProfile = executionProfile.Sections(2)
The software displays profile data for the code section.

secondSectionProfile =

ExecutionTimeTaskSection with properties:

Name: 'kalman01'
Number: 2
ExecutionTimeInTicks: [1x300 uint64]
SelfTimeInTicks: [1x300 uint64]
TurnaroundTimeInTicks: [1x300 uint64]
TotalExecutionTimeInTicks: 6641016
TotalSelfTimeInTicks: 6641016
TotalTurnaroundTimeInTicks: 6641016
MaximumExecutionTimeInTicks: 48864
MaximumExecutionTimeCallNum: 158
MaximumSelfTimeInTicks: 48864
MaximumSelfTimeCallNum: 158
MaximumTurnaroundTimeInTicks: 48864
MaximumTurnaroundTimeCallNum: 158
NumCalls: 300
ExecutionTimeInSeconds: [1x300 double]
Time: [300x1 double]

You can extract specific properties, for example, the name of a profiled function.
nameOfSection = secondSectionProfile.Name
The software displays the name.

nameOfSection =


25 Code Execution Profiling for MATLAB Coder

The following table lists the information that you can extract from each code section.

Property Description
Name Name of entry-point function
Number Code section number
ExecutionTimeInTicksVector of execution times, measured in timer ticks.
Each element contains the difference between the timer
reading at the start and at the end of the code section.
The data type is the same data type as the data type of
the timer used on the target, which allows you to infer the
maximum range of the timer measurements.
SelfTimeInTicks Vector of timer tick numbers. Each element contains the
number of ticks recorded for the code section, excluding
the time spent in calls to child functions.
Vector of timer tick numbers. Each element contains the
number of ticks recorded between the start and the finish
of the code section. Unless the code is preempted, this
number is the same number as the execution time.
Total number of timer ticks recorded for the code section
over the entire execution.
TotalSelfTimeInTicksTotal number of timer ticks recorded for the profiled code
section over the entire execution. However, this number
excludes the time spent in calls to child functions.
Total number of timer ticks recorded between the start
and the finish of the profiled code section over the entire
execution. Unless the code is preempted, this number is
the same as the total execution time.
Maximum number of timer ticks recorded for a single
invocation of the code section over the execution.
Number of call in which
MaximumExecutionTimeInTicks occurs.
Maximum number of timer ticks recorded for a single code
section invocation, but excluding the time spent in calls to
child functions.

Extract execution time data from specific code section

Property Description
Number of call in which MaximumSelfTimeInTicks
Maximum number of timer ticks recorded between
the start and the finish of a single invocation of the
profiled code section over the execution. Unless the code
is preempted, this time is the same as the maximum
execution time.
Number of call in which
MaximumTurnaroundTimeInTicks occurs.
NumCalls Total number of calls to the code section over the entire
Vector of execution times, measured in seconds. Each
element contains the difference between the timer reading
at the start and at the end of the code section. Produced
only if TimerTicksPerSecond is set.
Time Vector of execution time measurements for the code


Data Copy Reduction

• “Optimize Global Variable Usage” on page 26-2

• “Reuse Block Outputs in the Generated Code” on page 26-12
• “Virtualized Output Ports Optimization” on page 26-16
• “Control Signal Storage” on page 26-18
• “Signal Reuse for Root-Level Model Inputs and Outputs” on page 26-19
26 Data Copy Reduction

Optimize Global Variable Usage

In this section...
“Minimize Global Data Access” on page 26-3
“Use Global to Hold Temporary Results” on page 26-8

To tune your application and choose tradeoffs for execution speed and memory usage, you
can choose a global variable reference optimization for the generated code.

In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Optimization > Signals and
Parameters. In the Optimize global data access drop-down list, three parameter
options control global variable usage optimizations.

• None. Use default optimizations. This choice works well for most models. The code
generator balances the use of local and global variables. It generates code which
balances RAM and ROM consumption and execution speed.
• Use global to hold temporary results. Reusing global variables improves
code efficiency and readability. This optimization reuses global variables, which
results in fewer variables defined by the code generator. It reduces RAM and ROM
consumption and data copies.
• Minimize global data access. Using local variables to cache global data reduces
ROM consumption by reducing code size in certain cases, such as when the global
variables are scalars. This optimization improves execution speed because the
code uses fewer instructions for local variable references than for global variable

Optimize Global Variable Usage

Minimize Global Data Access

This example shows how the code generator uses global and local variables when you
select None versus when you select Minimize global data access.

• None

Use default optimizations. This choice works well for most models. The code generator
balances the use of local and global variables. It produces balanced optimizations of
RAM and ROM consumption and execution speed.
• Minimize global data access

Minimize the use of global variables by using local variables to hold intermediate
values. This optimization reduces ROM and RAM consumption by reducing code size
in certain cases, such as when the global variables are scalars.

Minimizing the use of global variables by using local variables interacts with stack
usage control. For example, stack size can determine the number of local and global
variables that the code generator can allocate in the generated code. For more
information, see “Customize Stack Space Allocation” and “Control Signal Storage” on
page 26-18.

Example Model

In the Command Window, type rtwdemo_optimize_global.

Save the model to a local folder.

26 Data Copy Reduction

Set up the configuration for the model.

In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane, verify that the Signal Storage Reuse check box is selected. From
the Optimize global data access list, select None.

Generate Code

To generate the code, on the Code Generation pane:

1 Select Generate code only.

2 Click Apply.
3 Click Generate Code.

The code generator places the generated code in the

rtwdemo_optimize_global_ert_rtw folder. For this example, the file
rtwdemo_optimize_global.c contains the relevant code.

The code assigns values to the global vector rtY.Out1 in each case statement without
using a local variable. This assignment improves ROM and RAM consumption and

Optimize Global Variable Usage

reduces data copies. The code places the value in the destination variable for each
assignment instead of copying the value at the end.

switch ((int32_T)rtU.In1) {
case 1:
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant'
rtY.Out1 = 1.0;

case 2:
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant1'
rtY.Out1 = 2.0;

case 3:
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant2'
rtY.Out1 = 3.0;

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant3'
rtY.Out1 = 4.0;

/* End of MultiPortSwitch: '<Root>/Multiport Switch' */


In the Static Code Metrics Report, examine the Global Variables section.

1 In the Code Generation report window, click Static Code Metrics Report.
2 Scroll down to the Global Variables section.
3 Click [+] before each variable to expand it.

26 Data Copy Reduction

The total number of reads and writes for global variables is 5.

Enable Optimization

On the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, from the Optimize global
data access list, select Minimize global data access. Click Apply.

Generate Code with Optimization

On the Code Generation pane, click Generate Code.

In the rtwdemo_optimize_global.c listing, the code assigns the constant value to the
local variable tmp_Out1 in each case statement. The last statement in the code listing
copies the value of tmp_Out1 to the global variable rtY.Out1. Fewer global variable
references result in fewer instructions and improved execution speed.

switch ((int32_T)rtU.In1) {
case 1:
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant'
tmp_Out1 = 1.0;

Optimize Global Variable Usage

case 2:
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant1'
tmp_Out1 = 2.0;

case 3:
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant2'
tmp_Out1 = 3.0;

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<Root>/Constant3'
tmp_Out1 = 4.0;

/* End of MultiPortSwitch: '<Root>/Multiport Switch' */

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' */
rtY.Out1 = tmp_Out1;

In the Static Code Metrics Report, examine the Global Variables section.

26 Data Copy Reduction

As a result of minimizing global data accesses, the total number of reads and writes for
global variables has decreased from 5 to 2.

Use Global to Hold Temporary Results

This example shows how the code generator uses global and local variables when you
select None versus when you select Use global to hold temporary results.

• None

Use default optimizations. This choice works well for most models. The code generator
balances the use of local and global variables. It generates code which balances RAM
and ROM consumption and execution speed.
• Use global to hold temporary results

Maximize use of global variables. Reusing global variables improves code efficiency
and readability. This optimization reuses global variables, which results in fewer
variables defined by the code generator, reducing RAM and ROM consumption and
data copies.

Example Model

In the Command Window, type rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf.

Save the model to a local folder.

Set up the configuration for the model. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on
the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, verify that the Signal Storage
Reuse check box is selected. From the Optimize global data access list, select None.

Generate Code

To generate the code, on the Code Generation pane:

1 Select Generate code only.

Optimize Global Variable Usage

2 Click Apply.
3 Click Generate Code.

The code generator places the generated code in the

rtwdemo_reuse_global_ebf_ert_rtw folder. The file
rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf.c contains the relevant code.

The code assigns values to the local vector rtb_Assignment. The last statement copies
the values in the local vector rtb_Assignment to the global vector rtY.Out1. Fewer
global variable references result in improved execution speed. The code uses more
instructions for global variable references than for local variable references.

/* Model step function */

void rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf_step(void)
real_T rtb_Assignment[5];
int32_T i;

/* Assignment: '<Root>/Assignment' incorporates:

* Constant: '<Root>/Constant'
* Inport: '<Root>/In1'
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rtb_Assignment[i] = rtCP_Constant_Value[i];

rtb_Assignment[1] = rtU.In1;

/* End of Assignment: '<Root/Assignment' */

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:

* Gain: '<Root>/Gain'
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rtY.Out1[i] = 2.0 * rtb_Assignment[i];

/* End of Outport: '<Root>/Out1' */


In the Static Code Metrics Report, examine the Global Variables section.

1 In the Code Generation report window, click Static Code Metrics Report.

26 Data Copy Reduction

2 Scroll down to the Global Variables section.

3 Click [+] before each variable to expand it.

The total number of reads and writes for global variables is 2.

Enable Optimization

On the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, from the Optimize global
data access list, select Use global to hold temporary results. Click Apply.

Generate Code with Optimization

On the Code Generation pane, click Generate Code.

rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf.c contains the following code.

The code assigns values to the global vector rtY.Out1 without using a local variable.
This assignment improves ROM and RAM consumption and reduces data copies. The
code places the value in the destination variable for each assignment instead of copying
the value at the end.

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

rtY.Out1[i] = rtCP_Constant_Value[i];

rtY.Out1[1] = rtU.In1;

Optimize Global Variable Usage

/* End of Assignment: '<Root>/Assignment' */

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:

* Gain: '<Root>/Gain'
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rtY.Out1[i] *= 2.0;

In the Static Code Metrics Report, examine the Global Variables section.

As a result of using global variables to hold local results, the total number of reads and
writes for global variables has increased from 2 to 5. This optimization reduces data
copies by reusing global variables.

26 Data Copy Reduction

Reuse Block Outputs in the Generated Code

In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane, the Reuse global block outputs parameter controls the reuse of
global block outputs in the generated code.

Reuse Global Block Outputs

This example shows the results of enabling the Reuse global block outputs

Example Model

In the Command Window, type rtwdemo_reuse_global.

Save the model to a local folder.

Reuse Block Outputs in the Generated Code

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane, verify that Signal Storage Reuse is selected.
2 Clear Reuse global block outputs.
3 On the Code Generation > Report pane select Static code metrics.

Generate Code

To generate the code, on the Code Generation pane:

• Select Generate code only.

• Click Apply.
• Click Generate Code.

The code generator places the generated code in the rtwdemo_reuse_global_ert_rtw

folder. The file rtwdemo_reuse_global.c contains the relevant code listed. The code
assigns the value of:

• The calculation to the global variable rtY.Out1.

• The global variable rtY.Out1 to the global variable rtDW.Delay_DSTATE.

rtY.Out1 = rtU.In1 + rtDW.Delay_DSTATE;

26 Data Copy Reduction

/* Update for Delay: '<Root>/Delay' */

rtDW.Delay_DSTATE = rtY.Out1;

The total number of reads and writes for global variables is 8. The total size in bytes is

Enable Optimization

On the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane, select Reuse global block
outputs. Click Apply.

Generate Code with Optimization

On the Code Generation pane, click Generate Code.

The code generator reduces two statements to one statement and three global variables
to two global variables. This optimization reduces ROM and RAM consumption and
improves execution speed.

rtY.Out1 += rtU.In1;

Reuse Block Outputs in the Generated Code

The optimization reduces the total number of reads and writes for global variables from 8
to 5 and the total size in bytes from 28 to 20.

For more information, see “Optimize Global Variable Usage” on page 26-2.

26 Data Copy Reduction

Virtualized Output Ports Optimization

The virtualized output ports optimization lets you store the signal entering the root
output port as a global variable. Clearing the MAT-file logging option and setting
the TLC variable FullRootOutputVector to 0, both defaults for Embedded Coder,
eliminate code and data storage associated with root output ports.

Consider the model in the following block diagram. The signal exportedSig has
exportedGlobal storage class.

In the default case, the output of the Gain block is written to the signal storage location,
exportedSig. The code generator does not generate code or data for the Out1 block,
which has become a virtual block.
/* Gain Block: <Root>/Gain */
exportedSig = rtb_PulseGen * VirtOutPortLogOFF_P.Gain_Gain;

In cases where you enable MAT-file logging or set FullRootOutputVector = 1, the

generated code represents root output ports as members of an external outputs vector.

The following code fragment was generated with MAT-file logging enabled. The output
port is represented as a member of the external outputs vector VirtOutPortLogON_Y.
The Gain block output value is copied to exportedSig and to the external outputs
/* Gain Block: <Root>/Gain */
exportedSig = rtb_PulseGen * VirtOutPortLogON_P.Gain_Gain;

/* Outport Block: <Root>/Out1 */

VirtOutPortLogON_Y.Out1 = exportedSig;

Data maintenance in the external outputs vector can be significant for smaller models
that perform benchmarks.

You can force root output ports to be stored in the external outputs vector (regardless of
the setting of MAT-file logging) by setting the TLC variable FullRootOutputVector
to 1. Add the statement

Virtualized Output Ports Optimization

%assign FullRootOutputVector = 1

to the Embedded Coder system target file. Alternatively, you can enter the assignment
from the MATLAB command line using the set_param command, the model parameter
TLCOptions, and the TLC option -a. For more information, see “Specify TLC Options”
and “Configure TLC”.

For more information on how to control signal storage in generated code, see “Signals”.

26 Data Copy Reduction

Control Signal Storage

You can control how signals in your model are stored and represented in the generated
code with a number of options. You can also control where signal storage is declared.

You can choose to store signals in global memory space or locally in functions, in stack
variables. For more information, see “Signals”.

If you want to store signals in stack space, you must enable the Enable local block
outputs option.

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Optimization > Signals and
Parameters. Select Signal storage reuse.
2 Select the Enable local block outputs option. Click Apply.

Signal Reuse for Root-Level Model Inputs and Outputs

Signal Reuse for Root-Level Model Inputs and Outputs

Signal reuse allows for further optimizations that can reduce data copies, global
variables, and ROM/RAM consumption. The code generator can reuse the root input and
output signals for a model in the generated code. When you prepare to generate code
for a model, you can specify that pairs of root-level model input and output signals are
available to be reused. Use the Reusable custom storage class.

1 Choose one root-level input signal and one root-level output signal. Assign them the
same name. The name is used for the reused variable name in the generated code.
Specify that the signal name must resolve to a Simulink.Signal object.
2 Create a Simulink.Signal object and specify the same name as you chose for the
signals in the previous step. Set the storage class to Custom. Set the custom storage
class to Reusable or to a custom storage class that you derived from Reusable.
Verify that Is Reusable is set to Yes.

In some cases, code generation creates an extra buffer to satisfy requested buffer use for
the specified signal.

When you run an executable produced by code generation, and you reuse a root I/O pair,
it is important that when the root input value is zero that the root output value is also
zero. If the output value is nonzero and you reuse the signals, then the results from the
simulation can differ from the results produced by the executable.

Reuse Root-Level I/O Signals

This example shows how the code generator can reuse root-level input and output
signals. Reuse reduces ROM and RAM consumption, data copies, and global variables.

In the Command Window, open rtwdemo_merge.

Save the model to a local folder.

26 Data Copy Reduction

Generate Code Without Optimization

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation pane, set
System target file to ert.tlc.
2 Select Generate code only.
3 Click Apply.
4 Click Generate Code.

In the rtwdemo_merge.h header file the code generator declares these variables: In1,
In2, In3, and Out1, for a total of four variables.

/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */

typedef struct {
real32_T In1; /* '<Root>/In1' */
real32_T In2; /* '<Root>/In2' */
real32_T In3; /* '<Root>/In3' */
} ExtU_rtwdemo_merge_T;

/* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */

typedef struct {
real32_T Out1; /* '<Root>/Out1' */
} ExtY_rtwdemo_merge_T;

In rtwdemo_merge.c, in the rtwdemo_merge_U structure, the code generator uses

In1, In2, and In3 for the input values. In the rtwdemo_merge_Y structure, it uses Out1
for the output value.

if (5.0F * rtwdemo_merge_U.In1 > 0.0F) {

/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<Root>/IfBody' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S2>/IfAction'

Signal Reuse for Root-Level Model Inputs and Outputs

/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:

* Gain: '<S2>/ifgain'
* Inport: '<Root>/In2'
rtwdemo_merge_Y.Out1 = 5.0F * rtwdemo_merge_U.In2;

/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/IfBody' */

} else {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<Root>/ElseBody' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S1>/IfAction'
/* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates:
* Gain: '<S1>/elsegain'
* Inport: '<Root>/In3'
rtwdemo_merge_Y.Out1 = 10.0F * rtwdemo_merge_U.In3;

Enable Optimization

1 Choose a pair of root-level input and outputs. For this example, choose In1 for the
root-level input and Out1 for the root-level output.
2 For the input signal:

a Right-click the signal line. From the context menu, choose Properties.
b Set Signal name to mysig. Press Tab.
c Select Signal name must resolve to Simulink signal object.
d Click OK.
3 Repeat step 2 for the corresponding output signal.

The model, after being configured, with the root I/O signals labelled with Reuse,
looks like this:

26 Data Copy Reduction

4 Create a reusable signal object. Call it mysig, to match the name of the input and
output signals. In the Command Window, enter:
mysig.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
mysig.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'Reusable';

Generate Code With Optimization

On the Code Generation pane, click Generate Code.

In the rtwdemo_merge.h header file, the code generator declares In2, In3, and
mysig, resulting in three variables.
/* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */
typedef struct {
real32_T In2; /* '<Root>/In2' */
real32_T In3; /* '<Root>/In3' */
} ExtU_rtwdemo_merge_T;

/* Declaration for custom storage class: Reusable */

extern real32_T mysig;

The code in rtwdemo_merge.c, in the structure rtwdemo_merge_U, uses the variables

In2 and In3 for input values. The code reuses the variable mysig for input and output,
instead of usingIn1 and Out1.
if (5.0F * mysig > 0.0F) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<Root>/IfBody' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S2>/IfAction'
mysig = 5.0F * rtwdemo_merge_U.In2;

/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/IfBody' */

} else {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<Root>/ElseBody' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S1>/IfAction'
mysig = 10.0F * rtwdemo_merge_U.In3;

With reuse, the number of variables created and referenced is reduced by half. Each
input/output signal pair results in one variable rather than two.

Signal Reuse for Root-Level Model Inputs and Outputs

More About
• “Introduction to Custom Storage Classes”
• “Simulink Package Custom Storage Classes”
• “Signal Objects”


Execution Speed

• “Remove Initialization Code” on page 27-2

• “Generate Pure Integer Code If Possible” on page 27-3
• “Disable MAT-File Logging” on page 27-4
• “Simplify Multiply Operations In Array Indexing” on page 27-5
27 Execution Speed

Remove Initialization Code

Consider selecting the Remove internal state zero initialization and Remove root
level I/O zero initialization options on the Optimization > General pane.

These options (both off by default) control whether internal data (block states and block
outputs) and external data (root inports and outports whose value is zero) are initialized.
Initializing the internal and external data whose value is zero is a precaution and your
application might not require it. Many embedded application environments initialize
RAM to zero at startup, making generation of initialization code redundant.

However, be aware that if you select Remove internal state zero initialization,
memory might not be in a known state each time the generated code begins execution. If
you turn the option on, running a model (or a generated S-function) multiple times can
result in different answers for each run.

This behavior is sometimes desirable. For example, you can turn on Remove internal
state zero initialization if you want to test the behavior of your design during a warm
boot (that is, a restart without full system reinitialization).

In cases where you have turned on Remove internal state zero initialization but still
want to get the same answer on every run from a S-function generated by the Embedded
Coder software, you can use either of the following MATLAB commands before each run:
clear SFcnName

where SFcnName is the name of the S-function, or

clear mex

A related option, Use memset to initialize floats and doubles, lets you control the
representation of zero used during initialization. See “Use memset to initialize floats and
doubles to 0.0” in the Simulink reference documentation.

Note that the code still initializes data structures whose value is not zero when Remove
internal state zero initialization and Remove root level I/O zero initialization
are selected.

Note also that data of ImportedExtern or ImportedExternPointer storage classes

are not initialized, regardless of the settings of these options.

Generate Pure Integer Code If Possible

Generate Pure Integer Code If Possible

If your application uses only integer arithmetic, clear the Support floating-point
numbers option in the Software environment section of the Interface pane so that
the generated code contains no floating-point data or operations. When this option is
cleared, an error is raised if noninteger data or expressions are encountered during code
generation. The error message reports the offending blocks and parameters.

27 Execution Speed

Disable MAT-File Logging

Clear the MAT-file logging option in the Verification section of the Interface pane.
This setting is the default, and is recommended for embedded applications because it
eliminates the extra code and memory usage required to initialize, update, and clean up
logging variables. In addition to these efficiencies, clearing the MAT-file logging option
lets you exploit further efficiencies under certain conditions. See “Virtualized Output
Ports Optimization” on page 26-16 for information.

Note also that code generated to support MAT-file logging invokes malloc, which may be
undesirable for your application.

Simplify Multiply Operations In Array Indexing

Simplify Multiply Operations In Array Indexing

The generated code might have multiply operations when indexing an element of an
array. You can select the optimization parameter “Simplify array indexing” to replace
multiply operations in the array index with a temporary variable. To modify this
parameter open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and select the Optimization
> Signals and Parameters pane. This optimization can improve execution speed by
reducing the number of times the multiply operation is executed.

If you have the following model:

The Constant blocks have the following Constant value:

• Const1: reshape(1:30,[1 5 3 2])

• Const2: reshape(1:20,[1 5 2 2])
• Const3: reshape(1:90,[1 5 9 2])

The Concatenate block parameter Mode is set to Multidimensional array.

Generated Code Results

Building the model with the Simplify array indexing parameter turned off generates
the following code:

int32_T i;
int32_T i_0;
int32_T i_1;

27 Execution Speed

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

for (i_1 = 0; i_1 < 3; i_1++) {
for (i_0 = 0; i_0 < 5; i_0++) {
ex_arrayindex_Y.Out[(i_0 + 5 * i_1) + 70 * i] =
ex_arrayindex_P.Constant1_Value[(5 * i_1 + i_0) + 15 * i];

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

for (i_1 = 0; i_1 < 2; i_1++) {
for (i_0 = 0; i_0 < 5; i_0++) {
ex_arrayindex_Y.Out[(i_0 + 5 * (i_1 + 3)) + 70 * i] =
ex_arrayindex_P.Constant2_Value[(5 * i_1 + i_0) + 10 * i];

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

for (i_1 = 0; i_1 < 9; i_1++) {
for (i_0 = 0; i_0 < 5; i_0++) {
ex_arrayindex_Y.Out[(i_0 + 5 * (i_1 + 5)) + 70 * i] =
ex_arrayindex_P.Constant3_Value[(5 * i_1 + i_0) + 45 * i];

After selecting the Simplify array indexing parameter and building the model again, a
multiply operation in the array index, [(i_0 + 5 * i_1) + 70 * i], is replaced with
[(i_0 + tmp_1) + tmp]. The generated code is now:

int32_T i;
int32_T i_0;
int32_T i_1;
int32_T tmp;
int32_T tmp_0;
int32_T tmp_1;

tmp = 0;
tmp_0 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
tmp_1 = 0;
for (i_1 = 0; i_1 < 3; i_1++) {

Simplify Multiply Operations In Array Indexing

for (i_0 = 0; i_0 < 5; i_0++) {

ex_arrayindex_Y.Out[(i_0 + tmp_1) + tmp] =
ex_arrayindex_P.Constant1_Value[(i_0 + tmp_1) + tmp_0];

tmp_1 += 5;

tmp += 70;
tmp_0 += 15;

tmp = 0;
tmp_0 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
tmp_1 = 0;
for (i_1 = 0; i_1 < 2; i_1++) {
for (i_0 = 0; i_0 < 5; i_0++) {
ex_arrayindex_Y.Out[((i_0 + tmp_1) + tmp) + 15] =
ex_arrayindex_P.Constant2_Value[(i_0 + tmp_1) + tmp_0];

tmp_1 += 5;

tmp += 70;
tmp_0 += 10;

tmp = 0;
tmp_0 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
tmp_1 = 0;
for (i_1 = 0; i_1 < 9; i_1++) {
for (i_0 = 0; i_0 < 5; i_0++) {
ex_arrayindex_Y.Out[((i_0 + tmp_1) + tmp) + 25] =
ex_arrayindex_P.Constant3_Value[(i_0 + tmp_1) + tmp_0];

tmp_1 += 5;

tmp += 70;
tmp_0 += 45;

27 Execution Speed


Memory Usage

• “Optimize Generated Code Using Specified Minimum and Maximum Values” on page
• “Reduce Global Variables in Nonreusable Subsystem Functions” on page 28-8
28 Memory Usage

Optimize Generated Code Using Specified Minimum and

Maximum Values
To optimize the generated code for your model, you can choose an option to use input
range information, also known as design minimum and maximum, that you specify
on signals and parameters. These minimum and maximum values usually represent
environmental limits, such as temperature, or mechanical and electrical limits, such as
output ranges of sensors.

When you select the Optimize using specified minimum and maximum values
configuration parameter, the software uses the minimum and maximum values to derive
range information for downstream signals in the model. It then uses this derived range
information to determine if it is possible to streamline the generated code. For example,

• Reducing expressions to constants

• Removing dead branches of conditional statements
• Eliminating unnecessary mathematical operations

This optimization results in:

• Reduced ROM and RAM consumption

• Improved execution speed

How to Configure Your Model

To make optimization more likely:

• Provide as much design minimum and maximum information as possible. Specify

minimum and maximum values for signals and parameters in the model for:

• Inport and Outport blocks

• Block outputs
• Block inputs, for example, for the MATLAB Function and Stateflow Chart blocks
• Simulink.Signal objects
• Before generating code, test the minimum and maximum values for signals and
parameters. Otherwise, optimization might result in numerical mismatch with

How to Enable Simulation Range Checking

simulation. You can simulate your model with simulation range checking enabled. If
errors or warnings occur, fix these issues before generating code.

How to Enable Simulation Range Checking

1 In your model, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters to open
the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Diagnostics > Data
3 On the Data Validity pane, under Signals, set Simulation range checking to
warning or error.
• Provide design minimum and maximum information upstream of blocks as close to
the inputs of the blocks as possible. If you specify minimum and maximum values
for a block output, these values are most likely to affect the outputs of the blocks
immediately downstream. For more information, see “Optimize Generated Code Using
Specified Minimum and Maximum Values” on page 28-3.

How to Enable Optimization

1 Set the Code Generation > System target file configuration parameter to select
an Embedded Real-Time (ERT) target (requires a Embedded Coder license).
2 Specify design minimum and maximum values for signals and parameters in your
model using the tips in “How to Configure Your Model” on page 28-2.
3 Select the Optimization > General Optimize using specified minimum and
maximum values configuration parameter.

For more information, see “Optimize using the specified minimum and maximum
values” in the Simulink documentation.

Optimize Generated Code Using Specified Minimum and Maximum

This example demonstrates how the software uses specified input range information to
determine whether it can eliminate unnecessary utility functions from the generated
code. It uses the rtwdemo_minmax model.

28 Memory Usage

Generate Code Without Using Specified Minimum and Maximum Values

First, generate code without taking into account the minimum and maximum values for
the inputs to the Sum and Gain blocks or the minimum and maximum values for the
Gain block parameter to see the code generated without the optimization.

1 Open the model. At the MATLAB command line, enter:

2 Double-click the View Optimization Configuration button.

The Optimization pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box appears.

On the Code generation panel, note that the Optimize using specified
minimum and maximum values parameter is cleared.
3 Double-click the Generate Code button.

The code generation report appears.

4 In the left pane of the report, click the rtwdemo_minmax.c link.

The report displays the C code in the right pane.

The generated code for this model includes a branch for each of the Relational
Operator block inputs.

void rtwdemo_minmax_step(void)
if (U1 + U2 <= k * U3) {
rtY.Out1 = (U1 + U2) + U3;
} else {
rtY.Out1 = U1 * U2 * U3;

Generate Code Using Minimum and Maximum Values

Next, enable the optimization and generate code for the model again, this time taking
into account the design minimum and maximum values for the inputs to the Sum and
Gain blocks and the minimum and maximum values for the Gain block parameter.

How to Enable Simulation Range Checking

Note that:

• The minimum value of the first input to the Relational Operator block is 50 because
this value is the minimum output from the Sum block.
• The maximum value of the second input to the Relational Operator block is 40
because this value is the maximum output of the Gain block.

Therefore, the output of the Relational Operator block is false, and the output of the
Switch block is always the product of the three inputs.

1 Double-click the View Optimization Configuration button.

The Optimization pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box appears.

2 On the Code generation panel, select the Optimize using specified minimum
and maximum values parameter and click Apply.
3 Double-click the Generate Code button.

The code generation report appears.

28 Memory Usage

4 In the left pane of the report, click the rtwdemo_minmax.c link and inspect the
generated code. Using the minimum and maximum values, the software optimized
the generated code by eliminating the conditional statement.

void rtwdemo_minmax_step(void)
rtY.Out1 = U1 * U2 * U3;

• This optimization does not take into account minimum and maximum values for:

• Merge block inputs. To work around this issue, use a Simulink.Signal object on
the Merge block output and specify the range on this object.
• Bus elements.
• Conditionally-executed subsystem (such as a triggered subsystem) block outputs
that are directly connected to an Outport block.

Outport blocks in conditionally-executed subsystems can have an initial

value specified for use only when the system is not triggered. In this case, the
optimization cannot use the range of the block output because the range might not
cover the initial value of the block.
• If you use Polyspace software to verify code generated using this optimization, it
might mark code that was previously green as orange. For example, if your model
contains a division where the range of the denominator does not include zero, the
generated code does not include protection against division by zero. Polyspace might
mark this code orange because it does not have information about the minimum and
maximum values for the inputs to the division.

Polyspace Code Prover automatically captures some minimum and maximum values
specified in the MATLAB workspace, for example, for Simulink.Signal and
Simulink.Parameter objects. In this example, to provide range information to the
Polyspace software, use a Simulink.Signal object on the input of the division and
specify a range that does not include zero.

Polyspace Code Prover stores these values in a Data Range Specification (DRS) file.
However, they do not capture all minimum and maximum values in your Simulink
model. To provide additional minimum and maximum information to Polyspace, you
can manually define a DRS file.

How to Enable Simulation Range Checking

• If you are using double-precision data types and the Code Generation > Interface
> Support non-finite numbers configuration parameter is selected, this
optimization does not occur.
• If your model contains multiple instances of a reusable subsystem and each instance
uses input signals with different minimum and maximum values, this optimization
might result in different generated code for each subsystem so code reuse does not
occur. Without this optimization, code is generated once for the subsystem and shares
this code among the multiple instances of the subsystem.
• The Model Advisor Check safety-related optimization settings check generates a
warning if this option is selected. For many safety-critical applications, removing dead
code automatically is unacceptable because doing so might make code untraceable.
For more information, see “Check safety-related optimization settings”.

28 Memory Usage

Reduce Global Variables in Nonreusable Subsystem Functions

In this section...
“Generate void-void Function” on page 28-8
“Generate Function with Arguments” on page 28-9

Global variables can increase memory requirements and reduce execution speed. To
reduce global RAM for a nonreusable subsystem, you can generate a function interface
that passes data through arguments instead of global variables. The Subsystem block
parameter “Function interface” provides this option. To compare the outputs for the
Function interface options, first generate a function for a subsystem with a void-
void interface, and then generate a function with arguments.

Generate void-void Function

By default, when you configure a Subsystem block as a nonreusable function, it generates
a void-void interface.

1 Open the example model rtwdemo_roll.

2 Right-click the subsystem RollAngleReference. From the list select Block
Parameter (Subsystem).
3 In the Block Parameter dialog box, confirm that the Treat as atomic unit check
box is selected.
4 Click the Code Generation tab and set the Function packaging parameter to
Nonreusable function.
5 The Function interface parameter is already set to void-void.
6 Click Apply and OK.
7 Repeat steps 2–6, for the other subsystems HeadingMode and BasicRollMode.
8 Generate code and the static code metrics report for rtwdemo_roll. This model is
configured to generate a code generation report and to open the report automatically.
For more information, see “Generate Static Code Metrics Report for Simulink

In the code generation report, in rtwdemo_roll.c, the generated code for subsystem
RollAngleReference contains a void-void function definition:
void rtwdemo_roll_RollAngleReference(void)

Reduce Global Variables in Nonreusable Subsystem Functions

In the static code metrics report, navigate to Global Variables. With the void-void
option, the number of bytes for global variables is 59.

Next, generate the same function with the Allow arguments option to compare the

Generate Function with Arguments

To reduce global RAM, improve ROM usage and execution speed, generate a function
that allows arguments:

1 Open the Subsystem Block Parameter dialog box for RollAngleReference.

2 Click the Code Generation tab. Set the Function interface parameter to Allow
3 Click Apply and OK.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3, for the other subsystems HeadingMode and BasicRollMode.
5 Generate code and the static code metrics report for rtwdemo_roll.

In the code generation report, in rtwdemo_roll.c, the generated code for subsystem
RollAngleReference now has arguments:

28 Memory Usage

real32_T rtwdemo_roll_RollAngleReference(real32_T rtu_Turn_Knob,...

boolean_T rtu_AP_Eng,...
real32_T rtu_Phi)
In the static code metrics report, navigate to Global Variables. With the Allow
arguments option set, the total number of bytes for global variables is now 47 bytes.


Code Tracing

• “About Code Tracing” on page 29-2

• “Format of Traceability Tags” on page 29-3
• “Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks” on page 29-4
• “Trace Model Objects to Generated Code” on page 29-6
• “Reload Existing Traceability Information” on page 29-9
• “Customize Traceability Reports” on page 29-10
• “Generate a Traceability Matrix” on page 29-12
• “Traceability Limitations” on page 29-13
29 Code Tracing

About Code Tracing

The Simulink Coder code generator produces the HTML code generation report for a
model. The report includes the following resources that support code traceability:

• Code element hyperlinks (indicated with underlining) that you can use to trace
through and toggle between generated source and header files.
• Tags in code comments that identify blocks from which lines of code are generated.

For more information, see

• “Format of Traceability Tags” on page 29-3

• Tracing code to blocks using “hilite_system”
• “Generate a Code Generation Report”

The Embedded Coder product extends traceability capabilities to support:

• “Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks” on page 29-4

• “Trace Model Objects to Generated Code” on page 29-6
• “Reload Existing Traceability Information” on page 29-9
• “Customize Traceability Reports” on page 29-10

Format of Traceability Tags

Format of Traceability Tags

A traceability tag appears in a comment above the corresponding line of generated code.
The format of the tags is <system>/block_name, where

• system is one of the following:

• The string Root

• A unique system number assigned by the Simulink engine
• block_name is the name of the source block

The code generator documents the tags for a model in the comments section of the
generated header file model.h. For example, the following comment appears in the
header file for model, foo, that has a subsystem Outer and a nested subsystem Inner:

/* Here is the system hierarchy for this model.

* <Root> : foo
* <S1> : foo/Outer
* <S2> : foo/Outer/Inner

Examples of Tagged Code

The following code shows a tag comment adjacent to a line of code. This code is generated
from a Gain block at the root level of a source model:
/* Gain: '<Root>/UnDeadGain1' */
rtb_UnDeadGain1_h = dead_gain_U.In1 *

The following code shows a tag comment adjacent to a line of code. This code is generated
from a Gain block within a subsystem one level below the root level of the source model:
/* Gain: '<S1>/Gain' */
dead_gain_B.temp0 *= (dead_gain_P.s1_Gain_Gain);

29 Code Tracing

Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks

When using the Simulink Coder product, you can trace code to model objects using the
hilite_system command. The Embedded Coder product simplifies traceability with
the use of hyperlinks in HTML code generation reports. The reports display hyperlinks
in comment lines in generated code. You can highlight the corresponding block or
subsystem in the model diagram by clicking the hyperlinks.

To use hyperlinks for tracing code to model objects:

1 Open the model and make sure it is configured for an ERT target.
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Code Generation > Report
pane, select Create code generation report. The parameter is selected by default.
When selected, this parameter enables and selects Open report automatically and

3 Build or generate code for the model. An HTML code generation report is displayed.
4 In the HTML report window, click hyperlinks to highlight source blocks. For
example, generate an HTML report for model rtwdemo_hyperlinks. In the
generated code for the model step function in rtwdemo_hyperlinks.c, click the
first UnitDelay block hyperlink.

In the model window, the corresponding UnitDelay block is highlighted.

Trace Code to Model Objects Using Hyperlinks

29 Code Tracing

Trace Model Objects to Generated Code

1 Open the model and make sure that it is configured for an ERT target.
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Code Generation > Report
> Create code generation report. This parameter is selected by default. When
selected, the parameter enables and selects the Open report automatically and
Code-to-model parameters.

3 Select Model-to-code.

This parameter:

• Enables the Configure button, which opens a dialog box for loading existing
trace information.
• Enables and selects parameters for customizing the content of a traceability
4 Build or generate code for the model. An HTML code generation report is displayed.
5 In the model window, right-click a model object.
Trace Model Objects to Generated Code

6 In the context menu, select C/C++ Code > Navigate to C/C++ Code. In the
HTML code generation report, you see the first instance of highlighted code that is
generated for the model object. In the left pane of the report, numbers that appear
to the right of generated file names indicate the total number of highlighted lines
in each file. The following figure shows the result of tracing the Unit Delay block in
model rtwdemo_hyperlinks.

At the top of the code window, use the navigation toolbar to move forward and
backward through multiple instances of highlighted lines. Use the navigation
sidebar to go directly to a line of code.

If you close and reopen a model, the Navigate to Code context menu option might not
be available because Embedded Coder cannot find a build folder for your model in the
current working folder. Do one of the following:

• Reset the current working folder to the parent folder of the existing build folder.
• Select Model-to-code and rebuild the model. Rebuilding the model regenerates the
build folder into the current working folder.

29 Code Tracing

• Click Configure and in the Model-to-code navigation dialog box, reload the existing
trace information.

Reload Existing Traceability Information

Reload Existing Traceability Information

To reload existing traceability information for a model:

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, click Code Generation > Report >
Configure. The Model-to-code navigation dialog box opens.

2 In the Build folder field, type or browse to the build folder that contains the
existing traceability information.

If you close and reopen a model, the Navigate to Code context menu option might not
be available. This occurs because Embedded Coder cannot find a build folder for your
model in the current working folder. To fix this without having to reset the current
working folder or rebuild the model, do the following:

1 Click Configure to open the Model-to-code navigation dialog box.

2 In the Model-to-code navigation dialog box, click Browse.
3 Browse to the build folder for your model, and select the folder. The build folder path
is displayed in the Build folder field, as shown in the preceding figure.

4 Click Apply or OK. This loads traceability information from the earlier build into
your Simulink session, provided that you selected Model-to-code for the build.
5 Right-click a model object and select C/C++ Code > Navigate to C/C++ Code to
open the context menu and trace a model object to corresponding code.

29 Code Tracing

Customize Traceability Reports

In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, the Code Generation > Report >
Traceability Report Contents section lists parameters you can select and clear
to customize the content of your traceability reports. By default, all parameters are

Select or clear any combination of the following:

• Eliminated / virtual blocks (account for blocks that are untraceable)

• Traceable Simulink blocks
• Traceable Stateflow objects
• Traceable MATLAB functions

If you select all parameters, you get a complete mapping between model elements and
the generated code.

The following figure shows the top section of the traceability report generated by
selecting all traceability content parameters for model rtwdemo_hyperlinks.

Customize Traceability Reports

29 Code Tracing

Generate a Traceability Matrix

If you are licensed for either DO Qualification Kit software or IEC Certification Kit
software and are using a Windows host, you can generate a traceability matrix into
Microsoft Excel format directly from the traceability report described in “Customize
Traceability Reports” on page 29-10.

To do this, go to the Traceability Report section of the HTML code generation report
and click the Generate Traceability Matrix button.

When you click the button, a Generate Traceability Matrix dialog box appears. Use this
dialog to select an existing matrix file to update or specify a new matrix file to create.
Optionally, you can use this dialog to select and order the columns that appear in the
generated matrix. For more information, see “Generating a Traceability Matrix” in either
the “DO Qualification Kit documentation” or the “IEC Certification Kit documentation”.

Traceability Limitations

Traceability Limitations
The following limitations apply to reports generated by Embedded Coder software.

• Under the following conditions, model-to-code traceability is disabled for a block if the
block name contains:

• A single quote (').

• An asterisk (*), that causes a name-mangling ambiguity relative to other names in
the model. This name-mangling ambiguity occurs if in a block name or at the end
of a block name, an asterisk precedes or follows a slash (/).
• The character ÿ (char(255)).
• If a block name contains a newline character (\n), in the generated code comments,
the block path name hyperlink replaces the newline character with a space for
• You cannot trace blocks representing the following types of subsystems to generated

• Virtual subsystems
• Masked subsystems
• Nonvirtual subsystems for which code has been optimized away

If you cannot trace a subsystem at subsystem level, you might be able to trace
individual blocks within the subsystem.


Component Verification

• “Component Verification in the Target Environment” on page 30-2

• “Goals of Component Verification” on page 30-3
• “Maximizing Code Portability and Configurability” on page 30-4
• “Simplifying Code Integration and Maximizing Code Efficiency” on page 30-5
• “Running Component Tests” on page 30-6
30 Component Verification

Component Verification in the Target Environment

After you generate production code for a component design, you need to integrate,
compile, link, and deploy the code as a complete application on the embedded system.
One approach is to manually integrate the code into an existing software framework that
consists of an operating system, device drivers, and support utilities. The algorithm can
include externally written legacy or custom code.

An easier approach to verifying a component in a target environment is to use processor-

in-the-loop (PIL) simulation. For information about PIL simulations, see “About SIL and
PIL Simulations”.

Goals of Component Verification

Goals of Component Verification

Assuming that you have generated production source code and integrated required
externally written code, such as drivers and a scheduler, you can verify that the
integrated software operates as expected by testing it in the target environment. During
testing, you can achieve either of the following goals, depending on whether you export
code that is strictly ANSI C/C++ or mixes ANSI C/C++ with code optimized for a target

Goal Type of Code Export

Maximize code portability and configurability ANSI C/C++
Simplify integration and maximize use of processor Mixed code
resources and code efficiency

Regardless of your goal, you must integrate required external drivers and scheduling
software. To achieve real-time execution, you must integrate the real-time scheduling

30 Component Verification

Maximizing Code Portability and Configurability

To maximize code portability and configurability, limit the application code to ANSI/ISO
C or C++ code only, as the following figure shows.

Algorithm model

Communication Comm drivers
interfaces drivers Generated
code Special

Included Special
legacy device
code drivers

Scheduler/operating system
and support utilities

Simplifying Code Integration and Maximizing Code Efficiency

Simplifying Code Integration and Maximizing Code Efficiency

To simplify code integration and maximize code efficiency for a target environment, use
Embedded Coder features for:

• Controlling code interfaces

• Exporting subsystems
• Including target-specific code, including compiler optimizations

The following figure shows a mix of ANSI C/C++ code with code that is optimized for a
target environment.

Controller model

Communication Comm drivers
interfaces drivers Generated
code Special

Included Special
target device
optimized drivers
Sensors code

Scheduler/operating system
and support utilities

30 Component Verification

Running Component Tests

The workflow for running software component tests in the target environment is:

1 Integrate external code, for example, for device drivers and a scheduler, with the
generated C or C++ code for your component model. For more information, see
“Insert S-Function Code” in the Simulink Coder documentation. For more specific
references that depend on your verification goals, see the following table.

For See
ANSI C/C++ code integration “Integrate C Functions Using Legacy Code
Tool” in the Simulink documentation. Also, open
rtwdemos and navigate to the Custom Code
Mixed code integration • “Export Function-Call Subsystems” and
example rtwdemo_exporting_functions
• “Function Prototype Control”, “C++
Class Interface Control”, and example
• “What Is Code Replacement?”, “What Is Code
Replacement Customization?”, and example
2 Simulate the integrated component model.
3 Generate code for the integrated component model.
4 Connect to data interfaces for the generated C code data structures. See “Data
Interchange Using the C API” and “ASAP2 Data Measurement and Calibration”
in the Simulink Coder documentation. Also see examples rtwdemo_capi and
5 Customize and control the build process, if required. See “Customize Post-Code-
Generation Build Processing” in the Simulink Coder documentation, and example
rtwdemo_buildinfo .
6 Create a zip file that contains generated code files, static files, and dependent data
to build the generated code in an environment other than your host computer. See
“Relocate Code to Another Development Environment”, in the Simulink Coder
documentation, and example rtwdemo_buildinfo.


Component Verification With a Real-

Time Target Environment

• “About Real-Time Software Component Verification” on page 31-2

• “Real-Time Software Component Testing” on page 31-4
31 Component Verification With a Real-Time Target Environment

About Real-Time Software Component Verification

One approach to verifying a software component is to build the component into a
complete software system that can execute in real time in the target environment. A
complete software system includes:

• Algorithm for the software component

• Scheduling algorithms
• Calls to drivers for board-specific devices

This single build approach is more time consuming to set up, but makes it easier to get
the complete application running in the target environment.

The following figure shows code generated for an algorithm being built into a complete
system executable for the target environment.

About Real-Time Software Component Verification

Algorithm model

Communication Comm drivers
interfaces drivers Generated
code Special

Optional Special
target device
optimized drivers
Sensors code

Scheduler/operating system
and support utilities

31 Component Verification With a Real-Time Target Environment

Real-Time Software Component Testing

The workflow for testing component software as part of a complete real-time target
environment is:

1 Develop a component model and generate source code for production.

For information on building in scheduling and real-time system support, see:

• “Scheduling ” in the Simulink Coder documentation. For an example, open

rtwdemos and navigate to the Multirate Support folder.
• “Handle Asynchronous Events ” in the Simulink Coder documentation and
example rtwdemo_async
• “Standalone Programs (No Operating System)”
• “Workflows for AUTOSAR” and examples rtwdemo_autosar_legacy_script and
2 Optimize generated code for a specific run-time environment, using specialized
function libraries. For more information, see and example rtwdemo_tfl_script.
3 Customize post code generation build processing to accommodate third-party tools
and processes, as required. See “Customize Post-Code-Generation Build Processing”
in the Simulink Coder documentation and example rtwdemo_buildinfo.
4 Integrate external code, for example, for device drivers and a scheduler, with the
generated C or C++ code for your component model. For more information, see
“Insert S-Function Code” in the Simulink Coder documentation. For more specific
references depending on your verification goals, see the following table.

For... See...
ANSI C/C++ code integration “Integrate C Functions Using Legacy Code
Tool” in the Simulink documentation. Also, open
rtwdemos and navigate to the Custom Code
Mixed code integration • “Export Function-Call Subsystems” and
example rtwdemo_exporting_functions
• “Function Prototype Control”, “C++
Class Interface Control”, and example
• and example rtwdemo_crl_script

Real-Time Software Component Testing

5 Simulate the integrated model.

6 Generate code for the integrated model.
7 Connect to data interfaces for the generated C code data structures. See “Data
Interchange Using the C API” and “ASAP2 Data Measurement and Calibration”
in the Simulink Coder documentation. Also see examples rtwdemo_capi and
8 Customize and control the build process, as required. See “Customize Post-Code-
Generation Build Processing”, in the Simulink Coder documentation, and example
rtwdemo_buildinfo .
9 Create a zip file that contains generated code files, static files, and dependent data
to build the generated code in an environment other than your host computer. See
“Relocate Code to Another Development Environment”, in the Simulink Coder
documentation, and example rtwdemo_buildinfo.


Numerical Equivalence Checking

• “About SIL and PIL Simulations” on page 32-2

• “Choose a SIL or PIL Approach” on page 32-7
• “Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation” on page 32-10
• “Top Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL” on page 32-17
• “Referenced Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL” on page 32-18
• “Verify Internal Signals of a Component” on page 32-20
• “Simulation Mode Override Behavior in Model Reference Hierarchy” on page
• “Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL” on page 32-23
• “Configure Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL” on page 32-25
• “Debug Code During SIL Simulations” on page 32-30
• “PIL Customization for Target Environment” on page 32-32
• “Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration” on page 32-35
• “View Test Harness in Code Generation Report” on page 32-43
• “SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations” on page 32-45
• “Programmatic Code Generation Verification” on page 32-69
32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

About SIL and PIL Simulations

In this section...
“What are SIL and PIL Simulations?” on page 32-2
“Why Use SIL and PIL” on page 32-3
“How SIL and PIL Simulations Work” on page 32-4
“Comparison of SIL and PIL Simulation” on page 32-5

What are SIL and PIL Simulations?

The Embedded Coder product supports software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-
loop (PIL) simulations.

A SIL simulation involves compiling and running production source code on your
host computer to verify the source code. SIL provides a convenient alternative to
processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation as no target hardware (for example, an evaluation
board or instruction set simulator) is required. For examples of SIL verification, see

A PIL simulation involves cross-compiling and running production object code on a target
processor or an equivalent instruction set simulator.

You can run a SIL or PIL simulation using:

• The Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) or Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) simulation

mode for top models and Model blocks
• A SIL or PIL block

For more information, see “Choose a SIL or PIL Approach” on page 32-7.

The following features enable you to verify the generated code:

• Ability to compare the output of regular simulation modes, for example, Normal or
Accelerator, against the output of SIL and PIL simulation modes.
• Easy switching between regular simulation, SIL, and PIL modes.

You can model and test your embedded software component in Simulink and then reuse
your test suites across simulation and compiled production code. This approach avoids
the time-consuming process of leaving the Simulink software environment and verifying
production code on a separate test infrastructure.

About SIL and PIL Simulations

For information about how you verify the configuration of your model for a SIL or PIL
simulation, see “Check the SIL or PIL Configuration”.

Why Use SIL and PIL

Through SIL and PIL, you can achieve early verification and fixing of defects. The
following table describes situations where you can use SIL and PIL.

Situation Use
You want to reuse test vectors developed for Normal mode SIL and PIL
simulation to verify numerical output of generated (or legacy) code.
For example, reusing test cases generated by Simulink Design
Verifier™. See “What Is Test Case Generation?” in the Simulink
Design Verifier documentation.
You want to collect metrics for generated code: SIL and PIL

• Code coverage. See “Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage”.

• Execution profiling. See “Code Execution Profiling for SIL and
• Stack profiling. See “Perform Stack Profiling with IDE and
Toolchain Targets”.
You want to achieve IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and DO-178 SIL and PIL
certification. See “Embedded Coder Reference Workflow Overview”
in the IEC Certification Kit documentation and “Testing of Outputs
of Integration Process” in the DO Qualification Kit documentation.
You do not have target hardware and want a convenient alternative SIL
to PIL.
You have target hardware, for example, an evaluation board or PIL
instruction set simulator, and you want to:

• Verify behavior of target-specific code, for example, code

replacement optimizations, and legacy code. See “What
Is Code Replacement?” and “What Is Code Replacement
• Optimize the execution speed and memory footprint of your
code. See the row in this table about collecting execution
profiling and stack profiling metrics.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Situation Use
• Investigate effects of compiler settings and optimizations, for
example, deviation from ANSI C overflow behavior.

Normal simulation techniques do not account for restrictions and

requirements that the hardware imposes, such as limited memory
resources or behavior of target-specific optimized code.

See “Sample Custom Targets” in the Simulink Coder

documentation, which gives information about running PIL
simulations on specific targets.

Note: The SIL and PIL simulation modes are not designed for reducing model simulation
times. If you want to speed up the simulation of your model, use the Rapid Accelerator
mode. For more information, see:

• “Acceleration”

• Rapid Accelerator Simulations Using PARFOR

How SIL and PIL Simulations Work

In a SIL/PIL simulation, code is generated for either the top model or part of the model.
With SIL, this code is compiled for, and executed on the host computer. With PIL, the
code is cross-compiled for the target hardware and runs on the target processor.

Through a communication channel, Simulink sends stimulus signals to the code on the
host or target processor for each sample interval of the simulation:

• For a top model, Simulink uses stimulus signals from the base or model workspace.
• If you have designated only part of the model to simulate in SIL/PIL mode, then a
part of the model remains in Simulink without the use of code generation. Typically,
you configure this part of the model to provide test vectors for the software executing
on the hardware. This part of the model can represent other parts of the algorithm or
the environment model in which the algorithm operates.

When the host/target processor receives signals from Simulink, the processor executes
the SIL/PIL algorithm for one sample step. The SIL/PIL algorithm returns output signals
computed during this step to Simulink through a communication channel. One sample

About SIL and PIL Simulations

cycle of the simulation is complete, and Simulink proceeds to the next sample interval.
The process repeats and the simulation progresses. SIL/PIL simulations do not run in
real time. In each sample period, Simulink and the object code exchange I/O data.

Comparison of SIL and PIL Simulation

Use SIL or PIL simulation to verify automatically generated code by comparing the
results with a Normal mode simulation. With SIL, you can easily verify the behavior
of production source code on your host computer. However, you cannot verify the same
code that is subsequently compiled for your target hardware because the code is compiled
for your host computer (that is, a different compiler and different processor architecture
than the target). With PIL simulation, you can verify the same code that you intend
to deploy in production, and you can run the code on either real target hardware or an
instruction set simulator. See “What are SIL and PIL Simulations?” on page 32-2.

You can use the following approaches to verification.

Approach SIL PIL

Simulation mode (for Generated production code Test the generated code as
top model or Model compiled and executed on host cross-compiled object code on
block) computer as separate process, target processor or instruction
independent of the MATLAB set simulator. Exercises same
process. object code used in production
Execution is host/host and software.
nonreal time. Execution is host/target and
nonreal time.
Block Create SIL block. Software Create PIL block. Software
runs compiled object code runs cross-compiled object code
through S-function wrapper. through S-function wrapper
S-function communicates on host computer. S-function
with object code executing as communicates with object
standalone application on host code executing as standalone
computer. SIL block execution application on target processor
is independent of the MATLAB or instruction set simulator.
process. Execution is host/target and
Execution is host/host and nonreal time.
nonreal time. See “Use a SIL or PIL Block”
See “Use a SIL or PIL Block” on on page 32-13.
page 32-13.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

To decide which verification approach you want to use, see “Choose a SIL or PIL
Approach” on page 32-7 .

Choose a SIL or PIL Approach

Choose a SIL or PIL Approach

In this section...
“Verify Top Model Code” on page 32-8
“Verify Referenced Model Code” on page 32-9
“Verify Subsystem Code” on page 32-9

Consider a top model that consists of components A, B, C, and D:

• A and B are existing components for which code has previously been generated and
• C, a referenced model, and D, a subsystem, are new components.

You can use the following approaches to code verification:

• Verify code from all components together. See “Verify Top Model Code” on page
• Verify new components separately (before verifying code from all components). See
“Verify Referenced Model Code” on page 32-9 and “Verify Subsystem Code” on
page 32-9.

For some forms of code verification, you require a test harness model. The test harness

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

• Generates test vectors or stimulus inputs that feed the block under test.
• Makes it possible for you to observe or capture output from the block.

The following example shows a simple test harness model.

The block under test is a Model block. The Sine Wave block generates the input for the
Model block. Through the Scope block, you can observe the output from the Model block.

For examples that use the various approaches to SIL/PIL code verification, see

For information about running top-model SIL/PIL, Model block SIL/PIL, and SIL/PIL
block simulations, see “Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation” on page 32-10.

Verify Top Model Code

To verify code generated from the top-model components together (A, B, C and D), you can
use top-model SIL/PIL or Model block SIL/PIL.

• Top-model SIL/PIL:

1 Create test vectors or stimulus inputs in the MATLAB workspace.

2 Run the top model in Normal, SIL, and PIL simulation modes. The software loads
the test vectors or stimulus inputs from the MATLAB workspace.
3 For each simulation mode, observe or capture outputs.
4 Verify the generated code by comparing the Normal and SIL and PIL outputs.
• Model block SIL/PIL:

1 Create a Model block that contains the top-model components.

2 Insert the Model block in your test harness model.
3 Run simulations, switching the Model block between Normal, SIL, and PIL
modes. For the SIL and PIL simulation modes, set the Code under test Model
block parameter to Top model.
4 Verify the generated code by comparing the Normal and SIL and PIL outputs.

Choose a SIL or PIL Approach

Verify Referenced Model Code

To verify code generated from the component C as part of a model reference hierarchy,
use the Model block SIL/PIL approach:

• Insert the Model block C in your test harness model.

• Run simulations, switching the Model block between Normal, SIL, and PIL modes.
For the SIL and PIL simulation modes, set the Code under test Model block
parameter to Model reference.
• Verify the generated code by comparing the Normal and SIL and PIL outputs.

Verify Subsystem Code

To verify code generated from the subsystem D, use the SIL or PIL block approach:

1 Insert the subsystem in your test harness model.

2 Run a Normal mode simulation, capturing the outputs.
3 Create a SIL or PIL block from the subsystem.
4 In the test harness model, replace the subsystem with the SIL or PIL block.
5 Run a simulation of the test harness model, capturing the outputs.
6 Verify the generated code by comparing the SIL or PIL block outputs against the
Normal mode subsystem outputs.

For information about how you create a SIL or PIL block, see “Use a SIL or PIL Block” on
page 32-13.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation

In this section...
“Top-Model SIL or PIL Simulation” on page 32-10
“Model Block SIL or PIL Simulation” on page 32-12
“Use a SIL or PIL Block” on page 32-13
“Check the SIL or PIL Configuration” on page 32-14

Top-Model SIL or PIL Simulation

To configure and run a top-model SIL or PIL simulation:

1 Open your model.

2 Select either Simulation > Mode > Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) or Simulation >
Mode > Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL).

Note: This option is available only if the model is configured for an ERT or
AUTOSAR target. See “Code Generation Pane: General” and “Export AUTOSAR
Component XML and C Code” for configuration information.
3 If you have not already done so, in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the
Data Import/Export pane:

• In the Input check box and field, specify stimulus signals (or test vectors) for
your top model.
• Configure logging for model outputs, using either output logging or signal

• In the Output check box and field, specify output logging.

• In the Signal logging check box and field, specify signal logging.

See “Internal Signal Logging Support” and “Top-Model Root-Level Logging

• Disable logging of Data Store Memory variables. The software does not support
this option for this simulation mode. If you do not clear the Data stores check
box, the software produces a warning when you run the simulation.

Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation

4 If you are configuring a SIL simulation, specify the portable word sizes option. This
option allows you to switch seamlessly between the SIL and PIL modes. Select
Code Generation > Verification > Enable portable word sizes. See “Configure
Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL” on page 32-25.
5 If required, configure:

• Code coverage. See “Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage”.

• Code execution profiling. See “Configure Code Execution Profiling for SIL and
• Creation of code generation report and static code metrics. See “View Test
Harness in Code Generation Report” on page 32-43.
6 Start the simulation.

Note: On a Windows operating system, the Windows Firewall might block your SIL
simulation. To allow the SIL simulation, use the Windows Security Alert dialog box . For
example, in Windows 7, click Allow access.

You cannot:

• Close the model while the simulation is running. To interrupt the simulation, in the
Command Window, press Ctrl+C.
• Alter the model during the simulation. You can move blocks and lines as long as it
does not alter the behavior of the model.

You can run a top-model SIL or PIL simulation using the command sim(model).The
software supports the sim command options SrcWorkspace and DstWorkspace for only
the following values:

• SrcWorkspace — 'base'
• DstWorkspace — 'base' or 'current'

For more information on the sim command and its options, see “Run Simulation Using
the sim Command”.

For information about how a simulation behaves when the top model contains a Model
block (and this Model block is a parent Model block containing Model blocks at lower
levels of its reference hierarchy), see “Simulation Mode Override Behavior in Model
Reference Hierarchy” on page 32-21.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

For a PIL simulation, you control the way code compiles and executes in the target
environment through connectivity configurations. See “Create PIL Target Connectivity
Configuration” on page 32-35.

Model Block SIL or PIL Simulation

To configure a Model block for a SIL or PIL simulation:

1 Open your model, for example, rtwdemo_sil_modelblock.

2 Right-click your Model block, for example, Counter A. In the context menu,
select Block Parameters (ModelReference), which opens the Function Block
Parameters dialog box.
3 From the Simulation Mode drop-down list, select the required mode, for example,
Software-in-the-loop (SIL).
4 From the Code under test drop-down list, specify the code that you want to test, for
example, Model reference.
5 Click OK. The software displays the simulation mode as a block label.

If you select Top model, the software displays the block label (SIL: Top).
6 If you are configuring a SIL simulation, specify the portable word sizes option. This
option allows you to switch seamlessly between the SIL and PIL modes. Select
Code Generation > Verification > Enable portable word sizes. See “Configure
Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL” on page 32-25.
7 If required, configure:

• Code coverage. See “Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage”.

Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation

• Code execution profiling for your Model block, by configuring execution profiling
for the top model. See “Configure Code Execution Profiling for SIL and PIL”.
• Creation of code generation report and static code metrics. See “View Test
Harness in Code Generation Report” on page 32-43.
8 Start the simulation.

Note: On a Windows operating system, the Windows Firewall might block your SIL
simulation. To allow the SIL simulation, use the Windows Security Alert dialog box . For
example, in Windows 7, click Allow access.

For a PIL simulation, you control the way code compiles and executes in the target
environment through connectivity configurations. See “Create PIL Target Connectivity
Configuration” on page 32-35.

Use a SIL or PIL Block

You can automatically create a SIL or PIL block from a subsystem and use this block to
test the code generated from the subsystem:

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Code Generation >

2 From the Create block drop-down list, select either SIL or PIL.
3 If required, configure code execution profiling. For details, see “Code Execution
Profiling for SIL and PIL”.
4 Click OK.
5 In your model window, right-click the subsystem that you want to simulate.
6 Select C/C++ Code > Build This Subsystem.
7 Click Build to start a subsystem build that generates a SIL or PIL block for the
generated subsystem code.
8 Add the generated block to an environment or test harness model that supplies test
vectors or stimulus input.
9 Run simulations with the environment or test harness model to perform SIL or PIL
10 Verify that the generated code in the SIL or PIL block provides the same results as
the original subsystem.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Note: On a Windows operating system, the Windows Firewall might block your SIL
simulation. To allow the SIL simulation, use the Windows Security Alert dialog box . For
example, in Windows 7, click Allow access.

You cannot create a SIL or PIL block if you do one of the following:

• Disable the CreateSILPILBlock property.

• Select a code coverage tool.

Create block appears dimmed.

For a PIL simulation, you control the way code compiles and executes in the target
environment through connectivity configurations. See “Create PIL Target Connectivity
Configuration” on page 32-35.

For an example of how you can use the SIL block in testing, see

Check the SIL or PIL Configuration

To run a SIL or PIL simulation, you might need to change some model settings. To find
out what settings you must change, use the cgv.Config class. Using the cgv.Config
class, you can review your model configuration and determine which settings you
must change to configure the model for SIL or PIL. By default, cgv.Config changes
configuration parameter values to the value that it recommends, but does not save
the model. Alternatively, you can specify that cgv.Config use one of the following

• Change configuration parameter values to the values that cgv.Config recommends,

and save the model. Specify this approach using the SaveModel property.
• List the values that cgv.Config recommends for the configuration parameters, but
do not change the configuration parameters or the model. Specify this approach using
the ReportOnly property.


• To execute the model in the target environment, you might need to make additional
modifications to the configuration parameter values or the model.

Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation

• Do not use referenced configuration sets in models that you are changing
using cgv.Config. If the model uses a referenced configuration

set, update the model with a copy of the configuration set. Use the
Simulink.ConfigSetRef.getRefConfigSet method. For more information, see
Simulink.ConfigSetRef in the Simulink documentation.
• If you use cgv.Config on a model that executes a callback function, the callback
function might change configuration parameter values each time the model loads. The
callback function might revert changes that cgv.Config made. When this change
occurs, the model might no longer be set up for SIL or PIL. For more information, see
“Callbacks for Customized Model Behavior”.

For more information about the cgv.Config class, see cgv.Config.

How To Verify a SIL or PIL Configuration

To verify that your model is configured for SIL or PIL:

1 Construct a cgv.Config object that changes the configuration parameter values

without saving the model. For example, to configure your model for SIL:

c = cgv.Config('vdp', 'connectivity', 'sil');


• You can obtain a list of changes without changing the configuration

parameter values. When you construct the object, include the
'ReportOnly', 'on' property name and value pair.

• You can change the configuration parameter values and save the model.
When you construct the object, include the 'SaveModel', 'on' property
name and value pair.
2 Determine and change the configuration parameter values that the object
recommends using the configModel method. For example:

3 Display a report of the changes that configModel makes. For example:


32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

4 Review the changes.

5 To apply the changes to your model, save the model.

Top Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL

Top Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL

With a top-model SIL or PIL simulation:

• Simulink generates and executes code that uses the same code interface produced by
the standalone build process. See “Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL” on page 32-23.
• You can load data from the MATLAB workspace to specify stimulus signals, and
you can log output signals, which allows you to verify object code generated from a
complete model without creating a separate test harness model. Running the SIL or
PIL simulation is a simple operation.

You can use the Model block approach as an alternative to top-model SIL or PIL
simulation. See “Choose a SIL or PIL Approach” on page 32-7.

For the top-model SIL/PIL approach, Simulink creates a hidden wrapper model. When
you run a top-model SIL simulation, the software generates code for the model and
creates a hidden wrapper model to call this code at each time step.

As a result, in some circumstances, logged signals might have a _wrapper suffix. See
“Top-Model Root-Level Logging Limitations”.

During a SIL/PIL simulation, the software can generate warnings that refer to the
hidden wrapper model. For example:
Warning: The model 'modelName_wrapper' has the 'Configuration Parameters' ...

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Referenced Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL

In addition to the Normal and Accelerator simulation modes, Model blocks support the
Software-in-the-loop (SIL) and Processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation

You can switch easily between the simulation modes. This feature allows you to verify
the generated code by executing the referenced model as compiled code on the host
computer or target platform. You can model and test your embedded software component
in Simulink and reuse your regression test suites across simulation and compiled object
code. With this capability, you can avoid the time-consuming process of leaving the
Simulink software environment to run tests on object code compiled for your production

When you set the Simulation mode (SimulationMode) parameter to Software-in-

the-loop (SIL) or Processor-in-the-loop (PIL), you can specify the code under
test through the Function Block Parameters dialog box.

Code under test Description

(CodeUnderTest) Setting
Top model Code generated from top model with the standalone code
interface. Code generation uses the slbuild('model')

On the Model block, under the model name, the text

label is (SIL: Top) or (PIL: Top).
Model reference Code generated from referenced model as part of a
model reference hierarchy. Code generation uses the
slbuild('model', 'ModelReferenceRTWTarget')

On the Model block, under the model name, the text

label is (SIL) or (PIL).

For more information, see:

• “Verify Referenced Model Code” on page 32-9

• “Configure a SIL or PIL Simulation” on page 32-10
• “Simulation Mode Override Behavior in Model Reference Hierarchy” on page

Referenced Model Simulation Using SIL or PIL

• “Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL” on page 32-23

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Verify Internal Signals of a Component

Outputs of the SIL or PIL component are available for verification. If you want to
examine an internal signal, you can:

• Enable internal signal logging for top-model or Model block SIL or PIL, but check the
limitations. See “Internal Signal Logging Support”.
• Manually route the signal to the top level.
• Use global data stores to access internal signals:

1 Inside the component, connect a Data Store Write block to the required signal.
2 Outside the component, use a Data Store Read block to access the signal value.

See “About Data Stores” and “Global Data Store Example”.

• Use MAT-file logging. See “Logging”. For PIL, the target environment must support
MAT-file logging.

For more information on signal support, see “I/O Support” on page 32-56.

Simulation Mode Override Behavior in Model Reference Hierarchy

Simulation Mode Override Behavior in Model Reference Hierarchy

This section describes simulation behavior when the top model contains a Model block.
This Model block can also be a parent block containing child Model blocks at lower levels
of its reference hierarchy.

Note: You can view your model hierarchy in the Model Dependency Viewer. In the
Referenced Model Instances view, the software displays Model blocks differently to
indicate their simulation modes, for example, Normal, Accelerator, SIL, and PIL. In this
view, the software does not indicate the simulation mode of the top model.

You can specify the simulation mode of a top model to be Normal, Accelerator, Rapid
Accelerator, SIL, or PIL. With a Model block, you can specify all modes except Rapid
Accelerator. The configured simulation mode of a Model block can be overridden by the
parent simulation mode. The following table shows how the software determines the
effective simulation mode of a Model block in the hierarchy.

Mode of top model or Mode of parent or child block in reference hierarchy

parent block Normal Accelerator SIL PIL
Normal Equivalent Compatible Compatible Compatible
Accelerator Override Equivalent Error Error
Rapid Accelerator Override Override Error Error
SIL Override Override Equivalent Error
PIL Override Override Error Equivalent

The following list explains the different types of simulation behavior:

• Equivalent – Both parent and child Model block run in the same simulation mode.
• Compatible – If the simulation mode of the top model or parent block is Normal, then
the software simulates the child block in the mode specified for it.
• Error – The simulation produces an error. For example, if a top model or parent
Model block has simulation mode Accelerator but contains a child block in SIL or
PIL mode, then running a simulation produces an error: the Accelerator mode cannot
override the SIL and PIL mode of child blocks. This behavior avoids the risk of “false
positives”, that is, the simulation of a model in Accelerator mode will not lead to the

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

conclusion that generated source or object code of child Model blocks has been tested
or verified.
• Override – The simulation mode of the top model or parent Model block overrides the
simulation mode of the child block. For example, if a top model or parent Model block
that is configured for a SIL simulation contains a child Model block with simulation
mode Normal or Accelerator, then the software simulates the child block in SIL mode.
This override behavior:

• Allows a Model block in the reference hierarchy to have the SIL or PIL mode.
• Makes lower-level referenced models execute in SIL or PIL mode if you simulate
the top model or parent Model block in SIL or PIL mode. You do not have to switch
manually the simulation mode of every model component in the hierarchy.

Note: For a model reference hierarchy that consists of multiple sub-hierarchies, if the
top-model simulation mode is Normal, the software can run only one sub-hierarchy in
PIL mode. For example, if your Normal mode top model contains multiple Model blocks,
you can specify the PIL mode for only one of the Model blocks.

Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL

Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL

In this section...
“Code Interface for Top-Model SIL or PIL” on page 32-23
“Code Interface for Model Block SIL or PIL” on page 32-24

You generate standalone code when you perform, for example, a top-model or right-click
subsystem build for a single deployable component. You can compile and link standalone
code into a standalone executable or integrate it with other code. For more information
on the standalone code interface, see “Entry-Point Functions and Scheduling”.

When you generate code for a referenced model hierarchy, the software generates
standalone executable code for the top model, and a library module called a model
reference target for each referenced model. When the code executes, the standalone
executable invokes the applicable model reference targets to compute the referenced
model outputs. For more information, see “Build Model Reference Targets”.

Note: If you intend to integrate automatically generated code with legacy code, use
standalone code because the standalone code interface is documented. See “Entry-Point
Functions and Scheduling”.

SIL/PIL Feature Standalone Code Interface Model Reference Code

Top-model Yes No (but you can include
Model blocks inside your top
Model block Yes (if you set Code under Yes (if you set Code under
test to Top model) test to Model reference)
SIL or PIL block Yes No

Code Interface for Top-Model SIL or PIL

Top-model SIL or PIL generates the standalone code interface for the model.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

When you run a top-model SIL or PIL simulation, the software calls the standalone code
for the model if it already exists. The software generates the standalone code if it does
not exist.

Code Interface for Model Block SIL or PIL

For Model Block SIL or PIL, the value of the Code under test block parameter
determines the code interface:

• Top model — The software generates the standalone code interface for the model.
When you run a simulation, the software calls the standalone code for the model if it
already exists. The software generates the standalone code if it does not exist.
• Model reference — The software generates the model reference code interface.
When you run a simulation with a Model block in SIL or PIL mode, the software calls
the model reference target for the Model block if it already exists, or generates the
model reference target. If the model reference target does not yet exist, there are
three ways to generate it:

• Run the simulation.

• Press Ctrl+B to build the top model containing the Model block.
• Use the command slbuild, specifying the model reference option, for example:


Configure Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL

Configure Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL

In this section...
“Choose Hardware Implementation Approach” on page 32-25
“Portable Word Sizes” on page 32-25
“Test Hardware” on page 32-28
“Production hardware” on page 32-29

Choose Hardware Implementation Approach

Approach Use when
Portable word sizes You want to switch between the SIL and
PIL modes without regenerating code.
Test hardware You want to work around a limitation of
portable word sizes.
Production hardware Production hardware settings match your
host computer architecture.

For information about test and production targets, “Platform Options for Development
and Deployment” in the Simulink Coder documentation.

Portable Word Sizes

Embedded Coder provides an option to specify portable word sizes. If you select this
option for a model, you can use the same generated source code files for:

• Software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation on the host computer

• Production deployment on the target platform

To configure a model to use portable word sizes, set the following model configuration

Parameter Setting
Hardware Implementation > Test hardware Selected
> Test hardware is the same as production

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Parameter Setting
Code Generation > Verification > Enable Selected
portable word sizes

When you generate code for a model with the preceding parameter settings, the code
generator conditionalizes data type definitions:

• tmwtypes.h supports SIL simulation on the host system

• Code generation types support deployment on the target system

For example, in the following generated code, the first two lines define types for SIL
simulation on a host system. The bold lines define types for target deployment.


# include "tmwtypes.h"
#else /* PORTABLE_WORDSIZES not defined */
#define __TMWTYPES__
#include <limits.h>
typedef signed char int8_T;
typedef unsigned char uint8_T;
typedef int int16_T;
typedef unsigned int uint16_T;
typedef long int32_T;
typedef unsigned long uint32_T;
typedef float real32_T;
typedef double real64_T;

Compile Generated Code That Supports Portable Word Sizes

When you compile generated code that supports portable word sizes for SIL testing, pass
the definition PORTABLE_WORDSIZES to the compiler.

For example:


To build the same code for target deployment, compile the code without the

Configure Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL

Code that the Host Cannot Compile

Consider the case where your target uses code that the host cannot compile. When
you switch from the PIL mode to the SIL mode and try to simulate the model, you see
compilation errors. You might be able to work around this problem by adding the source
code files to the SkipForSil group in the build information object RTW.BuildInfo. The
SIL build on the host platform does not compile source files present in the SkipForSil
group. For information about how you add source code files to a group in the build
information object, see:

• “addSourceFiles” in the Simulink Coder reference documentation

• “Customize Post-Code-Generation Build Processing” in the Simulink Coder

Portable Word Sizes Limitations

The following limitations apply when using portable word sizes in SIL simulation:

• Numerical results might differ between generated code executing in a SIL simulation
and generated code executing on the production hardware under one of the following

• Your model contains blocks implemented in TLC, for which C integral promotion
in expressions might behave differently between the MATLAB host and the
production hardware target. Normal and PIL simulation results will match, but
SIL simulation results might be different.
• Your production hardware implements rounding to Floor for signed integer
division, and divisions in your model use rounding mode Floor or Simplest.
Normal and PIL simulation results will match, but SIL simulation results might
be different.
• The precision of floating-point operations differs between the MATLAB host and
the production hardware target. In this case, Normal and SIL simulation results
will match, but PIL simulation results might be different.
• You use custom code with the Stateflow product. In this case, type conversion
statements will not be inserted into the custom code, which might be required to
achieve target overflow behavior on the host. Normal and PIL simulation results
will match, but SIL simulation results might be different.
• Compilation warnings might occur for code generated using portable word sizes if all
of the following conditions exist:

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

• The combination of MATLAB host and production hardware target word sizes
causes rtwtypes.h to redefine the word sizes using preprocessor macros. For
example, when the production hardware has a 16-bit int data type and the
MATLAB host has a 16-bit short data type, int16_T is redefined to be short on
the host and int on the target.
• The data types are used in pointer arguments to function calls.
• The called functions are host-based precompiled functions (not compiled using

Under these conditions, the compiler typically issues a warning similar to the
warning: passing argument 2 of 'frexp' from incompatible pointer type

Executing the generated code on the MATLAB host could lead to memory corruption.
For example, the function "double frexp (double value, int *exp);" expects
'int *' as the second argument, for which 'int16_T *' is passed in the generated
code. But on the MATLAB host, int16_T is redefined to short, and during SIL
execution, frexp will attempt to write 4 bytes to a 2 byte location.

A potential workaround for the SIL workflow is to provide a custom code replacement
library for functions that write to address locations obtained through pointer
arguments. In the above example, the function frexp is called by the reciprocal
square root operation (rSqrt) and rSqrt is replaceable using a code replacement
library. Therefore, you can provide a custom version of rSqrt to support SIL
execution. The replacement function would perform the change in memory allocation
for the data accessed by the pointer variable, perhaps by introducing a temporary
variable and transferring the data to and from that variable. For more information,
see “What Is Code Replacement?” and “What Is Code Replacement Customization?”.

Test Hardware
Use this approach only if you need to work around a limitation of portable word sizes.

To configure a model for test hardware, set the following model configuration

Configure Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL

Parameter Setting
Code Generation > Verification > Enable Not selected
portable word sizes
Hardware Implementation > Test hardware Not selected
> Test hardware is the same as production
Hardware Implementation > Test hardware Generic
> Device vendor
Hardware Implementation > Test hardware MATLAB Host Computer
> Device type

For an example of how to configure a model to maintain bit-true agreement between host
simulation and target deployment, and generate code that is portable between the host
and target systems, see rtwdemo_sil_hardware_config.

Production hardware
You can use this approach only when the production hardware settings match your host
computer architecture.

Set the following model configuration parameters.

Parameters Settings
Code Generation > Verification > Enable Not selected.
portable word sizes
Hardware Implementation > Test hardware Selected.
> Test hardware is the same as production
Hardware Implementation > Production Select settings that match your host
hardware section parameters computer architecture.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Debug Code During SIL Simulations

If you notice differences between the results of a Normal mode and SIL mode simulation,
you can rerun the SIL simulation with a debugger enabled. By inserting breakpoints, you
can observe the behavior of code sections, which might help you to understand the cause
of the differences in results.

The software supports the following debuggers;

• On Windows, Microsoft Visual Studio® debugger.

• On Linux, GNU Data Display Debugger (DDD).

Note: You can perform SIL debugging only if your Microsoft Visual C++ or GNU GCC
compiler is supported by the Simulink product family. For more information, see
supported compilers.

To enable your debugger for a SIL simulation, on the Configuration Parameters >
Code Generation > Verification pane, select the Enable source-level debugging
for SIL simulations check box.

If your top model has Model blocks where the Code under test block parameter is
set to Top model, then the Enable source-level debugging for SIL simulations
parameters for the top model and referenced models must have the same settings.
Otherwise, the software produces an error.

When you run the SIL simulation, for example on a Windows computer, your model.c or
model.cpp file opens in the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE with debugger breakpoints at
the start of the model_initialize and model_step functions.

Debug Code During SIL Simulations

You can now use the debugger features to observe code behavior. For example, you can
step through code and examine variables.

To end the debugging session:

1 Remove all breakpoints.

2 Click the Continue button (F5).

The SIL simulation runs to completion and the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE closes

Note: In the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, if you select Debug > Stop Debugging, the
SIL simulation times out with the following error message:
The timeout of 1 seconds for receiving data from the rtiostream interface
has been exceeded. There are multiple possible causes for this failure.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

PIL Customization for Target Environment

In this section...
“Target Connectivity Configurations for PIL” on page 32-32
“Target Connectivity API Components” on page 32-32
“Communications rtiostream API” on page 32-33

Target Connectivity Configurations for PIL

Use target connectivity configurations and the target connectivity API to customize
processor-in-the-loop (PIL) verification for target environments.

Through a target connectivity configuration, you specify:

• A target connectivity configuration name for a target connectivity API

• Settings that define the set of Simulink models that the configuration is compatible
with, for example, the set of models that have a particular system target file, template
makefile, and hardware implementation.

You must associate a connectivity configuration name with a connectivity API

implementation. You can have many different connectivity configurations, each
configuration being available for PIL simulation. Register a connectivity configuration
with Simulink by creating an sl_customization.m file and placing it on the MATLAB
search path.

To run a PIL verification, the software must first determine which of the available
connectivity configurations to use. The software looks for a connectivity configuration
that is compatible with the model under test. If the software finds multiple or no
compatible connectivity configurations, the software generates an error message with
information about resolving the problem.

For more information, see:

• “Target Connectivity API Components”

• “Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration”

Target Connectivity API Components

Use the target connectivity API to integrate third-party tools for:

PIL Customization for Target Environment

• Building the processor-in-the loop (PIL) application, an executable for the target
• Downloading, starting, and stopping the application on the target
• Communicating between Simulink and the target

The following diagram shows the components of the target connectivity PIL API.

Communications rtiostream API

The rtiostream API supports communications for the target connectivity API. Use the
rtiostream API to implement a communication channel that enables data exchange
between different processes.

PIL verification requires a host-target communications channel. This communications

channel comprises driver code that runs on the host and target. The rtiostream API

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

defines the signature of target-side and host-side functions that must be implemented by
this driver code.

The API is independent of the physical layer that sends the data. Possible physical layers
include RS232, Ethernet, or Controller Area Network (CAN).

A full rtiostream implementation requires both host-side and target-side drivers. Code
generation software includes host-side drivers for the default TCP/IP implementation as
well as a version for serial communications. To use:

• The TCP/IP rtiostream communications channel, you must provide, or obtain from
a third party, target-specific TCP/IP device drivers.
• The serial communications channel, you must provide, or obtain from a third party,
target-specific serial device drivers.

For other communication channels and platforms, the code generation software does not
provide default implementations. You must provide both the host-side and the target-side

The rtiostream API comprises the following functions:

• rtIOStreamOpen
• rtIOStreamSend
• rtIOStreamRecv
• rtIOStreamClose

For information about:

• Using rtiostream functions in a connectivity implementation, see “Create a

Connectivity API Implementation” on page 32-35.
• Testing the rtiostream shared library methods from MATLAB code, see
• Debugging and verifying the behavior of custom rtiostream interface
implementations, see “Test an rtiostream Driver” on page 32-36.

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

In this section...
“Create a Connectivity API Implementation” on page 32-35
“Test an rtiostream Driver” on page 32-36
“Synchronize Host and Target” on page 32-38
“Specify Hardware Timer” on page 32-39
“Register a Connectivity API Implementation” on page 32-41
“Target Connectivity API Examples” on page 32-41

Create a Connectivity API Implementation

To create a target connectivity API implementation, you must create a subclass of

• You must instantiate rtw.connectivity.MakefileBuilder. This class configures

the build process.
• You must create a subclass of rtw.connectivity.Launcher. This class downloads
and executes the application using a third-party tool.
• Configure your rtiostream communications implementation:

• On the target-side, integrate the driver code implementing rtiostream

functions directly into the build process by creating a subclass of
• On the host-side, compile the driver code into a shared library. You load and
initialize this shared library by instantiating (or optionally, customizing)
• For code execution profiling, you must create a timer object that provides details
of the hardware-specific timer and associated source files. See “Specify Hardware

Note: Each time you modify a connectivity implementation, close and reopen the models
to refresh them.

See also:

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

• “Creating Subclasses — Syntax and Techniques” in MATLAB documentation.

• rtwdemo_custom_pil_script for an example that helps you to create a target
connectivity configuration using the target connectivity API

Test an rtiostream Driver

Use a test suite to debug and verify the behavior of custom rtiostream interface

The test suite has the following advantages:

• Reduces time for integrating custom hardware that does not have built-in
rtiostream support.
• Reduces time for testing custom rtiostream drivers.
• Helps analyze the performance of custom rtiostream drivers.

The test suite has two parts. One part of the test suite runs on the target.

Note: After building the target application, download it to the target and run it.

To launch this part, compile and link the following files, which are in matlabroot/

• rtiostreamtest.c
• rtiostreamtest.h
• rtiostream.h (located at matlabroot/rtw/c/src/)
• rtiostream implementation under investigation (for example,
• main.c

To run the MATLAB part of the test suite, invoke rtiostreamtest. The syntax is as


• connection is a string indicating the communication method. It can have values

'tcp' or 'serial'.

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

• param1 and param2 have different values depending on the value of connection.

• If connection is 'tcp', then param1 and param2 are hostname and port,
respectively. For example, rtiostreamtest('tcp', 'localhost', 2345).
• If connection is 'serial', then param1 and param2 are COM port and baud
rate, respectively. For example, rtiostreamtest('serial', 'COM1', 9600).

You can run the MATLAB part of the test suite as follows:

An output in the following format appears in the MATLAB window:

### Test suite for rtiostream ###

Initializing connection with target...

### Hardware characteristics discovered

Size of char : 8 bit
Size of short : 16 bit
Size of int : 32 bit
Size of long : 32 bit
Size of float : 32 bit
Size of double : 64 bit
Size of pointer : 64 bit
Byte ordering : Little Endian

### rtiostream characteristics discovered

Round trip time : 0.96689 ms
rtIOStreamRecv behavior : non-blocking

### Test results

Test 1 (fixed size data exchange): ......... PASS
Test 2 (varying size data exchange): ......... PASS

### Test suite for rtiostream finished successfully ###

Furthermore, the following profile appears.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Synchronize Host and Target

If you use the rtiostream API to implement the communications channel, the host and
target must be synchronized, which prevents Simulink from transmitting and receiving
data before the target application is fully initialized.

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

To synchronize the host and target for TCP/IP rtiostream

implementations, use the setInitCommsTimeout method from
rtw.connectivity.RtIOStreamHostCommunicator. This approach works well
for connection-oriented TCP/IP rtiostream implementations because Simulink
automatically waits until the target server is running.

With other rtiostream implementations, for example, serial, the Simulink side of the
rtiostream connection will open without waiting for the target to be fully initialized.
In this case, you must make your Launcher implementation wait until the target
application is fully initialized. Use one of the following approaches to synchronize your
host and target:

• Add a pause at the end of the Launcher implementation that makes the Launcher
wait until target initialization is complete.
• In the Launcher implementation, use third-party downloader or debugger APIs that
wait until target initialization is complete.
• Implement a handshaking mechanism in the Launcher / rtiostream
implementation to confirm that target initialization is complete.

Specify Hardware Timer

For code execution profiling, you must create a timer object that provides details of the
hardware-specific timer and associated source files. You can use the Code Replacement
Tool or the code replacement library API to specify this hardware-specific timer.

To specify the timer with the Code Replacement Tool:

1 Open the Code Replacement Tool. In the Command Window, enter crtool.
2 Create a new code replacement table. Select File > New table.
3 Create a new function entry. Under Tables List, right-click the new table. Then,
from the context-menu, select New entry > Function.
4 In the middle view, select the new unnamed function.
5 On the Mapping Information pane:

a From the Function drop-down list, select code_profile_read_timer.

b Specify the count direction for your timer. For example, from the Count
direction drop-down list, select Up.
c In the Ticks per second field, specify the number of ticks per second for your
timer, for example, 1e+09.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

The default value is 0. In this case, the software reports time measurements in
terms of ticks, not seconds.
d In the Name field, specify a replacement function name, for example, MyTimer.
e Click Apply.

f To validate the function entry, click Validate entry.

6 On the Build Information pane, specify the required build information. See
“Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”.
7 Save the table (Ctrl+S). When you save the table for the first time, use the Save As
dialog box to specify the file name and location.

You must save the table in a location that is on the MATLAB search
path. For example, you can save this file in the folder for your subclass of

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

The software stores your timer information as a code replacement library table.
8 Assuming you save the table as MyCrlTable.m, in your subclass of
rtw.connectivity.Config, add the following line:

setTimer(this, MyCrlTable)

For more information, see “What Is Code Replacement?” and “What Is Code Replacement

Register a Connectivity API Implementation

Register the new connectivity API implementation to Simulink as a connectivity
configuration, by creating or adding to an sl_customization.m file. By doing so,
you also define the set of Simulink models that the new connectivity configuration is
compatible with.

For details, see rtw.connectivity.ConfigRegistry.

Target Connectivity API Examples

For step-by-step examples, see:

• rtwdemo_custom_pil_script

This example shows you how to create a custom PIL implementation using the
target connectivity APIs. You can examine the code that configures the build process
to support PIL, a downloading and execution tool, and a communication channel
between host and target. Follow the steps in the example to activate a full host-based
PIL configuration.
• rtwdemo_rtiostream_script

This example shows you how to implement a communication channel for use with the
Embedded Coder product and your embedded target. This communication channel
enables exchange of data between different processes. PIL simulation requires
exchange of data between the Simulink software running on your host computer and
deployed code executing on target hardware.

The rtiostream interface provides a generic communication channel that you can
implement in the form of target connectivity drivers for a range of connection types.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

The example shows how to configure your own target-side driver for TCP/IP, to
operate with the default host-side TCP/IP driver. The default TCP/IP communications
allow high-bandwidth communication between host and target, which you can use for
transferring data such as video.

Note: If you customize the rtiostream TCP/IP implementation for your PIL
simulations, you must turn off Nagle's algorithm for the server side of the
connection. If Nagle's algorithm is not turned off, your PIL simulations might run
at a significantly slower speed. The matlabroot/rtw/c/src/rtiostream/
rtiostreamtcpip/rtiostream_tcpip.c file shows how you can turn off Nagle's
/* Disable Nagle's Algorithm*/
option = 1;
sockStatus = setsockopt(lFd,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char*)&option,sizeof(option));
For your custom TCP/IP implementation, you might have to modify this code.

The example also shows how to implement custom target connectivity drivers,
for example, using serial, CAN, or USB for both host and target sides of the
communication channel.

View Test Harness in Code Generation Report

View Test Harness in Code Generation Report

With top-model and Model block SIL and PIL simulations, you can produce a code
generation report and static code metrics that cover SIL and PIL test harness files. The
information helps you to:

• Understand and review the SIL and PIL verification process.

• See how your registered custom target connectivity files fit into the target application
that runs during a SIL or PIL simulation.

This feature is not supported for simulations that you run with the PIL block.

To configure the creation of a code generation report and static code metrics, on the
Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Report pane, select the Create
code generation report and Static code metrics check boxes. Then click OK. For
more information about:

• Code generation reports, see “HTML Code Generation Report Extensions”

• Static code metrics, see “Static Code Metrics”

At the end of the simulation, the software displays test harness files and the
corresponding static code metrics in the code generation report.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

The software displays the test harness files in the Interface files category.

Note: You must not use files from the SIL/PIL test harness in code development as these
files can change over releases. Use supplied APIs for code development.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

In this section...
“About SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations” on page 32-45
“Code Source Support” on page 32-45
“Block Support” on page 32-48
“Configuration Parameters Support” on page 32-50
“I/O Support” on page 32-56
“Hardware Implementation Support” on page 32-66
“Other Feature Support” on page 32-67

About SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

Top-model and Model block software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL)
simulation modes, and SIL and PIL blocks are Embedded Coder features.

The following tables summarize the support provided for top-model SIL and PIL, Model
block SIL and PIL and the SIL or PIL block. “Yes” indicates a supported feature.

Information on selected aspects of SIL and PIL is also provided, especially unsupported
features and limitations.

Code Source Support

Code Source Code Interface Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block
Top model Standalone Yes Yes. See “Top-Model Yes
Code Testing with
Model Block SIL/PIL”
on page 32-46.
Atomic Standalone No No Yes
Virtual Standalone No No Yes, but
subsystem recommend atomic
subsystem. See
“Algebraic Loop

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Code Source Code Interface Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block
Issues” on page
Model block Model reference No, but you can Yes. See No, but you can
target include Model “Conditionally include Model
blocks inside your Executed Subsystem” blocks inside your
top model. on page 32-47. model.
Enabled/ Standalone No No Yes
Exported Export N/A N/A Yes
function-call Functions
Export-function Export Yes Yes N/A
model Functions
Legacy code Custom See “Custom Code See “Custom Code See “Custom Code
Interfaces” on Interfaces” on page Interfaces” on page
page 32-47. 32-47. 32-47.
MATLAB Coder MATLAB Coder See “Custom Code See “Custom Code See “Custom Code
Interfaces” on Interfaces” on page Interfaces” on page
page 32-47. 32-47. 32-47.

For more information, see “Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL” on page 32-23.

Top-Model Code Testing with Model Block SIL/PIL

The following limitations apply:

• The Model Variants block does not support the block parameter CodeUnderTest.
The software behaves as if CodeUnderTest is set to 'Model reference'. To work
around this limitation, use the Variant Subsystem block. Through this block, you
can incorporate Model blocks for which CodeUnderTest is set to 'Top model'.
• Because model arguments do not apply to a top model, when the Code under test
block parameter is set to Top model, the software does not support the Model
arguments block parameter.
• Conditional execution does not apply to a top model. If a Model block is set up to
execute conditionally and the Code under test block parameter is set to 'Top
model', the software produces an error when you run a SIL or PIL simulation.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

• For sample time independent models, you must set Configuration Parameters
> Solver > Periodic sample time constraint to Ensure sample time
• Simulation results from top-model code and model reference code might differ when
a root-level Inport is connected to a root-level Outport by a signal that has a signal
object with an initial value.

For top-model code, the software associates the signal object with the Inport.
The software might apply the initial value for the signal object to the Inport. See
“Initialization Behavior Summary for Signal Objects”.

For model reference code, the software associates the signal object with the Outport.
The software does not apply the initial value for the signal object to the Inport.

Conditionally Executed Subsystem

You see an error if:

• You place your Model block (in either SIL or PIL simulation mode) in a conditionally
executed subsystem and the referenced model is multirate (that is, has multiple
sample times). Single rate referenced models (with only a single sample time) are not
• Your Model block (in either SIL or PIL simulation mode) has blocks that depend on
absolute time and is conditionally executed.

Custom Code Interfaces

MathWorks does not provide direct SIL/PIL support for code interfaces such as legacy
code and MATLAB Coder. However, you can incorporate these interfaces into Simulink
as an S-function (for example, using the Legacy Code Tool, S-Function Builder, or
handwritten code), and then verify them using SIL/PIL.

SIL/PIL Does Not Check Simulink Coder Error Status

SIL/PIL does not check the Simulink Coder error status of the generated code under test.
This error status flags exceptional conditions during execution of the generated code.

The Simulink Coder error status can also be set by blocks in the model (for example,
custom blocks developed by a user). It is a limitation that SIL/PIL cannot check this error
status and report back errors.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Block Support
Blocks Supported Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block
Within SIL/PIL
Driver blocks Yes, but not Yes, but not recommended. Yes, but not
recommended. recommended.
Function Caller Yes Yes No. Use the Model
block block SIL/PIL
approach, with the
Code under test block
parameter set to Top
MATLAB Function Yes Yes Yes
Model block Yes Yes Yes
Merge blocks Yes Yes. Cannot connect SIL/PIL Yes. Cannot connect
outputs to Merge blocks. See SIL/PIL outputs to
“Merge Block Issue” on page Merge blocks. See
32-49. “Merge Block Issue” on
page 32-49.
Scope blocks, and No No No
all types of run-time

For example, display

of port values and
signal values.
Simulink Function Yes Yes No. Use the Model
block block SIL/PIL
approach, with the
Code under test block
parameter set to Top
Stop blocks No. SIL/PIL ignores No. SIL/PIL ignores the No. SIL/PIL ignores
the Stop Simulation Stop Simulation block and the Stop Simulation
continues simulating.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

Blocks Supported Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block

Within SIL/PIL
block and continues block and continues
simulating. simulating.
To File blocks Yes, if MAT-file Yes, if MAT-file logging is Yes, if MAT-file logging
logging is on. MAT- on. MAT-file logging might is enabled. For PIL
file logging might not not be available in PIL block, MAT-file logging
be available in PIL mode. must be supported.
To Workspace blocks Yes, if MAT-file No, MAT-file logging is not Yes, if MAT-file logging
logging is on. MAT- supported. is supported and on.
file logging might not
be available in PIL

Merge Block Issue

If you connect SIL/PIL outputs to a Merge block, you see an error because S-function
memory is not reusable.

Model in Compiled State During Top-Model SIL/PIL

During a top-model SIL/PIL simulation, the software places the model in a compiled
state – see model. This action might result in a conflict over global resources between the
model and the generated SIL/PIL code. In this case, you might see differences between
Normal mode and SIL/PIL simulation outputs.

For example, you might see this limitation with a model that uses UDP blocks from
the DSP System Toolbox. These blocks open UDP sockets, which can lead to resource
contention between the model and the generated SIL/PIL code.

Other Top-Model SIL/PIL Limitations

SIL/PIL does not support the callbacks (model or block ) StartFcn and StopFcn.

Note: Top-model SIL/PIL supports the callback InitFcn.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Configuration Parameters Support

Configuration Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block
ERT-based system Yes Yes Yes
target file
AUTOSAR system Yes. See “Use the SIL Yes. See “Use the SIL Yes. See “Use a SIL or
target file and PIL Simulation and PIL Simulation PIL Block for AUTOSAR
Modes”. Modes”. Verification”.
GRT-based system No No No
target file
Classic call interface No; see “Missing Code No; see “Missing Code No; see “Missing Code
Interface Description Interface Description Interface Description
File Errors” on page File Errors” on page File Errors” on page
32-51. 32-51. 32-51.
Function Prototype Yes Yes Yes
Reusable code Yes, but see the special N/A Yes, but see the special
format cases in “Imported Data cases in “Imported Data
Definitions” on page Definitions” on page
32-62. 32-62.
Standard math Yes Yes Yes
Code replacement Yes Yes Yes
C++ Yes Yes Yes
C++ class Yes. See “C++ Class Code Yes. See “C++ Class Yes. See “C++ Class
and SIL/PIL” on page Code and SIL/PIL” on Code and SIL/PIL” on
32-56. page 32-56. page 32-56.
Generate ASAP2 file Yes Yes Yes
Generate example N/A N/A N/A
MAT-file logging Yes. For PIL, the target Yes. For PIL, the target Yes. For PIL, the target
environment might not environment might environment might
support MAT-file logging.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

Configuration Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block

not support MAT-file not support MAT-file
logging. logging.
Signal logging Yes, for internal signals Yes. See “Internal No, but see “Verify
and for signals connected Signal Logging Internal Signals of a
to root-level inports and Support”. Component” on page
outports. 32-20.
See “Internal Signal
Logging Support”,
“Top-Model Root-Level
Logging Limitations”.
'Simplified' model Yes Yes Yes
Single output/ Yes, but see “Algebraic Yes, but see “Algebraic Yes, but see “Algebraic
update Loop Issues” on page Loop Issues” on page Loop Issues” on page
32-51. 32-51. 32-51.
Configuration set Yes Yes Yes

• “Missing Code Interface Description File Errors” on page 32-51

• “Algebraic Loop Issues” on page 32-51
• “Internal Signal Logging Support” on page 32-53
• “Top-Model Root-Level Logging Limitations” on page 32-54
• “C++ Class Code and SIL/PIL” on page 32-56

Missing Code Interface Description File Errors

SIL/PIL requires a code interface description file, which is generated during the code
generation process for the component under test. If the code interface description file is
missing, the SIL/PIL simulation cannot proceed and you see an error reporting that the
file does not exist. This error can occur if you select the unsupported option Classic call
interface in your configuration parameters. Do not select this option.

Algebraic Loop Issues

For more information on algebraic loops, see:

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

• “Algebraic Loops” in the Simulink documentation.

• The Algebraic Loops section in “Modeling Semantic Considerations”.
• “Code Generation of Subsystems”.

There are three ways that PIL simulation can introduce algebraic loops that do not exist
for a normal simulation:

• “Algebraic Loops Caused by Code Generation for a Virtual Subsystem” on page

• “Algebraic Loops Caused by “Single output/update function”” on page 32-52
• “Algebraic Loops Caused by SIL/PIL Scheduling Limitations” on page 32-52

Algebraic Loops Caused by Code Generation for a Virtual Subsystem

If you generate code for a virtual subsystem, code generation treats the subsystem
as atomic and generates the code accordingly. The resulting code can change the
execution behavior of your model, for example, by applying algebraic loops, and introduce
inconsistencies to the simulation behavior.

Declare virtual subsystems as atomic subsystems to enable consistent simulation and

execution behavior for your model. For more information, see “Code Generation of
Algebraic Loops Caused by “Single output/update function”

The “single output/update function” in code generation optimization can introduce

algebraic loops because it introduces direct feedthrough via a combined output and
update function.

This option is not compatible with the Minimize algebraic loop occurrences
option (in the Subsystem Parameters dialog box and Model Referencing pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box). This option allows code generation to remove
algebraic loops by partitioning generated code between output and update functions to
avoid direct feedthrough.
Algebraic Loops Caused by SIL/PIL Scheduling Limitations

The S-function scheduling mechanism that the software uses to execute the SIL/PIL
component has the following limitations:

• Direct feedthrough is set to true.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

• Separate output and update functions in the SIL/PIL component are executed from
the mdlOutputs S-function callback.

These limitations mean that SIL/PIL can introduce algebraic loops that do not exist
in normal simulation, and you might get incorrect results. If this happens, you see a
warning or error about the introduced algebraic loop and SIL/PIL results can differ from
simulation results. You do not see a warning or error if Configuration Parameters >
Diagnostics > Algebraic loop is set to none.

A workaround is to break the algebraic loop by inserting a Unit Delay block so that the
algebraic loop does not occur. You can then use SIL/PIL.

Internal Signal Logging Support

You can use Simulink signal logging with the SIL and PIL simulation modes, with both
top-model SIL or PIL and Model block (referenced model) SIL or PIL. This feature allows
you to:

• Collect signal logging outputs (e.g., logsout) during SIL and PIL simulations.
• Log the internal signals and the root-level outputs of a SIL or PIL component.
• Manage the SIL and PIL signal logging settings using the Simulink Signal Logging
• Compare logged signals between normal, SIL, and PIL simulations, for example,
using the Simulation Data Inspector.

SIL or PIL signal logging requires the following model configuration settings:

• On the Data Import/Export pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, set
Signal logging format to Dataset.
• On the Code Generation > Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog
box, set Interface to C API.

The C API is used to determine the addresses of the internal signals that need to be
logged. See also “Internal Signal Logging Limitations” on page 32-53.

Internal Signal Logging Limitations

• The C API requires that support for floating-point numbers is selected (see
Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Interface > Support >
floating-point numbers).

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

• Only signals that are included in the C API are logged during SIL/PIL simulation.
You might need to configure signals as test points (see Signal Properties > Test
point) to check that they are observable in the generated code.
• Logging of signals in models referenced by the SIL/PIL component is not supported.
Only signals within the top level of the SIL/PIL component are logged.
• Virtual signals (e.g. MUX) are not supported.
• Buses are not supported.
• Custom storage classes are not supported.
• Continuous, asynchronous and triggered sample times are not supported.
• Logging of Stateflow States and Local Data is not supported.

With top-model internal signal logging, some additional limitations apply:

• Variable-size signals, Function-call signals, and Action signals: error for normal
simulation and warning for SIL/PIL.
• State port signals: error for normal simulation; no warning for SIL/PIL.
• Signals feeding merge blocks are not supported for logging in normal simulation but
are logged in SIL/PIL mode. The logged values during SIL/PIL will be the same as the
logged values for the output of the merge block.
• Under the following circumstances, top-model Normal simulation logs data at a
periodic rate, but top-model SIL/PIL simulation logs data at the constant rate:

• Inline parameters is not selected.

• A constant sample time signal from a Model block is logged in the top model.
• The logged signal is not directly connected to a root-level output port.

To avoid this behavior, select Inline parameters to log at constant rate in all
simulation modes.

Top-Model Root-Level Logging Limitations

Top-model SIL/PIL supports signal logging for signals connected to root-level inports and
outports. Both ModelDataLogs and Dataset signal logging formats are supported, and
the C API is not required. Root-level logging has the following limitations:

• The characteristics of the logged data such as data type and dimensions match the
characteristics of the root-level inports and outports rather than the characteristics of
the connected signal.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

In some cases, there can be differences in data type and dimensions between the
signal being logged and the root inport or outport that the signal is connected to.
Consider the following examples.

• If a signal being logged has matrix dimensions [1x5] but the outport connected
to the signal has vector dimensions (5), then the data logged during a SIL or PIL
simulation has vector dimensions (5).
• If a signal being logged has scalar dimensions but the outport connected to the
signal has matrix dimensions [1x1], then the data logged during a SIL or PIL
simulation has matrix dimensions [1x1].
• Signals connected to duplicated inports are not logged during SIL/PIL simulation. No
warning is issued.

During normal simulation, signals connected directly to duplicated inports are logged.
• The Signal Logging Selector / DataLoggingOverride override mechanism is not
• There is no support for signals that are not named.
• The Normal and SIL/PIL simulations for a top model produce logged bus signals with
names that are different when all of the following conditions apply:

• The signal logging format is Dataset.

• The names of the elements in the bus signal are different from the corresponding
names in the bus object.
• The software inserts the suffix, _wrapper, in the following cases:

• For signal logging, if you specify the signal logging format to be ModelDataLogs,
the software adds _wrapper to the block path for signals in logsout. For

>> logsout.SignalLogging

Name: 'SignalLogging'
BlockPath: 'sillogging_wrapper/sillogging'
PortIndex: 1
SignalName: 'SignalLogging'
ParentName: 'SignalLogging'
TimeInfo: [1x1 Simulink.TimeInfo]
Time: [11x1 double]
Data: [11x1 double]

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

If the Simulation Data Inspector is recording data, the software adds _wrapper to
the run name.

To avoid this behavior, use the Dataset signal logging format. See
• For output logging, if the save format is Structure or Structure with time
and you run the sim command without specifying the single-output format, the
software adds _wrapper to the block name for signals in yout. For example:
>> yout.signals

ans =
values: [11x1 double]
dimensions: 1
label: 'SignalLogging'
blockName: 'sillogging_wrapper/OutputLogging'
If the save format is Array, the software does not add the suffix.

To avoid this behavior, run command-line simulations with the sim command
specifying the single-output format. See “Run Simulation Using the sim

C++ Class Code and SIL/PIL

To run SIL/PIL simulations with C++ class code, you must set External I/O access to

I/O Support
I/O Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block
Tunable parameters N/A Yes. See “Tunable N/A
(Model reference Parameters and SIL/PIL”
arguments) on page 32-59.
Tunable parameters No Yes. See “Tunable Yes. See “Tunable
(Workspace Parameters and SIL/PIL” Parameters and SIL/PIL”
variables) on page 32-59. on page 32-59.
Virtual buses No Yes Yes
Nonvirtual buses Yes, but see “Top- Yes Yes
Model SIL/PIL Bus

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

I/O Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block

Limitations” on page
MUX/DEMUX No Yes Yes, but see “PIL
Block MUX Support
Limitations” on page
Vector/2D/ Yes Yes Yes
Complex data Yes Yes Yes
Fixed-point data Yes. See “Fixed-Point Yes. See “Fixed-Point Data Yes. See “Fixed-Point
Data Types Wider Types Wider Than 32 Data Types Wider
Than 32 Bits” on Bits” on page 32-61. Than 32 Bits” on page
page 32-61. 32-61.
Multiword fixed- No. See “Tunable No. See “Tunable No. See “Tunable
point data Parameters and Parameters and SIL/PIL” Parameters and SIL/PIL”
SIL/PIL” on page on page 32-59. on page 32-59.
Complex fixed-point Yes Yes Yes
Fixed-point data Yes Yes Yes
type override
Data type Yes, but see “Data Yes, but see “Data Type Yes, but see “Data Type
replacement Type Replacement Replacement Limitation” Replacement Limitation”
Limitation” on page on page 32-65 on page 32-65
Goto/From I/O N/A N/A Yes
Global data store I/O Yes. See “Global Yes. See “Global Data Yes. See “Global Data
Data Store Support” Store Support” on page Store Support” on page
on page 32-62 32-62 and “Imported 32-62 and “Imported
and “Imported Data Data Definitions” on page Data Definitions” on page
Definitions” on page 32-62. 32-62.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

I/O Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block

Local data store I/O No. See “Imported No. See “Imported Data No. See “Imported Data
Data Definitions” on Definitions” on page Definitions” on page
page 32-62. 32-62. 32-62.
Non-port-based Yes Yes Yes
sample times
Continuous sample Not at SIL or PIL No Not at SIL or PIL
times component boundary. component boundary.
Outputs with Yes No Yes
constant sample
Non-auto-storage Yes. See “Imported Yes. See “Imported Data Yes. See “Imported Data
classes for data Data Definitions” on Definitions” on page Definitions” on page
(such as signals, page 32-62. 32-62. 32-62.
parameters, data
Simulink data Yes Yes Yes
Simulink numeric Yes Yes Yes
type and
alias type
Simulink Yes Yes Yes
enumerated data
Custom storage Yes, but see Yes, but see “Imported Yes, but see “Imported
classes “Imported Data Data Definitions” on page Data Definitions” on page
Definitions” on 32-62, and “GetSet 32-62, and “GetSet
page 32-62, and Custom Storage Class” on Custom Storage Class” on
“GetSet Custom page 32-63. page 32-63.
Storage Class” on
page 32-63.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

I/O Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block

Variable-size signals No. See “Variable- Yes. On the No. See “Variable-Size
Size Signals and Configuration Signals and SIL/PIL” on
SIL/PIL” on page Parameters > Model page 32-64.
32-64. Referencing pane, in
the Propagate sizes of
variable-size signals
field, specify During
Otherwise, software
generates error.
Noninlined S- Yes No Yes

• “Tunable Parameters and SIL/PIL” on page 32-59

• “Fixed-Point Data Types Wider Than 32 Bits” on page 32-61
• “Global Data Store Support” on page 32-62
• “Imported Data Definitions” on page 32-62
• “GetSet Custom Storage Class” on page 32-63
• “Unsupported Implementation Errors” on page 32-63
• “Variable-Size Signals and SIL/PIL” on page 32-64
• “Data Type Overrides Unavailable for Most Blocks in Embedded Targets and Desktop
Targets” on page 32-64
• “Data Type Replacement Limitation” on page 32-65
• “Top-Model SIL/PIL Bus Limitations” on page 32-65
• “PIL Block MUX Support Limitations” on page 32-65
• “Incremental Build for Top-Model SIL/PIL” on page 32-65
• “Exported Functions in Feedback Loops” on page 32-65

Tunable Parameters and SIL/PIL

You can tune parameters during a SIL/PIL mode simulation the same way that you tune
parameters during a Normal mode simulation.

For more information, see “Global Tunable Parameters” and “Using Model Arguments” in
the Simulink documentation.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

The following table summarizes SIL/PIL support for tunable workspace parameters.

Action Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block

Define and initialize Yes. See Yes. See Yes. See
parameters “Limitations” on “Limitations” on “Limitations” on
page 32-60. page 32-60. page 32-60.
Tune parameters Yes. See Yes. See Yes. See
“Limitations” on “Limitations” on “Limitations” on
page 32-60. page 32-60. page 32-60.


During a SIL/PIL simulation, the software cannot define, initialize, or tune the following
types of tunable workspace parameters. The software produces warnings or errors.

Parameter description Software response for

Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block
Parameters with storage Warning Warning Warning
class that applies
"static" scope or
"const" keyword. For
example, Custom, Const,
or ConstVolatile
Parameters with Warning Error Warning
multiword fixed-point data
Parameters with data Warning Error Warning
types that have different
sizes on host and target

During a SIL/PIL block simulation, the software supports the tuning of tunable
workspace parameters but not tunable block dialog parameters. You can view the list of
tunable workspace parameters through the Function Block Parameters dialog box of the
SIL/PIL block.

For C++ class code, SIL/PIL tunable workspace parameters can be tuned provided you do
not use the following settings together:

• Block parameter visibility: private

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

• Block parameter access : Method or Inlined method

For top-model SIL/PIL and the SIL/PIL block, consider the case where all of the following
conditions apply:

• Code Generation > Interface > Code interface packaging is set to Reusable
• Optimization > Signals and Parameters > Inline parameters is not selected.
• The model contains parameters with storage class Auto or SimulinkGlobal.

If the SIL/PIL component cannot dynamically initialize tunable parameters in the rtP
model parameter structure, the software produces an error message like the following:
Parameter Dialog:InitialOutput in 'rtwdemo_sil_topmodel/CounterTypeA/count'
is part of the imported "rtP" structure in the generated code but cannot be
initialized by SIL or PIL. To avoid this error, make sure the parameter
corresponds to a tunable base workspace variable with a storage class such
as SimulinkGlobal and is supported for dynamic parameter initialization /
tuning with SIL/PIL.

Fixed-Point Data Types Wider Than 32 Bits

SIL/PIL supports fixed-point data types that are wider than 32 bits. For example:

• 64-bit long and long long

• 64-bit execution profiling timer data type
• int64 and uint64, which are used in MATLAB Coder SIL execution.

The following constraints apply:

• For 64-bit data type support, the data type must be representable as long or
long long on the MATLAB host and the target. Otherwise, the software uses the
multiword fixed-point approach, which SIL/PIL does not support.
• 32-bit Windows does not support 64-bit long or long long data types. In this
case, the software uses the multiword fixed-point approach, which SIL/PIL does not
• The software does not support the 40-bit long data type of the TI’s C6000™ target.

Through the Configuration > Hardware Implementation pane, you can enable
support for the 64-bit long long data type. However, for data types with widths
between 33 and 40 bits (inclusive), the software implements the data types using the
40-bit long data type, which SIL/PIL does not support.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Global Data Store Support

SIL/PIL supports global data stores. However, with components that are not export-
function models, top-model SIL/PIL and SIL/PIL block simulations that access global
data stores must be single rate. Otherwise, the software produces an error.

Imported Data Definitions

You can use, for example, signals, parameters, and data stores that specify storage
classes with imported data definitions.
Top-Model SIL/PIL and SIL/PIL Block

Top-model SIL/PIL and the SIL/PIL block do not define imported signals that are
internal with respect to the component or models referenced by the component.

Top-model SIL/PIL and the SIL/PIL block automatically define storage for imported data
associated with:

• Signals at the root level of the component (on the I/O boundary)
• Global data stores
• Parameters

Top-model SIL/PIL and the SIL/PIL block do not define storage for other imported data.
You must define the storage through custom code included by the component under test
or through the PIL rtw.pil.RtIOStreamApplicationFramework API. For example,
the SIL/PIL application does not define storage for imported data associated with:

• Internal signals (not on the I/O boundary)

• Local data stores

Model Block SIL/PIL

The SIL/PIL application automatically defines storage for imported data associated with:

• Signals at the root level of the component (on the I/O boundary)
• Parameters. See Tunable Parameters and SIL/PIL Limitations.
• Global data stores

Note: Model block SIL/PIL does not define imported signals that are internal with
respect to the component or models referenced by the component.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

A limitation is that SIL/PIL does not define storage for other imported data storage. You
must define the storage through custom code included by the component under test or
through the PIL rtw.pil.RtIOStreamApplicationFramework API. For example, the
PIL application does not define imported data storage for data associated with:

• Internal signals (not on the I/O boundary)

• Local data stores

GetSet Custom Storage Class

The software supports the GetSet custom storage class for all types of SIL and PIL
simulations. The SIL/PIL test harness automatically provides C definitions of the Get
and Set functions that are used during SIL/PIL simulations. In addition, the software
supports only scalar signals, parameters and global data stores.

Unsupported Implementation Errors

If you use a data store, signal, or parameter implementation that SIL/PIL does not
support, you might see errors like the following:
The following data interfaces have
implementations that are not supported by SIL or PIL.
data interfaces can be global data stores, inports, outports or parameters.

You see this error message because the model output port has been optimized through
virtual output port optimization. See “Virtualized Output Ports Optimization”. The error
occurs because the properties (for example, data type, dimensions) of the signal or signals
entering the virtual root output port have been modified by routing the signals in one of
the following ways:

• Through a Mux block

• Through a block that changes the signal data type. To check the consistency of data
types in the model, display Port Data Types by selecting Display > Signals & Ports
> Port Data Types.
• Through a block that changes the signal dimensions. To check the consistency of data
types in the model, display dimensions by selecting Display > Signal & Ports >
Signal Dimensions.

Note: Dimension changes from scalar (1) to matrix [1x1], and, matrix [1x1] to
scalar (1), can lead to this error. Furthermore, it is difficult to inspect the model for

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

such changes because the Display > Signal & Ports > Signal Dimensions feature
does not distinguish between (1) and [1x1] dimensions. The software shows both
signals as scalar signals. Check your model and workspace objects carefully and see
that scalar dimensions are specified consistently.

The following model causes this error by changing the output port signal data type.

Variable-Size Signals and SIL/PIL

SIL/PIL treats variable-size signals at the I/O boundary of the SIL/PIL component as
fixed-size signals, which can lead to errors during propagation of signal sizes. To avoid
such errors, use only fixed-size signals at the I/O boundary of the SIL/PIL component.

There might be cases where no error occurs during propagation of signal sizes. In these
cases, the software treats variable-size input signals as zero-size signals.

Data Type Overrides Unavailable for Most Blocks in Embedded Targets and Desktop Targets

When you attempt to perform a datatype override on a block, you might get an error
message similar to the following example:

Error reported by S-function 'sfun_can_frame_splitter' in

'c2000_host_CAN_monitor/CAN Message Unpacking/CAN Message
Unpacking': Incompatible DataType or Size specified.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

Fixed-Point Tool data type overrides are not available for blocks in Simulink Coder >
Desktop Targets and Embedded Coder > Embedded Targets libraries that support
fixed-point data types.

There is no resolution for this issue.

Data Type Replacement Limitation

The software does not support replacement data type names that you define for the built-
in data type boolean if these names map to either the int or uint built-in data type.

Top-Model SIL/PIL Bus Limitations

The software does not support grounded or unconnected signals at the outputs of a top

For top-model SIL/PIL, set the Simulation > Configuration Parameters >
Diagnostics > Connectivity+Mux blocks used to create bus signals parameter to
error. For details, see “Prevent Bus and Mux Mixtures”.

PIL Block MUX Support Limitations

The PIL block supports mux signals, except mixed data-type mux signals that expand
into individual signals during a right-click subsystem build. You see an error for
unsupported cases.

Incremental Build for Top-Model SIL/PIL

When you start a top-model SIL/PIL simulation, the software regenerates code if it
detects changes to your model. The software detects changes by using a checksum for the
model. However, the software does not detect changes that you make to:

• The HeaderFile property of a Simulink.AliasType object

• Legacy S-functions

Therefore, if you make these changes, you must build (Ctrl-B) your model again before
starting the next PIL simulation.

Exported Functions in Feedback Loops

If your model has function-call subsystems and you export a subsystem that has
context-dependent inputs (for example, feedback signals), then the results of a SIL/

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

PIL simulation with the generated code might not match the results of the Normal
mode simulation of your model. One approach to make SIL/PIL and Normal mode
simulations yield identical results is to use “Function-Call Feedback Latch” blocks in
your model. This approach allows you to make context-dependent inputs become context-

Note: The software generates a warning identifying context-dependent inputs of exported

function-call subsystems if you set Configuration Parameters > Diagnostics >
Connectivity > Context-dependent inputs to one of the following:

• Enable all as warnings

• Use local settings
• Disable all

For details, see “Context-dependent inputs”.

Hardware Implementation Support

Hardware Implementation Embedded Coder

Different host and target data-type size No. See “Hardware Implementation Settings” on
page 32-66.
Word-addressable targets Yes.

Data type sizes smaller than target word sizes are

Multiword data type word order different No. PIL simulation fails with undefined behavior.
from target byte order

Hardware Implementation Settings

PIL requires that, in the Simulink Configuration Parameters dialog box, you configure
the right Hardware Implementation settings for the target environment. You must
also specify byte ordering for targets.

Warning If you do not specify the correct Hardware Implementation, the PIL
simulation fails, displaying undefined behavior.

SIL and PIL Simulation Support and Limitations

Host/Target Data Type Size Mismatch

PIL supports only data types that have the same size on the host and the target at the
PIL I/O boundary.

The data types used at the PIL I/O boundary are restricted based on the following rule:
PIL supports the data type only if the data-type size on the host (Simulink) is the same
as the data-type size on the target.

• For boolean, uint8, and int8, the size is 8-bits.

• For uint16 and int16, the size is 16-bits.
• For uint32 and int32, the size is 32-bits.
• For single, the size is 32-bits.
• For double, the size is 64-bits.

Examples of unsupported data types are:

• single and double on targets with 24-bit floating-point types

• double on targets with 32-bit double, that is, the same size as single

Other Feature Support

Other Features Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block
Multiplatform Yes Yes Yes
support (such as
Execution profiling Yes Yes Yes
Stack profiling SIL: No. SIL: No. SIL: No.
PIL: Depends on PIL: Depends on PIL: Depends on target
target connectivity target connectivity connectivity configuration
configuration and third- configuration and and third-party product
party product support. third-party product support.
C code coverage Yes. See also “Tips and Yes. See also “Tips SIL: No.
report Limitations”. and Limitations”. PIL: Depends on target
connectivity configuration
and third-party product

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

Other Features Top-Model SIL/PIL Model Block SIL/PIL SIL/PIL Block

Debugging SIL: Yes. SIL: Yes. SIL: Yes.
PIL: No. PIL: No. PIL: No
Non-ASCII SIL: No. SIL: No. SIL: No.
characters in name PIL: N/A PIL: N/A PIL: N/A
of current working

Programmatic Code Generation Verification

Programmatic Code Generation Verification

In this section...
“Code Generation Verification API Overview” on page 32-69
“Verify Numerical Equivalence with CGV” on page 32-69
“Verify Numerical Equivalence Between Two Modes of Execution of a Model” on page
“Plot Output Signals” on page 32-75

Code Generation Verification API Overview

When you execute a model in different modes of execution, you can use the Code
Generation Verification (CGV) API to verify the numerical equivalence of results. CGV
supports executing the model in simulation, Software-In-the-Loop (SIL), and Processor-
In-the-Loop (PIL). For more information about SIL and PIL, see “About SIL and PIL
Simulations”. The CGV example, rtwdemo_cgv_script, shows CGV configuration,
execution, and comparison support.

Note: CGV helps you verify the numerical equivalence of results for a given set of inputs.
CGV can detect numerical deviations for the given set of inputs only. The completeness of
the input data that you provide to CGV determines the validity of the results.

Verify Numerical Equivalence with CGV

Before verifying numerical equivalence:

• Configure your model for SIL or PIL simulation. For more information, see “Configure
a SIL or PIL Simulation” on page 32-10.
• Use the cgv.Config class of the CGV API to verify the model configuration for SIL
or PIL simulation. For more information, see “Check the SIL or PIL Configuration”.
• Configure your model for code generation. For more information, see “Application
• Save your model. If you modify a model without saving it, CGV might issue an error.

To verify numerical equivalence:

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

• Set up the tests for the first execution environment. For example, simulation.
• Use “run (cgv.CGV)” to run the tests for the first execution environment.
• Set up the tests for the second execution environment. For example, top-model PIL.
• Use cgv.CGV.run to run the tests for the second execution environment.
• Use “getOutputData (cgv.CGV)” to get the output data for each execution
• Use “getSavedSignals (cgv.CGV)” to display the signal names in the output data.
• Build a list of signal names for input to other cgv.CGV methods. (optional)
• Use “createToleranceFile (cgv.CGV)” to create a file correlating tolerance information
with output signal names. (optional)
• Use “compare (cgv.CGV)” to compare the output signals of the first and second
execution environments for numerical equivalence.

Verify Numerical Equivalence Between Two Modes of Execution of a

The following example describes configuring, executing, and comparing the results of the
rtwdemo_cgv model in simulation and SIL modes.

This example contains the following tasks:

• “Configure the Model” on page 32-70

• “Execute the Model” on page 32-71
• “Compare All Output Signals” on page 32-72
• “Compare Individual Output Signals” on page 32-74

Configure the Model

The first task for verifying numerical equivalence is to check the configuration of your

1 Open the rtwdemo_cgv model.

cgvModel = 'rtwdemo_cgv';

Programmatic Code Generation Verification

2 Save the model to a working directory.

save_system(cgvModel, fullfile(pwd, cgvModel));
close_system(cgvModel); % avoid original model shadowing saved model

3 Use the “cgv.Config class” to create a cgv.Config object. Specify parameters that
check and modify configuration parameter values and save the model for top-model
SIL mode of execution.
cgvCfg = cgv.Config('rtwdemo_cgv', 'connectivity', 'sil', 'SaveModel', 'on');

4 Use the “configModel (cgv.Config)” method to review your model configuration and to
change the settings to configure your model for SIL. When 'connectivity' is set
to 'sil', the system target file is automatically set to 'ert.tlc'. If you specified
the parameter/value pair, ('SaveModel', 'on') when you created the cgvCfg
object, the cgv.Config.configModel method saves the model.

Note: CGV runs on models that are open. If you modify a model without saving it,
CGV might issue an error.

cgvCfg.configModel(); % Evaluate, change, and save your model for SIL

5 Display a report of the changes that cgv.Config.configModel makes to the

cgvCfg.displayReport(); % In this example, this reports no changes

Execute the Model

Use the CGV API to execute the model in two modes. The two modes in this example are
normal mode simulation and SIL mode. In each execution of the model, the CGV object
for each mode captures the output data and writes the data to a file.

1 If you have not already done so, follow the steps described in “Configure the Model”
on page 32-70.
2 Create a cgv.CGV object that specifies the rtwdemo_cgv model in normal mode
cgvSim = cgv.CGV(cgvModel, 'connectivity', 'sim');

Note: When the top model is set to Normal simulation mode, the CGV API sets
referenced models in PIL mode to Accelerator mode.
3 Provide the input file to the cgvSim object.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

cgvSim.addInputData(1, [cgvModel '_data']);

4 Before execution of the model, specify the MATLAB files to execute or MAT-files to
load. This step is optional.
cgvSim.addPostLoadFiles({[cgvModel '_init.m']});

5 Specify a location where the object writes all output data and metadata files for
execution. This step is optional.

6 Execute the model.

result1 = cgvSim.run();

*** handling PostLoad file rtwdemo_cgv_init.m

Start CGV execution of model rtwdemo_cgv, ComponentType topmodel, ...
connectivity sim, InputData rtwdemo_cgv_data.mat
End CGV execution: status completed

7 Get the output data associated with the input data.

outputDataSim = cgvSim.getOutputData(1);

8 For the next mode of execution, SIL, repeat steps 2–7.

cgvSil = cgv.CGV( cgvModel, 'Connectivity', 'sil');
cgvSil.addInputData(1, [cgvModel '_data']);
cgvSil.addPostLoadFiles({[cgvModel '_init.m']});
result2 = cgvSil.run();
At the MATLAB command line, the result is:
*** handling PostLoad file rtwdemo_cgv_init.m
Start CGV execution of model rtwdemo_cgv, ComponentType topmodel, ...
connectivity sil, InputData rtwdemo_cgv_data.mat

### Starting build procedure for model: rtwdemo_cgv

### Successful completion of build procedure for ...
model: rtwdemo_cgv
### Preparing to start SIL simulation ...
### Starting SIL simulation for model: rtwdemo_cgv
### Stopping SIL simulation for model: rtwdemo_cgv
End CGV execution: status completed

Compare All Output Signals

After setting up and running the test, compare the outputs by doing the following:

1 If you have not already done so, configure and test the model, as described in
“Configure the Model” on page 32-70 and “Execute the Model” on page 32-71.
2 Test that the execution result of the model:

Programmatic Code Generation Verification

if ~result1 || ~result2
error('Execution of model failed.');

3 Use the “getOutputData (cgv.CGV)” method to get the output data from the cgv.CGV
simData = cgvSim.getOutputData(1);
silData = cgvSil.getOutputData(1);

4 Display a list of signals by name using the “getSavedSignals (cgv.CGV)” method.

At the MATLAB command line, the result it:

5 Using the list of signals, build a list of signals in a cell array of strings. The signal
list can contain a number of signals.
signalList = {'simData.ErrorsInjected.Data'};

6 Use the “createToleranceFile (cgv.CGV)” method to create a file, in this example,

'localtol', correlating tolerance information with output signal names.
toleranceList = {{'absolute', 0.5}};
cgv.CGV.createToleranceFile('localtol', signalList, toleranceList);

7 Compare the output data signals. By default, the “compare (cgv.CGV)” method looks
at all signals which have a common name between both executions. If a tolerance
file is present, cgv.CGV.compare uses the associated tolerance for a specific signal
during comparison; otherwise the tolerance is zero. In this example, the 'Plot'
parameter is set to 'mismatch'. Therefore, only mismatched signals produce a plot.
[matchNames, ~, mismatchNames, ~] = ...
cgv.CGV.compare(simData, silData, 'Plot', 'mismatch', ...
'Tolerancefile', 'localtol');

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

fprintf( '%d Signals match, %d Signals mismatch\n', ...

length(matchNames), length(mismatchNames));
disp('Mismatched Signal Names:');
At the MATLAB command line, the result is:
14 Signals match, 1 Signals mismatch
Mismatched Signal Names:

A plot results from the mismatch on signal simData.ErrorsInjected.Data.

The lower plot displays the numeric difference between the results.

Compare Individual Output Signals

After setting up and running the test, compare the outputs of individual signals by doing
the following:

Programmatic Code Generation Verification

1 If you have not already done so, configure and test the model, as described in
“Configure the Model” on page 32-70 and “Execute the Model” on page 32-71.
2 Use the “getOutputData (cgv.CGV)” method to get the output data from the
cgv.CGV objects.
simData = cgvSim.getOutputData(1);
silData = cgvSil.getOutputData(1);

3 Use the “getSavedSignals (cgv.CGV)” method to display the output data signal
names. Build a list of specific signal names in a cell array of strings. The signal list
can contain number of signals.
signalList = {'simData.BusOutputs.hi1.mid0.lo1.Data', ...
'simData.BusOutputs.hi1.mid0.lo2.Data', 'simData.Vector.Data(:,3)'};

4 Use the specified signals as input to the “compare (cgv.CGV)” method to compare the
signals from separate runs.
[matchNames, ~, mismatchNames, ~] = ...
cgv.CGV.compare(simData, silData, 'Plot', 'mismatch', ...
'signals', signalList);
fprintf( '%d Signals match, %d Signals mismatch\n', ...
length(matchNames), length(mismatchNames));
if ~isempty(mismatchNames)
disp( 'Mismatched Signal Names:');
At the MATLAB command line, the result is:
3 Signals match, 0 Signals mismatch

Plot Output Signals

After setting up and running the test, use the “plot (cgv.CGV)” method to plot output

1 If you have not already done so, configure and test the model, as described in
“Configure the Model” on page 32-70 and “Execute the Model” on page 32-71.
2 Use the “getOutputData (cgv.CGV)” method to get the output data from the
cgv.CGV objects.
simData = cgvSim.getOutputData(1);

3 Use the “getSavedSignals (cgv.CGV)” method to display the output data signal
names. Build a list of specific signal names in a cell array of strings. The signal list
can contain number of signals.

32 Numerical Equivalence Checking

signalList = {'simData.Vector.Data(:,1)'};

4 Use the specified signal list as input to the “plot (cgv.CGV)” method to compare the
signals from separate runs.
[signalNames, signalFigures] = cgv.CGV.plot(simData, ...
'Signals', signalList);


Software-in-the-Loop Execution for


• “Code Verification Through Software-in-the-Loop and Processor-in-the-Loop

Execution” on page 33-2
• “Software-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project Interface” on page 33-4
• “Software-in-the-Loop Execution From Command Line” on page 33-6
• “Code Debugging During SIL Execution” on page 33-9
• “PIL Customization for Target Environment” on page 33-12
• “Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration” on page 33-15
• “Processor-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project Interface” on page 33-22
• “Processor-in-the-Loop Execution From Command Line” on page 33-24
• “SIL/PIL Execution Support and Limitations” on page 33-29
33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Code Verification Through Software-in-the-Loop and Processor-in-

the-Loop Execution
MATLAB Coder supports software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL)
execution, which enables you to verify production-ready source code and compiled
object code. With these execution modes, you can reuse test vectors developed for your
MATLAB functions to verify the numerical behavior of library code.

In SIL execution, through a MATLAB SIL interface, the software compiles and runs
library code on your host computer. In PIL execution, through a MATLAB PIL interface,
the software cross-compiles and runs production object code on a target processor or an
equivalent instruction set simulator. Before you run a PIL execution, you must set up a
PIL connectivity configuration for your target.

The workflow for generating and verifying code is:

1 Set up MATLAB Coder.

2 Fix errors detected at design time.
3 Generate MEX function.
4 Test MEX function.
5 Generate C/C++ library code.
6 Verify generated C/C++ code through SIL or PIL execution — requires Embedded
Coder license.

In step 4, you verify code that is generated for execution within MATLAB. However,
this code is different from the standalone code generated for libraries. In step 6, with an
Embedded Coder license, you use SIL or PIL execution to verify the standalone code.

For more information, use the following table.

Feature See
SIL execution • “Software-in-the-Loop Execution
Through Project Interface” on page
• “Software-in-the-Loop Execution From
Command Line” on page 33-6

Code Verification Through Software-in-the-Loop and Processor-in-the-Loop Execution

Feature See
PIL target connectivity configuration • “PIL Customization for Target
Environment” on page 33-12
• “Create PIL Target Connectivity
Configuration” on page 33-15
• “Processor-in-the-Loop Execution From
Command Line” on page 33-24
PIL execution • “Processor-in-the-Loop Execution
Through Project Interface” on page
• “Processor-in-the-Loop Execution From
Command Line” on page 33-24
Code generation, MEX functions, and • “MATLAB Code Analysis”
libraries • “Generating Code”
• “Deployment”

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Software-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project Interface

Use software-in-the-loop (SIL) execution to verify the numerical behavior of the
generated C/C++ code with reference to your original MATLAB functions.

To set up and run a SIL execution for a project through the MATLAB Coder project

1 From the MATLAB apps gallery, open your MATLAB Coder project. For example,
kalman_filter.prj. For information about creating a project, see “C Code
Generation Using the Project Interface”.
2 Click the Build tab.

3 Under Settings:

a In the Output file field, use the default value. For example, kalman01.
b From the Output type drop-down list, select C/C++ Static Library or C/C+
+ Dynamic Library.
c Clear the Generate code only check box.
d Click More Settings.
4 In the Project Settings dialog box:

a Select the Hardware > Test hardware is the same as production

hardware check box.
b From the Hardware > Device Type drop-down list, select MATLAB Host

Software-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project Interface

c If required, enable your debugger for SIL execution. From the All Settings >
Advanced > Enable source-level debugging for SIL drop-down list, select
d Click Close.
5 Under Software-in-the-Loop Verification:

a In the Test file field, specify the test file that calls the original MATLAB
functions, for example, test01_ui.m.
b By default, the Redirect entry-point calls to generated library check box is
selected. Otherwise, select this check box.
6 To start the SIL execution, click Run.

The software:

• Generates a standalone library, for example, kalman01.

• Runs the test file, replacing calls to the MATLAB function by calls to the
generated code in the library.

You can halt the execution at any time by clicking Stop.

Verify that the output of the SIL execution matches the output from your original
MATLAB function.
7 To terminate the SIL execution process, click Terminate verification.

Note: On a Windows operating system, the Windows Firewall might block the SIL
execution. To allow the SIL execution, use the Windows Security Alert dialog box. For
example, in Windows 7, click Allow access.

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Software-in-the-Loop Execution From Command Line

Use software-in-the-loop (SIL) execution to verify the numerical behavior of the
generated C/C++ code with reference to your original MATLAB functions.

To set up and start a SIL execution from the command line:

1 Create a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object.

2 Configure the object for SIL.
3 Use the codegen function to generate library code for your MATLAB function and
the SIL interface.
4 Use the coder.runTest function to run the test file for your original MATLAB

To terminate the SIL execution, use the clear function_sil or clear mex

The following example shows how you can set up and run a SIL execution from the
command line.

SIL Execution of Code Generated for a Kalman Estimator

Copy MATLAB code for Kalman estimator
From docroot\toolbox\coder\examples\kalman, copy the following files to
your working folder:

• kalman01.m — MATLAB function for the Kalman estimator

• test01_ui.m — MATLAB file to test kalman01.m
• plot_trajectory.m — File that plots actual target trajectory and Kalman
estimator output
• position.mat — Input data

src_dir = ...

copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'kalman01.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'test01_ui.m'), '.')

Configure SIL execution

copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'plot_trajectory.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'position.mat'), '.')

For a description of the Kalman estimator in this example, see “C Code Generation
at the Command Line”.
Configure SIL execution
a From your working folder, create a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object.

config = coder.config('lib');
config.GenerateReport = true; % Optional, documents code in HTML report
b Configure the object for SIL.

config.VerificationMode = 'SIL';

% Check that production hardware setting is the default

% i.e. 'Generic->MATLAB Host Computer'
c If required, enable the Microsoft Visual Studio debugger for SIL execution:

config.SILDebugging = true;
Generate code and run SIL execution
a Generate library code for the kalman01 MATLAB function and the SIL

codegen('-config', config, '-args', {zeros(2,1)}, 'kalman01');

The software creates the following output folders:

• codegen\lib\kalman01 — Standalone code for kalman01.

• codegen\lib\kalman01\sil — SIL interface code for kalman01.
b Run the MATLAB test file test01_ui with kalman01_sil. kalman01_sil is
the SIL interface for kalman01.

coder.runTest('test01_ui', ['kalman01_sil.' mexext]);

Verify that the output of this run matches the output from the original kalman01.m

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Note: On a Windows operating system, the Windows Firewall might block the SIL
execution. To allow the SIL execution, use the Windows Security Alert dialog box.
For example, in Windows 7, click Allow access.
Debug code during SIL execution
If you enable the Microsoft Visual Studio debugger, then running the test file opens
the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE with debugger breakpoints at the start of the
kalman01_initialize and kalman01 functions.

You can use the debugger features to observe code behavior. For example, you can
step through code and examine variables.

To end the debugging session:

a Remove all breakpoints.

b Click the Continue button (F5).

The SIL execution runs to completion.

Terminate SIL execution
Terminate the SIL execution process.
clear kalman01_sil;
You can also use the command clear mex, which clears MEX functions from

Code Debugging During SIL Execution

Code Debugging During SIL Execution

If you notice differences between the outputs of your original MATLAB functions and the
generated code from a SIL execution, you can rerun the SIL execution with a debugger
enabled. By inserting breakpoints, you can observe the behavior of code sections, which
might help you to understand the cause of the differences in results.

The software supports the following debuggers:

• On Windows, Microsoft Visual Studio debugger.

• On Linux, GNU Data Display Debugger (DDD).

Note: You can perform SIL debugging only if your Microsoft Visual C++ or GNU GCC
compiler is supported by the MATLAB product family. For more information, see
supported compilers.

To enable your debugger for SIL execution:

1 In MATLAB Coder Project Interface, click the Build tab.

2 Under Settings, click More settings.
3 In the Project Settings dialog box, from the All Settings > Advanced > Enable
source-level debugging for SIL drop-down list, select Yes.
4 Click Close.

For information about enabling the debugger from the command line, see “SIL Execution
of Code Generated for a Kalman Estimator” on page 33-6.

When you run the SIL execution, for example on a Windows computer, your user_fn.c
or user_fn.cpp file opens in the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE with debugger
breakpoints at the start of the user_fn_initialize and user_fn functions.

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

You can now use the debugger features to observe code behavior. For example, you can
step through code and examine variables.

To end the debugging session:

1 Remove all breakpoints.

2 Click the Continue button (F5).

The SIL execution runs to completion.

3 To terminate the SIL execution process, in the MATLAB Command Window, click
the clear kalman01_sil link.

The Microsoft Visual Studio IDE closes automatically.

Note: If you select Debug > Stop Debugging, the SIL execution times out with the
following error message:
Communications error: failed to send data to the target. There might be
multiple reasons for this failure.

Code Debugging During SIL Execution


33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

PIL Customization for Target Environment

In this section...
“Target Connectivity Configurations for PIL” on page 33-12
“Target Connectivity PIL API Components” on page 33-12
“Communications rtiostream API” on page 33-13

Target Connectivity Configurations for PIL

Use target connectivity configurations and the target connectivity API to customize
processor-in-the-loop (PIL) verification for target environments.

Through a target connectivity configuration, you specify:

• A target connectivity configuration name for a target connectivity API

• Settings that define the MATLAB code that the configuration is compatible with, for
example, the code that is generated for a particular hardware implementation.

You must associate a connectivity configuration name with a connectivity API

implementation. You can have many different connectivity configurations, each
configuration being available for PIL simulation. Register a connectivity configuration
with MATLAB by creating an rtwTargetInfo.m file and placing it on the MATLAB
search path.

To run a PIL verification, the software must first determine which of the available
connectivity configurations to use. The software looks for a connectivity configuration
that is compatible with the code under test. If the software finds multiple or no
compatible connectivity configurations, the software generates an error message with
information about resolving the problem.

For more information, see:

• “Target Connectivity PIL API Components”

• “Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration”

Target Connectivity PIL API Components

Use the target connectivity PIL API to integrate third-party tools for:

PIL Customization for Target Environment

• Building the PIL application, an executable for the target hardware

• Downloading, starting, and stopping the application on the target
• Communicating between MATLAB and the target

Communications rtiostream API

The rtiostream API supports communications for the target connectivity API. Use the
rtiostream API to implement a communication channel that enables data exchange
between different processes.

PIL verification requires a host-target communications channel. This communications

channel comprises driver code that runs on the host and target. The rtiostream API
defines the signature of target-side and host-side functions that must be implemented by
this driver code.

The API is independent of the physical layer that sends the data. Possible physical layers
include RS232, Ethernet, or Controller Area Network (CAN).

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

A full rtiostream implementation requires both host-side and target-side drivers. Code
generation software includes host-side drivers for the default TCP/IP implementation as
well as a version for serial communications. To use:

• The TCP/IP rtiostream communications channel, you must provide, or obtain from
a third party, target-specific TCP/IP device drivers.
• The serial communications channel, you must provide, or obtain from a third party,
target-specific serial device drivers.

For other communication channels and platforms, the code generation software does not
provide default implementations. You must provide both the host-side and the target-side

The rtiostream API comprises the following functions:

• rtIOStreamOpen
• rtIOStreamSend
• rtIOStreamRecv
• rtIOStreamClose

For information about:

• Using rtiostream functions in a connectivity implementation, see “Create a

Connectivity API Implementation” on page 33-15.
• Testing the rtiostream shared library methods from MATLAB code, see
• Debugging and verifying the behavior of custom rtiostream interface
implementations, see “Test an rtiostream Driver” on page 33-16.

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

In this section...
“Create a Connectivity API Implementation” on page 33-15
“Test an rtiostream Driver” on page 33-16
“Synchronize Host and Target” on page 33-38
“Specify Hardware Timer” on page 33-19
“Register a Connectivity API Implementation” on page 33-41

Create a Connectivity API Implementation

To create a target connectivity API implementation, you must create a subclass of

• You must instantiate rtw.connectivity.MakefileBuilder. This class configures

the build process.
• You must create a subclass of rtw.connectivity.Launcher. This class downloads
and executes the application using a third-party tool.
• Configure your rtiostream communications implementation:

• On the target-side, integrate the driver code implementing rtiostream

functions directly into the build process by creating a subclass of
• On the host-side, compile the driver code into a shared library. You load and
initialize this shared library by instantiating (or optionally, customizing)
• For code execution profiling, you must create a timer object that provides details
of the hardware-specific timer and associated source files. See “Specify Hardware

For information about creating a subclass, see “Creating Subclasses — Syntax and
Techniques” in MATLAB documentation.

For a target connectivity API implementation example, see “Processor-in-the-Loop

Execution From Command Line” on page 33-24.

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Test an rtiostream Driver

Use a test suite to debug and verify the behavior of custom rtiostream interface

The test suite has the following advantages:

• Reduces time for integrating custom hardware that does not have built-in
rtiostream support.
• Reduces time for testing custom rtiostream drivers.
• Helps analyze the performance of custom rtiostream drivers.

The test suite has two parts. One part of the test suite runs on the target.

Note: After building the target application, download it to the target and run it.

To launch this part, compile and link the following files, which are in matlabroot/

• rtiostreamtest.c
• rtiostreamtest.h
• rtiostream.h (located at matlabroot/rtw/c/src/)
• rtiostream implementation under investigation (for example,
• main.c

To run the MATLAB part of the test suite, invoke rtiostreamtest. The syntax is as


• connection is a string indicating the communication method. It can have values

'tcp' or 'serial'.
• param1 and param2 have different values depending on the value of connection.

• If connection is 'tcp', then param1 and param2 are hostname and port,
respectively. For example, rtiostreamtest('tcp', 'localhost', 2345).

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

• If connection is 'serial', then param1 and param2 are COM port and baud
rate, respectively. For example, rtiostreamtest('serial', 'COM1', 9600).

You can run the MATLAB part of the test suite as follows:

An output in the following format appears in the MATLAB window:

### Test suite for rtiostream ###

Initializing connection with target...

### Hardware characteristics discovered

Size of char : 8 bit
Size of short : 16 bit
Size of int : 32 bit
Size of long : 32 bit
Size of float : 32 bit
Size of double : 64 bit
Size of pointer : 64 bit
Byte ordering : Little Endian

### rtiostream characteristics discovered

Round trip time : 0.96689 ms
rtIOStreamRecv behavior : non-blocking

### Test results

Test 1 (fixed size data exchange): ......... PASS
Test 2 (varying size data exchange): ......... PASS

### Test suite for rtiostream finished successfully ###

Furthermore, the following profile appears.

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Synchronize Host and Target

If you use the rtiostream API to implement the communications channel, the host and
target must be synchronized, which prevents MATLAB from transmitting and receiving
data before the target application is fully initialized.

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

To synchronize the host and target for TCP/IP rtiostream

implementations, use the setInitCommsTimeout method from
rtw.connectivity.RtIOStreamHostCommunicator . This approach works well
for connection-oriented TCP/IP rtiostream implementations because MATLAB
automatically waits until the target server is running.

With other rtiostream implementations, for example, serial, the MATLAB side of the
rtiostream connection will open without waiting for the target to be fully initialized.
In this case, you must make your Launcher implementation wait until the target
application is fully initialized. Use one of the following approaches to synchronize your
host and target:

• Add a pause at the end of the Launcher implementation that makes the Launcher
wait until target initialization is complete.
• In the Launcher implementation, use third-party downloader or debugger APIs that
wait until target initialization is complete.
• Implement a handshaking mechanism in the Launcher / rtiostream
implementation to confirm that target initialization is complete.

Specify Hardware Timer

For code execution profiling, you must create a timer object that provides details of the
hardware-specific timer and associated source files. You can use the Code Replacement
Tool or the code replacement library API to specify this hardware-specific timer.

To specify the timer with the Code Replacement Tool:

1 Open the Code Replacement Tool. In the Command Window, enter crtool.
2 Create a new code replacement table. Select File > New table.
3 Create a new function entry. Under Tables List, right-click the new table. Then,
from the context-menu, select New entry > Function.
4 In the middle view, select the new unnamed function.
5 On the Mapping Information pane:

a From the Function drop-down list, select code_profile_read_timer.

b Specify the count direction for your timer. For example, from the Count
direction drop-down list, select Up.
c In the Ticks per second field, specify the number of ticks per second for your
timer, for example, 1e+09.

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

The default value is 0. In this case, the software reports time measurements in
terms of ticks, not seconds.
d In the Name field, specify a replacement function name, for example, MyTimer.
e Click Apply.

f To validate the function entry, click Validate entry.

6 On the Build Information pane, specify the required build information. See
“Specify Build Information for Replacement Code”.
7 Save the table (Ctrl+S). When you save the table for the first time, use the Save As
dialog box to specify the file name and location.

You must save the table in a location that is on the MATLAB search
path. For example, you can save this file in the folder for your subclass of

Create PIL Target Connectivity Configuration

The software stores your timer information as a code replacement library table.
8 Assuming you save the table as MyCrlTable.m, in your subclass of
rtw.connectivity.Config, add the following line:

setTimer(this, MyCrlTable)

For more information, see “What Is Code Replacement?” and “What Is Code Replacement

Register a Connectivity API Implementation

Register the new connectivity API implementation with MATLAB as a connectivity
configuration, by creating or adding to an rtwTargetInfo.m file. Through this
action, you also specify the MATLAB code that is compatible with the new connectivity

For more information, see:

• rtw.connectivity.ConfigRegistry
• “Processor-in-the-Loop Execution From Command Line”

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Processor-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project Interface

Use processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution to verify the numerical behavior of cross-
compiled object code, with reference your original MATLAB functions.

Before you run a PIL execution, you must specify a target connectivity configuration. In
“Processor-in-the-Loop Execution From Command Line” on page 33-24, steps 1 and 2
of the example, PIL Execution of Code Generated for a Kalman Estimator, show how you
can set up and register a connectivity configuration for host-based PIL.

To set up and run a PIL execution for a project through the MATLAB Coder project

1 From the MATLAB apps gallery, open your MATLAB Coder project. For example,
kalman_filter.prj. For information about creating a project, see “C Code
Generation Using the Project Interface”.
2 Click the Build tab.
3 Under Settings:

a In the Output file field, use the default value. For example, kalman01.
b From the Output type drop-down list, select C/C++ Static Library or C/C+
+ Dynamic Library.
c Clear the Generate code only check box.
d Click More Settings.
4 In the Project Settings dialog box:

a Click Hardware.
b Specify your device vendor and type, which must match the target hardware
settings specified in the rtwTargetInfo.m file of your target connectivity
configuration. For example, for host-based PIL:

• From the Device Vendor drop-down list, select Generic.

• From the Device Type drop-down list, select 32-bit x86 compatible.
c Click Close.
5 Under Processor-in-the-Loop Verification:

a In the Test file field, specify the test file that calls the original MATLAB
functions, for example, test01_ui.m.

Processor-in-the-Loop Execution Through Project Interface

b By default, the Redirect entry-point calls to generated library check box is

selected. Otherwise, select this check box.
6 To start the PIL execution, click Run.

The software:

• Generates a standalone library, for example, codegen\lib\kalman01.

• Generates PIL interface code, for example, codegen\lib\kalman01\pil
• Runs the test file, replacing calls to the MATLAB function by calls to the
generated code in the library.

You can halt the execution at any time by clicking Stop.

Verify that the output of the PIL execution matches the output from your original
MATLAB function.
7 To terminate the PIL execution process, click Terminate verification.

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Processor-in-the-Loop Execution From Command Line

Use processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution to verify code that you intend to deploy in

To set up and start a PIL execution from the command line:

1 Create a connectivity configuration for your target.

2 Create a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object.
3 Configure the object for PIL.
4 Use the codegen function to generate library code for your MATLAB function and
the PIL interface.
5 Use the coder.runTest function to run the test file for your original MATLAB

To terminate the PIL execution, use the clear function_pil or clear mex

The following example shows how you can set up and run a host-based PIL execution
from the command line.

PIL Execution of Code Generated for a Kalman Estimator

Create a target connectivity API implementation
a In your current working folder, make a local copy of the connectivity classes.
src_dir = ...
if exist(fullfile('.','+mypil'),'dir')
mkdir +mypil
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'Launcher.m'), '+mypil');
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'TargetApplicationFramework.m'), '+mypil');
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'ConnectivityConfig.m'), '+mypil');
b Make the copied files writable.
fileattrib(fullfile('+mypil', '*'),'+w');
c Update the package name to reflect the new location of the files.

Create a target connectivity API implementation

d Check that you now have a folder +mypil in the current folder, which
includes three files, Launcher.m, TargetApplicationFramework.m, and

dir './+mypil'
e Review the code that starts the PIL application. The mypil.Launcher class
configures a tool for starting the PIL executable. Open this class in the editor.

Review the content of this file. For example, consider the setArgString
method. This method allows additional command line parameters to be supplied
to the application. These parameters can include a TCP/IP port number. For
an embedded processor implementation, you might have to hard code these
f The class mypil.ConnectivityConfig configures target connectivity.

Review the content of this file. For example:

• The creation of an instance of

rtw.connectivity.RtIOStreamHostCommunicator that configures the
host side of the TCP/IP communications channel.
• A call to the setArgString method of Launcher that configures the target
side of the TCP/IP communications channel.
• A call to setTimer that configures a timer for execution time measurement.
To define your own target-specific timer for execution time profiling, you
must use the Code Replacement Library to specify a replacement for the
function code_profile_read_timer.
g Review the target-side communication drivers.

Scroll down to the end of this file. The file contains a TCP/IP implementation
of the functions rtIOStreamOpen, rtIOStreamSend, andrtIOStreamRecv.

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

These functions are required for target communication with the host. For each
of these functions, you must provide an implementation that is specific to your
target hardware and communication channel.

The mypil.TargetApplicationFramework class adds target-side

communication drivers to the connectivity configuration.

The file specifies additional files to include in the build.
Register a target connectivity configuration
Use an rtwTargetInfo.m file to:

• Create a target connectivity configuration object.

• Invoke registerTargetInfo, which registers the target connectivity

The target connectivity configuration object specifies, for example:

• The configuration name and associated API implementation. See

• A toolchain for your target hardware. This example assumes that the target
hardware is your host computer, and uses the toolchain supplied for host-based
PIL verification. For information about toolchains, see “Custom Toolchain

a Insert the following code into your rtwTargetInfo.m file, and save the file in
the current working folder or in a folder that is on the MATLAB search path:

function rtwTargetInfo(tr)
% Register PIL connectivity config: mypil.ConnectivityConfig


% local function
function config = loc_createConfig

% Create object for connectivity configuration

config = rtw.connectivity.ConfigRegistry;
% Assign connectivity configuration name
config.ConfigName = 'My PIL Example';

Copy MATLAB code for Kalman estimator

% Associate the connectivity configuration with the connectivity

% API implementation
config.ConfigClass = 'mypil.ConnectivityConfig';

% Specify toolchains for host-based PIL

config.Toolchain = rtw.connectivity.Utils.getHostToolchainNames;

% Through the TargetHWDeviceType property, define compatible code for the

% target connectivity configuration
config.TargetHWDeviceType = {'Generic->32-bit x86 compatible' ...
'Generic->Custom' ...
'ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex'};
b Refresh the MATLAB Coder library registration information.

Copy MATLAB code for Kalman estimator
Copy the MATLAB code to your working folder.

src_dir = ...

copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'kalman01.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'test01_ui.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'plot_trajectory.m'), '.')
copyfile(fullfile(src_dir,'position.mat'), '.')
For a description of the Kalman estimator in this example, see “C Code Generation
at the Command Line”.
Configure the PIL execution
a Create a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object.

config = coder.config('lib');
b Configure the object for PIL.

config.VerificationMode = 'PIL';
c Specify production hardware, which must match one of the test hardware
settings in rtwTargetInfo.m.

config.HardwareImplementation.ProdHWDeviceType =...
'Generic->32-bit x86 compatible';

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Generate code and run PIL execution
a Generate library code for the kalman01 MATLAB function and the PIL
codegen('-config', config, '-args', {zeros(2,1)}, 'kalman01');
The software creates the following output folders:

• codegen\lib\kalman01 — Standalone code for kalman01.

• codegen\lib\kalman01\pil — PIL interface code for kalman01.
b Run the MATLAB test file test01_ui with kalman01_pil. kalman01_pil is
the PIL interface for kalman01.

coder.runTest('test01_ui', ['kalman01_pil.' mexext]);

Verify that the output of this run matches the output from the original
kalman01.m function.
Terminate PIL execution
Terminate the PIL execution process.
clear kalman01_pil;

SIL/PIL Execution Support and Limitations

SIL/PIL Execution Support and Limitations

Feature Supported
Static library Yes
Output types Dynamic library Yes
Executable No
Languages C Yes
C++ Yes
Inputs Yes
Outputs Yes
Constant inputs Yes
Global data No
Interface types Constant global Yes
Reentrant code Yes
Multiple entry Yes
Basic types Yes
Enumerated types Yes
Structures Yes
Complex data Yes
Data types Fixed-point data Yes
Multiword fixed- SIL only
point data
char arrays Yes
Empty values Yes
Scalars Yes
Fixed-size arrays Yes
Static variable-size Yes

33 Software-in-the-Loop Execution for MATLAB Coder

Feature Supported
Dynamic variable- No
size size arrays


Code Coverage

• “Code Coverage in SIL and PIL Simulations” on page 34-2

• “Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage” on page 34-3
• “View Code Coverage Information at the End of SIL or PIL Simulations” on page
• “Configure Code Coverage Programmatically” on page 34-8
• “Code Coverage Summary and Annotations” on page 34-10
• “Code Coverage Tool Support” on page 34-15
• “Code Coverage for PIL” on page 34-16
• “Tips and Limitations” on page 34-18
34 Code Coverage

Code Coverage in SIL and PIL Simulations

During a top-model or Model block SIL or PIL simulation, you can collect code coverage
metrics for generated code using a third-party tool. Embedded Coder supports the
following tools:

• LDRA Testbed® from LDRA Software Technology. For information about installing
and using this tool, go to www.ldra.com.

The software supports LDRA Testbed code coverage for SIL and PIL. For information
about PIL support, see “PIL Support for LDRA Testbed” on page 34-16.

• BullseyeCoverage™ from Bullseye Testing Technology™. For information about

installing and using this tool, go to www.bullseye.com/cgi-bin/mwEval.

The software supports BullseyeCoverage code coverage for SIL and, in certain cases,
PIL. For information about PIL support, see “PIL Support for BullseyeCoverage” on
page 34-17.

For more information, see “Code Coverage Tool Support” on page 34-15.

For information about setting up code coverage and viewing results, see:

• “Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage” on page 34-3

• “Configure Code Coverage Programmatically” on page 34-8
• “View Code Coverage Information at the End of SIL or PIL Simulations” on page

Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage

Configure SIL and PIL Code Coverage

To configure a code coverage tool for a “top-model or Model block SIL or PIL simulation”:

1 Select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters > Code Generation >
2 From the Code coverage tool drop-down list, select a tool, for example,
BullseyeCoverage or LDRA Testbed.
3 Click Configure Coverage to open the Code Coverage Settings dialog box.
4 In the Installation folder field, specify the location where your coverage tool is
installed. If you click Browse, the Select Installation Folder dialog box opens,
which allows you to navigate to the folder where your coverage tool is installed. The
software detects and displays the tool version.

By default, the software selects the following check boxes:

• Code coverage for this model — Generate coverage data for the current (top)
• Code coverage for referenced models — Generate data for models referenced
by the current (top) model.

If your top model has Model blocks where the Code under test block parameter is
set to Top model, then the top model and referenced models must have the same
settings for these parameters. Otherwise, the software produces an error.
5 Click OK. You return to the Verification pane.
6 To view cumulative code coverage results within a code generation report, in the
Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Report pane, select the
following check boxes:

34 Code Coverage

• Create code generation report

• Launch report automatically
7 Click OK. You return to the model window.

With LDRA Testbed:

• The evaluation of cumulative code coverage begins from the point when you last
added a new file to the existing set of source files. For example, existing code coverage
results are deleted when you:

• Run a simulation with a new model using the existing code generation folder.
• Run a simulation that results in additional source code files being instrumented.
• If you switch between SIL and PIL simulations of a model, the software generates
separate cumulative code coverage results for the SIL and PIL simulations.

For a model in a reference hierarchy, the software does not support simultaneous
function execution time measurement and code coverage.

For an example of code coverage metrics collection, see


View Code Coverage Information at the End of SIL or PIL Simulations

View Code Coverage Information at the End of SIL or PIL

If you specify code coverage for a SIL or PIL simulation, when the simulation is complete,
the code generation report opens automatically and you see hyperlinks in the Command

If you specified the LDRA Testbed, you see three links in the Command Window:
### Starting SIL simulation for component: rtwdemo_sil_topmodel
### Stopping SIL simulation for component: rtwdemo_sil_topmodel
### Starting analysis of coverage data
### Use the following links to view code coverage results:
LDRA Testbed GUI
LDRA Testbed Code Coverage Overview Report
HTML code generation report with code coverage annotations
### Completed code coverage analysis


• Go to the LDRA Testbed GUI, click the first link.

• Open the LDRA Testbed Report with your Web browser, click the second link.

34 Code Coverage

For information about using this report, refer to the LDRA Testbed documentation.
• View summary data and code annotations with coverage information in the
code generation report, click the third link. See “Code Coverage Summary and
Annotations” on page 34-10.

If you specified the BullseyeCoverage tool, you see two links in the Command Window:
### Starting SIL simulation for component: rtwdemo_sil_topmodel
### Stopping SIL simulation for component: rtwdemo_sil_topmodel
### Processing code coverage data
### Use the following links to view code coverage results:
BullseyeCoverage browser (coverage for last run)
HTML code generation report (cumulative coverage)

View Code Coverage Information at the End of SIL or PIL Simulations

### Completed code coverage analysis



• View the coverage report using the BullseyeCoverage Browser, click the first link.

The BullseyeCoverage Browser shows coverage data for instrumented files associated
with your latest top-model simulation. The coverage data shown in the browser is not
cumulative and pertains only to the most recent simulation. For information about
the BullseyeCoverage Browser, go to www.bullseye.com.
• View summary data and code annotations with coverage information in the
code generation report, click the second link. See “Code Coverage Summary and
Annotations” on page 34-10.

34 Code Coverage

Configure Code Coverage Programmatically

You can configure code coverage for your model using command-line APIs. A typical
workflow with BullseyeCoverage is:

1 Using get_param, retrieve the object containing coverage settings for the current
model, for example, gcs.
>> covSettings = get_param(gcs, 'CodeCoverageSettings')

covSettings =

cov.CodeCoverageSettings handle
Package: cov

TopModelCoverage: 'on'
ReferencedModelCoverage: 'off'
CoverageTool: 'BullseyeCoverage'

Methods, Events, Superclasses

The property TopModelCoverage determines whether the software generates code

coverage data for just the top model, while ReferencedModelCoverage determines
whether the software generates coverage data for models referenced by the top
model. If neither property is 'on', then no code coverage data is generated during a
SIL simulation.

If LDRA Testbed is the specified code coverage tool, then the property
CoverageTool is 'LDRA Testbed'.

When you save your model, the properties TopModelCoverage,

ReferencedModelCoverage, and CoverageTool are also saved.
2 Check the class of covSettings.
>> class(covSettings)

ans =

3 Turn on coverage for referenced models.
>> covSettings.ReferencedModelCoverage='on';

4 Using set_param, apply the new coverage settings to the model.

>>set_param(gcs,'CodeCoverageSettings', covSettings);

Configure Code Coverage Programmatically

5 Assuming you have installed the BullseyeCoverage tool, specify the installation path.
>> cov.BullseyeCoverage.setPath('C:\Program Files\BullseyeCoverage')

For LDRA Testbed, use cov.LDRA.setPath('C:\...).

6 Check that the path is saved as a preference.
>> cov.BullseyeCoverage.getPath

For LDRA Testbed, use cov.LDRA.getPath.

34 Code Coverage

Code Coverage Summary and Annotations

If you specify a code coverage tool for a SIL or PIL simulation (see “Configure SIL and
PIL Code Coverage” on page 34-3), the software produces a code generation report that
provides summary data and code annotations with coverage information. Each code
annotation is associated with a code feature and indicates the nature of the feature
coverage during code execution. For more information, see:

• “LDRA Testbed Coverage” on page 34-10

• “BullseyeCoverage Information” on page 34-12

The code generation report also allows you to navigate easily between blocks in your
model and the corresponding sections in the source code. For more information, see
“Trace Model Objects to Generated Code” and “Trace Code to Model Objects Using

LDRA Testbed Coverage

The cumulative coverage data in a code generation report is derived from instrumented
files associated with your latest top-model simulation and coverage data collected from
simulations with other top models that share referenced models with your current top

The software provides LDRA Testbed annotations in the code generation report to help
you to review code coverage.

Code Coverage Summary and Annotations

Note: Do not use the code generation report alone to verify that you have achieved your
coverage goals. You must refer to the LDRA Testbed Report. See “View Code Coverage
Information at the End of SIL or PIL Simulations” on page 34-5.

This example shows three kinds of annotations. On lines 134, 139, 140, and 141, the
annotation indicates that statement coverage for each of these lines of code is not

Placing the cursor over the annotation =>b produces a tooltip.

This tooltip indicates that only one branch destination is covered. The code within
the curly brackets, which starts at column 45 of line 134, is not executed. As the if
statement on line 139 lies within this code, the corresponding annotation => states that
the branch is not covered.

The following table describes the LDRA Testbed code annotations that you might see in a
code generation report produced by a SIL and PIL simulations.

Code feature What happened during simulation
Function name returned through this exit
Function name never returned through this
exit point.
=> Condition not encountered.
Branch/condition =>t Condition evaluated true only.
=>f Condition evaluated false only.

34 Code Coverage

Code feature What happened during simulation
tf Condition evaluated both true and false.
=> Branch never encountered.
Branch to at least one destination covered and
Branch/decision =>b branch to at least one other destination not
b Branch fully exercised.
Condition did not independently affect outcome
Modified Condition/ =>mc
of decision.
Decision Coverage
(MC/DC) Condition independently affected outcome of
Statements associated with line covered.
Statement Not all statements associated with line
Code that is Zero coverage — probes within source code
reformatted by LDRA =>Σ line or files included by source code line not
Testbed and does not exercised.
match the original Coverage probes within source code line or any
source code. For =>Σ
included file partially exercised.
example, source
code with #include Coverage probes within source code line or
statements to include included files fully exercised.
other files, and source
code with #define
statements for macros. Σ
For detailed coverage
information, refer to
the LDRA Testbed

BullseyeCoverage Information
The cumulative coverage data in a code generation report is derived from instrumented
files associated with your latest top-model simulation and coverage data collected from

Code Coverage Summary and Annotations

simulations with other top models that share referenced models with your current top

The software provides BullseyeCoverage annotations in the code generation report to

help you to review code coverage.

This example shows two kinds of annotations. At line 41, TF indicates that the if
decision had both true and false outcomes during the simulation. At line 52, =>F
indicates that the if decision was false only during the simulation.

The following table describes the BullseyeCoverage code annotations that you might see
in a code generation report produced by a SIL simulation.

Code feature What happened during simulation
=> Decision not executed.
TF Decision evaluated both true and false.

34 Code Coverage

Code feature What happened during simulation
=>T Decision evaluated true only.
=>F Decision evaluated false only.
=> Function not called.
Fcn Function called.
=> Switch command not used.
Switch label
Sw Switch command used.
Decision or condition was constant, which did not
Constant k
allow any variation in coverage.
=> Condition not encountered.
tf Condition evaluated both true and false.
=>t Condition evaluated true only.
=>f Condition evaluated false only.
=> Try block never completed.
Try Try block covered.
=> Catch block not covered.
Cat Catch block covered.

Code Coverage Tool Support

Code Coverage Tool Support

Embedded Coder is tested with the following versions of the BullseyeCoverage and LDRA
Testbed tools.

Operating system BullseyeCoverage LDRA Testbed

Windows 8.4.23 a 9.3.0
Linux 8.4.19 Not supported
Mac Not supported Not supported

a. BullseyeCoverage is not supported with LCC compiler.

34 Code Coverage

Code Coverage for PIL

PIL Support for LDRA Testbed

The target connectivity API supports code coverage with LDRA Testbed for top-model
and Model block PIL.

For LDRA Testbed version 9.1.1, MathWorks instrumentation files are located in the
LDRA Testbed installation folder, for example:

• C:\LDRA_Toolsuite\Compiler_spec\MathWorks\MathWorks_Cinstr.DAT
• C:\LDRA_Toolsuite\Compiler_spec\MathWorks\MathWorks_CPPINSTR.DAT

There are minor differences in the code coverage information collected during SIL and
PIL simulations. In particular, with PIL, the software does not explicitly show function
exit point coverage. However, you can infer the coverage of function exit points by
examining statement coverage.

Code Coverage for PIL

PIL Support for BullseyeCoverage

Code coverage with BullseyeCoverage is available for top-model and Model block PIL
provided your PIL application can write directly to the host file system. Your target for
the PIL application must provide fopen and fread access to the host file system.

If code coverage is not available when you run the PIL application on your target
hardware, you might be able to collect code coverage measurements by running the PIL
application on an instruction set simulator that supports direct file I/O with the host file

34 Code Coverage

Tips and Limitations

Compiler and Platform Support for SIL

For SIL code coverage, the software supports the following compilers and platforms:

• On a Linux platform, gcc

• On a Windows platform, Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC)

Note: For both SIL and PIL, the Watcom compiler is not supported. If you specify this
compiler, an error appears when you build your model.

For information on how to specify a compiler, see “Compiler or IDE Selection and

Right-Click Subsystem Build Unsupported for Code Coverage

The software does not support right-click builds for subsystems if a code coverage tool is

BullseyeCoverage License Wait

When you build your model, you might have to wait for a BullseyeCoverage license. If
you want to see information about the wait, before you build your model, select Code
Generation > Debug > Verbose build.

Current Working Folder Cannot be UNC Path

If your MATLAB current working folder is a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path,
code coverage fails.

Characters in matlabroot and File Path

If matlabroot or the path to your generated files contains a space or the . (period)
character, code coverage might fail.

Tips and Limitations

Header Files with Identical Names

Consider a model that is configured for LDRA Testbed code coverage. During the build
process, if the software detects two header files with the same name in the folder for
generated code, the software generates an error.

Code Coverage for Source Files in Shared Utility Folders

The software supports code coverage for source files generated in shared utility folders.
If you configure code coverage for a model that uses shared utility code generation, when
you build the model, you also build all source files in the shared utilities folder with code
coverage enabled.

Whenever you build a model, the code coverage settings of the model must be consistent
with source files that you previously built in the shared utilities folder. Otherwise, the
software reports that code in the shared utilities folder is inconsistent with the current
model configuration and must be rebuilt. For example, if you run a SIL simulation for a
model with code coverage enabled and then run a SIL simulation for another model with
code coverage disabled, the software must rebuild all source files in the shared utilities

BullseyeCoverage Behavior with Inline Macros

The BullseyeCoverage tool, by default, does not provide code coverage data for inline

For example, if a model generates a file slprj/ert/_sharedutils/rt_SATURATE.h

that contains the macro

#define rt_SATURATE(sig,ll,ul) (((sig) >= (ul)) ? (ul) : (((sig) <=

(ll)) ? (ll) : (sig)) )

and the macro is in sat_ert_rtw/sat.c, then the coverage report provides a

measurement for sat.c, but no coverage data for the conditions within the macro

To configure the BullseyeCoverage tool to provide code coverage data for inline macros:

1 Open the BullseyeCoverage Browser.

2 Select Tools > Options to open the Options dialog box.
3 On the Build tab, select the Instrument macro expansions check box.

34 Code Coverage

4 Click OK.
5 Rerun your simulation.

Alternatively, you can add the text -macro to the BullseyeCoverage configuration file.
For more information, go to www.bullseye.com/help/ref_covc.html.

SIL and PIL Simulations with Open LDRA Testbed

If you enable code coverage with the LDRA Testbed tool, you must verify that the LDRA
Testbed GUI is not open when you run your SIL or PIL simulation. If the set name in the
LDRA Testbed GUI differs from the set name used by the SIL or PIL simulation, the SIL
or PIL simulation fails.

PIL Zero Coverage LDRA Testbed Annotations

For a PIL simulation with LDRA Testbed code coverage specified, there might be some
source files where the recorded coverage is zero. In this case, the software provides
summary information indicating that:

• There is coverage to measure.

• The coverage is zero.

You do not see information for individual probes on each line. The displayed summary
information has an associated annotation tooltip:
0 out of N coverage probes were exercised (detailed breakdown unavailable)

Modify Legacy Code

If you modify legacy code and rerun a SIL or PIL simulation, the legacy code is
recompiled. However, the code from the model may be up-to-date. In this case, the code
generation report is not updated and does not show the modified legacy code. Instead,
the code coverage information for the modified legacy code is displayed with reference
to the original legacy code. You must regenerate the report. For more information, see

IDE Link Does Not Support LDRA Testbed

When you generate code for IDE Link, you cannot use LDRA Testbed for SIL or PIL
code coverage. Specifically, this limitation applies when you use the following settings

Tips and Limitations

• Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > System target file:

• Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Verification > Code coverage
tool: LDRA Testbed.

Embedded IDEs and Embedded Targets

Getting Started with Embedded

35 Getting Started with Embedded Targets

Embedded Coder Supported Hardware

As of this release, Embedded Coder supports the following hardware.

Support Package Vendor Platforms Earliest Release Last Release

Available Available
“Altera SoC” Altera® Windows R2014b Current
“Analog Devices DSPs ” Analog Devices™ Windows R2013a Current
“ARM Cortex-A ARM ® Windows R2014a Current
“ARM Cortex-M ARM Windows R2013b Current
“BeagleBone Black BeagleBoard Windows R2014b Current
“Freescale FRDM- Freescale™ Windows R2014b Current
KL25Z Board”
Green Hills MULTI Green Hills® Windows, Linux R2012b R2014a
“STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronicsWindows
® R2013b Current
“Texas Instruments Texas Windows R2013b Current
C2000 Processors” Instruments
“Texas Instruments Texas Windows R2014b Current
C2000 F28M3x Instruments
Concerto Processors”
“Texas Instruments Texas Windows R2014a Current
C6000 DSPs” Instruments
“Wind River VxWorks Wind River Windows, Linux R2013b Current
“Xilinx Zynq-7000 Xilinx® Windows R2013a Current

For a complete list of supported hardware, see Hardware Support.


Project and Build Configurations for

Embedded Targets

• “Model Setup” on page 36-2

• “IDE Projects” on page 36-13
• “Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains” on page 36-15
36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Model Setup
In this section...
“Block Selection” on page 36-2
“Configure Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3
“Configuration Parameters” on page 36-5
“Model Reference” on page 36-12

Block Selection
You can create models for targeting the same way you create other Simulink models—by
combining standard blocks and C-MEX S-functions.

You can use blocks from the following sources:

• The Embedded Coder Support Packages.

• The Embedded Targets library (embeddedtargetslib) in the Embedded Coder
• Blocks from the System Toolboxes products
• Custom blocks

Avoid using blocks that do not generate code, including the following blocks.

Block Name/Category Library Description

Scope Simulink, DSP System Provides oscilloscope view of your
Toolbox software output. Do not use the Save data
to workspace option on the Data
history pane in the Scope Parameters
To Workspace Simulink Return data to your MATLAB
From Workspace Simulink Send data to your model from your
MATLAB workspace.
Spectrum Scope DSP System Toolbox Compute and display the short-
time FFT of a signal. It has internal

Model Setup

Block Name/Category Library Description

buffering that can slow your process
without adding value.
To File Simulink Send data to a file on your host
From File Simulink Get data from a file on your host
Triggered to Workspace DSP System Toolbox Send data to your MATLAB
Signal To Workspace DSP System Toolbox Send a signal to your MATLAB
Signal From Workspace DSP System Toolbox Get a signal from your MATLAB
Triggered Signal From DSP System Toolbox Get a signal from your MATLAB
Workspace workspace.
To Wave device DSP System Toolbox Send data to a .wav device.
From Wave device DSP System Toolbox Get data from a .wav device.

Configure Target Hardware Resources

This topic contains the following subtopics:

• “About Supported IDEs” on page 36-3

• “Configure Parameters Under the Target Hardware Resources Tab” on page 36-4

About Supported IDEs

This “Configure Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3 section applies to the
following IDEs:

• Analog Devices VisualDSP++®

• Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio™ 3.3
• Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 (makefile generation only)
• Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 5 (makefile generation only)
• Wind River Diab/GCC (makefile generation only)

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Configure Parameters Under the Target Hardware Resources Tab

Configure the parameters under the Target Hardware Resources tab of your Simulink
model for a specific tool chain and target hardware. Doing so updates other parameters
in the Configuration Parameters dialog to the default values for the software build tool
chain and target hardware you are using.

Note: The Target Preferences (Removed) block has been removed from the Simulink
block libraries for the Embedded Coder and Simulink Coder products.

Parameters in the Target Preferences block have been moved to the Target Hardware
Resources tab.

To configure your Simulink model for a specific tool chain and target hardware:

1 In a Simulink model, open the model Configuration Parameters by:

• Clicking the gear icon,

• Pressing Ctrl+E on your keyboard

• Selecting the Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters menu items
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog, click Code Generation, and then click “+”
next to Code Generation. This action displays the sub-panes under Code Generation.
3 On the Code Generation pane, change System target file to idelink_ert.tlc or

The dialog displays a Coder Target pane under the Code Generation pane.
4 Select the Coder Target pane.
5 Select the Target Hardware Resources tab.
6 Set the following parameters to match the tool chain and target hardware you are

• IDE/Tool Chain
• Board
• Processor

Model Setup

7 Review the other parameters under the Target Hardware Resources tab.
8 Click Apply, and save the changes to your model.

Configuration Parameters
• “What are Configuration Parameters?” on page 36-5
• “Setting Model Configuration Parameters” on page 36-5

What are Configuration Parameters?

To see the model Configuration Parameters, open the Configuration Parameters

dialog. You can do this in the model editor by selecting Simulation > Model
Configuration Parameters, or by pressing Ctrl+E on your keyboard.

The Configuration Parameters dialog specifies the values for a model's active
configuration set. These parameters determine the type of solver used, the import and
export settings, and other values that determine how the model runs.

Setting Model Configuration Parameters

To set the Configuration Parameters to the right values for you to generate code from
your model, see “Configure Parameters Under the Target Hardware Resources Tab” on
page 36-4. This action initializes the model Configuration Parameters to the right
default values for you to generate code. You can then use the Configuration Parameters
dialog to make further modifications to the values. You can generate buildable code using
these default values.

The following subsections provide a quick overview of the panes and parameters with
which you are most likely to interact.

Code Generation Pane

When you set System target file to idelink_ert.tlc or idelink_grt.tlc, the

dialog adds an Coder Target pane to the list of panes under Code Generation.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Leave Language set to C. The idelink_ert.tlc and idelink_grt.tlc system target

files do not support C++ code generation.

For more information, see “Code Generation Pane: General”

Model Setup

Coder Target Pane Parameters

The Coder Target entry provides options in these areas:

• Run-Time — Set options for run-time operations, like the build action
• Vendor Tool Chain — Set compiler, linker, and system stack size options
• Code Generation — Configure your code generation requirements
• Link Automation — Export an IDE link handle object, such as IDE_Obj, to your
MATLAB workspace
• Diagnostics — Determine how the code generation process responds when you use
source code replacement in the Custom Code pane.

For more information, see “Code Generation Pane: Coder Target”.

Build format

Select Project to create an IDE project, or select Makefile to create a makefile build

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Build action

Your selection for Build action determines what happens when you click Build or press
Ctrl+B. Your selection tells Simulink Coder software when to stop the code generation
and build process.

To run your model on the processor, select Build_and_execute. This selection is the
default build action.

The actions are cumulative—each action performs an additional step relative to the
preceding action on the list.

If you set Build format to Project, select one of the following options:

• Create_project — Directs Simulink Coder software to start the IDE and populate
a new project with the files from the build process. This option offers a convenient way
to build projects in the IDE.
• Archive_library — Directs Simulink Coder software to create an archive library
for this model. Use this option when you plan to use the model in a model reference
application. Model reference requires that you archive your the IDE projects for
models that you use in model referencing.
• Build — Builds the executable file, but does not download the file to the target
• Build_and_execute — Directs Simulink Coder software to build, download, and
run your generated code as an executable on your target hardware.
• Create_processor_in_the_loop_project — Directs code generation process to
create PIL algorithm object code as part of the project build. This option requires an
Embedded Coder license.

If you set Build format to Makefile, select one of the following options:

• Create_makefile — Creates a makefile.

• Archive_library — Creates a makefile and the generated output will be an archive
• Build — Creates a makefile and an executable.
• Build_and_execute — Creates a makefile and an executable. Then it evaluates the
execute instruction in the current configuration.

Model Setup

Overrun notification

To enable the overrun indicator, choose one of three ways for the target to respond to an
overrun condition in your model:

• None — Ignore overruns encountered while running the model.

• Print_message — When the target encounters an overrun condition, it prints a
message to the standard output device, stdout.
• Call_custom_function — Respond to overrun conditions by calling the custom
function you identify in Function name.

Function name

When you select Call_custom_function from the Overrun notification list, you
enable this option. Enter the name of the function the target should use to notify you
that an overrun condition occurred. The function must exist in your code on the target

The Configuration parameter defines sets of build options that apply to the files
generated from your model.

The Release and Debug option apply build settings that are defined by your compiler.
For more information, refer to your compiler documentation.

Custom has the same default values as Release, but:

• Leaves Compiler options string empty.

Compiler options string

To determine the degree of optimization provided by the optimizing compiler, enter the
optimization level to apply to files in your project. For details about the compiler options,
refer to your IDE documentation. When you create new projects, the coder product does
not set optimization flags.

With Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 and Analog Devices VisualDSP++,
the user interface displays Get From IDE and Reset buttons next to this parameter. If
you have an active project open in the IDE, you can click Get From IDE to import the
compiler option setting from the current project in the IDE. To reset the compiler option
to the default value, click Reset.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Linker options string

To specify the options provided by the linker during link time, you enter the linker
options as a string. For details about the linker options, refer to your IDE documentation.
When you create new projects, the coder product does not set linker options.

With Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 and Analog Devices VisualDSP++,
the user interface displays Get From IDE and Reset buttons next to this parameter. If
you have an active project open in the IDE, you can click Get From IDE to import the
linker options string from the current project in the IDE. To clear the linker options, click
System stack size (MAUs)

Enter the amount of memory that is available for allocating stack data, measured in
minimum addressable units (MAU). Block output buffers are placed on the stack until
the stack memory is fully allocated. After that, the output buffers go in global memory.
An MAU is typically 1 byte, but its size can vary by target hardware.

This parameter is used in targets to allocate the stack size for the generated application.
For example, with embedded processors that are not running an operating system, this
parameter determines the total stack space that can be used for the application. For
operating systems, this value specifies the stack space allocated per thread.

This parameter also applies to the “Maximum stack size (bytes)” parameter, located in
the Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane.
System heap size (MAUs)

Set the default heap size that the target hardware reserves for dynamic memory

The target hardware uses this heap for functions like printf() and system services code.

The following IDEs use this parameter:

• Analog Devices VisualDSP++

• Wind River Diab/GCC (makefile generation only)

Profile real-time execution

To enable the real-time execution profile capability, select Profile real-time execution.
With this selected, the build process instruments your code to provide performance

Model Setup

profiling at the task level or for atomic subsystems. When you run your code, the
executed code reports the profiling information in an HTML report.
Link Automation

When you build a model for a target, the coder product automatically creates or uses an
existing IDE link handle object (named IDE_Obj, by default) to connect to your IDE.

Although IDE_Obj is a handle for a specific instance of the IDE, it also contains
information about the IDE instance to which it refers, such as the target the IDE
accesses. In this pane, the Export IDE link handle to base workspace option lets you
instruct the coder product to export the object to your MATLAB workspace, giving it the
name you assign in IDE link handle name.

You can also use the IDE link handle object to interact with the IDE using IDE
Automation Interface commands.
Maximum time allowed to build project (s)

Specifies how long the software waits for the IDE to build the software.
Maximum time allowed to complete IDE operation (s)

Specifies how long the software waits for IDE functions, such as read or write, to
return completion messages. If you do not specify a timeout, the default value is 10
Export IDE link handle to base workspace

Directs the software to export the IDE_Obj object to your MATLAB workspace.
IDE link handle name

Specifies the name of the IDE_Obj object that the build process creates.
Source file replacement

Selects the diagnostic action to take if the software detects conflicts when you replace
source code with custom code. The diagnostic message responds to both source file
replacement in the Configuration Parameters under Code Generation > Coder Target
parameters and under Code Generation > Custom Code.

The following settings define the messages you see and how the code generation process

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

• none — Does not generate warnings or errors when it finds conflicts.

• warning — Displays a warning. warn is the default value.
• error — Terminates the build process and displays an error message that identifies
which file has the problem and suggests how to resolve it.

The build operation continues if you select warning and the software detects custom
code replacement problems. You see warning messages as the build progresses.

Select error the first time you build your project after you specify custom code to use.
The error messages can help you diagnose problems with your custom code replacement
files. Use none when the replacement process works and you do not want to see multiple
messages during your build.

Model Reference
The idelink_ert.tlc and idelink_grt.tlc system target files provide support for
generating code from models that use Model Reference. A referenced model will generate
an archive library.

To enable Model Reference builds:

1 Open your referenced model.

2 Select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters from the model menus.
3 From the list of panes under Code Generation, choose Coder Target.
4 In the right pane, under Run-Time, select Archive_library from the Build
action list.

If your top-model uses a reference model that does not have the Build action set to
Archive_library, the build process automatically changes the Build action to
Archive_library and issues a warning about the change.

Configuration Parameters in Reference Models

Use the same Coder Target pane settings in Configuration Parameters for the models in
the model hierarchy.

IDE Projects

IDE Projects
In this section...
“Support for Third Party Products” on page 36-13
“Code Generation and Build” on page 36-13

Support for Third Party Products

For more information about support for third-party IDEs and targets, see:

• Supported and Compatible Compilers

• Hardware Support

Code Generation and Build

Building Your Model

In your model, click Build Model . The software performs the actions
you selected for Build action in the model Configuration Parameters, under Code
Generation > Coder Target.

IDE Project Generator Features

The IDE Project Generator component provides or supports the following features for
developing IDE projects and generating code:

• Automatically create IDE projects for your generated code during the code generation
• Customize code generation using options in the model Configuration Parameters.
• Configure the automatic project build process.
• Automatically download and run your generated projects on your target hardware.

IDE Link Handle Objects

IDE Project Generator automatically creates and uses an IDE link handle object to
communicate with your IDE and target hardware.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

To create the IDE link handle object, IDE Project Generator uses one of the following
constructor functions:

• adivdsp for Analog Devices VisualDSP++

• ticcs for Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio

For a command line example of how to use a constructor function, see the corresponding
reference page for each function.

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

In this section...
“What is the XMakefile Feature” on page 36-15
“Using Makefiles to Generate and Build Software” on page 36-18
“Making an XMakefile Configuration Operational” on page 36-21
“Creating a New XMakefile Configuration” on page 36-21
“XMakefile User Configuration dialog” on page 36-27

What is the XMakefile Feature

• “Overview” on page 36-15
• “Supported Tool Chains in Embedded Coder” on page 36-16
• “Available XMakefile Configurations” on page 36-16
• “Feature Support” on page 36-18


You can use makefiles instead of IDE projects during the automated software build
process. This approach is described in “Using Makefiles to Generate and Build Software”
on page 36-18.

The XMakefile feature lets you choose the configuration of a specific software build
tool chain to use during the automated build process. The configuration contains paths
and settings for your make utility, compiler, linker, archiver, pre-build, post-build, and
execute tools.

You can choose one built-in configuration described in “Supported Tool Chains in
Embedded Coder” on page 36-16 and “Available XMakefile Configurations” on page

You can also create a new configuration for a new tool chain, as described in “Creating a
New XMakefile Configuration” on page 36-21.

Your requirements for specific features may determine whether you choose makefiles or
IDE projects. See “Feature Support” on page 36-18.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Supported Tool Chains in Embedded Coder

Embedded Coder includes support for the following IDEs and tool chains.

Tool Chain Processor Family/Target Host Operating System

Operating System
Analog Devices VisualDSP+ Blackfin®, SHARC®, and Windows
+ TigerSHARC®
GNU development tools Linux Linux
GNU development tools ARM MontaVista Linux
Texas Instruments Code Texas Instruments Windows
Composer Studio 3.3, 4, and C2000™, C5500™, and
5.1 C6000™
Wind River Diab/GCC ARM9, Host Simulator, Windows
VxWorks, RTP and RTP_SO
Xilinx ISE Design Suite ARM Cortex-A9 on Xilinx 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
Zynq®-7000 running Linux

Simulink Coder includes support for other IDEs and tool chains. See .

Available XMakefile Configurations

The following list describes the configurations in the XMakefile dialog that this product

• adivdsp_blackfin: Analog Devices VisualDSP++ & Analog Devices Blackfin

• adivdsp_sharc: Analog Devices VisualDSP++ & Analog Devices SHARC
• adivdsp_tigersharc: Analog Devices VisualDSP++ & Analog Devices TigerSHARC
• gcc_target: GNU Compiler Collection & Host Operating System or Embedded
Operating System
• ticcs_c2000_ccsv3: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3 & Texas
Instruments C2000
• ticcs_c2000_ccsv4: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & Texas
Instruments C2000
• ticcs_c2000_ccsv5: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 5.1 & Texas
Instruments C2000

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

• ticcs_c5500_ccsv3: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3 & Texas

Instruments C5500
• ticcs_c5500_ccsv4: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & Texas
Instruments C5500
• ticcs_c5500_ccsv5: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 5.1 & Texas
Instruments C5500
• ticcs_c6000_ccsv3: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3 & Texas
Instruments C6000
• ticcs_c6000_ccsv4: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & Texas
Instruments C6000
• ticcs_c6000_ccsv5: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 5.1 & Texas
Instruments C6000
• ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv3: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3 &
Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS on C6000
• ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv4: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 &
Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS on C6000
• ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv5: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 5.1 &
Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS on C6000
• wrsdiab_arm9_vxworks67_rtp: Wind River Systems DIAB Compiler & ARM 9 &
VxWorks 6.7 & real-time process applications
• wrsdiab_arm9_vxworks67_rtp_so: Wind River Systems DIAB Compiler & ARM 9
& VxWorks 6.7 & real-time process applications with shared object
• wrsdiab_hostsim_vxworks67_rtp: Wind River Systems DIAB Compiler &
VxWorks Host Simulator & VxWorks 6.7 & real-time process applications
• wrsdiab_hostsim_vxworks67_rtp_so: Wind River Systems DIAB Compiler &
VxWorks Host Simulator & VxWorks 6.7 & real-time process applications with shared
• wrsdiab_hostsim_vxworks68_rtp: Wind River Systems DIAB Compiler &
VxWorks Host Simulator & VxWorks 6.8 & real-time process applications
• wrsdiab_hostsim_vxworks68_rtp_so: Wind River Systems DIAB Compiler &
VxWorks Host Simulator & VxWorks 6.8 & real-time process applications with shared
• wrsgnu_arm9_vxworks67_rtp: Wind River Systems GNU Compiler & VxWorks
Host Simulator & VxWorks 6.7 & real-time process applications

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

• wrsgnu_hostsim_vxworks67_rtp: Wind River Systems GNU Compiler & VxWorks

Host Simulator & VxWorks 6.7 & real-time process applications with shared object
• wrsgnu_hostsim_vxworks68_rtp: Wind River Systems GNU Compiler & VxWorks
Host Simulator & VxWorks 6.8 & real-time process applications with shared object
• xilinx_ise_14_x: Xilinx ISE Design Suite & ARM Cortex-A9 running Linux on
Xilinx Zynq-7000 platform

For more information about supported versions of third-party software, see “Support for
Third Party Products” on page 36-13

Feature Support

With makefiles, you cannot use features that rely on direct communications between
your MathWorks software and third-party IDEs.

You cannot use the following features with makefiles:

• IDE Project Generation

• IDE Automation Interface
• IDE debugger communications during Processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation

Using Makefiles to Generate and Build Software

In addition to this chapter, see the Makefile Generator Tutorial example for more
information about using makefiles to generate code.

Configuring Your Model to Use Makefiles

Update your model Configuration Parameters to use a makefile instead of an IDE when
you build software from the model:

1 Configure your model for your IDE, tool chain, and target hardware, as described in
“Configure Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3.
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog, under the Code Generation tab, select
Coder Target.
3 Set Build format to Makefile. For more information, see “Build format” on page
4 Set Build action to Build_and_execute. For more information, see “Build action”
on page 36-8.

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

Choosing an XMakefile Configuration

Configure how to generate makefiles:

1 Enter xmakefilesetup on the MATLAB Command Window. The software opens an

XMakefile User Configuration dialog.

2 Set the Template parameter to the option that matches the Configuration

Note: In most cases, the only option for Template is gmake. However, if you have
installed a Support Package, Template can have multiple options.
3 For Configuration, select the option that describes your software build toolchain
and target platform. Click Apply.

Note: Changing some elements of the XMakefile dialog disables other elements until you
apply the changes. Click Apply or OK after changing:

• Template
• Configurations
• User Templates
• User Configurations

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

• Tool Directories

Note: With the XMakefile User Configuration dialog, if you have an Embedded Coder
license and do not have a Simulink Coder license, the Configuration list includes two
unsupported options: gcc_target or msvs_host. Disregard those two configurations.
Choose one of the other configurations.

Things to consider while setting Configuration:

• Selecting Display operational configurations only hides configurations that

contain incomplete or invalid information. For a configuration to be operational, the
vendor tool chain must be installed, and the configuration must have the valid paths
for each component of the vendor tool chain. For more information, see “Making an
XMakefile Configuration Operational” on page 36-21.
• To display the configurations, including non-operational configurations, clear Display
operational configurations only.
• The list of configurations can include non-editable configurations defined in the
software and editable configurations defined by you.
• To create a new editable configuration, use the New button.
• For more information, see “XMakefile User Configuration dialog” on page 36-27.

Building Your Model

In your model, click Build Model.

This action creates a makefile and performs the other actions you specified in Build

By default, this process outputs files in the <builddir>/<buildconfiguration>

folder. For example, in model_name/CustomMW.

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

Making an XMakefile Configuration Operational

When the XMakefile utility starts, it checks each configuration file to verify that
the specified paths for the vendor tool chain are valid. If the paths are not valid, the
configuration is non-operational. Typically, the cause of this problem is a difference
between the path in the configuration and the actual path of the vendor toolchain.

To make a configuration operational:

1 Clear Display operational configurations only to display non-operational

2 Select the non-operational configuration from the Configuration options.
3 When you click Apply, a new dialog prompts you for the folder path of the missing
resources the configuration requires.

Use mapped network drives instead of UNC paths to specify directory locations.
Using UNC paths with compilers that do not support them causes build errors.

Creating a New XMakefile Configuration

• “Overview” on page 36-21
• “Create a Configuration” on page 36-21
• “Modify the Configuration” on page 36-23
• “Test the Configuration” on page 36-25


This example shows you how to add support for a software development toolchain to the
XMakefile utility. This example uses the Intel Compiler and an IDE.

Note: To specify directory locations, use mapped network drives instead of UNC paths.
UNC paths cause build errors with compilers that do not support them.

Create a Configuration

When you click New, the new configuration inherits values and behavior from
the current configuration. To create a configuration for the Intel Compiler, clone a
configuration from one of these configurations: montavista_arm and gcc_target.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Open the XMakefile User Configuration UI by typing xmakefilesetup at the MATLAB

prompt. This action displays the following dialog.

Select an existing configuration, such as montavista_arm or gcc_target. Click the

New button.

A pop-up dialog prompts you for the name of the new configuration. Enter
intel_compiler and click OK.

The dialog displays a new configuration called intel_compiler, based on the previous

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

Modify the Configuration

Adjust the compiler, linker, and archiver settings of the newly created configuration.
This example assumes the location of the Intel compiler is C:\Program Files\Intel
Make Utility

You do not need to make changes. This configuration uses the gmake tool that ships with


For Compiler, enter the location of icl.exe in the Intel installation.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets


For Linker, enter the location of the linker executable, xilink.exe.

For Arguments, add the /LIBPATH path to the Intel libraries.


For Archiver, enter the location of the archiver, xilib.exe. Confirm that File
extensions for library files includes .lib.

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

Other tabs

For this example, ignore the remaining tabs. In other circumstances, you can use them to
configure additional build actions. In a later step of this example, you will configure the
software to automatically build and run the generated code.

Test the Configuration

Open the “sumdiff” model by entering sumdiff on the MATLAB prompt.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

Configure the summdiff model for use with an IDE. Follow the steps in “Configure
Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3, set the IDE/Tool Chain parameter, set
Board to Custom, and Processor to Intel x86/Pentium.

On the Tool Chain Automation page, set Operating System to None or select Windows.
Click OK.

Open the Configuration Parameters for the summdiff model by pressing Ctrl+E. Set
Build format to Makefile and Build action to Build_and_execute.

Save the model to a temporary location, such as C:\Temp\IntelTest\.

Set that location as a Current Folder by typing cd C:\temp\IntelTest\ at the

MATLAB prompt.

Build the model by pressing Ctrl+B. The MATLAB Command Window displays
something like:
### TLC code generation complete.
### Creating HTML report file sumdiff_codegen_rpt.html
### Creating project: c:\temp\IntelTest\sumdiff_idenameide\sumdiff.mk
### Project creation done.
### Building project...
### Build done.
### Downloading program: c:\temp\IntelTest\sumdiff_idenameide\sumdiff
### Download done.

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

A command window comes up showing the running model. Terminate the generated
executable by pressing Ctrl+C.

XMakefile User Configuration dialog

• “Active” on page 36-27
• “Make Utility” on page 36-29
• “Compiler” on page 36-29
• “Linker” on page 36-30
• “Archiver” on page 36-31
• “Pre-build” on page 36-31
• “Post-build” on page 36-32
• “Execute” on page 36-32
• “Tool Directories” on page 36-33



Set the Template parameter to the option that matches the Configuration parameter.

Note: In most cases, the only option for Template is gmake. However, if you have
installed a Support Package, Template can have multiple options.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets

The template defines the syntax rules for writing the contents of the makefile or
buildfile. The default template is gmake, which works with the GNU make utility.

To add templates to this parameter, save them as .mkt files to the location specified by
the User Templates parameter. For more information, see “User Templates” on page

Select the configuration that best describes your toolchain and target hardware.

You cannot edit or delete the configurations provided by MathWorks. You can, however,
edit and delete the configurations that you create.

Use the New button to create an editable copy of the currently selected configuration.

Use the Delete button to delete a configuration you created.

Note: You cannot edit or delete the configurations provided by MathWorks.

Note: Use mapped network drives instead of UNC paths to specify directory locations.
Using UNC paths with compilers that do not support them causes build errors.

Display operational configurations only

When you open the XMakefile User Configuration dialog, the software verifies that each
configuration provided by MathWorks contains valid paths to the executable files it uses.
If the paths are valid, the configuration is operational. If the paths are not valid, the
configuration is not operational.

This setting only applies to configurations provided by MathWorks, not configurations

you create.

To display valid configurations, select Display operational configurations only.

To display the configurations, including non-operational configurations, clear Display

operational configurations only.

For more information, see “Making an XMakefile Configuration Operational” on page


Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

User Templates

Set the path of the folder to which you can add template files. Saving templates files with
the .mkt extension to this folder adds them to the Templates options.
User Configurations

Set the location of configuration files you create with the New button.

Make Utility

Make utility

Set the path and filename of the make utility executable.


Define the command-line arguments to pass to the make utility. For more information,
consult the third-party documentation for your make utility.
Optional include

Set the path and file name of an optional makefile to include.



Set the path and file name of the compiler executable.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets


Define the command-line arguments to pass to the compiler. For more information,
consult the third-party documentation for your compiler.

Define the file name extension for the source files. Use commas to separate multiple file

Define the file name extension for the header files. Use commas to separate multiple file

Define the file name extension for the object files.



Set the path and file name of the linker executable.


Define the command-line arguments to pass to the linker. For more information, consult
the third-party documentation for your linker.
File extensions for library files

Define the file name extension for the file library files. Use commas to separate multiple
file extensions.
Generated output file extension

Define the file name extension for the generated libraries or executables.

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains



Set the path and file name of the archiver executable.


Define the command-line arguments to pass to the archiver. For more information,
consult the third-party documentation for your archiver.
Generated output file extension

Define the file name extension for the generated libraries.


Enable Prebuild Step

Select this check box to define a prebuild tool that runs before the compiler.
Prebuild tool

Set the path and file name of the prebuild tool executable.

Define the command-line arguments to pass to the prebuild tool. For more information,
consult the third-party documentation for your prebuild tool.

36 Project and Build Configurations for Embedded Targets


Enable Postbuild Step

Select this check box to define a postbuild tool that runs after the compiler or linker.
Postbuild tool

Set the path and file name of the postbuild tool executable.

Define the command-line arguments to pass to the postbuild tool. For more information,
consult the third-party documentation for your postbuild tool.


Use Default Execute Tool

Select this check box to use the generated derivative as the execute tool when the build
process is complete. Uncheck it to specify a different tool. The default value, echo, simply
displays a message that the build process is complete.

Note: On the Linux operating system, multirate multitasking executables require root
privileges to schedule POSIX threads with real-time priority. If you are using makefiles
to build multirate multitasking executables on your Linux development system, you

Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains

cannot use Execute tool to run the executable. Instead, use the Linux command, sudo,
to run the executable.

Execute tool

Set the path and file name of the execute tool executable or built-in command.

Define the command-line arguments to pass to the execute tool. For more information,
consult the third-party documentation for your execute tool.

Tool Directories


Use the Tool Directories tab to change the toolchain path of an operational configuration.

For example, if you installed two versions of a vendor build tool in separate folders, you
can use the Installation path to change which one the configuration uses.


Verification and Profiling Generated


• “PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets” on page 37-2

• “Code Execution Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets” on page 37-19
• “Perform Execution Time Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets” on page 37-22
• “Perform Stack Profiling with IDE and Toolchain Targets” on page 37-27
37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

In this section...
“Overview” on page 37-2
“PIL Approaches” on page 37-3
“Communications” on page 37-7
“Running Your PIL Application to Perform Simulation and Verification” on page
“Performing a Model Block PIL Simulation via SCI Using Makefiles” on page 37-13
“Definitions” on page 37-16
“PIL Issues and Limitations” on page 37-17

Verification consists broadly of running generated code on a processor and verifying that
the code does what you intend. Embedded Coder provides processor-in-the-loop (PIL)
simulation to meet this need. PIL compares the numeric output of your model under
simulation with the numeric output of your model running as an executable on a target

With PIL, you run your generated code on a target hardware or instruction set simulator.
To verify your generated code, you compare the output of model simulation modes,
such as Normal or Accelerator, with the output of the generated code running on the
processor. You can switch between simulation and PIL modes. This flexibility allows
you to verify the generated code by executing the model as compiled code in the target
environment. You can model and test your embedded software component in Simulink
and then reuse your regression test suites across simulation and compiled object code.
This process avoids the time-consuming process of leaving the Simulink software
environment to run tests again on object code compiled for the production hardware.

Embedded Coder supports the following PIL approaches:

• Model block PIL

• Top-model PIL
• PIL block

When you use makefiles with PIL, use the “model block PIL” approach. With makefiles,
the other two approaches, “top-model PIL” and “PIL block”, and are not supported.

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

PIL Approaches
• “Model Block PIL” on page 37-3
• “Top-Model PIL” on page 37-4
• “PIL Block” on page 37-5

Model Block PIL

Use model block PIL to:

• Verify code generated for referenced models (model reference code interface).
• Provide a test harness model (or a system model) to generate test vector or stimulus
• Switch a model block between normal, SIL, or PIL simulation modes.

To perform a model block PIL simulation, start with a top-model that contains a model
block. The top-model serves as a test harness, providing inputs and outputs for the model
block. The model block references the model you plan to run on target hardware. During
PIL simulation, the referenced model runs on the target hardware.

For more information about using the model block, see “Model Variants” and “Model

By default, your MathWorks software uses the IDE debugger for PIL communications
with the target hardware. To achieve faster communications, consider using one of the
alternatives presented in “Communications” on page 37-7.

To use model block PIL:

1 Create and share a configuration reference between the top model and the referenced
model, as described in “Share a Configuration for Multiple Models”.
2 Right-click the Model block, and select ModelReference Parameters.
3 When the software displays the Function Block Parameters: Model dialog box,
set Simulation mode to Processor-in-the-loop (PIL) and click OK.
4 Open the model block.
5 In the referenced model (model block) Configuration Parameters (Ctrl+E), under
Code Generation > Coder Target, set Build action set to Archive_library.
This action avoids a warning when you start the simulation.
6 Save the changes to both models.

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

7 In the top-model menu bar, select Simulation > Run. This action builds the
referenced model in the model block, downloads it to your target hardware, and runs
the PIL simulation.

Note: In the top-model Configuration Parameters (Ctrl+E), under Code Generation >
Coder Target, leave Build action set to Build_and_execute. Do not change Build
action to Create_Processor_In_the_Loop_Project.

Top-Model PIL

Use top-model PIL to:

• Verify code generated for a top-model (standalone code interface).

• Load test vectors or stimulus inputs from the MATLAB workspace.
• Switch the entire model between normal and SIL or PIL simulation modes.

Setting Model Configuration Parameters to Generate the PIL Application

Configure your model to generate the PIL executable from your model:

1 Configure your model to run on target hardware, as described in “Configure Target

Hardware Resources” on page 36-3.
2 From the model toolstrip, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.
3 In Configuration Parameters, select Code Generation.
4 Set System Target File to idelink_ert.tlc.
5 From the list of panes under Code Generation, choose Coder Target.
6 Set Build format to Project.
7 Set Build action to Create_processor_in_the_loop_project.
8 Click OK to close the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

For more information, see “Code Generation: Coder Target Pane”.

Running the Top-Model PIL Application

To create a PIL block, perform the following steps:

1 In the model toolstrip, set the Simulation mode to Processor-in-the-loop.

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

2 In the model toolstrip, click Run.

A new Simulink Editor opens with the new PIL model block in it. The third-party
IDE compiles and links the PIL executable file. Follow the progress of the build
process in the MATLAB Command Window.

PIL Block

Use the PIL block to:

• Verify code generated for a top-model (standalone code interface) or subsystem (right-
click build standalone code interface).
• Represent a component running in SIL or PIL mode. The test harness model or a
system model provides test vector or stimulus inputs.
Preparing Your Model to Generate a PIL Block

Start with a model that contains the algorithm blocks you want to verify on the processor
as compiled object code. To create a PIL application and PIL block from your algorithm
subsystem, follow these steps:

1 Identify the algorithm blocks to cosimulate.

2 Convert those blocks into an unmasked subsystem in your model.

For information about how to convert your process to a subsystem, refer to “Creating
Subsystems” in Using Simulink or in the online Help system.
3 Open the newly created subsystem.
4 Configure your subsystem to run on target hardware, as described in “Configure
Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3.

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

Setting Model Configuration Parameters to Generate the PIL Application

After you create your subsystem, set the Configuration Parameters for your model to
enable the model to generate a PIL block.

Configure your model to enable it to generate PIL algorithm code and a PIL block from
your subsystem:

1 From the model menu bar, select Simulation > Model Configuration
Parameters. This action opens the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Code Generation.
3 Set System Target File to idelink_ert.tlc.
4 From the list of panes under Code Generation, choose Coder Target.
5 Set Build format to Project.
6 Set Build action to Create_processor_in_the_loop_project.
7 Click OK to close the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

For more information, see “Code Generation: Coder Target Pane”.

Creating the PIL Block from a Subsystem

To create a PIL block, perform the following steps:

1 Right-click the masked subsystem in your model and select C/C++ Code > Build
This Subsystem from the context menu.

A new Simulink Editor opens and the new PIL block appears in it. The third-party
IDE compiles and links the PIL executable file.

This step builds the PIL algorithm object code and a PIL block that corresponds to
the subsystem, with the same inputs and outputs. Follow the progress of the build
process in the MATLAB Command Window.
2 Copy the new PIL block from the new model to your model. To simulate the
subsystem processes concurrently, place it parallel to your masked subsystem.
Otherwise, replace the subsystem with the PIL block.

To see a PIL block in a parallel masked subsystem, search the product help for
Getting Started with Application Development and select the example that matches
your IDE.

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

Note: Models can have multiple PIL blocks for different subsystems. They cannot have
more than one PIL block for the same subsystem. Including multiple PIL blocks for the
same subsystem causes errors and inaccurate results.

• “TCP/IP” on page 37-8
• “Additional Steps for TI C6000 Processors” on page 37-9
• “Serial Communication Interface (SCI) for Texas Instruments C2000” on page
• “IDE Debugger” on page 37-11

Choose one of the following communication methods for transferring code and data
during PIL simulations:

Method Speed Comments

IDE Debugger Slow • Supports PIL communications with an
executable running an embedded target
• Supports the largest number of targets.
• Requires a physical connection between host
and target hardware.
• Only works with builds from IDE projects.
Does not work with builds from makefiles.
TCP/IP Fast • Supports PIL communications with an
executable running on a Linux or Windows
• Supports embedded targets running Linux,
TI DSP/BIOS, and Wind River VxWorks.
• Requires network connection between host
and target hardware.
• Works with builds from IDE projects and
from makefiles.
Serial Communication Fast • Supports PIL communications with an
Interface (SCI) executable running an embedded target

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

Method Speed Comments

• Supports TI C2802x, C2803x, 2806x, c280x,
C281x, C2834x, C28x3x microcontrollers.
• Requires an SCI connection between host
and target hardware.
• Works with builds from IDE projects and
from makefiles.


You can use TCP/IP for PIL communications with target hardware running:

• Linux
• Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS
• Wind River VxWorks

Using TCP/IP for PIL communications is typically faster than using a debugger,
particularly for large data sets, such as with video and audio applications.

It also works well when you build an application on a remote Linux target using the
remoteBuild function.

You can use TCP/IP with the following PIL approaches:

• Top-model PIL
• Model block PIL

TCP/IP does not work with the Subsystem PIL approach.

To enable and configure TCP/IP with PIL:

1 Set up a PIL simulation according to the PIL approach you have chosen.
2 In the MATLAB Command Window, use setpref to specify the IP address of the
PIL server (servername).

If you are running the PIL server on a remote target, specify the IP address of the
target hardware. For example:

If you are running PIL server locally, on your host Windows or Linux system, enter
'localhost' instead of an IP address:

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets


3 Specify the TCP/IP port number to use for PIL data communication. Use one of the
free ports in your system. For example:
setpref('MathWorks_Embedded_IDE_Link_PIL_Preferences','portnum', 17025);

4 Enable PIL communications over TCP/IP:

setpref('MathWorks_Embedded_IDE_Link_PIL_Preferences','enabletcpip', true);

To disable PIL communications over TCP/IP, change the value to false. This action
automatically enables PIL communications over an IDE debugger, if an IDE is
5 Open the Configuration Parameters in your model. On the Coder Target pane, set
the Operating System parameter to the operating system your target hardware is

Note: You cannot use TCP/IP for PIL when the value of Operating System is None.
6 Regenerate the code or PIL block.

To disable PIL communications over TCP/IP, enter:

setpref('MathWorks_Embedded_IDE_Link_PIL_Preferences','enabletcpip', false);

Additional Steps for TI C6000 Processors

Add an IP Config block to the following location in your model:

• For top-model PIL, add it at the top level of your model.

• For model block PIL, add it to the referenced model to which you are pointing.
• For Subsystem PIL, place it in the subsystem.

Configure the IP Config block settings as described in C6000 IP Config.

To determine the IP address assigned to the PIL server on the C6000 target:

1 Enter an arbitrary IP address the first time you specify the IP address.
2 Build and run the code for your model.
3 In the CCS command window, observe the actual IP address assigned to the C6000
processor by the DHCP server.
4 Enter the actual IP address the second time you specify the IP address.

Serial Communication Interface (SCI) for Texas Instruments C2000

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

You can use SCI for processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations with Texas Instruments
C2000 processors that support Serial Communications Interface (SCI). For other targets,
configure PIL to communicate through TCP/IP or an IDE debugger.

SCI typically provides faster communications than an IDE debugger, particularly for
large data sets.

To enable and configure SCI with PIL:

1 Set up a PIL simulation according to the PIL approach you have chosen. For more
information, see “PIL Approaches” on page 37-3.
2 In the MATLAB Command Window, use setpref to specify the Configuration

a Select the SCI port on your host computer for communicating with the target
hardware. For example, to use COM1, enter the following command:
setpref('MathWorks_Embedded_IDE_Link_PIL_Preferences', 'COMPort','COM1');

b Set the baud rate of the SCI port. For example, if both the host computer and
the target support 11,5200 baud, enter:
setpref('MathWorks_Embedded_IDE_Link_PIL_Preferences','BaudRate', 115200);

c Enable PIL communications over SCI:


3 Configure the serial communications settings on your host computer to match the
preceding values. For example, in Windows 7:

a Open the Windows Device Manager. (Press the Windows key on your keyboard
and search for “Device Manager”.)
b Expand Ports (COM & LPT1).
c Right-click the communications port you previously specified in MATLAB, such
as Communications Port (COM1), and select Properties.
d Go to the Port Settings tab, and match the value of Bits per second with the
baud rate you previously specified in MATLAB. This value should match the
baud rate you set in MATLAB. For example, 'BaudRate',115200.
4 Regenerate the code or PIL block.

Note: In serial PIL simulation, the changes that you make to the BaudRate or
COMPort parameters in MathWorks_Embedded_IDE_Link_PIL_Preferences are not
detected, if the following conditions are met:

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

• You have already built your PIL application.

• You have set the Configuration Parameters >Model Referencing >Rebuild
option to a value other than Always.
• You have not made changes to the model.

To apply your COM port or baudrate changes, either change the value in the
Configuration Parameters >Model Referencing >Rebuild option to Always, or
resave the model to force a new build of the PIL application.

To disable PIL communications over SCI, enter:


Note: If you change the following parameters while using TCP/IP or serial
communication for PIL, the software does not regenerate the PIL and communication

• TCP/IP Communication Parameters: IP Address and Port number

• Serial Communication Parameters: COM Port and BaudRate

To work around this issue, remove the slprj folder, generated code, and the generated
MEX file. Then, regenerate the PIL code.

See “Performing a Model Block PIL Simulation via SCI Using Makefiles” on page

IDE Debugger

To enable PIL communications over an IDE debugger, disable PIL communications over
TCP/IP and SCI by entering the following commands:

Then regenerate the code or PIL block.

Using IDE debugger for PIL communication only works when you build your code from
IDE projects. Using IDE debugger for PIL communication does not work with builds from

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

Configuring Breakpoints

You can use the setStartApplicationPause API to set breakpoints in

the PIL application on the first PIL block simulation. If you do not use the
setStartApplicationPause API, you can configure breakpoints after the initial run.
The breakpoints remain active for subsequent runs.

You can enter the following static API method to pause after loading the application and
manually configure breakpoints:


About this method:

• This method tells the MATLAB session to pause immediately after the PIL launcher
starts the PIL application.
• pauseAmount is a pause time in seconds. To disable the pause, enter 0.

When you do not specify a pause, the software displays the following message:
### To pause during PIL application start, run: >> rtw.connectivity.Launcher.

The default pause is 120 sec. You can change this value.

When you specify a pause, a Start PIL Application Pause message box appears and
displays following message:
Pausing during PIL application start for 120s (click OK to continue).
To disable this pause, see the hyperlink in the MATLAB command window.

• The MATLAB Command Window shows the following text:

### To remove the pause during PIL application start,

run: >> rtw.connectivity.Launcher. setStartApplicationPause(0)
where rtw.connectivity.Launcher. setStartApplicationPause(0) is a
• The pause times out, or you can clear it early by closing the message box.
• During the pause, you cannot access MATLAB and thus cannot configure breakpoints
programmatically via the IDE Automation Interface API.
• For the PIL block, the debugger stays open between simulation runs. When you
perform an initial simulation run, you can automatically configure breakpoints via
the IDE Automation Interface API before starting the second simulation.

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

Running Your PIL Application to Perform Simulation and Verification

After you add PIL block to your model, add the required pause in seconds, using the
following command in the MATLAB command prompt:
Then click Simulation > Run or press Ctrl+T to run the PIL simulation and view the

Note The pause command is to make sure that the automatic download of PIL completes,
before the model starts executing.

Performing a Model Block PIL Simulation via SCI Using Makefiles

This example shows you the complete workflow for performing a processor-in-the loop
(PIL) simulation that uses Serial Communications Interface (SCI) for communications.


Follow the board vendor’s instructions for setting up a Texas Instruments C2000-based
board that supports SCI. Connect the board to your host computer using a serial cable.

Configure Your Model for Target Hardware

1 Enter fuelsys_pil in MATLAB. This action opens the fuelsys_pil model with the
title, “Verifying the Fixed-Point Fuel Control System”.
2 Configure fuelsys_pil. Follow the steps in “Configure Target Hardware
Resources” on page 36-3 setting:

• IDE/Tool Chain to the version of CCS you are using.

• Board to a board that supports using SCI, such as SD F28335 eZdsp.
3 Click Yes.

If you are working with CCSv3, configure fuelsys_pil to use makefiles:

1 Select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, expand Code Generation and select
Coder Target.
3 On the Coder Target pane, set Build format to Makefile.

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

If you are working with CCSv4/5, you do not need to configure the model to use
makefiles. Initializing the configuration parameters for CCSv4/5 automatically sets
Build format to Makefile.

Configure Your Model for the Model Block PIL Approach

1 In the fuelsys_pil, copy the fuelsys_ctr model and paste it into the vacant space
below. Connect it to the input/output signals provided.

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

2 Right-click the upper fuelsys_ctr model, labeled “Model”, and select

ModelReference Parameters.
3 In the Function Block Parameters: Model dialog box, set the Simulation mode
parameter to Processor-in-the-loop (PIL). Click the OK button.
4 Open the upper fuelsys_ctr model, labeled “Model”.
5 From the menu in the open fuelsys_ctr model, select Simulation > Model
Configuration Parameters (or press Ctrl+E).
6 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in the Solver pane, set the Type
parameter to Fixed-step, and set Solver to ode3 (Bogacki-Shampine).
7 In the MATLAB Command Window, enter:
set_param('fuelsys_ctr', 'ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage', 'none')

8 In the Code Generation > Interface pane, clear the Software environment
absolute time check box.
9 In the Code Generation > Coder Target pane, set the Run time Build action
parameter to Archive library.
10 Save the changes to your model, and leave the model open.
11 Open the top model, fuelsys_pil. Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in
the Solver pane, verify that the Type parameter is set to Fixed-step, and reset
Solver to ode3 (Bogacki-Shampine).

Note: For information other PIL approaches, see “PIL Approaches” on page 37-3.

Enable and configure SCI

1 Use setpref to specify the Configuration Parameters in MATLAB :


2 Configure the serial communications settings on your host computer to match the
preceding values. For example, in Windows 7:

a Open the Windows Device Manager. (Press the Windows key on your keyboard
and search for “Device Manager”.)
b Expand Ports (COM & LPT1).

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

c Right-click the communications port you previously specified in MATLAB, such

as Communications Port (COM1), and select Properties.
d Go to the Port Settings tab, and match the value of Bits per second with the
baud rate you previously specified in MATLAB. This value should match the
baud rate you set in MATLAB. For example, 'BaudRate',115200.

Configure the Software to Use Makefiles

Set up the xmakefile for CCSv4/5 as described in the section “Using Makefiles with Code
Composer Studio 4/5”.

Run the PIL Simulation

1 Make sure the SD F28335 eZdsp board is connected to your host computer via serial
and USB cables and powered up.
2 Add the required pause in seconds, using the following command in the MATLAB
command prompt:

run: >> rtw.connectivity.Launcher.setStartApplicationPause(120)

3 Simulate the fuelsys_pil model (press Ctrl+T).

PIL Algorithm

The algorithmic code, which corresponds to a subsystem or portion of a model, to test

during the PIL simulation. The PIL algorithm is in compiled object form to enable
verification at the object level.

PIL Application

The executable application that runs on the processor platform. Your coder product
creates a PIL application by augmenting your algorithmic code with the PIL execution
framework. The PIL execution framework code compiles as part of your embedded

The PIL execution framework code includes the string.h header file so that the PIL
application can use the memcpy function. The PIL application uses memcpy to exchange
data between the Simulink model and the simulation processor.

PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets

PIL Block

When you build a subsystem from a model for PIL, the process creates a PIL block
optimized for PIL simulation. When you run the simulation, the PIL block acts as the
interface between the model and the PIL application running on the processor. The PIL
block inherits the signal names and shape from the source subsystem in your model.
Inheritance is convenient for copying the PIL block into the model to replace the original
subsystem for simulation.

PIL Issues and Limitations

Consider the following issues when you work with PIL blocks.


When using PIL in your models, keep in mind the following constraints:

• Models can have multiple PIL blocks for different subsystems. They cannot have more
than one PIL block for the same subsystem. Including multiple PIL blocks for the
same subsystem causes errors and inaccurate results.
• A model can contain a single model block running PIL mode.
• A model can contain a subsystem PIL block or a model block in PIL mode, but not

Generic PIL Issues

Refer to “PIL Feature Support and Limitations” for general information about using the
PIL block with embedded link products.

With Texas Instruments CCS, PIL with DSP/BIOS Enabled Does Not Support System Stack

Enabling DSP/BIOS for Texas Instruments processors disables the stack profiling option.
To use stack profiling with PIL, open the Target Hardware Resources pane in model
Configuration Parameters, and set the Operating System parameter to None. For
help opening the Target Hardware Resources pane, see “Configure Target Hardware
Resources” on page 36-3.

Simulink Coder grt.tlc-Based Targets Not Supported

PIL does not support grt.tlc system target files.

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

To use PIL, set System target file in the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation
pane to idelink_ert.tlc.

Code Execution Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets

Code Execution Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets

In this section...
“Execution Time Profiling” on page 37-19
“Stack Profiling” on page 37-19

Execution Time Profiling

You can measure the execution times during a standalone execution or processor-in-the-
loop (PIL) simulation. You can generate execution time profiles for synchronous tasks,
asynchronous tasks, and atomic subsystems. Use this feature to check whether your code
runs in real time on your target hardware. For details, see “Perform Execution Time
Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets” on page 37-22.

You can use this profiling for generated code in the following cases:

• Code Generation > System target file is ert.tlc and Code Generation >
Target hardware is not None, for example, ARM Cortex-A9 (QEMU) or ARM
Cortex-M3 (QEMU).
• Code Generation > System target file is idelink_ert.tlc

The following table provides execution time profiling support information.

Mode Coder Target > Tool Chain Products

Automation > Build format
parameter value
Project Supports the following IDEs:
execution or PIL • Analog Devices VisualDSP++
simulation • Texas Instruments Code Composer
Studio 3.3
PIL simulation Makefile See “Supported Tool Chains in Embedded

Stack Profiling
With stack profiling, you can determine how generated code uses the processor system
stack. Using the profile method, you can initialize and test the size and usage of the

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

stack. See “Perform Stack Profiling with IDE and Toolchain Targets” on page 37-27.
This information can help you optimize both the size of the stack and how your code uses
the stack.

You can use this profiling for generated code in the following cases:

• Code Generation > System target file is ert.tlc and Code Generation >
Target hardware is not None, for example, ARM Cortex–A9 (QEMU) or ARM
Cortex–M3 (QEMU).
• Code Generation > System target file is idelink_ert.tlc

Note: Stack profiling is not supported on embedded targets that run an operating system
or RTOS.

To provide stack profiling, profile writes a known pattern to the addresses in the
stack. After you run your application for a while, and then stop your application,
profile examines the contents of the stack addresses. profile counts each address
that does not contain the known pattern. The total number of addresses that have been
used, compared to the total number of addresses that you allocated, becomes the stack
usage profile. This profile process does not determine how often your application changes
an address.

You can profile the stack with the manually written code in a project and the code that
you generate from a model.

When you use profile to initialize and test the stack operation, the software returns
a report that contains information about stack size, usage, addresses, and direction.
With this information, you can modify your code to use the stack efficiently. The
following program listing shows the stack usage results from running an application on a


Maximum stack usage:

System Stack: 532/1024 (51.95%) MAUs used.

name: System Stack

startAddress: [512 0]

Code Execution Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets

endAddress: [1535 0]
stackSize: 1024 MAUs
growthDirection: ascending
The following table describes the entries in the report.

Report Entry Units Description

System Stack Minimum Addressable Unit Maximum number of MAUs
(MAU) used and the total MAUs
allocated for the stack.
name String for the stack name Lists the name assigned to
the stack.
startAddress Decimal address and page Lists the address of the stack
start and the memory page.
endAddress Decimal address and page Lists the address of the end
of the stack and the memory
stackSize Addresses Reports number of address
locations, in MAUs, allocated
for the stack.
growthDirection Not applicable Reports whether the stack
grows from the lower address
to the higher address
(ascending) or from higher
to lower (descending).

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

Perform Execution Time Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets

In this section...
“Execution Profiling During Standalone Execution” on page 37-22
“Execution Profiling During PIL Simulation” on page 37-25

Execution Profiling During Standalone Execution

During standalone execution, instrumentation in the generated code collects execution
time samples, which are stored in target hardware memory. After halting target
hardware execution, you can use the profile function to transfer the execution data
from target hardware memory to the MATLAB workspace for viewing and analysis.

You can perform profiling by task or subsystem. A profiling sample represents a task or
subsystem execution instance. Each sample requires two memory locations, one for the
start time and one for the end time. Therefore, you must specify a buffer size that is twice
the number of required profiling samples. Sample collection begins with the start of code
execution and ends when the buffer is full.

Task Profiling

To configure a model for task execution profiling:

1 In your model, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

2 Select the Code Generation > Coder Target pane.
3 Set Build format to Project and set Build action to Build_and_execute.
4 Select Profile real-time execution.
5 In the Profile by list, select Tasks.
6 Specify Number of profiling samples to collect, the size of the buffer that stores
execution data. Enter a value that is twice the number of profiling samples you
7 Click OK.

To view the execution profile for your model:

Perform Execution Time Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets

Click Build Model on the model toolstrip. This action builds, loads,
and runs your code on the processor.
2 To stop the running program, select Debug > Halt in the IDE or use IDE_obj.halt
from the MATLAB command line. Gathering profiling data from a running program
can yield inaccurate results.
3 At the MATLAB command prompt, enter
to view the MATLAB software graphic of the execution report and the HTML
execution report.

For more information about other reporting options, see the product help for the
profile function.

The following profiling plot is from an application that runs with three rates — the
base rate and two slower rates. Gaps in the Sub-Rate 2 task bars indicate preempted

Subsystem Profiling
To configure a model for subsystem execution profiling:

1 Configure your model for your IDE, tool chain, and target hardware, as described in
“Configure Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3.

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

2 On the Coder Target pane, set Build format to Project and set Build action to
3 Select Profile real-time execution.
4 In the Profile by list, select Atomic subsystems.
5 Specify Number of profiling samples to collect, the size of the buffer that stores
execution data. Enter a value that is twice the number of profiling samples you
6 Click OK.

To view the execution profile for your model:

Click Build Model on the model toolstrip. This action builds, loads,
and runs your code on the processor.
2 To stop the running program, select Debug > Halt in the IDE or use
IDE_obj.halt from the MATLAB command line. Gathering profiling data from a
running program can yield inaccurate results.
3 At the MATLAB command prompt, enter:

profile(IDE_Obj, 'execution','report')
to view the MATLAB software graphic of the execution report and the HTML
execution report.

The following profiling plot is from an application with three subsystems — For
Iterator Subsystem, For Iterator Subsystem1, and Idle Task Subsystem.

Perform Execution Time Profiling for IDE and Toolchain Targets

Execution Profiling During PIL Simulation

During a processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation, you can profile execution
times of synchronous tasks. The software stores the profile data in a
coder.profile.ExecutionTime object, located in the MATLAB workspace. After
halting the PIL simulation, you can view and analyze the data.

Gathering Execution Profile Data

1 Configure a model for PIL simulation, as described in “PIL Simulation for IDE and
Toolchain Targets” on page 37-2.
2 In your model, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.
3 In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Code Generation, and then
4 Select the Measure task execution time check box.
5 Provide a valid MATLAB variable name in the Workspace edit box. The software
uses this name when it creates the coder.profile.ExecutionTime object.
6 Click OK to close the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

7 Run the PIL simulation, as described in “PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain
Targets” on page 37-2.

The software creates the coder.profile.ExecutionTime object and stores the

execution profile data in it.
8 Halt the PIL simulation.

Analyzing the Execution Profile Data

After halting the PIL simulation, you can view or analyze the data in the
coder.profile.ExecutionTime object. For more information, see:

• “View and Compare Code Execution Times”

• “Analyze Code Execution Data”

Depending on the target, the execution profile data is measured in seconds or timer ticks.

Targets Units
Texas Instruments C2000, C5000, and C6000 processors with Code Seconds
Composer Studio IDE
Texas Instruments C6000 processors running DSP/BIOS with Code Timer Ticks
Composer Studio IDE
Analog Devices Blackfin, SHARC, and TigerSHARC processors Timer Ticks
with VisualDSP++ IDE
ARM processors running Wind River VxWorks Timer Ticks

The coder.profile.ExecutionTime class has property TimerTicksPerSecond for

getting and setting the data units. You can use this property on the execution profile
data object after halting the PIL simulation. When the data unit is timer ticks, using the
TimerTicksPerSecond property converts the data units to seconds.

Perform Stack Profiling with IDE and Toolchain Targets

Perform Stack Profiling with IDE and Toolchain Targets

To profile the system stack operation:

1 Load an application.
2 Set up the stack to enable profiling.
3 Run your application.
4 Request the stack profile information.

Follow these steps to profile the stack as your application interacts with it. This
particular example uses Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3. However, you can
generalize from this example to another supported IDE.

1 Load the application to profile.

2 Use the profile method with the setup input keyword to initialize the stack to a
known state.
With the setup input argument, profile writes a known pattern into the
addresses that compose the stack.
3 Run your application.
4 Stop your running application. Stack use results gathered from an application that is
running may be inaccurate.
5 Use the profile method to capture and view the results of profiling the stack.

The following example shows how to set up and profile the stack. The IDE link handle
object, IDE_Obj, must exist in your MATLAB workspace and your application must be
loaded on your processor. This example comes from a TI C6713 simulator.
profile(IDE_Obj,'stack','setup') % Set up processor stack
%by write A5 to the stack addresses.

Maximum stack usage:

System Stack: 0/1024 (0%) MAUs used.

name: System Stack

startAddress: [512 0]
endAddress: [1535 0]
stackSize: 1024 MAUs

37 Verification and Profiling Generated Code

growthDirection: ascending

profile(IDE_Obj,'stack','report') % Request stack use report.

Maximum stack usage:

System Stack: 356/1024 (34.77%) MAUs used.

name: System Stack

startAddress: [512 0]
endAddress: [1535 0]
stackSize: 1024 MAUs
growthDirection: ascending


Processor-Specific Optimizations for

Embedded Targets
38 Processor-Specific Optimizations for Embedded Targets

Replace Code for Embedded Targets

In this section...
“Using a Processor-Specific Code Replacement Library to Optimize Code” on page
“Process of Determining Optimization Effects Using Real-Time Profiling Capability” on
page 38-2

Using a Processor-Specific Code Replacement Library to Optimize Code

You can optimize the code the code generator produces for a specific processor by
configuring the code generator to use a code replacement library (CRL) during code
generation. If you have an Embedded Coder license, you can develop and apply custom
code replacement libraries.

For more information about replacing code, using code replacement libraries that
MathWorks provides, see “What Is Code Replacement?” and “Replace Code Generated
from Simulink Models”. For information about developing code replacement libraries, see
“What Is Code Replacement Customization?” and “Develop a Code Replacement Library”.

Process of Determining Optimization Effects Using Real-Time Profiling

You can use the real-time profiling capability to examine the results of applying the
processor-specific library functions and operators to your generated code. After you
select a processor-specific code replacement library, use the real-time execution profiling
capability to examine the change in program execution time.

Use the following process to evaluate the effects of applying a processor-specific code
replacement library when you generate code:

1 Enable real-time profiling in your model. Refer to “Code Execution Profiling”.

2 Generate code for your project without specifying a code replacement library (the
default Code replacement library setting is None).
3 Profile the code, and save the report.
4 Rebuild your project using a processor-specific code replacement library.
5 Profile the code, and save the second report.

Replace Code for Embedded Targets

6 Compare the profile report from running your application with the processor-specific
library selected to the profile results in the first report with no code replacement
library selected.

For an example of verifying the code optimization, search help for "Optimizing Embedded
Code via Code Replacement Library" and select the example that matches your IDE.


Working with Texas Instruments Code

Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

• “Set Up” on page 39-2

• “Code Composer Studio” on page 39-3
• “Getting Started” on page 39-5
• “IDE Automation Interface” on page 39-9
• “IDE Project Generator” on page 39-52
• “Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool” on page 39-61
• “Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 3.x” on page 39-76
• “Reported Limitations and Tips” on page 39-80
• “Setting Up Code Composer Studio (ert.tlc System Target File)” on page 39-87
• “IDE Link Frequently Asked Question: Why do I get an error when I invoke TICCS?”
on page 39-89
39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Set Up
Before you use Embedded Coder with Code Composer Studio (CCS IDE) for the
first time, use the checkEnvSetup function to check for third-party tools and set
environment variables. Run checkEnvSetup again whenever you configure CCS IDE to
interact with a new board or processor, or upgrade the related third-party tools.

To verify that CCSv3 is installed on your machine and has at least one board configured,

in the MATLAB Command Window. With CCS installed and configured, MATLAB
software returns information about the boards that CCS recognizes on your machine, in a
form similar to the following listing.
Board Board Proc Processor Processor
Num Name Num Name Type
--- -------------------------------- --- -------------
1 C6xxx Simulator (Texas Instrum .0 6701 TMS320C6701
0 C6x13 DSK (Texas Instruments) 0 CPU TMS320C6x1x

If MATLAB software does not return information about the boards, open your CCS
installation and use the Setup Utility in CCS to configure at least one board.

As a final test, start CCS to verify that it runs. For Embedded Coder to operate with
CCS, the CCS IDE must be able to run on its own.

Code Composer Studio

Code Composer Studio

In this section...
“Using Code Composer Studio with Embedded Coder Software” on page 39-3
“Default Project Configuration” on page 39-3

Using Code Composer Studio with Embedded Coder Software

Texas Instruments (TI) facilitates development of software for TI DSPs by offering
Code Composer Studio (CCS) Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Used in
combination with Embedded Coder software and Simulink Coder software, CCS provides
an integrated environment that, once installed, does not require coding.

Executing code generated from Simulink Coder software on a particular target requires
that you tailor the code to the specific hardware target. Target-specific code includes
I/O device drivers and interrupt service routines (ISRs). The software must use CCS
to compile and link the generated source code in order to load and execute on a TI
DSP. To help you to build an executable, Embedded Coder software uses Embedded
Coder software to start the code building process within CCS. After you download your
executable to your target and run it, the code runs wholly on the target hardware. You
can access the running process only from the CCS debugging tools or across a link using
Embedded Coder software. A wide range of Texas Instruments DSPs are supported:

• TI’s C2000™
• TI’s C5000™
• TI’s C6000

Default Project Configuration

CCS offers two standard project configurations, Release and Debug. Project
configurations define sets of project build options. When you specify the build options at
the project level, the options apply to the files in your project. For more information about
the build options, refer to your TI documentation. The models you build with Embedded
Coder software use a custom configuration that provides a third combination of build and
optimization settings — CustomMW.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Default Build Options in the CustomMW Configuration

The default settings for CustomMW are the same as the Release project configuration in
CCS, except for the compiler options.

Your CCS documentation provides complete details on the compiler build options. You
can change the individual settings or the build configuration within CCS.

Getting Started

Getting Started
In this section...
“Overview” on page 39-5
“Verifying Your Code Composer Studio Installation” on page 39-8

• “IDE Automation Interface” on page 39-6
• “IDE Project Generator” on page 39-7
• “Verification” on page 39-7

Embedded Coder software enables you to use MATLAB functions to communicate with
Code Composer Studio software and with information stored in memory and registers
on a processor. With the ticcs objects, you can transfer information to and from Code
Composer Studio software and with the embedded objects you get information about
data and functions stored in your signal processor memory and registers, as well as
information about functions in your project.

Embedded Coder lets you build, test, and verify automatically generated code using
MATLAB, Simulink, Simulink Coder, and the Code Composer Studio integrated
development environment. You can use Embedded Coder to verify code executing within
the Code Composer Studio software environment using a model in Simulink software.
This processor-in-the-loop testing environment uses code automatically generated from
Simulink models by Embedded Coder software. A range of Texas Instruments targets are

• TI’s C2000
• TI’s C5000
• TI’s C6000

With Embedded Coder , you can use MATLAB software and Simulink software to
interactively analyze, profile and debug processor-specific code execution behavior within
CCS. In this way, Embedded Coder automates deployment of the complete embedded
software application and makes it easy for you to assess possible differences between the
model simulation and processor code execution results.

Embedded Coder consists of these components:

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

• IDE Project Generator—add embedded framework code to the C code generated from
Simulink models, and package as a complete IDE project
• IDE Automation Interface—use functions in the MATLAB command window to access
and manipulate data and files in the IDE and on the processor
• Verification—verify how your programs run on your processor

With Embedded Coder, you create objects that connect MATLAB software to Code
Composer Studio software.

Note Embedded Coder uses objects. You work with them the way you use other MATLAB
objects. You can set and get their properties, and use their methods to change them or
manipulate them and the IDE to which they refer.

The next sections describe briefly the components of Embedded Coder software.

IDE Automation Interface

The IDE Automation Interface component is a collection of methods that use the Code
Composer Studio API to communicate between MATLAB software and Code Composer
Studio. With the interface, you can do the following:

• Automate complex tasks in the development environment by writing MATLAB

software scripts to communicate with the IDE, or debug and analyze interactively in a
live MATLAB software session.
• Automate debugging by executing commands from the powerful Code Composer
Studio software command language.
• Exchange data between MATLAB software and the processor running in Code
Composer Studio software.
• Set breakpoints, step through code, set parameters and retrieve profiling reports.
• Automate project creation, including adding source files, include paths, and
preprocessor defines.
• Configure batch building of projects.
• Debug projects and code.
• Execute API Library commands.

The IDE Automation Interface provides an application program interface (API) between
MATLAB software and Code Composer Studio. Using the API, you can create new

Getting Started

projects, open projects, transfer data to and from memory on the processor, add files to
projects, and debug your code.

IDE Project Generator

The IDE Project Generator component is a collection of methods that use the Code
Composer Studio API to create projects in Code Composer Studio and generate code with
Embedded Coder. With the interface, you can do the following:

• Automated project-based build process

Automatically create and build projects for code generated by Embedded Coder.
• Customize code generation

Use Embedded Coder with a Embedded Coder system target file (STF) to generate
processor-specific and optimized code.
• Customize the build process
• Automate code download and debugging

Rapidly and effortlessly debug generated code in the Code Composer Studio software
debugger, using either the instruction set simulator or real hardware.
• Create and build CCS projects from Simulink software models. IDE Project Generator
uses Simulink Coder software or Embedded Coder software to build projects that
work with C2000 software, C5000™ software, and C6000 software processors.
• Highly customized code generation with the system target file idelink_ert.tlc
and idelink_grt.tlc that enable you to use the Configuration Parameters in your
model to customize your generated code.
• Automate the process of building and downloading your code to the processor, and
running the process on your hardware.


Verifying your processes and algorithms is an essential part of developing applications.

The components of Embedded Coder combine to provide the following verification tools
for you to apply as you develop your code:

• Processor-in-the-loop simulation (PIL)

• Execution profiling
• Stack profiling

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Verifying Your Code Composer Studio Installation

To verify that CCS is installed on your machine and has at least one board configured,

in the MATLAB Command Window. With CCS installed and configured, MATLAB
software returns information about the boards that CCS recognizes on your machine, in a
form similar to the following listing.
Board Board Proc Processor Processor
Num Name Num Name Type
--- -------------------------------- --- -------------
1 C6xxx Simulator (Texas Instrum .0 6701 TMS320C6701
0 C6x13 DSK (Texas Instruments) 0 CPU TMS320C6x1x

If MATLAB software does not return information about boards, open your CCS
installation and use the Setup Utility in CCS to configure at least one board.

As a final test, start CCS to verify that it runs. For Embedded Coder to operate with
CCS, the CCS IDE must be able to run on its own.

Embedded Coder uses objects to create:

• Connections to the Code Composer Studio Integrated Development Environment

• Connections to the RTDX™ (RTDX) interface. This object is a subset of the object that
refers to the CCS IDE.

Concepts to know about the objects in this toolbox are covered in these sections:

• “Constructing ticcs Objects” on page 39-42

• “ticcs Properties and Property Values” on page 39-43
• “Overloaded Functions for ticcs Objects” on page 39-43

Refer to MATLAB Classes and Objects in your MATLAB documentation for more details
on object-oriented programming in MATLAB software.

Many of the objects use COM server features to create handles for working with the
objects. Refer to your MATLAB documentation for more information about COM as used
by MATLAB software.

IDE Automation Interface

IDE Automation Interface

In this section...
“Getting Started with IDE Automation Interface” on page 39-9
“Getting Started with RTDX” on page 39-25
“Constructing ticcs Objects” on page 39-42
“ticcs Properties and Property Values” on page 39-43
“Overloaded Functions for ticcs Objects” on page 39-43
“ticcs Object Properties” on page 39-44
“Function List” on page 39-50

Getting Started with IDE Automation Interface

• “Introducing the IDE Automation Interface” on page 39-9
• “Selecting Your Processor” on page 39-13
• “Creating and Querying Objects for CCS IDE” on page 39-14
• “Loading Files into CCS” on page 39-16
• “Working with Projects and Data” on page 39-18
• “Closing the Links or Cleaning Up CCS IDE” on page 39-24

Introducing the IDE Automation Interface

To use an interactive example that shows how to automate interaction between IDE
Link component and Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio V3.3 using MATLAB®
commands, see “Automation Interface Tutorial”.

Embedded Coder provides a connection between MATLAB software and a processor

in CCS. You can use objects to control and manipulate a signal processing application
using the computational power of MATLAB software. This approach can help you debug
and develop your application. Another possible use for automation is creating MATLAB
scripts that verify and test algorithms that run in their final implementation on your
production processor.

Before using the functions available with the objects, you must select a processor because
objects you create are specific to a designated processor and a designated instance of
CCS IDE. For multiprocessor boards or multiple board configurations of CCS, select the
specific processor.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

When you have one board with a single processor, the object defaults to the existing
processor. For the objects, the simulator counts as a board; if you have both a board and a
simulator that CCS recognizes, you must specify the processor explicitly.

To get you started using objects for CCS software, Embedded Coder includes a tutorial
that introduces you to working with data and files. As you work through this tutorial,
you perform the following tasks that step you through creating and using objects for CCS

1 Select your processor.

2 Create and query objects to CCS IDE.
3 Use MATLAB software to load files into CCS IDE.
4 Work with your CCS IDE project from MATLAB software.
5 Close the connections you opened to CCS IDE.

The tutorial provides a working process (a workflow) for using Embedded Coder and
your signal processing programs to develop programs for a range of Texas Instruments

During this tutorial, you load and run a digital signal processing application on a
processor you select. The tutorial shows both writing to memory and reading from
memory in the ““Working with Projects and Data” on page 39-18” portion of the

You can use the read and write methods, as described in this tutorial, to read and write
data to and from your processor.

The tutorial covers the object methods and functions for Embedded Coder. The functions
listed in the first table apply to CCS IDE independent of the objects — you do not
need an object to use these functions. The methods listed in the second and third table
requires a ticcs object that you use in the method syntax:
Functions for Working With Embedded Coder

The following functions do not require a ticcs object as an input argument:

Function Description
ccsboardinfo Return information about the boards that CCS IDE
recognizes as installed on your PC.

IDE Automation Interface

Function Description
ticcs Construct an object to communicate with CCS
IDE. When you construct the object you specify the
processor board and processor.

Methods for Working with ticcs Objects

The methods in the following table require a ticcs object as an input argument:

Method Description
add Add files to active project in IDE.
address Memory address and page value of symbol
in IDE.
build Build or rebuild current project.
“display (IDE Object)” Display the properties of an object to CCS
“halt” Terminate execution of a process running
on the processor.
“info” Return information about the processor or
information about open RTDX channels.
insert Insert debug point in file.
isrtdxcapable Test whether your processor supports
RTDX communications.
isvisible Determine whether IDE appears on
“isrunning” Test whether the processor is executing a
“list” Return various information listings from
Code Composer Studio software.
load Load program file onto processor.
“read” Retrieve data from memory on the
regread Read values from processor registers.
regwrite Write data values to registers on processor.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Method Description
remove Remove file, project, or breakpoint.
“restart” Restore the program counter (PC) to the
entry point for the current program.
“run” Execute the program loaded on the
“visible” Set whether CCS IDE window is visible on
the desktop while CCS IDE is running.
“write” Write data to memory on the processor.

Running Code Composer Studio Software on Your Desktop — Visibility

When you create a ticcs object , Embedded Coder starts CCS in the background.

When CCS IDE is running in the background, it does not appear on your desktop, in your
task bar, or on the Applications page in the Task Manager. It does appear as a process,
cc_app.exe, on the Processes tab in Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

You can make the CCS IDE visible with the function visible. The function isvisible
returns the status of the IDE—whether it is visible on your desktop. To close the IDE
when it is not visible and MATLAB software is not running, use the Processes tab in
Microsoft Windows Task Manager and look for cc_app.exe.

If a link to CCS IDE exists when you close CCS, the application does not close. Microsoft
Windows software moves it to the background (it becomes invisible). Only after you
clear links to CCS IDE, or close MATLAB software, does closing CCS IDE unload the
application. You can see if CCS IDE is running in the background by checking in the
Microsoft Windows Task Manager. When CCS IDE is running, the entry cc_app.exe
appears in the Image Name list on the Processes tab.

When you close MATLAB software while CCS IDE is not visible, MATLAB software
closes CCS if it started the IDE. This happens because the operating system treats
CCS as a subprocess in MATLAB software when CCS is not visible. Having MATLAB
software close the invisible IDE when you close MATLAB software prevents CCS from
remaining open. You do not need to close it using Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

If CCS IDE is not visible when you open MATLAB software, closing MATLAB software
leaves CCS IDE running in an invisible state. MATLAB software leaves CCS IDE in the
visibility and operating state in which it finds it.

IDE Automation Interface

Interactive Learning

You have the option of running this tutorial from the MATLAB Command Window or
entering the functions as described in the following tutorial sections.

To run the tutorial in MATLAB software, click run ccstutorial. This command
opens the tutorial in an interactive mode where the tutorial program provides prompts
and text descriptions to which you respond to move to the next portion of the lesson.
The interactive tutorial covers the same information provided by the following tutorial
sections. You can view the tutorial file by clicking ccstutorial.m.

Selecting Your Processor

Links for CCS IDE provides two tools for selecting a board and processor in
multiprocessor configurations. One is a command line tool called “ccsboardinfo” which
prints a list of the available boards and processors. So that you can use this function in a
script, ccsboardinfo can return a MATLAB software structure that you use when you
want your script to select a board without your help.

Note The board and processor you select is used throughout the tutorial.

1 To see a list of the boards and processors installed on your PC, enter the following
command at the MATLAB software prompt:


MATLAB software returns a list that shows you the boards and processors that CCS
IDE recognizes as installed on your system.
2 To use the Selection Utility, boardprocsel, to select a board, enter

[boardnum,procnum] = boardprocsel

When you use boardprocsel, you see a dialog similar to the following. Note that
some entries vary depending on your board set.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

3 Select a board name and processor name from the lists.

You are selecting a board and processor number that identifies your particular
processor. When you create the object for CCS IDE in the next section of this
tutorial, the selected board and processor become the processor of the object.
4 Click Done to accept your board and processor selection and close the dialog.

boardnum and procnum now represent the Board name and Processor name you
selected — boardnum = 1 and procnum = 0

Creating and Querying Objects for CCS IDE

In this tutorial section, you create the connection between MATLAB software and CCS
IDE. This connection, or object, is a MATLAB software object that you save as variable

You use function ticcs to create objects. When you create objects, ticcs input
arguments let you define other object property values, such as the global timeout. Refer
to the ticcs reference documentation for more information on these input arguments.

Use the generated object IDE_Obj to direct actions to your processor. In the following
tasks, IDE_Obj appears in function syntax that interacts with CCS IDE and the

1 Create an object that refers to your selected board and processor. Enter the following
command at the prompt.

IDE Automation Interface

If you were to watch closely, and your machine is not too fast, you see Code
Composer Studio software appear briefly when you call “ticcs”. If CCS IDE was not
running before you created the new object, CCS starts and runs in the background.
2 Enter visible(IDE_Obj,1) to force CCS IDE to be visible on your desktop.

Usually, you need to interact with Code Composer Studio software while you
develop your application. The first function in this tutorial, “visible”, controls the
state of CCS on your desktop. visible accepts Boolean inputs that make CCS
either visible on your desktop (input to visible = 1) or invisible on your desktop
(input to visible = 0). For this tutorial, use visible to set the CCS IDE visibility
to 1.
3 Next, enter display(IDE_Obj) at the prompt to see the status information.
TICCS Object:
Processor type : Cxx
Processor name : CPU
Running? : No
Board number : 0
Processor number : 0
Default timeout : 10.00 secs

RTDX channels : 0

Embedded Coder provides methods to read the status of a board and processor:

• info — Return a structure of testable board conditions.

• display — Print information about the processor.
• isrunning — Return the state (running or halted) of the processor.
• isrtdxcapable — Return whether the hardware supports RTDX.
4 Type linkinfo = info(IDE_Obj).

The IDE_Obj link status information provides information about the hardware as
linkinfo =

procname: 'CPU_1'
isbigendian: 0
isrtdxcapable: 0
family: 320

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

subfamily: 103
revfamily: 11
targettype: 'simulator'
siliconrev: 0
timeout: 10
boardname: 'Cxxxx Device Simulator'
5 Check whether the processor is running by entering
runstatus = isrunning(IDE_Obj)

MATLAB software responds, indicating that the processor is stopped, as follows:

runstatus =

6 At last, verify that the processor supports RTDX communications by entering
usesrtdx = isrtdxcapable(IDE_Obj)
usesrtdx =

Loading Files into CCS

You have established the connection to a processor and board and have created and
queried objects. Next, the processor needs something to do.

In this part of the tutorial, you load the executable code for the processor CPU in CCS
IDE. Embedded Coder includes a CCS project file. Through the next tasks in the tutorial,
you locate the tutorial project file and load it into CCS IDE. The open method directs
CCS to load a project file or workspace file.

Note CCS has workspace and workspace files that are different from the MATLAB
workspace files and workspace. Remember to monitor both workspaces.

After you have executable code running on your processor, you can exchange data blocks
with it. Exchanging data is the purpose of the objects provided by Embedded Coder

1 To load the project file to your processor, enter the following command at the
MATLAB software prompt. getdemoproject is a specialized function for loading

IDE Automation Interface

Embedded Coder example files. It is not supported as a standard Embedded Coder

demopjt= getDemoProject(IDE_Obj,'ccstutorial')


ans =



ans =

Your paths may be different if you use a different processor. Note where the software
stored the example files on your machine. In general, Embedded Coder software
stores the example project files in

Embedded Coder creates this folder in a location where you have write permission.
There are two locations where Embedded Coder software tries to create the example
folder, in the following order:

a In a temporary folder on your C drive, such as C:\temp\.

b If Embedded Coder software cannot use the temp folder, you see a dialog that
asks you to select a location to store the examples.
2 Enter the following command at the MATLAB command prompt to build the
processor executable file in CCS IDE.


You may get an error related to one or more missing .lib files. If you installed CCS
IDE in a folder other than the default installation folder, browse in your installation
folder to find the missing file or files. Refer to the path in the error message as an
indicator of where to find the missing files.
3 Change your working folder to the example folder and enter
load(IDE_Obj,'projectname.out') to load the processor execution file, where
projectname is the tutorial you chose, such as ccstut_67x.

You have a loaded program file and associated symbol table to the IDE and
4 To determine the memory address of the global symbol ddat, enter the following
command at the prompt:

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

ddata = address(IDE_Obj,'ddat')
ddata =

1.0e+009 *

2.1475 0

Your values for ddata may be different depending on your processor.

Note The symbol table is available after you load the program file into the processor,
not after you build a program file.
5 To convert ddata to a hexadecimal string that contains the memory address and
memory page, enter the following command at the prompt:


MATLAB software displays the following response, where the memory page is
0x00000000 and the address is 0x80000010.

ans =


Working with Projects and Data

After you load the processor code, you can use Embedded Coder functions to examine and
modify data values in the processor.

When you look at the source file listing in the CCS IDE Project view window, there
should be a file named ccstut.c. Embedded Coder ships this file with the tutorial and
includes it in the project.

ccstut.c has two global data arrays — ddat and idat — that you declare and
initialize in the source code. You use the functions read and write to access these
processor memory arrays from MATLAB software.

Embedded Coder provides three functions to control processor execution — run, halt,
and restart.

IDE Automation Interface

1 To see these commands, use the following function to add a breakpoint to line 68 of


Line 68 is
printf("Embedded Coder: Tutorial - Memory Modified by Matlab!\n");

For information about adding breakpoints to a file, refer to insert in the online
Help system. Then proceed with the tutorial.
2 To see the new functions, try the following functions.
halt(IDE_Obj) % Halt the processor.
restart(IDE_Obj) % Reset the PC to start of program.
run(IDE_Obj,'runtohalt',30); % Wait for program execution to stop at
% breakpoint (timeout = 30 seconds).

When you switch to viewing CCS IDE, you see that your program stopped at the
breakpoint you inserted, and the program printed the following messages in the CCS
IDE Stdout tab. Nothing prints in the MATLAB command window:

Embedded Coder: Tutorial - Initialized Memory

Double Data array = 16.3 -2.13 5.1 11.8
Integer Data array = -1-508-647-7000 (call me anytime!)
3 Before you restart your program (currently stopped at line 68), change some values
in memory. Perform one of the following procedures based on your processor.

C5xxx processor family — Enter the following functions to see the read and
write functions.

a Enter ddatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'ddat'),'double',4).

MATLAB software responds with

ddatv =

16.3000 -2.1300 5.1000 11.8000

b Enter idatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'idat'),'int16',4).

Now MATLAB software responds

idatv =
39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

-1 508 647 7000

If you used 8-bit integers (int8), the returned values would be incorrect.


idatv =

1 0 -4 1
c You can change the values stored in ddat by entering
write(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'ddat'),double([pi 12.3

The double argument directs MATLAB software to write the values to the
processor as double-precision data.
d To change idat, enter


Here you write the data to the processor as 32-bit integers (convenient for
representing phone numbers, for example).
e Start the program running again by entering the following command:


The Stdout tab in CCS IDE reveals that ddat and idat contain new values.
Next, read those new values back into MATLAB software.
f Enter ddatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'ddat'),'double',4).

ddatv =

3.1416 12.3000 0.3679 0.7071

ddatv contains the values you wrote in step c.

g Verify that the change to idatv occurred by entering the following command at
the prompt:

idatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'idat'),'int16',4)

IDE Automation Interface

MATLAB software returns the new values for idatv.

idatv =

1 2 3 4
h Use restart to reset the program counter for your program to the beginning.
Enter the following command at the prompt:


C6xxx processor family — Enter the following commands to see the read and
write functions.

a Enter ddatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'ddat'),'double',4).

MATLAB software responds with

ddatv =

16.3000 -2.1300 5.1000 11.8000

b Enter idatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'idat'),'int16',4).

MATLAB software responds

idatv =

-1 508 647 7000

If you used 8-bit integers (int8), the returned values would be incorrect.


idatv =

1 0 -4 1
c Change the values stored in ddat by entering
write(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'ddat'),double([pi 12.3

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

The double argument directs MATLAB software to write the values to the
processor as double-precision data.
d To change idat, enter the following command:


In this command, you write the data to the processor as 32-bit integers
(convenient for representing phone numbers, for example).
e Next, start the program running again by entering the following command:


The Stdout tab in CCS IDE reveals that ddat and idat contain new values.
Read those new values back into MATLAB software.
f Enter ddatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'ddat'),'double',4).

ddatv =

3.1416 12.3000 0.3679 0.7071

Verify that ddatv contains the values you wrote in step c.

g Verify that the change to idatv occurred by entering the following command:

idatv = read(IDE_Obj,address(IDE_Obj,'idat'),'int32',4)

MATLAB software returns the new values for idatv.

idatv =

1 2 3 4
h Use restart to reset the program counter for your program to the beginning.
Enter the following command at the prompt:

4 Embedded Coder offers more functions for reading and writing data to your
processor. These functions let you read and write data to the processor registers:
regread and regwrite. They let you change variable values on the processor in
real time. The functions behave slightly differently depending on your processor.

IDE Automation Interface

Select one of the following procedures to see regread and regwrite used with your

C5xxx processor family — Most registers are memory-mapped and available

using read and write. However, the PC register is not memory mapped. To access
this register, use the special functions — regread and regwrite. The following
commands show how to use these functions to read and write to the PC register.

a To read the value stored in register PC, enter the following command at the
prompt to indicate to MATLAB software the data type to read. The input string
binary indicates that the PC register contains a value stored as an unsigned
binary integer.


MATLAB software displays

ans =

b To write a new value to the PC register, enter the following command. This
time, the binary input argument tells MATLAB software to write the value to
the processor as an unsigned binary integer. Notice that you used hex2dec to
convert the hexadecimal string to decimal.

c Verify that the PC register contains the value you wrote.


C6xxx processor family — regread and regwrite let you access the processor
registers directly. Enter the following commands to get data into and out of the A0
and B2 registers on your processor.

a To retrieve the value in register A0 and store it in a variable in your MATLAB

workspace. Enter the following command:

treg = IDE_Obj.regread('A0','2scomp');

treg contains the two's complement representation of the value in A0.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

b To retrieve the value in register B2 as an unsigned binary integer, enter the

following command:

c Next, enter the following command to use regwrite to put the value in treg
into register A2.


CCS IDE reports that A0, B2, and A2 have the values you expect. Select View
> CPU Registers > Core Registers from the CCS IDE menu bar to list the
processor registers.

Closing the Links or Cleaning Up CCS IDE

Objects that you create in Embedded Coder software have COM handles to CCS. Until
you delete these handles, the CCS process (cc_app.exe in the Microsoft Windows
Task Manager) remains in memory. Closing MATLAB software removes these COM
handles, but there may be times when you want to delete the handles without closing the

Use clear to remove objects from your MATLAB workspace and to delete handles they
contain. clear all deletes everything in your workspace. To retain your MATLAB
software data while deleting objects and handles, use clear objname. This applies to
IDE link handle objects you created with ticcs. To remove the objects created during
the tutorial, the tutorial program executes the following command at the prompt:
clear cvar cfield uintcvar

This tutorial also closes the project in CCS with the following command:

To delete your link to CCS, enter clear IDE_Obj at the prompt.

Your development tutorial using Code Composer Studio IDE is done.

During the tutorial you

1 Selected your processor.

2 Created and queried links to CCS IDE to get information about the link and the

IDE Automation Interface

3 Used MATLAB software to load files into CCS IDE, and used MATLAB software to
run that file.
4 Worked with your CCS IDE project from MATLAB software by reading and writing
data to your processor, and changing the data from MATLAB software.
5 Created and used the embedded objects to manipulate data in a C-like way.
6 Closed the links you opened to CCS IDE.

Getting Started with RTDX

• “Using RTDX” on page 39-26
• “Creating the ticcs Objects” on page 39-30
• “Configuring Communications Channels” on page 39-32
• “Running the Application” on page 39-33
• “Closing the Connections and Channels or Cleaning Up” on page 39-39
• “Listing Functions” on page 39-41

Texas Instruments Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDX) provides “real-time, continuous

visibility into the way target applications operate in the real world. RTDX allows system
developers to transfer data between target devices and a host without interfering with
the target application.”

You can use RTDX with Embedded Coder software and Code Composer Studio to
accelerate development and deployment to Texas Instruments C2000 processors. RTDX
helps you test and analyze your processing algorithms in your MATLAB workspace.
RTDX lets you interact with your process in real time while it's running on the processor.
For example, you can:

• Send and retrieve data from memory on the processor

• Change the operating characteristics of the program
• Make changes to algorithms as required without stopping the program or setting
breakpoints in the code

Enabling real-time interaction lets you more easily see your process or algorithm in
action, the results as they develop, and the way the process runs.

This tutorial assumes you have Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio software and
at least one target development board. You can use the hardware simulator in CCS IDE
to run this tutorial.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

After you complete the tutorial, you can start using RTDX with your applications and

Note: To use RTDX with the XDS100 USB JTAG Emulator and the C28027 chip, add the
following line to the linker command file:
_RTDX_interrupt_mask = ~0x000000008;

Using RTDX

Digital signal processing development efforts begin with an idea for processing data; an
application area, such as audio or wireless communications or multimedia computing;
and a platform or hardware to host the signal processing. Usually these processing
efforts involve applying strategies like signal filtering, compression, and transformation
to change data content; or isolate features in data; or transfer data from one form to
another or one place to another.

Developers create algorithms they need to accomplish the desired result. After they have
the algorithms, they use models and target hardware development tools to test their
algorithms, to determine whether the processing achieves the goal, and whether the
processing works on the proposed platform.

Embedded Coder and the links for RTDX and CCS IDE ease the job of taking algorithms
from the model realm to the real world of the processor on which the algorithm runs.

RTDX and links for CCS IDE provide a communications pathway to manipulate data
and processing programs on your processor. RTDX offers real-time data exchange in
two directions between MATLAB software and your processor process. Data you send
to the processor do little to alter running processes. Plotting data you retrieve from the
processor lets you see how your algorithms are performing in real time.

To introduce the techniques and tools available in Embedded Coder for using RTDX,
the following procedures use many of the methods in the link software to configure the
processor, open and enable channels, send data to the processor, and clean up after you
finish your testing. Among the functions covered are:
Functions From Objects for CCS IDE

Function Description
ticcs Create connections to CCS IDE and RTDX.

IDE Automation Interface

Function Description
cd Change the CCS IDE working folder from
MATLAB software.
open Load program files in CCS IDE.
run Run processes on the processor.

Functions From the RTDX Class

Function Description
close Close the RTDX links between MATLAB
software and your processor.
configure Determine how many channel buffers to
use and set the size of each buffer.
disable Disable the RTDX links before you close
display Return the properties of an object in
formatted layout. When you omit the
closing semicolon on a function, disp (a
built-in function) provides the default
display for the results of the operation.
enable Enable open channels so you can use
them to send and retrieve data from your
isenabled Determine whether channels are enabled
for RTDX communications.
isreadable Determine whether MATLAB software can
read the specified memory location.
iswritable Determine whether MATLAB software can
write to the processor.
msgcount Determine how many messages are waiting
in a channel queue.
open Open channels in RTDX.
readmat Read data matrices from the processor into
MATLAB software as an array.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Function Description
readmsg Read one or more messages from a channel.
writemsg Write messages to the processor over a

This tutorial provides the following workflow to show you how to use many of the
functions in the links. By performing the steps provided, you work through many of
the operations yourself. The tutorial follows the general task flow for developing digital
signal processing programs through testing with the links for RTDX.

Within this set of tasks, numbers 1, 2, and 4 are fundamental to function syntax that
interacts development projects. Whenever you work with MATLAB software and objects
for RTDX, you perform the functions and tasks outlined and presented in this tutorial.
The differences lie in Task 3. Task 3 is the most important for using Embedded Coder to
develop your processing system.

1 Create an RTDX link to your desired processor and load the program to the

The projects begin this way. Without the links you cannot load your executable to the
2 Configure channels to communicate with the processor.

Creating the links in Task 1 did not open communications to the processor. With the
links in place, you open as many channels as you need to support the data transfer
for your development work. This task includes configuring channel buffers to hold
data when the data rate from the processor exceeds the rate at which MATLAB
software can capture the data.
3 Run your application on the processor. You use MATLAB software to investigate the
results of your running process.
4 Close the links to the processor and clean up the links and associated debris left over
from your work.

Closing channels and cleaning up the memory and links you created prepares CCS
IDE, RTDX, and Embedded Coder for the next time you start development on a

This tutorial uses an executable program named rtdxtutorial_6xevm.out as

your application. When you use the RTDX links and CCS IDE to develop your own

IDE Automation Interface

applications, replace rtdxtutorial_6xevm.out in Task 3 with the filename and path

to your digital signal processing application.

You can view the tutorial file used here by clicking rtdxtutorial. To run this tutorial in
MATLAB software, click run rtdxtutorial.

Note To be able to open and enable channels over a link to RTDX, the program loaded on
your processor must include functions or code that define the channels.

Your C source code might look something like this to create two channels, one to write
and one to read.
rtdx_CreateInputChannel(ichan); % processor reads from this.
rtdx_CreateOutputChannel(ochan); % processor writes to this.

These are the entries we use in int16.c (the source code that generates
rtdxtutorial_6xevm.out) to create the read and write channels.

If you are working with a model in Simulink software and using code generation, use the
To Rtdx and From Rtdx blocks in your model to add the RTDX communications channels
to your model and to the executable code on your processor.

One more note about this tutorial. Throughout the code we use both the dot notation
(direct property referencing) to access functions and link properties and the function

For example, use the following command to open and configure ichan for write mode.

You could use an equivalent syntax, the function form, that does not use direct property

Or, use

if you created an alias rx to the RTDX portion of IDE_Obj, as shown by the following
rx = IDE_Obj.rtdx;

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Creating the ticcs Objects

With your processing model converted to an executable for your desired processor, you
are ready to use the objects to test and run your model on your processor. Embedded
Coder and the objects do not distinguish the source of the executable — whether you used
Embedded Coder, CCS IDE, or some other development tool to program and compile your
model to an executable does not alter the object connections. So long as your .out file is
acceptable to the processor you select, Embedded Coder provides the connection to the

Before continuing with this tutorial, you must load a valid GEL file to configure the
EMIF registers of your processor and perform required processor initialization steps.
Default GEL files provided by CCS are stored in ..\IDE_Obj\gel in the folder where
you installed CCS software. Select File > Load_GEL in CCS IDE to load the default
GEL file that matches your processor family, such as init6x0x.gel for the Cxxxx
processor family, and your configuration.

Note: If you are performing the steps in this tutorial, create demoPjt as described in
“Loading Files into CCS” on page 39-16 before continuing.

Begin the process of getting your model onto the processor by creating a an object that
refers to CCS IDE. Start by clearing function syntax that interacts existing handles and
setting echo on so you see functions execute as the program runs:

1 clear all; echo on;

clear all removes debugging breakpoints and resets persistent variables because
function breakpoints and persistent variables are cleared whenever the MATLAB
file changes or is cleared. Breakpoints within your executable remain after clear.
Clearing the MATLAB workspace does not alter your executable.
2 Now construct the link to your board and processor by entering


boardnum defines which board the new link accesses. In this example, boardnum is
0. Embedded Coder connects the link to the first, and in this case only, processor on
the board. To find the boardnum and procnum values for the boards and simulators
on your system, use “ccsboardinfo”. When you enter the following command at the

IDE Automation Interface

3 To open and load the processor file, change the path for MATLAB software to be able
to find the file.
projname = C:\Temp\EmbIDELinkCCDemos_v4.1\rtdxtutorial\cxx\cxxxp\rtdxtut_sim.pjt

outFile = C:\Temp\EmbIDELinkCCDemos_v4.1\rtdxtutorial\cxx\cxxxp\rtdxtut_sim.out

processor_dir = demoPjt.DemoDir

processor_dir = C:\Temp\EmbIDELinkCCDemos_v4.1\rtdxtutorial\cxx\cxxxp

cd(IDE_Obj,processor_dir); % Go to processor directory

cd(IDE_Obj,tgt_dir); % Or IDE_Obj.cd(tgt_dir)
dir(IDE_Obj); % Or IDE_Obj.dir

To load the project file to your processor, enter the following commands at the
MATLAB software prompt. getDemoProject is a specialized function for loading
Embedded Coder example files. It is not supported as a standard Embedded Coder
demoPjt = getDemoProject(IDE_Obj,'ccstutorial');


ans = C:\Temp\EmbIDELinkCCDemos_v4.1\ccstutorial\cxx\cxxxp\ccstut.pjt


ans = C:\Temp\EmbIDELinkCCDemos_v4.1\ccstutorial\cxx\cxxxp
Notice where the example files are stored on your machine. In general, Embedded
Coder software stores the example project files in
For example, if you are using version 4.1 of Embedded Coder software, the project
examples are stored in EmbIDELinkCCDemos_v4.1\. Embedded Coder software
creates this folder in a location on your machine where you have write permission.
Usually, there are two locations where Embedded Coder software tries to create the
example folder, in the order shown.

a In a temporary folder on the C drive, such as C:\temp\.

b If Embedded Coder software cannot use the temp folder, you see a dialog that
asks you to select a location to store the examples.
4 You have reset the folder path to find the tutorial file. Now open the .out file that
matches your processor type.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Because open is overloaded for the CCS IDE and RTDX links, this may seem a bit
strange. In this syntax, open loads your executable file onto the processor identified
by IDE_Obj. Later in this tutorial, you use open with a different syntax to open
channels in RTDX.

In the next section, you use the new link to open and enable communications
between MATLAB software and your processor.

Configuring Communications Channels

Communications channels to the processor do not exist until you open and enable them
through Embedded Coder and CCS IDE. Opening channels consists of opening and
configuring each channel for reading or writing, and enabling the channels.

In the open function, you provide the channel names as strings for the channel name
property. The channel name you use is not random. The channel name string must match
a channel defined in the executable file. If you specify a string that does not identify an
existing channel in the executable, the open operation fails.

In this tutorial, two channels exist on the processor — ichan and ochan. Although the
channels are named ichan for input channel and ochan for output channel, neither
channel is configured for input or output until you configure them from MATLAB
software or CCS IDE. You could configure ichan as the output channel and ochan as the
input channel. The links would work just the same. For simplicity, the tutorial configures
ichan for input and ochan for output. One more note—reading and writing are defined
as seen by the processor. When you write data from MATLAB software, you write to the
channel that the processor reads, ichan in this case. Conversely, when you read from the
processor, you read from ochan, the channel that the processor writes to:

1 Configure buffers in RTDX to store the data until MATLAB software can read it
into your workspace. Often, MATLAB software cannot read data as quickly as the
processor can write it to the channel.
IDE_Obj.rtdx.configure(1024,4); % define 4 channels of 1024 bytes each

Channel buffers are optional. Adding them provides a measure of insurance that
data gets from your processor to MATLAB software without getting lost.
2 Define one of the channels as a write channel. Use 'ichan' for the channel name and
'w' for the mode. Either 'w' or 'r' fits here, for write or read.

3 Now enable the channel you opened.

IDE Automation Interface


4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to prepare a read channel.

5 To use the new channels, enable RTDX by entering


You could do this step before you configure the channels — the order does not
6 Reset the global time-out to 20s to provide a little room for error. ticcs applies a
default timeout value of 10 s. In some cases this may not be enough.

ans =
IDE_Obj.rtdx.set('timeout', 20); % Reset timeout = 20 seconds
7 Check that the timeout property value is now 20s and that your object has a valid
configuration for the rest of the tutorial.


RTDX Object:
API version: 1.0
Default timeout: 20.00 secs
Open channels: 2

Running the Application

To this point you have been doing common housekeeping functions. You load the
processor, configure the communications, and set up other properties you need.

This tutorial shows you some of the Embedded Coder functions you can use to prototype
and experiment with your application. To see the RTDX “readmat”, readmsg, and
writemsg functions, you write data to your processor. Then, after the data has been
processed, you read data from the processor.

1 Restart the program you loaded on the processor. restart sets the program counter
(PC) to the beginning of the executable code on the processor.


39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Restarting the processor does not start the program executing. You use run to start
program execution.
2 Type IDE_Obj.run('run');

Using 'run' for the run mode tells the processor to continue to execute the loaded
program continuously until it receives a halt directive. In this mode, control returns
to MATLAB software so you can work in MATLAB software while the program runs.
Other options for the mode are

• 'runtohalt' — start to execute the program and wait to return control

to MATLAB software until the process reaches a breakpoint or execution
• 'tohalt' — change the state of a running processor to 'runtohalt' and wait to
return until the program halts. Use tohalt mode to stop the running processor
3 Type the following functions to enable the write channel and verify the change:


If MATLAB software responds ans = 0 your channel is not enabled and you cannot
proceed with the tutorial. Try to enable the channel again and verify the status.
4 Write some data to the processor. Check that you can write to the processor, then use
writemsg to send the data. You do not need to enter the if-test code shown.
if IDE_Obj.rtdx.iswritable('ichan'), % Used in a script application.
disp('writing to processor...') % Optional to display progress.
IDE_Obj.rtdx.writemsg('ichan', int16(indata))
end % Used in scripts for channel testing.

The if statement simulates writing the data from within a MATLAB software
script. The script uses iswritable to check that the input channel is functioning.
If iswritable returns 0 the script would skip the write and exit the program, or
respond in some way. When you are writing or reading data to your processor in a
script or MATLAB file, checking the status of the channels can help you avoid errors
during execution.

As your application runs you may find it helpful to display progress messages. In
this case, the program directed MATLAB software to print a message as it reads the
data from the processor by adding the function

IDE Automation Interface

disp('writing to processor...')

Function IDE_Obj.rtdx.writemsg('ichan', int16(indata)) results in 20

messages stored on the processor. Here's how.

When you write indata to the processor, the following code running on the processor
takes your input data from ichan, adds one to the values and copies the data to
while ( !RTDX_isInputEnabled(&ichan) )

{/* wait for channel enable from MATLAB */}

RTDX_read( &ichan, recvd, sizeof(recvd) );
puts("\n\n Read Completed ");

for (j=1; j<=20; j++) {

for (i=0; i<MAX; i++) {
recvd[i] +=1;
while ( !RTDX_isOutputEnabled(&ochan) )
{ /* wait for channel enable from MATLAB */ }
RTDX_write( &ochan, recvd, sizeof(recvd) );
while ( RTDX_writing != NULL )
{ /* wait for data xfer INTERRUPT DRIVEN for Cxxxx */ }

Program int16_rtdx.c contains this source code. You can find the file in a folder in
the ..\tidemos\rtdxtutorial folder.
5 Type the following to check the number of available messages to read from the
num_of_msgs = IDE_Obj.rtdx.msgcount('ochan');

num_of_msgs should be zero. Using this process to check the amount of data lets
you or your program know how much data to expect.
6 Type the following to verify that your read channel ochan is enabled for

You should get back ans = 0 — you have not enabled the channel yet.
7 Now enable and verify 'ochan'.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE


To show that ochan is ready, MATLAB software responds ans = 1. If not, try
enabling ochan again.
8 Type

The pause function gives the processor extra time to process the data in indata and
transfer the data to the buffer you configured for ochan.
9 Repeat the check for the number of messages in the queue. There should be 20
messages available in the buffer.
num_of_msgs = IDE_Obj.rtdx.msgcount('ochan')

With num_of_msgs = 20, you could use a looping structure to read the messages
from the queue in to MATLAB software. In the next few steps of this tutorial you
read data from the ochan queue to different data formats within MATLAB software.
10 Read one message from the queue into variable outdata.
outdata = IDE_Obj.rtdx.readmsg('ochan','int16')

outdata =
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Notice the 'int16' represent option. When you read data from your processor you
need to tell MATLAB software the data type you are reading. You wrote the data in
step 4 as 16-bit integers so you use the same data type here.

While performing reads and writes, your process continues to run. You did not need
to stop the processor to get the data or send the data, unlike using most debuggers
and breakpoints in your code. You placed your data in memory across an RTDX
channel, the processor used the data, and you read the data from memory across an
RTDX channel, without stopping the processor.
11 You can read data into cell arrays, rather than into simple double-precision
variables. Use the following function to read three messages to cell array outdata,
an array of three, 1-by-10 vectors. Each message is a 1-by-10 vector stored on the
outdata = IDE_Obj.rtdx.readmsg('ochan','int16',3)

IDE Automation Interface

outdata =
[1x10 int16] [1x10 int16] [1x10 int16]
12 Cell array outdata contains three messages. Look at the second message, or matrix,
in outdata by using dereferencing with the array.

outdata =
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

13 Read two messages from the processor into two 2-by-5 matrices in your MATLAB
outdata = IDE_Obj.rtdx.readmsg('ochan','int16',[2 5],2)

outdata =
[2x5 int16] [2x5 int16]

To specify the number of messages to read and the data format in your workspace,
you used the siz and nummsgs options set to [2 5] and 2.
14 You can look at both matrices in outdata by dereferencing the cell array again.

ans =
6 8 10 12 14
7 9 11 13 15
ans =
7 9 11 13 15
8 10 12 14 16

15 For a change, read a message from the queue into a column vector.
outdata = IDE_Obj.rtdx.readmsg('ochan','int16',[10 1])

outdata =

16 Embedded Coder provides a function for reading messages into matrices–“readmat”.

Use readmat to read a message into a 5-by-2 matrix in MATLAB software.
outdata = readmat(IDE_Obj.rtdx,'ochan','int16',[5 2])

outdata =

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

9 14
10 15
11 16
12 17
13 18

Because a 5-by-2 matrix requires ten elements, MATLAB software reads one
message into outdata to fill the matrix.
17 To check your progress, see how many messages remain in the queue. You have read
eight messages from the queue so 12 should remain.
num_of_msgs = IDE_Obj.rtdx.msgcount('ochan')

num_of_msgs =
18 To see the connection between messages and a matrix in MATLAB software, read
data from 'ochan' to fill a 4-by-5 matrix in your workspace.
outdata = IDE_Obj.rtdx.readmat('ochan','int16',[4 5])

outdata =
10 14 18 13 17
11 15 19 14 18
12 16 11 15 19
13 17 12 16 20

Filling the matrix required two messages worth of data.

19 To verify that the last step used two messages, recheck the message count. You
should find 10 messages waiting in the queue.
num_of_msgs = IDE_Obj.rtdx.msgcount('ochan')
20 Continuing with matrix reads, fill a 10-by-5 matrix (50 matrix elements or five
outdata = IDE_Obj.rtdx.readmat('ochan','int16',[10 5])

outdata =
12 13 14 15 16
13 14 15 16 17
14 15 16 17 18
15 16 14 18 19
16 17 18 19 20
17 18 19 20 21
18 19 20 21 22
19 20 21 22 23
20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 25

21 Recheck the number of messages in the queue to see that five remain.

IDE Automation Interface

22 “flush” lets you remove messages from the queue without reading them. Data in the
message you remove is lost. Use flush to remove the next message in the read queue.
Then check the waiting message count.

num_of_msgs = IDE_Obj.rtdx.msgcount('ochan')

num_of_msgs =

23 Empty the remaining messages from the queue and verify that the queue is empty.


With the all option, flush discards the messages in the ochan queue.

Closing the Connections and Channels or Cleaning Up

One of the most important programmatic processes you should do in every RTDX
session is to clean up at the end. Cleaning up includes stopping your processor, disabling
the RTDX channels you enabled, disabling RTDX and closing your open channels.
Performing this series of tasks prevents trouble caused by unexpected interactions with
remaining handles, channels, and links from earlier development work.

Best practices suggest that you include the following tasks (or an subset that meets your
development needs) in your development scripts and programs.

We use several functions in this section; each has a purpose — the operational details in
the following list explain how and why we use each one. They are

• close — close the specified RTDX channel. To use the channel again, you must open
and enable the channel. Compare close to disable. close('rtdx') closes the
communications provided by RTDX. After you close RTDX, you cannot communicate
with your processor.
• disable — remove RTDX communications from the specified channel, but does not
remove the channel, or link. Disabling channels may be useful when you do not want
to see the data that is being fed to the channel, but you may want to read the channel
later. By enabling the channel later, you have access to the data entering the channel
buffer. Note that data that entered the channel while it was disabled is lost.
• halt — stop a running processor. You may still have one or more messages in the
host buffer.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Use the following procedure to shut down communications between MATLAB software
and the processor, and end your session:

1 Begin the process of shutting down the processor and RTDX by stopping the
processor. Type the following functions at the prompt.
if (isrunning(IDE_Obj)) % Use this test in scripts.
IDE_Obj.halt; % Halt the processor.
end % Done.

Your processor may already be stopped at this point. In a script, you might put
the function in an if-statement as we have done here. When you direct a stopped
processor to halt, the function returns immediately.
2 You have stopped the processor. Now disable the RTDX channels you opened to
communicate with the processor.

If required, using disable with channel name and processor identifier input
arguments lets you disable only the channel you choose. When you have more than
one board or processor, you may find disabling selected channels meets your needs.

When you finish your RTDX communications session, disable RTDX so that
Embedded Coder releases your open channels before you close them.
3 Use the following function syntaxes to close your open channels. Either close selected
channels by using the channel name in the function, or use the all option to close
the open channels.

• IDE_Obj.rtdx.close('ichan') to close your input channel in this tutorial.

• IDE_Obj.rtdx.close('ochan') to close your output channel in the tutorial.
• IDE_Obj.rtdx.close('all') to close your open RTDX channels, regardless of
whether they are part of this tutorial.

Consider using the all option with the close function when you finish your RTDX
work. Closing channels reduces unforeseen problems caused by channel objects that
exist but do not get closed when you end your session.
4 When you created your RTDX object (IDE_Obj = ticcs('boardnum',1) at the
beginning of this tutorial, the ticcs function opened CCS IDE and set the visibility
to 0. To avoid problems that occur when you close the interface to RTDX with

IDE Automation Interface

CCS visibility set to 0, make CCS IDE visible on your desktop. The following if
statement checks the CCS IDE visibility and changes it if required.
if IDE_Obj.isvisible,

Visibility can cause problems. When CCS IDE is running invisibly on your desktop,
do not use clear all to remove your links for CCS IDE and RTDX. Without a
ticcs object that references the CCS IDE you cannot access CCS IDE to change the
visibility setting, or close the application. To close CCS IDE when you do not have
an existing object, either create a new object to access the CCS IDE, or use Microsoft
Windows Task Manager to end the process cc_app.exe, or close the MATLAB
5 You have finished the work in this tutorial. Enter the following commands to close
your remaining references to CCS IDE and release the associated resources.
clear ('all'); % Calls the link destructors to remove all links.
echo off

clear all without the parentheses removes the variables from your MATLAB

You have completed the tutorial using RTDX. During the tutorial you

1 Opened connections to CCS IDE and RTDX and used those connections to load an
executable program to your processor.
2 Configured a pair of channels so you could transfer data to and from your processor.
3 Ran the executable on the processor, sending data to the processor for processing and
retrieving the results.
4 Stopped the executing program and closed the links to CCS IDE and RTDX.

This tutorial provides a working process for using Embedded Coder and your signal
processing programs to develop programs for a range of Texas Instruments processors.
While the processor may change, the essentials of the process remain the same.

Listing Functions

To review a complete list of functions and methods that operate with ticcs objects,
either CCS IDE or RTDX, enter either of the following commands at the prompt.
help ticcs
help rtdx

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

If you already have a ticcs object IDE_Obj, you can use dot notation to return the
methods for CCS IDE or RTDX by entering one of the following commands at the prompt:

• IDE_Obj.methods
• IDE_Obj.rtdx.methods

In either instance MATLAB software returns a list of the available functions for the
specified link type, including both public and private functions. For example, to see the
functions (methods) for links to CCS IDE, enter:
help ticcs

Constructing ticcs Objects

When you create a connection to CCS IDE using the “ticcs” command, you are creating
a “ticcs object for accessing the CCS IDE and RTDX interface”. The ticcs object
implementation relies on MATLAB software object-oriented programming capabilities.

The discussions in this section apply to the ticcs objects in Embedded Coder.

Like other MATLAB software structures, objects in Embedded Coder have predefined
fields called object properties.

You specify object property values by one of the following methods:

• Setting the property values when you create the ticcs object
• Creating an object with default property values, and changing these property values

For examples of setting ticcs object properties, refer to ticcs.

Constructor for ticcs Objects

The easiest way to create an object is to use the function ticcs to create an object with
the default properties. Create an object named IDE_Obj to refer to CCS IDE by entering

IDE_Obj = ticcs

MATLAB software responds with a list of the properties of the object IDE_Obj you
created along with the associated default property values.
ticcs object:

IDE Automation Interface

API version : 1.0

Processor type : Cxx
Processor name : CPU
Running? : No
Board number : 0
Processor number : 0
Default timeout : 10.00 secs

RTDX channels : 0

Inspecting the output reveals two objects listed—a CCS IDE object and an RTDX object.
CCS IDE and RTDX objects cannot be created separately. By design they maintain a
member class relationship; the RTDX object is a class, a member of the CCS object class.
In this example, IDE_Obj is an instance of the class CCS. If you enter
rx = IDE_Obj.rtdx

rx is a handle to the RTDX portion of the CCS object. As an alias, rx replaces

IDE_Obj.rtdx in functions such as readmat or writemsg that use the RTDX
communications features of the CCS link. Typing rx at the command line now produces

RTDX channels : 0

The object properties are described in the function reference, and in more detail in ticcs
Object Properties. These properties are set to default values when you construct objects.

ticcs Properties and Property Values

Objects in Embedded Coder software have properties associated with them. Each
property is assigned a value. You can set the values of most properties, either when you
create the link or by changing the property value later. However, some properties have
read-only values. And a few property values, such as the board number and the processor
to which the link attaches, become read-only after you create the object. You cannot
change those after you create your link.

Overloaded Functions for ticcs Objects

Several functions in this Embedded Coder have the same name as functions in other
MathWorks toolboxes or in MATLAB software. These behave similarly to their original
counterparts, but you apply these functions directly to an object. This concept of having

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

functions with the same name operate on different types of objects (or on data) is called
overloading of functions.

For example, the set command is overloaded for ticcs objects. After you specify your
link by assigning values to its properties, you can apply the functions in this toolbox
(such as “readmat” for using RTDX to read an array of data from the processor) directly
to the variable name you assign to your object, without specifying your object parameters

ticcs Object Properties

• “Quick Reference to ticcs Object Properties” on page 39-44
• “Details About ticcs Object Properties” on page 39-45

Embedded Coder provides an interface to your processor hardware so you can

communicate with processors for which you are developing systems and algorithms. Each
ticcs object comprises two objects—a CCS IDE object and an RTDX interface object. The
objects are not separable; the RTDX object is a subclass of the CCS IDE object. Each of
the objects has multiple properties. To configure the interface objects for CCS IDE and
RTDX, you set parameters that define details such as the desired board, the processor,
the timeout period applied for communications operations, and a number of other values.
Because Embedded Coder uses objects to create the interface, the parameters you set are
called properties and you treat them as properties when you set them, retrieve them, or
modify them.

This section details the properties for the ticcs objects for CCS IDE and RTDX. First
the section provides tables of the properties, for quick reference. Following the tables, the
section offers in-depth descriptions of each property, its name and use, and whether you
can set and get the property value associated with the property. Descriptions include a
few examples of the property in use.

MATLAB software users may find much of this handling of objects familiar. Objects in
Embedded Coder, behave like objects in MATLAB software and the other object-oriented
toolboxes. For C++ programmers, discussion of object-oriented programming is likely to
be a review.

Quick Reference to ticcs Object Properties

The following table lists the properties for the ticcs objects in Embedded Coder. The
second column tells you which object the property belongs to. Knowing which property
belongs to each object in a ticcs object tells you how to access the property.

IDE Automation Interface

Property Name Applies to Which User Settable? Description

apiversion CCS IDE No Reports the version number of
your CCS API.
boardnum CCS IDE Yes/initially Specifies the index number of a
board that CCS IDE recognizes.
ccsappexe CCS IDE No Specifies the path to the CCS
IDE executable. Read-only
numchannels RTDX No Contains the number of open
RTDX channels for a specific
page CCS IDE Yes/default Stores the default memory page
for reads and writes.
procnum CCS IDE Yes/at start only Stores the number CCS Setup
Utility assigns to the processor.
timeout CCS IDE Yes/default Contains the global timeout
setting for the link.
version RTDX No Reports the version of your
RTDX software.

Some properties are read only — you cannot set the property value. Other properties,
you can change. If the entry in the User Settable column is “Yes/initially”, you can set the
property value only when you create the link. Thereafter it is read only.

Details About ticcs Object Properties

To use the links for CCS IDE and RTDX interface you set values for:

• boardnum — specify the board with which the link communicates.

• procnum — specify the processor on the board. If the board has multiple processors,
procnum identifies the processor to use.
• timeout — specify the global timeout value. (Optional. Default is 10 s.)

Details of the properties associated with connections to CCS IDE and RTDX interface
appear in the following sections, listed in alphabetical order by property name.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Many of these properties are object linking and embedding (OLE) handles. The MATLAB
software COM server creates the handles when you create objects for CCS IDE and
RTDX. You can manipulate the OLE handles using get, set, and invoke to work
directly with the COM interface with which the handles interact.

Property appversion contains a string that reports the version of the application
program interface (API) for CCS IDE that you are using when you create a link. You
cannot change this string. When you upgrade the API, or CCS IDE, the string changes
to match. Use display to see the apiversion property value for a link. This example
shows the appversion value for link IDE_Obj.


TICCS Object:
API version : 1.0
Processor type : Cxx
Processor name : CPU
Running? : No
Board number : 0
Processor number : 0
Default timeout : 10.00 secs

RTDX channels : 0

Note that the API version is not the same as the CCS IDE version.

Property boardnum identifies the board referenced by the IDE link handle object for
CCS. When you create a link, you use boardnum to specify the board you are using.
To get the value for boardnum, use “ccsboardinfo” or the CCS Setup utility from Texas
Instruments software. The CCS Setup utility assigns the number for each board installed
on your system.

Property ccsappexe contains the path to the CCS IDE executable file cc_app.exe.
When you use ticcs to create a link, MATLAB software determines the path to the CCS
IDE executable and stores the path in this property. This is a read-only property. You
cannot set it.

IDE Automation Interface

Property numchannels reports the number of open RTDX communications channels for
an RTDX link. Each time you open a channel for a link, numchannels increments by
one. For new links numchannels is zero until you open a channel for the link.

To see the value for numchannels create a link to CCS IDE. Then open a channel to
RTDX. Use display to see the RTDX link properties.

TICCS Object:
API version : 1.0
Processor type : Cxx
Processor name : CPU
Running? : No
Board number : 0
Processor number : 0
Default timeout : 10.00 secs

RTDX channels : 0


RTDX channels : 0



ans =

numChannels: 2
Rtdx: [1x1 COM ]
RtdxChannel: {'' '' ''}
procType: 103
timeout: 10

Property page contains the default value CCS IDE uses when the user does not specify
the page input argument in the syntax for a function that access memory.

Property procnum identifies the processor referenced by the IDE link handle object for
CCS. When you create an object, you use procnum to specify the processor you are using .

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

The CCS Setup Utility assigns a number to each processor installed on each board. To
determine the value of procnum for a processor, use “ccsboardinfo” or the CCS Setup
utility from Texas Instruments software.

To identify a processor, you need both the boardnum and procnum values. For
boards with one processor, procnum equals zero. CCS IDE numbers the processors on
multiprocessor boards sequentially from 0 to the number of processors. For example, on a
board with four processors, the processors are numbered 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Property rtdx is a subclass of the ticcs link and represents the RTDX portion of the
IDE link handle object for CCS. As shown in the example, rtdx has properties of its own
that you can set, such as timeout, and that report various states of the link.


ans =

version: 1
numChannels: 0
Rtdx: [1x1 COM ]
RtdxChannel: {'' [] ''}
procType: 103
timeout: 10

In addition, you can create an alias to the rtdx portion of a link, as shown in this code


RTDX channels : 0

Now you can use rx with the functions in Embedded Coder, such as get or set. If you
have two open channels, the display looks like the following example:


ans =

numChannels: 2
Rtdx: [1x1 COM ]
RtdxChannel: {2x3 cell}
procType: 98

IDE Automation Interface

timeout: 10


Property rtdxchannel, along with numchannels and proctype, is a read-only

property for the RTDX portion of the IDE link handle object for CCS. To see the value of
this property, use get with the link. Neither set nor invoke work with rtdxchannel.

rtdxchannel is a cell array that contains the channel name, handle, and mode for each
open channel for the link. For each open channel, rtdxchannel contains three fields, as

.rtdxchannel{i,1} Channel name of the ith-channel, i from 1 to the number

of open channels
.rtdxchannel{i,2} Handle for the ith-channel
.rtdxchannel{i,3} Mode of the ith-channel, either 'r' for read or 'w' for

With four open channels, rtdxchannel contains four channel elements and three fields
for each channel element.

Property timeout specifies how long CCS IDE waits for a process to finish. Two
timeout periods can exist — one global, one local. You set the global timeout when
you create the IDE link handle object for CCS. The default global timeout value 10 s.
However, when you use functions to read or write data to CCS IDE or your processor,
you can set a local timeout that overrides the global value. If you do not set a specific
timeout value in a read or write process syntax, the global timeout value applies to the
operation. Refer to the help for the read and write functions for the syntax to set the local
timeout value for an operation.

Property version reports the version number of your RTDX software. When you
create a ticcs object, version contains a string that reports the version of the RTDX
application that you are using. You cannot change this string. When you upgrade
the API, or CCS IDE, the string changes to match. Use display to see the version
property value for a link. This example shows the apiversion value for object rx.

get(rx) % rx is an alias for IDE_Obj.rtdx.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

ans =

version: 1
numChannels: 0
Rtdx: [1x1 COM ]
RtdxChannel: {'' [] ''}
procType: 103
timeout: 10

Function List
The following is a complete list of functions for working with CCS v.3.3. It includes
Automation Interface and other types of functions.

• activate
• add
• address
• animate
• build
• ccsboardinfo
• cd
• checkEnvSetup
• close
• configure
• dir
• disable
• display (IDE Object)
• enable
• flush
• getbuildopt
• halt
• info
• insert
• xmakefilesetup

IDE Automation Interface

• isenabled
• isreadable
• isrtdxcapable
• isrunning
• isvisible
• iswritable
• list
• load
• msgcount
• new
• open
• profile
• read
• readmat
• readmsg
• regread
• regwrite
• reload
• remove
• reset
• restart
• run
• save
• setbuildopt
• symbol
• ticcs
• visible
• write
• writemsg

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

IDE Project Generator

In this section...
“Introducing IDE Project Generator” on page 39-52
“IDE Project Generator and Board Selection” on page 39-52
“Generate an IDE Project” on page 39-54
“Model Reference” on page 39-57

Introducing IDE Project Generator

IDE Project Generator provides the following features for developing project and
generating code:

• Support automated project building for Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
software that lets you create projects from code generated by Embedded Coder
products. The project automatically populates CCS projects in the CCS development
• Configure code generation using model Configuration Parameters and processor
preferences block options
• Select from two system target files to generate code specific to your processor
• Configure project build process
• Automatically download and run your generated projects on your processor

Note: You cannot generate code for C6000 processors in big-endian mode. Code
generation supports only little-endian processor data byte order.

IDE Project Generator and Board Selection

IDE Project Generator uses ticcs objects to connect to the IDE. Each time you build
a model to generate a project, the build process starts by issuing the “ticcs” method, as
shown here:
The software attempts to connect to the board (boardnum) and processor (procnum)
associated with the Board name and Processor number parameters located on the
Target Hardware Resources pane in the model Configuration Parameters.

IDE Project Generator

The result of the ticcs method changes, depending on the boards you configured in
CCS. The following table describes how the software selects the board to connect to in
your board configuration.

CCS Board Configuration State Response by Software

Code Composer Studio or Embedded Coder Returns an error message asking you
software not installed. to verify that you installed both Code
Composer Studio and Embedded Coder.
Code Composer Studio software does not Returns an error message that the software
have configured boards. could not find boards in your configuration.
Use Setup Code Composer Studio to
configure at least one board.
Code Composer Studio software has one Attaches to the board regardless of the
configured board. value of the Board parameter. You see a
warning message telling you which board
the software selected.
Code Composer Studio software has one Returns a warning message that the
board configured that does not match the software could not find the board specified
value of the Board parameter.(*) in the block and connected to the board
listed in the warning message. The
software connects to the first board in your
CCS configuration.
Code Composer Studio has more than one Connects to the specified board.
board configured. The value of the Board
parameter is one of the configured boards.
Code Composer Studio has more than one Returns a message asking you to select a
board configured. The value of the Board board from the list of configured boards.
parameter is not one of the configured You have two choices:
• Select a board to use for project
generation, and click OK. Your selection
does not change the value of the Board
parameter. The software connects to the
selected board.
• Click Abort to stop the project build
and code generation process. The
software does not connect to the IDE or

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

You may encounter the situation where you do not have the valid board configured in
CCS because of one of the following conditions:

• You changed your board configuration and saved the model. When you reopen the
model, the board specified in Board name in the block is not in your configuration.
• You are working with a model from a source whose board configuration is not the
same as yours.

Use “ccsboardinfo” at the MATLAB prompt to verify or review your configured boards.

Generate an IDE Project

• “Creating the Model” on page 39-55
• “Specify Configuration Parameters for Your Model” on page 39-55

In this tutorial you will use the Embedded Coder software to:

• Build a model.
• Generate a project from the model.
• Build the project and run the binary on a processor.

Note The model shows project generation. You cannot not build and run the model on
your processor without additional blocks.

To generate a project from a model, complete the following tasks:

1 Create a model application.

2 Configure your model for your IDE, tool chain, and target hardware, as described in
“Configure Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3.
3 In the Configuration Parameters, also set:

• Solver parameters such as simulation start and solver options

• Software options such as processor configuration and processor compiler selection
4 Generate your project.
5 Review your project in CCS.

IDE Project Generator

Creating the Model

To build a model, follow these steps:

1 Open the Simulink Library Browser.

2 Use Simulink blocks to create a model, or open one of the example models for Texas
Instruments Code Composer Studio.
3 Name and save your model before continuing.

Specify Configuration Parameters for Your Model

The following sections describe how to configure the build and run parameters for your
model. Generating a project, or building and running a model on the processor, starts
with configuring model options in the Configuration Parameters dialog in Simulink
Setting Solver Parameters

After you have designed and implemented your digital signal processing model in
Simulink software, complete the following steps to set the Configuration Parameters for
the model:

1 Configure your model for your IDE, tool chain, and target hardware, as described in
“Configure Target Hardware Resources” on page 36-3.
2 Select the Solver pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog.
3 Set Start time to 0.0 and Stop time to inf (model runs without stopping). If you
set a stop time, your generated code does not honor the setting. Set this to inf for
4 Under Solver options, set Type to fixed-step and set Solver to discrete (no
continuous states). For PIL, set Type and Solver to any setting.
5 For Fixed step size (fundamental sample time), enter Auto, and set Tasking
mode for periodic sample times to SingleTasking.

Note Generated code does not honor Simulink software stop time from the simulation.
Stop time is interpreted as inf. To implement a stop in generated code, add a Stop
Simulation block in your model.

When you use PIL, you can set the Solver options to any selection from the Type and
Solver lists.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Ignore the Data Import/Export, Diagnostics, and Optimization panes in the

Configuration Parameters dialog. The default settings are valid for your new model.
Setting Code Generation Parameters

To configure your software to use the right processor files and to compile and run your
model executable file, configure the Code Generation pane in the Configuration
Parameters dialog.

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog, select the Code Generation pane.

2 Use the Browse button to set System target file to idelink_grt.tlc.

Setting Coder Target Parameters

To configure code generation options and to compile and run your model executable file,
configure the Coder Target pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog.

1 In the Configuration Parameters dialog, expand the node for the Code Generation
pane and select the Coder Target pane.
2 Set the following options in the pane under Vendor Tool Chain:

• Configuration should be Custom.

• Set Compiler options string and Linker options string should be blank.
3 Under Link Automation, verify that Export IDE link handle to base
workspace is selected and provide a name for the handle in Coder Target handle
name (optional).
4 Set the following Run-Time options:

• Build action: Build_and_execute.

• Interrupt overrun notification method: None.

You have configured the your software options that let you generate a project for you
processor. You may have noticed that you did not configure a few of the Configuration
Parameters panes, such as Comments, Symbols, and Optimization.

For your new model, the default values for the options in these panes are right. For
other models you develop, you may want to set the options in these panes to provide
information during the build and to run TLC debugging when you generate code. Refer
to your product documentation for more information about setting the Configuration

IDE Project Generator

Building Your Project

After you set the Configuration Parameters and configure the coder product to create the
files you need, you direct the build process to create your project:

1 Press OK to close the Configuration Parameters dialog.

2 Click Ctrl+B to generate your project into CCS IDE.

When you click Build with Create_project selected for Build action, the
automatic build process starts CCS IDE, populates a new project in the development
environment, builds the project, loads the binary on the processor, and runs it.
3 To stop processor execution, use the Halt option in CCS or enter IDE_Obj.halt at
the MATLAB command prompt. (Where “IDE_Obj” is the IDE link handle name you
specified previously in Configuration Parameters.)

Model Reference
Model reference lets your model include other models as modular components. This
technique provides useful features because it:

• Simplifies working with large models by letting you build large models from smaller
ones, or even large ones.
• Lets you generate code for the modules in the model, and later, regenerate code for
modules that change.
• Lets you develop the modules independently.
• Lets you reuse modules and models by reference, rather than including the model
or module multiple times in your model. Also, multiple models can refer to the same
model or module.

Your product documentation provides much more information about model reference.

How Model Reference Works

Model reference behaves differently in simulation and in code generation. For this
discussion, you need to know the following terms:

• Top-model — The root model block or model. It refers to other blocks or models. In the
model hierarchy, this is the topmost model.
• Referenced models — Blocks or models that other models reference, such as models
the top-model refers to. The models or blocks below the top-model in the hierarchy are
reference models.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

The following sections describe briefly how model reference works. More details are
available in your product documentation in the online Help system.
Model Reference in Simulation

When you simulate the top-model, the coder product detects that your model contains
referenced models. Simulink software generates code for the referenced models and uses
the generated code to build shared library files for updating the model diagram and
simulation. It also creates an executable (a MEX file, .mex) for each reference model that
is used to simulate the top-model.

When you rebuild reference models for simulations or when you run or update a
simulation, Simulink software rebuilds the model reference files. Whether reference files
or models are rebuilt depends on:

• Whether and how you change the models.

• The Rebuild parameter on the Model Reference pane in the Configuration
Parameters dialog.

Model Reference in Code Generation

Embedded Coder software requires executables to generate code from models. If you
have not simulated your model at least once, the coder product creates a .mex file for

Next, for each referenced model, the code generation process calls make_rtw and builds
each referenced model. This build process creates a library file for each of the referenced
models in your model.

After building the referenced models, the coder product calls make_rtw on the top-model,
linking to the library files it created for the associated referenced models.

Using Model Reference

With few limitations or restrictions, Embedded Coder provides full support for
generating code from models that use model reference.
Build Action Setting

The most important requirement for using model reference with the TI's processors is to
set the Build action for the Model blocks in the simulation to Archive_library.

To set the build action

IDE Project Generator

1 Open your model.

2 Select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters from the model menus.

The Configuration Parameters dialog opens.

3 Expand the node for the Code Generation pane. Then select the Coder Target pane.
4 In the right pane, under Run-Time, select Archive_library from the Build
action list.

If your top-model uses a reference model that does not have the build action set to
Archive_library, the build process automatically changes the build action to
Archive_library and issues a warning about the change.

As a result of selecting the Archive_library setting, other options are disabled:

• DSP/BIOS is disabled for the referenced models. Only the top-model supports DSP/
BIOS operation.
• Interrupt overrun notification method, Export IDE link handle to base
workspace, and System stack size are disabled for the referenced models.
Other Block Limitations

Model reference with Embedded Coder does not allow you to use the following blocks or
S-functions in reference models:

• Blocks from the C62x DSP Library (in c6000lib) (because these are noninlined S-
• Blocks from the C64x DSP Library (in c6000lib) (because these are noninlined S-
• Noninlined S-functions
• Driver blocks, such as the ADC or DAC blocks from a Embedded Coder block library

Configuring processors to Use Model Reference

Processors that you plan to use in Model Referencing must meet some general

• The System target file on the Code Generation pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog must match the target hardware.
• When you generate code from a model that references another model, you need to
configure both the top-level model and the referenced models for the same code
generation processor.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

• The External mode option is not supported in model reference processor builds.
Embedded Coder product does not support External mode. If you select this option, it
is ignored during code generation.
• To support model reference builds, your TMF must support use of the shared utilities
folder, as described in “Supporting Shared Utility Directories in the Build Process” in
the Simulink Coder documentation.

To use an existing processor, or a new processor, with Model Reference, you set the
ModelReferenceCompliant flag for the processor. For information on how to set this
option, refer to ModelReferenceCompliant in the online Help system.

If you start with a model that was created prior to version 2.4 (R14SP3), to make your
model compatible with the model reference processor, use the following command to set
the ModelReferenceCompliant flag to On:


Models that you develop with versions 2.4 and later of Embedded Coder automatically
include the model reference capability. You do not need to set the flag.

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

In this section...
“About FDATool” on page 39-61
“Preparing to Export Filter Coefficients to Code Composer Studio Projects” on page
“Exporting Filter Coefficients to Your Code Composer Studio Project” on page 39-65
“Preventing Memory Corruption When You Export Coefficients to Processor Memory” on
page 39-70

About FDATool
Signal Processing Toolbox™ software provides the Filter Design and Analysis tool
(FDATool) that lets you design a filter and then export the filter coefficients to a
matching filter implemented in a CCS project.

Using FDATool with CCS IDE enables you to:

• Design your filter in FDATool

• Use CCS to test your filter on a processor
• Redesign and optimize the filter in FDATool
• Test your redesigned filter on the processor

For instructions on using FDATool, refer to the section “Filter Design and Analysis Tool”
in the Signal Processing Toolbox documentation.

Procedures in this chapter show how to use the FDATool export options to export filter
coefficients to CCS. Using these procedures, you can perform the following tasks:

• Export filter coefficients from FDATool in a header file—“Exporting Filter Coefficients

from FDATool to the CCS IDE Editor” on page 39-66
• Export filter coefficients from FDATool to processor memory—“Replacing Existing
Coefficients in Memory with Updated Coefficients” on page 39-71

Caution For the best results, export coefficients in a header file. Exporting coefficients
directly to processor memory can generate unexpected results or corrupt memory.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Also see the reference pages for the following functions. These primary functions allow
you use to access variables and write them to processor memory from the MATLAB
Command window.

• address — Return the address of a symbol so you can read or write to it.
• ticcs — Create a connection between MATLAB software and CCS IDE so you can
work with the project in CCS from the MATLAB Command window.
• write — Write data to memory on the processor.

Preparing to Export Filter Coefficients to Code Composer Studio Projects

• “Features of a Filter” on page 39-62
• “Selecting the Export Mode” on page 39-63
• “Choosing the Export Data Type” on page 39-63

Features of a Filter

When you create a filter in FDATool, the filter includes defining features identified in the
following table.

Defining Feature Description

Structure Structure defines how the elements of a digital filter—gains,
adders/subtractors, and delays—combine to form the filter. See
the Signal Processing Toolbox documentation in the Online Help
system for more information about filter structures.
Design Method Defines the mathematical algorithm used to determine the filter
response, length, and coefficients.
Response Type and Defines the filter passband shape, such as lowpass or bandpass,
Specifications and the specifications for the passband.
Coefficients Defines how the filter structure responds at each stage of the filter
Data Type Defines how to represent the filter coefficients and the resulting
filtered output. Using a floating-point or fixed-point coefficient
alters the filter response and output data values.

When you export your filter, FDATool exports only the number of and value of the filter
coefficients and the data type used to define the coefficients.

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

Selecting the Export Mode

You can export a filter by generating an ANSI C header file, or by writing the filter
coefficients directly to processor memory. The following table summarizes when and how
to use the export modes.

To… Use Export When to Use Suggested Use

Add filter C header You implemented a • Add the generated ANSI C header
coefficients to file filter algorithm in your file to a project. Building and loading
a project in program, but you did this project into your processor
CCS not allocate memory on allocates static memory locations on
your processor for the the processor and writes your filter
filter coefficients. coefficients to those locations.
• Edit the file so the header file allocates
extra processor memory and then add
the header file to your project. Refer
to “Allocating Extra Memory for Filter
Coefficients” on page 39-70 in the
next section.

(For a sample generated header file,

refer to“Reviewing ANSI C Header File
Contents” on page 39-69.)
Modify Write You loaded a program • Optimize your filter design in FDATool.
the filter directly on your processor. The
coefficients in to memory program allocated Then,
an embedded space in your processor • Write the updated filter coefficients
application memory to store the directly to the allocated processor
loaded on a filter coefficients. memory. Refer to section “Preventing
processor Memory Corruption When You Export
Coefficients to Processor Memory” on
page 39-70 for more information.

Choosing the Export Data Type

The export process provides two ways you can specify the data type to use to represent
the filter coefficients. Select one of the options shown in the following table when you
export your filter.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Specify Data Type for Export Description

Export suggested Uses the data type that FDATool suggests to
preserve the fidelity of the filter coefficients and the
performance of your filter in the project
Export as Lets you specify the data type to use to export the
filter coefficients

FDATool exports filter coefficients that use the following data types directly without

• Signed integer (8, 16, or 32 bits)

• Unsigned integer (8, 16, or 32 bits)
• Double-precision floating point (64 bits)
• Single-precision floating point (32 bits)

Filters in FDATool in the Signal Processing Toolbox software use double-precision

floating point. You cannot change the data type.

If you have installed DSP System Toolbox software, you can use the filter quantization
options in FDATool to set the word and fraction lengths that represent your filter
coefficients. For information about using the quantization options, refer to Filter Design
and Analysis Tool in the Filter Design Toolbox documentation in the Online help system.

If your filter uses one of the supported data types, Export suggested specifies that data

If your filter does not use one of the supported data types, FDATool converts the
unsupported data type to one of the supported types and then suggests that data type.
For more information about how FDATool determines the data type to suggest, refer to
“How FDATool Determines the Export Suggested Data Type” on page 39-65.

Follow these best-practice guidelines when you implement your filter algorithm in source
code and design your filter in FDATool:

• Implement your filter using one of the data types FDATool exports without
• Design your filter in FDATool using the data type you used to implement your filter.

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

To Choose the Export Data Type

When you export your filter, follow this procedure to select the export data type so that
the exported filter coefficients closely match the coefficients of your filter in FDATool.

1 In FDATool, select Targets > Code Composer Studio IDE to open the Export to
Code Composer Studio IDE dialog.
2 Perform one of the following actions:

• Select Export suggested to export the coefficients in the suggested data type.
• Select Export as and choose the data type your filter requires from the list.

Caution If you select Export as, the exported filter coefficients can be very
different from the filter coefficients in FDATool. As a result, your filter cutoff
frequencies and performance may not match your design in FDATool.

How FDATool Determines the Export Suggested Data Type

By default, FDATool represents filter coefficients as double-precision floating-point data.

When you export your filter coefficients, FDATool suggests the same data type.

If you set custom word and fraction lengths to represent your filter coefficients, the
export process suggests a data type to maintain the best fidelity for the filter.

The export process converts your custom word and fraction lengths to a suggested export
data type, using the following rules:

• Round the word length up to the nearest larger supported data type. For example,
round an 18-bit word length up to 32 bits.
• Set the fraction length to the maintain the same difference between the word and
fraction length in the new data type as applies in the custom data type.

For example, if you specify a fixed-point data type with word length of 14 bits and
fraction length of 11 bits, the export process suggests an integer data type with word
length of 16 bits and fraction length of 13 bits, retaining the 3 bit difference.

Exporting Filter Coefficients to Your Code Composer Studio Project

• “Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool to the CCS IDE Editor” on page

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

• “Reviewing ANSI C Header File Contents” on page 39-69

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool to the CCS IDE Editor

In this section, you export filter coefficients to a project by generating an ANSI C header
file that contains the coefficients. The header file defines global arrays for the filter
coefficients. When you compile and link the project to which you added the header file,
the linker allocates the global arrays in static memory locations in processor memory.

Loading the executable file into your processor allocates enough memory to store
the exported filter coefficients in processor memory and writes the coefficients to the
allocated memory.

Use the following steps to export filter coefficients from FDATool to the CCS IDE text

1 Start FDATool by entering fdatool at the MATLAB command prompt.

fdatool % Starts FDATool.

2 Design a filter with the same structure, length, design method, specifications, and
data type you implemented in your source code filter algorithm.

The following figure shows a Direct-form II IIR filter example that uses second-order
3 Click Store Filter to store your filter design. Storing the filter allows you to recall
the design to modify it.
4 To export the filter coefficients, select Targets > Code Composer Studio IDE from
the FDATool menu bar.

The Export to Code Composer Studio IDE dialog opens, as shown in the following

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

5 Set Export mode to C header file.

6 In Variable names in C header file, enter variable names for the Numerator,
Denominator, Numerator length, and Denominator length parameters where
the coefficients will be stored.

The dialog shows only the variables you need to export to define your filter.

Note: You cannot use reserved ANSI C programming keywords, such as if or int as
variable names, or include invalid characters such as spaces or semicolons (;).
7 In Data type to use in export, select Export suggested to accept the
recommended export data type. FDATool suggests a data type that retains filter
coefficient fidelity.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

You may find it useful to select the Export as option and select an export data type
other than the one suggested.

Caution If you deviate from the suggested data type, the exported filter coefficients
can be very different from the filter coefficients in FDATool. As a result, your filter
cutoff frequencies and performance may not match your design in FDATool.

For more information about how FDATool decides which data type to suggest, refer
to “How FDATool Determines the Export Suggested Data Type” on page 39-65.
8 If you know the board number and processor number of your target, enter
DSP Board # and DSP Processor # values to identify your board.

When you have only one board or simulator, Embedded Coder software sets
DSP Board # and DSP Processor # values for your board automatically.

If you have more than one board defined in CCS Setup:

• Click Select target to open the Selection Utility dialog.

• From the list of boards and list of processors, select the board name and processor
name to use.
• Click Done to set the DSP Board # and DSP Processor # values.
9 Click Generate to generate the ANSI header file. FDATool prompts you for a file
name and location to save the generated header file.

The default location to save the file is your MATLAB working folder. The default file
name is fdacoefs.h.
10 Click OK to export the header file to the CCS editor.

If CCS IDE is not open, this step starts the IDE.

The export process does not add the file to your active project in the IDE.
11 Drag your generated header file into the project that implements the filter.
12 Add a #include statement to your project source code to include the new header file
when you build your project.

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

13 Generate a .out file and load the file into your processor. Loading the file allocates
locations in static memory on the processor and writes the filter coefficients to those

To see an example header file, refer to “Reviewing ANSI C Header File Contents” on page

Reviewing ANSI C Header File Contents

The following program listing shows the exported header (.h) file that FDATool
generates. This example shows a direct-form II filter that uses five second-order sections.
The filter is stable and has linear phase.

Comments in the file describe the filter structure, number of sections, stability, and the
phase of the filter. Source code shows the filter coefficients and variables associated with
the filter design, such as the numerator length and the data type used to represent the
* Filter Coefficients (C Source) generated by the Filter Design and Analysis Tool
* Generated by MATLAB(R) 7.8 and the Signal Processing Toolbox 6.11.
* Generated on: xx-xxx-xxxx 14:24:45

* Discrete-Time IIR Filter (real)
* -------------------------------
* Filter Structure : Direct-Form II, Second-Order Sections
* Number of Sections : 5
* Stable : Yes
* Linear Phase : No

/* General type conversion for MATLAB generated C-code */

#include "tmwtypes.h"
* Expected path to tmwtypes.h
* $MATLABROOT\extern\include\tmwtypes.h
#define MWSPT_NSEC 11
const int NL[MWSPT_NSEC] = { 1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1 };
const real64_T NUM[MWSPT_NSEC][3] = {
0.802536131462, 0, 0
0.2642710234701, 0.5285420469403, 0.2642710234701
1, 0, 0

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

0.1743690465012, 0.3487380930024, 0.1743690465012


0.2436793028081, 0.4873586056161, 0.2436793028081
1, 0, 0
0.3768793219093, 0.7537586438185, 0.3768793219093
1, 0, 0
const int DL[MWSPT_NSEC] = { 1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1 };
const real64_T DEN[MWSPT_NSEC][3] = {
1, 0, 0
1, -0.1842138030775, 0.1775781189277
1, 0, 0
# {
1, -0.2160098642842, 0.3808329528195
1, 0, 0

Preventing Memory Corruption When You Export Coefficients to

Processor Memory
• “Allocating Extra Memory for Filter Coefficients” on page 39-70
• “Using the Exported Header File to Allocate Extra Processor Memory” on page
• “Replacing Existing Coefficients in Memory with Updated Coefficients” on page
• “Changing Filter Coefficients Stored on Your Processor” on page 39-72

Allocating Extra Memory for Filter Coefficients

You can allocate extra memory by editing the generated ANSI C header file. You can
then load the associated program file into your processor as described in “Using the
Exported Header File to Allocate Extra Processor Memory” on page 39-71. Extra

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

memory lets you change filter coefficients and overwrite existing coefficients stored in
processor memory more easily.

To prevent problems when you update filter coefficients in a project, , such as writing
coefficients to unintended memory locations, use the C header file export mode
option in FDATool to update filter coefficients in your program.

Using the Exported Header File to Allocate Extra Processor Memory

You can edit the generated header file so the linked program file allocates extra processor
memory. By allocating extra memory, you avoid the problem of insufficient memory when
you export new coefficients directly to allocated memory.

For example, changing the following command in the header file:

const real64_T NUM[47] = {...}
real64_T NUM[256] = {...}
allocates enough memory for NUM to store up to 256 numerator filter coefficients rather
than 47.

Exporting the header file to CCS IDE does not add the filter to your project. To
incorporate the filter coefficients from the header file, add a #include statement:
#include "headerfilename.h"

Refer to “Exporting Filter Coefficients to Your Code Composer Studio Project” on page
39-65 for information about generating a header file to export filter coefficients.

When you export filter coefficients directly to processor memory, the export process
writes coefficients to as many memory locations as they need. The write process does not
perform bounds checking. Plan memory allocation carefully, so that the software writes
to the right locations and has enough memory for filter coefficients.

Replacing Existing Coefficients in Memory with Updated Coefficients

When you redesign a filter and export new coefficients to replace existing coefficients in
memory, verify the following conditions for your new design:

• Your redesign did not increase the memory required to store the coefficients beyond
the allocated memory.

Changes that increase the memory required to store the filter coefficients include the
following redesigns:

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

• Increasing the filter order

• Changing the number of sections in the filter
• Changing the numerical precision (changing the export data type)
• Your changes did not change the export data type.

Caution Identify changes that require additional memory to store the coefficients
before you begin your export. Otherwise, exporting the new filter coefficients may
overwrite data in memory locations you did not allocate for storing coefficients. Also,
exporting filter coefficients to memory after you change the filter order, structure, design
algorithm, or data type can yield unexpected results and corrupt memory.

Changing the filter design algorithm in FDATool, such as changing from Butterworth
to Maximally Flat, often changes the number of filter coefficients (the filter order), the
number of sections, or both. Also, the coefficients from the new design algorithm may not
work with your source code filter implementation.

If you change the design algorithm, verify that your filter structure and length are the
same after you redesign your filter, and that the coefficients will work with the filter you

If you change the number of sections or the filter order, your filter will not work well
unless your filter algorithm implementation accommodates the changes.

Changing Filter Coefficients Stored on Your Processor

This example writes filter coefficients to processor memory to replace the existing
coefficients. To perform this process, you need the names of the variables in which your
project stores the filter data.

Before you export coefficients directly to memory, verify that your project allocated
enough memory for the new filter coefficients. If your project allocated enough memory,
you can modify your filter in FDATool and then follow the steps in this example to export
the updated filter coefficients to the allocated memory.

If your new filter requires additional memory space, use a C header file to allocate
memory on the processor and export the new coefficients as described in “Exporting
Filter Coefficients to Your Code Composer Studio Project” on page 39-65.

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

For important guidelines on writing directly to processor memory, refer to “Preventing

Memory Corruption When You Export Coefficients to Processor Memory” on page

Follow these steps to export filter coefficients from FDATool directly to memory on your

1 Load the program file that contains your filter into CCS IDE to activate the program
symbol table. The symbol must contain the global variables you use to store the filter
coefficients and length parameters.
2 Start FDATool.
3 Click Filter Manager to open the Filter Manager dialog, shown in the following

4 Highlight the filter to modify on the list of filters, and select Edit current filter.
The highlighted filter appears in FDATool for you to change.

If you did not store your filter from a previous session, design the filter in FDATool
and continue.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

5 Click Close to dismiss the Filter Manager dialog.

6 Adjust the filter specifications in FDATool to modify its performance.
7 In FDATool, select Targets > Code Composer Studio IDE to open the Export to
Code Composer Studio IDE dialog.

Keep the export dialog open while you work. When you do so, the contents update as
you change the filter in FDATool.

Tip Click Generate to export coefficients to the same processor memory location
multiple times without reentering variable names.
8 In the Export to Code Composer Studio dialog:

• Set Export mode to Write directly to memory

• Clear Disable memory transfer warnings to get a warning if your processor
does not support the export data type.
9 In Variable names in target symbol table, enter the names of the variables
in the processor symbol table that correspond to the memory allocated for the
parameters, such as Numerator and Denominator. Your names must match the
names of the filter coefficient variables in your program.

10 Select Export suggested to accept the recommended export data type.

For more information about how FDATool determines the data type to suggest, refer
to “How FDATool Determines the Export Suggested Data Type” on page 39-65.
11 If you know the board number and processor number of your target, enter
DSP Board # and DSP Processor # values to identify your board.

Exporting Filter Coefficients from FDATool

Note: When you have only one board or simulator, Embedded Coder sets
DSP Board # and DSP Processor # to your board automatically.

If you have more than one board defined in CCS Setup:

• Click Select target to open the Selection Utility dialog.

• Select the board name and processor name to use from the list of boards.
12 Click Generate to export your filter. If your processor does not support the data type
you export, you see a warning similar to the following message.

You can continue to export the filter, or cancel the export process. To prevent this
warning dialog from appearing, select Disable memory transfer warnings in the
Export to Code Composer Studio IDE dialog.
13 (Optional) Continue to optimize filter performance by modifying your filter in
FDATool and then export the updated filter coefficients directly to processor
14 When you finish testing your filter, return to FDATool, and click Store filter to save
your changes.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 3.x

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 39-76
“Set Up XMakefile for CCSv3” on page 39-76
“Prepare Your Model for CCSv3 and Makefiles” on page 39-77
“Create Target Configuration File in CCSv3” on page 39-78
“Load and Run the Embedded Software” on page 39-78

This tutorial shows you how to use the XMakefile feature in your MathWorks software
to build and run embedded software with Code Composer Studio 3.3 (CCSv3). For more
information about XMakefile, see “Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains” on page

Note: The Embedded Coder IDE Project Generator feature is not available for CCSv3
in the current release. For more information about IDE Project Generator, see “IDE
Projects” on page 36-13

To build the target software, complete the process covered in this chapter:

• Set up XMakefile for CCSv3.

• Prepare your model for CCSv3.
• Create a Target Configuration File in CCSv3.
• Load and run the embedded software.

Set Up XMakefile for CCSv3

The XMakefile feature tells your MathWorks software how to create makefiles for
a configuration, which is a specific combination of tool chain and embedded target
hardware. Some configurations require additional information before you can use them.

Select and complete a configuration for Code Composer Studio 3.3 (CCSv3):

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 3.x

1 Enter xmakefilesetup at the MATLAB command prompt. This action opens the
XMakefile User Configuration dialog.
2 Clear Display operational configurations only. This displays the configuration
files, including ones that need updated path information.
3 For Configurations, select a configuration that matches your target and ends with
ccsv3. Then click Apply.
4 If the configuration is incomplete, the software displays a series of Browse For
Folder dialoges that include instructions to provide missing information.
5 Examine the Tool Directories tab to see if the paths are right.
6 When you have supplied the missing information, and the configuration is complete,
click OK to close the XMakefile User Configuration dialog.

For example, to generate code for CCSv3 and a C6000 processor with DSP/BIOS:

1 Enter xmakefilesetup on the command line.

2 In the XMakefile dialog, clear Display operational configurations only, set
Configurations to ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv3, and click Apply.
3 A Browse For Folder appears, stating “Select the C6000 Code Generation Tools
root installation directory...”.

Browse and select a path such as C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments

\C6000 Code Generation Tools.
4 Another Browse For Folder dialog appears, stating “Select the C6000 CSL root
installation directory...”.

Browse and select a path such as C:\Program Files\C6xCSL\.

5 Examine the Tool Directories tab to see if the paths are right.
6 With the updated information, the ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv3 configuration is
operational. Click OK to save the updated configuration, and close the dialog.

Prepare Your Model for CCSv3 and Makefiles

1 Configure your model as described in “Configure Target Hardware Resources” on
page 36-3
2 On the Coder Target pane, under the Tool Chain Automation tab, set Build format
to Makefile.
3 Build your embedded software by pressing CTRL+B.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Create Target Configuration File in CCSv3

Before loading and running your target software, use the CCSv3 IDE to create a “target
configuration file”. The TI Debug Server uses this file while it works with CCSv3 to load
and run your target software. The XML-based target configuration file describes the
target board and processor. The file name ends with a *.ccxml extension.

Create a target configuration file:

1 In the CCSv3, select File > New > Target Configuration File to display a New
Target Configuration dialog:

• For File name, update the file name that ends with .ccxml to describe your
project and hardware.
• Click Finish. This action displays a utility in the CCS editor pane for
customizing the target configuration file.
2 Use the utility to select the Connection and Device type. Typing a partial string
next to Device filters the list of devices.
3 Click Save.

Note: For more information about target configuration files, consult the Texas
Instruments documentation for CCSv3.

Load and Run the Embedded Software

First set the Windows system variable, Path, so you can call the TI Debug Server
Scripting (DSS) API from a folder.

1 In Windows, right-click My Computer, and select Properties. This action opens

the System Properties dialog.
2 In System Properties, select the Advanced tab, and click Environment
Variables. This action opens the Environment Variables dialog.
3 In Environment Variables, under System variables, select the Path variable,
and click Edit. This action opens the Edit System Variable dialog.
4 In Edit System Variable, for Variable value, append a semicolon and the full
path of the \ccsv3\scripting\bin subdirectory. For example, append ;C:\ti

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 3.x

Note: The path cannot contain spaces. Customize the installation directory when you
install CCSv3 so it does not contain spaces.

For more information about using DSS, see http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/


MathWorks provides an example JavaScript file, runProgram.js, for you to use with DSS.
This script loads and runs the specified program on the target specified in the target
configuration file. You can create a copy of this script and modify it to suit your needs.
The location of runProgram.js is:


The specific syntax for running dss.bat with runProgram.js is:

> dss runProgram.js targetConfigurationFile programFile

Replace targetConfigurationFile and programFile with paths and file names. For
example, if you are using a working directory called the CCSv3 workspace, and the model
name is myProgram, enter:
> dss runProgram.js c:\workspace\myC6416dsk.ccxml myProgram.out

This command builds and loads your software on the target or simulator.

You have completed the process of loading and running embedded software using
XMakefile and CCSv3.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Reported Limitations and Tips

In this section...
“Example Programs Do Not Run Well with Incorrect GEL Files” on page 39-80
“Changing Values of Local Variables Does Not Work” on page 39-81
“Code Composer Studio Cannot Find a File After You Halt a Program” on page 39-81
“C54x XPC Register Can Be Modified Only Through the PC Register” on page 39-83
“Working with More Than One Installed Version of Code Composer Studio” on page
“Changing CCS Versions During a MATLAB Session” on page 39-84
“MATLAB Hangs When Code Composer Studio Cannot Find a Board” on page 39-84
“Using Mapped Drives” on page 39-85
“Uninstalling Code Composer Studio 3.3 Prevents Embedded Coder From Connecting”
on page 39-85
“PostCodeGenCommand Commands Do Not Apply to IDE Projects” on page 39-86

Some long-standing issues apply to the Embedded Coder product. When you are using
ticcs objects and the software methods to work with Code Composer Studio and
supported hardware or simulators, recall the information in this section.

The latest issues in the list appear at the bottom. HIL refers to “hardware in the loop,”
also called processor in the loop (PIL) here and in other applications, and sometimes
referred to as function calls.

Example Programs Do Not Run Well with Incorrect GEL Files

To run the Embedded Coder examples, you must load the corresponding GEL files before
you run the examples. For some boards, the examples run fine with the default CCS GEL
file. Some boards need to run device-specific GEL files for the examples to work well.

Here are examples and boards which require specific GEL files.

• Board: C5416 DSK

Examples: rtdxtutorial, rtdxlmsdemo

Reported Limitations and Tips

Emulator: XDS-510

GEL file to load: c5416_dsk.gel

In general, if a example does not run with the default GEL file, try using a device-specific
GEL file by defining the file in the CCS Setup Utility.

Changing Values of Local Variables Does Not Work

If you halt the execution of your program on your DSP and modify a local variable's
value, the new value may not be acknowledged by the compiler. If you continue to run
your program, the compiler uses the original value of the variable.

This problem happens only with local variables. When you write to the local variable via
the Code Composer Studio Watch Window or via a MATLAB object, you are writing into
the variable's absolute location (register or address in memory).

However, within the processor function, the compiler sometimes saves the local variable's
values in an intermediate location, such as in another register or to the stack. That
intermediate location cannot be determined or changed/updated with a new value
during execution. Thus the compiler uses the old, unchanged variable value from the
intermediate location.

Code Composer Studio Cannot Find a File After You Halt a Program
When you halt a running program on your processor, Code Composer Studio may display
a dialog that says it cannot find a source code file or a library file.

When you halt a program, CCS tries to display the source code associated with the
current program counter. If the program stops in a system library like the runtime
library, DSP/BIOS, or the board support library, it cannot find the source code for debug.
You can either find the source code to debug it or select the Don't show this message
again check box to ignore messages like this in the future.

For more information about how CCS responds to the halt, refer the online Help for
CCS. In the online help system, use the search engine to search for the keywords
“Troubleshooting” and “Support.” The following information comes from the online help
for CCS, starting with the error message:

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

File Not Found

The debugger is unable to locate the source file required to enable source-level debugging
for this program.

To specify the location of the source file

1 Click Yes. The Open dialog appears.

2 In the Open dialog, specify the location and name of the source file then click Open.

The next section provides more details about file paths.

Defining a Search Path for Source Files

The Directories dialog enables you to specify the search path the debugger uses to find
the source files included in a project.

To Specify Search Path Directories

1 Select Option > Customize.

2 In the Customize dialog, select the Directories tab. Use the scroll arrows at the top
of the dialog to locate the tab.

The Directories dialog offers the following options.

• Directories. The Directories list displays the defined search path. The
debugger searches the listed folders in order from top to bottom.

If two files have the same name and are located in different folders, the file
located in the folder that appears highest in the Directories list takes
• New. To add a new folder to the Directories list, click New. Enter the full path
or click browse [...] to navigate to a folder. By default, the new folder is added to
the bottom of the list.
• Delete. Select a folder in the Directories list, then click Delete to remove
that folder from the list.
• Up. Select a folder in the Directories list, then click Up to move that folder
higher in the list.
• Down. Select a folder in the Directories list, then click Down to move that
folder lower in the list.

Reported Limitations and Tips

3 Click OK to close the Customize dialog and save your changes.

C54x XPC Register Can Be Modified Only Through the PC Register

You cannot modify the XPC register value directly using regwrite to write into the
register. When you are using extended program addressing in C54x, you can modify the
XPC register by using regwrite to write a 23-bit data value in the PC register. Along
with the 16-bit PC register, this operation also modifies the 7-bit XPC register that is
used for extended program addressing. On the C54x, the PC register is 23 bits (7 bits in
XPC + 16 bits in PC).

You can then read the XPC register value using regread.

Working with More Than One Installed Version of Code Composer Studio
When you have more than one version of Code Composer Studio installed on your
machine, you cannot select which CCS version MATLAB Embedded Coder attaches to
when you create a ticcs object. If, for example, you have both CCS for C5000 and CCS
for C6000 versions installed, you cannot choose to connect to the C6000 version rather
than the C5000 version.

When you issue the command

IDE_obj = ticcs

Embedded Coder starts the CCS version you last used. If you last used your C5000
version, the IDE_obj object accesses the C5000 version.


To make your ticcs object access the right processor:

1 Start and close the CCS version you plan to use before you create the ticcs object in
2 Create the ticcs object using the boardnum and procnum properties to select your
processor, if required.

Recall that ccsboardinfo returns the boardnum and procnum values for the
processors that CCS recognizes.

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Changing CCS Versions During a MATLAB Session

You can use only one version of CCS in a single MATLAB session. Embedded Coder does
not support using multiple versions of CCS in a MATLAB session. To use another CCS
version, exit MATLAB software and restart it. Then create your links to the new version
of CCS.

MATLAB Hangs When Code Composer Studio Cannot Find a Board

In MATLAB software, when you create a ticcs object, the construction process for the
object automatically starts CCS. If CCS cannot find a processor that is connected to
your PC, you see a message from CCS like the following DSP Device Driver dialog that
indicates CCS could not initialize the processor.

Four options let you decide how to respond to the failure:

• Abort — Closes CCS and suspends control for about 30 seconds. If you used MATLAB
software functions to open CCS, such as when you create a ticcs object, the system
returns control to MATLAB command window after a considerable delay, and issues
this warning:

Reported Limitations and Tips

??? Unable to establish connection with Code Composer Studio.

• Ignore — Starts CCS without connecting to a processor. In the CCS IDE you see a
status message that says EMULATOR DISCONNECTED in the status area of the
IDE. If you used MATLAB to start CCS, you get control immediately and Embedded
Coder creates the ticcs object. Because CCS is not connected to a processor, you
cannot use the object to perform processor operations from MATLAB, such as loading
or running programs.
• Retry — CCS tries again to initialize the processor. If CCS continues not to find
your hardware processor, the same DSP Device Driver dialog reappears. This process
continues until either CCS finds the processor or you choose one of the other options
to respond to the warning.

One more option, Diagnostic, lets you enter diagnostic mode if it is enabled. Usually,
Diagnostic is not available for you to use.

Using Mapped Drives

Limitations in Code Composer Studio do not allow you to load programs after you set
your CCS working folder to a read-only mapped drive. Load operations fail with an
Application Error dialog.

The following combination of commands does not work:

1 cd(IDE_obj,'mapped_drive_letter') % Change CCS working directory

to read-only mapped drive.
2 load(IDE_obj,'program_file') % Loading program fails.

Uninstalling Code Composer Studio 3.3 Prevents Embedded Coder From

Description On a machine where CCS 3.3 and CCS 3.1 are installed, uninstalling 3.3
makes 3.1 unusable from MATLAB. This is because the CCS 3.3 uninstaller leaves stale
registry entries in the Windows Registry that prevent MATLAB from connecting to CCS

Texas Instruments has documented this uninstall problem and the solution on their Web

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Updated information on this issue may also be available from the Bug Reports section of
www.mathworks.com at http://www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/379676

PostCodeGenCommand Commands Do Not Apply to IDE Projects

PostCodeGenCommand commands, such as the “addCompileFlags” and “addLinkFlags”
functions in the BuildInfo API do not alter code generated by Embedded Coder while
System Target File is set to idelink_ert.tlc or idelink_grt.tlc.

Use the 'Compiler options string' and 'Linker options string' parameters located in the
Configuration Parameters dialog (Ctrl+E) on the Code Generation > Coder Target pane
instead. You can also automate this process using a model callback to SET_PARAM the
'CompilerOptionsStr' and 'LinkerOptionsStr' parameters.

Setting Up Code Composer Studio (ert.tlc System Target File)

Setting Up Code Composer Studio (ert.tlc System Target File)

In this section...
“Prepare Your Model for CCSv3.3” on page 39-87
“Prepare Your Model for CCSv4/5” on page 39-87

Prepare Your Model for CCSv3.3

For Code Composer Studio 3.3, select Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
v3.3 (C2000) as the toolchain, and press Ctrl + B to build and generate the .out
(executable) file. To download and run the executable, use Code Composer Studio.

Prepare Your Model for CCSv4/5

1 Configure your model as described in “Coder Target Pane: Texas Instruments C2000
Processors”, setting Toolchain to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
v4 (C2000) or Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v5 (C2000).
2 If you want to load and run the application automatically after the build, on the
Coder Target pane, select Build, load and run value from Build action and
specify the *.ccxml file in CCS hardware configuration file that matches the
selected target hardware.

Otherwise, you have to create your own .ccxml file that matches the target hardware
and the connection. See “Create Target Configuration File in CCSv4/5” on page
39-87 to create your own .ccxml file (Target Configuration File) in CCSv4/5.
3 Build your embedded software by pressing CTRL+B.

Create Target Configuration File in CCSv4/5

Before loading and running your target software, use the CCSv4/5 IDE to create a “target
configuration file”. The TI Debug Server uses this file while it works with CCSv4/5 to
load and run your target software.

Create a target configuration file:

1 In the CCSv4/5, select File > New > Target Configuration File to display a New
Target Configuration dialog:

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

• For File name, update the file name that ends with .ccxml to describe your
project and hardware.
• Click Finish. This action displays a utility in the CCSv4/5 editor pane for
customizing the target configuration file.
2 Use the utility to select the Connection and Device type. Typing a partial string
next to Device filters the list of devices.
3 Click Save.

IDE Link Frequently Asked Question: Why do I get an error when I invoke TICCS?

IDE Link Frequently Asked Question: Why do I get an error when I

invoke TICCS?
In this section...
“Why do I get an error when I invoke TICCS?” on page 39-89
“How can I fix this problem?” on page 39-89
“What happens if I click Deselect All when CCS prompts that 'New components were
detected'?” on page 39-91
“How do I use CCS Component Manager to enable IDE Link Components?” on page

Why do I get an error when I invoke TICCS?

IDE Link uses a plugin component that needs to be registered with CCS. If the plugin is
not registered, you get the following error messages when you invoke TICCS.

Example 1:
cc = ticcs

Could not start the MATLAB(R) component in CCS.

Please use IDE Link FAQ to troubleshoot the problem.

Example 2:
cc = ticcs

Could not start the MATLAB component in CCS.

How can I fix this problem?

To fix this problem, perform the following steps:

1 Register IDE Link components.

2 Enable IDE Link component.

Register IDE Link Components

The following instructions show you how to register the components required by IDE

39 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 IDE

Note: Before you register the components, you must have write permission to modify
the registry. If you do not have this permission, look for someone who has (e.g., system
administrator) and have this person perform the registration.

1 Close Code Composer Studio IDE.

2 Close MATLAB.
3 Open a Microsoft Windows Command Prompt by clicking Start and then Programs >
Accessories > Command Prompt.
4 Register the LinkCCS.dll component. In MATLAB Command Window, enter:

regsvr32 [MATLABROOT]\bin\win32\LinkCCS.dll
5 Verify that the preceding command displays the following message in a dialog box:

DllRegisterServer in [MATLABROOT]\bin\win32\LinkCCS.dll succeeded

6 Register the MWCCSStu.ocx component. In MATLAB Command Window, enter:

regsvr32 [MATLABROOT]\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\bin\win32\MWCCSStu.ocx
7 Verify that the preceding command displays the following message in a dialog box:

DllRegisterServer in [MATLABROOT]\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\bin\win32\MWCCSS

After you register the components, enable the CCS component before using IDE Link.

To enable IDE Link Component

2 Enter cc = ticcs at the MATLAB prompt. CCS starts and prompts that "New
components were detected".
3 Click Yes to enable components for compatible CCS releases. The first time CCS is
invoked (either through TICCS or directly), it detects new components and asks if
you want enable them. You see the following dialog:

Note: Click OK to enable the new component. For more information on ticcs or to see
this FAQ again, enter help ticcs at the MATLAB prompt. For your convenience these
instructions are available here.

IDE Link Frequently Asked Question: Why do I get an error when I invoke TICCS?

What happens if I click Deselect All when CCS prompts that 'New
components were detected'?
You will not be able to use IDE Link. The New Components dialog box appears only once.

To enable the components after you click 'Deselect All', use the CCS Component

How do I use CCS Component Manager to enable IDE Link Components?

1 To open the CCS Component Manager, select Start and then Programs > Texas
Instruments > Code Composer Studio 3.x > Component Manager. The left pane of
the Component Manager presents the CCS installations select tree.
2 On the select tree, double-click The MathWorks, Inc. to see the MathWorks
3 Select the checkbox for [MATLABROOT]\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\bin
\win32 to enable the component.
4 Select File > Save from the menu bar to save the new settings and then close the
Component Manager.


Working with Texas Instruments Code

Composer Studio 4 & 5 IDE

• “Set Up” on page 40-2

• “Code Composer Studio” on page 40-3
• “Getting Started” on page 40-4
• “Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 4/5” on page 40-5
• “Reported Limitations and Tips” on page 40-11
40 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & 5 IDE

Set Up
Before you use Embedded Coder with Code Composer Studio (CCS IDE) for the
first time, use the checkEnvSetup function to check for third-party tools and set
environment variables. Run checkEnvSetup again whenever you configure CCS IDE to
interact with a new board or processor, or upgrade the related third-party tools.

To verify that CCSv3 is installed on your machine and has at least one board configured,

in the MATLAB Command Window. With CCS installed and configured, MATLAB
software returns information about the boards that CCS recognizes on your machine, in a
form similar to the following listing.
Board Board Proc Processor Processor
Num Name Num Name Type
--- -------------------------------- --- -------------
1 C6xxx Simulator (Texas Instrum .0 6701 TMS320C6701
0 C6x13 DSK (Texas Instruments) 0 CPU TMS320C6x1x

If MATLAB software does not return information about the boards, open your CCS
installation and use the Setup Utility in CCS to configure at least one board.

As a final test, start CCS to verify that it runs. For Embedded Coder to operate with
CCS, the CCS IDE must be able to run on its own.

Code Composer Studio

Code Composer Studio

Feature Support
When you use Code Composer Studio 4 or Code Composer Studio 5 with Embedded Coder
software, you can use:

• Makefiles to automate building and deploying software to target hardware. For more
information, see “Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains” and “Using Makefiles
with Code Composer Studio 4/5” on page 40-5.
• Processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations to verify your software running on target
hardware. For more information, see “PIL Simulation for IDE and Toolchain Targets”.
• Execution profiling with PIL to measure the performance of synchronous tasks
running on target hardware. For more information, see “Execution Profiling During
PIL Simulation”.

Features that require IDE projects (Build format = Project), such as IDE Project
Generator and IDE Automation Interface, are not available for use with Code Composer
Studio 4 & 5.

You can use CCSv4/5 with the Simulink Block Libraries for the following Texas
Instruments processors:

• TI’s C2000
• TI’s C5000
• TI’s C6000

40 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & 5 IDE

Getting Started
In this section...
“Verifying Your Code Composer Studio Installation” on page 40-4
“Learning About Makefiles” on page 40-4

Verifying Your Code Composer Studio Installation

On your host computer, install CCSv4/5 and other third-party tools for your board and
processor, and set the environment variables. Then use the checkEnvSetup function in
MATLAB to verify that your setup includes the required software. For more information
and examples, see checkEnvSetup.

Learning About Makefiles

To learn about using makefiles, see “Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains” on page

For an example of using CCSv4/5 with makefiles, model-block PIL, and the Serial
Communications Interface (SCI), see “Performing a Model Block PIL Simulation via SCI
Using Makefiles”.

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 4/5

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 4/5

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 40-5
“Set Up XMakefile for CCSv4/5” on page 40-5
“Prepare Your Model for CCSv4/5 and Makefiles” on page 40-6
“Create Target Configuration File in CCSv4/5” on page 40-7
“Configure Windows Path for TI Debug Server Scripting (DSS)” on page 40-7
“Load and Run the Embedded Software Using DSS” on page 40-8

This tutorial shows you how to use the XMakefile feature in your MathWorks software
to build and run embedded software with Code Composer Studio 4 or 5 (CCSv4/5). For
more information about XMakefile, see “Makefiles for Software Build Tool Chains” on
page 36-15

Note: The Embedded Coder IDE Project Generator feature is not available for CCSv4/5
in the current release. For more information about IDE Project Generator, see “IDE
Projects” on page 36-13

To build the target software, complete the process covered in this chapter:

• Set up XMakefile for CCSv4/5.

• Prepare your model for CCSv4/5.
• Create a Target Configuration File in CCSv4/5.
• Load and run the embedded software.

Set Up XMakefile for CCSv4/5

The XMakefile feature tells your MathWorks software how to create makefiles for
a configuration, which is a specific combination of tool chain and embedded target
hardware. Some configurations require additional information before you can use them.

Select and complete a configuration for Code Composer Studio 4 & 5 (CCSv4/5):

40 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & 5 IDE

1 Enter xmakefilesetup at the MATLAB command prompt. This action opens the
XMakefile User Configuration dialog.
2 Clear Display operational configurations only. This displays the configuration
files, including ones that need updated path information.
3 For Configurations, select a configuration that matches your target and ends with
ccsv4 or ccsv5. Then click Apply.
4 If the configuration is incomplete, the software displays a series of Browse For
Folder dialoges that include instructions to provide missing information.
5 Examine the Tool Directories tab to see if the paths are right.
6 When you have supplied the missing information, and the configuration is complete,
click OK to close the XMakefile User Configuration dialog.

For example, to generate code for CCSv4/5 and a C6000 processor with DSP/BIOS:

1 Enter xmakefilesetup on the command line.

2 In the XMakefile dialog, clear Display operational configurations
only, set Configurations to ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv4 or
ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv5, and click Apply.
3 A Browse For Folder appears, stating “Select the C6000 Code Generation Tools
root installation directory...”.

Browse and select a path such as C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments

\C6000 Code Generation Tools.
4 Another Browse For Folder dialog appears, stating “Select the C6000 CSL root
installation directory...”.

Browse and select a path such as C:\Program Files\C6xCSL\.

5 Examine the Tool Directories tab and verify the paths shown there. Verify the
DSP/BIOS and XDC installation folders.
6 With the updated information, the ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv4 or
ticcs_c6000_dspbios_ccsv5 configuration is operational. Click OK to save the
updated configuration, and close the dialog.

Prepare Your Model for CCSv4/5 and Makefiles

1 Configure your model as described in “Configure Target Hardware Resources” on
page 36-3 , setting IDE/Tool Chain to Texas Instruments Code Composer

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 4/5

Studio v4 (makefile generation only) or Texas Instruments Code

Composer Studio v5 (makefile generation only).

Choosing either of those options automatically sets Build format to Makefile.

2 Build your embedded software by pressing CTRL+B.

Create Target Configuration File in CCSv4/5

Before loading and running your target software, use the CCSv4/5 IDE to create a “target
configuration file”. The TI Debug Server uses this file while it works with CCSv4/5 to
load and run your target software. The XML-based target configuration file describes the
target board and processor. The file name ends with a *.ccxml extension.

Create a target configuration file:

1 In the CCSv4/5, select File > New > Target Configuration File to display a New
Target Configuration dialog:

• For File name, update the file name that ends with .ccxml to describe your
project and hardware.
• Click Finish. This action displays a utility in the CCSv4/5 editor pane for
customizing the target configuration file.
2 Use the utility to select the Connection and Device type. Typing a partial string
next to Device filters the list of devices.
3 Click Save.

Note: For more information about target configuration files, consult the Texas
Instruments documentation for CCSv4/5.

Configure Windows Path for TI Debug Server Scripting (DSS)

Set the Windows system variable, Path, so you can call the TI Debug Server Scripting
(DSS) API from a folder.

1 In Windows, right-click My Computer, and select Properties. This action opens

the System Properties dialog.
2 In System Properties, select the Advanced tab, and click Environment
Variables. This action opens the Environment Variables dialog.

40 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & 5 IDE

3 In Environment Variables, under System variables, select the Path variable,

and click Edit. This action opens the Edit System Variable dialog.
4 In Edit System Variable, for Variable value, append a semicolon and the full path
of the \ccsv4\scripting\bin or \ccsv5\scripting\bin subdirectory. For
example, append ;C:\ti\ccsv4\scripting\bin.

Note: The path cannot contain spaces. Customize the installation directory when you
install CCSv4/5 so it does not contain spaces.

Load and Run the Embedded Software Using DSS

MathWorks provides an example JavaScript file, runProgram.js, for you to use with DSS.
This script loads and runs the specified program on the target specified in the target
configuration file. You can create a copy of this script and modify it to suit your needs.
The location of runProgram.js is:


Load and Run Embedded Software Automatically Using XMakefile Configuration

The syntax for running dss.bat with runProgram.js using XMakefile Configuration is:

> dss runProgramFile targetConfigurationFile [|||MW_XMK_GENERATED_TARGET_REF[E]|||]

For example, to automate, load, and run an embedded software on C2000 processor with
CCSv4/5 using xmakefile configuration, the steps are as follows:

1 Enter

on the [MATLAB] command prompt.
2 In the XMakefile User Configuration dialog box, clear Display operational
configurations only check box.
3 Select ticcs_c2000_ccsv4 or ticcs_c2000_ccsv5 in Configuration parameter.
4 Click Apply.
5 Create a new Configuration as explained in the section, “Creating a New XMakefile
6 Select Execute tab. In this tab, enter values for the syntax

Using Makefiles with Code Composer Studio 4/5

> dss runProgramFile targetConfigurationFile [|||MW_XMK_GENERATED_TARGET_REF[E]|||

in the Execute tool and Arguments parameters.

• In the Execute tool parameter, enter the executable name ‘dss.bat’.

• In the Arguments parameter, replace runProgramFile and
targetConfigurationFile with complete filepath.

When you enter the filepath, use double quotes or double back-slashes.

For example:








You have completed the process of loading and running the embedded software using
XMakefile on the target or simulator.

Load and Run Embedded Software Using Windows Command Prompt

The syntax for running dss.bat with runProgram.js using Windows command prompt is:
> dss runProgramFile targetConfigurationFile programFile

Replace runProgramFile, targetConfigurationFile, and the programFile with complete

file path and the file name. For example, if you are using a working directory called
‘CCSv4/5 workspace’, and the model name ‘myProgram’, enter,
> dss c:\ccsv4\runProgram.js c:\workspace\myC6416dsk.ccxml

This command loads and runs the embedded software on the target or simulator.

40 Working with Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4 & 5 IDE

For more information about using DSS, see http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/


Troubleshooting DSS

With Code Composer Studio 4 & 5, using runProgram.js to download and run the
generated program file can produce an error message similar to:
SEVERE: Could not open session. Found 2 devices matching: .*
Spectrum Digital DSK-EVM-eZdsp onboard USB Emulator_0/C64XP_0
Spectrum Digital DSK-EVM-eZdsp onboard USB Emulator_0/IcePick_C_0

If this happens, specify one of the devices in line 65 in runProgram.js. For example:
debugSession = debugServer.openSession(".*C64XP.*");

Alternatively, to connect to the first board & CPU detected, use ("*","*") in line 65.
For example:
debugSession = debugServer.openSession("*","*");

Remember to restore the original code to work with other devices.

Advanced DSS Features

To use advanced DSS features, you can also use the CCSv4/5 example batch file,
loadti.bat, as follows:

Change directories to the loadti subdirectory. For example:

> cd c:\ccs4_install\ccsv4\scripting\examples\loadti
Run loadti.bat using the following syntax:
> loadti -a -c=targetConfigurationFile programFile

Replace targetConfigurationFile with the complete path of the target configuration


Replace programFile with the name of the .out created using the XMakefile feature.
For example:
> loadti -a -c=c:\workspace\myC6416dsk.ccxml myProgram.out
For more information about loadti and its options, type the following on your system
command prompt
> loadti -help

Reported Limitations and Tips

Reported Limitations and Tips

In this section...
“Example Programs Do Not Run well with Incorrect GEL Files” on page 40-11
“PostCodeGenCommand Commands Do Not Apply to IDE Projects” on page 40-11

Some long-standing issues apply to the Embedded Coder product.

Example Programs Do Not Run well with Incorrect GEL Files

To run the Embedded Coder examples, you must load the GEL files before you run the
examples. For some boards, the examples run fine with the default CCSv4/5 GEL file.
Some boards need to run device-specific GEL files for the examples to work.

Here are examples and boards which require specific GEL files.

• Board: C5416 DSK

Examples: rtdxtutorial, rtdxlmsdemo

Emulator: XDS-510

GEL file to load: c5416_dsk.gel

In general, if a example does not run with the default GEL file, try using a device-specific
GEL file by defining the file in the CCSv4/5 Setup Utility.

PostCodeGenCommand Commands Do Not Apply to IDE Projects

PostCodeGenCommand commands, such as the “addCompileFlags” and “addLinkFlags”
functions in the BuildInfo API do not alter code generated while System Target File is
set to idelink_ert.tlc or idelink_grt.tlc.

Use the 'Compiler options string' and 'Linker options string' parameters located in the
Configuration Parameters dialog (Ctrl+E) on the Code Generation > Coder Target
pane instead. You can also automate this process using a model callback to SET_PARAM
the 'CompilerOptionsStr' and 'LinkerOptionsStr' parameters.


Working with Texas Instruments

C2000 Processors

• “Install Support for C2000 Processors” on page 41-2

• “Data Type Support” on page 41-6
• “Scheduling and Timing” on page 41-7
• “Sharing General Purpose Timers between C281x Peripherals” on page 41-13
• “Overview of Creating Models for C2000 Processors” on page 41-21
• “Using the c2000lib Blockset” on page 41-23
• “Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks” on page 41-28
• “ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt” on page 41-44
• “Configuring Acquisition Window Width for ADC Blocks” on page 41-49
• “Real-Time Data Exchange via RTDX™” on page 41-55
• “SPI-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle” on page 41-57
• “HIL Verification of IIR Filter via SCI” on page 41-60
• “CAN-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle” on page 41-66
• “CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode” on page 41-69
• “Using the I2C Bus to Access a Connected EEPROM” on page 41-77
• “Using the IQmath Library” on page 41-81
• “Programming Flash Memory” on page 41-89
• “Configuring LIN Communications” on page 41-94
• “Open Examples for Embedded Coder Texas Instruments C2000” on page 41-96
• “Tips and Limitations” on page 41-98
• “RTDX Simulation Blocks” on page 41-99
41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Install Support for C2000 Processors

In this section...
“Workflows for Texas Instruments C2000” on page 41-2
“Install Code Composer Studio and control SUITE” on page 41-2
“Install Texas Instruments C2000” on page 41-3
“Configuring and Verifying” on page 41-5

Workflows for Texas Instruments C2000

Embedded Coder Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors supports two
workflows, ert.tlc and idelink_ert.tlc for System target file. Both the workflows
support Code Composer Studio 3.3, 4 & 5 (CCSv3/4/5).

• The idelink_ert.tlc workflow supports IDE Automation Interface and IDE

Project Generator component with Code Composer Studio 3.3 (CCSv3). For CCSv4/5,
the workflow supports makefile generation only.
• If you are a new user, the ert.tlc system target file is the preferred option over the
idelink_ert.tlc. This option provides a uniform model configuration workflow across
the phases of development such as simulation, target prototyping and production code
generation. This workflow also supports ‘auto-download’ feature.

Go to the vendor Web sites to find 64-bit compatible drivers for installing CCSv3 on
64-bits machine with drivers such as, Spectrum Digital Emulators or BlackHawk
Emulators. Most vendors have 64-bit drivers that are compatible with CCSv3.

For more information about Embedded Coder support with idelink_ert.tlc, see
“Code Composer Studio” on page 39-3.

For more information about Embedded Coder support for CCSv3 and CCSv4/5 with
ert.tlc, see “Setting Up Code Composer Studio (ert.tlc System Target File)”.

Install Code Composer Studio and control SUITE

For the host—side CAN functionality, you must install 32-bit version of MATLAB on 64-
bit machines.

Install the software in the following order:

Install Support for C2000 Processors

1 Install TI CCS.
2 Install TI Service Release for CCS.
3 Install the TI Code Generation Tools for Windows.
4 If you are using a Spectrum Digital board, download and install the matching
Spectrum Digital Driver.
5 If you are using RTDX for C28x host/target communications, download and install TI
6 If you program flash memory with standalone code, download the TI Flash API for
your target hardware.

Configure CCSv3 as follows:

1 In CCSv3, open Help > About > Component manager > Build tools >
TMS320C28XX and select (check) C2000 Code Generation Tools .
2 With the Component manager open, open Target Content (DSP/BIOS) >
TMS320C28XX and select Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS.
3 Save, exit, and restart CCSv3.

Install Texas Instruments C2000

Uninstall unsupported or untested versions of the third party products before installing
supported versions. This prevents errors that occur when the Windows Environment
Variables point to the unsupported versions.

Before you install the software, if you install the Texas Instruments (TI) Code Composer
Studio CCSv3 on Windows 7, then, make sure that:

• You have administrator privileges.

• You have set the User Account Control (UAC) settings to the lowest level.
• You install CCSv3 in a folder other than Program Files.

Using this installation process, you download and install the following items on your host

• Related Embedded Coder software features.

• Simulink block library called “ Support Package for Texas Instruments TI C2000
Hardware” .

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• Related examples.

To install Embedded Coder Texas Instruments C2000 support package:

1 In a MATLAB command window, enter supportPackageInstaller. This starts

the Support Package Installer wizard.
2 On the Select an action screen, select Install from Internet and click Next.
3 On the Select support package to install screen, select Texas Instruments
C2000 from the Support for list.
4 Specify the path to install in the Installation folder. Make sure you have the write
privilege for the installation folder.
5 Click Next and follow the instructions on the subsequent pages of the Support
Package Installer wizard.
6 On the Confirm installation screen, click Install.
7 The Install/update complete screen indicates the support package installation is
complete and you need to continue with additional steps for installing the third party

Click Continue and follow the instructions on the subsequent screens.

8 Specify the CCSv3, CCSv4, or CCSv5 folder path.
9 On the Validate controlSuite installation screen, specify the controlSUITE
installation folder path and click Validate.

Note Before you generate code for Texas Instruments processors, you must
configure your environment by creating the system environment variables used
by code generation software. To configure your environment type, execute the
function checkEnvSetup in MATLAB Command Window. To know more on
checkEnvSetup, see “checkEnvSetup”.

On the Confirm third party installation screen, click Confirm.

10 When Support Package Installer confirms that the installation is complete, click
Finish. By default, Support Package Installer displays the examples for Texas
Instruments C2000. You can use Texas Instruments C2000.

Note You can also use targetupdater function in the MATLAB command window to
install/update the latest third party software for the support package.

Install Support for C2000 Processors

Configuring and Verifying

To determine whether Embedded Coder software is present on your system, enter this
command at the MATLAB prompt:

MATLAB displays the C2000 block libraries.

If you do not see the listed libraries, or MATLAB does not recognize the command, install
the Embedded Coder software. Without the software, you cannot use Simulink and
Simulink Coder software to develop applications targeted to the TI boards.

To verify that Code Composer Studio 3.3 (CCSv3) is present on your machine, enter this
command at the MATLAB prompt:

With CCSv3 installed and configured, MATLAB returns a list of the boards that CCSv3
recognizes on your machine like the following example:
Board Board Proc Processor Processor
Num Name Num Name Type
--- ---------------------------------- ---
1 F2812 Simulator 0 CPU TMS320C28xx
0 F2812 PP Emulator 0 CPU_1 TMS320C28xx

If MATLAB does not return information about boards, revisit the installation and setup
instructions in your CCSv3 documentation. If you have not done so already, install the
third-party “Board Support Packages” for your boards.

As a final test, launch CCSv3 to verify that it runs. For Embedded Coder software to
operate with CCSv3, the CCSv3 IDE must be able to run on its own.

Note: For a model to work in the targeting environment, select the discrete-time solver
in the Solver pane of the Simulink Configuration Parameters dialog. Targeting does not
work with continuous-time solvers.

To change the discrete-time solver, select Simulation > Model Configuration

Parameters in the Simulink Editor. In the Configuration Parameters dialog, select the
Solver pane, and set the Solver parameter to Discrete (no continuous states).

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Data Type Support

TI C2000 DSPs support 16 and 32–bit data types, but does not have native 8-bit data
types. Simulink models and Embedded Coder software support many data types,
including 8-bit data types.

If you select int8 or uint8 in your model, your simulation runs with 8-bit data, but in
the generated code, that data will be represented as 16-bit. This may cause instances
where data overflow and wraparound occurs in the simulation, but not in the generated

For example, to make the overflow behavior of the simulation and generated code match
for a Simulink Add block in your model, select Saturate on integer overflow in that

Scheduling and Timing

Scheduling and Timing

In this section...
“Overview” on page 41-7
“Timer-Based Interrupt Processing” on page 41-7
“Asynchronous Scheduling” on page 41-8

Normally the code generated by Embedded Coder software runs in the context of a timer
interrupt. Model blocks run in a periodical fashion clocked by the periodical interrupt
whose period is tied to the base sample time of the model.

This execution scheduling model, however, is not flexible enough for many systems,
especially control and communication systems, which must respond to external events in
real time. Such systems require the ability to handle various hardware interrupts in an
asynchronous fashion.

Embedded Coder software lets you model and generate code for such systems by creating
tasks driven by Hardware Interrupt blocks in addition to the tasks that are left to be
handled in the context of the timer interrupt.

Timer-Based Interrupt Processing

For code that runs in the context of the timer interrupt, each iteration of the model solver
is run after an interrupt has been posted and serviced by an interrupt service routine
(ISR). The code generated for the C280x, C281x, and C28x3x uses CPU_timer0.

The timer is configured so that the model's base rate sample time corresponds to the
interrupt rate. The timer period and prescaler are calculated and set up to produce the
desired rate as follows:

BaseRateSampleTime =

The minimum achievable base rate sample time depends on the model complexity.
The maximum value depends on the maximum timer period value (232-1 for the F2812,

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

F2808, and F28x35) and the CPU clock speed. The CPU clock speed is 100 MHz for the
F2808, and 150 MHz for the F2812 and F28335.

If the blocks in the model inherit their sample time value, and a sample time is not
explicitly defined, the default value is 0.2 s.

High-Speed Peripheral Clock

The Event Managers and their general-purpose timers, which drive PWM waveform
generation use the high-speed peripheral clock (HISCLK). By default, this clock is
selected in Embedded Coder software. This clock is derived from the system clock
HISCLK = [SYSCLKOUT / (high-speed peripheral prescaler)]

The high-speed peripheral prescaler is determined by the HSPCLK bits set in SysCtrl.
The default value of HSPCLK is 1, which corresponds to a high-speed peripheral
prescaler value of 2.

For example, on the F2812, the HISCLK rate becomes

HISCLK = 150 MHz / 2 = 75 MHz

Asynchronous Scheduling
This example shows how to use the c28x peripherals and Hardware Interrupt blocks to
control the execution of function-call subsystems in an asynchronous fashion.

Required Hardware:

• Spectrum Digital F2808/F2812/F28335 eZdsp

• Texas Instruments F2808/F28035/F28069/F28335/F28343 ControlCARD with docking
• Texas Instruments F28069 ControlSTICK
• Oscilloscope and probes

Available versions of this example:

• F281x based board: c281x_asyncscheduling

• F280x/F2823x/F2833x based board: c280x_2833x_asyncscheduling

Scheduling and Timing

• Piccolo F2803x/F2806x based board: c280xx_asyncscheduling


The following figure shows the example model.


The EV Timer blocks are used to configure timer interrupts to be raised on period
match. Hardware Interrupt block installs the ISRs for the timer interrupts as well as
for an eCAN message receive interrupt. The ISRs in turn call function-call subsystems
connected to the Hardware Interrupt block output ports.

The outputs of first two subsystems are running counters. Their sum is used to control
the duty cycle of the PWMB for F2812 or ePWM2 for F2808/F28335. The PWM waveform
duty cycle increases linearly from 0 to 100 %.

The third subsystem contains an eCAN Rcv block whose message output drives a PWM
block (PWMA for F2812 or ePWM1 for F2808/F28335) to control its duty cycle. The duty
cycle varies from 0 to 100 % as the eCAN messages are received from an eCAN Xmt

NOTE: The Self-Test mode of eCAN_A is enabled to connect eCAN_A tranmitter and
receiver internally to avoid external connection between transmitter and receiver.
Disabling the Self-Test mode for eCAN_A requires tranmitter and receiver to be
connected together externally.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

How to Run the Example on the Board

The following sections explain how to configure, build, and deploy the executable.

With Code Composer Studio v3.3 (CCSv3.3) - Default

• Open the model corresponding to the family of processor you are using.
• Go to Peripherals > eCAN_A and check Self-Test Mode.
• Click Incremental build to generate, build, load and run the program.
• Observe the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

With Code Composer Studio v4 (CCSv4)

CCSv4 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run Xmakefile User Configuration.

• Set the Template parameter to gmake.
• Uncheck the Display operational configuration only checkbox.
• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv4, click Apply, if you haven't
used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv4 installation folder.
Pick the right folder and click OK.
• Click on the Tool Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\ for CCS Installation

2 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\tools\compiler\C2000\ for Code
Generation Tools
3 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_5_41_10_36\ for DSP/BIOS

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv4:

• Open the model corresponding to the family of processor you are using.
• Open the Coder Target pane. Under the Target Hardware Resources tab, set the IDE/
Tool chain parameter to

Scheduling and Timing

Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v4 (makefile generation

• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.
• Go to Peripherals > eCAN_A and check Self-Test Mode.
• Click Incremental build or press Ctrl+B to generate and build an .out executable
• Open CCSv4 and Connect to the Hardware. Load the program on to the Hardware
using CCSv4 and run.
• Observe the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

With Code Composer Studio v5 (CCSv5)

CCSv5 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run XMakefile User Configuration.

• Set the Template parameter to gmake.
• Uncheck the Display operational configuration only checkbox.
• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv5, click Apply, if you haven't
used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv5 installation folder.

Pick the right folder and click OK.

• Click on the Tool Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\ti\ccsv5\ for CCS Installation

2 C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c2000\ for Code Generation Tools
3 C:\ti\bios_5_41_11_38\ for DSP/BIOS Installation

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv5:

• Open the model corresponding to the family of processor you are using.
• Open the Coder Target pane. Under the Target Hardware Resources tab, set the
IDE/Tool chain parameter to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v5
(makefile generation only).

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.

• Go to Peripherals > eCAN_A and check Self-Test Mode.
• Click Incremental build or press Ctrl+B to generate and build an .out executable
• Open CCSv5 and Connect to the Hardware. Load the program on to the Hardware
using CCSv5 and run.
• Observe the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

Sharing General Purpose Timers between C281x Peripherals

Sharing General Purpose Timers between C281x Peripherals

In this section...
“Sharing General Purpose Timers between CAP and eCAN” on page 41-14
“Sharing General Purpose Timers between CAP and SPI” on page 41-17

TMS320x281x DSP devices have four General Purpose (GP) timers. Each Event Manager
(EV) module includes two GP timers:

• EVA includes GP Timer 1 and GP Timer 2.

• EVB includes GP Timer 3 and GP Timer 4.

You can use the GP Timers independently or to operate peripherals associated with the
EV Manager, such as PWM, QEP, and CAP.

The following table describes the timer-peripheral mapping of the c281xlib block library.

GP Timer Use for C281x Peripheral Blocks

GP Timer 1 GP Timer 2 GP Timer 3 GP Timer 4

PWM1-PWM6 #      
PWM7-PWM12     #  
QEP1-QEP2   #    
QEP3-QEP4       #
CAP1-CAP3 # #    
CAP4-CAP6     # #

Each PWM and QEP peripheral has access to only one timer, while each CAP peripheral
has access to two timers. In the PWM and QEP blocks, you can set the Module option
to A or B to determine which unique timer-peripheral combination the block configures.
By comparison, in the CAP block, you can use the Time base option to select one of two
timers for each CAP peripheral.

Each GP timer is available to multiple peripherals. For example:

• PWM1-PWM6 and CAP1-CAP3 share GP Timer 1

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• PWM7-PWM12 and CAP4-CAP6 share GP Timer 3

• QEP1-QEP2 and CAP1-CAP3 share GP Timer 2
• QEP3-QEP4 and CAP4-CAP6 share GP Timer 4

The PWM, QEP, CAP, and Timer blocks each provide independent access to key timer
registers. If the blocks in your model share a specific GP timer, check that the timer-
related settings are compatible. If the peripheral settings for a shared timer are not
compatible, the software generates an error when you update the model or generate code.

Sharing General Purpose Timers between CAP and eCAN

The model contains Timer and CAP blocks that both use Timer 1 (GP Timer 1).

Sharing General Purpose Timers between C281x Peripherals

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Both blocks have the same values for Timer prescaler and Counting mode. However,
each block has different values for Timer period. The value of Timer period for Timer
1 is 65535 in the CAP block and 10000 in the Timer block.

Sharing General Purpose Timers between C281x Peripherals

Since both blocks configure the same timer, and settings conflict, the software generates
an error when you update the model.

Sharing General Purpose Timers between CAP and SPI

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

The model contains QEP and CAP blocks that both use Timer 2. In the CAP block, the
Time base option shows which timer the block uses. In the QEP block, setting Module
to A configures the block to use QEP1–QEP2. GP Timer Use for C281x Peripheral Blocks
shows that QEP1–QEP2 use Timer 2.

Sharing General Purpose Timers between C281x Peripherals

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Currently, both blocks define different clock sources for Timer 2. The CAP block uses
Internal as a Clock source. The QEP block, which does not have a configurable
Clock source setting, uses the QEP circuit as a clock source. If you build the model, the
software generates the following error message.

To avoid generating errors when you build the model, change Clock source in the CAP
block to QEP device.

Overview of Creating Models for C2000 Processors

Overview of Creating Models for C2000 Processors

In this section...
“Accessing the Embedded Coder Block Library” on page 41-21
“Building Your Model” on page 41-21

Accessing the Embedded Coder Block Library

After you have installed the supported development board, start MATLAB.

You can open the c2000lib blockset in the Simulink library browser, or by typing the
following command at the MATLAB command prompt:


Create your real-time model for your application the same way you create other Simulink
models. Select blocks to build your model from the following sources or products:

• The libraries in the c2000lib block library (for handling input and output functions
for on your target hardware)
• Simulink Coder software
• Discrete time blocks from Simulink
• Another blockset that meets your needs and operates in the discrete time domain

Building Your Model

With this configuration, you can generate a real-time executable and download it to your
TI development board. Simulink Coder software automatically generates C code and
inserts the I/O device drivers as specified by the hardware blocks in your block diagram.
These device drivers are inserted in the generated C code.

During the same build operation, block parameter dialog entries are combined into a
project file for CCS for your TI C2000 board. If you selected the Build and execute
build action in the configuration settings, the TI cross-compiler builds an executable file.
After automatically downloading the executable file to the target, the build process runs
the file on the board's DSP.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Note: After using the run-time Build option to generate and build code for your
application, you must perform the following reset sequence before you can run that
code on your board. If you want to rerun your application manually once it has been
generated, you must also use this procedure.

F2812, F2808, and F28335 eZdsp Reset Sequence

1 Reset the board CPU.

2 Load your code onto the target hardware.
3 Run your code on the target hardware.

Using the c2000lib Blockset

Using the c2000lib Blockset

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 41-23
“Hardware Setup” on page 41-23
“Starting the c2000lib Library” on page 41-24
“Setting Up the Model” on page 41-24
“Adding Blocks to the Model” on page 41-25
“Generating Code from the Model” on page 41-26

This section uses an example to show how to create a Simulink model that uses
Embedded Coder blocks to target your board. The example creates a model that performs
PWM duty cycle control via pulse width change. It uses the C2812 ADC block to sample
an analog voltage and the C2812 PWM block to generate a pulse waveform. The analog
voltage controls the duty cycle of the PWM and you can observe the duty cycle change on
the oscilloscope. This model is also provided in the Examples library. The model in the
Examples library also includes a model simulation.

Hardware Setup
The following hardware is required for this example:

• Spectrum Digital eZdsp F2812

• Function generator
• Oscilloscope and probes

To connect the hardware:

1 Connect the function generator output to the ADC input ADCINA0 on the eZdsp
2 Connect the output of PWM1 on the eZdsp F2812 to the analog input of the
3 Connect VREFLO to AGND on the eZdsp F2812. See the section on the Analog
Interface in Chapter 2 of the eZdsp™ F2812 Technical Reference, available from the
Spectrum Digital Web site at http://c2000.spectrumdigital.com/ezf2812/

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Starting the c2000lib Library

At the MATLAB prompt, type the following command:

This command open the c2000lib library blockset, which contains libraries of blocks
designed for targeting your board.

Setting Up the Model

Preliminary tasks for setting up a new model include configuring the Target Hardware
Resources and setting the simulation parameters.

1 Configure the Target Hardware Resources for idelink_ert.tlc System Target

file, as described in “Code Generation: Target Hardware Resources Pane”. For
ert.tlc, configure the Target Hardware Resources as described in .
2 The following settings are made, referenced in the table below by their locations in
the Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters dialog:

Pane Field Setting

Solver Stop time 10
Solver Type Fixed-step
Data Import/Export Save to workspace - Time tout
Data Import/Export Save to workspace - Output yout
Hardware Device type C2000
Code Generation Target selection - System idelink_grt.tlc,
target file idelink_ert.tlc , or

Note: Generated code does not honor Simulink stop time from the simulation. Stop
time is interpreted as inf. To implement a stop in generated code, you must put a
Stop Simulation block in your model.
3 From your model's main menu, select Simulation > Model Configuration
Parameters to verify and set the simulation parameters for this model. Parameters
you set in this dialog belong to the model you are building. They are saved with

Using the c2000lib Blockset

the model and stored in the model file. Refer to your Simulink documentation for
information on the Configuration Parameters dialog.
4 Use the Code Generation pane to set options for the real-time model.
5 Use the Browse button to locate and select a target configuration
file, idelink_grt.tlc, idelink_ert.tlc, or ert.tlc. When you
selectidelink_grt.tlc or idelink_ert.tlc, your coder product chooses the
system target file, and make command.

When you select ert.tlc, the Target hardware parameter and the Toolchain
parameter are displayed. Select TI 281x as Target hardware and Texas
Instruments Code Composer Studio v5 (c2000) for Toolchain.

Adding Blocks to the Model

1 Open or double-click the C281x library, c281xlib.
2 Drag the ADC block into your model. Double-click the ADC block in the model and
set Sample time to 64/80000.
3 Drag the PWM block into your model. Double-click the PWM block in the model and
set the following parameters.

Pane Field Parameter

Timer Module A
Waveform period Specify via dialog
Waveform period Clock cycles
Waveform period 64000
Waveform type Asymmetric
Outputs Enable PWM1/ Selected
Duty cycle source Input port
Logic PWM1 control logic Active high
PWM2 control logic Active low
Deadband Use deadband for Selected

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Pane Field Parameter

Deadband 16
Deadband period 12
ADC Control ADC start event Period interrupt
4 Enter Simulink in the MATLAB Command Window to open the Simulink Library
browser. Drag a Gain block from the Math Operations library into your model.
Double-click the Gain block in the model and set the following parameters in the
Function Block Parameters dialog. Click OK.

Pane Field Parameter

Main Gain 30
Multiplication Element-wise(K.*u)
Sample time -1
Signal Attributes Output data type mode uint(16)
Integer rounding mode Floor
Parameter Attributes Parameter data type Inherit from input
5 Connect the ADC block to the Gain block and the Gain block to the PWM block.

Generating Code from the Model

This section summarizes how to generate code from your real-time model.

There are three ways to start the automatic code generation process:

Using the c2000lib Blockset

In the Simulink Editor, click Build Model .

• With your model open and in focus, press Ctrl+b.
• Press the Build button located on the Code Generation pane of the Configuration
Parameters dialog.

Note: For idelink_ert.tlc with CCSv3, you see your project with the files in place in
the folder structure.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

In this section...
“The CAN Blocks” on page 41-28
“Setting Timing Parameters” on page 41-28
“Parameter Tuning and Signal Logging” on page 41-33

The CAN Blocks

The bit rate of these four CAN blocks cannot be set directly:
C281x eCAN Receive
C281x eCAN Transmit
C280x/C28x3x eCAN Receive
C280x/C28x3x eCAN Transmit

Setting Timing Parameters

• “Accessing the Timing Parameters” on page 41-28
• “Determining Timing Parameter Values” on page 41-31
• “Working with CAN Bit Timing” on page 41-32

Accessing the Timing Parameters

To set the Bitrate for a block whose bitrate cannot be set directly:

1 Configure the Target Hardware Resources tab, as described in “Configure Target

Hardware Resources”.
2 Under the Peripherals tab, use the TSEG1, TSEG2, and BaudRatePrescaler
(BRP) parameters to set the bitrate.

For example, the Target Hardware Resources tab for the F2812 eZdsp, this dialog is
shown in the following figure.

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

The C280x/C28x3x blocks have two independent eCAN modules.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

The following sections describe the series of steps and rules that govern the process of
setting these timing parameters.

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

Determining Timing Parameter Values

To determine the values for the timing parameters, complete the following steps:

1 Determine the CAN Bitrate specification based on your application.

2 Determine the frequency of the CAN module clock. For example:

• CAN module clock = 100 MHz for the F2808 (Same as SYSCLKOUT)
• CAN module clock = 150 MHz for the F2812 (Same as SYSCLKOUT)
• CAN module clock = 75 MHz for the F28x3x (150 SYSCLKOUT/2)
3 Estimate the value of the BaudRatePrescaler (BRP).
4 Solve this equation for BitTime:

BitTime = CAN module clock frequency/(BRP * Bitrate)

5 Solve this equation for Bitrate:

Bitrate = CAN module clock frequency/(BRP * BitTime)

6 Estimate values for TSEG1 and TSEG2 that satisfy BitTime = TSEG1 + TSEG2 + 1.
7 Use the following rules to determine the values of TSEG1 and TSEG2:
IPT (Information Processing Time) = 3/BRP
IPT <= TSEG1 <= 16 TQ
IPT <= TSEG2 <= 8 TQ
1 TQ <= SJW <= min (4 TQ, TSEG2)
where IPT is Information Processing Time, TQ is Time Quanta, and SJW is
Synchronization Jump Width, also set in the Target Hardware Resources dialog.
8 Iterate steps 4 through 7 until the values selected for TSEG1, TSEG2, and BRP meet
the criteria.

The following illustration shows the relationship between the eCAN bit timing

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Working with CAN Bit Timing

Assume that CAN Module Clock Frequency = 75 MHz, and a Bitrate of 1 Mbits/s is

1 Set the BRP to 5. Then substitute the values of CAN Module Clock Frequency, BRP,
and Bitrate into the following equation, solving for BitTime:

BitTime = CAN Module Clock Frequency / (BRP * Bitrate)

BitTime = 75e6/(5 *1e6) = 15TQ

2 Set the values of TSEG1 and TSEG2 to 8TQ and 6TQ respectively. Substitute the
values of BitTime from the previous equation, and the chosen values for TSEG1 and
TSEG2 into the following equation:

BitTime = TSEG1 + TSEG2 + 1

15TQ = 8TQ + 6TQ + 1

3 Finally, check the selected values against the rules:
IPT = 3/BRP = 3/10 = .3
IPT <= TSEG1 <= 16 TQ True! .3<=8TQ<=16TQ
IPT <= TSEG2 <= 8TQ True! .3 <= 6TQ <= 8TQ
1TQ <= SJW <= min(4TQ, TSEG2) which means that SJW can be set to either
2, 3, or 4

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

4 When the chosen values satisfy the criteria, so further iteration is not required.

The following table provides example values for several bit rates when CAN Module
Clock Frequency = 75 MHz, as it is with the F28335. Other combinations of the register
values are possible.

Bitrate TSEG1 TSEG2 Bit Time BRP SJW

0.25 Mbit/s 8 6 15 20 2
0.5 Mbit/s 8 6 15 10 2
1 Mbit/s 8 6 15 5 2

The following table provides example values for several bit rates when CAN Module
Clock Frequency = 100 MHz, as it is with the F2808. Other combinations of the register
values are possible.

Bitrate TSEG1 TSEG2 Bit Time BRP SJW

0.25 Mbit/s 6 3 10 40 2
0.5 Mbit/s 5 4 10 20 2
1 Mbit/s 6 3 10 10 2

The following table provides example values for several bit rates when CAN Module
Clock Frequency = 150 MHz, as it is with the F2812. Other combinations of the register
values are possible.

Bitrate TSEG1 TSEG2 Bit Time BRP SJW

0.25 Mbit/s 8 6 10 40 2
0.5 Mbit/s 7 7 10 20 2
1 Mbit/s 8 6 10 10 2

Parameter Tuning and Signal Logging

• “Overview” on page 41-34
• “Using External Mode” on page 41-34
• “Using a Third Party Calibration Tool” on page 41-42

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors


Embedded Coder software supports parameter tuning and signal logging either using
Simulink External mode or with a third party calibration tool. In both cases the model
must include a CAN Calibration Protocol block.

Using External Mode

The Simulink External mode feature enables you to log signals and tune parameters
without requiring a calibration tool. This section describes the steps for converting a
model to use External mode.

External mode is supported using the CAN Calibration Protocol block and ASAP2
interface. The CAN Calibration Protocol block is used to communicate with the target,
download parameter updates, and upload signal information. The ASAP2 interface is
used to get information about where in the target memory a parameter or signal lives.

Note: You must configure the host-side CAN application channel. See “Configuring the
Host Vector CAN Application Channel” on page 41-35.

To prepare your model for External mode, follow these steps:

1 Add a CCP driver block.

2 Identify signals you want to tune, and associate them with Simulink.Parameter
or canlib.Parameter objects with ExportedGlobal storage class. It is important
to set the data type and value of the object. See “Using Supported Objects and Data
Types” on page 41-36.
3 Identify signals you want to log, and associate them with canlib.Signal objects.
It is important to set the data type of the canlib.Signal. See “Using Supported
Objects and Data Types” on page 41-36.

For information about visualizing logged signal data, see “Viewing and Storing
Signal Data” on page 41-37.
4 Load the Simulink.Parameter or canlib.Parameter and canlib.Signal data
objects into the base workspace.
5 Configure the model for building, as described in “Manual Configuration For
External Mode” on page 41-40.
6 Build the model, and download the executable to the target

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

7 After downloading the executable to the target, you can switch the model to External
mode, as described in “Manual Configuration For External Mode” on page 41-40.
8 You can now connect to the target using External mode by clicking the Connect
9 If you have set up tunable parameters, you can now tune them. See “Tuning
Parameters” on page 41-37.

See the following topics for more information:

• “Configuring the Host Vector CAN Application Channel” on page 41-35

• “Using Supported Objects and Data Types” on page 41-36
• “Tuning Parameters” on page 41-37
• “Viewing and Storing Signal Data” on page 41-37
• “Manual Configuration For External Mode” on page 41-40
• “Limitations” on page 41-41

Configuring the Host Vector CAN Application Channel

External mode expects that the host-side CAN connection is using the 'MATLAB 1'
application channel. To configure the application channel used by the Vector CAN
drivers, enter the following in the MATLAB Command Window:
The Vector CAN Configuration tool appears. Use this tool to configure your host-side
CAN channel settings.

If you try to connect using an application channel other than 'MATLAB 1', then you see
the following warning in the command window:

It was not possible to connect to the target using CCP.
An error occurred when issuing the CONNECT command.

If you have not already installed the Vector CAN drivers, you will get the following error
??? Error using ==>
TargetsComms_VectorApplicationChannel.configureApplicationChannels at 40
Unable to launch the application channel configuration utility.
The "vcanconf" utility was not found on the Windows System Path.
To fix this error, make sure the required CAN drivers are installed on this computer;
refer to the product documentation for details.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

If you want to use CAN to transmit or receive CAN messages between your host PC
and your target, you require Vector-Informatik CAN hardware supported by the Vector
CAN Driver Library. Choose the driver libraries to support profiling, downloading, and
External mode.

Note: For CANcaseXL, install both the Vector XL-driver library and Vector CAN Driver
Library vcand32.dll.

For older CAN hardware, you must install the Vector CAN Driver Library vcand32.dll.

Make sure that the library, vcand32.dll, is placed in the Windows system32 folder.
Using Supported Objects and Data Types

Supported objects:

• Simulink.Parameter or canlib.Parameter for parameter tuning

• canlib.Signal for signal logging

Supported data types:

• uint8, int8
• uint16, int16
• uint32, int32
• single

You need to define data objects for the signals and parameters of interest for ASAP 2 file
generation. For ease of use, create a MATLAB file to define the data objects, so that you
only have to set up the objects once.

To set up tunable parameters and signal logging:

1 Associate the parameters to be tuned with Simulink.Parameter or

canlib.Parameter objects with ExportedGlobal storage class. It is important to
set the data type and value of the parameter object. See the following code for an
example of how to create such a Simulink.Parameter object for tuning:
stepSize = Simulink.Parameter;
stepSize.DataType = 'uint8';
stepSize.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

stepSize.Value = 1;
2 Associate the signals to be logged with canlib.Signal objects. It is important to set
the data type of the canlib.Signal. The following code example shows how to declare
such a canlib.Signal object for logging:
counter = canlib.Signal;
counter.DataType = 'uint8';
3 Associate the data objects you defined in the MATLAB file with parameters or
signals in the model. For the previous code examples, you could set the Constant
value in a Source block to stepSize, and set a Signal name to counter in the
Signal Properties dialog. Remember that stepSize and counter are data objects
defined in the code.

Tuning Parameters

To tune a parameter, follow these steps:

1 Set dataobject.value in the workspace while the model is running in External

mode. For example, to tune the parameter stepSize (that is, to change its value)
from 1 to 2, enter the following at the command line:
stepSize.value = 2
You see output similar to the following:
stepSize =

Simulink.Parameter (handle)
CoderInfo: [1x1 Simulink.ParamCoderInfo]
Description: ''
DataType: 'uint8'
Min: []
Max: []
DocUnits: ''
Value: 2
Complexity: 'real'
Dimensions: [1 1]
2 Return to your model, and update the model (press Ctrl+D) to apply the changed

Viewing and Storing Signal Data

To view the logged signals, attach a supported scope type to the signal (see “Limitations”
on page 41-41 for supported scope types).

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

By default, data from each scope is logged.

To customize which signals are logged:

1 In the Simulink Editor, select Code > External Mode Control Panel.
2 In External Mode Control Panel, click the Signal & Triggering button.
3 In External Signal & Triggering, clear the check boxes for scope data you do not
want to log.

Storing signal data for further analysis. It is possible to store the logged data for
further analysis in MATLAB.

1 To use the Data Archiving feature of External mode, click Data Archiving in the
External Mode Control Panel. The External Data Archiving dialog appears.

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

a Select the check box Enable archiving

b Edit the Folder and Filename and review the other settings.
c Close the dialog.
2 Open the Scope parameters, and select the check box Save data to workspace.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

3 You may want to edit the Variable name in the edit box. The data that is displayed
on the scope at the end of the External mode session is available in the workspace
with this variable name.

The data that was previously displayed in the scope is stored in .mat files as
previously setup using Data Archiving.

For example, at the end of an External mode session, the following variable and files
could be available in the workspace and current folder:

• A variable ScopeData5 with the data currently displayed on the scope:


ScopeData5 =

time: [56x1 double]

signals: [1x1 struct]
blockName: 'mpc755rt_ccp/Scope1'
• In the current folder, .mat files for the three previous Durations of scope data:


Manual Configuration For External Mode

You can configure models manually for build and execution with External mode.

To configure a model to be built for External mode:

1 Select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog, open the Optimization > Signals and
Parameters pane.
3 Select the Inline parameters check box and click the Configure button.
4 In the Model Parameter Configuration dialog that opens, define the (global) tunable
parameters for your models.
5 Select Simulation > Mode > Normal. Or, set Simulation mode as shown here.

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

6 In the Configuration Parameters dialog, open the Code Generation > Interface
7 Set the Interface parameter to ASAP2.

After you build the model, you can configure it for External mode execution:

1 Select Simulation > Mode > External.

2 In the Configuration Parameters dialog, open the Code Generation > Interface
3 Set the Interface parameter to External mode.


Multiple signal sinks (e.g. scopes) are not supported.

Only the following kinds of scopes are supported with External mode Logging:

• Simulink Scope block

• Simulink Display block
• Viewer type: scope — To use this option, right-click a signal in the model, and select
Create & Connect Viewer > Simulink > Scope. The other scope types listed there
are not supported (e.g., floating scope).

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Before connecting to External mode, you also need to right-click the signal, and select
Signal Properties. In the dialog, select the Test point check box, and click OK.

GRT is supported but only for parameter tuning.

It is not possible to log signals with sample rates in excess of 10 kHz.

Subsystem builds are not supported for External mode, only top-level builds are

Logging and tuning of nonscalars is not supported. It is possible to log nonscalar signals
by breaking the signal down into its scalar components. For an example of how to do
this signal deconstruction, see the CCP example models, which use a Demux and Signal
Conversion block with contiguous copy.

Logging and tuning of complex numbers is not supported. It is possible to work with
complex numbers by breaking the complex number down into its real and imaginary
components. This breakdown can be performed using the following blocks in the
Simulink Math Operations library: Complex to Real-Imag, Real-Imag to Complex,
Magnitude-Angle to Complex, Complex to Magnitude-Angle.

Using a Third Party Calibration Tool

Embedded Coder allows an ASAP2 data definition file to be generated during the code
generation process. This file can be used by a third party tool to access data from the
real-time application while it is executing.

ASAP2 is a data definition standard by the Association for Standardization of

Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM). ASAP2 is a standard description for
data measurement, calibration, and diagnostic systems. Embedded Coder software lets
you export an ASAP2 file containing information about your model during the code
generation process.

Before you begin generating ASAP2 files with Embedded Coder software, see
“Generating an ASAP2 File” in the product help for Simulink Coder. That section
describes how to define the signal and parameter information required by the ASAP2 file
generation process.

Select the ASAP2 option before the build process as follows:

1 Select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks

The Configuration Parameters dialog appears.

2 Select the Code Generation > Interface pane.
3 Select the ASAP2 option from the Interface drop-down menu, in the Data
exchange frame.
4 Click Apply.

The build process creates an ASAM-compliant ASAP2 data definition file for the
generated C code.

• The standard ASAP2 file generation does not include the memory address attributes
in the generated file. Instead, it leaves a placeholder that must be replaced with the
actual address by postprocessing the generated file.
• The map file options in the template project need to be set up a certain way for this
procedure to work. If you have created your own template projects, and you do not
have the right settings, you see the following instructions:
Warning: It was not possible to do ASAP2 processing on your
.map file.This is because your IDE project template is not
configured to generate a .map file in the correct format.
To generate a .map file in the correct format you need to
setup the following options in your IDE project template:
Generate section map should be checked on
Generate register map should be checked off
Generate symbol table should be checked on
Format list file into pages should be checked off
Generate summary should be checked off
Page width should be equal to 132 characters
Symbol colums should be 1
You can change these options via Project -> Project Options
-> Linker/Locator -> Map File -> Map File Format.

Embedded Coder software performs this postprocessing for you. To do this, it first
extracts the memory address information from the map file generated during the
link process. Secondly, it replaces the placeholders in the ASAP2 file with the actual
memory addresses. This postprocessing is performed automatically and does not require
additional input from you.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt

This example shows how to use the ADC and PWM blocks. In the generated code,
changes in the voltage of the ADC input alter the duty cycle of the PWM output. The
period of the PWM waveform remains constant. This example also shows how to use the
Hardware Interrupt block to synchronize the update of the PWM duty cycle with the
ADC conversion.

Required Hardware:

• Spectrum Digital F2808/F2812/F28335 eZdsp

• Texas Instruments F2808/F28027/F28035/F28044/F28069/F28335/F28343/F28346
ControlCARD with docking station
• Texas Instruments F28027/F28069 ControlSTICK
• Oscilloscope and probes
• Function generator

The following models are available for this example:

• F281x based board: c281x_adcpwmasynctest

• F280x/F2823x/F2833x based board: c280x_2833x_adcpwmasynctest
• Piccolo F2802x/F2803x/F2806x based board: c280xx_adcpwmasynctest

To open the model, enter the model name in the MATLAB Command Window.

The following figure shows the example model.

ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt

This model shows how to use the ADC block to sample an analog voltage and how to
use the PWM block to generate a pulse waveform. The analog voltage controls the duty
cycle of the PWM waveform. Duty cycle changes can be observed on the oscilloscope.
"Hardware Interrupt" installs an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for ADC interrupt and
schedules the execution of the connected subsystem (ADC-PWM Subsystem) when ADC
interrupt (ADCINT) is received.

"ADC-PWM Subsystem" consists of an ADC driving the duty cycle input port of the
PWM. PWM is configured to trigger ADC start of conversion (SOC).

Before using the model, connect the function generator output to the ADC input
ADCINA0 on the board. Connect the output of the PWM1 to the analog input of the

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Run the model using CCSv3

• Open the model corresponding to the family of processor you are using.
• Each model is configured for a default processor. Open the Target Hardware
Resources tab to select a different processor.
• Click Incremental build or press Ctrl+b to generate, build, load and run the
• Observe the change of the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

Run the model using CCSv4

CCSv4 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, see “Using Makefiles with Code
Composer Studio 4/5” on page 40-5.

• Enter xmakefilesetup in a MATLAB Command Window.

• In the XMakefile User Configuration dialog that opens, set the Template parameter
to gmake.
• Clear the Display operational configuration only check box.
• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv4, click Apply.
• If you haven't used this configuration before, a dialog will ask you to browse to
your CCSv4 installation folder. Pick the right folder and click OK. Click the Tool
Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to directories matching your
installation. For example:

• CCS Installation: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\

• Code Generation Tools: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments
• DSP/BIOS Installation: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv4:

• Open the model that corresponds to the processor family you are using.
• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab, as described in “Configure Target
Hardware Resources”, and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter to Texas
Instruments Code Composer Studio v4 (makefile generation only).

ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt

• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.

• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click Incremental build or press Ctrl+b to generate and build an .out executable
• Using CCSv4, connect to your board, load and run the .out file.
• Observe the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

Run the model using CCSv5

CCSv5 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, see “Using Makefiles with Code
Composer Studio 4/5” on page 40-5.

• Enter xmakefilesetup in a MATLAB Command Window.

• In the XMakefile User Configuration dialog that opens, set the Template parameter
to gmake.
• Clear the Display operational configuration only check box.
• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv5, click Apply.
• If you haven't used this configuration before, a dialog will ask you to browse to
your CCSv5 installation folder. Pick the right folder and click OK. Click the Tool
Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to directories matching your
installation. For example:

• CCS Installation: C:\ti\ccsv5\

• Code Generation Tools: C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c2000\
• DSP/BIOS Installation: C:\ti\bios_5_41_11_38\

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv5:

• Open the model.

• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab, as described in “Configure Target
Hardware Resources”, and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter to Texas
Instruments Code Composer Studio v5 (makefile generation only).
• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.
• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• Click Incremental build or press Ctrl+b to generate and build an .out executable
• Using CCSv5, connect to your board, load and run the .out file.
• Observe the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

Configuring Acquisition Window Width for ADC Blocks

Configuring Acquisition Window Width for ADC Blocks

In this section...
“What Is an Acquisition Window?” on page 41-49
“Configuring ADC Parameters for Acquisition Window Width” on page 41-51

What Is an Acquisition Window?

ADC blocks take a signal from an analog source and measure it with a digital device.
The digital device does not measure in a continuous process, but in a series of discrete
measurements, close enough together to approximate the source signal with the required

Analog Signal Digital Measurement

The digital measurement itself is not an instantaneous process, but is a measurement

window, where the signal is acquired and measured, as shown in the following figure.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Source Measurement Measurement

Signal Acquisition

Ideally, as soon as the measurement window is opened, the actual signal coming in
would be measured perfectly. In reality the signal does not reach its full magnitude
immediately. The measurement process can be modeled by a circuit similar to the one
shown in the following figure for the ADC found on the F2812 eZdsp

where the measurement circuit is characterized by a certain capacitance. In the

preceding figure, when the switch is closed, the measurement begins. In this circuit,
which is characterized by its capacitance, the signal received is not in a form of a
step function as shown by the ideal measurement, but a ramp up to the true signal
magnitude. The following figure shows what happens to the signal when the sampler
switch is closed and the signal is received to be measured.

Configuring Acquisition Window Width for ADC Blocks

Actual Signal Window
Because the signal acquisition is not instantaneous, it is very important to set a wide
enough acquisition window to allow the signal to ramp up to full strength before the
measurement is taken. If the window is too narrow, the measurement is taken before
the signal has reached its full magnitude, resulting in erroneous data. If the window is
too wide, the source signal itself may change, and the sampling may be too infrequent
to reflect the actual value, also resulting in erroneous data. You must calculate the
width of the acquisition window based on the circuit characteristics of resistance and
capacitance of your specific circuit. Then, using the ADC parameters described in the
following section, you can configure the acquisition window width.

Configuring ADC Parameters for Acquisition Window Width

• “Accessing the ADC Parameters” on page 41-51
• “Configure Acquisition Window Width Using ADC Parameters” on page 41-53

Accessing the ADC Parameters

The ADC parameters can be set from the Peripherals tab of the Target Hardware
Resources tab.

• You can set ACQ_PS — Acquisition Prescaler — to a value from 0 to 15. To obtain the
actual value, increment the setting by 1. This produces an actual range from 1 to 16.
• You can set ADCLKPS — AD Clock Prescaler — to a value from 0 to 15. To obtain
the actual value, increment the setting by 1. This produces an actual range from 1 to

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• You can set CPS — Clock Prescaler — to a value from 0 to 1. To obtain the actual
value, increment the setting by 1. This produces an actual range from 1 to 2.

These three prescalers serve to reduce the speed of the clock and to set the acquisition
window width. The following diagram shows how these prescalers are used.

Configuring Acquisition Window Width for ADC Blocks

1 - 16
(4 bit clock ACQ_PS
divider) CPS
HISPCLK this is the
(high speed CPS - ADC clock
peripheral further reduces signal
clock) ADCLKPS - the clock
reduces the frequency by a
incoming clock factor of 1 or 2 ACQ_PS -
frequency by a Acquisition
factor of 1 to 16 Prescaler -
indicates Sample
how many Hold
ADCCLK clock
ticks will pulse
the window

In the preceding diagram, the high speed peripheral clock frequency is received and then
divided by the ADCLKPS. The reduced clock frequency is then further divided by CPS.
The resulting frequency is the ADCCLK signal. The value of ACQ_PS then determines
how many ADCCLK ticks comprise one S/H (sample and hold) period, or in other words,
the length of the acquisition window.

Configure Acquisition Window Width Using ADC Parameters

The following examples show how you can use ADC parameters to configure the
acquisition window width:

Example 1:

If the HISPCLK = 30 MHz, and ADCLKPS=1 (which is a value of 2), the result is 15

If CPS= 1 (which is a value of 2), then ADCCLK = 7.5 MHz.

If ACQ_PS = 0 (which is a value of 1), then the sample/hold period is 1 ADCCLK tick,
or .1333 microseconds.

Example 2:

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

If the HISPCLK = 30 MHz, and ADCLKPS=1 (which is a value of 2), the result is 15

If CPS= 1 (which is a value of 2), then ADCCLK = 7.5 MHz.

If ACQ_PS = 15 (which is a value of 16), then the sample/hold period is 16 ADCCLK

ticks, or 2.1333 microseconds.

Note: HISPCLK is set automatically for the user, and it is not possible to change the
rate. For more information, see “High-Speed Peripheral Clock” on page 41-8

Real-Time Data Exchange via RTDX™

Real-Time Data Exchange via RTDX™

This example shows how to use the From RTDX and To RTDX blocks to send data from
host to target and receive data from target to host. The model implements a simple sine
wave generator that runs on the F28335 board.

The Real-Time Data Exchange via RTDX supports only Code Composer Studio v3.3.

Required Hardware:

• Spectrum Digital F2808 eZdsp

• Spectrum Digital F2812 eZdsp
• Spectrum Digital F28044 eZdsp
• Spectrum Digital F28335 eZdsp
• Texas Instruments F2808/F28027/F28035/F28069/F28335/F28343/F28346
ControlCARD with docking station
• Texas Instruments F28027/F28069 ControlSTICK

Available versions of this example:

This example can be run on different boards by changing the processor selection on the
Target Hardware Resources tab of the model: c28x_rtdxtest


The following figure shows the example model.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors


The first step to run this example is to generate code for the model and to build it to run
on the target. Once the model is running, we use a MATLAB script to read the sine wave
values from the channel specified by the "To RTDX" block and plot them. To change the
frequency and amplitude of the sine wave while it is running on the target, we use the
same MATLAB script to write data to the channels specified by the "From RTDX" blocks.
Note that the RTDX™ channel names specified in the RTDX blocks in the Simulink
model are the same channel names used in the MATLAB script. Open the example script
to see the specific MATLAB code used to establish RTDX communication.

How to Run the Example

• Open the model c28x_rtdxtest.

• The model is configured by default for the F28335 processor. Open the Target
Hardware Resources tab to select a different processor.
• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click Build/Reload & Run to generate, build, load and run the program.

SPI-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle

SPI-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle

This example shows how to the use of the SPI Receive, SPI Transmit, PWM, and Memory
Copy blocks to generate a PWM waveform.

Required Hardware:

• Spectrum Digital F2808/F2812/F28335 eZdsp

• Texas Instruments F2808/F28027/F28035/F28044/F28069/F28335/F28343/F28346
ControlCARD with docking station
• Texas Instruments F28027/F28069 ControlSTICK
• Oscilloscope and probes

Available versions of this example:

• F281x based board: c281x_spitest

• F280x/F2823x/F2833x based board: c280x_2833x_spitest
• Piccolo F2802x/F2803x/F2806x based board: c280xx_spitest

Note: This model only runs with Code Composer Studio v3.3


The following figure shows the example model.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors


Memory Copy block labeled "Read Duty Cycle" reads duty cycle value stored at the
memory location 0x8FF0. "C28xx SPI Transmit" block transmits this value, while "C28xx
SPI Receive" receives it. The duty cycle value is then sent to the PWM1. The duty cycle
of the generated pulse waveform is determined by the relative ratio of the received pulse
width value and the pulse period which is fixed at 64000 clock cycles. The duty cycle
toggles between 25%, 50%, and 75% based on user selection.

PWM Duty Cycle can be changed while the generated code is running using write
function. This method writes selected value to the memory location 0x8FF0. Select either
25%, 50%, or 75% value from the GUI that opens up when "Build/Reload & Run" is

'Enable loopback' mode is checked for 'SPI_A' on the peripherals tab of the Target
Hardware Resources tab. This is required to get the transmitted data back to the
processor. If this mode is disabled, SPI_A tranmitter and receiver have to be connected.

Note that "Simulate Duty Cycle Change" and "Simulate PWM Waveform" are dedicated
to simulation only. Use these blocks to simulate and observe effects achieved with the
generated code.

SPI-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle

Hardware Connections

Connect the output of PWM1 on the board to the analog input of the oscilloscope.

Note that SPI module is set to work in "loopback" mode. External SPI hardware is not
needed. As an alternative, the user may disable SPI loopback mode and bridge SPI
transmit and receive pins on each of the following:

• F2812eZdsp (connector P8 pins 23 and 24)

• F2808 eZdsp (connector P8 pins 9 and 10)
• F28335 eZdsp connector P8 pins 9 and 10)
• Texas Instruments F28027/F28069 controlSTICK (connector J1 pins 20 and 24)
• Texas Instruments controlCARD with docking station (GPIO 16 and 17)

How to Run the Example in Simulation

• Open this model.

• Click "Start simulation" button.
• Double-click on the "Duty Cycle Change" block and select a new duty cycle value.
• Observe the PWM waveform change.

How to Run the Example on the Board

• Open the model corresponding to the family of processor you are using.
• Each model is configured for a default processor, open the Target Hardware Resources
tab to select a different processor.
• Go to Peripherals > SPI_A. Check Enable loopback. If your processor is F2803x/
F2806x, select GPIO16 for SOMI pin assignment and GPIO17 for SIMO pin
• Click Build/Reload & Run to generate, build, load and run the program.
• Select a new duty cycle value in the dialog that opens.
• Observe the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

HIL Verification of IIR Filter via SCI

This example shows how to perform HIL verification of an IIR filter using serial
communication interface between a host simulation and generated code on a TI C28x

Required hardware:

• Spectrum Digital F2808 eZdsp

• Spectrum Digital F2812 eZdsp
• Spectrum Digital F28044 eZdsp
• Spectrum Digital F28335 eZdsp

On the following boards the embedded xds100 JTAG can be used as a serial connection
over USB. Jumper and switch settings with corresponding FTDI drivers are required to
use this serial communication technique.

• Texas Instruments F2808/F28027/F28035/F28044/F28069/F28335/F28343/F28346

ControlCARD with docking station
• Texas Instruments F28027/F28069 ControlSTICK

Available versions of this example:

This example model c2000scitest can be used on a variety of boards.

Host Model

The following figure shows the host model.

HIL Verification of IIR Filter via SCI

Target Model

The following figure shows the target model.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors


This example shows HIL verification of an IIR filter using serial communication interface
between a host simulation and generated code on an c28x processor-based target board.

Based on the position of the manual switch, either a saw-tooth or sine waveform is
passed to the Host-side SCI Transmit block and sent to the target. The stream of data
is received from the target the via Host-side SCI Receive block and sent to the Simulink
scope block.

The same algorithm runs on the target and the host side at the same time. The scope
displays three signals showing the result of the simulation compared with the result
of the algorithm running on the target. Because the algorithm uses an IIR filter, its
output is therefore dependent on every sample time that occurs from the beginning of the
simulation. Using an IIR filter clearly shows the time consistency between the simulation
and the generated code.

You can add a delay in the simulation by using the "Show Delayed Output" switch. This
delay can be used to verify the time consistency between both models.

Hardware Connections

• Connect the RS232 connector of your computer to the RS232 connector of the F28xx
chip-based board.

HIL Verification of IIR Filter via SCI

• F2812 eZdsp is not equipped with RS232 transceivers. You must add RS232
transceivers to this board to run this example.
• ControlCARDs with Docking Stations, ControlSTICK boards can support serial over
the xds100 USB JTAG connection. Jumper and switch settings with corresponding
FTDI drivers are required to use this serial communication technique.

How to Run the Example

The following sections explain how to configure, build, and deploy the executable.

Note: The host model is set to use "COM1". Configure the SCI Setup, SCI Transmit, and
SCI Receive blocks to use a different COM port.

With Code Composer Studio v3.3 (CCSv3.3) - Default

• Open the model c2000scitest

• Double-Click on "Open Target-Side Model Default F28335". This opens the target
• The model is configured by default for the F28335 processor. Open the Target
Hardware Resources tab to select a different processor.
• Go to "Peripherals" > "SCI_A", and change the "Communication mode" to "Protocol".
• Click "OK" to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click "Build Model" button or press "Ctrl+B" to generate, build, load and run the
program on the target.
• Click "Run" to simulate the model c2000scitest

Change the manual switch position to select a different input signal.

With Code Composer Studio v4 (CCSv4)

CCSv4 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run XMakefile User Configuration.

• Set the Template parameter to "gmake".
• Uncheck the "Display operational configuration only" checkbox.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• Set the Configuration parameter to "ticcs_c2000_ccsv4", click "Apply", if you haven't

used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv4 installation folder.
Pick the right folder and click "OK".
• Click on the "Tool Directories" and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\ for "CCS Installation".

2 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\tools\compiler\C2000\ for "Code
Generation Tools".
3 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_5_41_10_36\ for "DSP/BIOS

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv4:

• Open the model c2000scitest.

• Double-Click on "Open Target-Side Model Default F28335". This opens the target
• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter
to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v4 (makefile generation
• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.
• Go to "Peripherals" > "SCI_A", and change the "Communication mode" to "Protocol".
• Click "OK" to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click "Build Model" button or press "Ctrl+B" to generate and build an .out executable
• Using CCSv4, connect to the Hardware and load and run the .out file.
• Now simulate the model c2000scitest.

Change the manual switch position to select a different input signal.

With Code Composer Studio v5 (CCSv5)

CCSv5 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run XMakefile User Configuration.

HIL Verification of IIR Filter via SCI

• Set the Template parameter to "gmake".

• Uncheck the "Display operational configuration only" checkbox.
• Set the Configuration parameter to "ticcs_c2000_ccsv5", click "Apply", if you haven't
used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv5 installation folder.
Pick the right folder and click "OK".
• Click on the "Tool Directories" and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\ti\ccsv5\ for "CCS Installation".

2 C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c2000\ for "Code Generation Tools".
3 C:\ti\bios_5_41_11_38\ for "DSP/BIOS Installation".

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv5:

• Open the model c2000scitest.

• Double-Click on "Open Target-Side Model Default F28335". This opens the target
• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter
to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v4 (makefile generation
• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.
• Go to "Peripherals" > "SCI_A", and change the "Communication mode" to "Protocol".
• Click "OK" to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click "Build Model" button or press "Ctrl+B" to generate and build an .out executable
• Using CCSv5, connect to the Hardware and load and run the .out file.
• Now simulate the model c2000scitest.

Change the manual switch position to select a different input signal.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

CAN-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle

This example shows how to use the CAN Receive, CAN Transmit, PWM, and C2812
Memory Copy blocks to generate a pulse waveform.

Required Hardware:

• Spectrum Digital F2808/F2812/F28335 eZdsp

• Texas Instruments F2808/F28035/F28069/F28335/F28343 ControlCARD with docking
• Texas Instruments F28069 ControlSTICK
• Oscilloscope and probes

Available versions of this example:

• F281x based board: c281x_cantest

• F280x/F2823x/F2833x based board: c280x_2833x_cantest
• Piccolo F2803x/F2806x based board: c280xx_cantest

Note: These models only runs with Code Composer Studio v3.3


The following figure shows the example model.

CAN-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle


Memory Copy block labeled "Read Duty Cycle" reads duty cycle value stored at the
memory location 0x8FF0. "Transmit CAN Msg" block uses mailbox 5 to transmit this
value packed in a standard CAN message frame, while "Receive CAN Msg" uses mailbox
0 to receive it. When the CAN message is received, "Process CAN Msg" unpacks the duty
cycle value and sends it to the PWM1. The duty cycle of the generated pulse waveform is
determined by the relative ratio of the received pulse width value and the pulse period
which is fixed at 64000 clock cycles. The duty cycle toggles between 25%, 50%, and 75%
based on user selection.

PWM Duty Cycle can be changed while the generated code is running using the write
function. This method writes selected value to the memory location 0x8FF0. Select either
25%, 50%, or 75% value from the GUI that opens up when "Build/Reload & Run" is

NOTE: 'Self-Test' mode is enabled for eCAN_A to receive the data transmitted back to
the processor in the example models. If 'Self-test' mode is disabled, the CAN transmitter
and receiver have to be physically connected for the example to work.

Note that "Simulate Duty Cycle Change" and "Simulate PWM Waveform" are dedicated
to simulation only. Use these blocks to simulate and observe effects achieved with the
generated code.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Hardware Connections

Connect the output of PWM1 on the board to the analog input of the oscilloscope.

Note that CAN module is set to work in "Self Test Mode". External CAN hardware is not
needed, as the CAN handshaking signals are emulated in software.

How to Run the Example in Simulation

• Open the model corresponding to the family of processor you are using.
• Click Start simulation button
• Double-click on the "Duty Cycle Change" block and select a new duty cycle value
• Observe the PWM waveform change

How to Run the Example on the Board

• Open the model corresponding to the family of processor you are using.
• Each model is configured for a default processor, open the Target Hardware Resources
tab to select a different processor.
• Go to Peripherals > eCAN_A and check Self-Test Mode.
• Click the "Build/Reload & Run" button to generate, build, load and run the
• Select a new duty cycle value in the dialog that opens.
• Observe the PWM waveform on the oscilloscope.

CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode

CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode

This example shows how to use of the CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP) block. You can
use either external mode or a third party calibration tool to interact with the real-time
application running on the target hardware. CCP provides a means of monitoring signals
and altering the parameter values in the application code running on the target.

Required hardware:

• Before running the model in external mode, install Vector-Informatik CAN hardware
and drivers on your host computer, and set the baud rate to 1M to match processor
CAN configurations.
• Spectrum Digital F2812/F2808/F28335 eZdsp board, F28069 controlSTICK or F2808/
F28035/F28044/F28069/F28335 ControlCARD with Docking Station
• The model runs in MATLAB Win32 as Vector-Informatik supports win32

Available versions of this example:

• The example model c28x_ccp can be used for TI Piccolo F2803x/F2806x, F28x3x,
F280x, F281x series processors. Default F28335 processor is selected.
• The target hardware can be selected from Target Hardware Resources tab for the

Required hardware:

• Before running the model in external mode, install Vector-Informatik CAN hardware
and drivers on your host computer, and set the baud rate to 1M to match processor
CAN configurations.
• Spectrum Digital F2812/F2808/F28335 eZdsp board, F28069 controlSTICK or F2808/
F28035/F28044/F28069/F28335 ControlCARD with Docking Station
• The model runs in MATLAB Win32 as Vector-Informatik supports win32

Available versions of this example:

• The example model c28x_ccp can be used for TI Piccolo F2803x/F2806x, F28x3x,
F280x, F281x series processors. Default F28335 processor is selected.
• The target hardware can be selected from Target Hardware Resources tab for the

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors


The following figure shows the example model.

CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode

Scope Snapshots

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors


This example shows how to use the c28x CCP block. During code generation, for this
model an ASAP2 file is generated. The ASAP2 file contains symbol and memory address
information that is used either by external mode or a third party calibration tool. You can
use either external mode or a calibration tool to log signals and update parameters on the
real-time application.

How to Run the Example

The following sections explain how to configure, build, and deploy the executable.

CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode

With Code Composer Studio v3.3 (CCSv3.3) - Default

• While opening the model c28x_ccp, a script will be processed as a Pre-Load Function
callback. This call can be viewed by selecting File > Model Properties > Callbacks >
• The c2000_ccp_data.m callback is setting Simulink signals and parameters to resolve
Simulink objects used for CCP DAQ lists and Simulink tunable parameters as
described in the CCP documentation. This step is required to interact with these
signals in real-time using CCP.
• The example model is configured for default processor F28335. Open the Target
Hardware Resources tab to select a different processor.
• Build the model. You can press Ctrl+B or click Incremental Build button on the
toolbar of your model.
• Follow the progress of the build in the MATLAB command window, and wait until the
project is created and built in Code Composer Studio™.

With Code Composer Studio v4 (CCSv4)

CCSv4 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run XMakefile User Configuration.

• Set the Template parameter to gmake.
• Uncheck the Display operational configuration only checkbox.
• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv4, click Apply, if you haven't
used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv4 installation folder.
Pick the right folder and click OK.
• Click on the Tool Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\ for CCS Installation

2 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\tools\compiler\C2000\ for Code
Generation Tools
3 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_5_41_10_36\ for DSP/BIOS

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv4:

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• While opening the model c28x_ccp, a script will be processed as a Pre-Load Function
callback. This call can be viewed by selecting File > Model Properties > Callbacks >
• The c2000_ccp_data.m callback is setting Simulink signals and parameters to resolve
Simulink objects used for CCP DAQ lists and Simulink tunable parameters as
described in the CCP documentation. This step is required to interact with these
signals in real-time using CCP.
• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter
to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v4 (makefile generation
• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.
• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Build the model. You can press Ctrl+B or click Incremental Build button on the
toolbar of your model.
• Open CCSv4 and Connect to the Hardware. Load the program on to the Hardware
using CCSv4 and run.

With Code Composer Studio v5 (CCSv5)

CCSv5 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires runnning
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run XMakefile User Configuration.

• Set the Template parameter to gmake.
• Uncheck the Display operational configuration only checkbox.
• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv5, click Apply, if you haven't
used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv5 installation folder.
Pick the right folder and click OK.
• Click on the Tool Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\ti\ccsv5\ to set CCS Installation

2 C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c2000\ to set Code Generation Tools
3 C:\ti\bios_5_41_11_38\ to set DSP/BIOS Installation

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv5

CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode

• While opening the model c28x_ccp, a script will be processed as a Pre-Load Function
callback. This call can be viewed by selecting File > Model Properties > Callbacks >
• The c2000_ccp_data.m callback is setting Simulink signals and parameters to resolve
Simulink objects used for CCP DAQ lists and Simulink tunable parameters as
described in the CCP documentation. This step is required to interact with these
signals in real-time using CCP.
• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter
to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v5 (makefile generation
• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.
• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Build the model. You can press Ctrl+B or click Incremental Build button on the
toolbar of your model.
• Open CCSv5 and Connect to the Hardware. Load the program on to the Hardware
using CCSv5 and run.

Signal Logging and Parameter Tuning with External Mode

The model, c28x_ccp, contains a variety of signals and parameters that can be logged
or changed while the application is executing in real-time. Parameter tuning and signal
logging is enabled by the CCP block included in the model. Additionally, when the
model is built, it must be configured to generate an ASAP2 file. The ASAP2 file contains
information about the signals and parameters that are available for logging or tuning in
the real-time application.

The model contains a simple counter with parameterized step size, STEP_PARAM.
You can update the parameter STEP_PARAM and log the output of the counter,
COUNTER_SIGNAL. Additional signals available for logging are SINE_SIGNAL,
PULSE_SIGNAL and the RANDOMx signals.

Before running the model in external mode you must have Vector-Informatik CAN
hardware installed on your host computer.

To run the model, c28x_ccp, in external mode:

• Check that the model is already built and running on the target.

• Configure the model to use External mode.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• Run the model in external mode by selecting Simulation > Connect To Target.

• You can now view logged data in the scope windows.

• You can change the parameter STEP_PARAM in the real-time application: first
change its value, "STEP_PARAM.Value", in the MATLAB workspace; then update the
model to apply this new value to the real-time application; to update the model select
Edit > Update Diagram or press Ctrl+D.

Signal Logging and Parameter Tuning with a Third Party Calibration Tool

As an alternative to using external mode, you can use a third party calibration tool for
signal logging and parameter tuning. The same signals and parameters may be logged or
updated as those that are available with external mode.

Using the I2C Bus to Access a Connected EEPROM

Using the I2C Bus to Access a Connected EEPROM

This example shows how to use the I2C blocks to access an EEPROM connected to a chip
using the I2C bus.

Required Hardware:

• Spectrum Digital F2808/F28335 eZdsp board

Note: C2000 (except c281x) controlSTICK or ControlCARD with Docking Station board
is not equipped with I2C EEPROM. You must add I2C EEPROM to this board to run the

Available versions of this example:

• For c28x Processors: c28x_i2ctest


The following figure shows the example model.


41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

This example shows how to access the EEPROM connected to the I2C bus at I2C slave
address 0x50 on an F2808/F28335 eZdsp board.

This program writes 4 bytes to EEPROM and reads back the data from the corresponding
EEPROM address to show that communication has occurred.

The I2C Transmit block in the "EEPROM Write" subsystem writes the free-running
counter data from the "EEPROM Data" subsystem to the address specified by "EEPROM
Memory Addr" subsystem.

When an I2C interrupt is detected, "I2C SYS INTR" subsystem function is executed.
As a result, the I2C Receive block reads the EEPROM data in "I2C SYS INTR:ARDY
Subsystem:Subsystem". The global array "EEPROM_DATA" contains the received data.
You can monitor the value of this array in Code Composer Studio™ Watch Window.

How to Run the Example

The following sections explain how to configure, build, and deploy the executable.

With Code Composer Studio v3.3 (CCSv3.3) - Default

• Open this model c28x_i2ctest.

• The model is configured for a default processor F28335. Open the Target Hardware
Resources tab to select a different processor.
• In the Target Hardware Resources tab, under the Peripherals tab, select I2C, and
check Enable system interrupt.
• Once editable, check Enable SCD Interrupt and Enable ARDY interrupt.
• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click Incremental build on the Simulink toolbar or press Ctrl+B to generate, build,
load and run the program.

With Code Composer Studio v4 (CCSv4)

CCSv4 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run XMakefile User Configuration.

• Set the Template parameter to gmake.

Using the I2C Bus to Access a Connected EEPROM

• Uncheck the Display operational configuration only checkbox.

• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv4, click Apply, if you haven't
used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv4 installation folder.
Pick the right folder and click OK.
• Click on the Tool Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\ for CCS Installation.

2 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\tools\compiler\C2000\ for Code
Generation Tools.
3 C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_5_41_10_36\ for DSP/BIOS

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv4:

• Open the model c28x_i2ctest.

• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter
to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v4 (makefile generation
• In the Target Hardware Resources tab, under the Peripherals tab, select I2C, and
check Enable system interrupt.
• Once editable, check Enable SCD Interrupt and Enable ARDY interrupt.
• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click Incremental build on the Simulink toolbar or press Ctrl+B to generate and
build an .out executable file.
• Open CCSv4 and connect to the Hardware. Load the program on to the Hardware
using CCSv4 and run.

With Code Composer Studio v5 (CCSv5)

CCSv5 support is provided via a makefile based approach. This requires running
xmakefilesetup to set the environment. You can ignore the following if you have
already gone through these steps. For more information, please refer to the Xmakefile

• Run XMakefile User Configuration.

• Set the Template parameter to gmake.
• Uncheck the Display operational configuration only checkbox.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• Set the Configuration parameter to ticcs_c2000_ccsv5, click Apply, if you haven't

used this tool before, a dialog will ask you to browse to your CCSv5 installation folder.
Pick the right folder and click OK.
• Click on the Tool Directories and make sure that the paths are pointing to
directories matching your installation. For example:

1 C:\ti\ccsv5\ for CCS Installation.

2 C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c2000\ for Code Generation Tools.
3 C:\ti\bios_5_41_11_38\ for DSP/BIOS Installation.

Code Generation and Creation of an .out file using CCSv5:

• Open the model c28x_i2ctest.

• Open the Target Hardware Resources tab and set the IDE/Tool chain parameter
to Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v5 (makefile generation
• Change the selected board and processor to match your hardware.
• In the Target Hardware Resources tab, under the Peripherals tab, select I2C, and
check Enable system interrupt.
• Once editable, check Enable SCD Interrupt and Enable ARDY interrupt.
• Click OK to save the changes on the Target Hardware Resources tab.
• Click Incremental build on the Simulink toolbar or press Ctrl+B to generate and
build an .out executable file.
• Open CCSv5 and connect to the Hardware. Load the program on to the Hardware
using CCSv5 and run.

Using the IQmath Library

Using the IQmath Library

In this section...
“About the IQmath Library” on page 41-81
“Fixed-Point Numbers” on page 41-82
“Building Models” on page 41-86

About the IQmath Library

• “Introduction” on page 41-81
• “Common Characteristics” on page 41-82
• “References” on page 41-82


The C28x IQmath Library blocks perform processor-optimized fixed-point mathematical

operations. These blocks correspond to functions in the Texas Instruments C28x
IQmath Library, an assembly-code library for the TI C28x family of digital signal

Note: The implementation of this library for the TI C28x processor produces the same
simulation and code-generation output as the TI version of this library, but it does not
use a global Q value, as does the TI version. The Q format is dynamically adjusted based
on the Q format of the input data.

The IQmath Library blocks generally input and output fixed-point data types and use
numbers in Q format. The C28x IQmath Library block reference pages discuss the data
types accepted and produced by each block in the library. For more information, consult
the “Fixed-Point Numbers” on page 41-82 and “Q Format Notation” on page 41-84
topics, as well as the Fixed-Point Designer product documentation, which includes more
information on fixed-point data types, scaling, and precision issues.

You can use IQmath Library blocks with some core Simulink blocks and Fixed-Point
Designer blocks to run simulations in Simulink models before generating code. Once
you develop your model, you can generate equivalent code that is optimized to run on
a TI C28x DSP. During code generation, a call is made to the IQmath Library for each

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

IQmath Library block in your model to create target-optimized code. To learn more about
creating models that include IQmath Library blocks and blocks from other blocksets,
consult “Building Models” on page 41-86.

Common Characteristics

The following characteristics are common to IQmath Library blocks:

• Sample times are inherited from driving blocks.

• Blocks are single rate.
• Parameters are not tunable.
• Blocks support discrete sample times.

To learn more about characteristics particular to each block in the library, see the
individual block reference pages.


For detailed information on the IQmath library, see the user's guide for the C28x IQmath
Library - A Virtual Floating Point Engine, Literature Number SPRC087, available at the
Texas Instruments Web site. The user's guide is included in the zip file download that
also contains the IQmath library (registration required).

Fixed-Point Numbers
• “Notation” on page 41-82
• “Signed Fixed-Point Numbers” on page 41-83
• “Q Format Notation” on page 41-84


In digital hardware, numbers are stored in binary words. A binary word is a fixed-length
sequence of binary digits (1s and 0s). How hardware components or software functions
interpret this sequence of 1s and 0s is defined by the data type.

Binary numbers are used to represent either fixed-point or floating-point data types.
A fixed-point data type is characterized by the word size in bits, the binary point, and
whether it is signed or unsigned. The position of the binary point is the means by which
fixed-point values are scaled and interpreted.

Using the IQmath Library

For example, a binary representation of a fractional fixed-point number (either signed or

unsigned) is shown below:


• bi is the ith binary digit.

• ws is the word size in bits.
• bws–1 is the location of the most significant (highest) bit (MSB).
• b0 is the location of the least significant (lowest) bit (LSB).
• The binary point is shown four places to the left of the LSB. In this example,
therefore, the number is said to have four fractional bits, or a fraction length of 4.

Note: For Embedded Coder, the results of fixed-point and integer operations in
MATLAB/Simulink match the results on the hardware target down to the least
significant bit (bit-trueness). The results of floating-point operations in MATLAB/
Simulink do not match those on the hardware target, because the libraries used by
the third-party compiler may be different from those used by MATLAB/Simulink.

Signed Fixed-Point Numbers

Signed binary fixed-point numbers are typically represented in one of three ways:

• Sign/magnitude
• One's complement
• Two's complement

Two's complement is the most common representation of signed fixed-point numbers and
is used by TI digital signal processors.

Negation using signed two's complement representation consists of a bit inversion

(translation to one's complement representation) followed by the binary addition of a 1.
For example, the two's complement of 000101 is 111011, as follows:

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

000101 ->111010 (bit inversion) ->111011 (binary addition of a 1 to the LSB)

Q Format Notation

The position of the binary point in a fixed-point number determines how you interpret
the scaling of the number. When it performs basic arithmetic such as addition or
subtraction, hardware uses the same logic circuits regardless of the value of the scale
factor. In essence, the logic circuits do not have knowledge of a binary point. They
perform signed or unsigned integer arithmetic — as if the binary point is to the right of
b0. Therefore, you determine the binary point.

In the IQmath Library, the position of the binary point in the signed, fixed-point data
types is expressed in and designated by Q format notation. This fixed-point notation
takes the form


• Q designates that the number is in Q format notation — the Texas Instruments

representation for signed fixed-point numbers.
• m is the number of bits used to designate the two's complement integer portion of the
• n is the number of bits used to designate the two's complement fractional portion of
the number, or the number of bits to the right of the binary point.

In Q format, the most significant bit is designated as the sign bit. Representing a signed
fixed-point data type in Q format requires m+n+1 bits to account for the sign.

Note: The range and resolution varies for different Q formats. For specific details, see
Section 3.2 in the Texas Instruments C28x Foundation Software, IQmath Library Module
User's Guide.

When converting from Q format to floating-point format, the accuracy of the conversion
depends on the values and formats of the numbers. For example, for single-precision
floating-point numbers that use 24 bits, the resolution of the corresponding 32-bit
number cannot be achieved. The 24-bit number approximates its value by truncating the
lower end. For example:
32-bit integer 11110000 11001100 10101010 00001111
Single-precision float +1.1110000 11001100 10101010 x 231
Corresponding value 11110000 11001100 10101010 00000000

Using the IQmath Library

Expressing Q Format — Q.15

For example, a signed 16-bit number with n = 15 bits to the right of the binary point is
expressed as

in this notation. This is (1 sign bit) + (m = 0 integer bits) + (n = 15 fractional bits) = 16
bits total in the data type. In Q format notation, the m = 0 is often implied, as in


In Fixed-Point Designer software, this data type is expressed as



In DSP System Toolbox software, this data type is expressed as

[16 15]

Expressing Q Format — Q1.30

Multiplying two Q0.15 numbers yields a product that is a signed 32-bit data type with
n = 30 bits to the right of the binary point. One bit is the designated sign bit, thereby
forcing m to be 1:
m+n+1 = 1+30+1 = 32 bits total

Therefore, this number is expressed as


In Fixed-Point Designer software, this data type is expressed as


In DSP System Toolbox software, this data type is expressed as

[32 30]

Expressing Q Format — Q-2.17

Consider a signed 16-bit number with a scaling of 2(-17). This requires n = 17 bits to the
right of the binary point, meaning that the most significant bit is a sign-extended bit.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Sign extension fills additional bits with the value of the MSB. For example, consider a
4-bit two's complement number 1011. When this number is extended to 7 bits with sign
extension, the number becomes 1111101 and the value of the number remains the same.

One bit is the designated sign bit, forcing m to be -2:

m+n+1 = -2+17+1 = 16 bits total

Therefore, this number is expressed as


In Fixed-Point Designer software, this data type is expressed as


In DSP System Toolbox software, this data type is expressed as

[16 17]

Expressing Q Format — Q17.-2

Consider a signed 16-bit number with a scaling of 2^(2) or 4. This means that the binary
point is implied to be 2 bits to the right of the 16 bits, or that there are n = -2 bits to the
right of the binary point. One bit must be the sign bit, thereby forcing m to be 17:
m+n+1 = 17+(-2)+1 = 16

Therefore, this number is expressed as


In Fixed-Point Designer software, this data type is expressed as


In DSP System Toolbox software, this data type is expressed as

[16 -2]

Building Models
• “Overview” on page 41-87
• “Converting Data Types” on page 41-87
• “Using Sources and Sinks” on page 41-87

Using the IQmath Library

• “Choosing Blocks to Optimize Code” on page 41-87

• “Double and Single-Precision Parameter Values” on page 41-88


You can use IQmath Library blocks in models along with certain core Simulink, Fixed-
Point Designer, and other blockset blocks. This section discusses issues you should
consider when building a model with blocks from these different libraries.

Converting Data Types

It is vital to make sure that blocks you connect in a model have compatible input and
output data types. In most cases, IQmath Library blocks handle only a limited number of
specific data types. You can refer to the block reference page for a discussion of the data
types that the block accepts and produces.

When you connect IQmath Library blocks and Fixed-Point Designer blocks, you often
need to set the data type and scaling in the block parameters of the Fixed-Point Designer
block to match the data type of the IQmath Library block. Many Fixed-Point Designer
blocks allow you to set their data type and scaling through inheritance from the driving
block, or through backpropagation from the next block. This can be a good way to set the
data type of a Fixed-Point Designer block to match a connected IQmath Library block.

Some DSP System Toolbox blocks and core Simulink blocks also accept fixed-point data
types. Choose the right settings in these blocks' parameters when you connect them to an
IQmath Library block.

Using Sources and Sinks

The IQmath Library does not include source or sink blocks. Use source or sink
blocks from the core Simulink library or Fixed-Point Designer in your models with
IQmath Library blocks.

Choosing Blocks to Optimize Code

In some cases, blocks that perform similar functions appear in more than one blockset.
For example, the IQmath Library and Fixed-Point Designer software have a Multiply
block. When you are building a model to run on C2000 DSP, choosing the block from the
IQmath Library yields better optimized code. You can use a similar block from another
library if it gives you functionality that the IQmath Library block does not support, but
you will generate code that is less optimized.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Double and Single-Precision Parameter Values

When you enter double-precision floating-point values for parameters in the IQ Math
blocks, the software converts them to single-precision values that are compatible with the
behavior on c28x processor. For example, with the Ramp Generator block, the software
converts the value of the Maximum step angle parameter to a single-precision value.

Programming Flash Memory

Programming Flash Memory

In this section...
“Introduction” on page 41-89
“Installing TI Flash APIs” on page 41-89
“Configuring the DSP Board Bootloader” on page 41-90
“Configuring the Software for Automatic Flash Programming” on page 41-90
“Selectively Erase, Program, or Verify Specific Flash Sectors” on page 41-91
“Placing Additional Code or Data on Unused Flash Sectors” on page 41-91

The Embedded Coder software includes a feature for programming Flash memory on
the target hardware. You can configure this feature to automatically program Flash
memory when you build and execute models for DSP boards. You can also use the Flash
programming feature to selectively erase, program, or verify specific sectors of Flash

Note: Reprogramming Flash memory thousands of times may deplete its ability to hold
data. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for specifications.


• A F2812, F2808, or F28335 eZdsp board

• A working Simulink model
• The TI Flash API for your specific target

Installing TI Flash APIs

1 Visit the Texas Instruments Web site and download the TI Flash API installation
software for your target:

• F281x: http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/sprc125.html
• F280x: http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/sprc193.html
• F2802x: http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/sprc848.html

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

• F2804x: http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/sprc325.html
• F2823x: http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/sprc665.html
• F2833x: http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/sprc539.html
2 Start the TI Flash API installation software (.exe) contained in the ZIP file.
3 During installation, use the default folder location for Location to Save Files.

Otherwise, each time you create a model, you must configure Specify API
Location, located under the Peripherals tab of the Target Hardware Resources
4 Complete the installation process.

Configuring the DSP Board Bootloader

Configure the bootloader switch or jumper on the DSP board so that, upon startup,
the DSP board executes the program from Flash memory. Consult the manufacturer's
hardware documentation to identify the specific switch and settings.

Typically, you can enable the bootloader switch or jumper by moving it from the factory
default position (Flash disabled) to the opposite position (enabled). For example:

• On the F2812 eZdsp, change jumper JP7 from the factory default setting.
• On the F2808 eZdsp, change switches 1 and 3 on bank SW1 from the factory default
• On F28335 eZdsp, change switch 3 on bank SW1 from the factory default setting.

Configuring the Software for Automatic Flash Programming

Configure Embedded Coder software to program Flash memory on the target board when
you build and execute a model.

1 On your keyboard, press Ctrl+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog, select
the Code Generation > Coder Target pane.
2 On the Tool Chain Automation tab, set Build Action to Build_and_execute.
3 On the Target Hardware Resources tab, set Board to a board whose name includes
(boot from flash).
4 Select the Peripherals tab, and then select Flash_loader
5 Set Enable flash programmer to Erase, Program, Verify.

Programming Flash Memory

6 Click OK to save and close the new configuration.

When you build the model, the software automatically erases, programs, and verifies
Flash memory. When the DSP board restarts, it loads and executes the program from
Flash memory.

Selectively Erase, Program, or Verify Specific Flash Sectors

You can manually erase, program, and verify specific sectors of Flash memory:

1 Open the Target Hardware Resources tab for your model, and select the
Peripherals tab.
2 Select Flash_loader from the Peripherals list.
3 Set Enable flash programmer to erase, program, or verify flash.
4 (Optional) To protect specific Flash sectors:

a Disable Detect Flash sectors to erase from COFF file.

b Clear the flash sectors you want to protect.
5 Click Execute. The software performs the action you specified upon the unprotected
flash sectors.

Note: Erase Flash sectors before programming them.

Placing Additional Code or Data on Unused Flash Sectors

To place additional code or data on unused Flash sectors:

1 Determine the address and length of the individual Flash sectors. You may need to
refer to the manufacturer's specifications.
2 Determine the size of the primary C code program and the number of Flash sectors it
3 Determine the size of the additional code or data and the number of Flash sectors it
will occupy.
4 Under the Target Hardware Resources tab, on the Memory tab, click Add to
create two or more new memory banks; one for the primary C code program (e.g.,
FLASH_AB) and one or more for the additional code or data (e.g., FLASH_CD). The
address and length of each memory bank must align with those of the flash sectors.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Programming Flash Memory

5 Under the Sections tab, under Default sections, select .text. Then, under
Placement, select the new memory bank (e.g., FLASH_AB) you created for the
primary C code program. The next time you program the Flash memory, the
software places the .text C code file in the new memory bank.

6 Similarly, select items from the Default sections or Custom sections list,
and place them in the new memory banks (e.g., FLASH_CD) for the previously
unoccupied Flash sectors.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Configuring LIN Communications

In this section...
“Overview” on page 41-94
“Configuring Your Model” on page 41-94

The LIN communications architecture supports a single master node and up to 16 slave
nodes on a LIN network.

LIN nodes use message frames to exchange data. The message has two parts:

• Frame header, generated by the Master node.

• Frame response, which contains data generated by either Slave node or a slave task
on a Master node (but not both).

Configuring Your Model

First, study, and understand the LIN addressing system. See the “Message Filtering
and Validation” topic in the TMS320F2803x Piccolo Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
Module, Literature Number: SPRUGE2B.

Configure the LIN node in your model as a master or slave node:

1 Configure the Target Hardware Resources tab, as described in “Configure Target

Hardware Resources”.
2 In the Target Hardware Resources tab, select the Peripherals tab, and then select
3 Set LIN mode to Master or Slave.

If the LIN node is a Master node:

• Add a LIN Transmit block to the model. This block enables the Master to generate
message headers.
• To send data, set the ID input and Tx ID Mask input to make Tx ID Match happen
on this node.

Configuring LIN Communications

• To receive data, place LIN Receive block in the model. Set the Rx ID Mask input to
make Rx ID Match happen on this node.

For example, to configure a model with a master node that receives data from a slave

• Add a LIN Transmit block and a LIN Receive block to the model.
• In the Target Hardware Resources tab, configure the ID Slave Task Byte.
• For the LIN Transmit block, set the ID input.
• For the LIN Receive block, set the Rx ID Mask input so that: Rx ID Mask = ID XOR
Slave Task ID Byte.

If the LIN node is a Slave node:

• To send data, place LIN Transmit block in the model. Set the ID input to match the
LIN frame header issued by the remote Master. Set Tx ID Mask to make a Tx ID
Match happen on this node.
• To receive data, place LIN Receive block in the model. Set the Rx ID Mask input to
make an Rx ID Match happen on this node.

For example, to configure a model with a slave node that transmits data to a master

• Add a LIN Transmit block to the model.

• In the Target Hardware Resources tab, configure the ID byte or ID Slave Task Byte
(depending on the ID filtering option).
• In the LIN Transmit block, set the ID input and Tx ID Mask input so that: Tx ID
Mask = ID XOR (ID Byte or ID Slave Task Byte).

Set the Data type and Data length values in your LIN Receive blocks to match the type
and length of the transmitted data. These values enable the receive block reconstruct the
data from the message frames.

Note: The LIN Transmit block inherits the data type and length from its input.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Open Examples for Embedded Coder Texas Instruments C2000

The examples available for Embedded Coder Texas Instruments C2000 are as follows:

Demos based on ert.tlc

• ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt —

• SPI-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle —c280x_2833x_spitest_ert.mdl
• Asynchronous Scheduling — c280x_2833x_asyncscheduling_ert.mdl
• CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode — c28x_ccp_ert.mdl
• Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Field-Oriented Control —
• Using the Control Law Accelerator (CLA).mdl
• Schedule a Multi-Rate Controller for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine —

Demos based on eidelink_ert.tlc and idelink_grt.tlc

• ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt —

• CAN-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle — c280x_2833x_cantest.mdl
• SPI-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle — c280x_2833x_spitest.mdl
• Using the I2C Bus to Access a Connected EEPROM — c28x_i2ctest.mdl
• LIN-Based Control of PWM Duty Cycle — c28035lintest.mdl
• Asynchronous Scheduling — c280x_2833x_asyncscheduling.mdl
• DC Motor Speed Control via RTDX — c2812speedcontrolDC.mdl
• CAN Calibration Protocol and External Mode — c28x_ccp.mdl
• Real-Time Data Exchange via RTDX — c28x_rtdxtest.mdl
• HIL Verification of IIR Filter via SCI — c2000scitest.mdl
• Simulation of FOC Using PMSM Model — c2812pmsmsim.mdl
• Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Field-Oriented Control — c2812pmsmfoc.mdl
• Motor Control
• DC/DC Buck Converter

Open Examples for Embedded Coder Texas Instruments C2000

Note Make sure you first download and install Embedded Coder Texas Instruments
C2000 support package before trying to open the examples.

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

Tips and Limitations

RTDX Simulation Blocks

RTDX Simulation Blocks

RTDX™ Simulation Blocks Contents RTDX™ Simulation Blocks Library Host-Target
Communication RTDX™ Read Block RTDX™ Write Block Relationship Between
RTDX™ Blocks in Simulation and Target Application RTDX™ Simulation Blocks
Library The RTDX Simulation Blocks Library contains two blocks: RTDX Read - Read
from RTDX™ channel in simulation RTDX Write - Write to RTDX channel in simulation
close open_system('rtdxsimlib'); The 'HOST' notation on the blocks indicates that these
blocks work only in simulation. Note: To open the block library from MATLAB®, enter
rtdxsimlib at the command prompt. Host-Target Communication When you add one
of the blocks to a model, Simulink® adds a Host-Target Communication configuration
option to the Configuration Parameters select tree. This new configuration option enables
you to set up the target and RTDX. It is important that you enter the required target
and RTDX information here before you run the model. The Host-Target Communication
option is where you enter target set-up information: Target Information: Board number
- board number of target Processor number - processor number on target board Target
Application: Project name - CCS project file (optional) Program name - CCS program to
load The RTDX Configuration option (under Host-Target Communication) is where you
enter RTDX set-up information: RTDX mode - set to Continuous mode Number of buffers
- number of RTDX buffers Buffer size - size (in bytes) of each RTDX buffer RTDX™
Read Block Description In simulation, this block reads a message from the specified
RTDX channel and outputs the message to downstream blocks in the model. When
your simulation uses RTDX to communicate with a target, the RTDX Read block gets
messages from the RTDX channel that your target application writes to. If your target
model is running code you generated from a Simulink model that used RTDX blocks
from the Target Support Package component software, the To RTDX block you included
in your target model configures and writes messages to the RTDX channel from which
the RTDX Read block in your simulation is reading messages. Block Dialog Channel
name Name of a read RTDX channel. The RTDX Read block in the host model reads data
from the target through this channel. The name specified here must match an output
channel defined in the target code. Sample time Specifies the time between samples of
the signal. The default is 1 second between samples, for a sample rate of one sample
per second (1/Sample time). Output dimensions Defines a matrix for the output signal
from the block, where the first value is the number of rows and the second is the number
of columns in the output matrix. For example, the default setting [1 64] represents a
1-row by 64-column matrix of output values. Enter a 1 by 2 vector of doubles for the
dimensions. Frame-based Sets a flag at the block output that directs downstream blocks
to use frame-based processing on the data from this block. In frame-based processing,
the samples in a frame are processed simultaneously. In sample-based processing,

41 Working with Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

samples are processed one at a time. Frame-based processing can increase the speed of
your application running on your target. Note that throughput in samples per second
processed remains the same. Frame-based operation is the default. Data type Sets the
type for the data output from the block. Select one of the following types: Double - double-
precision floating-point numbers. Values range from -1 to 1. This is the default setting.
Single - single-precision floating-point numbers. Values range from -1 to 1. Int16 - 16-
bit signed integers. Values range from -32768 to 32767. Int32 - 32-bit signed integers.
Values range from -2147483648 to -2147483647. Uint8 - 8-bit unsigned integers. Values
range from 0 to 255. RTDX™ Write Block Description In simulation, this block writes
the block input data to the specified RTDX channel. When your simulation uses RTDX to
communicate with a target, the RTDX Write block writes messages to the RTDX channel
that your target application reads. If your target model is running code you generated
from a Simulink model that used RTDX blocks from the Target Support Package
component software, the From RTDX block you included in your target model configures
and reads messages from the RTDX channel to which the RTDX Write block in your
simulation is sending messages. Block Dialog Channel name Name of a write RTDX
channel. The RTDX Write block in the host model writes data to the target through this
channel. The name specified here must match an input channel defined in the target
code. Relationship Between RTDX™ Blocks in Simulation and Target Application To
make the correspondence between the RTDX simulation blocks and the RTDX code
generation blocks clear: Using the RTDX Read block in simulation provides one end of
a RTDX channel. Using the To RTDX block in a model generates code to implement the
other end. Together they form one complete RTDX communications path from the target
application to the host simulation. Using the RTDX Write block in simulation provides
one end of a RTDX channel. Using the From RTDX block in a model generates code
to implement the other end. Together they form one complete RTDX communications
path from the host simulation to the target application. close_system('rtdxsimlib', 0);
Copyright 2006-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. Published with MATLAB® R2013b

Code Generation from MATLAB Code

Build Configuration for Code

Generation from MATLAB Code

• “Specify Comment Style” on page 42-2

• “Generate Custom File and Function Banners for C and C++ Code” on page 42-4
• “Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB” on page 42-7
• “Customize Generated Identifiers” on page 42-18
42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

Specify Comment Style

In this section...
“Specify Comment Style Using the Project Interface” on page 42-2
“Specify Comment Style at the Command-Line Interface” on page 42-2

If you have an Embedded Coder license, you can specify the comment style for C and
C++ code generated from MATLAB code. Specify single-line style to generate single-
line comments preceded by //. Specify multi-line style to generate single-line or multi-
line comments delimited by /* and */. Single-line style is the default for C++ code
generation. Multi-line style is the default for C code generation. For C code generation,
select single-line comment style only if your compiler supports it.

Specify Comment Style Using the Project Interface

1 In the Project Settings dialog box, click the Code Appearance tab.
2 Select the Include Comments check box if it is not already selected. By default, the
Include Comments check box is selected.
3 Set Comment Style to one of the following options.

Value Description
Auto(Use standard comment style For C, generate multi-line comments.
of the target language) For C++, generate single-line comments.
Single-line (Use C++-style Generate single-line comments preceded
comments) by //.
Multi-line (Use C-style Generate single or multi-line comments
comments) delimited by /* and */.

Specify Comment Style at the Command-Line Interface

1 Create a code configuration object for C/C++ code generation. For example, create a
configuration object for C/C++ static library generation:

cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
2 Set the CommentStyle property to one of the following values:

Specify Comment Style

Value Description
'Auto' For C, generate multi-line comments. For C++, generate single-
line comments. (default)
'Single-line' Generate single-line comments preceded by //.
'Multi-line' Generate single or multi-line comments delimited by /* and */.

For example, this code sets the comment style to single-line style:

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

Generate Custom File and Function Banners for C and C++ Code
When you generate C and C++ code from MATLAB code, you can use a code generation
template (CGT) file to specify custom:

• File banners
• Function Banners
• File trailers
• Comments before code sections

This example shows how you can create your own CGT file and customize it to generate
your own file and function banners.

1 Create a local copy of the default CGT file for MATLAB Coder and rename it. The
default CGT file is matlabcoder_default_template.cgt in the matlabroot/toolbox/
coder/matlabcoder/templates/ folder.
2 Store the copy in a folder that is outside of the MATLAB folder structure, but on the
MATLAB path. If required, add the folder to the MATLAB path. If you intend to use
the CGT file with a custom target, locate the CGT file in a folder under your target
root folder. If the file is not on the MATLAB path, specify a full path to the file when
adding the file to your configuration.
3 View the default template and generated output. For example, here is the default
File Banner section:
%% Custom File Banner section (optional)
%% Customize File banners by using either custom tokens or the following
%% predefined tokens:
%% %<FileName>, %<MATLABCoderVersion>, %<EmbeddedCoderVersion>
%% %<SourceGeneratedOn>, %<HardwareSelection>, %<OutputType>
%% You can also use "custom tokens" in all of the sections below. See the
%% documentation center for more details.
<FileBanner style="classic">
File: %<FileName>

MATLAB Coder version : %<MATLABCoderVersion>

C/C++ source code generated on : %<SourceGeneratedOn>
When you generate code using this default, the file banner looks similar to this file

Generate Custom File and Function Banners for C and C++ Code

* File: coderand.c
* MATLAB Coder version : 2.7
* C/C++ source code generated on : 06-Apr-2014 14:34:15

4 Edit your local copy of the CGT file. You can change the default values and add
your own custom tokens. For example, here is the File Banner section with the style
changed to box and a custom token myCustomToken :
%% Custom File Banner section (optional)
%% Customize File banners by using either custom tokens or the following
%% predefined tokens:
%% %<FileName>, %<MATLABCoderVersion>, %<EmbeddedCoderVersion>
%% %<SourceGeneratedOn>, %<HardwareSelection>, %<OutputType>
%% You can also use "custom tokens" in all of the sections below. See the
%% documentation center for more details.
<FileBanner style="box">
File: %<FileName>

My custom token : %<myCustomToken>

MATLAB Coder version : %<MATLABCoderVersion>

C/C++ source code generated on : %<SourceGeneratedOn>

For more information, see “Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB”.
5 Create a configuration object for generation of a C static library for an embedded
% Create configuration object for an embedded target
cfgObj = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
6 Create a MATLABCodeTemplate object from your CGT file and add it to the
configuration object.
% Specify the custom CGT file
CGTFile = 'myCGTFile.cgt';
% Use custom template
cfgObj.CodeTemplate = coder.MATLABCodeTemplate(CGTFile);
7 Assign values for custom tokens that you added to the template. For example, assign
the value 'myValue' to the myCustomToken token that you added in a previous
8 Generate code using the configuration object that you just created.

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

codegen -config cfgObj coderand

9 View the changes to the generated file banner. For example, here is the file banner
for coderand.c using the customized CGT file:
/* File: coderand.c */
/* */
/* My custom token : myValue */
/* */
/* MATLAB Coder version : 2.7 */
/* C/C++ source code generated on : 06-Apr-2014 14:42:55 */

Changes to a CGT file do not affect the generated code unless you create a
MATLABCodeTemplate object from the modified CGT file, and then add it to the
configuration object. If you modify the CGT File, myCGTFile.cgt, used in the previous
example, you must repeat these steps:

1 Create a MATLABCodeTemplate object from myCGTFile.cgt and add it to the

configuration object.
CGTFile = 'myCGTFile.cgt';
cfgObj.CodeTemplate = coder.MATLABCodeTemplate(CGTFile);
2 Assign the value 'myValue' to the myCustomToken token.

3 Generate code.
codegen -config cfgObj coderand

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB

In this section...
“Default CGT file” on page 42-7
“CGT File Structure” on page 42-7
“Components of the CGT File Sections” on page 42-9

A code generation template (CGT) file defines the sections in generated code that you can
customize using comments and tokens. Using a code generation template (CGT) file for
the generation of C and C++ code from MATLAB, you can specify custom file banners and
function banners for generated code. File banners are comment sections in the header
and trailer sections of a generated file. Function banners are comment sections for each
function in the generated code. You can also customize comments before code sections.
Use these banners to:

• Add a company copyright statement.

• Specify a special version symbol for your configuration management system.
• Remove time stamps.
• Add other custom information to your generated files.

For information on creating, customizing, and using a CGT file, see “Generate Custom
File and Function Banners for C and C++ Code” on page 42-4.

Default CGT file

You can base your custom template on the default CGT file,
matlabcoder_default_template.cgt, in the matlabroot/toolbox/coder/
matlabcoder/templates/ folder.

Note: If you choose not to customize banners for your generated code, the default
template is used for code generation.

CGT File Structure

A CGT file consists of thirteen optional sections.

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

File Banner Section

Contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom file banner.

Function Banner Section

Contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom function banner.

Shared Utility Function Banner

Contains comments and tokens for use in generating custom banners for shared utility

File Trailer Section

Contains comments for use in generating a custom trailer banner.

Include Files Banner

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the include files section.

Type Definitions

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the type definitions

Named Constants

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the named constants

Variable Declarations

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the variable declarations

Variable Definitions

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the variable definitions

Function Declarations

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the function declarations

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB

Function Definitions

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the function definitions

Custom Source Code

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the custom source code

Custom Header Code

Contains comments for use in generating a custom banner for the custom header code

Components of the CGT File Sections

Each CGT file section is defined by open and close tags.

CGT File Section Open Tag Close Tag

“File Banner” on page <FileBanner> </FileBanner>
“Function Banner <FunctionBanner> </FunctionBanner>
Section” on page
“Shared Utility Function <SharedUtilityBanner> </SharedUtilityBanner>
Banner” on page
“File Trailer Section” on <FileTrailer> </FileTrailer>
page 42-8
“Include Files Banner” on <IncludeFilesBanner> </IncludeFilesBanner>
page 42-8
“Type Definitions” on <TypeDefinitionsBanner> </TypeDefinitionsBanner>
page 42-8
“Named Constants” on <NamedConstantsBanner> </NamedConstantsBanner>
page 42-8
“Variable Declarations” <VariableDeclarationsBanner></
on page 42-8 VariableDeclarationsBanner>

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

CGT File Section Open Tag Close Tag

“Variable Definitions” on <VariableDefinitionsBanner> </
page 42-8 VariableDefinitionsBanner>
“Function Declarations” <FunctionDeclarationsBanner></
on page 42-8 FunctionDeclarationsBanner>
“Function Definitions” on <FunctionDefinitionsBanner> </
page 42-9 FunctionDefinitionsBanner>
“Custom Source Code” on <CustomSourceCodeBanner> </CustomSourceCodeBanner>
page 42-9
“Custom Header Code” on <CustomHeaderCodeBanner> </CustomHeaderCodeBanner>
page 42-9

You can customize your banners by including tokens and comments between the open
and close tags for each section. Tokens are replaced with values in the generated code.
The following rules apply to tokens in your CGT file:

• You can have only one token per line.

• Token values must not contain a ‘\t’ for formatting.

Note: In the contents of your banner, C comment indicators, '/*' or '*/', can introduce an
error in the generated code.

An open tag includes tag attributes. Enclose the value of the attribute in double quotes.
The attributes available for an open tag are:

• width: specifies the width of the file or function banner comments in the generated
code. The default value is 80.
• style: specifies the boundary for the file or function banner comments in the
generated code.

The open tag syntax is:

<OpenTag style = “style_value” width = “num_width”>

There are five options for the banner style. The CommentStyle and TargetLang
configuration object properties determine the use of C or C++ comment style. The built-in
style options for the style attribute are:

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB

• classic

Using C style comments

/* single line comments */

* multiple line comments
* second line

Using C++ style comments

// single line comments

// multiple line comments
// second line
• box

Using C style comments

/* banner contents */

Using C++ style comments

// banner contents //
• open_box

Using C style comments

* banner contents

Using C++ style comments

// banner contents
42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

• doxygen

Using C style comments

/** single line comments */

* multiple line comments
* second line

Using C++ style comments

///single line comments

/// multiple line comments
///second line
• doxygen_qt

Using C style comments

/*! single line comments */

* multiple line comments
* second line

Using C++ style comments

//!single line comments

//! multiple line comments
//!second line

File Banner

This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom file banner
that precedes the generated C and C++ code. If you omit the file banner section from the

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB

CGT file, the code generation software does not generate a file banner in the generated
code. The file banner section provided in the default CGT file is:
%% Custom File Banner section (optional)
%% Customize File banners by using either custom tokens or the following
%% predefined tokens:
%% %<FileName>, %<MATLABCoderVersion>, %<EmbeddedCoderVersion>
%% %<SourceGeneratedOn>, %<HardwareSelection>, %<OutputType>
%% You can also use "custom tokens" in all of the sections below. See the
%% documentation center for more details.
<FileBanner style="classic">
File: %<FileName>

MATLAB Coder version : %<MATLABCoderVersion>

C/C++ source code generated on : %<SourceGeneratedOn>

Summary of Tokens for File Banner Generation

FileName Name of the generated file (for example, "kalman.c")

SourceGeneratedOn Time stamp of generated file
MATLABCoderVersion Version of MATLAB Coder
EmbeddedCoderVersion Version of Embedded Coder
HardwareSelection Selected target
OutputType Type of output (for example, lib, exe, or dll)

Function Banner

This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom function
banner that precedes a generated C or C++ function. If you omit the function banner
section from the CGT file, the code generation software does not generate function
banners. The function banner section provided in the default CGT file is:
%% Custom function banner section (optional)
%% Customize function banners by using the following predefined tokens:
%% %<FunctionName>, %<FunctionDescription>
%% %<Arguments>, %<ReturnType>
<FunctionBanner style="classic">
Arguments : %<Arguments>
Return Type : %<ReturnType>

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

Summary of Tokens for Function Banner Generation

FunctionName Name of function
FunctionDescription Short abstract about the function
Arguments List of function arguments
ReturnType Return type of function

Shared Utility Banner

This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom shared utility
function banner that precedes a generated C or C++ shared utility function. If you
omit the shared utility function banner section from the CGT file, the code generation
software does not generate shared utility function banners. The shared utility function
banner section provided in the default CGT file is:
%% Custom Shared Utility Function Banner section (optional)
%% Customize shared utility function banners by using the following
%% predefined tokens:
%% %<FunctionName>, %<FunctionDescription>
%% %<Arguments>, %<ReturnType>
<SharedUtilityBanner style="classic">
Arguments : %<Arguments>
Return Type : %<ReturnType>

Summary of Tokens for Shared Utility Function Banner Generation

FunctionName Name of function
FunctionDescription Short abstract about the function
Arguments List of function arguments
ReturnType Return type of function

File Trailer

The file trailer section contains comments for generating a custom file trailer that follows
the generated C or C++ code. If you omit the file trailer section from the CGT file, the
code generation software does not generate a file trailer. The file trailer section provided
in the default CGT file is:
%% Custom file trailer section (optional)
%% You can use any of the predefined tokens used for File Banner

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB

<FileTrailer style="classic">
File trailer for %<FileName>


Tokens for the file banner are available for the file trailer. See Summary of Tokens for
File Banner Generation.

Include Files Banner

The include files banner section contains comments for generating a custom banner
that precedes the include files section in the generated code. If you omit the include
files banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software does not generate a
banner for this section. The include files banner section provided in the default CGT file
<IncludeFilesBanner style="classic">
Include Files

Type Definitions Banner

The type definitions banner section contains comments for generating a custom banner
that precedes the type definitions section in the generated code. If you omit the type
definitions banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software does not
generate a banner for this section. The type definitions banner section provided in the
default CGT file is:
<TypeDefinitionsBanner style="classic">
Type Definitions

Named Constants Banner

The named constants banner section contains comments for generating a custom banner
that precedes the named constants section in the generated code. If you omit the named
constants banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software does not
generate a banner for this section. The named constants banner section provided in the
default CGT file is:
<NamedConstantsBanner style="classic">
Named Constants

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

Variable Declarations

The variable declarations banner section contains comments for generating a custom
banner that precedes the variable declarations section in the generated code. If you omit
the variable declarations banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software
does not generate a banner for this section. The variable declarations banner section
provided in the default CGT file is:
<VariableDeclarationsBanner style="classic">
Variable Declarations

Variable Definitions

The variable definitions banner section contains comments for generating a custom
banner that precedes the variable definitions section in the generated code. If you omit
the variable definitions banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software
does not generate a banner for this section. The variable definitions banner section
provided in the default CGT file is:
<VariableDefinitionsBanner style="classic">
Variable Definitions

Function Declarations

The function declarations banner section contains comments for generating a custom
banner that precedes the function declarations section in the generated code. If you omit
the function declarations banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software
does not generate a banner for this section. The function declarations banner section
provided in the default CGT file is:
<functionDeclarationsBanner style="classic">
Function Declarations

Function Definitions

The function definitions banner section contains comments for generating a custom
banner that precedes the function definitions section in the generated code. If you omit
the function definitions banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software
does not generate a banner for this section. The function definitions banner section
provided in the default CGT file is:

Code Generation Template (CGT) Files for MATLAB

<FunctionDefinitionsBanner style="classic">
Function Definitions

Custom Source Code

The custom source code banner section contains comments for generating a custom
banner that precedes the custom source code section in the generated code. If you omit
the custom source code banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software
does not generate a banner for this section. The custom source code banner section
provided in the default CGT file is:
<CustomSourceCodeBanner style="classic">
Custom Source Code

Customer Header Code

The custom header code banner section contains comments for generating a custom
banner that precedes the custom header code section in the generated code. If you omit
the custom header code banner section from the CGT file, the code generation software
does not generate a banner for this section. The custom header code banner section
provided in the default CGT file is:
<CustomHeaderCodeBanner style="classic">
Custom Header Code

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

Customize Generated Identifiers

In this section...
“Customize Identifiers Using the Project Interface” on page 42-18
“Customize Generated Identifiers Using the Command Line Interface” on page 42-19

If you have an Embedded Coder license, you can customize the identifiers that the
MATLAB Coder software generates in the C/C++ code. To customize generated
identifiers, specify the identifier format parameters in the project or the embedded code
configuration object. For each parameter, enter a macro string. The code generation
software expands the macro string and includes it in the generated identifiers.

The macro string can include:

• Valid C or C++ language identifiers (a-z, A-Z, _, 0–9).

• The tokens listed in the following table. $M is required.

Token Description
$M Insert name mangling string to avoid naming collisions.

$N Insert name of the object (global variable, global type, local
function, local temporary variable, or constant macro) for which
the identifier is generated.

Improves readability of generated code.

$R Insert root project name into identifier, replacing unsupported
characters with the underscore (_) character.

Customize Identifiers Using the Project Interface

In a project, on the Code Appearance tab, enter macros for the parameters that you
want to customize.

Project Parameter Default Macro

Global variables $M$N

Customize Generated Identifiers

Project Parameter Default Macro

Global types $M$N
Field name of global types $M$N
Local functions $M$N
Local temporary variables $M$N
Constant macros $M$N
EMX Array Types emxArray_$M$N
EMX Array Utility Functions emx$M$N

For example, suppose Global variables has the value glob_$M$N. For a global variable
named g, when name mangling is not required, the generated identifier is glob_g. If
name mangling is required, the generated identifier includes the name mangling string.

Customize Generated Identifiers Using the Command Line Interface

At the command line, create a code configuration object. Define macros for the
parameters that you want to customize.

Embedded Code Configuration Description Default Macro

Object Parameter
CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar Global variables '$M$N'
CustomSymbolStrType Global types '$M$N'
CustomSymbolStrField Field name of global types '$M$N'
CustomSymbolStrFcn Local functions '$M$N'
CustomSymbolStrTmpVar Local temporary variables '$M$N'
CustomSymbolStrMacro Constant macros '$M$N'
CustomSymbolStrEMXArray EMX Array Types 'emxArray_$M$N'
CustomSymbolStrEMXArrayFcn EMX Array Utility Functions 'emx$M$N'

For example:

cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
cfg.CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar = 'glob_$M$N';

42 Build Configuration for Code Generation from MATLAB Code

For a global variable named g, when name mangling is not required, the generated
identifier is glob_g. If name mangling is required, the generated identifier includes the
name mangling string.


Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

• “What Is Code Replacement?” on page 43-2

• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code” on page 43-4
• “Code Replacement Libraries” on page 43-15
• “Code Replacement Terminology” on page 43-17
• “Code Replacement Limitations” on page 43-20
• “Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code” on page 43-21
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library” on page 43-24
43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

What Is Code Replacement?

Code replacement is a technique to change the code that the code generator produces for
functions and operators to meet application code requirements. For example, you can
replace generated code to meet requirements such as:

• Optimization for a specific run-time environment, including, but not limited to,
specific target hardware.
• Integration with existing application code.
• Compliance with a standard, such as AUTOSAR.
• Modification of code behavior, such as enabling or disabling nonfinite or inline
• Application- or project-specific code requirements, such as:

• Elimination of math.h.
• Elimination of system header files.
• Elimination of calls to memcpy or memset.
• Use of BLAS.
• Use of a specific BLAS.

To apply this technique, configure the code generator to apply a code replacement
library (CRL) during code generation. By default, the code generator does not apply a
code replacement library. You can choose from the following libraries that MathWorks

• GNU C99 extensions—GNU6 gcc math library, which provides C99 extensions as
defined by compiler option -std=gnu99.
• Intel IPP for x86-64 (Windows)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance Primitives
(IPP) library for the x86-64 Windows platform.
• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86-64 (Windows)—GNU libraries for Intel
Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99
• Intel IPP for x86/Pentium (Windows)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance
Primitives (IPP) library for the x86/Pentium Windows platform.
6. GNU is a registered trademark of the Free Software Foundation.

What Is Code Replacement?

• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86/Pentium (Windows)—Generates calls

to the GNU libraries for Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD
Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99 extensions, for the x86/Pentium Windows platform.
• Intel IPP for x86-64 (Linux)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance Primitives
(IPP) library for the x86-64 Linux platform.
• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86-64 (Linux)—Generates calls to
the GNU libraries for Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD
Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99 extensions, for the x86-64 Linux platform.

Libraries that include GNU99 extensions are intended for use with the GCC compiler. If
use one of those libraries with another compiler, generated code might not compile.

Depending on the product licenses that you have, other libraries might be available . If
you have an Embedded Coder license, you can view and choose from other libraries and
you can create custom code replacement libraries.

Code replacement is a technique to change the code that the code generator produces for
functions and operators to meet application code requirements. For example, you can
replace generated code to meet requirements such as:

• Optimization for a specific run-time environment, including, but not limited to,
specific target hardware.
• Integration with existing application code.
• Compliance with a standard, such as AUTOSAR.
• Modification of code behavior, such as enabling or disabling nonfinite or inline
• Application- or project-specific code requirements, such as:

• Elimination of math.h.
• Elimination of system header files.
• Elimination of calls to memcpy or memset.
• Use of BLAS.
• Use of a specific BLAS.

To apply this technique, configure the code generator to apply a code replacement
library (CRL) during code generation. By default, the code generator does not apply a
code replacement library. You can choose from the following libraries that MathWorks

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

• GNU C99 extensions—GNU7 gcc math library, which provides C99 extensions as
defined by compiler option -std=gnu99.
• Intel IPP for x86-64 (Windows)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance Primitives
(IPP) library for the x86-64 Windows platform.
• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86-64 (Windows)—GNU libraries for Intel
Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99
• Intel IPP for x86/Pentium (Windows)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance
Primitives (IPP) library for the x86/Pentium Windows platform.
• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86/Pentium (Windows)—Generates calls
to the GNU libraries for Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD
Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99 extensions, for the x86/Pentium Windows platform.
• Intel IPP for x86-64 (Linux)—Generates calls to the Intel Performance Primitives
(IPP) library for the x86-64 Linux platform.
• Intel IPP/SSE with GNU99 extensions for x86-64 (Linux)—Generates calls to
the GNU libraries for Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) and Streaming SIMD
Extensions (SSE), with GNU C99 extensions, for the x86-64 Linux platform.

Libraries that include GNU99 extensions are intended for use with the GCC compiler. If
use one of those libraries with another compiler, generated code might not compile.

Depending on the product licenses that you have, other libraries might be available . If
you have an Embedded Coder license, you can view and choose from other libraries and
you can create custom code replacement libraries.

Related Examples
• “Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code”
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Limitations”

7. GNU is a registered trademark of the Free Software Foundation.

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

In this section...
“About Code You Can Replace” on page 43-4
“Math Functions” on page 43-4
“Memory Functions” on page 43-9
“Operators” on page 43-9

About Code You Can Replace

Code that the code generator replaces depends on the code replacement library (CRL)
that you use. By default, the code generator does not apply a code replacement library.
Your choice of libraries is dependent on product licensing and whether you have access to
custom libraries.

For information on how to explore functions and operators that a code replacement
library supports, see “Choose a Code Replacement Library”. If you have an Embedded
Coder license and want to develop a custom code replacement library, see Code
Replacement Customization.

Math Functions
When generating C/C++ code from MATLAB code, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following math functions with application-specific

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
abs1 Floating point Scalar Real
acos Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
acosd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
acot Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acotd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acoth Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsc Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acscd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
acsch Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asec Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asecd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asech Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
asin Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
asind Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
atan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
atan2 Floating point Scalar Real
atan2d Floating point Scalar Real
atand Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cos Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
ceil • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
cosd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cosh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
cot Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
cotd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
coth Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csc Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
cscd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
csch Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
exp Floating point Scalar Real
fix Floating point Scalar Real
floor • Floating-point • Floating-point • Floating-point
• Scalar • Scalar • Scalar
hypot Floating point Scalar Real
ldexp Floating point Scalar Real
log Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log10 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
log2 Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
max Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
min Integer Scalar Real
Floating point
pow Floating point Scalar Real
rem Floating point Scalar Real
round Floating point Scalar Real
sec Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
secd Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sech Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sign Floating point Scalar Real
sin Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
sind Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
sinh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
sqrt Floating point Scalar Real

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
tan Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
tand Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
tanh Floating point Scalar Real
Vector Complex
Matrix Complex input/complex output
Real input/complex output
Wrap on integer overflow only

Memory Functions
Depending on code replacement libraries available in your development environment,
you can configure the code generator to replace instances of the following memory
functions with application-specific implementations.

Function Data Type Support Scalar, Vector, Matrix Real, Complex Support
memcmp Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memcpy Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex
memset2zero Void pointer (void*) Scalar Real
Vector Complex

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Some target processors provide optimized functions to set memory to zero. Use the code
replacement library programming interface to replace the memset2zero function with
more efficient target-specific functions.

When generating C/C++ code from MATLAB code, depending on code replacement
libraries available in your development environment, you can configure the code
generator to replace instances of the following operators with application-specific

Mixed data type support indicates you can specify different data types of different inputs.

Operator Key Data Type Scalar, Vector, Real,

Support Matrix Support Complex
Addition (+) RTW_OP_ADD Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Subtraction (-) RTW_OP_MINUS Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Multiplication RTW_OP_MUL Integer Scalar Real
(*)1 Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Division (/) RTW_OP_DIV Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Complex
Data type RTW_OP_CAST Integer Scalar Real
conversion (cast) Floating Vector Complex
point2 Matrix
Shift left (<<) RTW_OP_SL Integer Scalar Real

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Operator Key Data Type Scalar, Vector, Real,

Support Matrix Support Complex
Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Shift right RTW_OP_SRA Integer Scalar Real
arithmetic (>>)3 Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Shift right logical RTW_OP_SRL Integer Scalar Real
(>>) Fixed-point Vector
Mixed Matrix
Element- RTW_OP_ELEM_MUL Integer Vector Real
wise matrix Floating point Matrix Complex
multiplication Fixed-point
(.*)4 Mixed
Complex RTW_OP_CONJUGATE Integer Scalar Real
conjugation Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Transposition RTW_OP_TRANS Integer Vector Real
(.') Floating point Matrix Complex
Hermitian RTW_OP_HERMITIAN Integer Vector Real
(complex Floating point Matrix Complex
conjugate) Fixed-point
transposition (') Mixed
Multiplication RTW_OP_TRMUL Integer Vector Real
with Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point
Multiplication RTW_OP_HMMUL Integer Vector Real
with Hermitian Floating point Matrix Complex
transposition1 Fixed-point

Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code

Operator Key Data Type Scalar, Vector, Real,

Support Matrix Support Complex
Greater than (>) RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
THAN Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Greater than or RTW_OP_GREATER_ Integer Scalar Real
equal(>=) THAN_OR_EQUAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than (<) RTW_OP_LESS_THAN Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Less than or RTW_OP_LESS_THAN_ Integer Scalar Real
equal (<=) OR_EUQAL Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Equal (==) RTW_OP_EUQAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Not equal (!=) RTW_OP_NOT_EUQAL Integer Scalar Real
Floating point Vector Complex
Fixed-point Matrix
Can map to Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS) multiplication functions.
Scaled floating point is not supported.
Code replacement libraries that provide arithmetic shift right implementations should
also provide logical shift right implementations, because some arithmetic shift rights
are converted to logical shift rights during code generation.
Use the multiplication (*) operator (RTW_OP_MUL) for scalar multiplication.

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Related Examples
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Limitations”

Code Replacement Libraries

Code Replacement Libraries

A code replacement library consists of one or more code replacement tables that specify
application-specific implementations of functions and operators. For example, a library
for a specific embedded processor specifies function and operator replacements that
optimize generated code for that processor.

A code replacement table contains one or more code replacement entries, with each entry
representing a potential replacement for a function or operator. Each entry maps a
conceptual representation of a function or operator to an implementation representation
and priority.

Table Entry Description

Conceptual Identifies the table entry and contains match criteria for the code
representation generator. Consists of:

• Function name or a key. The function name identifies most

functions. For operators and some functions, a string called
a key identifies a function or operator. For example, function
name 'cos' and operator key 'RTW_OP_ADD'.
• Conceptual arguments that observe code generator naming
('y1', 'u1', 'u2', ...), with corresponding I/O types (output or
input) and data types.
• Other attributes, such as an algorithm, fixed-point saturation,
and rounding modes, which identify matching criteria for the
function or operator.

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Table Entry Description

Implementation Specifies replacement code. Consists of:
• Function name. For example, 'cos_dbl' or 'u8_add_u8_u8')
• Implementation arguments, with corresponding I/O types
(output or input) and data types.
• Parameters that provide additional implementation details,
such as header and source file names and paths of build
Priority Defines the entry priority relative to other entries in the table. The
value can range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the highest priority. If
multiple entries have the same priority, the code generator uses the
first match with that priority.

When the code generator looks for a match in a code replacement library, it creates and
populates a call site object with the function or operator conceptual representation. If
a match exists, the code generator uses the matched code replacement entry populated
with the implementation representation and uses it to generate code.

The code generator searches the tables in a code replacement library for a match in the
order that the tables appear in the library. If the code generator finds multiple matches
within a table, the priority determines the match. The code generator uses a higher-
priority entry over a similar entry with a lower priority.

Related Examples
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code”
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Code Replacement Terminology

Code Replacement Terminology

Term Definition
Cache hit A code replacement entry for a function or operator,
defined in the specified code replacement library,
for which the code generator finds a match.
Cache miss A conceptual representation of a function or
operator for which the code generator does not find
a match.
Call site object Conceptual representation of a function or operator
that the code generator uses when it encounters
a call site for a function or operator. The code
generator uses the object to query the code
replacement library for a conceptual representation
match. If a match exists, the code generator returns
a code replacement object, fully populated with
the conceptual representation, implementation
representation, and priority, and uses that object to
generate replacement code.
Code replacement library One or more code replacement tables that specify
application-specific implementations of functions
and operators. When configured to use a code
replacement library, the code generator uses
criteria defined in the library to search for matches.
If a match is found, the code generator replaces
code that it generates by default with application-
specific code defined in the library.
Code replacement table One or more code replacement table entries.
Provides a way to group related or shared entries
for use in different libraries.
Code replacement entry Represents a potential replacement for a function
or operator. Maps a conceptual representation
of a function or operator to an implementation
representation and priority.
Conceptual argument Represents an input or output argument for a
function or operator being replaced. Conceptual
arguments observe naming conventions ('y1',

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Term Definition
'u1', 'u2', ...) and data types familiar to the code
Conceptual representation Represents match criteria that the code generator
uses to qualify functions and operators for
replacement. Consists of:

• Function or operator name or key

• Conceptual arguments with type, dimension,
and complexity specification for inputs and

Attributes, such as an algorithm and fixed-point
saturation and rounding modes
Implementation argument Represents an input or output argument for a C
or C++ replacement function. Implementation
arguments observe C/C++ name and data type
Implementation representation Specifies C or C++ replacement function prototype.
Consists of:

• Function name (for example, 'cos_dbl' or

• Implementation arguments specifying type,
type qualifiers, and complexity for the function
inputs and output
• Parameters that provide build information, such
as header and source file names and paths of
build resources and compile and link flags
Key A string that identifies a function or operator
that is being replaced. A function name or key
appears in the conceptual representation of a code
replacement entry. The key RTW_OP_ADD identifies
the addition operator.

Code Replacement Terminology

Term Definition
Priority Defines the match priority for a code replacement
entry relative to other entries, which have the
same name and conceptual argument list, within
a code replacement library. The priority can
range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the highest
priority. The default is 100. If a library provides
two implementations for a function or operator, the
implementation with the higher priority shadows
the one with the lower priority.

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Code Replacement Limitations

Code replacement verification — It is possible that code replacement behaves differently
than you expect. For example, data types that you observe in code generator input might
not match what the code generator uses as intermediate data types during an operation.
Verify code replacements by examining generated code.

Related Examples
• “Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code”

More About
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”

Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code

Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code

This example shows how to replace generated code, using a code replacement library.
Code replacement is a technique you can use to change the code that the code generator
produces for functions and operators to meet application code requirements.

Prepare for Code Replacement

1 Make sure required software is installed. You need MATLAB, MATLAB Coder,
and a C compiler. Some code replacement libraries available in your development
environment might also require Embedded Coder.

For instructions on installing MathWorks products, see the MATLAB installation

documentation. If you have installed MATLAB and want to check which other
MathWorks products are installed, in the MATLAB Command Window, enter ver .
2 Identify an existing or create a new MATLAB function for which you want the code
generator to replace code.

Choose a Code Replacement Library

If you are not sure which library to use, explore available libraries.

Configure Code Generator To Use Code Replacement Library

1 Configure the code generator to apply a code replacement library during code
generation for the MATLAB function.

• In a project, on the Hardware tab, set the Code Replacement Library

• In a code configuration object, set the CodeReplacementLibrary parameter.
2 Configure the code generator to produce code only so you can verify your code
replacements before building an executable.

• In a project, on the Build tab, set the Generate code only parameter.
• In a code configuration object, set the GenCodeOnly parameter.

Include Code Replacement Information In Code Generation Report

If you have an Embedded Coder license, you can configure the code generator to include
a code replacement section in the code generation report. The additional information can
help you verify code replacements.

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

1 Configure the code generator to generate a report.

• In a project, on the Debugging tab, set the Always create a code generation
report parameter.
• In a code configuration object, set the GenerateReport parameter.
2 Include the code replacement section in the report.

• In a project, on the Debugging tab, set the Code replacements parameter.

• In a code configuration object, set the GenerateCodeReplacementReport

Generate Replacement Code

Generate C/C++ code from the MATLAB code and, if you configured the code generator
accordingly, a code generation report. For example, on the Build tab, click Build. Or, at
the command prompt, enter:
codegen -report myFunction -args {5} -config cfg

The code generator produces the code and displays the report.

Verify Code Replacements

Verify code replacements by examining the generated code. Code replacement might
behave differently than you expect, for example, data types that you observe in the code
generator input might not match what the code generator uses as intermediate data
types during an operation.

Related Examples
• “Choose a Code Replacement Library”
• “Build Setting Configuration”
• “Review and Test Code Replacements”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”

Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code

• “Code Replacement Limitations”

External Web Sites

• Supported Compilers

43 Code Replacement for MATLAB Code

Choose a Code Replacement Library

In this section...
“About Choosing a Code Replacement Library” on page 43-24
“Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries” on page 43-24
“Explore Code Replacement Library Contents” on page 43-32

About Choosing a Code Replacement Library

By default, the code generator does not use a code replacement library.

If you are considering using a code replacement library:

1 Explore available libraries. Identify one that best meets your application needs.

• Consider the lists of application code replacement requirements and libraries that
MathWorks provides in “What Is Code Replacement?”.
• See “Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries”.
2 Explore the contents of the library. See “Explore Code Replacement Library

If you do not find a suitable library and you have an Embedded Coder license, you can
create a custom code replacement library.

Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries

You can select the code replacement library to use for code generation in a project, on the
Hardware tab, by setting the Code Replacement Library parameter. Alternatively,
in a code configuration object, set the CodeReplacementLibrary parameter.

Explore Code Replacement Library Contents

Use the Code Replacement Viewer to explore the content of a code replacement library.

1 At the command prompt, type RTW.viewTfl.

>> RTW.viewTfl

Choose a Code Replacement Library

The viewer opens. To view the content of a specific library, specify the name of the
library as an argument in single quotes. For example:
>> RTW.viewTfl('GNU C99 extensions')

2 In the left pane, select the name of a library. The viewer displays information about
the library in the right pane.
3 In the left pane, expand the library, explore the list of tables it contains, and select a
table from the list. In the middle pane, the viewer displays the function and operator
entries that are in that table, along with abbreviated information for each entry.
4 In the middle pane, select a function or operator. The viewer displays information
from the table entry in the right pane.

If you select an operator entry that specifies net slope fixed-point parameters
(instantiated from entry class RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator or
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope), the viewer displays an
additional tab that shows fixed-point settings.

See Code Replacement Viewer for details on what the viewer displays.

Related Examples
• “Replace Code Generated from MATLAB Code”

More About
• “What Is Code Replacement?”
• “Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code”
• “Code Replacement Libraries”
• “Code Replacement Terminology”
• “Code Replacement Limitations”


Verification of Code Generated from


• “Highlight Potential Data Type Issues in a Report” on page 44-2

• “Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code” on page 44-5
44 Verification of Code Generated from MATLAB Code

Highlight Potential Data Type Issues in a Report

In this section...
“Enable Highlight Option Using a Project” on page 44-3
“Enable Highlight Option Using the Command Line Interface” on page 44-4

If you have an Embedded Coder license, you have the option to highlight potential data
types issues in the code generation report for standalone code generated from MATLAB
code. If you enable this option, the Highlight section on the MATLAB Code tab lists
the number of single-precision and double-precision operations in the generated C/C+
+ code. If you have a Fixed-Point Designer license, it also lists the number of expensive
fixed-point operations.

To highlight the MATLAB code that corresponds to the potential data type issues:

1 Select the check box for the type of operation that you want to highlight.
2 Select the function that you want to highlight.

The report highlights the operations in the selected function. The following example
report highlights MATLAB code that results in double-precision operations in the
generated code.

Highlight Potential Data Type Issues in a Report

The option to highlight potential data type issues is disabled by default.

Enable Highlight Option Using a Project

1 On the Build tab, set the Output Type to one of the following:

• C/C++ Static Library

• C/C++ Dynamic Library
• C/C++ Executable
2 Click the More settings link to open the Project Settings dialog box.

44 Verification of Code Generated from MATLAB Code

3 On the Debugging tab, select the Always create a code generation report and
Highlight potential data type issues check boxes.

Enable Highlight Option Using the Command Line Interface

1 Create an embedded code configuration object for 'lib', 'dll', or 'exe':

cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true); % or dll or exe

2 Set the GenerateReport and HighlightPotentialDataTypeIssues
configuration object properties to true:

cfg.GenerateReport = true;
cfg.HighlightPotentialDataTypeIssues = true;

Related Examples
• “Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code”

Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code

Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code

In this section...
“Data Type Issues Overview” on page 44-5
“Enable Highlighting of Potential Data Type Issues” on page 44-5
“Find and Address Cumbersome Operations” on page 44-6
“Find and Address Expensive Rounding” on page 44-8
“Find and Address Expensive Comparison Operations” on page 44-9

Data Type Issues Overview

When you generate C code from MATLAB code, you can highlight potential data type
issues in the C code generation report. The report highlights MATLAB code that requires
single-precision, double-precision, or expensive fixed-point operations. The expensive
fixed-point operations checks require a Fixed-Point Designer license.

• The double-precision check highlights expressions that result in a double-precision

operation. Manual inspection of code to find unwanted doubles can be time-consuming
and error prone.
• The single-precision check highlights expressions that result in a single operation.
• The expensive fixed-point operations check identifies optimization opportunities
for fixed-point code. It highlights expressions in the MATLAB code that require
cumbersome multiplication or division, or expensive rounding. For more information
on optimizing generated fixed-point code, see “Tips for Making Generated Code More

Enable Highlighting of Potential Data Type Issues

Procedure 44.1. Enable the highlight option in a project

1 On the Build tab, set the Output Type to one of the following:

• C/C++ Static Library

• C/C++ Dynamic Library
• C/C++ Executable
2 Click the More settings link to open the Project Settings dialog box.

44 Verification of Code Generated from MATLAB Code

3 On the Debugging tab, select the Always create a code generation report and
Highlight potential data type issues check boxes.

Procedure 44.2. Enable the highlight option using the command line interface

1 Create an embedded code configuration object for 'lib', 'dll', or 'exe':

cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true); % or dll or exe

2 Set the GenerateReport and HighlightPotentialDataTypeIssues
configuration object properties to true:

cfg.GenerateReport = true;
cfg.HighlightPotentialDataTypeIssues = true;

Find and Address Cumbersome Operations

Cumbersome operations usually occur due to an insufficient range of output. Avoid
inputs to a multiply or divide operation that have word lengths larger than the base
integer type of your processor. Software can process operations with larger word lengths,
but this approach requires more code and runs slower.

This example requires Embedded Coder and Fixed-Point Designer licenses to run.

1 Create the function myMul.

function out = myMul(in1, in2)

out = in1 * in2;
2 Generate code for myMul.

cfg = coder.config('lib');
cfg.GenerateReport = true;
cfg.HighlightPotentialDataTypeIssues = true;
codegen -config cfg myMul -args {fi(1, 1, 33, 4), fi(1, 1, 32, 4)}
3 Click View report.
4 In the Code Generation Report, on the left pane, click the MATLAB code tab.
5 Expand the Highlight section and select the Expensive fixed-point operations
check box.

Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code

The in1 * in2 operation is highlighted in the HTML report. On the bottom pane,
click the Variables tab. The word length of in1 is 33, and the word length of in2
is 32. Hovering over the highlighted expression reveals that the product has a
word length of 65, which is larger than the target word length of 64. Therefore, the
software detects a cumbersome operation.

To resolve this issue, modify the data types of in1 and in2 so the word length of the
product does not exceed the target word length.

44 Verification of Code Generated from MATLAB Code

Find and Address Expensive Rounding

Traditional handwritten code, especially for control applications, almost always uses
"no effort" rounding. For example, for unsigned integers and two's complement signed
integers, shifting right and dropping the bits is equivalent to rounding to floor. To get
results comparable to, or better than, what you expect from traditional handwritten code,
use the floor rounding method.

This example requires Embedded Coder and Fixed-Point Designer licenses to run.

1 Create the function myRounding.

function [quot] = myRounding(in1, in2)

quot = in1 / in2;
2 Generate code for myRounding.

cfg = coder.config('lib');
cfg.GenerateReport = true;
cfg.HighlightPotentialDataTypeIssues = true;
codegen -config cfg myRounding -args {fi(1, 1, 32, 2), fi(1, 1, 32, 4)}
3 Click View report.
4 In the Code Generation Report, on the left pane, click the MATLAB code tab.
5 Expand the Highlight section and select the Expensive fixed-point operations
check box.

Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code

This division operation uses the default rounding method, nearest. Changing the
rounding method to Floor provides a more efficient implementation.

Find and Address Expensive Comparison Operations

Comparison operations generate extra code when a casting operation is required to do
the comparison. For example, before comparing an unsigned integer to a signed integer,
one of the inputs must be cast to the signedness of the other. Consider optimizing the
data types of the input arguments so that a cast is not required in the generated code.

This example requires Embedded Coder and Fixed-Point Designer licenses to run.

44 Verification of Code Generated from MATLAB Code

1 Create the function myRelop.

function out = myRelop(in1, in2)

out = in1 > in2;
2 Generate code for myRelop.

cfg = coder.config('lib');
cfg.GenerateReport = true;
cfg.HighlightPotentialDataTypeIssues = true;
codegen -config cfg myRelop -args {fi(1, 1, 32, 1.5, 9, 17), fi(1, 0, 32, 16)}
3 Click View report.
4 In the Code Generation Report, on the left pane, click the MATLAB code tab.
5 Expand the Highlight section and select the Expensive fixed-point operations
check box.

Find Potential Data Type Issues in Generated Code

The first input argument, in1, is signed with slope bias scaling, while in2 is
unsigned with binary point scaling. Extra code is generated because a cast must
occur before the two inputs can be compared.

Change the signedness and scaling of one of the inputs to generate more efficient


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