Project Creation in Sap (Validation & Substitution)
Project Creation in Sap (Validation & Substitution)
Project Creation in Sap (Validation & Substitution)
We can create project in SAP and assign activities to be completed in the project. We can specify
plan data of completion for each activity.
Only we can completed the activity the actual data update automatically.
Path: spro-from the menu bar –select go to project management-select create project botten-
Select scope tab –select specify project scope by making manual selection in reference IMG radio
button-select specify scope button-select in live we select require item.
Select generate project IMG button –ignore themassage press-enter-select specify project scope by
choosing application component and countries radio button-select include all countries in project
scope radio button-select generate project IMG button-IGNORE THE MASSAGE –enter-save.
Select back buton 2 times-select add to work list button-select project (deba) check box –enter
Dubble click on project (debe)-selct enterprise structure folder-seect definition folder-selct financial
accounting folder –keep the crosser on define company.
Select new entries button-company (16)-company name(g) & give the address 7 save.-create the
request & save in the request.
Select back arrow 2 times –select memo tab (FI consultant on leave on 26.8.2017.-save.
Path: spro-from the menu bar select go to project analysis-project (deba)-select execute button.
Validation means checking at the time of entry. It can check header level /line item level after
completing the document.
Profit center: in hyd steel & cement , in bgl steel & cement.
No range: 01,03,02,04.
if profit center steel accounted by mistake post with document type SB.
If profit center cement accounted by mistake post with document type SA.
If cement profit center accounted by mistake post with SA given error message stating that
document type SA to be used only by steel profit center.
If steel profit center accounted by mistake post withSB given error message stating that document
type SB to be used only by cement profit center.
As per income tax act, cash payment in excess of 10000 wil be create a validation rule cash above
10000 the five warning or error message.
Select financial accounting folder-select line item folder-select/create validation button –validation
name (deba)-description (profit center checking)-save.
Keep the crosor on (deba)-select step in menu bar –validation step description(steel profit center
Keep the crosser on prerequisite-doublle click on accounting header-double click on document type-
select = button-select constant button-document type SA –enter .
Keep the crosser on check-double click on profit center-select = select constant-profit center (steel)-
Keep the crosser on message-select maintain message button-select next free number button-select
individual maintain button-give the description(document type SA to be used by steel profit center
Select back button 2 times –message type-select E error-message no(035)(document type SA to be
used by steel profit center only)
If not there message no then go back & select change maintain & then change organisation & create
After under message variables for (1) select (bkpf)-document type for (2) (bseg)-profit center-save.
Keep the crosser on (deba)-select step button-validation stpes description (cement profit center
Keep the crosser on check-double click on (accounting document segment)-double click on( profit
center)-select = select constraint button-profit center (cement)-enter.
Keep the crosser on message-select maintain message button-select next free number –select
individual maintaining button-give the description(document type SA to be used by cement profit
Select new entries button-company code(deba)-call up point select (0002)line item-validation select
(deba)-activation level select (1) active-save-save in (deba customization request).
Substitution :
Replace the field with some text/value. Also use for data takes over.
Select financial accounting folder-keep the crosser on line items-select substitution button-
substitution(deba)-description(text substitution)-save.
Keep the crosser on prerequisite-double click an account document header-double click on company
code =select constraint button-company code(deba)-enter.
Keep the crosser on variant (sap01)-select copy button-to variant(deba)-enter-keep the crosser on
tax code ,business area ,cost center ,order ,company code, all delete for field button-select page
down button-double click on profit center-enter-save-create a request-press enter & save in work
bench request –keep the crosser on (deba)-select activate button.
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1. ERP Financials
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3. Special Purpose Ledger
- built-in help: check function is available to ensure the validation is logically correct
- output will be either a warning message (this message can be ignored) or an error message
- values or value intervals are validated according to certain conditions (prerequisits) defined
- in case the conditition is met during the program run a replacement will happen
First step is to define which application should use validation / substitution (where?) The following applications use the VSR-Tool and this makes
this tool a cross-application-tool:
Second step is to define when exactly a validation / substitution is happening. In tr. GB31 you can check the combinations of Callup-Points and
Applications. Each combination builds a so-called Boolean-Class. In table GB31, you will also find the information, if substitutions or validations
are possible for a certain Boolean-Class. Some examples:
FI 2 9 x x Document Line
FI 3 15 x x Complete Document
Third step is the most complex: define the validation / substitution itself. (what to do and how to do)
Forth step to assign the validation /substition to an appropriate org unit e.g. company code.
Many values that you enter into the SAP R/3 System e.g. in tr. fb60 are automatically checked against standard validation rules.
These validations are R/3 checks not Customer defined. These are standardized, however, Customer specific validations cannot be standarized.
FI-SL*provides a wide range of solution approches to create customer validations. FI-SL validations allow you to create your own Boolean
statements without making any changes to the standard system.
Validation Structure
Each validation step consists of these 3 main points:
Callup points
Validation/substitution callup points are specific places in an application, which specify the exact location where a validation/substitution occurs.
At each callup point, the system can use information you have already entered (such as a user name, header information, and information
entered in previous callup points) to validate/substitute the values you enter at a callup point.
At callup point (1) only those fields above and the system fields can be used for validation.
Exception: Document number, Cross-CC no. are blank when they are created automatically by the system at the end of the process.
Boolean class
Boolean class is a technical term, which determines the fields that can be used in a validation/substitution/rule definition, as well as the message
class for validation messages (see table GB31 and GB01).
When defining a validation in tr. GGB0 the R/3 system generates coding according to validation definition.
aa = Application Area
The validation ensures that postings only with Document type (Belegart) 'SA' can be performed in Company Code VATO. In case the Document
type is different an error message appears and no posting can be carried out.
In transaction FB01 the two different outcome of the validation can be realized
In case you would like to analyse it coding side:
You can use „=SHCE“ and „=SHCF“ in the command field while you are on the validation step:
A substitution is the checking process of entered values against a user-defined Boolean statement. If the statement is true, the system substitutes
specified values into the system. Important to mention that the system performs substitutions before validations so that substituted values can
also be validated.
Process of a Subtitution definition
aa = Application Area
A subsitution was created with the below settings:
As in case of Validations the trace function is also available here. Further information can be found in KBA 1589540.
User Exit
User exits are user-defined FORM routines, which are used to calculate and/or replace values within a validation, substitution, or rule.
User exits have the following format: Uxyz, for example: U100
User Exits are stored in Formpools. The name of the Formpool is customized in table T80d (transaction GCX2)
In transaction SE38 a copy of template of RGGBR000 (Length: 8 Characters Client dependent) can be performed into e.g. ZGGBR000
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