Aryans - Has No Place in Indian History
Aryans - Has No Place in Indian History
Aryans - Has No Place in Indian History
date with the contents of Vedas. Is this correct. A Mayan civilization or a Nupian
or Romanians or Egyptian etc are derived only with archaeological findings and
expeditions only. Then how they dare to detect the Indian history with vedas. Did
they find Vedas is an archeological expedition evidence or in a form of carbon
dating method .nothing said about that where they got that copyrighted notes. What
is said in Vedas? what is Vedas? where did they get them? who written it and
when?.No concrete answers?
Vedas :it is now available in a sanskrit version ?who translated that to sanskrit and
when. from which language they translated. when the translated one come into
force ? is there any archaeological epigraphical evidence for Vedas? no. what it
dealt with?
Its Maxmuller who found (?) Vedas and vedic aryans and vedic literature. From
where he found? He found that from Vedas itself. He confirmed a period of 100
years for one veda and such there are four Vedas hence 1000 BC he confirmed
with Biblical periods. How did he know one veda costs 100 years to appear another
veda. That he taken from Vedas itself.
What Vedas tells or what the history we can learn from vedas .There are Aryans
( this word not in vedas). who came there and settled here. They are shepherds. that
is they had cow herds. they had horses. they had no houses or they had no
permanent residents. they had no country. they worn leather around their body.
Even for filtering SOMA (Kanja ?) beer they used horse skins. They called Agni
their God to help them in fighting with their enemies .They also called Varunan to
rain in the forest to agriculture. They had no language specifically. But they spoken
a language related to Europe (GERMAN).Is this sanskrit ? not its an language thats
all .NOT sanskrit. Whether its related to Prokrit not at all ,its not related prokrit.
Whether its related to PALI which was spoken in Ganges areas even at ASOKA
period 300 BC.NO copies of Vedas found in pali language or no stone inscription
found about what vedas tell now in sanskrit.
They ate horse meat. they killed horses for food and did yagams for their victory.
They called INDRAN the king warrior to take part in that. They describe Indran
was fond of Soma liquor even they wont get their part sometimes.
What the major wars they met:
2)there are 10 kings war , and Vashistar was the hero of the war he was presented
two cows.
3)the king not called Bharadwajar and the supporters of Bharadwajar and
bharadwajar defeated.
4)There are suras and asuras. Asuras were lived in castle. and often they disturbed
them from yangam(Horse meat eating and soma liqor drinking)
6)Indran done 100 aswametha yagams. It means the horse wherever it wanders that
area belongs to the king. If any object that would be killed. On the end there will
be three days festival .soma liquor will be supplied to all. the horse meat will be
boiled in ghee and supplied. Rishis are waiting for that the smell is pure. Indran
,agni also there. For that three nights the queen has to sleep with that horse. more
than 180 hymns describes this.
7) the rig veda contained 9000 hymns available. Mostly calling that Indran and
Agni for giving victory and to drink soma panam. and about horse meats.
8)Yazur veda most of the Rig veda hymns modulated and slightly toned to
saveetha, vishnu ,rudhran, and speaking sanskrit basha krishna yazur ,sukla yazur.
Bear in mind these two words krishnam = black, Suklam =white. more than nine
kandams( parts),there in krishna yazur and sukla yazur 3000 hymns. All deals with
soma panam and horses, nothing new.They also call abanan,vibanan, GAS in the
body (There are 10 vayus in our body -Agamas) in few hymns .Repeately they are
telling Indran killed 99 castles owner.
Hence the life style of a community which is a nomads described in Rig book. Its
not at all Veda? not related Saivaism,Vishnuvaisam,Hinduism. Its not even dealt
with a Gods story. Now sanskrit versions gives each and every word a sanskrit
lecture combining all Puranas.
In Vedas there is no word about ATHMA ,ANMA, only one place that also in
some sanskrit scholar introduced it.
The so called Nomads from spain, or German where there is Etomology links
some where ,if we accept, there in Spain or in German no word about Indran or
Agni. or the ancient people lived there never called for SOMA. How a single tribe
diverted from that large group can write a 9000+9000+6000+18000 hymns .If they
were a rich warriors. In all those hymns only 500 hymns marked their war that too
killing Viruthikasuran and Dasa king war which also among themselves.
Hence elaborately it is discussed the vedas are imaginary one of someone who
essayed it with the nomads culture .or Nomads folk songs. Its nothing to do with
Hindu, or Hinduism, or saivaism, or vainavaism,.
A: That is a different issue but one can’t describe oneself as a scholar or ascribe
degrees to oneself without clearing any examination….Max Mueller never came
to India…So the question arises that if had not learnt Sanskrit in India then he must
have learnt it in Europe. So this is another part of my book ‘Lies with long legs’ as
we have tried to find out who was the first person, the pioneer, who taught Sanskrit
in Europe.
So in this way they have transported a type of Sanskrit to Europe where I have
doubts that it is Sanskrit at all. But the tragic part is that this Sanskrit has been
imported back to India. This is what we learn in India with the help of the
Sanskrit dictionaries. The standard dictionary of Sanskirt here is of Sir Monier
Monier who also never came to India before compiling his dictionary in 1854. He
collected all materials and prepared a dictionary diligently. But this dictionary was
not available to Max Mueller. Max Mueller had only one dictionary written by one
Wilson. He also stayed in Calcutta. He was a medical doctor. He served as Director
of a mint because he had some knowledge of chemicals. He interacted with
Bengali Pundits and he prepared the dictionary with the help of the Pundits of
Calcutta in as late as 1819 when the first Sanskrit dictionary came out. At best,
Max Mueller could have used this dictionary. Max Mueller was at a place where
Wilson taught Sanskrit. Max Mueller observes in his biography that Wilson did not
have enough knowledge of Sanskrit.
A: Possibly one could make a dictionary. Definitely not a good one. If you went
to China and you met some Chinese and understood what they said and you
understood it then make a dictionary.
A: Definitely not. But did he translate? In order to translate, one has to have a
command on both languages. I think he had command on German and English. But
whatever you translate from Sanskrit and even if one has command on both
languages, it would be reflection of one’s mind. Max Mueller did not
understand Sanskrit. He had never read a Sanskrit text. He had read
Sanskrit text with the help of translation made by others.
In these days of pseudo-secular anti-Hindu India, being actively promoted by the
Government of India, scholarship only means being at home with what is written
by the western scholars, who have during the last 250 years, continuously
discredited the ancient part of Indian culture and tried their very best to bring down
the dates to suit their colonial, Christian and now political purpose. If we carefully
look into the works of the Englishmen and Europeans published during the 167
years of uninterrupted reign from Warren Hastings in 1772 to the beginning of
World War II, for example, hundreds of books were published related to the topics
of Indian religion, history and culture, we will find that accounts for all of those
works were maliciously falsified and manipulated according to a definite plan as
desired by the British Government. William Jones laid the foundation in 1784
AD for the Western History of Ancient India. He deliberately created the
problem of the two Chandra Guptas and thus reduced by 1200 years the
chronology of India.
This pattern of distortion was continued and perfected by Lord Macaulay, who
financed Max Muller (1823-1900) to translate the Rig Veda in a way that would
destroy the beliefs of the newly English-educated Indians in their ancient literature.
Max Muller agreed to that undertaking for the sake of Christianity and not for
advancing the cause of sacred Vedic Heritage. Likewise the British Government
——very much like the anti-Hindu and anti-National Government of India actively
and openly manipulating the pro-Islamic and pro-Christian NCERT Textbooks
today—then paid Pundit Taranath, Sanskrit Professor in Calcutta Sanskrit College,
to misinterpret certain words of the Vedic Samhita that should reflect the meaning
according to Max Muller’s translation of Rig Veda. As part of this mischievous
political arrangement, Taranath compiled a huge dictionary called
VACHASPATHYAM IN 1863 AD. He artfully corrupted the meaning of
certain Vedic words. The pseudo-secular Anti-Hindu fake scholars of today are
still using this Dictionary born out of colonial politics as their Bible for reference
and political research today!
Thus MaxMuller created a History and get the salary of only 200 bounds which
casted INDIAN history.IN his letters to his wife ,which was revealed now it
clearly shows what East India expected.
Even Now there are much controversies and People believe Aryans invaded
Dravedians. Both words given By Maxmuller only. See the below article of Two
The Aryan Invasion Theory now has no legs to stand on. Bowing before the
inevitable, Western historians, posing as ‘friends’ of India, have sneaked in
something equally obnoxious.
Indian history as a negotiation
It is “The Dravidian Invasion Theory.” We have a new situation now. The ‘deal’
seems to be - “We will agree to Aryan as Indians – but you have to agree that the
Dravidians were the ‘actual’ invaders.” It was an alert 2ndlook reader who
pointed my nose to the Wikipedia entry under the heading of Out of India Theory.
If Dravidian migrated from Africa to India through the Middle East, it could have
left traces in Egypt and countries under Egyptian influence as well, explaining the
data which led earlier researchers to the thesis of a Dravidian ‘Indo-
Mediterranean’ culture. (105) Sergent links Indian forms of phallus worship with
Sahel-African, Ethiopian, Egyptian and Mediterranean varieties of the same. The
Egyptian uraeus (‘cobra’), the snake symbol on the pharaonic regalia, has been
linked in detail with Dravidian forms of snake worship, including a priest’s
possession by the snake’s spirit. Dravidian cremation rituals for dead snakes
recall the ceremonial burial of snakes in parts of Africa. (106) Others have added
the similarity between the Dravidian naga-kal (Tamil: ‘snake-stone’, a rectangular
stone featuring two snakes facing one another, their bodies intertwined) and the
intertwined snakes in the caduceus, the Greek symbol of science and medicine. It
has consequently been suggested that some Dravidian words may also have
penetrated into the European languages. Thus, Dravidian kal, ‘stone’, resembles
Latin calculus, ‘pebble’, and Dravidian malai, ‘mountain’, resembles an Albanian
and Rumanian word mal, ‘rock, rocky riverside’. (107) But this hypothesis is a
long shot and we need not pursue it here. Far more substantial is the Dravidian
impact on another language family far removed from the recent Dravidian speech
area, viz. Uralic. The influence pertains to a very sizable vocabulary, including
core terms for hand, fire, house (Finnish kota, Tamil kudi), talk, cold, bathe, die,
water, pure, see, knock, be mistaken, exit, fear, bright, behind, turn, sick, dirty, ant,
strong, little, seed, cut, wait, tongue, laugh, moist, break, chest, tree; some
pronouns, several numerals and dozens of terms for body parts. (108) But it goes
deeper than that. Thus, both language families exclude voiced and aspirated
consonants and all consonant clusters at the beginning of words. They have in
common several suffixes, expressions and the phonological principle of vocalic
harmony. As the Dravidian influence, like that of IE, is more pronounced in the
Finno-Ugric than in the Samoyedic branch, we may surmise that the contact took
place after the separation of the Samoyedic branch. But the main question here is
how Dravidian could have influenced Uralic given their actual distance.
(via Update on the Aryan Invasion Debate by Koenraad Elst).
Complicated Simplicity
Why can’t Western historians get a simple idea in their head?
Aryans are from the land of Bharata-ah. Aryan culture is based on values – and
not race and language. The single biggest differentiators, between Aryans and
other cultures, is slavery. Under Aryadhwaja (the Aryan flag), rulers were
expected (as spelt out in Arthashastra) to follow Aryan norms and practices –
specially with regard to slavery. And there is no mention of an Aryan race or
Aryan language! The Aryan Race is a piece of Western fiction – called history.
There were and are, only Aryan values.
History would be a lot simpler – if simplicity is allowed to prevail. Massive
invasions and migrations even today, are fraught with risk. Why would people do
that 5,000-10,000 years ago. Dravidians are equally and fully Aryan, Mr.Elst.
These games of Aryan /Dravidian are neither honest nor entertaining.
What is your motivation, Elst-bhai?
Hittite Kings – with Tamil names
Or is it that you can’t see beyond your nose, Mr.Elst?
Look at the interesting case of the (at least) three Hittite kings whose name is
Mursili. Mursili I (~1620-~1590; also spelled Mursilis). There is no Sanskritic
meaning of this name – and most Hittite kings had Sanskritic names.
Based on presumptive vowels, the correct name would be Murasoli, which in
modern Tamil means “giver of right and moral advice.” Murai means ‘approved
code of conduct’ and soli is to ‘peel’; in Marathi ‘solna’ is peeling onions. An
extant Tamil magazine calls itself, मुरासोली Murasoli - as also a politician who is
known as Murasoli Maran. Mursili-I, (wife’s name Kali), the grandson and
successor of the Hittite founder king Hattusili-I, also seemed to be the conscience
keeper of the kingdom.Murslili I warned his administrators,
“‘You are about to go to the land, and the blood of the poor man you are not
“His porters you do not question. You perform (the wish) of the rich man. You go
to his house – you eat, you drink, and he rewards it to you. You take the poor
man’s šiēt, (but) you do not investigate his case! Is it thusly that you hold the
command of my father?” (KBo 22.1 rev. 34′-31′)
Nagaswamy R01-Jan-2000
The Supreme Lord Siva is called Pasupati in the Vedas. An ancient middle Eastern
text calls the Supreme Lord The Shepherd man. Siva wears moon on his head.
According to the Saiva agamas the moon worn by Siva on his head is a symbol of
knowledge Candrah sarvjnata rupah. Moon is extolled as the presiding deity of
knowledge and was called Thot in Ancient Egytian religion. The concept was also
adopted in Greek where the deity of knowledge came to be called Hermes.
Please read the following prayer composed in ancient Egypt around 300 CE and
also please note the comparison with Saiva concepts.
Holy is the god that wills to be known and is known by its own
Holy are you of whom all the natural order is naturally an image
Holy are you whose form the natural order has not been able to represent
O you who are beyond verbal expression, ineffable, and invoked in silence
This poem has been found in an Egyptian papyrus dateable to around 300 CE and
is cited in mediaeval texts of 14th to 16th cent. Scholars are puzzled over these
expression and the source. God, according to the above prayer is the parent of the
world. In the Saiva religion God is the parent of the world. They are called Ammai
Appar. "Ammai appare ulahukku Ammai Appar".Says the Saiva scriptures.
The Vedas describe the wheels of the Chariots with spokes, but the wheels that are
seen on the seals and vehicles of clay in Indus valley do not have wheels with
Following analysation of Sir John Marshall on the Indus Valley Civilization here
are given some clues.
2. The metals which the Indo-Aryans used in the time of the Rig veda are gold and
copper or bronze; but a little late, in the time of the Yajur veda and Atharva veda,
these metals are supplemented by silver and iron.
Among the Indus people silver is commoner than gold, and utensils and vessels are
sometimes made of stone - a relic of the Neolithic Age - as well as of copper and
bronze. Of iron there is no vestige.
3. For offensive weapons the Vedic-Aryans have the bow and arrow, spear,
dagger, and axe, and for defensive armour the helmet and coat of mail.
The Indus people also have the bow and arrow, spear, dagger and axe, but, like
the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, they have the mace as well, sometimes of stone,
sometimes of metal; while on the other hand, defensive armour is quite unknown to
them - a fact which must have told against them in any contest with mailed and
helmeted foes.
5. In the lives of the Vedic-Aryans the horse plays an important part, as it did in
the lives of many nations from the northern grasslands.
To the people of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa the horse seems to have been
6. By the Vedic Aryans the cow is prized above all other animals and regarded
with special veneration.
Among the Indus people the cow is of no particular account, its place with them
being taken by the bull, the popularity of whose cult is attested by the numerous
figurines and other representations of this animal.
7. Of the tiger there is no mention in theVedas, and of the elephant but little.
8. In the Vedic pantheon the female element is almost wholly subordinate to the
Among the Indus cults...........the female elements appear to be co-equal with, if not
to predominate over the male.
As times goes on, doubtless many other salient points of difference will be
revealed, but for the moment the above will suffice to demonstrate how wide is the
gulf between the Indus and Vedic Civilizations. Now it may, perhaps, be argued
that the difference between them is a difference of time only; that the Vedic
civilization was either the progenitor or the lineal descendant of the Indus
civilization........ Let us assume, in the first place, that the Vedic civilization
preceded an led up to the Indus civilization. On this hypothesis the progress from
the village to the city state and from the nondescript houses of the Vedic period to
the massive brick architecture of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa would find a logical
explanation, though we should have to postulate a long interval of time in order to
account for the evolution. But what about other cultural features?
If the Vedic culture antedated the Indus, how comes it that iron and defensive
armour and the horse, which are characteristic of the former, are unknown to the
latter? Or how comes it that the bull replaces the cow as an object of worship in
the Indus period, only to be displaced agains by the cow in succeeding ages? Or,
again, how comes it that the Indus culture betrays so many survivals of the
Neolitihic Age - in the shape of stone implements and vessels - if the coper or
bronze and iron culture of the Indo-Aryans intervened between the two? Clearly
these considerations put out of court any solution of the problem which postulates
an earlier date for the Vedic than for the Indus Civilization. But if it was not
earlier, are there any grounds for supposing that it was evolved out of the latter?
In other words, could the Indo-Aryans have been the authors of the Indus as well
as of the Vedic Civilization?
Here, again, we are faced with a like dilemma. For, though on this assumption we
could account for such phenomena as the introduction of iron, of the horse, and of
body armour, all of which might have signalized merely a later phase of the same
culture, we are wholly at a loss to explain how the Indo-Aryans came to relapse
from the city to the village state, or how, having once evolved excellent houses of
brick, they afterwards conteneted themselves with inferior sturctures of bamboo;
or how, having once worshipped the linga and the Mother Goddess, they ceased to
do so in the Vedic Period, but returned to their worship later; or how, having once
occupied Sind, they subsequently lost all memory of that country of the Lower
Parpolo also points out that syntactical analysis of the Indus inscriptions has
revealed Dravidian like typological characteristics, especially the attribute
preceding the headword.6
It has often been pointed out that the complete absence of the horse among the
animals so prominently featured on the Indus seals is good evidence for the non-
Aryan character of the Indus Civilization.
The Vedas, which were nomadic worship songs were compiled, classified and
written in sanskrit as the four Vedas only in the post-Christian era by Veda Vyasa,
a Dravidian. History of epigraphy reveals that Sanskrit was not prevalent in the
pre-Christian era. Since the Vedas were written by a Dravidian, non-Aryan
elements and ideologies occur in the Vedas.
1) retroflex phonemes
2) the gerund and
3) the quotative and
4) onomatopoeic constructions,
all of which are absent from the closely related Iranian branch of the Aryan
We must bear in mind that the Rigveda was largely composed in the plains of the
Punjab relatively late and redacted even later. The language as well as the
contents of the Yajur Veda reflects an entirely different tradition, which
probably evolved in the Punjab and was incorporated in the Veda only during
the acculturation that may be assumed to have taken place after the descent of
the Rigvedic tradition from the Swat Valley.8
If Indus Valley Civilzation is of the Aryans, mother goddess worship that plays an
important role in the Indus Valley Civilization should be described in the Vedas.
But in the Vedas only minor female deities are mentioned. The Indus Valley
deities normally have horns, whereas the deities of the Vedas are not portrayed
with horns.1Sivalinkas which are found in the Indus Valley Civilization is later on
degraded in the Vedas.
The Vedas describe the wheels of the Chariots with spokes, but the wheels that are
seen on the seals and vehicles of clay in Indus valley do not have wheels with
Western scholars have underestimated India's achievement with regard to commerce, ship-
building and navigation, and sea travel. These scholars believed in the Doctrine of Christian
Discovery - According to which only Christians could be regarded as discoverers. Hence, the
claim that Columbus “discovered” America , or that Vasco da Gama “discovered” India). The
people already living on the land did not matter. This colonist bias against Indian culture is
fully matched by the Indian 'Marxist historian' bias against Hindu culture.
India, situated at the central point of the ocean that washes on its coast on three sides,
seemed destined very early for a maritime future. In the Rig Veda, a passage (I. 25.7)
represents Varuna having a full knowledge of the sea routes, and another (L. 56.2) speaks
of merchants going everywhere and frequenting every part of the sea for gain. The
Ramayana refers to the Yavan Dvipa and Suvarna Dvipa (Java and Sumatra) and to the
Lohta Sayara or the Red Sea. The drama Sakuntala, Ratnavali of King Harsha, Sisupalvadha
of Magha, relates stories of sea voyages of merchants and others, and the fabulous
literature of India is replete with stories of sea voyages by Hindus. Historian R. C. Majumdar
states: "The representation of ship on a seal indicates maritime activity, and there is
enough evidence to show that the peoples of the Sindhu valley carried on trade not only
with other parts of India but also with Sumer and the centers of culture in Western Asia,
and with Egypt and Crete."
There was a time in the past, when Indians were the masters of the sea borne trade of
Europe, Asia and Africa. They built ships, navigated the sea, and held in their hands all the
threads of international commerce, whether carried on overland or sea. In Sanskrit books
we constantly read of merchants, traders and men engrossed in commercial pursuits. Manu
Smriti, the oldest law book in the world, lays down laws to govern commercial disputes
having references to sea borne traffic as well as inland and overland commerce. India,
according to Chamber's Encyclopedia, "has been celebrated during many ages for its
valuable natural productions, its beautiful manufactures and costly merchandise," was, says
the Encyclopedia Britannica, "once the seat of commerce." Sir William Jones was of opinion
that the Hindus must have been navigators in the age of Manu. Lord Elphinstone has written
that "The Hindus navigated the ocean as early as the age of Manu's Code because we read
in it of men well acquainted with sea voyages." Ms. Manning, author of Ancient and
Mediaeval India writes: "The indirect evidence afforded by the presence of Indian products
in other countries coincides with the direct testimony of Sanskrit literature to establish the
fact that the ancient Hindus were a commercial people."
Indian traders would set sail from the port of Mahabalipuram, carrying with them cinnamon,
pepper and their civilization to the shores of Java, Cambodia and Bali. Like the Western
world, the Indian world stretches far beyond its border, though India has never used any
violence to spread her influence. Noted historian, R. C. Majumdar observed: "The Indian
colonies in the Far East must ever remain as the high watermark of maritime and colonial
enterprise of the ancient Indians." It has been proved beyond doubt that the Indians of the
past were not, stay-at-home people, but went out of their country for exploration, trade and
conquest. Sir Aurel Stein (1862-1943) a Hungarian, whose valuable researches have added
greatly to our knowledge of Greater India, remarks: "The vast extent of Indian cultural
influences, from Central Asia in the North to tropical Indonesia in the South, and from the
Borderlands of Persia to China and Japan, has shown that ancient India was a radiating
center of a civilization, which by its religious thought, its art and literature, was destined to
leave its deep mark on the races wholly diverse and scattered over the greater part of Asia."
Allusions to Maritime Activity in Sanskrit Literature
Sea Trade:
a. The West
b. The East
Land Trade
The Hindu Period in The Indian Ocean: A Naval Power
Professor A. L. Basham, who reduced India along with her culture to a Wonder land wrote
in his book Wonder That Was India has observed that: "certain over-enthusiastic Indian
scholars have perhaps made too much of the achievements of ancient Indian seafarers,
which cannot compare with those of the Vikings or of some others early maritime
peoples." A careful examination indicates that Prof. Basham's assessment is a
characteristic example of colonialist bias in Indian historiography. What was the
Viking achievement? It is clear that the Vikings, during the period A.D. 800 to A.D. 1200,
migrated to all the corners of Europe, they did not influence the people they came in contact
with. On the contrary, they lost their identity under the influence of the superior cultures of
the lands they visited.
In comparison to this, both from the qualitative and quantitative viewpoints, what was the
Indian achievement? With regard to their contact with Southeast Asia Professor D. P.
Singhal remarks: "Indians came into contact with the countries of Southeast Asia
principally for commercial reasons. But whatever they settled they introduced their culture
and civilization. In turn, they were influenced by the indigenous culture, laying thus the
foundation of a new culture in the region. Indian cultural contact with Southeast Asia covers
a period of more than thirteen hundred years, and segments of Indian culture even
reached eastwards of this region."
"The vast extent of Indian cultural influences, from Central Asia in the North to
tropical Indonesia in the South, and from the Borderlands of Persia to China and
Japan, has shown that ancient India was a radiating center of a civilization, which
by its religious thought, its art and literature, was destined to leave its deep mark
on the races wholly diverse and scattered over the greater part of Asia."
Indians of old were keenly alive to the expansion of dominions, acquisition of wealth, and
the development of trade, industry and commerce. The material prosperity they gained
in these various ways was reflected in the luxury and elegance that characterized
the society. Some find allusion in the Old Testament to Indian trade with Syrian coast as
far back as 1400 B.C. Archaeological evidence shows that as early as the eighth century
B.C., there was a regular trade relation, both by land and sea, between India on the one
hand and Mesopotamia, Arabia, Phoenica, and Egypt on the other. (For more information
refer to chapter on India and Egypt). The Chinese literary texts refer to maritime and
trade activity between India and China as far back as the seventh century B. C. Recent
excavations in Philippines, Malay Peninsula, and Indonesia confirm of early and extensive
trade which continued down to the historical period. It was this naval supremacy that
enabled Indians to colonize the islands in the Indian Archipelago. Shortly, after,
there grew up a regular traffic between India and China, both by land and sea. India also
came in close contact with the Hellenic world. We learn from ancient authority that in the
processions of Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 B.C.) were to be found Indian women, Indian
hunting dogs, Indian cows, also Indian spices carried on camels, and that the yachts of the
ruler of Egypt had a saloon lined with Indian stones. Everything indicates that there was a
large volume of sea-trade between India and the western countries as far as African coast.
From the coast the goods were carried by land to the Nile, and then down the river to
Alexandria which was a great emporium in those days.
There was a mercantile colony of Indians in an island off the African coast in the first
century A.D. The adventurous spirit of the Indians carried them even as far as the North
Sea, while their caravans traveled from one end of Asia to the other.
“Who is this person, who in an ocean which knows no bound is trying to swim with his
hands? On whose reliance are you doing this exercise?
“O Goddess, I believe that one should do the exercise as long as it is possible. So I am
doing this exercise though I do not see the shore.”
In this way the dialogue continues with the swimmer continuing to gather courage hoping
against hope. Mani Mekhala was the Goddess whose influence obtained from Kanya Kumari
to the island of Katah. There was a huge temple dedicated to her in Puhara where the
Kaveri joined the sea.
Hence It is clear and sure about the Sanskrit which is the writing language of Vedas also not
has its original ,It has written in DEVANAGARI which is a letter form used by the ancients
lived in ancient Northern territory beyond ganges. Vedas not told in a language related to
western europe .Sanskrit which emerged as a spoken language in late 150 BC its writing
form to vedas in 500AD.Where they get translated? When they translated is a big
question .It may be in daksha seelam university where chanakya studied or Nalanda
university. Because All sanskrit versions -Puranas-samhithas-upanishads-nataks came and
released after that only. All these are said to be happened in North India ,in this stories
GANGES plays a main role..Hence omitting the Sanskrit language and Ganges i.e: not
bearing in Mind the ganges and sanskrit versions .only The Researches will be fully
materialized. Who were in India in ancient periods and What is the REAL ANCIENT HISTORY
The `Anti-Sanskrit Scripture' by Shyam Rao was published by Sudrastan Books, Jabalpur, 1999 free from
any Copyright. It was thence reprinted in Dalitstan Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2 (Oct. 1999) and has been
archived in the Ambedkar Library. It is available for free public distribution as per the Ambedkar Library
Public Licence: You may freely distribute this work, as long as you do not make money from it and clearly
state the internet location of Ambedkar Library,, where you obtained it
Sanskrit is for all intents and purposes, a dead language. The Brahmans are
in the habit of glorifying the era of Anglo-Brahman colonialism; yet even during
this `golden age' of Sanskritology when the likes of Max Mueller helped
propagate the study of Sanskrit throughout the world, a mere handful of
people spoke it. Nor was it, even during the hypothesised `Gupta Golden Age'
spoken outside the closely knit circle of Brahmins, who jealously hid all
knowledge, including that of Sanskrit, to themselves. As will be shown later
on, nor did it exist during the Vedic Dark Age; Sanskrit arose as a mongrel
language much later on. As per the 1951 Census, out of a total population of
362 million Indians, only 555 spoke Sanskrit ! Even languages like Italian and
Hebrew, spoken by a handful of travellers, were more widely spoken than
`Mother Sanskrit' ! This is evident from the following table :
Sanskrit 555
Portuguese 6652
Arabic 7914
French 1929
Italian 685
Hebrew 1209
German 1665
English 171742
The 1921 Census of India reveals that a whole 356 people spoke the
language in the entire Indian subcontinent, during what is considered a
`Golden Age' for Sanskrit revival, the era of Anglo-Brahmin colonialism.
Several obscure languages had many more speakers than `Mother Sanskrit' :
Language No. of Speakers Reference Sanskrit 356 Grierson, I, p. 400
Andamanese 580 Grierson, I, p. 390 Nicobarese 8662 Grierson, I, p. 390
Khasi 204103 Grierson, I, p. 390 Bhotia 231885 Grierson, I, p. 391 Naga
Number of Speakers as per 1921 Census
During the same 1921 Census, the number of speakers of Indo-Aryan
Languages was 229.561 million.
When European scholars developed an interest in India, their main focus was
to understand Indian religion. Thus, their primary source in all fields of
Indology were the Brahmins. These fundamentalists hence became the main
source of `knowledge' about first Indian religion, and later all of Indology in
general. Hence the entire field of Indology dating from the colonial era has
been highly biased, being essentially a regurgitated version of Vedic-Puranic
versions of history as seen through the eyes of the Brahmins. As this section
of the population forms a mere 5 % of the Indian population, these histories
have been very unrepresentative of the truth. Thus, Indian linguistics in its
infancy adopted the mythological Brahmanical notion that all languages were
degraded forms of Sanskrit. Sanskrit, a language which was merely liturgical
and hardly played any role in Indian history, all of a sudden became the focus
of attention. Indeed, this Brahminist fraud, now referred to as `The Mother
Sanskrit Theory', is one of the greatest hoaxes of the 20th century.1.2
Brahmin Fantasies .
The Nanaghat cave inscriptions in Poona distt. are in Prakrit and are the work
of the Satavahana Satakarni I. They have been dated to the first half of the 1st
century BC. The contemporary relgiion of this region was Vedic. Indra and
Vasudev are mentioned as the Vedic gods then worshipped [ Bas, p. 395 ].
The later cave inscriptions of Nasik in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD are in the
local Prakrit [ Bas, p. 395 ]. Thus, although the Vedic religion was followed in
the Satavahana regions, Sanksrit was not in use.
Modern Prakrits - As per the MST, the Prakrits are all dead languages, having
`degraded' into the modern Indo-Aryan tongues. However, Prakrits never
disappeared. All the modern Indo-Aryan (IA) languages are Prakrits (Bengali,
Marathi etc.). The ancient Prakrits are the direct precursors of the modern
languages, thus Vangi - Bengali, Odri - Oriya, and Maharastri - Marathi. All
these so-called `Prakrits' such as Vangi, Odri and Maharastri, can all be
understood by the speakers of their respective IA languages with the same
ease with which a modern speaker of English can understand Anglo-Saxon.
This fact alone is sufficient to refute the MST. Far from being dead, Prakrit is
still spoken in all parts of India just as it has been for thousands of years. The
word Prakrit itself merely means `natural' and refers to all the Indo-Iranian
languages as spoken by the common man in India. Thus, even the literal
meaning of the word `Prakrit' implies that it is far from dead.
Prakrit Older than Sanskrit - The MST claims that Sanskrit is older than
Prakrit. However, it is Prakrit which is older than Sanskrit, since several
features of Prakrit can be traced to the Rig Veda, which are not found in
Sanskrit. This is because Chandasa, when invented by the Brahmins ca. 5th
century BC, was a refined form of vernacular IA langueages, thereby losing
certain features which were preserved in Prakrit.
Other features - Pali poses another problem for the MST. As per the MST, it is
an independant derivation from Sanskrit, and is not a Prakrit. However, Pali is
in fact a dialect of Magadhi Prakrit and not a separate language as evidenced
by the mutual comprehensibility between these two tongues.
The dialect of Pracya was the one current is what is now Oudh and Eastern U.
P. and probably also Bihar. This language was prevalent among the vratyas
who were wandering Aryan-speaking tribes who did not owe allegiance to the
Vedic fire-cult and the social and religious organisation of Brahmanism
" As Classical Sanskrit is not directly derivable from any single Vedic dialect,
so the Prakrits cannot be said to derive directly from Classical Sanskrit"
1.7 Comparison with Old Church Slavonic Thus, Classical Sanskrit is exactly
analogous to the Old Church Slavonic language [ EB 22.696 ], which was
created in 863 AD by Orthodox Slavs to counteract the effect of the Latin
Catholic Church. Old Church Slavonic was a synthesis of West Slavic
languages and Byzantine Greek. This occurred in the Moravian kingdom,
which united West Slavs in the 9th century AD. Thus, both Sanskrit and Old
Church Slavonic arose as syntheses of various languages and both arose as
standard liturgical languages to counter heterodoxies.
Destruction of Non-Brahmin History - The Indo-Aryan languages were viewed
as being recent in origin, since each vernacular and its respective Prakrit were
seen as separate languages. Thus, instead of accepting the fact of these
languages originating in 1000 BC, the MST held that Bengali, Marathi, Oriya
etc. were born between
1400-1500 AD ! Thus, instead of being respected for having histories of 3000
years, these languages with a rich history were denigrated as recent
1.9 Sanskrit is 30 % Dravidian. Many authors have made the fallacious claim
that Sanskrit is the purest of languages. In fact, Sanskrit has many Dravidian
loanwords, and many Prakritisms. Thus, " Classical Sanskrit was profoundly
influenced by Middle Indo-Aryan [ ie. Prakrits ]. Not only were a large number
of Middle Indo-Ayan words adopted into Sanskrit, but a whole host of Prakrit
root and verbal bases of both Aryan and non-Aryan or uncertain origin were
slightly altered to look like Sanskrit and bodily adopted... This was realised by
the ancient scholars with whom Sanskrit represented just a variant, an earlier
or fuller form (patha) of Prakrit. "
Hence it is very clear that Aryans are imaginatory one and Vedas also,the
language now available is Made in Later India in 4th or 5 th centuary. it was
developed to a Devanagari script some where in central India with the aid of
some kings who may be fond of wars with magics.
Even in Buddha period Buddhas Jadaga stories (the stories of BUDDHA early
Births ) written in Pali only and the scripts not in sanskrit. Only after Nalandha
it seems all are in sanskrit forms. Nalandha university was set fired and
destructed by Muslim invaders in 6 th centuary .Hence the Truth burried.
The Puranas: This also written in sanskrit version. The scholars follow that for
the ancient rulers of India.It is said to be all puranas are written by Vyasar.
who written the epic MahaBharatha.
Comparing the achievements of the Indians and the Chinese in Southeast Asia. T. V.
Mahalingam observes: "Though China also exercised a considerable influence over
countries of Southeast Asia, Indian influence was more effective and durable for the Chinese
always remained colonies of foreigners with little inclination to mix with the local population
and in contrast to what the Hindus achieved, there is nowhere any trace of the taking-over
of Chinese culture by the children of the soil."
His views have been upheld by John F. Cady who concluded that: "Indian cultural patterns
in particular became widely disseminated during the early centuries A.D., while Chinese
influence, although culturally less contagious, virtually dominated from Sung times (960 and
later) the trade and politics of the eastern seas."
Buddhist Jataka stories wrote about large Indian ships carrying seven hundred people. In
the Artha Sastra, Kautilya wrote about the Board of Shipping and the Commissioner of
Port who supervised sea traffic. The Harivamsa informs that the first geographical survey
of the world was performed during the period of Vaivasvata. The towns, villages and
demarcation of agricultural land of that time were charted on maps. Brahmanda
Purana provides the best and most detailed description of world map drawn on a flat
surface using an accurate scale. Padma Purana says that world maps were prepared and
maintained in book form and kept with care and safety in chests.
Top of Page
Allusions to Maritime Activity in Sanskrit Literature
There are a number of terms in the Rig Veda that mean ocean or sea. "Samudra" the
main term in classical Sanskrit for the ocean, is very common in the Rig Veda and this
meaning for it makes sense in all passages. The symbolism of ships is as pervasive in the
Vedas as that of the sea, which it tends to reinforce. The saving action of Agni, the sacred
fire, is frequently compared to a ship that carries us across the river or sea.
As a ship across the river (or sea), Agni takes us across to safety (I. 97.8). Vedic culture
was a maritime culture, the Vedic people lived by the sea for some time before the hymns
of the Rig Veda were composed.
The Indians built ships, navigated the sea and monopolized the international trade both by
sea route and land route. Indian literature furnishes evidence with innumerable references
to sea voyages and sea-borne trade and the constant use of the ocean as the great highway
of international intercourse and commerce.
Rig Veda
The oldest evidence on record is supplied by the Rig Veda, which contains several
references to sea voyages undertaken for commercial purposes. One passage (I. 25.7)
represents Varuna having a full knowledge of the sea routes, and another (I. 56.2) speaks
of merchants, under the influence of greed, going sending ships to foreign countries. A
third passage (I. 56.2)mentions merchants whose field of activity known no bounds, w ho
go everywhere in pursuit of gain, and frequent every part of the sea. The fourth passage
(VII. 88.3 and 4) alludes to a voyage undertaken by Vasishtha and Varuna in a ship skillfully
fitted out, and their "undulating happily in the prosperous swing." The fifth, which is the
most interesting passage (I. 116. 3), mentions a naval expedition on which Tugra the Rishi
king sent his son Bhujyu against some of his enemies in the distant islands; Bhujyu,
however, is ship wrecked by a storm, with all his followers, on the ocean, "where there is no
support, no rest for the foot or the hand," from which he is rescued by the twin brethren,
the Asvins, in their hundred-oared galley. The Panis in the Vedas and later classical
literature were the merchant class who were the pioneers and who dared to set their course
from unknown lands and succeeded in throwing bridges between many and diverse nations.
The Phoenicians were no other than the Panis of the Rig Veda. They were called Phoeni in
Latin which is very similar to the Sanskrit Pani.
Ships of 3rd century B.C. E.
Among other passages may be mentioned that which invokes Agni thus: "do thou whose
countenance is turned to all sides send off our adversaries as if in a ship to the opposite
shores; do thou convey us in a ship across the sea for our welfare"; or that in which Agni is
prayed to bestow a boat with oars."
The Ramayana also contains passages which indicate the intercourse between India and
distant lands by the way of the sea. In the Kishkindha Kandam, Sugriva, the Lord of the
Monkeys, in giving directions to monkey leaders for the quest of Sita, mentions, all possible
places where Ravana could have concealed her. In one passage he asks them to go to the
cities and mountains in the islands of the sea, in another the land of the Koshakarsa, is
mentioned as the likely place of Sita's concealment, which is generally interpreted to be no
other country than China (or the land where grows the worm which yields the threads of
silken clothes); a third passage refers to the Yava and Dvipa and Suvarna Dvipa, which are
usually identified with the islands of Java and Sumatra of the Malaya Archipelago; while the
fourth passage alludes to the Lohita Sagara or the red sea. In Ayodhya Kandam there is
even a passage which hints at preparation for a naval fight, thus indirectly indicating
thorough knowledge and universal use of waterway. The Ramayana also mentions
merchants who trafficked beyond the sea and were in the habit of bringing presents to the
But besides the epics, the vast mass of Sutra literature also is not without evidence pointing
to the commercial connection of India with foreign countries by way of the sea. That these
evidences are sufficiently convincing will probably be apparent from the following remarks
of the well-known German authority, the late Professor Buhler: "References to sea
voyages are also found in two of the most ancient Dharam Sutras.
Manu Smriti
Sir William Jones is of opinion that the Hindus "must have been navigators in the age
of Manu, because bottomry (The lender of money for marine insurance) is
mentioned in it. In the Ramayana, the practice of bottomry is distinctly noticed. "
In Yajnavalkya Samhita there is a passage which indicates that the Hindus were in the
habit of making adventurous sea voyages in pursuit of gain. The astronomical works also
are full of passages that hint at the flourishing condition of Indian shipping and shipbuilding
and the development of sea-borne trade. Thus the Brihat Samhita has several passages of
this kind having an indirect bearing on shipping and maritime commerce. One of these
indicate the existence of shippers and sailors as a class whose health is said to be influenced
by the moon. Another mentions the stellar influences affecting the fortunes of traders,
physicians, shippers, and the like. The third, also, mentions a particular conjunction of stars
similarly affecting merchants and sailors. The last one is that which recommends as the
place for an auspicious sea-bath the seaport where there is a great flow of gold due to
multitudes of merchantmen arriving in safety, after disposing of exports abroad, laden with
The Puranas also furnish references to merchants engaged in sea-borne trade. The Varaha
Purana mentions a childless merchant named Gokarna who embarked on a voyage for
trading purposes but was overtaken by a storm on the sea and nearly shipwrecked. The
same Purana contains a passage which relates how a merchant embarked on a voyage in a
sea-going vessel in quest of pearls with people who knew all about them.
But besides the religious works like the Vedas, the Epics, and the Sutras and Puranas, the
secular works of Sanskrit poets and writers are also full of references to the use of the sea
as the highway of commerce, to voyages, and naval fights. Thus
in Kalidasa Raghuvamsa (canto 4, sloka 36) we find the defeat by Raghu of a strong
naval force with which the kings of Bengal attacked him, and his planting the pillars of
victory on the isles formed in the midst of the river Ganges. The Shakuntala also relates
the story of a merchant named Dhanavriddhi whose immense wealth devolved to the king of
the former's perishing at sea and leaving no heirs behind him. In Sakuntala, we learn of the
importance attached to commerce, where it is stated: "that a a merchant named
Dhanvriddhi, who had extensive commerce had been lost at sea and had left a fortune of
many millions." In Nala and Damyanti, too, we meet with similar incidents.
The Sisupalavadha of the poet Magha contains an interesting passage which mentions how
Sri Krishna, while going from Dvaraka to Hastinapura, beholds merchants coming from
foreign countries in ships laden with merchandise and again exporting abroad Indian goods.
The expansion of Indian culture and influence both towards Central Asia and the south-east
towards the countries and islands of the Pacific is one of the momentous factors of the
period immediately preceding the Christian era. From the first century A.D. a systematic
policy of expansion led to the establishment of Hindu kingdoms in Annam, Cochin-China,
and the islands of the Pacific. The Ramayana knew of Java and Sumatra. Communication by
sea between the ports of south India and the islands of the Pacific was well established
many centuries before the Christian era. The discovery and colonization of Sumatra, Java
and Borneo were the results of oceanic navigation. The allusions in the Ramayana to
Java and Ptolemy's mention of Yava-dwipa in the first century A.D. clearly
establish the fact that Java had come under Indian influence at least by the
beginning of the Christian era.
The reaction of this overseas activity on India was very considerable. An explanation of the
immense wealth of the merchants who made such munificent endowments as witnessed by
the inscriptions in the temples of the Satvahana period lies in the great overseas
trade. Tamil literature of the first centuries, especially Silappadikaram and
Manimekhalai also testify to this great overseas trade while in Kalidasa we have
the allusion to ships laden with spices from distant lands lying in Kalinga ports.
"May Usha dawn today, the excitress of chariots which are harnessed at her coming, as
those who are desirous of wealth send ships to sea."
"Do thou, Agni, whose countenance is turned to all sides, send off our adversaries, as if in a
ship to the opposite shore. Do thou convey us in a ship across the sea for our welfare." (A
remarkable prayer for safe conduct at sea).
The Hitopadesha describes a ship as a necessary requisite for a man to traverse the ocean,
and a story is given of a certain merchant, "who, after having been twelve years on his
voyage, at last returned home with a cargo of precious stones."
The Institutes of Manu include rules for the guidance of maritime commerce. Thus, the
passage quoted above indicate a well developed and not a primitive trade.
Significant also is the fact that Lieutenant Speake, when planning his discovery of the
source of the Nile, secured his best information from a map reconstructed out
of Puranas. (Journal, pp. 27, 77, 216; Wilford, in Asiatic Researches, III). It traced the
course of the river, the "Great Krishna," through Cusha-dvipa, from a great lake in
Chandristhan, "Country of the Moon," which it gave the correct position in relation to the
Zanzibar islands. The name was from the native Unya-muezi, having the same meaning;
and the map correctly mentioned another native name, Amara, applied to the district
bordering Lake Victoria Nyanza.
"All our previous information," says Speake, "concerning the hydrography of these
regions, originated with the ancient Hindus, who told it to the priests of the Nile; and
all these busy Egyptian geographers, who disseminated their knowledge with a view to be
famous for their long-sightedness, in solving the mystery which enshrouded the source of
their holy river, were so many hypothetical humbugs. The Hindu traders had a firm basis to
stand upon through their intercourse with the Abyssinians."
(source: Periplus of the Erythrean Sea - W.H. Schoff p. 229-230. For more information
refer to chapter on India and Egypt)
The Jatakas
Some very definite and convincing allusions to sea voyages and sea-borne trade are also
contained in the vast body of Buddhist literature known as the Jatakas, which are generally
taken to relate themselves to a period of one thousand years beginning from 500 B.C. E.
The Baveru Jataka without doubt points to the existence of commercial intercourse
between India and Babylon in pre-Ashokan days. The full significance of this important is
thus expressed by the late Professor Buhler: "The now well-known Baveru-Jataka, to
which Professor Minayef first drew attention, narrates that Hindu merchants exported
peacocks to Baveru. The identification of Baveru with Babiru or Babylon is not doubtful,"
and considering the "age of the materials of the Jatakas, the story indicates that the Vanias
of Western India undertook trading voyages to the shores of the Persian Gulf and its rivers
in the 5th, perhaps even in the 6th century B.C. just as in our days. This trade very
probably existed already in much earlier times, for the Jatakas contain several other stories,
describing voyages to distant lands and perilous adventures by sea, in which the names of
the very ancient Western ports of Surparaka-Supara and Bharukachcha-Broach are
occasionally mentioned."
Ms. Manning, author of Ancient and Mediaeval India Volume II, p. 353, writes: "The
indirect evidence afforded by the presence of Indian products in other countries
coincides with the direct testimony of Sanskrit literature to establish the fact that the
ancient Hindus were a commercial people."
Sudas is stated in the Aitteriya Brahmana to have completely conquered the whole world.
This conquest was not political; it means exploration of the whole earth. Puruvara navigated
the ocean and explored 13 islands.
Sir William Jones wrote: " of this cursory observation on the Hindus which it would require
volumes to expand and illustrate this is the result that they had an immemorial affinity with
old Persians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks and Tuscans, the Scythians or
Goth and Cilts, the Chinese, Japanese and Peruvians."
There are references in Buddhist Jataka tales to ships sailing from Bhrigukachcha to Baveru
(Babylon); in the Pali bookQuestions of Milinda, a merchant is described as having sailed
to Alexandria, Burma, Malaya and China. Another story of the 6th and 7th century tells of a
merchant having sailed to the “Island of Black Yavanas” maybe Zanzibar.
(source: Hinduism: Its Contribution to Science and Civilization - By Prabhakar
Balvant Machwe p. 129 - 130).
A. M. T. Jackson writes: "The Buddhist Jatakas and some of the Sanskrit law books tell us
that ships from Bhroach and Supara traded with Babylon (Baveru) from the 8th to the 6th
century B.C."
Rev. J. Foulkes says: "The fact is now scarcely to be doubted that the rich Oriental
merchandise of the days of King Hiram and King Soloman had its starting place in the
seaports of the Deccan, and that with a very high degree of probability some of the most
esteemed of the spices which was carried into Egypt by the Midianitish merchants of
Dr. Caldwell says: "It appears certain from notices contained in the Vedas that Aryans of
the age of Solomon practiced foreign trade in ocean-going vessels."
Thus, Sanskrit literature in all its form - such as the Vedas, the Epics, the Sutras, the
Puranas, poetry epic and dramatic romance etc. is replete with references to the maritime
trade of India, which prove that the ocean was freely used by the Indians in ancient times
as the great highway of international commerce. Further, the evidence from Sanskrit
literature receive their confirmation again from the evidence furnished by the Buddhistic
literature - the canonical books, and the Jatakas.
Will Durant (1885-1981) American historian, would like the West to learn from India,
tolerance and gentleness and love for all living things. He has observed:
"Indian art had accompanied Indian religion across straits and frontiers into Sri
Lanka, Java, Cambodia, Siam, Burma, Tibet, Khotan, Turkestan, Mongolia, China,
Korea and Japan;
Sea Trade
In Eastern Asia the influence of India has been notable in extent, strength and
duration. "Scant justice is done to India's position in the world by those European
histories which recount the exploits of her invaders and leave the impression that
her own people were a feeble dreamy folk, surrendered from the rest of mankind
by their seas and mountain frontiers. Such a picture takes no account of the intellectual
conquests of the Hindus. Even their political conquests were not contemptible and were
remarkable for the distance if not for the extent of the territory occupied. For there were
Hindu kingdoms in Java and Camboja and settlements in Sumatra and even in Borneo, an
island about as far from India as is Persia from Rome."
The West
Gordon Childe says: "The most startling feature of pre-historic Indian trade is that
manufactured goods made in India were exported to Mesopotamia. At Eshunna, near
Baghdad, typically Indian shell inlays and even pottery probably of the Indus manufacture
have been found along with seals. After c. 1700 B. C. C. E. the traders of India lost
commercial contact with the traders of Mesopotamia."
S. R. Rao says that the Indian traders first settled in Bahrein and used the circular seal.
Later on the different sections of the Indian merchants colonized the different cities of
Mesopotamia after the name of their race. The Chola colonized the land where the two
rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, approach most nearly and the banks touch the so called
Median wall. They called their colony Cholades which later came to be known as Chaldea
(i.e. the land of the Cholas) as a result of corrupt pronunciation. Similarly the Asuras of
Vedic India colonized the city Asura after their name and later they established the Assyrian
The ancient Egyptian traders sailed there boats not only on the Nile but also ventured into
the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and even into the Indian Ocean, for they are said to
have reached "God's land" or the land of Punt (India). Similarly the Indian traders sailed
their ships not only on the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, they also ventured into the
Red Sea and even into the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea. From the very beginning Indian
traders had a very fair knowledge of all the ancient oceans and seas of the populated world.
the Egyptians called India as "God's land" because India was in those days culturally very
much developed. The priest of ancient Egypt required vast quantities of aromatic plants for
burning as incense; frankincense, myrrh and lavender were also used for embalmment
purpose. Herodotus has left us a sickening description of the great number of spices and
scented ointments of which India was the center. Beauty products from India also attracted
the women of Egypt. The cosmetic trade was entirely dependent on imports chiefly from
India. The Pharaohs of the fifth and sixth dynasties made great efforts to develop trade
relations with the land of Punt. Knemphotep made voyages to Punt eleven times under the
captainship of Koui. This expedition was organized and financed by the celebrated Queen
Before trade with the Roman Empire, India carried on her trade chiefly with Egypt; whose
king, Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-247 B.C.) with whom Ashoka the Great had intercourse,
founded the city of Alexandria, that afterwards became the principal emporium of trade
between the East and West.
M. A. Murray, the Egyptlogist says in his book, " The splendor that was Egypt" that the
type of men of Punt as depicted by Halshepsut's artists suggests an Asiatic rather than an
African race and the sweet smelling woods point to India as the land of their origin.
This expedition really appears to have been a great commercial success. The queen proudly
recorded on the walls of the temple of Deir-el-Bahri: "Our ships were filled with all
marvelous things from Punt (India); the scented wood of God's land, piles of resin, myrrh,
green balsan trees, ebony, ivory, gold, cinnamon, incense, eye-coloring, monkeys, grey
dogs and panther-skins." These objects indicate Indian goods exported to Egypt.
Indian figurine buried in the Mount Vesuvius in Italy - eruption of 79 A.D. Ivory.
The value of Indian trade may be estimated from the well-known passage of Pliny, in which
he recorded that India drained the Roman empire of fifty million sesterces every year. The
wealth of early India is confirmed by the lament of Pliny the Elder in Historica Naturalis
(Natural History), completed in 77 AD that all of Rome's coffers were being emptied into
India to satisfy Roman demand for transulent Indian muslins. Pliny's statement is
corroborated by the discovery, in India, of innumerable gold coins of the Roman emperors,
which must have come here in course of trade. Most of the coins have been found. Most of
these coins have been found in South India, and their evidence is corroborated by many
passages in classic Tamil literature. We read of 'Yavanas of harsh speech' with many
wares; of foreign merchants thronging sea-port towns like Mamallapuram, Puhar, and
Korkai; or busy customs officials, and those engaged in loading and unloading vessels in the
harbor. The wealth of the Roman Empire reached India through the ports of Kalyan, Chaul,
Broach, and Cambay in Western India. Tamralipti was an important port in Bengal. It
carried on trade with China, Lanka, Java and Sumatra. In the Andhra region, the ports were
Kadura and Ghantasala, Kaveripattanam (Puhar) and Tondail were the ports of the Pandya
region. The ports of Kottayam and Muziris were on the Malabar coast. There was a great
maritime trade between India and Southeast Asia and China. The rulers of India
facilitated trade by building and maintaining lighthouses at the necessary points
and by keeping sea routes free and safe from pirates.
According to Surjit Mansingh: "India's trade with Europe, both by land and sea, was a
constant fact of history from ancient times"
The close connection between the early civilization of Ninevah and Babylon and the West
Coast of India is borne out by indisputable evidence and this was possible only through the
navigation of the Arabian sea. There is ample evidence of a flourishing trade between the
Levant and the West Coast of India, as may be inferred from allusion in the Old Testament.
As stated by Prof. K. A. Nilakanta Sastri in Indian Antiquary, 1938 p. 27: "the evidence
of South Indian connections with the West drawn from references in his (Solomna's) reign
to Ophir and Thar Shih to ivory, apes and peacocks is seen to be only a link in a more or
less continuous chain of data suggesting such connections for long ages before and after.
The earliest Indian literature, the Vedas speak of sea voyage. One well-known mantra (Rig
Veda 1, 97, 8) prays: "Do thou convey us in a ship across the sea for our welfare." Besides
this, there are numerous allusions in the Rig Veda to sea voyages and to ships with a
hundred oars.
The achievements of Indian seafarers in the Far East and Southeast Asia have been
acknowledged by a host of scholars. The late Professor Buhler says: "References to
voyages are also found in two of the most ancient Dharma Sutras."
There was also an active trade between India and Greece. The mention of ivory by Homer
and of several other Indian articles assign the trade a very ancient date. In addition to
ivory, India also supplied indigo to Greece, whence the inhabitants derived their knowledge
of its use. Homer knew tin by its Sanskrit name. Professor Max Duncker says that the
Greeks used to wear silken garments which were imported from India, and which were
called "Sindones, or "Tyrian robes." "Trade existed between the Indians and Sabaens on the
coast of South Arabia before the 10th century B.C. the time when, according to the
Europeans, Manu lived.
Of the producer of loom, silk was more largely imported from India into ancient Rome than
either in Egypt or in Greece. "It so allured the Roman ladies, " says a writer, that it sold its
weight in gold."
The most valuable of the exports of India was silk, which was under the Persian Empire is
said to have exchanged by weight of gold.
It is evident that "there was a very large consumption of Indian manufactures in Rome. This
is confirmed by the elder Pliny, who complained that there was "no year in which India did
not drain the Roman Empire of a hundred million sesterces (1,000,000 pounds) dearly
do we pay for our luxury and our women." The annual drainage of gold from Rome and its
provinces to India was estimated by him at 500 steria, equal to about Rs. 4,000,000. We
are assured on undisputed authority that the Romans remitted annually to India a sum
equivalent to 4,000,000 pounds to pay for their investments, and that in the reign of
Ptolmeies, 125 sails of Indian shipping were at one time lying in the ports whence Egypt,
Syria, and Rome itself were supplied with the products of India."
(Life in Western India (Guthrie), from Colonel James Tod - Western India p. 221. Hindu
Raj in the World - By K. L. Jain p. 37).
Roman coins in large quantities are found in places in Southern India, whence beryl,
pepper, pearls and minerals were exported to Rome. Some of these are described by Mr.
Sewell. "These hoards," he says, "are the product of 55 separate discoveries, mostly in the
Coimbatore and Madura districts."
There is extant, a Prakrit text on ship-building named Angavijja written in the Kushana
period and edited in the Gupta period. This text enlists about a dozen names of different
types of ships, such as Nava, Pota, Kotimba, Salika, Sarghad, Plava, Tappaka, Pindika,
Kanda, Katha, Velu, Tumba, Kumba and Dati. Some of these varieties of ships such as
Tappaka (Trappaga), Kotimba and Sarghad have also been mentioned in the Periplus of
the Erythrean Sea. They are considered to be very large ships capable of sailing along the
coast as well as in deep sea.
Arabia being the nearest of the countries situated to the west of India, was the first to which
the Indian commercial enterprises by sea were directed. The long-continued trade with
Arabia dates from a very remote antiquity. "The labors of Von Bohlen (Das Alte Indian,
Volume I, p. 42), confirming those of Heeran and in their turn confirmed by those of Lassen
(Ind Alt. Vol II. p. 580), have established the existence of a maritime commerce between
India and Arabia from the very earliest period of humanity. Lassen also says that the
Egyptians wrapped their mummies in Indian Muslin.
The importance of trade was highly appreciated by the people of Kalinga - a kingdom on
the Eastern seaboard of India. Inscriptions "speak of navigation and ship commerce as
forming part of the education of the princes of Kalinga."
J. Takakusu writes: "That there was a communication or trade between India and China
from 400 A.D. down to 800 A.D. is a proven fact. Not to speak of any doubtful records we
read in the Chinese and Japanese books, Buddhist or otherwise, of Indian merchant ships
appearing in the China Sea; we know definitely that Fahien (399-415 A.D) returned to China
via Java by an Indian further in the Tang dynasty an eyewitness tells us that there
were in 750 A.D. many Brahmin ships in the Canton River."
(source: Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, Great Britain and Ireland. October 1905 p.
Historian Vincent Smith in his book Early History of India, writes" "Ancient Tamil literature
and the Greek and Roman authors prove that in the first two centuries of the Christian era
the ports on the Coromandel or Cholamandal coast enjoyed the benefits of active commerce
with both East and West. The Chola fleets.....uncrossed the Indian ocean to the islands of
the Malaya Archipelago."
"The Hindus themselves were in the habit of constructing the vessels in which they
navigated the coast of Coromandel, and also made voyages to the Ganges and the
peninsula beyond it. These vessels bore different names according to the size." writes
Prof. Heeran. There were commercial towns and ports on the Coromandel coast.
Masulipatam, with its cloth manufactures, as well as the mercantile towns situated on the
mouth of the Ganges, have already been noticed as existing in the time of Periplus. Even
as late as the 17th century, French traveler Tavernier in 1666 A.D. said: "Masulipatam is
the only place in the Bay of Bengal from which vessels sailed eastwards for Bengal, Arrakan,
Pegu Siam, Sumatra, Cochin China and the Manilla and West to Hormuz, Makha and
The East
Southeast Asia has always been an integral part of the Indian consciousness is
borne out by the fact that the countries of Southeast Asia so comprehensively
embraced Hinduism and Buddhism in all its aspects. This spiritual and cultural affinity
became an inseparable part of their ethos and way of life. Successive Indian kings and
kingdoms from the first century AD and even before to the beginning of the 15th century,
had regarded Southeast Asia and the lands lying beyond as vital for their own strength,
security and sustained development. This intricate and abiding web of relationships in turn
contributed significantly to India’s sense of security in an extended neighborhood in which
India is neither seen as an alien power nor as a country with a colonial past.
The advent of the British in India and the struggle for influence between European powers
that ensued all over Southeast Asia, suspended the continuous interaction that had existed
between India and the region. Southeast Asia itself was carved up into areas of influence by
the major colonial powers, viz., the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese. India’s cultural
and commercial interaction with this region was therefore subordinated to the political and
strategic considerations of the great powers. The relationship spanning nearly 2500 years
was founded and nurtured on mutual interest and security in which both partners constantly
enriched and reinforced each other.
"Down to the days of the Mohammedan conquest went, by the ancient highways of the
sea, the intrepid mariners of the Bengal coast, founding their colonies in Ceylon,
Java and Sumatra, and binding Cathay (China) and India fast in mutual
Indianization of Southeast Asia continued even during the early mediaeval times which is
explained by French scholar, Orientalist who wrote on Eastern religion, literature, and
history Sylvain Levi (1863-1935) who proposed that:
"India has produced its true masterpieces in foreign lands under foreign
inspiration and that in architecture it is in distant Cambodia and Java that one
must seek the two marvelous products of Indian genius, Angkor Wat and
"India, indeed, began to exercise a profound cultural influence on her neighbors to the
eastward - Burma, Siam, Malaya, Cambodia, Java and Sri Lanka all falling beneath her
sway. And this, as far as one can may judge, almost entirely as a result of trading and
peaceful penetration by missionaries, merchants and others, and not by force of arms."
"The beginnings of Indian colonization overseas eastward go back a very long way in time
and it is almost certain that the results seen today were, in the main, not achieved by
military expedition, but by peaceful trading and religious teaching - and thereby
all the more permanent."
"Indian religious art and culture seem naturally to have exercised an extraordinary
fascination over the indigenous peoples of all these territories, no doubt, owing to
the attractions offered by Hinduism and Buddhism, while Chinese art, not bearing any
particular religious message, apparently made little impression, in spite of the fact that the
Chinese, too, sailed to southern seas..."
(source: India and The World - By Buddha Prakash p. 7-8 Institute of Indic Studies
Kurukshetra University 1964).
George Coedes (1886 -1969) author of Ancient Hinduized states of the Far East, has
pointed out the enduring value of Hindu culture in Outer or Greater India:
"One is struck by the fundamental difference in the results achieved in the countries of the
Far East, by the civilizing action of China and that of India. The reason of it lies in the
radical difference in the methods of colonization, employed by the Chinese and by the
Hindus. The Chinese proceeded with conquest and by annexation: the armies occupied the
lands and the officials spread the Chinese civilization. The Hindu penetration and
infiltration seem to have almost always been peaceful and unaccompanied by
those destructions, which disgrace the Mongol cavalcade or the Spanish conquest
of America. Far from being destroyed by the conquerors, the indigenous people have found
in the Hindu society, transplanted and made supple, a frame, in which their own societies
have been able to integrate and develop themselves." "The exchange of ambassadors
between the two shores of the Bay of Bengal was done on a footing of equality, whereas
China always required of the " barbarians of the south" the recognition of her suzerainty,
which was expressed by the regular payment of tribute."
"The lands, militarily conquered by China, had to adopt or imitate her institutions, customs,
religions, language and script. On the contrary, those, whom India peacefully conquered,
by the prestige of her culture, have preserved the essence of their individual characters
and have developed them, each according to its own genius."
The control of the Indian seas belong predominantly to India till the thirteenth
century A.D. In respect of the Arabian Sea this control meant only the freedom of
navigation. There was no colonizing activity in that area, though Socotra, or Sukhadhara
dwipa (the island of the blest) was discovered long before the Christian era and was
probably under the Indian occupation at that time. Indian communities existed in Alexandria
and other Egyptian towns and there were also settlements on the coasts of the Persian Gulf.
But generally speaking, the navigation of the Arabian Sea was only for the purpose of trade.
In case of Bay of Bengal, it was different. The supremacy in that sea was naval and political,
based on an extensive colonization of the islands and this supremacy ceased only with the
breakdown of Chola power in the thirteenth century. The naval activity of the Hindus was
controlled by organized corporations of which the most important were the Manigramam
Chetties and the Nanadesis. Of the Manigramam Chetties who traded all over the world
we have authentic records in grants and inscriptions. The Bhaskara Ravi Varman plate of
the Kerala King grants certain special privileges to the Manigramam guild. This body was
given charter...including "the sword of sovereign merchantship" and monopoly rights of
trading. Other "merchant adventurers" known from records are the Nanadesis, the Valangai
and the Elangai who are described in the inscription at Baligami in Mysore as bodies
of "brave men born to wander over many countries since beginning of the Krta
Age (the first of the Indian Cycle of Yugas) penetrating regions of the six continents by land
and water routes, and dealing in various articles, such as horses and elephants, precious
stones, perfumes and drugs either wholesale or in retail."
Large four-masted ships possessed by the Indians at the time made crossing the Pacific
perfectly feasible.
The ships built by Hindu navigators at that time are described thus by J. Hornell stated to
be an authority on Indian boat designs. They were "square rigged, two masted vessels, with
raked stem and stern, both sharp, without bowsprit and rudder and steered by two quarter
paddles." (Quoted in Towards Angkor - By Q. Wales p. 26). First the Mauryas and then
the Andhras were the lords of the Eastern Seas. The Ambassador of the Prince of
Wu reported that while he was in Khamboja (Cambodia) in about A.D. 250 he saw ships
with seven sails which could stay at sea for four weeks at a time. Other reports mention
ships mention ships which carried over 600 men and more than 1,000 tons of merchandise.
From the Andhras the sovereignty of the eastern Seas passed to the Pallavas as may be
inferred from the great influence which this dynasty exercised on the colonial kingdoms of
Further India.
Further, the Hindus had developed great skill in building ocean-going ships of great strength
and durability. The participation of Hindus in the navigational activities of the Red Sea is
also borne out by the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, a second century farce in the Greek language in
which the conversation between certain characters is in a language which some scholars
have identified as being South Indian. Besides, there are extensive allusions to maritime
affairs and to long voyages in early Tamil literature. Tamil scholars have counted no
less than 1,800 nautical words in that language.
The numerous ports of India from Broach to Quilon became great markets of trade. A first
century Tamil classic describes the port of Muziris. (Cragnore in Cochin) as being filled with
ships. The ruins of a Roman temple have also been discovered in that area.
(source: India and the Indian Ocean - K. M. Panikkar The MacMillan Company,
copyright 1945 p. 26-27).
“In the year 525 Saka era – 603 A.D., it being foretold to a king of Gujarat that his country
would decay and go to ruin, he resolved to send his son to Java. He embarked with about
5000 followers in 6 large and about 100 small vessels, and after a voyage of four
months reached an island they supposed to be Java; but finding themselves mistaken,
re-embarked, and finally settled at Matarem, in the center of the island they were
seeking….The prince then found that men alone were wanting to make a great and
flourishing state. He accordingly applied to Gujarat for assistance, when his father,
delighted at his success, sent him reinforcement of 2000 people…From this period Java was
known and celebrated as a kingdom; an extensive commerce was carried on with Gujarat
and other countries, and the bay of Matarem was filled with adventurers from all parts.”
According to Marco Polo an Indian ship could carry crews between 100 to 300. Out of
regard for passenger convenience and comfort, the ships were well furnished and
decorated. Gold, silver, copper and compound of all these substances were generally used
for ornamentation and decoration.
The comparatively large size of the shipping on the Coromandel coast is indicated also by
the Andhra coinage, on which a frequent symbol is a ship with two masts, apparently of
considerable tonnage.
The shipping of the Andhra and Pallava coins doubtless survives in the modern “masula
boats” at Madras:
“These masula boats are flat-bottomed barges constructed of planks sewn together with
rope of cocoanut fiber, caulked with oakum, are able to withstand better than far more
solidly built craft the shock of being landed on the sandy beach from the crest of a
something breaker.”
Similar in a general way to the Andhra coin-symbol is the Gujarati ship carved in a bas-
relief on the frieze on the Borobodor temple in Java. While dating from about 600 A.D. this
vessel was probably not different from those of the 1st century, while the short broad sail
with double yards is identical with those of the Egyptian Punt Expedition of the 15 th century
Kalidasa, in the Raghuvamsa, tells of a tour of conquest of India, made by Raghy, the
great-great-grandfather of Rama; starting from Ayodhya he went eastward to the ocean,
having conquered the Bangalis, who trusted in their ships.”
The textile industry of both Trichinopoly and Tanjore has been famous from early times.
There can be little doubt that some of the finest fabrics that reached the Roman world came
from this kingdom of Chola. From this part of India, in the middle ages, came those gold-
threaded embroideries which were to such demand in the Saracen markets.
Marco Polo called Chola “the kingdom of Maalabar called Soli, which is the best and noblest
province in India, and where the best pearls are found.”
"The Mauryan emperor Chandragupta, who ruled from 321 to 297 B.C had even at that
time, an actual Board of Admiralty, with a Superintendent of Ships at its head." References
to it can be found in Kautilya's Arthasastra. From their voyages of conquest and trade,
we can infer that although much later, the Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas of South India
must also have had an efficient naval organization. The merchants of Surat, who relied upon
ships built by the Wadias of Bombay (who had not taken long to copy prevailing European
designs) were particularly rich - one of them Virji Vora (who died in the beginning of the
18th century) left a fortune of 22 million gold francs. "According to certain travelers, Surat
was then the most beautiful city of India. One small detail will give an idea of the
unparalleled luxury that prevailed there: certain streets were paved with
porcelain. Francois Martin in his Memoires calls it 'a real Babylon'.
The waves of Indian migration before breaking on the shore of America submerged the
islands of the Indian Archipelago or Suvarnabhumi.
Colonel James Tod wrote: "The isles of the Archipelago were colonized by the Suryas
(Surya-Vamsa Kshatriyas), whole mythological and heroic history is sculptured in their
edifices and maintained in their writings."
"These pilgrims sailed from the Ganges to Ceylon, from Ceylon to Java and from Java to
China in ships manned by crews professing the Brahmmanical religion."
Most of the sculptures show in splendid relief ships in full sail and scenes recalling the
history of the colonization in Java by Indians in the earlier centuries of the Christian era.
"The ship, magnificent in design and movement, is a masterpiece in itself. It tells more
plainly than words the perils which the Prince of Gujarat and his companions encountered
on the long and his companions encountered on the long and difficult voyages from the west
coast of India. But these are over now. The sailors are hastening to furl the sails and bring
the ship to anchor."
Big ships were built. They could carry anywhere upwards from 500 men on the high
seas. The Yuktialpataru classifies ships according to their sizes and shapes.
The Rajavalliya says that the ship in which King Sinhaba of Bengal sent Prince Vijaya,
accommodated full 700 passengers, and the ship in which Vijaya's Pandyan bride was
brought over to Lanka carried 800 passengers on board. The ship in which Buddha in the
Supparaka Bodhisat incarnation made his voyages from Bharukachha (Broach) to the "sea
of the seven gems," carried 700 merchants besides himself. The Samuddha Vanija
Jataka mentions a ship which accommodated one thousand carpenters.
One of the most remarkable site in the center of Siam, is Srideb (Crip-tep), where statues
of Hindu deities bearing Sanskrit inscriptions of the 5th to 6th century have been
discovered. The art of Srideb is of excellent quality and provides a link between Indian art
and the art of Indo-China. Quaritch Wales considered Srideb the oldest temple in Indo-
"For full thirty centuries India stood out as the very heart of the old world and maintained
her position as one of the foremost maritime countries. She had colonies in Pegu, in
Cambodia, in Java in Sumatra, in Borneo and even in the countries of the Farther East as
far as Japan. She had trading settlements in Southern China, in the Malayan Peninsula, in
Arabia and in all the chief cities of Persia and all over the East Coast of Africa. She
cultivated trade relations not only with the countries of Asia, but with the whole of the then
known world, including the countries under the dominion of the Roman Empire, and both
the East and West became the theatre of Indian commercial activity and gave scope of her
naval energy and throbbing international life." According to R. Sewell, "There was trade
both by sea and overland with Western Asia, Greece, Rome and Egypt as well as China and
the East."
Sir John Malcolm (1769 - 1833) was a Scottish soldier, statesman, and historian
entered the service of the East India Company wrote about Indian vessels that they:
"Indian vessels "are so admirably adapted to the purpose for which they are
required that, not withstanding their superior science, Europeans were unable,
during an intercourse with India for two centuries, to suggest or at least to bring
into successful practice one improvement. "
"although attempts have been made from time to time to minimize the extent of
Indian influence upon Southeast Asia, the evidence for their importance is there
for all to see and cannot be controverted."
Alastair Lamb observes that "by the opening of the Christian era the civilization of India
had begun to spread across the bay of Bengal into both island and mainland Southeast Asia;
and by the fifth century A.D. Indianized states, that is to say, states organized along the
traditional lines of Indian political theory and following the Hindu religion, had established
themselves in many regions of Burma, Thailand, Indo-China, Malaysia, and Indonesia...The
Indianization of Southeast Asia was a slow and gradual process. With a few exceptions, it
was carried out by peaceful means and in consequence, as it developed, it did not build up a
resistance to its further progress. Indian influence had no difficulty merging with indigenous
cultures to create a series of distinct amalgams in which it is now virtually impossible to
disentangle all the Indian from the has now without a doubt guaranteed the
Indian heritage a place in Southeast Asian civilization from which it cannot possibly be
dislodged without the total destruction of the civilization."
In the middle of the 18th century, John Grose noted that at Surat the Indian ship-building
industry was very well established, indeed, “They built incomparably the best ships in the
world for duration”, and of all sizes with a capacity of over a thousand tons. Their design
appeared to him to be a “a bit clumsy” but their durability soundly impressed him. They
lasted “for a century”.
source: Decolonizing History: Technology and Culture in India, China and the West
1492 to the Present Day - By Claude Alvares p. 68-69).
The largest ships carried 10,000 talents or 250 tons. Ajanta painting of a later date depict
horses and elephants aboard the ship which carried Prince Vijaya to Sri Lanka.
Megasthenes informs us that there was a class of ship-builders among the artisans
who were salaried public servants and not permitted to work for any private
persons.The ships built by them in royal shipyards were, however, let out on hire both to
those who undertook voyages and to professional merchants. The fact that shipping and
sea-trade received adequate attention under the Mauryas is made clear by the reference to
the Superintendent of Ships in the Arthasastras. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, a
marine guidebook of 1st century A.D. by an anonymous Graeco-Egyptian takes note of
several ports on the Indian coast. Beginning from the mouth of the Sindh, notice is taken of
Barbaricum. Then follows Barygaza, ie. modern Broach. In Dachinabades two sea ports are
mentioned namely, Supara and Calliena, both situated near Bombay (Mumbai). Muziris was
the most important port of Kerala. It gained prominence after the discovery of the
monsoons and was always crowded with a large number of Greek and Arab ships.
Nelceynda was another port of Kerala located 500 stadia or 50 miles south of Muzaris. Near
Kanya Kumari also there were two ports named Paralia and Balita. All these ports were well
looked after either by the local or the imperial rulers of India. The ports served as the chief
source of state revenue. (For more information refer to chapter on India and Egypt)
The work also records that the captain of a ship reminded the passengers that there were
more perils than pleasure in seafaring. Many went out but few came back and that it was
rare to sail six times successfully across the ocean. This narration points out the hazards of
deep sea sailing but there is no scope for suggesting that the Indians hated the sea. The
Jatakas, the Manimekhalai, Raghuvamsa, Tilakamanjari, Kathasaritsagara, etc. abound in
tales of the sea as exciting as they are terrifying and point to the Indians familiarity with,
and lure of the sea. The Yuktikalapataru of Bhoja (11 the century A.D.) affirms that the
king who has boats, wins war, and the king who through ignorance does not keep boats,
loses his prestige, vigor and treasury. This text also supplies details regarding the
construction of ships. (For more please refer to chapter on War in Ancient India). The
Jaina texts like the Gyatadharma Avasyaka-chou-ko-ta'an (1122 A.D.) mentions large ships
from Kalinga that carried several hundred men and smaller ones which carried hundred or
more men.
Marco Polo found Socotra a prey to multitudes of Hindu pirates who encamped there
and sold off their booty. He speaks of Aden as a "port to which many ships of India
come with their cargo." He also gives details regarding the size, form fittings and mode
of repairing of Indian ships. He remarks about the strength of Indian ships and says
that they were built to last a hundred years. Marco Polo saw ships so large as to
require a crew of 300 men, and other ships that were manned by crews of 200 and 150
men. Friar Odoric (A.D. 1321) traveled in a ship owned by a Gujarati Rajput that carried a
load of 700 people.
"from Calicut vessels continually sailing for Mecca, which are for the most part laden with
pepper. The inhabitants of Calicut are adventurous sailors, and pirates do not dare to attack
the vessels of Calicut." Nicolo Conti (15th century) acknowledged that the "natives of India
build some ships larger than ours." In 1510 Albuquerque met Hindu sailors and traders in
Java and Malacca.
Indian land-lubbery was not synchronous with the coming of Islam, nor with the Middle
Ages. The Bay of Bengal was a Chola lake in the 11th century. A ship built at an Indian
dockyard is said to have been used in the Napoleonic wars. In fact Indian navigational
expertise and enthusiasm seems to have suffered in direct proportion to the
British economic policies reducing India to the position of a mere supplier of raw
materials. People whose ships had trades with the Mediterranean world in the west, and
with the lands of gold in the east now considered themselves heroic if they made it to
England to land at Lincoln's Inn!
Facts being otherwise, it raises questions about motives for this deliberate wrong portrayal.
Modern history credits China with the invention of gunpowder. Firstly, this is largely
based on the work of a self-confessed Sinophile – Needham. With a dismissive one
sentence, Needham opines, “On Gunpowder history in India, Oppert (1) was duly exploded
by Hopkins(2).” And Indian history as the world’s largest producer of gunpowder
was swept under the carpet. Needham conveniently ignores evidence like how;
"Jean Baptiste Tavernier recorded a local tradition in the 1660s that gunpowder and
artillery were first invented in Assam from whence they spread to China and he mentioned
that the Mughal general who conquered Assam brought back numerous old iron guns
captured during the campaign."
A 100 years before Needham, India’s pioneering status in saltpetre was common
knowledge. English publications, for instance in 1852 and another in 1860 gave
weightage to the opinion of those who believe that gunpowder was invented in India and
brought by the Saracens from Africa to the Europeans; who improved its manufacture and
made it available for warlike purposes.
Unlike China, with an odd textual reference or a drawing or a singular artefact, was the
entire industry in India – which remained unrivalled in the history of the world. Compared to
China’s paltry production of gunpowder, India’s widespread and organized gunpowder
production system points towards indigenous development. There are reports, that in “664
an Indian visitor to China reportedly demonstrated the peculiar flamability of saltpeter and
provided instructions on how to locate it (Pacey 1990, 16).”
The deserter Mongol soldier source seems rather far-fetched considering that Mongol armies
studiously avoided attacking India. India, the richest economy of the world at that
time, known and famous for its wealth, was spared by Genghis Khan! Just why would
history’s foremost looter, invader, pillager spare India?
When Genghis Khan’s Mongol armies were running rampant, Islamic refugees found shelter
in India, during the reign of Iltutmish. In 1221, Khwarezm-Shah and other Persian refugees,
sought refuge in India, across the Indus into the Punjab, India, from Genghis Khan’s Mongol
India was the largest gunpowder production system – in the history of the world, till the
20th century. Specifically Bengal and Bihar regions. Operated by a caste of peoples called
the nuniah, saltpetre beds supplied the most vital element in gunpowder – saltpetre. And
India produced virtually all of it.
Especially, Bihar, Bengal, Agra and Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Karanataka regions (Anantapur,
Coimbatore, Guntur, Kurnool). The Guntur Sircar also manufactured saltpetre on a
commercial scale. A mid 17th century Royal Society paper documented how saltpetre was
made in India.
"We now know that many ports on both Eastern and Western Coast had navigational and
trade links with almost all Continents of the world. There are many natural and
technological reasons for this. Apart from Mathematics and Astronomy, India had
excellent manufacturing skills in textile, metal works and paints. India had
abundant supply of Timber. Indian - built ships were superior as they were built of
Teak which resists the effect of salt water and weather for a very long time. Lieut.
Col. A Walker's paper "Considerations of the affairs of India" written in 1811 had excellent
remarks on Bombay-built ships. He notes, "situated as she is between the forests of
Malabar and Gujarat, she receives supplies of timber with every wind that blows." Further
he says, "it is calculated that every ship in the Navy of Great Britain is renewed every
twelve years. It is well known that teakwood built ships last fifty years and upwards. Many
ships Bombay-built after running fourteen or fifteen years have been brought into the Navy
and were considered as stronger as ever. The Sir Edward Hughes performed, I believe,
eight voyages as an Indiaman before she was purchased for the Navy. No Europe-built
Indiaman is capable of going more than six voyages with safety." He has also further noted
that Bombay-built ships are at least one-fourth cheaper than those built in the docks of
Products Traded
Indian Exports
Indian Imports
Sesame, Flax and Linen, Parchment wine, gold, Horse, Peach and apricot, sweet clover,
silver, tin, copper, lead, ruby, topaz, glass, corals, amber,
It is the best building timber as it can resist the action of water. Theophrastos mentions that
ship builders built ships of this wood of India in the Persian Gulf. Town of Siraf on the
Persian Gulf was entirely built of this wood and in 1811 teak was found in the walls of a
Persian palace near Baghdad (7th century B.C.E.) The Susa inscription of Darius clearly
mentions the import of teakwood in Persia. The Periplus states that large vessels were
regularly sent from Barygaza loaded with timbers of teakwood to Oman. Realizing the
export importance of teakwood Kautilya made provision for the Superintendent for forest
State patronage with the strength of the organized guilds greatly increased the prosperity of
the country. Megasthenes records how prices were regulated by state-trading. The idea was
that staple commodities were bought when they were cheap and released when the prices
were high, just to bring the prices down. This was really a measure far ahead of its time. As
historian A. L. Basham points out:
"It is striking that ancient Indian political theorists anticipated by over 2000 years
the plans put forward by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations for maintaining a stable level of prices of staple commodities on a world-
wide scale.
Land Trade
The land trade of India extended to China, Turkistan, Persia, Babylon and sometimes also to
Egypt, Greece and Rome. Historian Vincent Smith writes: "The country in the north with
which India traded was China." "The name China is of Hindu origin and comes to us from
(source: Early History of India - By Vincent Smith Vol. II, p. 574-575).
The author of Periplus, after describing the geographical position of China, says: "Silk was
imported from that country, but the persons engaged in this trade were the Indians
themselves." It may, however, be added, in the words of an English critic: "It is not
improbable that silk was also indigenous in India even at a remote epoch."
As regards the trade with central and northern Asia, we are told that "the Indians make
expeditions for commercial purposes into the golden desert Ideste, desert of Cobi (Gobi) in
armed companies of a thousand or two thousand men. But according to report, they do not
return home for three or four years. The Takhti, Suleman, or the stone tower mentioned by
Ptolemy and Ctesias was the starting point for Hindu merchants who went to China.
India traded with Europe by sea as well as by land. Foreign trade of a nation presupposes
development of its internal trade. Specially is this true of a large country like India, with
varied products, vast population and high civilization.
(source: Ancient and Mediaeval India - By Vol. II. p. 348). Ind. Alterthumskunde. For
more information refer to chapter on India and Egypt).
Professor Heeran remarks, "The internal trade of India could not have been
inconsiderable, as it was in a certain degree prescribed by nature herself." Royal roads were
constructed all over the country from east to west and from north to south, in addition to
the numerable rivers, along the banks of which considerable commerce was carried on.
"It (India) exported its most valuable produce, its diamonds, its silks, and its costly
manufactures. The country which abounded in those expensive luxuries, was naturally
reputed to be the seat of immense riches, and every romantic tale of its felicity and glory
was readily believed. In the Middle Ages, an extensive commerce with India was still
maintained through the ports of Egypt and the Red Sea; and its precious produce imported
into Europe by the merchants of Venice, confirmed the popular opinion of its high
refinement and its vast wealth."
Foreign commerce on such a gigantic scale was one of the principle causes of the
immense riches of ancient India.
Manu, the great lawgiver, provides in his Code, for shipping and port dues,
while Kautalya's Arthasastra, an authoritative work on administration which was written
in the fourth century B.C. lays down the functions of the Port Commissioner and Harbor
Master. The Board of Shipping was one of the six departments of the Mauryan Emperors. At
the head of it was a Minister who dealt with all matters relating to shipping, including the
navigation of the oceans. There under him a staff of commissioners, harbor masters, etc.
whose duty it was to look after ships in distress. As the Mauryan ports were mainly on the
coast of the Bay of Bengal, this is conclusive evidence of the growth of trade and shipping in
that sea as early as the fourth century B.C.
We have also evidence of regular maritime traffic by the Hindus in the South China seas
before the Christian era. At the beginning of that period both Chinese records and the Greek
geographer Ptolemy record the existence of Indian colonies in the present territory of South
east Asia.
"This outgrowing of Indian influence, so long continued and so wide in extent, was naturally
not the result of any one impulse. At no time can we see in India any passion of discovery,
any fever of conquest such as possessed Europe when the New world and the route to the
East round the Cape were discovered. India's expansion was slow, generally peaceful and
attracted little attention at home. The Hindus produced no Tamerlanes or Babers, but
a series of expeditions, spread over long ages, but still not few in number, carried
them to such distant goals as Java and Camboja.
We have also historical evidence of some of the continental powers using their naval power
for purposes of conquest. Pulikesin II the Chalukya king who reigned in the first half of the
seventh century led a naval expedition of considerable size. The Zamorin of Calicut gloried
in the title of the Lord of the Mountain and the Ocean, and one of the first writs he issued
after coronation was to permit the usual navigation of the sea. The Pandyas, Cholas and
others also maintained powerful navies, while the Rulers of Malabar exercised naval sway
over the seas of the Western coast.
From the fifth century to the tenth the command of the Malacca Straits was in the hands of
a great Indian naval power, based on Sumatra known to history as the Sri Vijaya Empire.
This State included much of Peninsular Malaya, Sumatra and the Western half of Java
besides numerous island principalities. I'Tsing who resided for some years in that Kingdom
says that the King possessed numerous ships which sailed regularly between India and Sri
Vijaya as also between Sumatra and China.
The Sri Vijaya Kings maintained a powerful navy which swept the sea of pirates
and corsairs. Their naval power, well attested by their continuous raids on the coasts of
Champa and Annam, is recorded both in local inscriptions and in Chinese annals, (e.g Po
Nagar Stelae inscription of King Satya Varman 784 A.D. and in Yang Tikuh inscription of
Indra Varman I, dated 787). With the Straits of Malacca firmly under their control and with
their authority extending over the far flung group of islands, the Sri Vijaya Kings were in a
position to enforce their rule over the Indian waves. Further, they were also closely
connected with the Indian Kingdoms of the Eastern side of the Bay of Bengal especially with
the Kalinga monarchs of Orissa.
Till the end of the tenth century, that is, for a period of nearly 500 years, the Sri Vijaya
Kings were the Lords of the Ocean. But in 1007 the Chola Emperor Rajendra fitted out a
powerful navy and challenged the might of Sri Vijaya. he not only defeated the opposing
navy, but captured Kedah and established the Chola power on the Malaya Peninsula. This
hundred year war was of great importance for it weakened the Sri Vijaya power. Chau Ju
Kua, the Imperial Chinese Inspector of Foreign Trade, in his work entitled Chu Fau
Chi written in 1225 states that Sri Vijaya was not merely a great emporium of trade, but
controlled the Straits of Malacca and thus was able to dominate the sea trade to China with
the west. All ships passing through the Straits had to call at the capital and the maritime
administration kept a close watch on traffic through the lane.
As regards to Sumatra, the Bombay Gazateer says: "The Hindu settlements of Sumatra was
almost entirely from the east coast of India, and that Bengal, Orissa and Masulipatam had a
large share in colonizing both Java and Cambodia cannot be doubted."
Charles Coleman wrote: "Mr. Anderson, in his account of his mission to the coast of that
island (Sumatra) has, however, stated that he discovered at Jambi the remains of an
ancient Hindu temple of considerable dimensions, and near the spot various mutilated
figures, which would appear to clearly indicate the former existence of the worship of the
Vedantic philosophy."
(source: The Mythology of the Hindus - with Notices of Various Mountain and Island
Tribes, Inhabiting the Two Peninsulas of India and the Neighbouring Islands - By Charles
Coleman p. 861). Refer to India once ruled the Americas! – By Gene D Matlock
"In ancient times, the Indians excelled in the art of constructing vessels, and the
present Hindus can in this respect still offer models to Europe-so much so that the
English, attentive to everything which relates to naval architecture, have
borrowed from the Hindus many improvement which they have adopted with
success to their own shipping.... The Indian vessels unite elegance and utility and
are models of patience and fine workmanship."
He has described some of the typical Indian vessels. A Pinnace or Yacht was a strongly
masted ship, divided into two or three apartments, one for company, another for the beds,
and a third as a cabinet, besides a place called varandah forwards for the servants.
Balesore, the principal entrance of the Hugli, is described as being frequented by different
sort of vessels, and particularly by large ships from Bombay, Surat, and other parts of the
western coast. The vessels from the Ganges were called Schooners, which were very well
fitted out and "able to make a voyage to Europe." their pilots being very skilful. The Grab
was a ship with three masts, a pointed prow, and a bowsprit, its crew consisting of a
Nakhoda or captain and a few khelasses or sailors. The grabs were built at Bombay, their
pointed prow signifying Hindu construction. The Bangles were the largest Indian boats,
some of them carrying four thousand or five thousand maunds of rice. Brigs were ships that
came from the coast of Coromandel and Malabar, bringing to Calcutta the produce of those
countries. To the coast of Coromandel (Cholamandel) also belonged the Dhoni, with one
mast, resembling a sloop. Its deck consisted of a few planks fastened on each side. It was
badly rigged. Pattooas, lastly, were those ships that differed from other vessels by their
being clincher-built; "the boards are one upon the other, fastened by little pieces of iron in
the form of cramps. The yard is always without sail, and the sails are hoisted and lowered
by blocks."
Surprisingly, many earlier western traders and travelers have expressed the same views.
Madapollum was a flourishing shipping center. Thomas Bowrey, an English traveler who
visited India during 1669-79, observes, "many English merchants and others have their
ships and vessels yearly built (at Madapollum). Here is the best and well grown timber in
sufficient plenty, the best iron upon the coast, any sort of ironwork is ingeniously performed
by the natives, as spikes, bolts, anchors, and the like. Very expert master-builders there are
several here, they build very well, and launch with as much discretion as I have seen in any
part of the world. They have an excellent way of making shrouds, stays, or any other
rigging for ships".
"India's naval dockyards, which belonged to the state, were famous throughout history. The
sailors were paid by the state, and the admiral of the fleet hired the ships and crew to
tradesmen for transporting goods and passengers. When the British annexed the country
much later on, they utilized the Indian dockyards - which were much better organized then
those in the West - to build most of the ships for the British navy, for as long as ships were
made of wood."
During the same period a great impetus was given to Indian shipping and maritime
enterprise by the great Shivaji, the great Maratha leader. Shivaji, who liberally
patronized the shipbuilding industry but the beginnings of the Maratha navy were laid a little
earlier. In 1640 Shahji Bhonsle was able to achieve a naval victory over the Portuguese off
Reradanda. Shahji was helped in his expedition by Tukoji, whose son, the famous Kanhoji
Angray, occupied such an important position in the Maratha navy of the times. Under
Shivaji the growth of the Maratha was accompanied by the formation of a formidable fleet.
Sivaji believed in the doctrine Jalaim jasya, valaim tasya and so proceeded to organize the
Maratha navy on sound lines. In 1698 Kanhoji Angray succeeded to the command of the
Maratha navy with the title of Dariya Saranga. Angray soon became a menace to the
European traders along the west coast and in 1707 his ship attacked the frigate Bombay,
which was blown up after a brief engagement. The career of Angray was one long series of
naval exploits and achievements rare in the annals of Indian maritime activity but
unfortunately "dismissed in a few words by our Indian historians."
The following account of Orme, describing the features of the Maratha ships and Angrey:
" The piracy which Angray exercised upon ships of all nations indifferently who did not
purchase his passes, rendered him every day more and more powerful. His fleet consists
of grabs and gallivats, vessels peculiar to the Malabar coast..."
(source: Bombay Gazetteer, Volume I part ii p. 89). Refer to Marco Polo’s epic journey
to China was a big con – Team Folks
In the days of the sailing ships and oaken vessels, the naval engineering of the Hindus was
efficient and advanced enough to be drawn upon with confidence for European shipping. At
Madapollum, for example, on the Madras coast, many English merchants used to have their
vessels yearly built. The Hindu ship architects could ingeniously perform all sorts of iron
works, e. g., spikes, bolts, anchors, etc. "Very expert master-builders there are several
here," says the English traveler, Thomas Bowrey in his Geographical Account of
Countries Round the Bay of Bengal (1669-1675); "they build very well, and launch with
as much discretion as I have seen in any part of the world. They have an excellent way of
making shrouds, stays, or any other riggings for ship."
Writing even as late as 1789, on the eve of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, Solvyns, the
French traveler, could still recommend, in his Les Hindous (Vol. III, 1811), the Hindu
method of uniting the planks are "not unworthy of the imitation of Europeans." He says, "In
ancient times the Hindus excelled in the art of constructing vessels, and the
present Hindus can in this respect still offer models to Europe."
In the building of the boat the Hindus began by choosing a large piece of timber which they
bent as they pleased. To the two ends of this they attached another piece thicker than it,
and covered this simple frame with planks; "but they have a particular manner of joining
these plants to each other, by flat cramps with two points which enter the boards to be
joined, and use common nails only to join the plants to the knee. For the sides of the boat
they have pieces of wood which out pass the planks. This method is as solid as it is simple."
The Portuguese "imitated" the pointed prow in their Indian ships. This was a characteristic
feature of the grab, a Hindu ship with three masts. The industrial and material culture of Old
India was thus sufficiently vital to influence contemporary Europe at the threshold of the
19th century civilization. The tradition is reported also by old American sea-captains that
fishing boats like the sloop, yawl, cutter, etc. so common in the United States waters were
modeled in the '"colonial period" on Hindu patterns.
Introducing the 40 or so sketches of boats and river vessels in use in Northern India in the
1790s, he observes, "the English, attentive to everything which relates to naval
architecture, have borrowed from the Hindoos many improvements which they
have adapted with success to their own shipping."
"They built ships, navigated the sea, and held in their hands all the threads of international
commerce, whether carried on over land or by sea."
(source: Hindu Culture and The Modern Age - By Dewan Bahadur K.S. Ramaswami
Shastri - Annamalai University 1956 p. 74-75).
From the teak forests, which were numerous along the western coasts, the Indians built
their ships. Bishop Reginald Heber wrote in 1824, ships built by native artisans are
notoriously as good as any which sail from London or Liverpool.
" Indian naval pilot, named Kanha, was hired by Vasco da Gama to take him to India.
Contrary to European portrayals that Indians knew only coastal navigation, deep-sea
shipping had existed in India. Indian ships had been sailing to islands such as the
Andamans, Lakshdweep and Maldives, around 2,000 years ago. Kautiliya's shastras describe
the times that are good and bad for seafaring. In the medieval period, Arab sailors
purchased their boats in India. The Portuguese also continued to get their boats from
India, and not from Europe. Shipbuilding and exporting was a major Indian
industry, until the British banned it. There is extensive archival material on the Indian
Ocean trade in Greek, Roman, and Southeast Asian sources."
India became the first power to defeat a European power in a naval battle - The
Battle of Colachel in 1742 CE.
A dramatic and virtually unknown past, in an area of bucolic calm surrounded by spectacular
hills: that is Colachel, a name that should be better known to us. For this is where, in 1741,
an extraordinary event took place -- the Battle of Colachel. For the first, and perhaps the
only time in Indian history, an Indian kingdom defeated a European naval force. The ruler
of Travancore, Marthanda Varma, routed an invading Dutch fleet; the Dutch
commander, Delannoy, joined the Travancore army and served for decades; the
Dutch never recovered from this debacle and were never again a colonial threat
The ruler of Travancore, Marthanda Varma, routed an invading Dutch fleet; the Dutch
commander, Delannoy, joined the Travancore army and served for decades; the Dutch
never recovered from this debacle and were never again a colonial threat to India.
The Battle of Colachel in 1742 CE, where Marthanda Varma of Travancore crushed a Dutch
expeditionary fleet near Kanyakumari. The defeat was so total that the Dutch captain,
Delannoy, joined the Travancore forces and served loyally for 35 years--and his tomb is still
in a coastal fort there. So it wasn't the Japanese in the Yellow Sea in 1905 under Admiral
Tojo who were the first Asian power to defeat a European power in a naval battle--it was
little Travancore. The Portuguese and the Dutch were trying to gain political power in India
at that time. Marthanda Varma defeated the Dutch in 1741. He was an able ruler. He
established peace in his country - Travancore. It was a remarkable achievement for a small
princely state.
Dynasty after dynasty succeeded to the position of paramount power in the land, but the
course of commerce ran smooth through all these changes. This is shown on the one hand,
unmistakably by the books of Roman writers with their remarkably accurate details
regarding Indian exports and imports, and harbors, and on the other hand, by the
unimpeachable testimony of many finds of Roman coins both in Northern and Southern
A consideration of the kind of things which India sent abroad in exchange for the things she
imported and a glance at the list of Indian exports and imports such as that given in that
most interesting work on oriental commerce, the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, will reveal
certain peculiar features regarding the economic system of ancient India, to which has been
traced the proverbial "wealth of Ind" by many scholars. As remarked by Major J. B. Keith,
in an article in the Asiatic Quarterly Review (July, 1910), "the old prosperity of India was
based on the sound principle which is, that after clothing and feeding your own people, then
of your surplus abundance give to to the stranger." The result was the development of an
external trade to which we owe, on the one hand, the great cities like Baalbek and Palmyra
in the desert, and, on the other hand, "those great monuments of art, which India was
enabled to erect after clothing and feeding her own people." And of the many satrapies of
Darius, India was the only one, which could afford to pay her to tribute in gold to him.
Finally, we should not miss the point of Pliny's famous complaint about allowing India to find
a market for her superfluous manufactured luxuries in Rome, and thereby suck out her
wealth and drain her of gold.
It may be noted that it was India's wonderful achievement in applied chemistry more than
her skill in handicraft that enabled India to command for more than a thousand years (from
Pliny to Tavernier) the markets of the East as well as the West, and secured to her an easy
and universally recognized pre-eminence among the nations of the world in exports and
manufactures. Some of the Indian discoveries in chemical arts and manufactures are
indicated as early as the 6th century A.D. by Varahamihira in the Brihat-Samhita.
Besides the trade with the West generally, there was also developed along with it a trade
with the East. The West alone could not absorb the entire maritime activity of India, which
found another vent in a regular traffic in the Eastern waters between Bengal and Ceylon,
Kalinga, and China and Suvarnabhumi, and a complete navigation, in fact, of the Bay of
Bengal and the Indian Ocean and laid the foundation of a Greater India.
"Almost from the dawn of her history, it has been the privilege of India to carry the torch of
her unique ideals to distant lands and inspire them to noble adventures, both in the inner
and outer fields of human activity. The culture of India has been like a sky-high tower of
light shedding its lustre on the surrounding countries, even on those at the far ends of the
earth, illuminating the mind of man, exalting his heart, ennobling his life and above all
beckoning him on the realization of the highest spiritual destiny."
Indian shipping has thus had a long and brilliant history covering a period of about five
millennia from the very dawn of India's civilization in the Indus Valley. Both Hindu and
Buddhistic texts are thus replete with references to the sea-borne trade of India that
directly and indirectly demonstrate the existence of a national shipping and shipbuilding. It
was one of the great national key industry of India. Indeed, all the evidence available
clearly shows that for full thirty centuries India stood at the very heart of the commercial
world, cultivating trade relations successively with the Phoenicians, Jews, Assyrians, Greeks,
Egyptians, and Romans in ancient times, and Turks, Venetians, Portuguese, Dutch and
English in modern times.
George Coedes French historian and author of Indianized State of South East Asia has
said: "I am convinced that such research will reveal numerous facts which will indicate a
much deeper Indianization of the mass of the population than the sociologists will at present
Sylvain Levi French art Historian has shown how references in the Ramayana,
Mahabharata, Mahaniddesa and Brihat-Katha that the products of Burma and Malaya
Peninsula were known to Indian merchants and sailors and also some of its ports such as
Suvarnakudya, Suvarnabhumi, Takkolam, Tamlin and Javam from at least first century A.D.
(image source: India Ceylon Bhutan Nepal and the Maldives - By The Illustrated
Library of The World and Its Peoples - volume 2. p. 314).
That Indian traders and settlers repeatedly undertook journeys to Southeast Asia, despite
the hazards and perils involved, speaks well for their physical prowess, courage, and
determination, even if allowance for the pull of profit is made.
Historian K. M. Panikkar, who in his brilliant exposition, India and the Indian Ocean,
speaks about the ‘influence of the Indian Ocean on the shaping of Indian history.’ For
Panikkar, the geographical ‘imperative’ of the Indian Ocean – and indeed the Himalaya in
the North – has conditioned and shaped the history and civilization of this subcontinent.
‘The importance of geographical path on the development of history is only now receiving
wide and general recognition,’ he says.
"It will be hard to find a secondary source from any part of the world which will endorse
Professor Basham's view. Indeed it is difficult to understand, how in view of incontrovertible
primary evidence proving Indian maritime activity, extensive respect of space and time-
span, intensive in terms of variety, tonnage and value, and altogether of far reaching
consequences in material as well as ideational spheres, Professor Basham could have
belittled that is when he found it worth a mention at all - this aspect of Indian civilization. Is
it because it is hurtful to the pride of a native of the British Isles which conquered
the world through military strength but cannot compare with its erstwhile colony
which for over a millennium dominated the world through civilized means?"
Dr. Vincent Smith has remarked, "India suffers today, in the estimation of the world, more
through the world's ignorance of the achievements of the heroes of Indian history than
through the absence or insignificance of such achievement."
Among the equipment the Americans used to win the Iraq war were 100-feet catamaran
ships to ferry tanks and ammunition from Qatar to Kuwait.
The ships, built with technology adapted from ancient Tamil methods to
make catamarans, can travel over 2,500 kms in less than 48 hours, twice the
speed of the regular cargo ships, and carry enough equipment to support about
5,000 soldiers, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday.
Having a shallow draft, the boats can unload in rudimentary ports, allowing troops to land
closer to the fight. — PTI
Charting the coastline from Mumbai to the very end of Gujarat, where India ends and
Pakistan begins, the 1,000 nautical mile voyage that will end on February 11 is in
preparation for another, more ambitious voyage. The sailors, calling themselves the
Maritime Exploration and Research Group, is getting ready to follow the path of ancient
Indian mariners from south India all the way to Indonesia.
Inspired by the Chola kings of the 11th century, who discovered the present-day
Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Bali, the group is preparing to replicate the
feat using traditional instruments and a boat resembling the vessels of yore.
Called the Simulation of Chola Navigation Techniques, the forthcoming expedition will
attempt to cover the distance between Nagapatnam in southern India and the Indonesian
islands."The expedition will aim to show that our ancient seafarers were in no way inferior
to their Western counterparts," said B. Arunachalam, a researcher who is the moving spirit
behind the expedition. The expedition has cost the team members nearly Rs.100,000 but
they have received substantial assistance from the Indian Navy.
Did You Know? Close resemblance of Easter Island and Indus Valley Script
The Hindu and Buddhist cultures in Indonesia gradually extended to Polynesia through
tradesmen and preachers of Indonesia some of whom might have settled down in Polynesia
and were called the Arii or the Aryans. Dr. E. S. Cragihill Handy describes the story of
Polynesian culture as "a mere index to Indian history."
Author of the 'Ancient Voyagers in Polynesia' is of opinion that Polynesian ancestors came
from the west through the waters between Buru and Yap to eastern New Guinea and the
Melanesian island and thence to Polynesia by a slow succession of West-East voyage.
Easter Island script and Indus Valley scripts compared.
William Ellis, the well-known missionary and author of Polynesian Researches, has
commented on the coincidences in language, mythology, etc. of the Polynesians with those
of the Hindus, the natives of Madagascar, and the Americans. Bishop Heber, an authority on
the Hindus stated "that many things which he saw among the inhabitants of India reminded
him of the plates in Cook's Voyages" Recently, an Indian scholar, B. C. Chhabra, in his
Vestiges of Indian Culture in Hawaii, has noticed certain resemblances between the
symbols found in the petroglyohs from the Hawaiian Islands and those on the Harappan
seals. Some of the symbols in the petroglyphs are described as akin to early Brahmi script.
The Meitei word 'Atea' of Manipur which means 'All Powerful Sky God' is found in New
Zealand and some other Polynesian island with out any change in sound or meaning. In
Hawaii island, 'Atea' has become 'Wakea.'
Edward Tregear, former President of the Polynesian Society, is cited by William Churchill,
"Polynesian Wandering" (Carnegie Institution, 1911), p. 20 as stating the generally
accepted view of Polynesian scholars to be that the Polynesians came from India, or from
central Asia through India.
Characters similar to those on the Indus seals have also been found on tablets
excavated from Easter Island.
This discovery has presented a difficult problem for the pre-historian. It is not known if the
two belong to a common source, if one provided the model for the other, or if the similarity
is purely accidental due to in accuracies of drawing. If the Indus models traveled about
13,000 miles eastward, it seems strange that the characters should have remained
unaltered, because figures generally do not remain identical during prolonged transmission.
And, if the seals were actually made in the Indus Valley and taken to the Easter Island,
what is the explanation for the difference in arrangement between the two groups of seals?
The Easter Island “alphabet” a series of curling lines and half pictures on wooden tablets,
show a surprising resemblance to the Indus Valley script used in the large cities of Mohenjo
Daro and Harappa more than 5,000 years ago. A comparison of the Easter Island and
Indus Valley scripts offer rather convincing visual evidence that they are related
but, since the Indus Valley script has not been deciphered either, the mystery of
their relationship and their meaning is as deep as ever.
..Its similarity to the ancient Indian script constitutes a remarkable written language link
between the Old and New Worlds across the Pacific…
Goddess Tara: Rescued sailors who were at risk of Shipwreck. She could change
color according to her moods. When she was calm, she was green or white in color, when
angry, she could be blue, red or yellow.