USBN English 2020 SMA
USBN English 2020 SMA
USBN English 2020 SMA
A. Answer these following questions by crossing the Azka : Yes. I always go there whenever I have free
correct option. time. I love reading books. It’s also cozy.
Aziz : Cool. That’s why you’re a very smart
This dialogue is for number 1 – 2. student. You read a lot.
Azka : Well, reading books always opens mind.
Rina : What are you thinking about? Anyways, how do you spend your free time?
Dino : I’m thinking about my plan after graduating Aziz : I play football with my friends. I also love
from Senior High School. cooking in my free time.
Rina : Can you tell me your plan? Azka : You can cook? What food can you cook?
Dino : My parents asked me to study in Turkey since Aziz : Yes, I can. Normally, I cook western food
its higher education there is cheaper than here. like pizza and spaghetti.
But, it’s kind of hard for me to live far away Azka : You should give me your cooking.
from my family. What about yours? Aziz : Sure. Please come to my house tomorrow.
Rina : I think it’s a good idea. Living far away from I’ll cook for you.
your parents will teach you how to be an Azka : I wish I could. I need to go to Bogor
independent man. I’ll be studying at UI tomorrow. Maybe, next times.
majoring in international relations. I want to be
a diplomat. 3. What does the man imply by saying “not really”?
Dino : That sounds great. It means that you’re going a. He often goes to the National Library.
to live far away from your parents as well? b. He doesn’t like the National Library.
Rina : Yes. I want to be independent. Of course, I’ll c. He has never been to the National Library.
be missing them, but I think it’s going to be a d. He loves going to the National Library.
great challenge for me. e. He seldom goes to the National Library.
29. What can we infer from the text? 32. What will the customer service do when you have
a. The temporary house will be build in the difficulty?
family lands a. He will talk about the process.
b. The displaced family will build 400 houses b. He will have a live conversation.
for two state banks c. He will solve the problem with you.
c. Shelters will be built by two state banks for d. He will click through the activation.
the earthquake victims e. He will make your credit card active.
d. Bank Mandiri will be built in the South
Sibayala 33. “You'll likely need your credit card number, your
e. Bank BNI will be built by the earthquake account number, and the security code on the back
victims in Jonoge Village of Sigi of the card.” (Point 2)
The word “you” is refers to?
30. “The temporary houses will be constructed on a. The reader
pieces of land..” The temporary word has b. The writer
antonym of …….. c. The customer service
a. Momentary d. The credit card
b. Transitory e. The credit card owner
c. Limited
d. Permanent
e. Seasonal This text is for number 34 – 38.