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The Impact of Active and Context-Based Teaching

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Reynaldo R. Ibasco
St. John’s Wort Montessori
Antipolo City, Rizal

ABSTRACT General Terms

The BEC curriculum seeks to develop learners who are capable of Design, Documentation, Measurement, Reliability, Performancee
critical and creative thinking, self-regulated learning and are able Independent, Experimentation
to apply knowledge to real life in their immediate context and the
future. Teaching that encourages higher order thinking and Keywords
interactive learning is still wanting in many classrooms today. Chemistry, Context-based, Active, Involvement, Pretest, Posttest,
Traditional lecture format and textbook dependent teaching is Gain scores
more the norm. The present study shows the impact of active and
context-based teaching of periodicity in the performance and 1. INTRODUCTION
involvement of students in a high school chemistry class. Two The science teaching in the country has been under close scrutiny
classes of about 20 students each were exposed to two kinds of since the coming out of the results of international comparative
methods of teaching: one class (the control group) was taught the studies of TIMSS where the Philippines was among the lowest:
concept of periodicity using the traditional lecture and textbook 41st among 42 in 1995, 36th among 38 in 1999 and 42nd among 45
based method. The other class (treatment group) was taught the countries in 2003 (1). Then there is the dismal performance of
same concept using a context-based and interactive method of students in the National Achievement Test. The national mean
teaching. A pretest-posttest method was used to measure the score in Science was only 48.7% in the 1997 National Secondary
performance of the students for statistical comparison. A student Achievement Test (NSAT). Almost 10 years after, the mean score
survey was conducted and the subject teacher was interviewed at was even worse at 38% in 2006 (2,3). There was an apparent
the end to assess the involvement of the students. The test score of improvement in the scores by 2007 (42%) and 2008(46.7%) but
the treatment group showed statistically significant improvement these tests were taken by 2nd Year students (4). A study shows that
compared to the control group. The survey and interview gave Filipinos have a low level of scientific literacy and a large
some evidence that students in the treatment group showed greater percentage cannot seem to apply concepts to real life (5). Some
involvement than the control group. The result of the study was important questions being asked are: “Are schools providing the
significant in that it showed that active and context-based teaching necessary inputs for students to attain higher achievement in
helps to improve student performance and involvement. science? What teaching-learning practices could help improve
Furthermore, it should encourage teachers to develop alternative achievement in science? (6). The Philippine 2002 BEC curriculum
methods to teaching chemistry. Lastly, it also helped to offer seeks to develop learners who are capable of critical and creative
insights what may be done to develop higher order thinking thinking, self-regulated learning and are able to apply knowledge
among students studying HS chemistry. to real life in their immediate context and the future (7,8).
Unfortunately, many teachers still resort to lecture even though
Categories and Subject Descriptors studies show that it does not promote higher order thinking (9).
G.3 [Mathematics of Computing] Probability and Statistics – One method thought to improve science teaching and has gained a
miscellaneous (OpenStat) lot of attention over the years is interactive context-based
Permission to make
1–2, or
of all
or part of this work for 1.1 Active Teaching and Learning
personal or2004
Copyright classroom
ACM use1-58113-000-0/00/0004…$5.00.
is granted without fee provided that copies are Active learning is used interchangeably with “experiential
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy learning”, “learning by doing” and “hands-on learning” and is
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, associated with a constructivist-progressivist view of learning
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. where the learner actively participates in constructing knowledge
as opposed to simply being passive (10, 11). An active approach
to teaching and learning involves the use of strategies for
maximizing student involvement such that students are involved
in more than just listening (12). There is less emphasis on simply
transmitting information; rather there is more emphasis on
developing students' skills in higher-order thinking (analysis, This study seeks to add more evidence on the impact of active
synthesis, evaluation). The students are engaged in activities (e.g., context-based teaching on the performance and involvement of
reading discussing, writing), and greater emphasis is placed on students. More particularly, this study looked into the question:
students' exploration of their own attitudes and values (13). Does active and context–based teaching of periodicity enhance
Learning is also viewed as a social process hence the emphasis on student performance and involvement? My hypothesis is that
group work or cooperative learning (14). Furthermore, in active active and context-based teaching of periodicity can enhance the
teaching and learning, the teacher’s role is less than that of a performance and involvement of students. A quasi-experimental
transmitter of knowledge to one more of a guide and support (15, design involving high school students was developed and
16). There had been several efforts to make learning chemistry conducted.
interactive as opposed to the traditional lecture-based method.
Some of these efforts include playing/solving chemistry-oriented 2. METHODS
games and puzzles (17, 18); discussing current chemistry events 2.1 Study Demographics
as gleaned from news media (19); exploring the chemistry The participants are two intact sections of high school students in
involved in popular books (20–21), movies (22), and television a small non-science and private high school. The comparison or
shows (23); having students write chemical fantasy essays (24), control group consisted of 21 students, 15 male and 6 female. The
brief reports on relevant chemicals (25), essays involving treatment group consisted of 21 students, 12 male and 9 female.
chemistry-related mysteries (26), or even chemical limericks (27); The assigning of which is the treatment group and which is the
conducting debates (28) or trials (29) in class; stopping class in comparison group was arbitrary.
mid-lecture for assessment, feedback, or news breaks (30); having
students participate in role-playing activities (31); and 2.2 Treatment
incorporation of current research topics into the lecture (32). The two groups or sections studied periodicity for four sessions,
Another approach is to use real-world examples in the classroom consisting of a total of 290 minutes. The comparison group was
to illustrate the relevance of chemistry to students’ everyday lives. taught using the traditional lecture-based and textbook dependent
(33-36). approach. There was no mention of any real-world uses and
application of the elements and their periodic properties. Board
1.2 Context-based Teaching exercises and seatwork were conducted during each session.
Context-based teaching is an approach wherein context either
precedes or follows concepts (37). In science, context-based The treatment group was taught using active and context-based
teaching has been taken to be linked or allied closely with STS or approach. The specific context used dealt with the question,
Science-Technology-Sociey approach since both emphasize the “What are the common, everyday uses of the elements?” The
relevance and application of science in the everyday life of the treatment group worked in small groups throughout the duration
learner (38). Like active teaching and learning context-based of the experiment. The chairs were also rearranged to
approach is characterized by a constructivist/progressivist view, a accommodate the groupings and the group activities. Group
self-directed, student-centered approach where the teacher plays activities included games, brainstorming, collage-making, short
the role more of a guide and provider of resources and scaffolder skit/role-playing, and experiments. Other class activities included
of learning processes (15, 16, 39). board exercises, seatwork and discussion. A research homework
about industrial uses of elements was assigned, too.
In context-based approach to science teaching, learning is situated
or put in a context in which scientific concepts are developed. The In the first session with the treatment group, I started the class by
teaching unit is typically initiated and developed around a single dividing the class into groups. Each group was asked to form as
real-world topic (e.g. global warming or solar energy) or a many English or Tagalog words using the symbols of the elements
question or an issue that is relevant to the students for themselves in the allotted time. The second learning task was to come up with
as individuals, for their immediate community or society in which as many uses of chemicals found in their homes and identify the
they live (e.g. Is the hydrogen car the car of the future? How elements found in each. As metallic property, atomic and ionic
much do I know about the food I eat?) (40-43). size trends were discussed, the practical uses of elements used to
illustrate trends were embedded into the discussion. In their
Some of the curricula which uses the context-based approach “group huddle”, I asked the students to study the atomic diagrams
include Chemie im Kontext in Germany (16), ChemCom in the US (planetary model) of the given elements and explain the trends.
(44), and Salters Advanced Chemistry in the United Kingdom They were supposed to arrange the elements according to some
(45). Studies about the effects of these active and context-based prescribed order in terms of their metallic property, atomic and
methods show varying results. In the United Kingdom, one study ionic sizes. I asked each group to explain why they arranged the
showed little difference between what students learned using elements the way they did. I discussed some of the
Salters approach and what students learned in a more traditional misconceptions and proceeded to give additional examples,
or conventional way although students in context-based courses exercises and seatwork. A research homework about industrial
seemed to enjoy the course more and realized the relevance of uses of elements was given at the end.
chemistry to their lives more than students in a traditional, course
(46-48). A study in the United States showed that students taking During the second session the topic was on electronegativity,
up ChemCom, a context-based high school chemistry curriculum, electron affinity and ionization potential. At the beginning of the
performed better than students in traditional courses on class, I asked a few students to share briefly about their research
assessments that tested for both chemistry knowledge and ability homework. I then directed students to post on the walls their
to apply that knowledge (49). output for the homework. In the lesson proper, I asked volunteers
to come and help me create a “human model” of electronegativity. 4.2 Post Survey
I then asked the different groups to come up with their own The result of the survey is summarized in Table 2 which basically
human model of electron affinity and ionization potential. Each shows that the treatment group rated Items 2, 3, 5 and 6 higher
had to explain to the rest why they have chosen to portray the than the comparison group did.
periodic property the way they did. I clarified some of the
apparent misconceptions and proceeded to give additional
examples, exercises and seatwork. At the end of the class, I shared
about practical uses of ions in the human body and industry.
Table 1. Mean Scores for the Pretest and Posttest
On the third session, the students performed, by group, simple No. Mean Mean Mean
experiments about ions and activity of metals. After a brief Group of (SD) (SD) (SD)
discussion, I had them play a simple game about periodic trends. Compared students p-value p-value p-value
At the end of the class I entertained a few questions, then I t-value t-value t-value
reminded them of the quiz the following day.
Pre-test Posttest Gain
ANALYSIS Comparison 21 0.81(0.81) 4.67(2.13) 3.86(2.26)
To measure the performance or achievement, a pretest-posttest Treatment 21 1.05(0.59) 6.62(1.91) 5.57(2.09)
was conducted. Students took a 15-item pretest of which 8 items p = 0.28 p= 0.0033 p= 0.015
were tagged. These 8 items cover periodic trends: atomic size, t=-1.098 t=-3.213 t=-2.546
ionic size, metallic property, electronegativity, electron affinity
and ionization potential. The other 7 items were about concepts Male (T) 12 1.17(0.58) 6.42(2.39) 5.25(2.56)
the chemistry teacher discussed with them already. The test was Female (T) 9 0.89(0.60) 6.89(1.05) 6.00(1.22)
validated by the chemistry teacher and was based on standard
p= 0.13 p= 0.42 p= 0.24
exercises found in typical high school chemistry textbooks (51,
t=1.538 t=-0.825 t=-1.212
52). The pretest was administered to all 42 students of the two
sections during the first class session. A 25-item posttest was
given during the fourth class session to all 42 students. The 8 Female (C) 6 0.67(0.52) 5.17(1.33) 4.50(1.38)
tagged questions were repeated on the posttest. The other items Female (T) 9 0.89(0.60) 6.89(1.05) 6.00(1.22)
covered periodic trends as well but were not present in the pretest. p= 0.46 p= 0.026 p= 0.056
t=-0.754 t=-2.663 t=-2.159
Students from both sections also took a 7-item survey (5: Strongly
Agree; 1: Strongly Disagree) at the last session after the posttest.
The survey looks into their perception of the manner by which I
taught the class. The teacher was also interviewed regarding her Table 2. Mean Ratings of Post Survey*
observations of the students from both classes, particularly about T C M F
Survey Items (Std) (Std) (Std) (Std)
the involvement or participation of students during the class.
p-value p-value
A variety of t-tests were performed to determine whether there is 1. The topic was 4.31 4.40 4.33 4.25
a statistically significant difference between the results of the interesting to me. (0.48) (0.51) (0.50) (0.50)
pretest and posttest of the comparison and treatment group. The 0.635 0.795
pretest and posttest scores of the male and female students from 2. I enjoyed the 4.77 3.61 4.67 4.88
the treatment group were also compared and so were the scores of activities done during (0.44) (1.61) (0.50) (0.35)
the female students from the treatment group to the scores of the the class. 0.008 0.328
female students from the comparison group. The result of the 1
survey was also analyzed using t-test to determine any statistically 3. The activities helped 4.53 3.56 4.56 4.50
significant differences in the perception of the two groups about me to understand the (0.51) (1.26) (0.53) (0.53)
the way the class was conducted. In all these, a confidence level concepts. 0.021 0.819
of p ≤ 0.05 was chosen for analysis by independent samples t-test, 6
two-tailed using manual calculation and checked by a Free 4. The class helped me 4.20 4.24 4.25 4.14
Software called OpenStat. to be able to communi- (0.41) (0.75) (0.46) (0.38)
cate the concepts about 0.851 0.621
4. RESULTS periodicity
4.1 Pretest and Posttest 5. I enjoyed the way the 4.61 4.00 4.70 4.50
The mean pretest score of the treatment group was higher than the lessons were discussed. (0.50) (1.15) (0.48) (0.53)
comparison group, 1.05 and 0.81, respectively. The mean posttest 0.045 0.420
score of the treatment group was also higher than the comparison 0
group, 6.62 and 4.67, respectively. The gain scores of both groups 6. The class helped me 4.53 1.42 4.44 4.62
follow the same trend. These are summarized in Table 1, along to know the practical (0.51) (0.51) (0.53) (0.52)
with the standard of deviation (SD) and the results of t-tests. uses of the elements. <0.001 0.491

7. I understood most of 4.21 4.11 4.18 4.25

the concepts discussed (0.42) (0.68) (0.41) (0.46)
in class. 0.597 0.737

Legend: T: Treatment; C: Comparison; M: Male/Treatment; F:

Female/Treatment *NOTE: Rating of 3 or N was excluded

4.3 Teacher Interview

The significant responses from the subject teacher at the end
“Students from the [treatment group] look like they enjoyed the
“Students from the [treatment group] were very much involved
and participative”;
“The games and activities were very helpful”;
“There were minimal disruptive behaviors”;
“I also learned some creative ways to teach my class”.

5.1 Pretest and Posttest Scores
The posttest mean scores showed a siginificant difference at the p
≤ 0.05 level and even at the p< 0.01 level. The treatment group
scored an average of 1.95 points higher than the comparison
According to Gardner, students learn in many ways. Furthermore,
group. The gain scores of the treatment group showed an average
he believes that no one style is more superior to others; each
of 1.71 points higher than the comparison group. This is
contributes to the process of effective learning. Active and
statistically significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level and almost at the p<
context-based teaching enhances learning in that it encompasses
0.01 level. This shows that active and context-based teaching
all the learning styles (53). Brown and associates argued also that
helped to improve the performance of students. Studies using the
knowledge is situated being in part a product of the activity,
ChemCon curriculum in the US showed the same conclusion –
context, and culture in which it is developed and used (54). They
students performed better in an active and context-based teaching.
point to the fact that the context strongly influences what
Students emerged with a better understanding of chemistry and
knowledge is acquired and which competencies are developed.
outperformed students taught in a passive and traditional
Active and context-based teaching enhances learning by
environment (44, 49). Although other studies show little or no
presenting concepts in the context of relationships that are
effect of using active and context-based teaching in the
familiar to the student (53).
performance of students (46, 47), the apparent impact on the
performance in the current study and others as well is consistent 5.2 Gender Aspects
with Gardner’s view of multiple intelligences (53). There are no significant statistical differences in the mean scores
(pretest, posttest and gain scores) of the boys and girls in the
treatment group. It can be said therefore that the significant
difference in the scores between the treatment and comparison
groups is basically due to the methodology, not gender. It can also
be said that both boys and girls in the treatment group responded
positively to active and context-based teaching.
There are also no significant differences in the scores of the girls
from the treatment and the comparison groups.
5.3 Post Survey
The are significant differences in the perception of students from
the treatment and comparison groups about the way the class was
conducted. The mean ratings for survey Items 2 and 5 showed that
students from the treatment group enjoyed the class more than the
students from the comparison group. The mean ratings are
statistically significant at the p< 0.01 level for Item 2 and at the p
≤ 0.05 level for Item 5. This is consistent with other studies which
showed that students in context-based classes seemed to enjoy the
class more and realized the relevance of chemistry to their lives
more than students in a traditional, class (46, 47). This affective
impact contributes to enhancing the motivation of the students
towards the lessons thus increasing their involvement and
participation (48). This can be supported by the perception of the
subject teacher towards the end of the experiment.

The rating of the treatment group for Item 6 is clearly

significantly higher. This is in accordance to the goal of making
the practical uses of the elements as the context for the series of
lessons on periodicity. Except for a bonus question about practical
uses of the elements in the posttest, there was no mention of such
in the comparison group. In contrast the treatment group received
a lot of “exposures” about the uses of the elements throughout the
4 days.

The lower rating of the treatment group for Item 1 seems to

contradict their rating for Items 2, 5 and 6. This may be explained
by noting that perhaps Item 1 was interpreted by the students to
mean their interest on the topic of periodicity. The topic itself may
not be that interesting but nevertheless the students enjoyed the
way the class was conducted. The topic of periodicity may not be
that interesting; however, the students still found the uses of the
elements fascinating.

The difference in the mean ratings for Item 3 between the

treatment and comparison groups is statistically significant at the
p ≤ 0.05 level. This can be interpreted that the active and context-
based methodology helped in the conceptual understanding of
periodicity among students in the treatment group. This may
account for the higher gain scores of the group. The context and
the activities were designed to help students understand the
concepts. According to Ronald A. Berk (55) the only way to get In summary, the present study showed that:
100% retention of information is by: " ... hearing, seeing, doing,
smelling, feeling, tasting, inhaling, injecting and purchasing on (1) Active and context-based teaching enhances the performance
credit ... " The diagram below illustrates how learning is enhanced of students.
as the students become more involved with the learning process (2) Active and context-based teaching enhances the interest,
(active): motivation and involvement of the students.

5.3 Recommendations
The results of the study are encouraging and should spur science
teachers to pursue developing teaching materials, units or even
curricula that reflect active and context-based approach. There is
really strong evidence from the study that active and context-
based approach encourages higher thinking among the students.
Perhaps though, more specific studies can be done to measure the
extent and how this takes place. Some questions are worth
pursuing also to make the impact of the study more relevant? Are
the students experiencing a need to know such that they constantly
experience the relevance of what they are learning? Are the
context chosen really relevant and meaningful to the students, not
just the teachers? One limitation of the study is that the number of
students involved was rather small. The study needs to be
conducted to include more classes in more schools. The lesson
plans need to be standardized to make the treatment consistent.
With greater number, other statistical means can be employed to
make the analysis more powerful. There is also a need to think
about the development of teachers to be able to teach using active
and context-based approach.

I especially thank Miss Edlyn de la Cruz (St. John’s Wort
Montessori School of Antipolo) for allowing me to conduct my
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