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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

Amendment History:

Date Amended Name Description

11 1st April 2011 TAFJ team Initial version

12 7st February 2012 H. Aubert R12GA review

13 16th January 2013 R. Vincent R13GA review

14 24th January 2014 R. Vincent R14GA review

15 15th April 2014 H. Aubert R14GA review

24th February
16 R. Vincent Update DBUpdate usage

17 6th March 2015 H. Aubert R15 AMR review

18 24th March 2015 R. Vincent Add IndexTablespace option

19 15th March 2016 M.Kumar R16 AMR Review

20 22nd July 2016 R. Vincent Add –endwithfile option

21 11th August 2016 R. Vincent Added doc on TAFJ_WORK table

22 21st Sep 2016 M.Kumar Remove –Dsinglebytesep for DBUpdate option 3

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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

Copyri g h t
Copyright (c) 2014 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV
All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may
be reproduced, transmitted, or made available directly or indirectly to a third party without the express
written agreement of TEMENOS UK Limited. Receipt of this material directly TEMENOS UK Limited
constitutes its express permission to copy. Permission to use or copy this document expressly excludes
modifying it for any purpose, or using it to create a derivative therefrom.

Errat a and Com m e n t s

If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Technology Department

Temenos Headquarters SA
2 Rue de l’Ecole-de-Chimie,
CH - 1205 Geneva,

Tel SB: +41 (0) 22 708 1150

Fax: +41 (0) 22 708 1160

Please include your name, company, address, and telephone and fax numbers, and email
address if applicable. TAFJdev@temenos.com

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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

Table of Contents
Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 3
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 3
DBImport................................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 5
Setting up TAFJ................................................................................................................... 5
Importing the Database from J4 files...................................................................................6
Importing the Database from another Database..................................................................6
Example of using –startwithfile and –endwithfile..............................................................7
TAFJDBImport.default configuration file..............................................................................8
For J4 or Database to Database Imports.........................................................................8
Specific to Database to Database Imports.....................................................................10
Specific to Read-Only Database (applies to DBUpdate command only)........................10
DBImport Options:.............................................................................................................10
DB2 Special Considerations on zOS.................................................................................11
DBImport GUI Option:.......................................................................................................14
Syntax:.............................................................................................................................. 14
Screen Shots:....................................................................................................................15
DBUpdate............................................................................................................................................. 19
Overview........................................................................................................................... 19
Requirements.................................................................................................................... 19
Syntax............................................................................................................................... 19
The TAFJ_WORK TABLE.................................................................................................................... 20

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DBI m p o r t
Intr o d u c t i o n
TAFJ comes with it's own tool for migrating a jBASE database (J4 files) to a DBMS. The
procedure is straightforward. An important point is to create your database with the correct
options. Once this is done, this is just a matter of answering a few questions and letting the
DBImport tool do the job.

Se t t i n g up TAFJ


Do not run live with the database drivers in <TAFJ_HOME>/dbdrivers! They are there
merely as a convenience. You should use the correct drivers from your database

In order to run DBImport. you need the specific database drivers you are targeting to go in
<TAFJ_HOME>/ext. Please find these drivers in <TAFJ_HOME>/dbdrivers and copy them
to <TAFJ_HOME>/ext

i.e for oracle 11g database

│ ├───db2_v10.1
│ ├───db2_v10_zOS
│ ├───h2_1.3.161
│ ├───h2_1.3.172
│ ├───oracle-11g
│ ├───oracle-12c
│ └───sqljdbc_1.2

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Imp o r t i n g th e Data b a s e fro m J4 file s

Before doing anything, make sure that the standard T24 file structure is available on your

To run T24, you will need to have the following structure somewhere available.



The important directories are data, dict and the File VOC. During the Database import, you
will be prompted to specify where the VOC file is. Everything will be related to this file.

We will concentrate on the Oracle import below.

To install Oracle on a Windows ® machine, please check the Installing Oracle guide. You
must then create a database with Oracle using an Oracle tool such as dbca.

IMPORTANT: The database you will use must be created with the AL32UTF8 charset.
There is no way to modify it afterwards (See TAFJ Oracle Install document). Once your
database has been successfully created, DBImport will transfer the data from your T24
structure to Oracle.

Before starting with the importation, you will need to create a TableSpace, a Schema (User)
and load some functions. All of these procedures are detailed in the TAFJ Oracle Install

Imp o r t i n g th e Data b a s e fro m ano t h e r Data b a s e

Sometimes you might want to copy one database to another and maintain the state. For
example, an Oracle database can be exported to an H2 database. In the first screen of the
GUI or in console mode, there is a choice of which type of import to do. If “DATABASE” is

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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

chosen, a database to database import/export will occur. Please note that the TAFJ_VOC
file is dropped each time a database to database import is done in the target database, so if
you have a TAFJ_VOC table existing and you want to keep it, please check the checkbox on
the first screen. Generally this is necessary when you stop a DB to DB import in the middle
and quit DBImport. If one wants to begin again or split the file processing (which is generally
faster), one needs to use the –startwithfile and –endwithfile option. Below is an example:

Exa m p l e of usi n g –start w i t h f i l e an d –end w i t h f i l e

On one console enter:

DBImport -GUI -startwithfile % -endwithfile FBNK.A

This takes all VOC items up through FBNK.A…On another console enter:

DBImport -GUI -startwithfile FBNK.A -endwithfile z

This takes all VOC items up through the end. Run through the wizard for the first console,
unchecking create views as this should be done separately after all of the tables have been

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Let the first console get through processing F.STANDARD.SELECTION and F.PGM.FILE
before you run through the wizard of the second console. (These files are overwritten so you
don’t want the processes to clash). Once the first console is through processing
F.STANDARD.SELECTION and F.PGM.FILE, run the wizard for the second console,
unchecking Create Views, and checking the checkbox “Keep VOC table”. Start the second

TAFJDBI m p o r t . d e f a u l t con f i g u r a t i o n file

Once your database, tablespace, and schema are created, and your TAFJ stored functions
are in place (they are needed for view creation), you will optionally need to edit the
TAFJDBImport.default configuration file to reflect what you just created. Values from this file
will be used as defaults when the DBImport process runs. The TAFJDBImport.default file is
in the directory conf/ of the tafj installation directory. The below lists the properties in this file.

For J4 or Data b a s e to Data b a s e Imp o r t s

“importType” specifies which type of import will be performed. This refers to the source of
the import. The value is either J4 (from j4 files) or DATABASE (another RDBMS database is
the source of the import). The default is J4, and in most cases J4 will be faster.

“URL” specifies “how” to connect. It is composed of a hostname (or IP address), a port and
a database name (what you specified in the step 3 of the Database configuration assistant).
If your database is installed locally, and the name you gave was tafjdb for an oracle
database, then the value should be: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:tafjdb

“Driver” tells what kind of database it is. Leave it to the default value unless you want
another database other than Oracle. The default is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

“User” is the name of the database user you specified when you created your database.

“Password” is the database password you specified when you created your database.

Other parameters include:

“Layout” is Table types you want to create (XML, CLOB,STRING,MULTIPLE, TEXT).






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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

MULTIPLE is creating relational columns with relational types. Multi-Value columns

stored with their multi-value markers

“File” = Files you want to import (comma separated list). Default is ALL

“ExcludeFile” = Files you don’t want to import (comma separated list). Default is NONE

“ExcludeFileButCreateFile” = Files you don’t want to insert but you do want to create
(comma separated list). Default is NONE

“ExcludeFileNoXML” = Files you don’t want to import as XML files (comma separated list,
ignored if XML not specified as import type). This can be used with the % wildcard, ie.
F.JOB.LIST% would apply to F.JOB.LIST .1, F.JOB.LIST.2, F.JOB.LIST .3, etc. Default is

“UserDirectories” = Directory where to create UD type files. Must match what is in

tafj.properties key temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current

“CreateTables” = Create the tables?

“InsertRecords” = Insert the records?

“ClearTables” = When using the ClearTables option which is in the GUI and
console mode (if CreateTables is No and Insertrecords is Yes), the schema must already
exist AND the TAFJ_VOC must be created and filled with data already. Otherwise, do not
use it. It is really to be used to overwrite an existing database.

“CreateViews” = Create the views? To run T24 views are needed and are built
off the tables that are imported.

“VocFile” = File that tells where J4 files are on disk. Data will be imported from
these J4 files.

“FileEncoding” = UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1

“CreateUDasTables” = User directories get converted to database tables during the


“InsertUDRecords” = Insert existing entries stored in directory structure into the database.

“UDFileEncoding” = Should match FileEncoding

“OracleUseXMLBinary” = Should oracle create XMLBinary datatype when Layout is


“IndexTableSpace” = If you have a separate tablespace for primary keys and indexes,
specify the name of it here. For MSSQL, this is the filegroup name that is not the primary.

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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

There are other zOS DB2 specific parameters not covered. Please speak with a DBA
regarding these.

Sp e c i f i c to Data b a s e to Data b a s e Imp or t s

“URLSourceDB” specifies “how” to connect TO THE SOURCE DATABASE. It is composed
of a hostname (or IP address), a port and a database name (what you specified in the step 3
of the Database configuration assistant). If your database is Oracle and installed locally, and
the name you gave was tafjdb, then the value should be:

“DriverSourceDB” tells what kind of SOURCE DATABASE driver it is. Use the default if it is
an Oracle database. The default value is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

“UserSourceDB” is the name of the database user FROM THE SOURCE DATABASE you
specify when you connect to your source database.

“PasswordSourceDB” is the database password you use FROM THE SOURCE


Sp e c i f i c to Read - Only Data b a s e (ap p l i e s to DBU p d a t e co m m a n d

When the T24 read-only feature is enabled and the TAFJ_VOC has been updated to specify
a read-only database, the DBUpdate command can be used to set up this read-only
database. Below are the read-only database connection properties to fill out.

“UrlRO” is the connection url to the read-only database

“DriverRO” is the database driver and must be identical to the transactional database

“UserRO” is the name of the database user

“PasswordRO” is the database password

“DatabaseLinkRO” is the database link name you created in the transaction database to
connect to the read-only database.

DBI m p o r t Opti o n s :
DBImport Options:

-d Run DBImport in daemon mode. In this mode DBImport will run in the background using
the TAFJDBImport.default file to receive its input. (example usage: $nohup DBImport –d &)

–makeDDL DBImport has the ability to create a text file with the DDL (create table and other
database statements) without executing the commands on the database. In text mode,

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specify the –makeDDL option when running DBImport (i.e. DBImport –makeDDL). The GUI
mode has this as a question in the wizard and hence doesn’t have to be specified.

-startwithfile DBImport can begin creating files from a particular starting point (ie.
useful if your DBImport program crashed for some reason and you don’t want to start from

-endwithfile DBImport can begin creating files from a particular starting file and stop
with a particular ending file (ie. useful if your DBImport program crashed for some reason
and you don’t want to start from scratch as well as launching multiple DBImport processes if
the database isn’t doing to much IO and isn’t too busy). PLEASE NOTE THAT THE

DB 2 Sp e c i a l Con s i d e r a t i o n s on zOS

Note: For DB2 zOS there are special parameters:

Special LOB creation DB2 can create the LOB tables automatically for you. This is the
default. If you do not want this and instead want them to be created by the DBImport
program, say « yes ». If you are running in DDL mode, the create LOB table statements will
appear in the DDL script.

STOGROUP is a parameter used in the CREATE TABLESPACE command for DB2.

Check with your DBA what this should be.

Once these modification are done, save the file and run the script DBImport(.bat) in the
<TAFJ_HOME/bin directory or DBImport –GUI for the GUI version of the tools.

The following section shows the typical dialog you will have for a full import

_____________________DBImport V4.0_____________________

Welcome to the Database Import program

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This tool will import a T24 J4/RDBMS Database

in a other RDBMS using JDBC. It will also create the
necessary views and populate the database VOC
For J4 Files, only H4 and HR files are supported.
Press <ENTER> to Continue ...

Please specify the type of the importation :


Choose the type of import (source of import) ? J4/DATABASE (Default :


Please specify the actions to do :


Do you want to create tables ? Y/N (Default : 'Yes')

Do you want to insert records ? Y/N (Default : 'Yes')

Do you want to insert UD records ? Y/N (Default : 'Yes')

Do you want to create views ? Y/N (Default : 'Yes')

Please specify the parameters for the source J4 :

Please enter the VOC file path : (Default : '<full_path_to_VOC_File>')
J4 File Encoding :
1) UTF-8
2) ISO-8859-1
Please choose (1-2)(Default : '1')

UD File Encoding to read:
1) UTF-8
2) ISO-8859-1
3) Cp1252
4) IBM-1047
Please choose (1-4)(Default : '2')

Please specify the parameters for the target RDBMS :


Available databases :
1) Oracle
2) MS-SQL Server

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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

3) DB2
4) H2
Please choose the database (1-4)(Default : '1')
Please specify the connection URL, eg
User Id :
Password :
Connected to H2 with specified parameters.
Data DestinationTable Layout :
Please choose the table type (1-2)(Default : '1')

Please enter where to create Tables TYPE=UD :

Do you want to create UD data (outsite .run) as tables ? Y/N (Default :

Please specify the options to process :


Please enter the Tables to process (can be seperated by coma ',') :

(Default : 'All')

Please enter the Tables file to exclude (can be seperated by coma ',') :

Please enter the J4 files to not insert records for (can be seperated by
coma ',') :

Please enter the J4 files to exclude from XML type table (can be
seperated by coma ',') : (Default : 'F.JOB.LIST.*')

Target Database : H2
URL : jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/T24
Driver : org.h2.Driver
User ID : mbtafj
Password : mbtafj
Path UD : D:\data\temenos\src\Enterprise\dev\tafj\ReleaseDir\UD
UD Data as Table : Yes
mode zOS : No

Source J4
Voc File : D:\Temenos\BNK\bnk\bnk.run\VOC
J4 Encoding : UTF-8
UD Encoding : ISO-8859-1

To Do

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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t

Create tables : Yes

Inserting Records : Yes
Creating Views : Yes

Tables to
process : All
exclude :
not insert :
exclude from XML: F.JOB.LIST.*
Press <ENTER> to Continue ...

The full import will take about 1 ½ hours, depending on your hardware.

DBI m p o r t GUI Optio n:

Previously we saw the DBImport in normal text mode. We have another option for this
DBImport in GUI mode which will get user inputs by few wizard slides and shows the
transaction in progress bar.

Syn t a x:

Run the DBImport.bat file under TAFJ_HOME/bin by using the below arguments:

DBImport.bat –cf tafj.properties –GUI

Here ‘-GUI’ is a flag to run DBImport in GUI mode.

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Scr e e n Sh o t s :

For J4 File as Source

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For Database as Source

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Note : DBImport will create user directories for those entries in the VOC table that are
directories (if “Import UD Table in RDBMS (as a Table)” is unchecked). The directory
specified must match that of the temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current property in your TAFJ
properties file. If it doesn’t, these directories will not be opened correctly in the T24 code

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DBU p d a t e
Overvi e w
The process to update a TAF-C format database is to load stored functions and create a
TAFJ_VOC table and views matching specific tables. This is also used to create read-only
database views in a separate instance from what is defined in a TAFC voc file.

Req u ir e m e n t s
First load stored functions. Please see the TAFJ-Oracle documentation sections for how to
load java stored functions

Warning !!!!!

For DBUpdate option 1 & 2

The option 1 (Update a TAFC database) and option 2 (Update an R13 release)
should make use of the files javaloadsingle and javafunctions_single_oracle.sql as TAFC
uses single byte seperators.

This has to be done before a DBUpdate as TAFJ views are dependent on them.

Next, it is necessary to put TAFJ in single byte mode. To this:

-> Change TAFJ_HOME\bin\tafj_conf

-> Uncomment : "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dsinglebytesep"

For DBUpdate option 3

The option 3 (Update a TAFC database and change data to double byte) should
make use of the files javaload and javafunctions_oracle.sql which will load the necessary
double byte seperators.

This has to be done before a DBUpdate as TAFJ views are dependent on them.

Note : For option 3 there is no need to put TAFJ in single byte mode.

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After this is done, run DBUpdate from <TAFJ_HOME>/bin.

Syn t a x
The DBUpdate syntax is the following:

DBUpdate –d –importType [number] -skipTAFJVOCcreation

-d --> run in daemon mode

-importType --> A number between 1-3:

1) Update a TAFC database

2) Update an R13 release

3) Update a TAFC database and change data to double byte

-skipTAFJVOCcreation --> used with Import type 3) above: to skip the VOC creation if
already done

___________________DBUpdate V3.0___________________

Welcome in the Database Update program This tools will Update an T24 Oracle
database to
Make it compliant with TAFJ.
Press <ENTER> to Continue ...

Available databases :
1) Oracle
2) MS-SQL Server
3) DB2
4) H2
Please choose the database (1-6)(Default : '1')

Answer step by step to all question and let it work....

At the end Backup the database.
The database is ready to work with TAFJ.

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TAFJ-DB I m p o r t


The TAFJ_WORK table tracks the progress of DBIMPORT or DBUpdate so that if any errors
occur and the process unexpectedly dies, work can start from where it left off.

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