Full Beard Cup 2019 2 PDF
Full Beard Cup 2019 2 PDF
Full Beard Cup 2019 2 PDF
"And I'm Bob Bifford, and we’re back with some exciting
news for you"
"That's right Bob, once again it's time for the return of the
Full Beard Cup, and this year the Stunty teams are said to
once again have a chance!"
"Well I wouldn't quite say that Jim, but never say never!"
"That's true Bob, but what is for certain is we're sure to once
again see some fantastic Blood Bowl action and plenty of
The Blood Bowl Full Beard Cup is once again back for the 2019 season. Warhammer World’s premier Blood Bowl
tournament is where the brightest and best Blood Bowl coaches assemble their team and descend upon
Warhammer World for a weekend filled with fun Blood Bowl festivities, jaw-dropping touchdowns, bone-breaking
blocks and all round fantasy football enjoyment!
Whether you’re going Full Beard to achieve gold, or here to relax and enjoy yourself under Josef Bugman’s roof, the
weekend promises to be one like no other. Pull up your socks and bite down on your mouthguard, for the Full
Beard Cup is here!
Event Essentials
Date: 7th - 8th September 2019
Team Selection: Blood Bowl The Official Rules, Death Zone Season 1 and 2, the Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac, the 2018 Blood
Bowl Almanac, Spike! Journal and Blood Bowl Teams Of Legend.
What To Bring: Models, rosters, dice, templates, special play cards, rulebooks.
Number Of Games: 5.
Other Activities: Painting competitions and free entry to the Warhammer World exhibition.
Creating Your Team
Teams are created as described on pg22 of the Blood Bowl Official Rule Book. Please use the following guidelines for creating
your team for the event:
Coaches may use any team from the Blood Bowl Official Rule Book, Death Zone Season 1, Death Zone Season 2, the
Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac, the 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac, Spike! Journal or the Teams of Legend PDF
In addition, any teams and/or Star Players released in the future are in use, unless their release date falls on the
weekend of the event.
Coaches have a Treasury of 1,150,000 gold pieces to spend for hiring their team of eleven or more players, plus any
Inducements allowed (see ‘Inducements’ below).
Any gold not spent is wasted. You will not be able to choose additional Inducements to make up any difference between
your Team Value and your opponents. We strongly advise that small sums leftover be spent on Fan Factor, Assistant
Coaches, or Cheerleaders to make your roster a round 1,150,000 value.
All teams must be recorded on a Blood Bowl Roster Sheet. You will need two copies of your Roster Sheet for the
weekend: One to hand in to the event referee at registration and one for you and your opponent for the game.
All Inducements are allowed with the exception of Special Play Inducements (see below). Inducements must be purchased
from your Treasury during team creation and are permanently added to your roster for the event. Please note the following:
All Inducements, including Star Players, may be chosen from any of the publications listed above, or from the list of
Legacy Star Players included at the end of this document.
Star Players may be induced, but the team must contain a minimum of eleven players before adding any Star Players.
Coaches are reminded that Star Players cannot benefit from Apothecaries; if they are injured they refuse to play on and
trust their care to their own trusted apothecaries!
Please note, Grak & Crumbleberry are available for Inducement but only for Halfling and Ogre teams at this
tournament. Their rules say Any Team, and this is because they are very willing mercenaries in most leagues. In
tournaments such as this however, they are far less pragmatic and will only play for the teams they want to win!
Note that the Swift Twins and Grak & Crumbleberry take up both Star Player slots (there are two of them).
If both coaches have Induced the same Star Player or member of (In)Famous Coaching Staff, both coaches get to use
that Inducement. Duplicates do not cancel each other out. Assume that the character appearing on the losing team was
an imposter!
Special Play Inducements are not allowed. Please use the Special Play Cards rules contained in this rulespack.
Additional Skills
All coaches may give some of their players additional skills when creating their team:
Skill Selection
How many additional skills a team may take will depend upon what tier the team belongs to. Top tier teams gain only a few
additional skills, whereas tier three teams (the Stunty teams) gain quite a few!
The tiers Blood Bowl teams are split into and how many additional skills they can take are as follows:
Tier 1
Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Wood Elf, Skaven, Norse,
Lizardman, Orc, Shambling Undead, Amazon and 5x Normal Skill
Dark Elf Teams.
Tier 2
Chaos Chosen, Human, Tomb Kings, Chaos
Renegades, High Elf, Nurgle, Necromantic Horror, 5x Normal Skill and 1x Double Skill*
Elf Union, Vampire and Underworld Alliance teams.
Tier 3
Halfling, Goblin and Ogre teams. 6x Normal Skill and 2x Double Skill*
*Coaches that do not wish to take a Double skill may instead take a Normal skill.
Model Requirements
Playing exciting, atmospheric games with fully painted miniatures is a big part of our events at Warhammer World. Therefore
all miniatures in your collection must be Games Workshop miniatures and be fully assembled, painted and based. Each model
must fully represent what you have presented on your Roster Sheet. For example, there must be a clear distinction between
Linemen, Throwers, Blitzers etc.
Furthermore, please contact us to let us know about any conversions or proxies you are planning on using, and provide us with
photos of the models in question where possible. Don’t worry, we fully appreciate awesome hobby skills and cool models, but
we just want to make sure everything is super clear for your opponent and no confusion can arise during games.
We will politely ask you to remove any models that don’t meet these standards to protect everyone’s experience.
The Games
During the Full Beard Cup, coaches will play 5 games of Blood Bowl, each with 2.5 hours permitted. We expect all games to be
played within this time schedule, so get some practice games in beforehand! At the end of each round you will need to submit
your results as promptly as possible, as any delays in submitting results will delay the following round.
For your first game you will be drawn against a random opponent. For games 2– 5, you will be placed against an opponent on a
similar number of cup points to you, keeping things relative and a reasonable challenge each round.
Pre-Match Sequence
Roll on the Weather Table
Make your opponent aware of Inducements you may have.
Draw Special Play Cards—See ‘Special Play Cards’ below.
Determine FAME for both teams
Flip for the Kick (or roll dice if preferred).
Place the ball, scatter, and roll on the Kick-Off Table
Let the carnage begin!
Post—Match Sequence
The winner increases their Fan Factor by 1.
Update your Team Roster.
Hand your results in for the round.
Sometimes the games just don’t go your way! Your players are beaten, broken or worse, your apothecary is patching players
up left, right and centre, and the crowd is turning against you for a poor performance. Nonetheless, you play on, determined to
scrape something from the match! Even if you are losing, we would ask all players to play to the end of the game; real world
sports teams don’t quit the pitch when the game is going badly and nor should Blood Bowl teams. However if you do concede
the following things happen:
Additional Rules
Please can all coaches also be aware of the following:
If you have an Apothecary on your roster he may be used as normal once per game to force your opponent to re-roll the
Lasting Injury roll and may then return a Badly Hurt player (11-38 on the Lasting Injury roll) to your Reserves Box (see Death
Zone 1, page 38). Please remember that you cannot use an Apothecary on a Star Player.
Masters Of Undeath: Shambling Undead and Necromantic Horror coaches may raise one Zombie per game should the
Lasting Injury roll be 61-68 DEAD, if that player cannot be revived by an Apothecary, and assuming they are ST4 or less and
do not have the Regeneration skill, the Undead coach may place a normal, rookie Zombie in the Reserves box of their dug-
out. This Zombie is kept for the remainder of that game and lost before the next.
Nurgle's Rot: Nurgle team coaches may recruit one Rotter per game should the Lasting Injury roll be 61-68 DEAD as a result
of a Block, Blitz or Foul action by a player with the Nurgle's Rot skill, if that player cannot be revived by an Apothecary, and
assuming they are ST4 or less and do not have the Regeneration skill, the Nurgle coach may place a normal, rookie Rotter in
the Reserves box of their dugout. This Rotter is kept for the remainder of that game and lost before the next.
Note that this is a change to the normal Nurgle’s Rot skill rule, allowing Nurgle coaches to benefit from the free player during
their current game.
Special Play Cards
We will be using Variant One – The Points System for Special Play Cards at this event. This system is the closest to the
standard rules for choosing Special Play cards, but alters the value of the various decks based on their relative power levels to
keep things balanced for the event.
How it Works
During step 3 of the Pre-Match Sequence, each coach gains 2 points to spend on cards from the various Special Play card
decks. Each coach rolls a D6 and whoever scores the highest spends their points first. To spend points, a coach can buy cards
from any of the available Special Play card decks, in any combination. Each deck has its own cost per card, and the decks
available are as follows:
Card decks should contain a minimum of 10 cards. Once a coach has finished drawing their cards, they may return any one of
them to the bottom of its deck, and draw a replacement from the top of the same deck.
In addition, Limited Edition cards are allowed. Simply add the card to the appropriate decks.
The Full Beard Cup uses a system of Cup Points to determine who will be the winner of the event. You earn cup points from
your games in the following way:
Then there are bonus points available each game for the following:
For example, the Dodgy Blighters defeat the Oversised Ogres 3-0. The Dodgy Blighters earn Cup Points for winning the game (3
points), scoring 3 touchdowns (1 point) and conceding 0 touchdowns (1 point) for a grand total of 5 Cup Points. The Oversized
Ogres only score 1 cup point, as they managed to inflict 4 casualties on the Dodgy Blighters.
If any players are on the same number of Cup Points, we will use the highest touchdown difference (touchdowns scored
minus touchdowns conceded) as a secondary sorter, followed by casualties caused as a third sorter.
During the event we will celebrate hobby and painting skills by holding various Painting Competitions for the seamsters and kit
designers amongst you! The first of these is the Legends Painting Competition. This is perfect for any particular models in your
team you are most proud of. It’s open entry, so enter a model of your choice from the team you’ve been using into any of the
categories for peer judging. The winning model from each category will win a Legend award. The categories are as follows:
Player of Legend—any player or Star Player that has a strength statistic of 4 or lower.
Big Guy of Legend—any player or Star Player that has a strength statistic of 5 or higher.
Staff of Legend— any single model representing coaching staff—coaches, cheerleaders, chefs etc!
The Events Team also reserves the right to specify additional requirements on the day if needed.
The second Painting Competition is the Best Team Competition. This is a prestigious award for hobbyists who manage to
achieve a truly excellent standard of hobby consistently across their whole team. The Events Team will nominate a shortlist of
teams, then peer judging will take place with the winner earning the Best Team award.
Please note that in order to win a Painting Competition, you must have done the building and painting yourself.
The Glittering Prizes
At the end of the Full Beard Cup we will conduct an Award Ceremony to celebrate players’ prowess for 2019! The following
awards will be on offer:
Player Of Legend as voted by you, for the winner of the Player category as detailed above.
Big Guy Of Legend as voted by you, for the winner of the Big Guy category as detailed above.
Staff Of Legend as voted by you, for the winner of the Staff category as detailed above.
Best Team as voted by you, for the most impressive looking team.
Mighty Zug’s Wall Of Steel for the coach who concedes the least touchdowns.
Eldril Sidewinder’s Golden Gloves for the coach who scored the most touchdowns.
Max Spleenripper’s Gut Wrencher for the coach who caused the most casualties as a result of Blocking, Blitzing, or
injuries caused by the fans after a Crowd Surfing incident (Crowd Surfing is the name given to successfully pushing an
opponent off the pitch and into the crowd). Casualties caused by Secret Weapons, Foul actions, or Thrown Rocks do not
count. Nor do self-inflicted casualties caused by failed Dodges or Go For It's.
Dirty Dan’s Filthy Git for the coach who has the most players sent off as a result of Foul Actions. Do not count Secret
Weapon players sent off at the end of a drive.
Da Stunty Cup for the coach of a Halfling, Ogre or Goblin team with the most number of cup points.
The McMurty’s Fair Play Award for the coach who received the most Favourite Game Votes.
The Quarter Beard for the coach who finishes 3rd overall.
The Half Beard for the coach who finishes 2nd overall.
The Full Beard for the coach who finishes 1st overall.
Sunday 8th September 2019
Saturday 7th September 2019
10.00am Warhammer World opens
9.00am-10.00am Registration in Bugman’s
10.30am-1.00pm Game 4
10.00am Events Hall and Stores open
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch and the Best Team competition
10.20am Event brief
2.00pm-4.30pm Game 5
10.30am-1.00pm Game 1
4.30pm Break
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch and the Legends competition
5.30pm Award ceremony
2.00pm-4.30pm Game 2
6.00pm Warhammer World closes
4.30pm-5.00pm Break
5.00pm-7.30pm Game 3
8.00pm Events hall and stores close
10.00pm Warhammer World closes
If you wish to ask any questions, discuss any conversions or to find out more about our events, you can contact us through these channels:
Phone: 0115 9004994 Email: whworldevents@gwplc.com
Write: Warhammer World Events Team , Games Workshop, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Catch up on all the latest Warhammer World news by finding us on at Games Workshop: Warhammer World
Legacy Star Players
The following section is an addendum to the Teams Of Legend pdf. It provides a comprehensive list of classic Blood Bowl Star
Players who have graced the gridiron in days gone by.
Classic Citadel miniatures exist for all of the players listed here which are of course welcome at the event. They do however
also provide some wonderful conversion possibilities to create your own take on these classics to match your own teams.
Equally as important, these players give a good selection of Star Players for the teams listed in the Teams Of Legend pdf, some
of which might otherwise find themselves lacking for mercenary clout!
60k 6 2 3 7 80k 4 7 3 7
Skills: Accurate, Bombardier, Dodge, Loner, Stunty, Right Stuff, Skills: Ball & Chain, Mighty Blow. Loner, No Hands, Secret
Secret Weapon, Stunty Weapon, Stunty
Plays For: Goblin, Ogre, Orc, Chaos Renegade, Underworld Plays For: Goblin
Dwarf bombardier. Headsplitter
Mutant Rat-Ogre of uncharacteristic cunning.
60k 4 3 2 9 Cost MA ST AG AV
340k 6 6 3 8
Skills: Accurate, Bombardier, Block, Loner, Secret Weapon,
Thick Skull Skills: Frenzy, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail
Flint Churnblade
Dwarf chainsaw wielding loony.
130k 5 3 2 8
330k 6 5 2 9 200k 7 3 3 7
Skills: Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Loner, Sprint, Sure Skills: Dodge, Loner, Side Step, Sneaky Git, Stab
Feet, Thick Skull
Plays For: Chaos Dwarf
Plays For: Chaos Dwarf