RIZAL Module 4 CH 3
RIZAL Module 4 CH 3
RIZAL Module 4 CH 3
‣ Calamba
‣ Left Calamba for Biñan
‣ Biñan
‣ He was accompanied by PACIANO
- Typical schooling that a son of an ilustrado family - Who acted as his second father
received during his time, characterized by 4 R’s: ‣ They rode in a carromata, reaching their
‣ Reading
destination after one and one-half hours’ drive
‣ Writing
‣ Arithmetic
‣ Cousin of Rizal
‣ Religion
‣ They went sightseeing in the town
tedius memory method (aided with the teacher’s “In the moonlight,” he recounted, “I remembered my home
town, my idolized mother, and my solicitous sisters. Ah, how
- Educational System during the last decades of the sweet to me was Calamba, my own town, in spite of the fact,
Spanish Era:
that it was not as wealthy as Biñan.”
✓ Outmoded instruction
‣ A remarkable woman of good character and fine - Small nipa hut about 30 meters from the home
of Jose’s aunt
✓ Prayers
- He introduced his younger brother to the
“My mother,” wrote Rizal in his student memoirs, “taught me teacher and departed to return to Calamba
how to read and to say haltingly the humble prayers which I - Jose was assigned his seat in the class —
raised fervently to God.” conversation:
Maestro Justiniano — “Do you know Spanish?”
‣ As a tutor, she was:
Jose (Calamba lad) — “ A little, sir”
Maestro Justiniano — “Do you know Latin?”
Patient Conscientious Understanding Jose — “A little, sir”
‣ She was the one who discovered that her son had
a talent for poetry
‣ The boys in the class laughed at Jose’s answer
‣ She encouraged him to write poems
especially PEDRO (the teacher’s son)
1. Maestro Celestino
‣ Long-necked
For more info please contact: Alexa Mendoza, BSN 1-H (09277385029)
First School Brawl ✓ They wickedly squealed to the teacher — Jose had
- Afternoon of his first day in school a fight outside the school
‣ Jose met the bully, PEDRO ★ The teacher had to punish Jose
- He was angry to this bully for making fun of him ★ Jose said that:
- Sidewalk of a house
✓ Collected pebbles in the river for souvenirs
- Jose — having weaker arm, lost and nearly ✓ Regretfully bade farewell to his teacher and
cracked his head
- In succeeding days, he had other fights with the boys - He left Biñan on December 17, 1870
of Biñan
‣ Saturday afternoon
‣ He was not quarrelsome (hindi daw siya talaga ‣ After one year and a half of schooling in that town
‣ Old painter near the school
Martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za
‣ Father-in-law of the school teacher
- January 20, 1872 (Night)
‣ He gave free lessons in drawing and painting to ‣ about 200 Filipino soldiers and workmen of the
Cavite arsenal under the leadership of Lamadrid,
‣ He was impressed by the artistic talent of the Filipino Sargeant, rose in violent mutiny
Calamba lad
- Abolition of their usual privileges
Philippine parishes
- Such life contributed to his future development
Father Jacinto Zamora
‣ Strengthened his BODY and SOUL
- He recorded in his memoirs his daily life in Biñan
‣ And their supporters magnified the failed mutiny
* Read it in your hand-out or photocopy of this into a “revolt” for Philippines Independence:
For more info please contact: Alexa Mendoza, BSN 1-H (09277385029)
- PACIANO - Arriving at Santa Cruz — incarcerated at the
‣ Enraged by the execution of BURGOS, his provincial prison (she languished for 2
✓ Friend
- After 2 years and a half, the Manila Royal
✓ Teacher
Audiencia (Supreme Court) acquitted her of
✓ Housemate
the alleged crime
‣ Quit his studies at the College of San Jose and - Recounting this incidence of his mother’s
returned to Calamba
imprisonment, he said in his student memoirs:
‣ He told the heroic story of Burgos to his younger “Our mother was unjustly snatched away from us and by
bro, Jose (who was nearly 11 years old)
whom? By some men who had been our friends and whom
- MARTYRDOM OF GOM-BUR-ZA we treated as honored guests. We learned later that our
‣ Inspired Rizal to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny mother got sick, far from us and at an advanced age. My
and redeem his oppressed people
mother was defended by Messrs. Francisco de Marcaida and
‣ 17 YEARS LATER, in his letter written in Paris, April Manuel Marzan, the most famous lawyers of Manila. She
18, 1889 to Mariano Ponce
finally succeeded to be acquitted and vindicated in the eyes
* Read the letter in your hand-out or photocopy of her judges, accusers, and even her enemies, but after how
of this chapter — page 25 ** long? After two and a half years.”
‣ 1891 — He dedicated his novel, El Filibusterismo to
For more info please contact: Alexa Mendoza, BSN 1-H (09277385029)