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Abb Edp300

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Operating Instruction OI/EDP300-EN Rev.

PositionMaster EDP300
Digital Positioner
Short product description
Digital positioner for the positioning of pneumatically controlled

Devices firmware version: 01.00.09

Further information
Additional documentation on PositionMaster EDP300 is
available to download free of charge at

Alternatively simply scan this code:

ABB Automation Products GmbH
Industrial Automation
Schillerstr. 72
32425 Minden
Tel: +49 571 830-0
Fax: +49 571 830-1806

Customer service center

Tel: +49 180 5 222 580
Mail: automation.service@de.abb.com

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2 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Contents 7.3.3  Mounting on control valves ................................ 18 
1  Safety ............................................................................... 5  7.3.4  Mounting on part-turn actuators......................... 18 
7.4  Electrical connections ........................................ 20 
1.1  General information and instructions .................... 5  7.4.1  Electrical connection to positioner / EDP300 Control
1.2  Warnings ............................................................. 5  Unit.................................................................... 20 
1.3  Intended use........................................................ 5  7.4.2  Electrical connection to the EDP300 remote sensor
1.4  Improper use ....................................................... 5  .......................................................................... 21 
1.5  Warranty provisions ............................................. 5  7.4.3  Electrical data for inputs and outputs ................. 21 
7.4.4  Connection on the device .................................. 23 
2  Use in potentially explosive atmospheres according to 7.4.5  Connection to device - EDP300 Control Unit with
ATEX and IECEx .............................................................. 6  EDP300 Remote Sensor .................................... 24 
2.1  Product identification ........................................... 6  7.4.6  Connection to device - EDP300 Control Unit for
2.2  Ex-marking .......................................................... 6  remote position sensor ...................................... 25 
2.3  Installation ........................................................... 6  7.5  Installing the option modules .............................. 26 
2.3.1  Cable gland ......................................................... 6  7.5.1  Installing the mechanical position indicator ......... 26 
2.3.2  Operation with flammable gas .............................. 7  7.5.2  Installing the mechanical position feedback ........ 26 
2.3.3  Operation in temperature class T6 ....................... 7  7.5.3  Installing the pressure option .............................. 26 
2.4  ATEX and IECEx temperature data....................... 7  7.6  Setting the option modules ................................ 27 
2.4.1  Type of protection Ex i, intrinsic safety.................. 7  7.6.1  Setting the mechanical position indicator ........... 27 
2.4.2  Type of protection Ex n - non-sparking ................ 7  7.6.2  Setting the mechanical binary feedback with
2.5  ATEX und IECEx electrical data ............................ 7  proximity switches ............................................. 27 
2.5.1  Type of protection Ex i, intrinsic safety.................. 7  7.6.3  Setting the mechanical binary feedback with 24 V
2.5.2  Type of protection Ex n - non-sparking ................ 8  microswitches .................................................... 28 
7.7  Pneumatic connections...................................... 28 
3  Use in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance 7.7.1  Information on double acting actuators with spring-
with FM and CSA ............................................................ 9  return mechanism .............................................. 28 
3.1  Product identification ........................................... 9  7.7.2  Connection on the device .................................. 29 
3.2  Ex-marking .......................................................... 9  7.7.3  Air supply........................................................... 29 
3.3  Installation ........................................................... 9 
3.3.1  Cable gland ......................................................... 9  8  Commissioning .............................................................. 30 
3.3.2  Operation with flammable gas .............................. 9  8.1  Safety instructions.............................................. 30 
3.3.3  Use in areas with combustible dust .................... 10  8.2  Checks prior to commissioning .......................... 30 
3.3.4  Operation in temperature class T6 ..................... 10  8.3  Mechanical mounting checks ............................. 30 
3.4  Temperature data .............................................. 10  8.3.1  Moving to end positions following completion of
3.5  Electrical data .................................................... 10  Auto Adjust ........................................................ 30 
8.3.2 Moving to end positions with a new device ........ 30 
4  Function and system design......................................... 12 
4.1  Schematic diagram ............................................ 12  9  Operation ....................................................................... 31 
4.2  Functionality ...................................................... 12  9.1  Safety instructions.............................................. 31 
9.2  Parameterization of the device ........................... 31 
5  Product identification .................................................... 13  9.2.1  Menu navigation ................................................ 31 
5.1  Name plate ........................................................ 13  9.3  Menu levels........................................................ 32 
9.3.1  Process display.................................................. 33 
6  Transport and storage .................................................. 13  9.3.2  Switching to the information level (Operator Menu)
6.1  Inspection .......................................................... 13  .......................................................................... 33 
6.2  Transporting the device ..................................... 13  9.3.3  Switching the operating mode............................ 34 
6.3  Storing the device .............................................. 13  9.3.4  Switching to the configuration level
6.3.1  Ambient conditions ............................................ 13  (parameterization) .............................................. 35 
6.4  Returning devices .............................................. 13  9.3.5  Selecting and changing parameters ................... 35 
9.3.6  Error messages on the LCD display ................... 36 
7  Installation ..................................................................... 14  9.3.7  Start Auto Adjust function .................................. 37 
7.1  Safety instructions ............................................. 14  9.4  Overview of parameters on the configuration level38 
7.2  External position sensors ................................... 14  9.5  Parameter descriptions ...................................... 41 
7.3  Mechanical mounting ......................................... 15  9.5.1  Menu Easy Setup............................................... 41 
7.3.1  General information ............................................ 15  9.5.2  Menu Device Setup............................................ 42 
7.3.2  Mounting on linear actuators .............................. 15  9.5.3  Menu: Display .................................................... 47 

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 3

9.5.4  Menu: Control .................................................... 48 
9.5.5  Menu: Input/Output ........................................... 51 
9.5.6  Menu: Communication....................................... 56 
9.5.7  Menu: Diagnosis ................................................ 57 
9.5.8  Menu: Device Info .............................................. 59 
9.5.9  Menu: Service .................................................... 60 

10  Diagnosis / error messages .......................................... 62 

10.1  Calling up the error description .......................... 62 
10.2  Possible error messages .................................... 63 

11  Maintenance .................................................................. 66 

12  Repair ............................................................................ 66 

12.1  Returning devices .............................................. 66 

13  Recycling and disposal ................................................. 66 

13.1  Disposal ............................................................ 66 
13.2  Information on ROHS Directive 2011/65/EC....... 66 

14  Supplemental specifications ........................................ 67 

14.1  Actuator travel ................................................... 67 
14.2  Housing ............................................................. 67 
14.2.1  Mounting orientation .......................................... 67 
14.3  Transmission data and influences ...................... 67 
14.3.1  Seismic vibration................................................ 67 
14.3.2  Influence of mounting orientation ....................... 67 
14.3.3  Noise emissions................................................. 67 
14.4  Ambient conditions ............................................ 67 

15  Additional documents ................................................... 67 

16  Accessories ................................................................... 68 

16.1  Extension modules ............................................ 68 
16.2  Accessories ....................................................... 68 
16.2.1  Mounting material .............................................. 68 
16.2.2  Pressure gauge block (optional) ......................... 68 
16.2.3  PC adapter for communication .......................... 68 
16.2.4  PC software for remote configuration and operation
........................................................................ 68 

17  Appendix ....................................................................... 69 

17.1  Return form ....................................................... 69 
17.2  Control Drawing 901305 .................................... 70 

4 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

1 Safety 1.3 Intended use
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Positioning of pneumatically controlled actuators; designed for
1.1 General information and instructions mounting on linear and part-turn actuators.
These instructions are an important part of the product and The device is designed for use exclusively within the stated
must be retained for future reference. values on the name plate and in the data sheet.
Installation, commissioning, and maintenance of the product — The maximum operating temperature must not be
may only be performed by trained specialist personnel who exceeded.
have been authorized by the plant operator accordingly. The — The permissible ambient temperature must not be
specialist personnel must have read and understood the exceeded.
manual and must comply with its instructions. — The housing protection type must be observed.
For additional information or if specific problems occur that are
not discussed in these instructions, contact the manufacturer. 1.4 Improper use
The content of these instructions is neither part of nor an The following are considered to be instances of improper use
amendment to any previous or existing agreement, promise or of the device:
legal relationship. — For use as a climbing aid, e.g. for mounting purposes.
Modifications and repairs to the product may only be — For use as a support for external loads, e.g. as a support
performed if expressly permitted by these instructions. for piping, etc.
Information and symbols on the product must be observed. — Material application, e.g. by painting over the name plate
These may not be removed and must be fully legible at all or welding/soldering on parts.
times. — Material removal, e.g. by spot drilling the housing.
The operating company must strictly observe the applicable
national regulations relating to the installation, function testing, 1.5 Warranty provisions
repair and maintenance of electrical products. Using the device in a manner that does not fall within the
scope of its intended use, disregarding this manual, using
1.2 Warnings underqualified personnel, or making unauthorized alterations
The warnings in these instructions are structured as follows: releases the manufacturer from liability for any resulting
damage. This renders the manufacturer's warranty null and
DANGER void.
The signal word "DANGER" indicates an imminent danger.
Failure to observe this information will result in death or
severe injury.

The signal word "WARNING" indicates an imminent danger.
Failure to observe this information may result in death or
severe injury.

The signal word "CAUTION" indicates an imminent danger.
Failure to observe this information may result in minor or
moderate injury.

The signal word "NOTICE" indicates useful or important
information about the product.
The signal word "NOTICE" is not a signal word indicating a
danger to personnel. The signal word "NOTICE" can also
refer to material damage.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 5

2 Use in potentially explosive 2.3 Installation
atmospheres according to ATEX and The installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of
devices in potentially explosive atmospheres must only be
IECEx carried out by appropriately trained personnel. Works may be
carried out only by persons, whose training has included
NOTICE instructions on different types of protection and installation
Further information on the approval of devices for use in techniques, concerned rules and regulations as well as general
potentially explosive atmospheres can be found in the type principles of zoning. The person must possess the appropriate
examination certificates or the relevant certificates at competences for the type of work to be conducted.
www.abb.com/positioners. When operating with combustible dusts, comply with
EN 60079-31.
2.1 Product identification The safety instructions for electrical apparatus in potentially
Depending on the type of explosion protection, an Ex name explosive areas must be in accordance with Directive
plate is attached next to the main name plate on the 2014/34/EC (ATEX) and IEC60079-14 (Installation of electrical
positioner. equipment in potentially explosive areas).
This indicates the level of explosion protection and the Comply with the applicable regulations for the protection of
device's relevant Ex certificate. employees to ensure safe operation.

2.2 Ex-marking NOTICE

Observe the device's applicable specifications and special
ATEX conditions in accordance with the type examination
Type Examination Test Certificate ZELM 11 ATEX 0456 X certificate or other certificates!
II 1G Ex ia IIC T6 or T4 Ga
II 1D Ex iaD IIIC T55°C or T100°C Da — Any manipulation of the device by users is not permitted.
Ta = -40°C … 40°C or 85°C Only the manufacturer or an explosion protection
II 3G Ex nA IIC T6 or T4 Gc specialist may modify the device
II 2D Ex tb IIIC T55°C or T100°C Db — The device may only be operated with instrument air that
Ta = 40°C … 40°C or 80°C is free of oil, water, and dust.

IECEx 2.3.1 Cable gland

Type Examination Test Certificate IECEx ZLM 11.0001 X Limited temperature range of the M20 x 1.5 plastic cable
Ex ia IIC T6 or T4 Ga gland for explosion protection variants.
Ex iaD IIIC T55 °C or T100°C Da The permissible ambient temperature range of the cable gland
Ta = -40 ° … 40 ° or 85 is -20 … 80 °C (-4 ... 176 °F). When using the cable gland,
Ex nA IIC T6 or T4 Gc make sure that the ambient temperature is within this range.
Ex tb IIIC T55 °C or T100°C Db The cable gland must be installed in the housing with a
Ta = -40 ° … 40 ° or 80 °C tightening torque of 3.8 Nm. When installing the connection of
the cable gland and cable, check for tightness to ensure that
the required IP rating is met.
Ex ia IIC T4/T6 Ga X
Ex ia IIIC T100°C/T55°C Da IP65
EX nA IIC T4/T6 Gc X
Ex tb IIIC T100°C/T55°C Db IP65

6 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

2.3.2 Operation with flammable gas 2.4 ATEX and IECEx temperature data
Observe the following points when operating a device with 2.4.1 Type of protection Ex i, intrinsic safety
flammable gases:
— The device must be used in accordance with the Temperature Ambient temperature Surface temperature
specifications in the relevant certificate. class
— Only the design with the "Intrinsic Safety" type of T4 -40 … 85 °C (-40 … 185 °F) 100 °C (212 °F)
protection has been approved for operation with natural T6 -40 … 40 °C (-40 … 104 °F) 55° C (131 °F)
gas. The pneumatic outputs must be vented in non-Ex
areas. 2.4.2 Type of protection Ex n - non-sparking
— The maximum ambient temperature must not exceed
60 °C (140 °F). Temperature Ambient temperature Surface temperature
— During operation with flammable gases in type of class
protection "Ex n", the device may only be operated with T4 -40 … 80 °C (-40 … 176 °F) 100 °C (212 °F)
approved cable glands. T6 -40 … 40 °C (-40 … 104 °F) 55° C (131 °F)
— During operation with flammable gases, the cover cap for
the air outlets can be removed, and the air outlets can be 2.5 ATEX und IECEx electrical data
tubed separately. Both pipes may not be joined in one 2.5.1 Type of protection Ex i, intrinsic safety
pipe. Basic device

Use in areas with combustible dust Signal circuit (AI)

Observe the following points when operating a device with Terminals +11 / -12
combustible dust: Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
To prevent loss of type of protection, the housing may not be Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
opened. Ii = 320 mA Ii = 320 mA
— Only use cable glands which are approved for the type of Pi = 1.1 W Pi = 0.8 W
protection and correspond to IP rating ≥ IP 6X. Ci = 6.5 nF without pressure option; 8.8 nF with pressure option
— Avoid hazardous propagating brush discharge. Li = negligibly small

2.3.3 Operation in temperature class T6 Digital input (DI)

During operation in temperature class T6, when the equipment Terminals +81 / -82
is partially or fully depressurized, ensure that there is no Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
possibility of a hazardous atmosphere getting into the Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
pneumatic system or that any hazardous atmosphere is Pi = 500 mW Pi = 400 mW
removed prior to compression by taking suitable action. Ci = 4.2 nF
When commissioning in temperature class T6, flush the Li = negligibly small
pneumatic system with 1.4 (+/- 0.1) bar until all traces of any
explosive mixture have been removed (at least 5 minutes). Digital output (DO)
Ventilate and evacuate the EDP300 fully several times. Terminals +83 / -84
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
Pi = 500 mW Pi = 400 mW
Ci = 4.2 nF
Li = negligibly small

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 7

Option modules 2.5.2 Type of protection Ex n - non-sparking
Basic device
Module for the emergency shutdown function
Terminals +85 / -86 Signal circuit (AI)
Temperature class T1 – T6 Terminals +11 / -12
Ui = 30 V Electrical values IN ≤ 22 mA; Umax ≤ 30 V
Pi = 1 W
Ci = 5.3 nF Digital input (DI)
Li = negligibly small Terminals +81 / -82
Electrical values UN ≤ 30 V
Module for analog feedback (AO)
Terminals +31 / -32 Digital output (DO)
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6 Terminals +83 / -84
Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V Electrical values UN ≤ 30 V
Ii = 320 mA Ii = 320 mA
Pi = 1 W Pi = 0.8 W Option modules
Ci = 11.3 nF
Li = 150 μH Module for the emergency shutdown function
Terminals +85 / -86
Module for universal input (UAI) Electrical values UN ≤ 30 V
Terminals +21 / -22
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6 Module for analog feedback (AO)
Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V Terminals +31 / -32
Ii = 320 mA Ii = 320 mA Electrical values IN ≤ 22 mA; U N ≤ 30 V
Pi = 1 W Pi = 0.8 W
Ci = 11.3 nF Module for universal input (UAI)
Li = 150 μH Terminals +21 / -22
Electrical values IN ≤ 22 mA; U max ≤ 30 V
Module for digital feedback (SW1 / SW2)
Terminals SW 1: +41 / -42 Module for digital feedback (SW1 / SW2)
SW 2: +51 / -52 Terminals SW 1: +41 / -42
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6 SW 2: +51 / -52
Per output: Per output: Electrical values Per output: UN ≤ 30 V
Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
Pi = 0.5 W Pi = 0.4 W Limit switch (Limit 1 / Limit 2)
Ii = 250 mA Limit monitor with proximity switch1)
Ci = 2.2 nF per output Terminals Limit 1: +51 / -52
Li = negligibly small Limit 2: +41 / -42
Electrical values Per output: IN ≤ 25 mA; UN ≤ 16 V
Limit switch (Limit 1 / Limit 2)
1) No IECEx approval
Limit monitor with proximity switch1)
Terminals Limit 1: +51 / -52
Limit 2: +41 / -42
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
In accordance with type examination certificate PTB 00 ATEX 2049X

1) No IECEx approval

8 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

3 Use in potentially explosive 3.3 Installation
atmospheres in accordance with FM The installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of
devices in areas with explosion hazard must only be carried
and CSA out by appropriately trained personnel.
The operator must strictly observe the applicable national
NOTICE regulations with regard to installation, function tests, repairs,
Further information on the approval of devices for use in and maintenance of electrical devices. (e.g. NEC, CEC).
potentially explosive atmospheres can be found in the type
examination certificates or the relevant certificates at NOTICE
www.abb.com/positioners. Observe the device's applicable specifications and special
conditions in accordance with the relevant certificate.
3.1 Product identification
Depending on the type of explosion protection, an Ex name — Any manipulation of the device by users is not permitted.
plate is attached next to the main name plate on the Only the manufacturer or an explosion protection
positioner. specialist may modify the device
This indicates the level of explosion protection and the — The device may only be operated with instrument air that
device's relevant Ex certificate. is free of oil, water, and dust.

3.2 Ex-marking 3.3.1 Cable gland

Limited temperature range of the M20 x 1.5 plastic cable
FM gland for explosion protection variants.
FM Approval 3043773 The permissible ambient temperature range of the cable gland
Control drawing 901305 is -20 … 80 °C (-4 ... 176 °F). When using the cable gland,
IS, CL. I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, D, T4 or T6 make sure that the ambient temperature is within this range.
IS, CL. II, Div. 1, Gr. E, F, G, T4 or T6 The cable gland must be installed in the housing with a
IS, CL. III, Div. 1, T4 or T6 tightening torque of 3.8 Nm. When installing the connection of
Class I Zone 0, AEx ia IIC, T4 or T6 the cable gland and cable, check for tightness to ensure that
NI, Cl. I, Div. 2, Gr. A, B, C, D, T4 or T6 the required IP rating is met.
NI. CI. II, Div. 2, Gr. E, F, G, T4 or T6
NI, Cl. III, Div. 2, T4 or T6 3.3.2 Operation with flammable gas
Class I Zone 2, IIC T4 or T6 Observe the following points when operating a device with
T4 Ta=(-40 ... +85) °C; (-40 ... +185) °F flammable gases:
T6 Ta=(-40 ... +40) °C; (-40 ... +104) °F — The device must be used in accordance with the
Type 4X specifications in the relevant certificate.
— Only the design with the IS “Intrinsic Safety ” type of
CSA protection may be operated with natural gas. The
Certificate 2419437 pneumatic outputs must be vented in non-hazardous
Control drawing 901305 areas.
CL I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, D, T4 or T6 — During operation with flammable gases, the cover cap for
CL II, Div. 1, Gr. E, F, G, T4 or T6 the air outlets must be removed, and the air outlets can be
CL III, Div. 1 tubed separately. Both pipes may not be joined in one
Class I Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4 or T6 pipe.
CL I, Div. 2, Gr. A, B, C, D, T4 or T6 — The maximum ambient temperature must not exceed
CL II, Div. 2, Gr. E, F, G, T4 or T6 60 °C (140 °F).
CL III, Div. 2, T4 or T6 See also "Control Drawing 901305" on page 70.
Class I Zone 2, AEx nA IIC, T4 or T6
T4 Ta=(-40 ... +85) °C; (-40 ... +185) °F
T6 Ta=(-40 ... +40) °C; (-40 ... +104) °F

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 9

3.3.3 Use in areas with combustible dust 3.5 Electrical data
Observe the following points when operating a device with Basic device
combustible dust:
To prevent loss of type of protection, the housing may not be Signal circuit (AI)
opened. Terminals +11 / -12
— Only use cable glands which are approved for the type of Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
protection and correspond to IP rating ≥ IP-6X. Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
— Avoid hazardous propagating brush discharge. Ii = 320 mA Ii = 320 mA
Pi = 1.1 W Pi = 0.8 W
3.3.4 Operation in temperature class T6 Ci = 6.5 nF without pressure option; 8.8 nF with pressure option
During operation in temperature class T6, when the equipment Li = negligibly small
is partially or fully depressurized, ensure that there is no
possibility of an explosive atmosphere getting into the Digital input (DI)
pneumatic system or that any explosive atmosphere is Terminals +81 / -82
removed prior to compression by taking suitable action. Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
When commissioning in temperature class T6, flush the Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
pneumatic system with 1.4 (+/- 0.1) bar until all traces of any Pi = 500 mW Pi = 400 mW
explosive mixture have been removed (at least 5 minutes). Ci = 4.2 nF
Ventilate and evacuate the EDP300 fully several times. Li = negligibly small

3.4 Temperature data Digital output (DO)

Terminals +83 / -84
NOTICE Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
Legibility of the display is guaranteed at an ambient Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
temperature of -20 … 70 °C. At -20°C and lower, legibility Pi = 500 mW Pi = 400 mW
can become limited. Legibility can be compensated by Ci = 4.2 nF
adjusting contrast. Contrast adjustment can be made Li = negligibly small
manually directly on the device.
The display can fail at temperatures below -20°C. Moreover,
functioning of the device is guaranteed up to -40°C.

Temperature class Ambient temperature Tamb
T1 ... T4 -40 °C ... 85 °C
T6 -40 °C ... 40 °C

Temperature class Ambient temperature Tamb
T4 -40 °C ... 85 °C
T6 -40 °C ... 40 °C

10 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Option modules

Module for the emergency shutdown function

Terminals +85 / -86
Temperature class T1 – T6
Ui = 30 V
Pi = 1 W
Ci = 5.3 nF
Li = negligibly small

Module for analog feedback (AO)

Terminals +31 / -32
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
Ii = 320 mA Ii = 320 mA
Pi = 1 W Pi = 0.8 W
Ci = 11.3 nF
Li = 150 μH

Module for universal input (UAI)

Terminals +21 / -22
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
Ii = 320 mA Ii = 320 mA
Pi = 1 W Pi = 0.8 W
Ci = 11.3 nF
Li = 150 μH

Module for digital feedback (SW1 / SW2)

Terminals SW 1: +41 / -42
SW 2: +51 / -52
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
Per output: Per output:
Ui = 30 V Ui = 28 V
Pi = 0.5 W Pi = 0.4 W
Ii = 250 mA
Ci = 2.2 nF per output
Li = negligibly small

Limit switch (Limit 1 / Limit 2)

Limit monitor with proximity switch1)
Terminals Limit 1: +51 / -52
Limit 2: +41 / -42
Temperature class T1 – T4 Temperature class T6
-25 … 85 °C -25°C … 40°C

1) No IECEx approval
Change from two to one column

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 11

4 Function and system design
4.1 Schematic diagram
Basic device Optional upgrades

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the positioner

A Electronics B Pneumatics C Position sensor
1 4 ... 20 mA / Bus connection 2 Digital input 3 Alarm output 4 Supply air 5 Output 1 6 Output 2 7 Analog feedback 8 Digital
feedback 9 Emergency shutdown module j Universal input k Pressure sensor l Limit alarm with 24 V microswitch m Limit alarm
with proximity switch (NC) n Limit alarm with proximity switch (NO) o Visual position indication

4.2 Functionality
The PositionMaster EDP300 is an electronically configurable positioner with communication capabilities designed for mounting
on pneumatic linear or part-turn actuators.
Fully automatic determination of the control parameters and adaptation to the positioner allow for considerable time savings as
well as optimum control behavior.

12 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

5 Product identification
5.1 Name plate

Supply press: 0,14 ... 1 MP a 9

Input: analog 4 - 20 mA j
Ambient temperature: -40°C ... 85°C k
Output: double acting l
Loss of electr. Supply: fall safe m
3 H
5 Slot1 Slot2
Options: p
Analog feedback output X X
7 Digital feedback output
Universal analog input
Safety shut down
Pressure sensors
Electr. limit switch X
Mech. limit switch, low
Mech. limit switch, high
Contactless pos. Sensor
ABB Automation
8 Schillerstrasse 72
D - 32425 Minden
Made in Germany M10154-01
Fig. 2: Name plate (example)
1 Full type designation 2 Order code 3 Serial number 4 Special version 5 Hardware revision / Software revision
6 Date of manufacture 7 Explosion protection 8 Manufacturer 9 Supply pressure j Input signal k Ambient temperature range
l Output m Safety function powered off n Communications protocol o IP rating p Options

The name plates displayed are examples. The device identification plates affixed to the device can differ from this
Change from two to one column

Change from one to two columns

6 Transport and storage 6.3 Storing the device

— The device must be stored in dry and dust-free conditions.
6.1 Inspection — Observe the permissible storage and transportation
Check the devices immediately after unpacking for possible temperatures.
damage that may have occurred from improper transport. — Protect uncovered metallic surfaces with a suited long-
Details of any damage that has occurred in transit must be term corrosion inhibitor.
recorded on the transport documents. — Observe the relevant long-term storage temperatures.
All claims for damages must be submitted to the shipper — In principle, the devices may be stored for an unlimited
without delay and before installation. period. However, the warranty conditions stipulated in the
order confirmation of the supplier apply.
6.2 Transporting the device
Observe the following instructions: 6.3.1 Ambient conditions
— Do not expose the device to humidity during transport.
Pack the device accordingly. Transport and storage
— Pack the device so that it is protected against vibrations Ambient temperature range -40 ... 85 °C (-40 ... 185 °F)
during transport, e.g., by using air-cushioned packaging. Relative humidity 75% annual average

6.4 Returning devices

For the return of devices, follow the instructions in the chapter
"Repair" on page 66.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 13

7 Installation A EDP300 control unit with EDP300 remote sensor
In this version, the components are supplied in two housings,
7.1 Safety instructions which together form one harmonized unit.
The following points should be observed during installation:
CAUTION — Housing 1 (EDP300 Control Unit) contains the electronics
Risk of injury due to incorrect parameter values! and pneumatics and is mounted separately from the
Incorrect parameter values can cause the valve to move actuator.
unexpectedly. This can lead to process failures and result in — Housing 2 (EDP300 Remote Sensor) contains the position
injuries. sensor and is mounted on the linear and rotary actuator.
— Before recommissioning a positioner that was previously Mechanical mounting is described in chapter "Mechanical
in use at another location, always reset the device to its mounting" on page 15.
factory settings. — Electrical connections are described in chapter
— Never start Auto Adjust before restoring the factory "Connection to device - EDP300 Control Unit with
settings. EDP300 Remote Sensor" on page 24.

NOTICE B EDP300 Control Unit for remote position sensor

Before installation, check whether the positioner meets the In this version the positioner is supplied without a position
control and safety requirements for the installation location sensor.
(actuator or valve). The following points should be observed during installation:
See the "Specifications" section on the data sheet. — Housing 1 (EDP300 Control Unit) contains the electronics
and pneumatics and is mounted separately from the
Only qualified specialists who have been trained for these actuator.
tasks are authorized to mount and adjust the unit, and to — The remote position sensor is mounted on the linear and
make the electrical connection. rotary actuator. Follow the operating instructions for the
When carrying out any work on the device, always observe the remote position sensor for mechanical mounting!
local accident prevention regulations and the regulations — Electrical connections are described in chapter
concerning the construction of technical installations. "Connection to device - EDP300 Control Unit for remote
position sensor" on page 25.
7.2 External position sensors
A 1 2 3

6 5 4

B 1 2 7

6 5 4 M10931
Fig. 3: EDP300 with external position sensors
1 EDP300 Control Unit 2 Connection cable
3 EDP300 Remote Sensor 4 Actuator
5 Compressed air supply
6 Set point signal 7 Remote position sensor

If the device is being operated on a cylinder, for reasons
associated with linearity you should run the Auto Adjust
function for rotary actuators (see chapter "Start Auto Adjust
function" on page 37).

14 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

7.3 Mechanical mounting 7.3.2 Mounting on linear actuators
7.3.1 General information For mounting on a linear actuator in accordance with DIN /
IEC 534 (lateral mounting as per NAMUR), the following
attachment kit is available:


6 5

1 2
M10408-01 7
Fig. 4: Operating range
Arrow 1 on the device feedback shaft (position feedback j
point) must move between the arrow marks 2. k

2 +45°


Fig. 6: Components of attachment kit

1 Screw 2 Washer 3 Attachment bracket 4 Level with
follower pin (for travel 10 … 35 mm (0.39 … 1.8 inch) or 20 … 100 mm
(0.79 … 3.94 inch) 5 Washers 6 Screws 7 U-Bolts
8 Washers 9 Nuts j Screws k Spring washers l Clamp
plates m Follower guide


Fig. 5: Measuring and operating ranges of the positioner

1 Measuring range 2 Operating range

Operating range for linear actuators:

The operating range for linear actuators is ±45° symmetrically
to the longitudinal axis. The usable span within the operating
range is at least 25° (recommended figure 40°). The usable
span does not necessarily need to run symmetrically to the
longitudinal axis.

Operating range of rotary actuators:

The usable span is 90°, which must be entirely within the
measuring range, but does not necessarily need to run
symmetrically to the longitudinal axis.

During installation make sure that the actuator travel or
rotation angle for position feedback is implemented correctly.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 15



Fig. 7: Attaching a follower guide to the multi-turn actuator

1. Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight. 4 3 2 1 M10418-01

2. Attach the follower guide 1 and clamp plates2 with Fig. 9: Mounting on a cast iron yoke
screws 4 and spring washers 3 to the actuator stem. 1. Attach the mount bracket 2 with screw 4 and washer
3 to the cast iron yoke 1.


1 2 3

6 54

Fig. 8: Mount lever and bracket to positioner

5 4 3 2 1 M10419-01
1. Attach the lever 6 to the feedback shaft 5 of the Fig. 10: Mounting on a columnar yoke
positioner (can only be mounted in one position due to the 1. Hold the mount bracket 3 in the proper position on the
cut shape of the feedback shaft). columnar yoke 2 .
2. Using the arrow marks 4, check whether the lever 2. Insert the U-bolts 1 from the inside of the columnar
moves within the operating range (between the arrows). yoke 2 through the holes of the mount bracket.
3. Hand-tighten the screw 7 on the lever. 3. Add the washers 4 and nuts 5 .
4. Hold the prepared positioner (with the mount bracket 1  Tighten the nuts so that they are hand-tight.
still loose) on the actuator so that the follower pin for the
lever enters the follower guide to determine which tap NOTICE
holes on the positioner must be used for the mount Adjust the height of the positioner on the cast iron yoke or
bracket. columnar yoke until the lever is horizontal (based on a visual
5. Secure the mount bracket 1 with screws 2 and check) at half stroke of the valve.
washers 3 using the relevant tap holes on the positioner
Tighten the screws as evenly as possible to ensure
subsequent linearity. Align the mount bracket in the
oblong hole to ensure that the operating range is
symmetrical (lever moves between the arrow marks 4 ).

16 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Position of actuator bolt
The actuator bolt for moving the potentiometer lever can be
mounted permanently on the lever itself or on the valve stem.
Depending on the mounting method, when the valve moves
the actuator bolt performs either a circular or a linear
movement with reference to the center of rotation of the
potentiometer lever. Select the chosen bolt position in the HMI
menu in order to ensure optimum linearization. The default
setting is as follows:
1 2
1 2 3

Fig. 11: Positioner linkage
1 Increasing linkage 2 Reducing linkage

The scale on the lever indicates the link points for the various
stroke ranges of the valve.
5 4
Move the bolt with the follower pin in the oblong hole of the M11031

lever to adjust the stroke range of the valve to the working Fig. 12: Actuator bolt on lever (rear view)
range for the position sensor. 1 Potentiometer lever 2 Actuator bolts c Valve spindle
Moving the link point inwards increases the rotation angle of d Valve lamp e Positioner

the position sensor. Moving the link point outwards reduces

the rotation angle of the position sensor. 1 2 3
Adjust the actuator stroke to make use of as large an angle of
rotation as possible (symmetrical around the center position)
on the position sensor.

Recommended range for linear actuators:

-30° … 30°; minimum range: 25°

After mounting, check whether the positioner is operating
within the sensor range.
5 4

Fig. 13: Actuator bolt on valve (rear view)

1 Potentiometer lever 2 Actuator bolts c Valve spindle
d Vent lamp e Positioner

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 17

7.3.3 Mounting on control valves 7.3.4 Mounting on part-turn actuators
For mounting on part-turn actuators in accordance with
VDI / VDE 3845, the following attachment kit is available:


Fig. 14: Integral mounting to control valves 8

1 Washers 2 Screws 3 O-rin 4 Lever 9

Fig. 16: Components of attachment kit

— Adapter 1 with spring 5

— Four screws M6 4, four spring washers 3, and four
washers 2 for attaching the mounting bracket 6 to the
— Four screws M5 7, four spring washers 8, and four
washers 9 for attaching the mounting bracket to the

Required tools:
— Wrench, size 8 / 10
— Allen key, size 3

Fig. 15: Integral mounting on control valves using adapter plate

1 O-Ring 2 Adapter plate 3 Adapter

18 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300



Fig. 18: Screwing the mounting bracket onto the positioner

3 2 1 1 Mounting bracket
Fig. 17: Mounting the adapter on the positioner
1. Determine the mounting position (parallel to actuator or at
90° angle)
2. Calculate the rotational direction of the actuator (right or
3. Move the rotary actuator into the home position.
4. Pre-adjust feedback shaft.
To ensure the positioner will operate within the operating
range (see chapter "General information" on page 15), the
mounting position as well as the home position and
direction of rotation of the actuator must be taken into
account when determining the adapter position on the
feedback shaft 1. For this purpose, the feedback shaft
can be adjusted manually so that the adapter 3 can be
attached in the correct position.
5. Place the adapter in the proper position on the feedback
shaft and fasten with threaded pins 2. One of the
threaded pins must be locked in place on the flat side of
the feedback shaft.

Fig. 19: Screwing the positioner onto the actuator

After mounting, check whether the operating range for the
actuator matches the measuring range for the positioner, see
chapter "General information" on page 15.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 19

7.4 Electrical connections The electrical connection may only be established by
authorized specialist personnel.
DANGER The electrical connection information in this manual must be
Risk of explosion for devices with local communication observed; otherwise, the IP rating may be adversely affected.
interface (LCI) Safe isolation of electrical circuits which are dangerous if
A local communication interface (LCI) may not be operated in touched is only ensured if the connected devices satisfy the
hazardous areas. requirements of DIN EN 61140 (VDE 0140 Part 1) (basic
Never use the local communication interface (LCI) on the requirements for safe isolation).
main board in a hazardous area. To ensure safe isolation, install supply lines so that they are
separate from electrical circuits which are dangerous if
WARNING touched, or implement additional isolation measures for them.
Risk of injury due to live parts!
When the housing is open, contact protection is not provided
and EMC protection is limited.
Before opening the housing, switch off the power supply.
Change from two to one column

7.4.1 Electrical connection to positioner / EDP300 Control Unit

DLimit 1 Limit 2

A B C 51 52 53 41 42 43


Limit 1 Limit 2

+11 -12 +81 -82 +83 -84 +51 -52 +41 -42 +31 -32 +85 -86 +21 -22 1 2 3 +51 -52 +41 -42

Fig. 20: Electrical connection EDP300
A Basic device B Options C EDP Remote Sensor Connection / remote position sensor (only with EDP Control Unit version) D Options,
limit monitor with proximity switch or microswitches (not in EDP300 Control Unit version)

Change from one to two columns

Connections for inputs and outputs Terminal Function / comments

+51 / -52 Limit switch Limit 1 with proximity switch
Terminal Function / comments (optional)
+11 / -12 Analog input AI or field bus connection +41 / -42 Limit switch Limit 2 with proximity switch
+81 / -82 Digital input DI (optional)
+83 / -84 Digital output DO2 51 / 52 / 53 Limit switch Limit 1 with microswitch
+51 / -52 Limit alarm SW1 (optional)
(Option module) 41 / 42 / 43 Limit switch Limit 2 with microswitch
+41 / -42 Limit alarm SW2 (optional)
(Option module)
+31 / -32 Analog feedback AO
(Option module)
+85 / -86 Emergency shutdown module
(Option module)
+21 / -22 Universal input UAI
1/2/3 EDP300 remote sensor
(Only for options EDP300 Remote Sensor or EDP300 for
remote position sensor)
Change from two to one column

20 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

7.4.2 Electrical connection to the EDP300 remote sensor

1 2 3
Limit 1 Limit 2
Limit 1 Limit 2

1 2 3 +51 -52 +41 -42 51 52 53 41 42 43


Fig. 21: Electrical connection to the EDP300 remote sensor

A Basic device B Options
1 Position sensor 2 Limit monitor with proximity switches (option) 3 Limit monitor with microswitches (option)

Change from one to two columns

Connections for inputs and outputs 7.4.3 Electrical data for inputs and outputs

Terminal Function / comments NOTICE

1/2/3 EDP300 Control Unit When using the device in potentially explosive atmospheres,
+51 / -52 Limit switch Limit 1 with proximity switch note the additional data in chapter "Use in potentially
(optional) explosive atmospheres according to ATEX and IECEx" on
+41 / -42 Limit switch Limit 2 with proximity switch page 6 and in chapter "Use in potentially explosive
(optional) atmospheres in accordance with FM and CSA" on page 9 !
51 / 52 / 53 Limit switch Limit 1 with microswitch
(optional) Set point signal analog (two-wire technology)
41 / 42 / 43 Limit switch Limit 2 with microswitch Terminals +11 / -12
(optional) Nominal operating range 4 ... 20 mA
Limit values Maximum: 50 mA (overload)
Minimum: 3.6 mA
Starting at  3.8 mA
Load voltage 9.7 V at 20 mA
Impedance 485 Ω at 20 mA

Digital input DI
Terminals +81 / -82
Supply voltage 24 V DC (12 ... 30 V DC)
Input "logical 0" 0 ... 5 V DC
Input "logical 1" 11 ... 30 V DC
Input Current Maximum 4 mA

Digital output DO
Terminals +83 / -84
Supply voltage 5 ... 30 V DC
(Control circuit in accordance with DIN
Switching state logical “0”: Current > 0,35 mA … < 1,2 mA
“1”: Current > 2,1 mA
Direction of action standard logical "0" or logical "1"

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 21

Option modules Module for the emergency shutdown function1)
Module for analog feedback AO1) When the 24 V DC signal is interrupted, the I/P module
Without signal from the positioner (e. g. “no power” or executes the respective safety function, depending on the
“initializing”) the module sets the output to > 20 mA (alarm mechanical construction.
level). The positioner output 1 is depressurized, and the valve is
moved to the safe position. In case of a double-acting
Terminals +31 / -32 actuator, output 2 is additionally pressurized.
Signal range 4 ... 20 mA (configurable split ranges) The emergency shutdown module works independently of the
Supply voltage, two-wire 24 V DC (10 ... 30 V DC) mother board, i.e., all information from the final control
technology element is available in the control system at any time.
Characteristic curve rising or falling (configurable)
Characteristic curve <1% Terminals +85 / -86
deviation Supply voltage 24 V DC (20 ... 30 V DC)
(electrically isolated from the input signal)
Module for digital feedback SW1, SW2 1) Safe position Active at < 5 V DC
Two switches for digital position feedback (position adjustable
within the range of 0 ... 100 %, ranges cannot overlap) 1) There are two slots for the option modules. Any combination of different option
modules is possible. However, identical option modules cannot be combined.

Terminals +41 / -42, +51 / -52 Limit switch

Supply voltage 5 ... 11 V DC The limit switch can either be equipped with proximity
(Control circuit to DIN 19234/NAMUR) switches or with potential-free microswitches.
Signal current < 1,2 mA: Switching state logical "0“
> 2,1 mA: Switching state logical "1“ Limit switch Limit 1 / Limit 2 with proximity switches
Direction of action standard logical "0" or logical "1"
(configurable) Two proximity switches for independent position signaling.
Terminals +41 / -42, +51 / -52
Module for universal input UAI1) Supply voltage 5 ... 11 V DC
Module for a 4 … 20 mA input for universal use. (Control circuit in accordance with DIN
The range can be scaled. It is used for advanced valve 19234/NAMUR)
diagnostics. For example, an ultrasonic sensor can be Output "logical 0" < 1.2 mA
connected to detect a faulty valve seat or a phonometer can Output "logical 1" > 2.1 mA
be connected to detect cavitation. Switching point Adjustable between 0 … 100 %
The limit values for detecting up-scaling can be freely Direction of action Metal tag in proximity Metal tag outside
selected. switch proximity switch
Type SJ2-SN (NC; log. < 1.2 mA > 2.1 mA
Terminals +21 / -22 1)
Nominal operating range 4 ... 20 mA
Load voltage 8 V at 20 mA Limit switch Limit 1 / Limit 2 with 24 V - microswitches
Impedance 400 Ω at 20 mA
Terminals 41 / 42 / 43, 51 / 52 / 53
Supply voltage maximum 24 V AC/DC
Load rating Maximum 2 A

Change from two to one column

22 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

7.4.4 Connection on the device

1 2

M 20 mm / 5
NPT 1/2"
Fig. 22: Connection on device (example)
1 Blind plug 2 Cable gland 3 Terminals for options modules
4 Terminals attachment set for digital feedback 5 Terminals basic device

Change from one to two columns

For the cable entry in the housing, there are two tap holes Multi-wire connection capacity (two wire with the same cross-
1/2 - 14 NPT or M20 x 1.5 on the left-hand side of the section)
housing. One of these holes has a cable gland and the other Rigid / flexible wires 0.14 ... 0.75 mm2 (AWG 26 ... AWG 20)
has a blind plug. Flexible with wire end 0.25 ... 0.75 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 20)
sleeve no plastic sleeve
NOTICE Flexible with wire end 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2 (AWG 21 ... AWG 17)
The connecting terminals are delivered closed and must be sleeve with plastic sleeve
unscrewed before inserting the wire.
Option modules
1. Strip the wires to approximately 6 mm (0.24 inch).
2. Connect the wires to the connecting terminals in line with Cross section
the connection diagram. Rigid / flexible wires 0.14 ... 1.5 mm2 (AWG 26 ... AWG 17)
Flexible with wire end 0.25 ... 1.5 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 17)
Wire cross-sectional areas sleeve no plastic sleeve
Basic device Flexible with wire end 0.25 ... 1.5 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 17)
sleeve with plastic sleeve
Electrical connections
4 … 20 mA input Screw terminals max. 2.5 mm2 (AWG 14) Multi-wire connection capacity (two wire with the same cross-
Options Screw terminals max. 1.0 mm2 (AWG 18) section)
Rigid / flexible wires 0.14 ... 0.75 mm2 (AWG 26 ... AWG 20)
cross section Flexible with wire end 0.25 ... 0.5 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 22)
Rigid / flexible wires 0.14 ... 2.5 mm2 (AWG 26 ... AWG 14) sleeve no plastic sleeve
Flexible with wire end Flexible with wire end 0.5 ... 1 mm2 (AWG 21 ... AWG 18)
0.25 ... 2.5 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 14)
sleeve sleeve with plastic sleeve
Flexible with wire end 0.25 ... 1.5 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 17)
sleeve no plastic sleeve Limit switch with proximity switches or 24 V microswitches
Flexible with wire end 0.14 ... 0.75 mm2 (AWG 26 ... AWG 20) Rigid wire 0.14 ... 1.5 mm2 (AWG 26 ... AWG 17)
sleeve with plastic sleeve Flexible wire 0.14 .... 1.0 mm2 (AWG 26 ... AWG 18)
Flexible with wire end 0.25 ... 0.5 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 22)
sleeve no plastic sleeve
Flexible with wire end 0.25 ... 0.5 mm2 (AWG 23 ... AWG 22)
sleeve with plastic sleeve

Change from two to one column

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 23

7.4.5 Connection to device - EDP300 Control Unit with EDP300 Remote Sensor
Housing 1 (EDP300 Control Unit) Housing 2 (EDP300 Remote Sensor)

Fig. 23: Connection EDP300 control unit with EDP300 remote sensor (example)
1 Terminals EDP300 Remote Sensor 2 Terminals attachment kit for digital feedback 3 EMC cable gland
4 Shielded connection cable

Change from one to two columns

In the case of the "EDP300 Control Unit with EDP300 Remote Connect the positioner (EDP300 Control Unit, housing 1) and
Sensor" design, the components are supplied in two housings, remote position sensor (EDP300 Remote Sensor, housing 2),
which together form one harmonized unit. while following the instructions below:
Housing 1 (EDP300 Control Unit) contains the electronics and — The EDP300 Remote Sensor and the EDP300 Control Unit
pneumatics along with the following optional modules (where are adjusted to each other. Ensure that only devices with
applicable): the same serial number are connected.
— Analog position feedback — A shielded three-wire cable with a maximum length of 10
— Digital position feedback m (33 ft) must be used for connection purposes.
— Emergency shutdown module — Route the cable into the terminal compartment through
— Universal input the EMC cable glands. Ensure that the shielding is
secured correctly in the EMC cable glands.
Housing 2 (EDP300 Remote Sensor) contains the position — Connect the cables in accordance with the electrical
sensor and is suitable for mounting on linear or rotary connections and tighten the screws of the terminals so
actuators. that they are hand-tight.
If necessary, the following options can be installed if required: — Use wire end ferrules when connecting.
— Optical position indication — The electrical connections of the EDP300 Control Unit and
— Mechanical feedback contacts designed as proximity the optional modules are described in chapter
switches or microswitches. "Connection on the device" on page 29.
— If the EDP300 Control Unit is fastened so that it is it non-
The housings of the EDP300 Control Unit and the EDP300 conductive, the housing must be grounded (EDP300
Remote Sensor are available in stainless steel as an option. Control Unit and EDP300 Remote Sensor housing with the
same electrical potential); otherwise control deviations
could occur with regard to analog position feedback.
— In the EDP300 Remote Sensor in IP rating IP 67, pre-
tighten the cover screws by applying approx. 50 Ncm
(0.44 lbf-in) and then tighten by applying 200 Ncm (1.77
— The pneumatic outputs must be connected to the actuator
Change from two to one column
using pneumatic lines with a minimum diameter of 6 mm.

24 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

7.4.6 Connection to device - EDP300 Control Unit for remote position sensor

Fig. 24: Connection of EDP300 Control Unit with remote position sensor (example)
1 Terminals for remote position sensor 2 Remote position sensor 3 EMC cable gland 4 Shielded connection cable

Change from one to two columns

— With the EDP300 designed for remote position sensors, Connect the positioner (EDP300 Control Unit) and remote
the positioner is supplied without a position sensor. position sensor while observing the following instructions:
— The EDP300 Control Unit contains the electronics and — A shielded three-wire cable with a maximum length of 10
pneumatics along with the following options (where m (33 ft) must be used for connection purposes.
applicable): — Route the cable into the terminal compartment through
— Analog position feedback the EMC cable glands. Ensure that the shielding is
— Digital position feedback secured correctly in the EMC cable glands.
— Emergency shutdown module — Connect the cables in accordance with the electrical
— Universal input connections and tighten the screws of the terminals so
that they are hand-tight.
Any position sensor (4 … 80 kΩ) may be connected. — The electrical connections of the EDP300 Control Unit and
the optional modules are described in chapter
"Connection on the device" on page 29.
— Use wire end ferrules when connecting.
— If the EDP300 Control Unit is attached so that it is it non-
conductive, the housing must be grounded (EDP300
Control Unit and remote position sensor with the same
electrical potential); otherwise control deviations could
occur with regard to analog position feedback.
— If the device is being operated on a cylinder, for reasons
associated with linearity you should run the Auto Adjust
function for rotary actuators
— The pneumatic outputs must be connected to the actuator
using pneumatic lines with a minimum diameter of 6 mm.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 25

7.5 Installing the option modules 7.5.2 Installing the mechanical position feedback
1. Loosen the screws for the housing cover and remove it.
NOTICE 2. If one has been installed, remove the optical position
The supply voltage must be switched off before the option indicator and unscrew the extension shaft.
modules are installed. 3. Move the printed circuit board for position feedback to the
right underneath the two plastic clips and secure it using
1. Loosen the screws for the housing cover and remove it. the screw provided.
2. Position the option module so that the plug points to the 4. If applicable, install the optical position indicator.
right. 5. Attach the housing cover and screw it on to the housing.
3. Using a small amount of pressure, guide the option Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight.
module into the slot from the side and press it down
firmly. 7.5.3 Installing the pressure option
4. Secure the option module in the housing by tightening the
screw so that it is hand-tight. CAUTION
5. Attach the housing cover and screw it on to the housing. Risk of injury
Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight. Risk of injuries due to flying components as well as
6. If you are using the emergency shutdown module, the significant noise emissions.
rotary switch on the main printed circuit board must be Prior to disassembly, all connected compressed air lines
rotated into position 1 using a suitable flat-bladed must be depressurized.
7. Attach the housing cover and screw it on to the housing. NOTICE
Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight. — The supply voltage must be switched off before the
pressure option is installed.
NOTICE — The bond wires for the pressure option must not be
A maximum of two option modules may be used at the same touched. Doing so will cause damage to the option
time. The module types must be different. module.
Before using the device, an IEC-compliant high-voltage test
NOTICE must be performed.
If you are using the emergency shutdown module, the
module must be supplied with 24 V DC at terminals +85 / -
86. Otherwise, the positioner will not be able to function
pneumatically (device in pneumatic safety position).

Perform a functional check of the emergency shutdown
module (option) at least every 2 years. For this purpose, the
positioner must move the valve into the safety position with
the 24 V DC signal (terminal +85 / 86) interrupted.-

7.5.1 Installing the mechanical position indicator

1. Loosen the screws for the housing cover and remove it.
2. Attach the extension shaft to the feedback shaft and
secure it using the screw provided.
3. Attach the round position indicator to the extension shaft Fig. 25: Printed circuit board
and rotate it into the desired position. 1 I/P converter pneumatics 2 Position sensor 3 Pressure
4. Attach the new housing cover (with round viewing window) option

and screw it on to the housing. Tighten the screws so that

they are hand-tight.

26 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

1. Loosen the screws for the housing cover and remove it. 7.6.2 Setting the mechanical binary feedback with
2. Loosen all cable connections on the screw terminals. proximity switches
3. If present, unscrew the option modules and remove them
from the side.
4. If present, remove the mechanical position indication and
screw off the shaft extension (as well as the mechanical
alarm signalling unit if applicable).
5. Remove the screws for the plastic cover and remove the
6. Remove both plug connectors from the printed circuit
7. Unscrew the fixing screws for the printed circuit board and
carefully remove the printed circuit board.
8. Unscrew the screws on the upper side of the pneumatics
and remove the cover plate.
9. Carefully attach the pressure option to the pneumatics Fig. 26: Limit switch with proximity switch
and screw it in place so that the screws are hand-tight. 1 Upper metal tag 2 Proximity switch Limit 2
3 Proximity switch Limit 1 4 Lower metal tag
10. Install the printed circuit board.
11. Attach both plug connectors (1, 2) to the printed circuit
board (see Fig. 25). 1. Loosen the screws for the housing cover and remove it.
12. Attach the plug connectors for the pressure option (3) to
the printed circuit board (see Fig. 25). CAUTION
13. Attach the plastic cap. Risk of injury!
14. If necessary, install option modules and set the The device includes slot sensors with sharp edges. Only
mechanical feedback. adjust the slot sensors using a screwdriver.
15. Attach the housing cover and screw it on to the housing.
Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight. 2. Set the upper and lower switching points for binary
feedback as follows:
7.6 Setting the option modules — Select "Manual Adjustment" mode and move the valve
7.6.1 Setting the mechanical position indicator by hand into the lower switching position.
1. Loosen the screws for the housing cover and remove it. — Use a screwdriver to adjust the slot sensor for
2. Rotate the position indicator on the shaft to the desired proximity switch 1 (lower contact) on the feedback
position. shaft until it closes the contact (i.e. until shortly before
3. Attach the housing cover and screw it onto the housing. entering the proximity switch). The slot sensor enters
Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight. proximity switch 1 when the feedback shaft is rotated
4. Attach the symbol label to mark the minimum and clockwise (as viewed from the front).
maximum valve positions on the housing cover. — Move the valve by hand into the upper switching
NOTICE — Use a screwdriver to adjust the slot sensor for
The labels are located on the inside of the housing cover. proximity switch 2 (upper contact) on the feedback
shaft until it closes the contact (i.e. until shortly before
entering the proximity switch). The slot sensor enters
proximity switch 2 when the feedback shaft is rotated
counter-clockwise (as viewed from the front).
3. Attach the housing cover and screw it onto the housing.
4. Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 27

7.6.3 Setting the mechanical binary feedback with 24 V 7.7.1 Information on double acting actuators with spring-
microswitches return mechanism
1. Loosen the screws for the housing cover and remove it. On double-acting actuators with spring-return mechanism, a
2. Select "Manual Adjustment" operating mode and move the pressure that significantly exceeds the supply air pressure
valve by hand into the desired switching position for value can be generated during operation by the springs in the
contact 1. chamber opposite the springs.
3. Set maximum contact (1, lower washer). This may damage the positioner or adversely affect control of
Fasten the upper washer with the special adjustment the actuator.
retainer and rotate the lower washer manually. To eliminate the possibility of this occurring, it is
4. Select "Manual Adjustment" operating mode and move the recommended
valve by hand into the desired switching position for to install a pressure compensation valve between the
contact 2. springless chamber and the supply air for these types of
5. Set minimum contact (2, upper washer); applications. It enables the increased pressure to be
Fasten the lower washer with the special adjustment transferred back to the air inlet line.
retainer and rotate the upper washer manually. The opening pressure of the check valve should be < 250
6. Connect the microswitch. mbar (< 3.6 psi).
7. Attach the housing cover and screw it on to the housing.
8. Tighten the screws so that they are hand-tight.

7.7 Pneumatic connections

The positioner must only be supplied with instrument air that
is free of oil, water, and dust (in gas configuration with dried
natural gas).
The purity and oil content must meet the requirements of
Class 3 according to DIN/ISO 8573-1.

Damage to components!
Contamination on the air pipe and positioner can damage
Dust, splinters, and any other particles of dirt must be blown
off the pipe before it is connected.

Damage to components!
Pressure above 10 bar (145 psi) can damage the positioner
or actuator.
Provisions must be made (e.g., use of a pressure regulator)
to ensure that the pressure does not rise above 10 bar
(145 psi), even in the event of a fault.

28 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

7.7.2 Connection on the device 7.7.3 Air supply

Instrument air 1)

Purity Maximum particle size: 5 μm
Maximum particle density: 5 mg/m3
Oil content Maximum concentration 1 mg/m3


Pressure dew point 10 K below operating temperature
Supply pressure 1.4 … 10 bar (20 … 145 psi)

2 Air consumption 2) < 0.03 kg/h / 0.015 scfm

1) Free of oil, water and dust in accordance with DIN / ISO 8573-1. Pollution and
oil content according to Class 3
3 2) Independent of supply pressure

M10132-01 Compressed air output

Fig. 27: Pneumatic connections Range 0 ... 10 bar (0 ... 145 psi)
1 Pneumatic outputs 2 Supply air Air capacity Standard:
3 Filter screw (on underside of housing) 40 kg/h = 31 Nm 3/h = 20 scfm
Marking Pipe connection 50 kg/h (40 Nm3/h / 23 scfm)
SUP / ZUL IN Supply air, pressure 1.4 ... 10 bar (20 ... 145 Output function For single or double-acting actuators
psi) Air is vented from actuator or actuator is
Y1 / OUT1 Output pressure for actuator blocked in case of (electrical) power failure
Y2 / OUT2 Output pressure for actuator (2nd connection Shut-off values End position 0 % = 0 ... 45 %
with double-acting actuator) End position 100 % = 55 ... 100 %

Join the pipe connections according to the designation,

observing the following points:
— All pneumatic piping connections are located on the right-
hand side of the positioner. G1/4 or 1/4 18 NPT tap holes
are provided for the pneumatic connections. The
positioner is labeled according to the tap holes available.
— We recommend that you use a line with dimensions of 12
x 1.75 mm. The level of supply air pressure required to
apply the actuating force must be adjusted in line with the
output pressure in the actuator.
— The working range for the positioner is between
1.4 ... 10 bar (20 ... 145 psi).

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 29

8 Commissioning
8.1 Safety instructions -45.0
Pos. Ang. °
The electrical power supply and supply air pressure data
indicated on the name plate must be complied with during
commissioning. Check the end positions. The angle of rotation is displayed in
Before switching on the device, make sure that your Recommended range:
installation complies with the environmental conditions listed in — between -30 … 30° for linear actuators
the chapter “Technical Data” or on the data sheet. — between -45 … 45° for rotary actuators
If there is a chance that safe operation is no longer possible,
take the device out of operation and secure it against 8.3.2 Moving to end positions with a new device
unintended startup.
Process display
8.2 Checks prior to commissioning
Air pressure in the compressed air connecting line:
1.4 … 10 bar (20 … 145 psi)
Current input active:
4 … 20 mA Electronics

8.3 Mechanical mounting checks Use and to move to the relevant end positions.
During commissioning, the mechanical mounting on the linear
and rotary actuators is checked. For this purpose, the actuator
is first moved into the end positions and Auto Adjust is then
carried out.
With large actuators, it can occur that the time for automatic
Pos. Ang. °
adjustment is significantly than in smaller actuators.

8.3.1 Moving to end positions following completion of

Auto Adjust Check the end positions. The angle of rotation is displayed in
Process display Recommended range:
— between -30 … 30° for linear actuators
— between -45 … 45° for rotary actuators

Auto Adjust must then be performed.

See chapter "Start Auto Adjust function" on page 37.

1. Use to switch to the Operating Mode menu.

Operating mode
Auto Adjust
O Adaptive
O Control
O Manual SP
O Manual Sensor
Back OK

2. Use or to select the "Manual Sensor" operating

3. Use and to move to the relevant end positions.

30 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9 Operation 9.2.1 Menu navigation

9.1 Safety instructions

Risk of injury due to incorrect parameter values!
Incorrect parameter values can cause the valve to move
unexpectedly. This can lead to process failures and result in
— Before recommissioning a positioner that was previously M10145-01

in use at another location, always reset the device to its

factory settings.
2 Menu 3
— Never start Auto Adjust before restoring the factory

If there is a chance that safe operation is no longer possible,

take the device out of operation and secure it against 5 Exit Select 5
unintended startup. Fig. 28: LCD display
1 Operating buttons for menu navigation
9.2 Parameterization of the device 2 Menu name display 3 Menu number display
The LCD display features operating buttons which enable the 4 Marking to indicate the relative position within the menu
device to be operated with the housing cover open. 5 Display of the current function of the buttons and

You can use the or operating buttons to browse

through the menu or select a number or character within a
parameter value.
Different functions can be assigned to the and
operating buttons. The function that is currently assigned 5
is shown on the LCD display.

Operating button functions

Exit Exit menu
Back Go back one submenu
Cancel Cancel parameter entry
Next Select the next position for entering numerical
and alphanumeric values

Select Select submenu / parameter
Edit Edit parameter
OK Save parameter entered

Change from two to one column

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 31

9.3 Menu levels
There are two levels under the process display.

Process display

Information level Operating modes menu

Diagnosis Auto Adjust
Operator Page 1 Adaptive
Signals View Control
Manual SP
Manual Sensor

Configuration level
Easy Setup
Device Setup
Device Info

Change from one to two columns

The process display shows the current process values.
Information The information level contains the parameters and
level information that are relevant for the operator. The device
configuration cannot be changed on this level.
Operating In the operating modes menu, the Auto Adjust function
modes menu can be started for commissioning purposes. You can
also change the operating modes and switch to the
configuration level.
Configuration The configuration-, parameterization instruction contains
level all the parameters required for device commissioning
and configuration. The device configuration can be
changed on this level.

Property damage
During external configuration via a PC, the positioner no
longer responds to the set point current. This may lead to
process failures. Prior to external configuration, always move
the actuator to the safety position and activate manual

For a detailed description of the individual parameters and
menus on the configuration level, please refer to chapter
"Parameter descriptions" on page 41.

32 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.3.1 Process display 9.3.2 Switching to the information level (Operator Menu)
On the information level, the operator menu can be used to
display diagnostic information and choose which operator
pages to display.

Process display

Fig. 29: Process display (example) 1. Use to switch to the information level.
1 Measuring point tagging indicator
2 Current process values indicator
Operator Menu
3Symbol indicating button function
4 Symbol indicating "Parameterization protected"
5 Diagnostic message | 6 Operating mode symbol Operator Page 1
Signal View
The process display appears on the LCD display when the Back Select
device is powered on. It shows information about the device
2. Use or to select a submenu.
and current process values.
3. Use to confirm your selection.
The way in which the current process values (2) are shown
can be adjusted on the configuration level.
Menu Description
... / Operator Menu
Description of symbols
Diagnostics Displays the alarms and messages that are
currently pending and which occurred in the
Symbol Description
past. The messages to be displayed can be
Call up information level.
selected on the configuration level, under
When Autoscroll mode is enabled, a symbol
appears here and the operator pages are
Operator Page 1 Switches to the process display.
automatically displayed one after the other.
Call up configuration level. Signal View Selects the "Signal View" submenu (for service,

The device is protected against changes in the The following signal values (plus units) can be

parametrization. displayed:
Position Pos[%]

Description of the message symbols Position Pos[°]

Setpoint SP[%]
Setpoint SP[mA]
Symbol Message symbol
Control deviation DEV [%]
Universal input activated
Electronics temperature [°C, °F, °R, K]
Supply pressure PIN [unit]

Diagnostic message pending Pressure output 1 PY1 [unit]

Pressure output 2 PY2 [unit]
Differential pressure DP [unit]

Error pending Universal input value UIN [unit]

Maintenance message pending

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 33

9.3.3 Switching the operating mode Description of operating modes
The operating mode is displayed and changed in the operating
modes menu. Symbol Operating mode
Additionally, it is possible to switch to the configuration level Adaptive control active
from there. When the PositionMaster EDP300 positioner is
operated in "Adaptive Mode", the control
Process display parameters are automatically optimized to the
operating conditions in small increments. This is
especially helpful if valves and fittings could not be
operated with reference conditions while the Auto
Adjust function was in progress.
The long-term stability of the adaptive operating
1. Use to switch to the Operating Mode menu. mode results more from the system structure than
from the changing behavior of the system, meaning
Operating mode that if a stable, adaptive operating mode can be
Auto Adjust obtained over several days of control variations in
O Adaptive
O Control the system application with positioner, actuator,
O Manual SP
O Manual Sensor valve and changes in behavior, we can assume
stable operation in the application mentioned above.
Back OK
If that is not the case, the “Non-adaptive control”
2. Use or to select the required operating mode. option should be selected.
3. Confirm the selection with . Fixed control
In contrast to the "Adaptive control" operating
mode, the control parameters are not automatically
Manual set point, adaptive control
The valve is adjusted manually within the stroke
range using the or direction buttons.

1. .Press and hold the relevant operating button for

the desired direction.
2. .Additionally, press if the device is to be
switched to high-speed mode.

Danger of crushing!
Configured stroke limit positions and stroke times
are not effective in manual mode. When the
actuator moves, there is a risk of crushing. You
must make sure that no one is present within the
actuator's working range.

34 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.3.4 Switching to the configuration level
Symbol Operating mode
Manual set point, fixed control The device parameters can be displayed and changed on the
The valve is adjusted manually within the stroke
configuration level.
range using the or direction buttons.

Operating Mode
1. .Press and hold the relevant operating button for Auto Adjust
O Adaptive
the desired direction. O Control
2. .Additionally, press if the device is to be O Manual SP
O Manual Sensor
switched to high-speed mode. Configuration
Back OK
CAUTION 3. Use or to select the "Configuration" operating
Danger of crushing! mode.
Configured stroke limit positions and stroke times 4. Use to confirm your selection.
are not effective in manual mode. When the
actuator moves, there is a risk of crushing. You
9.3.5 Selecting and changing parameters
must make sure that no one is present within the
Entry from table
actuator's working range.
When an entry is made from a table, a value is selected from a
Moving the actuator manually
list of parameter values.
The valve is adjusted manually within the valve
range using the or direction buttons. The
Menu Name
position indicator shows the position in angular
Parameter Name
degrees for the purpose of checking the mounting
Actual Value

1. Press and hold the relevant operating button for Next Edit
the desired direction.
1. Select the parameters you want to set in the menu.
2. .Additionally, press if the device is to be
2. Use to call up the list of available parameter values.
switched to high-speed mode.
The parameter value that is currently set is highlighted.

Parameter Name
Danger of crushing!
Parameter 1
If air escapes due to a leakage, the position will not
Parameter 2
be readjusted. Configured stroke limit positions and
stroke times are not effective in manual mode.
Parameter 3
When the actuator moves, there is a risk of Cancel OK
crushing. You must make sure that no one is
3. Use or to select the required value.
present within the actuator's working range.
4. Use to confirm your selection.
Set point via HART, adaptive control
This concludes the procedure for selecting a parameter value.

Set point via HART, fixed control

Activated binary input, adaptive control

Activated binary input, fixed control

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 35

Numerical entry 9.3.6 Error messages on the LCD display
In the event of an error, a message consisting of a symbol and text appears at the bottom of the process screen (e. g. electronics) The text displayed provides information about the area in which the error has occurred.

When a numerical entry is made, a value is set by entering the

individual decimal positions. Process display

Menu Name
Parameter Name
12.3456 [Unit]

Next Edit
The error messages are divided into four groups in
1. Select the parameters you want to set in the menu. accordance with the NAMUR classification scheme. The group
2. Use to call up the parameter for editing. The position assignment can only be changed using a DTM or EDD:
that is currently selected is highlighted.
Symbol Fault message Description
Parameter Name Failure Errors
12.3456 [Unit]
Fcheck Check for errors

OOSp Outside of the

Next OK
3. Use to select the decimal position to be changed. MtReq Maintenance required
4. Use or to set the required value.
5. Use to select the next decimal position.
6. If necessary, select and set other decimal positions using The error messages are also divided into the following areas:
the same procedure as described in steps 3 and 4.
7. Use to confirm your settings. Range Description
This concludes the procedure for changing a parameter value. Actuator Diagnosis notice affecting the valve or the pneumatic
Operation Diagnosis notice with a negative effect on the
operation of the positioner
Process Diagnosis notice that refer to the process and display
impairments or states.
Sensor Alarms indicating problems affecting the reading of the
valve position
Electronic Errors in the device electronics are displayed.
Configuration Detects if the positioner configuration is missing or

For a detailed description of errors and troubleshooting
instructions, please see chapter "Diagnosis / error
messages" on page 62.

36 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.3.7 Start Auto Adjust function NOTICE
The Auto Adjust function of the device can be configured and "Auto Adjust Mode" can be set by default at configuration
started in the "Operating Mode" menu. level under "Easy Setup -> Auto Adjust Mode".

Process display Auto Adjust

Full Auto Adjust


1. Use to switch to the Operating Mode menu. The progress of the Auto Adjust function is shown in a bar
graph. The function can be terminated with "Abort" if
Operating Mode necessary. Once Auto Adjust has been completed
Auto Adjust successfully, "Auto Adjuste Complete" is displayed. The
O Adaptive
O Control device then switches to the process display automatically.
O Manual SP
O Manual Sensor
Back OK
Auto Adjust does not always result in optimum control
2. Use or to select the "Auto Adjust" operating conditions.
3. Confirm the selection with . Press and hold down the When Auto Adjust is started via shortcut keys, the position of
control button for at least 4 seconds (wait for the time to the valve is determined automatically.
count down on the top left of the display).

Auto Adjust
Full Auto Adjust

 Rotary
 Linear

1. Use or to select the "Actuator type".

Select "Rotary" for rotary actuators.
Select "Linear" for linear actuators.
Change from two to one column

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 37

9.4 Overview of parameters on the configuration level

This overview of parameters shows all the menus and parameters available on the device. Depending on the version and
configuration of the device, not all of the menus and parameters may be visible in it.

Easy Setup 1 Language

Actuator Type
Bolt Position
Vent Position
Tight Shut 0%
Control at 0%
Tight Shut 100%
Control at 100%
Autoadjust Mode
Start Autoadjust

Device Setup 2 Actuator Type

Bolt Position
Vent Position
Range Settings
End Stop Behav.
Recalc. Position

Display 3 Language
Engineering Units
Display Value

Controller 4 Zone
Dead Band
DB Approach
DB Control time
KP Down
TV Down
Y-Offset Up
Y-Offset Down

38 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Input/Output 5 Digital Input DI Function
DI Default SP
DI Logic

Alarm Output Alarm Logic

DO Alarm Mask

Alarm Simulation Alarm Maintenan.

Alarm OoSpec.
Alarm Check Fct.
Alarm Failure

Analog Feedback Analog Out Min.

Analog Out Max.
Feedbk. Charact.
AO Alarm Mask Alarm Maintenan.
Alarm OoSpec.
AO Simulation Alarm Check Fct.
Alarm Failure

Digital Feedback Switch 1 Switch 1 Funct.

Switch 1 Value
Switch 1 Logic
Switch 1 Active
Switch 1 Sim.

Switch 1 Funct. Alarm Maintenan.

Alarm OoSpec.
Alarm Check Fct.
Alarm Failure

Switch 2 Switch 2 Funct.

Switch 2 Value
Switch 2 Logic
Switch 2 Active
Switch 2 Sim.

SW 2 Mask Map Alarm Maintenan.

Alarm OoSpec.
Alarm Check Fct.
Alarm Failure
Universal input UI SP Value Max.
UI SP Value Min.
UI Damping
UI Charact.
UI Out Value Min
UI Out Value Max

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 39

Communication 6 HART Version
Find Device

Diagnosis 7 Partial Stroke PS Configuration

PS Interval
PS Start Now

Histogram Pos. Timeout

Valve Movements
Travel Counter Valve Cycles
Movement Counter Mainly Used Pos.
Reset Histograms Universal input
Reset Status

Device Info 8 Hardware Rev.

Software Rev.
Mounting Date
Commun. Tag
Device Address
Device Message
Pneumatic Type
Stroke Time Up
Stroke Time Dn

Service 9 Service Mode

Factory Setting
Adjust Sensors Adjust All
Adjust Outputs
Remote Sensor
Sensor Type
Sensor Calib.
AO Alarm Current

40 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.5 Parameter descriptions
9.5.1 Menu Easy Setup

… / Easy Setup

Menu / parameter Value range Description

Language English, Deutsch, Selects the menu language
Français, Italiano,
Español, Português
Actuator Type Linear, Rotary Use this parameter to configure the positioner for operation on a linear actuator (sensor range +/-
30°) or on a rotary actuator (sensor range +/-45°). No mechanical modifications to the positioner
are required.

After changing the actuator type, it is recommended that you run Auto Adjust to prevent linearity
Bolt Position Bolt On Lever, Bolt On For the linearization, when attaching to linear actuators, a differentiation is made concerning the
Stem mechanical part of the position transfer to which the bolt is permanently mounted.
— Bolt On Lever (actuator bolt on the potentiometer lever)
— Bolt On Stem (actuator bolt on the valve stem)
Factory setting: Bolt On Lever
Vent Position Position 0%, Position Use this parameter to specify which position is to be shown in the display when output 1 of the
100% positioner is completely vented.
Tight Shut 0% 0,0 ... 45,0 The shut-off value is a percentage of the working range from which the 0 % position is
approached. Once the specified position limit value is reached, the actuator moves into the 0%
end position.
Control at 0% On, Off Use this parameter to set the end position behavior. If the parameter is activated, the 0 % position
is controlled. Otherwise, the actuator moves into the 0 % mechanical end position.
Tight Shut 100% 55,0 … 100,0 The shut-off value is a percentage of the working range from which the 100 % position is
approached. Once the specified position limit value is reached, the actuator moves into the 100 %
end position.
Control at 100% On, Off Use this parameter to set the end position behavior. If the parameter is activated, the 100 %
position is controlled. Otherwise, the actuator moves into the 100 % mechanical end position.
Autoadjust Mode Full, Controller, Valve Use this parameter to define the mode or scope of the Auto Adjust function.
Range, Zero, Locked — Full: Complete automatic adjustment
— Controller: Determine control parameters only
— Zero: Determine the 0 % position only
— Valve Range: Determine stops only
— Locked: Automatic adjustment locked

On valves where slip-stick effect is significant, valve vibration can be reduced by increasing the
value of the „Zone“ parameter.
Start Autoadjust Start The following values are determined during Auto Adjust:
— Direction of action of the actuator
— Direction of action of the reset spring
— Actuator travel of the actuator / final control element
— Stroke time for both directions
— Control parameters
— Offset for the I/P module
— Static friction of the actuator / final control element
— Sliding friction of the actuator / final control element

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 41

9.5.2 Menu Device Setup

… / Device Setup
Menu / parameter Value range Description
Actuator Type Linear, Rotary Use this parameter to configure the configuration-, parameterization instruction for the positioner
for operation on a linear actuator (sensor range +/-30°) or on a rotary actuator (sensor range +/-
45°). No mechanical modifications to the positioner are required.
Linearization can be selected under the "Linear" parameter in accordance with the mounting

After changing the actuator type, it is recommended that you run Auto Adjust to prevent linearity
Bolt Position Bolt On Lever, For the linearization, when attaching to linear actuators, a differentiation is made concerning the
Bolt On Stem mechanical part of the position transfer to which the actuator bolt is permanently mounted.
— Bolt On Lever (actuator bolt on the potentiometer lever)
— Bolt On Stem (actuator bolt on the valve stem)
Factory setting: Bolt On Lever
Vent Position Position 0%, Position Use this parameter to specify which position is to be shown in the display when output 1 of the
100% positioner is completely vented.
Setpoint SP Range Min. The parameters for the set point are set in this parameter group.
SP Range Max.
SP Filter
SP Ramp Up
SP Ramp Down
SP Charact. Curve
SP Direction
Range Settings Valve Rng Calib. The valve end positions and the working range in which the valve is to be controlled are set in this
Upper Valve Rng parameter group.
Lower Valve Rng
If the work area is limited, the switching points of the digital feedback opposite the valve area
which had possibly been previously adjusted will shift.
End Stop Behav. Tight Shut 0% The end position behavior is set in this parameter group.
Control at 0%
Dead Angle 0%
Tight Shut 100%
Control at 100%
Dead Angle 100%
Recalc. Position Off, On Use this parameter to define whether the position indicator and analog position feedback display
the valve position (Direct) or the valve flow (Recalculated).

42 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300


... / ... / Setpoint

Menu / parameter Value range Description
SP Range Min. 4.0 ... 18.4 mA The setpoint range is the input current range as a percentage of the working range for the valves
and fittings (from 0 ... 100 %).
Use parameter "0" to specify the lower limit of the set point range.

The configured setpoint range must not be smaller than 20 % (3.2 mA).

SP Range Max. 5.6 ... 20.0 mA The set point range is the input current range as a percentage of the working range for the valves
and fittings (from 0 ... 100 %).
Use parameter "100" to specify the upper limit of the set point range.

The configured setpoint range must not be smaller than 20 % (3.2 mA).

SP Filter 0 … 120 seconds Use this parameter to set a damping value for the setpoint signal.
SP Ramp Up Off 0 … 200 seconds Here the stroke time for the actuator can be increased.
A setpoint change is not directly transferred to the positioner; instead, the speed is reduced

Danger of crushing!
In manual mode, with an active safety position and after errors, the "Set point ramp" function is
The actuator will therefore move without delay.
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

SP Ramp Down Off 0 … 200 seconds Here the stroke time for the actuator can be increased.
A setpoint change is not directly transferred to the positioner; instead, the speed is reduced

Danger of crushing!
In manual mode, with an active safety position and after errors, the "Set point ramp" function is
The actuator will therefore move without delay.
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 43

... / ... / Setpoint
Menu / parameter Value range Description
SP Charact. Curve Linear Use this parameter to select a function that adjusts the behavior of the positioner to the analog
1:25 input signal in accordance with a predefined course. This linearizes the characteristic curves for
1:50 the valves and fittings and improves the behavior of the overall control loop.
25:1 In addition to five predefined characteristic curves, you can also select a user-configurable
50:1 characteristic curve, which can only be generated and saved in the device via a PC with the
Custom appropriate configuration program (and not locally).

If the “SP Charact. Curve” parameter is changed, any switching points for digital position
feedback which may have been set previously will shift in relation to the valve range.

SP Direction Direct The action describes the relationship between the analog set point and pneumatic output 1.
Reverse DirectRising, set point 0 ... 100 % -> output 0 ... 100 %
ReverseFalling, set point 0 ... 100 % -> output 100 ... 0 %

44 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Range Settings

... / ... / Range Settings

Menu / parameter Value range Description
Valve Rng Calib.
Upper Valve Rng 0.0 ... 100.0 % Normally, the valve range is determined automatically during Auto Adjust. A partial run of Auto
Adjust that is limited to the control parameters or valves and fittings without end stops, however,
requires manual adjustment of the valve range.

Danger of crushing!
Following manual adjustment of the end positions, it is essential that the parameter “Control at
100%” is set to "On". Otherwise, the valves and fittings may be driven at full speed to an end
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

If after automatic adjustment, the valve range is manually rotated (old min. = new max. => old
max. = new min.), the device no longer reacts to set point changes. A constant process value of
128 flashes on the display.

Lower Valve Rng 0.0 ... 100.0 % Normally, the valve range is determined automatically during Auto Adjust. A partial run of Auto
Adjust that is limited to the control parameters or valves and fittings without end stops, however,
requires manual adjustment of the valve range.

Danger of crushing!
Following manual adjustment of the end positions, it is essential that the parameter “Control at
100%” is set to "On". Otherwise, the valves and fittings may be driven at full speed to an end
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

If after automatic adjustment, the valve range is manually rotated (old min. = new max. => old
max. = new min.) the device no longer reacts to set point changes. A constant process value of
128 flashes on the display.

Upper Working Rng 0.0 ... 100.0 % The working range can be configured to be smaller than the maximum mechanical working range.
The set point range always refers to the configured working range. Use this parameter to specify
the lower limit of the working range.

Danger of crushing!
This function is only active in control mode. In the event of a power supply failure (electric or
pneumatic), and in manual mode, the mechanical end positions are approached.

Lower Working Rng 0.0 ... 100.0 % The working range can be configured to be smaller than the maximum mechanical working range.
The set point range always refers to the configured working range. Use this parameter to specify
the upper limit of the working range.


Danger of crushing!
This function is only active in control mode. In the event of a power supply failure (electric or
pneumatic), and in manual mode, the mechanical end positions are approached.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 45

End Stop Behav.

... / …/ End Stop Behav.

Menu / parameter Value range Description
Tight Shut 0% 0 ... 45.0 The shut-off value is a percentage of the working range from which the 0 % position is
approached. Once the specified position limit value is reached, the actuator moves into the 0%
end position.
Control at 0% On, Off Use this parameter to set the end position behavior. If the parameter is activated, the 0 % position
is controlled. Otherwise, the actuator moves into the 0 % mechanical end position.
Dead Angle 0% 0.0 ... 45.0 % Use this parameter to cut off the unusable range of the valve flow characteristic curve from the
point of view of control.
The dead angle is a percentage of the working range to which the valve is moved if the input
signal is 4.16 mA.

If the parameter is changed, the switching points of the binary feedback opposite the valve area
which had possibly been previously adjusted will shift.

Tight Shut 100% 55.0 … 100 The shut-off value is a percentage of the working range from which the 100 % position is
approached. Once the specified position limit value is reached, the actuator moves into the 100 %
end position.
Control at 100% On, Off Use this parameter to set the end position behavior. If the parameter is activated, the 100%
position is controlled. Otherwise, the actuator moves into the 100% mechanical end position.
Dead Angle 100% 55.0 ... 100.0 % Use this parameter to cut off the unusable range of the valve flow characteristic curve from the
point of view of control.
The dead angle is a percentage of the working range to which the valve is moved if the input
signal is 19.84 mA.

If the parameter is changed, the switching points of the binary feedback opposite the valve area
which had possibly been previously adjusted will shift.

46 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.5.3 Menu: Display

…/ Display
Mask contents Value range Description
ENGINEERING UNITS Temperature Use this parameter to select the units to be displayed.
Pressure Temperature:
Universal Input °C – degrees Celsius
°F – degrees Fahrenheit
°R – degrees Rankine
K - Kelvin


Universal Input:
The unit can only be entered in plain text using a DTM / EDD.
Display Value Position % Use this parameter to select which value is to be shown on the process display.
Position ° Position – Position in %
Setpoint % Position ° - Position in degrees
Setpoint mA Setpoint % - Setpoint in %
Deviation % Setpoint mA – Setpoint in mA
Temperature Deviation – Control deviation in %
Univ. Inp. Elec.Temp. - Device temperature
Press. Y1 Univ. IN – Scaled value at universal input
Press. Y2 Press. Y1 – Pressure, output 1
Diff. Press. Press. Y2 – Pressure, output 2
Supply Press. Diff. Press. – Differential pressure between the outputs
Supply Press. - Supply air pressure
Contrast 0 … 100 % Display contrast

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 47

9.5.4 Menu: Control

…/ Control
Mask contents Value range Description
Zone 1 … 100 in steps of 1 This parameter specifies the point at which the control structure is switched over when the dead
band is being approached.

On valves where slip-stick effect is significant, valve vibration can be reduced by increasing the
value of the "Zone" parameter.

Dead Band 0.10 ... 10.00 % in steps The dead band defines a +/- range around the position set point. Once the valves and fittings
of 0.01 % reach this range, the positioner maintains this position.
DB Approach Fast This parameter specifies the speed at which the dead band is approached.
Medium In rare cases, overshooting can occur when the valve position is being compensated. This can be
Slow prevented by reducing the speed of the dead band approach (DB Approach).

DB Control time 0 ... 30 s In some cases it can happen that the valve continues moving slowly after reaching the dead band
and leaves the dead band again. To prevent this, this parameter can be used to specify how long
the controller should be active after reaching the dead band.
Factory setting: 0 s
DB Timeout Use this parameter to enter a monitoring time up to the point at which the dead band is reached.
When the dead band is exceeded, the monitoring time is started.
If the dead band around the new position set point is not reached again within the specified time,
an alarm is triggered.
Once the set point has been reached, the alarm is automatically reset.

With active shutoff there is no alarm message.
Once the set point has been reached, the alarm is automatically reset.
Value range: 0 ... 1000 s.

The monitoring stroke time is determined during Auto Adjust. Selecting a value of "0 s" deactivates
this parameter.

KP Up 1.0 … 400.0 The KP value is the gain of the controller. The control speed and stability are influenced by the KP
value. With higher KP values, the control speed increases.
To compensate for existing dis symmetries in the controlled system, the KP value should be set
separately for both positioning directions (up / down). For most actuators, satisfactory control
behavior is achieved with a KP value between 2.0 ... 10.0.

Use this parameter to adjust the KP value for the up positioning direction (towards 100 %).

The control precision is not affected by the KP value.

48 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Mask contents Value range Description
KP Down 1.0 … 400.0 The KP value is the gain of the controller. The control speed and stability are influenced by the KP
value. With higher KP values, the control speed increases.
To compensate for existing dissymmetries in the controlled system, the KP value should be set
separately for both positioning directions (up / down). For most actuators, satisfactory control
behavior is achieved with a KP value between 2.0 ... 10.0.

Use this parameter to adjust the KP value for the down positioning direction (towards 0 %).

The control precision is not affected by the KP value.

TV Up 10 … 800 ms The TV value is the derivative time of the controller.

The control speed and stability are affected by the TV value in such a way that it counteracts the
KP value dynamically. The control speed decreases as the TV value increases.
To compensate for existing dissymmetries in the controlled system, the TV value should be
configured separately for both positioning directions (up / down).

Use this parameter to adjust the KP value for the up positioning direction (towards 100 %).
TV Down 10 … 800 ms The TV value is the derivative time of the controller.
The control speed and stability are affected by the TV value in such a way that it counteracts the
KP value dynamically. The control speed decreases as the TV value increases.
To compensate for existing dissymmetries in the controlled system, the TV value should be
configured separately for both positioning directions (up / down).

Use this parameter to adjust the TV value for the down positioning direction (towards 0 %).

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 49

Mask contents Value range Description
Y-Offset Up 1 ... 100.0 % The "offset for the set point signal" linearizes the behavior of the I/P module used and enables
rapid compensation even in the case of small control deviations. The value is limited at the lower
end by a minimum value (measuring range lower limit).
The offset significantly affects the control speed for control deviations of less than 5 %.
To compensate for existing dissymmetries in the controlled system, the offset should be
configured separately for both positioning directions (up / down).
For most actuators, satisfactory control behavior is achieved with offset values between
40 ... 80 %. If, in the event of set point changes, the control behavior demonstrates an overshoot
of less than 2 %, both offset values should be decreased.
Both offset values should be increased when the actuator stops outside the dead band.

Use this parameter to adjust the Y offset for the up positioning direction (towards 100 %).
Y-Offset Down 1 ... 100.0 % The "offset for the set point signal" linearizes the behavior of the I/P module used and enables
rapid compensation even in the case of small control deviations. The value is limited at the lower
end by a minimum value (neutral zone).
The offset significantly affects the control speed for control deviations of less than 5 %.
To compensate for existing dissymmetries in the controlled system, the offset should be
configured separately for both positioning directions (up / down).
For most actuators, satisfactory control behavior is achieved with offset values between
40 ... 80 %. If, in the event of set point changes, the control behavior demonstrates an overshoot
of less than 2 %, both offset values should be decreased.
Both offset values should be increased when the actuator stops outside the dead band.

Use this parameter to adjust the Y offset for the down positioning direction (towards 0 %).

In the case of most actuators, all control parameters can be optimized by using Auto Adjust. The parameters should only be
changed if Auto Adjust cannot be executed or does not result in satisfactory control behavior.

50 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.5.5 Menu: Input/Output

…/ Input/Output
Mask contents Value range Description
Digital Input DI Function Selection of functions or states that are executed or adopted if the "digital input" has been
DI Default SP activated.
DI Logic
Alarm Output Alarm Logic Use this parameter to configure the alarm output via which a general alarm can be issued.
DO Alarm Mask Depending on the activated Namur classification group, it is also possible for the general alarm to
Alarm Simulation be issued as an alarm current.
Analog Feedback Analog Out Min. The current valve position (or when the “backward-calculated characteristics of the valve
Analog Out Max. influence”) is reported back as a current signal via the analog feedback message.
Feedbk. Charact. Depending on the activated Namur classification group, it is also possible for the general alarm to
AO Alarm Mask be issued as an alarm current.
AO Simulation
Digital Feedback Switch 1 Binary feedback can be used to configure two limit switches which are able to report when a
SW 1 Mask Map value is reached or exceeded, via a current signal. Additionally, diagnostics bits can be output via
Switch 2 the second switch.
SW 2 Mask Map
Universal input UI SP Value Max. Use this menu item to configure and simulate the universal input.
UI SP Value Min.
UI Damping
UI Charact.
UI Out Value Max
UI Out Value Min

Menu: Digital Input

... / …/ Digital Input

Mask contents Value range Description
DI Function Off Off – No function
Hold Last SP Hold Last SP – Last set point is retained
Hold User SP Hold User SP – Substitute value for set point (defined in "DI Default Setup.")
Hold Last Pos. Hold Last Pos. – Hold previous position
Vent. Out1 Vent. Out1 – Vent Output 1
Vent. Out2 Vent. Out2 – Vent Output 2
Freeze Outputs Freeze Outputs – Close pneumatic outputs
Partial Stroke Test Partial Stroke Test – Start Partial Stroke Test
Service Required Service Required – Issue diagnostics bit via binary feedback
Safety Position Safety Position – Approach safety position
Conf. Locked Conf. Locked – Block local configuration
Panel Locked Panel Locked – Block local operation
Locked Locked – Lock all operation and setting options.
DI Default SP 0 … 100% The position defined using this parameter is approached when the “Digital Input” function has
been set to “Hold User SP” and the digital input has been activated.
DI Logic Active High, Active Low Use this parameter to configure the contact logic for activating the digital input.

For the following parameters, the contact logic is always “Active Low” or “Off”:
— Safety Position
— Conf. Locked
— Panel Locked
— Locked

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 51

Menü: Alarm Output

... / …/ Alarm Output

Mask contents Value range Description
Alarm Logic Active High, Active Low Use this parameter to define the contact logic for the alarm output.
Active High -> I > 2.1 mA
Active Low -> I > 1.2 mA
DO Alarm Mask Alarm Maintenan., Alarm Use this parameter to select which general alarms are output as an alarm current, depending on
OoSpec., Alarm Check the activated Namur classification group.
Fct., Alarm Failure Alarm Maintenan. – Maintenance needed
Alarm OoSpec. – Operation outside specifications
Alarm Check Fct. – Functional test needed
Alarm Failure – Errors
Alarm Simulation Off, Low, High The presence of an alarm can be simulated here in order to output the alarm current.

Menu: Analog Feedback

... / …/ Analog Feedback

Mask contents Value range Description
Analog Out Min. 4.0 ... 18.4 mA Use this parameter to specify the lower current range limit for the analog feedback. The current
range corresponds to the configured stroke range.

The current range limits can be freely configured between 4 … 18.5 mA. However, the current
range must not be smaller than 10 % (1.6 mA).

Analog Out Max. 5.6 ... 20.0 mA Use this parameter to specify the upper current range limit for the analog feedback. The current
range corresponds to the configured stroke range.

The current range limits can be freely configured between 4 … 20 mA. However, the current
range must not be smaller than 10 % (1.6 mA).

Feedbk. Charact. Direct, Reverse Use this parameter to specify the characteristic curve for the analog feedback.
Direct (Increasing) = Position 0 … 100 % = Signal 4 … 20 mA
Reverse (Decreasing) = Position 0 … 100 % = Signal 20 … 4 mA
AO Alarm Mask Alarm Maintenan. When a general alarm is issued, an alarm current can be sent via the analog position feedback.
Alarm OoSpec. These alarm groups are defined in accordance with Namur NE107. A high alarm current ( “High” i"
Alarm Check Fct. i >21 mA), low alarm current ("Low" I < 3.6 mA), or "Off" can be set for each individual group.
Alarm Failure
AO Simulation Off The analog position feedback function is simulated in this parameter group.
Low Off – Terminate simulation
High Reverse – Alarm current I < 3.6 mA
Input current High – Alarm current I < 21 mA
HW Alarm Current Input current – The input current of the positioner is output.
HW Alarm Current – The "AO Alarm Current" set in "Service Mode" is output.

52 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Menu: Digital Feedback

... / …/ Digital Feedback

Mask contents Value range Description
Switch 1 Switch 1 Funct. The function of switch 1 is configured in this parameter group.
Switch 1 Value Switch 1 Funct. – Switch 1 function
Switch 1 Logic Switch 1 Value – Switch 1 value
Switch 1 Active Switch 1 Logic – Switch 1 logic
Switch 1 Active – Switch 1 activation

SW 1 Mask Map Alarm Maintenan. The function of switch "1 MASK MAP" is configured in this parameter group.
Alarm OoSpec. SW 1 Mask Map – Switch 1 diagnosis classification
Alarm Check Fct. Switch 1 Sim. – Switch 1 simulation
Alarm Failure
Switch 1 Sim.
Switch 2 Switch 1 Funct. The function of switch 2 is configured in this parameter group.
Switch 1 Value Switch 2 Funct. – Switch 2 function
Switch 1 Logic Switch 2 Value – Switch 2 value
Switch 1 Active Switch 2 Logic – Switch 2 logic
Switch 2 Active – Switch 2 activation
SW 2 Mask Map – Switch 2 diagnosis classification
Switch 2 Sim. – Switch 2 simulation
SW 2 Mask Map Alarm Maintenan. The function of switch "2 MASK MAP" is configured in this parameter group.
Alarm OoSpec. SW 2 Mask Map – Switch 2 diagnosis classification
Alarm Check Fct. Switch 2 Sim. – Switch 2 simulation
Alarm Failure
Switch 2 Sim.

Menu: Digit. Feedback / Switch 1

... / …/ Digit. Feedback / Switch 1

Mask contents Value range Description
Switch 1 Funct. Position Info Use this parameter to select whether the switch is to be used as a limit signal generator or for
Diagnostic State signaling diagnostics messages.
Position Info – Evaluate position
Diagnostic State – Assess diagnosis status
Switch 1 Value 0 … 100% Use this parameter to configure the position value as a limit signal generator. It is taken into
account when the "Switch 1 Funct." parameter is set to "Position Info”.
Switch 1 Logic Active High Use this parameter to select the contact logic.
Active Low Active High (active) = output current I > 2.1 mA
Active Low (active) = output current I < 1.2 mA
Switch 1 Active Fall below, Exceeding Use this parameter to select the edge for activating the switch.
Off – Deactivated
Fall below – If down-scaled
Exceeding – If up-scaled

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 53

Menu: Digital Feedback / SW 1 Mask Map

... / …/ Digital Feedback / SW 1 Mask Map

Mask contents Value range Description
Alarm Maintenan. On, Off When a general alarm is issued, an alarm current can be sent via the analog position feedback.
These alarm groups are defined in accordance with Namur NE107. Each individual group can be
Alarm OoSpec.
Alarm Maintenan. – Maintenance needed
Alarm Check Fct.
Alarm OoSpec. – Operation outside specifications
Alarm Failure Alarm Check Fct. – Functional test needed
Alarm Failure – Errors
Switch 1 Sim. Use this parameter to simulate the switch function.
Off – Simulation deactivated

Menu: Digit. Feedback / SW 2 MASK MAP

... / …/ Digit. Feedback / SW 2 MASK MAP

Mask contents Value range Description

Alarm Maintenan. On, Off When a general alarm is issued, an alarm current can be sent via the analog position feedback.
These alarm groups are defined in accordance with Namur NE107. Each individual group can be
Alarm OoSpec.
Alarm Maintenan. – Maintenance needed
Alarm Check Fct.
Alarm OoSpec. – Operation outside specifications
Alarm Failure Alarm Check Fct. – Functional test needed
Alarm Failure – Errors
Switch 2 Sim. Use this parameter to simulate the switch function.
Off – Simulation deactivated

54 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Menu: Digit. Feedback / Switch 2

... / …/ Digit. Feedback / Switch 2

Mask contents Value range Description
Switch 2 Funct. Position Info Use this parameter to select whether the switch is to be used as a limit signal generator or for
Diagnostic State signaling diagnostics messages.
Position Info – Evaluate position
Diagnostic State – Assess diagnosis status
Switch 2 Value 0 … 100% Use this parameter to configure the position value as a limit signal generator. It is taken into
account when the "Switch 1 Funct." parameter is set to "Position Info”.
Switch 2 Logic Active High Use this parameter to select the contact logic.
Active Low Active High (active) = output current I > 2.1 mA
Active Low (active) = output current I < 1.2 mA
Switch 2 Active Fall below, Exceeding Use this parameter to select the edge for activating the switch.
Off – Deactivated
Fall below – If down-scaled
Exceeding – If up-scaled

Menu: Universal input

... / …/ Universal input

Mask contents Value range Description
UI SP Value Max. 4.0 … 20.0 mA Use this parameter to specify the upper current range limit for the universal input.

UI SP Value Min. 4.0 … 20.0 mA Use this parameter to specify the lower current range limit for the universal input.

UI Damping 0 … 60 s Use this parameter to set a damping value for the universal input signal.
UI Charact. Linear, Custom Use this parameter to select a function that adjusts the behavior of the positioner to the analog
input signal according to a predefined course. This linearizes the characteristic curves for the
valves and fittings and improves the behavior of the overall control loop.

Linear – Linear
Custom – Configurable by user

The user-configurable characteristic curve cannot be generated and saved in the device locally,
however; this can only be done via a PC with the appropriate configuration program (DTM / EDD).
UI Out Value Min 0.0 …30000 Use this parameter to define which value is assigned to the minimum universal input signal "UI SP
Value Min.".
UI Out Value Max 0.0 …30000 Use this parameter to define which value is assigned to the maximum universal input signal "UI SP
Value Max.".

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 55

9.5.6 Menu: Communication

... / Communication
Menu / parameter Value range Description
HART Version HART 5 Use this parameter to define the HART protocol via which the device is to communicate.
HART 7 HART 5 – HART 5.9
Off1) HART 7 – HART 7.2
Find Once 1)
Find Continuous1) NOTICE
– If the HART 7 function "Write protection (Lock ALL)" has been activated via the DTM / EDD and
communication has been switched to HART 5 on the device, write protection is canceled
when the device is restarted.
– In the event of a switch from HART 7 to HART 5, if write protection has been activated via
HART 7, it is deactivated when the device is restarted.
– When switching from HART 5 to HART 7, device addresses greater than number 15 are set to

If "Find Once" is selected, after HART command #73 is received the device responds once with
HART command #73, which has the same content as command #0.
If "Find Continuous" is selected, after HART command #73 is received the device responds once
with HART command #73, which has the same content as command #0.
Selecting the "Off” parameter ends the "Find Device" function.

1) Parameter only visible if HART 7 has been selected

56 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.5.7 Menu: Diagnosis

... / Diagnosis
Menu / parameter Value range Description
Partial Stroke PS Configuration, PS "Partial Stroke Test" is used to test the mobility of the safety-related valves and fittings. For this
Interval, PS Start Now purpose, the valve is moved by a configurable amount in the direction of the safety position
(venting of positioner output 1).
If this does not happen within the expected time, an alarm is signaled. After the test, the valve
follows the current set point again. The start of the test is triggered using a time interval “PS
Interval”, through the digital input (configuration: Input/Output-> Digital Input-> DI Function ->
Partial Stroke) or locally on the device “PS Start Now”.

Property damage!
During the test, the valve no longer follows the set point current. This change in the valve position
may have a detrimental effect on the process.

Histogram Pos. Timeout Use this parameter to select which histogram is to be displayed.
Valve Movements In this menu, the number of values or events is assigned to a valve range and displayed as an
Valve Cycles individual bar graph. The valve ranges are divided up as follows:
Mainly Used Pos. <0%
Universal input 0 - 10 %
10 - 20 %
20 - 30 %
30 - 40 %
40 - 50 %
50 - 60%
60 - 70 %
70 - 80 %
80 - 90%
90 - 100 %
> 100 %

The histograms support valve diagnostics and allow conclusions to be drawn about the valve,
control quality, wear, and properties of the valves and fittings.

Pos. Timeout – Number of “positioning time too slow” events

Valve Movements – Number of valve movements
Valve Cycles – Number of valve lifts
Mainly Used Pos. – Most used valve position
Universal input – Universal input value
Travel Counter 0 ... 200,000,000 The "Travel Counter" is used to determine the positioner travel. The counter adds up the distance
traveled as a % of the set "operating range".
Limit values can be configured for the counter (only via DTM / EDD).
If the "Travel Counter" reaches a limit value, a message is output.
Movement Counter 0 ... 200,000,000 The "Movement Counter" is used to determine the actuator's movements. Any movement that
exceeds the defined hysteresis is counted (default setting: 50%). The hysteresis can only be set /
changed using a PC (DTM / EDD). Limit values can be configured for the movement counter (only
via DTM / EDD).
If the counter reaches a limit value, a message is output.
Reset Histograms Use this parameter to reset the histograms.
Reset Status Use this parameter to reset the diagnostic status.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 57

Menu: Partial Stroke

… / ... / Partial Stroke

Menu / parameter Value range Description
PS Configuration PS Vent Amount, PS Vent Amount: Position change in the direction of the safety position (venting of positioner
Timeout Value output 1) by which the valve is to be moved.
Dead Time
Timeout ValueIf the valve does not reach the new valve position, which has changed by the
amount defined by "PS Vent Amount", within the defined time (Timeout Time), an alarm is issued.

The step response from the DTM can be used to determine the partial stroke parameters.

The default setting for this time is automatically determined by Auto Adjust (only in Auto Adjust
mode: Valve Ranges, Full).

Dead Time: Use this parameter (dead time) to set the time in which the valve must have moved
out of the end position.
The dead time must be less than half the "Timeout Value".

The partial stroke must be tested after configuration!

PS Interval 0 … 1000 days Use this parameter to define the time interval according to which the "Partial Stroke Test" is
triggered on a cyclical basis.
PS Start Now Test Passed Use this parameter to trigger the partial stroke directly.
Test Failed The result is shown on the display:
Test Passed – Test successful
Test Failed – Test failed

Property damage
During the test, the valve no longer follows the set point current. This change in the valve position
may have a detrimental effect on the process.

58 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

9.5.8 Menu: Device Info

This menu is only used to display the device parameters. The parameters are displayed independently of the configured
access level, but cannot be changed.

... / Device Info

Menu / parameter Value range Description
Hardware Rev. The hardware revision is displayed here.
Software Rev. The firmware revision is displayed here.
Mounting Date The installation date is displayed here. The date can only be entered and changed using a PC
(DTM / EDD).
Commun. Tag The communication name is displayed here. The name can only be entered and changed using a
Long Tag1) The long text for the measuring point tag is displayed here.
Device Address The device address is displayed here.
Descriptor The measuring point tagging is displayed here. The description can only be entered and changed
using a PC (DTM / EDD).
Device Message The device information is displayed here. The description can only be entered and changed using
a PC (DTM / EDD).
Pneumatic Type Single / Safe The type of pneumatics that the device works with is displayed here.
Single / Freeze After installing a different type of pneumatics, this type needs to be set in the "Service ->
Double / Safe Pneumatic“ menu.
Double / Freeze Single / Safe – Single-acting, safety position with no current, with venting function.
Single / Freeze – Single-acting, safety position with no current, with blocking function.
Double / Safe – Double-acting, safety position with no current, with venting function.
Double / Freeze – Double-acting, safety position with no current, with blocking function.

Danger of crushing!
If Service Mode is set to "On", the valve moves to its pneumatic safety position. In the case of the
"venting" safety position, the valve moves to the end position in an uncontrolled manner and / or
no longer follows the set point current.
The actuator will therefore move without delay.
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

Stroke Time Up 0 … 200 s The stroke time determined by Auto Adjust (only Auto Adjust types "Stroke“ and “Full") for the
direction of the 100 % position is displayed here.
Stroke Time Dn 0 … 200 s The stroke time determined by Auto Adjust (only Auto Adjust types "Stroke“ and “Full") for the
direction of the 0 % position is displayed here.
1) Only visible with HART7

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 59

9.5.9 Menu: Service

... / Service
Menu / parameter Value range Description
Service Mode Off, On 1)
Danger of crushing!
If Service Mode is set to "On", the valve moves to its pneumatic safety position. In the case of the
"venting" safety position, the valve moves to the end position in an uncontrolled manner and / or
no longer follows the set point current.
The actuator will therefore move without delay.
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

Factory Setting1) Load factory settings

Adjust Sensors 1) Adjust All, Adjust Outputs
The supply pressure and the drive must not be pressurized for calibration to atmospheric
pressure. Otherwise, the existing pressure is applied as the zero point.

In order to set the zero point for the pressure sensors, the pneumatic device connections for the
supply air and actuator must be disconnected and vented. The sensors will then be calibrated to
the atmospheric pressure.


Risk of injury!
For calibration of the outputs, the device triggers a sequence to vent the outputs. The end points
of the valve are approached without the brakes being applied.
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

Supply Pressure – Supply air pressure

Pressure Y1 – Pressure, output 1
Pressure Y2 – Pressure, output 2
Pneumatic1) Single / Safe Use this parameter to adapt the positioner software to the installed I/P module. This is required
Single / Freeze when installing a different I/P module type. The type of pneumatics that the device works with is
Double / Safe displayed here.
Double / Freeze
Single / Safe – Single-acting, safety position with no current, with venting function.
Single / Freeze – Single-acting, safety position with no current, with blocking function.
Double / Safe – Double-acting, safety position with no current, with venting function.
Double / Freeze – Double-acting, safety position with no current, with blocking function.

Danger of crushing!
If an incorrect type of pneumatics is selected, the valve may move into an end position in an
uncontrolled manner and / or may no longer follow the set point current.
The actuator will therefore move without delay.
Do not reach into the adjustment mechanism.

1) Parameter is only visible if Service Mode is set to "On".

60 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

Menu / parameter Value range Description
Remote Sensor1) Off, On If an external position sensor is connected, this parameter must be set to "On".
Sensor Type 1) Standard Use this parameter to select the version of the installed position sensor.
Non-Contact Standard – Standard position sensor
External Sensor Non-Contact – Contactless position sensor
No Linearization
Sensor Calib. 1) Value 1 ... Value 5 Once the position sensor has been replaced, the correction values used for linearizing the sensor
Confirm characteristic curve (supplied by the factory together with the position sensor) can be entered
here. The entered values are accepted by using “Confirm”.
Sensor Position 0° Position Use this parameter to set the fine adjustment of the 0° position after a sensor replacement.
The current position of the sensor range is accepted as a center position by using “Confirm”

For this purpose, the positioner feedback shaft must be exactly in the center position.

AO Alarm Current 1) Low, High Use this parameter to set the alarm current for the analog position feedback. This current is
output even if the positioner is in a no-current state (external supply).

High – I > 21.5 mA

Low – I < 3.6 mA

In order to save the parameter in the non-volatile memory on the "analog position feedback"
module, the module must be supplied with 24 V during parameterization.

1) Parameter is only visible if Service Mode is set to "On".

Change from one to two columns

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 61

10 Diagnosis / error messages
10.1 Calling up the error description
Additional details about the error that has occurred can be called up on the information level.

Process display


1. Use to switch to the information level (Operator Menu).

Operator Menu

Back Select

2. Use / to select the submenu "Diagnosis".

3. Confirm the selection with .

- F123.321 -
Brief description
Back Exit

The error message is shown on the display according to

The first line shows the area in which the error has occurred.
The second line shows the unique error number. It is made up
of the priority (Fxxx) and the error position (.xxx)
The next lines show a brief description of the error and
information on how to remedy it.
You absolutely need to scroll the display further to read the
error message in more detail.

For a detailed description of the error messages and
information on troubleshooting, see the following pages.
Change from two to one column

62 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

10.2 Possible error messages

No. Priority Fault message Possible cause Troubleshooting the Group

Instrument F C S M
1 90 Position measurement Defective position sensor Replace position sensor X Sensor
Failure 1)
2 91 Valve blocked Friction too high Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
3 50 Positioning timeout - Positioning time up-scaled Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
Check valve friction high
4 51 Positioning unstable Change disturbance variables Select "Adaptive Control" mode X Configuration
5 49 Position out of travel Mounting kit is bent Check mounting conditions X Process
6 52 Zero-Point displacement Valve seat is damaged Valve requires maintenance X Process
7 43 kp up exceeded Friction too high Valve requires maintenance X
8 44 kp Down exceeded Friction too high Valve requires maintenance X
9 92 Setpoint failure Faulty electronics Replace electronics X Electronics
10 70 Setpoint out of range Defective DCS card Replace DCS card X Special
11 80 Device not calibrated Auto adjust has not yet been Execute auto adjust X Configuration
12 79 Controller inactive Test function activated Test function deactivated X
13 53 Stroke counter limit Many valve strokes Valve requires maintenance X
14 54 Travel counter limit Many valve strokes or Valve requires maintenance X
exceeded vibrating valve
15 55 Electronic temperature Temperature sensor defective Replace electronics X Electronics
measurement failure
16 71 Electronic temperature Temperature is too high or Check mounting conditions X Special
out of limits too low Requirements
17 94 Configuration data failure Output piping mixed up Check mounting conditions X Actuator
18 95 Electronics - NV chip Faulty electronics Replace electronics X Electronics
19 96 Non volatile data defect Faulty electronics Replace electronics X Electronics
20 56 Leakage during Leakage in actuator, piping, Start leakage test X Actuator
operation connections, or positioner
21 57 Leakage chamber 1 Leakage in chamber 1 of the Check chamber 1 of the X Actuator
actuator or pneumatics actuator or pneumatics output
output line 1 line 1
22 58 Leakage chamber 2 Leakage in chamber 2 of the Check chamber 2 of the X Actuator
actuator or pneumatics actuator or pneumatics output
output line 2 line 2

1) f the “positioning timeout” alarm has been set, the positioner monitors if the position changes more than 0.1% over 5 seconds. If not, a “Valve Blocked” diagnosis notice
is output. No alarm is output in the end position.

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 63

No. Priority Fault message Possible cause Troubleshooting the Group
Instrument F C S M
23 59 Leakage in actuator Leakage inside the actuator Check the actuator diaphragms X Actuator
24 78 Pressure NV Data defect Restart device X Electronics
25 83 Pressure NV chip defect Replace pressure option X Electronics
26 73 Overpressure from Supply air pressure too high Check supply air pressure X Special
supply Requirements
27 74 Overpressure from Supply air pressure is too low Check supply air pressure or X Special
supply or filter is clogged filter Requirements
28 75 Supply pressure limit Supply air pressure too high Check supply air pressure X Special
high exceeded Requirements
29 76 Pressure hammer from Pressure shock in Check air supply X
supply compressed air supply
Supply air pressure too high
30 40 tv up exceeded Excessive dynamic friction Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
31 45 tv down exceeded Excessive friction Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
32 41 Y-Offset Up exceeded Excessive dynamic friction Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
33 42 Y-Offset Down exceeded Excessive friction Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
34 61 Friction limit exceeded Excessive dynamic friction Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
35 62 Stiction limit exceeded Excessive friction Valve requires maintenance X Actuator
36 77 Universal input out of Input range area up-scaled Check parameterization X
37 63 Partial stroke failed The partial stroke test has Check valve. X
38 64 Option module defect Defective option module Replace option module X Electronics
39 65 Universal input limit Universal input limit value up- Depends on application X Actuator
exceeded scaled
40 47 Analog output simulation Analog feedback monitor Terminate simulation. X
active simulation active
41 46 Binary output simulation Alarm current binary output Terminate simulation. X
active simulation active
42 97 Fail safe active - via Positioner in safety position Check next error message, X
device error due to device failure determine and eliminate cause.
43 66 Fail safe active - via user Positioner in safety position Switch off service mode X Special
due to user action Requirements

64 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

No. Priority Fault message Possible cause Troubleshooting the Group
Instrument F C S M
44 67 Binary input active Digital input activated by the Deactivate the digital input X Special
user Requirements
45 68 Switchpoint 1 exceeded Valve has passed limit 1 Depends on application X Process
46 69 Switchpoint 2 exceeded Valve has passed limit 2 Depends on application X Process
47 82 Analog output supply No power supply on analog Check the supply power X Special
fault output Requirements
48 81 Pressure measurement “Print option” optional module Replace “Print option” optional X Electronics
defect defective module
202 Extern access Communication with the Depends on application X Configuration
device is performed via HART
203 All locked Local operation is locked Activate the digital input X Configuration
204 Conf. Locked Configuration is locked Activate the digital input X Configuration
205 Panel locked Input locked X Configuration
206 Simulation Simulation active Terminate simulation. X Configuration
207 Squawk2) "Find device" activated Deactivate function in DTM or X Configuration

2) Function can only be used via HART7

Change from one to two columns

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 65

11 Maintenance 13 Recycling and disposal
The positioner does not require any maintenance if it is used 13.1 Disposal
as intended under normal operating conditions.
NOTICE Products that are marked with this symbol may
Manipulation by users shall immediately render the warranty not be disposed of through municipal garbage
for the device invalid. collection points.
To ensure fault-free operation, it is essential that the device
is supplied with instrument air that is free of oil, water, and This product and its packaging are manufactured from
dust. materials that can be recycled by specialist recycling
Perform a functional check of the emergency shutdown Bear the following points in mind when disposing of them:
module (option) at least every 2 years. — This product is not subject to WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC
For this purpose, the positioner must move the valve into the or relevant national laws (e.g. ElektroG in Germany).
safety position with the 24 V DC signal (terminal +85 / -86) — The product must be surrendered to a specialist recycling
interrupted. company. Do not use municipal garbage collection points.
According to WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC, only products
used in private applications may be disposed of at
municipal garbage collection points.
— If it is not possible to dispose of old equipment properly,
12 Repair ABB Service can take receipt of and dispose of returns for
a fee.
Repair and maintenance activities may only be performed by
authorized customer service personnel. 13.2 Information on ROHS Directive 2011/65/EC
When replacing or repairing individual components, use The products provided by ABB Automation Products GmbH
original spare parts. do not fall within the current scope of regulations on
hazardous substances with restricted uses or the directive on
12.1 Returning devices waste electrical and electronic equipment according to
Use the original packaging or a secure transport container of ElektroG.
an appropriate type if you need to return the device for repair If the necessary components are available on the market at
or recalibration purposes. Fill out the return form (see the the right time, in the future these substances will no longer be
Appendix) and include this with the device. used in new product development.
According to the EU Directive governing hazardous materials,
the owner of hazardous waste is responsible for its disposal or
must observe the following regulations for shipping purposes:
All devices delivered to ABB must be free from any hazardous
materials (acids, alkalis, solvents, etc.).

Please contact Customer Center Service acc. to page 2 for

nearest service location.

66 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

14 Supplemental specifications Characteristic curve (actuator travel = f {set point signal})
Linear Equal percentage 1:25 or 1:50 or 25:1 or
14.1 Actuator travel 50:1 1)

Deviation < 0.5 %

Rotation angle Configurable zone 0 ... 100 %
Used range 25 … 270° for rotary actuator Configurable dead zone 0.1 ... 10 %
25 … 60° for linear actuator Resolution (AD-conversion) > 16,000 steps
Actuator travel limit Min. and max. limits, freely configurable in Sampling frequency 20 ms
range 0 ... 100 % Ambient temperature effect < 0.5 % for each 10 K
Actuator travel (min. range > 20% Influence of vibration < 1 % to 10 g and 80 Hz
Actuator travel time Range of 0 ... 200 seconds, separately for 1) Freely configurable with 20 reference points
prolongation each direction
Dead band time limit Setting range 0 ... 200 seconds 14.3.1 Seismic vibration
(monitoring parameter for control until the Meets requirements of DIN / IEC 60068-3-3 Class III for strong
deviation reaches the dead band) and strongest earthquakes.

14.2 Housing 14.3.2 Influence of mounting orientation

Not measurable.
Material / Degree of protection
Aluminum with Optional stainless steel 1.4404 (316L) 14.3.3 Noise emissions
≤ 0.1% copper Max. 100 db (A)
Degree of protection IP 65 / NEMA 4X (NEMA 4X does not Noise-reduced version max. 85 db (A)
permit overhead mounting)
14.4 Ambient conditions
Surface / color (aluminum housing only)
Dipping varnish With epoxy resin, stove-hardened Ambient temperature range
Housing varnished black RAL 9005 During operation, storage, -40 ... 85 °C (-40 ... 185 °F)
RAL 9002 and transport -40 ... 100 °C (-40 ... 212 °F)1)

1) Increased temperature range only with EDP300 Remote Sensor.

Aluminum 2.4 kg (5.29 lb)
Relative humidity
Stainless steel 1.4404 5.5 kg (12.13 lb)
During operation with 95 % (annual average), condensation
housing closed and air permissible
supply switched on
14.2.1 Mounting orientation
Transport and storage 75 % (annual average)

14.3 Transmission data and influences

Output Y1
Increasing set point signal 0 ... 100 % 15 Additional documents
Increasing pressure at output
Decreasing set point signal 0 ... 100 % NOTICE
Decreasing pressure at output All documentation, declarations of conformity, and certificates
are available in ABB's download area.
Action (set point signal)
Increasing set point 4 ... 20 mA
= actuator position 0 ... 100 %
Decreasing set point 20 ... 4 mA
= actuator position 0 ... 100 %

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 67

16 Accessories
16.1 Extension modules
Mechanical position indicator
Indicator disk in housing cover linked with device feedback

Contactless position sensor (option)

In difficult ambient conditions (constant valve movements, for
example, which are transmitted to the sensor axis by the
process pressure), the positioner can be fitted with a
contactless position sensor.

Pressure option
The pressure option comprises 3 absolute pressure sensors
which facilitate pressure-based valve diagnostics (valve
signature, for example).
The supply air pressure and the output pressures can also be
monitored. The zero points of the pressure sensors can be
calibrated both locally on the device and using the DTM.

These options are also available for retrofitting by Service.

16.2 Accessories
16.2.1 Mounting material
— Attachment kit for linear actuators to DIN/IEC 534/NAMUR
— Attachment kit for rotary actuators to VDI/VDE 3845
— Attachment kit for integral mounting to control valves
— Attachment kit for actuator-specific mounting to control

16.2.2 Pressure gauge block (optional)

— With pressure gauges for supply and output pressure.
Pressure gauges with housing ø 28 mm (1.10 in), with
connection block in aluminum, black

16.2.3 PC adapter for communication

USB-HART modem for HART communication (see data sheet

16.2.4 PC software for remote configuration and

DAT200 Asset Vision Basic with DTM for EDP300 (see data
sheet DS/DTM/DAT200)

® HART is a registered trademark of FieldComm Group, Austin, Texas,

Change from two to one column


68 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

17 Appendix
17.1 Return form
Statement on the contamination of devices and components

Repair and / or maintenance work will only be performed on devices and components if a statement form has been completed
and submitted.
Otherwise, the device / component returned may be rejected. This statement form may only be completed and signed by
authorized specialist personnel employed by the operator.

Customer details:
Contact person: Telephone:
Fax: E-Mail:

Device details:
Typ: Serial no.:
Reason for the return/description of the defect:

Was this device used in conjunction with substances which pose a threat or risk to health?
 Yes  No
If yes, which type of contamination (please place an X next to the applicable items)?
Biological  Corrosive / irritating  Combustible (highly / extremely combustible) 
Toxic  Explosiv  Other toxic substances 
Radioactive 

Which substances have come into contact with the device?


We hereby state that the devices / components shipped have been cleaned and are free from any dangerous or poisonous

Town/city, date Signature and company stamp

PositionMaster EDP300 | OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 69

17.2 Control Drawing 901305

70 OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C | PositionMaster EDP300

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Contact us

OI/EDP300-EN Rev. C 02.2017

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responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or
Tel: +44 (0)870 600 6122
possible lack of information in this document.
Fax: +44 (0)1480 213 339
Mail: enquiries.mp.uk@gb.abb.com We reserve all rights in this document and in the
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Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or
ABB Inc.
utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is
Industrial Automation forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.
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ABB Automation Products GmbH

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