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ISO 16890 Pocket Guide PDF

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Real Life ISO 16890

International Standards Organization issues a new standard for filter testing and rating


coarse ePM10 ePM2,5 ePM1

ISO coarse – filters allocated PM10 – Refers to the particle PM2,5 – Refers to the particle PM1 – Refers to the particle
to this range capture less than size fraction in the range from size fraction in the range from size fraction in the range from
50% of PM10 particles. 0,3 µm up to 10 µm. 0,3 µm up to 2,5 µm.  0,3 µm up to 1 µm. 

The precise definition of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 is quite complex and not simple to measure. Public authorities, like the US EPA or the
German Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt), increasingly use in their publications the simpler denotation of PM10 as
being the particle size fraction less or equal to 10 μm. Since this deviation to the above-mentioned complex “official” definition does
not have a significant impact on a filter elements particle removal efficiency, the ISO 16890 documents refer to this simplified definition
of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1.

More Than Logic—ISO 16890 Measures Reality!

The world’s leading health-related organizations consider
PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 fine dust fractions as the most
important and dangerous for humans. Their official
documentation to the public always refers to these
PM levels.
It is more than logic that filter test methods and classifications follow this approach to demonstrate
filtration performance towards the most harmful fine dusts.

ISO 16890 classifications are based

on where particles are deposited in
the human lung.

Aerodynamic Diameter (µm) of

particles and their likely region
of deposit ISO 16890 Filter Ratings

5–10 µm Nose and


3–5 µm Trachea


2–3 µm Bronchia

1–2 µm Bronchioles

0,1*–1 µm Alveoli PM1

*Efficiency on particles smaller than 0,3 micron is not defined by the ISO

PM1 – The Smaller the More Dangerous!

A variety of studies are focusing on the health effects of PM1 particles:

“ Particles smaller or equal

to 1 micron in diameter are small

“ Fine particles in the air

measuring between 0,25 to 0,5 mi-

“ Smaller particles in the

body can harm the regulation of

enough to find their way through crons in diameter have a closer rela- the human nervous sys-

” ”
the cell membranes of the alveoli tionship to human health, especially tem.
into the human blood stream. an increased risk of cardiovascular

Due to their Harmfulness, Permanence, and Frequency, Particles

Smaller or Equal to 1µm need the Most Attention!
The lighter and smaller a particle is, the longer it stays in the air.

Particles smaller than 1 micron contribute only a few % to the mass, at the same time contributing to over 90% of the numbers.

The main According to EN779 filter test

procedures are considering only
difference particles in the size of 0,4 µm
EN779 and
the ISO 16890 10 µm 2,5 µm 1 µm 0,4 µm 0,3 µm

According to ISO 16890 filter test procedures are considering the range from 10 µm–0,3 µm

ISO 16890 Testing and Classification Procedure

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Filter efficiency The filter is Filter efficiency is Actual efficiency Values are allocat- The reporting
is measured on conditioned in an measured again per PM size is ed to ISO groups. value for the
0,3 to 10 µm isopropanol vapor on 0,3 to 10 µm – calculated as the filter is the

atmosphere to

of the clean now of the


average of the combination

µmze R

(not condi- eliminate electro- conditioned filter. conditioned and of the selected
Eff O


static charge.

tioned) filter. the unconditioned ISO group and

filter. coarse > 10 the
ePM10 0,3 ≤ x ≤ 10 efficiency value
Important: ePM2,5 0,3 ≤ x ≤ 2,5
measured for
For a certain PM ePM1 0,3 ≤ x ≤ 1
classification, the this group –
filter needs to show a For ISO coarse always rounded
minimum efficiency filters Initial Gravity down in 5%
of 50% for the Arrestance is steps.
unconditioned and measured by loading
the conditioned filter. the filter with synthetic
test dust. This step is
voluntary for filters
classified as ePM10,
ePM2.5 or ePM1.

A filter shows the following average efficiency values: As a result, the filter is classified as:
Efficiency class Value Classification
ISO ePM10 89%
ISO ePM2,5 63% ISO ePM2,5 60%
ISO ePM1 49%
• Minimum efficiency of 50% is achieved for ISO ePM10 and ISO
Meaning this filter is able to capture 60% of the particles
ePM2,5 – but only 49% for ISO ePM1, which is not fulfilled.
smaller or equal to 2,5 micron!
• Possible ISO groups are therefore ISO ePM2,5 and ISO ePM10
• If, for example, ISO ePM2,5 group is selected, value of 63% is
rounded down to 60%.

ISO 16890 Timeline

18 month transition period

EN779: 2012

Withdrawal of EN779

ISO 16890

2012 Jan. 2017 Mid 2018

Current Standard vs. ISO 16890

DIMENSION (mm) W x H x D


EN779:2012 Classification

DHC acc. EN779 (g)


ePM2,5 (%)

ePM10 (%)


ISO 16890

ePM1 (%)
AmAir® 500 2″ 41-5100-4004 595 x 595 x 45 1,6 – 2000 100 M5 125 – ePM10 20 35 73

AmAir® 500 4″ 42-5100-4001 595 x 595 x 95 2,4 – 3400 75 M5 145 E ePM10 29 42 75


AmerTex® F30 64-0332-0020 2.000 x 20.000 1,0 – 900 350 M5 25 – ePM10 14 29 68


AmerTex® F55 64-0062-0020 2.000 x 20.000 1,0 – 900 250 M5 25 – ePM10 9 17 57


AmerTex® F60 64-0382-0020 2.000 x 20.000 1,0 – 900 300 M5 25 – ePM10 14 28 67


DriPak® BASE GF F8 51-2410-0620 592 x 592 x 508 4,1 6 1700 250 F8 114 – ePM1 78 83 93

DriPak® BASE GF F7 51-2310-0620 592 x 592 x 508 4,1 6 1700 325 F7 80 – ePM1 59 67 86

DriPak® BASE GF F7 51-2310-0825 592 x 592 x 635 6,7 8 3400 575 F7 115 C ePM1 57 65 86

DriPak® BASE GF F8 51-2410-0825 592 x 592 x 635 6,7 8 3400 350 F8 165 C ePM1 76 81 92

DriPak® BASE GF M5 51-2110-0620 592 x 592 x 508 4,1 6 3400 450 M5 55 – ePM10 24 34 68

DriPak® BASE GF M5 51-2110-0625 592 x 592 x 635 5,0 6 3400 675 M5 55 D ePM10 23 32 66

DriPak® BASE GF M6 51-2210-0825 592 x 592 x 635 6,7 8 3400 675 M6 60 C ePM10 20 28 64

DriPak® BASE SF F7 51-3410-0621 592 x 592 x 535 4,2 6 1700 150 F7 90 – ePM2,5 55 64 75

DriPak® BASE SF F7 54-3410-0824 592 x 592 x 610 6,2 8 3400 175 F7 150 E ePM2,5 48 58 73

DriPak® BASE SF M5 51-3110-0621 592 x 592 x 535 4,2 6 3400 200 M5 60 – ePM10 36 44 64

DriPak® BASE SF M5 54-3118-0624 592 x 592 x 610 4,8 6 3400 225 M5 75 E ePM10 36 44 60

DriPak® BASE SF M6 51-3218-0824 592 x 592 x 610 6,2 8 3400 675 M6 65 E ePM10 36 44 64

DriPak® BASE SF M6 54-3210-0621 592 x 592 x 535 4,2 6 1700 300 M6 60 – ePM10 36 44 67

DriPak® GX F7 51-1710-0815 592 x 592 x 390 3,5 8 3400 200 F7 155 E ePM1 72 78 91

DriPak® GX F7 51-1710-0820 592 x 592 x 510 4,7 8 3400 325 F7 125 C ePM1 70 76 90

DriPak® GX F7 51-1710-1025 592 x 592 x 640 7,3 10 3400 725 F7 80 B ePM1 69 77 92


DriPak® GX F9 51-1910-0815 592 x 592 x 390 3,5 8 3400 100 F9 310 E ePM1 84 88 95

DriPak® GX F9 51-1910-0820 592 x 592 x 510 4,7 8 3400 225 F9 225 D ePM1 90 92 97

DriPak® GX F9 51-1910-1025 592 x 592 x 640 7,3 10 3400 600 F9 165 C ePM1 94 96 99

DriPak® GX M5 51-1510-0825 592 x 592 x 640 5,9 8 3400 875 M5 50 B ePM10 32 46 79


DriPak® GX M6 51-1610-0825 592 x 592 x 640 5,9 8 3400 725 M6 59 C ePM10 41 53 82


DriPak® NX F7 51-9110-0815 592 x 592 x 390 3,5 8 3400 250 F7 115 D ePM2,5 47 58 83

DriPak® NX F7 51-9110-0820 592 x 592 x 510 4,7 8 3400 450 F7 75 B ePM2,5 50 60 84


DriPak® NX F7 51-9110-1025 592 x 592 x 640 7,3 10 3400 1000 F7 65 A+ ePM2,5 47 59 85


DriPak® NX F9 51-9310-0820 592 x 592 x 510 4,7 8 3400 250 F9 190 D ePM1 81 85 94

DriPak® NX F9 51-9318-1025 592 x 592 x 640 7,3 10 3400 500 F9 120 A ePM1 87 90 97

DriPak® SX F7 51-4710-0815 592 x 592 x 390 3,5 8 3400 75 F7 230 E ePM2,5 49 59 74


DriPak® SX F7 51-4710-0820 592 x 592 x 510 4,7 8 3400 100 F7 160 E ePM2,5 49 59 74

DriPak® SX F7 51-4718-1025 592 x 592 x 640 7,3 10 3400 225 F7 110 C ePM2,5 48 58 73

DriPak® SX M5 51-4510-0815 592 x 592 x 390 3,5 8 3400 100 M5 95 E ePM10 36 44 67


DriPak® SX M5 51-4510-0820 592 x 592 x 510 4,7 8 3400 150 M5 65 E ePM10 36 44 66


DriPak® SX M6 51-4610-0815 592 x 592 x 390 3,5 8 3400 100 M6 100 E ePM10 36 44 67

DriPak® SX M6 51-4610-0820 592 x 592 x 510 4,7 8 3400 150 M6 70 E ePM10 36 44 66


DriPak® SX M6 51-4610-0825 592 x 592 x 640 5,9 8 3400 225 M6 65 E ePM10 36 44 65


DuraVee® DVHXL90 22-4200-1065 592 x 592 x 440 28,8 4 4250 675 F7 95 – ePM1 57 64 83

DuraVee® DVHXL95 22-5200-0065 592 x 592 x 440 28,8 4 4250 650 F8 110 – ePM1 71 76 89

DuraVee® DVHXL98 22-6200-0065 592 x 592 x 440 28,8 4 4250 775 F9 125 – ePM1 80 83 92

DuraVee® DVHXL60 22-5980-1065 592 x 592 x 440 28,8 4 4250 825 M6 85 – ePM10 23 37 73

DuraVee® DVXL90 22-6949-8065 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 525 F7 85 B ePM1 70 76 90

DuraVee® DVXL95 22-7949-8065 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 575 F8 100 A ePM1 67 74 90

DuraVee® DVXL98 22-9949-8303 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 400 F9 130 B ePM1 79 84 93

DuraVee® DVXL60 22-5949-8065 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 725 M6 65 E ePM10 22 36 72

HydroVee® HV90 22-6640-0201 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 475 F7 87 B ePM1 54 63 85

HydroVee® HV95 22-4650-1065 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 500 F8 105 B ePM1 73 79 92

HydroVee® HV98 22-4750-1065 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 475 F9 121 B ePM1 81 85 94

HydroVee® HV60 22-1740-0065 592 x 592 x 292 18,2 4 3400 625 M6 61 C ePM10 29 42 75

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP7 25-6672-2201 592 x 592 x 98 11,4 – 3400 250 F7 155 E ePM1 51 60 83

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP7 25-6682-2201 592 x 592 x 48 6,7 – 2000 175 F7 80 – ePM1 55 64 85

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP8 25-7672-2201 592 x 592 x 98 11,4 – 3400 175 F8 180 D ePM1 65 72 89

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP8 25-7682-2201 592 x 592 x 48 6,7 – 2000 100 F8 100 – ePM1 63 70 88

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP9 25-8672-2201 592 x 592 x 98 11,4 – 3400 150 F9 215 D ePM1 81 85 94

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP9 25-8682-2201 592 x 592 x 48 6,7 – 2000 75 F9 130 – ePM1 73 79 91

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP6 25-5672-2201 592 x 592 x 98 11,4 – 3400 250 M6 125 E ePM10 27 40 74

VariCel® ECOPAK VEP6 25-5682-2201 592 x 592 x 48 6,7 – 2000 150 M6 70 – ePM10 20 35 72

VariCel® V7S 20-6100-0065 592 x 592 x 292 9,3 – 3400 175 F7 140 E ePM1 60 68 87

VariCel® V8S 28-7100-0065 592 x 592 x 292 9,3 – 3400 225 F8 150 D ePM1 70 76 90

VariCel® HT VHT7SF 20-6286-0065 592 x 592 x 287 12,5 – 3400 350 F7 180 D ePM2,5 45 56 82

VariCel® HT VHT8SF 20-7286-0065 592 x 592 x 287 12,5 – 3400 275 F8 190 D ePM1 72 77 91

VariCel® HT VHT6SF 20-5286-0065 592 x 592 x 292 12,5 – 3400 450 M6 140 E ePM10 28 42 76

VariCel® V6S 28-5100-0065 592 x 592 x 292 9,3 – 3400 250 M6 120 E ePM10 36 47 77

VariCel® M-PAK VM7S 27-7110-0015 592 x 592 x 149 9,6 – 3400 150 F7 140 E ePM1 64 71 88

VariCel® M-PAK VM8S 27-8110-0015 592 x 592 x 149 11,8 – 3400 200 F8 150 C ePM1 73 79 92

VariCel® M-PAK VM9S 27-9110-0015 592 x 592 x 149 11,8 – 3400 150 F9 190 D ePM1 82 86 94

VariCel® M-PAK VM6D 27-6220-0065 592 x 592 x 292 9,6 – 3400 275 M6 110 E ePM10 39 52 80

VariCel® VVXL-9 22-6240-0065 592 x 592 x 292 14,5 4 3400 475 F7 75 B ePM1 61 69 87

VariCel® VVXL-10 22-7240-0065 592 x 592 x 292 14,5 4 3400 425 F8 95 B ePM1 73 79 92

VariCel® VVXL-11 22-8240-0065 592 x 592 x 292 14,5 4 3400 400 F9 120 B ePM1 81 85 94

VariCel® VVXL-6 22-5240-0065 592 x 592 x 292 14,5 4 3400 575 M6 65 C ePM10 51 61 85

VariCel® VVXLE -9 22-6244-1065 592 x 592 x 292 17,8 4 3400 575 F7 70 A ePM1 54 64 86

VariCel® VVXLE-10 22-7244-1065 592 x 592 x 292 17,8 4 3400 550 F8 85 A ePM1 66 72 88

VariCel® VVXLE-11 22-8244-1065 592 x 592 x 292 17,8 4 3400 550 F9 100 A+ ePM1 85 89 96

VariCel® HT VXLHT7SF 20-6387-4202 592 x 592 x 292 13,4 – 3400 375 F7 150 D ePM1 60 67 86

VariCel® HT VXLHT8SF 20-8387-4202 592 x 592 x 292 13,4 – 3400 275 F8 170 D ePM1 76 81 92

VariCel® HT VXLHT6SF 20-5387-4202 592 x 592 x 292 13,4 – 3400 425 M6 130 E ePM10 38 45 73

Until December 31st 2017 filtration efficiency values are certified according to EN779. From January 1st 2018 filtration efficiency values are certified according to ISO 16890.

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