1G DSM EPROM Editing
1G DSM EPROM Editing
1G DSM EPROM Editing
General Notes
Rev Limiter
Fuel Cut
Injector Deadtime
MAF Compensation
Timing Map
Simple Stutterbox
"Octane" Reset
General Notes
This page in intended to be a guide so that all of the current information about the DSM EPROM can be
presented in a clear manner such that anyone who wishes can do their own rom editing. The majority of
this information comes from the findings of the DSM-ECU list, which can be found at
Before you begin, read through these general notes to get an idea for what is happening, and what you need
to do in order to have desirable results.
The 1g DSM EPROM ECU uses a 28 pin EPROM and a processor based on the Motorola 68HC11, but
with additional opcodes. As such, there is no program that can fully disassemble the entire code. Important
sections have been done, but since everything has to be looked over and edited the process is very tedious.
All of the information and addresses below are based on the E931 EPROM, which comes in the 91+ turbo
manual transmission cars. A lot of the code and the general information may still apply to other variations,
but there are no guarantees.
The code will be on a 32k chip, with approximately the first half of it blank. This is the proper way to burn
a chip, and as such the addresses will apply to that setup. These addresses apply if you load the memory
into a hex editor; keep in mind that for the processor, the EPROM chip begins at C000 and ends at FFFF.
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Rev Limiter
Address: 727A
The processor compares (CPX) the value stored at this address to the current engine speed, in order to
determine whether or not to cut the fuel and spark. If we want to raise the rev limiter, we will lower the
value at this address according to the following formula:
Such that X is the decimal value of the two bytes at 727A and 727B.
7000 – 0218
7500 – 01F4
7600 – 01ED
7800 – 01E1
8000 – 01D5
8200 – 01C9
8500 – 01B9
The code in the area of the rev limiter will look as follows:
01 45 8C 01 F4 24 05 03
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Idle Speed
Address: 7EC0-7EC1
The base idle speed is contained within a map found at the addresses 7EC0 and 7EC1. The idle speed at
operating temperature is:
Idle Speed = X * 8
Such that X is the decimal value of each of the two bytes (they will be the same).
750 – 5F
768 – 60
775 – 61
800 – 64
850 – 6A
900 – 70
950 - 77
08 0A 0C 60 60 80 93 A3 B3 C0 D3
Note that since GVR-4's have a higher base idle speed, they will have the two "60" bytes replaced with
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Fuel Cut
Address: 559A
Fuel cut is initiated when the calculated airflow goes over a set value, which is set at the address 559A. By
increasing this to the maximum value possible (FF) fuel cut will be pushed off.
Another, possibly better, solution is to change the code in that area so that the ECU doesn't cut fuel
regardless of the status of the airflow. This can be done by changing the "24" at 559B (which is a BCC
code, or a branch when the airflow is greater than the value of 559A) to "21," which is a simple branch
never code.
02 D6 57 C1 A0 24 05 C6 28
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Address: 599F
The injector compensation is a global fuel control value located in the one byte at 599F. It works simply by
correcting the injector pulsewidth for whatever size injectors the ECU is programmed for; this is a linear
multiplier. In order to reduce the pulsewidth for larger injectors, you want to reduce this location. If you
double the injectors size, you cut this in half, etc.
450 – 74d – 4A
510 – 65d – 41
550 – 61d – 3D
600 – 56d – 38
650 – 51d – 33
660 – 50d - 32
700 – 48d – 30
750 – 44d – 2C
800 – 42d – 2A
850 – 39d – 27
05 05 05 05 DD 5C C6 4A BD EB 6A FD
This code is from the E931 ECU, but it seems as though other ECU's (Mirage, JDM) have a very similar
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The injector deadtime map compares the deadtime of the fuel injectors to the battery voltage. The first byte
of the map is 4.7 volts, the second point is 7.0 volts, then 9.34v, 11.68v, 14.0v, 16.35v, and 18.7v. The
decimal value of each byte refers to the deadtime of the injectors, divided by 24 microseconds.
If you wanted to add 200 microseconds of deadtime, you would add 8 to each of the values on the map,
since 200 / 24 = 8.
For 550's, you want about 150-175 us more deadtime. 660's will be above 200, usually around 225 or 250.
However, these settings will vary from car to car, and between different types of injectors.
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MAF Compensation
The MAF compensation map is what the ECU refers to in order to correct the airflow signal coming in
from the mass airflow meter. This code also allows you to install a 2g MAF and have the ECU compensate
for it properly, or to compensate for hacked MAFs, or aftermarket MAFs that do not have quite the same
airflow curve as the stocker.
5B 5B 59 59 60 65 6C 6E 6E 6F 73 76 7A 81 82 84 87 85 7F 7A 7F
This will vary if the car is a GVR-4, for example, because they have a slightly different
The MAF compensation code is essential a correction map, based on airflow. The airflow (Hz) points for
each of the values are as follows:
0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600.
So, for example, if you wanted to increase the airflow signal from zero to 75Hz input by 20%, you would
increase the first 4 values in the map by 20%.
Since one of the most popular changes is from a 1g MAF to a 2g MAF, this is how you
want to change the code:
85 85 A8 B6 BE C3 C8 CC D0 D4 D7 DA DC E3 E6 E8 EB EA EA E8 E7
NEXT, you need to change another byte the serves as a multiplier. This byte is
located at the address 5669, and the stock value at this point is "64" hex. For a 2g
MAS, change that to "40" hex.
In addition, in order to make sure the timing and fuel maps still line up, you need to change the value at
549A from "5E86" (1g) or "62B9" (GVR-4), to the 2g value which is "7A03."
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Fuel Map
The fuel map at the above address is a fuel enrichment for open-loop operation. When you go into open
loop, the ECU goes to the table and finds the correct value based on engine speed and load (airflow / rev).
Then, it multiplies the pulsewidth by the value in that box, and then divides by 80h (128 decimal). As such,
if the value in the box is 80h, then there will be no fuel compensation and the A/F ratio will still be 14.7:1.
If the value in the box is FF (256 decimal) then the overall multiplier will be 2 (256/128) and there will be
twice as much fuel, for an A/F ratio of 7.35:1.
The rpm axis on the fuel map begins at 500 rpm, and increases in 500 rpm increments to 7000 rpm (500,
1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000).
The load points are the same as listed below for the timing map.
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Timing Map
750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000.
The other "axis" of the timing map is load, based on airflow per engine revolution. In stock form, this goes
up to 2.06 grams of airflow per engine revolution, but the slope is not exactly linear. The values of the load
axis are as follows:
0.25, 0.38, 0.50, 0.63, 0.75, 0.94, 1.13, 1.50, 1.69, 1.88, 2.06.
The value of each byte is simply the timing advance (total timing assuming base is 5 degrees BTDC) plus
10 decimal, converted to hex. Thus, to convert from the ECU code to advance, you convert to decimal and
then subtract 10.
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A solution has been devised, which will allows anyone with a 1g EPROM ECU to run timing and fuel maps
that have twice the load range than the stock maps; the stock maps are easily maxxed out at around 15 psi
of boost, meaning that car running more than that are running on the highest airflow level all of the time.
This modification is actually fairly easy, but due to the fact that it requires full replacement of the maps (the
replacement maps are included), a separate guide has been written to make this possible. You can reach
this guide here.
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Simple Stutterbox
For a simple stutterbox, you can use the following code. This code will jump from the stock rev limiter to
an unused part of the chip, where it will then check to see if the car is moving. If the car is stopped, you get
a stutterbox, and if the car is moving then you get the regular rev limiter. This means you do not need a
clutch switch.
At the stock rev limiter location (7279), you replace the three bytes that were "8C 01 F4" with "BD CF
50." Then, you go up to the line that starts with 4F50, and add the following code:
"96 C6 81 75 22 04 8C 01 F4 39 8C 02 EE 39"
This is how the code works:
7279: BD CF50 JSR 4F50; Instead of stock rev limiter CPX, jump to 4F50
4F52: 81 75 CMPA $0075; Compare speed sensor to 75h (check if car is moving)
4F54: 22 04 BHI 4F5A; If car is stopped, skip next instruction (go to 4F5A)
4F59: 39 RTS; If car is NOT stopped (moving), go back to stock code, no stutter
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Instead of using the simple stutterbox code above, you can use slightly more complex code in order to have
both stutterbox and no lift to shift.
You will use the same values at 7279 as above, but just for clarity:
7279: BD CF50 JSR 4F50; Instead of stock rev limiter CPX, jump to 4F50
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The stock code contains a feature which has been nicknamed the "octane value." Basically, the if the ECU
sees a knock sum over 5, it reduces the maximum amount of timing advance you can have. It saves this in
long term memory, and it can only go away of you have less than 3 knock sum, in which case it will taper
away slowly.
If you use good gas and keep track of what it happening with the car, then there is no reason to keep this
feature. It is mainly designed as a protection against something happening to the car (such as using 87
octane fuel, or something breaking) so that the ECU can reduce the timing level to help keep stuff from
blowing up. All TMO chips set the octane to the maximum possible each time you started the car, this code
just goes a step beyond that and gives you maximum octane all the time.
The octane corrections start at address 5B9D. Starting with this byte, use the following code:
"86 FF 97 52 7E DB F3"
5B9F: 97 52 STAA L0052; Store 255d (FFh) to octane (mem address 52)
5BA1: 7E DBF3 JMP DBF3; Jump to DBF3 (skip octane calculations, go to timing start)
Note that this renders the rest of the code between 5BA4 and 5BF3 useless; you can use it for other features
if you wish.
UPDATE: Jeff B. on DSM-ECU uses the following simple method to update the octane (to 255, the max)
on every start:
"Just change the byte at $D0B5 from $2C to $28. This bumps the
warmboot address back 4 bytes to $D0DE which resets the octane byte
to 255 during a coldboot. now it will reset octane on a cold or warm
If you don't want to mess around with the timing code, this is a better option.
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High Speed Closed Loop
There addresses refer to the last two bytes on two seperate 10 byte maps. The first map is a map of airflow
per rev values, in 500 rpm intervals. As such, the last two values (4500 and 5000 rpm) have a value of
zero, and the ECU will go into open loop at that point. By changing the cutoff point (raising it), you can
have the car stay in closed loop.
The second map is throttle position, in the same 500 rpm intervals.
It has been suggested (Jeff O.) that you not only raise the two last bytes from zero, but that you also
increase the last value on the stock map so that it is higher like the rest of the values.
Update: If you want to know the values in the map, the formulas to calculate them are really easy.
For the throttle position, the value in the map can be converted to decimal, and then divided by 255. For
example, if the map value is 80, that converts to 128 decimal, which divided by 255 is 0.50. That means
that 80h is equal to 50% throttle.
The airflow per rev map can be converted to grams of airflow per engine revolution, by converting the
values to decimal and then dividing by 128. For example, a map value of "A0" converts to 160 decimal,
which when divided by 128 is equal to 1.25. Therefore, A0 in the map is equal to 1.25 grams of airflow per
engine revolution.
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As you all know, the 1g datalogger is limited to being able to see only 1606 MAF Hz; this is not due to a
limitation of the MAF or of the ECU, but simply a limitation due to the amount of data that the ECU can
transfer to the logger.
There is a small amount of code that can be changed slightly, so that you can datalog up to 3212 Hz (double
the stock range). If this is done, there are modified versions of the MMCd datalogging program that
support this option, or you can just mentally multiply the airflow on your normal logger by 2 to see the true
Two bytes need to be changed for this to work correctly. First, at 53DA, there is a byte with the value
"B4." If you change that value to "B3," the airflow will be divided in half before it is sent to the logger,
doubling your logging range.
Second of all, you need to change the "low airflow check" code at 732A from "08" to "04," to reflect the
fact that the airflow is now half of what it used to be.
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For reasons unbeknownst to me, the stock ECU code contains a segment which caps the airflow per rev
(and therefore the injector pulsewidth). This section seems to have no purpose, so ECU tuners have been
eliminating it
The code responsible for this is located from 73A6 to 73B5, and can simply be No-op'd. In order words,
replace all of the bytes from 73A6 to 73B5 with the hex value "01."
D6 A0 4F 05 05 05 87 A2 11 04 1D 8D 24 02 DD 8D
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